THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , .SEPTEMBER 17 , ISOS-SIXTEEN PAGES. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE Jobbers and Hanafacturors Generally Feel ing Much Encouraged. COLLECTIONS AS A RULE ARE VERY FAIR UdftlneM Ornilnnlljr llecnverlns from tlin Ie | > r < .Mlnn or tlin I'nut Two Monthi The V'nlnino of TrndB In Snino l.lnp Almost Up to I.nt Yenr's Ilecnnl. Two weeks ago the assertion that business In a jobbing way was improving in Omaha was mot In many quarters with a quiet smllo of Incredulity or n simple shrug of the shoul ders that meant ns much or moro than words. It was true , however , lhat nn Im provement In the business slluatlon was being fell at that lime In some lines nnd by some houses. II would have been unusual If every line of business and every house had felt the change for the "bolter all at ono tlmo. Changes In business conditions coma on gradually ns n rule , but when once Btarlcd Ihoy sometimes spread rapidly , and that has been Iho case In iho present re- rival of business. While two wcoks ago only n low lines of business were showing any 1m- provcmcnl , iho change lor the bettor has Hpruad until this week there are very few jobbers who do not report n decided change Tor the boiler. The few Jobbers who do not as yet sco any real Improvement are handling lines of goods thai are not really in season nt this tlmo of the yoar. The lumber business , which has been very quiet during the past sixty days , showed some Improvement last. week. The retail dealers out through the slate nro placing their orders more freely and jobbers nro predicting n , good Irado roni now on for the balance of the year. In Oiiiahu there Is a little moro Inlkof building as the money situation Is casing up nnd tliero are more people around gulling figures on bills of lumber. However the season Is so far ad vanced Unit Iho amount ot building ihls fall must of necessity'bo limited and no great amount of trade of a local character Is an- llclpatcd. Thu boot und shoo business Is a line that has shown m irked improvement during the past week or two. Three weeks ago a prominent Jobber , in response to a question as to iho condition of Irado in bools and shoes , remarked ; "I do not. mind telling you the exact stale of business , but I do not wish to 1)6' quoted , ns my customers would think lhat 1 was losing all my Irado'and Hint something was wrong with me ; tlio fact Is there is no business and I do not sco any prospect of any immediate Improve ment. " Yeslordny Iho name parly re marked that his business for Iho past week wns fully up to last year , and Hint ho be lieved the present mouth would bo as good as' ' September a year ago. Collections in this line are reported as good. lie ports from the CMS tern points of manufacture in dicate thai iho factories ure starting up again and lhat thu tendency of iho market is toward stronger prices. The hardware business is showing some Improvement , ihough dealers In tlijs line do not look for their heaviest trade until Octo ber. At the present lime Iho wualhcr is against them. Slocks of hardware all over tlio country are light and when the season for an active demand does arrive it is going lo bo hard work lo Hll all Iho orders for goods that nro likely lo bo scnl In. There has probably never been a lime when stocks in the hands of all classes of dealers , from Iho smallest counlry retailer to the largest jobber and manufacturer , were ns light ns they are al Iho present time , prices are' very low. bul so far Iho demand has nol been sulllclenlly uetivo to cause any im provement , but it does not seem hardly possible thai llicro can bo any general re- yivtil of Inulo over Iho counlry without an advance In prices. /he demand for carpets in a wholesale way Is not very heavy.ns this Is really lee curly to oxpt'ct much Irado. However , early orders nro commencing to como in and thu prospect is good for a largo trade next month. The Jobbers of dry goods are experiencing n mosl decided revival of trade afler a very dull summer. Thu houses are all doing a good business and report thu prospects as favoring a ste.idy increase. The traveling men are all out on the road and are meeting wllh very good success , in addillon lo which there Is a largo house trade. Orders that were cancelled llilrly days ago nro being reinstated - instated every day. Omaha Jobbers In their treatment of customers during the hard times have made many friends and they are now commencing to reap tlio reward. In the clothing business tliero has been a lllllo mure demand for goods since tlio iirst of the month. The grocery business , which 1ms been very fair all thu time in spite of the dull limes , is picking up very malorially , and most job bing houses'huvo about all thu business that they can attend to comfortably. In the grocery market Ihero has ocoii some notc- worlhy changes. Coffees have scored a de cided advance , and slocks in Ihe counlry are said'to uo light , with light cargoes on the way. The long coucuumnco of the troubles at Rio Janeiro would have a tonj dcncy to still further advance prucs Sugurs are very stiff , rlco is up } to 1 cent and chei'so is about 1 cent hlgtiur. Canned , goods are llrm , and on abmo kinds there is nh advance. Syrups nro lilghor und glucose lias scored a decided advance. Hunk ( The bank clearings for the past week go to prove the assertion that business is rap idly Improving In Omnhu. Very few busi ness men lm\o claimed thai their business tlnrlni : thu past six days bus been as good as a year niio , but if the clear ings are to bu depended upon as indicating the volume of tr.ulo the past week has not been much behind tlio corresponding week of last yonr. The clearings show a decrease of only 7.5 for the week. The following will Hhuw Iho clearings for each day ot thu week : Monday J 030,070,03 Tuesday . . . O4',092.53 ' ) Wfilni'sdtiy 808,125.05 Thlll-Mlliy ' 880,887.75 l-'rldiiy 090.041,08 y. . , , . . . . 750,808,40 Toltll i5.0D3.flO&.4U Weekending September 0 i3'J 13,0411.41 During thu llrst eight months of lii'J ; ! tliero 1ms been an increase in thu national bank clearings at Omahii amounting lo SM.S.'V KM , This gain has been niailo In splto of the Hinnll clearings during the past few weeks , and , HR business is commencing to lilrlt up. there is every reason for believing that by the end uf the year the g.iln will bu much larger than at the nruseni tlmo. Neither < ither western city can show such a record , Kansas City and St. Joseph nro slightly nhciul of hist year , but all the other Im portant dues of the ami northwest tihow a heavy falling oil In thu mailer of clearings. The decrease In Iho clear ings nl Mlnno.ipois iav tlio eight months ni.ouu'a to ovoiflO.OOO.OOO , St , Paul , St. l.ouls , Sioux City nnd Denver all show a heavy dceruasu for Iho year , Tim ( jnln at Kansas ( 'try amounts lo only f7UJ.l,4IO , and ill St. Joseph $ liMlUSn for the i-ighl months. < lnodn HiTuiiiIni ; rirnrnr. According to ( ho roporU received from different parts of the country there nro In- dlcallous thai manufacturers were unduly alarmed by thu money stringency , Some of them may have used tlio strlnueney asuu oxcusu for lowering wages and reducing stocks. In sumo sections there have been complaints From buildcra that ihey could ! not gel the structural iron Dial they re quired on account of the closing down of tlio iron nnd steel mills , A sheri tlmo ago 10a western jobbing house was notilled by it largo wnolrsalo house In the east that t'liev I'oulo ship no more cartels of nails on account of the number of factories ihul Imii closed. Some cities Imvo been sulTcrlnir from a sugar fumlno , duo partly to the fact that the jobbers wtre afraid u > order us much ulirad , as usual nnd to the fact that iho refineries wuw closed down for a llmo. In the case of snirar tlio domaml hns kept right tip to the usual point anu theru was no ivason for limiting the production from that cuuso al leabt- All lliu Indications point to Iho uxUtenco of very small stocks of trroci-Hos , dry goods ami othi'r moivluuidUu , domestic und im ported , t'liusuiiipilon has caught up with l > ivdui.-lloii ; occasionally It seems to havugnt Hlu'aU of it. ' 1 ho puivhuslui ; povvor of iho people generally has been bul slightly Im paired , and If the reopening of factories nnd the renewal of wngo payments nnd the re sumption of bAnks , DOW going on , continues In an nccolerntlng ratio the people will promplly recover tholr briefly suspended power and disposition k ) purchase , nml the replenishing of the depleted stoc s In the hands of YOlallers nnd jobbers will make a very ncllve demand forgoods. ThodlfllcuHy of getting money was In some cases seized ns nn excuse for shutting down till stocks were reduced or the working people were willing to take reduced wages. AS UN SKKS IT. Trade In Omaha Hnvlvlnc nnd Merchant * Oonxrnll ] ' Hopchll. Mr. W. IT. Kobcrson , manager of the Omaha ofllco of U. O. Dun & Co , reviewing local Irado from the merctxnlllo ngcncy slandpolnt , aays : "It will bo observed that the clearings show a marked improvement In Omaha. This is parity duo to the reopening of the American National bank and partly to im proved trade. The largo volume of business nndcd to Omaha clearings by the resump tion of the only national bank that over closed Its door * In the city shows hotter than anything also lhat confidence Is re- lurnlnc. "Another Incident in the same line of con clusion was brought to my nltonllon by Iho paying loiter of ono of Iho slrongcst financial insllluUons In Omaha. In paying mo some currency I noted a strong smell of camphor aboul a bunch ot bills laken out of his money drawer. Upon Inquiry I was Informed that this was no uncommon Incldcnl of lalo , and It was explained thai Ihls motiov hf d boon secreted aboul somebody's residence and camphor wns used lo keep away moths and crickets. "Nevertheless deposits are not largely in creased , cllhcrnt Individual banks or in the aggregate. The fact that bank accounts have grown moro active. however , ( Is regarded as a favorable condition. ' Sentiment all over the city Is setting in very strongly on the right side. Men in business look back now and wonder how they pulled throuch ll'o ' last nluuty days , but no longer look ahead and wonder how they are lo make ends meet for Iho next few months. Already the fall trade has set in. During iho week a good many country merchants have been laying In stoclc. Ono house sold $4,500 worth of goods on Iho only legal holiday of iho last len days , and as the head of the house remarked , 'Wo have our faces cleaned now nnd the dust wiped off. If wo can keep this up wo will save our coat tails , too.1 Traveling men are now out doing tholr best to drum up irade , and orders are coming In quite satisfactorily. 'In groceries nnd' hardware trade con- Unites very good. Grocers comlihiiu some what because orders are so largely for staples in which profits are slight. Ono house has shipped out forty-six carloads of sugar since August BO , representing a value of ? 'JO,000. ' "Speaking of sugar recalls the fact that over 4f > 00UOO pounds of sugar , valued at $ iW,000 , have been received in this market within thirty days. Grocers report soft grades out of market with no offerings from refiners. In spite of these conditions prices have not varied a great deal. ' Retail trade has oeen qullo fair for the week , though buyers sllll respond more cheerfully lo advorlisomentsof special sales than to regular dealings. "There is some Inquiry for small homes , but almost nothing doing otherwise In real estalo. "IJulldlng Is moro active than at any time during the summer , and a good force is busy on public work. Tlio mayor and city council have provided a fund of $10,000 lo bo used upon Iho public slreols , and if It were a lllllo longer until election , people would give them great praise for Ihls effort lo help unemployed. They deserve Iho credit any how. " Produce 1'olutors. Theodore Hegomann nas accepted a posi tion with Icken & Wohlors. Elk , anlolopo , deer and quail will bo in season the Iirst of .the month. J. D. Younger , of the firmof , Moore , Ferguson - son & Youger , spent a few days of the past week at York , Nob. Mr. Ickon of the firm of Ickcn & Wohlors has returned from a very successful hunting expedition in' Holt county. E. 13. Branch , of the llrm of Branch & Co. . nas returned from a trip lolho World's fair and reports having had an enjoyable lime. The local prrowers are supplying Iho de mand for all kinds ot vegetables except po- lalocs , which have lo bo shipped in from outsldo points. H. ' . ICollogg , well known to the produce trade having been on the Omaha market for a number of years , has taken an Interest In the linn of Uiddoll & Co. Now York fruil men are very much put out by thu restrictions that have been put upon the Importation of oranges and lemons from cholera Infected ports. flay and fodder of all kinds nro scarce in mosl of the European countries , and largo ' Importations will have to b'o made from such countries as happen lo have a surplus. Poycko Bros , rfto commencing lo move Iheir commission business inlo the building nt the corner of Ninth and .roues streets , which was formerly occupied by Sloan.Jolm- son & Co. Falrham , Smoltzer & Co. have opened a commission house m Omuna. The linn has been in business for some time in Kansas City aim St. Louis. They will make a speeP'lty of celery. J. E. Chaslaln will have iho management of the Omaha house. N. J. .Houston of Lucerne , Colo. , writes Tun BEE that the potato crop of'Greoloy ' will fall short of last year's crop by at least 11n percent , instead of there being an Iiicycaso of 1- per cunt , as sonio Pave estimated. Ho claims lhat the grasshoppers destroyed 1,200 acres , and that the dry weather did consid erable damage. C. Kirschbraun of the Klrschbrauu-Has- keil 1'roduco company , who suent several . weeks in California , reports that ouslnoss there Is not In the very best shape Imagi I- nable. The price of fruit hns been so low In eastern markets that a good many of the shipments have notjiotlcd the growers any thing to spoalc of. The canning factories cannot operate for lack of funds and thou sands of bushels of fruil are rolling in tliu orchards. The wool men will nol advance money enough lo pay for shearing Iho shooi ) , and iho grain men are not doing any butter on wlieat. The Wisconsin cranberry growers are out with a circular guaranteeing that their favorite Iruil will euro or prevent cholera. They recommend that u dish of cranberry banco bo taken with each meal. "Tlio cranberry , " savs the circular , contains sulphuric acid , phosnhorlu acid and silicic acid. All of ihoni nro germ ilijstroyors. It also contains susquo oxide of iron , a powerful tonic , giving lioalth nnd beauty while iho phosphorous briehtens Ihointellect. . " This sounds n llitlu like Barnetl Bros , ' ( Chicago ) n lory about pineapples us a euro for throat disease. Tito Charleston ' 'News and Courier , " In a , report from Burnwoll county , says ; The watermelon season is over , and funnels , us' [ u whole , have not realized any profit nt all. Up to August 1 about eighty cars had boon shipped , bringing gross sales of f 12,000 , di vided ns follows ns per railroad book : Freight per car $110. $8.HOO ; commission on same , $1.200 ; hauling and cultivating , S'.OOO. Total * 1'J,000. This Is not nn overdrawn picture , hut u true ona us lo iho melon arow- crs of lOlko and probably for Iho whole stale. Unless iho railroads will bo sathricd wllh less rates , the firmer * will bo driven out of the markol. The railroad companies will haul corn , bacon , Hour , etc. . from iho same } KIiits _ forfiO per car. If iho melon market is the least Hut they demand the freight in advance. A Now York fruit Importing house is Ill receipt of a box of lemons and ono of oranges for Mrs. Cleveland from F. S. Clampa it Son of Sorrento , Messina , and Koill , Italy , The fruit arrived on the steamer ( iiwgo Hnuton , ' The boxes nro works of art. Thuy are made of highly polished ollvo wood , with iho two fruits inlaid in whlto wood , stained wild thu natural colors of each fruit on ono end of each box ; on I ho other cud Is an excellent re production of the white house and 0Is gurdmis and surroundlugscencry. The fruit itself is iho Qcoii of Iho Whlto Houso" brand , ami every lemon una orange l"s [ wrapped In tinfoil , encircled with scarlet rlulxm aud sealed with u small picture 31Of iho king. Tiusi'l of vnrlcgated colors and rosettuaof the same nrc iirr.ingud in an nrilHtlo manner over all. A tlno perforated P"por mat i enclosed in ovu : box , together \vith two collulolj fans. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Largo Exports , Drouth and Light Receipts the features at Chicago. WHEAT WAS FEVERISH , BUT CORN STRONG I.nrd In Demand Onlng to Ciirtnllmnnt In lluttor Production * Itorernment'i Hoc Rttlmntn .Noontotl Stocks nnd Hoiidn. CIIICAOO , Sept. 10. A squeeze for the shorts was the result today of the dry wealher nnd heavy oxporls. The domain' sprang up all at once. Offerings were liphl and an advance of l o was easily cslabT lishcd , bul U did nol all hold. Two-thirds ot It stuck , however , la bolng nddod to last night's closing prices. Corn was depressed by liberal offerings from longs and lost } { o of Its former value. Provisions wore Irregular but averaged higher. Wheat exhibited n good deal ol feverish- ness. The loading bull factor was Iho enor mous oxporls of wheat nnd Hour for Iho week , which verq reported at G.ilSO.OOO bu. against 4,000,000 bu. a week ago and D.noO.OOO bu. the snmo week last yoar. The dry weather in iho wlnlor wheal boll continues nnd seeding Is still delayed. Shorts quickly got excited , but the failure of cables lo respond and tlu heavy realizing on the advance caused n decline. Corn wns slrong and higher early In sym- palhy wllh Iho llrmncss In wheal , but the selling was enormously on the advance ami when ll was known ilint 1,000 car wore ox- peeled 1 Monday Iho feeling' becamu very weak nnd prices wont off Ji'o. The closing wns } c from the bottom. Oats were slow ut the start.and tlio inar- knl soon followed corn , closing'nt iho inside , wllh ; ' Lard was In some demand for the reason , it i was said , lhat the dry weather was cur tailing t thu production of butler nnd tlio cheaper article was therefore substituted. The support which packers gave to ribs at the start wns withdrawn later , and they look iho opposllo course by selling rather freely. The coverninoul's cstlmalu lhat iho hog crop of Iho year was 1)0.2 ) per cent of last year's produc tion , and 91 of that season's condition wns generally scouted , hs being out of keeping both with the receipts and the wolghft of the bogs of this season. Compared with yesterday's closing prices are 7 o' lower to Ifio higher. Vrelghts dull ; rates unchanged. Esvlmates for Monday : Wheat , 200 cars ; corn. 1.000 cars ; oats , 410 cara ; hogs , 23,000 head , nnd next week 12."i.000 hcM. The loading futures ranged.ns follows : " ' " "Artlc'leH" Open. HlBli. Low. Clone. WHEAT Sent no Dec May. 70J6 - COIIN Sent 40 40M Get. . 41 41K 40 ! { Dec ' 41 41M 4Ui ( ( May 45 45 ! | 44M OATH Sept Get lec J7H May 31 I'onic Sui > t 10 30 Out , . 14 75 Jan. . . 14 00 14 00 13 77 13 77W JjAim Supt 8 80 H Rfi H 70 8 7f > Oct. . R (13 ( 8 115 B 57 H 57 Jan. 7 1)0 ) 7 00 7 77K SHOUT Kins- Seiit. 0 RO 0 D7 9 80' 0 1)3 ) Oct. . . K ( I'JJ H 87 * 8 75 Jan. . 7 : m 7 40 7 251 7 'K Cash ( imitations wore us follows : KLOUII Uulot , llrm , WIIBAT No. 2 spring , G8 > ( < ftGBXc ; No. aprlinr. 03J4c : No. 2 rod. 08Ji&G87ic. [ UOIIN No. 2 , 40ic ! ; No. 3 yellow , closing nt ' 407'c. OATS No.2. . 2fic ; No. 2 whlto , 284@29J/e ! ; No. 3 white. 27H28 ? c. ' Kvu No. 2. 4Gc. IIAIII.KV No. 2 , nomliinl ; No. 3 , no sales. II'LAX HKED No. 1 , $1.021 ; . TIMOTHY SKED I'rime , 13.25. 1'OllK Moss , per bbl. , 81G.301G.35 ; lard per 100 lb < . . 8.75a8.85 ; short ribs sides ( loose ) , $10.25@10.30 ; dry suited shoulders ( boxed ) , J7.25'aj7.60 ; short clour sides ( boxed ) unchanged , J9.75SJ10.00. WHISKY Distillers' Ilnlshcd uoods , per sal. SuilAKS Unchanged ; cut. loaf CJjc. The following were tlio receipts und ship ments for today : HlIIf.MK.VTS 13.000' ' 13.001 M 0,0(10 ( l4,00i ! ! 431,001 - . 347,0(1 ( 0,000 24,000 8,001 On the Produce exchange today thu Imtte market , was Irregular ; creamery , 2327c dairy , 1525c. KKKS , steady at 15c. New York .Markets. Nr.w VOIIK , Hopr. 10. Froim llocoluf. 42,200 ulKS. ; oxporta , 55.700 bbls. : sales 0,000 pkgs : market dull nnd firmly lield buyers Indifferent ; winter wlieat , i low crudes * 2.05a2.25 ; winter whent , fair to fancy , 2.5.r (23.55 ( ; winter wheat , patents , : Minnesota clour , JU.UUJcD.ll ) ; tMluncsot : stnilahts , $3.403)4.10 ) ; Minnesota imtenls $ l,004.40j low extras , $2.0332.55 * ; city mills J3.00i04.00 ; rye mixtures , $3.0034.00 ; supur line , $ l.'JOa2.35 : tlno * 1.85ffi2.2d. COIIN MEAI , Stcudy : yellow , $2.0032.80 llrnndywlno2.85. L'llYB Dull ; western boutlouds,62a53e. { UAlif.r.YMAi.T Dull ; western , 05180 ; rtlx rowed stnte.s , BOG85c. WllKAT Itecolpla , 280,000 but ! o.xnorls , 275. 000 bu. ; snles , 040.000 bu. fulnres , 88.001 hu.spoU Spot nmrkot quiet but stondy ; No 3 rod , In sloro and oiuviitor , 74'ic ; f. o. b 74ic ; unjirudod rod , GOS74.'B < ; ; No. 1 Imril 705ic ; nllo.'it , 74'Sc ; No. 3 ivil , 7lfc. No. 1 northern , 74ic. ! Options moderately netivo nnd firmer , closing dull at the udvaucu ; Octo ber , 74(374,7 ( c , closliiK ut 74Jc ( ; Ducembur , 771i < 8i78jc. ? , closing at 78'iU. } COKN itocolpts , 110,300 but ; exports , 75,200 bu , ; Hulos , 200,000 bu. futures , 25,000 bu. Spots wunkor on larger receipts ; No. 2. SOJJe In elevator ; CiUl'.c nllont. Options Una and fulrly active , early closing weak ; September closed al48jcj October , 484'c ; December , 48 ? ; ® 48Jic , closlnj ! tit 40io ; Mny , OlUasiJjC , closing ut Otiic. } N . OATS Itecoipts , 223.000 bu , ; exports , 28J.100 bu. ; sulo * , 80,000 bu. fillnio-i , OI.OUO bu. spot , ripou We lower ror mixed ; white , .stoudy. Options ciulot but llrm , qarly closing easy ; Sopleinlior closed , Il'Jiicj October , 32 > 4 ( t'JJ7 c. closing in 32ic ? ; Novumbur , ! )2Jiit ) { 32 > fc. closing nl 324'c ; No. 2 white. 38c ; No , 2 Ulitcngn , 3 Ic ; No. 3 Oblcno,32jc ! ! ; No. 3 white , 37',4o ; ndxud western , 83i435c ; whlto western , . ' H7fiiL41i- HAY Unchanged. lloi'd Steady ; state conimnii to choice , 19 © 22c ; I'ucllli : cuiihl , 17 < TW2e. Ilinns-Stoiuly ; today's Holocled. 50 to 00 Ibs. , 4fo5e ; Iliionos Ayrosdry , 21 to24 Ibs. , lie. , ljKATinn : Steady ; Hemlock solo HnontH Ayros. llKbt to heavy weights , 17lOc. WOOL Quiet ; domestic ileoco , 20S28c ; pullud. 18d425c ; TOXUH , 10 17c. I'uovisioNrt I'm meiitb , llrm ; plcklod shoul ders , 7c ; pickled bulllus. 12Jiil3c : plcklod linm.s , 1DI51UHC. Lard , llrm ; western HUMIIII closed ut $ 'J.2 ( ) ; hales , 975 tlorces tit 0.25 ; option bales , noun ; September closed atiu.25 , nominal ; October closed ul $9.05 nominal. i'ork. llriii ; iiow nnW , l7.poai7".60. IIIITTUH .Stoudy ; state dulty. lua25c ; state cruamury , 2i > ® 27c ; wustorn dulry , 16'i0lOci iisteru croiimory. lHQ27c ; western factory , MfclHe ; Khtlns , 27c. ( ; iiiiHt-Kirni : : : ! utato , Inrffo , OfjiiO' c for fancy fnncy wlilto , luriu ; , Ufjcj nun skims 2 ! .0fi } ! . ICuus-Sloady ! slnto nnil I'unnsylvnnlu , 19J4 20c ; western fresh , 17jailc } ; recelptd , 2,175 TAMXIW Klnni clly ( J3 nor pkB.--J7 ) c , IOTTONHKEI ; ) On.-1'lniij crude , 3 yellow , . I'BTIIOLKUM Qlllol : UlllllHl ( llosell Ul G4l ! bid ; WublduKtou , In bills , , * 5.4 ( > j WiiblihiKton , in bulk , f''JO ; rullnod Now York , f5.16 ; 1'nlla- dcl Iphln und llnltimore , { 5.10 ; I'hlludoliililu un d llalllmore , In bulk , (2.GD'J.G5 , ItojiN-Steaily ; btralnud common to good , Tinu'KNTifjB Kasyj 3438c , KICK Klrni ] domestic fulr tooxtni,21i'i3.5 ? c ; Japan , 4jii5Vie. ! Mui sxw Noinliiui ! New Orleans , open kcl- tlo , Kooil fo clioh-o , 32Bl3ic ( , .SUIIAII Kuw , llrm ; fair roflnln , 3c ; con- t/UutfiiN , 00 test , 34rolliied ; , btroni ; ; No. 0 , 4U ( D4 15-10cNo. 7. 4 Il-10ii4'iu ; . .No. H , 4' , 6e4 13-lGc : No.0.40-lBcNo,10,4 : St41l.lGci No.ll,47.1Ga4 ; No. l-A4si40-10cNol : ! ! ) 3 ! > 1T A , 44t4 13-lGc : mould A , \tA 6 IS-lCc ; btanJatd A , 6 l-lU&Sc ; confuc > llomirsA , 645 1-lGei cuUoiif. 6V < a5 Is-lGc ; crushed , 6Ms5 13-lGoj powuoreu. 6 7-lOii 6Sc ; . granulated , 6 3-l ( > aa ic ; cubiw.B 7-10' < j > 6Sc. I'm IIION Steady ; American. 12.25ai4.60. Coi'l'tu-Stuudy ; lakf.CJ.G2VJ. J.KAltiteuily domestic , TlN-KIrm ; atraiu , -13.5 | nluiox , t udv , Spelter , sK-qdy ; Ucm.eMlita.Up. . ' Hvw York Dry ( looU .tlurliet. NBV YOIIK. tieiil. 10-Diy goods In u general | wuy uhowcd u uuntluutxl tuvorublo condition. I * reported ( tooilln cotton Rood .both ilcitchod nnd hrowns s jJUjit well up nnd out of town buyer * boln ? In a hurry to got their rood * andordorsnndshlRn"nt * ! < IlT 'Mt frolRht. Vhlo slioothiits nnd cotton ( litnneN tu\n\ \ lo dy nnd fairly net In ? . 1'rlnt cloths con- Innoln dutnatid nt U Vf. for G4x'2H-lnch clnthn with Rollers : prints morn Actlro on nmll orders mil local domnnd * . Ulnnlinnis find woven abrlc.1 IrrcL-ulnr , fouotrlng the recant auction ales. Woolen nnd worsted goods show n ( lo- cldod Improvoniont. l-YirolRn goods show some itlllnRoirlndemnnd , lilit the prices remain toa-Jy. The jolililng ir'ndo nt this point howssllnlit ImproTciiicnt , 1'roiti'iot , Miirkct. , The receipt * of butler _ conllnuo rather light ; fancy crpamcry. 'J0ai22c : choice Ui Mncy country. 15aic : fnlr to oed coun try , HiM&o. : packing st < ? ck , fresh , inc. IitvB I'oui.Tnv Tlio H-colpts of Vonltry are lfht and prices nro llrm ; cholro old lions , 7c : sprinff chickens. 7JB8c ! : ducks , 8c. Knus ( food stock wns ironerally bulnz of- 'ored ' at 14c , thouKli some sales wore being re ported nt 13c. ! UAMB Drnlon nro Kunorally mlvMtiz their shlppnr.s to hold olT until the wcntlier liocnnius morn favorable. In view ot thu condition In which shipments nro nrrlvlmt It Is no easy natter to give correct ( niotiitloiis , but It Issntu to .iy that prairie chickens In ( Irit-clasicon- lllton would hrlnit f2,7& , but the nun tot thosu . oniliiKt hat nro lit for sain go nt $1.50t'J.5U. ( ! July n few ducks are arriving , but choice innl- nrus would lrliinl ) > oiit f'J.75 and teul ana mixed fl.U5Al.50. HONEY llonny It commciicliiff to move n Ittloinnro freely , but. tlio domnml Is still Ikiit. for It : choice whltn clover , 16Q17C. I'HlKO.NH The doninud It tint uulte so actlvo as It wna ; llvo plzoons , Sl.ooaiao. OVHTBllH Mo'dUinn , iBc ! horse nhooi , 23c : extra NlandurdsGo ; extrn selects , 28c ; counts , 37c. VEOETAm.KS. ONIONS Homo grown stock Is plenty nl GO © 75c per hu. -s Homo grown stock , on orders , per ! J-bu. baslcot , 40c. 1'OTATOKS Thn supply Is llRht nnd the iinrket llrmieoodstock solls'rondllynt 7oa75c. ( 'AiiiiAtiK-OcciisloHal orders nro received nnd III led nt Hie. , C'r.t.F.uv Common stock , 35u per doz. ; choice lo fancy , 4Of , Gl ) nnd 75c per > loz. bunches welching 4 to 10 Ibs. , nccnrdlngto price. HWKKT I'OTATdKS The supply li fulr ; good stock , $1 per bu. OitAi'KS Home grown Concords , 20a23c per 9-11) . baskets ; niuscalH , $1.0031.25 ; black , $1 ; Tokny , * 1'.60. I'er . ' . KH crate , Sl.'JG. UAi.trniiMA I'liUiT Kree.stouo ponchos , pur box , l.lo1.25 ; llartlutt penr.s , per box , $2.23 ; plums , per box. ? 1.25ir.l.60. eating , per bbl. , $4.50 ; choice cooking , $4 , IKS Cranberries are arriving very freely nnd tumour to bo In Rood demand ; Capo Cod , per bbl. , $7.60 ; bell nnd cherry , $0.50. TiioriOAi , rutiiTS. IIANANAS Prices romaln nboul sloady ; per bunch , lnr o , J2.00S2.25 ; per bunch , .small to iili'dluml.76J 2.'J. ( ) ' I.KMONK-l'nr box , * 4.50315.00. UltANilKS There are only n few ornnRcs ro- inlnliigi Hlvorsldo Mediterranean sweets , J4 1UDK3 , TAl.T.OW , KTC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 215c ; No. 2 croon hides , 2o ; No. 1 preen salted hides , 2'Te ; no. ' preen Halted lililui. 2c ; No. 1 Krouti salted hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 lln. , 2 u ; No. y. Krounsaltod hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibi. , 2c ; No. 1 veal cnlf , 8 Ibs. lo 15 Ibs. , 5c ; No. 2 veul calf , 8 Ibs. to 16 Ibs. . 3c ; No. 1 dry flint hides , 4c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c. Purl cured hldos ! 5c per lb. less than fully cured. SIIKKI * I'P.I.TS ( Iroon salted , oacli 358 > 75c : green salted tdioiirllnsrs ( short woolod enrly .skins ) , uncli lO.fJIOcj dry shearling ( .short woolod early skins' ' , No. 1. unch 5aiOc : dry shenrlliiR.s ( short wooled early Hklns ) , No B , ouch 5c ; dry Hint , Kansus nnd Nebraska butcher wool polls , per 11) . , actual weight , Ida lie ; dry Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain wool polls , per lb. , nctual wolRliti710 > ; ; dry Hint Colorado bntdiiir. wool pu ts , per lb , actual wnlgltt , OBlOc , dry Hint Coloradi ) mur rain wool poll-s , per Itnctual wolKht , 730c , dry pieces and bucks , actual wolRht , DS7c. Cotton Aljtrkot. NEW ORLEANS , SopL ' 1C. COTTON Firm ; middling uplands , 8 3-lGc ; good inliidllng , "ilic ; low middling , 7 15-lGc : Rood ordinary 4.Hl'/ . uu.s ; snes. . aes ; soc , 37,138 bales. Futures bnruly steady ; Kales , 25,500 bales ; September , * 7.08 bid ; October , J8.OOJii8.05 ; Nuvumlier. * 8.15iS,8.1G ; Decsiubor. S8.2G ; .Tnniiiiry , JH.37 ; February , J8.44(3 ( .40 : Jlurch , * 8.6 © .8.50. . MIMI : > III * . Sept. IG.-tl/'lrm ; mlddlltiR , 8jc ! ; rectilptH , 143 bales ; irthlpmeiits , 1C7 bales ; stock. 7,088 bales ; sale | 2UO balesi UAI.VESTON , Hopt , ItUM-Mrm ; middling up- Innd , 8 3-lGc ; low A middling 7'o ; oed ordinary , ' ? 0-lGc ; net receipts , 3 , Oil bales ; gross , : iojl.pilosfca-9sr7.Gjbaejfr-stotn ; ; ; [ ! , 38- 202 biilcs. , , * . . * ? ST. Louis1 Sept. IG.-Murkot today steady with sales ot 274 bnlcs. Quotations nro : Ur- dlnary , 7 } > c : Rood ordinary , 7 7-lGc : low nild- illlntr , 7 13-lGc : middling , Hfjc ; Rood middling , 8 7-10. tinluB. 315 bales ; tinges ? Xc nnd stained 5f. below white. Receipts , 100 bales ; ship ments , 1,000 bales ; stocks. 14,100 bales. .St.I. . oil la Murknts. ST. Louis. Soot. 10. KI.OUU Quiet nnd flrin. WHKAT Fluctuated throughout , closing % < & ? { e hlKlior ; No. 3 rod. cush nnd September , Giilic ; October , G44'c ; Muy. 701 } . COIIN Was strous enrly. but the closing was weak nnd unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 40c ; Sonteinbor , 30c ; Way. 40Jic. OATS Steady ; No. " u.nand \ September , 2Gc ; October , 2Gac ; November , 2Gc ; Mny , 31c. ItYB-lllglior ; No. 2 , this side , 47c. llAiu.KV III bolter deinund ; uo change. KUAN ( iCu , east trfick. I''I-AX SKr.i ) Held atf 1. OI.OVKII HBKli-UiitihiuiROil ; $7.008.00. liUTTKit UnchungL'n : separator criiuiuory ; 242Gccbolco ; dairy. 23-J4c. Kaos UncbaiiRcd ; 1'Jc. KKCEUTrf Klour. 0,000 sacks ; whont , 03- 000 bu. ; outs , 70,000 bu. ; corn. 70,000 bu. Sliil'MKNTS 1'lour , 7,000 buN ; wheat , 34- 000 bu. ; corn. 42,000 bu. : ontrt , 8,000 bu. Kansas City JIirkot : . ICANtiAS CITY , Sopt. 1G. VV'IIKAT Actlvo and ! ie hljilmr ; No. a hnrd , 50y@57c ; No. 2 red , 6Sc. 6Sc.COIIN COIIN l ( < 3 > l/a lower ; No. 2 mixed , 35c ; No. 2 White. 3Gc. OATS Klrni nnd mu'liniiRod ; No. 2 mixed , 22iB23ci No. 2 white. 25i > 7c. HilTTBii Klrni ; crcamory , 1722c ; dairy , 1719c. KHUS Klrni nnd very quiet at2021c. KKCEII-TS Whont , 03,000 bu. ; corn , 11,000 bu. : outs , none. Sllil'MKNTS Whout , 89,000 bu. ; corn , 0,000 bu. : onls , none , Collcu .t Nr.w VOIIK , Sept. 10. Ojt Ions opened steady , with prlccn iincliiuigud lo K ) points decline ; closed steady , unchanged to 10 ] > olnts lower ; Kales , 25.000 biiRs , InclndliiR : Ojlobor , * 10,90ftl7.lO ! Novomlior , * 1G.45 © Hi. 55 ; Decopibor. $15.05 10.05 ; .lanil- iirv , $15.5 < ai5.G5 : Koltrunry , * l5,60ai6.65 ; Jlnrcb , J15.30 ; Mny , * 16 ; Havre , stuady , U ® > { f lilRhvr : tinles , 0.000 mi * * . Half hollduy at. Havre. Hamburg iliilot. ficnerally H5e ! hlKhurj sule.s , 42.000 hu ! > . No llra/ll cables. Spot I tlo , llrm ; No. 0. $10.12 ! } , BAI.TIMOIIK. Sept. 10. Finn ; spot Itlo , No. 7 , l.lvurpool .lIurketH. i. . Kept. 10. WIIBAT Quiet ; demand - mand poor ; holdurs olfor moilerutoly ; No. 1 UullfOrnlu , 6sOlJlSi5s ( 10 o ; red winter , no block ; western winter , 64 7di 5s 8d per con Inl , ' I/'OIIN Qtilot ; dninand moderate ; now mixed , 4s 24'd pur cental. IjAiin-I'rlmo western , 45 3d. UKKC K.xlra India mess , 7Gs Gil , Hl'OUIvS AND ItONUS. 1'rlcoa Opened lit Illne , but Ilnxlncfl l.lcht nnil DnaYlijt-H SplrltleHi , Nuw YOIIK , $ opt. ICVCT'I'IIO volume of bubl- ness on Iho Slock exchange today was light , oven for a Saturday , wjiich is a half holiday , and iho dealings were spiritless. In antici pation of u good bjj/jlc / statement , prices opened In a majority of cases a fraction above the closing flqfltcs of yesterday , nnd except In aboul a half dozen instances the first quotations wore the highest of the day , The exceptions word1 Uenorul Klectrlu and Hock Island , which ro vi-j per cunt ; Krlo , % per cent ; Whisky , j > j , W > r cent ; Sugar , St. Paul , Western Union'Now England and M nhattau Consolidate , l { per cent ; Chicago cage , Burlington & Qtilnoy , Loulsvlllo & Nushvlllo und CotlonOrl , } { per cent. From Iho opening unU iho iubllcalioti of the bank statement ttio .j'narkot drojipod on extremely light nnd lifeless trading. Nor was there any animation on the exchange to give moro than a spasmodic and un- snstnined life to tho' prices wlieti the asso.-hited banks Issued n statement much moro favorable iliuu was oxpeulcd , Bending Ibis surplus rosurvo up beyond iho $10,000- 000 murk und increasing iho deposit line by nearly fcJ.SOO.OOO. This wat in iho nalure of a pleasant surprise to Uiostreot , which had scltlod down lo Iho bullof thai a slight decrease was forthcoming , This , In addition lo thu deposits , Is looked upon with much favor us Indicating an approach of normal healthy conditions for the money market especially as the decrease In loans U duo nol to forced , but onllrely volunlury liquidations. After this small buying , In duced by the excellent allowing of the bunks , had spent Us force , the market again sagged off , decliniiik' of its own weight nnd closing heavy nt or wltulu a fraction of the lowest point of the day. The declines , compared with yesterday's closing , ranged from V to 1 per ocnt , the luttor In Sugar , Now Jersey Central , New Kngland , Pullman 1'nlnco nnd Minneapolis ft St. LouU Trust receipts , Chicago Ua * and Mah.ittan Consolidated being down % per cent , National Cordage * { per cent , General Klccirlc , St. 1'ftiil & Omaha , Wheeling tc I > ako Erlo common If per cont. Among the stocks which show nn advance on the day's business nro : American Cattle , 2V per cent ; Homo , Watertown t Ogdens- burg , 2 porconl ; Colorado Fuel and Ironcom mon , U { pot > cent ! Buffalo , Kochcstcr & 1'lttshurg , 1 percent ; 1'ncltlo Mall , ( per cent ; Ontario St Western , % per cent ; Haiti- more ft Ohio , Delaware t Lackawanna , Krlo , ICdlson Electric nnd Load preferred , > percent. 1'tl The followlnR nro thocloslngquotatmns of the loading stocks on the Now York ex change today : clA Atrhlnon . . Nor. 1'nclllo iirol'U AdnniH ! xpn < Si , . , I . ! . . U.A Unit. . . . Alton , Terre Hunlo Northwesteni . ilo im't'il. . . . . . , , 1 do 1 > M.- . American Kxpruii 1 N w Yprkrvnlrnl. IWHImore.VOlilo. . N. Y. AN.K . Rnn.vl.t I'.tclUn. , . , Ontario \VeMern C.inntl.t Moiillicni. , 'ifon Imp . . CpiitRill'.icino. . . , . Oregon Nar . 4H din a. .V Ohio . . U.S. 1 , . All. K . 4HHI < Chlruiro.1t Alton , . , : I'aclnc Malt . nm C . a. AQ. . I'rorln. DIHJ , A K. . . " Olilcniru Onn . PiltslHiru . 118" Pullman 1'alaco. . . 170 t.O. ! C. A St. f. . . tin tic . Conl A. Iron. 4 Klclunoml Tor. . . . . Rnltun nil Ort . do pret'd . Del. A Hmlsoti . ' IllOr.imle West. . 10 Dot. ! I ic' < . A W.-st , do prt'f'd . 4R 11 ) , ft. U. ( ! . pref'il , , , Iloek iHttinil . . . . . . . 04 W 1)18. AC. Kitra.Co. , m. I'niit . . . . HUH K.iHtTenn . do prt'f'il . 11(1 ( Krln . i St. Paul A Omaha. H4 do profit . do pfd . lOtl Port . Way no . 1 Southern I'.iclllc. . . 18 f On-ut Norlh'n iifil. Hullnery. . . . HUM Rhl.ARiat.lll.pnt J Tumi. Coal A Iron. . in Ilncl ] < ln ? Valley. , . Texas 1'aclllc . 7 IlllnolnCiMitralii , , Tol. A ( > . Cen. pl'd. on St. I'.iul & Diiimh. Union 1'aclllo. . . . . . Ul Uko Krln , V West. U.S. Kxpresn . Cl ) do prct'd . W. , St. U A l > . 7M riUcSliuro . , , do pTvfct . . . . mi * Lead Trust. . . ; , . , WellH Ririro Kxp. . ito : IiOUlH. , V Xanh . U'csli'rn Union. . , , LoulH. . AN. A , . , ' . , . Wheeling A li. K. , . iMnnliiitUm Con. . . do pret'd . MeinphlH .V C . M'.ASt. I , . Mlclili ; ! i Centr.ll , . 1) . AH. (1 . Missouri I'acltlc. , , General Klectrlc. . . 47 Mobile A Ohio. . . . National Mlmoed. . 18 Naali.AChatt . C. K. & I . Cord.igo. . do im'Ccl . 7n do prcf'd . . . , . . It. AT. C . N.J. CcntrM . T. A. A.AN. M. . . . Norfolk &W. pra , . T.St. IJ.-AK. O . North Amerl'ii Co. Mo pref'd . 20 Northern I'ncinc. . asked. The total sales of stocks tcdny were 70,300 shares , Includlni ; : Alchlsou , 2,900 ; Suuar , 10UOltlnrlliiRlon ) ; , 4,400) ) Ulilcngo Ous , 7,71)0 ; Uenornl Klectrlc. 3noO ; Natlonul Load , 2,000 ; Kock Island , 2'JOO ; St. 1'unl. 4,100 ; Sllvor Cer- tlllcates , 0,000 ; Union I'nclllc , 4,400 : Western Union , a,300 .Nv Yorit Money .Market. Nnw VonK , , Hopt. 10. MONBV ON CAM , Nominally 35J4 pnrcent. 1'uiMK MiMtCANrll.K 1'Ai'Kli 710 ! ; per cent. Kxr.iu.i.MI Kxcinvxm : Dull , wlh actunlbusi ness In bankers' bills nt 44,8S4HOU fordo- maud nnd $4.H24.81S ! ) for sixty-day bills ; posted rates , 84.HO : commercial bills , J4.BH { . UiimmATis ! 74Tic. UUVRItNMRNT llONIM Dull. State OolldS dull. TliocliHlnxuuotntlonson bonds : U.S. 4nrcir ltd N. XV. Dub. ns 1IH ) U.S , 43coup. , , ' . . . 111 St. UAI.M.OL'n.rm 73 h US.4iJ ( re.I. ! . . ! . IIS St. UAS.F.Gen.M. 103 I'acllluilaor'llj. . . . 102 St. 1'aul CoiiHolH. . . Ijouln'iiaH'niH la. . 1)1 ) St. P. C. A P. iHtH. . Missouri Us 07 T. I'.L.O.Tr.Hola. Trim , now out U.S. . 101) T P. U.d.Tr. Hcls. Tenii. neivsot 5a. . 1)3 Union I'ac. IHIH. . . . Tenn. newHotif : ) . . Went Shorn tin Canada Ho.Mn D. All. \\Mnt8. . IISM Central 1'ae. IHIS. . . AtcUlnon JH 74 I.AH. O. Int8 do JHi class A. . . . 4 M U.A It. O. 4s In * 0. II. AS. A. OH. . . . t)2 ) KrlnlMn II..VT.O.SH 101) ) M. K. A T. CJon. ( Is. Ido Con. ( la 05 M. K. A T. Hon. On. No. Ca. fin 115 Mutual UnionHH. . . or doIn 112 N.J. C. Int. Curl. . . Tenn. olil OH ( 112U N. Pao. iHtB 107 Va. IH ! no N. I'ao-.Ma no Va. Kx-JInt. coup. : is N. W. CoiiHolB 130 Vn. Con. 'Jd Berles. GO tasltuil. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iloituu .Slock ( Juntntloiis. BOSTON , Sept. 10. Call loan * , GJJ7 per cent ; time loans , ( /liVpor cent. UloslnK < ] Uotullons on .stocks , bonds mill inluliii ; shares : Hay Stuto Oik : . . . . DM I do preferred . 41 Hi Hull Telephone. . . . IHO 1 ; IHCOMHII | Central. lloHton A Albany. . . HOI ) New Knclaud Us. . . C. U.A Q 8i3 : < WlH. Cl'llt'l lH Oeneral Klectrlc. . . . Allonoz MlnmifCo. 4J } Mexican Central. . . Atlantic N. Y.AN. K Boston A. Mont 21 Old Colony c-x. dlv , llnttu .t Itoston 8) ) Oro. Short r/no. . . . H Calmnct A Ilecla. . . 275 llubbi-r : ii : Centennial San Dlcso 10 Franklin. . . . . Union Piiclne Konrsauo * \VcHlEnd UHceola 28 do preferred Qiilncy 105 i. Electric Tamarack 141 ! nskod. Nnu I'ninclseo Allnliii ; Oilolulloim. SAN FRANCISCO , Soul. 10. closlns ( juotations for mining slocks were us follows : A Ha 10 Halo ANoroross. . fie llelelior 30 Mexican 00 IleHt.t nelcliiT. . . . ( > 0 Oiihlr nu ItodloCon 15 1'otosl 40 Ilnlwer in Savnire 3S Chollar. 215 SU > rr.i Nevada fi ( ) Con. Cal. It Vn.i 14.1 Union Con 40 Crown 1'olnt 20 Utuli 5 KiirekaCon Yullow Jacket 45 ( 'onld A Curry Now York Mlnlni ; ( juotatloiiR. NKW VOIIK , Sept. 10 , The following are the Crown Point 'Jd I'lymoiilli ID ( Jon. Cal. .t Vu IBB Sierra Nevada fit ) Uoiulwood : . . . . 100 Standard no Gould and Cnrry. . . 20 Union Con 1:15 : HaloANoreroHS. . . . 45 Yellow Jacket CO Honu'Btako 8r ( ) Iron Silver. 10 Mexican 60 Quicksilver 150 Ontario ; ODD do nrefd 1600 Opldr. 75 Ilulwer in Fliiunctul Note * . NEW OULKANH.Sopt. 10. Clearings , J028.810 , KANSAS CITY , Sopt. 1C. ClourliiRS , $1,713- 055. I'AIIIS. Hunt. 10. Three per cent rentes , 98f 30c for tlio account. MttMlMLis , Hopt. 10. Nqw Vork oxchunpo , soilIng - Ing ut premium. Clourlngs , $74,076 ; bulnnccs , S27.851. BAI.TIMOHK. Sept. 1G. Clearings. 12,270,721 ; balunces , $417.730 ; for the week , $12,001,118 ; balances , $1,801.068. "Honey G pur cent. Piiii.u > ii.rniA , Hopt. 10. OleurliiKS. $0,335- 113 ; halanees , $1,582,538 ; for tlio week , $51- 103,991 ; balance : ) , $7,033,42' . ! . Money , 0 per cent. cent.NKW NKW Vomc , fopt. 10. [ Special TolcKram to " Tim HKI : . ) KxolmiiKo was quoted ns follows : Chicago. 75c nreiiiliim ; lloslon. 76c to 80 < j discount pnr$1,000 ; tit. hotils , OOc promlnm bid , IlosTO.v , Sept. IG.-Clcurlncs , $11 > .824.731 ; biiUncos , * 120,550 ; for till ) week , $ (19.003- ( 1)04 ) ; lialniicos , 87,329,745. Monov , 0217 pur cunt , KxcliniiK'o on Now Vork , 76080c dis count for cash. OiiiriAno. Sept. 10. plonrlngs , $12,512.293 and * 78,152,293 for the week , u alnsl $102- 511,827 for Iho sumo wuok hiit year. Now Vork exchange , 75c premium. Hlcrlliix ox- chniiKo , steady , unchanKod nl $4.82i } < 4.88. Money stonily nl 1 pur cunt. HT. I < OUIH , Hopt. 10. Olenrlnss , $3,138,031 ; for the wen ic , $18,801,262 ; biiino wuok last your , $24,202,150 ; last wank , $17,918,640 ; balances today , $370,423 ; lust wuok , $2,4057 750. .Money. iiilot | , at 0 ( B pur eont. Kxchumu on Now Vork , OOu premium. Nl'.W VOIIK , Hopt. 10-CloarlliKS. $87.322.403 ; hnlance.4 , $4H04.494. .I'or the weelc , $4 I5.G02- HlOj halanccH , $22,074,300. The Imports uf drynoods und Kcuorul murclmndlso at thu port for tlio past wuuk were valued at $2,032,004. of which nmount. $2,080,654 were dry gooiN , Tlio Npccln Imports for the wee It were $1,252,302 , of which $1,083,024 was uolil and the balance silver. Kxports of Hpeclo for the wuok , $1,000 gold ; $700.000 silver. I'lIIi KKAI.TV JIAItltlST. INHTKII.MEST.S placed on record Koptombor 10 , 1893 : WAIIIIANTY DKKIH. II A Olbson and wlfo to I < onh 11 aimer , lots 14. 16 , 10. 22 , block 9 , Wise k I'nrmoluo'sudd. . . , , , . , 2,000 J II Drown und wlfo to H J Henderson , lot 2 , block 2 , und loin 10 and 20 , block 3. Portland Place 2,400 L.S CII-IIK | | | lo.l O Adams tr , lots 20 nnd 21 , liloclc 2 , Mnnmotilli park , . , , , 60 J < ) Adams und wlfo to I , H Hushing , . hiimn . , . , , , . . 60 OH llumon und huihuiid to K J Mur- . tin , lot 33 , blocks , 1'addock t'Jnco. . 1,500 Martin Culm und wlfo to A Hurt Calm , \'i \ lutorosl In Iol42 , WindKor I'laco extension , und loU 4 and 6 , ( iram- mprcy park. . . . . . , , . . . 200 U II Sholoiand wlfo to Cecilia Martin , lot 13 , block 12 , liniiNunm Place 0,000 I' ' O ( JrulK und wlfo lo U II Oration , let 7. block 2 , knkiivluw , . , . 1,600 DKJoln.bon to V II IJiivlk , o 100 feet ot n y , lot 0 , block 5. Drcnurd Hill. . 2,500 Ooorsn llrown 10 J ( I Drown , lot 7 , block K , Lowe's mid 2,000 QUITCLAIM UKKIM. I , U William * und wlfo lo F 1 ! Will- lams , that , part of w 10 acres of HU bo 3-14-13 lying wof II , & M , rail- wuy righlof way 1 DKKDS. O A Ilonnotl ( xherlir ) in I' 0 Orulg , lot 7 , block 2 , l.uliuvlew , . 400 ) J A Power * ( administrator ! to Kilia Callalian , uJ7 ( fculof s 2iH ( fin't ' lot 6 , S K Uojjura' Okuhomu , . . . 701 Total amount of transfers. . . . . , . , . . * 22,302 Pills that euro sick headache : Do Witt's little Kavly OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Demand for Cattle Loads to a Peculiar Sit uation in the Matter of Prices. TRADING ACTIVE IN ALL DIRECTIONS Cattle lUtremelr Scnrcn HOB * Miatr Great Actlvltjr 3hortftB In Sup * pile * Predicted \ty \ Monlurg Vnlue * Well MHlntnlnod Slircp SATUIHIAT , Sept. 10. The marketing of cattio ami hogs the last week has continued on n very II DOM ! scale , while there has bcou a slight falling ofT In shoci ) us compared with n year ago. The figures are ns follows : Cattle. Ho ? * . Shoop. llecolpt * thli week . 18.793 38,7911,070 Receipts latl WOOk . 10,40'J 3H.3U3 2,413 .Sumo wuok Insl year. , . . 13333 21,040 ,04l Changes In the cattle market the p.tst week huro been few nnil not of vital Impor tance. Uocolpts have boon liberal and fully two thirds of the offerings have boon direct from the western and southern ranges. As thcso latter Imvo boon largely feeders tlio actual supply of ucof cattle has not boon unusually largo for this season of thn yoar. Spoculatlvo shippers have simply not been in It , n very unusual circumstance , considering the liberal supplies. The fact Is the domaiul from local slaughterers has been uctlvo enough to i b- serb all suitable offoriugs , both natives and westerns , at prices so close to these of Chicago cage that the speculator Is out ot a job. An instance of this fad occurred early in the week when a test shipment of the "D. T. " Colorado-Texas cattle was split up , some golnif to Chicago , some to Kansas City and some to South Omaha. At Chicago the cattle tlo brought fci.tiO , nt South Omulm" . $ ! . & > and at Kansas City fcJ.UO. Twonty-Hvo cents bolter than Kansas City anil within 5 cents of Chicago ought to satisfy any reasonable shipper that this Is thu place for western cattlo. It also shows why shippers are not operating just at present on this market. 1'imUiren ot Yuituritny' * Trading. The scarcity of good native corned cattle has strengthened values for thee grades , while on account of the liberal supplies of xvcstcrn and southern cattle values luvo tended in the other direction. The trade today furnishes a case in point. Of the entire - tire receipts there wore not to exceed a dozen loads of rmtlvo beeves on sale. The dressed beef men wanted them and paid stoaily to strong prices for the desirable grades. Fair to very good 1,000 to 1'Jotl-lb. steers sold at from $3.70 to $4r > r > , while u bunch of choice 1,400-lb. beeves lopped the market , bringing 1.70. Buyers \voro some what indifferent when it came to the range cattlo. Good stuff was all right , a big string of 1,300-lb. Wyoming cattle selling readily for & 1.C5. Fenders paid more than killers 1'or the medium fleshed steers , sales ranging from $2.75 to fJUiTi. On Texas cattle the market was slow and prices ruled a shade easier at from $1,1)0 ) to $2.0. ! ! The supply was practically out of llrst hands at the close. Tlio cow market has been dull and lower all week. Offerings ot butchers' and din ners' stuff have been suQlcicntly liberal to enable buyers to pay their own prices. To day , however , the restricted supply put a little more life and strength into the trade and the movement was free throughout. Sales included common to prime cows and hcifiu-s at from $1.25 to $2.75 , the bulk of the decent stock going at around $1.1)0 ) to $2.10. Good to choice veal calves sold nt fully steady prices from $ : ) to $4.25 , with common largo stock and yearlings dull and un changed at from $ lf > 0 to ? U. Bulls , oxen and stags at from $1.40 to SCJ.CO wore just about steady. The movement of feeders the past week has been the largest of the season. Over 5,000 hi-ad of feodi'jg cattle went to the country , and 'it It was not for the dry and burned up condition of the pastures double thai number could easily have found pur chasers. Country buyers no longer com plain of inability to secure money , and the only thing lacking now is a httlo moro rain to put the pastures in shape. Naturally , prices have firmed up considerable , and suitable grades are selling from lOc to lf > c bettor than a week ago. The feeling is very strong. Good to choice feeders are quotable at from $3 to $3.25 ; fair to good at from $2.75 to &i , with common and inferior stuff at around $2 and 2.50. Ituprogontatlvo Sales. DIIKSSKI ) JIKKP. No.H. . Av. 1'r. No. Av. IV. H. . . . U47 $3 00 31. . . . .1035 $4 40 5. . . . 734 3 < 10 21 .1283 4 45 20. . . .1072 3 70 35. . . . .1081 4 45 14. . . .1209 4 25 . 1204 4 55 . .1137 4 35 .1400 4 70 COWS. 1. . . . 7CO 13. . . . . 805 1 95 3. . . .1230 1 30 8 , . . . . yao 1 05 7. . . . 004 1 35 20. . . . . 030 2 00 1. . . . 910 1 40 33. . . . . J20 2 00 o ' . 1080 1 50 1. . . . .1020 2 00 3 ! . . 1050 1 55 1 . .1120 2 00 1. . . .1030 1 55 6 , . . . . HUH 2 00 2. . . . 910 1 00 1. . . . . 030 2 00 0. . . . 8VG ! 1 GO 2 . . . .1135 2 00 2. . .1015 1 75 14. . . . . 007 2 05 1 . 1050 1 75 1. . . . . 1070 2 05 0. . . 088 1 75 2 . . . .1105 2 05 9. . . bOO 1 BO 1. . . . .1100 2 10 1. . .1110 1 85 20 . . . .1008 2 10 0.n . . . 908 1 85 1. . . . . 870 2 10 n . . 870 85 9. . . . , . 933 2 15 7H. . . 937 85 1. . . . , .1100 2 15 H. . 708 85 0. . . . . 933 2 IS 7. 1004 90 7. . . . .1091 2 20 14. . . 794 90 1 .1070 2 25 1. . . BOO U5 . 940 2 30 23. . . 808 95 3. . 900 2 76 1. . .1050 1 95 IIKIIT.H' ' ) . 1. . . 420 1 26 13. . . 403 1 56 1. . , . OGO 1-10 2. . . 000 1 65 1. . . GOO 1 60 1. . . CGI ) 1 75 1. , . 620 1 65 3. . . 000 1 70 OAI.VKS. . . 310 150 1. . . 320 2 80 , . 340 a oo i. . . 230 3 00 . . 330 2 10 3v . 223 3 35 , . 300 2 25 1. . . 180 3 60 , . 190 2 60 1. . . 100 3 50 HULLS. , .1020 140 2. . . .1250 1 00 , .HH)0 ) 1 05 1. . , . 930 2 00 . .1530 185 2. . , .1050 2 00 , . 740 1 85 1. . . .1480 2 25 , ,1133 1 85 HTAQS. , . 700 1 76 OXKK , .1045 2 GO * STOUKKIta AND rKKDKtlg. . 040 1 76 5. . . 010 2 40 1. . . 400 2 00 0. . . 82B 2 60 3. , . G10 2 00 ' ' . . . 400 2 60 0 . , 4'JIJ 2 00 o ; . . . . . HBO 2 65 24 . . 601 } 200 0. . . . . . 835 2 CO ' . 700 2 20 H. . . . . . 810 2 75 37' . 620 2 20 10. . . . . .1002 2 80 1. .1020 2 25 4 . . . . . 882 2 HO 3. . 1026 2 25 ' ' ' . . .10U3 2 NO 1. . 8UO 2 25 . . . 017 2 05 8. . 723 2 25 a , . 1000 3 00 1. . 940 2 25 4 8lil ) 3 00 430 U 25 20 070 3 05 . CBO 2 40 25 044 3 10 Vt'nSTKlIN ( UTTJ.I ! . WYOMING , No. A V. IV. No. Av. IV. OUU1I.1..1300 11 GO 1 calf. 160 } ! 25 2calves , . 325 2 25 1 Mr. . 620 2 25 IcoW 1020 2 " 5 1 fdr 710 2 60 2fdr 1120 2 00 1 Mr..1010 2 05 13COWK. . . . Hll 1 60 lbtrtlL'1120 2 25 1 sir tlS ! , . 1520 2 25 Obtrstf.1273 2 25 0 sUorH.132H 2 85 2 btcurd.1405 3 00 328 bluer * , 1304 3 ( ! 6 COLOHAUO , 60stoor T1042 230 Gl sirs T.104G 2 30 BOUTIl DAKOTA. 1 fdr OGO 260 1 sin.1320 ; 3 00 13fdrs HH3 335 lfdr..12HO 3 00 Ibtus. , . , 040 200 02fdrs..lsa ) 3 30 NKIIHAHKA , Ocows. , , . Iil7 170 10 COWH. . 781 2 06 1C fdr * 604 225 3 cows..1050 J 60 1 fdr 1010 326 Iciilf , , , 00 3 60 3 > WH. . . . 010 176 US cows,1007 2 10 87 fdra.,102U 3 30 INDIAN TKUUITOIIY TKXANH. 279stoor * , 801 205 40 stool * . 024 220 au'Jitoers. ' 804 1 00 Htronsth in the Hey Trade. The feature to the hog Irado thu past weoic has been Its strength In the face of continued heavy receipts. Thu u'ook'n uii ] > - piles Imvo been pretty tloau to ifJ.OOO head , or 17.000 moro than for the samu week last year , and nearly Ml.OiKJ moro so far this month than for thu sumo sixteen days of . Ib'J. ' . Of .September , Into tlio quality has boon growing poorer nvory day. Uouirti heavy sows and poor light mixed loads havn figured prominently In the receipts , while tliero has beeu u very fair sprinkling of tin * l ho < 1 honvy hog * among the offering * . Mnny construe this ns an indication of a doslro on the part of farmors'to ' market every thing available , whllo prices are comparatively good , and predict a big shortage In supplies within the nnxt thirty dny . U may bo that this belief tins led to a 20o to STw advance In prices the past week ; at any rate the market has advnneoil that much and at the close of the week the fcollnir was generally strong. The active shipping demand has kept up remarkably well , while fresh meat men have boon in clined to extend operations. Packers , however - over , have been ' -irallors. " lighting the ad vance with all their might and apparently indifferent as to whether -they purchase many or fow. Kocoipts today were fair , but not at nil heavy. General conditions wore much tha sanio as on Friday and prices practically In the same notches. At the opt-mnR the liberal offerings made the feeling rather weak , but the demand was good from all sources and the general market was active , with the close firm at the high point of the dny. llght and light mixed hog * sold barely ns well an on Krlday , al from $5.75 tip to * , very largely at $ .V8l ) and f5.uo. Oood heavy and heavy mixed hogs were In active re quest for shipping account and sold perhaps n shade stronger at $5.75 to $5.1H ) , while rough heavies and common mixed packers were a shade lower at around $5,70 and $5.7fi. The pens were cleared In very good season , the bulk of the hogs soiling at from $5,75 lo $5.1X1. against $5.75 to $5.83 Friday and $3.53 $5.1X1 on last Saturday. ItvpriMcntntirn SMm. ruis AND noudii. 1..460 275 4..307 120 625 1..250 5 25 Shonp Tradn Quint. Again Iho market was bare of sheep , none hnvinir been receive I for Iho past throe days. Local houses all want some good millions and prices are ( | iiotably firm. Fair lo good unlives , ? 'i.7iij.f)0 ( ( ; fair lo good wnslerns , $2.i."i@t.)0 ! : ( ) ; common and slock sheep , S1.50@-J.2o ; good to choice 40 lo 100-lb. lambs , $ l.00rt.2. ( > . ltrrnl | ln null l > NMltioii | ot KttiRlc. Ofllcliil receipts nnd dUno-dUnn of stock as shown by th' ) books of tbo Union Stock Yards company for tlio twenty-four bourn oiiding alO o'clock p. m. , Sciitumuur 10 , 1803 : IIKCKII'TS. DISPOSITION. ago l.lvn SlnKk Jim Itot. CHICAGO , Hept , 10. [ Special Tolenram to Tun llii : : , | Today'w recolpw of cnttlo wiirs estltnali'd at. BOO bend. inakliiK 78,100 for the week. This Is on Increase on tlio pre vious week's total of about , 12,000 bond , bul. It Is 0,000 bond fuwor than for the corresponding week Inst year , and 17,000 fowur than In 1891. Thuro wus n steady market at $1,255.(10 ( for nntlvo.s , nt $1.5l4.00 for westerns nnd 81.35 © 3.00 for Texiins. The lorn ) of Iho nmrkut was bloady for common , und me dium und WIIH llrm lor choice grades. Tliero was rontliiuixl In tlio hog mnrkot. Puckersundhlilpjiers both wunlcd u few , nnd HID 16,000 head on sale were .soon out of salesmen's hands. The nvurago of price's WIIH n trlflo lilxhur than at yus- tei'day's close , thonnii tlio range of ( imitations was aliout thu same as for that day. Tlio best of the heavy weights hold iironnd (0.20 , and tliero worn nalos of cholco nssortcil llnhl at ifO.46 to 10,50 , Re ceipts were estimated nt 11,000 bead. Tlio Mipply for the week fnotiinp nboilt 131,000 , or 4,500 head moro limn for lust week nnd 25,500 IONS than for tlio corrusuomlln wuck lust yoar. The week clews on n Muady hlmop mnrkot ut $1,25&4.25 for poor to choice qualities. I/ambs continued munii. They were quoted at , $2.751$5.00 , according to itmlily. ] Ku- coliits wuro cstlinuled tit 1.600 liuad. imikliii ! 05,768 liend for tlio weok' nKnKiilnsl ( > 4,619/or Iho previous wuok and 44,0,10 for the corrisionillii''woelc ) last year , Kluiop mo hlglior , wlillu lambs are luwor limn they were a week ugo. Hi'celjita : Uatllo , 800 bond ! calves , 200 lioud ; boss , 11,000 head ; Hlieep , 1,600 head. KIIIIHUH Ully llm hlitck .lluricet KANSAS OITV , Kopt. 10. OATTI.I : Itocolpti , 0,800 head ; shipments , 2,400 head ; bosl cattle wore htoaily , others slow ; Texas nnd hhlpjilni ; Moors , $ J.005j5llO } ; Texas und native . : o H , f2.25i 3.00 ; bnKthor.H1 stock , J'J.lO-iH,10 ; Htockors und feedurs$2.00 3,45. HotlH KucolptH , 2,6i ( ( ) I mad ; NhlmniMits , l,300lieaa ; markol.stonily ; bulk , $5,05 5.91 ; till grndox , 45 05. HllKKl1 KcculplH , 600 bond ; shipments , 300 hcmf ; market steady. St. l.ouU l.lvu Slonlc illurkot. 8T. IXIIIIS. f < opt , 10. UATri.B Hecelpis , 1,400 head : sliliniunts | , 1,600 head ! mnrkot hlundy ; only To.Minson halo ; top prlco , i'J,60 , lions Kecolpts , l,400hond ; hlilpmimls , 1,800 hond ; mnrliet llrm ; llKlit , 0.16ij,0.30 ; mlxud , fO,15'(4025 ( ; liuiivy , 4.7liiaoUO. SIIKKI' Uocitlpts , 1,400 lioad ; hlilpmonls , noiiu ; market dull uni unulitiiiKOil ; nullvos , ritonk In hljht , Jtccolpl-s of llvo stock ut Iho four prlnclpul woslurn markuts Huturdny , Kuptumlior 10 : Cattle. Ilims. rihcop. South Omaha 1,020 7,111 . . . . . . Chicago , 1,000 ll000 ; 1,500 IviuibiitiClty 0,800 , 2,600 500 ht.l-oilU 1,401) ) 1,400 1,400 ' ' Totul 11,120 22,011 3.400 > t , I.OIIIH .iilniiintonl | < ii , Hr. f.otlis , Kojit , 10 , There were no hales ot mlnlni ? htocks today nnd the duinuiid wns llhl. AHkc.l.l Illil. Ankexl. BlU'Mli.$1.11) ) frl.HIX Amor.N. . . Illil..VO JranlloM. 1.75 [ _ M'lll KI.II I'nII Thill ) . C. \Voodworth A Co. , wtio Imvo been running their factory on half tlmo for the past sixty days , will marl up full tlmo on Monday. . Thuy commoiicod iho munufacluro of harness ami saddlery the of the year and did a very large business until the dull limes came on. With Its forlv yearn1 record .Cook's Kxtr * Dry Imperial Champagne is llrst In this l No sparkling vviuu In uuo Is its nilporlor , Flnu b.'atiug . , Courtland bwtch ,