TIIR OMAHA DAILY HEM ; SUNlUYcsKPTKMIWll 17 , IHDS-SFXTEKX VAOKS. ft 8PEGIRL NOTICES. 1 DVERTI1EMKNTS TOR THESK COLUMNS Jlwlll tut taken until I2i0p : : m. forlho pvonlnc anil until 8.30 p. m. for the mornlni and Sunday OHIoiiH. . . Advprtlwrs. hy teqtipsllnR n iininvorcd ccfit , nil have their answers nddrt-Me ) ! to n numbered letter InrnruorTHKllKR. AHMWPW no artdrcssod will be deliver ! IIIMII presentation of thrd eck. - WA KTED. / a won ! fa-nt Inwrtlon , lea wonl there- niter. Nnthlng lakcn for Ifts tliaii 2je. " A-IIOVLESA.llAiin. NEW YORK LIFE IILDG. . Tel. GJ8. fumjdli buhlnrB nicn Btcnoftraphcrn -WANTKD"lRESSMAliFlNOINFAJllUBjTlY /V the day. Inquire 2B4B , Rocs street. 078 17 * A - -SITUATION" DRIM "sroTih TO FINISH . /Vlpnrnlmr trade , liyoutli wlt'i Rood refprrncof. Wagon no object. Addre CJlllleo. ! M102-17 * -WANTED. . STKAifV POSITION AS I1AKER ( Vln potintry town : IOMHI rpforeucen ; JB ! > rnrHjrx tmrlcnco. Add res * ( J 20 , Tleu. 205 1 * A YOUNO MAN ATTENDING SCHOOL wants place to work for board nnd room. Ad dress Q 20 , Hue. MS46-1B * WANTED MALE HELP. Rnlp * l' < c n wnrd first Insprllon. lea word thero- nfter. Nothing taken for less thniia.lc. * lJ-SAtAUY OR COMMISSION TO AOKNTSTO 15liindlolhnPntPiit Chemical Ink Eraser Pencil. Tim inoHtiiHrjful and novel Invention of tlio nee. rrnncH Ink thoroiiKhly In two opcomlH.orks llkn mniflc. 200 to COlfpercent pront. Airenln innklnif ICO pprweck. We alRO want a general aitci'lto inkn cliaren of territory aud appoint nub iiunnlR. A ram chance lo mnkn IIIOUPV. Wrlto for ternm nnd n wclniPii of pras'.ni ' ? . Monroe ErnMns wfc. Co. . x an , La croHii' , wia. ? _ " " "p MANAGER WUUSTntbtis"OAPAIU.B JJyouncninn tn iniinnirn omeifor rollMli > po-u- pany. Oood salary and Interest In business. Must furnish rofurPiippH nnd Invent $500.00. Room i > IO jStockExch. bldir. , Clilcngo Ill. M42I1 27' BIF voti WANT'A oooD'rAYiNG Jon WRITE thu UnwkB Nursery Lo. , Milwaukee , Win. " " 71 07' j Mui.iuM'imn.'i'j'iAMa r i ii i.-ji r.ii ; EXTRA tmv lo mm with rlirn. Aniurlcan Wrlnecr Co. , ICllO Howard Bl. 148 B NONUNION PRINTERS WANTED. SEND name nnd nddroim to llox Hi , IndliinnpollH , Ind. MIPS 17 * B-EXPERIENCED AND KNEUGETIC SALES men to Introduce In nil partner U. 8.'our new C.IH nnd vapor stoviooverw. . A itreat B v r of fuel nnd pooklnir uteimllH. . AirnntH nro maklnci.oo to S12.00 per day. Address , with Btauip. The OalHO- lliift Economy Co. , Orand Rapids , Mich. Ml 00 17 TO-WANTED , RETISTERED PHARMACIST. JlOood wairnn forffooil man. Statn wnifm wnutM nnd full partlculam In lirnt toiler. AddreHH E. H. Port. Anlmrii , Neb. M102 IS' B WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN fordrv coeds nml ololhluif. Inqulro at corner of 20th nnd Oraco street In crocory store , between 2 and 4 o'clock p. m. , Sept. 17. 20u 17 B -WANTED ! AN RNEROF.TIO MAN WHO HAS had experience : IH BalPBinan or HOliclIor. Give rpfpreiiccB nnd nddrcHH W. C. Wlliion , leek box lfi.10 , Lincoln. Neb. 20118 -WANTED , SALESMEN FOR HRUEfOEMAN flavoring * uxtraclH nud baklmr powder .IB n Mdo line , of cxcluBlvcly on commission. Sninplcn freo. Llchleimladt , general nguut , 75'J Shotier Htrret , ChlcaKO. 22H 17 * -SALESMEN VISITING THE HARinVA KK nud liarneHu trndo to carry patent Bteel center nock yoke on liberal pomtulBHlon. Sample welfhH thriMj ouiicos. S. C. JoluiBou , Raelno , Win. , 227 17' B WANTED , STATE AND COUNTY MANA- ( icrH to orirantzc territory nnd look after In- tcreBlNof ti now periodical. No canvasslnB. Ad- dn-BB with Hiamp , the Columbia Mak-nr.lno Co. . Troy , O. 220 17 * T-WANTED. M.EN TO SELL OUR NEW DICE 4'Bliaker : Baiuplo $2.00 ; write for terniB and de- Hcrlpllvo circular. Aikl.-CHS Mailer .V Co. , liox 11(1 ( , HiicyriiB. O. 224 .17 * AGENTS , JOO.OO TO $100,00 A WEEK ladleaor cents. Dent Holler known , Needeil nt every hoiiHi * . plm-o of biiBlncBS or farm thu year nronnd. "Homo" cleclrlo inotom run light ma- phinery. Chi-apcnt power on earth ! connected In- Htnnlly lo waHh or nowlnp mnchlnex , corn Hhellers , pumpB , fans , l.-ithes. Jewelern' or denllHtB' ma- chluery , etc , Clean. nolwi'leBs ; lant n llfetlmo. No cxperlciico neeileil. To nhow In opemtlou means a Hale. Guaranteed. 1'rollt Inimeimo. Clr- culnra free. W. P. Harrison & Co. , cli-rlc 13 , ColnmbiiB , O. 220 17 * -A YOUNO AMERICAN GENTLEMAN POS ncBBlnir thoquallliratiouHof a , llrst-rato Bales- man to learn our biiHlnenn with n view of taklnfr charee of a ( Iciiartmcnt ; fair pay to start with In- creasn qnarlorly. Apply pemonully after fl:30 : Tuesday to Mnnapcr , room 12 Creltrhtou block. 207 17 * -WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED STEREO- typer. Waces $24.00 for six days , scud refer ences and fitntn experience to Times. Denver Colo. 207 17 * WANTED 7KMALE HELP. R.llos.lon ) wordflrstlnscrtlon , ten word theru- nffr. Notliliiir taken for lefw than 'J"C. C -A OOOD GIRL FOR CENERAL work. 1417 Park avo. 176-17' C-AN KNOLISH OR GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN- pral hotiHuu'ork. MrVaniun Swltzler 2001 St.Mary'H ayo. 173-10 C-A RELIAHLK GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Must bo a irood waBhcr and Ironer. Ap ply nt 2014 Harney street. Mill ? -WANTED. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ; WE will pay you tf. " > lo $12 per week to do strlclly home work for us ; no canvnsslnir and prompt pay ment. G. F. Emulous ft Co. , Uatterymarch and Water BIB. , Hoalon , Masa. 201 10 * -GIRL WANTPD FOR SMALL FAMILY. GEN- cral hoiiRework. 14US S , 2lltli St. 2HO 17 * "ANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL "TioUSE - work , 02:1 : North 20th t. 2011 -WANTED-AN ELDER LADY TO SIT WITH sick lady ; small wages. Call ut 1412 " Btreet. 2 . \j\ty doliitf wrllliik' at lln'lr liomrH. nddri'HS , Inclos- Ine Hlanip , MlHH Louluo FalrliL'ld , South llcnd , Ind. -J''fi 17' G-I.ADY AOKNTS. IP YOU WANT THE BEST uou < > y maker you iniiHt liuvn thu Hyirul.i olcc- trlo coraelH and waiHlH. Send for ILTIIIB to WuBt- orn Cut-Hut Co. , St. 1/oulH , Mo. CV-WANTKI ) , LADY OAS1IIEH AND SALES- v/ludy ; rufcronccB ivqulnxl. The OU Cent Sturo. ' . ' 17-17 FOK , KENT HOUSES. Itati'D , lOBiilluo oncli Innorllnn , $ l.no line per month , Notldui ; taken forli'HH tlim'-'c. : D " -ilOl JSKS IN ALL 1'A UTS 7)V ) Til K CIT Y. TheO , V , DavlHcoiniiuiy , IfiUTRimani , 080 \-l ! AND I-ROOM A1'ART.MENTS. VON DOUN /block , with steam ; i-oferoneeH : H10'S22il.- 087 D-FOlt KENT. 7-HOOM MODERN FLAT , LaiiKU block , l0l ! ( H llih : HI , OSH D-ll-ROOM COTTAGE , MODERN. CHOICE , IN Stanford Circle. C. S. Klffiiltor. 201 lloobldT. O'JO -8-ROOjil HOIJSE , MODERN , NEAR HUSI- IICBB , jvnt moUcralo. Apply 201 lieu bulldlui ; . -n-ROOM COTTAOK. ALSO 4 OR II 'UMFUR- nlshed rooms , nil modcrm iH-aullful lawn nnd nlindo , N , K. cor. 22(1 ( and Miami streets. 411 "H-LIST YOUR RENTAL PROPERTY" WITH J 'll. J. Kendall. 507 llrown bide. Stores , llatB and collaKes wanted all over the clly. M711-O2 D-FOR RENT , HOUSE IN GOOD REPAIR. 7W ( North HUli ulrect M700 TWO SIX-llfXM HOUSI'W. SOUTH 20TH ; tlirco-i'ooiu hoimu , 17th st. ; I-room Hal , 10th st. Iiiijulro Gust llanill , IU la Dorcas. M08.1 18 * _ D -MODERN H-ROOM HOUSE NEAR HIGH BCliool , J , F , Ilartou , 2(110 ( U.ipllol avmum. M171I 22 1-7-ROOM FLAT , MODERN I'ONVnNIENCES , lAlown town location ; ir'JO.iill ; refi-rencoa ro- ! ( Ulivd. Wrlb'ht .V f.anbnry , 10th and Huwanl. D -7-ROOM DETACHED HOUSE. 13AST F11ONT , Sherman ave. , larKU yard ; rJU.OO. Wrltfht k MUU2 _ -K101IT AND NINK ROOM ( JOT TAOK W1TII ' tiarn , city , clutern water , tax , rin 1 ociilloii clone In. AddreHH Q 10 , llw. HIS 17 * _ -FOR RKNT , U-ROOM COTTAOE WITH MOD- ITU Improvement * ! , on corner , nearly now. In excellent rt'pilri : h.ini lfiU 8lrwl ; fJJ.OO , Fldollty Trimt Coiiiiiany , 170'J F.irnaiu Hlr ot. _ Mlila D PLEASANT , DETACHED ElOHT-ROOM hotiHo ; inwlern , nluo lawn , birn. 2U11 Plorco odiir.ite. 103 27 r COK D TWO 11 HOOM lIRHJlf HOUSES. 1UU PARK : avenne. faclnir HaiiHcom park , nearly iKiw.hard- worn ! tlnUh. llrut clas-i infxlorn convonlence , lu- qulro 1115 South Tlilrty-scc.ond ut. J.M , Htchanlu. lu.iU I DS-ROOM MODERN iU Btruct. D-FLAT. 7 ROOMS. RANGE A N PAtI < OTHER couveiilcncoB. In troo.t uondlilon. $2,1 ; call at store , 701 S. lUth BI , at 19 u. m. Ucoriru Clonaer. T-V-NINE-UOOM HRICK HOUSE : MODERN , JFacca HaiiBcom park. Rent low tu troud tenant J410 a 20th avemio. 708 N. Y , Lltu. M1U4 IH' D DrmRAHIVK bBTA01ED HOUSE , TEN rooms , modern ; lawn , barn , coal IIOIIBK. etc. 3tli ; North 24th btrcut , opiKdlto John I. Rcdtuk'B. 70H N. Y. Llfo. Mllia 1M D I TWO NICK 0-1UKM HOUSES , INQUIRE DDtl of U12S.lthSt. | 210 IT tttX. D-tl ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 321OOAS3 , X.lo uvlleiit rt'palr , nlco nelKhborhoud , cheap lo coed teuouU K. A. Nortliup , Tux JD iwrtiuuut II. 4 U21U iiO * FOR RENT HOUSES. , \-KOR HKNT. JJKW 4-ItOoM roTTAGKSOTIt - tuna saiiior. Cistern , city wnler , only $ .1. In- qulrn 1318 Fnmam. 20017 . RENT. J. : I1M Mrct ; S roomai modem. . rfOWl anil nous Mnion Bt. : * nnd UI87 Farnam st.j N. . 2ttliBt.i 4-rooin yard. . cottnce ; city wnler In ; , * room ooli-iffo : cliywat r. . , , . , , „ - . . , . . clly wntcr. : ir-'fu0.7ul'.f " " ' pol""r - . , . "i ? > city wator. city ° b8lor "M ° ' ° ° " 1 C0lt"lr"i " * * ' wnt r 8 ? " ? r ° " "u"l ! flir H'O win or , ' South Omnlin ; storr- room an a"I Tr"9t company , lilth nnd lolro ( - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -or 2U --201 CAtlTO AVENUE , ROOM nOTTAOE -Mnqulro 2Mtf ' Ijiflo Capitol avemio. ai . . -FOR RENT. TWO FINE (1-HOOM ( MODERN ? ' ' > " > 0 lilrir" 'room ? vall'n' 1ntVJlli } ? he . iln l > nrtl. sou Cnllfonil.i Hlreet. i.VJ ! 17 ' 20I1 | ni - . . roojiiR , city water , 213 N , l.ltli , 2.3'2 10180 | > ° foomafaMh and Sewnrd Mivets , , . " 1 of M ° n - flats , etc. Oi-oren J. 5 Farnani street. U30 17 * 2(30i ( : DODGKi 2 1.T AND2821 SOUTH 1IITH- ni9 , i'ENT > AN EXCELLENT FIVE-ROOM lint with alcove ; partly furnished. 201 N. Mltli " " * ' * 202 17 -FORRKNT.2 NEW HOUSES. SOUTHWEST - ' corner uuth nud California - Kv.t * u > " < 4iifriii nirMnia. All inwleru ) onveulonees. II.T. Clarke. 211) lloanl of Trade , cluplumu HIS. M2JO 23 [ V-A NEW SUVENiROOM COTTAP.K. EVERY ' "ipdern convuiilciieo , ' . ' 720 lloivanl street. Jail at COl Doyd'u new iimalur. M270 10' D-fOIl RENT. MODERN COTTAO13 NEAR lllffli school. Part of furniture for sale , 1107 N Y. . Life1. iiii 17 FOR BENT FURNISHED ROOMS. RaloH , PJc n wonl llrst Insertion , lou wordtheru- flei\Nolliliig taken for loss than 25c. E-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR (3ENTLE- men only. 025 South liiltli utreeU M140 7-FURNlSHED ROOMS , 1017 & 1023 CAPITOL L-"Avu. " ' Mil JO 330' E-FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent , all pnrts of city. Room Rental omcu , ior lloor Glebe hldir , 10th and Dod ( jo. 212 2U * U-SOUTJI.P110NT ROOMS , ALL MODERN. 2008 lHamey. . . . ma O15' E-FOR RENT. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM. 221 N. Huh atrcct. Mint 10 * E-NICELY FURNISHED 'ROOMS , WITH OR without board. Call 2107 Ponging. MBOi ) 10 E-3.XICBROOMSFOR HOUSEKEEPING. 2.108 Doutrlas. M108 17' E-FURNISHED ROOM , 2017 HARNEY STREET. M114 17' 7-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , 2007 CASS. > . 10'J 18' 7-ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS. E 1B22 HOW- i.ird. 5 is S2S' E-PARLORS. 1810 CHICAGO STREET. M178 22' 17-F1RST FLOOR OF MODERN BRICK , FINELY J-ifurnlslicd for light housekeeping , on thrco car lines. 2005 Burl street. 31233 111' E-FINE LARGE ROOM. STEAM HEAT , FOR two gentlemen ; one block from P. O. Inaulre 113 North 10th. 248 17 E-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 821) South lUlh. M233 18' E -NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN private family , with gas , bath and furnace heat for runt to desirable parly. Best location lu the city. 117 South 25th utreet. 2(11.17 ( I7-TWO NIUELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SU1T- Juuula for two or Ihruu Kcntleinon. 1023 Dodge. M258 23' E-8 UNFURNISHED ROOMS , USE OF BATH , 2220 Leaveinvorth Btrcet , M205 10' - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT E-FU HOUSE- ioplng. 2011 Hurt street. 27317' E-FURNISHED ROOMS , STEAM HEAT , OAS and bath. 203 So. 24th. M255 10' FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. F-TIIE DOLAN , 209 AND 211 N. 18TII ST S07 F YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARE OF Woman's Christian association , 111 S. 17th st. 5U4 17-LARGE ROOM WITH BOARD $3.00 PER week. 513 N. 23rd Bt 07417 * T DESIRABLK ROOM AND HOARD IN PRI- 1vato family , 700 N. I'Jtli street. M902 18 * 17-NICBLY FURNISHED ROOMS , VKRYPLEAS- JL ant , homo table , mo-lerato rates. 1024 Farnam. * 137 10' F ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO. 2215 HOWard - ard street. 103 I7-PR1VATE FAMILY , PLEASANTLY SITU- -L ated , will accommodate few.boarders ; desirable rooms single or cu suite ; reference. 1700 Dodge. M100 17 * If SOUTH ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. I12308 Douglas. M170 17' IT-ROOMS WITH BOARD AT 403 N. 10TH. i.1 MlliO 17 * ° if HANDSOME FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. - If iirnlHlied or unfurnished , with board , for gen tleman and wife or two gentlemen. 1053 Park ave. 153 17' 17 ROOM AND BOARD. PRIVATE FAMILY J-1 will take two boarders. Modern Improvements ; good location near two street car lines ; references. Address Q 30 , Beo. 247 17' 17-A LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR i- two geutlouicu , with board In a private family ; no other boarders. References exchanged. En quire 2215 Webster. . M2IIO 20 * 7 BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED ROOMS WITH 1 board , Hlnglu or en suite. 2207 Farnani. M210 Ifi' FOR RENT UNFURNISH'D ROOMS Rains , IKe a wonl first Insertion , inn word there after. Nuthlni ; taken for leas than 25c. G " - - ' 101 17i _ r5 CHAMIIERS FOR HOUSEKEEPING TO \7tnan nud wife , no children , hydrant and cistern , 310 N. 17th. 4113 WANTED" MAN AND WIFE TO TAKE part of tlnu residence lu KonuUo 1'laec ; , all modern Improvement ! ! , reiiBonablu price. Inquire nt once at 2112 Locust struct. M211 ID' r < THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR V J light honsukceplnj ; , Kyner block , corner Sher man avenue nud Corby street. 250 17' FOll RE NT STORES AND OFJF1O2S. Rates , 1 Den line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month , Nothing taken for less than 25c , -FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING , JLlllO Farunmut. The building has a fireproof ce ment basement , complete Hteam-hoatliur llxtnrna , water on all the llooi-s , ins , etc.- Apply at thoorflce of The Beu. 010 T-i'OR RENT , OFFICE SPACE ON GROUND floor tit 1702 Farnam street. MOJ.S T-OFFICES CHEAP. AV1THNELL 1ILOCJK. 15TII Jnndltaniey , Mill IS 111' I WE HAVKSPAOi : TO LF.T FOll DESK ROOM -Ito BOIIIU deitlr.thlu parly. Call or mldrcHs. Wyckoff , SeamaiiH i lleneillct , 1712 Faniam Htreet , Uiimlnt , Nou , 010 r -1 WRlF"STOlTl ! WITH FIXTURES. 1470 I South lUth , Innulru Unat Hum ! ! . HUM Dortiiu btrcet. S1IW2 IB' 1-ELEGANT NEW STORES ON KITH NKAll Jllowani ; Miilendld location for cltrarn and eou- fi-cllonery , irents' lurnlsld IKB or any uood lluo ; ' irooU llvlil banemeiit. Wrlvht .V Lasbury. ' MOda r-STORE.321b. 151IET. FARNAM .V HARNEY , I M1072i : J -FOR RENT. GOOD 1IRICK STORE ROOM. 22x11(1. ( St. Mary'u avunuu aud ] nth HI. Cheap. Will taku rent out In trade. I null I ro 1:118 : Faniam , 200 17 n.R T DESIRAIILE DESK ROOM ON FWT FLOOH | 1 Hoard of Trade bulldlnir , ( Jeoivu J. Paul , 1(103 ( Farnam Htrecl. M231 10' -FOR KENT , DESK ROOM KOK COAL OFFICE ; I bent locatllon 111 city , 1 IU Nortli Hitli HI , 2 IB 17 AGENTS WANTED. Rnteu , lOo.i lluo eaali liiHortlon , $1 00 a Una pur month. Nothing taken lor IUHH than 'Su. Ad'ENTS WANTED. WK UUARANTEK YOU tl ran niuko f70.00 to $250.oo it month worklnir for im hi any locality ; will pay salary or eoinmla- Hton , : IH prefern > > l , and exixuibua. Money dcpuxltcd In hank to cover a.itiui whun Hlarltol. If you Wlni uul of work wo have HOiuctliliur entirely new to oiTer , and If you will follow our InBtnietiona your kmvesa In Kurd. Thu pcopUi will have our iroodb , no matter how hard tlio MIIICH. llltr nalcn report'-nl ! nverywlieni. All ntiulrodof you Ua llttlu pluck nud puuh , Wo furnlbh uaniplu outtliu free. Wrlto toil.iv far luirtlciilara beforu all valuable ter ritory IH uikxu. AddreHS "MaiuifrclunirH , " P. TO. . box Mils , Ikmtun , Muim. MtiHO Oil O.c - \ AGENTS SELL MORK MMli J-L-\DY OF MC- Cabo'H liualtli corsetH , Huniinur cvmeta and waUU than any other ntyUm inadu. Wueauprtivu It. Scud for lerratt. Adurenii bt , Loula Corbet Co. , St. Louii. ilo. Dr w r 111 , AGENTS WANTE1I f-AOKXTS WANTED. LADIES OR ( IKNTI.K ' 'mm , to Inlroilncr' nnil control iho i .ili of HIP pati'iiiod Ntw Moon embroidery anil ( Inrntn ? rlnp. A now Intention for doins nil kinds of fancy work nud nir-ndlnir , by hand or machine. CiipyrlKhtnl Iwok of ( n liiictloni f6r use on the scwluirinaclilne frco with onlor Liberal commit- Kloim nnd a plrar Held. Sample rin ? 11.7111.111 nnd full partlenlars for 25 cents , The Ohio Novelty Co. , 11 1 , Cincinnati. O. MUM Ol'J' 1-AOENTS WANTKDi $7i.0d A MONTH. OR " bltr eoinnilssloim. to live ini-u nnd women. Write ntoncr with Hlniup , for p.irlloui.irn to Compressed Air Washer Co. , 45 .lohliMon Hid ; . . Cincinnati , o. ntJ M100 17 * _ J f-WASTEU. LAW1KS AND OKNTLBMEN TO ' represent its ovcrvwhere. No.ea . ivanilnir. I'o- dill ' in pnnnaiient. To llrat nimwer from each lo- enlll.vii bo.iutlfiil houvetilr im' ptitcd , For par- UculnrH lnplo n two stnmpB. World's Fair NovJ city Co. , 1010 Masonic Temple , Chicago. 22t 17' T WANTED , LIVE AOENTS FOR AUTO- ' inatlo hlHtory of the ( 'olumblan p.\ioHltlon. | Send Iflo for tualllnir Hnmplo uuniber and particu lars. J I ) . Campbell , I'll ) AdnniB htreet , Chlenro , HI. I 221 17' T-KNTIRKLY NEW AHTIOLE. 1110 COMM1S- v lens for hnly or gentleman nsi ntH. Ready nnln In houii'liold or omce. Send for circular nud lei-inn. Ifioa Muuadr.ock Hide. . Chlcneo. 2U 17 WANTED TO RENT. Kntes , 10e n llncpacli Insertion , iH.OOa liny per monlli. Nothingtnkcn for less than 23c. K-WAN.TEO , TO RENT A GOOD TolTMioOM ! lioum ; with modern conveniences. Inquire ; K. S. Rood. 717 N. Y. Llfo bnlMlinr. M221I 17' K GENTLEMAN AND WIFE WANT ONE OR two furnlfOied or uufiirntMird rooniH ulth board ; room ' with alcove preferred , AddreRH P. O , llo.N 4HU. M177 17 * TT- FOR RENT ; 0-ROOM FURNISTIED HOUSE : lVill modern conveniences. Apply at lilll Win Htreet. . 2:10 : 18 * I WANTED , IIY MAN AND W1FE..1 OK 4 UN- - * ttn nnimn l/\illir * with heat j convenient for llehl lionsekecpluij centrally located. Address Q 2(1. ( lieu. . 21fi-17' . K-WANTED , BY LADY WHOSE HUSBAND IS out of elty most of time , room and board , with use of piano , In respectable family. Address ( J 31 , Beo. 203 17' K A GENTLEMAN DKS1RES A ROOM WITH breakfast and possibly dinner In u otrlctlv pri vate family. Address IJ 33 , Bee. 214 ! < -2 OR ! l UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping , with steam or furmco heat and iKith ; not moro than 8 blocks from P. O. Address ( JJKI , Bai\ 222 17 * STORAGE. Rates , Klc n line each Insertion , $1.50 n .lino per mouth- _ Nothing taken for less.than 2ic. ! - 6U5 M STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS , lean nud cheap rates. R. Wells , 1111 Fnrnatn. WANTED TO BUY. . Rates , 1 Wo a word first Insertion , loiv word there after. NotnlujT taken for less than 23c. 1IANDOAMEUA4XB or 5x7 : nniHt be line one and cheap. Address Box 207 , Omaha , Neb. M122 17' "M" WANTED , STOCK OF. MERCHANDISE , JL cheap for cash ; also business man with somu means wants Interest In some paylnu business ; bank or olllco ; references. Address lock box 4 , ( irlBWold , Iowa. Ml 89 18 AT WANTED , TO BUY A GOOD DRIVING J- horse ; nopluirs ; must \w \ n bargain for spot cash. Address Q 22 , Bee office. 223 17 * _ AJ-A FINE ROLL TOP DESK. MUST BE A 1 > b.uxaln. Address Q 32 , Bee. M20U 10' FOR SALE FTJRNITgBE. Rates , IKca wonl first Insertion , lea word tlicro- fter , Nothing ; taken for less than 25c. O-FOR RENT OR SALE , BEST MAKE UP- rtsrht piano. Inqutro room 308 , First National bank building. SIM O-FOR SALE , COMPARATIVELY NEW FUR- nlturu of a 5- room cottage , at almost your own price It taken at once. Address Q 34 , Bee O -STOVES I OF ALL KINDS GOOD AS NEW. Wells Auction Co. , 1111 Farnaui st. 130 O-FOR SALE , 1 I1EDROOM SUIT , 10 DINING clialrB , center table , as irood ns new. by IL C. Bettcrnian , 1437 North 2lth street. 208 17 * -FOR SALE , ONE NICE FAMILY PHAETON aud horao very cheap. Inquiry at northwest corner 25th nnd Jones slrects. M210 18" O-FOR SALE OR RENT , FURNITURE AND fixtures of U-room boarding house ; boarders In house. Cheap rent , good location , a bargain if taken before the 1st Address Q 84 , Bee. M218 18 * JTORSALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETC Rates , lUo a word first Insertion , lea wort there after. Nothing taken for less than 25c. P-FOR SALE CHEAP , A NICE PONY CART -i. Inquire at 11114 Ciimlng street MK81 "P-FIRST-CLASS BOARDING AND LIVERY , -L Windsor stables , 1410 Daronport. Etorairu for carriages. M78'J p-FOR SALE. A GOOD HORSE AND HARNESS -i-cheap. Iniiulru 1220 Faniam St. 21118 * 1)-FOR SALE , CHEAP , HORSE , BUGGY AND harness. A Hue single or double ; driving horse , Hired by Talnverla , record 2i',18'f. ' luciulro Lock Hex 27 , South Omaha. " 23117 1J-FOU SALE CHEAP , A HAY HORSE , 0 YEAUS -1. old. Imiulro at 123 North 37th street. 217 18' FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates. Ho a wonl llrat Insoruon , lea wordthero- nflcr. Notldnir taken for loss than 25C. " ' -Fo'ltSALE , A REGULATION SIZE nilUNS- wick A. Ualko billiard table , rack.euoB and balla. Every thine In Ural-class Bhapo. Address N 21 , Ilee. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M181) . Q-FOR SALK. ICE IN CAR LOTS. GILHERT Bros. . Sapp block. Council Hlutls. M757O2 -FOR SALE-TWO THOROUGHBRED DOGS pointer and setter ; latter broke. Peter Rel- bolel , 1111 Farnam St. , Oiniilin. 174-17 * Q FOR SALE. ST. UERNARD DOG OF GOOD pedlirreo ; eood uatiired , and ; i 'splendid watch dog. Inqulro at druir sloro , 'edrner Paclllc and Park nve. , Omaha. M188 17 -KODAK NO. 3 FoTl SALE , $25.0(1. ( 140 Grant street , Council lllulTs , In. 234 17 * n-L-MlOE TWO..STOKY IIAHN FOll KENT JVfortlvnliorai'8. etc. , near llanfcoom park , $ i.r)0 per month. K. U. Wead , Kith and UoutrlaH. UoutrlaH.M18017 R-FOH KENT , 200 ACJtKS FINELY IMPUOVKD , four mllui from Omaha , Win. Wilde , -111 ! Kar- uacli block , 2110 17 * CLAIRVOYANTS , IlHluii , lOon Him each Ina rllou , $1,50 a line per mouth. Nothing taken for less thun 2 < > u. OwS'N li lis'vr UlK'ENi'OLAniVOY NTi Ortillablu btmlncas medium ; , 'itlijearat 110 N.liltli. 51IS MASSAGE. BATHS , ETO. IlalcK , Iflua line each hiHcrlluu , $1.00 a Him per inonth. Nothlutf taken fur lens than 20u , , ll IOUOLA3STUEnT.u - flpor , woiu 7 , munyai-e , uliohc aull'l.ui and H. ) i batha. "Ml BO 22' _ _ _ fi-MME. S'KJWk MA(3NBTio ( HKALERJM ADoiiflaa block Ms.iO 20 < 002S. . _ . . , 13 , Mnsaatru , vapor , alcohol. ali'iinr.B'uIpiiiir- Kuauatnii. 111210 23 * rfno\jf * ± u . UatoH , lOua lliutcauh hiHertlon , $ l.r 0a llnu IK.T month. Xothlnt , " taken for lean than 2tc , U-.MASSAGi : TilEATMENT , KI.KCa'UO-THKH- nial batliH. Hcalp and hair treatment , luauleuni nnd chlropodlM.MrM.l'ouUUUJuS. 15th , Wlthucll blk _ _ U-A 1'HIVATE I'LAOK KOH LADTfiS DIJllINO ( ( inllueineiit , with eood medical attendance. llo.v .17H , Omaha , M2ii-17 : * UXN'TEa'OSTETirnLADIKSFJUKND\Vn.L ) poultlvi ) cnlaririi tint li'.mt a lni'he ur money re- nndud. Uuar.uit < > c < l. Not u p.diiful IiiHtruuient but u | ) li'iiiiMt ; , oniolriit , itxternal aiiplleallun , 1'rieo * 2.iil. ( Send utaiup for conlMenilal circular. MrH.JJr. llt T. illllur , 21 ( jiilncy > t. , Chle-ixo. U MtS.V. . VAl-TON , U lioiiHc l , 10 ! ) 4 llh Hlreet.ChlcaKO. Ill , Currespond- enoo sollcltiHl for World's fair accommodations , I SANTAo7i'm"MrlN ; ONLvToilEATJIST RE- UBton'rand deviiluiK'rknown. Sln-uirlhenu , in- vlk'orateu. I'Hcu if-ID. ( iuarnntcril. Si > nd stamp for oonlldemlal circular. Ur. H. T. Miller , 21 Qulncy bl. . Chlc'lio. ' UMAHWVIP YouvrANT A HUSIIANU oil wife , rich or poor. Mend lUcts , for matrimonial paper. Svnt ucaled lu plain wraiipcr , Mr. and Mi-w. Drake. Central jj.uik bntldliijr.i.-nte.iircj. A1TENTION.I.AI1IKS ! "EMMA" MUST DE- vuloper 111 eularvu yuiir bunt G liK-lien. ( Jniir- anti'iMl. K > 'aled luulrucllonH 2e , or 24-pagu lllua- tr.Uixl cataloKiie lie , by mall. Enium Tullet Uazar , Iloutou , .Mann. MON.E.Y TO Itatea Kloa llnoeach limcrtlon , 1..MI u llnu | ir month. Nothlnc taken fur lebu thun 20c , -LoANS'ONYMPlloVEUANuYlSra clly iiroiKii-iy. * : i.Uii ( ) and unwardii. a to Cfiiljuo delays. W. Faniam Sniltli k Co.KI'JU r'aruam t)00 ) \ VMONKV TO LOAN AT l.OWKST KATES ON Improved und uuhniu-oViHl Omaha real c lu ( , l to 6 i cars. FldKllly Truai Co. , 17U2 Furuaui. CO'J I IKX MONEY TO LOAlWj-RKAL ESTATE _ n nl \ \ -MONEY TO IX1AW AT 1X1WF.ST HATK3 > T ThoO. F. D.ivldCnillOliJVFaniam strecl. Wit \\f-PllIVATB MONHT TO LOAN , f.100.00 TO > > r.000,00 : nildrcwiQilll. Heu. ll ! 17 \y-ANTIIONV IXAf3j5 ? ITllM8Tr ) < > . . HIM N. Y , "I Llfn , lemlnni lowrolcn for choice Heourlty cm Nebraska nud Iowa farms or Oninha city proportv , _ j',1 , 003" \ -MONEY TO LOANrAT CURRENT RATK3. ' Apply to W. 0. MdlK ! , Flrnt National Ilk 1 B ) \ \ Tf.'iOO.OO TO J1.MW.OII TO I/JAN 1 TO fl i yean on Iniitrovpd-'iKiialiir real esnts * or far.il lands. E. U. Onrvln tSQW 203 SlioMy block , ' " MB 10 _ \\T-MOSEY TO LOAN ON FIlsT MORTOAOR ' ( On lone time. Addrcfs Thomns Jcflerla , Council IllnflR. In. MllH-iO : : MONK ? TO L.OAy-OaAmSt.5. . Rales. lOc n line " .ich limcrllon , f I .fit ) n line i month. Nothing taken for less than 2 , " > c. IX : DO YOU WANT MOSEY J i ; Wo will loan you ANY SUM yon WRI | on your ! 1 FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. WAOONS , ! I CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. I : Wo Rlru prompt attention to all applications , : and will carry your loan ns lone ns you wish. You can reduce the cost of rarrylnir your loan by ! i payment ntnny time. There Is no publicity or removal of property. F1UE1.1TY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Room-1. WIlhuHl block , : 009 Cor , Kith and Harney BtH. X LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SB- curllV ! ntrletly confidential. A , K. Harris , room 1 Continental block. 11(17 ( X -MONEY TO LOAN- We will loan yon any emu which you wish , Binnll or larife. nl the loweqt possible rates , In ihu iintckcHt possible time , and for any lenirth of tlinn to suit yon. You can pay H back In such Inslnll- inentH MS you wish , when vou wish , nnd only liay for It ns lontr ns you keep ItYou can borrow ° " HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAOONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE . OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , Without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 SOUTH KITH STREET , firm Moor above the street. THE OLDEST , LARGEST ANDONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. v U08 BUSINESS CHANCED Ratew , lOc a line * each Insortlon. $1.BO a Him per month. Nothing taken for leas tlian < 2re. - CHANCES , IIOXH74 , WANTED-OOOTI ENEROETIO PHVsciAN Addix' 'ss Lock Uox 71 , Herlrawl , Neb.114 Y FOR SALE OR RENT THE STOELTINO Hotel lu Presser , Adams Co. , Nob. Apply to J. . K ny , llnstlngH. Neb. 41fiB12i : > PAYING MEAT MARKET IN THIS city for ualo or rent. Call at ' _ ' 50a Illoudo street. Y-FOR RENT. A BAKEUY SHOP , OLD STAND No. U10 North lOthslre-t. Apply to Jos. Red man. MKH4 Y FOR SALE. DRUG STORE , CHEAP. MUST HE cash. Addreaa Q 12 , Bee. Mill ) 19 * Y FOR SALE , ELEGANT STOCK GROCERIES ; first-class location ; coed reasonH forsultlnci stock will Invoice about tl.rtOO.00 ; no others need apply but thoHu who nieiin business. Address Qlif , Ilee. M120 ! Y-ONE OF THE REST' ' AND I1EST LOCATED hanlwaro stores In IhtfHtato for sale. Address Q IB Omaha Uuu. v-ii m- , . Y FOR SALE , LUMBER STOCK AND Fix tures : will luvolcu $7.000.00 ; net profit last year , Wt70.00 : ; reason for selline , hnvu other business. Address Q 17 , ) leo , office. , M141 23 * \r $50,000.00 STOCKY OF CLOTHING AND trotilB' furnlahlnc k'Duis for clear real estate and onu-thlrd cash. $28,0,00.00. S25OOO.OO$20.000.00 , $1H.OOO.OO , ten from $ ) ) ,00.00 ( | to $1.1,000.00 HtockH of general merohandlsi ) , also a number of smaller stocks , for clear land 'nnd onc-thlrJ cash. Hard ware HtockBfrom * 1.60(1.00 ( to $20,000.00 for said or exchange. A 1 offers'rtiado for slocks of ( roods. Henry C. Smith. Falls City. Neb. Mini 17 Y FOR SALE , BAKERY AND CANDY MANUfactory - factory luliotso City , Idaho. Now perpetual baking oven , finely fltludund equipped , horsu and wairoii ; best location | o the clty.j Cash trade $000.00 per month nn4un.iv.ird. A bonanza fora baker and confectioner. . Address Box 002 , Boise Clly , Idaho. , y- , , 'M183 17 r WAN'TiiD.'it MA T wmrs2.oob'.d6t > R MORE lu a good business. , Address Q 24. Ilee. 20217' Y GOOD OPENING PORlA GOOD INSURANCE man. Particulars : Geo. J. Paul , lUOu Farnani street. 250 17 * WANTED , A STOCK OF GOODS. INVOIC- Inir nine or ten thousand dollars. Will pay half cash and half peed Nebraska land , H. A. Stnrces. 15 , Frcnzur block. M240 18 * Y CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WITH parties hnvlin ? live to ten thousand dollars. Business doslrable and lom ? established. Moro capital needed. Address hi strict confidence , Q 2ij , Hoe. M'J H O1U V FOR SALE , CIGAR 'STORE , OLD ESTAIi- 1. llslied , tine location In business center : will bo sold cheap for cash ; no agents. Address Q 27 , Bee office. 23(1 ( 17 * -MEAT MARKET , FULLY EQUIPPED. within two blocks of court honso ; established ever two years : well paylnp , strictly r.aBh trade ; will Bell outfit together , with horses , delivery wnKOns , etc , at a sacrlficu for cash ; apply at once. Address QiC ! , Beo. 22117 * Y WANTED. GOOD LOCATION FOR SHOE shop by first-class workman. Address Cuspcr Sholtz , Wymore , Nob. , In county town. M219-21 * FOR EXCHANGE. Rates , lOc a line each liiHerllou , $ l.fi ( ) u line per month. Nothhur taken for less than 25c : y-i OWN lee FAitMS IN NEBRASKA ! KANSAS Jand Dakota. Will soil cheap or exchanifo for mdsu. , horses and cattle. Add. box 70 , Krankfort.Ind Oil CLEAN STOCK Of GENERAL MDSE. WILL Jtakt ) real estate , money. Box 'JU5 , Frankfort. Inil , 1111 Z BUSINESS BLOCK , GOOD TOWN IN EASTern - ern Nebraska , for stock mds3. Address P. O. Box 101) ) , Creaton , Neb. M519S2I1 * O FJNE RANCH TOTRADE.007 BROWN BLDG. fa 11742-02 rr $ fir > oo STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE /Jfor3r.00eash , $3OlJ laud. Box 7H1 , West Point , Neb M781 y LAND IN NEBRASKA TO EXCHANOE F6"ll /fc'ood horses and part cash. Address Box 7:11 : , Fremont , Neb. 20(122 ( y-CLEAR IMPROVED REAL ESTATE TO EX- 'Jchanso for general merchandiseor boots and shoes. No trading stock wanted. Box 0.1 , Ilin- wcll , Neb. 2:17 : 17 * V-WILL TRADE FINE EQUITY OF : f4MW. < )0 ) AJIn r > lot , corner , unimproved , lu Denver'Colo. , for clear land In central or eastern Nebraska. MHO clear lots and acrouiro nt Manltou , Colo. S. J. Richards , Box 104 , Denver , Colo. M2IKI Oil ) ' FOB BALE REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOc nllnuo.ich Insertion , $1.50 a , line pur mouth. Nothing taken for less than 2'ie. TJ'ARM LANDS. C. F , HARRISON , U12 N. Y. LIFIi A MJJjSU' BARGAINS-HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS.SALK orlraUe. F , K. Darllnir , Darker Ulk. M3.ll \\niY NOT INVEST3.YOUR SAVINGS IN A > nlcii home ? I am utTednif n good 0-rooin hoimo und half ucro lot for half'liielr value. Thla Is a snap. John W , Uobbliiu , o.wner , 240 Bsto " I70R SALE 48 t H oood farms tint reiit for $2.00 per ncrn cash for land lii cultivation. Price * 20OU pjr aurj. Al o , y Fiirmu that rout for Bknru of crop. Price $9.00 to * ! 5.00 per ncro. ' ° Also. ) h , | Hood unimproved I'm ' at f 3.00 to $12.09 per Terms 1-5 cash , baUuit i In annual payment ? . 7 per cent Interest. Liberal coninilHalon'tl'feii agents. No. 310 1-2 South IC h street , Omaha' , . 1 .1' 'I67.B21 8 00 ACRES GOOD F'UM ' LAND FOR SALE AT lowpilcoor uxulialtrv ) In Nebraska , for mer chandise or horses. O , rr iC < J' 1'uteruon , 1 U2 8. 13th st. MDJ7 Oil I70R RENT , NICE H-llOflM HOUSE ON MOTOR I llnu near Hamtc6nillark ; splendid location. Housii Is well built , with modem conveniences and very economical to'run as regards coal.oto , Hlcl-s , : I05 N , Y , Life bulldhu , ' . MUU3 17 M ODERN HOUSE ON FARNAM NEAR 20T1I , A great biiriraln. fort-asli or half cash. Inveu- tlga'to It. Aia"r > i ijj 23 , litoo. MIDI J7 SCHOOL LEASE QUARTER SECTION GOOD laud. Cedar Co. , Neb , HOU.OO , half cash. K. M. Towler , lllooinUold. MlllS 21 * IXHl SAL13 , AN ELEGANT fi-ROOM COTTAGE t. nnd Kood lot on pave < t street , pavluir and sewer times nil paid , * jO.OO down. ( .211.00 iHr montli ( In- cludlmr inlercstl will take lulBgemilno snap. Wai- terO. Clark. 121K llumcyjlreet. Al'.M' ' \TEW. LARGE 0-ROOM HOUSE , WIDE PORCH , l > ceiucnteil cellar kuU outlioimes , with lot , $1,200.00. Four nice Iota , 00x127 fuut each , half block from ktreet railway near Kounlzu 1'lace , $ liiaiHI ) each. Other rKBldcnco and buslnesi lols equally cheap. Wrlto mopruallutroo.u soil , P.IX ton block , city. J. T , M. -Mva'J O10 BIG BARGAIN-800 ACRES , ONLY TWO MILES fruui North Loup atallonon U. P. R , It. , and four mllun from Btutltiil on II. i M. R. R. ; good boll , run- [ lu * water , etc. ; llutwl for quick sale ut ts'.ui ) pur acre. Hick * Keal Eatatu Airvucy , 306 New York Llfu Bldf , U223-17 kto ALE REAL ESTATE. ( v i If nurd B AliOAIKS IN AOANT Nice rofddmei * lol near 37lli ami Leavon- worth , wrlllopntpd * t,000 Ilcniillftil lol near Hauncom path , cloin to car line , paved streets , IMP 2.200 Lanrp south ( runt lot , (1(1x17(1 ( ( ( ( cot , nptir tlio park 4,200 Corner lot. 32(1 nnil Woolwortli , fncliiu south on H.iii' < eum park -ITil ) Nice residence lot nenr Ml Maud Dodge , Went , Kml IV-'MI IIARHAINS IN JIO1ISKS : linn . mo H-room hoimo , iK-.ir.t2tl nncl Pop- plctoii avcntir , Fouth front . . . . , MM)0 ) Modern K-nwiii lioute , ncarllaupcom park , NpUMullil loc.itlon tVJOO Hrlek nml frame cottacc.iiearlllfltnnd Pa- clllc.elpraiillynni'mpd 7,201) New 10-i-oom home , nil modern Improve * MHMitfl , nenr It.iiiwom park > 9,200 Elf-Kant mndcrn-tiullt house. 10 roo'UH , cor. : iINI ntul Paplflp. rli-rli-ic llirhl n , > 00 HAIIHAINS IN COTTAGES ! Five-room ! rotliiRC and lot , Ju l west of tlio clly limits . . . . . * D30 Six-room pottnirc. ncnrH I nt nnd 1'ncltlc , splen SISI did ivBldcncu neighborhood 4,000 Six-room collnce. near HaiiKoni park , Miulh SIM front , olc , . , 3,1100 Modern cottiKro , aint ami Mason , furnace , bntli , ( > tc . . 4,000 KlKht-room rotin < rc. bath. beautiful cast front lol nmr Urn park , fi.OOO HAKtJAlNS IN ACRE PROPERTY. . Five ncroM , with Hinall cottage , on main drive to Seymour park . , , , $2.200 Ton netvH , Jimt HouthwoBt of city , wllli miiall cottage. . > . . 3,800 Ten acres near new driving park In West Omaha , ttptcndld tract Il.TOO Twenty aerenHontliw CHI of elty , close to Ilelt Line railway 7,000 Twenty Keren ndjolnlnir new fair Eroundu Imd EhiKVood park In Went Omaha 0,0011 HOUSES FOIl RENT : Nice 8-room house , near Hanscom park , modern conveniences. i. . , , $ 40 Elecaul brick homo , Boutli nml eam front , JI2d nnd Popplclon 4. * HnndHouin hoiiHiH rooms , HaiiHcom Place , Hplcitdldlv IlnlHlied.eaiiv to heat " > 0 HICKS' RKAL ESTATE AGENCY. Room 90S , New York Llfo llnlldlmr. M224 17 BUY ACIIK PROPERTY JUST WEST OF TUB CITY MMITS THK GREAT PLATTE 1UVKH CANAL AND WATKH PO\VEH Will maku .1 ble ndvuneo In acre property nrontul Omaha nnd can otTer several live , ten nnd twenty ncra tractH at * : ifl0.l)0 ) to $15(1.(10 ( ( per ncro. THIS PROPERTY IH west nud Roulliwpst of the cltv llmltH , escaplm ? all elty taxen , IT OFFERS an opportunity for tliu safest and beat InvcBtmcnl on the market , nnd with the BEGINNING OK WO1UC ON THK OUKAT WATER POWER SYSTEM It will mlvancu from : i)0 ( ) to 000 per cent. Within the nt.'Xt nlxty days you will Been trreat ehaiiKu In the Omaha realty. Call and let us Dhow you the barealnn wo can -Oder. OEOUOB N. HICKS. Heal Estatu nnd InveHtment Ilroker , aOo New York Ltfo Unllillnr. M220 17 OF.NUINE HAIIOAIN , 7-HOOM HOUSE AND barn nnd lol ! l Blocks from new P. O. , W.2.MI. F. D. Wead , Kith and Doutrlas. 21H 17 SECURITIES FOK SALE. H.itcH. lOc a line c.tch Insertion , $ l.r 0 n line pur month. Nothing taken for less than 2.o. 8 PERCENT MORTGAGES FOR S\LE , SECURIty - _ Ity atiBolutuly afu. Ames Heal Estate aireuey 8II F.irnam. OKI II GRADE OMAHA CITY MORTGAGES , I uettlnt' purchasers good ratu of Interest , Hums of from $100 up'forsale by Globe Loan & Trust Co. , 10th & Dodge , Omaha. Particulars on application. 014 \\7E OWN. BY FORECLOSURE. AND OFFER ' one of thn best properties on Lowu avenue , all In elcpniit shape , 147 feet front , with uverythlui ? complete ( the house and barn nlonu costing' $10- ooo.oil ) , at a price low enough to Justify a purchasa solely ns an Investment. It Is the best property In Omaha for thn money. Look It over lusldu and out. Inspect It closuly. It will b sold at a great sacrifice. This is an oppor tunity of your life lo net one of the most beautiful residences lu Omaha for less than 00 per cent of Its actual cost. Call and wo will show you this propftrty with plc.-iBtire. GLOBE LOAN & 1 RUST CO. , lUth and Dougo streets. MIOl TO SMALL OR LARGE INVESTORS , SOME J- very cholco securities are ullered at an attract ive discount. Bonds , warrants , mortgages , etc. , absolutely irtlt edged. Inquire of John Dale , com mercial broker , 201) ) N. Y. Life. 353 S21 170R SALE SOME GOOD $300.00 FIRSE MORT- 1 gages on city property paying 10 per cent ; no Better Investment , Address "Owner , " P 4 , Bee. 070 _ pHOICE 1ST MORTGAGES. ANY AMOUNT. vJG , o. Wallace , Brown block , lUth and Douglas. H20 _ UNDERTAKE as AND EMU ALiliiiKS Rates. lOcr. line each insertion , $1.50 aline pur month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. CW. BAKER ( FORMERLY WITH JOHN G. Jacobs , deceased ; later with M. O. ManD.under- taker and cmbalmcr , 1I1B S. lUth at. Tel. O'JO. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. , Rates , lOc a line each Insertion. $1.50 a line per mouth. Nothing taken for lens than 'J.lc. VOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN SOON i acquire a working knowledge of shorthand and typewriting nt A. C. Van. Saul's school of short hand , 013 N. Y. Life Typewriters to rent. 015 THE BEST PLACE TO LEARN SHORTHAND JL ami typewriting Is at the Omaha Commercial college , Wrlto Jlohrboush Bros , for catalogue , Omaha , Neb. 3U3 S22 OMAHA COLLEGE OF SHORTHAND AND Typewriting employs an "expert" official court reporter as Instructor. Facilities and location un- Bitrpashcd. A. C. Ong. A , M. , principal and pro prietor. Boyd's New Theater building.M271 M271 010' SCALES. Hates. Ufa a word first Insertion , Ic n word there after Nothing ; taken fur lus than ' 'uc. I Address liordeii & Scllcck Co. , Lake St. , Chicago. 017 FOR RENT : OMAHA OUAUDS .AUMOHV , 1714 CAPITOL avunuv , for balln , inci'tliiKH , clnh partlcH , etc. AlHO Morand'8 a SPinbly rooniH , 1510 llnrnny , both liillH ; on lirHt lloor : no Htalra ; no iilllnni ; liiKh cvllliiKi purfoct ventilation ; turnmro.iHonablu. Call and HCU Moraud before renting elsewhere. M'JL'a 09 _ NEW AND KLEnANTLY FITTKD UP HALL for lodKoand ollii'r purpoxuu In llovd'H Now Theater. 001 lloyd's NewThcatar. Mi7'J ! 10 * WORLD'S FAIK HOTELS & BOOMS Uuten.lH'c aword llrat Insertion , lo a word Ihcro- nflur. Nothlni ; laUun for luxt than ' . * > E wisaiNfi rrvsiT THE nt Clileaf o can llnd neatly furulHlied roonm at Jl ) i liotli Htii-et , near ( irand llouluvanl. at OOc to $1.00 per day ; convenient tu eljvateti H. H. and Cottagi ! Grovu iiveinm cabin earn. ililll O31 _ Hs. L. W , 1'ATTON , I'llIVATE lioATtfING ) honhe , 111 ! ) I Ith Htrcet.ClilcaKii , 111 , Correspond- encu Hollclludfor World'H falracuoiunioilallonu. LOST. Halen , IHc a wonl first Insertion , lu .1 word thcruaftur. Notlilng taken for Ksjth'iu USo. " " " ' " calf , Reward for return , 431U Harney , 172 17' T OST , IN NEIGHBORHOOD OF 22D AND HOW- J-Jiird , gold watch nnd chain , with small silver heart and plcklo charm ; Wallham movement , Re turn to 2211 Howard nnd receive liberal reward. 1000 17' ST.IAYED-CHESTNUT SORREL MARE. ? years old , weight nlinut l.O.'O pounds , barbed wire scratch on legs , old halter on head ; lludur will return aud recelvu iinvanl , IIJi S. Adailis. E anil 24th street * , SJiith Omaha. M220 18 * LOST , ON 13TH AND FARNAM SATURDAY , f 100.00 draft on Chamberlain It-inking house , TecumM'h. Neh , , payalilo lo Fung John. Return to 1420 Dodge street , Howard , M220 17' ' f OST. ! ! HORSES , ONE BLACK. 1.100 POUNDS ) -1-Jdark bay marn , gray mare pony , Rewaril for re turn. 4210 Pierce. M2IH18' DRESSMAKING. Raton , lOon line each Insertion , 1.5 a llnu per month. Nothing lakmi for less than In. IyNGAGEMENTS TO DO DRESSMAKING IN 'jfamlllcu solicited. Miss Sturdy , 4218 Nicholas i U.MM * SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. Rales , 1 Oaa Hue each Insertion , $1.50 a Hue per month , Nothing taken for lens than 23c. BOYLES&BAI1H.013 NEW YORK LIFK IILDO , carry the largest line of lype writers In the west , all makes , 25 to TB l > ur cent saved on all leading machines. Tel. OS'H. 212 PAWNBRf KEK3. Italct ) , lOc a linn each Insertion. 1.50 a mouth. Nothing taken for less than 25c. T SONNENIIERG. DIAMOND BROKER. 1303 tletc. [ Hih'laBst. lyoansmoneyoudlamoudit , watcliuu. etc. Old gold and Mtlver bought. Tel. 1038. 1)10 MP3IOART AND LACJGUAOE3. RatcB , lOca llnooach liiHcrtlon , fl.ooulliie per montli. Nothlnjr taken for le s than 25o. F. QELLENIIECK , HANJOHT ANDTEACHER I' G.li . 1810 California street. Ult HOME INDUSTRIES A WNINQ3. I FURNITIJKK COJU'ANV. Hflk . * , hammciok * , < > ll rurnliure , c.i.-pati u.i I nnd rnblior clotuluti. Jtiiporloi. feud for cut iloRJd. Ill ) rnrnnci si. 1703 I'nrnnm it. BKEWJ3BS. Fred Krag Brewing OnuluBrewlu Assi COMPANY. Our liotllo.l Cnblnot ( liiunntoaJ to ( > < | u it t > eor delivered to iuir oul lilu lir.ind * . vlunni part of the cltjr. IWT oxporl bo'.tl-M boor < IJ- Jnckson nU llrcro < l to f.kiullln * . IRON \V011K3. Paxton Imltislrhl IPJI Worn IRON WORK- ) . Mnnuf\et < irliiK WroiiKhl a ml c.ist Iron piklrliu of all ulndi of wnlldlm ; work , cnitlno , ninclilnerr. "U S. Mt'.i lirnn work eto. U roloplioao UI'J. FLOUR. S. F. Oilman. lOH-ti-t * N. Ifilh ft. dnioonn.l Mill , C. n. Uluck , Mnnnizor. l.'ll.l N. IiHli sL PRINTING. I SOAP. Reed Job Printing Page Soap 03. COMPANY. Manuficturoriiot Unlu i Boo soup. 115 lllcKnry nt. WHITE LEAD. I Carter While Lead Co Corroded , wnrriuUo I Strictly piiru whlto loni ) KaitOmnhn. Union I'liollln Systrtn Ant'tliin. The following unoliilnied bucuncn will ha sold at uuhllo unction nt U. Wells' unction rooms , on Fnrnain street. Oiuiihn , NuhoUom- munclni : at 7:110 : p. m. , Wodnusdiiy , Outobor 4 , 1MJ3 , and continuing nl the same hour ouch succoodliiKdiiy until Mild : X.lnc trunks mnrUeil : .1. II. I'orklns. II. II. llulchliison , MlssHrieu : Itnixvn , Itouldor. .1. ! ' , Olasov , Muck Schwartz. .1. K. Tracy. Kl. ( Wost- IV. Jua. Cnllnhan , .Ino. Peterson , W. II. AncUli > . A. MeLiiron , Mrs D. M Klce. U. d. Loo. liosan- na JlKll , M. West , MIIKL-IO Ii'iiller. Ulius. Jnek- son. J.-IH. Uolvln , JoII' Davis , W. Mack , Ucu. Artnlmister. HiHsot trunks : I'rank Triiiiibull. Margaret Welsh. Miss Lulu Wostoliolt. Sninp'.o trunk : 0. A. Klpuo.v. Onnvus finalio ! < I trunx ; I.oon Vnn bassen , Mrs. Henry West. Iloxos : A. W. llrown , Mrs. L. Ivlar. . Uanvas covered valisu : Louis Iln oman , Alex I'otcrson. KiiKset vmlso : K. SohoUnnuht , Vlnzonz ICun : merer , R Hallo. O. P. U.illup. Hlauk vnllsn : I'hllllp Milor. Ilundlo ; K. Foloy. AlsoWJ pieces of miscellaneous nrlloles.con- slstln : ; of Rims , bundlus , btanUots. vnliscs , trunlis , boxes , chests , etc. , not murk (1. A. TllAYNOH , sU-IO-17-J Oenorwl llttKEnKO Agont. SHILWHYT1MECHRD T avos ICHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q. Arrlvef * "niHh.t I Depot llllli and .Mason Sin. _ puiaha 4.20 pm .Chlcngh Vesllbulo , R.OO am 11.30 nm . .Chlcagh Express. . 0.5(1 ( am .Chicago Express. , 4.2.1 pm 7.17 pm Chicago & Iowa Local 0.55 ilill LcavoTj 3URLINGTON& MO. HlVKIl. Arrlvrl Omaha J Depot 10th nud Mason Sts. | Omah.i 10.ir.nm .Denver . _ . Express. . . 11.20am lO.l.T.im , Deadvvood Express 4.00pm 4.50pm . . . . . . . Denver Express . . . . . . . . 4.00 put 0.00 pm . , Nebraska Local ( ExceptSun ) . . 0.00pm 8,15am . .Lincoln Local ( Except Sim ) . . ll.l.T : am Leaves I itrc. . s r. j. , t c. B. Arrives Oinnna I Depot IQlli and Maaon Sts. Omaha 0.45am . . . .KansasOily Day Express. . . . 5.55 pm 10.15pm K. C. NlKht Exp. via U. P. Trans. 5.40am 10.15 pm St. Louis Express.- . 5.40am Leaves I 'JIT1CAGO , RT1. 4 PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha I Union Depot 10th&Marcy Sts , | Omaha I I WEST. 3.45 nm Bir. : Special ti.35 nm O.oo am Oklahoma &Te.xnsExp.Ex.Suu ( ) 12.10am 2.05 pm Colorado Llm ited 3.Mpm U.OSani . . . .Nebraska State Limited. . . . 4.05pm Leaven I UNION PACIFIC. ' Arrives O.nalm I Union Depot 10th A ; Maroy Sta. Omaha 0.50 cm Denver Express. . . 4.05p.i : 2.15pm Overland Flyer 7.00 pm 4.10pm Beatrice A Stromsb'g Ex ( ex Sun ) 12.30 pm (1.40pm ( Pact llo Express 10.40 am . . .Denver Fast Mall 4.20 pm Leaves V CItIC.Tffo7Xnn ( nrn > AUL. I Arrives Omaha I U. P. Depot and MarcySts. | Omaha 5.30 pm I Chicago EiTpfcsi . .I 0.33 niii It.IOaiu.CIileagoExpress. ! | . . . . . . . . | S.OOpm r.eavea T KTElTiloTVAY EY" Arrives Oiimhal Dnpotiath an'I Wnhsler Sts. I Omnti ,50am DoadwooJ Express 4.55 pm .50 am ( Ex. Sat. ) Wyo. Exp. ( Ex. Mon. ) 1.55 p.n Norfolk ( Ex. Sunil.iy ) 10.20 am . . .St. Paul Express 0.25 a u Leaves I CHICAGO A NORTlfWKSTN. ( Arrives Oinalial U. P. depot.10th. . < c MarcySfi. I Omalrt 10.4lam ChlcasroExprcss. . . . 0.05 pm 4.05pm Vestibule Lliullo' ' . . . 0.20am 7.00)m ) Eastern Flyei . . . . 2 1 ( i pm 3.45pm Chic. Pass 12 35 jm ) Leaves I "MISSOURI PACIFIC. Arrives Omalial Depot 15th nud Wnbsler Stg. JJmaha 12.45 pm " . .St. frills Expres. ) , (1.00 ( am 10.0(1 ( pm St. Louis Express 4.25 pm 5.40 inn Nctiruska Local. , K.I5 am Leaves j C. ST. P. . M. k O. Arrives Oinalial _ DepptJ5lh ami Webster 8ts. _ Omalri " 8.5am ( ) . .Sfoux cTtVAceoinmoJiitlbn , . 0 .05 iiii l.inpm Sioux Clly F.xnr.m ( ) : < . Sim. ) 12.10pm 0,45 pm St. Paul Limited 11.25 .Til 0.1 Opm Emerson Passenger ( Ex. Sun. ) 8.15am Leaves | KIOUX CITY .t PACIKU. Arrives" Oinalial Depot. H ) and Marcy Sts. Omaln "dvioaml Slonx Clly PinuTeiuor. . . 4.00pm | . HI. Paul Express 10.01) ) am Leaves HIOUX CITY & PACIFIC lArrlvns Omaha Depot , lOlhandW'jbsterHis I Omaha 0,40pm ,81. Paul Limited. . . . . . . .I 0.2:1 am 0.45pm .Chicago Limited | 0,20am Leavec OMAHA .t HT. iJtiUIS. lArrlvus OmahaJI. P. Depot10thuiid _ _ _ lariiy | Omah 4.00pmTr.TSt | , Lou is Camioll liUl."T7Jl2.35piii ? STATUE OF'HAMILTON. A Kronzo 1'icure Which Will lie Unvulluil In llroiildyn Next .iionili. WilHiim Ordwity Pnrtrldtfo. tlio well known sculptor , was cominifsiont-d two yout'B ago by tlio Hamilton club of Brooklyn to model u wtatuo of Alexander dor llaintlton , Tlio hundKOino work of art ni'i'lvod from Parlri a few ( layn and in Ootobof will bo unvollod at the intoi'scotlon of Clinton and Koninon atrcots , at the corner of tlio club liniibO sito. The ( lunro in of broir/.o , in foot In hulght , nnd represents IJuiiiiltun iiuikii ) ) , ' hla woi'ld-fami-'d npeuuli at Pouj'hkooBlo | ) in favor of the doulitru- tion of iiidopondonco. The pedo.slal on which the litfuro will Htand in of pink ffntnito and is ton fuot lilyli. The idea of havlnp ft statue of Aluximdor llttinll ton originated in the club ever three ycarsiiKO , miys the Now York World. It waa talked ever at the ineutlntfK for montliH iirioi' to awarding the commls- Bluu. Mr. Partridge , thoBoulptor , wa conaultod. Ho bolcutod the Important event in the history of Hamilton which the Ktittuo represents and then iiiailo u plaster east of the snbjcot. Tlio con traol provides that tlio Btatno WUB to coat $10,000 , and wan to bo completed in eighteen months. Mr , Partridge wont to PariH immediately after the contract wits closed and entered into negotiations with ft well known Ilrm for the caht. The time IIrat tot for the unveiling o ; the Btatuo wuu Juno 1 , and UH it did not arrlvo many of the members bccamo much worried ut the delay until Mr Partridge bhowed the art commlttoo i loiter explaining that the delay \VUH duo to a niUundcrBtunding with the Parib agents about the time of bhipmotit , edition of Nnthaulel Inwthorno's "Tho Scnrlot txjttcr" lm been ssued by the PuhllMtcni I'romltim nntl ilnnur.'tcturlng company , Ifi Ueckman itroet , Sow York. , The folblea of eiisto filtered throURh British rural life tire exhibited In thn story Mrs. CiirRenvcn of Cur envcn , ' ' by S. lailnp-Gould. The chnraeter * and their nrlcil locul vcmni'Ulilr ns depicted add a fr flavor to the smooth current of bought , but whnthor done trim to Ufo or lot few American * can correctly JiidRo. .ovoll Cot-yell & Co. , fi nnd T Knst Sixteenth troet , Now York. The Army nnd Navy Magazine In Its IMHO f August 5 contains iiin'ont ; other choloo ending an uttitlo tlnU will' bo of ospoolivl nterost to resldonts of Nebr.ialtn , natnol.v n Illustrated review of the Wl'.il ' Westshotr nil "Uuffnlo lllll , " the Hon. William I- ' . Tody , once n member of the Nebraska legls- it two. : XS Dearborn street , Chicago. 'Si's ' Daughter , " it cotnploto novel by Frederick H. Molt , Is thn prominent foatura n the September numborof ( lodey's. It a perfectly fiiKuinallng nnd Is nttrautlvoly llustrated by Geoiyo Wharton K.lxTnrdi. \inong Its short , nrtlclos "The Woman uestion In .Inpan. " by Helen 10. Gregory 'lotvhvr ' , will bo found of exceptional In * crest. Several poems , water color por- ral'.s , besides Us nrtiatlcally Illustrixtod ilMnon department , oontrlbnio In niaklnj ? his ; v brilliant number , ai Park Uow , Now Yorit. Under the bend of "News of the Month. " n article appears in the Omaha Clinta for \iiKtst. : "An HITort to Substitute Electricity or Hanclnj ; an a Means of Inflicting Urn Jeath Penalty. " following it Is n copy of it 111 that had much support In tlio last mod- npof the N"ebr.iska Ictflslnturo. The writer ays "Slug Sing has never made n blunder , vltlle hi Auburn they do not seem to learn low to 'electrocute , ' " and ho urges the sub- tltutlon of electrocution mainly on hunianl- ariaii m-ounds. The Omaha Clime , Karbach liillilinu. Omaha. Yolu'mo ill of the American State Tlcports now out , containing the cases of general /iiliio aud authority , subsequent to these otind In the "American Decisions" nnd the 'American Keports , " decided in the courts f. last resort of novor.il states. These cases re carefully selected , reported nnd nnno- ated , nnd are liutlspcnsaiile in practitioners f law who wish to be up with the times , . 'hcso volumes are the work of A. C. Free- nan unit the tissoclatu editors of the "Amer- can Dcclslhns. " Urancroft-Whitnoy Com- inny , San Francisco. The World's Columbian exposition has ) pcn Illustrated In scores of periodicals , but t has so far found no such exponent as tlio taptomhoi * number of Demorest's. Family Magazine. It Is profusely illustrated with foa- uvcs not heretofore brought to light nnd the lescrlptions and Rc.vlcof the work are suoh as o make a Blanco throuith Its loaves a show n Itself. "From Fire to Fair" Is n line lllus- r.ition of the city's development since Its Irst j.'rcat baptism of Maine , and exhibits its atest crcat structures In admirable stylo. 'The ' Parliament of Uollsions" is another subject on which the publishers have fairly outdone tno skill of art and literature. The lumber < n brief Is a rare treat. 15 Eust ' " "ourtccnth street , Now York. That extreme phase of reef competition tnown as the sweating system Is matin the theme of n novel , "JosephCalmonah , " by 3dwnnl ICnnj. The hero nnd the leading haractcrs nro Husslan rcfuRces. Rroiind lown under the oppression of this abnormal ipology for freedom. The trials of these leoplo in liolug brought in contact with new world methods , the organizing of a strike ind the arrest of their leader for alleged ) lacktnall blackmail under the law , thouirh in fact no hlnckmall at all all their mln- rortuncs. driven from pillar to post , as it were , are portrayed most faithfully , while : bo simple love and faith displayed In their ionic life and in the observance of their ro- . Ifflous rites nnd ceremonies , which are of the most orthodox typo , tend to fjtvo n pc- Millar softening oriental clew to the other wise sad picture. I < eo & Shepard , Boston. The Juvenile reader will have to search far to find a selection of racy yet Instructive rending equal to that held under the cover of the September St. Nicholas. Such reading assesses a wonderful charm ever the youth ful mind and for the while nets as nn Insur- i.issahlo guardian anteacher. . Varied in- 'ormatlon nnd wholesome Impressions nre iiven throuch its carefully worded short stories. Its simple verso and Its llnoly exo- " nited illustrations. With this number Wide iVwako is mcrued in St. Nicholas , and the two will lead a happy life hereafter under one cover. The Century Company , Union Square , Now York. The library of Progress presents ns its Soptcmhor issue n paper cover volume con taining n collection of articles from the pen of Helen II. Gardner entitled , "Facts nnd Fictions of Life. " Thcso articles have pro- vioitslv appeared In loading American periodicals or linvo been read hoforo largo ind distinguished gatbprlngs , nnd are every one of thorn productions of merit well worth reading to civo these not "In the world. " or "not in at nil sides" nn opportunity of seeing how theoretical supposed ideas of its jmttloo ind correctness differ with the facts , First , people must cot to know the world ns it is , and knowine tboy will ho bait way to cor- rectimr it. Charles II. Kerr & Co. , 175 Mon roe street , Chicago. The Best Things to Sco nnd How to Find Thorn" in by all odds the cleverest little guide to the croat Chicago show that has yet come from the press. The sucirestlonn are practical and to iho point. The left- hand paces throughout the book are loft , , blank for memoranda , and at the end are schedules of routes for 0110 , three , six and twnlvo day visits. ' This Is a thoroughly cn- sihlo guide , and every visitor ' to the fair should have it in his pocko't wlmro it will easily an. The White City Publishing Com- pnnv , 571 The IZookery , Chicago. Current Literature for September Is bright , fresh nnd full of interestingmatter from the newspaper and periodical press of the world , It Is thoroughly to date in its departments , nnd from its pr.ges one can keep well posted ns to the best ctirrun thought nt homo nml abroad , on all topics. In thirty imgou It gives n tour through the World's fair. Ills a gossipy chronicler of the now , Iho wonderful nnd Important things to bo seen , valuable to these who have seen the ox-position and these who have not. "Told Over thuVmoaml WulntiU" Is a now department of choloo nftur-dlnncr- utork-s , and It would bo n dull reader or listener who would not enjoy thulr wit nnd clovcrness. Cm-rout Literature Publlshlm ; Company. r.2-fi-l Lafayette Place , Now York. The September number of Short Stories Is bright and readahloto n degree unusual with oven this enterprising mnirnzlno , Worthy of special mention Is thn careful nnd elaborate study of n Now Knglatid family ny Pauline Wesiov. called "A Crisis In Heredity. " unit "Her Decision , " by Abbo Carter Qoodloo , is an equally clever satiroon I ho literary aspi rations of a young and beautiful woman. For these fond of humorous talcs tliero is plenti ful provision In this number , and of these in lighter vein "The Parrot , " translated from the Italian by Mrs. Cr.vnrzn , is a most amus ing specimen. Thn tragedy of llfo U emplia- sl/cd by a powerful story. "Storm * nd Calm" co'iicnriung the llsnurfolk of ho Norwegian roast and their Incessant HtrtiL'glo for exist ence with the cruel sea. Tliero IK also a Htorvbv Walter Hosaut , as well as transla tion's from thn French bv such well Known authors as Thnurlnt and Yenlllot , the latter author lining represented by a charming Chi- cso talc-"Tho Nighthi'/alo. " Current Liter- attire Publishing Co. , M-51 Lafayette Place , Nv York. The California ! ! for September comes to the front promptly wlthjho beautiful colored cover of poppies which thu publishers have ndoptcd slncn thn World's fair. The Issue is rich In fiction and illustrated descrlptlvn ar ticles. Indian life on the plains U graphic ally nresonU'd in a paper by Vernor / Iterd on 'Tim ' Southern Ules , " in which many Inter esting features in the life of these people are brought out , Thu Illustrations uro from pho tographs and flue sketches by Ilarmor and Craig , A paper of more than ordinary inter- c' t Is n description of the children of iho Btrent | n San Francisco. Borne of the Illus trations of thu paper nrn the Iliieot ever Been In any magazine. The silver question is pre sented hi two timely papers by Congressman Uowcrs of San Diego and Hon. M. M. K teoof Sau Francisco. John Craig gives u most In teresting exposition of the arts of "Tho Smuggler , " while some illustrated papers of Interest are ; "Irving. " by Peter Itoblnum , the "Nevada Footprints" and "Ibsen. " J ho fiction of the Issue Is particularly notlcoaDlo aud the llluatratlons of the story "In haw Sebastian Valley. " by Flora Ilaines Loug- head , are especially admirable. Th Cali fornia Publishing Co. , New York.