Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1893, Image 1

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End of the Tarnam Stract Thsator Oomcs
with Fire and Death ,
Stalwart Moa Suffer in Reality Where
Many Have Mimicked Pain ,
Albert Jerome's Body Lies Under a Heap
of Bnkon Brick anil Mortar.
I'lro DoUrojn tlin Tlrnt llullt nf Oniihi'n
TliCHplim ruliici'i Ciiitisht < " ' " ' 0
utul Sprcml "iwlft
HPII mill liniirnnon
An extensive conflagration In the hoirt o
tlio business center of Omaha sent a tlu 111 of
excitement throuifh tlio community jestcr-
day afternoon a few mlaules pist f > o'clock.
The Faraam Streut theitor building , sit
uated at the cot nur of riftoonth and Far
nam streets , wag totally destroyed by lire.
Two small buildings on Fani un street , ad
joining the thoatur , vvcio also destroyed by
flic , water and falling nulls. The estimated
losses aggregate $ U > ,40J. Of Ahls amount
$118,000 Is covoiod by The "Waifs
of Now York" compiny lost SJ.iVH ) not In
cluded In these flguics.
An unfortunate .sequel of the llro was tho'
{ death of ono llroniati and the serious injury
i ; of suvcial other bravo mon who fought the
| i ilitnos. Several spectatuis woio also in-
{ „ " jurod.
The ilio was vvituo'sod by fully 10,033
people , who llllel tliu. streets , housutops and
windows of buildings in thu Imtin tlato vicin
ity. The 111o originated In the rigging loft
of the Iho itcr and the Interior of thu lesort
was a fiery furnace in llfteo'i or twenty
minutes afterwiids. The Ilainca weio gotten
under control after much diflljulty.
Shortly after 10 o'clock list night several
flromun who bad been bittlmg the-ll.imes
for llvo hours , went up on the flro esc ipa on
thu Fifteenth street slilo of the the Her to
extinguish tlio lire. Six men , who never
know foir , stalled up with a line of hose
When tboy vvcio about twontv-llvo foot fiom
the giound about two-thirds of tliu cislein
wall fell , burying the unfort'inatu ill em en
in the ilobris. Three of tlio men wciosc-
t voioly Injured and two savol thomsulvos by
ciituhhig onto a window sill. Thu sixth man
was builod alive m the luius.
Virllins of tliu Flro.
The following Is the list of the dead nnd
Injuicd :
AUIKKT jnilOMRuf hose No. 0 , crushed
Ituslilosnt Klfilitoonth and bt. Maiy'a uvc-nue.
MUM led.
CAIIAINMcBiunE of hose No. 2 , b idly cut
about head and severely bi uised about
JOHN MATTSQN of hose No 2 , cut on head
nnd Injured at b iso of brain. Taiton to hos
pital in delirious condition.
TOM HUANP , injured internally.
JAMES Dow.Nsof No , ' ) hose and Pat Huano
Of No U hosu , sllghtli cut and bruised
PIIOF. J. M , GAvoitu , struck on spiuo by >
falling hi lak. Partially parjljieu.
* *
" * CilAiiiKsSrF.VKN's , linger on loft band cut
by falling cornice.
Tlio Injured meii vveic soon rescued and
the patiol wagon convoyed them to the bt
Joseph hospitil , whcio thov received the
bent of attention. U is thought that all w ill
i ccov er.
V Ono disgiaioful Incident of the flro was
> v hen the polleo and Ihonien nttciupto'l to
talco the lujuiod men to whcro they could bo
given medical treatment. Cot tain alleged
friends of the victims Insisted upon their
being tikcn home , not knowing but what
ovciy second might witness ihc death of the
man they were qiiairc'llni ; over.
John MuBilde , captain of No 2 hose com
piny , who was on the line and vv is so se
verely Injiuod , succeeded the Into Miohiel
Carter ot thu same company , w ho died iclmi
injiuios received at the P.ixton annex Jlic in
April , Ib'Jl. Ho has been in the ilep.utment
nboiit iilnii ioirs , all of the tlmo with hoed
same compiny. Ho Is a mart led m in.
Struck by I'liUlHC Ilrlc-I.ii ,
; , , Prof. J. M. Gaynoro was bully injured
J Jiv/ when Iho northeast corner of thu wall full.
lit , Mr. Gaynoro was viewing tlio llru from the
,1 , rearof '
Gotti'sconfcclionory stioioand was
[ stiui'k in the back by falling btlcks. Ho
was rendered imconsclnus and vras partially
jiaralj ml. Ho rccovetod enough to icquost
that ho bo taken to , the St. Joseph hospital
nnd tlul patiol wagon was summoned for
' that puiposo. Hu was injured about the
\ J. cpiiiu , but at u lutn hour last night il was .
* - thought that ho would recover.
W- OilKin of tlm 1'iro.
ft Tlio flro originated In the files over Iho
f stage. The emplo\cs weio setting thu st.igo
7 for the flist act of " 'I ho Waifs of Now Yoik , "
wlili'h was billed for a Kccund perfoimancn
last evening. The "llj men , " iu endeavoring
to adjust the ' drops , " allowed -drop" to
. . full ovur tl'o ondgo of tliu tin trough which
| t is bupi > osi'il to protcet the scunory fiom iho
gas Jots in tlm binder light. Thu ihops Immediately -
mediately ignited , ind binned with uma/inn-
rapidity , spreading almost instantly
through thu entire "rigging loft , " In
llvo minutes the stage and oar
ot the theater vr.ig In a sheet of llumo Ihat
burst tlirougu t IKI iimt. Thoinaicrhil was of
an Intlainniabln natuio , being composed
of scenery , lopes and similar combustlblo
stuff Dense volumes nf smoke weio thst
Been Itisiiliig fiom thu windows in Hie lear of
the building , near the -'files , "
Cup Ui In Most } n , who was pissing down i
llfteenlh stieot , ut onen shouted oni
nt Fifteenth and raiiiam stiouls to tiiin on
the aim in. Thu command was int.laiilj- )
obeved and tint llio
domrtmimt made a
qulel ; lesponsu to thu call , but rie the list
"lose was laid Iho building was u : uas4 . of
/ llarnes ,
. I'uintlo I'.IIorU nt I
'Iho attempt to save goods fiom the
sweeping giasp of thu llio king losulto-d m ale
number of nauow escapes from Injury to
. lifa and limb.
< u Knver.ll inemboir ) of thu Farnam Slieut
T theater oivhcsii-i plunged mudlv into the
< I burning building when iho llio first broke
/N. / out. Ono member of the oicbestra , who
/ryVic plajw the bass lol and who has puticntlv
euOmitted to the guv Ing song of "Gooi-plu11
upon many occasions , biavcl.v rushed down
the ai.slo nf the lliontcr nnd ncl/cd iho big
tfddlo in his arum Fighting bU wa.v through
the sninUo and llj Ing ilnueis , hu reached the
sldo\\ ilk In safetj , with thu lingo imuU-al
instrument In his tight embrace. Fi lends
of M tnuger Uurpcss lushed Into thu box
oftleo and loscued.inumlierof pUlun s , hooks )
Hint | > apun Ono udmiier otiionn ) Ilnr-
rott .siKiteheil u Jaicc plt-tura nf tie actor
from its position on tlin wall and lo.icbed i thu
eidevvalk just thu second tluor full with a
crash. Hy n blngulaicnltuldeiuu u pli'turo
pi ICnte Cluztoii , tholieiolnoof iho Ui-ooltlj u
flro , was saved from the ruins. The most of
the contents of the box ofllco , however , were
totally destroyed ,
iln Snifil n Sign.
Ono bewildered rescuer rushed midly
around the sticots vvllhaluue placard of
"Standing llooin Onh ' clinched tightly
In his trembling bund. ' 1 his slpn giectcd
the puronsof the the itcr Simd H evening ,
when tlio Initial perform nice of "The Waifs
of Now Yoik" was piiMonlrd The l.fcOO
people who lillcd the llieator Sundav night
ilttlo dreamed tint twont.v-four bouts later
ttu ) building would be a amouldeiing mass
of ruins It was a somee of general con
gratulation that , the llio did not occur Sun-
d iy night , when the house was literally
j mimed with the I irsrcst .iiidlencii of tin
season , The result' ; upon tint nct-.islon
would havu been frightful to eontumplalo.
I'lroimMi VVorlu'il Nulily.
The firemen wore h imlie.ipimd bv the laek
of pressure of water and a network of wlics
which threatened tholr lives.
Within n few- minutes after the illnrm
companies i ! and ! l had slieams plajing on
the building , hut tlio fou-e was so weak that
no water could be thiuwn above the third
story. Chief Galliganvtio was at homesick
sick , jumped Into his wagon and was soon on
the scone , dim-ling iho ctToits ot his men
with all his old-lime viiror. and ho did much
good , encouraging his iiiomcn lo heiolo de
votion to duty.
The men of companies 2 and a rushed into
the thcitur from iho west enti.uu-c. and
weio plajlng wateron the stage when the
( list ciash eime A half do/en Iliomeii
under command of Assistant Chief S liter
were at woik when thu domuuf iho theater
fell In.
In Ilie Crunh.
J II Scott , a member of No. 2 , was about
half way down llio ( .enter Islu at thu tlmo
Ho was knocked to thu lloor mid seriously
Injuicd John Simpson , dilvor for hose No.
< lwas with him , and how the men escaped
\\ltlitlieh- lives is a niir.ulo The Hi union
weic ill 1 vcn out of the bulldlnu by iho rush
of llaaius , and their Lonii.ules had lo get out
us best they could.
'I hu men followed llio line of hose and
loathed the door Seott had moat of the ,
hair of his head burned off and his hands ,
weio bully blistuied. A fulling bilek
gushed his head Simpson was also biulsed I
and cut and his left foiuuin was fiactuied [
by the falling debt Is
Ono bundled feet of hose and a uo//lc
weiuabandoned and d.stro\ud ( \ ;
riuirtiuii Mm i ins nf U'ltoi.
About this time compinies fi and 7 ai lived I
and fouilucn stiuuns were soon playing on
the 11 uncs. In a shoit time the new water
tower was on the giouud and tlio gie it mass
of peoplu gieolod it with he.utv cheois ,
Two lines of hose woio tunieJ Into the
tow ci and a lot rent of water was .shot into
the stiuctutu
About this time the noith wall fell out ,
doiag serious damage to thu Karhach build
ing , in which the German Savings bank is
located. Thu crowd sought safety In flight ,
and many people weio badly j.iminu I in thu
ciiish. About this limu thu foicm iu of the
Thompson-Houston olectiio light wiiesar-
lived with eight or nine.isslslants ami began
cutting the llvo whes Their piompt woik
certainljsivod in my people fiom suiioas
_ I'olli o feel \ l < c.
The police under Captain Mostyn and
Sergeants bhoop and Ormsbj did good work
In keeping back the eiowds. Coinmisslonei
Cobuui , Haitmatiii and Stricklci also did
good soi vice. .
The crowd of sneetatois was estimated 1
tit 10,000 to 1200J ( and they we.ohaidto i
At 5:80 : tlio north wall fell , completely
destroying Jack \Vooils1 \ saloon. U hen thu
11 lines woio lirst noticed Jack was in his
private ofllco talking to George ICrug and
some friends whoa hut eo ils buuan lo lull in
liiailooiuny. He went biek into tliestloon
and baldly hid timu to secure his jnptns
and cash'repistor when it was scan that the
whole building would bo destroyed. Wioa
the north wall fell in his place w us com
pletely demolished Mr.Voods HI.VS his
loss will bo2JOuUand ho has * llOUm- }
roll with a Diafunlnqr Cnuli.
In fiftocn minutes after the aprth wall fell
in the cast wall toppled over with a deifon-
ing clash , dcstioj Ing lid Wittig's and thu
Drum saloons and the Woild-IIciald'b mail
ing loom.
The men in the saloons had Inft the build
ing , but .tho men wci o at woik In Iho millIng -
Ing loom and thov had a n iriow escape with
theh lives. The floors of the Woild-llci.ili ] '
building were Jammed toc'othor so th it Hie
tlio llooiing was i.iisud up fiom thu concrete
base. The Hood of water vvhK-h folbwcd
destroi cd several lolls of pi inr p ipcr
Wittig's place and "Thu Di am" were al
most completely dcstiojod , b it IM Wliilg
managed to save his papois and accounts
Thodaniaeo to these places was fiom the
falling walls and water.
Implosion ( if flu nilr lie.
The whole intciior of theh'lilding
liku a soclhlng furnae-6 within tlility min
utes after the ahum was tinned In , and the
tlnaur-llko paitltions added fuel to the I .
( lames Whuu the Jlienien got down to leal
work sonio chemicals iu Snov , Lund & Co ' &
diug sloio exploded and shattcicd thu plato
glass fiuiit. Hot coals woiubhoweied tlitougli
the air for a blok dlst'int 'I'hogallant 'he
men stuck to their w01 k , unmindful of the
lical and living teals The linctnen of tliu
electiic light company entail thovviieson
llio poles in llio vicinity to obviate llio [
danger from lint source. When the
1101 th wall fell ouo llvo who shot
a current Into asticam of water that was
piO hip on the III o. 'I'ho llroimin nuaiest to
the who had to ill op thu no/ilu. 'the llie-
incn could not ,4ol ; a stioaiu into the fioiit
p.ut of thu third sloi.v of tha building on ac
count of thu thlcknuss nf the window pines.
A policeman saw the dlfllciilty and sulvud
Hb ) pulling out.uuvolver and punctuiiiig
the glass with a bullet. HU aim was line
und thu eiouu clieeiua hcaitily.
.linn itiT llnr.-iNi TalUa.
Teat sillied the ojes of Manisrer Burgess !
as hoiecd thu dcslrui-llon of the theater.
"I do nut Unuw how It stai ted , " said Mr.
Iluiguss. "God only knowH. I beaut lr.ho
ahum nnd saw at a the building
was ( loomed. 1 cannot give thoe\act llguius
on our lo&ses at picsent. Thu building and
fuinlshings of thu theater woio Insured for
jW.OOO. Wo had a llvu yuais. lease , and had
n good list of attractions booked for the sea
son. The theater was iufuinishud thiough- ;
out only sixty dajs ago. Wo h id put down
notv c.uputs aud Hxed it up niielj. Nuw vnit
Is in lulns. 1 cannot Bieak | definitely at this
time of uij future plans , "
Sketch of llin Iliunml llilllilliiK l.itt of tlio
I'ho buildlut ; was a handsome four-story
and basomeut stiuoturo nnd had quite a
history us a , plajhouso. H was oicctud in
ISsl by I'vCiJVCt.ior ' llojd.imil the giound
covered was 77 foci on Fainntu and 1J-J loot
on FifU'cntb htieet. 'I'hc geaoial sljlu of
uu-hltecliiio-.vas Aineilcan renaissance , and
the uxturlor piesontod an imposing appeal-
anco. Jtio iiileilur was .11 lisiically dccot-
alc'd and Its uiram-'omenlH a.s a theater were
prououneeiHiiio. It wan vhtnally thu lirst
largo business stiui-tuiqoiecte'd in thu city
und thi ) citUons in the oaily dujs ol its ox-
Utoiu-u pointed to It with pi Me. It lindji
seat hit ; capacity of 1,700 and thu stage was
fifty feet ru ep , acconmioilailiig thu produc
tion of all the liugu diama and sjieetiteuhir
pi'ifonuaiu-es '
The building outrlnally cost S5.HX ( ) and
was eiui-ted umliii-'tliu hupoivuion of Me-
Klfatilctt Bri > s , , tliu .uiod New Yoik nrt-lil-
tect . Until 1VJ1 tliij theater wua known i as
Uujd'i ) opera houso. It was opened Octo
ber 24 , ISM. every soil in iho house being
occupied 'iho opera was "Li Mascotto , "
Fa.v Tuiupluton aud her company appearing
in the cist , Soon .ifier the curtain dioppud
un the Ural act bcnator Maudeison ud-
ihcsiod thu audience , i-ongiatulatlng the
peoplu upon the completion and iipeiiing ( if
the beautiful tomplu of iiiimsement and I al
the bJiuu tlmo complimenting Governor
Bo.vd for his public' bplrll ant onteiprUu.
Clovoinor Hoid iiiudo a neat icspdiihj I
1'llltCllU I'll ) 111 ! llUCflMU III.
Fiom the day It wns throvvn oi > eu to tlm
public the theater piovcd a pa ) in ; ; Invoat-
mcnt. I. Rave the people ofOmnha an op-
portunltv to witness Iho best theatrical
nnd operatic performances In the country.
The first manager vras Mr. Marsh , and ho
continued In the position during the first
season. Thomas Boyd came from Philadelphia
as manager In 1882 and continued until 18811.
when ho nnd Doc Ilaynes became the lessees
for two j cars , In 1SU1 , Uovd's now opera
house was completed nnd Bovd & Havnes
became ininnirors of that hlav houso. They
w ore succeeded nt the old theater by w. J.
Burgess , who came as resident manager
for L M. Crawford , thu lessee of tlio thea
ter. It was not until n legal battle had been
fought In the courts that thn theater's
iinnio was changed from Boyd's O | > era house
to the Farnim StroJt theater , bluco IS'.ll
It has been known as thu Farnam Stieot
thc.itcr.and , has niiliitninod popular prices
and enjov e I n large p itronatc.
Ncanvallof the ba-it kii'iwn actors and
aeticsscs have appeared at the theater ,
among \\hrrn have been ! Kdvvln Booth ,
llliton. Salvinl. CuiistinoNcllson , Lawicm n
Barrett , Fanny D.tvcnpoit. ivlarv Anderson ,
Jou Jefferson , W. J Florence , Hnimett Mr
and Mrs Kendall , ICato Clavtou and otl'urs.
In July , 188J , Governor Bo\d disposed of
the pioperty ton syndic Uo of stookholdois ,
known as iho Amci lean Bank Building com
pany , of which O M Carter Is inesldent
and A C. Powell is ueasutcr. 'llio resident
stockholdcis p lid down ifTiU.OOO , and bonded
the s uno for ? 20) ) 000 Tno lentals on the
building averaged $ .M,000 per .vcar. In 181)1 )
L. M. Ciawfoid ol St. Joseph leased the
building' , p lying $ . " > 0,000 fur a llvo j eats loasu.
I Illml vvlt'l IptiiiniB.
The building was a fout-story brick struc-
tuic , The ground lloor was occupied by
sloies and ohlces. On llio Fainam stieet
side the tenants consisted of Mullcr , the
confecliotipr ; Snow , Lund &z Co , druggists
and Allcnspaiigh , ticket broker. A'snuil !
fiult Ht nut occupied space near the oniianco
On thu Fifteenth sticct side of thu building
thu ground lloor was occupied b.v Jack
Woods' saloon. Pcabodj's hat store , Hess A ,
Swoboda , Huddy. iho optician , nnd the
Aineilcan Fuel ( ompiiij. In iho basemenr
of the building vvcio llanson's biiber sboi
and Dr. Woiley's Turuish b.ilh looms. Ol
the second and thiid Iloois vv-cic thu Jack
m in dental parlois and laboratory. Sotnr
of the goods in the stoics , particulailv
Snow , Lund fc Co's . will bo saved. Most o
the contentshowever , wore destroyed b :
Ih e and water About half the losses ate
coveted bi Insuiaiieo.
I'lia building' ) adjoining on the c.isl , occu
pled by Lentz & Williams and 1M AVitiit' as
saloons , w ui cone story struetutes aud wcin
data igod by fallimr walls They were the
Pioperty of A J. Ilanscoui. valued
saloon stocks and fixtdics weio badly
at lr > ! ) ( ) ; putially Insured. The
damaged In both places , and Iho siino .uo
putlill\ covered by insurance also The Fuel company , occupiing the one-
sloiy l'i uno brick adjoining the Witting
place , sulTcicd damage to the amount of % 75
Ii suiaiicc nnil I.O91..H.
Pusldent 1 Caiterof the compiny is out of
the citv , and Tie'.isitrur Powell says that the
pioperty i Isalucd nt JfJi"OOU , with insur-
uno amounting to < ; ) . ) , ! ) JO on thu building.
He ( said ih it it was impossible to tell wh it
steps the company will take reimiding ic-
eonsli iii-lion.
The Insmnnco on the building is placed
with the following companies :
fiianltoHitc , Now Iliunpshliu $ 5,000
liisiir nice Company of Not th America -l.OJU
Liverpool & , London and tilobo 0,500
OiMaiid Home , California 3..100
Uciiiianli. NowViuk 3,000
.Htm of Iliirtfoid
\ . ' 2.500
AniPllcaiiof ' .
1'hll.idulplilii 2,500
Oiimineicliil Union 2,500
Cniinivtli utof Ilirtford . -J.&OO
( lunii.iii Anurlciii , Nuw VulU . 2,500
lluilfoid . 2,000
Maiuifiictuicis f. Iliilldcii , New Voile . J,50J
.N.itlonulDf Haufoni . 12,500 '
Noilli .1 Men ; intllu . 2,600 '
Oilenlof llaitfoid . 2,501) )
I'lietiKof llrooldyn . 2,500
I'luiMilMif Iliiltfoid . 2,500
VVcsteniof ( Un uhi . 2.GUO
Amurlcuiuf Now Voik . . ' . 2,000
London A Iiniishlio . 2,000
Now Iliinipsblri' . 2.000
Not ' \vlfh Union . 2.0UP '
1'riivldcMii-o-Wiiihln tuii . 2.OOO )
Ouucn j of Novv Voile . 2,000
Ulioilu Island Underwriters . 2.0DJ
Itockfordnf llllnoH . 2,000
> > ivultyi ! > f Connecticut . 2,0t)0 )
lliltlsh Amc-ili iiuirc.uiadii . 1,500
Moic-li ints of Now Juivy . 1.50IL >
Koi'liLSlei Uei in in of .New VorK . 1,500
M. I'aillP. nndM . 1 5'IO
Uojaiof Knglund . 1,500
United I'lioiii ill's of I'hlludc'llihla . 1,000 )
Cunc / ! irdln . . . , . . * . nf I./X. MllwiillUce , . . \-.l . 1,000 )
Continent il - 1
of Now YmU l.OJO )
II inovci of Now Yink 1,000 )
Miinche-tui of Uiul ind 1,000
Meic-niitllu I' . nndM. ot Iloston 1,000
VIlhxaulteoMi'cli inics 1OM
Mc'ii.i.i ! of Nrw Yolk 1,000
People's of Nevi Hamixhliu . . . . 1,000
bpiliigUiirdenof Phlliidulphlii . . . . . . . 1,000
Totil WO.OOO
It is estimated l that thu total losses are as [
follows :
Tliuitcr building , ? Ti,000 ; fuinlsbings ; ,
3ir > , OiW ; J. H Wools. sJO.OJO ; M. Huddy ,
$ lXi ( ) ) ; Aineucan Fuel company , § 500 ; Han-
sen's birbor shop , Si 100 ; The Drum , W,0dl ) ;
1M VVittig , $ .V > 00 ; Woild.Heralii , Sl.OtiOs'Dr. ' ' , $ .Jr , > 00 ; AllenspiU'jh , $ . ! 00 ; fruit
stand , $100 ; Snow , Lund & Co , $ T ,000. Other
losses In-liio.ind water , including adjircnt
buildhl'3 , . * 5,000. Totil IOHSL-S , ? HO,400.
Coveted by insurance1. 118,001) , ) .
Snow , Lund iV : Co. . diuggists , vvcio negoti
ating a s ilo of their business and stock , tint
whether the s uno completed cannot be
poslthelv staled.
i.iiHl Tlirll Vil MllobiM .
The members of'The Waifs of New Yoik' '
compiny , who vveio pliying a four dajs
engagement at the i heater , aio all mure
or less huavjloscis by the llio Tliopiincl-
pil losses weio sustained bv Maimgd-
Cliffotd. who estimates that lie lias lost . ,
In peisoiul elTccts and wardrobes , fully '
Andv Am inn figures his personal belongings -
ings and valuable manuscilpt at $1,100. Mr.
Unbolts1 losses will aegre.'ale ? 1IJO. ) 'Iho
losses of tlio other muinbets of the Iroupu
w ill icach $ lr , > 00. Nuno of tlio members suc
ceeded in saving aav thing , with iho excep
tion of livu trunks. No insuianco spho
This is a soveio blow to jnoat of the
tioupe. Sovoial of the lady members of the
company vvcio bsinomlng tholr loss and
plteously vvilnging their hands whllo they
watched the piogiessof the llames and llio
dealt uuilon of tholr propoiiy.
Young Uddlo Cole of the company received
the piaiscs of all the mumbois for nls hcioio
cIToits in trying to s.ivo their w.udiobo in-
atead of looking to the having of his own
effects. Another member , Ud Puipor , baiclv
escaped with his lifo fiom a falling wall
while ondcavoi ing to bring out a trunk.
The sceneiy of the company was valued at
fl,000and Insuicd , but whether thu insurance
ance is effective vvhilo the sir i ! cry is hi i n
theater building , or whether it only nppllcs
whllo In tr.intc , Manager Cliftonl uauunihlo
to sialu delhilluly hist niirht , iho owner , \lr. \
\rilllams , being in Califoiniaat present with
the IC.itlo Uaiinott loinpany , It was stated
by several monition of the company that
none of their number were In the building rat
Iho timu of iho bicakiii [ oul of llio Hie.
The water pressure was not strong enough
to throw a beavp sticnm to the third story
of the building.
The falling biiel.s and ( him : cinders made
things dangerous for the tlieinen ,
Captiln Most n and his ofllccrs did excel
lent work la keeping back thu clouds.
The Klks formeily had their club rooms in
the fouith stori of the buildiug. The
Omaha Pi ess club entertained Bill Nju and
James \Vhlteomb Hiluy m the club rooms
after an entertainment in the opera house In
IhbT. That was before Nvo und Kilcyuio
When thu injured tlromcn crawled out , of
the burning building and had to bn assisted
to the morgue in order to lucuivu medial us-
gistaiua Dr. Leo said that ho thought a tire
und police surgeon should bo npnolntcd ,
vv huso duty it should bo to go to all the big
lirus iho same .u the Hie repoi ter does and
bu prepared lo render prompt assistance i to
" "Pickpockets mingled witli the crowd and
fet In tbeii work. De mils Cunningham was
robbed of a valuable gold watch and chain.
When the llio alarm was sounded Cluls
Ilartman vnu sitting in his ollice llgurlug ; on
insurauco rates lor this building. T'h 1'to- '
rlotor of the house was endeavoring to get
lower rate of Insurance , 'and ' it had been
ccldcd that as soon ns tho'tiresont Iciso
uid expired the building would bo turned
nlo nn ofllco block.
It Is a singular fact that the People's
heatro was closed for n lark Of funds jcs-
erdny. and this ono was deslroj-cd by llro.
cavlngonly ono place fOrainnscmcntBCokei-s
n the city. U Is qulto likely that the Pco-
lie's will now bo reopened.
Dcnso erowds ot people held possession of
ho sldowa'k on the sotlth side of Fnrnam
stiect , Fifteenth for tho'dlst men of a qu if-
erof a block south of Fm nam. Farnam east
mil west of the lire , nnd Fifteenth street
north of the flrc.
During the progress ot the ilro the ownoia
ind occupants of buildings in the vicinity of
the conllagrntion kept men with buckets and
a .supply of water stationed on their roofs to
extinguish any of thunumerous stray spaiks
which were Hying in the air
Traflle on the Furnam street motor line
was entirely suspended for a whllo , nnd
when resumed only tbroo ti.ilns were oper
ated to convoy passengers west of Sixteenth
The crowds of people weio koptbusy dodg
ing the wires which vvcro cut by tlio line
The Leavcnvvorth street motor lines weio
obliged to transfer passengers on Tweiitv
seventh nnd Leavonwoith stieets on account
of the llro tlioro.
Mis Dr. Aycr was ono ot the Hist persons
to obscive the flames btirstini. through thereof
roof of the building The lady was coining
down Fifteenth street and was near the
alloy at the time.
Leo Hatolle saw Iho flames when they
burst through the roof of the "Ilgalloiy
and before the department had responded to
the ahum.
Fioni excitement , caused thonows that
several llrcmin had been bulled in tlio
Humes. Mrs. Joseph C. Hoot fainted away on
the sidewalk on Fainam street.
Heimaii Tiniino , who was In the thionp
that surged back and forth dining the lire ,
repotted the loss of ids .valuable timepiece.
IiU obligation disclosed that It had been left
at home.
"Tlio Waifs of Now York" company uses
a Silsby engine in one of the scenes nf the
iham.i. When the company opened its en
gagement hero it was fojnd that the sm ill
elevator at the tneater was not laigo enough
for the engine to bo transported to thos'ago.
It was theioforo sotit back to the cars.
This lire engine and a few tiunks was all
that the company sa\ed.
Thiee members of the Board of File and
Police Comhiissioncts weio present at tlio
lire , and they rcali/cd th it Omaha did not
have the lire apparatus noiossarv to handle
a big lire A new La LY-uieo rugtno has
been oulereJ and will bo hoto In a day or
two. At the meeting last night the com-
missioneis agreed that ono , ungltio was not
enough and they ordeicd another ono bv
tclcgtapli. With the old stcitnui- this will
glvo Chief Galligan three 'engines to light
tlio flames with. The theater Iho ptovod to
bo a lesson to the people , show Ing that they
a\e not hid adequate motection fiom t Do
flreflend. t
The " 4-2-1" ( the " "
"general , us it is known
among Ihemcn ) followed quickly after tlio
rcguhr box was nulled , summoning o\ery
avail iblo [ ileco oflho apparatus in the city.
The companies in the outlying dlstticts had
long runs to make , but they acquitted them
selves nobly.
III the JUlilrit of the Kxdtrmcnt
a Second 1
the progress of the Farnam street
flro an alai m from box 4 , at No 5 cngino
house , was turned in and Chief Galligan
quickly dispatched ono hose company and
truck .No. 2 , along with Assistant Cnlef :
Siltor. It proved a long hardtun to
Twentj-EO euth ana Leu onwoith stieots ,
where the second fii-o
was llercoly bla/in ?
It was especially hard last ulglit after the
men and hoises had woilvcd so haid at the
other fire.
When the department anivcd on the
scene the fiamo block at the corner of
Twenty-seventh and Loavouworth streets
was found to bo in llamcs. Clnof Saltcr did
the best he could with the oao stroim of
water which had been sent out with him
aud telephoned lor help as soon as he could.
'I lie liie slatted in the shoo stoiu stoto of
A. McAithur , 7J3 South Twentjseventh
stieet andspieadcry tapiilly to the build
ings adjoining.
On the not Ih was the plumbing shop of J.
J. Hanighan. Thctoof of this building was
ablazu before a t-in lo line of hose had been
laid. The 11 lines spread tapldly and wore
soon ( 1 ipplng the toot of the tailor shop of J.
Wolenholdt. This building , which is a two-
stoiy frame and stands on the corner ,
caught. In spite of all that the ( Uomcn
could | do the llamcs spicad and inside of ton
minutes this coiner block wt.6 a total mill.
Utl Iho Hi cinun made efforts to enter
the buildings , but weio diiven back evciy
time ! by thu in.ense heat. After a haul
light the Iho wag gotten under control.
According to statements made after the
liio it scorns that the b.u ! < 3 started In the
shoo stoic , Mr. McAithur was lighting his
lamps 1 lor the ni ht. Hu had placed two of
them and had the other iu his hand. It
llickcicd and ho dioppcd it. McArthur tticd
IIe smother the flames with his coat , but
could not , and rushed tip-stalls after a quilt.
When ho ictui-ncd he found the blaze h.ul
f.pc.ul : and hu ruahcd to the engine house to
tuin in an ahum.
f.I' 1 no Jsh block on the coiner was unoccu
pied ' but insineil. MuAithut has n ? l'liU ) In-
sir nee on His building and M-00 on his
J. ,1. Iliuii'-'han saved about half of his i
pioperty. The building hu occupied was
owned MJ thu li.vion Heed estate , as was also
the stole occtinied bv Wolenholdt. the tailot.
Io tl I m no t iititttikll * tnnt nft llti Illi.l11.l nt'tt
jtiMii.ti.i.ia iitf'i'CA
Delt-Kiito * llcslntiliii ; tci Aiinmlilu ut St
Imils All Are intliniiliiKtlc. :
ST. I ouis , Oct , 2. The delegates to the
pan-Amuiican blmetaljlo convention , which
will meet at Armory hall tomorroxv at 10)0 : ! ) ,
have begun to arrive. President A. C. Fisk
i cached the city this mornlnz by thu Chicago
& Alton train and thirteen Colorado dulo-
gates came with him fiom Denver.
Burlcigh Johnson , picsldontnf thoTopoka
Blmutalliu league , was'also among the eailv
airivalsand annouiiLcd'that the league's
dolopratlon would como in tomonow morning.
Governor Levvelllng will bu'among ' them. llg.It
Is impossible to estimate cither the
number bore or that yilllboheio. Thosu
who arc hcie , however , aio to !
enough , if that quality vjlll tnako up for , ny
possible dullclcncy in numbers.
Thcro Is rooio or less of a sectional fooling
evident among these already hem. Piesl-
dc'iit Fisk is e pecl illy pronounced in ox-
picssiag himself as of the belief that the :
convention will bo oxtromolv bcncflclal to
the west and the south generally , as it will
bo a declaration of a comrnunlty of interests
bctw eon these sections of the ununtry. w 1th
St. Louis as the chiuf distributing point. "I
bullet o , " saU ho ted ty , "that St. I.ouis Milted
bo made the rnoatext city of the United
States. This city It the ) depot of
supplies for all the v/ist territory repte-
seated by the delegates to this convention ,
among whom there Is a very sttong senti
ICIIlid In il Mrm t Dm I.
OI.ASOOVV , ICy. , Oct. 2 As tlio result of a
despciatu stieot duel Saturday night be
tween Deputy Marshal Collins nnd Clem
Dcph , whom ho was tri ing to arrest , Doph >
lies In a I'lltleal condition with three bullet
wounds in his body. p e of Dcph's shots
Hied at thoodlcor went wide of the maik
and struck a negto In the fotchead. Tliu
bullet llattened and foil to thu pavement ,
making only a painful lies ! ) wound. Maiuhal
Collins was not hint.
\Viicin lii'tlin fvuit welt.
MINSEAI-OIis , Oct 2 PiRUies compiled
by the Northweitein Miller and tlis Market
UecorJshotv thoagsitgnto stock of vvhual
In thu northwest h r..lll.t nu < iicla | , nn i in-
ciuasoof 1,0 ,400 buliela compared with a I
week ago. I
Mcllo Acain Turns His Guns on the Bra
zilian Capital.
iTirt ( to Sprnro I neil Ironi SnrriMinilliiK
Dlstrlcu l > rii\o 1'iullu ( liUfiriinipiit
Dlsputclii .1 ICepurt Th it thu
llclicls Arc laming ( ( round ,
LON-DOV , Oct. 2. The Brazilian minister
hi this city has sent the following dispatch
to Houtir's
Telegram compiny :
D"Hio un IAN-I-IIIO , Oct. 1 , ISO , ! The In
surgent squadron Is still in the bii ; Its
lighting elements aio much weakened by de
sertion ftom the crows and
, dally some of
thu vessels are damaged by the shore mill-
lerj Yesterday's bombirdlng the forts
vigorously answered. Two steameis which
escaped have been repulsed nt Santos At
Santa : Cathorltm they fulled to land. The
troops arc united
and loval to the govern-
incut. i Public opinion Is opposed to the In
surgents. "
LO.NDOV , Oct. 2. A private cablegram re-
cclvcd '
bore today announces that the rebel
Heel at Hlo de Janeiro opened flte upon the
Brazilian capital .vesturday moinlng , and
that the bomhiidmunt was continued
tluoughoul the day. Tno same cable an
nounces the foioign ministers at Hto ,
backed up by the commaudeis of the foreign
wn vessels at Hlo.havc for
. a long tlmo past
overjthing possible toavoit fuither
hostilities botweoii the
insuigcnts and the
government \ foices and in apltoof the fact
that thcso friendly efforts have been
directed continuously towaid both sides in
UK dispute a failtiio to induce the opposing
to como to un apieeinent basic-
suited in inoio damage to Hlo from the icbcls
and Kreat loss of life.
The cable
message iceoivod hero this
moiniuir does
not give any details of the
damage done
thu bombii-aincnt of
j -
day , nor does it st ito how
many peoplu
killed ashote oralloat. It is piesumcd here
from the tact that the rebels aio ,
icpoitod to
have shelled thu
city all day Sundav the
loss of life must have been considerable and
both sides must have suffered.
The telegram loforrod lo , however
, cou-
Hrms Iho
previously made to the
effect that provisions at Hio are getting so
scarce thai , to use thu uxact wurdsol the
message , "famine piices piovail , " in spite of
the untiling offoits made by the government
to secure fooa iu Iho neighboi hood of llio
capitil and from the adjoining stales of
Minas Geiacs , Sao Paulo and Goy.iz , but
thcso uffoils do not seem to bin e been suc
The piivato cable
' mcssago which was sent
to tlio Associated pi ess after its iccolpt hcic
seams ' to contradict explicit ! } the statements
made in the muis.igo w hich tlm Brazilian
minister huro gave to Heuters Telegiam
company today , .ind u hit h the minister 10-
ceivcd to all unpeu.uiees fiom Hio under
, \estciday's date. The
that though the icbel squadion was still in
the _ biy of Hio "its lighting elements woio
much weakened" and that " '
was vigorously answcied"
the forts It was nUo said in the Brazilian bj
goveiiiinent dispatch that the icbul ships
had boon "damaged by the shoio artillery. "
This may actually havu been the
case , but it
docs not seem lo Imo piovenled ihe rebels
fiom bombaidlug Hio all a iy Sunday.
I.edui'lnir .Vlrxlcin l o tne. (
CITY or Mnxico. Oct. 2 Congiess has au
thorized Picsldcnt Diaz to lofoim the exist
ing postal laws , and it is beliuvodthit in
terior postage will boioduced from 10 to 5
cents. ' 1 ho icauctinn , It is thought , will In
crease the levenuc and the ofilcienc-y ot iho
Posloillcodep u tment. Tno postal cn.u e to
the United States is 5 centu , or half the i.ite
chaiged for domestic postage. The Partido
Liberal , n
govummont somi-oflicinl
oigan , the piime iiilnister's newly pio-
posed tax on cotton fabrics is pail of a vast
plan slowlv maturing bj Scnor Limiintour ;
also that the now tax is a sign of a rupture
of the government with extiemo piotcction-
Ism , which has caused so much Imim to
Mexico The uolioy of the govetnment is
distinctly toward lower duties , but enoimous
picssuic is brought to bear bv manuf ictur-
cis on the llnancial minister and the admin
istration gencially to piovent caii-ilng out
any compiehonslve scheme of 10venue 10-
foi m.
Iiinii LMl tlin lltiiu niiik ( Jiuvmion ,
Lovnov , Oct. 2 A pimphlot has been
Issued on the Brunswick
question. It says
that the succession to the throne or to the
regency cannot last aui insists tint the
dukoof Cumbctland , who has the ilstlit of
succession and whosu son attains his major
ity flvu vo.iii. bonce , sli ill undertake to
educate him In Brunswick. Othciwiso ,
continues the pamphlet , when the dukoof
( Jumbcihind dies the duchj must clc.n
another duko. 01 else the duchy will become
a icichslaiid llko Al&aco-LoiY.ilno.
IJnlti'il titcsoijiiil Kninntn to It o.
WAsimoTON' , Oct. 5 Information has
i cached the Navy department that thu
cruiser is'civark , which loft Now York sov-
oialdavsago for Hio do Janeho , hasanlvcd
at the Bai badocsi. She will loavoas piomptly
as possible for Hlo , and ought toaiiivo thciu
in j , tuo necks , . The dcjiu tmcnt is also In
formed that the United States steamship
liultimoio has atiivcd at Algiers
1 niiiiin ) i'lodilcil ,
LOVDOV , Oot ' . ' Disp itches to the Times
sa > s that the delta of lonkfn was iMitlioly
Jloodod by a iuirilcano tocont'y whli-h swept
away maiii ( Uvollliigs. A number of the oc
cupants escaped on rafts , but m my weio
The vicar npo-itolle has issued a pii'ssins
appeal to avert a famine , as thociopseio
mined by thu hiiuicano.
I'roni h .Minor * I'l.'litlnir.
Lovuov , Oot. 2 The Paris coriospomlont
of the Times telegraphs that the tension in
thu mininir distiieta Is becoming dangerouL.
The fiist bloodshed Is ircoidod at Diocoutt ,
whcio , in the
resisting ouioraof the irons-
daimos to dispeise , oveial mineisvero
ti.impleJ tinder thu hoists' ' feet , cut wit n
sabres , or prodded with lances ,
lliDiiliiiruV ( hoiiuii ItiTiird ,
IlAMiiuun , Oct. 2 Throe now cnsos and
ono death fiom cholera are inportcd heie ,
Two previous patients have Huccumbcd to
the disc.iso.
b5iiiritnn | ! tlin ItuciM ,
LoL'is\nii : , Out. 2. The scpirato coich
law enacted bv the last lesjlslatuto , provid
ing that all the rathoads lunni'ng tluoiigh
the state thrill piov Ido hepar.ite cars for HID
vvhlto and tolorod passengers becaino opnr-
atlvo icstoidav. Whllu all of the toads have
not yet complied with thu law , they hiiva
cithur partially douu so or aio making the
necessary ariangenionts for causing out tlin J ,
requirements of the bill.
The colored people have cst ibllsheil head-
qtiarleis at rr-inkfort , Ky , und will nmVu a
btubboin light In thec-ouita
( ! ( i I Iho V i Kiel Oil.
Mil.vU'lCLE \ , Out -At the .Mllu-iukeu
oftlioof thu Goodilch Transportation com
pany It was stated this evening that thu
steamer Chicago , wl.Ich ran her note on hu
bench duilnga fo ? off Hat mo , was ' ed
I'.fleru bhurt delaj unit pioecuded on her
trip to
) lrauillil7 ot u Muamrr.
Mil VV'ALKCE , Oi-t , 2. A special to the AIs -
cousin fiom liiciue , Wu . SIJH the tinoliUh
steamer ChU-asro went ashoio ut the foot ot
HydosTcct whllo endeavoring to nuke thu
harbor In a fog , She llej head cm uud U
twundlnif heavily. Tberonro a largo num
ber of insscngers on board and gteat excitement -
citemont pruvalls. The tug GillCn ami n
life-saving crew ha\o gene to the scene.
JntKitrn > . \ or.i
I.lfc-I.ontr Dcinoonit ut IIMVI * llpcnmA n
I'npiilDit ,
lns Moisns. Oe. 2. ( Special Telegram to
TUB Bre ] lion H. L , Butler of J egan , ft
11 fu who has served the patty
ns a membrr of the Icglslatuto for twenty-
four v cars , the last slvtoun as senator , has
written a loiter to Chilli inin Scott of the
people's | pait > ; in whkh ho tikes
leave , of the ( Ufnocratlc party and beconus
n populist. ) He sivs :
"Wo 1 loiuo to thu pirtlugof the vva.vs.
A political revolution is upon us. The lines
are tapldly foriahiu , but aio not yet so dls-
tlnct as to bo visible to tht > unaided ejo. The
day for soparatiiiL' the sheep fiom the go its ,
or , utthur " , from the wohes , Is dtawlng
A significant ptragiaph of his letter 10-
fciilug to Ctovcinor Boles is as follows :
"In Iowa wo aio Informed by vorv good
authoiity that no nation il Issues need apply
for consldeiatlon ; that wo leally have no
voice or iiillucncu whatever over these gre it
and picsslng questions ; that our Ills In this
slalo Ho on the g.Uowav of Iho becr-kcg
Issue ; that if icllef fihalU-oiiio at all It must
como through the bung of the bear ban el ;
that If wo can only got proper legislation on
this , then will the rocks not only pour fuith
rivers of oil , but we shall bu enabled
our weaiy with beer. "
Si iiNiitiiin In Court.
Orrt'Mw v , la. , Oct 2 [ Special Telegiam
to Tins Bni : 1 Thcio v > as somethliic of a
sensation In c-outt today when Jcnkln llvans
was brought In to tcceho sentence to tlio
punltcntlaty for life for tlio minder of
Thomas Lloyd. Ills aUoino\s Hied a motion
for a new trial , claiming technical legal
oirots in the pioceedlngs Oioof the .tea-
sons the misconduct of Iho prose
cution hi lefoiilng to the other muideis
committed since the 1st of .hinuarv and unk
ing the Jur.v how It would look to sco In Iho
paper with big headlines , "another mtir-
dcier tin nod loose. " It was also clnugcd
that.luiyman .lames Heiidilekson had do-
claiod provlous to the trl il that ho would
have to hang Kvans , and Jui.vmaii Ford had
douo the same. After a icdhotdiscussion
the matter was continued until toinuiiow.
Murilmcil lij n 11 limp.
Mv-ovCiT\ .Oct.2 [ Special Telegram
to Tun 13BR J 'inn O'Buen , night polleenrin
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul mil-
load , was shot down In cold blood at5o'clock
tills motning by a tiamp. As thu fiuight
pulled In fiom the cast two tramps juinucd
out of an empty car. and O'Bilen attempted
to nnest them. Ho caught ono and had
taken him Into Iho depot and commenced to
scaich him , when thu tiamp made a bioak
for libei ty. and O'Biien followed him. Ho
ran about eight rods when the tramp
wheeled aiound , and giabblng Bullion's 10-
\olverfiom his hand , shot him through the
bicast Ho lived but twenty minutes. The
triuip can bo identified. A laigo party of
cltlroiiii aio now m scuch. O'Brien is very
popular , aud If his murderer is inn down
today a lynching is not among the Impossi
.Shot In tin , Uncle.
Di'iifQi'B , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegiam to
Tan Brc J The police have been notilied of
a robberv and attempted murder at Fort
MeGiogor. The \letim was Hans Nelson , a
young Norwneian. He entered the town
with a sliangui. who luted him up the i.iil-
load and shot him in the back and pounded
him Into Insensibility. Ho took $10 aud a
watch and tlucw him into the rlvor. The
water lovivud Nelson , who diasrgcd himself
ashore and reached a farm house , whci c ho
lies with slight hopes of iccovoiy.
Ilo ( lit "ii rnno fur Jtollcrtlim.
Slot \Cm , Oot 2. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bui ! . ] D. M Hawk pleaded guilty beio
todajto the charges of bigamy and embez
zlement. Hawk came hcio from Council
Bluffs lo woik in a commission house. Ho
w.ii a Sundav school snpc'iintendont on the
side and in this work mot a lady fiom 1011 :
Point , to whom ho was municd a week after
his Hist wife came hum fiom Council Bluffs ,
and thov left toguthur , taking 100 of his em
ployer's money. Ho was caught in Illinois.
Mimlcrml l > > Mtghwiij'iu in.
Cm , Out 2 [ Special Telegram to
Tun But' [ John Holucr , an old losldent
and enclneer at the electiic street car power
house , was shot and killed at i ) o'clooit
tonight nt , the coiner of Slxtn and Water
stiocts highwa.viiicn Ho icslatod in
their attempt to hold him up Theto Is no
clew to the ulentitj of the murderJis.
Will I Illril ! till ! SlIlOlllH.
Ccnvu HAIMIIla. . , Oct. 2 [ Special Tclc-
t'lain toTni ! Bn : ] rjcailct fever hi a moat
malignant tv pu has btoken out at New Hait-
foul and AVHlIoughby. 'ihusohojls will prob-
bo closed.
llaclaiil In from thu ( .nlf IIy a IlvuvjVlnit
II Dims Mm It DiliiUKP.
Monii K , Oct. ' . ' A southeast gale broke
hero this moialng anout 1 o'clock and the
wind has been incifasing in velocity over
since until this houi (1 ( p in ) It Is blowing
at least fifty miles an liout- The bitomoter
is btlll falling. Tim wind has blown the
water in from the gulf until the liver has
loichcd Hoial ( > ti eot , four WOCKS from the
uvn and at an elevation of abjut llfteou
feet from the main liver height. There Is
nowayol estimating the money damage
All the wholesale and I ho pilucipil portions
of the ictall dlstiict ol thu city is some four
feet uaddi-water and thuus uuls of dollais
vvoith of goods havu been damigcd.
Tin ) pilot lioat Id i Low and the biy boat
Hcioluo have been dtivcn on thu locks and
bidl.v damaged 'Iho Ciuscont City , a bay
boit , loft Point Clear this inoining and has
not sluco been lieml fumi , It isrepoitcd
that thicodiedgfs woiklng on the channel
have been lost It IH also IOPOI ted that . oino
llfty miles of the Louisville Sc Nashvilloroid
along the coast are under water , and that
the Biloltl luldge has been swcjit away by
the galu.
Nothing has been huaidfinm thegarden-
ois in ttu * inamhcH cast of Iho city , and the
woiBt is fcaird.
'lolc-gi.iphlc communli ntlon is cut ( id In nl-
most oveiy diicctlnn , and fi iii the piesnnt
outlook , Mobile will bo enliu'ly cut off fiom
the outside woild vheti d irUnoss t-omca 111rt
In this city houses have been unioofcd ,
tines blown down and ono cotton WMchousu
has succuaibod to the fmo of the galu , All
the smoke stacks of all the nmniilneturini , '
industilos have been bluwn down Sliuet traflle has been totally suspended , and
thu city win no doubt bj in darUticss , as tliu
waves iu o fast i-ncroarhing ou thu olectiio
llglit w oiks , whiih may bu under water In
another hour 'J ho busine s thorou < hf.ues
of the clt > are. being navigated in bo us , and
people aio wadlnc up to their armpits in
( irdor to save tholr goods inm
H Is eouiedeil by all to bo tlm woist storm
that has over vlsiud Mghilu The BOiilhuin
pirtof thecltv pieseuls a Bcno of wreckage
as If it hid beoii honibaidcd , Thu towers on
fiu--ourt house and Chilst church aiolottui
Di.ulgo No , 5 tuinod over near the light-
bouso ami llneo men > ; ere lliioun into the
waves 'Jlio now of thu tug Captain
Sim steamed to UiciY lescuo and saved two
of Itf mon , thu othur bein lost.
An unknown limn lost his footing while
from tlm union depot nt the foot of
will stieot nnd was swept under thu
luldguand diuvviuul.
llet > 3 Illuu nt New Orlonln.
OHI.KASS , Oct 2. A \ ry high wind
slot in , nmounting to almost a cyclone , vlulted
this city liio last night , doing neat damage
to tiilepbono and tulcgiaph w lies and caug-
Ingcoiifciderablu loss by bluvviUjrofftilca , ulo.
I'ollcoman L'lilch Bauer was struelt and
killed by fulling biickb at Iho corner ndof
Choiipltular strjut. No further loss of life
is reported ,
Senators Show a Disinclination to Listen to
the Silver Dobati ,
But Ono Incident of the Day's Proceedings
Provokml Lively lutorost.
How the Unseated SomtoM front Wyoming
and Wnsaington Would Have Voted.
Ho Kovinnoil tlio Mil in. HI HUtorj or th
Ctmtitr. ) ami I > niu > iiiiroil tlio Attempt
to Ktiliirco tlio t'
x\ur of
Nutloiml Itniikx ,
* . Oct. 2 In the senate today
the most mtoiestlng incident occurred eaily
luthodiy. By means of a peisonal stato-
im'iit Mr. Dubois
of Idaho brought up the
subject of the vacancies In thu senatorial
rcpiosculation from the stiles nf Washing
ton , Wyoming and Montaiii and repeated
his argument made when the icsolutioa
which hnofi'cied was under discussion a fuvv
duissincuas to thu Impoitauce of these
stales being fully tcpicsunted when a vole
should bo taken upon the hill.
Mr. Washbmn of Minnesota assorted
positively the senatois from two of the
states in question , Mr. Sqliiro of Washing
ton and Mr. Carey of Wyoming , would vote
for unconditional , leaving the Infer
ence that if the question were postponed
until scnalois could ho oleclcd fiom iheso
states their votes would not aid tliu oppo
nents of When thoaulhoilty for his
statement was demanded Mr Washbuin
said : "Tho sonatois themselves , " adding
that Mr Squiio had informed him that ho
would vote for unconditional
lupeal. The
statement cieatcd somethhi'j : of a sensation ,
and Mr. Dubois doclaicd emphatically that
the senatois alluded lo weio not lor uncon
ditional iepe.ll.
Theio weio two formal speeches on the bill ono by Mr. Kyle of South Dv
kota against the bill , and the other by Mr.
McMillan of Michigan against ficu coinago.
Sim tud Ihn Ninth U'cul. .
At 11 o'clock this moining the scimto
cntoied upon the ninth week of the
piescnt session of eongiess with baioly
u score of senalors ptescnt , and the
attention of the vice piesident was called lo
iho fact. After a little del i.v ono more than
a quorum was seemed , forty-four semitois
lespondlng when the mil was called , and the
Hunalo pi acceded with loiitmu business.
Mr. Sherman of Ohio culled atten
tion to a niisslat incut in Iho recent
speech of Senator Whiteof California ,
quoting from the Bankena' Mnga/ino ot
August , ItrfJ , as to the coin.igo not of that
year. Tbcio was no s ich at.iteinont In the
imiga/ine , bo said , anil the whole statement ,
was a inanuiactuiod lie from beginning to
end. It was woise than a foigerj and ab
solute fabrication branded with the brand
of infamy. He did not blame the senator
fiom Caltfoiiuii , bccausu the nllogod article
in the magazine had frequently been quoted
by otheis
Mr. White said he had t.iKun the extract
fiom a woik wiitten b.a \ very piomlnont
republican , and had not himself examined
theBnnkois' Mag.i/iiie If the oxtnietwas
not conect ho would omit it from his speech.
The silver puichaso repeal bill was then
taken up and Mr Duhols of Idaho , rising to
a puisonal .statement , called attention
to a remark of Mr Goiman of
Mai viand , that the icsoliulon Intioduced
by Mr. Dubois to defer the coiisldctatlon of
financial legislation until the senatorial
vacancies fiom the states of Washington ,
Montana and Wjoming weio filial was
offoicd for the purpose of consuming tlmo.
Mr. Dabols denied that this was his motive.
Ho had Inliodmed the resolution In the lu-
tuiest of the thteu states lofcned to and
justified the Intioductlon of the losolutlon
by a ptocedunt established t.omee.u.s , airo.
Mr. Washbuin of Minnesota supposed the
object of tlio resolution was to show that
thu opponents of lupeal weiu being lakon nt
an unfair ndvnntago. Ho would therofoio
Htnto the facts and allow thu scnato to reach
its own conclusion. Of the llueo stales in
question Iwo woio not silver piodueinjr
stales , and ihoso two states woio inportcd
In thu sonato" by two sunatoi i w ho favor tlio of the Shoiman law
In response loa question of Mr. Wolcotl of
Colorado , Mr. Wushbuin sild he lefeirod to
thu states of Washington and Wjoming.
Oiin.iiiiiii d thu Siiuiiiuitiir.
"I would like the senator fiom Minnesota , "
said Mr. Dubois , "to state by whoso nu-
thoiity hu makes that asseitlon , "
"Bv the authority of the suualois themselves -
selves , " icplied Air. Washbuin.
" 1 immlno thosu senators will icsonl that
Imputation , ' ' sail Mr Dubois
" 1 state that the senators fiom Washing ,
ton ( Squires ) and Wvoming ( C.uoy ) are not
for thu unconditional of the Sherman
law. The senator from Washington ha %
otfoied an amendment in thu luturost of
silver. The sonalnr fiom Washington
( bqulii'H ) told me , " \Vashhutndeclarod ,
"that hu would vote for the unconditional
lepualoflhu pmchaso clauau ol iho Sher
man silver bill "
This closed llio incident niU Mr , Kyle of
South Dakota addicssed thu senate in oppo
sition to iho ivpu il bill.
Ho rev lowed tlio hisloiy of the
country and denounced the attempt to en-
Mitro the power of ihu national banks as
dangcious to llio best Intuicsts of the coiin-
tiy The binks now had it in tholr
power to Ineie.iHo or diminish tlievolnmo
of cuneiiuy and lupcileneo had deinuu-
stiated thai ihu power was used to piomoto
selfish designs , Hufuiilng lo ihu Sherman
act Mr IC\lo , believed tl had no pirt in pro-
duchig thu jeicnt p.inlo and that its repeal
would havu no effect in ihu way of causing a
rctutnof piospority.
Iink o ( liilcri-i-t "him n.
AftorMiKjlohad been spe.iklng about
an hour and a half , his rollc.uuii , Senator
Putllgruvv. suggested tliu abst'iu-n of a
quoiiim 'J'heionpon tlio i oil was called , a
quoium appealed , und Mr. Ivjlu pioeeedod
with his speeeh Mr. 1C } la re id his speech
fiom nmnusi rlpt In an almost Inaudible
voice , and until tbu i oil was called scairely
a do/en senators wcru In the chainhgrduiltiy
Its doilveiy
Mi. Kjlu said that ho would ngrco to vote
to I'onli.iet thucurienei us piovided by thu
pending bill if the private and public debts
and taxes of the people of thu United Status
weio scaled down In llkopiuportion. Ho ap-
pealel to thu sonatois from thu south to
n land for thu piotectloii of their own states.
Lot us , " ho said , "make this iJefunto In a
in inly and courageous manner , nut In the
spirit of Kcelionallsm or class legislation , nor
with x spirit of hoslllltv to the casiuin In-
teieslsof ourcounlrv. but In llio spirit of
oqiml ilvbtf and piIvlieges to nonn.1
Hoaiguedthat butwocn guld and silver
the latter was thu moiu stable muasure of
cominndltle-s , and that the United State *
should bioadcn the hasu of Its money system
by opening Us mints to ihu frou coinage of
.llllMIIIUIl'H hH'fl | l | ,
Mr. Kyle ( oncludud bis bpeceh at 8:80 : ,
having tpokch aboul two and a half hours ,
and Mr , McMillan , lemibllean , ot Michigan
uddictsed thu senate in favor uf
Inteinatlonal blmelallisin b in--nut of th
question for thu present , he said , this coun
try should use all the silver possibly without
departing front thu gold staudaid , Gold.