iStrrx * „ X * . -TTTT ? lVATTY RKR. SUNDAY. .SEPTEMBER 10. 1893-S1XTEEN PAGES. SPRINGFIELD WAS A SNAP Omaha's Christian Champions Whale thoBojs from the Sarpy Oonnty Town. GEIST WAS EASIER THAN EVER Flfto n of Hit Choicest Carre * Were ( Straightened Out by thn Y. M. C. A. llnttem Connor' * Work WM Nice nd V ry Well Supported. PUINGFIELD 1 s out of sight so far out tbnt the iJck telescope could hardly locate her this morning. She came up yes terday afternoon , nine men strong , to show the Omaha 'Young Men's ' Ch'rls- 11 a n associations how lo piny ball- that Is , how It Is played downlnSprltigflold and she wont back in the evening with the supreme stuffing knocked out of hor. It Is probable horenftor she will confine her Instructive propensities to the clod hoppers of Sarny county. The lads of the metropolis are entirely too swift for hor. Great Cncsnrl How Cnptaln Abbott's chorublms did svvluc the porcine cuticle. It wns bill ; smash ; bang ! from 4 o'clock until 0 , nnd when'it wns all over the sturdy agriculturists looked as If they hnd Just emerged from a hard day In the harvest field. So hnng the banners on the outer wall and loudly toot the guy bazoo. The circus oponcd up right in the flrst ( Inning , nnd from the Jump the boja from the woods were kept as busy us ,80 ninny blue- nosed monkeys In fly tlmo. Coal Oil Johnny , Stoifesy returned to the bench on an altltudlnous punch out to Farmer Bates , but GOlst caved In Professor Rustln's occiput with the globular and ho took ilrst : General Wlnilold Scott following on four more as wide ns a barn door. Farmer Gelst was ns wild ns a steer. With these two cherubs ou bases Cnptaln Abbott straightened out one of the bucolic's curves until It looked like rope stretched from the plate to -Bedford's1 sign. It wus n three nagger , and started the old slo gan in the stands. Then Hussell McICelvoy bit the sphere with much asperity , and Captain Abbott , his curls llnunt- Ing In the brcezo like the . mane of a wild horse , i galloped home , while UusGeiat meals uccoml. sell mndo second. Then the Cyclopean Mr. Jeffries the _ now first baseman laid his club against a choice ono , and McICelvoy added another run to the credit of the cherubs. After a while Springfield took her turn. It lasted only a minute. Russell slammed Jim Hall out , nnd Coal Oil Johnny did a like favor ( or Golaf and Hnrlan. In the third the cherubs chopped out an other tally. In the fourth two nioro and three in the sixth Just as easy as the itch. In their half of tluv latter Inning the h.iy- nmlters succeeded In copping out tholr only run , a little , hollow-chested , sore-eyed , con- fumptlvo tnlly that'was' too weak nnd emaciated to get away. This.Is hovyit happened. Farmer Unit , in swinging bisplow handle nround his nock , happened to-run it against' ono of Conner's chrysanthemums- It' rolled far enough out among the , watermelon. Tines to allow him to reach first. Farmer Gelst ' , also , matlota'Vielous stab at the ball with his hoe , and before Mrs. Wllkind * llttlo boy could pull it up out of ' tfio gooseberry bushes , , .Farmer Hull was on third iind Farmer Glcst on first. Ho stood thcro ti momoit ns Is wondering how it ull happened , when suddenly an idea worked through the moss covering his , skul ) , and giving his over- nils an extra hitch ho no- tmilly started to steal 'second. The audacious pumpkin- h inker ! Aimlo Lowry. Scohlmfly ! Abbott wniso startled nt this bold coup do grace thut In attempting to get the ball down to Prof. Hustln ho plugged Jackson Hnskell , the umpire , In the middle of the vertlbrno with a sound that sounded like a Council Bluffs bcllo pulling her teeth out of a hunk of gum. Thu snhuro caromed off out into the pam pas , and Farmer Hall poured iu over the jilato. 1 hut was ull they did in the game. .But the cherubs kept tight on sawing wood , nnd when the twenty-seventh man had folded his hands and said his prayers they hnd so many runs thut It was all Annie Bowry could do to lift them in u basket. Thu acoro : | , Y. > i. c. A. i ' A.n it. l.n. H.II 8.11. I'.o. A ; fitonoy. , ss. , . . . . , . . , 0 a 2 0 0 1 a ; KusUn.lM ) a a 1 1 B 5 3 , Cntiip , m o a i o- ( i o o AiiM > u , c n a 3 o-o 11 i McKoIvoy , 3b 5 3-2 U 1) ) 1 , .5 JolTrlcH 11) , . 0 O * 3 0 0 H Ov Oonnurrp 4 O 0 0 0 O 10 o Wllklns , It 3 1 2 O 0 Or 0 o Lo\vryrf & 'J 1 0 o 1 o 0 Totals 43 14 IB 3 & -27 23 3 SPIUMIFIKM ) . , . „ , , A.H. II. 111. 8.11. 8.11. I'.O. A , K. Hull , 3b mill n 4 1 3 O 0 D 4 t ! t Joint , p mill 31) 4 O 1 0 0 O G 1 Harlnn , If 4 0 1 0 0 0 u o Kinyru , 11) ) 3 O o 0 o 11 i o ( jinvor , pniido t 0 0 0 o 3 a i II union , 00 U 0 2 G 2 : , ui ) . . . . . . a o o o o a o i , rf a i o ' 1'utura , m 3 100 Totals , . .30 0 27 L'2 7 bClftlK 11V IN.MNOH. Y. M. O.A 4 2-14 BprlnxlU'hl . , 0 1 HI.'MMAHY , Itiins onuiorts V. M. 0. A. . 7. Two-lmso hits ! htonuy , I j McKoluiy , l.Ablott ; ) , 1. Tliroo- b'lhuhltxt Abbott. ' . ! . , Iiouulo plays : itiihtlu toJulTi'lr > , : Uuitlii1i > Htonny to Jufrrlos : llur- ricii lo itiiyn : > to Hall , llasn on hulls : oir ( . 'iiiniiT , S : nir ( i | > lii , loirJr.i\nr. ; 1 , lilt ? plli'lior : Ity OuNt , 1. Hlruelc out : lly Con- ni-r , lOj liy OYM. 0 ; by Univur. 1. Wild ] iltclii ! > : lly ( < uUt'Ji liy ( inivpr , 1. 'J'lmo of name : Tnuhouid. Unipliu ; N.VllON.VI. UAMKS. Uni'ln riiiiirii Mlclity.Vimr Wlnnliiinutlinr ( i.iino Iroia I'lillHtli'lplilii. CiiirAno , Sept. 0. Hutchinson had his usual had Jlist Inning today and the visitors > clinched thu ; runu In the second. Attend- uni'o. 4120. ! Scoraj Olilc'iiRO . , . 0 1 4 I riilliiduliiiiiu . a u o 0010 o - u llltx : t'hk-Mfo. 4 l'illndel ] . ; | > lil.i , 0. IhroM : niilfuco , 3i I'lilliulolplilu . , 3. 1/trnud mns : : ' I'lilladululiln. 3. lluttoilos ! Uuuiilu oii und ICIIlrhliioj WuyhliiK iii l CJoiuunU. Cl.iiiK ( ; io n by WliinliiKT. Xiw : YOHK , Sopt. 9. The flnal games of the local Ho.iHOii drew ll.MX ) pooplc to thu bull i" ' > nio today The How xorks won both. .J'irst [ 'anio : Cliiulnnall . O 0 Q 0 0 0 0 n 0 - 2 Now York- . 1 0 0 U 0 1 0 0 13 . Hit * : ( Jlnclnnail , 2s J\unr Vnrk. a. Knor : ( 'liifjiuinU , I : Kuw \ rV. - ' . JIuriwil nil : riiitfliiimli , 1 : 5 > work , a. llutturlr ! l ) > vycr uiul VauKluii Ilnuhvln und \ \ llsuti , Sofund gatnu : 1 t'llidiinxll. . > . . . . . 0' 0 0 1 0 U O 1 .So * Vork. . , . * . ; , . U 4 ii 0 02 u--lo lll | : Cliioliuiatl , liNgw Ypik , 10. Hrroi : iiii-lnii.itl. 2 ; Jv'uw Y < > t\ \ < , 3. hurno'l nun : s'oiv Voi U. J. lluliirlivi ; ( 'hnlivlicrluln un.l Yaiiyliii ! Ituslo : ind Jjlucut'il Culnnrl Mlrntlon. Donnv , Sopt. 0.The Buttons boat thoi IjjulsviUea today m a hard , hilling contc t , . Score : lloilon . 8 0 8 a 3 0 3 0 - 13 IxmUrlllo. . . . . . . 203010081-0 Hltn ! Iloslon , in ; Ixntlsvlllo , 9. Errorii Boston , 2 | J/onUvlllo , 4. Earned runBt Koi- lon , Oj 1/onMrlllo , 2. llnttotlos : Qunrlosand Oixnzol : Htrntton nnd Urltn , rirntr * 1'onnil Antonln. , Prrrsnuuo , Sept. 0. PHtsbunr hatted Mul- lane hard and often and won with ease. At tendance , 2,150. Score : rittslmrg 33300008 0-11 Hiltlnior ! > . . . . .r. . OOO005000-5 IHlti ! Pittslmrir , 11) ) Hultlmoro , 5. Krrowt rittsbiirit. 1) ) llnltlmoro , 1. Karncd runs : I'ttsburu. 7j llHltlmorc , 2. llattorlesi tlum- bert and Earlo ; Mullnnu nnd Koblnson. llrnwns Still CrlpplniK , Sept. 0. The Brooklyn team brought the season to a close today by ao- foatlmr St. Louis. Attendance 5,600. Score : Hrooklyn 10O00021 -4 SU Ixtils 011010000-3 Hit * ! Hrnoklyn. 4 ; St. I inls , 3. Enrncd nins : llrooklyn , 1 ; Errors : Ilrooklyn. & : Ht. I/ouli , 4. llnttorlrsi Kennedy nud Dally , Hanloy nnd McCnulcy , , Kcimtorn MnilP Two Knnd. Ci.nviii.AND , Sopt. 0. The Clovolands inndo It three straights today , defeating the Senators in a sharply contested gamo. Olcvolnnd 040000002-5 WnshlllKton. . , . . . 0 10010000- tllu : Cleveland , 7 : Washington , 7. Kr- rors : Clu\aluil : ( , ij Wnshlimtiin , 0. Earned runs : ' Nono. Iliitlnrlcs : Williams and O'Con nor ; Mnul nnd .McOtilro.3 StiiMilniK ut thn Trnms. IT WAS A Ultliri'INU MATCH. Second Unco at the Cup Darondcra Won by thn Vlcllnnt. NEW YOIIK , Sopt. 9. The second race In the sorlcs to decide what Ameri can yacht shall defend tlio * American cup against the English yacht Valkyrie wns sailed today over a triangular qourse , ten miles to each log. The con testants were the Vigilant , the Jubilee , the Pilgrim and the Colonla. The wind wns light and the race consumed almost six hours. It was nioro a test of steamship than of the speed of the yachts. The Pilgrim crossed the starting line ilrst , Colonla seuond the Jubi lee , third.und.tho Vigilant fourth , -The flrst > stake was the Scotland lightship. . Itvas a slow race to that goal. The Pilgrim rounded thn ship first , six lengths ahead of the Jubi lee , which was followed closely by the Vigilant. The Colouta was last. The Vlelhint then wont to the front and steadily increased horload. On turning the second mark about a quar ter of a milo supAr.itcd each of the racers. First ( .iimo the Vigilant , then thu Jubilee , Pilgrim and Colonla in the order named. Tim run homo was a long , monotonous and nearly windless procession. All four cast loose tholr spinnakers and started on the homo stretch. It appeared to everybody that the Vigilant wns the winucr and that the Colonla wns not in the nice. The Colonia tried to pass the Pilgrim , but failed. The Vigilant never relaxed her load a yard. There was a great deal of nolso at the finish. All the jtoani cr.ift blow whistles and everybody who had n gun fired it. The correct time of the race was as fol lows : Vlsllnnt. 4:4:31 : : ; Jubilee , 4'J:3 : ; Pil grim , -1:1U:40 : ; Colonla. 4:113:53. : Clinrloy Mny Not Oouni After All. LONDON , Sopt. 9. Charles Mitchell , the pugilist who Is upon the point of starting for the United States to moot J.imes Corbott , may be'provonted from doing so. Awoman , named Sophia Watson made an application this morning fora warrant charging Charles Mitchell with perjury. Over a year ago , it appears , the womixn , obtained a summons against Mitchell , claimIng - Ing that ho was the father of her chlld ' > This- summons was dismissed. Tho' magistrate too ay , after listening to all the \vomau had to say , informed her that she must insert 'proof in her" affidavit before tho-'Vrarrant could" bo issued. This the woman said she could nnd would do , and will renew her application for a wsrrant. It Is Mitchell's intention to sail for Now York Wednesday next. ' Daly A ulust Tomorrow night at Hot Springs , S. D. , Danny Daly will undcrtako to show Gus Urager Just how it happened when Solly Smith broke the little Omaha criickcrjack's jaw. As Mr. Ursgor sots up to bo some pumpkins himself in this line it is quite probable that ho will interpose nn objection quite us often as his head before Danny's punches. It is certain to bo a good go , and Omaha sports trust choir little friend will come out as usual on top. llor * 4 IJeiit tlia JilcyolUt * . . ii , Sopt. 9. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKE. ] Today's nine milo race be tween Leo Allison's team of roadsters and Bicyclist Tom Patterson" for a * 100 prize at tracted an nudlcnco of over 1,000 uoople. The , race was held at the fair grounds and re sulted iu a victory for the horses with fifty" yards to spare. The time was fast , 20:31. : Bicyclists Condon nnd Plxloy of Omaha noted as pacemakers for thu bicyclist. OlilmvV * C'lminplom. OmowA , Nob. , Sept. 0. [ Special to THE BBE. | The base ball gnmo played yesterday nt Cnrlcton between the club of that town iind the Ohiowfi nine resulted. In a score of 8 to 7 In favor of Ohlowa. Carleton battery : JSvcrlck and Clark ; Ohlowa battery : Scott nnd Hicks. Struckout ; By Evorlck , 0 ; by Scott , 10. Iloplm U iuvlnt'lblo. ROSBLANH , rtob. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Br.B. ] Holdrogo , Mln'dou and Norman played Rossland the deciding game on the Koaoland ground today. Seven innings were played and the score was 8 to U iu favor of Uosoland. Pitcher Hopka of Uosoland did the usual good work. They Will Sprint Till. AltrVnoon. Sullivan and lazier will run at the fair grounds this afternoon at half past 2 , 100 yards for $50 a sido. A delegation of the Kid's friends are hero from North Platte and us they are loaded for boar It would be a good Idea for Loon's friends to crack bea bank before they go out. Cinnry Hold. NKW YOIIK , Sopt. ( I. Mike Cleary , ex- prizollghtornnd tr.ilnor.nnd who for flvo years atood In the foremost ranks of his profession , is dead of consumption. Ho died ou William Muldoon's farm near Buffulo , Muldoon cared ser hltn'for ' thico months. ( iDitlnir'Ovur Mm I.IIIDUIIOM. BUFFALO ' , Sopt. 0. Mascot , the champion pacer , wh'o wont lame nt Fort Wayne and was brought hpmo , bus Htoadllv Improved and now shows no signs of lameness. . Music aft. and ovo. utCourtlund bench. V.itally Wiiiiiiclrit ilin llrlilogrnntn. SAQINAW , Mich , , Sopt. 0 , Woid comes from Ilayport , n little place on the shora of Lake Huronllmt at n charivari last nisht on Cicoreo Straubus the bridegroom was shot tdanil mortally wounded. The sorontiders ' seattoi'cd in nil directions nnd it Is not known who flrad the shot. Oflleers from Bad Ax , tlio county seat , have coiio to the sccno. Mituiu aft. ami ovo. atCourtlund bench. : IIiil Xnvr , Sutirnilul. | DKXVK.H , Sopt.Kccantly ' these dis patches stated that the American National bank of ttila city had resumed , thiu giving thn Impression that the bank had boon com pelled to i'loso dining the recent panic , This was nn error. usthls Institution ws in no way unrated by the hard times. The tclfgr.ini should have stated Ihattlio Amori > - caii .N"a\onul ! ba H of Loadrlllo , liutoad riof Ucn\cr , \Vrslrrii llciy * Ht AuiiupulU , A\-iroi. | ' ! , Md. , f < t'pt. 0. David K. Tholow of Ihrt First VIicoiulii dlstrlot anil Harry > ell Of the TlurJ rfowu district , IV'U ji3Siod kiK-cossful Ions for adtnU- sluu it ) the Unittxl Hutas Nav.vl aradomy. Lastbusonllo auotnions nnd parauliuto juiu)9 } ) > ' today at CourtUnd bunqh. RACES AT WASHINGTON PARK Some Exceptionally Good Going Furnished by the Horses There Yostordaj ! ELLA WOODLINE'S ' FINE SHOWING She Fore * * Director' ! Mower to Take a Lower Kecortl In Order to ATln Atnllnb T-nntli tlio Yearling Ht Mnson City. PAJIK , CHICAOO , Sent. D. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bus. ] The largest attendance of the meeting was at the park thu afternoon. Exceptional rncintr wns the orior of the day. lathe Surprise stakO , for 3-ycar-olds , open to the world , Director's Flower , the greatest win ning 2-year-old of the .year , was cotnpeulod to b'oat her record of 13121 to defeat the great Nebraska lllly , Ella 'Woodllno.- each of the two boats the latter drove her out , and a mistake anywhere would Imvo cost the California fllly the heat. Ella Woodllno'a time for the two heats was 2:31 : f and 8:31. : The last quarter of the second inllo was trotted. In ! 13 seconds. Image , Budd Doblo's entry , was made favorite In the 3-year-old stake , but the fllly was not good today , and , though she finished second m the lint hout , was drawn. Cytheria , the winner , is nn Indiana produc tion. The Calumet stake for 2:20 : pacers was a rattling contest from wlro to wire and the Mulsh of each heat was remarkably exciting and close enough to require a good eye to dccldo. Vassar , a roan 4-yuar-oId by Vat ican , won the ilrst heat in 2:13 , with the Chlcnao gelding , Uoeker , daneorously close up. jjnruuy , iriiu uruuit jYuiibuutij' i iiuij wvu the next two heats , with Rocker so close as to make those not at the wlro guess which Won. Fell t uro Not Provided For. The' exciting rnco of the day , however , wns the 2L0 : class trot , Chicago stake , for a purse of $2,500. Answer , by Ansel , owned by the Prospect Hill farm , Frank lin , Pa. , wop the first heat , with Ellard , owned by Budd Do bio rlgHt on his neck. In the second heat a collision occurred on the back stretch and Brignoll Willies got loose , and , turning around , came running back the wrong way of the track. .As the drivers saw the runaway horse com ing around'tho lower tprn directly toward them , they quit driving'and limited a place of safety. They all Jogged honltf , Ellard In front , and expected n decision of no heat , but it was given to Ellard and the horses all placed as they came In. Katie Earl , an out sider , won the third heat in a wonderful llnish , Answer winning the fourth from the raaro by narrowest Kind of n margin. The fifth wont toICntto Earl , with Ellnrd uncom fortably close , and the sixth was a dead heat between Answer and Katie Earl. After this heat the rnco was carried over until Monday , when the chancoj are that Ellard or Answer will win. Summaries : Winnom of the Day. Surprise stake , foals of 1801 , $1.200 : IJirUCWJr ' n Klottor , b. f. , by Director . . . . . . . 1 x KHu Woodllno , blk. f. . by Woodllno 2 2 Evprcsblvo. h. f a 3 1'awllnc. ch. c 4 5 Cereus , b. c 0 4 Mill Lady , h. f dls Time : 2:20 : . 2:20. : Hopeful stake , trotting , foals ot 1800 , 2:40 : class , $1,000 : Cythorhi , ch. f. . by Jersey Wllkes 1 1 Colonel B 2 Imago , b. f - . i 2 dr Maj-'im Splivnx , h. c v dls HlKliforin. b. f dls Tlmo : 2t2Q14 , 2:22. : Ciilunuit stake , 2:20 : pnclncT 31.000 : - > Hnrnoy , br. g.tbjtUaruov Wilkes 3 1 1 Vasinr , r. C. . > * . . . . . - 104 liocUur.b.K.I ' . 2 2 2 Lucille II. . b. raV : 4 3 3 Jack Ilowers , b , R f7.r.ii , , .i-t/ , 40 Great llonrt , b. Ii G 0 0 Nidluch.m , , . . - . 0 7 dr Time : 2:13. : 2J2 , 214f. ; Chicago stake , 2:20 : class , trotting , $2,500 ; unfinished : Katie Karl , by Karl 7 41210 Answer , b.g. , by Ansel 103130 Ellurcl. b. hV. ; . . . 2 12323 Jim Wllkes , b. B 4 2 0 4 ro Strndor II 3 3 0 dr llrixnoll Wllkes r. 0 7 4 dr Hun 1'cdro 0 dr ETH 8 070 ills ! Tlmo : 2:10 : ; | , 2:21 : , 2:1CM : , 2:10 , 2:18 : 5 , 2:17i : . Alnnon City'i .Kxcltliig ; Closo. MASON CITY , la. , Sept. 0. ( Special Tele- gruni to Tun BIE. ] The closing flay of the uo\ > great trotting meeting hero was con cluded by three grout colt stakes , being for the 1 , 2 and 8-year-olds. The latter two were for these eligible in the 3:00 : class , nnd some of the greatest stake winners of the year were in each one , but owing to their ; I being strictly for young green trotters , the tlmo of nil the heats was" slower thnn the I fast tlmo thut hns prevailed in nil the events during the week , and although the favorites ! " won in heats in all , they did not do so with : 3i out being drivou oat each time by some other good ono in the same event , especially In the 3-year-old Class , where Agatha pushed Uosclcaf hnrd at times , and in the yearling stake , where Hoio pushed the great Anulino from Nebraska out faster than her former rei enl each hoat. The latter came from Chicago by express last night. Summaries : Trotting , 3:00 : , 3-y6nr-olds'purso ' $1,000 : l > . c. , by Qoldlonf ( ! ! . A. ) , 1 1 1 Airatha , b. f. , by Aultman 2 2 3 Chnrllo llOiiM f.i 0 D 2 OllloK. . , . 3 S 4 Anna 1'uxloy 4 4 5 Chimtwnrd . ' . . dls Time : , 2:22W. : 2:20,2:25. : : 3:00,2-yoiir-ohK : nurse $1,000 : NorvInO , I ) . Nurval ( T. 1' . Klpy } . . . . 1 1 .luySuuEll 2 2 ( ftiidli 4 3 8. V. Whlto 3 dr Time : 2:31. : 2:2HV. : ' trottlnz , purse $1,000 : Atallno , hr. f. . by Woodll Cliandlor ) . . 1 1 Itolo , by John A. Itnwllns ( Colby ) 2 2 Coupon 3 3 Illwnblk 4 4 Old .Stocks ills Tlmo : 2:41,2:40. : : Kuc-1112 lit Nchuylor'g Fiilr. SCIIUVI.KII , Neb. , Sopt. 9. [ Special to THE Bin : . ] The races during the fair Just closed wore unusually attractive. Some of the events : Trotting rnco : Urlndwooil won. Flora J second , Cnl Hey third. Host tlmu : 2:43)1. : ) County running race , half mllu : Hilly Dnhhlns won , ( Jnlo second , I'olly Itolmont ' thlid. Tlmo : 04. 2:40 trot : Tim O won , 1'aruim second. Gray Clmrloy thlrt' . Time : 2.:3'JM. : 2a'4K. : 2:42. : .Milo tin-ill , novelty ; 1 red H won , llrit und second iniaiterH ! Duster , third and fourth. Time : I'hst , SO ; second , 03JJ ; thlid , th.i i ' ' 2ao'cl'uW ; : Ilul lun Maid wet ) , Catherine- second , J 4) third. Jack the Hipper fourth. Tlmo : 2i2'Jlt,2t3& , 2:33V. I 'i0o-for-all puce : 1'iobablllty won , Montrose - rose I , aucond , I'ocuhontus third , Tlmu ! 2:4A : , 2:414 : , 2:40. : I'luo-fnr-all running , linlf milo : KrcdS won , l/iiiio I.trt bCL'oiul , Diibter third , Tlmo : & 24i ? Colt tint : ( 'Ina H won , Arlous hocond , Jessie ' " oil third. Tlmo : Si.oal } , 216U2OU - : , Hlcycfa rnco. ono mllu : I. J. Knell , 1'reniont , won ; H , U , NIcluilH , htionnlniri , ' , buoond ; U , H. Nlchodoniut. 1'ruiuout , third , Tlmu : 3:02 : , 3:37 : , 3U'Ji : ! , 3:42. : itiulVlllow Co u lit'H I'a I r. INDIAXOI.A , Nob. , Sopt. 9 , [ Special Tolo- to Tun Ben. ] This was the closing day of the most successful fair over hold in Hod Willow county. Every department was llllod , ihu agricultural department being : a very crcdltablo exhibit , and the stock shown not .surpassed anywhere. The races were the feature of the fair , however , nil the horsemen being pleased with tholr treatment nud the people treated to the best racing over seen in thu western part of the state. The closing races were the S:45 : trot , the frco-for-all trot and n free-for-all run ning race , half mile heats. The day unas disagreeable nnd not favorable fast work , as a t'ulo was blowing up the sli-eteh iind thong dust flying In cloud * , Notwithstanding , tha free-for-all was trotted In a.33 > over a , track six seconds slaw at the best , Jim Dunn won the race after n hard light , Orc.v Cloud winning ono heat IuM. ! . The run- nlnirrace was won by Sleepy Bobiu51 IK- Little Billy won thu iiJ5 ; trot faster time 2:45 : % which was a dead heat with 'Jempost , Jr. Mr. C , H. Haywood drove exhibition milo with bu . an st.illlan , Clogwright , maUicK the , uilla Iu thuilust uud against'a gala of wind In U:24 : f. This Is a wonderful perform ance , us the horse has practically but OlTJ throe legs , the ftrrn'otnoho' forward nil torn nwny byV4nh"ngr Into \rlro „ fence. lie weighs over t.WXH and hns never been trained or driven ! efcopt' ' by fils owner ; nn nld gentleman nbotttfTO yfcnrs old. Indlanola tins good accommodation * , offOVs ssmo purs s nnd has good rncttitrfi most of the norses entered being ownoa in'the county or nil- Joining countles-.diiAnl Octotor mooting is talked of. rfJ 'il < r Attnonf jmnlmw V 'on. The unfinished , ( f roo/for-Ml pnco wns con cluded at the Dangla-i , county fair grounds Jn two heats , AlranntiUashaw taking both in 2:17 : nnd 2:17 : . Pun fucker was distanced in the first , Knu sjio finishing second and Northwest thlrdltiPp ifnonoy going in that order. Ijt Uayint Hlieepihoad. , Sept. 0. Today ended the meeting at tint track. There wns a big , fishlonnblo audience present. The feature of the card wns the Flatbush stakes fet n-ycar-olds. With Peter the Great nnd Galileo his best rivals , Senator Orady wns made n strong favorite in the dvont. It was Orady's race < from start to finish. Galileo , In n drive , boat Peter the Great a length for the place. . Kccults : ' Klrstriu'o , ov6n furlonfrst May'Win (2 ( to 1) ) woti , Shndow (0 ( to 1) ) second. Acclaim ( C to 1) ) .third. Tlmo : 1:28. t. Second r.ico. Futurity course : 1'edestrliui (8 ( toril\TonrAlohn(3 ( tolisccond ) , Tulla lllnck- burn (7 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo ! 1:11 3-D. , . Third race , II vo furlong : Satitn Annn ( Oto 1) ) won , Tom Harding (8 ( to 1) ) second. Merry Mon- urclu7 to 1) ) tlilrd. Tlmo : 1:012-5. Fourth rnco , seven furlongs : . Senator Orady (10 ( to 1) ) won , Galileo 15 to 1) ) Hocond , I'eter the Oront(8to ( 1) ) third. Tlmo : . 1:30 : 3-5. Fifth race , IIvo furlongs' Springtime (10 ( to 1) ) won , Atronhlno 12 to 0) ) second , Ountirdor (7 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:033-0. : Sixth race , milo nnd u fourth , on lurt : llnco- Inml (5 ( tn 1) ) won , Klliloor (0 ( to 1) ) second , Vic torious (7 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 2:09. : I.ntonlii'g Imyotit. CINCINNATI. ( Sopt. 9. Results at Latonta : First j rnco , six furlongs : Emma Me (4 ( to 1) ) won , Carol ) (3 ( to 1)second ) , Kyolot (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:10 : ; { . Bocond race , ono mild nnd fifty yards : Pnr- npot (7 ( to 2) ) won , The Governor ( C to-ll hocond , Forest Koso (0 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:46. Third rncosix furlongs : Captain Drano (10 ( to 1) ) won. La Rose (3 ( to U second , The Sculptor (10 ( tij 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1414. Fourth \ race , the Avondnlo stakes for 3- yoiir-oldi , worth tl395 { to the winner : Sn- blnoH ( tel ) won , Seinpor'Lox (8 ( to 1) ) second , 'Lady Juno (8 ( to II third. Tlmo : l:42lj. Firth race , purHo , five furlongs : I'rolmsco (7 ( to 2) ) won. Dead heat for second place between 1Kronfmnn(4 ( tp 1) ) and 1'earl Song ( ate , 1) ) . Tlmo : 1:02H- ' ' Ntxth raco/riursD , ! . ftfrlohgs : Laura. P (9 ( toO ) won. Grab Hauler (8 ( to 1) ) second , Ann Victor(7 ( tel ) third. Tlmo ; 1:02)J. : ) * ' .St. Ioiil Fair Urounds. ST. Louis , Sept. U. Results at the fair grounds : First rnco. six furlongs : OutofSlftht ( oven ) won , Hilly Udmtott (8 ( to 1) ) locond'Minnie Goo (2tol ( ) third. Time : 1:15H. : Second race , flvo furlongs : Followday (3 ( to 1) ) won , Meditation , (5 ( to.l ) second , Maggie Gray (4 ( to G ) third. Time : 1:03H- : ' Third race , four furlongs : Service (7 ( to 10) ) won , Harry Wnrran ( B to 1) ) second , April Fool (2 ( tel ) third. Tlmp : . :49. : , Fourth race , ono milo : Arthur G (0 ( to 1) ) won. Kloroy 115 to 1) ) second ; Kosiiinont , (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:45. , Fifth race , ono mllp : Unroldlnq (3 ( to 1) ) won , Pat King (8 ( to 1) ) sbcond , Bclshazzar third. Tlmo : l:45 : . . , Sixth rnco , ratio and n fourth : Kenwood (7 ( < o 10) ) woil , HotSpur ( Oto 2) ) second , Lucille Mannotto(4 ( to 1) ) tl rd. Tlmo ! 2:11H. CiuttonlmtfrU Pcograin. 14 GuTTCsnuiiOt Soj > VvV. Results : rirst race , tliroWfou'tidis' : Flntlnnds won , Ualbrlggnn ' .oeond ; Crocus third. Tlmo : Second race , three-fourths milo : Sun Glimpse won. FaUqlvo second- ' Sir Knight ird. Tlmo : l'.i5 , < A , , 13 Third rare , flvo ; uidu , Imlt. furloncs : Gornl- dlno won , C'opyrlgliff.econd , .Uulsyrluu third. Tl tun * 1 * OR V * t * * i i j ' * Fourth riu'o. six ah'da hnlf furlongs : Xlz- zotti : won , Hlco second , Wolnnlo third. Tlmo : l:20y. t oor.- . Flf th race , milo awls a fourth : Experience won , aottysburg. < flqcpnd , .King Leo third. Tlmo : 2llw. : , „ , * ' Sixth rnco , fioVoW-olinths. milo : J. Mc- Lausnlln'won , Manlf'anset second , BU Hubert third. Tlmo ; 1:30 . os t. . < , racing here resultod.jje , . J0n ss First nbdia > ! fontth' mlles : Knaop won , Uliono socondit Ghauncey third. Tinier 2:1014. . . . . } , - „ . _ * , < , v 'Soconrt , rnco'six 'filrlongs : Surprise won , JneklxJVoH second , La Julvon third. " Thno : t -1,0 " " "ThTrd raco. six -furloncs : 1'onzanco won , Mark Stone second , ilarlo J.ovqllthlrd. Tlmo : Fourth race , sovOn * furlongs : Walluco G , won. Charinlon Boconil , ' Ludy ' 1'uislfor third. Tlmo : 1:31. < _ _ Fifth race , halt a milo : Jersey Queen won , Duke of Flfo second , Tom Flynn Third. Tltno : Sixth race , four und n half furlongs : Con Clucy won , Edith Van second , Molllo W. third. Tlmo : 07 i. " ' * Outcome nt Andubon. . ta. , Sept. X ) . [ Special Telegram to THE BuE.t Ueaults : 3:00 : trot : Flora La Tosca won all. Best time : 2:4U : { . Free-for-all trot or pace : N won , Daisy J second. Hesttluio : 2:20. : Flvo-olxhlhs milo * and repeat , running : Gypsy Lugrlppo won. Host tlmo : 1:07. : Htr.insrt HtHt > lc Sold. ( Sopt. 9. The breakmg- up sale of the stables of Nathan Strauss was held hero today before the racing began. The attendance was largo. ' Among the.sales were : _ T Joe niploy , ch. 'c. , 2-yoar-oia , Hydor-AIl , $3,100 : Integrity , ch.'c. , a-year-old , Imp. Sir Modred , $3,300 ; Sir Excess , b. c. , 2-yoar-old , Imp. Kir Modred , $2,000 ; itoKinaldh.c.,3-your- olu , Imp. Sir Mod red. $2,70O. IIU31KS AKK TMU STAKES. _ . 1'ropnratioin Tor tliq1 JVIIil Rldo Into the Strip Still Uiijlor Wiiy. _ CALDWEU. , Kan. , Sept. 9 , Immense crowds of boomers continue to rfrrlyo , on the Rook Island trains. A train arrived form Croado , Colo. , today contalnlnsjiwonty-nvocars filled with Strippers. They will locate at Milford - ford , twelve miles bslow the lino. They brought with thorn a large 20,000-pound safe , ' which was uso'd for an impromtu bank in Crebdo during thb gold excitement thoro. They are well organized , with J. A. Price as leader. Captain Dodd In charge of the cavalry at Pond Crcok Is horo. Ho hns squads of five and six privates scouting all over the strip after soonors. Fifty wagon loaas were brought in today and placed under , guard. Thoyscemod to have boon Ignorant of the fact that they could not cross the country and were expecting to drive through and make the run from the south sldo. Two bicyclists arrived from Trinidad , Colo. They made the trip la six days'a ' distance of 700 miles. They Imvo uttachod flanges on the tires of tholr'i lrcels ana fastened the two wheels togothorbyni stool rod nnd will make the run to P ntfgVeok on the rails of the Itock island road Theirs is the most novel and ingonlQU ' conJrlvancp , snon , and is undoubtedly a success , np they can travel i on ' the track nt the ray ( o ( thirty miles an hour. A ilro which throfttofted to destroy sev eral blouks was stturtudi by two small boys today , Ono hor&o'nnii wug onaud $700 worth of grain were destroyed' The scarcity of ejjlo"if/1 / boomers ii notice- able. That class iaanlyrepresonted liero by about fitly families. „ , The firoltocbril. ' CASHV , Minn. , Soni'y' A block and a half ' of the business por'pjOyl of the town burned last night. p > ss , * 200'PQO. III. , Sopt. 0. A great pralrio fire prevails near Millsburg , a small town castof the eastern line of this county , nnd the meadows , fences , utu. , within an urea of ono a half siiuiirojulles hava already burned. The tire smarted from sparks from a railroad engine. Several frame buildings were burnod. _ Another Omul IliinU Hlutmurnt. NEW YOIIK , Sopt. 9.The panli statement slows ) ' the reserve hat Increased f4,53-l,000 , ; loan's have uecroasod , $ .203,000 ; spoclo has Increased ' , -11X1,000 ; deposits htiyu decreased tJ--J.OOO ; legal tenders huyo increased $ J- 078,000j circulation has increased # 1.2ys,000. The banks now hold t3l > & ) ,000 in excess of legal requirements. J.ltllo Hureloiil. Klovlna Ilomlck Hocks to Ulvon'-o herself from her husband , Frank , whom she avers bus dosertoU bor utU loft her in u poverty triokon condition. Moreover , nho avers hat not many year * ago ho compelled her to ; o Into the flold barefooted and when there irns snow on the ground , and husk corn tvlth the men. INTERESTS WANING rnoM FIMT rAnn.l t n cost of $7,5CO was passed , but hero busi es * by unanimous consent stopped , cutting ff n resolution by Mr. Moiklojohn of No- i * aska , cnlllntr for information us to the nd- nlnlstratlon of the law Of 1890 and the recent uaponslon order of Commlftslonor Lochron. Mr. Payntorof Ivontuoky made n report permitting Iloprcsuutatlvo Bolknap of the TTIfth Michigan district to make n contester _ or the seat hold by Mr. KIchnrdson nnd giving him slxtv days In which to take testi mony. Both Mr. Ulchnrdson and Bclknnp : nmo hero with cortillcatos , the house d - elding that Mr. Hichardson was entitled by primn facie ovldenco to the This loft Mr. Bolknnp without legal status &o far as making n contest was concerned , the law re quiring that notice of contest must oo filed within ninety days nftnr ejection. The re port wns adopted without opposition. The house then adjourned until Monday to await the rqpd'rt o'f the cbmmittco on ac counts assigning clerks to' ' c6mtnittces. Until provision for clerks Is made the com mittees of the house are unable to proceed kvith tholr work. .Morn Troiiblu In NiouraRim WASIIINQTON , Sopt. 0. Although without nnylnformation on the subject , ofllciuls of the government are Inclined to the belief that trouble of some kind has broken out in Nicaragua. They base this belief on the faot that telugraphlo communication with that country has been broken ort and all at tempts at reaching the representative of the United States there have bocn without avail. With a view to boiug prepared for any trouble that might develop , * the Navy de partment has decided to send the cruiser Detroit , now nt the Norfolk navy yard , to Nicaragua as soon as she can bo prepared for the cruise. KANSAS VI if rJtAUKDT , Horrible Murder or u Woman In n Promi nent Onico UullilliiK. KANSAS Cnr , Sopt. 9. A shocking murder was committed today In nn ofllco building at "Tho Junction , " the most prominent loca tlon in the business district -of the city. Mrs. Jane Wright , better known as Mime . Wright , a well known employ ment . agent , was found dead in her , ofllcp , , at 8 o'clocit ' this evening byvi th6 janitor of the building. The body was found on the floor , face downward. The face had been cruelly beaten , and was scarcely * recognizable 'through the cuts and bruises upon'It. . The hands and feet were securely tied with stout wrapping cord , peep ( , rod imprints of human fingers in the throattho ( dlspdlorod. face and protruding tongue : and eye's told how the murder had been' done. The murder is an altogether mysterious ; ono , and thcro Is no clew to its perpetrators. The motive evidently was not robbery , unless the murderers oxer- looked the money 'that wns found on the body. In a pocket of the victim's dross skirt was found'81.41 in silver. An examination bi the coroner showed that the woman were besides the usual female garments a pair of men's trousers cut oft at the knees. In the trousers pocket was found 5U1 In gold and ( attn equal amount In paper money. atD rjTho only possible motive for the crime , so the police say , is revenge , and that suggests the theory that the crime was committed by several Italians whom1 Mme. iWright swindled some tlmo ago. She toldt the Ital ians ' that she had work for cliom on grading contract at a station on the .Kan sas City , \yyandotto \ & Northwestern rail snor . She collected from twenty Italians $4 each and sent * thorn out. The Italians fpund that there wns nothing at the "station" ox- cop ting-tho tool bouso of a section of the ccra railway. They were compelled to walk back tore town nnd when they arrived here they reported the case to tbo police and threat ened vengeance. Mrs. Wright has been twice married , but both husbands are now dead. She has a son , John Wright , who din taken Into custody on suspicion , but was relcasoa. AN AMERICAN CillZi'N. And He AVns Having No French Itulo I'lnyeil on Him. A man with that variety of whiskers itnown technically as "loose chewing' ' " was plaj ing billiards in. nn uptown room on Saturday tiftcrnoon , says the BufTal 'Express. ' Ho had for an antagonist little man with a broad-brimmed stray Tlio man with the whiskers made a shot. "Here , " shouted the man with the straw hut , "thut wns a push shot and push shots don't ' go. " "What's that ? " inquired the man with the whJBkers. "Push shots nro barred , I said. " "Barred , hey ? Well who in blazes barred them ? " "Why , they are barred in tlio rules. " The man with the whiskers thumped lila'cuo down on the lloor and leaned , over tho. table. "Who made the rules for. this game ? " ho askod. JTho at raw-hatted player hesitated. "J ain't ' exactly sure , " ho linally said , "but I suppose it was the French. " "Suppose it was the French , hey ? Well , I suppose so , too. Now , where is the laud where the French llvo ? " The straw-hatted man looked embar rassed. "Across the water , ain't it ? " "It is. And the French are foreigners , ain't ' they ? " "Woll , young follor , " said the man with the whiskers , "I want you to under stand that I'm an American citizen. I'm u dweller on freedom's soil. I'm a believer - lievor in homo industries and I don't ' recognize no rules made by any durn foreigners. American rules it good enough for mo , and if they ain't no American rulo-i I'll make a few myself. Therefore , I am decidedly of the opinion that push shots go. Play billiards now , before I smack you. " And the straw-hatted player was so rattled that ho missed the easiest kind of a caroin. Fine boating , Coin-Hand beach today. A Now , Vprlc I'lMrncter , . A well known character about Madison square , Now York , particularly at the St. James , Hoffman and Fifth Avenue hotels , is a man who is deaf and dumb. Ills father loft him a largo fortune , and Ids infirmity , with which ho was burn precluded an active business career. So ho spends his tlmo collecting old books , writing an occasional learned essay for some scientific publication , and in view ing spectacular productions such as the "lilack Crook , " where good eye sight partially comiwnbatea for lack of hear ing. When no drops into one of the hotels of an afternoon ho seats himself in the cafe or barroom and pulls out a package of printed tickets. If friomla of hitt are present ho hands two of these cards to the waiter , Ono reads : ' 'Ask ' the boys what they will havo. " On the other may bo the words , "champagne cocktail , " "gin flz , " or any other ordoi that his fancy may suggest. Ills slips cover a wide range of subjects , from drinlts to railway transportation , and ho goU along nicely , Fishing today , Courtland beach. Five factories } n Toledo.O. , that closed dur Ing thu Ihmueial depression resumed Tuesday , namely : The Amos Uomer Brush works , ! ) < men ; the Malleable Iron works. UOO men the Mil burn Wagon works , 400 incuj'.h' ' Toledo Metal Wheel t inpanyr I'M : neur um the Snoll 'Cycle Fittings company , 'ncre-iaa from eighty to 230 men , RUTH'S ' LHTLE SISTER Another fjhorub Oomos to QlruMon the Hearts of the Olorelands , IER HANDSOME MOTHER IN MINIATURE iVt Noon , Hxaotljr , the Angel * Kroujlit the Little Stranger Irum the Itenlmi of LOTO -Mr * . Olofclniur * Voiiilltlon Cou- cratulntloni 1'ourlne WASUISOTOX , Sept. 0. Mrs. Clot eland gave birth to u baby girl at noon. Mother iind child are doing well. Dr. Bryant , Mr. Cleveland's family physl- ian , nnd Dr. O'Uollly of the army , who has often boon called into consultation by the president's family , wtro at the whlto house ou duty all last night In an'.icip.itlon of the important ovent. The news was suppressed for some tlmo , but once out spread with great rapidity ind wax soon the subject of conversation everywhere , nnd the president wns over whelmed with congratulations. Thu baby is healthy nnd sound , and Mrs. Cleveland o.11110 through the oixloal surprisingly well. It U understood that the little stranger weighs about ten pounds. Mr. Clovolitmr * Anilotj' . With the courage that has always charac terized Air. Cleveland in times of great trial and anxloty , ho did not betray to his numer ous callers the strain under which ho wns laboring. From time to tlmo during the morning the 1i president 1 was qulotly advised as to the con dition 1I of affairs in the stele room , and nt exactly I 12 o'clock Dr. Bryant summoned him from I the reception room into the private hallway leading to Mrs. Cleveland's bed chamber. , When the president hastily opened I the door ho realized from the beam ing countenance of Dr. Bryant that the crisis hid : boon safely passed. Without a word , but with a suspicious moisture about the eyes , tho'prcsldent'and hfs family physi cian warmly clasped bands. "Sho is safe ! " inquired the president hur riedly. The smile on the doctor's face and the re assuring pressure of the hand told him that his wire was safe and , without pausing , ho added : uls it a boy or girlt" Something like u shadow of disappoint ment swept across Mr. Cleveland's fauo ns the physician told him that the now-born babe was n girl. While ho was talking with Dr. Bryant little liuth was brought into the hallway by her nurse. When she espied her futhor she stretched forth her arms to him. The presi dent took her lovingly in his embrace , stroked hex hair nnd kissed her tenderly , saying , with a note of tromilous : endearment in his tone : "Ruth , ray dear , you have a little sister. " ' Relieved of the load of anxiety which had been bearing down so heavily upon him during the morning , the president returned to his desk and begun digging away at the stack of documents and papers bofora him. Ho could not restrain the Joy which ho felt , however , nnd after working a few moments ho walked into the ofllco of Private Secre tary Thurber and with a broad smllo on his face informed his faithful companion of the event. They shook hands cordially and Mr. Thurbor congratulated Mr. Cleveland. Onvo the Now * to the 1'nbllo. Mr. Cleveland went back to his desk and a few moments afterwards went down stairs Into the blue parlor to receive the Japanese prince who hud called to pay his respects. . , 'Mr. Cleveland did this as though nothing unusual had happened , Abput,2 o'clockha , summoned his private secretary and' told him that the news -could bo given to the press. At 2 o'clock n representative 6f-tho Asso ciated press called ' upon Secretary Thurbor to inquire if th'o whispers which had begun to spread were true , but ; before ho could ask the direct question , the secretary antici pated his iuquiiy'und said : "You can toll the world that we have n llttlo girl babr hero. " The news vras bulletined at the toloctr ph ofllco , the cnpltol , the departments nnd tha prominent hotels nnd was almost the oa theme of conversation during the remainder of the afternoon. Everywhere disappoint * mont wns manifested that the baby wai'nol a boy. Before 4 o'clock n stream of - boys began carrying congratulatory mos-onfor telegrams - grams to the while house , but the president , with his usual rutlconco about making publla matters purely personal to himself nnd fam 1i ily 1 , promptly decided that none of thosa messages should bo given to the press. Th Marino band concert , which is given nt thi grounds in the rear of the whlto house every Saturday afternoon , was. nt the request of Mr. 1 Cleveland , postponed. For the First Tlmo In Illilorj- . This is the Ilrst tlmo in the history of the republic that the cry of a now born infant of n president of the United States Has been heard within the walls of the whlto houso. Just as the president was the Ilrst chief ex ecutive to bu married In the whlto house , so , too. Is the baby u ; > on whom the whole nation smile ? lovingly today , the Ilrst olilIU of a president to bo born under Its roof. The record of births In the old mansion is shorter than the list of the marriages , and , sad enough , doubling thoni both would no cover the number of deaths and funerals there. Of the b.iblcs who Ilrst saw the llsht or day in thu old hnuso probably only two woto living until this happv event added nupthor. Ono Is Mrs. Mury Kinlly Donolson- Wllcox- datmlitcr of Andrew Donolson , A nophotv of President Jackson and the pri vate secretary and conlldontlal advisor of ' Old Hickory" during his cntlro oftlclal llfo , mid the other Is Julia Dent Grant , Mm Ilrst child born to Colonel nud Mrs. Ifrod Grant and now Just past 10. Mr. and Mrs. Donolson had two other children born In the whlto house , which , with n cramlchlld of President Jefferson nnd another of President Tyler , complete t.ho list. MM. Perrlno , the mother of Mrs. Cleve land , arrived nt the whlto house lalo to night. At 11 o'clock Drv Bryant announced mother and child to bo doing nlcoly. Balloon nft. and ovo. nt Courtlnml. "Ol WhHt Wort ) You Prrnldent ? " The Ifjuornuuo of some EtiKllslimon in iVuioriouii , alTnlrs and American history la something appalling. Tliia is Illus trated in ono particular at least by the following1 incident related by tbo Now York Uorrild : Not many months ago a certain Now York nowapupor liad 011 its atalT a younff Uriton , n university graduate nnd a man who took honora in the dead lunguagoa ut liis college. Some time before thd death of ox- President Ilayus thoyountr man was sent to the Fifth Avomio hotel' to obtain nn interview with that ; > ontlcmaii | who was then stopping temporarily in tbo city. Arriving at the hotel , the youncr man sent up his n < tmo and shortly afterward was ushered into the presence of Mr. Hayes. > "Aro you ox-Prcsidont Hayes ? " quer ied the Englishhmn , not wishing to bo mistaken in his man. "Yes , " replied the ox-president. "What can I do for you ? " "Oh , I was sent to interview you , " returned - turned the roDortOr , and ho at once setout out to obtain Mr. 'Hayos' impressions of Now York and the country. The ox- president conversed entertainingly for a few moments and the Englishman took his loavo. , No sooner had ho got'outsido the door , howovcr , than a thoucrht struck him. Ho must know more about the man with whom ho had talked. Opening the door again , therefore , be'thrust'hls' head in and said : "I bog your pardon , Mr. Hayoa , but would you mind tolling mo of what ' you wqco.president . ? ' . ' / . - * , < „ / i > . > > , After two years' trial with pine , oak and groenhcart in the Suez Cailal company's ar senal basin at Port Said , It hns boon found that while the pine and oak are almost en tirely destroyed * * by the "tarot , " or borer wor.n , the Rrconhoart has suffered no Injury whatever. This wood is a native of British Guiana. LOGIC OF THEIR LOW-FEE SYSTEM IS EXPLAINED The Tendencies of Civilization Are to Make the Benefits of Science Inexpensive and Universal Drs. Copeland & Shepnrd's ' Excellent System Pounded on That Idea. The common people of toaay have lots o lomforts nnd conveniences unknown to the nonnrchs. millionaires and nabobs of oarllor linos. Crojsus had no Key odn water. Cleopatra had no ehowliiK RUIU. "ompoy. the swell ot the Homnn empire , had 10 silk hat. Honuparto had no gas In his louso. They had no parlor ours , no parlor hlDJ. They now nothlns of the miraculous conveniences of olootriclty , though what wa's o them only a spnrk from n Hint or the flash of the btorm Is now the sto.idy cuncl'o ' of the masses , and the wllcl dnrt that streaked the skies now carries thi ) poor man s letters. I his s as It ouaht to lie. If wo oiin't have u tnll- onlum of morality , lot ui at loiiHt Imvo a ml - enlum of mecliunloul splendor ami of puysl- comfort. All Rood moil desire that tlio joneflw of learning nnd invention Ijouome In- oxuonslvo und imlviirsul. tlio common enjoy- munts of the people ; that the llKht und bo.iuty of eood books become almost ns fruo as raln- ) iW9 iind sunlmuniHi that the resource * of medical skill and science for relieving human piiln and mlbory shall Iiocnmo by BOIIIO plan ' like that of DM. Coyi'iiind & tiliapard almost Inoxponslvo ns uuro water atapubllo foun- tUj" ' con'rso there la a counter tomlonoy In In- dlvlduul cupidity , the evil spirit of uroody ao- und ntononoly. Tlioro uro wlckort niorolianta who would glad y take the Kolrton olmius from the Hides , uurt. Instead of loavlni ; them to bo thu frco 1oys of the world , dupmo thorn Into commuJltlot tlio Hainn us stool ou- gravlngs ana porn s.xitauBo. Tlioru are wuked ilio.ktr.oal miiiinsors who would close nil the free u irks , to tax tlio poor for rn-roatlon , and winked phynhluns who would close ull the free hospitals so that they could t ix the slok ' " ' ' ' thU uriiol spirit and ono croat rousin for the stoiullly InerwiisliiR popu larity of the Copelund system is hepiiuhn un- dur thitt systoin tlio lionuUW of ( ho hlijlioit uiuilloiil skill iud lo.irnlirou.'ht lo bo uvnll- aulo to 11 musses , like the alrof the pnrks. With nr.CopoI.iiiU K. hhdpiinl tlio nlu.i siieiin to ho that drjps ot Piiim and modluliitf for I ho nltliutlon of human snirurlnK and t m cure of liunittii dlsuaso nrn lee muoli like * llowon aljvo , too , _ .7tollK .o . free , wl . * . ; , ' drooping plnnts , to tb'in u inoroly nomln. OHHONIO UIHIJASIM I'OHITI VKl.Y CUHED IN MALI' ' TUB TiMi : OCOIII'ICIJ HY ANV OTIICtt HVBTBM. A ) , OW VF.K Vl'M MONTH J , A. LOYGREN , Real Estate. ONB VHAH AND A I1ALP AC0 ! Mil. J. A. I.OVOKKN , tin * well known i-ntuto dnulcr , Ml llrowu block , wns truated by DM. Copl.nul &Hhup.ird. Ho now says : "In my uuso < lys- uopsliiunil catarrh , noarlv rulnoil inc. I mir- ForVil ull thu dtstrusi tlint oes with Iheso ills- uaies ; uUUoil to thin my nervous tystcin wan thoroughly exImustoJ. luavlnsf inn without llfu or umbltlon. Or * . Copeluml fc bhouurd uuiud mo 13 months ii o. 1 um ull right now , und buy. boon ever .foce. Tllli.vr.tlhM' Prompt Cure of Untiirrli ! ) ' * ' Copalnnil i > blivpint I.o > v I ro Myttom. Mr. J. Ci Kludur f Hed Oik. Iowa , recently unuor Dr. Hhcp rJ'i oaro for an uuitlnatu und IOIIB stumlliu oiuu of oatiirrliHl illsoano. ox. ureisoa his cMtlflo.ition ut Uolnouru'J , uu foi- ' "four homo Irontmunt has dune uruit wprk In my fane I have for years nuiToruil from ull the wrotohodnoH of u i-asii of o itarrh. After your remoiiu | had been ijRO.I twu wcoki j wns iililcli Ijottnr. I could untile on my Ouuk uud wunii I sot up morning * I onld UJi ; uiul couah unu vomlu Now nil th > Tonbli-i uro couu. My leoso of iniell und hu irlni ( urn iimchlmurovBit. lusoU to tnurze at every ob n = t > ot woalimr. but tlnoo iroilnientUiw li i .ill I0t mo My he il l u i-luar ni a. Mb- erty Hall. I b llort ) I um ptrfuctly nuretl uud 4buil 4a u-.aiiKlnJ ! l thu cwl t vim by te.lluj my friends nnd nolzhbors of the merits of your J troutmont. J. KIDDBIt" CONSULTATION AT OFFICE OR IIV MAIL J3 PIIKB AND EVE11Y BUFFKUEll'FJtOM ' CHHONIO DISEASE IS INVITED TO CALL OH WHITE. D\'SI lL Si.V AXI IIUO.XCIIITIS. A Wall KIIOITII Citizen Kiulorne * the l''coaiut < Jnlilt : Cure Syctnm of Urs. Copfliiiul & Hliepuril. Mr. N. n. Coukrolf. Sciith Omuhir , llvlnff on On trout , between Nth and l.'itu , Is the acala man for the Union Stock Yardg oompuny. No' ' man la hotter known or more hWily'rosiiectod ' und esteemed than ho. WhiithoHaya will ! ) * ' nccuptod nt no loss than simple truth. Yostcr-l day. fntlto prusoncoof a nuiiiiiiirof pooplo. ha sild : "Inover quite liollovod tlio HtuUnnonts of the people In the nuw.spiinor.s ro ardlnic what Dra. Uopolaiid unaahopnrd hud done for them , but they muilo enough Imiiro slon on mo to have mo test these pliynlulaiiH , unit uftct my oxporloncowlththom In my own cabo nnd that of IJulsy , my llttlo frlrl , I am nut only wllllDKto bollovo I hnowthat evrj wirj uuli- wxttlHtmth. N. D. OOQKllKLli , n ilh Vniin fitucl ; I'tirJi uo "A trouble orlelnntliiir from cutarrh of the lioad unit auroauluK to my Innjra nnd utouuich hud not only nuiilu odstuncu niliurablu to mu forllftcun biuhud Impaired my iiboful * HUBS nnd threatened mv life. Tlio dMaureua- blo , illstrosslnir synijtomn | of uuturrh I ncud not dwell on. I uilllurnil ullof them. Thn dl > eusauxIQncled lo my lunijfl. fehnrt braatii. HO to oliu < , t , iinntlnnud coiii.'li , conlil not aluop at nlRht for constant ooniililnir. Then tliuUlscaso Involved my Blomuuli. 1 loui mv iiiiolllu | | und wusdlstrosiod liy ev rytlilnz I nto. Dontnn In Ohio and Omiiha had treated me for my liver , clalmliiK tlint w it. my trouble , Imt It did mo not u hit nf h'i > oil. I niuiled aometliln olso. "UnOiir the traiitineiit of lira , ( /'ouvlaiid und filiopinJ , ( hurt icijitn'l M//HI/I. / ( ( 1 cat and vlecpuoll. My licuirlnn la n Boiiiul and clear uu 11 nver was unit my litud nil rljilit. My stouiaoli Is ull r Ik' lit und my roiiKh Kone. 1 huvo t ! ilnud 1.1 poiindu. I noi'd not nay more. 'flute i > liuilel'inntie tilhit / ( ici/iel/r/r/ie ( ( ( / i. " OUThlUK OF OMAHA. lliofyilrm < > l mall trciiliunnt jiiirmiiu ! I > y in Kii > irantee tlio miuui etfi'rtlvu rraulli to thoiovlin < luilro to mihnilt thnir ca r llirunijli ( irrn | iiiiiltini'o n to ilioio liu coinv to tliu cillloc , mill ut .tlio lumu | irloc. Hyiuptuui lilunki * i < at to ull DRS. COPEUND ft SBEPARi ) , KOOMS 311 ANO : il5 NBW VOIlK MffA * IIUILDINU. OMAHA. NKU. Every ( durable Treated * - . Ofllco Huurs.'t to 11 a. in.:3 : to3 p , 111,1 7 tni o. m. Sunday ID , m , tel ? m.