Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1893, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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We arc still selling at cost , below cost and
, many things below the actual cost of production. Wo have set three
different periods to close this great sacrifice sale , but CARD TO THE PUBLIC. the dry goods market remaining broken we continue
our reductions. This week we open up with practi cally a complete new stock of Fall and Winter Wash
Novelties secured by us from the importers at positively less than the duties on them cost , At $1.00 per yard , tomorrow , we will show a
splendid assortment of Black Silks , in all the most popular weaves , none worth less than $1.35 and from that up to $1.65 per yard , no
limit , at $1.00 per yard. Ladies' Cloaks , Jackets anc1 Wraps we will sell at a fraction of their value. All otir new colored Fabric
and black Fall Dress Goods go at less than cost of importation. We will sell $1.50 Black Goods at 78c per yard ;
. $1.35 Black Goods for 69c per yard. 1,000 yards of 350 Colored Wool Dress Goods at 12JjjC per yard. a . ' i r Li 11 a 11 1 >
% . Linens , Muslins and Sheetings , all go at cost or under. Muslin Underwear , Woolen and Merino
. Underwear , Hosiery , Gloves , everything below the cost price of production , Never was SPECIALS. SPECIALS.
fjuostion fllaok Silk * tire hnrlcagnln.
A Indies' wiinlrobo will not bo complete this there a season like this and we hope there will never be another such. ID At 71 < ; c.
fonson thnt nil without n blni'k slllc dress. In order DEPARTMJNT. W I All otir 8(1 ( incb 'JOo new style fancy cotton
our Indv Irii-nds
wnrdrobef wo will olTor tomorrow can complete n urund their O.H- SPECIALS , Sw READ THE FULL LIST BELOW : suitings tomorrow "io per ynnl.
tiortinont nf hoixvy black Satin ? , wldo blmsk At 8' ' c.
Hliiulnmn , line quality ot black Duchosw , line SPECIALS , All our 30 Ini'li blnt'U " .InoquimV chevron" ,
quality biiiek Gr w Grains , black imported Tnf- SPECIALS. Fall and Winter bought to stMl utOo cm to 8Jc.
fotiiB and bluuk Faille Frnncniso Silks .
Ml , § 03 unb'ioniliol satin damask 372o | per ynrcl. Dress Goods Colored Dress Hoods A Splendid nsortm At S'/fc. nt of li-ic and McScotoh
at $1.00
. Per Yard rrinl. 30 oraiun s.itlu dunmsn now clown to 453 per zephyr ginghams cut to SJc.
rrinl.75o croain satin unmask now down to 585 tier fc/\ of At lOc.
ynnl. fcpieces ohiuiRoablo ill- arc not dollar silks , they nro 91.25 , ynnl.9Oc "J-lnnh hloichod satin datunsk tiow down to RRRE BBRGHIN8 * * > ' nf-oimls , ; ! 0 inches wldo All our SO incli French otitlnp Ilannol cut
91.85 ' , il.ri ) , $1.0and $1.7- > silks at 91 per yard. 72o nor yiin ) in beautiful combinationsbavu FOR THIS WEEK. down from "Oo to Hlc for tins sale.
] hov tire Biniply wondord. Buy , will rs tupUlns to match , SI. 85 pur do-on. Hold 36c and
soon tiioy at never before for
KO quickly . 3-4 iiHpkinsto match. $2.75 PIT dorun. Have Great Drawing1 Qualities. less tbtin 25c , .Monday At 42J < < c per Garment , At 12 0.
All or Cheney Hros. ' Silks now down to 100 diiToront dcRlf-ns in tlio now Sloe IVotu-lI
G8c per yard. All otlior silks at cost. pieces (2 ( solid cases ) of Wo will plnco on our counters I miles' . nil wool Hutcons out down to iL'jc per yard.
Bed Spreads , $2.48. $1.50 Black Henrietta for 78c KG inches heavy \vido Mountain , in navy , Serges brown , , Jersey tnunl Is ribbed fl.UO , II.W iinilorvreti. mid II..VJ. the teal vnluo of o.voli cur- At 13'iiC.
Thills Ihu bustH.V ) Marseilles hod sprond In the Is a "Rare Harj-iiln. " green , slate and black , sold At t2 c per Garment , 80 incb lionriolln chillis mid other dark
Umbrellas. nnrliot. You will have In bo on tiiinil oarlv If yon the world over at OOc nor yard , grounds , all now dutln ; | * , value loc ! , cut down
. want ono -iti .K They wlllhn picked up rapidly. $1.60 Black Storm Ser e for 7Qc Monday for ! . . . . . . . . ner's We sanitary will place underwear on our counters worth Children's from " , " . to Dr. JI..K War ) tier to 13c. }
" " ploccs flno Airorlcnn Uhor- garment ( oilU sl/o < only ) .
Is "Karc . -
a Ilargain.
| , , t ultliiK , , ts to 4U Inches 13c.Blankets
Umbrellas. Muslin Underwear. w-lde. In till HID rich l'ill : cnlorlnns.- ! At $1.48 per Suit ,
. . $1.35 Black Crystal Bengaline for 69c perfect linllatloti of the M .V ) Scot eh Blankets
Miltlnes and jiit an Unrablo , pro- Wo will soil Iho tmlntipo of our liulleY Vpsltantl
Is a "Karc liar-tain. " dnccd to sell ut T.'io , Monday woolooiiihlniitloii nnilnr suits , worth up to { 4..VI lior
HI 91 FflPli HI 91 1)11 AW IJKS AT 2C. ! ) suit In stiull s r.u-i only.
01/0 Cllljll. illl.ii ) I/.idlos'drawers , ot Iho host iinbloiiohotl inns- $1.50 Striped Camel's ' Hair at 78c O -'J C pieces DlaKonals. of Imported full , Vi Inches KnallMi wide. 25c Pair.
lln , nil nlculy trimmed , regular prlco JiXJ ; no limit ; In all thu vury novvost shadoK , siu'li iOc Stockings per .
es' ' imported willCJloriu now ul'c ' our pair. Is a "Karc llargain. " Koods ns you havobetMi pnyliiK" Il.O'J Blankets
120-inch Um , '
pur yard for Monday A mairnlfluent iissortnient of laillos'ony.x ilvn son
brellas , always ) worth $1 ! ( II ) each. DRAWERS ATIDC. / .
you wiint 75c New Panama Suitings at 45 ov pieces Uno all wool Storm Isliinu cotton hose , uvorv solitary pair tunriinlool us
of tlioin tomorrow at $1.2. > ouch. Tomorrow sal out nil our ? " > e. B."c mid Mo c * \J auric , bonuht d rcct from the to wciir uiul color , u siiioMo stocltlni ; , all you want
drawers , nilolabnr.ilolv tfliiiinutl with llnu umbrold- Is a "Karc Hai-f-aiii. " mills nt depression prices , fully nt uti'ic tier pilr :
ery und luce , .inil soil thorn at 4'Ja ' per p.ilr. Inches wldo , a cloth that nsunlly
Umbrellas at $1.98. DKAWKUS AT 59C. Their drawing qualities will bn proven soils the , world over , at Jl.'i'Mimltl.W ) Boys' Stockings 25c.
. . by the crowd of appreciative buyers per yard Monday limit ono dross
. " . . wo
Tim I'hoU'ust lot of ? > c. KT.o uiul I'Oc ' night robes over to u customer , for. poryorcl
exhibited go tomorrow ut Wo per ROWII. will have at our black goods counter to ' Horn' hniivy Ruainliss rlbbod Mncca aotluii.Tic and
inO imprirtod TnlTota UmlrollaB in line morrow. TJioHC * \ fiiiiifiri'iiImrifitltiH \\-lll ( > o 4.utocllims. . all wool , Iron In durability , all you wunt ALL
as- tiff ' ' ' ' . 3STEW. ALL 3XTEW.
fortmont of Gormun forest wood handles , sold rimlflly-UOX'T I'lT t'l' of Ilium tomorrow for .
usually at 84.00 and $5.01) )
, this sale
choice . your Gowns Wo did not carry a wliito blanket over.
31.1)8 ) .
ouuh. '
Full niy.o 10--1 wh'ito $ l.'i5 bliinkoU tomorrow
25c lK3c onch.
At DOC. $1.75 white blankets cut to $1.'I5.
Umbrellas $3.95 each All our J1.35 nmt * t. * > 0 nt : $ ! while blankets uut to Sl.CG. .
, trlmmud $ ; blankets .
rob-is nil iilcoly Rruy cut to l)5o. )
An assortment of 200 ladies' and Cents' ruin und muilo of thubcsl Monday and Tuesday pattern hats , bonnets and imported millinery novelties will be $1.7f ( jriiy blankou out to SI.2S.
or HUH guaranteed umbrellas soiling in stock muslin nrooure- shown per $ . ' 1.00 tfniy blnnkotH cut tol.00. !
now at * f > , $0.50 and $7.50 each ; ono to u cus nblu , tomorrow in great profusion. Day opening only. pair Huy now lor the winter. JilimkotB arc RO-
tomer , tomorrow , for $3,05. yourchulcu ut Ote pur iug up'in price.
Aprons 23c Over 500 Imported Pattern Garments Will Be You will never get another opportunity
Each Shown for the First Time , BTo Two Alike. snch thy ab
tunity as vs on
All our ladies' aprons toinor We have marked every garment at regular price , but for the opening we will give 20 per cent off of every imported garment
row at ono priuo , "He oucli. We will also offer 50 Ladies' ready made suits , brought out te sell at $15.00 , $17,50 and $20.00 per suit for $5.00 per suit , and 100 Ladies'
new fall jackets , every one a gem of the correct style , real value $7.50 , $10.00 , $1,2.50 aud $15.00 , for the opening $5.00. Opening closes at 6 p.m. caclnhy
3c We will also make a Grand Display In our Drapery Department , that being on second floor with ftlillinery and Qioaks. Drapery at Post for vlie Opening.
Holt County's ' Defaulting Tr&asuror Looking
for a Loop Hole in the Law.
Ho in Now at I'uso ilol Non i. but Will Not
Cross ti Klo ( Iriiniln Till After
Ml * 1'ofiillur
YT ! -COI.S , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special to TUB
Hr.i' . ] There are sonic developments In ttio
case of linrrott Scott , tbo ilufaultintj anil
nhscondlng trcaHiirorof Holt county , which
will niako inturostiiiK ruailin for tlio people )
of that county. Hoott disappeared some
two niunths a o leaving buhind him several
vi'ry disconsolate boiulsinen and n few
thousand nnpry taxpayers. Holiad not been
irene two wi < ukn , however , until the author
ities heard that hu had talicn refuge in
Mexico. ICxtradition papers won ) ut once
iippliod for and u few nays ai o I'rcsldent
Ctovulnml issued his warrant upon the
Mexican ( ; ovcrnniout. Scott is now under
arrest at i'aso del Norto , but whotlior iio
roluius to Holt county is nnothur story ,
Scott is a dufaulter to the extent of about
f'.M.IHH ' ) , accurdhi to the exainliiation of his
books made under direction of the super
visors of Holt county. His friends claim ,
however , that tin old shortage of n fortunr
county treasurer was still carried on his
books. This shoriaKo , they claim , was
settled between the former treasurer and
the supervisors for 1,000. This would reduce -
duce Scott's net indobtodniiss to Holt county
to fM.OOO. The Holt County bank had , In
the meantime , taken advantage of the de
pository act passed by the legislature three
years n u and under ttio provisions of Unit
law hold sometnitiK like $ 11,000 of county
funds , Thu Holt Comity bank failed some
months aio , and is now in the hands of a
ivceivur. Jt is not likely tluil the county
will recover umro than a small percentage of
this amount.
Stiltn of Nnlinlikn IntiiriiKtnl ,
In addition to the amount duo from Scott
to Holt county he owed tlio state treasury
about t'J.OOO. State
. Treasurer Hartley is ex
tremely anxious to collect tins claim lind as
the matters Maim now he is likely tu sue-
ccod. As soon as word was received tliat
Scott liaa been located in Mexico.
men , attracted by tlio hope of paining the
$ ' . ' , f > 00reward , started for the republic to the
ftoutn. Tuoattoruuys represuntiiiK Scott's
bondsmen iilbo Btaried in that diroctton.
The preiiideiit's warrant was forwarded to
the Holt comity ngi'iit at ICl 1'aso and lias
been served ii | > on the fugitive treasurer.
Kiutn Treasurer Hartley received n tele-
pram tliis morning from Del Aliicn. oaonf
i he attorne.vH looli ing after the state's claim ,
informing him that Scott was under anvst ,
but there was a prospect of trouble
boforu bn could bo returned to this stale.
Scott pro | > oses to resist forcible extradition ,
but promises to accompany tuo iittorneyb
tKink to this country mid tuy the state's
claim In full. In otlior words ho is willing
to piy : the state's claim provided he is ru-
loabod fi-om any rosponslbillty for the claim
a altibt him held by tlio county.
Svotl'i 1'liiu lor l : < cuix ,
It Is believed , und tlici-a uru good rvasons
for .o IhiukiiiK , ihut Scott uoes not propose
to return to TMibraslui at till if hocuu avoid
it. but that if he can CSCUIHJ by u legal tuuli *
i.icnltty fixini the custody of the otllccrs now
holding the president's warrant ho will cross
the river into Texas , pay the attorneys the
amount of the state's claim uiiU then quit ,
lu order to mnko tills way of escape possible
bo has , through his attorneys , requested
Governor ( Jrouiibo to anuly to Secretary
Urthum for a modification of thoprcsidoiit's
warrant , Housk.t the State department of
tbo United States to luake u request to
President DjDlaz of Mexico to ro-
turu him to this country without
a warrant. Governor Crounso , however
anxious bo is to recover the amount of the
state's claim , docs not care to Interfere after
ho has applinu for extradition paners. Con
sequently Mr. Scott is likely to return to
Holt county and fiicu thocoii'icquuiioesiif ' his
crime. There is but ouu possibility in iiis
favor , and that Is that President Diaz may
refuse to recogni/.o President Cleveland's
warrant. If ho declines to honor tin- war
rant already issued Scott may bo iti a posi
tion to pity the state's claim and Rive the
taxpayers of Holt county the laugh. IJut
even this contingency is hardly probable ,
for it has been intimated that President
Diaz will return the defaulter to this coun
try us nn act of courtesy to the United
States government.
Tailed to Take nil Appeal.
The time in which the city council can
take an appeal from the award of the ap
praisers of the property damaged by thn
construction of the viaduct on West O
street expired tonight nud no appeal was
tiled. This places thu city council in a posi
tion whore it will bo compelled to pay the
full amount of the award , whether it is
deemed excessive or not. A strong offurt
has been made upon the part of some of the
comicilmon to authorize the city attorney to
appeal the case , but every attempt ' , o brine ;
the matter to an issue has been
frustrated by Iho lack of a quorum. Kor two
nights past the couneilmrm who favored
the appeal have spent the time from evening
until midnight in a fruitless endeavor to secure -
cure a quorum. Hut on each occasion some
of the councilman have been absent ono to
thn World's fair , one to ICuarney , another in
Grand Island.
Mayor Weir and the councilmen who have
all along favored the appeal are not at all
bacKward in expressing their indignation ,
and there are pretty loud hints that the ab
sence of some of the councilmeii from the
city has not been entirely accidental. Jt is
also stated this alternooii that the work on
the viaduct is to bo further delayed by an
other injunction. Thu business men el Lin
coln , who have worked for the viaducts with
considerable energy for the past three years ,
uro awailimr further developments with in
terest and expectancy.
Or < l I'urtfoii.iltf.
Oiu > , Sept. -Special ( to Tun HUB. ]
Valley county lias contributed its quota to
swell tlio crowd of boomers on thu edge of
the Cherokee Strip. Messrs S. b. Perkins ,
Frank Mullory , C. C. Coy , Truxton Kamsey
and J. V , and 1C , L. Johnson started for tlio
Strip this week.
A number of Ord's citizens left for the
World's fair tills week. Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Hall started Tuesday and Mrs.
.loan Uatlllf , Miss ICmma K-itlitT , Miss Jennie -
nio Ituini ami Mr. James Milford loft Friday.
Mrs. John II. Caraon gave an afternoon to.i
to n number of her old ludy friends Thurs
Mrs. l eng of North Hcnil is visiting with
her daughter , Mrs. C. C. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Hvwutt M. Williams left
Monday on their wending tour. Tnoy will
visit Aurora , 111. , the World's fair , Minne
apolis , Mlnu. . and other places before return
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. ( Jillospio left Tuesday
on a visit to Lincoln and Chicago.
A number of Ord people were in attend-
ancu at thu state fair tins \\celc. Among
others were Mr. nudiMrs.V. . K. Patty , Miss
Hattie Wiuslow and Mrs. A. J. Smith and
daughter Carrie.
Uov. W. It. Leonard of tlio Presbyterian
church attended the meeting of the presby
tery nt ( Jenoa this week.
Dr. R D. H.ildcumn has been ro-olr tcil
secretary of the State Hoard of Health.
Dutvr * Couuly fair.
CiuiutoN , Sept. HI. [ Special to TUB HIK. : ]
Tlio eighth annual fair of Dawes county
opens September in tills plucu and will
continue ) for four days. U bids fair to be
one of tlio most successful in the history of
the Dawcs County Agricultural society. The
crops in this section 11111 fairly good and thi <
farmers pro ) > ese to got out and how their
big potatoes , corn , etc. , to the public to llio
best ixmtblo advantage.- Secretary H. F
Pitman bus been nnccaslLg in his efforts to
keep the fair m the mluds of tbo public and
to obtain a more general interest in the ex
hibits' . The society is most fortunate in thnt
the Chadron Driving Park association holds
Us fall meeting at the same time and its
program will bo conducted in connection
with the fair. Tliu association will in fact
have entire charge of the speed program.
Owing to the llnancial stringency only $2.000
will bo offered in the racing contests , but
enough goon horses from this section and
tlio Ulaek Hills will be on hand to make
things interesting.
Two hliiull Illn/Pfl.
FREMONT , Nob. , Sept. W. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tnr. HICK. ] At about 2 o'clock p. in.
the largo coal house and oftlco of Frea De-
lamater , adjoining the Union Pacific truck
on Main street , took lire and was almost en
tirely consumed. The building was valued
at ? 1GOO and insured at 81,000 , including the
insurance on the furniture , which is a total
loss. The building contained a large stock
ot hard coal , which was butsliirhtly injured.
At the time of the lire there was no wind ,
ami this fact alone saved the Fremont Hour-
ing mills , which adjoin the coal nouso. The
llro originated from sparks from thu switch
cngino which wai working in the vicinity ut
the time.
Cr.iuu UArins , Xcb. , Sept. 10. [ Special
TolegrainoUi Tun liier ] Fire destroyed a
barn containing eight head of work horses
belonging to A. C. Stowcll , jr. , proprietor of
the Chconondu ranch , at his farm four miles
south of this place , at 11 o'clock last night.
The cause of tlic tire is not known and the
loss is about $1,000 , with no insurance ,
Sri'KiiioH , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB ItKB.JFlrn broke out this
morning nn Central avenue , between G. S.
Carthoilel's jewelry store and Martin & Gil-
Christ's grocery. Nearly the entire stocks
of both establishments were saved , but the
buildings wore left cmirrcd ruins. The
active work of Iho llro department prevented
the lire from spreading. Tlio loss amounted
to several hundred dollars.
Went I'nliit I'lilntem ,
Wmr POINT , Neb , , Sept. 10. fSpocial to
TUB Hii : : . ] Gordon Franso was given a sur
prise party on Thursday before leaving for
thu Lincoln university. A Unit llfty friends
and schoolmates were present.
Mrs. II. Lamias , accompanied byherhon ,
William of Heading , Pa , , are in this city ,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson.
The visitors intend to stay here about six
Mrs. Alderman and son , D.ibl , returned
to their homo In this city Friday after u
Ions vacation spent with relatives in Michi
gan aud Pennsylvania.
About ! o'clock Friday morning fire broke
out in the blacksmith shop of John Kisangcr.
By hard work of the llro engines the burn
adjoining was savnl from the llro. The shop
was entirely destroyed , but thcro is somu
little Insurance on it.
Many of the West Pointers who went to
the World's fair two weeks ago returned
Friday noon.
Cr.iwfitrdViinU tin , l.uinl Otllno.
Ciuwmun , Nob. . Supt. 10 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HUB. | The citizens of Craw
ford held a very enthusiastic mass mooting
last evening to consider what steps should
be taken to secure thu land otllco of the
consolidation laud district of Chadron and
Alliance for this place. Petitions are being
circulated over the entire district. Thesu
petitions uro to bo soul to Iho secretary of
the interior with mtps : showing the accessi
bility of Crawford , its location in ttio
geographical center of the district and its
roadway facilities.
Miiml Monn ut Uunbur.
IH-Niuii , Nub. , Sopt. 10. [ Special to THE
rtEi : . | This little city was visited yester
day by one of tlio worst dust storms known
hero for years. Saud and dust were tilown
in clouds , stores and dwellings had to bo
closed and all business was suspended. The
storui was so severe that pome few farmers
who were hauling cereals to town wore com
pelled to abandon their loads , us thu grain
was blown out of the wagons ,
Fur Mm. Alition' * I'urdun.
msTiNou , Sopt. 10. [ Special to TUB UEB. ]
Notice was given today that at 0 o'clock
on Monday , October 'i , an application will
bo made to Governor Crounso for the pardon
of Mrs. Anna 11 , Mason , who is now serving
a four years term in the penitentiary for
manslaughter. Readers of Tun BBK will re
member the mysterious death of D. S. Cole
a year airo last August , Mrs. Mason's sur
render and confession to the olllcors hist
winter , her confession to the court on Janu
ary 1(1 ( last , her plea of guilty to manslaugh
ter and her sentence. Her husband , ICd-
ward W. Mason , was tried for aiding Mrs.
Mason , but acquitted after a lengthy
Claiming liiinujr for WMCOS finrnlfthccil
fin nn Acrount Hold Into Intvu.
Pi.ATTSMOfTH , Not > . , Sept. 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE IJcc. ] The news of tlio
trial of an Important suit comes from Kim-
wood , a small town in the west end of Cass
county. J. W. Thomas , an employe of the
IJ. & M. in this city , brought suit
before an ICliuwood justice against C. M.
Wescott , n clothing merchant , alsoof I'latts-
moutb. to recover some ? IOO for alleged dam
ages done him by the sale of an account Into
Iowa , ou which his wages wore afterward
Several oilier actions of the same nature
brought by otlior workingmen against
Pluttsmouth merchants were commenced at
the sam < > time.
The Thomas-Wcscott case was tried yes
terday before a jury mid resulted ina verdict
fur the merchant. The other suits will betaken
taken up in turn , and their otitcomo is
awaited \\ith unusual interest.
liavn Tiiinil ii VVxirciinn Home.
TBKAMAII , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE UBB.J When the passenger
trui'i arrived here tonight a delegation of
citizens and tlio Ladies Silver Cornet band
weni at tlio depot to welcome tlio Hurt
county agricultural committee from the
slatt ) fair and to congratululo its members
on the success of the cmini.v in capturing the
gold medal and the $000 cash prize. The
band played and Judge Hope well delivered
an address of welcome , which was re-
sp'jmlcd ' to by H. Jegor , president of the
agricultural society.
t'HFTOll It * I'tiHtlllllMtlT.
FIIKMONT , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special Tele-
gr.iui to Tin : HKI : . | The announcement that
Thomas ,1. Carroll has been appointed nosl-
ma.ster ut Fremont causes general satisfac
tion atuotig all classes. Ho is a general
favorite in tlio city. Ho has boon for the
past four years ik'juity county treasurer ,
and an such has made a most pahiHtakim.
and excellent ollloinl. Ho is receiving en
thusiastic comrratuliitions , and is modestly
aud becomingly boariiig his honors ,
Aft. and ovo. , t.iiir/.o | ; urtinta , CourtlM ,
Ki'liiH ! lr vud nn Alibi.
HANTOI-K , Mich. , Sept. 10. Jack Ivohoo ,
one of the men arrested yesterday on sus
picion of having l > oeu implicated in tlio
Mineral Kango oxurt > * robbery , lias been
released. Ho proved an alibi ,
Lake. Superior fir the past few days has
been so wrought up thnt n small boat could
not live any length At time upon it. This
will preclude the possibility of Iho robbers
escaping to Canada that way. If the men
in custody aru not the culprits the real
robbers will have a hard time ovuumg
Jusilco , for tlio territory surrounding the
scene of the roobery it a dreary waste witli
no ( ilaco where anybody could procure food.
Nothing is yet known as io the where
abouts of the missing monoy.
- .
Music afternoon nml eve at Courtluml.
"Touclircl" Inr Timepiece.
W. F. Search , of the American Sign
Works company on Sixteenth street , had a
gold wntcii stolen yesterday afternoon.
The valuable timupiocu was taken while
Mr. Search was busily employed in another
part of the room ,
DoWltt's Uttle Early Hirers. Small pill
safe pill , best pill.
Lorenzo and Lottu tit Courtland beach
Piarca Forest Firaa Sweep the Black Hills
Marvelous Idcnpo of Cltlns nml Towns
Citizens right Il.ick the Flumca
i'rolmblu Amount of Damages
Cuufle of fho Fires *
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Sept. 10. ( Special to
j TUB HUB.- ] The past week has been a rest-
ess ono for tlio many settlements of the
Ulack Hills. During the month of August
ind this month scarcely a drop of rain lias
lallon , with the result that the timber and
underbrush nil over the Hills has become as
nlhtmmablo as matches. Small llres starting
; u various localities spread with sucli raniu-
ity and gained so much in extent as to make
the country a veritable sea of llamo. These
I ires have started in a largo number of
l > laces , and , being allowed to go unchecked
for a time , soon assumed proportions that
made them practically iuuxtlnguhhablu.
Nearly every mining camp in Iho northern
Hills has boon threatened during the past
week from forest ( ires , and the inhabitants
have been out in force lighting the Humes.
Tlio most serious of the llres were three.
Tlio llrst extended along Annie creek , finally
making its way to Portlai.d , whuro it was
only by tho'most strenuous exertions of the
inhabitants that the town was saved , This
lire destroyed a largo amount of growing
timber , besides great quantities of cord wood
and some buildings and cabins , entailing a
loss ot probably ! 0,0)0. !
llhi/lnt ; Swutli ftnvmi .Ml I en * > V1 < I .
Kast of Dead wood about six miles another
llro of largu proportions is raging and lias
doiiu immeasurable damage to growing tim
ber , it started on tlio lieiid of West Strawberry -
berry gulch , burning a swath varying from
nrio to Huvon miles wide and six miles long.
Along this line wore many houses and nettle-
inents , the inhabitants of which did all in
their power Io extinguish the ( lames , hut
without avail. It is still burning and
whether or not It will create much lurtlicr
damagu depends upon thu wind.
In the llames' track wore the mill and
hoisUnir works of the famous Two Hears
mine , anil at one lime tlio llames became so
threatening that all the minors wont culled
out of Iho mini ) and snt to work lighting
back Iho tiro. All hope of saving the works
Hdutnoit gone , when suddenly the wind
veered und the lire went oil lu another direc
Hut the most Ihroa'onlng and destructive
llro of all was one started by a miner lo burn
out a nest of hornets. The hornets were
burned ou1 all right and so was the miner.
Then the llames begun to spread , and in loss
than a day they bud become a soolhinu'imus
of llaines two miles wide , burning every
thing in their truck. It burned along tlio
head of lilacklail divide , threatening Cen
tral City , and all of Wednesday , Thursday
ami Friday the people of that town re
mained in a stale of dread. Preparations
had been made for rapid flight , every citizen
of the city for Iho time being believing that
its destructiou was only the nmttor of u few
I > t > nilwni > il lu Drend.
The fire , however , wafted by a Btrong
breeze , swept by the city , and , leaving it but
u few hundred yards to the east , came roarIng -
Ing toward Duadwood. The houvwis were
aglow with the tiro's reduction , and its pro
gress Doadwoodward was watched and
noted by every citizen. For u time great
alarm was felt , for it seumud almost curtain
that the llro in its progress would sweep
over thu town. Tbo lire alarm was Bounded ,
and in a short Umo almost every able-bodiod
man In ttio city Had assembled at the city
hall. The danger was imminent and but lit
tle time was spent lo preliminaries. Men
wore loaded iuto vehicles and tent to incut
the advancing flumes.
It was & bard tight , and but little could
bo done to stay the conflagration's spread.
Hope hud boon almost given over by the llro
lighters , who , driven from point to point by
the floret ) ( litmus , scotvhod and blistered and
burned , were about to give up , when the
wind , veering , carried the llamosawuy from
the town.
The resiiito was n brief ono , however , for
the flames again shot cityward , but , the time
( allied was valuable , for in those few short
minutes almost superhuman efforts had been
put forth , ami the dried brush and the dead
timber had been removed from the lire's
track , leaving it nothing to feed upon.
Cheeked in its tnovovont toward this eitv
the lire continued to burn in the thick
timber to the \vest , and all night Friday
raged furiously. The suciio was a magnifi
cent one , but its awful dcslruntivcucss was
fully realized by the people of Deadwood ,
watching and fearing it.
The worst is over now and the lommtmlty
is beginning to breathe more freely. A until-
cent ! force to hold control over the flamus is
kept on tbo hills , ionl1ntng : the lire to thu
circles it has already made and there is no
longf-r apprehension that any of the towns
or citiOs will bo swept in the tracic of the
angry elements.
Whether or not the desired effect lias boon
produced a little time will develop , but the
experiences of Uio last few days should teach
the coed poonle of these lilack Hills
a valuable lesson. About all of
tlio quaint and pretty little
cities are groa. . quantities of
tail timber and a growth of underbrush ,
thick enough to make it a illflicnlt job for
oven a lack rabbit to penetrate. Had this
timhnr been cut and this underbrush re
moved there would have boon none of the
dangers of the past ten * days. Tbo expense
would have boon a more bigatello to th < j
amount the taxpayers of this city will now
liavi ) to disgorge for tlio services of . ' ! ( IO men
at f'ir > 0 each per day lighting tlio llames for
the last week. The lesson is a costly ono ,
but the people in the first flush of thankful
ness that their homes are not destroyed are
not counting it.
CHIISO nC the Fire * .
The utter disregard of a United States
law by the citizens of tbo Hills nlono in re-
responsible for thu immonsn amount of Ham-
age that lias been done within the past few
days.Voo.l choppers and timber hewers ,
iiftor taking from the trees the valuable and
useful parts , have invariably neglected to
gather and pile , as required by the law in
question , the lops and small branches which
havu been rejected as useless. As dry as
tinder , this Inllainablo stnlT has hern allowed
to remain whiu-o it has fallen. Campers are
numerous in thu hills , and cureless. A little
lire left burning after a party has taken its
departure from caiun , a slight wind , and thu
damage has been done. It is the intention
hereafter to prosecute every violator of the
law , and it is thought that n few convic
tions will have the
effect of compelling a
clusur observance of it.
Tuo tlmhur iiros have been coiiflued to no
particular locality in the lihick Hills , nut
have been raging throughout its length and
breadth. I'uniilngton , iiutto and C'usior
counties have sufTurod most , and thu damage
to growing timber will amount to many mil
lions of dollars. A day or two ngo the sol
diers of Kort Muado were ordered out to
fight tlie llamns on 101 k Creole , and through
thiiir efforts very much valuable mill prop
erty was saved from de.itriicliou.
Hardly a humlut or town in the Hills bus
escaped a visitation from the flumes , and ii
seems wonderful Indued that any of them
have escaped destruction.
Aft. and ovc. , trupir/.onrtlsta , Courtl'd ,
Miijnr JIullitrd'M Illhlii CUt * .
iCvery ono who docs not attend Sunday
school is invited to coinu to the First Mutho-
( list church at 2tO : ! o'clock this afternoon.
Major Ualford's biblu elms , the largest in
Omaha , meets at that hour , ana a special in.
viution Is uxlendud to udults to tuko
part in the exercises. Major Halford U an
interesting speaker and all who will spend
an hour lu thu class will surely be enter
IliilhlliiK I'uriulti ,
Huildlny purmlti to tlio amount of 11,020 ,
were issued yesterday by the inspector of
i *
lad Oaoo of a Man From Cuming County
Who Went Orazj.
nsiuilty Kollcnvi .Mrdicul Trnu moilt
Ilitmpril nn I > nii li4 : County un u
I'.iupof litr < irii I IIP County Oiiin-
iiiliHloni'rH rrutixl of thu IS.mrtl.
When the Hoard of County Commissioners
'onvenod yesterday afternoon the Slstero of
Mercy in charge of St. Joseph's hospital
icrved notice that they hud an insane man
'rum Cuinlng county on their hands and that
io was without monoy. They asked that
.0 . bo taken into the cinto ly nf tlio county
ind bo removed from the huspiul.
The request resulted in tlio making of an
nvestigallon , at which It was learned that
the man uaina to this city some weeks ago
'or the purpose of being doctored and that
since Ills arrival had become insane.
Chairman Stenborg opined that it was
mother case whore outside counties were
rying to foist their insane and paupers upon
Dousrlus county and that the commissioners
night as well begin adoptiugHuvoro remedies
in order to stop the imposition.
Commissioner Llvcsoy staled that during
the past year at least six paupurs from otlior
ouiities had been shipped into Omahu and
trained their residence before noint ; located.
All of thorn were young people , be said , and
would continue to bo county charges for
The result of the discussion was that the
committee on charily was instructed lo tulto
charge of tlio Ciiming county insane man
and sund him bacx lo West Pnlnl , the town
from whence ho cai but the matter did
not end thorn The commitloo was given
additional instructions to tlio tilled that
after the man was Bent away , if ho should
again bo found here as a public chaixo { the
otllciuls of Cuming county should bo prose
cuted miller the provisions of thu pauper
emigration hlWa. -1 -
fjrailing cnntracls for the removal of 8,000
cubic yards of earth in Union and .lufTcr-
son precincts were awarded. Lumreuiix
Bros , got the contract for ' . ' ,000 yards at
8 ' .l-KIcents , while James I'Hliigor ' got U.OX )
yards ut III M 10 , and -1,01)0 ) yards at 10 > cunts.
Illdx Itiilurroil tu Commit I IT * .
Itids for furnishing the coal for the court
house , Iho jail , Hut county hospital and tlio
oulsiilo pour were presumed , opened and re
ferred to the respective committees. The
lowest bid on hard ( was at thu rate of
i'.l.'J. ) per ton delivered , and was from the
Nebraska Fuel vomiiaiiy. The bids on Hfft
and steam conl varied , tin they wnru sub
mitted upon a dozen diff' > mit kinds mid
grades of ttio article.
The reuucst uf J. H. McShano to Imvu the
suits against thu contractors of thu hospital
and thuir bondsmen dismissed was refused ,
the county attorney maintaining that thu
time inlu'lit come when thu county could col
lect from thu bondsmen some of thu money
which the county hud been compelled ID p.iy
on account of the contractors , . ' ;
Walch , having failed to live up lo the terms
of thu contract.
By the adoption of a resolution the Poknk
/Cupudu and the Swedish Journal Trillium
weru designated as olllclal papers for thu
publication of IhodRlmqucnllax list and the
treasurer was instructed to furnish each
with a copy of the list.
In response to an invitation to submit a
bi < l , John ICcmurllngonYrcd to liiishimmmur
Iho granite slops loading tu Hit * court house
at Ilia rule of i > per htep. The cummlUuo
on court houm > and jail will decldu upon tlm
necessity of having the gruuito bushhuiu >
me red.
Sheriff Bennett was Instructed to invltii
bids for Iho furnishing of llfty pairs uf
woolen blankets und 1UO suits of cluthes at
the Jail , for the use ; prisoners.
Flno boatlub" , Courtland bouuh.