Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1893, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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( 01'.NCI I , IIU'ITA
I'tllvrtcd liy tnnlor to any pnit of llio rlly
U \V. Tl I/TON Manager
Hu'.lliPM No. 43
1 - KI.M'UOM' > J onico
\ Nljlt ( , jailor No 12.1
.U/.VJf < MK.WIU .
N. V Plumbing Co.
Hoston Store bankrupt sale.
The Mnyno Honl KstntoCo. , C21 llroadxvay
The Hoard of Kdiu'.itlon meets Monday
'I'lio season open * .it Dohany's Monday
liipht with -A Plum IMddhiK. "
Miss AiMia Sherman hai returned from a
viiit to Chicago nnil Oes Molno.1.
The first ball of the season will be ( flvcn
in Masonic tcniDlu on tlio evening of Octo
ber fi.
A rnse of diphtheria , Ilos.i Knrmcr. is re
ported at Avenue I ! and Twenty-second
hi reel.
Miss llertln U Bitop of Cincinnati Is In
thorlty vWtlntfhor protticr , Will O. I&top ,
and family.
Frank Peterson and Hello- Sampson , nn
Omulm I'nuplo , bad .lustlcu Pox star I them
on lludr lionoyinoon yesterday.
Atdcrnian .Jcnnlnifs and ex-Mayor Kohror
nro said to lie amen ? these conslilciini ; tbo
tlnilrabllHy of the mayor's ofllre.
\V. T. 1/ " a former Counoll Hluffs boy.
B In Detroit. Mich. , having been admitted
nto pnrtnur.shtp with his uncle , Mr. Trow-
nil if i ; .
KvntiKOlhts Kceblcs and Ttiompson will
bcRln their scries of union revival meetings
nt the l-'irsl Huptist church Wednesday
Miss Pauline Miller leaves this evening
forOhleuKo. After spending some tlrao at
thcj fair she will KO to her hoinu in Poturt-
bwv , ill.
Till ! Colored Republican I incoln club has
called a meotiiiK t tht'Ir North Sixth street
liiarti'i'B on Monday evening at 7 o'clock. .
All colored won arc invited.
.1. .1. tJlicii. tbp attorney , was plated under
nrivst yesterday on two charRes , onu of as
sault and b.utery and tbo other with mak
ing threats of bodily violence against ,1.V. .
Mrs. M. C. Krulncy wants a .ilivorco from
.limn .lay I'Vaiin-y ' , claiming ho does
notbinir tosunport : the family and that he
imtulircs his ap | > ctitu for drink to too ( jrcnt
an extent.
.lames Hall , who Is i-hai-Rod with assault
ing a neighbor's wife , has hml Ills ease con-
timied until next Tuesday afternoon on ac
count of the inability of bis nttorno.v to
attend to it before then.
There will bun mooting of the Gnnvmedo
'Wheel club nl Ihc rooms in the Grand hotel
minus Tuesday evening. A full attendance
Is ilcfilred as business of Imparliinuo is to
come before the meeting.
The old ICbnball > t Champ perplexities are
H Kottintrsomo niritiK before .Iwlffo Macy , it
bclnj ? the suit of A , T. Klwoll , as trustee , to
forcelo'-o on certain property in behalf of
certain creditors , whom ICimball & Chump
sought to protect by giving Khvcll a trust
deed in their behalf.
Max Harnlioldt was yesterday arrested on
complaint of Clara Huylo , who su.vs that betook
took possession of her trunk , which with
contents nho values at $ ] . " > , and that be
shoved it up at a Broadway Intel for bis
board. The ruse is to ho heard , before Jus
tice Field Mon lay morning.
Leave to wed wnn yesterday granted toM.
M. Carey and Dor.i M. Kopers. both of Coun
cil niufTn ; Charles Floto of Uriswold and
Macuic Kitof this county ; Fr.inlc Peterson
and Hello Sampson , both of Omaha ; Frank
Maxllold and Ida L , . .lones of this cit.v ; Wil
liam Merrill and Gussio Snunders , both of
A stranger has boon stopping at Nou-
meyer's hotel for several days whoso strange
net ions liavo caused the suspicion that he is
insane. Ho fancies that some one is chasing
him and trying to kill him. He was yester
day taken in charge by the police , who gave
him an upper room ; here he seems to bo
quieted by the assurance that ho is in
I'KltSOX.t / . 1''HS.
\V. C. Kstep has returned from Chicago.
Miss Mnud Cavin has gone to Puublo ,
W. S. Stillinan has gene to Davenport for
a brief visit.
Kil 11. Hoagland haspono to Peru , III. , in
tending to. make that his boinc.
Will S. Colby is a fever patient nt the
Women's Christian association hospital.
The Misso ? Carrie and Klsio Schocntgen
mid ICdwnrd Schocntgen have gone to the
World's fair.
W. .1. Jamison left yesterday for n Chicago
trip. During his absence Mrs. Jamison will
visit friends In Cedar Rapids ,
S. P. Burtlett has sold out his business to
nn Oinalm gentleman named Walker and
Intends to go sunih ibis winter.
Misses Nellie and Lucille Cannon of
Chicago nre In the eity visiting their grand
parents , Colonel and Mrs. John Fox , and
their undo and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Sheriff Ilazcii has received word that his
daughter. Miss Mabel Hazon. who , with her
ulster , Miss Maud. Is attending school at
Highland Park college , DCS Moines , is very
ill. Mrs. Ila/en has gene to her bedside. A
telegram ycstcrdn.v states that Miss Mabel
Is Bliglitly better , but nhvsician and friends
still deem her condition alarming.
IlKiuiii'ratlr I'rlnmrirH.
The democrats hold their primary
flaw-uses in the various wards last evening ,
Doting for delegates for the county conven
tion under the Australian system. Candi I-
dates for the olltcus to be tilled this fall had
their friends at work zealously in tholr in
terest. The principal effort , vibiuio on the
Biirfacu was to secure dolrgitcn favorable to
the nomination of Drunks KjoJ to succeed
him.Holf as county treasurer and to secure ida
.locond term for .Sheriff HIUPII , In the First
jriviiH't of tliu First ward nnantl-Hnzcn del-
Bgation wns rottirni'il. The First precinct 1or
the Second ward Maxell's
, own ward , en
dorsed him and instructed their delegates
nivordini.'ly , but the Second iirc.'lnct of tlio
BIIIIIO ward selected n majority of delegates
opposed to him. W. II. Knophor was woik-
Ing jigninst Uoed In the Second ward kid
seems to have carried his noint , but the
other wards returned Htronj ; Heed delega
tions. The following are the delegates :
I'lrol Ward , I'lrst I'rocImM - Wnlliieo MoKu < il- ]
It'll ' , I' . I ) . Mooiiiiinriiarles llvnthurV. .
Woodward , IM llriinl , ' ! . Hecnnd uroclnci .N'or-
liian ( ilt'on , I'rank liiianella , K. S. Hlockorl t ,
A. llnlier , .Insslo Walters.
fet'ondViiid. . l'lr ( I'ri'i'lnetJacob ' ' l.unt-
rliiKer , It. \VliIltlti \ > y , W. ll.SehnrThoniiis
Aliilinii'.v. II. I' , llarrott. . ivoiitl iireelnct W.
II. Kni'pliur , It. I * . Hervls * , ,1. O'Nolll , ( ins :
lon.Tliliil \Vaid , ; Preclncl-I , . /.urmnehlpii ,
J. It. Deltrlch , I' . C. l.urhon , MaMoulin. . S-c-
iind p-eclnet W. II. Tlmmiis Kniinutt Tlnloy ,
I * . ( , oiininil , Iri'd S | 'l mini.
I'tiiirib Wuril , I'li-si I'rt'clni't- .
- W. II. Wur , O.
I' . WK'klinin.J. A .Murphy , . ! . ,1. , liim. Si-cond
iMi-cliii'.l - . II. White , M. , C I { , Mltcholi ,
Jin-i-y ICt'lley ,
I'lftlii Ward , I'liM Prot'lnot-H. II. llowiniin.
1r , . A. lloukhoir. Mck O'llrlon , Tliuniiib Calla-
liuii , I1. A. Macbiin. Hi-fond | irfclnclNelMii )
l.iirson , .IIUIH'S Klrlev , .1. Casuy , Oacar llciiicl
HlMb WaulV. . 0. llnyuili ( > or ( Jravfs , W.
II. I'avne , li. . retui > on , Wllllsin Kviins , P. 1) I ) ,
I'oiiint u Iliinir.
Yestoniay Hov. Henry DJ Long found n
pleasant country homo fora little girl who
was taken oil the streets by the mission
0ino weeks ago , and who ilgureil promi
nently in a very s.idcnso that was mentioned *
in TIIK HUB at the timo. When llrst taken
in the child bad nothing on but a thin calico
dress and was the very picture of despair.
Yesterday when bi'uu by a reporter she was
comfortably ami neatly clothed and appar
ently happy. It is uoeilless to sav what
would have been the Una ) result in this cast )
but for the Interest that was taken in her
welfare by the mission.
Mr. Dolyjng when seen eaid the credit
for supplying this child and hundreds of
others with comfortable apparel belongs to
the good neopla of Council UlulTu , who hnvo
responded to the mission's call for clothing
for the poor. Nearly every ono has articles
of clothing about the housa which limy bo *
food , and yet of no benutlt to the owner. If
jucli person will pack up what they do not
' > aui and aend It to the tuUiion they will
did lu a fooji work.
People Wonder at the New Levy Made for
School Purpose ? .
Money Itnlned In One Venr lo I.ait
I ho n : inl Tor Tire AVIio
the llenpllt of Hie
. The school tax in Council Bluffs , according
to the levy Just made , amounts to lU'f mills.
This conies as a surprise to Hie conservative
taxpayer , who cannot remember the time
when the tux over exceeded 14 mills. Why
the sudden Jump ? For seven years past the
school tux has run from 10 to 14 mills , and
the average has been about t'J mllU , The
increase this year is therefore so marked as
to demand an explanation.
One of the reasons given Is that there has
been such nil Increase In the attendance
of the schools as to inureaso expenses
mid consequently taxation. The con
servative taxpayer is not altogether
satisfied with thU explanation , for
the Increase of schoolchildren Is lookedupon
as the result of the natural growth of Coun
cil Blurts , and lliuro should bo a correspond
ing Increase In the assessed valuation of
nropcrty , there being many now bouses and
buildings , as we'd us many nnw children.
Another explanation offered is that lust
jear no levy was made , or rather an attempt
was made , but fruit rated by these who de
tected a Haw in the proceedings , and there
fore had the alleged levy declared void. As
a consequence the levy this year had to bo
made hirge enough to make up for the failure
to got a levy last year. This satisfies the
inquisitive taxpayer a little more readily ,
but still then ) are some who are pressing the
inquiries further , and the result reveals a
queer state of affairs.
of 1'iollt.
It seems that for years past it has been
tlio policy of the school board to keep about
one year's funds ahead , no that the levy in
any ono year would bring in an amount
equal to : he needs of the school for two
years ahead. Ili-ncc the treasurer of the
school board for ye.irs had from $ dOOJO
to $1)0,000 ) more on hand than there was any
possible need for. This may account in part
for the unseemly plotting and scrambling
which has for years characterized the elec
tions affecting the public school svstom of
Council IHufl's. There has not only been a
big pot of money on hand to meet the ex
penses of thu year , but a balance in addition
equal to n whole year's levy. One lnrro
taxpayer , who has Just gotten his eyes
open to the situation , asks the very norti-
ncnt query : "Why should tlio pcoplo bo
taxed a yi'ar ahead in order to let some one
have the use of $73,000 a year of tlio people's
money I" The conundrum seems unanswer
The failure to make a levy last year brings
to light a remarkably bloated condition of
the school fund.
Although last year was n
very expensive ono , and many building im
provements were nuUc , additional teachers
employed , etc. , yet. there \\as enough in the
school fund , left over from the excessive
levies of the previous years , to pay all bills
in cash , and there Is still cash enough on
hand to run the schools late into the fall. In
fact , after skipping one levy , there seems to
bo no lade of. . funds , the school board simply
being obliged to use the surplus which has
been carried for yerrs for the benellt of the
banks or these who have Imu free use of the
Cunns n ( li'iicrui Olijoclliin.
The size of the levy this year indicates
that tliis policy is to be continued , and there
is to bo gradually accumulated a fund of
large proport'ons to replace the surplus
which baa been such u tempting plum for
the politicians and bankers for lo , these
many years. The taxpayers have Just awak
ened to the realization that for years they
have been taxed I'or schools while all the
time there has been enough of their money
lying idle at any time to run the schools for
a whole year without making any tax.
Whether they will bo content to allow
another such surplus to bo accumulated for
the benellt of u lavored four remains to bo
scon , but the mutterings in the air indicate
that there may be a halt called. Taxes cer
tainly seem nigh enough without any in
crease for tlio purpose of furnishing capital
for private parties to do business with.
If you want to buy the best improved
5-room residence in the citj- call and see
iniiio , inside and out. I want to build a
large house anil must Boll this ono first.
Forrest Smith , T-'Jb' Madison street.
Cinders for Sale 200 loads nice , clean
cinders for walks ami drive ways. Apply
to K. D. Burke , Tuylors's grocery
Domestic soap is the best
Fruit lands and farms. Grecnshiolds ,
Nicholson & ( Jo. , (100 ( Broadway. Tel. Ifil
lunn Ituil .Hull.
The great council of the United States of
the Improved Order of Hod Men has been in
session 'ill week at Das Aioines , la. , having
accepted thu invitation of the Red Men of
Iowa , extended to them through H. L. Will
iams of Council IllutTs , great representative
of lowu in Atlantic , la. Mr. Williams left
here Monday in a special car over the Chicago
cage , Kock Island Ac Pacific railroad , which
bo had secured especially for the western
representatives of California , Colorado ,
Wyoming , Nevada , Oregon , etc. The car
was handsomely decorated and the run wns
made in daylight to ciiahlo the delegates to
sue Iowa at its best.
Mr. Williams lias Just returned nnd re
ports the largest attendance of nny great
council , and especially of tbo ladies , nearly
every representative beinir nccompanled by
his wife. On Thursday Mr. Williams no-
tlrliur Ciovernor Holes In the ditilm ; room o'
tlio Ha very house , where nearly all the rep-
rpsentnlivi's wore ifuests , arranged an im
promptu informal reception , and when the
governor came out of the dining- room ho
was mot by Mr. Williams , who escorted him
to the ladles parlor , whuro some ! ! 00 of the
great council and ihuir ladies had assum-
bled , nnd inlroduced him to thu great coun
cil us a body , ami then as each member Ap
preached to taku llio hand of the governor
Ills name and state wore plven. After tbo
reception was over the governor addressed
tho'ii in nn uppropriuto and happy manner.
The ladles of thu great council and Dos
Molnes presented Mr. Williams with a val
uable pluto , mm the western delegation
inado him an honorary member.
1T ! > llw , granulated Hiifriir for GOo
At Hrown'Bt' . O. D.
If you buy the following $2.00 order
thin week wo will pivo you
2. ) Ihs , | * rnmilntod sugar for CO
1 basket llrod Japan tea ( iO
1 Ib , of nuv kind ground spk-o 40
1 Ib. can I'ojirl baking powder 40
Remember thit * is the regular price
on the tea , npico and baking powder.
Hrown'sd , O. I ) , , Council BlulTa.
J20,00 a year for ten years la two hun
dred dollars. That is what u Radiant
Homo stove will PUVO you in fuel. It is
tlio uhcupoBt steve to buy. Cole & Cole ,
solo ngonls11 Main street.
l.oit a I'oot ,
James Conger , a car accountant , met with
n serious accident yesterday in the Chicago
North western yards. Ho was riding on
the footboard of n switch engine when in
some unaccountable manner he slipped and
fell , tlio wheels crushing ono of hu feet'so
us to make iimpututiou necessary.
Beautiful etching given with every
dozen cabinet photos at Rlloy & Shorra-
don's for twenty days ; frames of all
kinds to order.
Abk your grocer for Domestic soap.
Cnuncil lllufTt
The enrollment of scholars in thu public
schools of Council Bluffs at the close or the
ecoud nook cbowa a wonderful Increase ,
the total number of pupils this year being
noSO , while last year It vrns 8.207 , the net
Increase being 373. This is the Inrgeat gain
over kiown in the history of Council Bluffs.
Tlio past year the bo..ird built two brlrk
buildings of four rooms each , one on Madi
son nvcnuoand one on Thirty-second street
but the demand for school room has gene
beyond nil calculation. The High school has
Increased over 100. while Third street In
creases ninety-two , I'lcrco street forty-two ,
Eighth street forty , Harrison street twenty-
live , nnd other schools report Increased
enrollment. This is nil increase In ono year
of lii per cent , the largest increase thus far
reported by nny Iowa city.
IIOSTON sroiti : .
l.mlVorl ; of Thn ( Irrnt llnnUriipt
Don't fall to visit the Boston Store
this week nnd tuko advantage of thin
the last chance to buy dry poods nt
almost half price. Read the following
items' , they will Interest you.
Our entire Block of calicoes po at 4\c \ n
Ifio outing flannels at tic a yard.
lf > c ginghams at 7c a yard.
12c } cotton batta at ( Ho a roll. These
arc a nice clean butt.
12Jc LuiHdowno cloth in dark color
ing ! ) , beautiful styles , to go at 8Jo a yard.
All remnants at exactly half price.
20 pieces nil wool Hertford cord , worth
Too , and 10 pieces oO-incli storm sergoall
go at 2."ic a yard.
50 pieces dress poods in plain nnd
fancy weaves , worth up to $1.2. " ) , to po
nt.'tilc : this includes a good line of f > 4-lin.ih
ladies' ololh.
Our § 1.00 line of Ottoman poplin and
Eplnpline in a good line of colors to go
tvt fillo.
OnrTOo and IWo -Jti-inch silk finish Hen
riettas in a full line of fall shades to go
at (17 ( ic a vard.
Only a few of our dress patterns loft :
tret one this week at exactly half price.
oil-inch Gorman table damask to go at
'l.'lc a yard. -
( i ! > c bleached table damark to go at 42c
u yard.
72-inch bleached table damask , elegant
quality , never wild for less than $1.2. " ) and
M.fiO , toXo at H7.e } u yard.
Potter's best cloth at Do a yard.
All our table i-bt3 at cost price.
All our muslins and sheetings at cost
2. " ) do/.cn children's wool hose to go at
12J a pair ; never sold for loss than 25e.
lc ! ) ladles' fast black hose to go at 12o }
a , pair.
, ' )3c ) and ; ie ! ) fine imported hojo to go at
27c a pair.
08c ladies' lisle thread black boots ,
fancy tops , to go at T.c ) a pair.
100 dozen ladies' Jersey ribbed vests
and pants , bought to soli at IlSc , to po
this week at 2-lc each.
, r > 0 dozen ladies' Jersey ribbed vests
and pants , silk trimmed , pearl buttons ,
to po at 42c each. These are fall
weight goods.
20 dozen ladies' Swiss ribbed vests ,
sold during season at 2dc , to go at 12o {
Choice of 4 different lines of gents'
underwear atll.'Ie. These goods wore
sold at iiOe and f > 8o each.
If you are in need of lace curtains or
portiorcs got our prices now before pur
Don't miss this the last uliuncq to buy
dry goods at almost your own price.
401 to 405 Broadway ,
Leaders of Low Prices ,
Cook your meals this summer on a gas
range. At cost at the Gas company.
Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , 110
, $2.00 house in Iowa.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap
CrcuU ol tliu KnllH.
First Presbyterian Church Preaching In
tlio morning by President ICorr of the Uni
versity of Omaha.
Young Men's Christian Association Men's
meeting at 4 p. m. , led by Dr. W. 1. May-
Held. Subject : "Lovo to God and Love to
Our Follow Man , "
Uerean Bnptisl Services morning and
evening conducted by Iho pnslor.
Congregational Preaching by the pastor ,
Hov. Or. Askin , morning and ovcninc.
Morning : subject : "Tho Power of n Good
Mfo. " "Evening : "Free Will. "
St. Paul's Church Hoy. E. J. Babcoek ,
rcetor. Holy communion 8 oVIock. Morn
ing prayer and sermon lO.-UO. Evening
prayer and sermon y0. : ! !
Firsl Baptist Preaching morning and
evening by Ihe pastor , livening subject :
"Personal Kesponsibillty. "
Twenty-ninth Street Baptist Mission
.Preaching at 4 o'clock p. in.
Bethany Uaptisl Preauhing at 8 o'clock
p. in.
Broadway Methodist Xo preaching ser
vices. Other services as usual. j
Second Presbyterian Church Preaching
by the pastor , Uov. S. Alexander , morning
and evening.
St. John's English Lutheran Services in
the Young Men's Christian association
chapel at 11 a , m. nnd " : ! IJ p. m. Hov. G. W.
Snyder , pastor.
Christian Church-Hov. H. N. Allen will
preach In Ihu Masonic leinplo in the morn
ing. Ii tlio evening the deferred suhject of '
a week airo "Tho Perfect Man , " will be the
theme. Mr. H. M. liirdsall 'concludes his
engagement with thu church today. Ills
many friends will doubtless bo present lo
hear his farewell song service.
Coal ohoup for cash.
Carbon Coal Co. .
34 Pearl street , Grand hotel bldg.
Jlcpiilillcun City 1'rlmnrlr.s ,
The republicans of Pottawatiamlo county
will meet in delegate convention on Salur-
dav , Soplombor 2J , for Ihe purpose of plac
ing in nomination the names of persons for
county ollleurs , Tlio primaries lor llio selection -
lection of delegates to this convention will
bo held Wednesday evening. September 20.
at 7 p. in. ( except the Fifth ward , which
will meet alS p. in. ) , al Ihu following named
places :
Ql'lrit ward , at Wheeler & Hureld's olllco and
hulect nlnii iliilugalrs ,
Second ward , at ( 'lly hall and sulcd twelve '
Third ward , ut Ovldu Vlmi's olllcu and t > olcct
Fourth ward , at houth room court hoiiiu and
elect ten drlotriilug ,
Fifth ward , at liousu Kouthoa t corner Tenth
i'iH ami Kovuntli avenue and boluct twt'lvo
Sixth ward , at Schnborl's olllco , 2323Vct.t
Ilroudway , and huleutxlx delegates. .
1C very republican voter is urged to attend
tln'Ml mootlnu's. ( , , M. ( ioui.D ,
Chairman itupubllcuu Oity Cuntral Commit
tee ,
Tlioro will be a yellow social in the
parlors of the Broadway M. E. church
Thui'bduy oven ing , September 21 , at
which Mi'HVakellcld ana other Council
Blutl's favorites will sing.
Admission , to null the times , 10 cents.
Smoke T. D. King & C'o'a Purtagas.
GeorgoS. Davis , proscription druggist.
Clntiico for Charity.
In a little cottage at ' ttl Broadway there
is living , or rather trying to live , a woman ,
Mrs. Frank Lloyd , who U surely worthy the
consideration of charitable people. Shu
came to this city from San Francisco a short
time ago. She is a widow , her husband hav
ing died a few months ago , leaving her desti
tute , with the care of nn Infant. She wan
obliged to leave the coast on account of asa
bility to procure employment und has matte
her way this far , dJWectlng to find bettor op
portunities where tfrHbs are better. Hut her
efforts to i > roctir "l'rnplb'ynicnt hero have
been fruitless , larfftl ? for the reason that
pcopl" objected to.ille presence of her baby.
She bus ndvertlsedWv situations , offering to
do any kind of worlMind has tramped many
weary miles where" kindly dlsKMctl | people
have sent her in fiWHcss quests of employ *
ment. Her little Moixi of savings is now ex
hausted nnd for tbpjast week she luis lived
on W ) cents , and frJrti that meager sum she
hns been obliged to buy milk twice a day
for her baby. '
People who are blessed with abundance nnd
know not what gaudl * famine means will do
well to Invest In it little Inexpensive charity
in this case. i
ItllXNl'sON IlltOS.
liny Montln.Y Second U > ck of tl <
( li-rnt .Snlo Monday the ItlcKcnt
Uxy of All.
Big cnlo of wool dress goods.
HO piccns of10inch imported hop
sackings lnall the now fall shades. Mon
day r > ! > o yard , worth in any house In
America $1.00 ,
Now is the time to save money on
dross goods. A beautiful line of . ' 18-lneh
hop sackings in every now full shade ,
regular 7"e > quality , at ftOe yard.
All our 2/ic half wool ; i4-lneh oheviot
dress goods now lf > o yard.
Special silk sale.
Moiulav we oITor two inmibei'H in black
grosgrnlii silk , cvor.y yard warranted to
wear , nt "fie and $1.00yuvd , regular $1.00
and $ l.'l. ) quality. If yon want a nice
black silk dross now Is tlio time to buy.
II pieces -18-inuh black gloria silk , nn
cxti-a line quality , worth in any hoitso
$ l.oO , during this big snlo Monday 8Sc
yard. Homomber the width , 48 inches
Ifi pieces of imported novelty black
dress goods , all dill'oront. no two alike ,
in dainty neat figures , dots and the very
latest novelty in black goods , -10 inches
wide , nt $1.00 yard , worth $ l.f > 0.
Sco our line of now llgurod French
flannels. They are nobby styles , stiit-
ublo for house gowns , wulsts , etc. Sale
prioo 7i"ic yard.
Huy your dross goods during this sale.
Big hosiery and underwear sale.
Ladies' long slcovo Jersey ribbed
vests , loc ! eauh.
Misses' and boys' bicycle hose , full ,
regular made , fast black , regular 2oc
stockings , Monday again at lf > o pair.
Largest stock of ladies' , misses' , chil
dren's and men's underwear in the city.
Children's union suits , all sines , l)8o. )
ilG-inuh line unbleached muslin , -Ic
500 pieces standard dress prints , 'lj
and f > c yard.
Shukor llnnnol at Itjc , He and lOc yard.
worth c , 8c nnd I5c.
fyJOOsnow white cotton batts , regular
I2jc quality , at 7c roll.
72-inch bleached double satin table
dnnnibk worth $1.2. " ) , at 880 yard.
f > 0c German table damask , now ! 19c
yard. t .
All linen crash , at oc , 8o } and lOc ,
worth 8e , lOc and Inc.
You save money by trading with us.
Stick by the lenders ,
Council Bluirs.
AWtUllnn Anniversary.
Last Tuesday , . , qyoning Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Burnett celebrated llio first anni
versary of their marriage nt their home on
Avenue A. The hoifse was prettily deco-
raloJ with flowers ; and n pleasant time was
bad by all. These 'present were Mr. and
Mrs. H. Simpson , Mtt'nnd Airs. G. W. Irwln ,
Mrs. Al. L. Irwln , 'Mrs. ' Perkins. Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. Westerdalil , Mr. and Mrs. C.
Barnett , Mr. and Mrs. Ilannan , Mr. and
Mrs. . Lacy , Mrs. Simpson and Miss Simpson.
i i
GIvinpiAlvny I'lniioi. '
Now is the time to got piunos , for the
Mueller Piano and Organ company is
giving them away. Go and see for
Look Herri
If you want bargains in groceries call
on W. S. Homer , 51)8 ) Broadway , with
the cash und got them.
Itontierril by lrorost Flrcfl *
MERRILL , Wis , , Sept. 10. As a result
of the toirible lire , twenty-live farmers
of Lincoln county are destitute of all
worldly possessions and two children of
William Weges are dead. Miles Swope
lost his ros'idonco , burns anu nnw mill
and lumber yard. His loss is estimated
at $25,000 with -$17,000 insurance. Henry
Froborg and family reached the river
and nearly burned in the water , they
having their hair and eyebrows badly
burned. Some of the farmers had a good
many line houses and a good deal of
grain. All their cattle , horses , hogs ,
sheep and chickens are burned.
I.title Cyvlnnu In Wlscoiis n.
WAUSAU , Wis. , Sept. li. ( A torrillc
windstorm passed over this eity , un
roofing buildings and tearing down lum
ber piles , scattering lumber in every di
rection und creating general havoc
throughout the city. People rushed for
their homos in great terror. Forest
lircH still rage around the city without
Tlirrn CIISUH nl VcllonJitclc. .
SAVANNAH , Ga. . Sept. 10. The Bruiif.-
wick Board of Health reports one now
case of yellow fever , of which a onuo
was reported yesterday. This makes
three cases reported in the city.
Marrlapo probably Is a failure ; the brldo
never weds the best man.
A Newport , ICy. , girl married n fellow
seven feet tall. .Shu luul loved him long.
When a isirl marries a broken-down wreck
to save him , uho usually has bar eye on the
May : What did you marry that wreck
for ? Maud ( liatiirhlil.v ) : To save him. May :
ll'iul How much was the salvage ?
Mr. Watts 1 wonder if a woman ever
docs gel too old lo marry t Mrs. U'alts
That's pretty hard to answer. A'jo does not
always bring wisdom.
Alexander Underwood of Han Jose , Cal , ,
who has won much notoriety as a prohibi
tion agitator on Ihu I'aciflu coast , ami Is now
8.r > years of ago , has taken out a license. It
Is a marriage llcensfc , tlio brldo being Mrs.
Ell/.a G. Beckman , aged 87.
They wore silting on ono chair in iho
back parlor , nnd Ihu'light was turned down ,
"Toll mo , dnrllng."jho whispered , ' 'will ' you
love mo when I am fur away ? " "Yes ,
( icorgo , " murmured thu maiden , "tho farther
away you are the better I will love you. "
And from that mojheni the room grew chilly.
A parliamentary liluo booic relating to the
last census for England and Wales , shows
thai there were taken B,710,30t , ) unnmrrlud
muloa and 8iKSCi5 ) ( _ unmarried fumalos , 4-
SM.rilB married mijlos , and -1,010,011) , ) married
females , USVJOO widowers and Il24ai0
widows. Of tills number thuro wuro seventy-
ono widowers and JJJV widows over 15 years
of age and under lilH-jyeurs of age , and 2.UUS
widowers and U,810 , widows over 20 and under
25 years of ago.
A Canadian teacher of Indians in the far
north woat , lu the Dominion government serv
ice , realizing that 11 is not goon for man to
bo nlono , journeyed down to such civilization
as ho could tind in Winnipeg , not long ago , In
anxious quest for a wife , and with bul six
days available for the search. Firsl ho com
municated with the police , but they protested
they could not aid him. Next ho sought the
preachers , with ocjuul ill success. ' Then ho
iiad recourse to tha press. A friendly notlco
In u morning newspaper allure ] six would-bo
brides forward the sumo day. Hu was not
qullu satisfied with thoiapDeurance of nny of
them , but thought that one "would do , " ami
sut about making preparations for the nup
tials. Almost when too late n seventh young
woman appeared. Then it was u case of love
at llrst ulpht on both sides. The half-
accented young woman was quietly Ignored ;
he married the last comer and the next
morning1 ho sot forth with his Urld for bis
homo in the northwest wilds. It Is to bo
hoped that they will live banpy over after.
Gold Onto Pntitnt Drank Half n Pint of
Bichloride of Gold ,
TliryVerf C'linrepd Mill" Crlinlnnl
Kvnae but tlin Pnronls n ( tlio Poisoned
Mini ICi-liiirtl to t'roiecutr
Oilier limn > r\vn.
FT. UUIUIR , In , , Sept. 10. ( Special Tele-
pi-am to Tin : IJr.K , ] Sherman Peterson , one
of the patients of the Allen Institute nt Vail
who was being treated for the thuor habit ,
got hold of what bo thought to be a half
pint . of whisky mid drank It. H proved to
ben ' bottle of bichloride of gold instead.
Peterson died In u few hours.
There was considerable tnlk of malprac
tice and n rigid investigation was Instituted
tiII the coroner's Jury. Tlio result was that
II. S. Jackson and Arthur Clute- , managers
of the Institute , wcro nnvsted on n charge of
criminal negligence. Tlio parents of the
young man refused to authorize the prosit-
cution , however , and Jackson and Cluto wcro
released ,
Cltlr. nit I'rolillntloM ricltol.
DCS , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK 13ui : . ] Tlie state central eommlttco
of the cltl/.ens prohibition party mot hero
today with U. F. Wright of Charles City as
chnlrhmn to put another head on thu
tickut In place of Mr. Coflln. Dr. S. N. Fel
lows of Manchester was nskod to take tint
nomination , but refused to do so. It Is also
stated that Presiding ICIdor Emory Miller
was asked to bend the tlokot and declined.
The committee ) ilnally selected Hov. Dennett
Mitchell of Crawford county. Mitchell Is an
elderly man , wits once a Mothmllst minister ,
but IB too feeble and slow to make a strong
campaign light. 'I be committee expects
that thi ) straight third party prohibitionists
will endorse Mitchell' * candldiiuy.
I'rcHiiiicu nf Allnil til ii U'niimn ,
MoNTicr.i.t.o , la. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Dun.J A dastardly attempt
was made last night lo blow up the resi
dence of Uov. E. K. Grucnstoiu of the tier-
man Heformed church during his absence.
A noise wns heart ! in the cellar by Mrs.
Grucnstoln , who , on investigation , found n
can containing three gallons of gasoline
wrapped in n quilt \vlilcb had been set on
lire. The quilt was nearly burned oil , but
the heroic woman plekcd il up and carried
it out of doors , ami by so doing , prevented
an explosion. The perpetrator of the deed
is unknown.
It Is only a few weeks since Mr. Grucn-
stein's barn was burned down.
< : < > t u itmik Kolibur.
Siot'x Cmla. . , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THU CKE. ] Samuel L. Copefand
has been arrested as onu of the robbers of
the Moorhcad National bank , Moorhcad ,
Minn. Tlio bank was entered on June U7 by
two men , who held up the cashier , took
MCOO , and escaped in a buggy. Copeland
came hero a few days ago and Irad his liair
dyed and eyebrows taken orf. Tlio police
learned of it mid arrested him on suspicion.
Tho.y have now positively iUentiiicd tbo
Nominated fur .Sriiutnr.
Missorni VAI.I.CY. la. , Sopt. 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE Br.E. ] The populists of
the Thirty-fourth senatorial district held a
convention in this ciiy loday nnd nominated
J. L. Bartholomew of Monona county as
their candidate for senator. He Is a pros
perous farmer , was formerly a republican
und was defeated several times for positions
to which lie had beun nominated by the republican - '
publican party.
Out lu 1'nil Force.
Missouni VALLEY , la. , Sept. 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE Br.E. ] The mutual pro
tectionists of Harrison and Pottawattomic
counties held their annual meeting nnd pic
nic at St. John , near this city , today. An un
usually largo crowd attended , the number of
persons | l present being estimated us high as
Suicided Whllo Visiting- .
Cr.DAii lUt'ing , In. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bcn.J Peter Ericksou of West
Superior , Wis. , suicided al Kock Falls ,
where ho had been visiting. No cause is
known for his act.
Cold nt CHI-MIM.
ox , la. , Sopt. 10. [ Special Telegram
lo THE BUB. ] The first killing frost of the
season bore was felt this morning. At sun
rise the thermometer was at lilt0. Corn was
fortunately almost all out of the way of
J.AIt'JIt A.\l ) I.MlUSTJtr.
Michigan loads in iron ere production.
Colorado is to have nn clghty-six-milo ir
rigation canal.
Law In England provides that no person
years shall bo employed about a
shop for longer than seventy-four hours , in
cluding meal times , in any one week.
Something lllie 1,850,000 square miles of
looking glass are manufactured annually in
An English mechanical genius has devised
a method of indicating ami stopping u leak
by the use of compressed air.
The Iron Ago denies thai Rrupp al Essen.
Germany , is the greatest producer of cruci
ble steel In the world , and gives thai honor
lo a Pennsylvania concern.
M. Kcmpelon , n Hungarian , oxhlblled a
"speaking machine" in London Just after
the Crystal Palace world's fair which could
pronnunco every letter perfectly except d , k ,
g and t. It pronounced long words nnd sen
tences distinctly.
A novel tunnel Is projected for the Nova av
St. Petersburg. It is to bo cylindrical in
form , forty-three feet in diameter , and to
have four doors or decks for pedestrians ,
vehicles , cars and telegraph rubles respec
A now department for drop forging i
being added to the plant of iho Trillion t
Manufacturing company. Ainory street , Itox-
bury , Mass. Three machines liavo boon nut
in , which will add materially to the facilities
of thu concern.
Some solid silver tnbluwnro is now whole
saling ns low UK f 1 per ounce , and there nro
manufacturers of silvnr who expect , us uti
outcome of tlio present silver situation , that
forks und spoons and other simple utensils
will yut still at n much cheaper ruto. Komo
prophesy that plated ware in small articles
will give place to sterling in the homes of
persons moderately well-to-do , and that with
tbo cheapening of silver will comu a much
wider use of thu metal in tbo arts. This , of
course , is the vluvv of those who hopu and
expect that the financial world will come to ,
and abide by , a single gold standard.
Tlio development of the California fruit
trade procucdti apace , From thu southern
counties n considerable increase of fruit waa
sent cast in carloads. Sacramento has dis-
palchod almost one-third moro than last
year , the total quantity up to tliu commenco-
monl of this month being 1,550 carloads nnd
the increase 450. What this amounts to ns
a contrib'jlion of inis slate lo railroad trafllo
may bo conceived. The east cannot well
escape being impressed with California ns an
orchard region.
The Uvcnty-slxth annual report of Iho bu
reau of industrial statistics of Hhodu Island
states that the work of the bureau last year
was chiefly dovoled lo the building trades
and lo abanuonod farms. Four hundred and
sovenly-four employers rcs | > ondcd lo the in
quiries addressed to them. They report the
employment of 5,0711 worlcmon , Including ap
prentices. Wages psld men average from HTi
cents to $5 u day ; lo boys and apprentices
from f > 0 cents to $3 u day , Six hundred und
Boventy-lhroo relurns from employes were
received , each slating the amount of wages
received , the amount paid for rent , the cost
of living , whether monuy was saved or lost
during the year , und oilier particulars. The
annual wages average from $100 to $100 ;
the cost of living from $200 lo $1.400 ; the
nmo'int paid for rent from 10 to f'ulX ) . Out
of 60 < i reporting , 15S own their homes ; 403 do
not. Only one-fourth belong to a trades
union ; thirty-eight report an increase of
wngus , fifteen n reduction , Loss than one-
half have accumulated money during former
yearn , while 168 have run In debt during tbo
last year ,
irn IS IN A 1
The Copclnml and Shopnrd Humanitarian Iilon in Grout Favor With the Commu
nity Medicines Should 13o Free and the Boat Modicnl Skill Nearly Free .
A Very Smnll Stun n Month the Only Charge for Treatment and Modicinco ,
Any Disonso. *
Thcso nro times when every dollar expended
tor nny-purpose should polo thu furthest ox-
tout nosMble.
H Is at suth a period ns this that the merit * )
of llio Copoluml am ) Slicpurd system become
vividly apparent.
Tim most skillful medical trontmunt. with
alt medicines inquired , Is fimiHicd lo iKitlonts
for only u trivial HIIIII n month.
Hut ono fee is uliar cd for Uiobott of treat
ment , for inrillclr.os , etc.vh eli rovers llio
rnst of livorytliliu , und thu ninlii objnot of thu
physli'luns U to ulToct n euro as iiuluklv an
\Vn n'k ail thoto who rcinlro the set rice * of
snochUlst * . to think of Mill and welch It care-
fullDon't waste your money on uncurtain-
tlus. Don't pay o.xlioi'bllanl foea fur treat
ment and medicines.
I VS 10 TO 12.
CAT.vimii of TIII : STOMACH.
-yinptoiiu or This DUtrnsnlnt ; ArTrotlini
Which Sonus to Ito S l.lttlti Untlci-
tlnixl liy thu Avrruvo I'li.v lcliin.
Whim tlio cutanlml Inflammation c.Moml * to
thostomauh and bowels the symptoms aru va
riable. Not only do they vary In dllTercut In-
dlvlnnaU. but In the same Individual ut dif
ferent times : thu mint constant nro as fol
lows :
"Tho appollto I-i abnormal ; II nmy bo lost ,
Incroasoil or perverted. "
"There Is uolght. dull p'llu and n sense ot
hiirnln ? In the pit of thu htonmuh.aftcr taking
food. "
"This Is nccomp-inled by flatulence and
hu irtbnrn. "
Alternate constipation or dlnrrliti'n. "
"Dull lieiitluelie , languor , depression of spir
its nnd irritability of temper. "
"A bitter lasto In thu mouth. "
The is filled with slimy imtfiis. "
' Sometimes tlio mneiia is easily dUlodecd. "
"At other Mines 1. Is tougli , stringy nnd ton-
ueloiis. "
Tlio lutlcnt hawks until hu ga s , and even
\omllf. "
Thu tongue Iscoutrd nnd titoath foul. "
"Kronucnt rugurglintloutot it thin , watery ,
siillnu llnld , nrcccdul by cpixa-urlc pains. "
" 1'iihi In the heiirl. nccomptinlod bv palpita
tion anil shortness ot breath , umUng the pa
tient think hu lias huait dlsunse. "
"Aceompiinyltisr some cases there Is dl/zl *
ness , rliiL'liiK In tliu ears , spots before thu eyes
and other sensations , wlileh together nro
called ' ' "
'stomachic vorllco' .
"Tlicsu p-vtlents hour a liii//.Ins Bound and
tool Hfc If u viinor were enveloping tlioni. "
They glow Palo and grasp for tnpport , In
four of fiilllni ; . "
"When In .my case ; tills trouble hns Listed n
long time , ovldom-es of malnutrition .show
tliuinholves. "
"Anombi. premature old mo , corrugations
of tlio nulls and dci'iiy of thu toulh follow. "
"Apilu lliuru Is a short , dry ouir-'ii and ouuit-
sloii.'il patoxysms of an asthmatic ehtrnctor. ; "
Tlio sUIn becomes sallow , drv and roiiKh ,
: ; iid various eruptions appear. "
Drs. Copemml nnn Sliup.-ud have thu quick
est , most ec-rtiln and womlnrful treatment , for
thu aoovo symptoms ever praetlcod. Tliolr
treatment , has missed tlio period of u.xporl-
incnt und is based upon eorrect pl > yooo'lcil ! ! ;
: iiul lliorapoiitleal prlnelplus. Thuy noint with
lirldu lo the many permanent cures they liavu
made In this ally durlu : the pisl : your , thu
llko of.whluh has never Ijcun known In thu his
tory of uny medical practice.
Cnlnrrh unit Klitiuiinitlsni .MnMoi-cd liv li\-
liuitTrratiiioiuTliriitiKli Corrcaptinilcnco.
V. V. llnrdlck , a leadlrg citizen of.\loxan-
drln , S. D , writes thus of a course of treat
ment which ho took with us :
"When I wrote to tlio Copi > land Modlcal In
stitute for ono of tholr t too printed symptom
blanks , which i utOMcoIlllud out und returned
to them , my sf stem htd : ucuomo worn and Uo-
plotod of vitality by oatnrrhal ilIseiisu of inmiy
vears stnndln ? , nnd from rliunmutlsn of thn
buck , bin joints and legH , which for over six
yours had muclo mo a cripple.
"After flnlsnitiK u short course of treatment
I could spring out ot bed or jump u rail fence
like nn ntnlcto. I saoinctl renovated , restored
und robiillt In every w.-tv. The Copplunil mull
treatment U nil rlclit just what people In the
country need. "
The WestiiiKliouso company has perfected
a dynamo which automatically produces just
thu amount of current needed for nny num
ber of lights within thu capacity of thu
Some 200 'buses of the London Genowl
Omnibus company have been Jilted with ,
accumulators for the purpose of running
electric lights at night. Only one lump of
six-candle power i.s put unuur the center of
each 'bus roof , and the cost of equipping und
running each 'bus is about § i'J a year.
Tlio projectors of the $10,000,000 interior
canal to be built parallel to the coast of
California count on the power produced by
the How of tlio water from tliu level of the
higher looks to the lower to do great things
in the way of furnishing the territory opened
by the canal with electric light and power.
\V. J. Davidson has Just returned to Cleve
land after building and startlni ; in Khun lh < <
lirst oluotrlo railroad In Asia. The motormen -
men and conductors nro natives who wore
trained b.v Mr. Uavldson. lie says that
they nro Intelligent nnd they run their cars
very carefully and successfully.
Within a short time the Pennsylvania
railroad from Pittsbnrtfto New York will bo
equipped with the nutoinatlii electro-pneu
matic Msna ! system. When tills system is
introduced a number of signal towers will bo
done away with and tlio services of the men
who are only employed to work the signals
will bo no longer needed.
From a "scientific toy" the telephone has
heroine ono of the greatest business imple
ments of thi ) age. 'The annual report of the
American Bull Telephone company shows
that that corporation rented lastyuar ML1-
7iO ! telephones , an increase ol ever -10,000 in
ono year. The company has Hli : exchanges
and n mileage of wire ol : ! ; , ' ! , of which
' .lO.'lO miles are operated under ground.
A telephone that will talk loud enough for
a person in any part "of the room to hear and
understand has been devised by an Kiiglish
inventor. It says that "twocorrobpondunts
can thus talk unite freely with each other ,
and as thu receivers spunk out no as to bo
heard in nny part of n room , conversation
CUM bu curried on by eauh person simply
speaking to ills transmitter. "
Tlio use of the eluctrlu roads to trans-port
suburban mails is in linn with tliu attempt
In St. Louis to establish postal trains on
street cur lines. It Is a good move nnd may
lead to much greater results than these that
appear upon the lirst vluw. The service
upon the street railways can bo made prompt
and ofllcient in every way. Tnoso lines could
bo .utilized for both the collection and distri
bution of the mails , postal cum being built
especially for that purpose.
The electricians have by no means trivon
up the search for a means of propelling
street cars by underground electrical ap
paratus. Mr. Westlnghouso has obtained
patents fur a system of operating cars by
menus of currents hi bars convoyed under
ground in proper conduits , Inntoud of usluir
thu continuous current for the supply of
eleot.-lclty , the alternating current will bo
u od. so that no current will have to bo returned -
turned through the rails and water pipes.
A pair of hijrh tension lines will bo laid
along the line und the current will bo reduced -
ducod to a safe working pressure by con
verters und fed into short sections of the
railway conduit , so that , In the first place ,
thure will bu no traveling of thu current overlong
long distances , and secondly , the current ,
being of the Alternating character , will not
produce the electrolytic action which seems
to be the occasion of destruction to Iron auu
loud plpM.
k *
A dnipliU ) Account til llio Agonic * of Tlili
H I'rrfiliyUTlnii Hitler , IVoll
KIKMMI In smith Oimilm.
Mr. W. H. Trnslovo. rendllng at t' nmt 31th
sts. , S , Oinnlm , Is known by bundling of poo-
pious being a man of spotles * Intenilty. | | o
hold * a rosnonslble portion with n Kroat firm
In South Oninlii , nnd has hold his pi net ) for
y.VlirMr. . Truslovn bus btiuii ad oldtir In the
' Irit
I'rosbytcrliin ehnieh for three your * , llo
tolls below of liHauirorlnx * from Hstlima and
y. ; vor until treated liv Dr. Hhupiinli
, , . , i'l'uiVm"ll1n ' ' , ( "C wl'le" ' l wont 10 Dr. Hhep-
v iUli 3r , wll.ltfl1 ' n-'eeivod npoedv relief w n
Si.V , ? ! , . VMsi""sU"lia'Browmi : out "f a
uolsonliu of the systom.
, . . , i . M' ' " ° KX" | , wl"i a. bun cold nhht
r " ' 1 ' ' " 011110 tonpcd and I
"Tlion llio ' llrsl IhliiB I Itnow , thU S'unu uol-
sonons nli'uam seemed to drop down Into my
stomaiin. MornliiKt I would eni ; tint ) vomit up
iiniintlllcsof thuslnir und hiivu u frullnn ol
blomnoli i HlvknuM for tliicoorfourlionr.4 iifter-
wnrd. 1 his , In time , iiUonieil my slomaoh till
1 1'onldn't uHtnt all wlilionta fculhiB of niiln ,
distress " and bliKttlnn afterward.
"Hut my worst sntlurmus wore from asthma.
llinitlrp.ibsiinusiseeinocl ut times to eontntft
and tlRhlcn so tliat my bruath would eomuiind
co painfully anil labor.oiisly nnd wllli n
wheor.liu ' and whistling noiind. It got HO I
couldn't walk a block without having to Jit
nnd iiiiiit for air. In dump weather and on
wlmly duy.s ihoulr piismiKe.s would seem to
elosu completely. o that 1 was In constant
dread of snirosnllon.
" .My cliu'.t would -icem siiuoiv.ud in a bund of
Iron so tuht us tti smothur mo. .So'iietlmos
these ehokhiR spoils would bo : iMontlcd with\y ms of I'oii'jlniu tliitt Hoiiitl wruneh
and strain my whole system till my bo.-ly
would seem nil drawn Into u Knot In my con
vulsive ylniB'lo for air. In bud I would
linvo to sit propped upright lo avoid striinKii- .
In lion and was completely worn out from lucU
of sleep.
\V. II. TUUai.OVIi I' and 2llh Sis.
"ItaslUes thlssc.tnt bru.ttlilnx I would have
biivuro pulnt through the uhost nnn under th
shoulder blades and such nn aching of the
nnek U secniL'd my back would brnak In two.
My tuut ere nlwnys like leu nnv IOLVI so wtuU
nnd tired It liecainu dllllonlt to walk or Htund.
" /n thu.-11111111111 1 wnsdlslressun tiy snuoz
In ? , swoolen nose , watery uyo ? and all thu
lui'rlhlu fouturus of buy fuvor. Hul wbon
night sweats chills and'fuvor oiimn on. my
wlfti und I thought the dlseiisu wna turnlntf
Into conanmpllon. . This did not piirtlculurlV
worry mo , however , for I hail nlroady stilToreo.
many death ! ! . I Innw n.y condition coultl not
bo much wor o nnd lot mu IIvo.
"U'lien Dr. bhounrd looli elrirce of mo mjr
( liscaso tliro.iiuncd soon to end mo. Undof
his troiitmunl. liowevnr , 1 bo'iin to mend at
once. Ills handling of my unsu hnscompluto *
ly chnnzcd mv rondlilon to ono ofcomforQ
nnd compar.'itlvo liunlth. The ucnullt hm
bcon so rumarkitblo Hint I cnn Boareely ronl-
lo that I am not still In tlio falters of di
sease. My relief lias como In half tliu time
1 expected und mv wholb trouble Is fust becoming -
coming u thin ; : of thu past. "
llinHyttrin of nmll treatment imrmtcil by
ug KimtiiiitouH the HUIIIO offrctlvo rt'BtiliH to
thuan who tluslrti to unbuilt tboir tn ; s
tlirongh ctirromititiilcnro us to tliiisn wlm
coiiui to tlie iilllnc , nuil ut tliu Hninu iirkca.
Symptom bliinlci Hfiit to ull iippllcitnts.
Every Curable Dlsuasu TreateJ-
Oflko Hours-.lto 11 n. m.t ; ! to.'i p. m. : 7 to3 D.
in. Sunday 10 a. m. to K m.
Special ftfotieess
\\rANTBD-n roouiH miltiblo for Unlit IIOIIHO-
'i kiviinik1. rnmlilicd or miCimilHiii'd. AiUlrcns
AM , liuo ollleu.
1'OIt , HALK AbulTulnlii-ail. foi-B.ilo cliuap , nt 11
ruurl Btruut , Council llhillH.
'I'O KENT Newly ( imilNliml room lo rent , (110 (
-I- First avcmii' .
'ATjIHK loot. lii-twiii'ii lirail of Lincoln nvcuno
mid ( liu poMullU'ii ; u mmill vail HO wllli t
foroarrlatfic'oiitMlnlnv nililrcHmif John W. Holilii1 "I- ,
mm ; Hiillalilo rowniil. Inronn Harl
Merrlam block.
fJLACKINO , Hi'ltlUK up HlovcH. ( 'IcillllllK chilli-
J'lH'J-H , HWllllllllk' iMIIIJIS IIIKl 111) ) ( llllIT ( 'I'llLMVll
work ; prrpan-d for IniHliii'HH. Win. lllaclslmni ,
lolm Sinllh. Id''ivii oriicTH : it C. O. I ) , llruxvif H ,
GAUI'irf WKAVINU-Kor ran cnrpctH and all
iiliulH of wuitvlin ; call at U-'S Avenue ! ' .
P1-K ! appii-ntlcf-i-lrlH waiitnd , Mra. Rurinalii , 'J''l
J Mc'rrliiiii bliiclt. Council llluirrt.
AiHHUI.TI ( ; > KAIliniiluiiiuiil men wiiiillin ; u
di'Hlrublo location for w.'ii'uhniiHM Hhonld co n-
irik'-ni''it DIICU with the Miynu llual 1'Htalu Co. ,
il''l llroadway , Uoiiiicll lIlinrH.
NK\Y \ elegantly rnriiltihiMl rooms for rcnl. coru'-r
llmailwny and Ilryimt Hirwl , S.mbuni Muck , liy
31rH. M. Urll4T.
I VO YOU know that Day & llnsn liavo HOIIII )
JA'liolcn liawaliiH In frnlt nuil ifanlun Inml nciir
lldH clly'f .
1/OII SAMIO ! ucrc'H linn tranlun land Jimtoiit-
iildoorclly IlndlH. wllli pl niy of fruit. l 'rrl'JH
and KniiH-Hiiml fair hidlilluioi. 1'rlcu iH.r.lHI.D : ) If
lakcn at oiK'ii. llartralim In liniiroviul ntal cHiUn :
and raHV IITIMH of payiiiunl. ' 'll.'i 1'i-arl Hlri 't.
, ' ( ) II HAI.i : fiuod liniisn of Hovrn roouiH , ' . Utl'll
at 1707 Ninth AVI ; . , on Bnill : ; inuiilhly paymvi lllH ,
A. J'Stcphi'imun.
AII3THAOTH imil lu'im. : Farm .ui'l ' clly propjrly
lioiuhl and Hold. I'uxuy A. ; , Uunajll
f.i AKIIAGK riMiiovcd , oaiMiiiiola , vanllH. nlil niia/1
Oclcatii-Hl , ! > ! llurttu , al T.iylor'w urocary , OU
Sn.V'lKI Hloiik 01 nii'ivhiiii'llHu ' lo oxclmnifo
„ fur il ( fuoil Dili Mnlni'D or Oouncll Jllufiu
< > Hld < . | icu. llav > cli'ir : | niirovi | l land anil eauh lo
r.iilufiirafrCi.oixi.uu to t.'n.oiio.oi ) lock of fcii-
ral iiitti'ch-uidlHii. Stuck of ilriigH to tradu fur
and. Juliimloii A Van 1'altiMi. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
If OH HKNT A niriju. nicely fnnilHliiil front room
1 luonuur IWuHliiKlu k-eiitluiucn. AiUIruHH I'1J (
Hrc odlco.
| ? tW ' 8A'l.K liiiiii"lHoinii icnidiiiicc. modem lin
I pruvi'ini'iitH , linn Khriiilcry , centrally loculeu.
U. I1 , onicc.r , J-J North Main Direct , nj ) HlalrH.
TltliHi 'Jl > HI/IIX A IIO.U.I.V.
I'lrnils 1'mlcil In iri ) | . | ieriitc Attoinjit ut
Nuivton ' .
, KuiiH'iii. i
NKWTO.V , Kan. , Sept , 10. Two lloiuls
entered tlio rublucnco of C. W. Niccdo-
IIIIIR in tlio heart of the city ItiHt ovculntf
tit 0 o'clock , BU'iied ( and bound Mrs.
Nluodcmiia , saturated her clothing with
coal oil und attempted to Hot her
on tiro. At this juncture Mr.
NioodumiiB cuino Iioin6 and the inea their ebeujio In thn darknenu.
Two nlyhta before tlio hoiibo was robbed
of $250. In doimrtinpr Mrn. Nicodoimm
tiliot ono of the men in the leg und ho
told her that ho Imd ruturnod to burn
her for the uot. The shoolc prostrated
the plucky woman , who foeln thankful
that the match was not applied to hoc
kerosene Boakccl clotlios , which would
huvo meant certain death. A largo
po.ssti In in beurch of the Honda. A iood ;
description of both men iu ut hand , and
should they be found a lyuclilnt' 1 *
likely , - *