VIIK. MMA1IA hAH.Y I ITCH. MfVRTlAV RI ! PTR\n .TC11 11 1ROH ' 1 TJJL13 DAUAr BEE 011 ) . ia I't MM , srr.Kr.r I tlhritd by cnnltr In iiiiy part nf tin rlty II. W. TII.TON . MnnitRcr I1 l.Ll lIOM.b J IlllMlii . i Odlce Nil 4T Nlgl | , , (1lor | N ( ) 03 MISUlt / . \//0. > . N Y I'liimhinpfo Ilnston ' tf re liankiupt salo. 'Ihn Mnxno Heal Instate Co , ( W1 Urondway fi lends of the missing commercial trniv'ir. ' U'ntsnii , went to Omaha vcsterdav to < n if thcio as any prohibilll\ the fit iti'i tuunil In the ri\er Saturdaj after- rm-in bclnc the mlsslnu man I'ouiidma'ster Hues' capitaes f outlawed d ijjs last eek a\ct < tKi 'I nlwul t\\ent.\ . day As dtili about one in tuontj is r < defined the I imbor killed ilutlnu' the week exceeilcd luo HP still nillic > n i to his determination t < > < illrct tliotnxT kill an c\en 1,000 dogs bi ! no he Hulls Vestoiihu aftonionn some boscio tr\- liit : to s < II a Ijntss ste.unitho , almost neu , Imt the maii lo whom thej offered it refus In. lo Imj.ami te'llnc ' the tails that hu be lli UM ! It wns stolen , tliov took to their heels , li living the valve behind them. U was tin ni-d over to unkcr Cluar , who nov\ wants tc linil the owner 'I he championship between the Commer- cut 1'llcrilins of Lincoln uid Council Hluffs Is still ninleeliled Satin ! aj s irame of tnse bill lun 1m ; resulted in favor of Lincoln In li to J As tlio pievlous name pined at Kiii'uln resulted in f.nor of the Hluffs , a thud IMIIIC Is to be pi i.vcd at some tlmo neat in the futuio , the odetails to bo atran ed later. A luldillo asfod uomin mined Gisuv wts tluiivvn violently noon tlm pi\ement on llmadway last oveiiln. vvhilo atleinptiii' to alight from u motor ti tin She .slted to h.un tt.o ear slop at l.l.'hth street and be fore It Ciiino to i st uulstill she jumped ofl bukwaids Hilt ! fell heavily on tlio stone liuimriit and had to bo assibtud to her inuiie on north Kifihth stieet 'I ho reiolp.s from this supper for the benellt of tliu Deisms ; missiDii amounted to nboiit ? ( 'i < ) . and will net about flu 'I his 'Jlils would indicate that theie must boa bit , ' profit In 1.1 tent meals , woe It not for the fact that nmiij piovlsons weie donated , and HKIU.V Doui-ht tickets who did notpiesent tin m at the door ' 1 In * mission ou 'hi to have soveial such benefits us It Is dohiK a giand vvoik. " 4 Mr Hlidsill , whose ( 'ifts of SOUK have done so much to add Inteiest to tliu Chils- tlin cliuri h mot lilies for tlio last jeirwitl \ ( nninatc lilseonnectlonith the clnm h nnd Mi Allen next mouth AiraiiKt-ments have been m ido fcr a faicnvcll conceit to bo gHen at Masonic temple on Thursday e\en- IIIR A lirilli ml pio/r.un has been tnovlded , tomprisiiiK the best local talent of Omaha and Council Hlulls. Heal cstato men aio compllining of the raicity of dcsliablo tenant houses and s iy thev ate imablu to incel the clem mils made Upon them by liouso hlintois Tne.v sij thotn never vveio lower clesnablo v.icint icsidences in the city and the demand Is gieater than o\er before 'llus omouiadcs them in the belief tint thcro 13 noinj , ' to bo n BOO I healthy uiow th in the ical estate bus iness this fall and \viuti r 'Pen inembeis of the fiaiumedo Wheel club startud out on the Slot's. ' City tun at 5 0"i lock jc-steid.ii moinin 'I'hev compnsed the hardest iIdois in the club , and ainou ihein weie hiwoner , , Hi\by. IJile , A\ ill ! imson , luiUette ) | Caiiuthi'is , J'ullman and Dievv. It was the longest run the eluli has ever taken , and with the oxtciition of \oiy dusty 10 ids ihe conditions weio fa\oia- ble foi the accomplishment of their anluous cnteipiiae. Tlio lini so stolen from the stable at St Hot Haul's hospital was iccoveicd last night bs L H Cousins It was found In the western part of the city , minus h liter and bimlo and was taken to I'uivvlinker's Ihoi.v htalilo Ofllcer Cousins found another hoiseSntuulaj nlijht that mav also ha\o been taken fiom its owner's st.iblo without aiithoiity. lt\vasa laujo baj and was also taken to Torwminor's stable , \\liero the owner can ictotcr it Beautiful etching given with every do/en cal > inot photos at , liloy & Shorrn- den's for twenty days ; frames of nil kinds to outer. Cindci h for Sale 200 lauds nice , clean cindci s \\alk-ianddrlve\vayn. . Apply to H. U. linrko , T.iylors'a grocery Domestic bo.i ] > is tlio oest. GoorgoS. D.IVIH , piobcriptiondruggibt. A\ \ Clark Ims-gonc to Air. and Mis .1 II. Young loft jcstcrcluy for I'liic ago .mil the fair C'laioncu .ludsoii lotiiiiic-d to the Bluffs ji-stmduy , after nn .ihsoiic-o of m-uilv two yc-,113 ni Chicago Ilo IMS mi linked Ins business so thai hu will bo liuio fic < ineutli In the fuline MIH ( J H Ali-ic-rs i etui nod S.iturd.ij from n vvic-k's visit to ClitiMiro She was ac-com lunii'd homo b > her mho , Miss Milluiil of C'i nil , ill , i , [ 'mm , wlio uill icjuuiu her Biicst duiliiL ' , tin- winter Miss Mill , ml Is a eli.u m- injoimr : ladi , and will ho a welimuo addi tion to Council Ulnrts society tins winter. > citlcogii ( drm i-rj mm , Tlie brand of iirn known as "JV. . Aii'hiM-'iAVorld'hKaii1 lit ami Sugar C'orn , Council HlnlVh , In. , " ia not naoked at Council Hlttllri and Council ISlnli- , Can ning Co. liasnoinloivsthatovor in slid bianil. COUNCIL Hi.urrs CAN-NIXIS Co. I'Ynit lands and fai ins. Ciroonshields , Nicholson \ Co. , ( i)0 ( ) Broadway. To I. ir > l Dumcbtic s-o.ip ib tliu m it ( illll > lllllllll'M Illl , " ICllll. Alloftho hli'jclists who stinted on the Kic-iit i tin from f'ouncil HltuTs lo Sioux City jc-sU'idiij iiioiiiliitf loluined on tlio 10 ( ) oYloc-ic ti.iln last iiitflitwilli tlio exception of Uiitain | Vi'llli.i'nsuM and Dxlo Tlu-io tuo nio the only members of I ho club wlio ri-.ic'liul their dustinatioti * H.iriott and JJiiqiiotto kept with ) till-in until they rc-.ic-lic'd S.iwnt's Bluffs , bii\un miles fiom loux City , aii'l bplnir fearful that tlu-i Could not UMoh the i-itv In time to take the 6 o'clock Ir.iln lor home , they comliiik'd to KO i" ) further Williamson and Dilo iiiibsocl the ti.iin and lomainc'U all nlKht in Sioux City 'I ho other mombois of the li.iily wc'tnsc-iuti'ii'd iiloin : butvuvn Khi-r Sioux ami Ona\ , wbuus they all , with tlio exception uf Hiiuetl ami Duquette , conjjie- Kaled toutlt foi tlie tiani The run was the most lom.uUabio In all rt sgieetu that the club li is osc-i undertaken 'J lie distance b.wa . ou roail f loin the Itlulls to.ilnux City Is llfi mllrs , ami 1(17 ( miles to Sllpi-nt's ItlulTh None of the IKI.VS ( hopped out until after the eleaieil sixtvlivn miles 'j'ho m ids In nmnj places \\eroeo\oieil uith Kc'vcu.i ! liicliL's of dust , et < peejll | > IK-IWCOII la 10 , 'ind Mlsaoui I Valle.'I . In-.v \\eio in Bplomlid condition bi-tvvoea tlio Valtoy and Omiw.i , but for tuc nt.\-ll\o miles bo.Nond tlic'it ) they \\uiufiehhh ploixed , anil m ido the ildeis iiufullj ui-ai > All the bo a at o of their miignilieunt run Tnlty ( iiiild liuvo c-liaiiLtod tlio nlsrht of their party to NVtnlnosday ooning , Bi < iitiMiib' > r Jll , at .Masnuiu toinplo. in , V Co. , iOtl Main btrcot , beat hiewlu ntocl ; in city. bnioko T. 1) , KJiitf A. Co'a PirtUa3. ! Klllril IIU ( ni.iril mill i : citiril. | The polieo iiio looltini : fordus Andeibon. thii little lect-henilod Iniiglurhoin I'ostinas- iiturcd iiitliuuetof burglar- hotiso two ago , and vho uas coiiNictcil and bent to the pen for It Oul'iulay ho Killed his jfuiinl at Port Madison and escapoit Thc-ro Is &omc reason for the belief that ho uill rotuni to the cit . Ccal eheap for cash. Carbon Coal Co. , 31 Pearl btrcot , Grand hotel bid ; ; . Have $1,500 to loan on real entuto fcuurity. K. II. Sheufo , your grocer for Domestic NE\VS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Bnptist Ministers Rcmiin Over to Fill City Fiilpitn. PERSIST IN DEMANDING PROHIBITION . Hi diirlnir In l'n\iir of the mm ApcliMt. Any com- or liiiciil Option Adopted * The business of the H.tptlat association closed Mtunlav , but most of the delegates tomnliied over Suiul.n and supplied talent for IntelestlnK services at the Tlrst Haptlst and Horcan Hiptist ehurehes One of theli numler , Uev. Ilairv IVivusoti of UmiiVr- land , preached In the Plfth A\onuo Motlm dlil eliurc-b. Ho Is tliu olio hennu-d by olec- lion , \t model .itor of llio assoclillon for Hie coining jear Ui-v. Mr Roll dun pi cached in the Ilaptlst chuicli josti-rdai inornim. , and Kc-v Mr StanlPi of Atliilitli'oc-c'iiled | the pulpit ( if tlie Tlrst Utiitisl c-lmrcli Yt'sti-rda\ aft ernoon Ihc-ro was a missioning 'iiectlnir In the Pint chinch , wltb nn addii'ss b.v Mils 1'ell.i , who expects to le.uo in a fi-vv inoiitlis as , i missionary to lluriimli. In tlie i-venlm ; Itov. Or U liter of DCS Molnca , one of the onlccis of tlio mission bcrud , occupied the H.iuie pulpit. No paUioiing of ministers in low.i Is con- sldoic-d eouiplnto uivwitlioul some discus sion or notion com-crnlng piohlbltion. The Baptist association bc-foie adjouining look a whirl at it and .ifter some talk adopted the following resolution. \\lidei , Itdlh KIC it political inrlles in this stale liuxe I'xmesseil In their declai itlon of principles a prnfeienc'c for the open s iloon ( tinilci eovei of local option ) as : uuln-t inohl- bltlon , Iti'Milved , I'hat we reconimend and oain- eslly iirau pioldbltoiv meiiMiies and tlio stale enforcc'iiient of the pir > ent inoldbltoiy \ \ \ \ asllieonl ) ( Inlstlan solullon to this tioublc- some moblem Tlio season opens by a 'ID-cent eon- cert at MdMinie temple TlniiMlay oven- injr , .Sopteinbor 11 , for the -IwJiellt of the Christian chiireli , under tlio manage- nient of K. M. itirdsall , assisted by the following talent : Cathedial iiuurtot of Oiniihu. Mrs. . .1.V. . Cotton , hopiano. MM. P. Moellor , Mr.V. . \Vilkiiis , tenor. Mr. Jules Lumbard , ba-so. Mrs. .1. G. Wiidswirtli , soprano. And tlio Chnor Mandolin club : Misses Louis and liedison. 1'iof. ,1. II Hntler , pianist. Admission , . ' ! " > centn. . He-served heals , 50 cents. beats for sale at Huslinoll's Hook store. Cook your meals tins summer on a gas At cost at tlio Gas company. Slop at llio Ogden , council Hlulld , tie Lett $2.00 hoii'-e in low.i Domestic soap outlasts elic.ip soap r iil < ) O d Iliusp. Yostoidaj 1'eier Peat man , proprietor of thobt .loo house , sulTc-iod painful injmios , the icsult of a .sudden decision on the put of Ins staid old family lioiso to duii.onstiato the fact tbat , although 21.vo.irs old , ho could still make a livli runaway if lie hid a decent soi t of for excuse doing so The ex cuse came in the bie.ikiug of the liainchs , whcicupon the old hoi so mipioved the oppoitunlty of snaking along at a lively speed tlio httlo two-wlieoled niaikct cait , in which Pear- 3f man vvas seated , together witli a couple of kegs of beer. Hc-cr kegs , , nun and all were Minimalily dumped mar the I3ioauw.iv Methodist church , a little too late for the morning seivico however , Pearman was picked up m a badly battered condition , tlioro being a scab ) wound and a spumed ankle , besides ) so\eial scntohi-s and bruises Fottuuaic'ly none ot tlicia will pio\o very suilous , and no bones weie btokeu. Look at the elegant $24.00 Radiant homo range in Colo's store w indovv. Tlio best is always the cheapest. Saves half the fuel bin us wood or coal. Tlie Hound Oak and Kudiant homo stoves bolu only by Cole it Cole , 11 Main bit cot. A Cliroiuu ( iriiln I'litur. I.ast spi intt tiio Sliug.u t Seed coinp my of this city puicliased n Job lot of excellent timothy seed fiom a Jannor , who clilmed to Iho near Harlau and to own a few clioico sections of farm lands in that vitin- ity. After the purch iso ol the seeds some one saw the fellow and iecoKiii/ed him as an o\-coir. let and an all around ciook This infoiination sub boiUi-ntlv | led lo the aiic-st of tlm fellow , who vvas known in Hailan as .1. U i'ilinoie Tlio sc'cd had been stolen fnim A\lino V Smith rilmoio had bioitPii into tlioir waieliousu and had hatilud tlm stuiTawa ) b.\ the wa ou In id. In the disttic.t couit . iturdaj at Ilailaii niinoio was found fjullty of siaiid 1 iiceny , and .ludno Thoiiioll will ( tivo lii-n his tlilid tcim lu the pcnituntiai on Wc'dncsdaj Pihnoiu's botc- unitsecins to bo grain , ho lunlm- been convicted tineo times nf stc.iliuir onoiiKli of it fiom firmrrs and dc.ilois to gUu lilni thieu lutms lu the state pi ison lliintliii ; nnd 1 U'lini ; al Miimtiii. The hunting hoason at Manawa began Hepteinbor 1. Trains inn hourly , 1 tu 7 p. in. Ill'HIM IlKl II.lllll. About 10 o'clocu as the family of Mr John Mont'fomcry , the Nortliwestc-in .igi-nt , llv- ing nt tlio c'oinor of Avenue A and Ninth stn-ot , weie piopuing to ire to bed they lie.ucl the 11 vim ; of an Infant in fiont of the house , and opening the door found upon the dooistop a liibo Tim Httlo tiling was wiapiieil lu a liltlo pliid sh ivvl , but theio was notlilng aliout the etolhlng to indlcito Its Identity , and no word or mobs ige Itoiu the mother 1'ho nabo was about a months old appaientli IlvvastaKen to thoChiis tin n homo BROICE UP HIS HOME. stiny ni Uliltu UIIIIIIIII'H Alh-Kiiil Inliitiia- linii lot H .Niij.'rn. A man named Xicholsun , who lives In Soutli Oni ilia , was in the city jestcrdaj looking for a negro namtd Prink Brandon , whom lit' s ijs has won hib'wife's artectioiib. Mcholbon mot Ofllior Vamib on .Soulh Tenth blieut last oMining and iclateitito him a tale of domestic woo In which the gentleman of elonv ) , hue is said to ha\o ilgmcd to a largo extent. Nicholson said ho was a laboior ami had been vvoikinc on tun .stock vauls sower. Until a week n'o he lived with his wife , Ida NichoLon , on Imliin hill , near thoC'hieaeo house , in South Oin.iha Hiandon , who Is eniiiloved in Swifts puking house , is described - scribed NUholboii .ib aeo lilaek man with thick lips ami not an altogether pi o- g appeal ante " ' 1 his fellow his won mwlfo's lo\o. " sanl Nicholson. ami I want to tlnd him I think hn is in Omaha List winter ho lamotomv hou 40 to boa id. 1 soon became suspicious that he and my wife were to < i fuciidh and tiled to lite. Him outVe bad'a tight ami ho pulled a revolver , but ms wile took it aw.u fiom him 1 vvas times , that bho and Hrandon weie seen to gether a tva.v fiom homo in the evening I did not think that am thing was wrong until hcneral daj.s ago , when 1 got ono of her lot- teib from Hrandon lie sent her u kiss and told her to bo tiuo to him until his rot urn I loft ner then and went to live in a boaiding house 1 mauled tier in Table Hock , Neb , a fcnv scars ago , mid 1 am her second hus band " Mis Nicholson is said to bo living with a sister , but she lould not be found last night. I'reilclriit Itiirrh'j Tnll. , President Hutch of the State 1'pworth leaguu delivered un able undress at the Howard Stu'ot Muthodlit churen last ovcu- Inir inbli h he lev Kwed tlio in o I work of the lenfiue In Mllllt ls/ I \lilt s t'rrtiiiiiit I'm t mnl rincim , PIIFMONT , Neb . S-nt 10 [ Kiiecliil to Tin : Hr.iIho I ! : ) Plionogt.iphlc Institute icccntly offered pi Izcs to the persons constituting the largest number of words fiom the et'ers in the won ! "advei tl'nr " ,1 V N lilies look llrsi pii-tnlutn with 001 and Mrs I'ninia \\hc-ells second with 150 i wmds Mr i ; P Gi.ij and d iinjhter , l ttn , ac- compiiiiod bsmcial friitids , stalled \es- terdv for the \ \ will's lair Couiitv Clerk Klilecn and fi lends have IP- lurncd from the WhltuC'llj Piomont division , No al , uniform tank , KniifhUof Pvtbiis , i-lccted the following oOlcc-PS I. i-aptaln ; ,1. H. Mil- thews , lloiitcu ml ( tram Paisons. hcinld : \V. .1 Yost , lecordc-i . ( ieorgo P'ol / , uier. i : H 1'c-isc. Installing ofllcer Those examined for cli-r , { call lei ships vc-steiila.\ . ludr-d Lvdl i Kli-imi A. Hcai-h llcmnan Isiac Kmmons and l-' encc-r L'hiis Tiiomsen was Hist In examina tion for culler Tile-case of theSt ite vs I'd Hiutit , charged with obtaining mon \v midpr false- pretense , canii' up bi-foic'.Indue Huff Tin1 defondaiit waived examination and was hound oxer to the dlsti Ic-i c'om I in the sum of f."M ) A pleasant and hapii.v cnc-nt was a social put.v at the ii-sldcnci' ofV H C.'oop , in honor of bis d uiirliu-r. M ij l -l. at whii-li m uij of the lo iiliin ; ladies and gcntleinen of Piemnnt soclotv were prc-t-ci-.t thlitj membeis of the Onuhn \ \ \\lieelclubpildPiemotita todav and weieioMillv i-titci tallied Thi'i letutncd In the cool of the evenimr Mr and Mis ticoiire Coddlimton visited Aillngtou todaon their v\heels. A number of Piemont people attended the chinch dedication at Nlckeison today. ( icoige Otew , son of the count v. tieasurer , nnd an ac tuo ' 1 inner ga\ua puty at the hall in honor of his 'Jlst biithda.v It ua\e gicat plcasme lo all the Invited guests. Tin- city schools have opened and the first week proves the usual Inteiest is taken , as all illusions me tilled almost to their limit Piemont citizens taUegical pride in the excellent cit.v si heels The Platte liter has ne\er been known to bo lower at this point than il is at present. It mav be waded its enllie width. .lunliilii .liiltini-H. .Ii SHT , Neb .Sept 10 [ SpecialTelegram to Tin : Hn ] The dry u cither still con tinues , but the faimeis keep light on plow ing and seeding A lame acreage of winter wlieat will be sow n heio i veiiboly is cut linn ui all the com they can , thus mahim. goon t ; the slioitaire in the haj ciop iliinHla people have plentj of inonoi , tliomrh t times mav be dull as is evidenced hv , the wav new impiovements aio going on all over this dKtilet , and liv the rush to the Woild's fall and other pi ices of interest 'I hero is some talk of locating the Adams countv fair at .luniata again and people would be stiipiised at the success this cltj would make of it. Adams county needs as good a fair as any county in the state. It is in the lend in agiiculturil lesomccs and the mhantacres and aiheitisemcnt a good fail- would give to the count ) would bo of ines timable value Mrs I2\eiliait and Mrs Itouts came in collision with a fanners wagon while re- tinning fiom tlio cemetery U'odncsdaj even ing He.vond demolishing their butrir.v and bidly sealing them no damage was done. AHlilniid NU H Itomi ASIII.AM > , Neb Sept. 10 ftapecial to Tin : I5i [ j\Vhilo tlio famili of J. H Piper , who lies soutlic.ibt of townwaslsiting inUrotm last Sunday some men , supposed to h ivo been tiamps , went thiough the house and madovvaj with a laige amount ol bootv. including a good lovohcr and a quanilt ) of joveltj.ilued at aboill $ " > l ) . The public schools opened Monday lasl with an incieased attendance. A select pa Hi was held at the house ol Aithur Pancoast S uurdaj evening. Cln'ro Count } i into ji'mlmts. VAII'NTINK , Neb . Sept. 10 [ Speciil Tele gram to 'Inc Hir ] The independents mot hcio jcsteiday and placed in nomin ilion then- county ticket as follows O. C Paiker , sheriff ; G. P. Cr.ibb , tieasurer : W A. Wilson , elcik ; J. F. Roberts , ludgo ; Miss Lillian Stoncr , superintendent ; R II. Ingcr- bol , coroner ; A. a. W.illingforil. sinveyor The ticket is a strong one , ptuticiil.ul.v for tieasuierand sunerlatendent. I'rli'd tliolnilow crcoii. PnrvoNT , Sept. 10 [ Special to Tin : Hr.i : ] ' 1 ho residence of P. N. Men so was bing- lati/ed last ni ht. The thieves ofTected an cnliam-o lit prying outa sciecn In a lower wiiidovv. Mrs Morse's gold watch and other \aluiblcswetutakon. To convoy the im- ptession that tiamps vveio icspjiisiblo two loaves of broad and other eatables wcic taken , St irrnl li.r ilni Mrlp , AsniAM ) , Neb , Sept 10 [ Special to'I'm : Hidlkor , Arley llinkloy , Wil- Ham Dean , Lou Gilbeit , .lohu Mosicr and aloidan Stevens started this week for Okla homa with the intention of seeminr slices of Uncle Sun s domain on the opening of I ho Cheiokce Stiip. Nutlilllll Hunk ill Atlllllld Will lt"SIIIIIP. ASHI.\M ) , Neb , Sept. 10 [ Special to 'Iin : HIT J I'lio dncctoib of the National H ink of Ashland , which closed lastInlyexpect to icsume biibiiicbb about .Sentc-mbei l , " > . CROWDS AT COUBTLAND. ( ) \ir Sli Tlioiih.tnd l'niiilo | rail mil/ud tliit lti .nt t V * < . | i i d ij * The turnstile at Cotutlatid botch at G o'clock last evening ic/isteic'dovoi li 00(1 ( p.ilti admissions , and evci.v mutortiaiu late into the evening continued to CM try its lull iimta | to tliu hiicb .Most of tnoso m attendance wcro pxcur- sionist' , , hiving coino to Oinah.i for the expii-bs puipobo ol spending the day at Com Hand Sunday exclusion trainsHnanclallv cppak- in ' b.i\n bi > i n .1 irii > ct. surr-1-s.s on i\i-rc rn.ul th it h ih tlius far tried the cxpotimcnl The Union Pacific esteiday bioiiKht into Omalni over'J0i ) jiersons destined for the bo ch TlieMihsoinl I'.u ilh-fell into line for the ( list time w ith 11 v e p isscngc n o.ichcs jammeil lull : Auhiiin alone fin in thing over 1MI persons , vvhilo Ilinck , 'I'alm ige and Weeping Wa'ereach contiibuted a hundred pleasure- seekeis. Tiie Ulkhoiu load w is on lian.l with its thiid Miicosbivu Sun iav oxcuiblciii , winch vvas the 1 ugest jot givt'ii I'vory avaihulo foot of bpuo on the tiain vvas occupied Main people picnicked In the grove , otheis rat on the bio id vermdas listening to the sweet music dlsc'ouisod by Iho tegular or chestra , while the m.ijoiil.v bliolle I aliout tlio spuioiis giounds ami cnjoved for tlio Hist tlmo the hwitchuieic railway , car- lo'isil and other modes of entertainment f mulshed bv the beach association Most ( < f the Usitots , scomingl.v , weie afiaid ot tlio water , as onlM took advantigH of the bulling piivileges Kveiv low bo it was in continual bcivite aiidiiicielsdioppcd into the plioiiogiaphi as fast as tlio e.vlln- deis tould giind out the tunes , while tlio Conov Iblan 1 Pi auk fuit" biusagcs were do- \inired with apitient ] u-lisli , and the do- inand ioi iciuicaiu , soda , Hinduiches , pin , cofleo , etc , kept the attendants in tlio pa vilion on ttio jump Manairer ( irllllths uas the tmsiest man on thogrounds , b-iiig , motaplioilcalli speaking , over.v wheio at the s uno time It icqulu-d lunch peisuiislou on his pail to got Iho rail- load pcojilo to s'.att tlio Sundaexcuuions ; they have all been successful wheio the i.nlioad people wi-ici willing ihnj should bo and next Sundav a couple of tliu Iowa rouls will piobabli fall into line. < ii irui > llciii'n l.iHt VoriU. . It Is a rather cm Urns fact that the last winds spoken on the btago by the late Gtorgo A Heau were thtbj "Well , it's all ou-rwlth me , Tildy.Why. . what'blhu mailer , Cirus' " "I ha\o Jest kicked the bucket" With these lauirhlnglj spoken woids he m ido his exit fiom the liisl act of "The Old Homestead" and went tu his dit-sbing room A little while after , before the tune for his icappeaiancu in the fouith act , tlio gentle , loving and popular old actor was dead. Itattliiiiiuku Hut -ilkiiuu Nut tlotcph. " CUICAGO , Sept , 10. Walter Kalstcm , knovj u i NOW IN FULL SWING Still CS-reatex ZBa/rg ain.s irn. ZEJ-ver / ; . . DDepartrxxern.t. The past two \veeks' business has left us with lots of Odds and Ends in each Department which have cjot to go at some price this week , Don't fail to visit the Boston Store where the real Bankrupt Sale is now going on. Remember this is ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. At prices no one can duplicate. Call at the Boston Store and be convinced as to the truth of these statements. WASH GOODS. ' LINEN'S. 1" ) do/en L'ulies' Lisle Tlireail IToso yard , during sale , 'tc a yard. fie Lawns ut lu n yitid. CO-inch German Table D.unisU to ro Black , Boots nud Stainless Oper.i Top * . 2(1 ( pit-cos nil wool Bedford Cords , soli ! 1,000 yards Poplin- Prints at 'Je .1 yard. during sale at HMn a yard. good \iilue , nt ohe , logo ihiring sale al for 7)C a yard , ut 2"ic1 a \ ard. Tlio balance of our Standard Prints bDc nieaehed Table Dtmislc JDca : lo go dur a pur 50 pieces all wool ilonriotlas , Malto- ( joes at He a yard. ing --ale atl.'c a yard. Insso Cords nnd - faiii-y wo t\es , vvortl "c Ginghams at lte } a yard. TL'-im-li Hk-aehed Table Damitbl : , ele Thobiliinceorour il (10 ( Kioiich 1'ori'alo from O'Jc lo Sl.U ) a yatd , lo go at JOe t lee Ftincy Dress Gin 'li tins nt 7o iv gant quality , tegulnr price from Jl.lTi Slilils logo during iiilo at ' ! " } eacli. yard. yard to f l.oU , to go ihiriiig sale at S7Je a $1.00 and Sl.n'l Plain and Silk Stiiped l.r > pieces of an odd lot ol heavy cloivk- lee otiling Klatino's ' at fie n yard. yard. Slnrts to irn ut S'i- ' ) each ings and HintliiLTs tliat mild for SI lo ! t < 112 } t'olton Hailing ut ( Ho n roll. IIOStnUY. Choice of our stoc-k of l-ply Llnon Col $1.7o a yard , during this sale at 09e I All IJomntints nto\aetly half price. lOOilo/on Children's Wool IIo e , worth lars during ale at lOe each. J rd. MUSLINS , KTC. 'Ju a pair , to go during--ale at lUJea ol ) and " / . " > e Neckwear in Teclcs , Four- Our $1.00 line of Ottomans Ponllns A I'e Unblciiehed Miidlin at le . piir. in-handH nnd 1'ulTs , , n yard. dining gale ut ! ! oe npiiiglinus , a good assoilmunl of eolorj , Loiid ilo Muslin at 6Je u yard. 17uL dies' FabtlUnek Hobo lUje u eaeli , or three for 81.00. all at fillo u iiird. All oilier Muslins and Sheetings at pair. nunss GOODS. \Vo have about W of our line dresi eo--t pi iee. SIu1 IJc'gnl'ir Made llose 17e ; Unco HeaJ the following list of prices. It patterns left to be sold at just one-hall A ( ie Canton Flannel for , ' ! e a yard. pairs for Title. can't bo bo it : tlio legnlar prii-o. lllc nualityCanton flannel to jjo dur 'M and li'.lo ' Kino Imported Hose 27c a 4s pieces doub'e fold Cashmeres , I'KIOll CLOAICS AT EXACTLY HALF ing tale al ( ic a yard. nail1. ' CbecKod Suiting > 3 anil Cliangeiiblo Sl'.N OITK IMUCF.S OV LACB CUR ise ! quality Ciinlon Flnnicl duiinc' lle ! ChHdron'b Hibbcd Hose , tuns and Diagoua's , vvot-Ui from 123o to iJOe u TAINS. sale at feie n yard. reds , for 12e. } yard , for tins sale at lOJi1 a yard. WALL I'AIMI : { AT HALF PRIOR Potter's Best Oil Cloth logo during' lUje Children's Heavy Kibbcd Hose 50 pieces of Scotch Cluiots in pi , lids , 'J'bo above is onlj a jiaitial list.Ve tale at tic a j.tul. ( Blacks ) at 'Jia ' pair. and inixUuos , well worth oOe u numcioiiH ha\o liundrcils lo mention. of other bill-gains too FOTHERINGHAM , WHITELAW & CO 4O1 to 4O5 , BEOADViTAY , COtTSICIL . IA. A A GI1EAT EXUlflpflT AT Tfi4E rJEpBASE A. STATE Among llio leading Agrlc-iiltuial Implement exhibits at , the Nebraska Sl-ito Fiir at Llneoln , the SANDU'iCH .MANUKACTIJRINO COMPANY opcupj I heir building on the iriouud * with iifull line of tlioir famous ' J'OWKUOnftN SIIIJLLi : ' " S , HOUSi : POWKKS , HAY I'UKSSHS MOVVJ'IW. L"tc , and in obedient , aio eoiulition lo entertain any of tlioir customers or friends who may call on tlioin. * * * * * * * * * Sole Agents for the cclebniteJ Iluntington , Arkansas , 71 TO PA 11 Moo uu/lL / FOR FURNACES AND HEATERS. For further particulars and prices call at office , 3 \ Pear Ktreet , Grand Hotel Building. as "Hattlesnako" KaHtmi , a snake charmer , Is In the count ) hosplltfl'Al.viiig ' from iho hitu nf a rattlebii.iUt ) Kalston lias been giving exhibitions in a dlnm musouin and was today to try a now lot of lattksnakes which bad just bc-c-n brought , fiom Ploild'i , and whiih , it had been wagc-ic-d by the mini who biouglit thoin , lie could not handle Hilston wont into the celhii tu L-i't the snakes when ono of thorn slipped out of tlm box and caught nim on the hand Ho Hooded hiinsolf with whisky but his arm vvas fcmfullv bwollc-n in a few mill- utcs and the phjslcians at thp hospital siy ho cannot live Shot tl.v alter Hilston was bitten the re pot t gut out that all the snakes had got out ot tlio box and thc-io was a frantic rush for tlit * doors A live ! } ciash ensued and sev eral people were hi ulsc-d in the struggle for tliu onon air. Nonewcio sc-iiously injuiod , however .Si lir.iHku l.nii liiilvii K\ory citi/on of the btuto , and buninosa men in particular , will hull with joy the Nebraska Legislative Hand Hook and Manual just is-stied. Thin in u eompaet little volume , embracing in itb contento tlio Duclaiation of Indopundenco , < null- tntion of the United Stater , , uoiihtitntlon of tlio htato of Nobrafka , tlio organie aet under which tlio territory wan Jlrnt 01- gaiii/cd and the enabling t tliiougli whit'hita people \VCMC enabled to form ii c-oii-ititutliiii and htato government. In addition it enntaiiiH all later amendments and other provision * , us well lib u largo \nrioty of information as to how the ox- ecnlivo work of government blinll bo conducted. There Ibiilso given a manual of piirliumentai'y practice and llio rules goveining our legislative bodies. It ib , in fact , a i-iti/ens1 encyclopedia of No- bnibka , being well indexed , t > o that itn vast fund of informiilion Ih nt once ac- ecbsiblo. Kor thin valuable compilation we aio indebted to Krle Johiibon , uliicf c'lcik of the lioiito of teprebcntativcB. Nubiubku Is'owfcjuiiJOi'union , York , Neb , IF iiL Shawls , ' "Clwfeaino , P/ * f- Fiirs , Kc "Clcimed Good" Work Pitom pf Reasonable' Pri Special COU < Tll BLUFF ? ! V ( juoil Kill for KC-III i d lioimi vtuik. MrH A T Kill bliiHt i No . ' ! till ati inn- I ) ( J YOU know Unit Do A. HIHH liavu uoiim uifidiiHln fuill .mil tranlt \ \ _ l.'UHcaiM losl Krfdij iilzht on Ilroinlvv.i } 1 lurn to Hi n olllcii nnd ifi I rim aril \\MNT13I ) To rent u R or 0-room modern huiiHO " ' In di nl.iiblo n < UliborluxMl IH lv\i in Plrnthiid Klntli aviiiiH M AdilriBH.Mll lli-uuniii' I/Oil HA1.K : t'l ' acn-H line irmluu liiml JIIHKHU- Hlilo of city llinllu ultlipliray ut fruit lrrli l H mid BruiM n and fair liulldluKH I'rtm itlAiuiiin If tiki n ut cm.D llar ulim In luipruv id i bUto and cuby ' ti HUH ot pujincnl VJ5 1't.arl blrcet , Loutfc. * , \\r/\KTii : ) To r-nl diHlrablo linanl fnndlj o | ' * thru adiillH want culUvn with tlin n In ; oud lot allli Illl , Jim ollliii J'Ol | HAI.K dooil IIOUHU of HUM n IOUIIIH luciitul it 17(17 ( Ninth Avi ) , on Hiuull inuiillily pajiiiunU , A J Mc'iilitiiHon AlfiTKAUTS iin'lluiiiH Ririu ml oily proixirty Ix/ut'ht and BolU 1'iinuy .V 'llioiuiv , Cuiincu IllllllH _ GAKIIAORr < iiiiu\i l , Mi ! > > piiulH vaultol. . umoyi clr mini hxj llurko , al Taylor H grocery , 21) llioadvv.iy Oli BOO HtucVc nf mi rih itnllun to i xcliaiurn 'iPfiir n KUUI ! Hi's Mului H or Council Jlluirn rihldinuii UuvitUi .tr ImiirmiMl liuil and i .nil to tr.Kli for a il i OUO ( in to * 'U Uliu ( in HIUI k of * . - < n- i r il iiii'rcliiinclliiti Slut K of ilriiyu tu UaUu Xuf Uuil , JuUiuluu Ji Vun i'attcu ,