Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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by carrier to imy part of llie city
11. W. TIt.TON - Manager
Oflloo No. 4jJ
, , )1lllt | No 23
jf/.voit .u/f.vno. % .
I > o v.on Store bankrupt sale.
The Mn.vno Heal Kstato Co. , C31 Broadway
The Atlantic association will moot this
tvonlngat 7W : ! ) with the Korean Baptist
To the Union Pacific Employes of Council
niulTs-A public meeting will bo held In the
IJanobti ) hall , corner of Main and Broadway ,
tcptcinbor 10 , at 8 p. in.
Kfctfiilnr conclave of Ivinhoo commandory
No. 7 , Knlphts Totriplar. tlil. % 'I'hurstlay ,
nvHihiR. Alt Sir ICnlghts requested to bo
tit-taunt In full uniform. Per order of
eminent commander.
U U amusing to watch the efforts of the
cltv's dotnocrutlo organ to eheor on the pro-
lilbltlonUts and applaud thulr independence.
Ono would plmost fancy that it was prepar
ing for a cold water plunge , wcro It not for
il well known antipathy.
Tiiosollrjltlntr committees which are ar-
nmlng ; for a supper at the DeLong mission
Kiiturday ire to meet nt 4 o'clock this after
noon to innito reports. Kvery thing Indicates
that the supper will bo such a success ns
will brine omo financial help to that
worthy cause.
An Upper Broadway butcher yesterday
wore out , a warrant for an errant employe ,
charging him with embezzlement , but before
n constable could bo found to servo the docu
ment the butcher had met with a change of
heart , for some unknown reason , nnd re
called the writ.
Special revival services are to ho hold
licro by two evangelists. Kov. A. E. Koables
nnrt Mr. Ocorgo II. Thompson , who como
hero .highly recommended for their earnest
ness and ability. The meetings are to open
next Tuesday. The First Presbyterian ,
First Baptist nnd Congregational churcnes
nro to unite In support of the work.
Dan Wilson was arrested last night ,
charged with making a promiscuous assault
on a crowd of farmers In front of a South
Main street saloon , The bartender re
fused to let him have anything to drink and
lie gathered up tin armful of beer glasses
and stilcd them Into the crowd. A man
mimed Jerome passed the plnco Just In tlmo
to receive an ugly blow in the face ,
The tent meetings under the supervision
of Kldor T. W. Williams of the Latter Day
Saints church on Washington avenue , near
Klghth street , arc proving a complete suc
cess. Many nro interested and baptism will
be administered to nil candidates on next
Sunday r.ftornoon , The aim is to make this
a union meeting , all ministers being spe
cially requested to participate. Services
commence every evening at 8 o'clock.
The trouble about show licenses and free !
tickets Is now settled. The city council has
passed the ordinance allowing the mnyor to
use his discretion in charging anywhere
from $ ! 2i ! to $1BO for a circus , nccordlnjr to the
number of rings nnd monkoys. The frco !
tickets for the aldermen will bo , as hereto
fore , a matter of discretion on the part 0Jf
the nclvanco agent , to bo determined wholly
by his own viowsof courtesy and expediency.
"The urrest of William Carnahan by Officer
Murphy Is to bo investigated by the mayor
nnd police committee. It is charged that
the olllccr should have waited for seine moro
opportune time rather than , have tried to
nab his man when thu latter was driving
homo a carnage load of mourners from IKa
funeral. The sensational arrest hns caused
no IIttlu discussion , and the ofllcial inquiry
is started to get at the real facts of the :
matter. '
T. Hyan , who wound up his celebration of
Labor day by smashing the furniture in his
hotiso and scaring his wife by a threatening
club , was before Judge McGee yesterday
morning. His wife did not appear against
him and the old man had his story his own
way. He said the woman drove him to
drink and angered hltn so that ho overstepped -
stopped the bounds of moderation. He 3rHS
lot olt with n 5-10 line , which with a bill for
new furniture will make his celebration i a
rather expensive ono.
A rather sensational article In a Crystal
Lake , 111. , pa per announces a fact of some
interest to Council Bluffs people who have
misseil the two bright llttlo children of veS.
T. Smith , an electric ! belt man. It will
recollected that when Mr. Smith took the
children from the care of his housekeeper.
Miss Winnie McDonald , at DCS Moines , that :
conslderablo newspaper notoriety was Riven
all parties concerned nnd that .Mr. Smith
inailc sonic sensational charges against Miss
McDonald that wcro not sustained. The
Illinois patter states that the children have
been rcscueo by their father anil placed
in the custody of their grandmother at
that place. Then follows a remarkable
account of Miss McDonald's connection with
the domestic ; affairs of Smith ; that she had
kldnapul the children thrco years ago , and
that for eighteen months Sirith had sought
In vain for them and only accidentally found
them under assumed names , traveling with
a theatrical company ; that Miss McDonald :
had mortgaged his household goods for'l,000
nnd luiil secured 57,000 by other means from
him. All of which will bo rather queer :
news to Council Bluffs people who are famil
iar with the facts and Miss McDonald's
heroic efforts to maintain a homo and glvo
motherly care to the bright llttlo orphans. )
Tlio firm of Wheeler , Hot-old & Co. , in
tliiw day diwriolved by mutual consent , it
F. Wilkinson retiring , G. K. , , Wheeler
mill .1 , A. ll.urold will continue under
the linn niuno of Wheeler & llerold ,
tliov ' assuming till liabilities and collect- :
ins'all bills.
.T. A. llKHKLU ,
COUNCIL BUJKFS , lowu , Sept.1,1803. .
I'KtiiiM.V.I / . r.t it.i ait.i I'll s.
Mr. and Mrs. 1' . C. Do\roo are among the
fair visitors.
ifov. A. V. Gonoll of Chicago Is in the city
visiting re at vcs.
Dr. Cook loft last evening to got a farm in
. the Cherokee Strip.
Dr. Heller loft last evening for an ex
tended eastern trip.
Mr. and Mrs , W. A , Stone nnd daughter
have gene to Hamburg , lu. , to visit friends.
George K Wright has returned from Clin
ton , la. , where ho had been called byka wed
ding invitation.
C. U. Jnrqucmin arrived from Helena ,
Mont. , Sunday evening , and loft last evenIng -
Ing for Chicago , accompanied by Muster
George Corner.
H. Brans of the olcctrio light
loft last evening for Chicago. Ho is accom
panied by his wife , and after visiting the
fair they will go to Ohio , her old home , for a
brief stay.
A goodly sued party rollml fuirward over
the Ncj-thwostern lust evening , among them
being : John Bono , , Iohn Mcrgcn , Air. and
Mrs. John Oliver , Joslah Danforth , Miss Ida
Casady , Bert Casady and wife , Miss Hello
Kalb , IC'lson Damon , W. M , Shepherd and
wife. Miss Shepherd , MUs Wink , Mrs.
Btnphcnson , Mrs. Graham , W. C. Kslop ,
Mrs. L. Unsalli , Miss Llllio Lake , Mrs. Ben
Heath , of Dow city , Claude LIugutt , Frank
Johnson and J , Lynch ,
Coal cheap for cash.
Carbon Uonl Co. ,
31 Poiirl Btroot. Grand hotel bldg- .
Smoke T. 1) . Kintr & Co'a Purtugus.
No I.uriuru Tonliflit.
There was a lecture announced for the
Fifth avenue Methodist Kplscopal church
this evening by Kov , A. R Koblnson , the I
colored lecturer , but it has bcun postponed ,
as ho cannot bo in the city. He loft for
Kansas * City to attend tha conference con-1
ncctcd with his church and expected to ho
back In time for the lecture , but was obliged
to attend an extra session at Kt. LouU. This
will keep him out of the city , and the
lecture hns been deferred until some date
that can bo arranged for on his return.
Dementia soup iu thu best.
Are soiling- ( our to nix u day of those
imigniticttiit Hudituit Homo riingea. Do
sure und BCO them before you my.
Cole ft Colo.
Fruit lands und farms. Grecnuhiuhlu.
Nicholson i Co. , COO Broadway. Tel. 101
Dangera. Which Lurk to tlio Alleyways and
Oilier Uncarecl for Places.
lrop rtr Ownett Who Unity Dlirngnrd and
Violate tlin City Orilnmnco.i Cnrclen-
ni > i < Which Will Siitun Dnr Cniu *
a Urcat Condattrntlon ,
The flro department xvas called out at an
early hour .yesterday morning by n llttlo ,
but hot blaze , discovered la a pile of rubbish
nnd barrels In the roar of a Mala street bottling
tling establishment. Owing to favorable
circumstances the flro was spoodtly put out
and llttlo damage was dono.
The condition of the surroundings as thus
called attention to forms an excellent text
for the giving of an exhortation to the city
authorities and property owners , for the
same conditions are found to exist In many
parts of thocity. Alloys are common dump
ing places for piles of mnnuro , old paper ,
boxes , etc. , thcso combustible piles being
often In such ctoso proximity to
wooden shoils and barns filled with
hay , that at almost any tlmo this city may
awuko to the awful realization of how great
a lire n little sparlc tuny kindle. A cigar
slump or match tossed nsldo by some
careless or drunken hand Is liable at any
tlmo to start a blaze which , if notdlscovcied rr rl l
in time , or if starting with wind and weather
favorable for qulcic flames , might sweep
away n great deal of valuable property.
In looking over the situation yesterday
there was noticed in the rear of one store
the gathering of a pile of papers and straw ,
preparatory to an exterminating bonfire , and
yet right across the alloy was a stable , the
loft door of which was open , and out of it
was hanging n great bunch of hay , waiting
temptingly for any flying spark. A hasty
Inspection of the alloys In the main part of
the city reveals the presence of many such
threatening combinations and it does seem
that where u sure preventive can bo secured
by such little trouble or expense prompt and
decisive action should bo taken. Theusoof
the alleys as dumping grounds is also an in
justice to those property owners who do
keep their promises clean nnd who are striv
ing to take every possible precaution against
fires. Citizens generally should take a peep
Into the alloys and see for themselves what
chances thera nro for fires. Perhaps In this
way a sulllclcnt amount of public sentiment
may bo aroused to cause an enforcement of
the ordinance : ) .
Irlrr for Thursiliiy Only Une.IIitir.
50 pieces dark style outing flannel ,
regular 1125o quality , today 5c yard. You
can save money by buying all winter
goods now. Tliis is a great advance
sale and a great many goods during this
dale will bo only one-half what you will
pay in thirty days from now.
Head the prieea carefully.
2 pieces only of 50-inch black gloria
silk , regular price 81.50 , today at our
store at half price , 75o yard. If you
anticipate buying a nice black dress
this will pay you to buy it right
now. Remember the width , 50 inches
wide , 7fic yard. 100 pieces extra heavy
canton flannel , today 7c yard. This
our regular lOc .quality , and just what
you will pay later on.
500 pieces white shaker flannel at .Tjc
yard. Just what you will pay 7e and 8c
for later on.
5,000 rolls nice quality cotton batts ,
" regular lUjc quality , today , Thursday ,
"e roll.
100 pieces nice quality comforter cal
ice , 5c yard. BBNNISON Buos.
Police Think tluit They Huvo Captured a
Much Wanted Criminal.
The police made a capture yesterday
which gives promise of being of moro than
passing Importance. The fellow gives his
name as Fred Kiester. For several weeks
ho has been hanging about South Omaha ,
claiming to bo interested in stock , but beyond -
yond taking a good deal of Interest in the
markets with bin mouth ho never seemed
to bo very nctivo in deals. At the Transit
house he hail run a board bill of about ? l2 !
and the landlord was getting a little too per
sistent for payment to make it real agree !
able for Kiester Yesterday forenoon
the landlord learned that Kiester had given
a check to another creditor for$18 , and
that the check nud proven to bo nda
forgery. Just as things thus began to
break out in spots yesterday morning ICies- :
tor suddenly concluded to leave , and , borrow
ing 15 cents fur car faro from ono of his good
nuturcu acquaintances , bo started down teen
the city. By a shrewd surmise this fact.on
becoming known , led to the conclusion that
ho was intent on coining ovur to Council
Hluffs , this being the exact amount that
would bo required to make the journey.
With this clew the landlord cauin over
this sldo and found his man at the transfer.
An ofllccr was called and the fejlow was
given a ride in the patrol wagon. At the
station ho was booked with beluga fugitive
from justice. Ho Ivom
refuses to go back across :
the river without a requisition , nnd ho isn't
very anxious to go any way. It is stated ,
too , that bo answers very closely the descrip l | >
tion of iv man who ( s wanted for having done
crooked work in connection with ono of ; here
publics olllces in Denver , and for whom u re
ward of tyuo has been offered.
to ( irocery.noii ,
The brand of corn known as "D. W.
Archer's World's Fair Brand Sugar Corn ,
Council Bluffs , la. , " is not Hacked
Council BUill's und Council Bfulls Can
ning Co. has no interest whatever in said
Don't fail to figure with Cole & Cole
" on your steel range or cook stove , Tlio
"best stock and lowest
prices. Sold on
payments to responsible parties.
Bimtcllril 1'i.ckvlbciiik.
Ycstorduy afternoon Mrs. A. B. Nicholas
was preparing to go out riding and loft her
pocketbook with some other llttlo articles i on
the scut of the buggy while she stopped Into
the yard fora moment. A small boy by the
name of Fuller who chanced to bo passing ; ( ,
ulstrlbutlng'liandhllls , snatched the pocknt-
book and flow. He w.s cuught by thu police
before ho had a chance to invest in peanuts ,
and the contents ot the pocketbook were re
turned Intact. This mine lad got snmo
notoriety last winter lu connection with
stealing a lot of sleds belonging to his
mates , but owing to thu high standing of his
parents was allowed to go free.
" "a ' " " "
Business men neetl their money in
these times. If you have bills against
people not living in Iowa employed by
any railway , express , telegraph or tele
phone company entering Iowa , write i to
the Nassau Investment Co. , Council
Bluffs. Collections guaranteed ,
Have $1,500 to loan on real estate
security. E. II. Shcafe.
' The \Vut.on
No further light has boon thrown upon the
mysterious disappearance of li. L. Watson ,
the traveling num. His relatives and friends !
at his homo In Shelby , to the number of
over thirty , have gone to Silver City with
the determination to continue the search.
They will not listen to any suggcsitlon that
Watson has voluntarily disappeared , and the
most rigid examination fails to show any
circuuistnnco in his business or social rela
tions indicating tiny motive for such nn act.
When he left homo last week ho arranged tea
buy a suit of clothes for his llttlo boy , and In
aci'ordiinca with this promise do sent the
suit and wrote hU wite that he would surely
bo at homo Sunday , as her father and
mother would bo away nt the World's fair ,
and she would bo loucsoaiu. On leaving the
Scott uoiuo In Couucil Bluff * bo remarked
thai this would bo the last tlmo ho would
ever make lhl trip In this way , ns lie hated
to tnko the midnight train at Silver City ,
Ho was golne hereafter to so change his
way of making thcso towns that ho would
not have to t.lko that train.
Astdo from the gathering up of some such
llttlo bits of go.nlp nothing hns been learned
by those who are hunting for the key to the
mystery. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lor AVciIncmlny.
5fj dozen ladies' Jcrsoy ribbed vests ,
our regular -5o quality. Wo want to
eloso thorn out. Kntlro lot today , lOc.
20 dozen infants' all wool knit vests ,
all sizes , today , 2oo each.
Largest line of underwent : in the city.
Today wo olTor f > 0 pieces of heavy cot
ton twill crash , 2Jc yard.
100 pieces light shifting prints today ,
Me yard.
1,000 , pieces new fall dross prints atSJc
and Gc yard. You save money by trad
ing with us.
2o nlccos of outing flannel , nice styles ,
regular 12Jc quality , today , .Co yard.
Can you pass thin bargain by ?
CO pieces heavy shlrtlngs"nico , styles ,
regular 12Jc quality , today 7c
Bo on hand earlv ' for these barirains.
Council Bluffs.
Cinders for Sulo 200 loads nice , clean
cinders for walks and drive ways. Apply
to E. D. Burke , Tuylors's grocery
It Pas c tlin 3-Cont Motor Orclhmncb with
' tlm Proper Correction * .
All the members of the city council , with
the exception of Alderman Goiso , were
present at the regular monthly meeting
Tuesday evening.
The reports of the city officers wcro pre
sented , and referred to the finance com
The city moat nnd milk Inspector reported
that ho had condemned a few lots of fifteen
to thirty pounds each of corned beef , fresh
beef and spare ribs , and that ho had visited
all the milk dairies in the city and found
them In a highly satisfactory condition , and
the olllclal tests were all above the rc | lured
IH ! ( ) standard with two exceptions , where the
the tests were twenty and forty degrees
No reports were received from the poll tax
collector aim health inspector and they were
ordered to comply with the law.
James W. Snodderly's petition for remis
sion of taxes on account of alleged disability
wns rejected.
A petition from property owners in Gales-
burgh addition for the vacation of some lots
unlawfully occupied by the city for street
purposes wasdlscovcrcd among thu archives
of n former city administration and was
taken up and favorably reported.
The ordinance fixing show licenses at not
more tnan $150 nor less than $ & > was passed. '
StrcBt Hill I way I'Hrcs.
Tno now and corrected ordinance reducing
the street car faro to y cents on Broadway to
Avenue A was placed upon Its second reading ,
nnd after a hot colloquy between Aldermen
Keller and Smith , it called uo various amend
ments. Smith wanted the ! i-cent clause to
apply to all streets In tno city. Ho refused
to accept the proffer of n similar ordinance
for South Main street. Ills amendment was
lost , but an amendment making it include
the Manawa motor line , proposed by Hath
away , was passed.
At this juncture Alderman Tibbotts moved
that thu ordinance , in its original form and
with its amendments , be laid upon the table
indefinitely. No second was found , but tho.
council , by courtesy , voted unanimously
against it , with the exception of Tibbotts.
A motion Jtoj read the ordinance a third
time was debated to the point of complete
confusion , and when the vote was taken the
aldermen wore astonished to discover that
they had killed it. It was finally agreed
that it was the second reading under con
sideration and the ordinance tlicr. sailed on
smoothly to its final passage.
The twin ordinance .regulating transfer
checks nnd compelling street railway com
panies to Issue them and accept them
within thirty minutes was taken up and
passed. Alderman Smith wanted the
Manawa railway also included , so that If a
fellow took a 3-cent ride on tbu electric lines
he could get a transfer and rlilo down to the
city limits on his way to Manawa for noth
ing. Other aldermen were satisfied that
the amendment would bo illegal , but they
passed it with the understanding that Smith
should make the test case.
Alderman Nicholson offered a resolution
requiring oho mayor and polU e commission
to investigate the arrest by Officer Murphy
of the hack driver f \ > ll t 1111 IIU 11 , while 1 return-
ing from a funeral. Approved.
The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railway
was given permission to do its own filling In
accordance with ordinance requiring the
raisins of its property to grade.
Chief Nicholson was granted $30 to defray
his expenses to attend the meeting of lire
chiefs at Milwaukee , Smith und Keller vet
ing no.
O. S. Pryor nnd others asked to have ob
structions in the way of fences removed
from Green street.
Illds to supply the city with coal were sub
mitted by II. A. Cox , \V. M. UradloyV. . W.
Wallace and the Carbon Coal company.
Prices for anthracite ranged from $10.50 to
910.10 per ton , and southern smokeless coal
from f8.05 to $5.85. Iowa coal ranged from
$4 to $ i.CO per ton. Bids wore referred for
A largo number of bids for cement curb
ing , wiiorever ordered by'tho city , were pre
sented , ranging from " 8J cents per lineal
foot toIS cents. Jans Jansen tiled the low
est bid , but all bids wcro rejected for the
mason that tlio bids wer < j Bused upon differ
ent advertisements , ono requiring % x'--
Inch i curbing , und the otllerIxiiO. . The cleric
wus instructed to advertise for bids to bo
opened at a special meeting next Tuesday
evening. The council then adjourned to that
Pile of paaplo hiva : pius , BUS Dawltt'a
Wltchllazol Salvo will euro them.
Ask your grocer for Domestic soap.
The time for the purchase of now carpets -
pots , etc. , is here , iind this recalls the
fact that the Council Bluffs Carpet com
pany in the i nly establishment where
yon can positively save inonny and got
Butlnfactlon in goods , Council Blull'K
people , and as many in Omaha as rlesiro
to Have money , will appreciate this hint.
Cook your meals this summer on a gas
range. At cost at thu Gas company.
Slop at the Ogdun , council Blults , t to
Ictt&J.OO hoiibu'in Iowa.
Domestic soup is the host
Williamson < fc Co. , I05 ! Main street ,
largest und boat bicycle stock in city.
Army ill tlin Titiim KHPO ,
The Society of the Army of the Tennessee
meets in Chicago next week. General
Dodge , the president , has been 30 long iden
tified with the interests of Council HlufTs
and there are so many others hero and in
this vicinity who won honors by their bravo
participation in the events which make so
gallant a history for that army , that it has
been suggested that the next reunion bo
hold in Council DlulTs , No city of its
size in the United States has
shown greater means and willlngncHs
In extending hospitality to such gatherings
than Council Bluffs , and there is no doubt
but that if the gallant veterans of this
society would honor this city by their pres-
eneo next year they would bo given euch a
cordiality of welcome and a generosity of
treatment us only a western city knows how
to provide. A number of prominent ropro-
sentutlvt-s of Council Bluffs will visit
Chicago and use their influence In securing
the reunion for IbW. The acceptance of
such an Invitation would bo a grout honor to
Council Hluffs , and the city would do its
level best to show Its appreciation ,
Piles of poofiio have pius. but Dowltt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Beautiful etching given with every
dozen cabinet photos ut Kloy' ! & ; Shorra-
den's for twenty days ; frames of all
kinds to order.
George S. Davis , proscription druggist.
Domestic soup outlasts cheap soap
IT r $39,000.00.
ml I ) n < ,
Thirty-nine Thousand bollar Bankrupt Stock of W. D. Richardson & Co. , Rock ford , 111. , bought by the
This stock was bought . by us at a mere fraction of cost and will be SOLD AT A MERE SONG along with our immense
stock. This announcement should crowd our store from end to end for the next thirty clays.
All our COATS ard CAPES nt ex
actly half price.
25 pairs Lace Curtains sold for $ -.00 ,
during sale for $1.10 per pair.
20 pairs Luco Curtains sold for 83.00 ,
during sale for $1.79 ? pair.
15 pairs Nowmills Lace Curtains sold
for $3.60 and $4.00 , during sale at $2.19
n pair. "
All odds and ends in our Curtain
stock at less than half price.
15 pairs Turcoman Portieres , real
chenille border , sold for $3.75 , to go at
$1.89 a pair during salo. .
10 pairs Chenille I'ortiorcs , dado top
and bottom , heavy Motico fringe , sold
for $5.76 , to go during sale tit $4.60 a
10 pairs Chenille Portieres , figured allover
ever , fringed top and bottom , also ono
side , sold for $12 , for $7.60 a pair during
this silo.
\Vo have about 100 pairs Corsets in
odd sixes that sold from $1.00 up to $2.2.rj ,
to go during sale at 680 a pair. If you
can find your size here is a bargain.
See our 2ociuul 60c counters of Muslin
Underwear , some choice garments can
ho picked from thorn.
Our lOe Silkolonoto , ho sold during
sale tit 7c a yard. ' > '
All -Wall Paper4will sold during
this sa'o at exactly half price.
Wo will hung paper for lOc a roll dur
ing this salo.
Sensation Sprung-by'lie Defense in the
Mawhor MUrdei Trial.
Note that Was 1'ounil in tlio Lumber Kooin
Ucolitrcil Mr * . Alawhnr's Ilopo that
Her Third Attempt at riut-
clilo Would Succeed.
AVOCA , la. , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. ] All the testimony has been ,
taken in the Mawhor trial and the nrgu- ,
ments were commenced today , the opening
address to the jury for the state being con
cluded before court adjourned. The chief
witness for the defense was Leah Mawhor ,
daughter of the defendant. She pave her
testimony in a convincing way , adding what
ever she could to favor the case of her father.
It was brought out in evidence last week
that the relations between Leah nnd her
stepmother were not the most pleasant , and
this was corroborated today by the young
lady's own testimony. But the most sensa
tional piece of evidence that has been Intro-
d'uced during the whole trial was a scrap of
paper , purporting to bo a bit of a note writ
ten by Mrs. Mawhor , in which she declared
her Intention to commit suicido. The bit of
paper was identified by Miss Mawhor as
boinc in her isteumother's handwriting , und
said sno hoped she would bo successful in
this , her third attempt to kill herself.
Leah Mawhor tcstillcd that the first trou
ble occurred between her father and her
stepmother over a surprise party. She had
asked her schoolmates at Axtell , Kan. , to
como over and spend the night with her , and
they had declined. Later they ciuno and
surprised the family. Her stepmother said
she was a liar , and she loft homo. She said
her stepmother hud twice told her , she had
attempted suicide.
Here the dolonso sprung their surprise on
the state , offering In evidence a scrap of
paper on which was written : ' 'Before the
morning of the ' . ' (1th ( of Octoocrjl hope my form 1
will ho cold. This is the third , and I hope
it will bO'ft success. " This paper was identi
fied by Leah Mawhor as being in her stop-
mother's handwriting ,
H. I. Mawhor , who furn'shed this ploco of
paper , tcstillcd lie found it In the lumbar
room of the defendant's house a few days
after his arrest. Ho was searching for p.l .
hon when ho found the paper.
On cross-cxaminiUiQlnof Leah Mawhor it
was developed that Hho. was famlllnr with
the hun Jwritlng of hcnislopmother , because
when she left homJunto go to Illinois her
stepmother wrote her loiters dictated by
tlio defendant. f < >
Mrs. Krnnzcskn Krbeck. on rebuttal , tcs
tilled that the note was. not written by her
daughter. Contrary'toitho general oxpetita-
tlon the defendant .vras not placed on the
stand , The takingujf testimony closed at
4'M ; , mid the iirguuitju s to the jury wore
at oncu begun , '
\V. K. Mitchell ononfld for the stato. Ho
Is the young attorney selected by thu super
visors of Fremont county to assist the prose
cuting attorney. lQli . Mitchell made n
strong argument , taiuvrhich the jury paid
close attention , Hl jiflTort ( en uohalf of tlio
state ls generally cpjmncnded. It U ho | ed
the arguments will no concluded und tlio
case given to the jur/Dy the time for court
to adjourn tomon'oWMawhor shows the
effect of the strain ho is under , and as the
crucial moment approaches , lie evinces moro
than over his apprehension of the outcome.
Murdered by a llurelnr.
KEOKUK , la. , Sept , 0. At Fort Madison ,
la. , at an early hour this morning Herman
Ant.elmnn , n farmer , was killed by a burglar ,
Antelmun discovered a man breaking into
his house and effected hli capture. Sum
moning assistance ho started to town with
the burglar to turn him over to the sheriff.
Near the city the prisoner Jumped out of the
wagon and started to run. Antolman pur
sued him and the burglar 11 red three shota ,
Instantly killing Antelmun. JCxcltemcnt ii
nt high pitch and thu murderer may bo
lynched if caught. A posse is now in pursuit.
Mint ! IU Sou.
DoiirquE. Sept. 8. [ Special Telegram to
TUB DBB.J Janes China ana his brldu o
Milwaukee , who are spending their honey
Now la tlio tlmo to clean house ; you
can siivo money by doing it now.
18 pieces double- fold Cushmoros ,
Chocked Suitings and Chnngctiblo
Diagonals , worth from 12o to ! iOo a
yard , for tilts snlo at 10o } a yard.
60 ptcccR of Scotch Cheviots in plnids ,
stripes and mixtures-woll worth SOc a
yard , during sale , 25o a yard.
" 0 pieces all wool Bedford Cords , sold
for 75c a yard , at 25c a yard.
CO pieces all wool Hotu-Iottas , Matto-
lasso Cords and fancy weaves , worth
from GOc to 81.2-3 a yard , to go at t59e a
15 pieces of an odd lot of trcay.v cloalc-
ings'and suitinus that sold for $1.25 to
$1.76 a yayd , during this sttlo at G9u a
Our $1.00 line of Ottomans , t'oolins ,
Epinglines ; a peed assortment of colorj ,
all at 50c a > ard.
\Vo have about 25 of our Quo dross
patterns left to bo sold at just one-Half
the regular price.
Our ontlro stock of Figured China
Silks that sold forISc , S9e and
05c a ya'-d , during this sale at 2'Jc a
Ail our Blaoic Silks , including Surahs ,
Chinas and the famous Natchang dross
j ailka at cost price. Every piece at the
top mark.
5o Lawnp und Challins Ic a yard.
15o Chiillin cloths ft"c a yard.
12Jc Corded Dross Ginghams Co a
15o Fancy Dross Gtnghams 7o a yard.
12jc Taffeta Cords and Mulls Glo yard.
Choice of our entire Calico Block ,
grays , blues , blacks and fancies , during
sale at Cc a yard.
All remnants of wash goods at ox-
nctly half price.
Ladies' Silk Vests , regular 7oc grade ,
during sale atiSc. .
7o ladies'and children's vests , 3o cauh.
12c } ladies' Ribbed Vests , Sc each.
2f c , 33u and 35o Swiss Ribbed Vests ,
17c each , or thrco for COc.
All our 3'Jeloo and 50c Llslo Vests , in
ono lot , during sale at 35c each , or three
for $1.00.
35u ! gents' Underwear for lOc.
CPc gents' Balbriggan Underwear , 33c.
65c gents' Blue Mixed Underwear , 'Me.
17c ladies' Fast Black
Hose 12c a
25c Regular Made Hose , 17c ; throe
pairs for 5Uij.
S'Ja and 39c Pine
Imported Hose 27c a
a pair.
19c children's Ribbed IIoso , tans and
reds , for 12c.
12jc children's Jloavy Ribbed Hose
tilm-lff ill On n mtii >
15 dozen Indies' Llslo Thread
black , boots and stainless opera tops ,
good value at 6Sc , to go duiiiig sale at
3c ! ) a pair.
ICc Mixed Sockp , OOc a box of halt
12Jo Heavy Rockford Socks , throe for
Goc and 75o Shirts , excellent styles , COa
$1.25 and SI.50 Silk Striped Shirts , 87n
60o and 7Co Neckwear in Gents' Tooks ,
Four-in-Hiinda and PtilTs , 35o , three for
lie four-ply Linen Collars , choice of
stock lOcoach.
All Muslins , Cambrics and Shootings
during this sule at actual cost.
Potter's boat Oil Cloth 12o } a yard.
lOc chocked Toweling ( Ho a yard.
3e ! ) and 4'Jo Unbleached Damask
lablo Linen at Me a yard.
COc and 680 Unbleached Table Linen
at 39c a yard.
6Su and 07c Bleached Linen Damask
at 47c.
75c and 85o Bleached Linen Dtunask at
$1.00. $1.25 , $1.60 72-inch fine Damask
at 87 3 c.
During this sale wo will offer our entire
tire stock of Linen Sots and Napkins ,
including fringed , hemstitched and
moon with Chino's sister hero , went over to
the vicinity of Potosi , Wis. , this morning to
visit China's father , and this afternoon the
trio went upon the river in a skllT , when the
" father shot the son In the abdomen. The
"wounded man'was' ferried across the river
and placed in a hospital hero. None of the
" parties to the affair will tell what led to the
shooting. Investigation does not establish
" the story of a struggle in midriver.
Mrs. Ellim Fouler StiinilH Up Tor the Inilc-
lifMiiliMirn of the W. V. T. U.
DKS MOINES , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The attendaneo at the stale
'air today was estimated by ono of the
ofllcers at the close at 85,000. It was old
soldier's day and many veterans were pres-
nt from all parts of the stato. There wore
no formal exerciser , but there wore a numoer
of regimental reunions on thu ground. Hon.
T. Campbell was the speaker at the
Fortieth Iowa's sixth annual meeting.
Among the special features of tno fair was
ho attendance of the Tippecunoo club In a
uody and a meeting at the Polk county
building in the afternoon. The speakers
were : Hon. Frank D. Jackson , Joel P. Davis ,
Mrs. J , Ellen Foster , W. 13. Odoll , Captain
Albert Head nnd Hon. Lewis Todbtinter.
Airs. Foster spoke for the Women's Chris-
tlan Tomporunco union , saying it had sup
ported prohibition from the first , and sus
tained all measures that would lu-ing about
the abolition of the saloon. The Women's
Christian Temperance union does not stand
for the republican party nor the democratic
party. Neither docs it stand for the repub
lican prohibitionists , tlio populists , the
straight prohibitionists or any . other party.
It is not pK-dgod to any party. Hutjardlng
the present outlook Mrs. Foster said that u
man was u blockhead who said ho did not
cure for the coming contest. Ho must ho
less than half a man if ho docs not care for
the way things are mixed. Some men do
not know where the path of duty lies. They
are on the fence ; but that is bettor than
being on the wrong side. It does not be-omo
us to impugn the motives of any man who
hesitates. The Woman's Christian Tern-
pcranco union has nothing to say about the
planks and the platforms of the parties as
nn organization , n will worklo secure men
for the legislature who will sustain prohi
bition ,
cTiKsN-iMcoiiimrioN : ; AIOVKUKNT.
lix-Hoiuitor ilntnvR Ilurlun Sci'n TIVII Oon.
HplcluoiiH llrunkcm\hoail.
Dr.9 MoiNKH. Sopt. 0 . [ Special Telegram
to Tim BUB. ' ] In response to a letter from
Chairman Glbion and Jamus P. Pinkhuin ,
the prohibition state central commltteo , re
garding the movement against the tern-
puranco plunk of the Iowa rcpubllcun plat
form ex-Senator James Hat-Ian
, ot Ml.
Pleasant , under ditto of September , re-
piles at considerable length , Ho declines to
endorse the alleged citizens movement for
prohibition , saying the election of proposed
nominees docs not scorn to him to bo within
the rungo of possibility , and continues ;
' Hence , ovqry republican vote cast for them
will weaken the republican party and
strengthen the democratic party. Your
propose ' ) ! organization gives the democracy
of Iowa' , in my 'opinion , its only hope of suc
cess at thu next election , and if Horace
Holes should bo again elected governor of
Iowa , with a democratic majority in the
general assembly , two things will doubtless
occur , viz. i First , a democratic United
.States senator will bo elected to misrepre
sent Iowa und vote steadily against repub
lican principles In that great forum from
the 4th of March , IH'JS , until the -Itti of
March , i 11KH ; second , the existing pro
hibitory llnuor law will certainly be re
pealed and some sort of a license law will
bo enacted iu its placo. "
TOO Plentiful.
DAVESI-OIIT , la. , Sopt. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to 'Inn BEK , ] This morning Peter
Lantrmi , grocer , found that his ' safe hud
been drilled and blasted , but only the outer
plating was torn off and the 100 ho had
there for safe keeping wus intact. During
tlwnfght burglars were frightened away
from a residence while In the act of entering
ita window.
Tough characters are rendezvoused in this
vicinity and opposite iu Illinois in consider
able strength.
This morning nineteen criminals were
taken from the county jail and arraigned iu
court. Almost as many moro are out on bail
for their appearance. The gatix la the jail
This new candidate for public trial comes in prepared
sizes , same as Pennsylvania coal. It contains within
three to five per cent AS MUCH FIXED CARBON
as the eastern anthracite and has
Less -A-slies airicl Less © ulpliur .
Try it before buying. For further information and
samples call on
10 Main Street - Council Bluffs.
Special ] \fofcicess
- ' ' with little time
UrANTEU-l'iirlli'H a anil eaiilta
to niiilto anil Introduce luti'iitwl novelties. H
. AclamH , 1IH 1'erln : ivcmit > , Council lllnilH.
IJ'OH SAMS ! ) ( > acres line t'anlun Innil JiiHtont-
alilt'of city llinltH , wllli pli-nty of fruit , l > orrh-H
il srapL'H ami fair ImlUllnfB. Prices $ I , . > li.llil ) ) If
'ikcn at unco. HartfuliiH In Improved ival ti tatu
unl cany II.TIIIH ut payment. 'JUS 1'carl Btrout ,
U Jfc Towlu ,
J foil SALK fiooil hoiluu of HIHTII rooms , located
JA at 1707 Ninth Avu. , un Hinall monthly pnymcntH ,
A . J , SteiliellMOli. |
AIISTUAOTS and loans. Farm nn-l oily propartv
J bought and aold. 1'usuy Tho.nna ,
l ! lllffH
GAIIDAOK removed , cesaixiolH , vaults , chl
cleaned. lOd Uurltu , ut T.iylor'b frojer
D O YOU know that Day & lleas h.tvo no.nii
cliolcn uartMlnH lu fruit and f.irdun Ian 1
ltt ctty'J
( J5..Mll ( Block of nn'rohrmdlHO to pxclinnifo
'Ipfur a rood Deis Molni'H or Council lllnflu
rcHldcm-u. Have clear Improved land and t'a li to
traditforaJlH.llUll.Ol ) to ( f.'O.illXl.oo Htock of BUII- inerchandlBe , Slui'k of drnnH to trade for
and , Juhimton & Van 1'attun ,
LJUIt SAI.KCheap , a now Knnhall upright piano ,
Hiiven nnd a liaKoctuvcH. Inquire of T. II. Wood-
run" , Grand Hotel.
, is the toughest on record horo. Moro our-
'Iarles are expected ,
SHOT \VHII.I : HiniSAiiNj : ; ,
A. lf. Carpenter Fired ut the Crowd and
Itlilillfil John IIIIIHUV : | , Who Will I > lr.
LKMAUS , la.i Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] A , F. Carpenter shot John
Ludasuw lust night with a shotgun. Lada-
saw will dlo , Curponter was married
last Friday night und a crowd
gathered lust night to charivari him.
Ho canio out on the porch with
a gun und said he would shoot if they did
not leave. Kventtinlly he put his throat into
execution nnd , llrintr Into tlio crowd , seventy-
seven shot entered Ladasuw's breast arid ab
domen. Carpenter ilia not know ho had shot
any onu until no was arrested tnls morning
and lodged lu jail.
Piles of people nave pi.os , out Dj Witt's
Witch Huiol .S.ilvo wllluurj liun. ! ;
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday !
Name and Address. Ago.
fjaiiii'h II. 1C , I'liibons , Omaha : ii :
I Wlllona SlocUhuin , Omaha. . , a
j Grant LhivU , Hurt county , Nebraska 23
| Adillo KCIMIU , Omalin ft )
j William M , llarnch , Sioux City , lu
I Anna Mars , ( Jriuid inland , Neu
i Charles A. Covi'rt , Omulm , 9-1
1 Uertrudu A , Voho , Oinuhii 11
j Uoorge liiirnt , Omaha
| Nellie K. llunson , Omaha. . ,
i Kobert A. M , Twlicur , MUiiul Valluy , la. 2.
1 luitlu I'ylTe.r , Oinulm 20
iauorgu \\VlwberKin- - . Omaha 2b
1 Hannah K. Knaun , Niirth i'latte , Nub 23
Piles of poDplo li.ivo puoi , out Ua Witt's
Witch Hazel balvo will euro them.
Delccllru VUt-ril I'ouud ( Jullty.
At thu session of the Hoard of Flro and
Police Commissioners held yesterday after
noon Detective Vi/zard WVR found guilty of
the charges preferred against ulm , Thu
judgment of the board \vlll bo rendered at
the regular mectlui ; next Monday. Thu case
uguluit Detective V-ughu wu ( loitpouod.
. W. PANGLE , M. D.
Ths CooJ SjunariUn. 20 Tears' Eiptrieneo.
oaiKM. PuoritiETon OF TUB
/treat the following
Catarrh of the IIciul , Throat , and Lungs I IH * .
oasoaof the Kyoand Ear.Fltsaud Apoplexy , ilcwrt
] ) ! § case , Liver Complaint , Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Doblllty , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness. Diabetes , nrlghfo TH-caiso , 8t.Vllna'
Vianco ; Itheumatfcm , I'nralyBfo , White Swelling ,
Scrofula , Fever Borcu , cancers , Turnora
and Fistula Hi nno removed without
the knife or drawina a drop of
blood. Wowp.n with her delicate orpnna re-
pton-d to lw ltli. Dropsy cured without tapping ,
Spsclal Attention given to private
Diseases of all kinds.
S5O to 85OO forfeit for an ; Dis
ease I cannot euro without moroury.
Tapa Worms removed in tivo or thrco hours , or no
pay. nuuiorrholila or 1'llea cured.
Will eave Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
The only Physician who can tell wltut all *
u puron without inlilntf a question.
All correspondence RfrlctlyRonfldcntlal , Modlolo *
Kiit by express. Adilrou all letters to
G.W. PANG& & , M. D. ,
Itrnmlwity , Commit Itlntta ,
( ZTKncloHc 4 contb In BlanipH for reply.
Wltb Nnrvo Ilo nt , now vegetable dUcoverr
of nrirvolotm power , posltlvu euro for all
nurvu UDUUIHS. guoh a lurvoiu iiroatrntioii
blot'iileminehs , dn ioiiil ) uay , palm In bitolt auJ
uiile , vluk lieitdachu. dyupupiln , loss of appe *
tltis , otc , Wonderful nuivu ionic , nmlcos rluti
pure blood , tonoa cnilro sybtiun , II u box
uii'iili ) for two wuuKn. At ilruxKUU , or by
mull. Nerve lluitu Co. . llulTalo. N. r. _
C'leaiucd , purincil , out ] LeaiilllUd by CtmruHi
BOAT , if ti-elof iklu purlfirrt tai
LtrautltliTi , ut well ti puriit utia
K cell t ut tulltt anil nurtorr io jj | ,
Only cure fi > r plmplrooa LUtk.
licail , bvrauiu lb uuly I'r \ ntlt *
of lullnmmnUon enil clujgliiK of tb
, tbu i uic of inoit