TIIR . .AlIA DAILY HEF : SUNDAY , NUMBER 5 , 1893-TWENTY ALE of Men's , Boys' and Children's OVERCOATS and ULSTERS THOMl'SON.WII.MS OI.OTI11NO , NHWGENT Referring to the accompanying letter of this well known 22 Siimtncr St. , . . M.W.TitoMiisov. A.IMMIH. ! . Oor. llntrloy. Boston firm , we announce that after a protracted negotia" BOSTON , Oct. 20th [ Freeland-Loomis Co. , tion we have purchased from Messrs. Thomson , Willis & Continental Clothing House , Newgent. their entire stock of fine high-grade tailor-made Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha : ( Gentlemen Men's , Boys' ' and Children's OVERCOATS and After careful consideration , and in consequence of the ( extreme financial depression now existing in the great manufacturing ULSTERS , manufactured in their very best manner towns of New England and New York , we have decided to accept ' for the present season's trade , and shall offer this entire " your offer of "spot cash" for our entire stock of Overcoats , Ulsters , Storm Coats and Boys' Cape Overcoats and Ulsters , about thirteen stock , , comprising 13,000 GARMENTS , of the value of thousand garments in all , made the present season , perfect in every [ respect and at the prices offered by you , giving us hardly a fraction $160,000 , at retail , in the CONTINENTAL over fifty per cent of their actual cash value when received from our manufacturing rooms. CLOTHING HOUSE , on and after Monday , The entire stock is made in our very best- manner and especially November 6that , prices guaranteed to be relatively as follows adapted to your city trade. As this stock will inventory nearly one hundred and sixty thou lows- the figures in the first column being THOMPSON , sand dollars , the labor involved in delivering the same will necessi tate a period of about five or six days' time , which we must ask you WILLIS & NEWGENT'S ACTUAL WHOLESALE to grant us to complete the entire delivery. PRICE , those in the second column the usual retail price Yours very truly , Thompson , Willis & Newgent. and those in the third column the figures at which these Overcoats and Ulsters can be purchased until closed out at the Thompson , Willis & Newgent are known throughout the United States as manufacturers of the [ FINEST , MOST PERFECT-FITTING OVER-GARMENTS SOLD IN THE BOSTON MARKET. T. , W. & N.'S USUAL OUR T. , W , & N.'S USUAL OUR WHOLESALE RETAIL WHOLESALE RETAIL PRICE. PRICE. PRICE PRICE , PRICE- PRICE. , Lot No. 1. Lot No. 1O. JlOO Light Tan Irish Frieze 00 00 1OO Heavy Oxford Mixed 03 00 00 15. i Ulsters. Elegantly made. Driving Ulsters. All-Wool linings. Woolen -lined throughout . Lot No. 2. Lot No. 11. fine quality Blue Chin 22. 26. 2OO All-Wool Mixed 13 15. chilla Storm Overcoats. . . Cassimere Ulsters. , . 1OO Extr Lot < n No. 3. Black Lot No. 12. Long Frieze Ulsters with Shawl 22. 26. 28O Heavy Mixed Ulsters. 9 10. 5. Collars , Tailor-made. . . Plaid "Woolen Lining. , . . Lot No. 4. Lot No. 13. BO Black Elysian Ulsters 78 Tailor-made Brown . 16. 19. 15 20 with Shawl Collars. Kersey Overcoats , with ( "Woolen-lined throughout. . . Satin Sleeve Linings. , , Lot No. B. Lot No. 14. 1OO Heavy Oxford Mixed 15. 18. 78 Extra Quality Brown 13. 15. 8. Elysian Ulsters. . . , itli 1- Beaver Overcoats. . . . 8.75J 4 IK Lot No. 6. itl IU i I Lot No. 16 (78 ( All-Wool Black Frieze 16. 20. in' , i 1OO Very Stylish , Double- 12. 50 14 75J ) Ulsters. . . Breasted Overcoats Black Cheviot , . , Lot No. 7. -ViUf ill- BO Good Quality Bluck 50 I5O All-Wool Brown Mixed 15. 20. Frieze Double-Breasted 9 12 Frieze Ulsters. . . 111 Overcoats. , , Lot No. 8. in ! Lot No. 17. 1BO All-Wool Oxford 13. 16. 1OO Gray Mixed Kersey 8 10 5 . Mixed Ulsters. . . Overcoats. , , Lot No. 9. Lot No. 18. fiTB Blue Chinchilla Ulsters. 13. 15. 73 Very Durable Blue I 9 Cut Extra Long. . . Diagonal Overcoats Chinchilla , , CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE.