Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1893, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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    1 / I f' ' I / , - : p
Holds Fully Tip to tto Record
Made a Week Ago.
! ullif In n Jobbing IVny Continue * Qnlto
.SatUfnr.tory , TlimiRli llelilnil tlioArer-
ii gr of nnr ARO Inma l.lnos
Alionil or la t October.
The pnt week has , according to nil no-
' 'counts , witnessed llttlo change affecting the
; distribution of goods in a Jobbing way. It
> may bo said , however , that such changes as
hnvo occurred have been , If any tiling , on the
ildo of nn Improvement. Thcro is a tendency
; In Mich lines of business as have been slow
to recover from the midsummer depression
to gradually work tholr way back to the
normal , whllo such lines as wcro quick to
recover still maintain the position reached
( early In the fall ,
Tlio grocery business , which has been good
' all the fall , was without special feature last
' week , and while thoru could not bo said to
f ; have been any Improvement the vohuno of
business of the previous week was well
maintained. It xvould appear that eastern
Jobbers tnUo with a grain of allowance the re
ports of the very satisfactory business that
Is being done by western jobbers In grocer
ies. The Now York Bulletin remarks that
reports of frco western buying of various
tines of groceries have been so frequent of
late that the casual observer might reason
ably arrive at the conclusion that jobbers In
western territory are having more enviable
experience than their European , competitors
In distributing goods. A certain allowance
for xvcstcrn exuberance may bo proper , but
there Is convincing ovldenco that something
substantial remains back of it * For example ,
the most convincing ovldenco has been
brought forward to show that the proportion
tion of California produce , such as dried
and canned fruit , etc , , has been
above the average since the beginning
of the autumn season. In fact , some lines of
those goods havebeen taken In sufllclcnt
quantity to upsov previous catenations of
eastern dealers regard Ing the probable future
statistical position , The influence of largo
western distribution Is not confined nlonp to
California goods. It Is conspicuous In con
nection with tomatoes and some other lines
of canned x'cgctublcs , Is also cutting some
figure in shaping the market for salted fish ,
and not without a certain degree of Influence
upon certain of the more staple
lines of groceries. Eastern Jobbers
nro not slumbering by any moans. In
fact they are on tuo ulort to put through
the largest possible amount of business on
tno safe and sure policy , leaving the homo
producer nnd Importer to wrestle xvlth the
uncertainties Incidental to carrying surplus
stocks. Still late movements would Indi
cate that the western dealers are either
more conlldciit as to the future or taking
greater risks. In any event , it is the plain
fact that voiy frco movement to western
distributive centers has been the means of
giving a certain amount of life to the mar
ket for various lines of oods and imparting
stability to prices as well.
porno other lines as xvoll as groceries have
shown little change during the week past ,
as , for example , boots and shoes , lints and
caps nnd clothing. It may bo ( added , hoxv-
ovcr , that the clothing business this month
is way ahead of the corresponding month
last yearns concerns the volume of business.
This is something that can bo sold of very
few lines , nnd may bo duo to the crowding
into October of a part of the trade that
would on ordinary seasons come to hand in
The dry goods business continues very
active and local houses are doing n very
satisfactory business.It looks'noxv ns if the
volume of business for tlio month would
ho.w an Increase oVoi % October a year ago.
It'll ! does hot It will DO close lip to it.
Jobbers in iardwaro are reporting an im
proved trade in tholr lino. Business Is not.
yet up to whcro It xvas a year ago , but the
reports from the country are moro cheering
and the orders are moro numerous. The fact
is that orders are coming in as vapidly ns
they did a.year ago , . but they are not so
1 hero has been a moro cheerful feeling in
the -wholesale district during the past foxv
days , owing to the prospect of the speedy re
peal of the silver bill , The general opinion
union e local lobbers Is that the rcncHl of the
bill,111 question will bo the signal fora gen
eral revival all along the lino. They do not
Iqqk upon the repeal as beluga panacea for all
the ills of trade , but as people generally nro
waiting for favorable action on that question
before branching out to any ox'cnt in any
business enterprise It follows that trade
must bo slow , so long as the ilntil settlement
of the question is nn uncertainty.
'Collections are not very actlvo and from
all sources came complaints as to the dif
ficulty of securing prompt payment of obli
gations when due. Reports from the coun
try indicate that farmers are not marketing
their crops very rapidly , nnd until farm
products move moro rapidly no great im
provement in collections can bo anticipated.
The clearings for the xveok ending on
Saturday show n slight decrease as com
pared with the previous xveok. At the same
tlmo the decreasti as compared xvlth the
corresponding week a year ago xvas only 21
per cent , ns agulnsi 27 par cent the previous
week. The decrease In the clearings for the
whole United States was 20 per cent for the
past xvcck , xvhilo. for the previous week it
amounted to 112 per cent. Omaha still com
pares very favorably xvlth other western
cities in the matter of clearing house re
ports. Cities llko Minneapolis , St. Paul , .
Denver , St. Joseph and Sioux City suoxv a much larger than Omaha.
The following will show the clearings for
each day of the xveok under review together
with the totals fur previous \vooki :
Monday t 033,428.30
Viiohday , 887,873.10
WodnoMltiy . 803,180.83
Thurndity 801,834.83
VtMuy 720.853.13
Saturday 052.550.88
Total 14.880,733.21
Week ( jmlliiK Oct. 21 o.O'J7CG0.49
Weekending October 14 4.0U3,710.11
Week uiidlns Uetubor 7. . . . . . . 4,042,771.04
rr < liuI'olntor * .
The Klrsclibniuii-Uusltell Produce corn-
puny is opening a , branch house at Fills
2ity ,
Branch & Co. nro contemplating moving
Into larger and bettor quarters if suoti can
bo hud.
Ed Ivtlo of the firm of Rlddoll & Lytlo
hits boon spending a few days iu Iowa xvlth
his gun. .
Bumls ft Clark cleaned up the poultry
market lu pretty peed shape by shipping
DUO full car anil part of another.
K. 1C. MuClain formerly of the Mull in &
McCluln company has purchased an interest
In thu flrm of J. A. Hydor & Co.
Mr. SmulUcr of llio firm of Falrham ,
Bmolticr & Co. , Is In California arranging
for shipments of celery from that state.
Twelve cars of potatoes have been shipped
into Hastlnira and distributed umong the
grocers. It is said that the farmers iu that
vlulnity hux'oqulto a good many potatoes ,
but are holding them in hopes of receiving
-filler busliol.
Minneapolis , Denver , Kansas City and
Milxvauhce commission men are talking about
organizing branch leagues In their cities. A
number of firms have written Omahu houses
usklntrfor Information on the subject.
The butter men qf Now York City are com
plaining about the stagnation prevailing In
their business , which they ascribe to the la
LTcasod nud Illegal sales of buttorlDO. The
prospect Is that butterino will cut a big tig-
urc in the Omahu market this winter ,
Kaitern cranberry grower * are writing
local member * , of tho" National League 01
Commission Merchants ami offering to sup
ply Iheuutvith cranberries , at tho-samo tltno
informing them thut the names of their
ilrmi were secured from the roster of the
league ,
Thu fruit buyers of Now York have been
accusingtbo Importers xvho sell by sample
of "iixms" the samples. The importers
oouio back nt them in. good style. It Is
flutrKCil that the buyers take common
Alnlcua lemons , which contain very llttlo
julco end many seeds , In a green state , pu
them in now boxes , iloncilcd with leading
brands , and ufter ripening them in their
collars by mean * of oil unU gai stoves , alilp
them Ihi-ougbout the Uuiled Bute * u face :
Mcsilnn lemons. Tills may account for the
rapid deterioration In the quality of circus
Ictnonndo In the west during the past sfcason.
Hurt II. Whitney has purchased the Inter
est of his fnher , David Whitney , In the
firm of Whitney k Co. The name nnd
standing of the firm will remain unchanged.
Mr. Whitney senior has been In the commis
sion business slnco 1878. U. II. Whitney has
been with the firm slnco 18SQ.
Commission men receive some very amus-
Inp kicks , A letter came to a local house
the other day which read tYoU ship bio Pal
metto oranges when I ordered I1 lorldns
what do you mean ? " If the party xvho rcg-
Istcrcd the kick stays In the business long
enough hu may learn that fruit packers nro
In the habit of branding their special pucks
with other names than that of the state in
which the fruit Is grown.
Kcgular shipments of Florida oranges will
ho made during the season by the Florida
Fruit exchange to England via Now YorK ,
and It Is understood that several steamships
will leave Fcrnandina during the season for
foreign markets. Freights arc reported to bo
7ii cents per box from Jacksonville to England ,
which , considering the first-class condition
In which the fruit wilt bo handled , seems
low enough. Freights on shipments direct
from the state will undoubtedly bo loss than
the nbovo llgures.
The pant month has demonstrated clearly
the Imiiortanco of figs in the foreign dried
fruit market , says the Now York Bulletin.
This fruit is usually Hrst In tlm field at the
opening of the fall season , nnd Its advent Is
the signal , so to speak , for the morcnants of
the country to start In upon 'their holiday
operations. With now figs in market orders
for same are Immediately forthcoming , and
as all buyers can bo depended upon to follow
the same course , nn order for figs is never
complete wltnout nn accompanying memo ?
randutn for miscellaneous goods , nnd the ball
of trudo is thus sot in motion. With the seal
of prohibition set uuon the Importation from
Smyrna to this tlmo , the market has been
deprived bf tnc old-time stimulant. Cholera
In Smyrna nnd the quarantine system hnvo
put n complete check upon the importation
of the article , the national government hav
ing Instructed its consular agent to with
hold clearance papers from proposed ship
ments of the fruit' to this country , the In
structions being that a clean hill of health
must bo refused until the epidemic has
ceased at the port of shipment , and thirty
days have elapsed from the last oulolally re
ported case.
Now York .Money Murhot.
NEW YOUK , Oct , 28. MONET OK OAL& 2 per
I'niMR MuitCANTir.E PAPEII 5v ; < a71i'por cent.
STKUU.NO KXCIIANOI ; Stoaily , wltn actual
business In bankers'bills , 4.B3H34 ! ! tor
demand and J4.80V44.80J for sixty-day bills.
Posted rules. . * 4.81J ! < tD4.845J. Commercial
bllK S4.705i4.70H.
UOVKUNMKNT BONUS Steady. State bonds'
Tlio closing quotations on bonds :
Sau lrrnnoiBco .lllniiii ; jiiiitutlonfl.
SAN KitANCisco , Oct. 28. The oniclal closing
quotations for mlnlnj ; stocks today xvoro as
follows :
Alt.i 10 Navajo , ' 15
lleleher CO North Belle Isle. . . . S
lluHt & Ilu.chcr. . . . 140 Ophlr 135
DodlnCon 25 Potosl . - . 05
Jhollar 40 Siivacu . - 05
Con. Cal.&Vn 280 Sierra Nevada . . . . 70
Crown Point 45 UnlonCon 50
Ionia & Curry ( ill Utah. , 20
I.-llo , V Korcrosa. . . 05 Yellow Jacket.- ;
Mexican i 75
Oti the London AlnrKot.
NE\V YOIIK , Oct. 28. The Post's London
pcclul Hays : Ono hundred and soventythou-
siinil pounds In bur gold wcro sold today ,
mrtly for Now York. Seventy thousand
loverolgns wont out , to Uorinilny. Tbo Jlnnk
of England still puts a prolilbitlvoscllliiKprlco
on American cables. American .securities-wero -
) ooniln today on tlio ballot that the Sherman
)111 will bo repealed very soon.
Ht. loiiis Live Stock Market.
ST. Louis , Oct. 28. CATTI.K Uocolpls , l.GOO
toad ; shipments , 2,000 bead ; niarkol steady ;
Toxnns and Indian sloors , $2.40(33.25 ( ; cows
mil ht'lfors , (1.80 2.70 ; imtlvo calves , $4.00 ®
7.20.Hous Hocopts. ! 700 head ; shlpnionts , 2,200
lend ; market strong mid lOo higher ; top
price , $0.40 ; hulk of sales , $0.00220.20.
BiiBKi1 Uecelpus , 100 head ; shlpinonti , 300
: icud ; market nominally steady ; imtlvo mut
tons. I3.40a3.70.
niinnclal Notcn.
KANSAS CITY , Oct 28. Clearings , J1.4G4-
389.NKW Oitr.EANS , Oct. 28. Clearings , $1,030-
200.IlAi.TlMOHK. . Oct. 28. ClcarliiRS , II,008,728 ;
bulunccs.273,971. ,
1'AHIH , Oct. 28. Three per cent rentes , 98f
20c for tbo account.
OMAHA , Oct. 28. Ulcnrlngs , $052,060 ; total
for the weou , $4.680,733.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 28. Money. OQ7 per cent.
Now York oxchungo , 70o prninlum. ( Jlourhigs ,
MKMIMUS , Oct. 28. Now York exchange sell
ing , { 1.50 premium. Clearings , $300,088 ; bal-
iineoH. { 00,225.
IIOSTON , Oct , 28.-Cloarhlgs , $13.053.388 ;
balances , JlliOOC74. Tor thu week , $70,032-
H40 ; bnlnnoi's , $0,228,805 , Kxclianso on Now
York , 1720c discount forcush ,
UjllUAdO. Oct. 28. Clearings , $13.307,254
for the week , $88,027,220. Corrnspondlug
week last your. $110,073,008. Now York ux-
cliunge. Toe proniluni. Sterling c.x-cliungu ,
iioinlniil ; actunl , $4.H14.84. Jloncy , btcady
ut 7 per centon ; tlmu cull.Gc.
K-r. LOUIH. Ool. 27. Uiimrliigs. $2,170,050 ;
this week , $17,759,000 ; last wuiiK , I20.407.b77 ;
corresponding wonk In 1802$20,23G,25G ; bal-
iinees loday.48lU4 ; this xvpolc. ftlll',200 ' ;
last week , $ U435,700 ; corresponding week lust
year , $2,400,777 , Money , quiet at C&8 per
cent , KxclmiiKomi NowYork , OOo premium.
LONDON , Out.U.Tho amount or bullion
gone Into the Hunk nt England on bahinco
today was i'O.OOO. Gold to thi > ninnunt of
70.000 xraa withdrawn from the Hank of 1C rig
luud today for shipment to Gornmny , The
Hunk of Kiigluiid bus sold 170,0011 for blilp-
nieiit to Amurlcut
NKW YoitK. lint. 28. It la assorted that the
holders of 3,000,000 bonds out of a total of
4,400,000 have iiHsentod to- the plan of ex
changing the bonds for preferred stock In the
now rordatih company.
The btorllng uxclmnge market'Is nominal
today , the Kuropcair bteainers having sailed
ut an ourly hour , und thoi-o being no disposi
tion to do business for next weok. Tlio rates
urn nominally unchanged ,
The money imirkut U fontiireleas today ,
there being no lu cull loans ami but
llttlu doing In thu outtrido innrkot. The bank
statement shows n heavy Increase In reserve
doposltB and loam.
lilearlngB , $102,347,580 ; balnnces , $5.713-
777. Kor the week , 8540,371.046 ; balances ,
Tbo Imports from the port of New York were
us follows ; General itiurcbundUo , $7,374,540 ;
dry goods. $1,091,000 ; ipcclc. $426,501. Tbo
oxporlaof specie for the weeic wore $24,000
guld and JilC.lGO ju sliver ,
INSTltUMRNl'S placed on roconl Ootobor
28 , 1SU3 ;
Christian Hurtman and wlfo to EF
Shukort. s Ii lot 20 , Uuauvolr Place. * 000
Potterifobb and wlvoslo John.Muck-
loy. Iot3 , block 12. Hedford 1'bire. . . 250
M A Wllbon and husband to U N ICrlcl-
lor. lots 37 and 88. block l.Buuu-
der's i | l'a add to Walnut Kill 3,500
Ptto llauniRiiu uud wlfd to O N Krld-
lerlots 5 and " .block 17 , Omuli&
Vlow. , , , . , . . . ' . , .i 1
JHKrcU- J 1 foaUH0rtli lot 13.
block 4. Kvorett 1'laco . , . , , 000
M P Urllllen to J 1C Chambers , part > i
Of II M.SW32-1B-13 , . . . . ; . , 8.000
n I > Hamilton lo K O Ilium , lot 10 ,
block 1U ; lot to. block 13 ; lot 31 ,
block H , Orcuui-d Jlli ? , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
QUIT Ciaikl UKtDj.
T U NorlhwHll and wife , ct al. toCTJ
OeorK" Armstrong , lot 3 , tlock 6 ,
Armstrong's 2(1 add. . . , 1,700
Total amount of transfers. , I 17,031
Unoipeotedly Heavy Northwestern Receipts'
Today an Important Paotor.
After Holding ynltn firm for Awhile
tlint C renl Kmmt OfT , Price * De
cline Ono-IInir Cent anil Clog-
In ) ; at IhftUIo
CHICAGO , Oct. 23. Unexpectedly heavy
northwestern receipts today knocked out
th 11 theory of n falling off in the wheat
movement. Incidentally n bulge In the
price was also knocked out , It was also
found that 1,200,000 bu. of the week's experts -
ports went from Pacific ports , and the vlsl-
bio supply might show a big increase re
gardless of the better clearances. Com se
cured only a X@6 ° advance. Provisions
closed with a trlllo loss.
Wheat nt the opening was from J o to % o
higher than yestetday's closing nnd held
quite firmly ror awhile , then cased off , prices
declining fc , ruled rather steady nnd the
closing was about at lusjJo ilgurcs. Cables
wcro stronger nnd higher , the clearances for
the week from both coasts wore 600,000 bu.
larger of wheat nnd Hour than last week ,
the Now York bank statement was favor
able , railroad stocks were higher and
n general buoyant feeling pervaded nil
departments , influenced by the news from
Washington. Ilowovor , the receipts In the
northwest for the week wore about 300,000
bu. larger than the preceding week , nnd the
export clearances of wheat from five of the
Atlantic seaboard and gulf ports wore about
200,000 bu. smaller than the preceding wook.
It was generally estimated that the visible
supply would show an increase of about 1-
(500,000 ( bu. against an increase of 2,201,000 bu.
the corresponding weak a year ago.
Corn opened qulto strong at from J o to
} { c advance , nnd in some instances a further
improvement of ? < fe too was gained.
Later the fooling was not so strong , and
prices gradually settled back agaln.from ) fete
too , and the market closed rattier quiet ut
the reduction. As usual on the closing nay
of the week business was very moderate.
Anticipated heavy receipts on Monday nnd
Tuesday was a' depressing-factor toward the
Oats were steady , prices averaging
slightly hotter , and the close on the near
futures was from i o to &c higher , but on
May steady. Thcro was no noiv feature.
Business In provisions was confined tp the
local operators and was not by them in
dulged in to a heavy extent. The market
was generally firm until near the close , xvho'n
the setback In wheat bccmcd to pull the
props from under the hog products. Pork is
Ma loss costly than last night. Lard nnd
ribs are about unchanged.
Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
220 cars ; corn , Gin cars ; oats,280 carsj hogs ,
23,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows : '
Articles. Open , High. Loxv.
Doc ,
May ,
May. . . .
M BSS Polite-
Cash quotations were as follows :
KIAMJK SteiiUy and unchanged. , , ' -
WHEAT No. 2 spring , G4c ; .No. . 3 .spring ,
08c : No. 2 red , G4ic. - :
COIIN No. 2 , 38dc.
OATS No. 2 , 28jfc : No. 2 white , 31c ; No. 3
xvhlto. 20c.
Kvn-No. 2. 47 ( So.
IJAiiLEV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 40c ; No. 4 ,
34c.FhAXSEKD No. 1. 81.01.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime. S3.20.
I'oitK Mess , pcrbbl. , ? 17.50l7.00f Innl , per
100 Ibs. , $10.10310.10 ; short ribs sldc-s ( loose ) ,
K9.000.20 ; dry sul'od shoulders ( boxed ) ,
* 7.004i7.'J5 ; short clcur sides ( boxed } , J'J.'Jo ©
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per sal.i
SUOAIIS Unclianpcd.
Tbo followl-.ifc were tlio receipts and shlp-
inciits for today.
On tlio Produce oxclmngo today- the butter
murkotxvns quiet ; creamery,2328c ; dairies ,
214J24C. Eggs , nutot at 20&21c.
Vorlc AlarKot * .
Ncxv YOIIK , Oct. 28. Froun Hecnlnts , 2,700
bbls. : experts , 11.000 bbls. ; sales. 7,200 pkgs. !
market dull but tirmly held ; city mills , pat
ents , * 4.25@4.50 ; winter patents , $3,5083,80 ;
city mills , clours , J3.05a3.70 ; winter straights ,
$ ' 2.853.30 ; Minnesota patents , { 3.85(0:4.10 ( : ;
wlntur extras , J2.25SJ2.75 ; Minnesota bakers ,
2.352.BO ; winter , low grades , U1.7CXIW.30 ;
spring , low grades , $1.G51.00 ; sprliiL- , extras ,
, Cons MEAI < Steady ; sales. 500 pkgs. ; yellow
western , f2.OOQ2.75 ; lira inly wine , $2.85 ,
live Dull ; boatloads , f)355e.
11AHI.KY Dull ; No.'J .Milwaukee , CMlfiSc.
11 A in.UY MAM Dull ; xvestorn , f&DQBOcj six
rowed , 80@86c.
WIIKAT IlecolptH , 105,100 bu. ; bales , 105-
375 bu. ; futures. 53,000 bu. spot. Spots ( lull ,
SB advance ; No. 2 rod , In store and olovutor ,
70'ic : ulloat , 70 ? ; < a707ic ; f , o. b. , 7lyQ71iC !
ungruded red , 7O ? 1 71c : No. 1 northern , 73 ? c.
Options opuncd ? < higher , closed ; < H4 ! net
advuiii'o : No. 2 i-oJ , .lannury , 73MCi73 7-lCc ,
closnd 73 ? c ; 1'obrmiry. closed 74fic ; Miirch ,
7GO7M- ! . closed 70 > ic ; May. 78UQ78fjc. closed
7B ? c ; October , closetnojjc ; November , 7lJc. }
IX'ciMiiber , 7H © 72c , closed 717i'c.
COIIN Hccelpis. 77,400 bu. ; experts , 65,400
bu. ; sales , 100,000 bu. futiiros , 04.OOO bu , spot.
Hpots ( | ulot butllrm ; No. 2 , In oluvutor , 47c ;
ulloal , 48c. Options opened llrmur , closed firm
wllli wbuat } ( not iidviincc ; October 40t'c ? ;
Novcinbor. 407 c ; December , 47U47lJc ,
closed 47Jc ! ; May , 40ifJ4'J'jc ! , closed 49ic.
OATS-Hecoipts. 177,000 bu. ; export * . 000
bu. : sales. 20,000 bu. futures , 43.000 bu.
spot. .Spot.s dull , firm. Options dull , closed
iiiimliiul with only two halex ut ' .iSl.Uo nor ad-
vnnco ; October 34J c ; Niivomlicr , 34f c ;
Docombor. 354c ! ; Mny , U7c : No. i ! 34yc ; No. 2-
whlto. 30 37c ; No. 2 Chicago. 3&4'c ; No ,
3 Chicago. 34Kc ; No. 3 white , 35Hc ; mixed
woslurn , 35Q3Uc ; whltovcitorii , 37ft4'Jo.
HAY Qulot : Chipping , CUfeOOc ; yood to
choice , U5Q85 ,
Hoi's Htody ; state coiiinion to choice , 10 ®
23c ; I'aclllcrcoast , 1023c.
llinr.8 Steady : wet milted Now Orleans ,
selected , 40J450 Ibs. , 3ia4Uo ! ; Toxus dry ,
21271bs.-0c : Uuonos Ayi-es , dry , 21Q124 Ibs. ,
10 Vic.
Wooi < Quiet ; domestic fleece , 2028cj
TUXUB , local , 7c.
1'no VISION * Cut meats , fairly steady jplcklcd
bollluK , ' lO OllKc ; plcltlod Hhoulderii , . ciulut ;
plcldcu hiiniB , dull. J.ard Inactive ; westcm
steam closed at $10,50 ; option sales , none :
October closed at (10.GO. nominal ; November
at $0.80 , nominal ; January closed iU.J8.U : > ,
iiomliml , I'ork , ( iiilot ; extra prluio , 114,50 ®
l&.OO ,
HUTTEII Onlot ; western , 17iJ < a22c : xvnstorn
crcnniery , 2lQ28c ; western factory , l74J20c ;
' " '
( "HK'KSK Qulot ; sltito , large , Oxail'iu ; part
hud's Steud'y : ntato and Pennsylvania , 22 ®
23Sc ! ; western fresh , 21 < 221i/c.
TAM.OXV Steady : rlly2 ( per pkR.i , fie.
CNrno.ssEKPvOii. Steady ; crude , 30c ; yel
low , 40c.
I'UTitoi.EUU nrui ; United closed at72Uc. .
Pennsylvania oil. spot sales , none ; November
option bales , 1,000 bbU.j closing at 71i/c.
Lima oil , spot bales , nono. '
HOSIN Stonily ; ( .trained common to good ,
Tuni'KNTiHE Easier ; 30iiQ31e.
HICK Steady ; domostlc fair to eJftra , 3JO
OMc ; Japan. 4W t41Jc. -
Moi.ABsta-juIot ( : Now Orleans , ppcnkottlcj
good to cliplic. 3238c. \ ] _
af. 5 4fO 13-lCc ; crunlied. 0 ; ( ao 13-IOc :
owdered. 5 7-lXU5Jic ; grapulatod ; 0 3-ia ( (
c : cubes , 0 7-loao ic. .
I'ltlliiON-CJUiet. American. $12.00314,00) )
Coi'i'EH I.uku. $9.4U nominal , - Tfri
I.KAKVoak ; douicstlc. $4.3U. ' "
TIN Quiet : blrultn , $20.00. * . .
Si-Kl.TUt I'lrui ; diinteitlc , $3.i3 , ' " - . .
ailun uinli | iVIinat * lurk t.
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 28. The wheat
opened strong at Vie over yesterday's close.
tut keen exhibited klsns of WcKknoss , and
long b ( oru noon nil the udvanco was lost and
a fructlou uddltlouul. Tbo cause an *
" " " >
I nit
Dlftnotl for the weakness wi\i that there
were many ontslilo .torJ rs to sell ,
which came from ( Ifsliwirtcncd longs
who have hron holding on : .for many wock.i.
Dcn-emlicr wheat opened at OUjc ; Mny , OHO ,
( ind , uflor Hie ortllnnry IHictimtlons , prices
rlo e < l at 02Uo forlinril ; In store , GUKct No.
1 itorthprn , 58Uc ; No 2 , Ih-crrabor ' , Ole ; May.
f < T > c. On tiack. r 3' > < } Haril' ; , Gl'.jc. No. 1
northern ; OO c No. 2 nortlrrtrn' . Hecclpts , 624
fcursi ; shlpnivnls , 57 cars.'rrtlfi demand for
trarU wheat xvus Rood , , | ( . Gl-Vc mostly
for No , 1 northern , with sii\io.liIco ( ( cits sell
ing above Hint. Elevator ine'n nnd millers. In
thecllyund outside , wora prlncltnl buyers.
Tbu buying was for Htilptnbnt.f I'nrincrs were
selling freely to tlio did of tthfllwcok ,
Flour shows no linprovenloMl and U slow ,
Thd demand would IM ) good al somewhat lower
prices , but owing to tlio ho tj-i > txvli at prices.
I'ipeclally for truck stulT , jsjjuors do not see
their wny clear to accept orders without lo s.
t'onsldcrnlilo Hour la goltig on old orders nnd
this , with xvliatsiilos are niadn , keep the pro
duction pretty well dUpoiort of. Slilpi lenls ,
45,075 bbls. ; ipiotml nt f mm $3.50 to W.Ol ) for
first piitent.s und from } 3,2O ' .o t3.5 ( ) for second
patents. Ilran holds Moiidy , , In bulk ,
from $9.00 to $0.25. Shorts , $10 to $10.23.
Shipments , 1,100 tons.
Onmliii Produce Mnrknt.
DtlTTr.u Cholco butter Is not very plenty ,
but the nmrkct Is xvcaker , Some houses report
thulr rvculpu as lighter than a week ami.
I'nticy creamery , 2738c ! good croiintcry ,
20it2Ge ; fair croiimcry , 23gi24c ; cholco lo
fancy country. 23325c ; fair to good country ,
18fft22c | imctillift slock , fre h , 1017c.
EGOS The bulk of tlio sales nro at
lOc. but some strictly fresh aru going at 20c.
Whllo tlio receipts are not so very large , they
, nro fully up to the demand.
I'otli.TitY The receipts Of pouHry.aroniilto
liberal , but thu demand Is good nt tbo prices.
Old hens , 05 ® 7c : chickens , G'i7c ' ; gceso 7 ®
8c : ducks. BitUc : turKeys , BOOc.
VBAII Tlio arrivals during the past day or
two have boon light and tlm nmrket llrm at
quotations , Cholco small and fat vciils , Gyi
< & 74c ! ; thin or heavy , 3 5c.
GAMU The receipts of giimo nro fairly
largt > , but the market Is low und the demand
light. The people urn not buying game tilts
Reason , I'ernapi cold xvontlior xvill .slliuiilato
the demand. I'ralrto chickens , $2.50 ; mal
lard ducks und redheads are slow at $2.00 ®
2.25 ; teal ducks , 91.25 ; quail , SI.20 ; iintolopo
saddles , McTftlGc ; fleer siutdloi , 1510c.
HONEY Honey Is cnnimnnclnu to move a
llttlo moro f reel v , but the demand Is still light
for It ; cholco whlto clover , 1G5J17C.
Ova-mis .Medium , lOc ; horseshoes , 19c ;
extra standards,21c ; extra selects , 24c : com-
minv snlpntu. ynr ntinitq. 34i .
NUTS Chestnuts nro lower and tbero Is a
fair supply of choice custom block on tbo market
kot which Is selling ut 12 < ? M4c per Ib. IVcans
art ) quilted ut 1215c. The market on black
walnuts Is slow nt. 75p$1.00 on orders ; small
hickory nuts , $1.75441,00 : largo hickory nuts ,
I1KASS Eastern hund-plcked nax-y , $2.10 ®
2.10 ; western navy , ll.HOUl.OU ; common whlto
beiins.$1.50fil.75. (
ONIONS There Is not much activity In the
onion market , owing to tlio fact that tbo
local crop Is largo und the gardeners nro sup
plying thu demand very lurgoly. Onions nro
quoted at OO&G5c , und on orders at 75c ; Span
ish onions , per crutc , $1.50.
WATRII CHKSH I'ut tip In berry boxes , per
ca s of 10 ati. , $1.GO1.75 :
POTATOES The receipts are larger and the
market IH x'ory xvuak. Ncbriisku. Iowa nnd Min
nesota grown potatoes In small lots from store ,
70c ; sumo In car lots , GOG5c : Colorado , from
store , 7080c : Colorado lots , 75c.
UAHDAOK There Is a good deal of cahuago
selling In this inarKct , but the demand Is sup
plied entirely by the Kiirdcnors. Orders for
cabbage from the country are Illled nt IJic per
Ib.CKUJHY Thcro Is considerable poor stock
on the market and some very fancy. Good
block , 2535c : fancy , 50c ,
SWEET POTATOES The supply Is fair ; home
grown , per bbl. , $3.2033. 00 ; Jersey stock , per
GltAl'CS Eas'tern Concord ? , , per basket , 22 ®
23c ; largo lots , 2021c. , r-r.
OAI.IFOHNIA KIIUITS There Is not much left
on tlio market ; poaches. . billies , $1.151'.20 ;
pours , J2.25 ; grapes. $1.25Ci A
Ai'1'i.KS Tbu supply Is Ifglitdn this market ;
cholco eastern , per bbl. , * t(254.GO ; cholco
wustorn , $4.00$4.20. , v , ' '
CliANiiintltius Crnnborrl6.s.aro arriving x-ery
freely and tire "In gooU , domund ; Capo
Cod , oarlv , per bbl. , * 5.755Mi.OO ; boll and
cherry , 5.QO5.25 : boll , umlbuglo. . $0.00 ®
'nAN'ANASPrlcos ruinaliiajtotib stc.iily ; nor
hunch , large. 52.003.2. DO ; 'per uiiuch , small to
medium , $1.7u@2.0U.
LKMONS Slesslnaa pot lx ) . * 4.000.00 ;
Mlorl , ciises. 300 size , $0.00 : Ulorldns. S5.25.
OKANGKR Florldus are sdlllifg ut $3.50 ; Mex
icans , $3.50. ' oyjci
nnKsrTAi.r.6w , itrc. -
HIDES No. 1 green hide's ; ' 2tfer No. 2 green
Hildas , 2u ; No. 1 groenlilt'ijulhldca , 3c : No.2
croon salted Hides. 2c : No.J-l grepn' suited
hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Jbs. , 3c : Nb : 2 green sailed
bides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 2c : No. 1 vcul calf. 8
Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , " 5c ; No. irveulculf , 8 Ibs. to 15
Ibs. , 3o : No. I dry Hint , hides. 4c : No. 2 dry Hint
hides ; 3c : No. 1 dry salted bides , 4c. Part
cured hides lie per Ib. less than fully cured.
I'Fi.TS Gn'on salted , , each , 3570c ;
preen sailed shearlings ( short woolod early
skl'ns ) , ouch 10l&u ; dry shearlings ( short
xvoolcd curly skins ) . No. 1 , oacb fritslOc ; dry
sliciirlltigs ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 2 ,
ouch Oc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nubraskiv
butcher xvonl polls , por'lb. , actual weight , 10 ®
lie ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain
wool bolts , per Ib. , actual wolgbt , 1720c ; dry
Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per Ib. ,
actual xvolght , 910c : dry Hint Colorado mur
rain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 79c ;
dry pieces und bucks , actunl weight , 57c.
.St. I. outs MnrkntH.
ST. Louis. Oct. 28. 1'i.oun Stronger , but
not. qttot ably chanced ,
WHKAT Opened light and He up , but realiz
ing put prices hack to last night's closing ;
cash held Its gains ; No. 2 red , closed , cash
nnd October. atGOJJo : November , 61 } fc. nom
inal ; December , G2.'i < 203c ; Muy , 70 ® 701ic
bid.COIIN Wus strong , closing )8c ) hlghor ; No. 2
mixed , cash and October , 37 ! c ; November ,
35je ! bid ; Doceinber and your , 34JJo bid ; May ,
OATS Firm ; llltlo trading ; No. 2 , cash and
October , 2GJic ; November , 27c bid ; May ,
315ic bid.
ItVK-IIold higher No. 2 , 44c bid , 4G c
ll.vni.KY Qulut and staady ; sales of Iowa
nniilo ut48c.
Hn.vx IllRlior02c. ; cast track.
II'LAX SICEII Nominal ut 084c. !
OUVEIlSiEl ) Huttor ut$0.5U7.50.
HAV Ku&lar ; prlmo to choice timothy , $9.60
© 10.00.
HIITTKII Unchanged.
KUHS Higher ut 174c. !
I.KAIJ Nominal , $3.36 ; spelter , quotable nt
( JoitN MlJATr Uncliiinped.
IlAuaiMi Unchanged , 5 < RC ! c.
COTTON TIBS Unchanged , ODc < 3$1.00.
WHISKY IllKhur. 81.10.
I'IIOVIBIONS Qnlot and unchanged , except
lard , $ 'J.87i ! , and bacon , packed shorts , J10.50
< ? MO.C2H.
ItKCKilTS-riour , 3,000 bbls. : whoat. 00.000
bu. ; corn , 33CO ( ) bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu , ; rye ,
4,000 bu. ; burl-ty , 13,000 bu.
Sllll'MKNTS Klnur , 8,000 bbls. : wheat , 4,000
bu. ; corn , 41.000 bu. ; oats. 12,000 bit. : rvo ,
2,000 bu. ; barley , 2.000.
_ _ , Kiiniins Dlty ' .Xl-irKein ,
hlKhir ; No. 2 hard , 65G55 c ; No. 2 red , COO
sn'Jc' ' .
COIIN-Slow : No. 2 mixed , 3232j'c ; No. 2
xvhllr , 34(34U < - .
OATH Firm : No. 2 mixed , 25K < & 2GUc ; No. 2
XVlillf. 2727'/C.
UYE-Klrmur : No. 2. 45a40e. !
KI.AXHKKIJ Firm : 80Q01C.
llllAN-l'Irm ; 60ttG7c.
HAY Firm ; timothy , | 0.0010.00 ; prairie ,
HiiiTKii IJiisy ; r.reiiinoryj 222Qc ; dairy , 18
K ( is-carco : I7i > c. - . .
UKGKIITS- Wheat , 80,0K1iu. ( ; corn , 10,000
bu. : outs , none ; ' 'w' " '
MIIPJIKNTS Wheat , 04.000JUj corn , 10,000
bu , ; oats , none , t-i
Milwaukee ilurunts.
JIiiWAUi EK , Oct. 28 , Fionu Steady.
WIIKAT I lichen No. 'Jiniirlns. Olci No , I
northern , 07 ! < c ; llecombor iinc.
IJoiiN Steady ; No. 3 , 38Ue.'i
OATS Lower ; No. 2friulo , 30c ; No. 3
xvlillo. 28c. J
llAiu.iSYStcudy ; Js'o. g/fc 'Ici sample , 33J
U'VK-Steady ; No. 1 , 40 ( f SI
PIIOVISIONS rilcudy ; jiorlr , 110.75 ; lard. '
1111.10 , f M
UECKIITS Flour , 3.000 'MjiUj ' wheat , 45,000
hu. ; hurley , llfi.-'OO bu. , " , HAM
Hllll'MI'.NTH I'lour , 27,7toX > ) ' ; | ) ' > t110,400
Uui barley , 170,800 bu. t.tii'ji
I'eoriu ( Sriilu ; Mirlict ,
I'KOIIH , Oct. 28. ( 'oux4M'aAot llrm ; No. 2 ,
3 % ; ; No. 3. 37c.
OATS-MarUiit Bteudy ; No. 2 white , 20jc ;
No. 3 white , 27tt)28Uc. )
" IJVK Bcarco ; No , -45250et !
WiiiSKY-Murliottlrm ; wines , 11.10 ; su.lrl.ti ,
. itKCKll'is Wlieut , 0,000-bu , | corn. 30,650
bti.t outs , 05,700 bu. ; rire , none , barley , 12-
COO bu.
pjiii-HKNTS-Wlicut , 1,800 bu.t corn. 8,400
u.tontv , 58,300 bu. ; rye , 2,41W bu. ; barley ,
t , 28 , Tlio wlicat marlict xvas
ancing today ! . Uloso : No. 1 hard ,
Coll'co Mnrkel.
Nfew YOIIK. Oct , 28."l'orrKE-Contracts
opened steady from unchanged to 15 points
lower , rloscd steady ut from 0 points up lo 10
UuluU down fiom ytiiloiday's cloao. Total
( ulus , 12,000 la ) § , Inctudlinj : October. $17.70) )
November. Jl7,6oal7.15 : Kcccmhor ,
10.78 ! January. ? 1G,40 ; March , $10.15 ; April ,
tl7.00 < U7.GO ; May , $1&.80)0.9J. ) Spot Itlo ,
No. 7 , $18.25 ,
lltn up. JANRIIIO. Oct. 28. Oirrr.K Qulot ;
No. 7 , 17,250 rets JHT 1(1 ( kilos. HoCPllilti , 3,000
b.iffs ! triinl stock , 81,000 bugs , i\chango : ( pri
vate ) . 1U4 13(1.
SANTOS , Oct. 2fl. COITRB Kasyj receipts ,
7KMliugs ( ) ! stock. 174,000 bnitft goo < l uvcrnRo ,
400 re ) ? per 10 kilos ; cleared , 40,000 hags.
Onttnli Mi\rltet.
MEMIMIIS , Oct. aB.-eorroN-Mrirkcl Mendyj
coed middlings , 8hc ; middling , tJSc ; low
middling , 8'fc : gixxl tirdlnnry. 7'ic. '
NK\V Oitt.KANS , Orl , 28. ( 'OTTON I'tituros ;
quiet ittid slcaily ; snU-i , 33H ! ) bales ! Octo-
l cr , $7.00 bid ; November , $7.06 < i47.07 : Io-
ohmbor , $7.7ft7.70 ; Jnnimry , $7.H27.83 ;
rebruary , SH.lKKfcl.Uli Mnrvh , J7.08a7.09 ;
April. t8.05ff/.8.08 ! Muy , $8.12(3,8.14 ( ; mld-
< lllng. 7ic ? : low mlddllni , 7-Sc. Not rocclpti ,
10,8i7 tmlos ; gross , 17,000 bales ; experts to
( Iretvt ilrltaln , 10,5i ( ( ) bales : to 1'ranco , 8,530
Imlcs ; to tho. continent. 0,000 bales : constwUo ,
4,371 hulos ; sales , 0,000 bains ; stock , 178,885
l.ouisvtu.i : , Oct. 28.-l'orroN-Qiilot ! mid-
ill Ing , 7 % e.
OAIVISTON : , Oct. 28. COTTON Qulot' mid
dling , 7rc : low middling , 7 7-lflc ; good ordi
nary , 7' c. Not and gross receipt * . 11,404
bnlivs ; o.xpo'-t.s to tlio continent , 201 bales ;
sales , 9,110 bulu.s.
ST. l.ot'ts , Oct. 28. COTTON-Steady : mid-
dllng , 7 ll-10c ; sales 1,300 bales ; receipt ? ,
3,400 bales ; shlptnCnts , 2,300 bales ; stock , 18-
70(1 ( bales. i
I'mi.Aimr.viUAOct.28. COTTON-Klnri ; mld-
dllng 83ci low middling , 8 < c ; good ordinary ,
O ici notand gross receipts , none ; stock , 0,472
HOSTON , Oct. 28. COTTON Easy : middling ,
8 3-10c : low middling , 7 9-lCc ; good ordinary.
011-lGcinot receipts , 380 bales ; gross , 8il
bales ; experts to llrcat Ilrltaln , 822 bales.
l.niiilnii drain AlurkoU.
LONDON , Oct. 28. WHKAT Is weaker aim In
piMir demand. The weather Is very fuvorablo
for the sowing and growing crops , \vhlch arc'ry well , Tbu Improvement In America
Isnobolp to tbo trade here , ns thu prospect
for the ropaul of the Sherman law scums dis
counted , The market U also overborne with
largo supplies. Declines of 3d and Od are ro-
portcd In the country markets.
FMHIH Weaker , owing to largo supplies.
COIIN Firm and In good demand , with advance -
vance of 3d. London stock small ,
OATS Actlvo for spot forward positions.
Murkut closed Gd higher.
HEANH Flrmur , xvlth an ndvanco of Gd on
moro Inquiry.
Liverpool Market * !
, Oct. 28. WIICAT Steady ; de
mand poor : holders olTnr moderately ; Cali
fornia , 5s Ud5s Od ; red western , spring , No.
2 , 5sOV5 < f&n. 7Kd : winter , No. 2,5s 4dit5s ( 5d.
Cons Firm ; demand moderate ; western 4s.
i'ltovtstoas 1'ork , llrm , no salos. Lurd , 51s.
Oil MurknU.
PiTTSiitfua , Oct. 28. National transit
certlllcatos opened at 7214- ; closed at 72 ; < j
highest , 72Ki lowest , 72. ' < ; no sales.
Wool Alnrkut.
ST. Louis , Oct. 28. WOOL In demand for
cholco combings , other classes neglected , ;
prlcos unchanged.
Close of the XX'eok '
on 'Change Clmnxctor-
Izrit by Strong Spccubitloii.
NBXV YOUK , Oct. 23. The xvcck closed on
the Stock exchange xvlth an actlvo _ and
strong speculation. All conditions seemed .
to favor an upward market this morning. A
good bank statement xvas looked for and It
came actually favor.iblo , asvis ; antici
There xvas heavy huylng on the expecta
tion nnd rumored purohases on the realiza
tion. The special In tluenccs xvorklng on the
market vvoro aU on the hull sulo. The
London advices sho\x-cd tin Improx'omont in
Amctlcan securities and there xvas some
buylng-for the foreign ticcount and a llttlo
selling as'well ' ; Manhattan was iu demand
by operators xvho desired to obtain a conj
trolling interest. Atchison xvas bought for
the Boston account and there xvoro largo
purcliasinp orders for Heading and Phila
delphia. , 'A scarcity of Veatorn Union stock
xvas a warningto , the short interest to cbx-cr.
The Washington noxvs xvas very fax-orablo
loan Immcdlato'x'Oto on the silver blllln
tho'scuatb and this' discouraged operations
on the part of the boars and left the mantel
practically In-tho hnnds of the bulls. The
opening pricesxvoro higher than yesterday's
closing sales and tlie market moveU up until
about 10:30 , xvhou salesto realize profits
hrouKliyhbo'ut' ii 'fractional , rpacti6h. The
depression , xvas of as brief duration as it'xvas
slight , and the upward movement xvus
quickly resumed and continued to the close.
The final quotations xvoro iu many cases
at the highest ilgurca of the day and
in n few cases moro than a small
fraction hclow the best. Corclago xvas an
exception to the general list , the publica
tion of the receiver's report hoing unfavora
ble. The grangers shared largely in the im
provement.- . Paul rising 2J I'01' ' cent ;
Uock Island" . 2V , per cent ; Burlington 1 %
percent ; North xvostcrn and St. Paul pre
ferred , 1 percent ; Sugar. 2 per cent ; Balti
more & Ohio , \ % per cent ; Missouri Pacific ,
Western Union , Pullman and Louisx-lllo &
Nashville" , IK per cent ; Chicago Gas , I/ ? per
cent ; General Electric and Distilling , 1 %
per cent ; Cptton Oil , Tohacco , Starch , Iowa
Central preferred , 1 per cent. In exception
to the general strength Kdison Electric de
clined 2 per cent ; Illinois Central , 1 per
cent ; and CottonOH preferred 1 percent.
The Post says : There xvas a rather gen
eral feeling yesterday that the stock mar
ket hud "ox'ordlsoounted" the prospect for
repeal. Today's market pretty clearly
proved the contrary. So sar from u market
overconlldently bought by every trader on
the expectation of a vote , it appears that
there Had been heavy soiling on the rlso
from vtiguo suspicions that trouble might
turn up. Such speculators found their cal
culations badly upset by yesterday's lalo
x-oto on the Pollcr resolution , the Hrst ac
tual trial ot strength under n senate roll
call. This happened ox'cr night , nnd indeed
too many quick dox'olopmouts have como
about between market's close und opening
to make Investing .ventures based upon theo
ries of now ardors obstructions.
Thu following nro the clo.smtr quotations of
the leading stocks on the Now York ex
change today :
AtclilBOn . . Northern Tactile. .
Adams Kxprens , . . 14'J do prof'il
Alton , T. 11 . ' . ' ( ) II. 1' . . I ) . AOiilf , . . .
do profit . 100 NorlliwoHtern
American Kxprosu do prcni. . . ;
Ilalthnoro&Olito. . 7UM Now York (
Canada Paelllc . 7HS4 N. V.&N. K. . . . . . .
Cunaila Southern. , Oregon Imp
Central I'acllic . Ort'iroii Nav
CheH.&Olilo . O. S. I , , .tlf. N
C'lileairo k Alton , , . PuvllloMjltl. . . . . . . .
C..II..V Q . - , , . . . H7H I'rarla. Dfc. .VB , , .
Chic. Cias . . . .
Coimolldntud Quit. . : m iPnllnian 1'alaee.
C. GO. .tHt. I. . i
Col. Coal .V Iron. . . IU Hlcmmoiid Tor. . . , ,
Cotton Oil Cert . iln prut'dt. . . . . . . .
Del , & Hudson . Rloirandt ( ) XVost. .
Del. Lack. AVimt. . do imif'il
I ) , kll. O. Jfireni. . . HoclclHlund 7'J
drs. .Co. , . 51JS ; "
KuHtTumi , . , . fit ilo prcnj.
Krlo . irJ St. Paul .t Omaha.
do prefd . M'J do pivfd :
Fort waynu. . . . . . . H8 Koiilhurnl'aclllc. . .
OIUMU Norlb'ri ufd. Ill ) Siuar H''lini'r.v. . , ,
Chl..VKaHt. 111. iifil ! ? .T ' 1'emi , Coal . .V Iron ,
Hoeklnu Valley , . . . JlJi ! : Texan I'aeltli !
lllbiolHContral. . . . lid ITol.&O. Ci-ii. pfd.
Ht. 1'anl . .VDiilnlh. . . - 7 Union 1'aelllo
Kun..VTuxaH pfd ,
J.ukii KrloVeBt. . . . . .
do iiivf'd. . . . , . . . , 711 dupii'Cd.
T.aku Short ) . XVulIu l-'aruo Kxp. , , 1'J.l ,
XX'oHlurn Union. _ 1W (
nh. , fi''H Whcvlllic .V IK. . . .
LouU. A , N. A II'U ' do prc-fi )
MaiilmttunQor. . . . . 131 M.&HI. I. . ,
111 I ) . .V H.O. . , , Kl
lulu Oi-ni-nil Klcctrlc.
. . . *
MlHHourl I'ufclflo. . , L'ilH National LbiHuiHl , , sv
Moblli ) & . Ohio 16) ) | O. P. ii
Nimli , Si Chatt do pii-fd f
Natlmiul Conl iKU. , H..VT.O ? .
dn iirof'd. . . , , , . , . , mi T. A. A. &N. M
N. J. tVnlnil. , 11U T. St. I * * 1C , C J
Norfolk k W.pfd. , V"JS 'do pift'il , . . , . , , . JO
North Amerl'ii Co. . OH
The total Miles of stocks lodny xvoro 224,009
slmriis , liicliidliig : Atohlson , 14.30(1 ( ; Aincilciin
Kuxar. 10.400 : llurllngton , 11,400 ; Chicago
( iiib , 13.0(10 ( ; Dlflllllni ; , 8.50(1 ( ; Conural K i > u-
trlc , . ' 1.300 ; I-onlsvllFo & Niishvlllo , 4.000 ;
Missouri I'acllic , 3,80(1 ( : National Corda-o ,
G.-3UU ! Now Vnrlc & Now Kiiulunil ,
Nortliwfi > t < ! rii. 3,500 ; Omnha. 3,000 : Ilcudlng ,
0.500 ; Hock Ulaml , 0,300 ; Ht. I'aiil. 97,100 ;
Wcsloni Union. 12,2H ) .
Now Vorlc Mlnlin : ( ji
, . . „ „ Oct , 28 , Tlio following are the
mlulniriiuotutloiu ;
Cholar. . . . ; : o Plymouth U )
Crown 1'olnl. . . . . . . . ill ) Sierra Nevada no
oon. CM. A ya . . . . ' . -3 HUiKliml. 10 .
Doaitwootl. ' . . . . . . . . 7ft Union OOII..T. . . . , 41) ) i
( iimlil & Curry 43 .Yulloiv Jiickol pi )
4.-illron Sllvt-r 10 '
' ' ' " ' ' ' '
liKlepcudoncb' ! ? ! ! 115 Uu prefil. . . . . . . . 1000
Ontario ASI ) Ilulwur ID :
. . /.rt. . . . ISJOI.
HI , l.iiui ) 'linliil I)1
Sr. Louis' , 'Oct. ' . tj.-rTho curly closing of
thy uxclistiiKO to < : u ) cut mining bids und Direr * .
Quotuilmu ;
" * illcl. Abked.l "Lia. Aukett.
AnV Nellie. * . ' . ' 5 .ll-Jlg Ellzabetli.S'JO . .Mil
AJuma. . . . . cu .ar , iiiapo , " .03 . . . .
lllmulallio. , 'J.Oll 'J.25 Loo.
aniullelil. . . 1 .CO 1.70
" " "
Fluctuation in Cattle Values the Feature of
the Week Just Olosjd.
ttenvjr linn of Mnndny OITint > > r l.tcttt lie-
celpls I..ttn-2-lloR * hut ; nnil Itocorer ,
Closing Actlvn nt Stonily l'rlu
slieoji Moarce.
SATl'UnAT. Oct. 23.
There have been very slight changes In
the marketing of stock the past week as
compared with the week previous nud tiio
corresponding week last year. The figures
are ns follows :
( 'atticHoss. . Shoop.
Itrcflptfl this wpok 21.715 ! 27,858 5,190
IteculptH last week V2 ,02l U5U34 0,410
riiimo week last year. . . . 22,231 : )3M1 ) 6,1011
It will bo observed that although ton-
day's receipts of cattto , 7,7Sfl head , xx-uro the
heaviest on record , 1,000 heavier titan over
before on Hits market , the week's nvoipts
fell slightly short of last week , although
considerably In excess of the corrcsjiondlng
week of 18U2. The total receipts for the
month of October will undoubtedly oxcocd
110,000 head , or 20,000 more than were re
ceived during any single month slnco the
yards wcro opened for business.
The market , in a great measure , followed
the course of the receipts. Gaily In the
week , with heavy supplies , prices wcro on
the down turn , nnd by Wednesday the ordi
nary grades of beef steers and butchers'
stock wcro selling lOc toJiOo lower than the
close of last weok. This had a tendency to
reduce the marketing of stock , nnd this In
turn resulted lu a firming up of values , so
that closing prices for the xvock are fully as
strong as a week ago.
The week closed with a comparatively
Hunt run , very llttlo over 100 cars , the gen
eral quality of the offerings being pretty
much the same as they have been all week ,
llrttcr Price * Killed.
With lavorablo reports from eastern mar
kets , a very active general do in and and com
paratively few really desirable beef stcors
on sale , the market was active and stronger
prices ruled on all suitable grades In fact ,
stronger prices ruled on all grades. A few
loads of pretty ( rood corned cattle changed
bunds readily nt $4.70 nnd $4.80 , white the
few decent range steers In the yards went
on the scales at around $3 to ! > . With
the exception of the late arrivals n good
clearance was effected , tlio general tone to
the market being firm throughout.
Cows and mixed stock-made up less than a
third of the supply , nnd with a good demand
from all local houses and some oulsldo In
quiry tlio market was < active and a shade
stronger all around. The big bulk "of the
fair to good butchers' cows chanced hands
ut from $2 to $2.30. Calves wcro In active
demand and firm ut from 82.23 to $4.50 for
common to cholco stock. Hough stock was
freely moved at fully steady prices , gen
erally around $1.75 to $2.25.
Conditions nave improved considerably the
past day or two in the stacker nud feeder
branch of tlio trade. The excessive supplies
of the early part of the week had been pret'.y
well cleaned up and tire fresh stock moved
freely at good strong prices , the demand be
ing good from both yard traders and out
siders. Good to fancy feeders are quoted at
from $3 to ? ! ! .r > 0 : fair to good at from $2.CO to
$3 , with common and inferior ut from $2 to
KrproKontntlro Sale * .
AX't'Stcrn C.ittto.
No. A.V. Pr. No. Ax" , I'r.
2stonrs..l520 J3 25 7 stecrs.133H 83 25
44stsTe.Yll44 2 50
73 cows. . . 941 230 1 , . . . . 10 3 25
17fdrs 1038 325 93 cows. . . 1122 2 30
25cows. . . 850J 00 10 sti.tlssI050 2 35
2l8ts , HK11107 215 01 Mrs. . . .1123 2 CO
G2fdrrf. . . .1131 2 00 3 steers..l283 ! 1 25
58 film..1127 2 00 5 calves. 2B8 2 76
21 cows , . . 843 2 10 Ifdr. . 1100 : i no
Iculf. . . . 420 2 85 lbtoer.,1280 3 25
3 fdrs.,1153 3 00
SoalvCH. 153. 3 75 1 fdr. . . . 760 2 GO
1 fdr 1330 2 EQ " ' ' 2 fill
2 Ctllvoa. 370 2 70 "l cow. , . 080 1 50
1 CCXV..10GO a 20 1 COW. , . . 880 2 20
7 COWS. . . 850 2 20 1 COW. . . .10211 2 20
2 cows. . . 050' 2 20 2fOWh. . . 8BO 2 20
4culve.s. . 237 2' 70 2 calves 370 2 70
iHtr.tlg. . 8311 1 75 1 fdr. . . . 030 2 Gd
3 Mrs..1233 ! 50 70fdrs..lOOO n oo
JO cows- 883 2 10
1 ting..1000 2 00 - B rows..1024 2 30
0 COW..1108 2 30 2 ( > COWS.,041 2 30
2 fdl-S. . . . 800 2 85 Utr. Us-1200 2 25
28filr . . . . 072 3 10 11 cowsM , OHO 2 3U
2COWH..1040 1 85' 5 bulls.,1270 2 05
18 cows..10-10 225 11 Moors. . 11 : > 1 335
0 Mrs , . , . 008 305 45fdrt..l2l > 2 3 17' ' ,
47 hnlfors 710 2 15 lifdrs. . . . 720 2 23
111 fihs , . . . 7J3 2 BO 24 Mrs,10-13 . ' ! 05
1 cow..1111) ) 2 00 0 fdr.1251 2 35
iKtr , tlg.lOHO 2 10 .Istr , tlB.1170 2 10
Istr , tl . 000 2 10 Ihtr. 2 2i
00 cows. . . 'JB.-J 2 25 IhlutT. . . 040 2 50
8 Mrs. . . . UK ) 2 70 0 Ml' * . . . . 848U 80 ( 3 25 2bulN.J230 1 05
'Jhlll s..1475 2 15 2 COW .rUOO 2 2h
10 cowu 1(100 ( 2 25 2J fdrs.,10iO ( 3 25
2 fdr.s , 1000 J 23 4 Mrs..14(15 ( 2 05
30 Mrs. 1118 3 00 1 fill-.140. ) 2 2C
1 fdr. . 1U75 2 05 2U Mrs. . . 1152 205
I fdr , . .1040 2 00. 12 fdrs > . .1044 2 00
1 fdr. . , . 720 2 70 20 Mrs. . . 42 2 70
8 Mm. . . 015 2 90 37 fdl-H. . . DUO 2 05
( I cows. . . 043 1 75 21 COWS. . , U30 2 lit )
3 bulls..110(1 ( 2 05 1 htr.tls , 870 2 15
Istr.tla. 070 2 15 1 Clllf. . , , 230 U 00
line I'l-lue
Poiindlnir ; * .
As a ( 'oncrnl thing the \vcok huforo the
opening of the it'j'ulnr winter pork packing
season , November 1 , witnesses u couc'ortod
and vigorous effort on I ho part of puckers to
( 'ot prices down us low ax ( to.salblo. That
xvus thu situation thu punt xveck and xrtiiio
the opening of the xveok wis leather ntromr
and the close only about u dlmu lower th.iii
a tveuk ago , the market during thu middle
part of the xveck declined fully iSOuor , all
grades , Conditions wcro not materially
different from xvhut they lmxo boon for a
month past. Owing to the strength in the
luril market thu lug , hurtvy hogs huvo
been In the best demand nud sold ut
a f > o to lOc pruiiiitim ever light xvoiidits.
As the shipping dumaiid for lights
hus nUo dropped off somuwhut tlicso are
selling bloxvly nnd at bottom prices , The
frush meat men xycro the most uutlvo buyers
every day. the packers us n rule uulng olllu-r
indllfcrcul or docldedly bearish. SliiiuiifntR
have been lighter than for mouths , The rea
son far this Is undoubtedly to bu found In
the unusually high prices prevailing hero us
compared VvitH other west tin ) murkoty ,
Kx'cry day the past week prices have brcn
from f > o to 15c higher than ut Kansas City
unil from lOu to ( Ku higher than ut Sioux-
City. So lomr ns the active local doiuuu'l '
brings such high prices hero shippers for
oastcrn parties will prefer to opcruto at thu
cheaper marUots Kunsus City nnd St.
hi rene Kiiturdny Trudo.
The market today was n strong and active
ono from utarl to fluUh. The receipts were
very moderate nnd the qiialltv xvns as jx > or
ns it has been any tltno for the past thrco
weeks. Chicago wus higher and the local
demand xvns very active , so that sollnrs had
no difficulty In disposing of tholr liolillnps nt
prices r > o to lOc" higher than Friday , The
range of prlcos xvns unusually narroxv. Some
of the common , light and mixed packing
grades sold tloxvn around $0.05 , tind a cotiplo
ot loads of very cholco heavy hogs sold up to
$ fl.iT > . Buyers paid very llttlo attention to
xvelght and the hulk of tl-ofulr to good hogs ,
xx-olghlug all Uio xx-ay from 217 to KM Ibs. ,
sold at ftl.10 and $0.15 , ns against $ (1 ( to (0.10
Friday ami frt.20 to fO.25 on last SatuiMay.
Hcprescnta Ix'o sales :
Sheep Continue Sciircp.
No sheep wcro received today and none
yesterday. The demand Is fair , but In sym
pathy xxlth eastern markets , the fueling Is
very weak and prices away down In the low
notches. Quotations nro ns follows : Fair
to good natives. f2.50Gl.H ) | fair to good
xveslerns , J2.250H.OO ! common nnd stock
sheep , * l.r.0@2.2' > ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb
Itnroiptn anil IMapiMltlmi til Htoclc.
Official receipts anil dtspitsltlon nt ntoak ni
shown by tliu Ixtnkior thu IJulim Stock Ynrilt
company for Hint \vcnty-four IIOUM ending at
0 o'clock p. in. , October ! 2H , 18U3 :
Clilcngn l.lvn .Stock .Murkct.
CHICAGO. Oct , 28. The receipt. * .of catllo
wore estimated at 2,500 head , \vhleli would
ma Uo I he week's supply 75,701 head. This Ii
u ilecieimu from la t w < oli's total of iii'iirly
10,000 head nnd n deui-eitsu us compureil with
tla- sumo xveek last your of 4,000 head. Of
today's arrivals nliont 2,000 head were crcd-
Ili'd to Tis. . Tliuro wus a fulr demand and
Hteady pi-Ices for i-unjiurs , while natives xvuru
llrm. ' 1 lie ux-erngu of price * N iiultu iw high ivs
at thucloooof lust week. Prospects for no.xt
wock are for moderate rccululs and a general
ndvunco In prices.
1'rlccs for IIORS xvcrostroiii ; and for mi hour
or two , ul the bcfilnnliiK of operations , ruled
from 5c to lOc higher than at yustorday'H best.
SoIloM fulled to hold the nil ranee , however ,
the cloiu bulnc no butter thui : for the day
huforo. Tlio rcculplH wur 11,000 , malilng
132.0128 for the week , or about. 13,500 moro
tliiin for last week nnd 123,000 less tliim for tlio
corresponding week lust year. Sales of houx-y
and medium weights wire ; genunilly at from
JO. 15 toffl.35 uml the riillni ; jirlces for llRht
wi'lfilits were from SO. It ) to $ G.3 ( ) . As hl h ua
tG.&u xvns paid for butcher wclulits nnd ( hero
xvuro sales of fiinev llcht nt } ( > .35. I 'i Ices for
heavy and medium welsliU ru 15c lower tliiiu
liiKt.Nitiirduy. while IlKlit xvulshu. hax'u du-
cllned from 4&e lo 50c.
The .shvep trade was dull and prices unim
proved. Very few sheep wore xvunted by uny-
liotlv ami IIKUIV common lots will bo held over
until Alondtiy. Prices were ( torn H to tl.50
for rubVilsli 10 from d3.0 ( ) to $3.75 for choice
ir.illve wethers. Thu hinib mtirkut wus llrm at
from $2.00 to * 4.7 [ > for poor to vholcu , Mvlth
e.Mru iuotuloiis | ( us hlnh us $ D. Present prlros
are bin llttlo ulireronl from thosv of a xriole
npo. '
Thu Ex'cnlng Journal reports :
t'ATTi.i : Itecclpls. 2,00o head ; shipments ,
lions Kecelpls , 11,000 lieud ; shlpnient.s ,
5,000 bend ; miukul ojicncd actlvu and lOu
higher ; closed rather eislor ; roiiRh , $ . ) . & 0/i. / ! >
5.55 ; pacliur.s , JO.OOQG.30 ; heavy , $0.35G.4& ;
IlKht , J0.300.4D. AND Ij.xsiiis Hcculpls , 1,500 head ;
inarliet unClmuKed ; top bbcuii , $3.00Q3.50 ; top
lambs , J4.00514.50.
KIIIIH-IS City l.lvn Stncu .Vlitrlcot.
KANSAS CITV , Oct. 28. CATTLE Itecolpts ,
5,500 bend ; shipment * . 300 head ; best call lo
xvnro steady , others Blow ; Texas and shipping
steers , $2.105.2f > ; TUMIH and niitlvo cows ,
Jl.tHHt2.70 : butcher stock , * 3.0ffi4.10 ;
stockcr.s nnil feeders. S2.30iS3.30.
llotis Iteuelpt * , 3,40 < head ; shipments ,
800 bond ; murkut htroiiB lo lOc hlKher ; bulk ,
if5.OaO,00 ! ) ; heavy , pucklns and mixed. J5.755J
0.10 ; liRlit , Yorkers and pigs , $5.76O.U5.
Sin11 : ! : Heci'iiits , GOO heiiil ; bhlpinonts 503
head ; nmrkut slow and sliuidy.
.Stork lu Sight.
KocolptsofllvuHtnck ut the four principal
western markets Saturday , October 28 :
Cattle. HOKS. Sheep.
South Omalm 2,571 2.GG7 . . . . . .
niilcnRO 2,000 11,000 1,600
KanMisOlty 0.500- 3,400 - COO
St. LoilU l.GOO 700 100
Total 11,071 17,707 2,200
Kh 'nks ' silli 10Unblln. .
NEW You" , Out. S8. Lord Mayor Shanks
and party of Dublin sailed on the Campania
for Kuropo today.
Ix-avas IC1IIOAGO. HUKt.INOTONA Q.l Arrives
Onniha I DJUOI Hltli nnil Mason Sts. I Omaha
"Liiavoa I lit . . . . . . . . . . -rArr
OaiuliaJ Dunot lUlliand M.isun 8ta. | Umahi :'nm . Ueuvnr Kinross . .Unadwood Rxprasi ,
4.f.0pni . Denver Kxpresi . 4.011 pin
O.fiUpin .Nubmska Local ( KxrcptSiim. , O.COpni
B.l&um . .I.lnco'.ii Lional ( Ktcupt San ) . . . : i.l am
lioaveaT IfnirSiTTTAnjmi : ] XrrlvuT
gm'iliii I Depot 10th and Mimon Sts. | Oinaliai
ti. 4.1 am . . . .Kansas ( Mty Day Uxiiri-as. . . . )
10.40 pui K. 0. Nlnlit IHp. vli : U. 1 * . Tr.ini. D.uiaiu
10.43 pin at. rxmm Kxiinm I aiu
limvoTT OTIlffAO j. Jt. I. A I'AUIt'a ) .
Omaha | Union Djpjt Itltli A Marjy 3t .
' " '
| KA'HT.
lO.iuium . All.-iuttu Kxpruss . U. DO p n
4.0Upm . . . . .Kebr.iskn .Stall ) LbnltoJ , , , .
. _ rxitit.auiil'J.lian ( : : | ) ;
a.O.-ip-ii . .OoloiMilo I.tiiilul I { l.filpn
' k.iHl _ > ti ) J.'i.iiltJ..ui.l . .4-55 l > ai.
, . . . . . . . . . I Afrlvoaf
Omaha lUnlon De-pot lIUh&Marcy Sti.l Omalu
6.30 piiT
Il.auinn. _
tSavt-s" I V7 K.7ilffrVAfWtir Arrlvu'T'
Oinuliiil Depot l.'itli anili Wttlntar Sm. _ ' Oinah.i
. . . . , . .Uoilvvo-jl UCIH-JK * 4.aiMiu
U.OSam IKx. Hlt.nVyo. Kill. , He. Muil.l 4.SDPU
fi.UUp'll .Norfolk Bxpr.iTi ( Be H.ur.l i/l ,
C.iSpni St. I'.iul K pr.m U U.'i4 n
Leavoi I ClTlOAOOiljgKTH XVK3T.V. " Arrive *
O.naltal U. I'.doput. lot'i .V M-iroySU. Omi'1 ' %
1U.4UUIII O.I IV pni
4.05 pill X'liHtllmlo Wnill'Vi. , li.-'il u u
7X10 pin , .Jltitlnrn * 'lyu | . . . . .
3,45pm Chic. I'-IHI iaa.tpiu _
I . MISSOUW I'ACIVIO. I Arrive * '
_ 0inahapopol | ICtlimiU WolMlur Sin. | Oiriu : :
12 15 pm ti.oo out
1 o.iii ) pm . St.Ixjidn 4'ipia
6.40 pm M.4n am
( ! . ST. 1' . . M. ft O. Arrlvot
_ DopqU5th " anflxyobstor _ Stu. Omili :
. .Sloux"lty"Accorrimo'Jntloii. : . 0.05 pin
Bloux Oily l xpr"i ( Kx. bun. ) 12.40pia
I I.linltmf U/J.-iani
) pji O.ikuinl | l'.uioii < er ( Kic. Sun. )
ArrVvoa '
Dcpul , jo an.l Marey Sis. _ ( ) iuali
. . . . . .bloux oily l'u Miicir..T lO.iOp'oi
. . . . . . .St. IMul Kxpro . . lo.OUam
suTux "ori'V'Ai'Xhili1. ' ' "
. _ jArrn-e *
Depot , JjlthjniU\X'-jtmlor8l l _ Omalift
. . . . . . .St. 1'aiif ChnTlwl. v
Clileairo UmltuJ 0.25am
VMAlf7\ at' . 1AJL/H. / | ! Depot , 10th ami Maroyl