Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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oiPKR ! NO n rsAiMj sniEr.r
lkllv ) jre'l by carrier to any part of the city
II.V TH/TON - Mtniacf r.
HuMnom Office . Nn. 43
K Y I'Html'lnE Co.
H&ston More , eioaks
Thomas .tolTcrli took out n permit yester
day for the erection of $1,000 residence In' subdivision.
OMr < nnd Mrs. David Oovol celebrated , thcv
lxtv-thlrd anniversary of tlielr marriage
Ihst evening at their home on First street.
Mrs. J. Mi Mntthews has been elected
rrand treasurer of the state asscnilily of
ftubeknti lodeo , Independent Order of Odd
U P. Juilsun commenced nctton In the dis
trict court yobtnrduy to collect UK ! from the
town of Miumwa for surveying done by him
In the years IfctH nnd Ib'.U.
John , the 15-ycnr-old i-on of A. I'Visdlok.
who lives at MM North Tenth street , tell
liom a swing und fractured his nrm b.\dly.
U'liuvrUt was also dislocated.
A telegram was received ycstordny an-
iiouiKj'nfl the dangerous Illness ot Will
llooton. a Council UlufTH young liiun who
went to Florida some months ago.
Mrs. Annn Hlc'ks cotnmnnced it suit In the
district court jegtorday for n divorce from
John Illcks. She allcscH habitual drunken-
nuts as the ( { rounds for liov petition.
An information was llled with the county
clerk yesterday charging Humphrey P.
Church of this city with ItiFanlty. Ho will
ho ezuinined by the commissioners today. ,
Council No. 1 , Commercial Pilprlms of
America , will itmut tonlpht In sos-
lon In tha new Itovnl Arcanum hall in the
nrown building. A full attendance is do-
The patriotic 01 ders which wcro to hayo
nttcndcd church at the Broadway Methodist
church next Sunday evening luvn ilccided to
postpone the visit until .Sunday evening ,
November 5.
Bennett Mitchell , candidate for governor
on the prohibition ticket , will preach Sun
day ovenhiK at the Broadway Molhodlst
church. Ills discourse will not ho of u po
litical nature.
Frank HtgKcns , who was arrested several
flays ago on suspicion of being a highway
man who operated near the electric llcht
house , skipped whllo at work on the chain
gang .yesterday.
"Homo or Saloon ; Which ? " will bo the
subject of a free lecture next Monday even
ing nt Dohnny's old oponttionso on Bryant
trcot , ( Dolxmg's mission ) , by Ilov. 13.
Lconardson. state organizer and lecturer of
Samuel Haas began suit In the district
court yesterday to have a , division of ! ! GO
acres of land In this county divided between
himself nnd John T. Stewart. They have
been Joint owners of the property , but have
been unable to agrco as to a basis for divi
Bob IngerBoll was greeted by a well filled
house at IJohauy's last evening. His lecture
was upon Abraham Lincoln. It was highly
eulogistic and was listened to with attention
by the audience , which , however , main
tained a rather cool demeanor from start to
Harry Hamilton , an old-tlmo confidence
man , Is again visiting his friends in these
parts. Ho was run in on the cliargo of
drunkenness , and consequently finds himself
right where ho lias been so many times be
fore. Ho will work out a line of $11 on the
The Infant daughter of J. C. Malonodted at
5:80 : o'clock Thursday evening , aged ! t weeks.
Mrs. Malone died the night before. The
mother and child will bo burled In the same
casket , the funeral taking place at 1) ) o'clock
tills morning from St. Francis Xavier's
Catholic church.
County Treasurer W. B. Reed was made
defendant in an injunction suit which was
commenced in the district court yea lord ay
by C. M. Fulton , to restrain him from exe
cuting a tax deed for some prop
erty which belonged formerly to C.
M. Fulton , a member 01the
boston Tea company , which formerly did
business in this city. The property was
sold for taxes , which were assessed against
the company. _
W. E. Chambers , dancing academy ,
KIuBonic temple. Classes each Wednes
day afternoon. Chlldrun 4 p. m.
Ask your grocer for Domestic soap.
Bmoko T. D. Kins & ( Jo's Partasjas.
Mrs. Susie Jeffries leaves for the World's
fair today.
Rev. T. F. Thicicstun returned yesterday
from a visit to the fair. <
Mrs. M. 13. Orvis of Denver Is In the ulty ,
the guest of her daughter , Mrs. D. L. ljllo.
Dr , W. J. Mayton of Alexander , S. D. , is a
guest of Dr. V. U Treynor. They were
classmates in medical college.
Governor Boles will bo tho'gucst of Super
intendent Rothort of the School for the Deaf
and Dumo during his stop in the city next
Frank Hough , head clerk at ISvans' shoo
store , received a telegram yesterday after
noon announcing the dangerous illness of his
mother at her homo in Ciinuda. Ho left vi.i
the Northwestern last evening.
A. K. S'ono loft yesterday for a visit in
Chicago and Milwaukee. Mrs. Stone and
her niece. Miss Hud lor , returned yesterday
from a trip to Chicago , Wlnona , Minn , , Duluth -
luth and other northern points.
_ James L. Horner and wlfo of Ilnrdln
county stopped off In the city yesterday for
a. few hours visit with Mr. and Airs. C.
Wesley on their way to Portland , Oro. Mrs.
Horner nnd Mrs. Wesley were schoolmates.
Gcoreo Griswold has gone to Chicago to
look for his father-in-law , B. S. Porter , who
loft for the World's fair tlirco weeks ago
and has not been heard from since. He
took with him quite a sum of money , and his
family Is considerably worried over his
long sllcuco.
If you want your children to die o
diphtheria , or putrid sore throat , UH in
malignant bcarlotover , don't use Dr.
Jollrlea' diphtheria remedy. No physi
cian required. For sale by Ucurdsly ,
Dnllnvon and Davis , druggists ; also at
2-101 Cuwing st , , Omaha.
Cook your incuts tills summer on a gas
range. At cost at the Gas company.
Jurvla 1877 brandy , purest , safest , host
Domestic soap is the best.
Whom tn
The election registrars will bo on hand
next Thursday nnd Friday In tha various
wards to take the names of voters who were
not registered nt lust spring's election. The
following are the places selected In thu vari
ous wards for the opening of the IwoUs :
First Ward First precinct , Wheeler &
Horcld's ofllcuj Second precinct , No. HOD ( Cast
' Pierce.
Second Word First precinct , K. T. Water-
man's carriage works ; Second precinct.
Knotts' coal oftlco , corner Seventh and
Third Ward First precinct , Crcston
house ; Second prcclnot , Blaxslm's shoo
itoro , South Main ,
Fourth Ward First product , Wads-
worth's oftlco ; Second precinct , No. IV,1 1
Twelfth avenue.
Fifth Ward First precinct. No. 1G05
Broadway ; Second precinct , Cain's resi
dence , comer Month avenue and Seven
teenth street.
Sixth Ward First precinct , No. 11 North
Twenty-third n trout ; Second product , city
building , Cut Off.
Ladles , if you want to obtain absolute
ucaco in the kitehun , usk your grocer for
J. 0 , Hoffiuaycr & Co.'s "Fancy patent
flour "
, _
For sale at a bargain , a nice 5-room
oottago , lot 40x120 feet , two blooks from
motor lino. Price $ SoO. Grecnsbiolds ,
Nicholson & Co. , COO Broadway ,
W. S. Baird , Lawyer , JivoreU block.
Jndgo Mcy of the District Court Hands
Corn Several Decisions ,
Dii | > not of n Suit tlmt lint Attracted n
Ureut Llvnl of Attention Hrcnme
, of ltd 1'ecullnrlUei rii
Crliiilnnl Clues.
Judge M.icy rendered decision * In lovornl
suits that huvo been tried before him at
this ti-nn yesterday afternoon. Ho decided
thpcnrn ot the Portsmouth Savings bank
against J. J < Shea , Involving the ownership
of the dofcnd'int > homo. This suit wnji the
outgrowth nf a queer action on the part of
W. S. Hyan of Omaha , who was formerly a
partner of Rhnbiill & Champ In .ho loan
business. Without the knowledge of the
company ho commenced forcclosuro pro
ceedings upon the property of Shea , who
had bonowed some money from the plaintiff
through the linn of Klmball , Champ .t
Rjan. After the suit had been pending
Bomn tlmo the company -learned ot Ryan's
action , but did not dccida at once
whether to dUaftirm Ills action
or r.itliy It. The latter was
finally determined upon and a sheriff's deed
was executed nnd turned over to the com
pany. Shea refused to give up possession on
the ground that Rvan had acted fraudu
lently In beginning the foreclosure proceed-
IngR without authority from thu company.
Thu company thereupon brought thu suit ,
which was pending foi some tlmo and was
decided yesterday , to get possession. Judge
Mauy hold that Ryan's action had been
fraudulent and dismissed It , stating in ren
dering his decision , that the company might
now begin : i now action on its own hook to
recover I'ostession ' of the property. This
will have the effect of giving. Shea posses
sion lor ahilu longer , although the outcome -
como at last Is not very doubtful.
i'iiintur : runt thu Costri.
The IMSG of Davenport against G. P.
Wrlfht , in which the phtlntilT wanted the
defendant's title to oiehty acres of land
burdened with n right of dower , was dis
missed at plaintiff's costs.
A judgment of $2. > 0wns rendr-rod In fiivor
of the plaintiff In the suit of Patton
against Hattenhauer.
In the case of E. S Barnett against the
firm of Stewart & Hunter , C. M. C.
Stewart. F. M. Hunter and J. W. Hunter , n
Judgment was rendered for the full amount
of the claim , about ! GO , in favor of the
plaintin" , ns against all the defendants ex
cepting C. M. C. Stewart , who , In most of
the transactions , hud only been involved
from the fact tlmt ho allowed his name to
bo used after withdrawing from the bus
iness. A Judgment was also rendered
against him for half the amount.
All thu criminal cases have been completed
and the Jury will bo discharged today. The
time of the court from now on Into next week
will ho taken up with cases to be tried to tno
court. The case of the State Bank of
Wnvcrly against F. M. Bilger and others , to
collect $0.000 on u note executed by W. W.
Bilger , now vanished , Is specially assigned
for trial this morninc. This note cumu duo
Just a day or cwo before Bilger skipped out.
It bears the signatures of F. M. Bligor , the
father of the missing man , together with a
lot of other signatures , each of which is
solemnly declared by its respective owner
to bo a forgery.
HIi ; Hiirgnliig Inr Tociriy , Sntnnlny.
Today , Saturday , we place on Bale COO
boys' ' and girls' oitlor down and cloth
caps , in all colors and all shapes , at
onu-half regular retail price , at , ' 55o and
50c each. See them , they are nobby.
Buy your underwear of us today ,
Ladles' full weight long slcovo vests
only 23o each.
See our line ot lailiea' camel's hair
vests and pants at 50o , T.'JC , and $1.00 each
They cannot bo matched olsuwhuro at
those prices.
100 dozen ladies' fast black 15c stock-
inps Saturday , 8Jo pair. See the
ladies' fast black hose you can buy of us
atlCc pair ; its a hummer. Ladies'
fast black ileeco hose at 2.Vs pair , worth
40c. Ladies' finest quality fast black
imported cashmere , all wool hose , at
50c pair , worth 7flc.
Today , Saturday , wo pilot1 some big
bargains in ladles' , misses' and chil
dren's cloaks at prices that wo know
will interest you. Ladies' now style
jackets in navy blue , black , tan and
brown , with the new Worth and storm
collar , plain and umbrella skirt , beauti
ful garments , tvt $5.00. sfO.fiO , $8.50 , $10.00 ,
$12.50 , Slo.OO and up to $25.00 each.
500 children's school cloaks at $1.08 to
$ I. J8 , ago 4 to 14 years.
Ladies' French Coney fur capos at
$4.90 , worth $7.50.
Ladies' 24-inch Hudson Bay beaver
capes at $49.00 , worth $75,00.
Ladies' nstrachan fur jackets , 32
inches long , finest quality , $48.00 , worth
Bargains in every department. Come
in und see us today. Store open until 10
o'clock tonight. BENNMSON BUGS. ,
Council Bluffs.
So Said the Jury Hint IInl : the Question
Unilur Advisement.
The proceedings that have been in progress
in the district court for the past two or
thrco days to determine the paternity of
Mary Christiansen's child came to an end
yesterday afternoon nnd the case went to
the Jury , All during the trial the court
room has looked considerably like a nursery
nnd bottles with long , rubber nipples In
thorn have been prominent articles of furni
ture. Onn of the witnesses whom Peterson ,
the defendant , wanted to testify was Min
nie Muckndcn , who lives in the east part of
thu city nnd is supposed to know a good deal
about the plaintiff's character. A
subpccna was lusucd nnd duly bervod upon
her , but when the time canto for her to tes
tify Miouis nowhere to bo found. A bench
warrant was Issued for her and before long
slio wns ushered Into Judge Miiuy's presence.
"Why didn't you como when the onlcor
served you with the paper ! " was the Judge's
' 'Marithnt girl with the baby , told monet
not to como , " was her reply. "And my
mother told mo not to come , too. I always
do as my mother flays. "
This did not look like a very good excuse ,
but the court preferred to take It rather
than compel the girl , who was 1'J ' years old ,
to pay a penalty for contempt. She was re-
Ipased from custody on her Hkreemunt to pay
the costs of the contempt proceedings.
Before the recreant witness was brought
In the case had boon completed and given to
the jury. It was not long before the jury
returned with a verdict. When opened it
was fuund to be for the plaintiff , finding
Oswald Peterson miilty us charged. The
only penalty in ttio case will bo a financial
ono , nnd the amount remains for the court
to determine.
Unil IIIIUMucle Um > il.
If you have any bad bills against per-
bens not livintr in Iowa Tvho are employed
by anv railway , telegraph , express or
sleeping car company ouluring Iowathe
Nassau Investment Co. . Mcrriiun block ,
Council UIiilTe , la. , will guarantee their
Wo will put in the Round Oak furnaces -
nacos for $100 , guaranteed to hold tire
forty-eight hours with soft coal. Will
burn anything , Cole & Cole , solo agents
for Radiant , Homo and Round Oak
stoves , 41 Main street.
Jarvls Wine Co. , Council Bluffs , la.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soup
I'Jexaaut I'Hrty ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkins gave a pleasant
party at their residence on Myustcr street
Thursday evening in honor of their guest ,
Mrs. RtiBscll Stnnp of Dei Molnei About
forty friends wcro present and Mrs Stnpp
was given substantial evidence of the pleas
ant social qualities of Council Bluffs people.
AI.MOYT iiin.u ur.
Trunk llnuicli' * Sprinting Abilities Prevent
the C'oinmlMlim nf n Crime.
Frank W. Hough , a young man employed
In Evans' hou store , had an experience
Thursday night which did not turn his hair
white , but robbed him of several square
inches nf cuticle. Ho had just locked up the
store nnd .v.ts making for homo In the west *
cm part of the city. When he reached the
ncignbornood ot the electric light station ,
where n couplu were ncld up the other
night , ho saw two men walking along In
front of him. Ho thought nothing
ot that until he drew near , when
ho saw that they were planning to
allow him to pass between them. Ho de
cided to pass , however. In spite of his shaky
feeling about the heart. Just as ho got be
tween thorn ona of them turned and pushed
a gun Into his fncc. The man was three feet
awiiy , but thu barrel touched his nose nnd
Hough declares the gun wns three feet long.
Instead ot stopping to talk politics ho started
on n quick , energetic vamose , and the pace
he took was ono that Flying Jib might well
envy.When he had passed ho turned around to
sco what had become of tha assailants.
They did not seem to bo following him , but
bifore ho h id time to shako hands with him
self over the fact ho tripped anu foil. Ho
took several mouthfus ) ofoTnlrd avenue
sldiuvalk dirt , nnd the sidewalk
took several mouthfuls of Hough ,
The highwaymen seemed to think that
retribution enough had been visited upon
htm for his Unwillingness to maku himself a
sacrifice to the cause of oreani/.cd labor , nnd
they neither shot at him nor tried any more
to hold him up. It has bucn suggested by
some evil minded persons who recall last
week's developments In the lira doiwrtmcnt.
that perhaps there is some ano living in the
Fourth ward who wants a place on thopolico
I'refti'iit Attractions.
Usually \vo talk of coming attractions ,
but in this CUMJ it is present attractions ,
as every inducement spoken of below is
to ho found just as represented.
This is not the same old story that wo
hear , one dollar for llfty cents , but re
liable merchandise at extraordinary low
figures. You will bo convinced that
what wo say is so , when you o.\amino
the goods.
7c and 8c all linen crash toweling , 5c a
125c outing , 8Jc. Yard wide suiting
and lOc figured outing in one lot , while
they last , 5c a yard.
Towel bargains in one lot , 31c , 3Uc ,
, ' ! ! lc quality , 25c each.
The balance of our odds and ends in
kid gloves 2."ica pair.
50 pieces domestic llannol worth 7cfor
'Hc a yard.
100 do/.en ladies' wool ribbed hose
worth 20c for I2c.
Children's all wool hose , siv.c from 5 to
8J. worth Me now lto. !
60 pieces dress trimmings ' 'as they
are , " worth from 25c to $1.50 , at7ca ,
50 do/.cn children's white and natural
vests , four si/.es , worth 25c for lOccach.
Leadoss and Promoters of Low Prices.
P. S. Store closes every evening at C
p. m. , except Mondays and Saturdays.
Tall Mimnntl Short Man Cot In Tlicir Worlt
Once Moro tin Vine StroHt.
The tall man and the short man , who have
been experimenting with revolver at the
expehso of people's pockets In the vicinity of
the electric light plant , transferred the ncld
of their operations ID within a block of po
lice headquarters Tast evening , but as they
_ made a total failure , from a monetary stand
point , they will probably vibrato back again
to their old stand , where they can pull out
gold watches in pairs. Henry Joricins , an
ex-saloon keeper , was walking up Vine street
about 8:30 : o'clock. When he reached Ham
mer's lumber yard two men suddenly
jumped out from behind a pile of lumber.
The tall man had a gun and shoved it into
I'losu proximity of Mr. Jerkins' nasal organ ,
while the llttlo fellow stood in the back
ground ready to quiet Mrs. Jerkins in case
her excitement got the better of her judg
ment. They then proceeded to turn Jerkins'
pocket inside out. Unfortunately for them
every pocket wns empty and they had their
labor for their pains. Jerkins rushed up to
Clausen's store and telephoned to the police
station as soon us ho could recover his
breath , but no track of the robbers was
When coal is high to save wo try.
The Art Garland and Oak Garland
heaters are the most economical coal
burners over made. Experience proves
it , and nxperionoo is the best teacher.
Bear in mind that Garland stoves und
ranges are sold only oy Do Vol , 504
The attraction at Miss Rapsdale's this
week will bo a special bale of trimmed
hats. Prices will range from $2.50
to $5.00.
Williamson & Co. , 10'J Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stock in city.
Domestic soap is the best
W. W. Chapman , 101 Fourth street
half block bouth Boston store.
George S. Davis , prescription druggist.
Another Murcloror llxnsetl.
ST. PAUL , Oo.t. 20. At DeSmot , S. D. ,
today Nathaniel B. Thompson was hanged
at 1:25 : p.m. for the murder of Mrs. Eleota
J. Billon on Julv , Ib'J-J. ' Ho mot his doom
without a quiver , and his only wish , other
than to hasten the execution , was for a final
prayer for his soul. Tula was the first hang.
Ing In South Dakota.
nnil Cooler U Wlmt Old frobablllUo
I'romUett NnbniUit Today , .
WASHINGTON , Oct. 20. Forecast > for Satur
day : For Nebraska : Fair , cooler in eastern
portion ; variable winds.
For Iowa Fair , cooler except warmer in
eastern portion ; variable winds.
For South Dakota Generally fair , cooler
in eastern ; warmer in western portion ;
variable winds , shifting to southerly , Itecoril.
Oct. 20. Omaha record of temperature and
rainfall compared with corresponding day of
past four years ;
1603. 1H02. 1891. 1ROO.
Mnxlmiim tompiirattiro 7fts IJtra G'J > 04 =
.Minimum tumpuraturo , 4'2 = 470 41o 42 = >
A\i > riiKu ti'inpurntuio , , 6H = > 03o HDo fjua
J'li'clpltatUm 00 .00 .00 .00
Statement shotting the condition of torn-
perr.turoand precipitation at Omaha for the
day and since March 1 , Ib'JJ ' ;
Normal temperature ( jio
Kxcehs for Ihu diiy , . , 70
llullcloncy hlncu March 1. , , 245O
Nornml prrclultntlon , OS Inch
Deficiency for the duy , , , . , .08 Inch
Dollcloncy blnce.Maich 1 , , , ,4.01 Inches
Jteport * from Other Station * itt 8 | i , m.
hJ v
Itcpnrt * I'mcntr , ! nlllt' ' 'Other Itnilnexs
AxoN. Tenn. , Oet Mt-The
Episcopal chutch , SoutlTennpssco , confer
ence , resumed Its session this morning ,
Hlshop Keener prcsldlnpj nHov. J , D. Harbor
conducted the religious sctvices. The ctflii ;
mlttco oh the pilbllcatlon f the journal niM
the trustees of the superannuated fund re.
ported , The trustees reported that Itioy
nnd assets of $ iril ! ) ) ; rnsh > on linnd , ? JSC'J. '
The characters of thq folloxvinp proanhcrs
were passed : W. 1. llowlot. J. H. Hcevcs , .
S. O. Thompson , .lernnfd Win ford , J. Hush
Goodloe , V. P. VulUer ; n.'W. Uoason , W. V.
JarriU , .1. S. Klco nnd , li < uV. HrldKcs.
Dr. Hess WHS then Introduced to the con
ference nnd spoke to the nsDombly on the
"Claims and Policy of the Christian Advo
cate , " H denominational p.ipcr. Ho undo a
strong address , glvlnp his reasons for keenIng -
Ing personal and political articles out , nnu
referred to the recent articles of UUhop
Keener nnd Mr. Webb upon the stiver ques
tion.To this Ulshop Keener replied that the
ihmnclal storms nnd disasters were no more
political questions tlittn the gulf cyclone of
n recent date. Ills articles wcro intended
to help In arriving at u solution of the finan
cial problem und \vbro not political , as the
question wus not a partisan ono.
Dr. .1. II. Klrtland , chancellor of the Van-
dcrbtlt university , ulsj addressed tha con
ference , presenting thu chums nnd objects
of the university In a masterly manner.
Dr. Lumbuth , missionary secretary , nlso
delivered nn address upon missions In China
and Japan , |
Cure indigestion and InllomneH with Do
Witt's Little Early Risers.
DlKcoyerylitoli Ununnil Murh Kxcltcincnt
nnil Talk ol ° Miirilor nt l.yonn , In.
LYONS , la. , Oct. 20. Telegram to
THE BEK.J In response to a report of a
skeleton found In nn attic this morning a
deputy sheriff investigated. Two paper
hangers nt work in the house of Mlko
Hurko found a lo\ycr human jaw nnd
some finger bones. Burke admitted
that when nlno years ago ho bought
the place liu found lying on a board In tha
jittic the upper half of u human body. The
"head was gone. Ho said he threw It out be
hind his barn and then , to obviate the
stench , burled it. Asked why ho had said
nothing , he said ho had not thought It worth
mentioning. The remains as ho found them
were partly shriveled up.
Dr. Snuudom Uuulmt a New Trlnl.
DBS Moixcs , Oct. -Special [ Telegram
to THE Bni ! . ] Judge Woolson of the United
States district court this morning refused
to grant a now trial to Dr. Saunders , the
Marshall county physician who was con
victed at the last term of court of trying to
induce a postmaster to sell postage stamps
at less than the usual price. Postmasters
of all small towns got a commissionon nil
stamps sold over a certain number , and Dr.
Saundurs , having use for a largo number of
stamps , proposed that the postmaster of the
town In which ho resided sell him stamps
at a reduced rate , thus allowing both him
self nnd the get a good "rake
off" from the Kovcrumuntt Saunders made
a despcrato light for his liberty. At the
tlmo ho was tried his millionaire brothers
came from Australia to liclp him , but the
evidence seemed too unquestionable , nnd
the doctor was convicted. He will bo sen
tenced next 'Wednesday.f
Federal Prisoner * Suntnficoil.
DES MOI.NKS , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Biic.J Judge Woolson passed sen
tence today upon a number of culprits con
victed in the United States district court.
Andrew J. Hodrix , who. wliilu clerk in tlie
postofflce at Allerton , Wuynu county , stole
125 , was sentenced to pay1 a line of $150 and
be imprisoned for eighteen months , but the
sentence was suspended rduring good be
havior. John Cibert' , cbnVictcd for Intimi
dating an oflicor , was sentenced to jail for
ninety days and to iiay'rf line of $200 , but it
was suspended on payment or the costs.
The following Is the Hit of persons sen
tenced to pay nominal tlncs'for bootlegging :
Maud Johnson , Wallace Miller , Buck Jas
per , John Edwards , Charlie Williams. P. S.
Swan. Alfred Hill , D. A. Shafcr. B. H. Ros-
sow , William I'euton , James Blackley and
Frank Haugenshluld.
Shot Her Tenant.
KOKOMO , Ind. , Oct. 20. Miss Augusta
Schmidt , a wealthy adopted daughter of
German Baronesj Yingllng , shot and killed
Oscar Walton , ono of her tenants , near
Walton today , in a dis.iuto over property.
The United States excel in champagne.
Cook's Extra Dry takes the lead.
H } JIltlKFJ.
J. W. Lancaster , manager of the St. Joseph
lionrd of Underwriters , has received Instruc
tions fioin thu munaKor ot thu Insurance Com
panies union of Chicago to udvancu Insurance
lutes In that city.
W. Ji. Sturffcss of St. Louis yesterday at
tempted in murder John J. Kalelu'ii , iminncor
of the John Hancock Insurance company , liu
shot at his Intended victim four times , but
missed him every time.
Frank Sherlll and IIowcll Hunt engaged In
a street light at .laokson , Tenn. , yusterduy.
Slicrlll wiiHHhot and mortally wounded , and n
bystander , Charles- Kennedy , was also struck
by a bullet and will die.
Wllllnm Dutton wan hanged yesterday at
Cartur.svllle , Uu. , fur the minder of Mrs. Kalllo
Mohloy. Thu sensation of his trial was u decla
ration by the prisoner that a Airs. Massoy. for
whom ho workud , murdered Mrs. Mobloy
through jualousy.
The Colorado court of appeals has granted a
fciipursudcas to arrest the sulu nf thu belong
ings of the Denver Water Works company.
Thu Central Trust company of Ni'W York fllud
a bond In the HUIII of jTfi.OOU , Thu property
has ucun advertised for halo October 2'J.
Sweet breath , sweet stomach , sweet moper ! -
per ? Then use Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers.
St. I'Hul llnnkurH InillotiMl.
ST. PAUL , Oct. 20. William B. Evans ,
formerly cashier , and C. A. Hawks , formerly
assistant cashier of the Seven Cor
ners bank , have been indicted by
the grand Jury. They are charged
with grand larceny , and the specifi
cations nro to the effect that they converted
to their own use about $10.000 of the funds of
the Stivon Corners bank. The Indictment
I Pimples
> , ,
are all caused by
. Blood
f Be warned ! Nature muit be s-
i listed to throw oil the poisons. For
i this purpose nothing can equal
i Nature's own assistant
A pure Vegetahle Compound of
Herbs , Barks , and Roots. Contains
no acids or mineral poisons.
II II m rtllil'I ' * in the llink of EnrlinJ.
All lint li cUlnud for II , It will da. ll.UO * 9
tottlb All itrugjliti.
S > l Grand Avc. , New Haven , Conn ,
fell like * n thunderbolt upon the friends
of both men , tor it wns the universal Impres
sion that the jury had voted not to return n
true bill In Hawks' case. nnd-H wns not
known u presentment had hron made against
Kvans. Very llttlo leaked out from the
grand Jury room , nut what 1ms Is very son-
Hawks is now under bond for Ills appear-
unco , but Grans has not yet been arrested ,
Is cither Indictment had boon rcpt/rtcd to the
KKt'T IX , IAIL A Oil * .
llnnker Knelling No Longer Allowmt to
Trawl Are nnil on It til.
AltuvAtmnn , Oct. 20. Uanker John B.
KocttliiK will rest securely In the county
Jail for Rome tlmo to como. This Is a result
of Mr. Koottlnc'a uncontrollable desire to
travel. Ball bonds are no restraint to him
and in order to protect him from himself nnd
save , misguided relatives .who mlqht put up
money to Insure his appearance It wan de
rided to keep him In Jail. IIo was taKon-to
the municipal court to answer to the Indict
ments returned against him , nnd a contin
uance was crautcd until next Wednpsd.iy ,
A big crowd was present in the court room.
When ICucttliiK was take'u bnck to the Jail a
crowd of nbout 100 persons followed him.
A number of women were the leaders In
the crowd that trooped close to his heels ,
"Why isn't ho hni'dcuffedt" shouted ono
woman. "Other prisoners are handcuffed ,
but he Is allowed to walk ns free as wo do.
Is there ono law for the llttlo thief and
another for the biff ono ? "
"Yesthat's Hunt , " cried another. "And
to think ho spent $8M ( ) of my money going to
Mexico"when ho could have stayed hero
nnd p.ild mo what he owes. He ought to bo
hanged. "
"All the crowd needs Is a leader , " re
marked Knotting. "They would string mo
prettv high up. But I am not as bad a
Shey paint me. "
Kxcluslon of Knloon Kerpcru Hung Up
Itltiml to He Printed lit fiorniiui.
DECATUH , 111. , Oct. 20. The Illinois grand ,
lodge Knlahts of Pythias is in session hero.
Another effort was made to exclude saloon
Keepers from mcnibcrthip In the order , but
It wus a failure. The point was sprung that
such exclusion would necessitate an cntiro
change of the by-laws , and the mutter ivas
referred hack to slumber for another year.
The hottest discussion of the day was on
the report recommending that the supreme
ledge cause the now ritual to bo printed In
German as well as English. This brought a
number of orators to their feet In different
parts of the house , and ono Haunted n tele
gram stating that thu Missouri grand ledge
ut St. Louis yesterday had voted against
the proposition 200 to 7. That did
not scare oil thu Gorman element and their
friends. It was shown that there was not a
German lodge in St. Louis , ana it was con
tended that long ago , when the order wns
weak in numbers , the supreme ledge prom-
lied German rituals to get the Germans into
the ranks. The report of the commute was
adopted by a largo majority.
Ezploilnn Followed by I''lro In Which at
I.cnKt One Woman Wat Burned to Unnth.
SroKAXE , Wash. , Oct. 20. An explosion of
gas occurred last night in the dye works of
G. L. Trollcr , setting lire to the building und
nn adjoining book store. There were a num
ber of people in the bookstore , nnd the lire
spread so rapidly that Mrs. William Bean
w < is caught in the building and burned to
death in full view of the crowd on the street.
Four others were injured , anu it Is feared
some lives were lost in the dye works , but
the explosion -wrecked the building so that
it is impossible to determine until the debris
is cleared. The property loss is about
Not Ilolloved at I'rovidxnec.
PnovniKKCE , Oct. 20. The story from
Denver about a log instead of a corpse hav
ing been found In Dr. Graves' -coflln has
bconturrsnt hero for several days , but no
attention has been paid to it. So far us
could bo gathered from what occurred at
the crave on Tuesday , the coftln contained
the body of the unfortunate man.
Allulrs of the Alurlno Cinnk of Milwaukee.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 20. The consultation
b ) tweon Senator Mitchell of Wisconsin and
the attorney representing Mrs. Martha
Mitchell , regarding the affairs of the Marino
bank of Milwaukee , has been temporarily
postponed. It was found necessary to con
sult Mrs. Mitchell regarding some question
that nroso and In ftho wns unable to bo herb ,
the party , Including Senator Mitchell , has
srono to Jncksonvlllo , Kla. , where Mrs.
Mitchell now U. The conference will bo
continued there.
lllonitrck Almost Itrcnrf rod.
BnnuK , Oct. 20. Prlnco lllsmarck Is re
ported to have almost recovered his health ,
lie propose * to go to Vnrqucln nt an early
da to.
rive Million * trinn 'PrUco.
New YOIIK , Oct. 20. The sum of tT',000-
000 In gold was delivered at the Treasury
department yesterday In coin. It c.itno from
the subtrcasury at San Kranclsco.
Editor town Plain Dealer Cured of In-
BtiiTcrabla Itching nnd Pain by
the Ciitlcuru Remedies.
No Less Thnu Five Physicians Con
sulted. Their Combined Wisdom
Followed Without Benefit.
t am alxty.ilx years old. In AuguH , ISO. wns
trmililcil with UK.- peculiar skin disease lo which
I'.coiilo of my aiu tire eubjcct. known union
medical men ns icrcma. Its nrst iipi > c. < rancu
wns iicnr the anKlcs It rnpldly extended o\or
thu lower extremities until my logswcru nwrly
one raw here ; fiom legs the trouble extended
net 011 tha hips , shoulders and the entire lonirih
of the arms , the Irgn nnd nriiM crcntly swollen
\ \ Ith nn Itchlnc , burning pain , without i cs .ition.
Although ihaimtt medical ndvlccaUaliiixhlf ! was
employed , nn H'SR tlmn ll\o phjslcl.iiis cif thu
plaro Doing consulted nnd the | irexrrlitloiH |
being the result of their combined ulsdcim , the
illsan < e , though npjwrontly checked , would recur
In n fuwilajsaa bnlni c\ot ; during ItR protin'S *
: iy weight fell n\vnv about twcntHHo poumln.
As an experiment 1 1'Cgau the ut-oof CUTii'fliA ,
following the simple nnd plain Instructions
cUon with the IlKMrimcM , and In four uccks
found myself well , with akin soft and natural
In color , the Itching untl pnln mtlrcly vcllc\cd.
W. . MttAU ,
IMItor Iowa 1'laln Dealer , Crusco , la.
Ct'TicvnA ntiMKiiiKMspcodlly curoevory humor
and illsc.iio of the akin , f-cilp : , and Wood , with
loss of hair , wlielhor Itching , bunilng , ncdy ,
Jiunplv , and blotcliy. whc'hpr simple , Hcnifiiloua ,
hereditary , or contagious , when phjslclans fall ,
I was operated on tuo jcars nco fnrnn alucess ,
which loft a running toie , which lUo doctors
ealil could only be helped by another operation.
I almoU garo up In despair. ji.Morth : of the
CfTiccRA ItRMF.tiira cured me , nnd I nin now
well and strong. . Mas. ANNIE KVI.IJX ,
illOl Liwrcnco St. , Oemcr , Col.
BoW Ihroutfhont the world. Price , CCTICUIU ,
60c. ; 8oArS > c. ; KESOLVKNT , $1. FOTTBII Dnco
ANi > CIIEM. Conrfcole Proprietor * , Uoeton.
ty-"IIow toCurcEkln DleeuBCi , " mnllcd free.
niMrUCS , blnckheadt. chapped and oily nkln
rim cured liy CUTICURA MEUICATKU Sa\v.
In one inlniito Ibn Cutlrurn
Aiitl-l'uln I'lnMor rcilovea rhcu-
d \\enknesse3.
Instant Klllerol Pain.
Internal and External.
QIA , Liinio llaolr. Rprnllis , llrulses.
Kwflllne ? , Btlft Joints , COUO nnd
.CRAMra . Inntnntly. Cholcrn Jlor-
jtms , Oroun.Dlptherla , Bore Throat ,
jjlIlIADACllK , ns II by mngio.
themoet Toworf ul nnd PenotrntlnuUnlmontfor Man
or livast In oxUtenco. Largo Jl Elzo 76c. , We. elco > 0c.
Medicated and Toilet. The Qrcnt Skin Cure ) nnd
Faao Bonutlfler. Ladles will flml It o most
dellonto ami lilRhly perfumed Toilet Soap on
the market. Ills absolutely pure. Makes the
skin soft nnd velvety nnil restores the lo t com
plexion ! ! * n luxury for the Bath for Infants ,
it olays Itching. clean t > s the scalp and promotes
the growth of hair. T > rlco25o. Forpaloby
Kuhn & Co. , Solo Agents. Oinaha.Nob.
Rovoivinj and Adjust ih
Flower Stands
Durably , ornamental ana
uractlcal ; admired by ov-
orylovorof house pliints.
No trouble to oaro for and
keep plants with them.
Tull line , pots , etc. . at
23 Main St
fEj' We wish to announce that we have engaged
an extra force of salesmen to aid us during this.rnsh.
" 4
We Apologize : ' -
! , To those whom we were unable to wait upon
Saturday , and beg to assure them and the public in | 5j
i ) general.that from now we will have ample help till N
the close of this
j We have added a line of all wool double breasted -
; ed $8.50 and $10 cheviot suits which go on sale tomorrow -
morrow at
All wool cassimere suits , never
were sold for less than $8.
All wool cheviot suits , in threa
shades , straight or rouncl out ,
worth $10.
All wool cheviot overcoats worth
up as high as $8.
Examine these goods and ba
your own judge. "We don't cara
who you are or where you go ,
you can't duplicate these goods
for the price.
EI 13th and X
Ssi Farnam. 3
9SU 9N $
SU $ '
6. W. PAMLE , M. D.
Hrtal fhe following Diieasts :
Catarrh of the Itond , Thrust , nd T.nnpt Dl
oa oaof the Kyoand K rKlttnml Aroplexy , Henri
Dlncaso , Liver UouipUlnt , Kidney Complaint ,
Norvouc Doblllty , Mental Dopren-
olon , LOGS of Mnnhood , Somlnnl
Weakness , Dlnbctcs , llrighl's PI1 ease , St. Vlttui'
Uaiico. KlieuibaUfm , raialjrri * . White Swclllnr ,
Scrofula , Kovct Bores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula n ano removed without
the knlfo or drnwInK a drop ol
blood. Woman with h r delicate organs r .
Btnroit to lioalth. Dropsy cured without topping ,
Special Attention glvon to private
Diseases of all klnda.
SGOtoSSOOfo rclliforriny Dls-
ease I cminot euro without moroury ,
lupo Wonns rcmovoil In two or three hour * , or no
pa.7. Gfinorrholda or Tiles cured.
Wlltcavo llfo and Uuudrods of dollars by calllog
on or using
Thoonlyriij-nlclan wlio can toll what ntli
n porBon vrlthont .inkliiR n question.
All cnrrosponilcncoBltictlvnonniUntlaL lledlolnl
vit by express. Address all letters to
, M. D , ,
, Coiuic'/I llldffn ,
{ 7l < nc1oin 4 cento In Htinnn : for rcnly.
It Paya to Paint
It Pays to Use Good Paint.
It Pays to Look Around
And Seo'WhoroYouCnnBuyPainfs
Of All Kinds at Real Wholesale Prices.
The largest oxolu-ilvo Pnlnt , Oil und Glu 8
house In thoMI'soiirl vixllny. U the only plnco
wlioro you oun buy t\ bill of mtlnts for cash nt
wholisulo prices und DO assured thut you
cot thu boat of everything IlriiBhes , Ladders ,
I'utiils. Ol'H , Co'ors , 1'limonts. Kroscoos und
every thin : o' . ° o you will ncoil In the Una this
full whether In qirintltlos you cun carry
uwny In your Irindsorln car load lots.
Moijcy is Scarce
und you want every dollar to count for all
It's worth. . It makes no dllToronco whether
youllvo flvo inllosor 5DO mlles fio-n Counul
UlulTs , you will save money by buying at
Ours Is the only exclusive Art Glass Factory
In the west where you oun sot your own fun-
olcs worked out. or the hcuiitlf ill Ideas ot spo-
olal artists roallzod without fancy prloes.
Wohuvo plenty of room. Wo carry a stock of
pluto und nil other Ulnds of class and arc
ready to fill orders from hand packages to
our lots. Corno and see us , or write for esti
mates on plato und all other kinds of glair
and paintlnj material.
tST"Wutch this space f&r prices.
J i iti'l t iITi , I'i 71
In charge of thoSlstors of Moroy.
Thh renowned Institution Is situated on tho"
high blttlTs baok of and overlooking the city of
Council Jlluirs. The spiicloiu grounds , ita
hluh location and splendid view , make It a
most pluuslng retroit for the iilllleted. A staff
of eminent phyalolutm and a largo corps nf ex
perienced nurses minister to the comforts of
the patients. Special cure ? lvon to lady pa-
For particulars auplr to
Frapk Strcjt - - - tell Bill ? , Iowa ,
14 , N. Mitln St. , Council IllulTs.
Olllcoin-Tii.ii'iiuNKS-Uesllonce : 33
I foil HKNT FiirnUluHl or unfurnlHhud roornu.
AdiliuHH K iiO , HOB olllcc.
IOSTlietwcun U , , M , A. fit. I' . p.iHHCiiEcr depot
v.irul JlroaJwav on rourth or Main utrL-ctu. a
phnuton lump. Flndvr will bo unltubly rowanlea
by rutiiriilng HHIIIO to ' 'Op I'enrl mroet.
SiK BALK fiooil 4-rooin hounu eliuup , corner
1 Sixth uvtnuo ami llllh Htruct. Eatiy payiiiuntu ,
Apply 17 IVarl Htreut , roonm 1 , i ! ana 3 , up Bl.ilrn.
\ \ rANTKD FlrHt-clUHH barber ut onco. John
'I Hchlckuntanz , Jr. , UU S. Main.
TOST A 1'crHinn Blmwl on the rowl to School for
Jl > uf and Dumb. Huturn to a 1C. Willow avenuu
and ruculve reward. _
\VANTKU-Ulrltodoeeneral boimowoik. ilra !
11 n. lltiiinutt , aiu AvunuoU. near Oak land Avu.
TKAUK rcKloteml JtTHuy cow , duo 10
calve In Hprluir , for llmt-cloaH grade cow that
IB fruHh. or otltur propurty. I. C. lloiiliuin.
IOWA PAIIM3-870 acres , fJ'.CU per acroj OUO
-lucri-u , Ci'j.OO ; aou aurui. b.'S.OU ; OU acrou ,
HA.UJ : 100urrn. VJ5.0U ; HU acruu. J7.Uo. Ijireo
lint of furnib , fruit farms and irarduu land. John
kton &yiin 1'atton.
DO YOU know tlmt Day & Hum * havu bumo
cholcu baryaluuln fruit and garden land near
A 1ISTUAOTS and loinn Farm und city proparty
and uold. I'uucy ft Tlioinim , Cuuuct
_ _
GAUUAOK removed , ceaBpuolH. vaults , chlinney *
cleaned. Kd ilurUw , ul TJylor' ( 'rooury , DU
Uroudwuy ,