OMAHA l DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOlltflNft. NOVEMBER 4 , 1893. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. iADJOURffiD AT LAST ( After Eighty-Seven Days the Extraordinary Session of" Congress. Closes. SCENES DURING THE CLOSING HOURS Effotta to Prolong the Proved to Bo Unavailing ! MR , HUTCHESON'S ' LITTLE FILIBUSTER At the Last Moment Ho Defeats an Appro priation Bill , CLEVELAND FAILED TO SEND A MESSAGE Dying llonri or Hotli llranohcs of CoiiRron Fron from Kxcltemcnt of Any Kind- Work of tlio Sonnto In l-i- ooutlve Hellion. WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. At 8 o'clock today the extraordinary session of the Fifty-third congress , after being In session elghty-sovon days and three hours , adjourned. A wranclo between the house nnd senate over an appro priation to pay the senate session employes tor work done during the recess of the Fifty- first congress In 1890 , caused ( the failure of the general deficiency bill and the bill for the payment ot clerks and employes between today and the regular session , December 4. The senate wns determined thU approprla- tlon should bo agreed to by the house by the alternative of sacrificing the deficiency bill , nnd Senator Cockrell , chairman of the appropriation committee , sent word that not $1 of deficiency would bo ngrood to by the senate until the house accepted this amendment , which had been tacked onto the deficiency bill. The senate adjournment resolution had not been passed , and In this way the senate expected to make the house yield. To mnko assur ance doubly sure , the senate also placed the same amendment on the bill providing pay lor session employes nnd clerks to members during the recess , and sent word that If its amendment was agreed to the defi ciency bill Would bo released from confer ence , where It was being held as if in chan cery by the senate , Defeated by Mr. Hutolionn. Inasmuch as every mcmber-of the house was Interested in the resolution to keep Ills 'clerk on the pay roll during tlio recess , sen ators thought they held the wlllp hand , but } ho plan wus defeated bv n filibuster inau gurated toy Mr. Hutchcson of Texas. Ho was opposed to the original resolution to pay theemployes ) of congress during tbo re- 1 cess , but-was easily outgeneraled by the parliamentarians who opposed him. When the.resolution caino back to the house , how ever , with tho.senato amendment as n rider it was about ii O'clock. Mr. Hutchcson saw If ho could hold the senato. at bay for. tha scaco of but a few minutes , the adjournment would 'give him the victory. Tho. senate was''immcillately notified of the situation in the- house and a resolution was hurriedly passed extending the tlmo of uajournmcnt to 4:80 : , but the effort came too lato. Mr. Hutchcson , with Kllgoro on his left und Boon , the Minnesota populist , on his right , hold his position until ! J o'clock , when the house , , by Us own previous action , was de clared by Sneaker Crisp adjourned sine dlo. " \Vhllo the house adjourned at a o'clock to the second , the senate , also adjourned by resolution simultaneously , did not , In reality , adjourn until seven minutes later. Work In tlio House. The extraordinary session of congress has ended. The house and senate adjourned slnodio thin irftcrnoon. There , wns the usual rush and crowd ing of bills nnd conference reports in the executive chute of tlto house today that always marks the closing hours of u session of congress. Inline- djatcly after the reading of the Journal the senate amendments , to the bill permitting the gale oC World's fair exhibits In this coun try upon the payment of 60 per cent of duties were nouconcurrect In ana tho'blll wus sent to further conference. Mr. Hlchardsou of Tennessee presented a resolution to pay the pertilcm session clerks nnd employes of tlo : house nnd senate dur ing .adjournment. . Mr. Savrcs of Texas , chairman of the appropriations committee , objected. The resolution , ho said , did not specify the amount it would carry and ho would never agree to aiiv Indefinite appro priation. It would cost Ju'0,000 for the clerks to members alone nnd no ono Know how , much the continuation of the salaries of' other employes would be. Ho insisted the house should know how mucti money it was voting away. The resolution was curried , by a vote of 149 to r > 3. c froui tlio Somite. At 10:53 : p. m. the clerk of the senate announced - nouncod to the house that rue resolution providing for final adjournment for 3 o'clock was agreed to , As soon , us the announccmiml was made' , on motion of Judge Ilolman , the house passed n joint resolution instructing the speaker to appoint a committee of three to join a almllur com mittee of the senate to wait on the presi dent nnd inform him that It ho had no further communications to make congress wan rnady to adjourn. The speaker appointed Messrs. Ilolman of Indiana , Turner of Georgia and DIngloy of Miilnn. Mr. Boatnor was recognized nnd asked unanimous consent to consider a bill chang ing the judicial districts of Florida. It was passed. At 3:85 Judge Ilolman , Governor DIngloy .and Judge Turner , the committee up- . /pointed to wait upon the president , "marched down the aisle and an nounced that the president hud nothing further to communicate. " The house , on motion , then receded from Its amendment to the World's fair bill , Again a do/en members uoro clamoring for recognition , Mr. Curtis of Kansas , who was recognized , asked unanimous consent to consider u bill riving an Illinois corporation authority to build a dam across the Kansas river In tihawnco county , Kansas , _ Mr , lirotz objected , Mr. Meyer of Louisiana demanded the regular order. Fifty men rushed toward Mr Meyer howling : ' -You must not dp that , " and the Louisiana congressman , who did not realize the havoc his demand would have caused , hurriedly withdrew It , Tribute to the Late { 'Impluin , A resolution providing for the payment of members1 clerks out of ( ho miscellaneous fund of the house was passed , Then the house , on motion of Mr , Cobbof Alabama , paid a substantial trbuloKto ! the , late Chaplain Haddaway by ordering the payment of a year's salary 10 hln widow. The motion to extend the time of adjourn , went to 4:80 : o'clock was ( hen presented , The vote on the motion to order toilers , wa * then announced us 143 to IK ) . Mr , Hutcuesou 'made the point of no quo rum. / Mr. Springer tried to secure consideration fur the resolution extending the time of ad journment to 1:110. : The speaker held that the motion was not jn order while the point of "no quorum" was Mr , Richardson was forced to withdraw his motion in order to give Mr Catelilngi n opportunity to move to suspend the rule * idopt ( bo senate resolution to extend the tlmo of adjournment. It was then 3:58 : p. m. , and Mr. Hutchcson , despite the ap peal of a hundred members , demanded a second end on the motion. Their pleadings were unavailing and at n o'clocK , while the house wns dividing on the demands for a second. Speaker Crisp arose nnd with n rap of the gflvol declared , In accordance with the qiotlon to adjourn already passed , the hour of 3 o'clock having arrived , the house stood ready to adjourn sine die. . Mr. Hutchcson's last filibuster wns sue- ccssfnl. 'j ho light of the house went out nnd nil conference reports failed. IN TIIK SUNATU. What that Unity Hun A'ccnmptUlied 1)urine tlio ttxtrn StMnlon , WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. The session of the senate will bo long memorable for the con test over the bill providing for the repeal of the silver purchasing clause of the Sherman act of 1890. The extraordinary session was called for the purpose of accomplishing this repeal , and the other work wns merely In cidental. The bill ot next greatest Importance to the repeal bill , which has passed both nouses of congress , U the bill extending the time In which Chinese laborers can register under the Chinese act , known ns the Geary law. Much Interest also attached to the bill pro viding for abridge across the Hudson nt Now York , This bill passed both houses. Of the 1,1W bills which have been intro duced In the senate during the session , only throe have become laws. Ono is In aid of the Midwinter exposition to bo held In San Francisco , another grants certain sottlerj In Oklahoma Territory the right to commute their homestead-entries , and the third re lates to clerks in the office of the commis sioners of the District of Columbia. Olil I1IIU I'nMcd. The following old bills have passed : Making appropriations for tho.purchase ot grounds in Washington for u building to bo used as a hull of records. Granting to California 5 per cent of the not proceeds of the ciiish sales of public lands In that state. To extend the time for making final pay ments on entries under the desert land act. Authorizing certain Cherokee allottees or claimants tn purchuso certain tracts held and claimed by them. To donate to the county of Laramlc , Wy oming , certain bridges on the abandoned Fort Laramle military reservation. > . To authorize the Chattanooga Western Railroad company to construct a bridge across the Tennessee river near Chat tanooga. To grant the right of way to the Kansas , Oklahoma Central < fc Southwestern Railroad company through Oklahoma and Indian Ter ritory. To aid the states of California , Oregon , Washington. Montana , Idaho , Nevada , Wyoming , Colorado and South Daitota to support schools of mines. Protably the most Important bill upon the senate calendar now is that of the repeal of the federal election laws. A similar bill has passed the house. Senator Voorhocs has n bill concerning national bank note circula tion. Air. Morgan's resolution for a joint committee of the two houses to consider questions of finance has a place on the calen dar , ns has.Mr. Stewart's resolution concern ing the co-ordinate branches of the govern ment , and also Mr. Pcffor's Delating to inter state commerce. Senator Palmer's bill con cerning invalid pensions paid to nonresidents is in shape for consideration. Kcijiilur Proceed I n . The appearance of the senate was not un usual this morning. The attendance both of senators and spectators was small. Soon after the senate met Mr. Cockrcll , from , the coinmitteo on appropriations , reported favorably the house concurrent resolution providing for the adjournment at 3 o'clock and asiced for Its immediate consideration. Mr. Coke spoke in opposition to the reso lution. Congress should not adjourd , ho said , but should continue in session , and should proceed In the transaction of busi ness. ness.Mr. . Dolph of Oregon opposed an adjourn ment at this time. Mr. Call of Florida and Mr. Berry ot Arkansas thought that It was the duty of congress to remain in session. Mr. Gray of Delaware said It was an Idle attompc to continue the session until Decem ber. ber.Mr. Mr. Mills of Texas said It was his misfor tune to dtsacrrco with nearly everybody. Ho thought the business in the next session would be expedited by adjourning now. Allen Till Its fur 1'onnlUtH. Mr. Allen of Nebraska expressed his pref erence \ to remain now rather than to prolong the next session. The populists , ho said , were prepared for work. They were in condition'to assist in the passing of a tariff bill nnd to aid in the enactment of legislation designed for the benefit of the people. Mr. Cullntn ot Illinois said that ns a mem ber of the coinmitteo on appropriations , ho had consented to the reporting of tlio ud- jo rnmcut resolution because ho supposed It wus n foregone conclusion that the majority desired to adjoturn. Whllohoshould stand for the resolution , he wished to say that If congress should , before adjourning , announce to the country that it Intended to repeal either the election or tha tariff bill it would bo doing n very good piece ol work. Mr , Blackburn of Kentucky fnvored the resolution nud Mr. Peffur of Kansas op posed It. The concurrent resolution was then passed Tno nouso bill In aid of the World's fair prize winners exhibition to bo held m Now York city wns then passed. Mr. McPherson of Now Jersey offered the usual resolution which was agreed to for a comnnttco of two senators to join a similar fonimitteo of the house to wait upon the president and Inform htm that congicss was rsady to adjourn. Mr. Hansom of North Carolina nnd Mr , Cullom of Illinois were appointed as the com mittee on the part of tlio senate , The clerk ( hen Jiegan calling the commit tees for reports , Several trivial bills were rejrartud. Then a dozen members were on their feet seeking recognition. Mr. Harris of Tonncstiuo , for the reasons expressed by Mr , Coke , wus opposed to ad journing , Mr , Cockrell said he heartily concurred In what Ills distinguished colleague had said , but It was not worth while to talk when It was known that a quorum could not be kept for tbo remainder of the session. ThostBAt * then went into executive ses sion. Oloilnc Sccnei. At 2:57 : the senate opened us doors after the executive session and Mr , Hansom of the committee to wait on the president in formed the senate that the president had no further communications to make. The vice president then , made his ac knowledgment of the resolution of thanks and adjourned the senate in n few words , Ho said : "My appreciation of the resolu tion , personal to myself , kindly adopted by the Semite , cannot bo measured by words , To your courtesy and forbearance I am indebted to whatever measure of success has attended my administration of this great office. The record of the session of the Flftv-thlrd congress Is made ; thenceforth It belongs to the domain of history , "Karncstly wishing each and all of youia safe and pleasant return to your homes and constituents , l now , in pursuance of the con current resolution of the two houses , declare the senate adjourned without auy , " The gavel wns brought down sharply and the extraordinary session of the Fifty-third oongre&s hue. adjourned sine dlo. llurubluiver Not Continued , The executive session ended \\lthout con firming the nomination pf Mr. Horn- blower to bo justice of the supreme court. This failure to confirm has the effect of a rejection. The president \\I11 therefore bo compelled to either send his name again or to nominate another man to the office. At 3OU ; p. in. , the senate cloctc having been COMIMVED UN EECOXU fAQK. MOSHER IS AT PLAfTSMOUTB Marshal White Takes the Bank Wrecker Away from Lincoln. CHAMPAGNE CHARLEY'S CASS COUNTY CELL I'rlioncr Arrived In Ouinha Ye tordajr Kn- rolitn to 111 * New llcnilqtmrtrra Cnuso for the Sudden Cli iil | Initruc- tioni of Uncle Sum. Sheriff Ucnnctt's star boarder , 0. W. Mother , seems to bo u "Jonah" to any sheriff who Is so unfortunate as to have him in cus tody. tody.After After Tun BEE exposed the bank wrecker's privileges in the Douglas county Jail the attention of the United States authorities was called to the travesty on justice In the so-called imprisonment of Moshor and it was decided to tranaferhhn to another jail. This wag done and Moshor was taken to Lan caster county. When Moshcr was taken to Lincoln United States Marshal White gave positive instructions that the prisoner was not to bo permitted to leave the jail under any circumstances. Those instruc tions had hardly grown cold until rumors were rife that Moshcr hud been permitted to take buggy rides nnd was in a measure repeating the program which ho enjoyed In Omaha. The district cpurt also took a hand In the matter nnd had the "sporty" ex-banker summoned before that tribunal in an en deavor to secure evidence which was wanted by the prosecution against the managers of the defunct bank. , Instructions Icnored. This was all In direct conflict with the orders of the United Stages marshal , and as soon as he heard of It ho determined to put a sudden stop to such n procedure. Yester day he dispatched Deputy Marshal Boehmo to Lincoln and told him to bring Moshcr to the union depot In this city und ho would meet him at the train. This was dono. nnd when Mosher arrived In Omahu Marshal White took him in charge. Last night Moshor occupied quarters In the Cass county jail , lie Is likely to remain there for an indefinite period from present Indica tions. Slnco his incarceration In the Lan caster county jail Moshor has caused a great deal of trouble. Conjompt of Court. While Mosher was pleasantly whiling the hours away in Omaha as the honored guest of Sheriff Bennett , nnd acting ns side partner of tlio sheriff's brother , the credi tors of Mosher began suits to recover money loaned him. Mosher had transferred his property to D. E. Thompson , and his cred itors wanted to attach this property. At tachment suits were filed in the district court und Judge Tiobotts set the date of the hearing for Thursday. Moshcr was takqn into court on an order from the judge , but ho laughed at all efforts to m\ko him tes tify. Mosher had * filed aa answer to all these suits , but as ho refused to auswer the questions of the court a motion wus made by the prosecution to strlko out his answers. If this is done judgment will bo rendered against him through default and would be a great victory for his creditors. Judge Tib- belts has the motion to do tnis under advise ment now. Question of Jurisdiction. When Moshcr was taken to Lincoln no commitment papers were used in making his transfer , und the attorneys for the pros ecution say that because of this Moshcr has passed beyond the jurisdiction of federal au thority and is now amenable to the lower courts. Uuon this presumption the lawyers have moved that in refusing to answer the questions propounded to him on Thursday ho is guilty of contempt of court , and they have requested that he bo closely confined in a dark cell and fed upon bread and water until ho Is compelled to answer any question which may be asked him about the attach ment suits. When Marshal White heard oi this move ho had Mosher removed from Lan caster county. / Arrival at 1'luttsmouth. The marshal and his prisoner arrived In Plattsmouth yesterday afternoon and Moshor was turned over to Sheriff Tiehe , who at once locked him up the same us lie would any other prisoner. The marshal's instructions to the shcrlfl were to confine him with the rest of the prisoners , and that ho was not to bo taken from the jail. It is a notorious fact that the Cass county Jail offers very few advantages to prisoners , and It Is highly suspected thai u Is only a matter of a few days unti Mosher will be yearning for another prison The place abounds with filth , and the people ple of PlnUsmouth , although Indignant ut the enormity of Moshor's fraudulent deal ings in connection with his defunct Lincoln bank , might riot censure the authorities for giving the banlc wrecker an occasional breath of air from the outsldo of the jail. Alnrdml White Interviewed. Marshal White was scon by a Bun repre sentative and when questioned as to the causa of Mosher's removal from the Lincoln jail stated that It was solely to prevent n clash ing of authority between the federal nnd state autoritlcs , such us the experience of Thursday , when ho was taken from the Lin coln jail by an oftlcer of the Lancaster county district court und made to appear as n witness. It seemed that the prisoner waste to continually como into court to give his testimony , If these requests were granted United States Marshal White might have sumo dlflluulty in regaining possession of his prisoner. It is hinted that un attempt may yet bo made to tuko Moshor out of White's custody by u writ of habeas corpus. If this Is done ho can very easily bo placed in tlio custody of the state courts and made .to answer to the many charges yet pending over him. IMttiburcroaploOhJect to Nil us us Teacher * In the I'uhlle tjchooli Prrrsnuim , Nov. 8. An attempt to Introduce - duce the Furl bull system in the Thirty- fourth ward public school by the election of four nuns as teachers , is meeting with strong opposition. Tonight two committees , claim ? ing to represent 100 organizations In the county , waited upon City School Superin tendent Lucy and protested against the ap pointment of the sisters. Rev. Father Bernard refused today to allow Dr. liarch- fleld , the city physician , to vaccinate the 400 pupils In the parochial school of his parish , The law requires nil school children to bo vaccinated nnd Superintendent Baker of the bureau of health threatens to test the matter in the court , Ne ; llEeiic ot a Emu , Pa. , Nov , 3. The second section of a Nickel Plato passenger train , eastbound , ran Into tbo rear cud of a freight tvalu near Silver Creole , N , Y. Foiglneer William Huffman and Fireman fieorgo Brigg ? of the passenger train both Jumped and were pain fully , but not seriously hurt. None of ( ho passengers were injured beyond a plight shaking up. The accident \ \ a caused by negligence on the part of tlio llugmun of the freight train , \vltli Knibriilf iiieiit , ST. Louis , Nov. 8. Warrants wcr $ issued today for the arrest of John i worrlc , grand worthy secretary of the Order of Moose upon the chargeof embezzlement. The special amount named in the charge Is H'J. Tlio total is not known. llig Suit lor DENVEII , Nov. 8. Michael J , Casey today Clod a suit in the district court uguiust the Gntcrprlso Mining co'mpany oI.RIco , Colo. , 'or ' $76,000. Casey IsHjmlnor ftiicl lost both syes while working lit the nrfnB 'nv n nrema- uro explosion of giant j owdfervi The Enter- irlso company is n Nowi Jersflj. ' corporation , capitalttcd for 13,500,000 , M 'llllVTAJ. DttEDS OF Mrs. dun n I n ? Tollfi * llrmnrkRblo Story of Cruelty nnil AVronp. Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 3trs. . Chrlstlno Lath- rep Gunning , nlcdo nf thd Into Senator Inland Stanford of California , filed affidavits n the supreme court chambers today , which developed ono of the m6st , remarkable cases of cruelty on record , . She says Gunning ran away from her nnn his. creditors In Novem ber , 1883 , with $15,000 df her money , ' after squandering her fortune of (250,000. Ho was lost In a Rnovr storm In iho Andes mountains in May , 1SSO , A judgment on one of the notes for $5,000 , obtained from her by her husband led to tlio proceeding's before Judge Barrett. Lawyer Joseph B. .Burcus moved that the judgments secured in Connecticut by the Lincoln 'National bank of this city In 1880 , and also ut Saratoga on February , 1801 , bo sot aside. He argued the Judgment could not bo collected , ns all of Mrs , Gunning's money was sone. Supplementary proceed ings in the suit were subsequently brought to recover on the note , and Wultdr P. Butler was appointed receiver of Mrs. Gunning's property. It wus to proyent the receiver from getting at the Icgncy of $100,000 loft her by Leland Stanford tliat Lawyer Uarcus moved the Judgment bo set aside.Her' de fense-Is that the note was obtained while she wns under duress , nnd that the ban i : had been notified before the note was given that the notes were being obtained from her by force. Mrs. Gunning's ' affidavit states that after her marriage she wont to' Mount Vcruon to live , nud three weeks afterwards Gunning began to threaten her'nnd'despoll her of her property. Ho made tier an inmate of un In sane asylum for six vfcoks In Hartford. Since she was removed from the asylum she has lived with her mother and two children at Saratoga. She says that on one occasion. when her husband wanted her toslgnanoto , ho presented a revolver at her head. At an other time ho choked hen until she fainted , and once knocked hcr.aown with his fist and injured her solno. To , save her life , she signed notes In those Instances. On a cola night In the winter 67 1887 Gunning wanted her to sign another note ; and , because she refused , ho dragged her out of bed and knocked her down. Mrs. Gunning says that ho made her sign another note on Soptonibpr 2ff , 1888 , when she was about to bedomoVa mother. Ho drove cverybod5' from her room and told her that she must sign a uotofor inoro money. She protested , and fctehlngipen and ink to the tacdsideho Krabbod.hcr'Hiiiul and caused her to trace her name on the * note. In Octo ber , 1887 , Mrs. Gunning sayt .her husband leased a farm of his hrothdr 'iiear Norwalk. Conn. , und stocked it with thoroughbred horses and callc'd 'it a ' 'scien tific stock farm. " He " added fiOO acres to it and sunk $300,000 of her money in it. On October U , 188 , lia induced her to como to this city. When on ) "tho train , he told her he wanted her W sign more notes , and when she refused ho/thrcatencd / to put her in an insane asylum , lie took her to tbo Chemical National bank 'and she there signed several notes , liiclnmng the ono that figured in the suit aguliist. 'Her.i Airs. Gun ning says she notified William. T. Cornell , cashier of the Lincoln "National bunk , of the duress sle was undpr and that she would not bo responsible ( for ' 'the , notCH thus ex torted from lie'r ; V \ Mrs. Gunning secured , separation from her husband in Connecticut' In Febru ry Ex-Judpo Noah A. Davis and Lawyer Gcrbor. in opposing the iiTotion , submitted an affidavit of Willlam'T. Cornell in which he denlod that Mrs.'GunVm [ had notified him she had signed the note' , , or nny notes , while under duress. Ifwast shqwn the bank had discounted n'any notes of the couple previous to the one Involved In the suit. Officers of the Lincoln National bank denied they had any knowledge of the quarrels of ' the Gunnings. _ _ . ni.vjsiir.vo "JUT Demolition of the Whlto qity by the T.nUe Golnc KunlUly ; On. CHICAOO , Nov. 8. Confusion holds sway at the fair grounds now. Freight vehicles of every description go .helter'skeltor through the broad avenues. Thousands of men at work with hammers und sledges udd to the din. The Midway is bejng torn down nnd In a couple of wee'ks thorO'VrUl bo no building to remind any ono of its existence. Within the same time the oxhlb'lts that are not re served for the Columbian 'puseutn will bo gone and the main buildings will be de serted. The territoryfor/blocks about the fair grounds looks llko nt deserted village fast crumbling into ruins' The permanent structures that were used , for hotels during the exposition are ooing jturned into apart ment houses and flats , thbugh some of the bettor hostlcries are yet running on the old system , with a cheapV.blll of faro nnd their price for lodging ) Divided by four. Only about a halt do/.dn gatekeepers nro employed and visitors ut the pay gates are so scrco that tbo gatekeeper Is surprised each tlmo a pay ticket is handed him. The Columbian guards are $ ho only employes of the exposition that need not worry about the immediate future. ' There , nro 1,587 of them , and they uro all t'o u'o retained until December 1 , and the majority of them will hold on until spring , , \vhon the exposition company will relinquish control of the grounds. It Is not yql decided what Is to bo done with the bulliings. 'It is probable that most of them will stand until spring. The national commission Is holding dally sessions , but is unable to Clear up Its busi ness because > of the absence of u quorum. An effort wns made today to whip In a num ber of absentees knowji tobo , in the city , without success. For a minute today It seemed as if the old days of the exposition had returned. The workmen suddenly heard shouts of laughter and all kinds of merry noises proceeding from the terminal stationt The place was full of boys , u band began tp piny nnd n pro cession of youiistors started across the plaza. Six hundred newsboys tliad arrived from Detroit , They came ii | a spccUl train of twelve coaches , ns the guests pf General Russell A. Alger of Detroit. Thobflj's furnished the few spectators with a sightof , the first pa rade given on the groundsince the close of the fair. It brought ? baiSlt visions of chil dren's week at the fair , "j A happier crowd "lias i seldom boon seen within the Jackson part enclosure. Thu entrances to the Midw&ywere : thrown ooou and the urchins trooped through the half dismantled rntmlo orient. ) A truce was de clared for the day In the J-'crrts wheel light , and all the small visitors were given a ride in the big machine. , . When it came to the eut'ing the menu was not so elaborate us. many' ' that have been prepared in the Whlto.JIty ( , but few have been better appreciated. Sandwiches , cheese and milk was thja'furo , The boys will go home tonight. ; * May Cull un ICxtrn f e ilnn. DESYEK , Nov. 8. AJ\ evening paper , to night suys : "GovJrnorValte will arrive In Denver this evening and will call an extra session of the li'gUlutureiivHhiu afewdayu. " The paper claims that this action of the governor will simply bo carrying out former statements that ho would call on extra ses sion If the Sherman law was repealed. But little credence is given the statement , which Is believed to bo without foundation. The governor disposed of this subject some weeks ago by deciding ugulnst nilproposij tlousof the kind , . ' Another tihtmcu' Tor Ilomvieokeri , GUTUUIE , Okl. , Nor. 8. A majority of the Ktckapoo Indians have agreed to acjippt $300 each from the governing nt and be enrolled for allotment. If the rest do not como In allotments will bo assigned then ) and prep arations for the opening of the reservation will be completed at once. ARESON MURDERERS CAUGHT Gcorgo Bogota and John Bonwell Hold at Lincoln for the Orimo. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF GUILT Known tn Ilnvo Horn in the VIMnltjr of Weeping Wntnr Nrnr the Scene of the Crlnin Ite- contly. LINCOLN , Nov. n. [ Special Telegram to THE IJnE.l Two men , who gave their names as Gcorgo Rogers and John Dunwoll , were arrested nt n Into hour tonight , charged with the murder ot Mutthcw Akcson at Weeping Water , Wednesday night. The men entered a saloon at Twentieth and O streets , near the Hock Island depot , about 10 o'clock tonlRht. They attracted the at tention ot Joe Conway , who had Just been reading an account of the muruor and a de scription of the supposed murderers. Ho thought they were the men , and went out ana quietly sent word to the police station. Chief of Police Cooper and Detective Malone - lone at once went to tliu saloon , found the men and placed them under arrest. They answer the doscrlotlon in every particular. Rogers stated that ho was a single man , 27 years old and claimed to bo a laborer. He had on his person n knife , razor , ring , $1 and a now Dull dog revolver with all hve cham bers loaded. In addition ho had four extra cartridges in his pocket. In a small pass book In his pocket was written the name of Harry Hill. Rogers claimed to have como from Colo- ado , but tn response to questions from Chief of Police Cooper ho said that ho Had 'been living In Omaha , where ho drove a hack for Jim Stevenson. He also admitted that ho had been husking corn In the vicinity of Weeping Water. Benwoll gave his ago as 21. Ho had in his possession n small sum of money and a heavy Iron bolt. Both have the appearance of being rough men and both look llko farm hands. They were not informed as to the charge against them. After ho had been placed in a cell Rogers asiced Sergeant Bartram what the charge wits. ' Vagrancy. " replied the sergeant. "Well , iti Just what I expected , " replied Rogers. "A man can't go Into town.nowa days without being run in for a vng. " Sheriff Tigho of Plattsmouth was notified and he promptly telegraphed back that ho would bo hero in the morning with n son of the murdered man to identify the prisoners. Detective Mulono feels confident that ho has got the right parties. V.MQUJl DEFENSE. Chief tot the O. R. T. Declare * ! that Ho In Guilty or no Crime. CEDAU RAPIDS , la. , Nov. a. ( Special Tele gram , to THE BfcE.1 D. G. Uams.iy , grand chief of the Order of Railway Telegraphers , has entered a demurrer in the district court .at Marion to tbo Jndiotment , recently re turned on the charge of wire cutting. It alleges that the indictment doesn't show any injury to the telegraph wires , but simply shows an injury to the current of electricity passing through the wires ; > .hat the statute only makes it a criminal offense to cut break or injure telegraph wires ; that the statute1 docs not include , or niako criminal a more process by means of which the cur rent of electricity missing through or along u wire is hindered , disturbed or cut off , and thn Indictment ahows. nothing more than a hindered , disturbing and outline off of such electric current of electricity and that the indictment does not charge any criminal offense under the statute. The demurrer will be argued ut some future time. rrolllhltlonihtu' Chilin * Fill so. DBS MoiN.ESt Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] 'Che claims of prohibitionists that Moihodlst ministers tire opposedto the republican party are not sustained. At the state Epworth league convention at Webster City , just adjourned , thirty-seven preachers were polled as an experiment. Of tlicso nineteen were for Jucksou , nmo for Boies , eight for Mitchell and 0110 for Joseph for governor. The managers of local Iowa railways met hero today , with L. M. Martin of Des Molnes presiding. The meeting was called to con sider the recent decision of Chicago trunk lines to reduoo proportionals now received by Iowa lines which act as feeders. The committee of ono from each of the Iowa lines was appointed to go before the Iowa railroad commissioners to request them to raise the Iowa rates. The committee Is : J N. Titiemoro , Sioux City & Northern ; C. C. Burdict , Mason City & Fort Dodgn ; L. M. Martin , Des Molnes , Norfolk & Western ; L. S. Poster , Chicago , Iowa & Dakota ; J. G. Woodruff , Iowa Central ; T. C. Sherwood , DCS Molnes & Kansas City : A. McCrca , Keo- kuk& Western ; J. M. McDlnuon , Chicago , Fort Madison &Dcs Moincs , and J. T. Bar- arti , Omuha &S t. Louis. Doiuentcit 1 > Y itovor ea. PEIIIIY , la. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bun. ] Several months ago Roger Fuiiino , a section man on the Rock Island , was thrown from a hand car by reason of a handle breaking and was seriously Injured , Ho sued the company for damages , and nt the August term of court the jury disagreed. The case was tried again yosturday , and the Jury returned u verdict In fuvor of the com pany. Since ho learned of the result ho lias become a raving munlno , destroying prop erty and doing violence to persons. Helm Inkling u iMiinlfento. DBS MOINKS , Nov. It , [ Special Telegram to TUB DKE.J Governor Boles , who is still confined by illness at hie home at Waterloo , 1ms issued an address to the electors of the state , which is being sent by wire to the democratic press from this city tonight. In It ho charges the republican party with being guilty oi moral turpitude , and pro ceeds at length to discuss the prohibition and state Institution question In much the aiuuo line as ho tins heretofore discussed them In his speeches. Mr . r.uuno nt .Nuliriuka City , NEIIIIA.SKA CITT , Nov. a. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE UEB.-Mrs | , Mary Lease ap peared at the opera housu tonight before a fair audtenco and gave the listeners a two hours talk for the small sum of i' 5 and ex penses. She had much to say about the lust act of the "bondholders" and "gold bugs" In securing the passage of the repeal bill. Most of her tlmo was taken up with free silver , and In this connection she paid her respects to both of the old parties. 1'olitlci ut MiMituri Valley. MISSOUUI VAM.ET. Ifc , Nov. 3. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] Hon. Robert G. Cousins , mem ber of congress from the Fifth Iowa district , spoke m this city last evening to a largo mid enthusiastic audience , ills discussion of politics was , of course , from a republican standpoint , but In BO falrablo and courteous a manner that ho quito captivated his hearers of all political faiths. I'ut J > cr > e to Work. MoiiEiu.Y , Mo. , Nov. 3. Fifty-two Ala bama negroes were put to work yesterday in the Breckinrldgo mines and no collision with the striken ! seems linely Some of ttio nioro conservative are asking to bo put back to work at the old rates. Two of the now minors , Silas Jones and Uico Edwards , were caught beneath a falling rock thU afternoon and Instantly killed. The other negroes 1mvo established regular pickets und the grounds nro patrolled at night. Mora negroes nro expected by Monday , but no further trouble is anticipated. AfiOlllRIt TJM/.V7IRUJ UP. Murderous HnnillU Stop n Train on the Iron Mountnln , Liirn.B HOCK , Nov. 3. Train No. 51 on the Iron Mountain road tonight , which loft Llt- tlo Rock nt 7:10 : a. in. from ! 5t. Louts , was hefd up nt Olo- pliant. Seven masked men entered the express car , and after looting It and killing Conductor McNnlly , they went throuch the coaches and sleepers and robbed the pas- sengcrs. Thi' o KiitilinmVor Pnllnil. KNOXVII.MS , Nov. 3. Two bandits at tempted to board the northbound express train at Coal Creek on the Ohio division of the ICast Tennessee road tonight. Ono of the robbers. Jim Smith , was mortally wounded. The authorities of the roiid had Information that the robbery would bo at tempted and n special force of armed mon was on the express cur for their reception , Smltn will dlo and the condition of the other robber Is not known. The full particulars will probably not bo known until late tonight. Armlnc " 'o Imln Crew * . Dr.un , Pa. , Nov. 3. Beginning next Mon day nil men on the night passenger trains of the Delaware , Lackawanna It Western rail road will .bo armed with Winchester rifles and revolvers. ATI.lV.iKn 11V A VltAXK. Cnshlor of the HiirrlsoiiTlllo , Mo , , Itnnk Got * n Severe li > utlnc > tlAnnisoNviu.E , Mo. , Nov. 3. A stranger , giving his nnmo as Thomas H. Edwards , went into thn First National bank today at noon , ostensibly for the purpose of getting a draft cashed. The assistant cashier , Major G. M. Houston , who was alone nt the tlmo , told him ho would have to bo Identified be fore ho could get the money. The stranger complained of the cold and the major Invited him Into the back part of the bank to warm himself at a stove. When the major stooped over to llx up the fire , Edwatds struck him In the back of the head with his list , knocking him down , and then beat him se verely. The major got away and ran to his desk for his revolver. His assailant ran out of the front door , but was caotured by some citizens and placed in jail. Edwards said that ho had a wife and two children near Carthage , Mo. ; that In 1882 ho was ap pointed city assessor of Kansas City , Mo. , and has twlco since been elected assessor of Jackson county ; that ho made much money , but lost It all in real estate In Kansas City. Ho claims that ho did not know why ho was arrested until ho was told. It is thought his mind is unbalanced. 2IOTI1 AltE UEUUKD UKEAKKKH. 1'ast Trip * Miulo by the Cnmpnuln niul the l.ucniun. QUBCxsio/nx , Nov. 3. The Cunard line steamer Campania , which passed Daunt's rock at 1:31 : this morning , made the passage in live days , twelve hours and seven min utes , thus bcatlnc the record of her sister ship , the Lucanla. The day's runs to noon of enoh day commencing Saturday. October 28.'were as follows : 487 , 401,400,401,503 , and to Daunt's roc * , 207. Total , 2.700 miles. The eastward record now made by the Campania is lower than the westward rec ord , now hold by the Lucanln , which Is a remarkable record , ns western records In the past have been loWer than eastern ones. The possibilities are that the Campania will in tlmo beat her present westward record. Among the passengers on the Campania was Lord Mayor Shanks of Dublin , who Is very enthusiastic over the performance of the Campania. Mr. Shanks was reticent about his American experiences. Nmv'YouK , Nov. 3. The Lucania arrived tonight , crossing the bar at 0:10 p. in. Total time : Five days , twelve hours and fifty-four minutes , thus beating all western records uy twenty minutes. TO cu.vncjc 'iiiia WILSOXS. Testimony In the Now York tinnier Cnso Finished Will Ho Areucrt Ted ly. STUACUSC , N. Y. . Nov. 8.- [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Evidence in the "Dink" Wilson case closed today and it will bo dis cussed tomorrow , The effort of the prbso- cutlon has been to show that Detective Har vey was shot by "Dink , " the larger man , or the man with the derby hat. Their evidence was closed this morning. But few witnesses were called by the de fense , and their undertaking was to show tnat the shooting was done by Charles F. Wilson , known as the small man , or the man with the straw hat. The evidence" was con- lined to tills subject. A discrepancy was found between the testimony of some of the prisoners' witnesses today and their state ments at thetlmo of the murder us to which of the Wilsons wore a straw hat. The district attorney has made a strong case and cunvlutiou scorns certain. IflQIlT AT A Serious Itemilts of the Attempt by O flic era to Arre t 11 Criminal. Rusiiviu.E , 111. , Nov. 8. A bloody battio occurred last night at the residence of Wil liam ICuouso In Balnbrldu'o township. Offi cers B. II. Ingles and Charles Louden of this city went there toarrest Charles Robertson. A dance was going on when they arrived and a general light followed , the girls flying from the house. Ingles was stabbed In the back and fuco several times and beat over the head * lth u otovo leu. London used his revolver , fatally wounding Seth Ilutlleld and seriously Injuring Graver Kittenhonso and Alexander Robertson , Charles Robertson - son attempted to kill Louden , but his re volver missed lire. Both onicers , though seriously Injured , finally overpowered Rob ertson and his friends and captured their man. It Wns u l' 11 nro. PiTTsnimo , Nov. 8. The convention of the Fourth pool miners at CoU Center , Pa. , to protest against reduction in the mining rates , was a failure. Only ten mines were represented and the convention adjourned without taking any action. The miners nro very much discouraged und the impression prevails that the wages of the miners In all of the pools will bo reduced. Kiillintliistlenity Iteueived. CINCINNATI , Nov. H. Senator John Sher man arrived in Cincinnati today and tonight addressed a packed house nt Central Turner hull. Several thousand people were turned nwuy. Senator Sherman's speech was en thusiastically received , After the meeting a banquet was given Senator Sherman at tlio Burnet house. Mill * Mint Iluwu. PHILADELPHIA , Nov , 8. The big mills of the Southwnrk Mills company , weavers of men's woolen goods , women's wear , cloak ing , mantling and broadcloth , have stiut down , throwing out of employment 1,100 men , women , boys nnd girls. iiV. . C. T , U. CHICAGO , Nov , 3. Tno convention of the Monpartisun Women's Christian Temperance - anco union , which has been In session for the past three days nt Isabella hall , closed today. Nothing but routlno business was transacted , Movement * of Ocean htcnmeri , November 3. At Hamburg Arrived Suovit , from Now York. At Now York Arrived Paris , from Southampton ; Lucania , from Qjccnstown , At the Lizard Sighted Colon , from New York to Hull , VIOLENCE VIENNA Wild Mobs Throng the Stroota and Fitjht Stubbornly with the Police. AUSTRIA'S CAPITAL IN AN AWFUL UPROAR Throa Hours of Savngo Strugglfog Between the Law nnd the People. AUTHORITIES INTERFERED AT A MEETING Attempt to Suppress o. Liberal Political Meeting Loads to a Serious Outbreak , MANY BLOODY HEADS WERE TAKEN HOME Snbcr * Swung by Solillon' IlnniU Do Much * tractlvo Work Aiuoncr tlio Unnrmcd ToaploVouudeil Cnrrlod Off by Their Comrndei. VIENNA , Nov. 8. There was fierce lighting hero tunlpht. It was caused by an attempt by the socialists to luvndo the Konafchcr Muslo hall , where a meeting of the llbornls wns being held. The object of the liberal gath ering was to pass a vote of want of confi dence in Dr. Kronawettor , the representa tive of Vienna In the Holchsrath. Tno meet ing wns originally fixed for Friday last , but was prevented by the action of the radicals , a body of whom invaded the hall and refused to allow the liberals to pro ceed. The police finally has to clear the hall of Us occupants and lock the doors. Thnn It was arranged to hold the mooting this evening , when only these holding tickets should bo admitted. As an other attempt at interference wns antici pated n strong force of police was stationed in the vicinity. Liberal stewards were stationed in the lobby to' prevent the entrance of any socialists. ' SnclnllKU Jror tlio I.lbernln. By 7:80 Soliciting sttasso wag thronged with clamorous mobs ot socialists nnd work men. They Jeered every liberal and tried to block his passage , but 800 liberals gained entrance under protection of the police. Tliomobbecan shouting : "Down with the liberals , " "Down with the dogs , " and "Down with the cowardly enemies of the people , " nud sang the labor song , "Hed Arbeit. " The mob finally charged the police and tried to force Its way Into the hall , The commanding Inspector was knocked down and trampled upon. His men In trying to rcscuo him wlnldcd sabers right and left. The scene for a tlmo was frightful Doth sides fought savagely and the result was many bloody heads among the neb , whilft the police were bruised and beaten am their uniforms torn. The fight caused a panic among the people and houses and shops wore closed. The pollro were soon reinforced , und the mot > driven out of the street , although it re sisted stoutly. It wus at lust dispersed , but later gathered In groups in different' parts of the city and listened to violent speeches by leaders of the socialists , tome of whom urged the people to rise and over throw a state which cut them down for th sake of the liberals. Mol > Finally Quelled. At 0 o'clock the greatest excitement con tinued , and the police In strong force were encaged In breaking up the different gather- Ings. The number wounded during the evening wns largo , although the exact figure cannot bo learned , because many of the In ured were carried off by comrades. The wounded police wcra taken to the hospital. Three rioters were arrested , Including the leader. At 10:30 : the streets are quiet. A body of socialists , after the fight , made u demon stration In front of the palace of Archduke \Vilhefm , shoutlncr , "Long live the repub lic. " Tno police made a number of furious charges before they succeeded in scattering t he mob. Many rioters were wounded. WAITING FOIl Ilhll Iiuurccntn'Vurslilp lt | > ublluu Anxlani to Jlii the Tlrudouto. [ Copj/i initial JSftJ by James Gordon licnnctt. } MONTEVIDEO , Uruguay ( via Gnlveston , Tex. ) , Nov. 8. [ fly Mexican Cable to the New York Ilcrnld Special to Tun BEE. ] The Insurgent warship Ropubllca is still crulblng about off the mouth of the Platte river , hoping to Intercept Pelxoto's loyal gunboat , the Tlradcutos , or any other Brazil ian vessel which may put to sea from hero. It Is hardly pro bablo that she will go north to Join tlio rest of the robot fleet in the harbor of lUo do Janeiro as has been re ported , The Herald's correspondent In Buenos Ayres says that two of Argonttnu'u war ships will bo sent to Hlo to protect the In terests of that rcnubllo in MUiA HOUTIK. Troopi AKnln Kiieage tlio 1'orcci of thn IMoorM. MnuiiA , Nov. 1 ! , General Murclas this morning prepared u detachment of troops for a Eortle , with the object of relieving the outlying lorts. His force , composed of picked soldiers , sallied forth from fortress amid the chuers of the entire population. The troops marched rapidly toward the river Oraio. The rebels , as soon as the approach of the Spanish troops was discovered , began to gather at the front In largo numbers , nnd soon made an attack on the Spanish , A llerce battle followed , which ended In the defeat of the Arabs , who retired > tired to the Uurba mountains , after many of their force had been killed und wounded. The European force then moved on tha Forts Itostrouiuto and Cabrozas , which they furnished a supply of provisions , ICU.MOKH OP A IlllJ H/YTTM5. IJritUli lleported to Have Defeated th Miitnhelo null C | > tureil l.ol > oiiiilii. LONDON , Nov. 8. It is reported hero that a heavy battio has occurred between tha British and Mutubelu and King Lobengula hni been captured. Thu confirmation of this U anxiously awaited , LONDON , Nov. 8. A special dispatch from , Johannesberg BUYS that during the absence of Mujor Forbes' ' column Chief Odandana's large krual was shelled and destroyed. The chief was killed during the engagement. Two thousand Matnbolo are reported to have gathered near Matbels , midway be tween Forts Victoria and Tull. Strong pa trols have been dispatched to clear the road. I'victlon ri lit In Austria. VIENNA , Nov. 8. The eviction of a local miller from the village odCaJagane resulted In a. serious fight between the villagers an4 police which lasted for a long tlnin. Tha villagers in large numbers made & f urloui