Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Well Known Lincoln Finn forced to the
rrflinrn of flnnnclnl Obligation * Wholly
flc lionlbln n an Invoice Will Show
Amets I'nllr It'juM to
IJSCOLS , Nor IT. [ Special lo TIIE DEB. ]
The business men , of Lincoln were sur
prised to lenrn this mornlnx that the Drra of
Clason & FlotcliBr , iho well known Jobbers
nd retailers of wall paper , books , station
ery and toys , had been compelled to close its
9oor under tbo pressure of ilnanclal obilza-
lions vrhlch it wa * unnblo to meet. The
first Intimation given to the puhhc that the
nrm was In trouble was the filing ot a bill of
sale of the entire stock to secure n claim for
f 10,222.34. Tbo company has been regarded
as ono of the strongest In Lincoln and nas
carried on an extensive business. Its failure
M ascribed to bad coltccllons. The stock Is
a very large ono and It Is stated that the in
voice will show n dollar of nssols forovcry
dollar of liability.
Inspired \ > j Oovornor McIUnler.
Governor McKinlcy's went request that
the money raised for the purpose of cole-
bratlng his victory In the recent election bo
iavp.1 and donated to the families of unem
ployed worklncnicn has made an impression
upon the minds ot Lincoln republicans. It
had been Intended to eiploit the republican
victory In Nebraska by a display of fire
works , nnd tfiOO hsd been raised for the pur
pose , it Is now proposed lo conflno the pvro-
jcchnlci to verbal efforts only , and place
iho tfiOO in tbo bands of Elder Howe , to bo
uned by that leader of Capital City philan
thropy In relieving the pressing necessities of
Iho poor. The Idea has been subscribed to
by a largo number of prominent republicans.
lltiard In Lincoln Court Uiiotnu.
1C. 1C Haydcn , receiver ot the Capital Na
tional bank , todsv secured n Judgment in Iho
district court for ? l2.r.OO against J. W.
Latham , ono of the jlockholders in the
bank. Latham held $10.000 in stock and
owed the bank 3,500 besideo. Ho was sued
for the 100 per cent assessment upon his
stock ordered by the comptroller ot the cur
rcncy nnd Judgment was rendered accord
Imjiy. 1 ho sheriff has been ordered to soil
the property at Tenth and N streets to sat
isly the Judgment.
Arthur Oilman , the Lincoln man who com
mitted suicide in this city two weeks ago ,
left an citato of 10,000 , which ho willed to
an uncle living In the east. The will Is to bo
contested bynnauntof the deceased , who
lives near \Va\crly , In this county. She
claims that Gtlnun made the will while
laboring under a lit of mental Incapacity.
The Uaach will contest was decided by the
Jury last night In favor of the defendants.
Tha will cuts off two of the children with $5
each , nnd according to the verdict of the
jury it stands.
Mary L. Warwick comes Intocourt to have
the divorce recently granted to her husband
act usldo on the ground that It was procured
without her knowledge and through mis
representation and fraud.
Lincoln In Hrief.
A slight ripple of cxcitoment was occa
sioned today by the announcement that n
petition was being circulated asking tlio
county attorney to cease his efforts to con
vict Dorgan , Lauer , Hubbard and Sewell for
alleged frauds committed against the stato.
The tire department responded to a sum
mons from a defective Uuo in a building-
1230 U street at an airly hour this morning.
The damage was morcly nominal.
A meeting of the oxecutUo committee of
the state ccntml committee of tbo people's
independent party has been called for this
city next Monday. It isjiroposod to fitcuro
up the expenses of the recent campaign and
Informally discuss the outlook for the
Elmer Maun reports to the pollco that 1
when ho wont homo late yesterday after
noon he discovered a thief in tbo act of ran-
Bdcklng the houso. Ho attempted to capture
iho fellow , but a leap from a second story
enabled the would-be thief to cscai > e.
Dodcre County Wnnt tlio Con-
trnl Committee Cliulriuun'H Uesliriiutlon.
FitEMONT , Nov. 17. [ Special to TUB BEE. ]
Prominent republicans of Dodge county
nro circulating a petition to the county cen
tral committee askincr thorn to call a meeting
Tor the purpose of deposing Chairman Ham-
tnond from tbo head of said committee. Trio
petition recites that the chairman Is abso
lutely controlled by corporate influence and
directly against the Interests of the people
nt largo , and that all his efforts as chairman
liavo been put forth to cntmnco the in-
tcicsts of corporations , and that the
late "snap" convention that commenced
the warfare upon Judge Maxwell was
engineered by him. and lhat the con
vention was called regardless of the
sentiment of a majority of the committee
of which ho was chairman. It further re
cites that his ttbusoof tiromlncnt republicans
of Iho county who refused to bo governed
by his dictates during tbo late campaign
cost the party about KOO votes and that
under his administration there is no hope of
bringing the disaffected back lulo the party ,
The putlllon tbcn reviews his career from
the tlmo ho commenced calling the Tribune
until the present. It declares taat ho
lound a united and victorious party , whoso
nomination was equivalent to an elec
tion , but that his bolt of Valentino
tine as the republican organ
of the county and his continual
agitation of prohibition have so reduced the
partv that U now numbers but about ono-
third the voting strength of the county.
It Is also clalired that his abuse of tbe
fanners In the Richards campaign was the
direct cause of the only uomocratio gov
ernor the state of Nebraska ever boasted
being elected. In vlow of all these consider
ations and believing lhat Mr. Hammond's
further service will bo still morodeltimontal
to tbo party the committee is naked to call
a meeting to take action in the premises and
if thought for the bast Interests of the party
to ask Mr , Hammond to stop down and out.
Fremont N vr > Mote * .
FHEMONT , Nov. 17. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE.J The divorce case wherein Mrs.
John Paul sues for a divorce from her hus
band , alleging cruelty and abusive language ,
was before the district court yesterday and
the case was taken under advisement until
Saturday. The defendant did not appear.
There are no now dovclopjjonta in the case
of the city .treasurer , only that the more
careful tbo investigation the more errors
and discrepancies are brought to vlow. The
detlelt will probably not bo less than 10,000 ,
and many are under the impression that It
vrlll bo much worse than that.
Mr. Kerno of the Fremont National bank
laid today that us soon as the condition of
the treasurer's accounts was fully Unown ho
would bo asked to resign , aud if ho refused
to do so would bo impeached.
George A. Ulua of this city was exhibiting
today a wonderful collection of American
ntul ether coins. Ho has nearly every num.
per ever Issued from tbo American tnlul.
and most of the shlnplastors and coins ol
the American colonies. His list embraces
over 1,200 pieces , besides the fractional cuf-
fency of every period.
United Stales Senator Allen passed
through the city yesterday curoulo to Wash
ington , and calhul to BOO his daughter at
tending Iho Fremont Normal. Hols not de
pressed by the results of the late election
especially In tnls state , and Is uangulne that
at tbo next election Nebraska will bo re
claimed from railroad rule.
IlurcUr * tit S tun ton.
STAXTOX , Neb. , Nov. 17. ( Special Telegram -
gram to TUB HUE. ] Last night Newman < k
Fcchor's hardware store was broken into
by thieves and about 1100 vorthot knlres , *
rasors and revolvers were taken. Petty
tbofts have become quite common around
Stauton , but last night's naul was the first
ono of Importance
Mad * an Ktlort lo Commit Huicld * .
OIU.NU ISLAXD , Nor. 17. [ Special to Tni
: . ) Arthur Fagan registered at the
hotel on Wt > dnc d y evening , weuv
During the great dress cooJs s.ilo
wo will sell with each dress pattern
linings and findings for SI,00. us
follow : ) : 2 yards solisln , 0 cambric ,
1 cunvifw , dozen dross sUvys ,
HOOKS anil eyes , 2 silk , 2 twist , 1
thread , 1 braid , pair dross shields ,
bolt ; nil for 31.0J ; saving you about
50 per cont.
Never ! Never ! !
In the history of merchandising would a
Dollar buy as much as in those clays.
Recognizing the demand on the part of
the public for n store where they can
exchange a dollar for a dollar and a
half's worth of goods , wo wish to assure
them that ( or the next ton days this is
the placo. Wo mean just what wo soy.
Road nnd convince yoursolf.
Making Room.
In order to condense and make room
lor holiday goods shortly to arrive wo
are obliged to close out largo quantities
of goods. Come nnd got them during
the next 10 days and bring your pocketbooks -
books along. We'll empty them for you
and give $ l.r > 0 worth ot poods for every
$1.00 you lonvo with us. Como and see !
Dress Goods.
The sale of sales for you !
A now dress for a song nnd linings
thrown Inl
The biggest crowd wo have had this
season boutrht heavily Thursday at the
dress goods sale. No wonder ! Hero's
the story :
50c all wool dress goods 25c
Sl.Ou novelties and plaida 5Oc
$1.50 cheviots , novelties , etc 75c
$2.00 dross goods Sl-OO
$2.60 novelties going for SI-5O
They are going quickly. Don't wait
Buy a dress and wo sell you linings and
finding for it for $1.00. We'll make it
In our own parlors for $15.00. Como and
join the throng of eager buyere.
Boy's Clothing.
Cutting a hole in the stock closing It
out going down rapidly.
Hero are trades qutckonors for Satur
Boys' 2-pleco suits , imported cheviot ,
our $10.00 suits , closing thorn for $5OO
All hoys' junior suits , novelties of the
season , worth $ aOO , for S4-OO just
hnlf price.
Going out of boys' clothing , hence the
All boys' 315.00 ulstors , acres 7 to 12 ,
closing at S7-5O
AU boys' kilt coats , ages 3 to 7 , all
$12.50 goods going for $7.OO
So on through the stock.
Wo boat the world on nocltwonr.
A now line of silk goods , elegant col
orings , wo are offering ut 25c
They rival any 50c scarf wo over sold.
4-in-hand ties , nil silk , 3 for $ | .OO
Odds and onas of Too wool socks 25c
Extra quality unlaundered shirts , best
muslin , retailed always for 75c , while
they last they go for 50C
Men's 75o night shirts now 5OC
Men's camel's hair heavy undershirts
Men's aatin trimmed heavy under
shirts , such as you pay $1.00 for , at 65c
Heavy ribbed undershirts , regular
made , perfect fitting , SI-OO.
A 81.30 garment everywhere.
Children's scarlet niorlno shirts ,
soiled , worth 40c each , 3 for 25c
AND J n Children's merino drawers nnd com
Flannels. ; : ' ; bination 12 l-2c , suits , cheap nt COc , soiled ,
We'll Itccp Omalm warm this winter. Children's all wool natural drawers
Tnko in the significance of this and $1.00 garment , at 50o.
don't lot the opportunity pass.
We'll plnco our stock ot blankets on Hoys' floccc-Hnod camel's hair shirts
sale ut HALF PRICE. anil drawers , 5Oc.
It's tlmo to. Iteop warm. Hero are rod '
Ladies'natural and Swiss
hot prices which will thaw the dollars ecru heavy
ribbed vests , 50c garments , for 23o ,
out of many poekoU.
All 76c gray blnnkots 5lc. ) Ladies' flooco-llnod kersey ribbed
All $1.25 gray & white blankets G2Jc. vests , sold as a bargain nt 50c , take
A1H1. 50 blankets 75c. them while they lost 3 for 81,00.
All 32.25 blankets $1.12 } .
All 92.50 blankets $1.25. Ladles $2.50 merino combination suits ,
All $3.00 scarlet blankets $1,50. slightly soiled , to close them , 81.OO.
about the shape of this
Thtxn Anv Plnco in
All $4.00 white wool blankets $2.00.
All $4.50 white wool blankets $2.25. Upholstery
All 86 00 white wool blankets $3.00.
All $8.00 white wool blankets $4.00.
Now's the tlmo. The aweot bye and bye Big drive In short curtains , li , 2 and
will find thorn missing. 2c yards long , at 25c.
Our $1.63 colored embroidered flannels All the single pairs of ohenlllo cur
$1.00. tains loft over from the five wo will close
Our. $2.00 white embroidered flannels out nt exactly half price.
$1.50. See the 25c Table-
Our $1.50 white embroidered flannels Hero wo will place on sale all odds and
$ | .00. ends left from the great flro sale piece
Our 51.25 white embroidered flannels goods , upholstery , etc. , worth nS high as
75c.All $2 a yard , for 23c.
All 75c French flannels for wrappers ,
sacks , baby dresses , etc. . at 45c.
Our 5-oz wool 45o scarlet flannel ut 25c.
All wool 25o scarlet flannel 15c. Lace
BestSc cotton shaker flannel 2ic. .
All remnants of black nets and lace
Underwear ; , flouncings exactly half price.
$3.00 Dr. Jnogar drawers for boys $1. Short pieces of embroidery 5c , lOc and
$3.50 Dr. Jaeger mines' sleeping suits and 15c for the piece , worth 23c , 50o and
34.00 Dr. Jaeger misses' sleeping suits 75c apiece. Bo sure and ask to see them.
with feet $2.00.3 They are very cheap.
of tlio federal ( Ira nil Jury lit tU
Mother liiveMlgntlon.
At 11 o'clock yeslordny morning the 'ederal
; raud jury , which for throe days bad been
ovestigating tlio Moshor scandal case , tiled
nto court and made the following report ,
which was read aloud by the cleric :
In tbo mutter of tbo Investigation orclmrcns
iroforrecl by the prnv > , and othurwlso , against
.ho government otllcluK , tlio sheriff of Poug-
as county , the jailor uml their deputies , for
nalfeasHiico or iiilsfoasutico In the manner of
rontmont of ono Chnrlei . Mother , a United
Mutes prisoner. Under the charge ot the
court to make a thorough Investigation and
report thereon , wo , the grand jury of the
United States for the district of Nebraska , at
the november term , 1993 , thereof , report as
'allows :
After a thorough examination of thirty-four
witnesses , being all tlio person * vrhoso namus
wore furnished tlio grand Jury by the editors
and managers of the press of Omaha , thnt
made the charges by publication against the
said officials , or any of them , u ? well ns all
other persons who , the grnnd jury was
nformed , pretended to knon anything on the
subject , and believing there are no ether per
sons possessed of any Information upon the
subject ; therefore , we find from the nvldenco
thatHoruKliiiur K. Dundy .Judge ; Itcn S. HaUor ,
United fatates attorney : 1'rank E. White.
United States marshal and his deputies ;
: ieorgoA. Dennett , sheriff of Douglas county ,
Ilia deputies und jailers , bolus all the persons
liavlng Imd the s.ilil Moshcr In custody in a
United States prisoner , or uny responsibility
tn the matter , that CHcn and everyone
ono ot the said officials are not
guilty of the ald charges made
In the press or othorwUo of malfeasance or
misfeasance In their olllclul duties In their
treatment of the said prisoner since his sen
tence , to wit : July ti , 1893 , und that all
charges against the nald ofllcUls , madu In the
press or otherwise of malfeasance or mls-
fimsiiica In the euro and custody of the sulcl
United States prisoner , while In the custody or
under the charge of the a.ild otliclals or any of
them , are unwarranted and unsuitatiiod by
the facts.
And wo further find that tlin press , towlf.
Tn K OMAHA Ilee and the World-lloruld , huvu
been Imposed upon by designing parties for
political purposes , and that the rumors and
scandal of the f ilil olllclnls , or uny of them ,
na * unwarranted und unjust , and contrary to
thii facts , nnd the said olllcers , aud ouch of
them , are uuroby exonerated from any culpa
bility. THANK 1' . lllEbAND. rorouian.
There was but lltllo comment on the re
port and the nature of it was predetermined
by tbo attitude of tlio respective parties who
said anything toward the parties cbareca.
BonBaUorand Sheriff Ueunott soon had
copies of the report placed in their hands by
friends , and of course each said that It was
just what ho exported.
Sorao of the grncd Jurors were then ex
cused ana the pauol tilled up by the addition
of William Klorstcad aud Dr. Bruncr. The
body then took In hand criminal business of
the regular order. A number of Indian sol
diers appeared yesterday as witnesses in the
caseof Frosted Bear , wnb Is charged with
the murder of Uttlo Stallion at Fort Nlo-
The first business done by the court yeiter-
day morninjr was thoexfradttionof U.S. Cul-
lison , who is wanted at Denver for sending
obscene literature through tbo malls , Ho
was willing to waive v n\lnatloa and be
taken back lo Denver nt-onco.
R. L. Davit , wanted tic St. Joseph for
counterfeiting , and arroatgd at Grand bland
yesterday , wan not qulUi willing to say that
ho was tbe party named lu the Indictment ,
and will therefore bo held here until a wit
ness arrives to identify nlou
Chamberlain W nU F ur pen luouiantl.
Henry Chamberlain of \ oed River Is the
plaintiff In a cast ) put"on trial yesterday ,
in vihlch he seeks to recover $14,000 in dam-
aget from , the Middlesex lava Stoctt com' '
, a corporation organized under the
iws of Iowa , but vrhoso headquarters are at
ISostcm , Chamberlain alleges that in April ,
Ibirj , ha contracted la writing with O. W.
Mead , tuo tiresUlen'.of the defendant com
pany , for the purchase of 1,000 head of cat
tle , tbcn feeding on a ranch near Carre !
Springs , AVyo. Ho paid 1100 and gave a note
for the balance -about $10,000 signed by
himself and brother. The cattle were to be
delivered in June. Ho alleges mat .Mead , on
his way back to Do um , stopped at Chicago
and * old these * ame cattle to Nela Morm ,
who paid htm fl or 2 more per noad. for
them tban Chamberlain agreed to. Then ou
arriving in Boston uo got the board of tno
company to refuse to ratify his contract with
Cbamberlalu aud the catlle vreru not dell-
crcd. Chamberlain bases the amount of
lamapcs asked for on the profits that bo
ould hare made out of tbe stock , and denies
the contention ol the defense that it was
iccessary for the board to ratify contracts
signed bv in order to render them
valid. The defense claims that the reason
the conlraot was rejected was because the
company did not bollovo Chamberlain and
his brother were good for JIO.OOO.
John Kobcrtaon Fiends Guilty.
In the federal court yesterday afternoon
John Robertson pleaded guilty to destroying
nail at Asplnwall. Nob. A few months ago
an old sloro building , a part of which was
used for the postofllco , was burned and some
of the ( roods in the store and mall in tlio
wstofllco wore destroyed , Robertson , John
2bbs and William Corey wore trlod in the
itato court for arson and were acquitted.
This makes Robertson's plea somewhat pecu-
iar , but his attorneys advised him that this
was the best way out of It. Uo has been in jail
six months ou account of his connection with
the affair.
The "No. 0" Wheeler & Wilson , with its
> erfected tcnlsons. upjxjr und lower. Is the
only lock-stitch machine that makes an
clastic seam. It is the dressmaker's favorite
on tha ) , account. Sold by Goo. W Lancaster
& Co. , C14 South Sixteenth street.
"The Knickerbockers" which is a mine of
bright music , cleverly Arranged duos , trios
and quartets , with three or four solos that
would have made a reputation alone for any
aspiring composer , was negatively dona last
evening by the "Robin Hood" Opera company
it Boyd's. The wit and. humor which Mr.
Smith tas ) injected into the book fell like
a damp raij upon a not too
largo audience. The serious comedian
became a pall and the opera , had it been Its
Initial performance , would have scored a
failure. Herein is food for thought. Can
Messrs. Barnabco , Karl and Macdouald af
ford to send a company touring the country
with only a quasi claim to ability ! Will not
the proverbial chickens coma homo to roost
when the Bostonians conclude to try the
country again after a year spout , iu the
lunrer cities I
Too house was listless , which may in part
account for the lifeless pictures presented by
the singers , but tlio audience showed a read ! ,
ness nay , eagerness to bo amused , for it
accorded a hearty encore to Mr. Sykos and
Mr. Isham ou their oxlt in the second act lethe
the "ralaplan" played on a Japanned salver.
Yet there wore Individual cases of excel
lence which , in the face of the general in
ertia , stood out in bold relief , the woik of
Miss Agnes Delaporto , barring a tendency to
overact , being entirely worthy. Hho sings
in n musiclanly manner , her high notes
being clear and brilliant. Grace Reals ,
a new corner lo the comio opera
stage , gives promino of excellent thing *
when the novelty of appearing before the
footlights wears off somewhat. The
' cuckoo" song In the third not was exceed
ingly well done , meriting the recall it re
Ross David has a very sweat toaor voice ,
which , although now and thcu strident in
the upper register , li accoplublo.
The opera was finely mounted. Today
and tonight "Robin Hood" will bo given ,
terminating the engagement.
DoWltfs Little Early Risers. Small pills ,
safe pills , best pills.
I May depend upon the way you treat the warn-
lags which nature elves. A few bottles of
S. S. S. taken at the proper time may Insure good
health i or a jear or two. Thm/ore act at once , for itS
that nature be assisted at the right tlme-l
never falls to rthere the system of im
purities , and 1s an cxctlleut toclc aba ,
He Wants to Add His Name ,
* Ptrmit ro to add my name to your many other
certificates in commendation of the great curative
Sopertta contained In Hwift'sSpeclnc (8. S.S. ) U
Is certainly one of the belt tonics I ever used.
"JOHN W. DANIKL , AndersonbC. "
Treatise on blood and sUn diseases mailed free.
fiWIFT SFECn'W CG. . > staGa.
. Cloaks
Strong inducements hero for ladles ,
misses , and children.
Just received a line ot misses * gar
ments , early price , first of season , was
$0.00 ; this lot at 33.50.
A line of finer garments , onrly prtco
was $7.50 and $ a00 ; thU lot nt S5.00.
Ladles' tight-fitting jackets , 33 Inches
long , storm or umbrella collar , very full
skirt , beaver or kersey cloth , the most
fashionable garment of the season and
very scarce ; come In tans , browns , navy
and blncksO.OOl2.5OSI3.5O ; | ,
$ I8-OO , $20.Ot > , $25.OO.
Domestics 8 Linens
Largo linen towels , worth 12lo ,
for , 81-80
Elegant open work damask tow
els 25c
Best COc cream dnumsn.3 40O
Larpo , hunvy Turkish towels for
the bath , wore $1.00. closing
them for 50o
Himalaya cloth for house wrap
pers , value 35c , for 20o
ISo brown canton flannel 121-2
ISc bleached canton flannel 121-2
1 case Sc bleached muslin 5c
Marseilles bedspreads , worth
$2.50 , extra size and weight g 1,98
A large lot of cambric hemstitched
initial handkerchiefs for ladies , regular
25c quality ; will sell them durinjr this
sale , only 6 to a customer , at 12 l-2c.
During the Great Dress Goods Sale
Anil until further notice ,
We Will Make Up Dresses
Bought of Us
FOR $15.
Dnrnlng cotton Ic , value Sc.
Horn bone- dress stays Do dozen , vixlua
Covered dress stays 7o dozen , vnluo
Watch spring stays 60 dozen , vnluo
Ventilated elastic .vob 5c , value lOc.
Silk elastic web lOc , value 25c.
Whalebone casing He , value Oc.
Stockinet dress shields lie , value 15o ,
Kid curlers 10o , vnluo It'c.
Electric curlers 13c , value 25o.
Cnrllng-lrons5c , value lOo.
WliUk brooms Oc , vnluo 15c.
Coats' thread per dozen 45a
Hooks nnd eyes 2 cards for 5c.
English hair pins 2 papers for Go.
Good quality pins per paper 5o.
Pear's unsccntod soap lOc.
Cutlcura soap l"o.
Basement BARGAINS.
100 dozen fine imitation cut glass berry -
ry bowls , largo size and worth 40o each ,
at loo.
Heavy plain table tumblers at 20o per
do/.on , worth 40c.
Beautiful polished brass boquet lames ,
complete with silk frlngo shades , at
91.US , vnluo $3.00.
Gloves ,
Our buyer In Now York secured n
choice lot of Binrltz gloves in all the
shades blacks , tans , browns slates.
The glove IUIB never been sold under
$1.25 nnd Is good value at that. In order
to create a stir in our glove department
wo shall run this lot for 85c.
Como and bo gloved.
Come to the Money Saving Sale ,
The Morse ; ; Dry Goods Co.
to his room shortly after dinner yesterday ,
undressed and went to bod. At 5 o'clock
Iho servants detected the odor of gas in the
halls , traced it to his door , opened the same.
which had been left unlocked , and found
him la an unconscious condition. A pnysi-
clan was at once called , who worked on the
case until 0 o'clock. Fagan was removed to
St. Francis hospital , where lie lies , at 10
o'clock this morning , still unconscious. The
physicians bellovo the man took some nar
cotic or alcohol , nnd are inclined to the bo-
llof that It was an attempt at suicide.
Pagan was registered from Laramlo , Wyo. ,
but the stockmen , in whose company ho ar
rived hero and who resumed their journey
last night , say ho Is from St. Joseph. It is
believed ho will recover as ho Is much im
proved. _
Fnlrbury Kntcrprlie.
FAIIIHUHT , Nob. 17. [ Special to TUB BEE. ]
The Falrbury Uottllng works plant , be
longing to tbo estate of John Curtcn , was
sold yesterday by the executors to Jacob
Conrad. The works will bo started up at
once with a full force of hands.
The new wall , forty foot in diameter , of
the water works company , has been sunk
to tbo water line , und pumps are being put
in to Keep the water down while the briok
curb Is settled ten feet deeper. The curb
will require 1 5,000 brli'k.
Youncr ( lor e Tlilof Captured ,
Yonif , Nov. 17. ] Speclal Telegram to TUB
BCE. ] Sheriff Shrock returned this after
noon from Syracuse with a younp man who
gives bis name as Greenwood. Ho Is the
man who hired n horse and cart at South-
worth's livery barn about ten days ago to go
a snort distance In the country. Instead of
returning , as was expoclgd , bo kept going ,
and at Pa m.vra traded the horse for
another. Ho is now in the county Jail at
this placo. _
Chrutlau Workers Meet.
GENEVA , Nob. , Nov. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE.J The second semi-annual
convention of tbe Fillmore County Ctulstian
Endeavor societies is in session in this city
today and the meetings will last until Sat
urday evening. The first mooting was held
in the Congregational church tonight and
the same consists of a praise and song exor-
elsa ana an address by Siato Secretary Cook
of Lincoln. About tXX ) delegates nro present.
Flrtt h vvre C'ultl Snap.
lUsTisos , Nov. 17. [ Special Telegram to
Tins BEE. ] Thq first severe cold snap of the
season struck Hastings early tills morning ,
accompanied by a very high wind. Ice a
counlo oHnchcs Uilck was formed in places ,
but little or no damage was done to Adams
county crops , as corn has nil been husked.
Th j high wind blflw In a largo piato glass
window in the Bostwick block ,
Small Jllaie at U'Xetll.
O'Nuiu. , Neb. , Nov. 17. ( Special Tele.
gram to Tiic BEE. ] The residence of John
Olblin ot this city was partially destroyed
by fire this afternoon. Tbo tire caught
from ashes which wore thrown out too close
to the houso. The fire department got the
blato under control and prevented U from
spreading to tbe other buildings. The loss
is estimated at 1450 , fully Insured.
Arr * td.
NEBIUSKJL CITY , Nov. 17.Special [ Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] Hamilton Thompson of
this ultv was arrested this morning by
Deputy United Stales Marshal Richardson
and taken to Council li luffs. Thompson is
charged with bootlcggiog la Iowa.
Slaughtered llurty-Two Hlieep ,
ROOEM , Nob. , Nov. 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BSE. ] Past mail No. 4 , going east
was delayed here today by running into a
nerd of sheep , killing thirty-two , No cam
age was done to iho tram except the break
ing of the cowcatcher.
JJ T Turu Oat MurtUr.
COLPMBUS , N b , , Noy. 17. [ Special Tele
grain to Tu Bci.J Mayne EUtou w r
rested ( &st nigbt on a charge of crimina
miaul * Wednesday , upon Joseph IvoU
vrhos * life hangs In tbe balance.
i'cra'c MM 1 1 cat
PBRU , Nor. IT.- [ Special to TUB DIE. )
-TUfi third monthly musical recital was given
> y Prof. F. Boucher and wife in the Normal
mil Thursday night to a crowded houso.
; hnlri had to bo brought in und placed in
ho uislcs in order to have all seated.
Chief Scuvejr Urges Organization ot No-
hra ka Muralmlft and Olllcoro.
Chlof of Police Seavey Is sending out cir
culars to the chiefs of police and the mar
shals of the various Nebraska cities haviug
i population of 1,000 or over. The idea of
the chief Is to formulate an organization of
the beads of the police departments of this
state in order to nioro effectively cope with
.ho criminal classes. The circular is as
follows :
I have the honor to Inform you that during
: ho lirst meeting ot tlio National Chiefs of I'o-
llco union , held In Chicago Muy 18. 10 nnd 20
of tills present year , a retolutlon was adopted
requesting tliat the clilufs of pollco and city
inurstiaU of all cities , towns and villages in
cacti state organize a chiefs ot pollco union in
each state , to bo auxiliary to tlio National
Chiefs or 1'oHcn union. The stales of Massa
chusetts mid Michigan have already ornun-
l/ed these unions nnd the chiefs of pollco of
several other states are preparing to organize
similar unions for tlio purpose of general co
operation und also for the purpose of meeting
nucl co-operating with the National Chief. ) of
Pollco union , which will hold Its first annual
muetliiK In fat. Louis , Mo. , the first Tuesday In
Muy , 1804. Hellovlng that In "unity there la
HtroiiRth , " and rGnlilii from cloven your * ex
perience. as u pollco ofllcor hoiv necessary it is
for universal co-operation of the bonds of po-
ilcu departments In the matter of tlio preven
tion of crime and apprehension of criminals , I
very much deslrotoseo tlio chiefs of pollco
aud city marshals ot Nebraska thoroughly and
systematically organized.
The citizens and businessmen ot the cities
ami towns In this state naturally expect thuL
the pollco vrlll gl\o thorn all necessary pro
tection. If wo nro organized , know each other
bettor , nnd liavo a practical working system
with which no nro all familiar , vro can , by
taUlns aclvantngo of this , accomplish much
more lu criminal work , which Is Increasing
eitrh your. '
With these Ideas In vlow , I vrrito you to
ascertain If voirswlll meet mo In Omulm ,
Wednesday , December 13 , ot this year , for the
purpose of forming n chiefs of pollco union
for tlio stnto of Nebraska. A ropy of thin
letter will bo sent at once to the city marshals
of soventy-Uvo cities In tlilt state , us all make a special otfort to cotto-
petherk and effect nr permanent organization ,
of which tliu citizens at Nebraska will have
reason to feel proud ,
Ilnincmhruuco of I
The managers of the Opoa Door are ra
calving donations for that institution this
week In tbo McCaguo building1. These con <
tributlons are known as Thanirsglving offer
ingi and while there has been quite a liberal
response from charitable people , it is hoped
that many others will contribute something ,
no matter how largo or small. Mm. Chirk.
ttho superintendent , says that every cash
donation helps them and she has put out two
boxes where those who feel disposed can
drop in money. The cash contributions
amount to &Q | wr day ana a number of use
ful articles have been received. Mrs. W. S.
Beavoy has given the trustees a handsome
oil palutinc which will bo sold to the highest
bidder. The painting Is the work of Mrs.
Chairs , dlshea , clothing and ether useful
things have also been sent to Mrs. Clark ,
The ladles who have charge of the offerings
are : Alesdomes P , A. Tucker , G. W. Clark ,
K. B. Pcnttlo. Dr. Duryea. W. P. Helllnpi ,
F. H. Pugh , W. a SmltU , E. D. Van Court ,
D. C. Bryart. _
I'olloeman I'oole'
* tlraak.
Policeman Poole arrested \V. If. Gordon
for alleged disorderly conduct on North Six
teenth street Thursday night , Gordon was
promptly dismissed In the pollco court
yesterday morning when bo told bis story
which was substantiated by witnesses , II
poems that Gordon had Just stopped a run
away team at tbo risk ol bis life , and was
endeavoring to control 'the animal * , when
Ofllrer Pools rusbe4 up aud demanded that
lie stop the horses from prancing in such I
Manner. Gordon told I'oolq ( bat his hoac
was tbo a bed a of wheels , or words to tha
effect. Poole then arrested blm.
Couous AVii COLDS. Those who are suffer
ing from coughs , colds , sere throat , etc ,
should try lirowu's Bronchial Troches , Soli
only in boxes.
DUtu 1102
That's what it cost to land a
piece of Irish Freize 110 % mora
than the cloth costs in Ireland.
We can make you a first class
Ulster of that goods wool-lined ,
for 535. Our protected manufac
turer has given us a freize that wo
Just as Good
as the original mucli esteemed
Irish Freize. We think the Do
mestic Freize as good because it
wears as well , looks as well and
is equally impervious to rain , snow or wind. We will make thi
cloth up in the same style , wool-lined , etc. , for $25.
Come and see them and try to tell which is which.
You ouflht to leave your measure for one of those suits.
( There's an excellent variety ) ( They're worth $28,00. )
We are selling a great many trousers at SStOQ ! ( because
they're worth § 7,00) ) .
Have you noticed the goods in our window ?
Will send you
samples by
mail. TAILOR
Hoipltal Ilultdlnz . Nowi all Modern Improvements ! Private Ilooras. no I.nree Waran : best
Ujrionlarood. oirafullr urep reOj all Medical nnd sunrloal Appliances ! Kttlcieut TramuJ
Nursesi TiiorouBly . Qunl flee JMiyslclan , ul I for 2.COto tico per day , ucoordlns to disease und
accornodutlon. For further Information address
, " 2&rJSVCN ! ARMSTRONG HOPKINS , Physician In Cimnse ,
rw . . r . . . .
orREV.O.F.HOPKINS.A. Wl.lloaorary face. , | 330 & 1341 South 29th AvV , Omaha.