Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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n Kv.UvtO NINO
Daily TV-flfw liliwit Sim.lay ) Ono $ S 00
Pnily nnil Suii'lHy. ono Year * S J2 !
M. < Monlbfl flgg
Sunday lice. Hni Yc-r.f V ?
fuilivnlnjr ! ! < . duo Year } fij !
\VfrMy lire , Ono Year * ° °
Vonnira ov NnntyMxthMrcels -
Tin neil l.litirs. 1' ' 1'o.irl Mrcet.
" ( roirmcrce.
cinpiiKoOillot * ill" UMiiiibiT o
Now Yoril roonU 1 , U nn < l lO.TrHwiiobulUlliir
Wafclili'.i'loii , fll3 Konrlccntli Rtrwst ,
All rnniiniinli-nliont rolnllnif " "CWB .wil rrtl-
tnnal iiiaUi-r Mionlil i ) nililrpn o < l : To tlio hilltor
A' lirfJitinilollrrn anil ronilltniiccn ehoiilrt bo
n.filrt.RicI ' | , .TIioll.lcVnbllHlilnfCoiiipuiy.Oinnlia. ;
1) rat is. cln-f'tiH nml | ( o loni < 'i > oolt-is to Uoinauo
nvnlip | lo 'InonKTOf Ilio c-oniliany.
I'-at ! < * Irnvlnr ll i e\\y \ for tint -milliner can have
in ti their nUilrebH by leaving an imler
'I tin ! > In Chlmiiio.
TnKlMil.Y.ind HtiNOAY HKB Is on sale In
ClilcaRO at thn follow Ins places :
I'lilincrhotno. .
Grand I'nclllc hotol.
Audltiirlutn hotel. .
Clroat Northern holol.
Ooro lintel.
"ofTMt : Hr.i ! nan bo unrti at the Ne-
. . . , nn. . building and the Administration build
ing. Kxr.oslllori Rruumls.
brnnUa. I
Urorio'Xll.rJV. < 'liiiVu. Rpcrclary of Tun nr.n Pnb-
lUlilnir ooinimny , iloci Molninnly nivrar tliat tlio
noiiinl cii-ciilntlon of Tun IMII.V IIKI : for Uin week
- - -il ! , 1BUIIV1H uHtollowm
Hiniday.0 < : tel > < 'rir
Monday. fktolx.TliJ :
TtifHilay. October 17
Tlinrrnlay , October 1U
' . '
Pattirday , October il ! . aiBnc
. . .
, - > , Swrimto b roroinoaiiil unbacrlbcit lit my
SEAL rP"8uiic ' < ) tldollst diyofOplob < : r.lSlii. :
1 r * N. 1' . FKlt , . Notary Public.
A 'l-riTun Clrcillutlon for Sept. , IHOIl , tS33
How nice it , would bo to close the ex
tra sosstion of congress and the World's
fair at tlio bnnio thno !
.Tunon IltviNR is not yet oleutod to
the Htipromo bonch. The mon who were
inatnimontal in bringing1 about his nom
ination uro just ns likely to desert him
on election day ns thoyaro to help him.
EMSCTION occut'H two weeks from to
day. No voter should lot these t\vo
weeks pass without informing himself
upon the relative merits of the candi
dates from whom ho will be called upon
to Hclcct the men entitled to receive his
Now that the last days of the great
World's fail- are in sight visitors are
beginning to overcome their srtucumish-
ncss in regard to Sunday attendance.
After the fair is ovci * it will bo in order
for everybody to regret that they wore
foolish enough to miss oven a single day
of their limited opportunities.
Mn. GEOKGK GOULD the city. It
is to bo hoped that ho will take a mental
photograph of Omaha's wretched union
depot and leave an order hero for tho' '
construction of a union depot at some
. accessible point which shall bo commen
surate'with Omaha's commercial stand
ing. Should ho do this Omaha will
rise up and call him blessed.
REChiVEitS are now .boing asked for
theatrical compaiiio.s and similar cnter-
prleos established for the entertainment
of the public. If a business conducted
through the agency of receivers is con
ducted by the government wo are fast
coming to a socialistic plane. The courts
are already running theaters and oper
ating railroads. What next ?
RAILROAD experience with cheap
passenger fares lias not been one
which either ofllcials or stockholders
are having1 any particular cause to re-
grot. The possibilities of cheap passen
ger trallle have been opened up BO that
the public may expect to see the excur
sion system become a regular and re
curring feature of railroad practice.
NEDHASKA has contributed another
woman lawyer to the coterie of those
who now have the privilege .of practic
ing before tlio United States supreme
court. There are several things both
intellectual and physical in which Ne
braska leads the other states of the
union. Wo have not ypt been told , however -
over , whether this last woman attorney
can make a llftccn-hour speech.
IP THE insurance law of Germany
prevailed in this country there would
bo a great fall in ( ire losses and In-
Huranco companies would not fare so
badly. The Gorman law decrees that
the holder of a policy covering prop
erly where a fire originates shall not ro-
cclvo indemnity , which all goes to the
owners of adjoining property destroyed
by llro. In other words , the insurance
companies there are not permitted to
pay a premium upon arson , as they scmo
times do in this country.
THE fight for an independent and
fonrlotis judiciary is not confined to any
one state , In Illinois it takes the form
of u popular uprising in favor of the ro-
olcotlon of Judge Gary , who hua boon
unnucosxarily antagonized by Governor
Altgcld bccituso ho sentenced the an
archists recently punlonod by the gov
ernor. In Now York It is a revolt of
the respectable element against the die-
tntlon.of the bosses , who want to reward
Judge Muynard for helping them steal
the last Now York legislature. In Ne
braska it is the repudiation of railroad-
ism and boodlorism in public olllce. An
independent judiciary is the necessary
bulwark of a free government.
THE absence o ( any tribute from the
president of the United States among
the umnV wreaths of lloral offerings
which tliojorowned head of Europe piled
upon the blor of the Into Marshal Muc-
Muhon must have boon a aubjout for
remark nbroad as well as at homo. The
United States has always had the most
cordial relations with Franco and , ought
to symputhlzp with Franco's loss. Moo-
Muhon was more than a great soldier ,
He was at ono time the oftlclal ombodl
mcnt of the French sovereignty , and as
uch deserved ofllcial recognition from
this country s6 long as his obsequies
were uiudc a utato affair , President
Cleveland has certainly neglected an
opportunity to do the graceful thing ,
Mr. Omar Madison Kem ocouplns
nearly a page of the Conffltssional
Jtcconl with an attempt to vindicate
himself from the chnrgo of neglecting
the interests of his constituents and to
decry the wicked fate that has wrested
from him the credit of having scoured
the passage of the act extending to resi
dents on the Sioux Indian reservation in
Nebraska the same privileges that are
accorded to residents on that reserva
tion in .South Dakota. Mr. Kora con
fesses the truth of all the essential facts
in the case ns reported in the columns
of Tun BEE at the time the amendatory
act passed the house , but ho pleads in
extenuation of his absence from his post
of duty the fact that ho was confined to
his room by illness. Illness Is certainly
a valid excuse under most circum
stances , although it would scarcely
justify the unwarranted indignation
which resents the favor of a follow con
gressman T'ho has successfully directed
the course of the bill in the absence of
the member who would naturally bo ex
pected to look after It.
But Mr. Kem entirely overshoots the
mark when ho attempts to place himself
right on this Sioux reservation land bill.
Whether some ono else is to bo blamed
for failing to have the Nebraska portion
of the reservation included in the orig
inal bill la immaterial. The question is ,
why did the amendatory bill languish
when in the control of Mr. Kom , and
finally hccomo law only when a follow
congressman .culled it up and pushed it
through ? In explaining why tie ) bill
hung IIro in the last congress , Mr. Kem
makes a lamentable confession of his
own incapacity. Iloro IB his explana
tion :
pNow , what are the fact3l Some t'.mo in
the ; early part of the Fifty-second congress
I introduced a bill covering exactly the same
ground. After this I learned that. 'Senator
Mandorson had introduced a llko bill in the
seuuto and had succeeded in passing it ; but
when I learned of 'this fact It was borao tlmo
after the bill had passed the senate. At
once , upon learning of this , I looked up Mr.
Mandorson's bill and found that it had been
referred to the wrong committee.
Now what kind of a congressman Is it
that does not know what legislation
bearing upon the interests of his con
stituents Is before congress ? What
kind of a congressman is il that fails to
watch for the passage of n scnato bill
which he expects to engineer through
the house ? What kind of a con
gressman is it that only learns of the
passage of a bill through the senate
some time afterwards and then finds
that it has been referred to a wrong
committee ? If Mr. Kem had attended
to his business ho would have .boon .
aware of thq situation of the bill at
every moment subsequent to its intro
duction ; ho would have watched for it
as it came from the senate : ho would
have seen to it that it was referred to
the rightTjomraittco. It was only because -
cause of his own neglect that the bill
was so long pigeonholed in the com
mittee and itnally reported too late for
pasaago by tlio Fifty-second congress.
Mr. Kem could not make a more damag
ing co'nfossion of his own incapacity.
A resolution was 'adopted ' a few days
ago by the house committee on banking
and Ourroncy fixing November 14 as
the date' when the committee will take
up and proceed with the bill providing
for the repeal of the tax on state
bank issues , no further discussion ,
except by members of the committee to
bo had after that date. Last week the
committee heard arguments in. favor of
the absolute repeal of the tax and also
listened to a plea against having pre
sented to congress information called
for from the Treasury department re
garding state bank circulation , the desire -
sire to shut out such information being ,
of course , prompted by the fact that it
would tell strongly against the proposal
to restore the old system.
When the banking and currency com
mittee was formed the statement was
.made that a majority of its members
were opposed to repealing the tax. This
impression was convoyed in reported
interviews with Mr. Snriniror. the chair
man of the committee , who was repre
sented as being very pronounced in his
opinion that the tax ought to"stand and
that it would bo most unwise to allow
state banks to issue notes. It now ap
pears that there is some doubt as to Mr.
Springer's attitude and it is thought
that ho is quite as likely to favor as to
oppose the repeal of the tax. It Is not
dilllcult to find an explanation of this.
When the chairman 'of the banking
and 'currency committee expressed his
hostility to repeal ho had not been
brought under the influence of the
southern members of his party who are
unanimous in favor of restoring state
bunk issues. Having for the past two
months been subjected to this influence ,
which is very potent with northern
democrats generally-It is not surprising
that the Illinois congressman , who is
not notably firm in his convictions , may
have yielded somewhat to it , and it is
quite possible that when the time comes
to act ho will bo lound ready either to
favor unconditional repeal of the tax or
to agree to SQIIIO sort of a compromise
Uiat will bo satisfactory to the southern
wing of the party , which is now in a
position and mood to exact terms.
The south wants the tax re
pealed. It was at the instigation of that
section that the plank was inserted in
the national platform recommending the
repeal of the tax , , Every democratic
representative from the south ) therefore -
fore , feels it to bo his duty to insist on
repeal and they are united for this
This being the case , It may bo re
garded as certain that at the regular
session of congress a bill will be re
ported providing for the repeal , in
whole or in part , of the 10 per cent tax
on state bank issues , with some such
provisions for the security of such is
sues as uro contained in the bill now in
the hands of the banking and currency
committee , and it will undoubtedly have
Borao support outside of the southern
.states. There are northern democrats
xvho will help these of the south to re
store the old system. It is quite safe to
predict , however , that the number of
such will not bo sufficient to carry a meas
ure of the kind through either house.
No bill intended to allow state banks to
issue currency can get a single repub
lican vote , there is every reason to bo-
Hove , in either the house or the senate ,
arid the number of democrats opposed lo
such n policy , united with the repub
licans , would Insure- the defeat of any
measure of this kind. So far as the
administration is concerned its position
on this question Is not definitely known ,
but the reasonable presumption is that
the president would not favor repeal of
the tax.
The republicans . .of Douglas county
find themselves in a most lamentable
dilemma with regard to their candidate
for sheriff. The earnest remonstrance
made by this paper against Mr. Ben
nett's renomlnation was denounced on
ono hand ns personal spleen and on the
other hand as an arrogant piece of
political dictatorship. In the face of
tbo most damaging accusations of offi
cial delinquency the convention placed
Mr. Bennett at the head of the county
ticket by acclamation just to teach Koso-
watcr an object lesson. That foolhardy
action will cost the party very
dearly. It not only Is bound
to result In the defeat of its
candidate for sheriff but Inny also defeat
several worthy candidates who have
proved themselves capable and faithful
in the discharge of their duties.
With the exposure of the scandals
and criminal negligence which involve
the sheriff and his deputies re
publicans who. believe in good
government must withdraw from
the support of Mr. Bennett no matter
how anxious they ore for republican su
premacy. No self-respecting citizen
will by his vote justify the conversion of
the county jail Into an assignation
house. No man that has any respect for
law and order will by his vote put the seal
of approval upon the lawless favoritism
shown to a bank-wrcckor , forger and
robber of tellers who placed their money
In hla' safe-keeping. Such crime merits
the most condign punishment. A len
ient court sentenced this criminal to
only five years' penitentiary labor
when his crimes merited a life sen
tence. Instead of being placed
wjioro ho belongs this man was
committed to confinement in the Doug
las county jail. That was extending
judicial leniency almost beyond reasona
ble bonds. It was the duty of the sher
iff to treat this convict the same as ho
does any other man convicted of a felony.
Instead of keeping : him confined
in a felon's cell Moshor has bcon
allowed' to Juxurlato in an elegantly
furnished apartment. Ho has been
treated aa a companion and given 'privi
leges that made his imprisonment a
farce. Not only has ho enjoyed a good
tlmo inside the jail and 'sheriff's homo ,
but he has roamed at largo in company
with Jailor Bennett and visited disor
derly resorts where he kept a mistress.
That mislross was allowed to visit and
entertain him in jail.
The Henderson case which wo cited
two weeks ago was almost as reprehensi
ble. Here was an embezzler in the cus
tody of the sheriff. Ho was presumed
under the law to be kept in close con
finement. Instead of being treated as a
prisoner ho was taken to a gambling
house by the sheriff's ' deputy to gratify
his mania for gambling , which brouglft
him to his ruin. Such a thing is un
heard of in the annals of our.courts.
Can the sheriff pretend that ho was
ignorant of all Jhis ? Can ho convince
any rational person that ho permitted
these delinquencies of his deputy out of
pure friendship ?
These things are too rank to be coun
tenanced or brushed aside. THE BKE
has sought to perform its duty first to
the republican party by warning and
appeal. Now it must do its duty to the
people. That duty compels us to de
clare that Sheriff. Bennett has forleitod
his right to occupy the position of
The present congress will probably
make several importantiphanges in the
naturalization laws. A bill is now
under consideration by the judiciary
nommittoo of the house for this nm-nnsn.
[ t proposes to amend the lawsso as to
prohibit the naturalization of any alien
who has over been convicted of a felony
or other infamous crime or misdemeanor
involving moral turpitude , or who is an
anarchist or polygamlst , or who immi
grated to this country in violation of
law. It also provides tnat an alien to
bo naturalized shall bo able to read the
constitution and roust have resided con
tinuously in the United States for five
years and in the state or territory in
which he makes application for one' '
The question of amending the naturali
zation laws with a view to enhancing the
privilege of obtaining American citizen
ship and surrounding it with stronger
safeguards hns received within the past
few years u great deal of consideration ,
and It is not to bo doubted that the Intelligent - ,
ligent opinion of the country is in favor
of stricter regulations in this mattor.
Ah investigation by a committee of the
last congress showed that in several lo
calities there hud been very little re
gard for the requirements of the
statutes in bestowing upon aliens the
boon of citizenship , and It is not ques
tionable that in all the larger
cities , particularly of the cast , thou
sands have boon given this Inestimable
privilege who had not complied with the
law. It was found that in many cases
clerks of courts having authority to Is
sue naturalization papers exercised no
cure in ascertaining whether the appli
cants hud compiled with the law , being
concerned only about the fees , which
they retained. That this practice has
boon a great incentive to railroading
naturalizations through is evidenced by
the single fact thut for the years 1888 to
1801 , inclusive , tlicro were 8,280 aliens
naturalized In the circuit court of Mas
sachusetts , no return being madu of the
fees charged. A bill passed the house
last week to remedy this. At almost
every election , and especially at general
elections , thousands of aliens , through
out the country , are given citizenship
who have no right to It.
To bo mauo u citizen of the United
States is not an insignificant mutter. It
is a privilege of the highest importance ,
carrying with it a guaranty oj the na
tion's protection throughout the world
and bestowing right * .and opportunities
of the greatest v luK American cltl-
7onshlp means moro/ today than over
before and Ha slgtilflcanc.o and worth
will grow with \ifi } Increasing power
and greatness of thoxfopublic. Hence ,
there is greater r5ivAi / now than ever
before for surrounding it with the
amplest safcgiiard3fito the end that
none shall bo admitted to the enjoy
ment of its rights nlld.ioporltmltlcs who
is not worthy of them. No objection ,
therefore , can bojnado , to excluding
from this high privilege the classes
prohibited by the bill how being consid
ered by the houso' ' judiciary committee ,
nor will there bo Sny opposition to the
requirement that 'ability to read the
constitution shall bo necessary to secure
naturalization , It is true thut thou
sands of native-born citizens excrcleoall
the rights of citizenship without being
able to read the organic law , but this is
not a valid reason why wo should make
citizens of aliens who cannot road that
The bill just passed by congress sus
pending the law requiring the perform
ance of assessment work" for the year
1803 will bo hailed as a blessing by the
poor prospectors who h'avo felt the hard
times in the mining regions this sum
mer. It will enable them to hold the
claims they have , and spend money for
broad that would otherwise have gene
for giant powder. It also relieves the
corporations that have boon sorely
pressed by the suspension of the ordi
nary demands for their product from
expending largo sums on undeveloped
properties or run the hazard of having
them jumped by some ono , whose only
aim Is to soil them again to the com
pany against whom ho has established
an adverse claim. In this respect It will
deprive the mon of the work the en
forced performance of the law's require
ments would have brought ; but to com
pensate for this , it will leave the com
pany In bettor shape to begin work next
summer , as well as to continue work on
Its producing property during the win
ter. Foreign corporations arc debarred
from the benefits of the suspension by a
sonata amendment to the bill , and will
have to arrange for the expense or expose -
pose their property. Thus , foreign com
panies that are holding claims on great
tracts of American mineral lands for
purely speculative purposes will bo com
pelled to fulfill the law , while the hon
est prospector or homo corporation may
have the leniency of the government to
aid in weathering the financial storm. No
honest man will bo harmed by the sus
pension. ' ' i
Assessment worl is ( ho'central topic in
the raining camps just-about this sca'son
of the year. Under the law develop
ment equivalent to'tenyieetof ' work must
bo pluced on each claim located by the
prospector each ye'ur' in order that his
claim may not bo subject to the process
of jumping. Ten dollars a foot is the
price established .by'dommon consent ,
and the ten feet of , ivor c ia supposed to actual'outlay of . $100 , or Its
equivalent in labor , tfntil a sufficient
amount of assessment work has' been
done to w'arrant the issuance of a patent
to the property by the Tjnited States , the
required stint must bo finished before
midnight ofc the 31sl day1 of December
ouch year , or the claim Is subject to re
location , and the prospector loses all
credit for the work ho hus'dono.
WIIEX voters In. this county get to the
point of making up their tickets for
county commissioners , let thorn compare
the present republican board with these
of preceding administrations. Lot them
pay a visit to the now county hospital ,
which is a standing 'monument to the
incompetoDoy and dishonesty of the
former democratic board. This build
ing is in wretched condition. The
walls have cracked and the south wing
is supported by timbers to prevent the
brick walls from collapse. Tlio wood
work presents a dilapidated appearance.
The windows would disgrace the exte
rior of an ordinary barn. There is evi
dence throughout all the. buildings of
poor construction and dishonest
work. It is a burning shame that
the people of Douglas * county
are compelled to submit to
the robbery perpetrated in the con
struction of the hospital without means
of redress. The present republican board
has done everything possible to make the
building safe. The north wing has been
rebuilt , after having collapsed. The
south wing must bo reconstructed , or
there will be a crash there that will re
sound from ono end of the state to the
other. The deplorable condition is di
rectly attributable to former democratic
members of the Board of County Com
missioners , and the party that put them
in power must share the responsibility
with them. We want no.raoro of each
crooked work. The only way to make
sure of a competent and honest board is
for the voters of the county to elect the
republican candidutos now in the Held
G. R. Williams and John Jenkins.
I'eininliiu I'rii
JVci/i Ytnlt I'resi ,
When a man's courage gives out it is
usually in the face of'danger. The woman
doesn't think to gel'irlghtoned ) until the
peril is all over , Their'sha exorcises tbo
I > rerogatlves of her drix and cries or faints or
Hoes , us the cuso iliay bo. It's a historic
fact that Joan of Are wanted to run away
and hldoiovery time stio won n battle. Fem
inine nature hasn't qiiangod in this respect
in the past 400 years.urv
' 'IX' ' ' * ,
The llookTarlloolc ) * .
Cliailes A. Dana' * Mldrttt on Juurnallun ,
What books ought you to read ) Almost
all books have their use. out some are indls-
pnnsablo to this kind oftoi education. Hut
of all these , the inosCUsoful , the most Indli-
pensublo , the ono whojfc.kno.wlodgo is the
most effective is thoIUOlA 1 am considering
it now not us a religious book , but as u man
ual of utility , of professional preparation
uud professional use for a Journalist. There
lit , perhaps , no book -whoso style Is moro s < ig >
Restive and more Instructive , from which
you learn moro directly that sublime sim
plicity which never exaggerates , which re
counts the greatest event vrlth solemnity , of
course , but without sentimentality or affec
tation , none which you ojicn with such con
fidence and lay down with such reverence ;
there Is no book llko the Uiblo.
Robbed In Its lulnncr.
SjirJna/IfW / ( Matt. ) R'puMfcnn.
If the money taken unrighteously out of
Union Pacific from 1803 down , and now in
cluded in some of the big Individual fortunes
of the country , had been left to the com
pany , it would today not only bo solvent but
out of debt to thu government. The evi
dence of this Is not out In black and white ,
but everybody knows It Is true. Ifcucallty
has been the trouble with Union Pacific.
It loft a legacy of financial debility which
years of honest management such as the
road had under Charles Francis Adams
could not overcome.
( Mvlllr.Mloii In the Kait.
Many years ago , when Sepoys wcro blown
frum the mouths of cannon there was a
great outcry all over the civilized world , but
a dispatch from Lahore reports that eleven
moro mutinous Sepoys hayo bcon treated in
the same way and their companions required
to swear on the ICoran to strict obedience to
their commanders. The Sdnoys do not fear
death so much as mutilation , and for this
reason no punishment has any terrors tor
thorn except soiuo such method of execution
ns that of being blown to pieces. This , at
least , is thd excuse given for the barbarous
Ynlo unit I'nrnnoU.
A'cw York Sun.
The whole drift of mugwump sontlmont
and support at the present time Is awn } * from
the aotnocrntia party and toward the repub
lican party.
That is a double blessing to the democ
racy. It gains both by its own good fortune
in this respect and by the contemporaneous
misfortune of the great organization which
Is its political ndvorsaty.
Honor to the two democrats who have
done most to speed the parting mugwump 1
Their names are Qrovor Cleveland and
David Bcunott H11L
Will They Uo 11T
Cretton Tfeia.
The only rebuke that the Bryan'domo-
crats can offer the convention packers of
their party is to elect the independent nom
inee for tno supreme bench , S. A. Ilolcomb ,
Illng the vote in the teeth of the administra
tion and have it placed on record that the
honest clement of their party docs not en
dorse the action of a gang of administra
tion and postoillco strikers. Wo believe
they will do it. Cleveland can get Morton ,
North and their pap suckers to resolute
against the principles of honest democracy ,
but ho cannot prevent the honest democrats
from voting at the polls.
Hoolal Calamity In Chicago.
Chtcaao Ilccard.
Wo are pained to learn that while attend
ing the performance at the Trocadero last
evening Mr. T. Bertie Pratt , the well known
young society leader , had the misfortune to
swallow the head of his cane , Amid much
excitement the sufferer was removed from
the theater 10 his father's residence in
Michigan avenue , where a consultation of
physicians was at once summoned. It is
probable that a.dclicatu operation will have
to be resorted to before the lamented young
man will bo restored to his wonted useful
ness. The unhappy event is sure to cast a
gloom over our most fashionable society.
Mo limitation to Nuisance.
CMfago Herald.
In the middle of the first night , while the
senate was m continuous session , Scnatoi
Allen of Nebraska , who can out-talk a
cyclone on the prairies , read dreary news
paper articles hour after hour , in which the
action of the senate was criticised. Senator
Xurpic of Indiana called him to order for
reading irrelevant and disrespectful matter
The president pro tern , Senator Blackburn
decided that tills tedious and offensive
practice was not contrary to the rules o :
sonata * dobato. Can anybody toll what
nutsanco of speech and impudent departure
'from consideration of the question to bo de
cided would be out of order ?
The Situation In Nebramca.
St. I'aul Pioneer Press.
The situation down ia Nebraska ought to
bo understood thoroughly , so that If the
populists carry the state this fall , as it
seems now in every way probable , they may
not claim it a victory for their peculiar ideas.
Thn contest is over a justice of the supreme
court , and there is great interest in it be
cause important railroad : legislation is to bo
passed upon. Judge Maxwell , the candidate
of the anti-monopolists , was turned down by
the republican convention , and thereupon
his supporters bolted and will support the
populist candidate , who is said to bo a man
of high character and ability. The demo
cratic convention was torn up by the silver
question , and Bryan and his friends threaten
* with the the anti-
to vote populists to give -
silver men a lesson. Both the old parties
being split and ono factloa of each of them
ready to act with the populists , there seems
to bo a good chance that their man will bo
elected to the bench. But it will bo no true
test of their strength in the state.
nf the L. rilliugB.
1 oi-lf Sun.
A scribbling blockhead of London sneers
at the French Chamber of Deputies because
among the mon who have been elected fo its
membership there are two wine sellers , two
minors , a dancing master , a barber , two
laborers , two peasants , a professional acre
bat and four or five typesetters , besides other
men who earn an honest living. Now , why
should not such citizens bo elected to the
Chamber if they are competent to perform
the duties of a deputy ; If they possess sense ,
knowledge and virtual In this ago 'of de
mocracy there uro In all the great legislative
bodies of the world men who are not ol
aristocratic lineage or of wealth or of any
kind of superior pretension. There are such
men now ovou in the British Parliament ,
and there are plenty of them in the Ameri
can congress and the Gorman Hcichstag , as
well as in the French and Italian Chambers ,
They are men of practical ability ; they are
acquainted with life ; they know somothlnf
of the world ; they understand the senti
ments and wants of the pooplp ; some of them
are first-class politicians und legislators.
The days of lordllngs , of sh'ims anu of throe-
tailed bashaws are passing uwuy.
TllK 1IKAH IN I'AltZa.
Washington Star : The Toulon demon
stration will at least ouablo the French to
mulco another raid on the Siamese treasury.
Philadelphia Times : As part of the game
of European politics , the French and itus-
aiuns at , Toulon evidently think the game
worth the powder.
Kansas City Star : Whether or not it adds
to Europe's war cloud , there's u good deal of
amoko just now rising from the French and
Itussiuns at Toulon ,
Chicago Post : Franco may fancy she has
madeun impregnable alliance with Kussla.
But it is nottcoubio that Kiisslu Is strength-
onlng her bonds of union with Franco's
deadly enemy , Great Britain. The ezaro-
witz is going to marry Victoria , u daughter
of the prince of Wales.
Philadelphia Record : The delirium of en
thusiasm at the love feast in Toulon , where
the Hussion visitors have been carried in
triumph through the streets , polled and al
most smothered with flowers and openly
hugged and kissed by the women , has far
exceeded the bounds of appropriateness ,
considering the essential triviality of the
occasion , This extravagant and almost
frantic exhibition of cordiality has passed
far beyond the line thut divides the sublime
from the ridiculous.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest IS. . Gov't Report.
Kansas City : The confirming of
Van Alon puts the sonatfl on record as being
unwilling to place obstacles in tlia way of an
administration paying Its dishonest debts ,
Cincinnati Commercial ! Now thi\t Vnn
Men tins boon confirmed by tlio senate tlio
inly remaining do tall necessary to complete
.ho bargain Is the forwarding of a receipt
for his * iO,000.
Kansas City Star : Mi * . Van Alon hns
been continued , ns ovorv reasonable person
tnow ho would bo. The only serious
chnrgo anil thus fnr it Is only a charge
against him hns been that ho is notqulto
American enough lit demonstrative patriot *
3in niul brcozluoss.
St. Paul Pioneer-Press : Tor purposes of
revenge , a man llko Murut Halstud Is ro-
Icctcil by the ncnato ; whllo an open bargain
mil sale llko this ot Mr. Van Men , Although
thoroughly exposed , pan lltul barely a score
of senators to record their votes against it.
As fnr as Its supervisory POM or over nomina
tions Is concerned , the scunto is u Corrupt
Now York World : It Is n matter of deep
regret that the president adhered to his mis-
take. It is peculiarly unfortunate thut at
this critical period in the history of the
democratic party , when the feeling is
prevalent that the government is falling too
much Into the hands of the money power ,
the appointment of a plutocrat to a high
onico for value received , by a democratic
president , should lend color to the chargo.
Now York Tribune : The gravity of the
offense which Mr. CK'veland committed , and
which the sonata now shares , is neither In
creased nor diminished by the general char
acter nnd reputation of the appointee. The
personal dlsgraca and the public shame
which this affair Involves como from the
demonstrated fact thut the president , was
willing to nbldo by and able to complete nn
immoral contract made in his own Interest
and that of his party.
Chicago Post : A proud nun would not
talto a mission secured as Van Alon'a has
been at the expense oC the reputation of the
administration and In the fncoof opposition
based upon the most humiliating charges.
But Mr. Van Alen U not a proud man , except -
copt to his coachman , perhaps. Ho is a cold ,
calculating , vulgar snob who hns bought n
position as iio might have bought a pair of
riding breeches. Ho will go out oalmly with
his purchase under his arm , and for the
next three years Europe will bo'rogaled with
the Spectacle of this splendid product ot 100
years of a popular government the ond-of-
thc-ccntury successor of Franklin , Jay and
NKliIt < lSK < l AXlt XJHIlltlSlC.lXS.
Nebraska Baptists ara in session , at Lin
A resident of Bloomllold shot and killed a
wolf on one the main streets ot that village
the other day.
The Catholics of Atkinson arc holding a
fair to ralsa funds to repair their church ,
which was caught In n cyclone last summer.
Robert M. Peyton , president oof the State
bank of Crolghtou , contracted typhoid fever
at the World's fair and is now seriously ill
at his homo.
Falrflcld onlcers raided the place of busi
ness of J. T. Hossitcr and discovered a quan
tity of liquor. Uosslter is out on bail on the
charge of selling whisky without a license.
At a recent mooting of the Women's llo-
llef corps at Table , Hock , Dr. Bro.vles pre
sented the corps with a gavel made from
laurel wood obtained from Lookout moun
tainand imbedded in it was a bullet from the
battlollcld of Mission Uidgo.
Bad boys disturb the uostniRRtcr at
Broken Bow while ho is distributing the
malls , and ho warns them that unless
they kceu quiet ho will bo obliged to locic
the doors and keep everybody out of the
ofllco until the mail Is sorted.
Whllo "Father1' Cashmlro of El in wood ,
aged SO years , was on his way homo his
team became frightened and ran away ,
throwing him out onto a harrow in the yard
at His homo. One arm was torn to pieces
and his head nearly scalped and otherwise
cut and bruised. His recovery is deemed
Fort Randall military reservation , just over
the Bo.vd county line , which was recently
abandoned by this government , is reported
to have been seized by a largo force of In
dians , who have driven out the custodian and
have taken possession of the buildings. It is
said troops have been ordered to remove the
The feeling against the cattle thieves in
Knox county is so strong that the Bloom Meld
Journal goes so far as to practically advo
cate lynching the members of the Hothwell
gang. The Journal saj-B : Knox county's
citizens should carefully nurse the injury
and insult of the failure to bring the Roth-
well to an immediate proof of their in-
nbccnco and Insist that justice -bo not de
feated bv skillful manipulation before the
courts. If ihcso men are innocent they need
have no tear of trial , but if they show their
guilt by attempts to further dodge a trial
wo say thsn that patience ceases to bo a
virtue , and the men who have been taxed
bevoad reason bv the shortcomings of this
crowd have n right to say"movo on , or up.1
How to linil tlio Deadlock.
Chicago Z'rftmne.
Give iho republicans a chance. Let Mr
Voorhees , who has proved a failure , reslgi
his leadership. Lot the democrats who are
honestly la favor of repeal fall in behind the
republican phalanx , taking Sherman as a
leader , following him as loyally us the re
publicans have followed Voorheos. and there
will bo a change in the situation speedily
and the senate will como to a vote on the
sundrv propositions before it.
Kntl HltlG.UHKlt.
Chtcaco Post : Mr. Morgan may not ho
Ashamed of his connection with the seces
sion movement. Wo h.tvo known reformed
burglixrs who were not penitent. It is li\rgclv
a matter of breeding. Uut Mr. Morgan at
least should bo ns'iamcd of his speech. That
inrolvcs n matter of tasto.
Kansas City Stars Mr. Morgan has lakcn
a pliant moment to thundorngain that grand
old proposition that "eleven states went out
of the union to preserve the constitution. "
i Ms may no ! bo strictly portlncmt to the
matter In debate , but it is always plo-
turesquo , and coming from a man of such
self-confessed ' 'personal responsibility1' it
would not bo polite to deny It.
Philadelphia Record : Senator Morgan of
Alabama feels persuaded that the pcoplo of
the United States would vlso up against the
establishment of the closure ; and it will not
dp to dismiss such words ns idle talk , in
yiow ot tlio ominous fact Miat so far as Mr.
Morgan Is concerned the selre ion of a last
ditch and other hostile preliminaries give
token that the rlso-up has already sot In. D
Chicago Herald : What , Indeed , can wo
think of this solicitude for the constitution
when wo llnd it In a man who gave live years
of his life to wi-cck the cherished institu
tion I How much weight does Mr. Morgan's
appeal for Its protection carry when it is
confronted with the taet that out of seventeen -
teen lines devoted to his life in tltc congres
sional directory ( supplied by himself ) ntno
lines are spent in reciting his disloyalty to
the constitution , from his election tis dolo-
gale to the Alabama secession convention to
his appointment as brigadier general of the
confederate army t
Chicago Journal : Mr. Morgan sought to
convoy the Impression that Iio was In some
way a very great man and that it was im
pertinent for any one to address him whom
ho did not cheese to recognize ns hla equal.
Ho Insulted Hnnator Washhurn by nmiarki
of an Inexcusably personal nature and ro-
forrcd to Senators Hill and Lodge contempt
uously as Juveniles. Then ho hocninu dellant
and ended like n mcloilriitnailo warrior on
the Held of battle by declaring that ha
would die at his post , lie Is not dead yet ,
however , and theatrical managers who are
contemplating a tour-ot the provinces might
do well to look him up.
Lowell Courier : It U said that the bull li
very liable to uu attiick of scnrlut fover.
lloston Transcript : If a man changes hla
mind after proposing for nmrrlugo ho would
do well to mind the change.
Harper's Ila ar : "I parsed your nnor lost
ovunlns. MIssUIIdorHk'ovo , " remarked young
Mr. ( Jllloy.
"How T lnd of you , " replied the Kratoftil
Kin. ,
Cleveland Plain Dealer : When tno rnnRroa-
Hlotrnl orator Intos I Iio thread of ht.i dl-oourso
he Inu no dtniculty In spinning u new OIRL
Itostou Ttullutln : The nluphant Is one of the
fo\r Inunlgriints to this country uho duos not
try tOKmimglouiiiiclliliiir In his trunk.
Puck : Harty Halo Como In , old man , and
wn'll drink your good health.
WlicnUloy Phcoblo ( sadly ) Von can't do It ,
my boy. I drank my good health up years ago.
HulTalo Courier : What n lot of labor would
bo saved If the Hwceplng RhincuH wo read
about would ouly taUo the dlrl from carpels.
Detroit Tribune : Trump Madam , I was
not always thus. AJadanl No. It win your
other arm you had In a sling this morning.
Philadelphia-Times : No doubt She gas bill
hns been u-prollllo cause of Jokes , andyatfew
men luugh when they get and read onu.
Washington Star : "I never soon such
times , " said Ihu burglar , asho throw the paper
iisliUi in disgust.
"What's tlio matter ? "
"Thoho sllvor Ulolters Is tafctn' up so much
time dal oven a train robbery don't git decent
recognition In tlio newspapers. "
Chicago Tribune : Dyspeptic Guest ( In res
taurant ) Do you llvoUii thubO victuals yourselves -
solves ?
Proprietor Wo do , sir.
"I should think ll would ho mighty bad for
your health. "
" .My frleinl , we arc not In this business for
our health. "
Judge : Mrs. Ilodlclu Don't Interrupt your
father now , Clura ; he's busy.
Clara What In Iio doing ? x
"He's trying to thread u ncedlo. "
"Will ho MicceodV"
"No ; buthu'll say something presently and
you needn't stay to hear It , "
A wo Hi ) roit ouugfu.vns.
Xcw Ynrlt I'Mt.
In everything wo take high place
The mart , thu field , the forum ;
Our yachts are lirst In every race ,
Inshort , high cockalorum.
We may not have the Hklll and bralni
To boat , the wholu creation ,
Oat we kill moru people on railroad tralni
Than any other nation.
HI. A'trlwlan.
A queer old wlfo was Fidgety Nan ,
A funny old wife wai Him ,
A wcarlsomo wife for a KUllor man ,
As the .sailor man told mo ,
Ho nuvur could make her understand
When a storm raged llorcely on thu land ,
It might not rugu at ton.
Shrt hung In a dangling , dangerous place ,
Where the wind could swuup It free ,
The old brass Icottlo had uorved herraco
Full well for a century ,
And whcmivor a Icvrlhla slorm took place ,
.Shu hurriedly cllmbml a tree :
" 1 thank the [ lowers that give mo grace ,
To swing In this kettle. , " bald Mho ;
"For how could I stay In a safer place
And my man In peril bo ? "
Hut thu funniest fact of this curious case ,
As tlio sailor man told me ,
Was when shn mvuiiK In that dangerous place
It was deadly calm at soa.
Largest ManufadturorsMii TUUllJM
of Olotuliuln the Worli
I'll tell you
The time has g-one by , father , when suoh men
as you and I need
blow ourselves for
made - to - measure
suits. Why , I can
wear four new suits
a year now and be
dressed right up to
the notch and cost
me no moro than it
used to for two
suits that were not
a bit better than these B. , K. & Co. sell. The fit ,
finish , fabric and lashion is simply immense no
tailor makes them better. Suits all the way from
$10 ; $12.50 , $15 , $20 up to $25. Overcoats , $10 up
to $35. The boys' department is the largest in the
west and embraces every popular weave , made up
just as carefully as the men's suits. Many novel
ties here that cannot be shown elsewhere. Get a
hat of us ; we'll save you money and give you the
best hat in town.
Sli ,