OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNIN& , NOVEMBER 8 , 1893. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. r JT TM71 S | io ! Re-Elects Him Governor by Over Fifty Thousand Mijority. IflOlECTION'S APOSTLES GREAT RACE l\\ \ \ Doubts of the BucVcyo State's ' Republi canism Dissipatoi ( OUT OF THE FORCES OF FREE TRADE | : epnblican Succets in Every Northern State that Hold an Election. | : AYNARD TIT NED DOWN IN NEW YORK l.loclliin * In .MninuchiiBctti , Mlclilcnn , town , Hew .Icriicy mid Oilier Stntci Itrdound lo tlio ( llory ol the Grand Old 1'nrty. COI.UMIIUS , O. , Nov. 7. With a plurality of Ifl.OOO and two-thh-ds of both branches of Iho legislature , McIClnloy has won the most l.oclslvo victory recorded in Ohio since the llvll war. It has been won on national jjsucs. Although MoKlnlcy was running for rc-elcetlon as governor , ho made state affairs erondnry to protection and honest money In | ; 11 his speeches , numbering 110. It would not have been a surprise two Iwceks ago , but after the action of congress I'.horo seemed to have been such a reaction l.hat the overwhelming vote Is a surprise. Irho democrats did not allow the contest to oy default , but made a most vigorous ight with its working forces. Ex-Governor IJampbcll canvassed the state for Lawrcm-o Ir. Neal all last week , and the democratic : was hopeful after congress Ifoachod decisive action. Governor McKinley not surprised at Itho result. He has oxpcctcd it all along and Ifolt confident that the impressions of the ( changes of conditions would not bo overcome | by the campaign efforts for reaction. The weather was pleasant all over the Istato , and there was a full vote of over 800- 1000. and McKlnloy has n majority ovur all. with democratic , prohibition and populist tickets opposed to him. This is the first ( majority over all any state candidate has lhad since Foster's election , ' Just after Gar- Lleld's death In 1831. The republicans are lipprohonslvo of ono part of- their victory , ll'ho legislature elected today docs not select In United States senator , and it is over two- ( thirds republican , the strongest since the ( war. With such h largo working majority cy fear such legislation by city members Ins may lead to defeat two years hence when [ another legislature is to bo selected that I will ohooso Senator Brico's successor. Took McKlulfty liy Storm. Before 0 o'clock the overflow from repub lican headquarters rushed into the state house and took Governor McICinloy by etorm. He was siu'roundcd by Congressman Boutolle , R. G. Howard , K. G. Hoar and others in the canvass , state ofllclals and leading republicans who had como in expec tation of a memorable occasion. Mdtinlcy would not talk on the result and said it would not do to estimate the extent of thn result until after midnight when the rural precincts could bo compared , with those of the towns and cities. Franklin county , the homo of Thurman , In which Columbus Is situated , has novcr been carried by the republicans. Thn latter clalu that n plurality of 1,500 has been reversed for MclCinloy. Uepuullcans elect county tickets In many localities where they have never had local oniccn * . At 0 o'clock Chairman Dick , at republican headquarters , said that If the average gain of ! ! 3 per cent kept up , McKinley would have 03,000 plurality , but that the rural districts would not keep up to this average. Ho feels confident McKinley's plurality will Uo moro than double that of IbUl , and a gain of 40,000 over last year's vote. Ilui no Kittlmiito to Make. "Chairman Sownrd of the democratic committee has no estimate , out chilms that the rural vote will reduce present claims. Ho does not claim anything on state or legislative tickets , but says It is an "off year , " and that the party In power has been hold responsible- everything. COMiMinm. O. . Nov. 7. To Ooncrnl Manager AKsoclatud Press : At 11:30 1 dixlro tochnngo tlio lljrnros miulo otirller. Wo have carried Ohio for McKlnloy by from 00,000 to 70,000 plurality , und both branches of thu legisla ture ) by moro than u two-thirds majority , i UIIAUI.KS DICK , Chairman Republican Htnto Committee. Chairman Seward of the democratic con- I ti-al state committee was scon after mid night. Ho has no statement to make , but admitted if the present ratio of democratic losses continue iho complete returns would show 'n plurality of 70,000 for McKlnloy. J Chairman Sownrd and Colonel W. A. Tay- I lor , democratic candidate for llcutenant-gov- I'ornor , lauuhinglv seconded Ncal's motion to mnko It unanimous. Ci.RVKiANn , Nov. -Twenty-ulna of the 173 precincts in Cuyahoga county show not republican gains of 1,7110. This indicates a gain of O.IHIO in thn county und a plurality of nearly 7.000 for MuKwloy. CINCINNATI , Nov. 7. Ono-tcnth of iho pre cincts in Hamilton county show a republican gain of Oo'J over 18'JJ. ' At this rate , tbo re publican plurality will rlso to over 12,000 , This appears to carry the entire republican ticket , Including three senators und ten members of the houso. At U'.iiO the streets la front of the republican clubs were jammed with cheering and shouting masses of poo- jilo , whllo ovcrywhoro horns wore blowing and men yelling. Tivo hunflrcd products glvo McKlnloy 82- 15-i , Neal 20,01'J , populists Gil , prohibitionists , 1.1)07. ) The same precincts In 18U2 gave Harrison risen 1)0,010. ) Cleveland 24,178 , showing a republican - publican gain of 5,1 W. I Afi UKtIAl- I IlciulU In Kentucky StrmiKly In fnvor elI I the Iluinooriillu 1'uity. li IxU3ViM.B | , Nov. 7. Full election returns [ ' throughout Kentucky will not be available I for several days , but so far us the reports riiavo boon received it Is pretty certain that [ the relative standing of the two political parties has not changed. Senator William ' Lindsay was elected last winter over ilovurnor Brown and Congressmen McCroary and Stone. Lindsay then had CO per cent of [ the democratic caucus votes. In the I primaries fully 80 percent of the democratic nominees for both house and semite were I pledged to Lindsay and they nro all friendly I to Senator Blackburn , who will stand for ro- I election two years hence. The Kentucky I legislature will bo democratic on joint ballot ( by about four to one. The only issues in I this election wore factional , thu domli.ant I faction of the democracy being the Cleveland I party , as opposed to the wing which sup- I ported Mr. Henry Watterson in his opposl- I tlon to Cleveland's nomination. In this city , I Tuler , democrat , was elected for mayor by I about JiBOO , majority. I lluomrd Jloeil for 1'rrtlilent. I Prrrsuuno , Nov. 7 John Dalioil , rcpubll- I cau congressman , started a presidential I boom for Thomas B , Iteed at a meeting of I rooubllcan ward worker * tonight. After i congratulating the republican * on the gen- I era ! re ult of the election , he launched out I Hlo RU gulogy of Congressman R d , In the course of which ho said ho hoped , In com mon with thousands of other * , lo see the clay when lion. Thomas B , Heed would bo clo- vnted to the highest position in the gift of the people. The nuplauso following this lasted several minutes. ItlU'tmi.lUAX It.ANS.VS. Itctnrn * from tlio M/Uo I'nvornliln to the ( Irand Old 1'nrly , TOPBKA , Nov. 7. The Australian ballot system was used today for the llrst tlmo , and though there was some friction In localities where the law was not fully understood , on the whole the election p.issad oT smoothly. The vote this year for various reasons Is not nearly so largo as In 180J , when 3i3,3S3 votes were trailed. In the first place It Is an "oft year. " Then It Is estimated that fully 23 per cent of the voters In the wuitorn p.trt of thu state have emigrated on account of the failure of crops , and. besides , there was n considerable exodus from all sections to the Cherokee Strip. Finally , many voters , through ignorance or timidity , would not venture into thu booths under the now law. By common consent the vote today will bo compared with tnat or two years ago , .vneii the same county olllcors were elected. The vote of that year was as follows : Hcpubll- nn 112,0)4 ! ; populist , 114,475 : democrat , 23- 815 ; total , 2Tfi44. ! ! The ronubllcans won 277 of the county ofllcos voted for , the populists 127 and the democrats 20. KANSAS CITV , Noy. 7. In Wyandotte county , the most populous county In the state , the entire republican ticket , with the exception of surveyor and register of deeds , is elected. Incomplete returns indicate that the populists hold their own as compared with the vote two years ago. Not more than half the registered vote was polled , On account of n split In the party few dem ocrats voted. KANSAS CITV , Nov. 7 Franklin , Butler , Brawn , Osagu and Gray counties , Kan. , all carried by republicans. Ucno and So'igwlck counties have gone re publican. Sudgwiek , of which Wichita is the county scat , was carried by the populists last year. IJeoubllcans will probably have a plurality of all the votes cast In Kansas , They have carried Miami , Harvey mid Montgomery counties. The democrats carried Leaven- worth county. " I-.UVUENCE , Kan. , Nov. 7. The entire re publican ticket was elected in Douglas county bv majorities "ranging from 700 to 1,000.WICHITA WICHITA , Nov. 7. The entire rounbllcan ticket Is elected in Scogwlck county by majorities ranging from 200 to 1,000. It was opposed oy a fusion of demo crats and populist. The Immense republi can gains were unlocked for. EMPOUIA , Kan. , Nov. 7. This cltygivcs an average republican majority of of fiOO on a light voto. This is a ronubllcan gain as compared with the vote of last year , lie- turns Indicate that this county has gene republican by about 300 majority. Toi'KKi , Nov. 7. The Capitol's dispatches to 2 o'clock from all parts of Kansas show republican gains everywhere. Osage Crawford and Cherokee counties , holds of the people's party , go republican for the first time since 1880. Twenty-seven counties heard from are all republican , in cluding the most populous counties of the state , many of which vero populist last year and the yerr before. It looks like a clern sweep of the state for the republicans. HOW HEW YOK1C WENT. Kntlro Ilepuhllcuii Stuto Ticket Electrd liy New YOHK , Nov. 7. Ono of the most pe culiar campaigns in the history of the state was closed at sundown this evening , and it Is safe to say the dcmocratlo managers are not moro surprised at the result than are the republicans. The dominant Issue in all portions of the state has been ring rule , and the republicans in Now York City , Brooklyn. Albany and Buf falo have been greatly assisted by the organized efforts of independent democrats. Isaac II. Ma.vnard , the candidate on the democratic ticket for judge of the court of appeals , against whom Independent demo crats have waged war most bitter and un relenting , has been surprisingly and over whelmingly defeated. In Now York City Maynard ran 35,000 behind his ticket , in Brooklyn over 18,000 and in 'Erie county several thousand. Almost with out exception the returns from every part of the state show ho was heavily scratched. Even ten of "Boss" McKano's retainers at Coney Island scratched him. The result at this time seems to bo that ho has boon de feated by a plurality close In the neighbor hood of 103,000. Practically returns complete from many counties of the state und scattering returns from the others Indicate the republicans have elected their entire state ticket and that they will have a good working majority in the next legislature. In Brooklyn the local campaign was fought most bitterly. Mayor Boody , who was re- nominated by the democrats , was opposed by thu Young Men's Independent Democratic club of Brooulyn most liorculy and thu republican candidate , Charles Schlorcn , was endorsed , with the result the democratic majority of 20,000 atithclast election has been overturned and a repub lican mayor elected by about 15,000. William J. Gayuor , the prominent democrat , who for two years has led In the light against Boss Mclaughlin and his ring , was nomi nated by the republicans for supreme court judge In the Second district and gets 20,000 majority. The complete returns from Now York City show the election of tha entire Tammany tickut by majorities ranging between 07,000 and C.3,000 , The total citv vote for secretary of state gives Meyer 147,250j Palmer , 70,877. KIC-iUl/l.S l.N 1'1JS.VIVAN1A. . Itrptibllriini Win hy fiood , I.iirso Mnjnr- II lei. Piut.Apnu'iiu , Nov. 7. The election today closed the quietest political campaign in the state of Pennsylvania for many years. In a few counties in the eastern part of the state local issues have excited interest outside of party contests , and lively struggles over the committeu on pleas Judgshlp In a hall' dozen "districts brought out an exceptionally largo vote. This was particularly true in Lack- nwann'i. Schuylkill , Bucks and the Carbon mining districts. These are all mora or less democratic sections , with the possible excep tion of Lackiuviunm , which Is pretty evenly divided politically , and Blair , whkh is strongly republican. In the eastern part of the state the greatest Interest centered around the contest in Munroe county dis trict , where a bitter light has been waged by administration und uutl-admiuistratlon democratic , factions , At midnight the following counties in western Pennsylvania had been heiial from , with estimated results : Allegheny county , 10,000 republican plurality ; Yenango county , (100 plurality : Lawrcnco ' county. 2,000 repub lican plurality ; Cumbria , boo republican plurality ; Blair county , 2,1)00 ) * republican plurality. Returns from Franklin county show a re- public-ill gain of 300 : Noithumbcrland county , republican gain 400 , und Armstrong county , republican gum O.UOO , compared with 18U1. 18U1.The entire ropubltcin tlcuet is elected in this city. MmiM.r.iantOi Pa. , Nov. 7. In consequence of the failure'of the standing commit too of both the democratic and republican parties In Tiogn county to certify the nominations of thu candidates for ussoniatu judge , the ticket Is mixed and occasions much annoy ance and delay in counting thn votes. Hence the reports are monger and it Is Impossible to estimate results , but it Is safe to sa.V that the entire republican county ticket is elected and Fell and Jackson will have a plurality of from 700 to 600. I'UTSUUiio , Nov. 7. .The election In Al legheny county today was the hottest in years , Ten tickets were in the field for county officers , and a determined tight was maao on the regular republican ticket , but OK 9ECOXD JACKSON'S ' FINE LEAD Iowa's Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Elected by a Handsome Voto. BOIES LEFT HOPELESSLY IN THE REAR Democratic Governor Repudiated in All Parts of the State. . OLD TIME ENTHUSIASM MANIFESTED Members of the Grand Old Party March in Solid Columns. LEGISLATURE BELIEVED TO BE SAFE Caretul Kitlintttc * , llnsoil on Comparisons , Rollro tlio Doinorrrtts Irnin L'nwor How the L'ljfnros Look Honoris from Various I own Common. DES MOIXES , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Up lo 3 n. tn. this ( Wednes day ) morning comparisons had boon made on 721 precincts , which was the end or the fie- urine for the night. Thcso glvo Jackson , 00,887j Holes , 73,823. Same precincts last year gave Harrison , 00,10(5 ( ; Cleveland , 82,703. Net republican gain , 3,532. This covers one-third of the state and in dicates Jackson's plurality In the entire state will bo about : ! 3,000. The legislative vote will run ahead of the state ticket , and will undoubtedly bo repub lican In both branches by a good majority , though no figures can bo procured this morning. The indications are the prohibition vote will bo about 12,000 , and the populist vote in the neighborhood of Uj.OOO. IT WAS A l.AN Holes' Pnpulnrlty Fail ml Uoforo the On- ulnuirlit ol Urpubllcan Viitera. Dns MOINCS , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram toTunBEB.l Iho election returns so far in this state show nothing ICES than a repub lican landslide. Republican reports , how- over , have been slow in coming in , It being nearly 0 o'clock before enough to base any predictions upon had been tabulated. There has been a steady not rcpuollcau gain in the first 100 precincts of nearly seven to a pre cinct. This is compared with last year whn Harrison carried the state by a plurality of nearly 131,000. The precincts first heard from wcro mainly in the largo cities , leaving1 the county precincts to bo heard from and there the prohibition vote may prove to bo largo and cut down the republican plurality as now figured. The total vote in the state will fall , It is estimated , at least , 3,000 ana maybe 4,000 short of , last year , the majority of stay-at- homes being democrats , who probably could not consistently vote the republican ticket and still did not want to vote their own. The democrats have lost heavily to the populists , which can be accounted for partly by hard "times and principally to the recent silver legislation. The prohibition parly vote , unless the county districts ( generally the last to bo heard from ) pile up , the total will be small much smaller than antici pated by prohibitionists and feared by re publicans. All the estimates are based upon the first 100 precincts heard from. The total number of precincts in the state is 0,003 , so that the 100 comprise one-twentieth part of the state , and what is true of these will very likely prove true of the wholu state , with nothing moro than a small change at most. The llrst 100 precincts just in and tabulated at 10 o' as follows : Jackson , total , 14,777. The same products last year gave Harrison 18,802. Boies' total vote , 10- 804. The same precincts last year gave Cleveland 0,480 ; net republican gain , 503. If kept up for the whole state it will make a gain of 1,1,000 and Jackson will carry the state by nearly 1)3,000. ) Laiiiullilo to J.ickHon. DBS MOIXES , Nov. 7. The election of Iowa will go down as a republican landslide. The gains have been steady all nlaht and average - ago about six to the preotnct. Returns from more than one-fourth of the .stuto are now in and the ratio of Increase can hardly bo materially changed. Returns as to pro hibition and populist voters are scattering ; not enough to babe good estimates on. Pro hibitionists will probably not poll over 12- , 000 and the populists 0,000 , showing only a gain of 1,000. Chairman Blylho of the republican com mittee claims the election of the whole re publican ticket by pluralities of 30,000. The chairman of the democratic stuto committed concedes the election to the republicans by about 20,000. In the legislative districts the republicans have many gains and are now certain of working majorities in both houses , assuring a republican successor to United States Sen ator Wilson. Democratic ICstlm to for Inwn , DBS MOINES , Nov. 7. Charles D. Fuller , chairman democratic state committee , says all indications point to Jackson's election by from 20,000 to 25,000. The republican state ticket will have slightly loss majority , There are as yet no returns on legislative candidates , Ono hundred and eighty-eight precincts glvo Jackson , 24.834 ; Holes , 18,753 ; not re publican gain , 1,105. . „ Henry UrpubUcnit Ualiu. LEMAUB , la. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Complete returns from town ships outside of Lomars show a heavy republican gain with strong indications that the entire republican county ticket will bo elected. Boles' majority in this county will not exceed 800 , as against 750 two years ago. Republicans will elect treasurer , superin tendent and representative with every Indi cation of electing the entire ticket. Koturns show u strong gam for the people's party in the southern part of the county. Lemurs gives Uhussell , ( rep. ) 230 majority , an against six two years ago ; Kirsoboni ( rop. ) 187 for treasurer , with majorities for the bulanco of the republican ticket. At Malvern. MALVEIIX , In. , Nov , 7. ( Special Telegram to THE BEE. 1 The weather today was all that could bo desired , Reports from the county show that a full vote was polled , Malvern precinct polled 252 votes. Straight republican , 140 ; straight democrat , S3. Ha- publicans gain ten over two years ago. Glcnwood polled 705. Straight republican , 34'J ; straight democrat , 101. The tight was on representative , 1'opulist and prohibition vote light. ( iHlim in lluoiie. BOOXE , la. . Nov. 7 , [ Special Telegram to TUB BKK.I City of Boone gives Jijckspn , 7S3 ; Boles , 578 ; rest of the state ticket about the sanio. Two townships outsldo of Boone in Boone county give Jack on , 200 ; Boioi , 184 , a republican gain of 21 over last year. Jackson Currlet AUitmi Cou ity. la. , Nov. 7. [ Sueclal Telegram to TUB BEB.I The estimated plurality for Jackson In Adams county is SOO. Thirteen precincts in Adam * county giro Jackson 1,100 : Boles , 890. JacUon's plurality will be 350. Mitchell , republican candidate for representative , is elected by about 200 plurality. Tim entire republican county ticket Is elected , The total vote in Adami c6nn.ty gives Jackson , 1.410 ; Holes , 1,000. Mitchell , re- nubllcan , candidate for representative , Is elected by 250 plurality. Kepntillcnn tinlim , CKESTOX , la. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram toTiiR BKE.J Returns ImVo only been re ceived from Cromwell and the Second waid of thin city. In Cromwell Jackson obtained 71 voles , Bnlcs DO and Joseph 14. In the Second ward 170 , Boles 80 and Joseph 50 , a populist gain of 83 > . This county has undoubtedly gone ropjultcan by 000 majority. The popnlistcandldato for 'sheriff will run about oven with thn democratic candidate. Jncknnn' * Majority ( Ironing. ATLANTIC , la. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tun BUR. ] Twelve out of twenty precincts In Cass county glvo Jackson 225 , majority. The total vote will make it 600. The elec tion of Julian Phelps for senator and W. J , Davis for representative is assured. Inckiim Snfo In llurrlion. Missoum VAI.J.BT , la. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] Seven precincts of Harrison county give Jackson a plurality of 175. Nut republican gain of lill votes over 1801. Carried Hole * ' Ward. WATBHLOO. la. , Nov. 7. Governor Boles' homo ward gives Jackson 210 , Boles 155 ; a republican cain of 71. SOUTH DAKOTA HKl'lJIll.ICANS. They Are Confident nt Success In All Do- purtuionlH. CIIAMIIKHLAIX , S. D. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tel- ogriitn to THE BUR. ] Chairman Greene of the republican state committee tonight states that republicans of South Dakota would hold their percentage of last year's vote , which would glvo republican candi dates for supreme judges about 5,000 plural ity. Judge Hanoy ( rop. ) , candidate for cir cuit judge , this district , is elected by a good majority. But GO or CO per cent of the vote in the state has been cast. llcports lit .Sioux Falls. Sioux FALLS , S. D. . Nov. 7. [ Special Tel egram to THE BEF. I At 11 o'clock the city vote Is counted , the supreme judges having a largo republican majority. For Judges of the second circuit , J. W. Jones , rcuubllcan , 752 ; ' W. A. Wllkes , populist , 103 ; II. H. Keith , republican , 203. P. S. Emerson , re publican , Is elected county commissioner. A dispatch from Lennox , Lincoln county , gives Jones 00 out of SO. In Flandreau , Moody county , Jones has a majority. Jones is considered elected. Reports from repub lican and democrat state headquarters give a victory to republican candidates for supreme premo Judges. The vote in tlib state is con sidered about three-fifths , III the Vicinity of lint S HOT SPHIXOS , S. D. , Nov. 7. ISpecial Tele gram to THE BCE. ] The .latest reports are that Pennington county give * McGee about 200 majority ; Custcr , Gardner200 majority ; Fall River , Gardner about 150 majority , the hitter Gardner's in this being majority judi cial circuit overMcGoe. Nothing dcllnlte can bo learned concern ing the state ticket , all the interest beiiu' absorbed in the contest , on circuit judgo. which has been bitter. It is estimated thnt the republican supreme court candidates have between 500 and 000 majority in the three counties named. Kopnulloan .Imltfua Elected. ST. PAUL , Nov. 7. Reports from ten dlf- fornnt counties in South Dakota show re publican gains over lust yoat'il vote -and in dicate a republican plurality-of fully 5,000. The returns indicate that six republicans out of eight circuit judges are elected. Kellam and Bennett for supreme court judges have lame majorltles-rfiid It seems probable that the third judge is also elected. Chairman Simmons of the independent state commit tee claims the country precincts will show at least ono of the independent supreme court judges elected. From Lead City. LEAD CITY , S. D. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Indications point that the three republican supreme judges have carried the county by a fair plurality. Rico , rcimbllcan candidate for circuit judge , had 234 plurality In Lead and made a standoff in Dcadwood. The outlying precincts of Law rence , Meade and Butte counties will greatly diminish this majority and possibly elect Plowman , independent. The vote was light , no interest being taken. Itmulta .Sot Questioned. YAXKTOX. S. D. , Nov. 7. [ Speolal Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Information received from the headquarters of the republican and democratic central committees at 0 p. m. as sures the election of all of the republican can didates for Judgshlp upon thu republican ticket , The vote cast will bo about one-half , or 40,000 , of which the republican candidates will receive 05 per cqnt. Actual figures will not bo available until tomorrow night. rOUUUT AT Till ! TOLLS. Disgraceful scenes nt Mnny 1'lncos in New Jersey Yesterday. JEIISET CITY , N. J. , Nov. 7. In Noxy Jersey the race track clement has wrought up moro than ordinary Interest In today's ' election , and both sides are out in force and working hard. The reports that are coming in are definite only In the statement of unusual activity to bring out the full voto. The re publicans seem very hopeful and confident , but this also Is true of the democrats. Thn latter .claim that the legislature will stand thirty-six democrats to twenty-four repub licans. The republicans say this Is Impos sible and that the count will show the state in their control. While the election so far has passed off quietly at Paterson and Nawark there may be some trouble , though nearly 1,000 dep uties and special policemen have been sworn In nt the former city and half as many at the latter , ' Many ri-rinim Injured at Dim-Ion. CAMDEX , N. J , , Nov. 7. Small sized riots took place in several of the precincts of this city In the forenoon. The democratic police men and ward workers have taken possession of many of the polls , and the republicans have appealed to Sheriff West to place the military at the polls. Many deputy sheriffs worn shot and beaten , but nor seriously. Tim fnllnwlnr ? linvri Imrm : ulllllttftd to Cooper hospital up to midday : SAMUEL PULLMAN , 812 Chestnut street , shot In the hand. * Gr.oiun : HANKS , Kulgh 'uvenuo , bhot In the leg. MICHAEL KKLLY , dumoura'tlu worker , btub- bitd In the nock. I'liANic HEVEIIIN , Eighth v/arfl , shot In the liDiul und black-lacked , \VAIU > UOEII , Ninth ward , badly cut in the head , NATHAN VANDYKE , Hovonth ward , throat cut , JUI.IA ClIAMDEIlS. ChcStHUt KtrCOl , whllo htuiidlngnuur the polls' In tie | Seventh ward , had her threat cut lKi < ) Iy with u razor. Itbocaino ovldont about tb'u lunch hour that the city was In thn hands of a desperate gang of thugs , Many deputy sheriffs wcro stopped on the streets arid tholr Weapons taken from them. Sheriff West could not bo found at his ofilco and persons started out to hunt for him to call out the mllltla. A company of troops in charge of Captain George U , West was ready at a moment's notice to take action , and 500 special democratic policemen wcro nt the polls , NEWAIIK , N , J. , Nov. 7. There is heavy voting going on In Essex county und great interest IB being manifested , The demo cratic ) vote Is coming out strong , and Brown , the democratic candidaio for register , is leading his ticket , : Democrats assert that they will carry thu senators and eight out of eleven assemblymen. , ' Oat a aO. . , Nov. " . Judge Robert II. Cochran of Toledo , O. , took judgment yesterday against the Cleveland , Lorraine & Wheeling Railroad company for notes , with interest , amounting to H5.800 in favor of the International Trust company of Boston. ARE NECK AND NECK Judges Holcomb and Harrison are Appar ently Running Side by Side. NEBRASKA ELECTION RETU.1NS MEAGER Estimate ? from the Various Counties Olose and the Result Doubtful , LARGE FALLING OFF IN THE TOTAL VOTE Some Populist Gains Reported Over the Van Wyck Vote a Year Ago. LOSSES BY DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS Itenuullcau und I'npulUl State Contrnl Com mittee * llotli Clnlm the EU-tUluu of Their Cniulldntvn , but the Doin- orrntR Admit Dolour. The election of justice of the supreme court of the state of Nebraska hinges on the result In Douglas county. At n a. m. the canvass of the vote on the head of the state ticket in this county was so Incomplete tnat but little concluston could bo reached from the figures at hand. The returns from over the state were also un satisfactory , but few actual figures being given. Estimates wcro made , however , on nearly every county In the state which are believed to bo reliable , giving the vote of the counties in round numbers. These esti mates show that Harrison and Holcomb are almost on an equal footing as regards the number of votes received. Whore no report has been received from a county an estimate was made by TUB BKI : on the vote cast last year for auditor. Ton per cent was deducted from the total vote , and then 10 percent was taken from both the republican and democratic columns and added to the populists. The result , It is be lieved , is approximately correct. At midnight Chairman Slaughter of the republican state central committee claimed that Harrison was elected by u small plu rality. At the same hour Chairman Deaver of the populist state committo expressed Klkhorn Men Urxed to Vole. NOIIFOI.K , Nob. Nov. 7 , { Special Tele gram to THE HEE. | The election hero today was very exciting. A largo vote was polled , The Fremont , Klkhorn t Missouri Vulloy railway took especial pains to eivo its men an opportunity to oxurciso thulr rights or franchise. There were 1KJ7 votes cast In this precinct , The indications arc that Iho following are olootud to county oftlces : JCd O'Sltea , democrat , treasurer ; K. O , HolJ. man , republican , clerk ; M , \Vobstordem ocrat , judge ; G , W , Losoy , democrat , sheriff j It , U , Mosaman , republican , county superin tendent. For district judge thu light is very closu between Jnilgo Jackson , repub lican , and Robinson , democrat-populist , witn chances in favor of Jackson. The supreme Judgshlp is badly mixed , the democrats voting pretty straight lor Irvine , whllo pos sibly 10 per cent of the republicans voted for Holcomb. Ilurrliun Kan llehliul. Ei.wooi ) , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tins HUE. ] The weather was line and a largo vcXo was polled. The Indications from the country so iurare largo republican gains , with the probabilities ol olcctinu at least three of the county onlcors. ilurrUon is running u little behind the ticket. Cloie In ( lirlUrld , BuuwEix , Neb. , Nov. 7. Special Telegram toTiiK HEB.I Uockford precinct , including Hurvvoll , Gartleld county , gives ; Harrison 71 ; Irvine , & ; Holcomb , 1)0 ) ; Uittunbender , ! ) It is very close in the county on clerk am treasurer. The republicans claim the judge superintendent und surveyor , Half ami Hull In I'holpn. HOLDUEOU , Neb. , Nov. -Special [ Tele gram to Tuu BEE. ] Deep interest is felt in this olootlou. A full votu it polled , Tbo re publicans will elect half of the ofilccr . The vote Is larger than last ycnr , Thnynr KttpnUlltmi \ > f Itcdureil .Mnjorltj- . HF.IIIIOX , Nob. , Nov. 7. ( Special Telegram to TUB HBK. ] Th.iyer county has been car ried by n small majority for the entire repub lican state ticket. It Is nlso concodcd that Klllxni , treasurer ; Pratt , county clerk ; Morris , superintendent , republican * , are elected , whlla the democrats claim the county Jurtpo and commissioner of the Second end district , and the populists have Iho sheriff. ( iiiln for llnrrlftim In ( Irrnlny. niir.ii.KrCiNTr.ii. Nob. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; Unn.l The official vote of Orenioy precinct gives Harrison 7W , Hoi- comb t > 5 , Irvlno fi3. Last year's vote was : Crouuso , 4U ; Morton , 81 ; Van Wyck , CO. Ildlcoiiiti'it Spurt In Clioyoiinp. SIDNF.T. Nob. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to THE Unr..J Kcports from twelve precincts out of eighteen Indicate Holcotnb's majority for supreme court judge to bo about 1K)0 ) in Cheyenne county. T , Neb. . Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hii.l : - The total vote In this city was 1,250 , of which Harrison receives 470 , Hoi- comb 401 , Irvlno 20U , Ulttonbondcr 17. Hooper township gives Harrison , 03 ; Hoi- comi ) . fiS : Irvine , 111. Elkhorn : Holcomb , J5 ; Harrison , IB ; Irvine , 18. Ciunlnc : Harrison risen , 17j Holcomb , f > ' 2 ; Irvine. 01. North Uond will give a small majority for Harri son. The Indications are that Holcomb will carry the county. Democrat * Curry Slnnton , STAXTOX , Nob. , Nov , 7. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tuc Ucc. ] The election | ussol : oflC quietly hero. From present appearances the democrats will carry the county on the state ticket and the republicans the majority of the county ticket. liotli .Slilen Conllilont lit Sltrrmnn. Loin1 CITY , Nob. . Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to TUB llEfi. ] Election passed oft very quietly today and u largo vote was polled. Owing to the great amount ot work dono-by both the republican and Independent parties , both sides uiaim largo gains. HiirrMon'ii I'lunility In < ! : ign. BiiATiucn , Nob. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UEK. ] Uoturns from the six wards in this city glvo Harrison 731 , Hoi- comb "GO , Irvlno 201. Koturns from countj1 preci.icts , Including Liberty , Dluo Springs , Highland , Paddocic , Glcnwood and Fillo.v. indicate that Harrison's plurality In this county will bo over 1,000. The entire couiity republican ticltot Is undoubtedly elected. Halktiu Kt'iuitillcniiH an Top. , Nob. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to THE HUE. ] Wilber precinct gives : Harrison risen , 109 ; Irvine , 153 ; Holcomb , 78. Returns from the county are slow , but Indications are that Harrison will have from 200 to 300 plurality and that the republicans elect clerk and treasurer and the democrats and Independents the register of deeds. The balance of the ticket is yet In doubt. Kopiibllciut l.orii lu lltitlcr. DAVID Crrr , Neb. , Nov. -Special [ Tele gram to THIS BEE. ] Indications point to the election of the entire republican ticket In this county. Gad Gates , democrat , is elected supervisor In David City. The balance of the ticket is from CO to 100 republican. The vote in tlio city was : Harrison , 1'JO ; Uol- com b , U'J ; Irvine , 03. Tickets were scratched badly. Julmion Solidly Kcpublloan. Tncu.MSEH. Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tcle- pram'toTiiE ' BEE. j Harrison will get at leaat 825 plurality tn Johnson county. Indications are strong to the effect that the whole re publican county ticket is elected with the possible exception of sheriff. Small Vote m ITnlruury. FJUIIHUKT , Nob. ' , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram - gram td-Tnn BEE' ] Election was very outot. Only 737 vatcs were polled. The vote has not been canvassed , out indications are that the republicans have elecod ; county oillcers , except sheriff and supoilntcndcnt , which the populists probably vrln. Harrison's majority will bo a small ono over Holcomb. Harrison Curries Ills Homo Town. GIIAXD Isr.AXi ) , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] City of Grand Island gives Harrison , 838 ; Holcomb , 141 ; Irvine , 101. Crounso's vote last year was 1,300. The county ticket wont republican in the city. Nu county products have been dellnltcly heard from. Donel Claimed by Kcpiilillciins. CIIAITELT , , Nob. . Nov. 7. [ Special Tclo- gram toTiiis ItaB.l Returns from two pre cincts give the republicans a small plurality. Indications are now that the atato ticket vlll go republican. Ilolcnmb HHK .Mnjorlty In DnwHoii. LKXIXOTO.V , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tint BUE.J A heavy vote was tolled In Dawson county. The Indications )0lnt to the election of the entire republican : ounty ticket. Out of100 votes counted larrlson has lifty majority over Holcomb. the vpto of the entire county will glvo Hol- : omb a small majority over Harrison. Re turns are coming slowly. Antelope County Itoturni. NEI.IOII , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram o TUB BUE. ] Nollghclty ( 'ivea ; Harrison , 05 ; Holcomb , Til. District Judge ; Jackson , 184 ; Robinson , 40. K < 'l > ul > UcillH : Loud In Flllmoro. GENEVA , Nob. , Nov. 7. ( Special Telegram to Tin : BKE.J The election hero today was qulot but n good vote was polled , so far us can ho learned , throughout the couu'.y. The weather was perfect in Genuva , Harrison and tlio county republican ticket load , In complete reports from outlying precincts glvo promise of a fair republican majority. itlulr StiiniU by KupnbllwtnH. Bi.Aiu , Nob. . Nov , 7. [ Special Telegram to THE BUE.J The returns are coming in slowly. Blair gives Harrison. lOd ; Holcomb , 51 ; Irvlno , 1)5 ) ; Ambrose , 171 ; Blair , 203 ; Curtis , 104 ; Dufllc , 140 ; Walton , 207. The democratic Ward In the city wont repub lican , if Blair city Is an Indication , the county has gene republican with one or two oxcoptlons. On the county ticket , Rath- man , democrat , for county clerk , carries the city by 12 ; Jackson , populist , for county Judge , by ( il ; Moncke , democrat , for sheriff , by 78 ; Henderson , republican , for county superintendent , by 14V. ! ! ; . H. Hill , petition , for surveyor , by 15. None of the country precincts have been heard from yet , and probably will not get in before morning. Nine precincts , Including the city of Blair and Hvo county precincts , show u largo re publican gain for the state ticket. Harrison has carried the county by about 250. Am brose and Blair will carry the county hy IftU Walton will have about 1,800 votes out of probably 2,100 In the county. For tlio county ticket , Cook ( rop. ) , recorder ; Rimoll ( rop. ) , clerk ; Monde ( uom. ) , sheriff ; 10. U , Jackson ( pop. ) , judge ; Plcrco ( rep. ) , coroner , and Henderson ( rop. ) , superintendent , are prob ably elected. For surveyor tho'raco ' U close between Carter and Hill , Heavy Vote In Holt , O'NEiti , , Nob. , Nov. 7. [ Speolal Telegram to THE BEE. 1 Four procimns in Holt county , Including O'Neill , give : Harrison , 24 ; Hoi- comb , 140 ; Irvine , 107. The returns are com ing In very slowly. There WHS a very heavy vote polled on the county ticket. The In dications arc that McEvony. republican , will bo elected sheriff. The contest for treasurer is between J. P. Mullen , independent , und Nell Bronnan , republican , and wilt bo very close. Returns are so slow that it is impos sible to estimate the outcome. Republicans uro confident of their county ticket. llurlnn 2OO t'oimllit. ALMA , Nob. , Nov. 7. ( Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Klectlon any passed off very quietly. The day was warm and u larger vote was polled than last year by 10 per cent , The populists' utato ticket will have 200 majority nnd the entire county tlukot will probably ba sleeted by a smaller ma jority. Kutlier .Mixed In Ailiinih. HASTINGS , Nob. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] It will bo impossible to secure even a reliable estimate of Adami comity's vote tonight. Harrison probably carries the county by a small plurality , run ning about 250 ahead In the city. Interest " CONTIKUEU O.X SKCQHO J-iOB. 5:30 : A. M. BY POPULAR VERDICT George ? , Bemis Will Bo Mayor of Omahn Two Moro Years. HANDSOMELY ENDORSED AT THE POLLS Returned hy a Plurality Nearly as Largo ai His First. BENNETT'S ' FACE TURNED TO THE WALL Eller'a Term Will Expire with the Present Fiscal Year. SACKETT RE-ELECTED COUNTY CLERK Holln , Olsen and Ilerkn Uo-Kleotcd-Urnrct' Clmiicn In Don In CnimnUiloner WII- llunii Dofontrd .Muni nnil KUnnor I'robnlily Kleoiod Vote by Dlitrlots. ICIglity-uno nut ol rlR'.ity-eljIit preclnoti clvn llomln , 0,3001 lloillord , 4,0011) ) lluncnll , 3,1171 ; .Murour , 000. It. ml * plurality , 3B35. George P. Ucmts will bo the mayor of Omaha for two years moro. This was the decision of the voters of this city at the polls yesterday In ono of the bitterest and yet quiotcst political lights that has bcuu waged In Omaha for yoars. 'i'no campaign was a hotly contested ono from the start. The mayor was opposed by all of the franchlsed corporations , by the political ringstcrs , hy disgruntled politicians of his own party , and no methods or nicani wcro neglected to encompass his defeat , but the people were with him and ho was reelected - elected by a majority that any man could ba proud of. Returns from nearly all of the voting dls tricts of the city nssuro Mr. Bonds' reelection - election by at least 1,800 plurality , with Bc'dford anil Hascall very close for second place and Dr. Mercer not runnintr fait enough to got up a pcrspliMtlon. Slulit und Iliiscall Ht Work. In the First and Second wards , the origin of.many of the disturbing elomenUi In the election , and the trystlng place of Hascall , Stuht , Bachelor and tholr suites , the voting proceeded very quietly and slowly. In rare. Instances wcro there any workers about the polls and ntno place was there a crowd. A tradition , .was .prevalent that Mr. Stuht had been soon early In tbo morning at his voting booth in the First ward and had then disappeared with Messrs. Hascall and Bachelor to do electioneering near Fort Omaha , their action being explained on the theory that they realized that tholr md f effective work could bo done where ihof wcro least known. It was evident from the first that Hascall was receiving a vote far below the estimate that had been made by him and hit fiiends for these wards , and the exertions of a commit' tee appointed to oppose the movement fol flascall with Bedford had sorno effect. Men ccr was not hoard of and shouters for Bach elor , if there wcro any , were In doors. ICllur I-ost IIU Own Ward. Inquiry in the Seventh revealed the fact that republicans were very persistently get ting away with the baggage of County Judge Kllcr in his homo ward. Bemls was cut by some republicans , but not to the ex tent that had been anticipated In certain quarters where thoopposltlon had been very bitter , while for some reason Bedford wai cut by democrats , who cast their ballots and worked for Bemls. In the Ninth ward Ellcr was also manifestly getting it where the bottle got the cork , and inquiry at the various booths elicited the informa tion that the bowhlskorcd county jttdga " wasn't In It " ' 'beaten "simply , or was com pletely out of sight. " liiuinntt Vntinc Jiill ISIrdi. Sheriff Bennett resorted to his tactics early In the light and aroused the Indigna tion of respectable citizens by attempting to vote the Inmates of thu county jail. On October 20 the old man was arrested for being drunk and disorderly. The next morning ho was conqctod ! and fJnod $20 and the costs of prosecution , but as he was with out funds with which to liquidate thu bill , ho was sent to the county jail to board out the fmo , the sentence expiring yesterday. Bright and early ycstordny morning the old man was nt the election booth at the corner of Nineteenth street and St. Mary's avenue , where ho claimed the right to vote , As hit name was on the list of registered votora , ho was given n ticket , t which he voted , swallowing Dennett , Kllcr and all of the members of the gang. Since the .voto of Jimmy Colllgan was de posited in the ballot box the fact has dc- velopo'l that ho went straight from a cell In the county jail to the election booth , where ho deposited a ballot that wni marked In accordance with the instructions of Theo dora Bennett , the brother of the sheriff , While the voting of this pauper criminal is bad enough , it is not a marker to the fraud that was perpetrated to secure the registra tion of his name. By the most liberal method of figuring dates the old man's sentence did notoxpir * until yesterday , but notwithstanding all of this last Saturday be wua allowed to leave the jail , alone and without a guard. Ho went from there to the booth , where ho svrora that ho was a resident of the precinct and waul , having his name registered along-with those of the respectable voters. After bo had placed himself In line where he could help Bennett he returned to the jail and the farce of serving out a sentence was con tinued. When Old Jimmy showed up at the poll * yet- turday morning there vtore two or three other Jail birds wltn him , but th y could