Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1893, Part One, Page 4, Image 4

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Kooicty Ytoltli the Pw t Week to the Col
lect ) Boys and Girls.
MIM Vnlr * , Mian Mllliiril mill .Ml" llnrkrr
Olttt ll.illMI1.ll .MlHIIMlfl With " .lint It
Wnllr iirTmi" to Itiiiinil tlui r.trnlnc
Ml.rl Under llriiiK llomt'M llrldx.
Mr. Mns Mnrolzck is fUlto | enthusiastic
over tlm first week's ' work In Oinalm's now
school of music and does not hosltato to pro-
tllctn bright future for ibo new venture.
Ycstunlay lie s ild toarfiprcsenlatlvu of Tun
Hfii ! that this was only tliu beginning of
wlmt Iio hoped onu ilny would bo
a recognized conservatory of music ,
splendidly equipped ntiil liberally supported.
Ilo talked of tliu young ladies wlio 1mvocom
menced tbclr musical education hero with
considerable w-irmth , uralslng highly ono or
Iwo voices which ' of line
give I'l'mmse re
"Financially , " snlil ho , "the school Is almost -
most sclf-snppnrilng , hut six inoro pupils
being ncL'ilou to drfray lh e\pun 33 for thn
first six months , thus relieving the gnaran-
tors of nn v going down Inm \ < kols to moot a
Nriw that Mr. Mnro'7olt is ono of Omaha's
colony uf musicians , could not tlio musicians
of the oily tret Intiothcr upon a eo-oi > erativo
basis anci ureanlze u phlltrtrtnnnie society
thnl would pivo Omaha what It has long
ncodnd , nn orchestra thormiqhl.v capable in
every sense ! Mr. MareUok's yrars of asio-
clatlon with the best musical
Ihnughl and llfu of the couiitr.y.
and the sterling work ho did
wlillo in Nrw York warranls Iho assertion
that could such an orchestra formed with
Marotzeii us director , U would not bo lomr
before Omaha would take higher Htandlnir
In the musical world thin it no.v occupies , a
nlnndln < r in willed every loverof Ihe metrop
olis is vitally Interested.
DThere it n brightening of the social skies
ns the events of last weoU tesllllos.
Atilumn i , simdiii' : back no sojourners on
tint Miiluiv. ; li.y lake and ocean , and the
streets begin to nssiimo a gayer air than
tlmv have for ssonths.
The young people have nwnud tlie week ,
and there arc tired feet this ninrning in
swell circlc.s after the balls of the past few
iiiiys. Hut the exodus to school and eolleiro
has commenced , to end In t no older people
coming Into their own.
Pretty Autumn \\.vlilhi'- .
Tuesday evening at the ho'iuxof the brido's
parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Foster , IG'Jl
south ThirHthird street , oco'irre.l the mar-
riaeo of Miss Kinily M. Foster to Mr. Frank
J. King.
The house was very prettily uecoratcd
with feins and palms , while eut ( lowers and
smilax were scattered about in pnifuslon.
At 8 o'clock , to the strains of Mendels
sohn's "Wedding March. " id.iyod by Iho
Mandolin club , the bridal party descended
the stairway and took their plaeos beneath
a very handsome lloral design , consisting of
a horseshoe from which was suspended a
Hov.V. . P. Murray , pastor of thn Hans-
coin Park Methodist church , per
formed the ceremony , the solemnity of the
occasion being heightened by tin-soft strains
of music , wInch served as an accompaniment
to the mystic words.
The bride was very prettily attired in a
costume of whlto satin , with pearl trim
mings , and curried a bouquet of bride roses ,
the only ornament worn being a diamond
pin , the gilt ol this groom.v *
The clear , white complexion of the b.'ide
contrasted very prettily with that of the
bridesmaid. Miss liniil.v Thompson of Chicago
cage , who is of the beautiful brunette type ,
and was very attractive in a gown of white
brocaded silk , carrying a bouquet of pink
The groom was attended by bis cousin ,
Mr. Carl Hijilor.
After the congratulations , which wore
many ami sincere , refreshments were served
Air. and Mrs. King loft after iho ceremony >
for the west , to bo absunt about two weeks. :
Doforo returning they will visit Denver ' ,
Ogilon and Salt Lake City. After their re
turn they will occupy their new homo ill " 'J ' -'I \
Paeilio street.
The invited guests wore : Kov. and Mrs.
W. P. Murray , Mrs. II. S. Murray , Mr. and
Mrs. U. L. ChafTeo , Mr. and Mrs. James
IJoyle , Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Hangs , Mr. and
Mrs. .1. II. Hangs. Mr. and Mrs. 13. G. Dill ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Havens , Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Megoatu , Mr. and Mrs. Waller Sams.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Campbell. Mrs. lingel ,
Mr. and Mrs. 1C. C. Price , Mr. and Mrs. .1. A.
Doe , Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Lindsay , Mrs. Curtis ,
] ) r. and Mrs. S. M. Campbell , Kov. and Mrs.
G. M. Drown , Mrs. Lamloryon. Mr. and Mrs.
] ' . Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. II. I , . Whilnoy ,
Mr. and Mrs. .Join : D.ito , Mrs. Johnson , Mr.
nnd Mrs. A. Waggoner , Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Haz/.ard , Mr. and Mrs. 10. \ , . Howe , Mr. and
Airs. F. A. Phillco , Mr. and Mrs. I. , . U. Fowler -
lor , Mr. and Mrs. J. V. McDowell , Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Kramer , Mr. and Mrs. Chandler ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Clark , Mr and Mrs. An
il row Murphy , Mr. and Mrs. H. Hortzlor ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoyle , Mr. and Mrs. John
Ivors , Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. . . Kennedy. Mr. and
Mrs , W. Drown , Mr. and Mrs. John Isonhart ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Llndberg , Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. 1'icrsun , Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith , Mr.
and Mrs. T. D , Davis , Miss Alice Case ,
Jviias Flora Taylor , Mr. and Mrs. Ed
dray. Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Daniel ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. d. Megeath , Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Mogeath , Miss doldah Murphy. Miss Campbell , Miss Koso Lane. Missus
Cora Chaffea. Anna Ilaz/.iml , Hertlm Hertz-
ler.Cassio I5o.lo . , Mamie Doyle , Kate Havens.
Nellie Jackson , Alice liradley , Mossrs- 1
Franlc doodspeed , Fred Dale , James Dlaek ,
burn. Uohort LandoryonCharles Landoryou ,
Will Stevens , Al Slovens. H. Kugor. H. N.
Wood , Miss Jcnnio Hoyle , Mrs. .1. C. Dloss ,
Mr. Fred A. Dlass , Mr. Carl Doyle , Mr. and
Mrs. P. Harper , Mr. and Mrs , R. P.
Hunter , Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart ,
Miss Koso Harper , Mrs. dustin , Mrs. KiRler.
Mrs. Sprnu'uo. Mrs. McKlwati. Mrs. lithor-
Idgo , Miss Huldnh Slglcr , Miss SIgler. Mr.
and M'-s , W. H. Thonmson. Miss Kmlly
Thompson , Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Watt , Mr.
anil Mrs. F. P. Foster , Mr * .
Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Wood ,
Mr. and Mrs. li. Muzzy , Mr. and Mrs. F. K.
Foster , Mr. nnd Mr * . C.i. \ . Smith , Miss
Cora linmes , Mr. nnd Mrs. 1C. W. Carey ,
Miss Florence Carey , Mrs. II. Maria Denny ,
Mr. iind Mrs. deorgo D. Davis , Miss Sarah
ICstabrook , Miss ICmily Kstnbrook. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank ICstabrook , Mr. and Mrs.
dcorgo ICstabrouk , Mr. and Mrs. ICdwurd
Kslabrook , Mr. and Mrs. ICdward Miles , Mr.
and Mrs. Ixiuls ICstabrook , Mrs. Harriet
KstabrooK , Miss I roue ICstabrook , Mrs.
Charles Foster , Miss .1. Foster , Mr. and
Mm. ( J. F. Snift. Mr. and Mrs. K F. Swift ,
Mr. and Mrs. ICdwanl Swift , .Mr , and Mrs
ICdward Morris , Mr. Charles Swift , Miss
Ulllo Wood , Miss Jessie Wood. Mr. Frank
Wood , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Ij. Ilonus , Mr. and
Mrs. Olaroneo Heinis , Mr. anil Mrs. C. mlO.
Young , Mr. and Mrs. N. Sivift , Mr. and
Mrs. Copley , Miss draco Stafford , Miss
Kvlvla Tomlinson , Mr. ahd .Mrs. liunyon ,
Air , and Mrs. Cole , Mr. Charles Cole , Mr.
and Mrs. Halicr , Mr. aim Mrs. Touver , Mr.
and Mrs. D.irrow. Miss draco Darrow , VI r.
nnd Mrs. Davenport , Mr. and Mrs. Alexan
der , Mr. and Mrs. Mann , Mr. and Mrs.
Oabornt ) , .Missl'lar.i Hastings , Miss NutUo
Plant , Miss Sue Mantijlnld.i
Mtm .tllllunl l.ulrrt ilin.
Thursday evening Miss Helen Mlllnrd In.
formally entertained many of the younger
crowd who had boon at Hillside the night be
fore and ai Forest Hill on Monday and les
day. ' . 'T.u ' lawn of the Mlllanl ion ,
Nineteenth and Capitol nvcmio , w&s hung
with Chinese lanterns , while hero and theru ,
toto-a-tote chairs gnvo n suuunery offeot to
Iho place that was very pleasant.
I.Ike tlie other functions of Iho week there
was a bhort musical program. In vrhleh
Messrs. Herbert and Will litters mil !
Luther and Herman Koimtzo played tholr
guitars anil mandolins. Miss Paluior , Miss
Jontle Yates and Miss Hums sang , Miss Car-
rlo Mlllanl gave a piano number , Miss
Helen Mlllanl played the violin , Mr. Mon
lleull sang , whllu the boys re n do rod a num
ber of excellent college songs. After refresh
ments , of course , dancing rounded out L a
pleasant ovunlug ,
Tbero were present on this occasion
Yulu , Jeullo Yatu * , KouuUu , Gurtio
Kountze. Clnra I'.ilim r. Alice Anlr'vsfii ,
Jin\mniHl. Smith , lUirns. Amy Harlrf.r. C.ut.v.
C < > lp"t7cr. Grace Allen. Mrw'MabH lood ! of
Unni-a , N. Y. , Flnrpm'p Kilnnlriok. Tnfl
Itaii I ; Messrs. Pirrrn Garnenu. ll.irrv and
Wein 1.ytnnn. f-harlt . Luther find Hurm'nti
Konnt/e , Will and ITorbori Honors. Robert
and .lolm PairlcK.Cushinj. ' lliinkms , Charles
tllJII II I tlUl I * r v > nni l IIIK * nrtv > ) * > * i iv -
( iiirilncr. Frcti Hiistin , Morris Heall , I'M ' and
Jon Morsman.
The C. I' , r. Mini
Friday evening the O ah.i Hlirh srlnrtl
was In honor of llio class of 'in.
The f. ' . P. U. , a Latin letter fraternity ,
compos-dor the boys of ' : . cntortnlned its
fulr Rlrl schoolmates In a htirhly pleaslnc
manner nnd tbo tnerr.v vrit.ltrotitrlbuted lo
thu plcasuro of Iho occasion.
Previous lo Iho dniirimr the old halls re
sounded wl'h ' the following program , which
Was well rendered :
A UeiiiarUntrin Fans rinssof'93
CtiiiMifsdilress Will \Vtlsmiis !
ltrvi'ry-T4ni o Were Hnppy I lays
I'lanii Hnhi I'riuToal
Tonii I Uisi > to a Point of ilNlt-r l-'niiik Klley
Vlulln Solo llprt ItutlL-r
Prof. Lewis addressed Hitclasa with seine
lileasant remarks which were heartily re-
ci-ivrd. Owing to the abscncn of several of
the class who have gone forth in HID e luoa-
llnnal world forlofiicrasiilratlonsaiul newer
Ideals , only the following ni"'nlors ) of the
class wore prosonl ; Carrie .Mthi : is , Sellna
Hums , Kloiso ClarU , Illltln ! ) OrolT , Hensie
Dunn , Kiva Fisher , deorirui Ulti-.ney ' ,
deorgla Park , Lizzie Phillips. Clnra Unod.
Marl m Sclilbshy , Add SUHI. . .Itsslc Tliain ,
May W.vman , Miss Cro\vlo. > . ; .Mt-ssrs. Will
Wolhhnns. deoriro dilbort. Frit ? Teal , Wirt
Thompson. Herbert Lnan. ) li.i Wilbur , Jake
Abrahans , Jinimio Houston , Harry Onry ,
Frank Klloy. Fred Van Horn and Otis
The elass separates this week , manv of
the members leaving for their colleges nnd
to pursue the different vocations which they
nave chnsen. William Welshans loll Satur
day for Leland Stanford , Kussell Wilbur has
gone to Williams college , doorgo dilbert
will attend the Onmha Medical college.
Ilarnspti Oury and Van Xandt l'nrtel > ou go
to Lltictiln 'iniversit.v ' , ) red Van Horn , .lalto
Ahr.ihans , James Houston , Horl > crt Dunn ,
Henry Mongedoht and liert Duller will en
gage In business In Omaha. Among the
eirlh. Miss Marion Schibsuv will taken post
graduate course nl the Hich school : Miss
Li/zle Phillips , Miss liossie Dunn , Miss
Viola Barnes and Miss Sellna lliirns attend
the Omaha Normal school ; Miss Atrnes
McKay , Mias Abb.i Dowen and Miss Clnra
L'lholm have charge of classes in thn city
schools ; Mis < Georgia Limlsoy iroes to a
New York boarding school , and Miss Clara
Kooil will uiaUo her homo here.
Ten ills TiiimmmiMil ul I'ornsl Illll.
The WOOK Just ended has boon remarkable
for the number nnd brilliancy ol the enter-
lainments given for llio college boys and
girls who will soon bo back at the "grind , "
some of them entering upon their senior
year while others are about to begin their
liislicT educ.ition.
Monday and Tuesday , "Forest Hill , " the
beautiful homo of Mr. Herman Kountzo , was
the scene of a lovolv tennis tournninonl. Ine
courls at I-'orest Hill buinir iho linest in Iho
wesl. Tbo llnal in Iho doubles wns played
by Miss Genie Kountzo and Mr. Fred Kustin ,
Miss Gurtrudo Kountzo ami Mr. Dean
Lyman , all line players , resulting in a vic
tory for Miss Gertrude Kountzo and Mr.
Lvman , who wore presented with pretty
gold badges with the date , as souvenirs of
the occasion.
Then ciimo llio luncheon under tlm old
trees that make the Kounl/.o homo so very
romanlic and so rural in appearance. The
girls in their tennis costumes and tl.e young
men arrayed "liko unto them" made a pie-
tmv suggestive of Du Maurier's best jyciety
The lablo was lastcfiilly decorated , the
men on this occasion adding to tlio Interest
by assisting at the service of refreshments.
After lea. which was served at li , the
guests terminated the jolly occasion by
dancing or wandering under ttio silent
slurs. "
Tl.e gjosts were : Miss Yates. Miss les- !
sio Vatos , Miss .Icntio Vatos , Miss Anna
Millard. Miss Helen MilHrd , Miss Clara
Palmer , Miss Leila Carter , Miss Helen
Smith.Miss Hums , Miss Kdna Cowin , Miss
linrkcr , Miss Mabel Taylor ; Messrs. Do.ui
L.\min : , Herbert and Will Uogers. lid and
Joe .Morsman , Fred Kustin. Arthur Carter ,
while Miss Kountzo , Miss Gertrude Kountze ,
and Messrs. Cliarles , Luther and Herman
Coimtzo looked nfjor the comfort of their
MurrltMl l hi- First Violin ,
Thursday of lasl week Mr. Hurt Duller o .f .
.his oily was united in wedlock to Miss
Hannah Samuelson of Orion , II ! . , the core-
non.y being solemnized at the homo of iho
bride by Key. J. S. Cumlng. The wedding
was a quiet ono , only near relatives being
[ iresent.
The announcement of the innrriasro is
| .leasing to the friends of both the young
lady and gentleman , who rank high m the
musical world. Mr. nailer's friends in
Omaha are numbered by llie thousand ,
and ho is deservedly popular. As llio
leader of lioyd's Opera IJouso orchestra ,
he tins won admiration , not alone as a con
cert inaslcr , bul as a soloist as well. His
work is not alone confined to the interpreta
tion ol tlio wont of oihors. a number of high
class orchoslra scores from his pen having
won commendation from musical critics.
Miss Samuelson resided for years In
Moline and Orion and will prove a valuable
acquisition to tlio musical lea.
circles of Omaha.
Aside from the ' a.iy
lady's winning personality
she is an artiste of considerable note anil
possesses a rich soprano voice. She will
continue her musical studies in this city.
Mr. and Miv. Duller will bo at homo in
this city al M'J Xorlh Nineteenth street In
a few days.
'I'lii. llarlo-r .Miuiciilr.
Miss Amy itarkfr and her brother , Mr.
Joseph Harkor. brought the debutantes r.of
the season and the college boys togolher
Friday evening at their homo in a charm
ingly informal way. Of course was
music , for these young people are versatile
and can do somolhmi : more than wall/ .
Mr. Cusliing sang , as did Miss Harkor and
Miss Van Kuran , while iho quartet of
strings thummcd college songs , glee and
old Knglish rounds lo the delight of the
Ami there was dnnclne , too , which st
bo understood when these young people ol
Among the guests were : Misses Jontle
Yates , Helen and Anna Millard , Miss
Kount/.o , Miss Gertie KoimUo , Miss Hirdio
Van Kuran , Miss Hossio Vatos , Miss Col-
potwr. Miss Cady , Miss Palmer , Iho Misses
McCorniiel ; , Miss Leila Carter ; Messrs.
HerUen and Will Uoirers. Cliarles. Luther
and Herman Kount/e , Arthur Carter , Mr.
Gushing. Mr. Christian , Mr. Mauborry.
Messrs lid and JIKJ Morsmnn , Ned Stitjer > ,
U alter I'reston.
Informiil litnct < HI Ililloltln.
Mr. Vales' beautiful homo , Hillside , was
gay wilh iho younger set Wednesday oven
dancing party and musicale given by
the Misses Vatos as a prelude lo the rto-
pariuro of many of the boys and girls lolo
tholr several colleges and seminaries lisle
So roomy nnd so thoroughly adapted loin
dancing is the largo hall of tlio Vales' man
sion Hint n ball there Is sure to bring out all
invited guests , this being particularly the
case Wednesday evening. Although hastily
arranged , iho evening was ono of delightful
Among the guests present wore : Misses
Millard , Helen Millard. Union Cady. Sue
Colpct/.er , ( Jraco Allen , Mao Hums , Helen
Smith , licrtio Kountze , ticnio Koimtzo , Alice
Andrceson , Uaymond of Toledo , O. , Amy
Uarker , holla Carter. Mnbol 'laylor , Clnra
I'almer ; Messrs. Lvinan , Charles KounUo ,
Herman KounUe , Luther Kountze , Henry
Allen , Wilbur Christian , Cushing , ( ioodwln
of Philadelphia. Herbert Koger.sill
Hogors , .loo Morsiunn , Hd Morsman. Fred
Kustin , John Patrick , Arthur Carter , Carrel
Carter ,
Thulr rirnt 1'iirty.
The Lyceum club gave Us Jlrst party of
this season at its hall Wednesday evening ,
every ouo present having had n Jolly tltno.
These present la l Wednesday were :
Messrs. and Mesdamvs Llttletiuld , Kelpin ,
WacoV , Goff , Morgan , Misses Hoddor , Kel }
ler , Graves , Page , Kussell , Hess , Hodder , ,
Aumoek , Graves , Hussell , Keller , Morgan , ,
Goff , Tiotz , Kunsell ; Messrs. Thomson ,
Gould , Craig , Hoynolds , Thomson , Gould ,
Huxhold , McComb , lUy , Hwyuoldg ,
| Oooai lic < nin. Mlehonl. Doiiohuo. Prm lor.
Ilrridriv.Inirner The next pirty of Hi * "
club will In given Wodnosd.iV , September'Ji" .
_ _ . _ _
- - -
l-r m T
Chit nl Autumn Duy.4 ,
MIM Kittle Mnro Is in Chleapo.
Mr. 11. W. Yate.s loaves for Xow York
i lionjamln j F. Ttlrner loft for the fair on
Mrs. W. P. Valll Is Inspscling the beauties
of the fair.
Miss Antift ItUtiop his returneil front a
visit to the fair.
Mr. Will Pnlmaller returns today from
his outing In Uhtcngo.
Mr. ana Mrs. N. I . Foil have returned
from a week al the fair.
Miss Kdna Cowin loft yesterday to resume
her .studies at Pomfret , conn.
Miss Sadlo ll.iyaen raturncJ yesterday
from a two m.mtln it.vy in Chicago.
Mrs. ,1. Miller nnd nioihor and Miss
Murltell left for Los Angelo.s yesterday.
Mrs . i' W. i ox and Miss lidllll Wagoner
i left last nl hi f.iran extended o.tstorn trip.
j Miss | X. K. Wood of O. H. Hcolleld's , wont
i to Chlonifu ' lastidght for n few dajs visit to
reiht I fair.
H r. Williams , wlfo and daughter and
Mrs. Uilllams' mother loft yesterday for
iho fair.
GUoncral and Mrs. D.uidy , who arc now in
Chicago , have taken the Moday house for
ihc wlnlor.
K. IS. Lovctt and W. Uyles of TtnDir. : :
Ic.ivo today lor Chicago and this east on
I lu'lr vacation.
Miss Millie Ostmis returned homo Thurs
day evening from an oxtcmlod trip to the
fair and Lsinatla.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hall have returned to
the cil.v after a summer sojourn on the
lower Si. LiwToneo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. N. II. TminlclllY have re-
turnul from a month's visit at the World's
fair and In the uast.
The Misses Morse , dauirhtors of W. V.
Morse , lo.ivo tomorrow lor Mrs. Plait's
school at Ution. N. V.
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar I luff man left Friday
for Chicago and tbo They will be
gone about four weeks.
Mr. T. 1C. Sudborougb leaves this evening
for Chicago on business connecte I with tlio
P.icilic Kxpross company.
li. F. Thomas and family , who have been
visiting in Chicago and at Maquoketa , la. ,
have retuni"d to Omaha.
Mr. ami Mrs. I ) H. Gondneh left Friday
for Chic.u'o. whom they will pul In a couple
of weeks visiting the fair.
.1. li. Preston of the Milwaukee , with his
wlfo and members nf tne family , have gene
lo Chicago to see the fair.
A. V. Carlson , president of the State bank
of ( Gothenburg , was in the city yesterday ,
enroute to the World's fair.
Mrs. Hunt and Miss liihel ( ? olst left
Thursday for several nuiilhs visil lo Chi
cago. Indianapolis and the east.
.bulge C. U. Scott baa returned from a
month's visit in the west , The Judge visited
points in Ul.ih DIM gen and California.
Mrs. C. F. Fisher and di.ughtorFlorence ,
of Cedar Uupids , la. , are llio guests of Mr.
and Mrs. .1. A. Tuthill of'JUOl Haraey street.
The pupils of Mrs. F. F. Ford gave a pleas-
lug piano recital at the residence of IJr. S.
K. Towiio , 'J.Vjl ; Furnam street , Friday even
Mr. and Mrs. William Preston and family
have returned from a long and happy sum
mer at their cottage on the shores of Lake
M. A. Hall of the linn of Montgomery ,
Cliarlton A : Hall is Ixick Irom a six weeks
visit at the World's fair and his old home in
Mr. and Mrs. Charles OiTutt will occupy
Hie elegant new residence recently built lor
X. M. Hnbbard , jr. , on Thirty-ninth and
The clerks of the Hoston store gave a
party al Courtland beach Thursday evening.
D.inclng was the main atlr.iction ami nil
had a good lime.
Attorney clarence D. lilliott , who is at
present in the ollico of the county judge , has
gone to Chicago to take in the sights at
Jackson park
The Omaha Guards left via tholJurllnglon
No. I ! yesterday afternoon for Lincolnwhcro
they were tendered a reception by the Lin
coln Light artillery.
Mr. W. .1. Fulton , manager of Helm &
Sons of Pniladolphia. and daughter Alice
are visiting with Councrlm.Mi Munro and
family for a few days.
Miss Kavrfiond of Toledo , who has been
visiting Miss Andrecsen tnis summer , left.
for her homo last week , Miss Andreescn
going to Lasoll sominary.
Mr. and Mrs. D. li. Chapin loft Tuesday
evening over the Rock Island to visit the
While Citv and n'so ' relatives in the east.
They will return In two weeks.
Miss Sadie Hamblolon , daughter of Mrs.
F. R. Millsiuiieli of Minneapolis , is making
her grandmother , Mrs. Clarkson , a short
visit. Shu arrived Wednesday morning.
Mr. John W. Hat tin and Mr. G. L. Ralston
attended llio annual convention ofthe
Drothorhood of St. Andrew at Detroit last
week as delegates from Trinity cathedral.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Haskell , their daugh
ter , Miss IneHaskell , and sons Frank iind
Paul , returned last week from a visit to the
World's fair and a visit to friends in Racine
Wia. 1
Miss Kate Lvllo of Pittsbnrg is visiting
the family of her uncle , M'\ John W. igc
Cune , 111J North Twenty-fifth street. She
is on her way homo after a month's sojourn I
In Colorado.
Mrs. George 15. Lake and her mother ,
Mrs. Hays , have conn over to Chicago for a
few days. Mrs. Lake will accompany hoi-
son lo Concord , N. II. , whore he enters St.
Paul's school.
Miss Carrie Mamlo Pcnnoel ; leaves today
for a week's visit at the World's fair.
Wliilo in Chicago she will bo the guest of
the family of ex-3'oslmastor General James
of Mew York.
Miss Addio Stephen , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. 1. Stephen , is to bo married on the
: Mli lo Mr. Herbert , son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Strung of La Porto , Tex. , in
which place they will have their home after
Nuvombur 1.
The Woman's auxiliary of SI. John's lipis-
copal church will give a social al Idlewlld
hall , Twenl.y-fourth an.i Grant streets ,
Wednesday evening , .September MO. A cor
dial Invitation Is given lo all friends of the '
Tlio bar of Omaha is soon to lose ono of its
leading members. N. M. Hubbard , Jr. , who
for the past four years has been Iho rosi-
dcnl aitornoy for llio Northwestern system ,
has been promoted m his work , which will
make bis removal lo Cedar Rapids , la. , nec
essary .
William H. Gould , jr. , and wlfo ( neo
Carotin Agnes Drown ) leave lonlgbl via the
Milwaukee on thuir wedding tour. They
will do Iho White Cily and visit relatives in
Indiana and Illinois , besides visiting several
of the important eastern points. They will
bo nt home about October 1. illof
Wednesday evening , at Ihe parsonage of
llie First Congregational church , Mr. Joseph
H. Pleasanis was married lo Miss Anna
Huburman by Rov. .1. T. Duryea , D.D , Alter
the corenion.v the bride aim groom , fl
panied by a few friends , repaired to it 0
Merchants hotel , where a dinner had been
prepared for them. Mr. and Mrs. Plcasants
are each well known in thu city and a largo
circle of friends wish thorn well. They will
begin housekeeping at unco.
A delightful tallyho luncheon wns given
al Courtlam' bo.ieh Saturday aflornoim in
honor of Mr. Fitzhtigh De Long of Now Vork
and Miss Agnes Stanley Hughes of Chicago ,
who are visiting friends in Omaha. Misses
Knto Ljtle , Jewel McCuno , Tillie Fried I0.s ,
Kvelyn Fried , Aimio W'eir , Isabella Rhino-
lander and Mary Anderson and Messrs.
John Molleu. T. S. listabrooklames Vinton ,
W. Cooke , Will S. McCuno , Morris .Sullivan
and H. Hlggin * were m the party.
The Apo'lo ' club begins rehearsals Tuesday
evening al Voung Men's Christian associa
tion hall. Mr. Torrens will bo thu conductor
unoiherynar. Throe concerts will ho given
nl Boyd'b theater upon the same plan ai hero
loforo. Tbo club proposes lo Inaugurate the
season wilh n picnic nl Couriland beach
next Saturday afternoon and evening , when
they will sing a few numbers. Friends ol
llio club are invited. Ills honed that mani
friends of ibo club will participate In this
Mr. HarryS. Hoffelflnger of Omaha , who
has boon absent from the city u few days
was married September & lo Miss Mnudo U
Plumb , al Iho homo of the bride In .Manon ,
la. It was a pretty autumn wedding , iho
rooms being richly decorated with nutumi
flowers , and in the bay window , where the
couple stiin.l. rtpro bund a boautifnl wreath
\vltn ihi inilinls H. and. P. of elegant
j ( lowers 'IhoFTit'wlj uurrleul couple left in
1 the evening ftflthe World's fnir , nnd will boat
I nt home Octolflr 1 at iho Dresel.
i Mi ; s Kfllo IvHitv' ' wns pleasantly surprised
i 1 iv' , : \
' unmoor ofjlier friends Thursday evening -
! ir'u at the honfrof her parents , n-JJ."i Call-
j foi iiia Hired. J'jjo owning spent with
j music ; and panies , refreshments lioiiiir served
I "t 11 o'clock. Tll ie prcsrnt were : Mrs. W.
D. Moran , Mrsin ( V Patterson. M.sses Annl
L'lcve. LliiCarlson , Mne Walsh , Tillio
Werner , limma Seitcripiist , S. Chllslrom.
lillle Kelly. MiT i. Kelly. Mr. M. Kcll.v J
MI ssr.s. Frank RoJber , Maurice Kelly , lit !
Oliver. Ira , 'Albert ' Honson. Alvln Set-
tcrqulst , J. P. Itauin , Willie Moran. Aai-on
Cook. 'I '
The Nebraska L'lty Press of last week has
the following mention of people well known
in Omaha : "Colonel F. P. Ireland and fam
ily came from St Louis yesterday In Presi
dents. II. II Clark's privaioeai' In company
with Hie hitter's son. Mr. tloxlo Clark. At
Ateblson a delightful part.v of young ladies
Jollied the company and came through to
this city. Thi'i were : Miss Waggoner , Miss
Ingalls , daughter nf Senator Ingalls , Miss
Guthrie , Miss Parkei , Miss McCrmn. chap
eroned by Mrs. Wheeler. Colonel Ireland
ilrove the ladies Ihrouirli the city and after
spending a short ilmo here they returned In
Atchison on Ihf suulh bound train of the
Missouri Pacltlc. "
Mmlained'Aglilon. a thoroughly competent
and oM'orionro I kin lergartener , will open a
Kindergarten m the crypt of Trinity cathe
dral , commencing October 1. To n"i- trainIng -
Ing of two years In Nnw York hue been added
n tliormiL'h course in lierlhi.
in riiicuxn.
Amnntr those registered at Iho Onnha
liotol In Chicago are ;
doneral nnd Mrs. Dandy. Miss Dandy.
Mistf Illmebangh , Mrs. Charles Squires nnd
daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Hranch and daugh
ter. Mr. and Airs. Kirkendall. Mrs. .1. H.
Webster , Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCormioK ,
Mrs. Keinlnutiin. Mr. Charles March , Mr.
Koso. Mrs. MeShatie and family.
Music afternoon ami eve at Courtlaml.
r cit < twit.
Thiinly Siiccrsthins li r I'liriinlH mid
With the opining of the schools
comes the cry for imro until. 11 irely do
cities make adequate provision lor increased
attendance. Various
expedients are re-
soried to in the
matter of temporary accom
modations , which are frequently more in
jurious than lielplul to pupils. Te.ichor.s.
too , are put under pivsiuro an 1 must make
a showing in results , of a.lvora. * .
conditions , on p.nn of dismlsjal. The sys
tem of educational cramming and the desire
of parents lo show the mental qualities of
their children do not produce the best re
sults. On Hie contrary they tend to sacrl-
lice the phvsIcaSfor the mental development
of children. On this important fc.ituro of
school life tlie Philadelphia Times says :
"The caution most needed by ambitious
parents and enthusiastic teachers is not to
lot-trot that tlie health and development of
growing children require plenty of time for
play and exercuu in school days as well as in
vacation seasons. Study and recitations
there must be f6r the intellectual develop
ment nf the chilD nature and the accumula
tion of the knowledge that will bo required
in later years. Hut no svstcm of education
is sound In theory or wise in practice that
tloos not recoi-'iii/.o the importance of sym
metrical bodily , development. This cannot
bo secured if too many hours are devoted to
cramming the memory with facts to be
mechanically recited in the conllncmeiil of
the school room.
"The natural atmosphere of Iho growing
child is one of ijlay and vigorous physical
activity. To one who is in hearty sympathy
with the buoyant n.iluro uf children it is
lathetic to witness the groups of little ones
' tilling on the dour steps of our city homes
'n the pleasant autumn evenings crammmc
their nienivries with lessons to IHJ retitcd mi
the morrow Instead of giVing expression to
their natural instincts in
a good old-fash
ioned ronin. In too many cases the over
crammed children cai'ry their lessons to ben
with them to disturb their dreams , and it is
no uncommon thing lo overhear llie pupils
con mil' . ' their books or repeating their lessons
In the while on their way to
scboo : in the morning.
Rccognillon has been given of this ten
dency to overdo the conllnemont of children
in study by the public school authorities of
this city in the practice recently inaugurated
of holding bill ono school session per day for
Iho llrst half nionlh or month of the fall
term , thus making tlio transformation from
summer play to school conllncment gradual
instead of sudden. The period of smglo ses
sions might be extended withoul harm to
the intellectual development of the pupils.
In Ibis direction , too , a clear gain might be
made by a curriculum composed of fewer
studies. L-ixiiy in this direction is hardly
likely to go lee far. Hardly a day passes
that some human wreck is not borne to hos
pital or grave as the result of too much
school conllnemont in childhood. If the
world Isn't growing wise enough lo rccotrni/o
and correct this evil , it is lime some of our
adull educators were educated over again.
Fine boating , C'ourtlaml bench.
Ormin Ki-rltiil ,
An organ will bo given at llio
Unitarian church at Seventeenth and Cnss
streets next Wednesday ovening. Mr. ,
Thomas .I. Kelly will preside at llio organ.
The following will be Iho program on Dial
occasion :
I'H'liiik' leThe Delude Cunillle Sulnl Sneiis
So Kmm'o Piu'cLso nn llgllo , , : Trunicmlii.
Oiiii/aiclhi del Salvulor Uosa . l'i"inblsxt
Mulodlo I'lianl du Voya ciir . PailorewsU
A vi ) Muria . ( ioimod
MUs.lnlla Tallaferro.
I CD Sarabande . lolm Sebnstlan llnrh
i I'D ' Triumphal I'lioriK .Alev.indie ( iiillniant
.Mi'iilK'lln from Simula , op. 01 , No , 0 .
At Kvenlng. Ibyllu Dudley linck
"Thocounties' , happy slar- >
Stand silent watching In the ( leeponlng blue ,
They nt the Irclllse. ! window loiter
Hoforrlni : thuir 'guiiil night' with blissful
words. "
Ninon Test I
Miss Julia Tullnfcrrii.
Pilgrims Churns , from Tunnhiieiihur. . .
Iliiliheoin I'arlc rmirorl ,
The Second Infantry band from the fort
will play at Haiiscom park vhis afternoon
at IIo.cloek. This Is the program :
Mnrrh .luhlliM' . . . ' . : Dalln-
Oxorluie .Mlrella. . ( ioini
-eleciloii--lolanllie Milllvn
.Spanish 1'andango I'nirlof Mndrld./.achniami
l ) vert -Hsniorrtlll * lltiriiiann
MarrhuIiiillmino Solitude ! ;
Select Ion -Tho 11 nguiuiols .Moyorlocr
Ni'sru Ilain'ii1'ncle liiibtns ulup
Soloi'tlon Tannhuifi"r WaKii
WiilteaDublin.w l.ubli/liy
Modliiy--llouiliel | ot MoloilliK .Meyritlllis
Patrol-The AdvanCe and Kutrimt of tliu
.Salvullon Ariuy il > y reipiek 1) ) Oil 1
Aft. and uvu. ti'apoxu urtistH , Courtl'd ,
The following mni'riaga licenses wnro is
suedycslerduy : ' - '
Nuiau and Address. Ago.
j Harry l.aufi'nbereOmaha ; 'Jl
\ I AKiVi-h . . . . KinYrnurrifuiiiiia . . . > . * U'j
j Jcll'erfim Hunks.f/wtuha / Ui.
I tiuslu .Shupuid , Otiiuhu , Ib I
Doincs of tlio Secret nnd Benevolent Socie
ties in Oity and State ,
Order of Hit , \Viirltl Knlortiln Tlirlr
rrirnd < P. ) tlilim t'nliitcrsiimlinrii
tif tlmViuld Moving .Mii'iid-IIod
.Men tin tlui Mnrcli ,
Norlh Omaha ledge No. ' . ' (10 ( , Order of the
World , held ono uf Us most pleasant enter
tainments at Myrtle ball last Monday even
ing. North Omaha lodeo has established n
reputation for glvlntr social entertainments
thai are really soelablo , and when It U an
nounced thai iho ledge is lo give an enter"
Uiinment tne result 1 * ihal tlio hill : is al
ways crowded to ILs capacity. And
last Monday oveiitng was no exceplljti to the
rule , either In point of attendance or hi llie
Intelesi manifested in ttio program.
The program of the evening was Inaug-i-
rated by the president , John W. Johnston ,
who dollvt'ied nn address of welcome that
made aU the guests feel perfectly at homo
and b-ft them in a frame o ! mind lo fully enJoy -
Joy the rest of Hie entertainment. The liatc
City orchestra rendered one of Its best .selec
tions. The Arion tpiarlct sang ns oul , * , the
Arions can -sing. Mrs. Kato Kggiosum s-ing
aM solo In a manner , and
was followed by Mr. Warren Smith
and Mrs. Frank in a duct that was
greeted with loud applause. Mr. and Mrs.
.lames Kyner sang a comic bninr thai was
really comic , and were rewarded with ap
plause that lasted for some time. A piano
solo by Miss li'ickfnrd demonstrated thai
thai t ymmg lnd\'s , musical oducalion had
til-en l ! Carefully looked after , for she played
with a strength of touch and depth if ex
pression | that fairly enraptured her bearers.
\ poem h.Dr. . Parsoll and a piann iluer by
Miss Stoti'e and Miss Limlblad were on-
oved. Mrs. Kato ligglestoti then told why
adies should join the order , and her reasons
vero so many and welght.\ that a large in-
Tease in the membership is anticipated in the
lear future. Solo * by Miss Gusiafsoti ami
Miss Hnssc were rendered m : > . manner that
ailed lor loud and deserved applause , and
Mr. Hunt made a short address thai was
nil of interest to all who heard him. The
.into City orchestra and the Arions then
rendered a selection each , ami refreshments
Aero in order. This p.irl of the entertain-
ncnl had hion looked alter wilh care , ami
.ho result was thai nil present enjoyed a do-
iglitful repast.
After the refreshments the Misses Rnseu-
hal charmed all bearers with a duet ar-
.ingcu for Ihe violin and piano , and the ai > -
ilaiiso thai greeted Ihom was richly de
served. This ended the musical and literary
lartof iho pruprain , and llie rest of the
veiling was spent in dancing until tbo
strains of "Homo , Sweet Homo , " warned
ho people thai tbo evening's pleasures
vere at an end. Altogether the ontertain-
nent was a success in every sense of tlio
. lvtnililh in I'ytlitas ,
The grand ledge of Wyoming was in ses
sion at Rawlins last week. The attendance
vas large and a viry interesting session was
lad. Tbo new olllcers of tbo jurisdiction
ire as follows : Grand chancellor , Charles
1. Uurritt , Buffalo ; vice chancellor , Clark
i. Dodge , Kawlms ; prelate , 1C. S. Johnston ,
; heyoiine ; keener of records and seal , Percy
I. Gordon , Laramic ; master of exchequer.
I'homas Sulu/n , ROCK Springs
/ : mastcr-at-
irms , George Naismith , Lnramic ; inside
ruard , J. S. Font , Carbon ; outside guard ,
Stephen A. D. Keister. Lander ; ropresenta-
ive , Frank II. Clark , Cheyenne. The local
"odge entertained Ihe visiting knights Mon-
lanulil with a grand ball and lumiuot.
Fremont division No. Ul of the Uniform
ank has ejected otllcers as follows : L.
Lcpdom. caplain ; . ! . H. Malhows , lieutenant ;
Grant Parsons , herald ; W. J. Yost.recorder ;
! corgi * F. WillIrcasurcr. . li. R. Pease was
elected installing ofllcor , and ho proceeded
it once and installed the now staff of ofll-
cials. The captain , lieutenant and herald
will go to Lincoln next Wednesday to attend
i meeting of their brigade , and also of the
regiment , which will elect olllcers at thai
DTho boys of Picrco lodge No.-10 occupied
their new ball Wednesday evening , for the
lirsl lime since Ihe new carpel was put
down , liesides a now ingrain carpet , pre
sented to the lodco by Woods Cones , the
boys have two window curtains in colors of
bine , yellow and rod. emblematic of the
order , tastefully made by Mrs. L. R. Hor-
tcrt. Over llio '
oHIcurs' slalious there is a
canopy diapcd in different rank colors , with
emblematic designs. With new furniture
the boys will have ono of tbo : ; icesl ledge
rooms in norlhorn Nelraskn.
I.iiprovrtl Ortltir ol Kcit .Mini.
On the ' .lib sun. Corn moon , the great rep
resentatives from California and Oregon
reached Omaha , journeying eastward to the
annual meeting of the great council of the
United Status , held at Dos Moines on the
12th sun.
The following distinguished members of
the order were with the party : Adam
Smith , San Francisco , past great incohonee ;
II. A. Chase , past great sachem of Cali-
fornin : d. W. Lovlo , Kcdwond City , past
great sachem of California ; Frederick
Hrandt , past great sachem of California ; . ! .
W. Mailer , nast great chief of records , Cali
fornia ; O. J. Ladd , past great sachem and
deputy great incohoneo of Oregon.
The party was mot at the ; ! opot by A. d.
Wood , great guard of wigwam , Ogalalla
tribe No.I ; K. K. liriiloiib'-eker , deputy
great sachem , Omaha trlbo No. IK ; A. .1.
Poguo and K. .1. Miles of Yali-Nun-Dah-Sis
tribe No. " , anil.I. H. Flanagan , great chief
of records , and escorted to the Murray hotel ,
where they were quartered until Mommy ,
when they continued tholr trip.
The entertainment while in the clti con
sisted of carriage drives to piaccs of inter
est In the city , a visit to Courtland beach
and a dinner at the .Murray , which was en
joyed by the guests and a number of the
Omaha chiefs. The great representative *
were loud in lliolr praise of Omaha and Iho
treatment they received from the brothers
' 1 he great council of Nebraska will con
vene at Lincoln on the second Tuesday in
November , at the 10th run , rismiof Hie sun.
The report of the great chief of records will
show a handsome g.iln in membership and
Alirlrnt Order of IJnllt'ilorkMUMi. .
P.itten lodge No. l
l of this city gave a
picnic Thursday afternoon and evening at
Coin-Hand beach. It was a grand success
social events of llio ledge alwa.\s being so.
An oxcellenl program was rendered. Hon.
.1. G. Tateof Hastings , stale master work
man , was present and delivered ono of his
chnracleristio addresses , which was both
instructive and entertaining. The musical
part of iho program was also good aim
greatly enjoyed , as were llie races and con-
Tbo Nebraska Workman Diiilding ami
Loan association has tiled articles of incor
poration wllb Hie secrolary of stun * . U has
a capital stock of JI.INM.UJO , divided Into
shares of $100 each , the mcurpornlor.s helm ;
.1. G. I'ate , M. H. Carton , G. H. Harbor , II.
K. Herman and R W. McDonald , It in iho
intention of the association to carry on u
building and loan business among the mem
bers of ll.o order in Nebraska. Tbo slop is
u new ono in recent sucioiy circles and Us
Highest of all in Leavening I'owcr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ,
progress atul nohiove.ttionts will be wntcbed
Mllb n cront deal of int'-rost '
siiitiMiitsr.xt ruiioNi
ril'rlitiiio ! in V.iMiUiii'tt < ; ! < tit tbo ( Irciu
Ciiliiinlilitii d nl .
' A special train on iho Northwestern road
last night carried about ITS persons , consti
tuting J the excursion of Shrlncrs" and their
families to the World's fair. The excursion
was In chniwof Mr. Frank U'iillams.
Nearly all the e\c'irsloulsts were on hand
early , nnd put In several golden moments
waiting for the train to start , hut there were
the Usual tardy persons who showed tip
"Just In the nick nf time , " nnd the train did
not depart for several ininutc.s after the
tinio scheduled.
Many Shrincrs and others , friends of the
exc'irslonlstn ' , were down to see them o5' ! ,
and. just before the train started , sotno
liffht-llngorod gentleman started to work
the crowd , with the result that , n lady pax-
so.ngor wns carried eastward mourning the
loss of her purse , containing her ticket and
about Si in cash.
Most of ttio party will bo quartered at the
dreat Knstcrn hotel while in Chicago , al
though ' a number of them will stop with
friends in the Columbian city.
Anionu tlio nxnmilonlsla were : diistave
Anderson and Mrs. Anderson , Frank Wil
liams. Mr. and Mrs , 'I' . iLlvlngton. . Mr.
and Mrs John Gathers , Dr. W. I' . Maxwell ,
Mrs. Judge Diilllonnd son , 1)r ) ami Mrs. IV
F. ( JiMiintnr-r , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Cox
and Miss Wngonor. I'1. W. Crew. ,1. H. Par-
roite , D. C. Sutphen and Albert \Viede-
ino.Nor , leader of the Second Infantry band.
Woodmen ul tlm World.
The mrmberslni ) of this order In Nebraska
continues to Increase rapidly and new ramps
ire being frequently Instituted. The latest
Is lied Willow camp No.10. . of Callioini ,
which was Instituted Saturday evening ,
September ! > , by Deputy Sovereign John
Yoft. Fora starter the camp has a mom-
iprshlp of thirty members Several mem
bers of Al'ilia camp No. 1 of this city ac
companied Sovereign Croft to Cnlhoun to
issist in the work of establishing the camp.
. One of the features of the order that now
ittracts national attention is that of erect-
tig a H'omimont ' nl the grave of each do-
lafteil sovereign. Kvery member of the
inlor in . standing at death has a marble
monument costing ? ltll ) erected over his
grave and the same is nnveila-1 i + ith appro-
iriato ceremonies. . All over tlio country
Lhese moiiuinents are appearlmr in the ceme
teries and are a Instinr evidence of the
worth and popularity ol the order.
lloytil .Ni'iKlibm * I'lcnlr.
At the recent picnic of the Koyal Neigh-
ii.irs of America , held nt Court land biach ,
the winners of the prizes in the contests
were as follows :
dontlemen's running race Woodman pin ,
given by C. H. T. Keipen ; won by Mr.
Ladies runnini' r.ieo Souvenir spoon ,
Driven by Hayden Itros. ; won by Mrs. New
dentlemon's three-legged race Hov
cigars , given by Ivy camp Mo. J. Koyal
Neighbors of America ; won by Mr. Hrndy
and 10. ( ! . Fisher.
Ladies potato race Fostorino kid gloves ,
given by Thompson , t Helden ; won by Mrs.
J. K. Vandilder.
Ciirls r.ico Uox candy , given by Dyball ;
won by Miss Maud C.tllalian.
Koyal Neighbor running1 rnco. afternoon
Cup and saucer , given by the Morse Dry
Ooods company ; won by Mrs. Newton.
Di-ciiiri'd U Oil.
W.MIOO , Nob. , Sept. M. The Independent
Order of Odtl Fallows , excursion of Saunders
county lo the World's fair September " 0 Is
declared off on account of the railroads re
fusing lo give us any excursion rates. Tbo
Wnboo lodge , No. fS appointed a committee
to solicit. After getting pledges from 5UU
that they would go the railroads positively
refuse to do anything. Therefore wo will all
slay at homo. W. O. HAND ,
W. M. Lonni ,
Fitnn Knr.itn viti'T ,
I.o lll M.islit ; l.e lon.
A lodge of the Loyal Mystic Legion was
organi/.od at Syracuse Monday evening with
n chnrler membership of twenty. The
ofllccrs are as follows : W. C. , M. Mix ; V. C. , Uuss ; secretary. II. li linker ; treas
urer. F. F. ISrowiij W. ! > . , H. II. Hneiio ;
W. F.'s , K. S. Case , S. Lookhart , Heiijamln
Wilkins ; trustees , F. F. Drown , Henry
Heikens , A. .1. Honiar.
The "No. U" Wheeler \ . Wilson , with its
perfected lenlsons. upper and lower , is the
only ItH'k-stitch machine that makes an
elastic seam. It is the dressmaker's favorite
on that account. Sold by deo. W Lancaster
& Co. . DM South Sixteenth street.
A oiit'i-r liitliinlry *
A single jilneo in tlio Freiioh fjwirtor
is about the only ono in Now York where
onu miiHt pay * l' ! > 0 for n dcml horso. Tlio
mini who deals in this stranjje morehnn-
tlisc is only inciilentnlly a taxidermist , it
beinjj priinarily his 'inih inn in lifo to
convince dealers in harness , riilinjr
habits , anil tlio like , that they smmld din-
card the puri-ly man-made uiininu lay
lifiuros now used in most of their sho\v
rooms , and use instead the product of
his peculiar skill. You see in his shop
the hor.-o in all stago.s of advaneuinoiit ,
from the skeleton of iron and barrel
hoops to this cnmpltiU ) equine s'imulue-
rnin. willi fjoniiiii(3 ( hide , hoof and tail.
The * I'Vuiiehman snys Unit , in spitoof llio
fact that tlio street compnnioskillKeoros
of horses , it is dilllcnlt to obtain a lioi > u
hide suitable to his purposes.
Knlcbls of lilinr : 1'lciilu.
Local assembly .1.141 , Knights of Labor ,
gave a picnic at Courtland beach last oven-
lug. The attendance was largo and every
body had n good time.
Tlio commitlco of arrangements consisted
ot Jtlsso Ulake , .1. Cone and William Herd-
man.Tho affair last availing was the llrst ono of
its kind given by the assembly Ibis simson.
Kofrcslmients were sorvod. Wliilo Iho
weather \"as too chilly to make bathing n
pastime of personal comfort , some of tlie
warm-blooded knights lira veil the waters.
The various attractions at the beaoh were
all well patroni/.cd.
Hallway UHIVM Are Mixing Their WAr
Pnint in Thick Profusion.
Itifnitl \H ItiMlii , . , , , ) | . | ( p < lor Sit | < t < iHl
! > } < lit thi 1'nlr .Morn
til .Mr.iiliv ,
V.'ar iialnt , In tlilck ] irafuslnit , Is i.n j
inlxed by the railway rlilcfs in nntioipa'i.Mi ' .
of allot n wnr.
Shoulil Ihectit made by the Southi-rn Pu-
cllh' to points on the Missouri river via 1 I
1'aso nnd 1'Vrt Worth bo continued r.n a
week , with correspond in ? reductions c\er.v
day or so to keep mutters nl fever heat , the
I'nlon Paelllraml other northern transcmiu
nental lines will be s. deeply embroiled thai
the merriest rate war of the year will not be
a innrlit-r to that which hni Just hfen in-
aiisnnitod. Alr.'a.U the ninor \ KM
l.ruiido nna Ki , , diMinie Wcstorn have-
ciimmriiced to ft..i , the whip , and tin.
refusal ol the Southern P.intlo
to applth"
rciluelions tlir.iugb i-vin | ' 'r.uu IM-H ami iVttt H
has stinvd these iiviiln up t < pn iilt > rnhlIt
means culling them olT IIMIII all share ui ihn
Soulliern Califoiiiia business , while the
Santa Fo , against which the Sniuhern
Pacllle Is lighting , will Ito preatlj benefited.
Katlorn connocilons of tlio Sniitherii P.i-
citle , howover. InsUt that the war should ln >
eotillnod to the looal terrilno of
the roads Involved in the cutting
business , hut whether lhi can tin
done is a very grave iiiesti"ii |
Of course , the Southern P.tclllc desired 1.1
preserve its Sui : Fr.uu Isco and Inlernicdiato
rales and therefore rofusoil to honor the ro
tiiosts | of Its connections east of i ) gden.
In moot ing the cut the Snulhern Pacific
will carry n to Moja\e and will red 1100 tlio
Slfi cut \ostordny by $ .1 IS. This is tli. >
soeoinl big shre Iho Iluntbujton system lias
taken ofT I'alit'nrnla rate * within the week
Of , these cuts will be met by the
Santo Fe , when Mr. ( Unulmiin nf
tbo .Southern P.tcillc will prubab'v '
authori/.o an.ith.'r sl.inh of Sin , and so it will
gti on until , MUo the lolorido ! light , all tlm
connections will be Involve I In a
genuine rate war alonu old fashioned lines
The week closes with Mr. l miav of the
Tnion P.icilic well cntrcnehoil along the
line , reaily to open the battle from this end
just as soon as ho sees the whites of hia
enein.y's eyes.
ItHlex fir S | > | . < < l.ll Itiijn itl tln > I'll If.
The throat has been inado by the Missouri
Pacific that it will hereafter negative evciy
proposition submitted for aoto of the roadi
in favor of reduced rat ON for special days at
tlio fair. This is because the oilier
roads have refused lo authorize the use as
basing rates of reduced rales agreed to ho-
twoon Chicago and Ht. Ijouis , Kansas City
and St. I oins for the St. Umis fair. U
wanted to use these rates from Kansas
points , and claims it voted Inr reductions to
< 'Inoago with Iho distinct understanding t hat
. ' t'.tillii'Mil t'.i1i > 4 ttlM.lit fill * f Mi tm ti' t' . > In
be applicable to St. Louis.
Mr. | AIIIIX : when asked about the position
taken ny Mr. Harry Tciwnsend. general pas
senger agent of the Missouri I'ncilio , stated ho recalled Mr. Townsend's .speech
alone the lines laid down in Chairman Cnld-
well's communication received Friday
"As early as last spring Mr. Ttnvn.sond dis
tinctly stated his posltinn , and it was gen
erally understood that rates made for Chicago
cage were to bo applicable to St. Ixiuis.
Tuwnsend is right , and if I were the general -
oral passenger nirent of the Missouri I'.i-
cille " then Mr. Lomax stopped and went
off on a long dismission of frost and the like
lihood of its affecting the crops along the
line of the Union IMcillo.
.Air. AIIIOK'iirl < Ml liiii-rrKts ,
In respect In the memory of Frederick L.
Ames , v/hosa funeral occurred at noon yes
terday , from tba latlor'b homo In Boston ,
the general olllces of the Union Paclllo
company wore closed at 1U o'clock. appears from the verdict of
iho coroner's jury , died Irom cerebral apoplexy
plexy , a malady which also caused the death
of a favorite sister.
Tlio tlead llnnncicr and Omaha's bent
friend in New lOnglnnd graduated at Har
vard before ho was 'JO. and giving up his
taste for law at his father's request began
business at the bottom of the ladder nt the
Ames Plow works at North ICaston , Mass.
Ho became treasurer of the Oliver Ami's , * i
Sons corporation in Wo , a position which ho
has liehl every sinco. Mr. Amos was a mem
ber of the coporallon of Harvard collngo
and was identitled with ninny charitable or
ganizations. Ho had the llnest collection
of orchids in ilio United States
at liU home in North Kaston
and valuable collections of paintings ,
rare china , etchings , etc. , at his home In
Hoston. Notwithstanding his vast interests
in railroads , being a director in about seventy
railroad companies , real estate and manu
facturing , ho kept well abreast of the best
Ilicr.ilurii and the latest discoveries In
The real estate on which Mr. Ames mild
taxes in Boston is assessed al $ ii,10l"ili ( ) . nil
of which is free of oncciiiiihr.inco except tun
Fremont house , which bad a mortgage when
ha bought it. All this real estate paid taxes
last year of I'S.iMi'J ' and nearly all of it re
turned from O to 7 per cunt on the invest
Mr. Ames leaves a widow and live chi'- '
ilren , about piri.onjt.WM ) , as estimated by iho
Huston News Bureau , and ono of the wido-a
circles of friends and business associates t
any man in the United States. And the
funeral was the largest seen in Hosion fur
many years , remarkable for the number . .f
prominent people present.
Wild tlm Knllrimilii.
Tin : HII : Is in receipt of many inquiries
f rum Od J Follows regarding the rumor of
a > rate having been made for I hem.
Miss Carrie H. Conklin. who was for many
' years in thn employ of the Union r.icillc , is
'now teaching music and physical culture .it
Tolminali with llaltcrum success.
Some People Think some and '
, don't/ ,
THAT RAYMOND will continue to give
yO per cent oil"on sil
verware after Septem
ber 30 but he won't.
Positively , this month
ends the discount.
K. T. Cor. l.'itti and
THE BEST. lli fxirai'li" ! In inornln/ ,
\ oni H uiHrrliulafliirnixiii
THE MOST RELIABLE. i > - il.iy IVrfoi'l ill
AND UlNUKKT K I'llXltlll ItlllOlf ,
mill I'lirniiin S < ri ) .
Ke& l.ltt j.uruu loili SlnujlTuliiiliunu | 1U1I
> e& IIUINU Tills \ViniV _ _ >
& "OR.
0 cCREVr
I * tlm only
Class WHOTUEATH x ; . . .
Ouiabii , Nut ) , Women Eicluded ,
1H yviirt t'lperli'iirr
ClrrnlurH free.
I H\i \ nnd Knrnnm bU