Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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Olllir NO. 12 1'r.AHIi STHEIVr
Delluitilliy cnrrlor to nny part of the clly
H.V Ttl/TON - Manager
| llnlnrwOnipe 50 > i2
an\un a
Tloston store , cloaks
Kctfulnr session of Harmony chapter No.
E.1 , Urtlorof Knitcrn Star , this evening.
The Woodman of the World will glvo rt
loelnl at tliolr liall on Prtilay ovcnl'jR. No-
vonibcr 17 , tovluch all inumuors ave ln
vltod , with tticlr families.
Unity itullil will hold Iti rcRUlar meeting
Friday afternoon at 2 : ) o'clock at the homo
of Mrs. B. M. Khcphard , 7Q : > I'erlu avcnuo.
Friends conlinlly Invited.
St. Andrew's socloty will rolohrato the
blrthiliy of Hobble Hums on Thursday oven-
liif ? , November > : # ) , \tv \ Riving otiu of Us
popular tmiiqucts nnd balls.
William Wnltnco. who pounded young Mm-
crick with an nx tmmllo for running off
with hh Rlrl , pleadoil guilty to the offcnso
nnd 11 line of $15.70 was asaeiscd up against
him in police court yostorJay morning.
Th Young Men's Instltuto oittcrtnlnod a
party last ovcnlng at Its hall on South Main
street. A musical nnd literary
was follovrod by dancing and the hours of tbo
uvonlnp wcro whllcd away In an enjoyable
Mrs. Jullu U Crocker has Issued Invita
tions to the oiarrlauo of her dnuelitor , Miss
I > ucla A , , to Klnicr li McCluro. which will
bo solemnized on Thursday aftcrnoou , No
vember ! M , at ildtO o'clock , at her residence ,
Mill Avcnuo H. .
The funeral of Axel Olcson , the sulcldo ,
look placn .yesterday afternoon at 1 ! o'clock
from Lunkluy's undertaking rooms. The
ilund man was hurled in a < 12 coftlnt which
ho inirchascd from I.unltley a couple of
weeks before he shot himself.
"Cash" arlmm of tllil City , S. D. . and
"llcdrty" Iloss of this city Indulged In n 100-
yard foot race at the I Irlving park Tuesday
afternoon. Orlmm won by n foot , and ttu <
time , according to the timekeeper , was 0 4-5
icconds. The watch Is considered by local
iports to have been Indulging In red liquor
previous to the race. Grimm took the f 100
which was bupposcd to be up on the result
Swnlli ntifl "nrntrn. Ilir. MIKv.illUnn frolffht
employes who are charged with stealing
from the company's warcrooms , wcro to
have had n preliminary hearing yesterday ,
but a continuance for one week was taken by
agreement. It. seems to bo the general
opinion among those who have watched the
progress , or lack : of progress , of the case
that the two men accused will bo lot off .as
lightly as the circumstances will permit
ivncn the trial Is at length reached.
A gang of young people , who have been In
the habit of creating a disturbance at the
mcotlnps of the Salvation army , tried their
iccustomed tricks at the mooting Tuesday
ilcht , but ran against an unexpected ob-
itacle. Captain McGlnnls , who was leading
the moating , informed them that a repeti
tion of the disturbance would result in their
aoing arrostcd. A number of the disturbing
ilomcnt loft the hall , nnd these who re-
italncd behaved themselves , so that the cap
tain Is encouraged to think the stormy times
> f the past will in a measure bo done away
The omission of the word "not" caused
1'iiE Unr. to misrepresent the Sisters of St.
Heruard's hospital yesterday morning In the
account of Mrs. Kcssler's diphtheria caso.
Mrs. Kcssler was not turned away from the
hospital because of her being u county pa
tient , but because neither the city nor county
oflicials had ordered her taken there.- The
ladles at the hospital required her to come
cither as a city or county patient or oluo as a
private patient , In which case she would
have hud to pay her keening. When ahc
made the required arrangements she wus
admitted without further ado.
I'lcunnnt Indlcittlons
Are fully illustrated at the underwear
counter of. the Boston Store over since
the cool weather. Wo can't account for
ouch patronapo , unless wo are showing
some oxcoptlonu.1 bargains , which wo
are certain must be the reason.
Now , tomako things more interesting ,
wo are making some low prices in differ
ent grades rather than buy now goods ; in
other words , filling in prices , taking
higher grades and making lower prices ,
which you will see by the following list :
Children's gray underwear , lOo up
Children's pray wool underwear , 25e
Children's all wool red underwear ,
12c } upward.
Child ron'H Swiss ribbed underwear ,
15e upward.GKNTS'
$1.00 floecivlinod underwear , 70c.
50o gray underwear , Me.
$2.00 all wool underwear , SI.50.
$1.3(1 ( all wool camel's hair , $1.00.
$1.25 all wool bcarlot , 75c.
3.'lo white and natural underwear , 25c
fiOo ribbed underwear , 31)e. )
75c oloudor-rlbbed underwear , 02c. }
$1.25 all wool underwear , 8c. ! )
Other values .shown In black , white ,
red and gray. Don't fail to see values
in union milts , , equestrienne tights and
divided skirts.
Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , la.
P. S. Tliis store uloses at 0 p. in. , ox-
jopt Saturdays and Mondays.
"Their blood is on your head" if you
permit your children to die of diph
theria , knowing how surely Dr. JclToris'
remedy will cure diphtheria. Thirty-
live years trial 1ms proven it infallible.
Price $3.00. No doctors needcu. For
jalo by Davis , Do Haven and Boardsley.
also 2401 Cuinlng street , Onmlm.
GoorgoS. Davis , prescription druggist.
l' llHL > > t.ll. JMfMU/M//M.
Miss Ityan and Miss Kara Drown loft
Tuesday evening for Dubuque , whcro they
will visit friends.
Hov , T. P. Thlckstun leaves today for a
visit of a few days with nla daughter , Mrs.
H. E. DeKay , in Atlantic.
Harry Curtis , who was formerly secretary
of the Young Men's Christian association In
this city , is now occupying a similar position
In St. Joseph , Mo. In the last Issue of the
Bulletin , liio onicial organ of the association
In that place , his name appears ns editor.
Carl Snydur , a young man who was for
merly In the newspaper business in this city ,
is now on the editorial staff of the Uoriow
of Uovlowa , nnd U said to bo making the
mark for himself which ho commenced
while horo.r Ho is doing literary work for a
number of mugaztnnti published In the cast.
Mrs. Mattie Hockins of Chicago , who has
been the guest of Ml- , and Mrs. J. A. Wlatt ,
left jcatcrduv for her homo. Mr. and Mrs.
Davidson , who accompanied her to attend
the funeral of their sUter. Mrs. Fair , and
liavo also been the guests of Mr. and Mrs ,
Wlatt , expect to leave for their homo in
Galcsburg , III. , today.
A , Wheeler has returned from New York ,
whcro has been spending the last thrco
weeks Investigating the Improvements that
are bolus made for the purpose of utilizing
the power of Niagara falls. A syndicate
tins boon putting in n plant Which , so far.
furnishes 0,000 horse power for manufactur
ing purposes , and can bo enlarged indefi
nitely , The power i to be transmitted to
cities within a radius of 100 miles ,
The largest variety of tail and fresh
water tisli , the choicest moats , poultry
and game , best extra teleot oysters 30o
per can ; standard , in bulk , 25c per
quart , at Motzger < k Raudlelt's market ,
D23 Broadway.
Ladles , if you desire , absolute peace in
the kitchen aak your grocer for J. 0 ,
Hoffinayr & Co.'s Fancy Patent Hour ,
.Bmoka T. D , King & Cn's Purtugas.
Ask your grocer for Domestic sop.
Ooriiing Contort of theE'oction ' ResnlU by
Candidate Scanhn Under Discussion ,
Clmlrmmi llctret Siy llo ttltl I'lx the
TIMID Soon Talk of Storting Suit
Hi" Delinquent
ill Clcrki.
The Hoard of Supervisors Is still In ses
sion , but little business of nny public Im
portance was transacted at yesterday's ses
sion. Nothing has been said about tbo time
for tnnlcjnff the recount ofotcs for sheriff ,
but Chairman f. U. Helzcl. In conversation ,
stated that ho would announce the tlmo be
fore the close of the present meeting. The
chnlrnian U by law made judge of the
contest , and tbo title of "juJco'1 is applied
to Mr. Hot/el by bis friends with a good
deal of gusto , but Mr. Ilctzol , with charac
teristic modesty , demurs to the unwonted
honor , although ho would willingly occept
an addition to the $4 per diem which the
law allows for the services of the Judge ,
were such a thing ixmlblc. Each of the
candidates will select n man who will occupy
the bench with him during the recount.
One of the best attorneys In Council
Bluffs , and one who Is not in the slightest
deurco Interested In the outcome of the
sheriff's light save bo a private eltben ,
stated to i ( i-cportoKlast evening that In bis
opinion n suit for damages against the
judges and clerks of election whoso incoui-
potency or worse resulted In all this diffi
culty would lie and that the plaintiff would
stand a good show for a judgment. It is no t
likely that any such action will bo brought ,
from the fact that neither candidate could
bring a suit for damages against nny of the
judges or clerks without implicating men of
his own party nnd thus make political
enemies who might bo uuhandv at some
future tlmo. It might bo well , however , to
waive party frelings and show men who are-
selected for these responsible positions in
the future that they must bo more careful
In the performance of thu duties which are
imposed upon them by law when they
the appointment.
A ( Irpat Offer Uloaktt Clunks ! Clinks !
Today , Thursday , wo offer our entire
Htock , over 200 ladies' newmarkets ,
/strictly / all wool , in hlnck , navy , brown
and tan , with and without capes : they
formerly sold at $15.00 , $18.00 , $22,00
and $25.00 ; they are not this season's
goods but are llrst-classinevory respect ;
take your pick today $3.08 each. Now ,
if you want a good , warm , serviceable
cloak bo on hand early today.
100 do/on ladles' fast bluck , lloece-
llned hose at half price , l-c } pair.
Ladies' $1.00 fast black , opera length
hos-e , now 7fie pair.
Ladies' heavy jersey ribbed vesta , 2oo
Ladies' finest quality camel's hair
vests and pants , btrictly all wool , at 9Sc
Ladies' fast black , all wool union
suits at f2.)3 ! ) suit , worth Si.50.
Ladies' line cashmere mittens , fast
black , 25c pair.
Girls' silk and wool stockinet ! caps at
only itSc each.
Children's fancy bordered handker
chiefs , Ic each.
Todav we olfor all our imported I. C.
and C. P. French corsets that were $2.75
at $1.00 u pair. This line of corsets wo
wish to close out. Grasp the opportu
nity.A .
A great offer in dress poods. Today
wo sol ) all our -40-inch German henri-
ottas in all colors , strictly all wool , at
50o a yard. Our 35u black Henrietta ,
21c a yard. Get our prices before you
buy.Open every evening.
Council Bluffs.
Bo shown the Klein tract , 2j miles
cast of postoflleo , out Madison street.
Choicest and cheapest fruit , garden and
suburban acreage , now on sale by Day &
Hess , 159 Pearl street.
Superior Court Ansliinmrnt.
Thu following assignment of cases for trla
; it tlio November term of superior court lias
ooen made by Judge McGco :
li Idujr. November 17 Smilro against Tlpton.
November IB Iluagland against
Murphy , lloslcy nxalnst Ilu u\i , ICosentlml
aKnlnst llilcer.
Monday. jMO\embor 'JO Witt nRalnst Smith ,
Haider Htovn company ugulnnt 1'iiul , Test
a'filust .Squirt ) .
Tnusdiiy , Xovomber 21 Ware analnstKlo-
dontopf ,
Wuiinubday , November 22 Jliiyno against
Thuisduy. No\ember 23 Bfeurltv nssocln-
tlnu u ulnatValto , Hqulro usralnst Ilarnsdall.
1'ildiiy , November iM Harcourt ugnlnst
rariull , Ai > \ > loton agaliibt Wilght , Ciuady
Saturday , November 25 Abstract company
RiilnM wiltrlit. Portsmouth Imnlc uuuliiHt
Judd , Dct'io Wells against Motor company.
Tnuntluy , November 2S Terra Oottii company -
pany against Murphy , < iulro against llroun
B trout against city.
Wednesday , November 20 Street against
The thrco cases assigned for the "Oth are
Jury cases.
Treutmml Griiml Unit ,
Council BlulTs lodge , No. fiO , U. O. T.
B. , will give a grand ball ut the Masonic
temple Saturday evening , November 18.
Muslu will bo furnished by u line or
chestra. Supper will bo served in tlu >
hall. Ticket of admission , i'lOc. Ladies
accompanied by escorts admitted f eo.
The committee on arrangements is leav
ing nothing undone to give its patrons
an enjoyable evening. The Troubund
society is well known for the quality of
its entertainments , and all who go may
bo assured of u good time.
Snear Corn ! bugnr Corn !
Try the Council Bluffs Sugar Corn.
The best in the inarkot.
Absolutely no chemicals used to bloauli
the corn white. It | s young , tender ,
sweat , clean and wholesome.
Lund Bros , have u very complete as
sortment of lamps. They invite you to
call und see the now designs , some of
which uro very beautiful ,
Slurrltiue lloeu < c * <
The following marriage licenses wcro
Issued by the county clerK yesterday :
Nuinu and Addivss. Atri ) .
I John T. Konncy , Pottiuvattamte county , . l3
VICIIzi O'Connor , I'ottawattumlu county. . . 22
j Mnruor Jensen , Council lllufTd 24
I AnnuM. I'oiorsonCouncil HluuV. , . . , . . , 20
j Thomas McMlllen , I'ottawnttamlacounty 27
I Julia Hues , I'ottawattumlo county , . , , . . 20
j August Andursou , Oountus county. Neb , 23
I Amanda Jacobson , Douglas county , Nub , 24
W. S. Balrd , Lawyer , Kverott block.
Domestic soap is the nost.
Abk your grocer for Domestic soap.
Implement Men .Meet.
The Implement men of the city have re
ceived circulars signed by tM. . Loomis of
Omaha , noticing them that a meeting of
Omaha and Council Bluffs Implement sales-
mcu and general agents representing oast-
era factories will bo held In the Mercer hotel
hi Omaha at 8 o'clock Saturday evening , No
vember i" ) . The object of the meeting is to
organize a club of the sales element in the
implement trade for the good of the trudo us
u whole und for mutual benollt.
Have you seen the now gas heaters at
the Gua com puny'a olllco ?
Aiuericun Meflnnio In H * lon.
The state council of the Junior Order of
United American Mechanics held tUe closing
session of its semi-annual mooting In this
city yesterday About thirty delegates wore
present from the various lodges scattered
over the state , and the sessions wcro Inter
esting to tboso who wcro allowed to get on
the other sldo of the ante room door. Among
those present was Stephen A. Collins of
Plttsbursr , national organizer of the order.
It was decided to hold the next session In
L.\ . on the second Tuesday in May ,
1MM. The reports of the oftlccrs showed n
rapid growth on nil sides. The Council
Bluffs council Is ono of the largest and most
prosperous In the state , having a member
ship of nearly 200.
The ladles of Broadway church will
hold a bazar in Masonic temple on
Thursday of thU week ( Nov. 10) ) . Aprons
and fancy articles win bo on sale.
Dinner and supper 2oe each.
TrlmmiMl Ilius for Bt OO.
Thia week at Miss Ra dalo's 10
I'parl St. Splendid bargains.
Aprons and fancy work for sale today
( Thursday ) at Masonic temple. Broad
way Methodist ladles.
SlirrllT Iliirrn 'fl vin n Urncrlptlou uf tlio
MyatnrlrR of tlin Urlttor.
The fact that Judge Woolson had com
menced an Investigation of the workings of
the "kangaroo court" as it exists In tbo
jail of 1'ottawattamio county made interest
ing reading about Sheriff Hazou's ofllco yes
terday , and THE BIK : was In considerable de
mand , The sheriff nnd his deputies tire
very naturally anxious not to have It appear
that the prisoners have been In the habit of
Imllllrrtnrr tn nil * willfrli lutaltlnaa tlint. ivna
llUcly to result in the injury of any OUR of
them , and they lay considerable stress upon
the fact that an Institution of tnls kind IB
to bo found in nearly every Jail In the coun
try *
"Tho kangaroo court is a decided ad
vantage , " said Sheriff Ilitzcn yesterday
afternoon In a conversation on the subject ,
"asa meansof preserving discipline. The
prisoners adopt their own rules , most of
which have for their object the keeping of
the jail in us clean n condition as possible.
They have a regular system of lines , which
are levied upon any ono who willfully frac
tures the rules , and when a prisoner breaks
the rules and cannot or will not pay his line
they glvo him so many 'cobs ' , ' as the blows
with the strap you referred to nro called.
Thcro have bscn lights among iho prisoners
In tbo two years of my term of oillco , but I
can say positively that they have never
been the outgrowth of the 'court. ' Nor has
luivnnn hnnn hni'f. T linvn hnrm vnri , * mm.
fill to see that no hard blows wcro given ,
and if there hid been any undue force usc.1
1 should h ave heard of it , for the injured
man > vould certaiuly have complained to me.
There has never bean a complaint. "
Jenkins , the ox-convict who made the com
plaint which was carried to Judsro Woolson's
cars , Is at present serving out a Uftecu-dny
sentence on the chain gang for pounding up
a friend of his Immediately after being re
leased from the county jail , to which he had
been sentenced In United States court.
The sheriff's men intimate that this whole
agitation has been started by some of the
United States oRlclals , who have been de
prived of a portion of tholr fees by the new
plan which was adopted some months ago of
having men who wore sentenced to jail or
who wcro bning kept in custody while awalt-
thcir hcarin ? kept in the Pottawattamlo
county jail instead of some Jail half or all the
way across the state. The officers referred
to formally had to trot the prisoners back
and forth anywhere from ono to half a dozen
times , and for nvcry trio they received 12
ceiits mileage , which altogether made a neat
sum. The local otilcers think tbo United
States otllclals would like to see the old
schema reinstated und have begun these
proceedings lu order to cast the Pottawatta
mlo Jail into disrepute. Whether their
claims correct or not , the whole matter
will undoubtedly bo sifted to the bottom be-
fora Judge Woolson gets tbrougli > wlth it , and
if they have been wrongfully charged they
will bo exonerated.
Use oil heaters for spring and fall
heating. Just the thing In cold weather
for that extra bed room with no steve ,
or for the bath room. Ours uro reli
able and guaranteed. Cole & Cole.
Dinner and supper at Masonic temple
today ( Thursday ) at 25u each. Broad
way Methodist ladies.
W. E. Chambers , uanoing academy ,
Masonic temple. Classes each Wednes
day afternoon and evening.
nun Uvor it NolirasUun.
A team attached to Keys Bros. ' big truck
ran away last evening about U o'clock whllo
traveling down Broadway. The driver
step > cd inside a store for a minute and loft
his rig standing unhitched. The horses took
fright and ran down street at a rapid gait.
At the corner of Broadway and Main street
they collided with a man named Walton ,
who lives in South Omaha. The wheels of
the truck passed over his arms and leg ,
badly bruising him. Strangely enough he
escaped without any broken bones , although
ho was nearly dazed by his unpleasant ex
perience. After resting a whllo at Camp
Bros. ' store ho was put aboard u motor and
started for his homo.
S. M. Williamson still sells the Stan
dard and Domostio at 100 South Main
street , and has not rcmovqd to Broad
way , as has been reported.
Domestic ftoap is the best
i < ( j\ -
Captain John nourkcISxaner.itndoCCliiirceH
ut Arbitrary Action.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram
to Tnc Bnu.J The vindication of Captain
John G. Bourke of the Third cavalry of the
charges preferred against him for hU con
duct In thu Garza campaign on the Mexican
border has baon completed by the War de
partment. It was charccd against Captain
BourKe that ho had acted in , \ hlgh-huuded
und arbitrary manner in throwing innocent
citizens in Jail during the trouble with
Garzu , nnd the matter was discussed In congress -
gross and considered by the War depart
ment ,
No action was takeu on the charges , but
the United States court iitSan Antonio gave
practical exoneration to thu captain by its
judgment in the cases of prisoners brought
before it for violation of the neutrality laws.
Captain John G. Bourke arrived In Wash
ington lonight from Chicago. Ho comes to
submit to the Dopartmmit of Stuto a report
of his stewardship in connection with the
World's fair. This he will do tomorrow , and
then go to Philadelphia , his birthplace. On
Friday ho will go to Now York for a day.
Thence ho returns to Chicago , and the early
part of next wcok ho will bo at his post ,
Fort Kiley. Mrs. Bourke , who Is in Omaha ,
is expected to join him iu a few days ut Fort
Hiley. The captain is looking well.
Tin1 following army orders were issued
today : Captain William B. Gordon , ut Cold
Spriuir , N , Y , , ana Major Aliuon Levuinoy ,
commanding Indianapolis arsenal , will pro
ceed to the works of thn Morgan Engineering
company , Alliance , O. , on business pertain-
lug to the Inspection of a disappearing gun
The extension of leave granted Captain
Henry P. Birmingham , assistant surgeon , is
further extended ono month.
Thu following are the transfers in the
Eighteenth infantry : Captain Charles B ,
ilintnn. from connunv 1C to comnanv n-
Captain John Anderson , from company U to
company K.
Ignore ! I'urentul Authority.
Minnlo Brown , a young woman about 18
years old , was locked up yesterday as being
incorrigible. The uamo is an assumed OOP ,
and the girl is of respectable parents , who
wish to uvold notoriety. It is uald that the
girl Is demented. Her mental condition will
bo examined by the Board of Insanity com
missioners today ,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Thomas Lloyd's ' Slayer Given Fifteen Years
in the Iowa Penitentiary.
if i
ConfcMcil tlint Sli l.urdtt Her Victim Into
the Wood * nml NhHt Him t.lkn n
Knit ol n Scnsn-
tlnnnl Cn p ,
Orrt'MWA , la , , Nov. 15. Amelia Darby ,
who Monday pleaded guilty'lo murder In the
second degree for killing Thomas Lloyd , was
sentenced today to fifteen years In the peni
Sbo Is t'uo divorced wife of .Tcnklii Kvnns
and was alleged to have been separated from
Thomas Lloyd. She coufcssoil that she
lured Lloyd into the woods nnd killed him.
Evans had been convicted of muraer Ir. the
llrat degree for her urlmo and given a llfo
Mrs. Darby's 3-year-old child , her npcd
mother and father anil her husband's rela
tions wept when she was sentenced , but the
prisoner manifested no fooling. She avowed
to an oftlccr that "the doff who mnllenod
har character could not como back to life ,
anil sno was phut of It. "
On her confession a now ti lal will bo nskcd
foi * Kvin * .
Wlicn Mrs. Darb > came into court she
was simllnc and seemed calm ana composed.
Her face bad been powdered , and her toilet
gave tbo appearance of having been made
with extra care. She presented a tiily and
dccldndly uttr.iotlvo appearance.
I cm a Iiihtiriuicu Mitlorn. :
DCS MOINIM , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BCK. ] The Iowa Farmers Mutual
Fli-o Insurance association mot In thirteenth
annual session in tills city today. There arc
131 branch organizittona in Iowa , most of
\\hlcli wcro represented by duleijates.
President Norton of Wilton delivered his
annual address ami routine work occupied
tbo rest of the session. The committee on
legislation then reported tbo followinc reso
lution , on which tbero w.isa lengthy debate :
Unsolved , Tluit the legislative committed to
bo appointed by this association ha requested
to oppose till' passage of ttio v.iluod policy
plan , which no consider an luuucemeni to
o vet insurance ) and dlshonc-ty.
The resolution , was Dually adopted.
The Iowa Mutual Tornado , Cyclone and
Wind Storm Insurance association elected
the following ofllcora before adjourning :
President , Miles Bradford ; vice president ,
A. J. Groves ; accrotiry J. ! * Horrlmanj
treasurer , James Yulll ; adjuster , J. H.
Vrooin ; executive committee , Miles Brad
ford , C. J. Anderson and A. N. Bucktnan ;
directors , Miles Bradford. .1. B. Groves , J.
B. Hcrrimnn , W. I ) . Forbes anil 11. J. Young.
Report of the business of the year : Amount
of risks written during the year , SCol7GKi ;
amount exolred and canceled. 1.420,071' ' ;
amount of rlsics In forceto , date. $ 2,701.480 :
total losses paid duringpast year , ? 14,41i2.M ) ;
expenses of conducting the association ,
Si,3.j:3.74. : A levy of 1'tnlll was tnado to pay
losses the ensuing year1 ,
lielvol'n l.uat UUiince.
DCS MOIXKS , Nov. 15. ( Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] At the rpcont term of the Iowa
supreme court the judgment ot the lower
court In the case of Senator Finn of Bedford ,
npalnst H. M. Bclvel of Dei Moines for
criminal libel , was alllrined. The sentence
was SoUO and costs. The judgment has been
"hanging lire'1 ns It wero. for some time , and
today the clerk of the Taylor county court
was notified by Governor Boles to enter a
suspension of judgment , pending a consider
ation of a pardon. It Is generally believed
that the governor will ultimately pardon
Mr. Belvel , ns the latter has many demo
cratic friends who are vising their influence
In his behalf.
C'ulmlimUiiii ot'n ' Knin.iiK'e.
FoivrIoi ) > OE , la. , Nov. 15. [ Special Tclo-
gram to THE BEIS.J The social event of the
season hero was the marriage of Archibald
Cattail , jr. , to Miss Rose Haskcll this
evening. Tbo coroaiouy , occurred at 5 p. m. ,
Kov. Mr. Gates , president of Iowa college ,
ofllciutlng. Tno young people are both
graduates of Iowa college and the wedding
was the culmination of u romance that orig
inated at scjiool. Mr. and Mrs. Cattell will
be at homo at Chicago after December 1.
Drew the I.lno on Kvcinnsr I'nrtlps.
FOHT Donou , la. . Nov. 15. [ Spsoial Telegram -
gram to THE BEE.I The principal of the
Spirit Lake High school has iss icd a man
date prohibiting piipils from attending
evening parties. He claims it distracts
their attentions from their studies. The
pupils are holding indignation meetings and
say they will openly defy the edict.
linpliimonr .lion Mcrr.
DCS MOINES , Nov. ir > . [ Special Telegram
toTur. DEB. ] The gener.xl manager * and
agents for the thresher companies repre
sented in Iowa were holding n convention
this afternoon. Fifteen agents are in at
tendance. Thu object of the meeting Is to
devlso plans for their mutual benefit the
coining season.
l > r .MnliiLH''New llotpltnl.
Dns MOINES , Nov. 15. [ Special Telegram
to THE BCE. ] Sisters of Mercy from Daven
port have leased Hhe Hoyt Sherman home
stead in this city und will establish u hospi
tal for about thirty p.itionts.
iucliurgeof thosistora of Moray.
This renowned Institution U situated on the
lilpli bin iTs bnolc of and overlooking the city of
Council H lull's , The ip ioloua grounds , Its
hUli location and spluudld view , make It a
most pleasing retro-it for the ullllotod. A staff
of eminent physlclunsund a largo corpa of ex
perienced i.nrsca mln tor to the comfort ! ! of
the patients. Epoolul care glvon to ludy pa
tients. ,
For pai Honiara unplr ta
Frank totjprJl ( BliT $ , im
Special JPifoUcesj
FOH SAIYKA compli > tii Uottltnj works , In cool
town and iloiuif airmxl. payluir Uu-slntSHs. Uool
ruuHonu ( or B llliiir , Addrosa O 'J3 , Dee unlco
IOWA FA"IIM8-870 acres , f'-.BO per acre ; 030
act-fa , Kl-j.OUi 300 acres. fjS.OO ; : Ul > uci-ji ,
* li.0l ( ) : 11)0 ) uni , $ J5 00 ; Hi ) aerra. t J7.UJ. I/iiya
lint of f.irniH. fruit auJjirJji : lltrl. Join
bton A. Van Patten.
DO YOU Unow that Day .V lleaa n.tvu sane
choice bartalna In fruU uuU tardon laud niur
this city ]
A USTHACTS and loans Farm and city propmr
AbouxUl und bold. I'liuoy & Thorns * . Couiicl
f AIUIAOK removed , cu mx > oU , vaults , clilnma/i
VJcleautxt. lid llurite , ut Taylor'a srocary , JO
i WriltKNT.A .J-rooin hoimu. Inqiuru ol F. Jl.
LoYln , iilH South iHt Btrwt.
TlfANTEDi-Oood ghl for irenoral housework ;
i email family. Apply at 010 Flrnt avenue.
TT1TC1IKN elrl wauled ut thu Dluffb house , lO'-'b
iV-Tlili-d Btryot.
T OST Blaclc and while pointer dot- : notch lu thu
.LJeiid of-eacb car. Uberalruwurd for his return.
J. J. Sbta.
His Rheumatism Gene , He is
Gaining Flesh.
Mrs. lluln Tells How the Trouble
Was Permanently Checked.
Recovery Depended on Wise Choice of
An ignorant man Is one who knows
nothing , or knows bnilly what ho
knows , or knows something other than
ho should know.
But the eaddosl tcrnoranco Is for aside
person not to know the remedy that will
malcohlm well.
Fortunately , few people have failed to
hoar from their physician or from neigh
bors , the remarkable euros ot Pain's
celery compound. There is hardly tv
village In the land whore this great
compound has not saved lives and made
others worth living. For rheumatism
and kindred troubles it Is it positive
cure. New strength , now life , now
lie.xHli come from its uso. It is the re-
suit ot tbo labor and experience of one
of the greatest physicians that over
lived , and from the time when It was
first proscribed by Prof. Pnclps of part-
mouth It bus boon growing in the esti
mation of the public. Physicians of all
schools prescribe it , and those who use
it recommend it hcartlly-
Mr. J. S. Bain is chief of thnP.M. col
lectors in the olllco at Washington , und
one of the trustiest young men In his de
partment. Writing to Walls & Rich
ardson Co. , Burlington , Vt. . Aug. 22 ,
ho said :
"On my word und honor as a gen 11 oman -
man I have not passed a summer in the
last sevonji'enrs without having n spell
of two or three weeks with rheumatism.
Paino's celery compound saved mo this
time , and two bottles ol the compound
have made a now man of mo. I weigh
more now than I ever did in mv life 100
pounds and Paino's cclory compound
has the credit of doing this. I have
recommended it to two of the men in
the ollico , and it worked like a charm in
their cases. One of the men was a total
wreck. It would do you good to see him
now. lie told mo today that it was fin
est medicine ho over took in his life. "
Mrs. Bain wrote a week later as fol
lows :
"My husband for several years has
suffered very much with rheumatism.
Every spring for years ho has lost at
least two weeks \\ith this trouble. Ho
had tried every other medicine mon-
tionuble , but with little or no relief. In
.Tune ho had rheumatism in his right
shoulder vary badly , but am happy to
say ho lost no time. Ho got a bottle of
Pulno's celery compound for the first
time , nnd it checked tbo trouble in foul-
hours , and now , after tailing two bottles
tles , ho is himself again , and gaining in
flesh very rapidly , weighing more than
ho ever did in his life. It is a wonder
ful remedy. "
Says a well known and conservative
physician , a graduate of Harvard medi
cal school : "Paino's celery compound
is a remedy , which , so far as my obser
vation has gone , has given better results
tlum any which I have over tried.
"So much bolter results are obtained ,
in fact , by celery compound , that it has
become a regular prescription amqng
the most eminent practitioners. 1 pro
scribe it invariably. livery victim of
rheumatism may use It. " - >
To clounso the blood nnd soothe the
nerve centers and rob them of their
irritability is the utmost that medical
knowledge can do to make sound bodies
and minds. PuinoVcelery compound is
toduy recognized as the moat ellcctive
agent for strengthening and Invigorat
ing the nervous system. It cures rheu
matism and neuralgia as nothing else
will do.
tluo In tie ! Htato mil
foiloral courts. Roomi 2J3-7-S-U ,
block Council lIlufTs lu.
The Qwd Samaritan , 20 Tom' Eipericctc.
WOMEN. rnopniETon OF TIII ;
I treat the following D/teases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and tunes ! DI >
Scrofula , Fever sores , Cancers , Tumora
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knife or drawing a drop of
blood. Women with her delicate organs re.
itQrealo bMlth. Dropay cured without tapping.
Special Attention given to private
Diseases of all kinds.
85O to 85OO forfeit for any Dis
ease I cuiuot euro without mercury.
Tepo Womw removed Jn two or three bout * , or no
pa 7. CuuiorrhoUlB or I'JIea cured.
Will rave llfo and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or wing
The only Physician vrlio can tell iflmt alia
perion without aiklug a question.
Allconcspondencoctrlctlyconfldential. Hedlclnc
Knt by ozprcu. Addrcsaall IctUnio
G.W. PANaisB , M. D.
Ilromlivuy , Connell Hlutf * ,
t"Knclofie i ceuta In utampa for circular.
Native Born Americans
Foreign immigration has crowded you off the
farms and is now crowding you out of the in
dustrial occupations.
Your boys can't get a chance to learn trades
or secure situations without competing with the
drift of all nations.
Washington is the New England of the
It has a million of ten acre farms for you.
Its capital is developing them for your boys ,
10 acres is enough ,
We don't have to irrigate.
We don't have to fertilize.
Trees grow on the land ten feet through and
300 feet high.
We clear it off for you and plant , grow and
insure your fruit trees ,
An acre of this land will produce per annum ;
50 bushels of wheat.
i - .
300 bushels of potatoes
800 bushels of onions. j
1000 bushels of apples.
40.000 Ibs. of prunes. J. .
1000 boxes peaches.
6000 Ibs. of hops ,
A ten acre farm will surely give an income
of $3,000 a year and a gentleman's life.
The farming of the future is to be like trade ,
each man to his specialty.
The rickety wa'gon and rope tied harness
with its mixed load of truck must go the way of
all useless things.
W'z make a speciaty farm ready for you at a
price which one full crop will pay.
We know no failures.
There is no chance for failure in our plan.
There is a manly independence on every one
of these farms. No country on earth recovers
so quickly from disaster as France , and its
power is in its small farmers who keep out of
debt. Once paid for a small fruit farm has no
need for debt.
Installment payments and no forfeitures.
Our excursion goes Nov. 20th on the
Oregon train leaving U. P. Depot at 2:15 : p. m.
Parties making up clubs in Columbus , Grand
Island , Kearney and North Platte , please tele
graph D. H. Stearns , Omaha , Saturday noon ,
how many go so that we can provide sleeping
car acconiodations. I
Each subscriber for twenty acres is enti- jl
tied to go.
Any combination of subscribers for smaller
farms amounting to twenty acres , entitled to
send one representative.
Each subscriber may take as many acres
as is desired , from one to twenty.
Payments for this excursion are fixed as fol
lows : $10 per acre with subscription , $20 per
acre January 1st , and $20 per acre April 1st
withot interest. Trees planted in January and
February and contract issues April 1st , annual
payments from that date annually.
See circulars and application blanks , ob
tainable at the Bee office , the Union Pacific
city ticket office , 13th and Farnam , D.V.
Sholes Co. , 1st National Bank building and of
D. H. Stearns , Paxton Hotel , or of Schriver &
O'Donohue , Paxton Hotel block.
This is a * chance of a lifetime. Our pres
ent offer can never be duplicated , The party
that went out two weeks ago were delighted ,
See their report in the folder.
107 First Street , Portland , Oregon.