THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 21. 1893. SPEG1KL NOTICED , i nVKHTISKMENTS.FOR FOR THESE COLUMNS _ k will IK ? infccn until IS..10 p. m , for tlioc-vcnlnir and untilfl.SOP , 111. for the morning nml Sunday nllllonfl , Ailvrrllfora. bv rpnnrMlne n numbered checK , rmi have Ilidr nnuwprs mllrp ( " > o < l to n numbered Jitter incnrvofTiiR Hr.B. Anrnvors BO mWrcBwod will IKI cloHvrrc (1 tuxm prcHfntallon of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Bates'faa wonl first Insertion , 1cn wont Hicre- nflor Nothing t 1 < Pti for li-Hf than Ufig. A' POSITION ilY M A N A NlTvFlKB. NO CHIL- clren , i > ti fnrm or In city. Address Peter John- Boii. 32H Nprtli lOlli Mrctt M3 > 0 22 WANTED , A 1'EBMANKNT POSITION A3 A MiMioirrapher by n yountt ladyof ability : 4 yearn nxperlencni oed reforeliccs Address M. E. O. ( 203 S. 2llh HI. 4U3 22 * WANTED MALE HEL.1J. _ Bates mo n word llrst Insertlondc a word there- nflor. Nothing taken for loss than 2"o. - EXTBA 'pnvtonirii with tlgn. Amcrlcnu Wringer Co. , JConJlovnnl nt H8 , _ _ r > -THE NEHBASKA OUAUANTKK SAVINfJS JJand InveMinent company wntilH n few coatlo- men of tfUodnddn-Hs to net nn Hollcltora. , Applv at rooiim M nnd 23 , Douglas lilotik , M3UO _ T7-"l ? 1 Ot7 WANT A OOOI ) PA VINO JOI WHITE JJtlio llnwkH Nursery Co. , Milwaukee. WK B WANTED. IP YOU ARE A CATHOLIC AND will work for $18.00 per week wrllu MacCon- licit Bros. , 23 Arch Hln-et , Boston , Mass. T > -MAN WANTED ; SALARY AND EXPENSES. JJl'i-nuaui'iit place : wliolo or parl tlinn. Apply at onco. Brown BroB. Co. , iiurBcrymcu , Clilcnco. lltlnTLKBS WANTED : LIIIEBAL OOMMIS. . i lomi _ ! .experience lnuifce s.iry. Am > lyn17 , Jl 1 5 S. 1 .Mil Htreet. S50 23- 1 > WANTED. LAllOlir.IlS ON THE U. S. GOV- JJernniPiil work In TennoHBOP , Arkansas nnd LoulMana ! cheap furo. Kramer .t O'He-mi Labor nitency , 303 South llth Hlrrct. M37u N17 * WANTED AT WALNUT HILL STA - Jblo. M1UO Hi WANTED , AN EXI'EBT . STOVE . BEPAIB J'man. None lint xpertB need npplv. Address T. N. llray Co. , I11H FIf Ih street , Sioux City , 431) 22 T > MEN AND WOMEN ON 9ALAUY Oil LAUOE JJcmnnilsslon to Introduce our new Fnnilly Ololhos Washer , welcht 2 pounds : uxotnslvo lerri- lorv. Oompi-essnd Air Wnshur Co. . 43 Johnson Hide. . Cincinnati , O. M45Q 21 * BWANTED , MEN TO TRAVEL ; $10 TO SlOO ; pemiQiilli. SloiU'A Wellington , ynillson. WIs. W/AN TEP FEMALE ffELP. llnlea. Ike a word lir t Inwrtlrtn , IB a word thereafter. Nothlnir taken for Iwt 111:111 : 2'c. " -WANTED. OlicL FOllGENEnAI/ HOUSEwork - work , gall 1043 Park Avo. _ M'OO 21 * IwlNTEDl ! 1 STYLISH KXPEHIENCED MIL- llnery Hiileslndli-s : Blvo rcfeicnco and Bal.iry \vniilfd. Address T 07 llee. 4115 22' rv WANTED7ofltL FOIl SECOND WOIIK. 2037 'DiMlffp street 4t8 ! 22 _ -WANTED. A.GOOD LADY AGENT IN EVERY town to Bell Dr. S > iyd'r'H Ilemedlal so.-ip on sal- nry or ( ouniiltiloii. T. II. Snyder i Co. . 0 E. Third Htreet , Clnclmi tl.O. " _ - M4B5 22 * FOK BENT HOUSES. nates , 1 Oca linn i-ncli hmeillonl.r.0a llnu per month. Nutlilnic taken for li ! s than 25c _ -HOUSES IN ALL PAUTS OF THE CITY. TlioO. F. Davis eoinpauv , 1003 Fnmam. 0 12 -3 AND 4-BOOM Al'ABTMENTS. VON DOBN D block , with Btuam : rutuuccs ; 810 S. 22d n 13 > -n-BOOM COTTAGE. MODEIIN. CHOICi : , IN D Stanford eh-cle. O. S. Eleittter , 201 lleo bids.01B 01B I-8-1100M HOUSE , MODEUN. NEAB I1USI- D nc 8 , runt moderate. Apply 201 IJeu bulldliiK. 045 -SEE H. J. KENDALL , 007 11BOWN HLK. M707 T\-OOTTAOK , 7-BOOMS , MODEUN , 3112 MA- JJ on street. B03 r -JIOUSEsT'oTl KENT. HICKS , N. Y. LIFE. 4011 22 -HOUSES AND ROOMS IN ALL PARTS OF D clly , * 3 and up. G. IBultB , 220 3. 17th Bt. 0 1 < NO 1VMOUERN EIOHT-ROOM HOUSE , WITH Jyiiiinit f 13.00 pur-inoiitli. L. S. Skinner. 310 N. Y. Lift' . ' ' ' - " MOSS \ 10-BOOM HOUSE , 1815 CASS. J. JOHNSON fl'.VJt Farmnn. M1H3 "TV-HOUSES FOR RENT. HICKS , N. Y. LIPIi ( - n-KCOM BRICK HOUSES. 1111 ! PARK D-TWO avenni'.fnclmr Hnnscom p.irh. nearly new. hard wood llnlBli. llrst class modern conveniences. In- qnlrol 115 South Thirty-second Bt. J.M , Richards. 1H1 * 1 Tk-NlCE. LAROK , TENROOM"HOUSE , NO. JJ4422 FamaniHt ; all modem conveniences. In best repair ; larifu barn , uruiytlilns llrst class , * ' Ni-w'elihl-room house In llvst class repair , city water.I'le. . No , 4 CIO l-'aruam Ht. . iH5.DO. Good I'lcht-rooni house , 4717 Capitol ave , all modern linproremonis. $ ,10.011. H-roum cottage , till modern Improvements , iiciis'on i Carmtcliael , 112 New York Llfo lllus. I7S Dr ENT. HICKS , N. Y LIFE. IV FOR RENT. NICE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES , .LAI Ith aud Half Howard street , rent tlO.O'J. In- nulro 310 N. Y. Life. 220 D FOR RENT. R-ROOM HOUSE. ONE BLOOK of cars ; splendid location ; cheap. MO-J BUindo. al258 2' ! ' B ISIXROOM HOUSK AND BARN , IIOTH AND Grant , tl'J.OO. : il)7 FlrHt National bank. 11287 D- FOR RENT , 'i-UOOM HOUSE , $ lli.0l. ( 0U : 8. ' 17th 1 Bt. MIOOM HOUSE. WITH MODEBN IMl'BOVE- nii'nlH.-mil ( rood b.irii. No. SS''l.Cldcninriiln-i-t. Apply at the llyriin Itiixl Oo. M353 23 * J > I -HOUSES FOB BUNT. HICKS , N. Y : LIKE. 409 22 JB B- FOR KENTCO.Y 8-ROO.M HOUSE , MOD- erii eonvi'iilenei'H , Kplendld nelehborliood. lllclis , 305 N. Y. Ufu Illdir. : ti)3 ) 21 _ TV-HOUSES. F7icIlARLING , BARKER BLOOK. J / MII74 . BENT 0 BOOM HOUSE. MODEBN. /fc.'i.OO per month. Inquire of J , J. Mnhonry. 2024 D.iveiUHirt litreol. 3HO-21 HOUSKS FOB BENT. HICKS , N. Y , LIFE. 4011 22 r\ NEW H-HOOM IlOHSnrMODEItN CONVEN- J /li-nci * b'ltli. trail , furimi'p , irood lawn , 320 N. 23nl.Capitol Hill. 410 gli DKOB BUNT. FIBS ! ' CLASH 0-BOOM COT- lairu All modern tonvenleneu. Ineludliii ? eook- InsrJUKo. Flrntrl.'iKHlooatiuii on motor lluo. Apply 1021 Rlii-ninni nvi- . 411 B-NIC-IS sTTtOOM HOUSE , 821 S. 20TIL 413-22' ro".HOOM HOUSK , ALL MODKTlS CONVEN- lenei-H. 021W Sontli UUli Mrcet. 41122 * ( ' < UTY 'nml prk'i'H. I' . D.Vt > ai1,10th anil Uoi J2I " FOB RENT , ll.BOOM MODKBN IlltICK lioiihc. iK'.irlv iii-w , In Hplendld eoiulltlim , loe.i- tlon No , inill Hiiulli 10th Ht , , opi mltn Ilruwnoll 31.ill : rent nMHonnblf. Apply lo W , 11. Mi'lkle. Flrut National ll.uik bullUtiiff. 447 21 1) FOB BENT. OB ft ItOOMS. 031 S. 17TH ST. . between J.ICUBOII aud Lei"enworlh. ,142 24 * \ TO ( iOOD TENANT ONLYTcOMl'LETB /inoilerii Iji-lek dvuilllnx. No. 270S F.inmm ; iialiU'lf lU'HlriMl. Warrou M , .1321- } ; i'.M.Kirnani : Klivi'l. M4IU ) 3) FOB 11KNT , 11-HOOM I1OUSK , I0 1'KB. 'moiilh ' , , Imiiilro It'll ! DotU'.iSt. M102 FTJHN ISHED HOUSES. ILititN , ItiiMi HI.O ii it'll iiiHiTllon , * 1..10 > > lluo per liionlh. h'ulHlir : t.ilirJi fur H'a * than 2'c . I. OIlOWitLT/S BESIDKKoTj COMPLETELY - ' " ' j * - : ; ( ) lli anil Callfornl'i MH. U for rent tONiilmUU' ti'nnnt ; ] o roomitvltli all vfliivunluneoH. InolndliiKhot w.iirr hit.ilhii ; h > Mttnu , lanmlry ami nt.iulo. .mil all In llrxt cumlUlunY. . E. lirat- tun Hill I'lUluu Olm'K. lHt ; RB. 0 UOOMsClM'L.TKLY ( ] . luirU ami uuft water , sf''S.OO , South 10th , J.ickHun liuiulro tin- ' . M3')723 ) > TITOD15BN FUUNISHED HOUdE. 2213 WIBT JUSt M423 22 * VoTtltKS'r ? Tt)0r'Hl3l7s'i"ALL ) ! MTIEBtJ : 4 coiivenli'iienu mufiirnlluiv \ fur niU' ; , hi uuu 1 year FlrHt-clansluoutlon within 7 hliK'kn of iKiat- ofiirc. BenHonablit mil. For parlk-uhtiH : uMrnt VUJ , Biw" . &M2'J 22 * FOR BENT FURNISHED BOOMS. fllilr . .1KcirattflrHitiinertlon loa wonlilieru , litter. Nollilm. fiUoii furlodH tli.kii 2V E-TWO FtlllN KI > BOOMS FOB (1ENTLK- IIIIMI only. O.'i South 2UIU hlroI. . 047 . ' NICELY VUBKISIIKtt BOOMS vfobtluiiK-ll. C.lll R4-J1U7 IIUI 23 IfKLKOANTLY FUBNISHKU BOOMS. FAOINO IvlUili Si. , coruur lloxvartl , ecoiul Itoor ; * | il.i auiiHOOiiorinoiitli.VrlsUt \l.inbiiry -XUXJit WITH OK WITHOUT It'll 024 S. IH < 12 NIB- FOB BENT TTNFUKNISH'D BOOMS E-2 BOOMS , SINOLE OR ENS1TITE. MODEBN. Miltnblo for 3 or moro contlemen , 11)20 c.ipltol avenue. M37H 21 * FUBN1SHED BOOM , 2017 HABNEY ST. -FOB BENT. 3 BOOMS IM MODEBN T1BICK forllitht hoimekeepluir : newlv repaired ! fur- tildlieil or tintunilllinl , 2003 Hurt. M302 21 * -'I FUBNISIIEI"F7tONT BOOMS FOB BENT , Old South ltth Btreet. 1st floor , rlulit hand Blilo. & BOOMS FOB LIGHT 1IOUSE- kocplnr. UOO North 17Ui , M430 22 _ E FBONT it66MVITH ALCOVE , MODIIBN convink-ncos. 711 Notllt 20lh. M4S022' E FUllNlBHit : > 11CO.M WITH HATH. $0.00 month. 11)11 ) FaVimm. MI591 ! ! ! run ISHED KOOM3 AN3 > BOARD -THK DQLAN , 209 AND 211 N. 18T1I SU 048 IP-uoAnniNo WITH nooMs , swntjB onr. - JL1 snlti ) ; honioJUBt niliHl up with prorjrtliluir IIHW. One or the .boM locutions In tlm city null everything - thing will be flrHtcli m. iMUHUoiurln * . ! i-YOUNO WOMEN'S HbMB.UNlfctl CAUBOP IVoniun 'a Christian tmsocl.'illon , 111 3. 17tli si. -OOOO IlOAHDs TjAUOR ItOOMS. 0H ( NOHTH l th HtrccU M1IWN10' IT'-llOOMS AND 110AIID $0 WKKK. 030 S. 17TII street. 3i7Nl ! ? -UOOMS. ALL MOBKIIN. HOMK TAIIM * - IDIM I' MU51I N7 17-Nr.Wt.Y FUHN1SIIK1JUOOMS.WITHItOAHD , JL1 at llio Webster , 01U , 018 , BL'O N. le - WITH nOAUD. DAY KOAUDEIIS F-llOOMS solicited. .MOB UotiRlnN. 201 23 17-TWO LAUOE PLEASANT KOOMS WITH inboard. B510 Dodiro. : in022 I/-FUKMISIIKUHOOM WITH no.VUD UTOI1IA L117111 nnd 17U1 Davenport. 887-21' FORHENT "DNJ ? trUNISH'D ROOMS Untus Hft n wonl flr t Inwtlun. lea word Ihero- nftcr. Notldnif taken for lewthap ' . ' 3c. G -S UNFUUNIS1IED 11OOMS FOIl KEEPING house , 210 N. IJHhst. BOH - UNFUUNISHED .HOOMS StIITAIlLF. V.3for housekeoplns : city water : rent eheap : 0 blocks from poslofllcu. I'OJ.WeVmturBt. l'J8-r. G-dLEAN 3-HOOM FLATS , S. W. COll. 7TH aiul P.iclllc utrert , J3.00 to $ ( i 00 , to deBlr.iblo small families. O. F. Units. 220 So. 17th street. M210N12 G -TWO LAROE UNFUIINISHMD ROOMS WITH "llcht and heat. 2370 Harney ntn-ct. MiKU 22 * 1-UNFUBNISHED BOOMS , ALL MODEBN ] FOB JIENT STOKEa ANDOtFiCES. Rates , lOc a linn each Insertion , $1.30 : i line iwr inontli. Notldiiff taken for less than 2Bc. _ 1-FOR RENT. THE 1-STORY DRICK HUILDING , JLOHlFaniaiiiHt The bulldlns lias a fireproof co- incm baHoment. complcto stram-heatlu ? llxturoa water on all the floors , ( MB , etc. Apply at thuofilo ofTllP. 1IKK. 1110 T WE HAVE SPACE TO LET FOB DESK ROOM < ito sumo ileBlrablo party. Call or nildn-HH , WyckofT , SnaniiuiB A. Uenedlot. 1712 Farnam Btreet , Omaha , Nob. AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOc.1 line each lusprUoiil.nOn line per month. Nothlnir taken for less than 25o. 1 W JWANT TRAVELING SALESMEN TO w ucll our superior brands of lubricating oils nnd RreaseH as u nix'clalty or side lino. Ohio Oil and Grease. Co. , Cleveland. O. MS 17 23 * T-AT LAST WE HAVE IT-KEEN , HRIOIIT 'nnd ' brainy men and women wanted every where to take orders for Shopp's "World's Fair Photouraphe 1. " Only book of eopvrlRhlod photp- praphs of butldlucs , scenes null exhibits of the World's Columbian exhibition ; authorized by the exposition manai.'cmcnt : oOlcIal eeitllicato accom- pantPH each volume. lionanza for workers : drop uverythlni ; and handle It : yoii-\vlll m ko money fast : books ready ; erodll Kl\en ; bltf commissions ; lllustnttiMl circulars , tutins free. Address Glebe llllilo Pub. Co. , 1338 Dearborn street , Chicago. 111. , or [ lilia. , Pa. " Ml 10 21 * 1-THE WORLD'S FAIR , P1IOTOORAPED AND "described. Wldu awake at-ents wanted for our now World'H fair bonk by Director General DavlH. JIi-B. Potter Palmer and other onlclals. OverDOO pictures , nearly all photocraplis : 1128 pares ; low price ; bis commission ; freight paid ; JiO days creditsolllnirfast ; men or Indlpn inako $10.00 a day ; MC'iid for circular'or sbnd fiOo.todiiv foriarso ontllt , conialnlliff overMOO photoi } . . I1. W. Kleiiler & Co. , a''a Market , St. Etmls. Mo , SI 131 22 * T-DO YOU WANT PAY FOR YOUR SPAKE TIME ? Si-nd foi oudU and put yourself In position to e.infiM.OOto $3.00 a day Bi-siirliiff snbsci'lptloim to Harpers Yotinir People. No deliveries. If you ile- voteati hour a day only and follow Instructions you can earn ( rood pay. Liberal terms. Oulllt 10 cents In stamps. Harpor'B Yonns People , Frank lin Square , Now York. M151 21 * WANTED TO BEMT. Rates , IOC a lluo each Insertion. Ul.BO a line per month. Notlilns taken for less than 2.3e. Tf WANTED. A FURNISHED HOUSE OF TEN .IVroonis'or more , west of Fifteenth and north of Farnam. Address TOO. Jlco. M87121 * K KOOM AND HOARD. OR ROOM ONLY. MiiBt bo ulco. State rate. Address U 2. llee. Mllil 21 * STORAGE. Ratrs , lOcallneeach Inseitlon , $ l.fl ( ) a line per month. Nothing Uken for loss th.ui 23c. M STORAGE FOIl HOUSEHOLD GOODS , clean and cheap r.tles. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. ( I5t : WANIEP TO BUY. Rates , lo ( ) a line each Insertion , Sl.fiO a line pur month : Nothing taken for less than 25u. N WANKU , A SEOON D II A ND BIO YOLK L-IVO dCHcrlpllon anil pdco.'i Address C. M. .cwolllng , Western , SJlIno Co. , Neb. 440-20 * FOB SALE FUBNITUBK. Rates , IKc a word first Insertion , le a wor.l hereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. ' ' --STOVES'OP'ALL.KINDS . GOOD AS NEW. Wells Auction Co. . 1111 Faruaiii Ht 1)0 ! 0SEVENPIECE CHAMIIER SUITE WITH and niatlri'ss. $ in.OO : Slneer nachlne , * IB.OO. 120 So. 1 1th St. , 2iUloor. Can bo een any time. > 1)1' ) > S 20 * 0-FOll SALE. FORNITURE OF A 10-ROOM houw. llcxluni hoiiHii for rent , SvtO.dll JXT nonth. Address TJI7 , Hi'V. MI3 : | 22 * FOB SALE HOBSES , WAGONS.ETO Rates. IWc a wont llritInsertion , loa wordtherj- after. Notldns taken for lys than 25c. I- FOR SALE. CARRIAGE TEAM , SOUND. ENL - L Hi * , wellinalchrd b.iss : will m-llehcap. luiiili-u | T , .1 , Rogers , Hill ami Fnrn.un sts. ilUO 22 FOB SALK MISOElIjANEOUS. , Wc a wonl first Insertion , loa word Ilioro- nftcr. Notldni ; laUun for lean than ' 'Jo. Q IIIPHAPPINO" , FOR SALE , 100 ACRKS w7lr lowHini rUor near falhotm , Neb. L. V. Criim , box 270 , Omaha. U 1-22 * /\-FOH SALE , A SET OF BLACKSMITH TO Wat No. S831 N. 2lHt , lory cheap. J , Ixlwis. : - Q-GREAT HARGAINS IN PIANOS'AND OR- Kauu pnivlons to ii'inoval. 1 cood-toned tiprlchl piano , . , . $ (13.00 ( 1 Standard make of ) imno ( uprlifht ) . . , " . . . . , < 123.00 1 Chlckerlnir piano ; 12.1.00 1 new nprlt-'ht piano , full Irim fraino. 71j oetav . , , . , , , , 1K7.CO 1 till piano , IIOMIreiili'di nhort limit. , , , , , , 1 III.Ill ( WrKiuau pianos which took HIM lilflncit prlz J o ( honor nt the World's fair from up to KOilO.OO. 1 Klmball oa-.U ) $ 23.00 1 IlnrdHIo orxan IS 00 Ilrldecpott or Mim from W : > .0 ( ) to 1173.0(1. ( Positively no i'oii\inlHsloiiB iulil on Ihrsu poods , and Ihesu offuru for ono \vi' K only. WOODII1UDGE I1ROS. . 383 20 Iht Floor Iloll Dypartmi'iit Sloro. Q FOR SALE CHEAP , ONE WI-HORSE POWKR boiler. In coed rcpalri AuditT tll'lli'i < , 411 22' Q-SUIIURHAN BARIIER SHOP. SEE u. IIKE onico 12tol. MI2JI21 * Q FOR SALE- , HASH 1IURNER. CALL AT 1115 N. 2Hlht > ti 4iil 20 * OLA1BVOYANT3. Rates , KM a lluooach liisurtlon , H.SII a llnu per mouth. Nothln ;'fei for lean than 2'c , ; -MRS. NANNIE V. WARHKNCLAIRVOYANT. Jivllaulubuslucaitmcdlunu&lliVuarut 11UN. llllli 033 MASSAGE. BATHS , .10. Ibktuii , Ida a llnutuch liiKortlun. * UTJ allnj pir month , Nothing Jaken furloii tlia-i"J3e. fV-MADAMK | SMITH. 60S S. 13TU. 2ND FLODIl , 1. Boom 3 Ma aai-o.vuiKir ii'.coliul.Mte.'iin.Hiilptuir iu.ianditt.-a tmhs. ni'Jt7 21- P-MMK."HTO\VK. WAONKTIU iiKALKn Sir I lHiila block Ml ill 31- 'I'-MME. ANNA OF ClilCAol ) CIVK-i "ATflT : Xnuisnetlu iui imu trvatmuuts. II'J Koilli I Jll ulrevtKHTII l | . ill.7 - ' ! ' To > Tr.-.rH. M.H'ONlb' ' PEBSONAI/ . U-MASSAOE TREATMENT , ELECTRO-THER- mnl batlm , ncitlpnnd hair trt-alment. msnlcnro andchlroiKKllst. Mra.PostSltM ) S.lOth.WHhnell blk 030 T T-WniTK FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- U llfiilly lllimtrnted Mntrlnito , rontalulnr pliolo-oiiKravlnzs of handsonio , wealthy l dy na- vorllscrs. Drown Ptibllslilnr Co. , Box 22ff.Tolo < lo , O. MHiaaf U-CARPENTER WORK AND ALL KINDS OF Jobbln ? done by S. G. Stevenson , 170:1 : SI , Mnry'H avenue. Tel. IBIS. MH32 23' -THIS BEATS ALL : IlY PRESENTING THIS couiKinnt Cownn'n photo studio. 2123 Cumin ? street , you or llio dear bablon will bo entitled lo 12 Arlsto cabinet photos , very Ix-sl. nnd ono 8x1(1 Arlsto for fl. ! ) ' , ) ] without this $3.00i for 10 days only. MS77 N17 * U-WANTED , TO I10ABD AND CABK FOB LA- dloB during confinement. Apply rear 2218 Pa- cine. M448 27 * MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. Bati-B lOc a llneoaqli liiBPtfloti. * 1.50 n line per mouth. Notldni ; taken for lesi limn 2.1c , W-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST BATES ThoO.F. DavlnCo. , leo.-.FatnaniBtrefl. O.r 7 \\T MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST BATES ON ' i Improved and unimproved Omnlia real estate , 1 tofi vear . Fidelity TriistOo. , 1702 Farnani. IWO * elty } > roi > orl.v , $3,000 and upwards , fi ccntitiouclays.W. Faniam Smith .t Co , 1320 l > nmm OOP \\r-MONEY TO LOAN AT OUBBENT BATES. V > Apply to W. II. MclUlc , First National Bk hid ? . Olll \\T ANTHONYT.OANAND TBUST CO. ISN.Y. ' Lift' , lendB allow vales for cholco Becurlly on Nobraaka and Iowa farniB or Omaha city property. MONEY TO LOAN OHATELS. Hnlea , IDcullne i-nuli limertlon < $ l.nnallno per month. Nolldni ; tnken for lens ur c. -\r-DO YOU WANT MONKY ? A. Wo will loan von 'VNY SUM you wlnli on your ' PUKNtTtlUM.'PIANOS. HOIISKS. WAGONS , CAHUIAOKS. WAUKHOItSK HKCKII'TS.i'le. Woiilvoproniiit ntteniloii IciallnppllcatloiiH , and will carry jour loan aa lone IIB you wlHh. You can rcdttco thu doit of e.irrylnsf j'rtur loan by a payment ; it any time. There Is no publicity or n'tnovnl of | irom | > rlv. FIDELITY LOAN UUAUANTEK CO. . llooin 1 Wllliiii > ll block , Cor. jfitli nml Ilarney sfj. X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SB- cnrlly ; Btrlelly confidential. A. E , Harris , room 1 Continental block. 005 -MONEY TO LOAN- Wo will vou any mini which you wlsn , Binall or IIII-KCJ. nt the lowest ponsiblo ratefl , hi the milcltcHt posBlblo time , and for any length of ttmo tOHiiitjou. You can p.iy it back In mien liiBtall- nientH as you wlBh , when you wlBh , and only pay for It as long as you Keep It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FUBNITHBE AND PIANOS. HOUSES. WAOONS AND CABBIAOES , WABEHOUSE BECKIl'TS. MERCHANDISE OB ANY OTI1EB SECURITY. Without plnblleltv or romox-al of properly. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 SOUTH 10TH STREET , tlrfit Hoer above the Btreet. THE OLDEST. LABREST AND ONLY INOOBPOB- ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. BUSINESS CHANCES. Hates , 10ui HUB each Inncrtion. $1.30 a line per month. NothhiB taken for less than lific. _ - llrnl-class lucatlouj frooil reasons for Benin ? ) stock will Involeu about $ l,8lO.OU ) ; will bo Hold for cash only. Address 3 ' . ' 8 , lloo. MGSii OS' ) ' Y-WE FURNISH CAPITAL TO START YOU In Inmlnt'Hs. Wo want to establish one honcHt , reliable , cnlcriirlslnir person , man or woman , in a IcKltlmato moue.v-niakliis buBluess In every cotni- tvlt : tin ! west. Iuslnc ! 3 Is clem , eaHvnnaleRltl- mate. Illir iiioner for parties with push nnd pluck. If you cati't furnt.sli.JlrBl class references don't ap ply. Remember , no money required. Wrlto at once , before uomo one with more enterprise e- curoH your territory. The Dr. Starr Herb Ilemeily Co ; , 1 > 1U East -lllrd t. , Cldcaso , 111. " 010 , Y FOR SALE. AN INTEREST IN A MANUFAC- turlnu plant ( with position In the oftlco tf HO ue- KlreO ) , $10,000.0(1 ( to $15.000.00 cash required. No tradeH conslilered. Tlio eompany has an es tablished trade on a ready Bolllns artlolo , at a eood' prollt. Address S . ' . ! > , Uee. "JISS'J Y FOR RUNT. A UAKE11V SIIQJ > rOLD STAND No. 010 North 10th atj-eot. Apply to Jos. lloil- inan. M884 Y Ji'OR ' INynSTOKS-FOR SALE.J IN DRY , ( roods Btoro'clolnjr a Inr o'liusliioSH In 'Lincoln , Nob. , a city of lifl.OOS popnl.i'.lon. a few of tlie Ijest departments. Hie departments dubi ? n coo-1 nul proliuiblo bimlncss. The Block will luvolco about 4.-1.000.00 In each department. For further partlc- ulara , address John H. Cunningham , Lincoln , Neb. M'Jd7 Y FOR SALE , A NO. 1 NEWSPAPER OUTFIT In comity Heat. E.IBV tcrins. Imiulro or address Thu Knlshts Jewel. O naliii. iUl-nO FOR SALE. DRUfi STOCK AND FIXTURES. Address E. E. Howeiidoblcr , Hcrtriiml , Neb. 332 _ \7--FOR SALE. ONE-HALF OR ENTIRE INTER- - OBI In n millinery story very cheap In a ( rood live town of thoimaild Inhabitants : illrt location nnd peed hiiBltie s : Ill-health the n-a- BOII for wantlinf to Bell. For further Information nililrvHH T 05. llee. ilir.'i atl * $1.000.00 STOCK FURNITrrilE AND STOVES will ( tot Rood paying buslnesB.S.1.0l. ( ) ( 00 jewelry for clear lot. Good liorBu and cnrrlneo for lot. C. D. Hiitclilnson , lusa F.irnam Htreet. Main yi V PARTNER WANTED WITH JKIIO.OO CASH XlniiKood paytiiK linslncB } . snltablu for lady or iontlemin. : For particulars address T (15 ( , lter > . Ml'Jl 'J2 FOB. EXCHANGE. BnteB. 1 Oca line each InsortlO'i , ? l. . 0 a line per month. Nothing taken for II-BI tliuii 2.1c. y I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS 'f-lmid U.ikota. Will Bell eheap or exchauFo for iuduu.lioruQH and cattle. Add. box7llFr.mkfortInd y-CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. WILL f-t laltu real CHtiiU ) , money. Uo < c2l > 3 , Frankfort , liul. ( Kill A GOOD STOCK OF HA11DWARE.TO TBADE forlaud ami e.inli , or will elvo time. , Address S 21 lleo. ' _ liOJ T YOUB REAL ESTATE FOB SALE OB ; with 11. J. Kendall. K07 Drown block. MSlll N2 y .1.000 FOBEXt'HANOE.W.fiOO Htock of cene- /Jral mereliamllHU land onn Htoru bnllillni ; $1,20(1. ( for goodNebraBha farm and $800 IncaBh. Ad- dresH 11 , Yinuliilla la , 411-20 * ( Z EXCIIANOE. GOOD CLEAB LOTSINCOUTTY Hunt town In KaimaB foreood horBeand liifir.vur plnielon. Addri'M1) T US , Uw. 437 22 * 3FARMSINTHAYERANDWF.DSTEKCOUN- - /JtluH. Neb. , louxchaniru for h'irdware or niei- olianiliw. No eommlA lon , owner. J. P. Law , 1400 Eaut 12th tjtreel , IX-B MOJIII-H , la. Ml. > 2 22 * FOB , SALE-B AL ESTATE. Itntcfl , Idea Hni' each limertlou. $ I.Mii ) line per inonlli. Nptliliif taken for less than ' 'Ac. . ( ROOM HOUSE ANDUaxI'JI-FOOTLOT.SOUTH M f rout : i ith i ! lidUHcH brliiKlni ; $10 per moutli , rn t from , on MlllUiry road , * 1.IPO , Nlco east front lot am ! collage , Hunsfom pluc- ( > , fJ.KOO. Mont beatillful and Hlulitly bidldlnr Kpot xveHt of HaiiHcoin | > ark , Htreet paved , 150 frc-t fruulago , $ ( l.illi : ) . tOxl'JO feeti ! 13il near Leavenworth , $700. Ambler pt.u-o lot for * : i'-,1. Neweott.mii with nil water convenlcnceB , trees and lotU7xH' ) . * : iiMl ( > . lImiBoiud full lot'Olhninl Ohio , $150 , ciiHli. balance easy , V , D , Wt-ail , lUlh and Douglas , 4 III ' . ' 1 1JARHAINSHOUSES. . LOTS AND FARMS. SALE lior trade. F. K. U.irllmr , llarker bk. ) 070 CHOICE 18T ioilTOAOES. ANY "AMOUNT , v/u. O. Wallace , Drown block , lOtli and Douglas. S''O T7ARM ' LANDS. C , F , HARRISON , SH2 N.T. LIPfi X' f ? ' .11 ! FARMS-A , JOHNSON , 1511 CAP , -Ay. . OMAHA. MU.H O-J8' SALE , ATTRACTIVE HOMK'i. VB'.tY See Gco.V. . P. Coates , 10 PalturHoii bile , M.'liU' 170U SALE. EASY TERMS. LOT3 IN FRASER. 1 Iowa ; new totvn : * 10.00 to $ HI1 > l > I , Also 1UJ ncres , cowl rardon land. T , KITJIIHOII , V Co. . 1013 Kaniaui. Mtiai Na FOR SALE , LARUE LIST CHOIOE ' LANDS cheap ; tcniiH i-any ; can locate colony AHO | ifoml fanu Hlialitlv Inenmberod and M-hool laiulH lo i-xc'liangt' for ulock indsu. J , W. Wflntuu. tirant. Nob. -tl NIU' L.VNU3. ' ' . 0 ncroD.Sarpy comity , if 1 , 2.13. . bo aernri. S irpy u Junty. 1 1 .0 ) J. ; . . 'lOaereu Barpy. if.'iO iin ncrj , ' ' II''O. DouKhm county. $40 an nan ' Ml. Douglas comity SIS an acre. ' . ' 40 , WuHldnstoii county. * J7 uu aura. I'lO.Otoocounty. * iuu acrj. J40 Uoonu county. (14 an itvrr. C. V. Harrison. I I3 N. Y. Life 131NO * HOMES. N ) [ ) . $1.000. . C1.5IK ) : ANY PRICE ; any terim. Wallace , llravvn bltt.vlI ( k Uouirla . Mrt-.1l Ni _ TIARK1SON COUNTY. IA. . CHEAPEST AND oni land hihtild. sKIJ.OJ lanU pruUueliur iup. Tr.K'ta 40 to 720 acre * . Carey u kla. . 1'ou s.\r.K. oi'M JT 1 ttli'i . n-if ( . > : u , 'U. Hli t . : ! J. ) .S 4. . ' fj.\LM. KLIiaAXl' lli-KOOM loUSK.l 1ST t 1 * . - . .Ija ; n.I i- . . < > > fur rt.-mi'ai.ij ( ii-o &i.jii. \ \tf.nt \ : ( . uuf.'i FOR. SALS ESTATE. WEONLY AIU'ERT ISK77. ? ARO Xfif s Ijindn. ' ' 10(1 ( ACRES In Knox cond&'l Neb. , S. W. k sec tion IO-2H-4 , W. n ix-rncrp.n' 100 ACRES In Hownnl cujintr , Net > . ( N. E , > ( BPC- tlotiUn-lll-lll.HI ( ( porntW. IliO AORES In Wheoleropinly.Npb. . N. E , t { nee- tlon2 < -2'J-ll , 100 ncres undqr enltlvntloni ono of the boat fnntmtu the county. Sly. no nprncnv 80(1 ( AORES In Orcely rwmty , Neb. Scollon 17 nnd S. E. } < npctlon 1H-1B-1U , only ' . ' miles from North Loiip on U. P. H.V. . and 1 inllefl from station on II. & M. R. 11. Oooil ftoll. miming wnler , etc. ; will mnkc pxeollent stoclf farnij listed with us for quick Bale nt f rt.tlO per ncfp. J , 10(1 ( ACRES near Lodifil Vole , Neb. , on U. P. R R. , peed Roll , plenty of water. Irtc. ; can plow three- fonrllis. Will mnko excellent nheep or ralllo ranche : stirroundltKf land ItQield nt sfrt.ou to $8.00 pernere. owner must tcUpiyl wo can offer the i-iitlro tract for $ : i.7.1 IMT nerc. M Its vnlue. HICKS' 11KAL ESTATE AHENOY , J10BN. Y , LIFE IlLIin , FARM LANDS AND CITY PBOPEBTY. C. B. Iloatrlfflit , 301 N. Y. Llfo Hldff. , Omaha. Neb. AVE YOU $ .100.00 ! IF SO WE OFFEB YOU an opportunity of your life , namely , a lot on linrt BI. In Avondale Park for $1.200.00 , $1100.00 cash nnd halnnen on or ueforu 4 years. Fidelity Trimt Company , 1702 Faniam at. -IIS 23 rpHAT $300.00 YOU HAVE LYING IDLE WILL -1- make you rich Invented In an Avondale lot for only $1.200 00 , $300.00 rash , balance t yeira. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnnm Bt. 410 23 1ST YOUB BEAL ESTATE AND MEBrifAlT dlao for Bale aud exchange \\lth E. F. Blnirer , mill Faniam Btrcel. Mill 121 * * FIRST CLASS WELL IMPROVED FABM OF Ji H0 ! ueroR , Donxlas county , 3 m Una from depot ; lionso. barn , orchard and mnatl frulta ; wind mill : only $ ni.oo per acre : easv terma. Omaha Real EBtnlo and Trust Co. , 4 lice bldtr. 432 22 7-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT FOR SALE FOR < $1,100.01 ! worlh J'J.milUIO. OH South llth street , opiniilto Fornsl school. Ask on premises on Sim- dav'-'lst , a in. M457 ! ! ! SHOKTHAND.AN'D TYPEWBITIN3 Rains , 10B n line each hiBOrtloii , $ l.f > 0 a line per month. Nothlne takuu for less than - , " > c. LADIES AND tlENTLEMKN CAN S03N aetpdrt ! n worklui ? knowlwlt'o of shortlriud an 1 tyK'\\rltIiiat | A. C. Van's ochoolot sliort- liand , r > i-N : ! . Y.Llfo Typewriters lo rent. 071 SECURITIES FOB SALE. Rales. lOc-n line each hiaerttoi. . 51.BO a line pur month. NothhiK taken for.less than ' . ' 5c. IGmiADE OMAHA CITY netting purchasers peed rate of Interesl , sums of from $100 up for Bale bv Globe Loan ATniHtCo. , loth X Dodife , Omaha. Particulars on application. 008 SPER CENT MORTGAGES FOR SALE. SECUR- Ity iibHulutcly safe. 'Amos Real Estate ugency , llllV Farnam. OUO SEVERAL FIHST-OLASS 8 PER CENT MORT- E.'IROH for Bali * on good Omaha property. Hicks , 303 N. Y. Life lildp. ! ) UL' 21 TYPEWRITERS. Rates , 1 Oca line o.if-H Insertion. $1.50 n line per onth. Nothing taken for less than iiJic. . . JAunheard of prices. Tel. 538. Iloylca i llabb , 013 N. Y. Life bldg. Send for samples. B50 SECOND-HAN TYPEWRITERS. Tj-ORSALE-Al NO. 2 REMINGTON TYPE- X' writer , O'J.OOO ' aeries , $15.00. 013 N. Y. Life M420 Bates. IMo a worJ"fiM0 Msertlon , le a word thereafter. Nothing1 taken ton loss tlrin 2oe. WATER SPANiEL WP. ; " SOLID HBOWN" abort , curlv hair. Answl'rs to name of "Nix. " Howard for return to 1331 Srtr.Hh Btreet. 1 I M424 22 TTNDEBTAKEB3 AND EMBALM.EB3 Rates , lOc a line eacli IntiiWlon. $ l.fiO a line per mouth. Nothing taken For fcts than 23c. n " \V. BAKEllTlFORMliRLY WITH JOHN G. Jacobs. deceaHod : later.vf Ith M. O. MaiiD.under- tahL raiulcinbaliiicr,31SSHlUthst. Tel. O'JO. PAWNBBOKEBS. Rates , lOc a Hue e'acji Ins'ertjdn. $1.30 a line per month. Notldnu taken for lif-i than 23c. T SONNENUERO , DIAMOND BROKER , 1305 ' . . . Doiurlafta Bt. Loans nntpcy ou _ diamonds , watches , vtc ; ; Old eold and sttverboinrht Tul , 155S jit , , J .S.3 U73 Bates , 10o a line ofeh : Insertion , $ l.i > ( 'a lluo per month. Nothln ? taken for leMi than f " " ' E""NGAGEMENTSI'TGTT > 6DBESSMAiciNG IN families sollclteil. MlssSturdy , 421B Nicholas Btieet. -M313 N10 * SCALES. TVTEW AND SECOND II AND SCALES , ALL KINDS , ll AddrcBB IlorJen .V Selleok Co. , Lake Bt.Chlc.iro. ! . 074 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Bates , lOc a line each Insertion. $ l.Ba ( line per month. Nothing taken for leas than 23c. F.OELLENirECK UANJblSTANDTE VCHEB , G , 1810 C.lllfornl.l HI. 1114 IJRIVATE LESSONS IN GERMAN BY AN EDU- -l cateil yotinir Geniiau. 3 for $1.00 , Address T 00 , lice. 11403 22' T ADY DESIRES SCHOLARS FOR INSTRUCTION -IJon planu at their homes. Address , three days , UI.Bee. M1511 22' WANTED TO BOBBOW. Rates , I Oca Hue each Insertion. $1.30 a line per month. NothhiR taken for less tlinn 25c. \\TK HAVE SEVERAL PARTIES WANTING 'I money In sums of $300 to $2,000 who will pay H pi > r cent Interest. Several morurasea for sale. V , D. Wi-ad , 10th and poujl.m 440 21 SOLICITORS. SUES k OO. . line Building OMAHA. NEH. Advlco PBE& RRILWRY TIME GKRD leaves ICHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.l Arrlres Omaha I Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha fH. ! I Arrives" Depot 10th and MinonSts. | Omaha , , . Denver Express . 11.23 am , , . . . . .Dfi'lwood.KxprcHd ' , * . . . * 4.1)1) ) ) pin , . Denver leprous . 4.00pm . Los 0.30 pin . .Lluooln IBxcapt Sinn. . 0.33am Leaves I I Arrivua On ina | J3 pot mtlinnil Mason Sin. I Omaha 0.4 H arti . . . .Kanx'iBRIly Diy I , . fi.33p'n K. C. Nlirht Exp. via U. P.Tmis.l fi.4Uam 10 45 pm . St. frills Ktnr.m I B. Ill am LoTivuiT ] UTtrJVi I. It. . I. * \\3lfH3. \ . Omaha Union D.ipn lOtli fa Marey an. I Oinalia KAKT. I lo.itiiaiu , . . Atl.vutlo Eiresn. | . 0.00 p-n 4.00pm . Nobrmku Ii.OOam 7.10 p.u . . 7.53 nil 0,011 | ) 'li . World's Fair , Lhulto.1- : . . . . 2.00 pm 12. loam Oklahoma Exp. ( tap. U. ov. Sun ) fi.SO am I | Oklaho'ii 12.10am . . . . .Color.idu IJMilai. . . . . . . . 3.30 pin l nil > - ! . . . . 4.55 pm rArflvos lUnloti Djpot 101 tM. M ircy Sta. I O.-uahi ' . . . , Denver Eitrress , , . . , , . . , I 4.03pm i OrerUna'Mydi-.v. ' . . . . . . 7.110 pm i ll < > .itrlcn.VStrojMbkixoxSuii ( ) 12-'IOpm i , Pocltit ! KMifiias. . 10.40 am I. Denvi-'r FulM.ill I 4.20pm Oinaln 1 U. P. I--pot an UUrjySla. 'fi.30pm | , < : iilca7oE < arai 1 l.llOain . . . . . . . . ' j IjV'- r aveTT I" " V. . E7STM J. WJUTCKY ( Arrives Oiuahal Depot 1.1th and jWeujtar 818. | Omaha ll.ll'l 1 11 . . . . KitiirJ . 4.M p n O.l-.ini ) IKx. Sil.i rt'yo. K Xt > , , ' v. Mon. ) 4. 5I P u ( V.DIIP u .Kovfolk Exprm p } < - Hair.Uy ) . 10.13am C.4Rpm St. 1'aul l-Sror.iai. . . . . . . . U 23a 11 LUMVUI I OIlIOAadiTNO HWK9TN I Arrives Omahat U. l-.dfiui. MircySU. | O-niai 10.40am 0.05 pm (1.20 a'li 7.00pm .Kuloni : FJyet 2 IS pin J 43 pm . . .L'Ule. l'm 12 33IM MISSOITUI I'AOIPIO Arrlvai' i Oiualiaj Depot UtU ami WettmerSta. OrniUa T2.45 pin SI. LonU Exprcm . . . , , . d.oo iam 10.00 pni bt. UjtiU Evprout. ' . , , . . . 4.2.1p'll 0.40 pin N'L-bnisU.i Local. , . . H.45 am inr C. ST. 1' . , M , .V O. lArrh'ni . r , i : ( t..rjiiiir.sioiu ; | City Acco.uuioiaUon. . U.0'.pia l.lfipm Slonx City KKprjjj < Ec. Sun. ) I'.MOpai C.45pm . . . , hL Paul Limit * * ! W/Jin C.lO | > jilO.lkinil [ t'.mt-a.ifer ( Kt. Suii.l M.43 aib Li-avi-n I SIOUX CITY A. 1'ACirO. TArrlvoa Onialial lM > ot _ . . . . .Sioux Clt/PakHrir.-r Ut Paulia * ' O.njli.i | Dex | > t , ISiumiiUVt' mVf jt > I Omaha & .4Siiu | , St. IV 1 Lln.itu.1 . . . . . .I ll.'J.'iani I * . > rL * | " liM.CilA rt'"LTJJ& . ' " i\rrtrT < a * , t aiahatilt. | JJ pnt.lOiliaul _ _ Maroyj Omaha DUN'S ' AND BRADSTHEET'S ' Hope Has Bison but Business Still Remains at a Standstill , REVIEW OF THE TRADE OF LAST WEEK Money Almmliiiit , but Them Is no Appur- cnt Deilro to Uo It Slight Improve- incut Noticed In Somn Linen CleiirniB llousu Hoports. NEW YOKK , Oct. 20. K. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says : Tbcro has been much gain in hope nnd n llttlo tn busi ness. Assurances that the repeal bill will sbou bo passed hnvo ngaln been accepted by traders as reason for buying things specula tive at higher prices , nnd with moucy nbund- ant on call , $ $8,000,000 having been received In this city within ten weeks , spcculntloii tn stocks nud products bus nn unusual stimu lus , nnd would hnvo expanded oven moro but for continued embarrassment of industries. Wheat has risen one-fourth of i > cent , helped by heavy foreign purchnses , nnd In spite of better crop prospects , corn Is nolh- hip stronger. I'ork hits been lifted so far tnnt another collapse is feared by some ; pe troleum has been ndvnnccd I cent nnd Brazil speculators nro supposed lo bo utilizing bom < bardments to the value of coffee. With these good signs thcro nro some- not so good. Henownls of maturing notes to a. largo extent are forced upon the banks here , thouuh practically all the clearing house cer tificates have been retired hero and at Hus ton. Business is so slow that merchants are nsltliiK for low now lo.ins and yet the aecre- gatebf commercial indebtedness must still bo large. Tlio Rhrlnkago appears less in cot ton than some other branches of manufac ture and during the week thcro has been some slight improvement In the market for sonio goods. Uut some largo mills , which recently resumed , have stopped again , and while the number reported in operation in creases,1 * ho condition of" the market indi cates plainly that few are working at their full capacity. The reduction of wages has been general and does not tend to increase the consumption of goods , The starting of the ISdgar-T'hoinpson works for two vecks , the announcement that the Joliet Steelworks will soon start are tuoro liopofti sigua , and the ship yards and agricultural implement makers are increasing their purchases , hut the demand for building purposes Is remark ably Hinall , and there is moro weakness in barncJ wire , rods and steel billots. The failures this week number 1HO in the United , States against 210 last year , and twenty-nine in Canada against twenty-five last year. The list includes one largo bank at Providence and three southern banks , but the number of other failures having large liabilities is somewhat less than usual. For the previous week the full statement of liabilities is ? 3,7-T , ; 50 against SMOl.Sai for the preceding week. WALL STKKIUI'Oll A VTIiVK. Dull and I'rofonsloiml Wits the Clmr.ictcr of the Trailing. NEW YOUK , Oct. 20. fJradstreet's Wall street raviow tomorrow will say : Expecta tions of n compromise on the silver repeal bill , or of the amendment of the senate rules , seemed to bo regarded as sustaining intlucnces tn the week's speculation. The market throughout showed a much stronger tendency to resirond to such factors than to give way'under ttto pressure ot the long delay In the senate. Prices declined rather sharply at the lose last neck when thocon- ttnuous session was abandoned , but this movement proved to bo only temporary , a rally ensuing as soon as it became apparent that the repeal forces were practically unbroken. The trading at oncp.becamo dull niid..professional , and fluc tuations were confined to narrow limits , al though Interests which Uavo been well In formed as to the outlook at Washington ex tended support to their specialties and af forded further effective resistance to the natural tendency of the board room traders to mark prices down. At the same time the short interest remained so lurgo ttiat the slightest increase in Its dimensions seemed to produce quick , though brief , rallies on any favorable rumors from the national capital. Or. Friday the market responded to tno tangible expectation of n compromise on re peal by a general- upward movement of prices , the market closing , In spite of the prospect of some further delay , at the best llgurcs ot the week. Bt.ti : > STitiiT'a IUVIK\V or TRADE. Another Dull Week Reported In the World Of JlUHlllOH. NEW YOUK , Oct. 20. Bradstrcofs tomor row will say : Still another business week is rendered conspicuous owing to the paraly sis imposed on commercial and industrial operations by the revolutionary policy of the minority in the senate. Larco representa tive manufacturers , jobbers nnd other whole salers in leading lines have been unable to operate with reference to the future supply or demand and the reason is that ttio great Iron and steel industries remain practically on their backs , with no signs of a rovial in either demand or price. In Ironulono there is probably not moro than one-third the output of a year ago ; wool is being sold at conces sions from quotations , and mill owners are taking raw material for actual needs only ; textile industries generally nre not ilnding the bolter demand expected at this time ; leather industries continue much depressed ; clothing manufacturers niako unfavorable reports on business thus far this fall , and , at some Industrial centers , notably Patcrsou , N. J , , u homo of silk and iron factories aud mills , the industrial situation has advanced steadily from bad to worse , aud the end is not yet. On the other side of the account Fresii Air and Get all that's possible of both , if in need of flesh strength and nerve force. There's need , too , of plenty of fat-food. of Cod Liver Oil builds up flesh and strength quicker than any other preparation known to sci ence. ence.Scott's Scott's Emulsion is constantly ef fecting Cure of Conitiinption , Jirone/iitis and kindred diseases where other methods FAIL. v n.rnl lr Rwil t A Uovno , N. Y. All ilrurcW . on. Is thu only SPECIALIST ujreA * - \ . wnoTBKATai.i.1 . PRIVATE DISEASE } ' , > r s and DEBILITIES of WIEN ONLY , Wcmtn CxcUdd. (8 oxjinrluncf Circulars free. 1 Uh nnd 1'arrr.m Su NIB YOU NEED FUNDS At thuVOU1I > ' 3 KAIIl or whoa traveling In ' I'ur IHS. CARRY TRAVELERS' CHEQUES Ol * TUT. AMK t I'AN CXl'Ur.Sj COM I'ANV NO IDENTIl'ICATIO.X KEQI'litl U. t may bo plncod the relative nctlvlty In \Thiky ndd tobacco nt wottcrn centers , ftnd In rloo nud cotloo nnd ftirtlllrors At sorao sotiltiorn centers , torothor with n ho\Tv ( output bf nnd llour nt northwestern points , nnd largo shipment * of wheat to market , within n WPOK. Prices of staple * show nn upward swing of the pendulum with reference to wheat , corn , onts ( cotton , pork , coffee , rlco , phmphnto i-ock and imvnt stores. Drnilstrcot'a estimate of the whont crop this year , amounting -HO.OtKUXiO bushels has been ncccpted by Uccroohtn. the llrst KumpoAH nuthorlty on ccrenl statistics , nnd Is corroborated by n special investigation by n western ngrlculttirni paper. If ofllclal call- nmtcs nrc to nrcvatl our nvitllnblo export surplus Is now within 18,000,000 bushels of bcliip nil exported. Kxporia of wheat. Hour ns wheat , froin both ooasls of the United States nud Cnnndn this week cijual'.MHK ) bushels , npiuust 2SI0K)0 ! , ( bushels Inst week. There Is n sllulit Inipravciuetit In trade nt Toronto , ofTsot In part oy praotlcnl dcnior- nllzntlon of thu export cattle tr.ido. Ol.KAUINU IKttlSi : STATE.UKNT3. Not 'Mnny Cltlrn Hlnnv nil Inrrnann Ovrr tlm Wi'oli nt n Ymr AKII. Niw : YOKK , Oct. SO. The following tnblo , comiillcd by flrudatroot's , ahowa the clonr- ing house returns for the week ending Oc tober 111 nnd the percentage of Inrrcitao or decrease \ as compared with the corresiwud- Ing weolc last year : Dominion oC Giuuuln. Montreal ; . . . io.n.-,7.iir To ronto..r. . . . . . . . . . . . i IOH7. ! B7 Ii.'s Halifax , ' Hamilton , 'uojiiiuo 5.7 Total. . $ i8.n.i'j.oio 10.7 NEBBASKA BSPUBLICANS. Mootlnc ; of the State Central Committee nt tlio Mlllard Hotel. The republican state committee hold a bnof session nt the Millnrd hotel yes terday. Chairman Slaughter presided. The campaign was thorougly discussed. Mem bers ot the committee rovioivcd the political situation in their respective counties and re ported an encouraging outlook. A resolution vras passed to the effect that the chairmen of the various republican county central committees bo invited to at tend the next session of the state comnilttco , which will bo hold In this city Thursday evening , October 10. ! The session was a harmonious ono. It was largely attended. The following members werp present : W. II. Wilson of Tahlo Rock. John C. Watson of Nebraska City. O. L. Trimbllit of Weeping Water Horace M. Clark of Ithaca , W. A. Saunders , II. M. Waring and B. II. Itobhison of Omaha , J. H. Van Duzcn of South Omaha , John Peters of Albion , J'orry Solilon of Blair , 13. C. Dimmick of Creston , John G. Polloclc of Columbus , J. II. Chapman of Auslo.v , J , T. Mnllalicu of Kearney , George A. Thtimrnol of Grand Island , L. L. Lindsay aim C. T. Dopes of Lincoln , J. J. Thompson of Hick- man , I. W. Fuult of Beatrice. T. C. CallaJian of Friend. Charles T. Miller of Fairmont. C. 13. Adams of Superior , R C. Webster of Hastings , Andrew Richmond of Orleans , J. E. ICelloy of MeCookV. . T. Wilcox of North Platte , S. II. Sleolo of David City aud J. U McPhceloy of Mindcn. The now executive committee consists of Brad Slaughter. Tom Cookc of Lincoln , W. A. Saunders of Omaha , John Peters of Peru , J. C. Watson of Nobraslta City , Horace Clark ot Wahoo , II. M. Waring of Omaha , Perry Seldou of Blair. J. T. Mallallou of Kearney , Q , II. Thummel of Grand Island , J. J.Tromjierof Illckman , T. C. C.tllahau of Friend and C. K. Adams of Superior. Judge Harrison of Grand Island was In at tendance at thu mooting. j Pointer * . Thcro will bo n republican rally at Thirtieth and Pratt streets tonight. There will bo a meeting of the republican county central committee Saturday at'-i D. in. Thu Second ward republicans > vill rally at ICessIer's hall Wednesday evening , Octo ber en. The North Side Swedish American Re publican nlub met last evening at ICIghteenth and Luke streets. Thors will be a republican rally at Florence Monday evening , October tu. Hon. A. S. Churchill will address the meeting , Mr , John M. Ravine of Colfax county and Judge John M. Hugaii of Adams county will speak at Exposition hull , corner of Four teenth street and Capitol avenue , tomorrow evening. Similarity in names often confuses the voter In a campaign. This Is notably true In thu present campaign. The democratic nom inee for city comptroller U J. T , LCv.uis and not 4. H. ICv.uitt of the Midland Guaranty and Trust Jompauy. us sonio peraoris have imagined. J. U. Kvans Is u republican , and Is not a democratic nomlr.WJ In this republi can year. Llttlo pills for great ills : Little Early liUers. THE BEST Is tlio licst ] ! loHl Mcdlclno , Imcanso It u sliit iminr.i to tbrmr utt tlm Iin- purltlcMnf thu M end , it ml at tlio some liua tnne nil thu tiitlro otiiiuin. 'lld fs jiikt untrary to Ino effect of tlio Jtour j-utabli , nier viry , caruaparilla inl.vtitrcs , ulilrli lottli ; nji Dm intmrltles In the KJIIICIII , lliii * i > rc < Iicin : much Icxnuaa anxlbullcrlni ; . Therefore , iuta BLOOD MEDICINE on cannot ilo liftrcr tian ! tr.kcH. H. H. "Aa plirufcUit , 1 IIA 2 > rrjH.T1 | d and ueil J.H.K. lu niyj > iivilio AI a Umir , fur LlooU troublcii auu line IIVM vrynira-nfiil. I IICVIT r.wilaicmvilr MliM.i | > -isr.i.l ) trmral wtljfiW- thn to iiutsclt luul i itlviit * . "L. U.Kiiuiiv..LiD.,5Iocley , Jnd. " o nnlilootl aud ek'.u d SWIFT tU'LGU'iO MANHATTAN DAY AT IIAVD Old Father ZnMerbookor Will Pay His Ro- spcots to Misa Chicago Today , BOURKE COCKRAN LEFT OUT OF THE LIST I'opnlnr Tamiitnn.r Orator Iln < ionollnclf Iloinn nndVlll Not lit ; I'renent tn Deliver III * t.nolted fur Speech lit the I'll I r. CIIICAOO , Oct. 20. Chicago weather is an uncertain quantity , othorwlsn.thu thousands of Now Yorkers hourly arriving to hqlp celebrate Manhattan day might feel dis couraged. The sky U black wl ii overhang ing clouds nnd the white palaces nro almost obscured In mist. A light drizzle falls at in tervals and the day ls anything but pleas ant. Uogardlcss of this fact the gutca wora eaily besieged with visitors. Sphool chil dren nro to bo soon ovcryvvhore. I > argo num bers of them am from outsldo points , which together with the Chicago contingent make an army of llttlo ones. There were over ( SO- , 000 at the fair yesterday. ItoinurVIII > ot Ho There. The Now Yorkers niHivo In tomorrow s ar rangements held a mooting at the Audi torium at 3 o'clock this afternoon , at which an ofllcial program was adopted. liourko CocUran Is not In It. for reasons be.sC known to himself , nud there Is no denying that a great many westornrrs who counted on hearing Tammany's smooth tongued orator at Festival hall tomorrow afternoon will have u "kick coming. " Mr. Cockran has been popular in Chicago since his great speech at the democratic convention , or , at least , Chicago people love to listen to his ringing voice nud easy flow of language. For this reason , the fair ofllcials went but of their way to scouro Cocknin for a speech on Manhattan day , but the gentleman will not bo hero. , Ho left the city hist night forNnw York. Now York will have , however , a sufil- clency of great speakers to do justice to the Km pi re state. Colonel John U. Fellows , whoso eloquence Is as much appreciated hero as In Now York , nnd Chansoy M. Dopow , whoso voleo and prosor.eo is known to every fair visitor , will bo among the orators. There will bo a big tmrado during the day nnd a flno display of fireworks at night. Font urea of the Program. In the parade will bo the Old Guard of Now York , the First roglmont Illinois Na tional Guards , the Chicago Hussars nnd the Sons of Now Yor ! : In this city. General Miller and his staff will review the proces sion , and as it passes ho will presuilt the First regiment with a sot of colors. With General Miller will bo the following ofllcers : Colonel Willis Don , Colonel Catulo , Colonel Heyl , Major Dllinan , Major Phatts , Major Wheeler. Captain Huggins , Captain Mauso , Captain Miohler and Captain Loo. General Wheeler will also bo present and partieipato in the proceedings. At 5:110 : o'clock u parada of floats will bo seen. It Is intended to use a dozen or moro of the handsome floats used Chicago day. An Illumination of all the buildings on the grounds will wind up the celebration. Bat tery D will lire a salute in honor of the day. Many of the Chicago business houses have announced that they will close tomorrow. NEW G4BBAOE CONTRACT. fees that Will Ho Oluireoil unit Ilulox Ite- pealed Under the Ordinance. The new garbage ordinance now before the council conforms to the McDonald contract , which goes into force January 1 , unless the mayor and council direct that operations under the same bo commenced at an curlier date. It repeals several ordinances now in existence bearing upon the subject asV'6U as several rules of the Board of Health which were virtually ordinances of the city. The ordinance provides that no person , firm or corporation shall ungago In the col lection or removal of garbage without first having obtained a permit from the mayor and council , and for the collection and , re moval of such the following prices are fixed : 1'ach dead animal weighing more than bOOponmU . . 2 00 Each animal weighing less thuii 500 pounds . 1 00 Dead dosjs , each . 75 luad ) eats , each . 125 Kacli load of inuiuiro , ashes , orolliorro- ' fuse- matter . , . . . CO Each hurrol garbage , 30 gallons or moro In slzo , . -20 Ilarrulx , boxes or other iccoptaclos of less than 30 gallons , for each 10 gal lens . 10 The standard ot a load ot manure shall bo G4 cubic feet , nnd for ashes and other solid refuse matter 27 cubic foot. This ordinance makes it a misdemeanor for parties other than those authorized to collect or remove garbage to do so , ana upon conviction a flno of not exceeding $20 for each and every offense ahull be assessed. 'I hia does not apply to parties haullnir tholr own stable offal or clean cinders with" their own teams. The Board of Health has general supervision over the garbage , and It is also provided that the same shall bo removed m wagons expressly constructed for the p'ur- poso. The other regulations are similar to these already in forco. Inilllloroiit Contractor * . The Board of Public Works has oxuerl- cncod sonic trouble with the stouo sidewalk contractors in having work performed. This is duo to the inability or , Indisposition of the contractors to secure the necessary stona. Yesterday mornlngMajdrBalcoinbe had ono of the contractors on the rack , and the con tractor was warm because sonio of his contracts - tracts had been given to another party to complete. The major announced that thcro had been dilly-dallying for two yours with these sumo contracts , and ho proposes to have these walks put down this fall or ascer tain the reason for delay. The contractor promised to fulfill his contracts without further delay. After Oinnhu'H HoniU. With thoclosoof ' ycstorJay'n business ex pires the option of Harris &Co. on the | T > 0,000 , of long time Intersection paving bonds of the city. 'Ihursday the city iroium-er re ceived from Now York a tolcgram signed by Parson , Leach & Co. , offering to la lea the bonds in case Harris & Co , , failed to do so. If the Chicago linn does not order the bonds shipped yesterday they will go to the New York , house. The bonds soil at par and the accrued interest from August. Dl trlut fmprnvnmnnt llnniln. Moro bonds of the city are to bo issued , This tlmo the amount Is $107,100 , and tiioy are short time district paving and curbing Iwuds , bearing 5 per cent Interest. An ordi nance providing for their Issuance has b > on presented ( o tlio council and is now in the hands of the committee on flnanco , These bonds uro to bo Issued to pay for the paving and curbing complcned this year and last fall upon several streets. A .V. % O I/A UXMKX TU. "The Old Hoinc&tead'1 Is a play that never grown old. It beloiiira to the clas ? that it aorcast with , and represents the beat Im pulses of the times. Its popularity has' been phenomenal , and it should continue to bo , It will bo hero , Monday , Tuesday ana Wednesday evenings next , ai Jlo.vd's. Oliver Dowd Byron's great melodrama , ' The Dark Continent , " comes to the Jloyd on Thursday. Friday and b'atUrday of Tp xt j weuK Mr I'M Goodman , the advance ranre- itcntatlvo of the company U In thui'ity. The BoaUrnoko Opera company will fvo three naval performances of that delightful opera "Tho IHO ! of Champauno" ; lt Hovel's theutcr-'a mallnco lliln qftornonn at 2:80 : , and tun regular evening performance at 8 , The engagement will closu with'tliu .Sunday evening performance. I'HllI tilt * Klllf ) , John I . Thomas , the politician who drew a gun on John II. Qlotin ( n Ed Allen's cigar store u fnw cveiilnps ago. was arru ted ami taken before Judge fiorka yesterday , IU wan found guilty pf carrying concealed wojjiona unit was II nnd found costs , which ho paid. . Nouralplc liiMdaelies promptly cured hy UromoSt.utA.rtrial botllo 10 cts.