Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Many Things Feinted to a Btcoid Oon-
etccntivo Eull Day.
Uemnnd for Corn tt'iin Urgent , nnd
Led lir Shlppi rn , Win Aijttmtod b )
C'ontlntH d Dry M - :
blocks mill llnndf.
CmCAflo , Sept B There yras what almost
r amounted to buoinnej In the wheat market
today and cot n yy as sti ong. Rlnco S iturilay
onch urtlilo has ImproyeJ about lo per
bushel. 'Iho hull fr.iteiiiity hail almost
ceased to look upon tlio possibility of tyyo
consccuttyo bull ct.ijs , hut they had many
points in their fa\.or , Iho chtof nmone yyhlclt
yycio thu UK oxiorts | , u de < roaso In the
visible and a largo i eduction In the piovlous
estimates of the Ticneh ctop Another
point yyas the continued bilghtenlng up of
nnnnclal affairs. 'Iho icpotts ot the coin
crop aio far fiom ic.i3su.rtng , and that
caused todaj's athauco , notyyithstmidint ;
heavy rccolpts 'Ihcteyyas no noyv feature
Inproylsions It yyas still yvhat thott.ulcrs
call an Armour matltct.
Wheat : it the opening yyns about J c to * { c
loner tlinn.S. tunlnj8i-loslngbecamostionK ,
anil prices yyero ndy.mcod ; YciI'011 ' eased off
fge , apaln ruli'd strong , pi Ices advancing I' ei
moro , hpld quite ste.idj and the closing \yas
about I'.j'e Higher for September nnd lo
higher for December than the closing llgurcs
of Satutd.iv Loeal opeintois suenu'd to
have sold a little yy licit on tlio still t nnd the
"short" Interest yyas disposed to coy or.
In coin opening Italics
decline , inliiienccd In the laigc receipts and
favorable state leports of loyva and Kansas ;
but the demand yyas urgent , many of the
larger houses haIng good buy mi : orders.ind
the pi Ice yy as put up * ! 011 the distant ami
J/c on the near f litmus lltiy ing yvas led by
the shippers and selling by the elevator In-
iciest The buy Ing no doubt yvas Induced
by tlio continued di.y yyeatlicr. no tain of
consequence hating bcon tepoi ted since the
last session , and It looked as if some of the
piomlncnt oper.Uoisyeto changing their
position ft om the bear to the bull side of
the nmiUqt.
Oats moycd In sympathy yyith corn and
prices adyanccd 'jur ' ( , c , and closud steady
at about the top pikes.
In so small that the
mniltet is easily ( onttollablu. Outsldeis
Itcop that in mind and stay ayyay. Pi Ices
yycio adyanccd a tiillo , except , for October
pot It nnd nbs yyhlih nro icspcctiycly
marked doyyn ! ! ( ) c and \"yt c.
Intimated tec'ciptsfoi tomorrrw Wheat.
100 cars ; corn , IKK ) cars ; oats , 5bU cars ; hogs ,
KMXK ) head.
The leading futuuu ranged ns follows :
ArtlckH Opi n Illcli. LOW ClOHC
N pi . . . r > \ > <
Die ( ll'l )
' ' ' ' 3
bu . . . . .IH'i
IC ilh'l
Miy 40
bu > t. . .
Oct . . . . 21 J4
Miy i-MJS 20 ! *
MlS I'llllK
SfPl . . " ' Ifi 40
Oct 14 lu ! 14 OB" 'll 40 14 10
belli R 10 B O7't !
Oct 7 83 7 7u
Sent n on RR7K n oo
Oct 7 OT1 ?
Gash ( | U itatlons yvrro .is follows :
rtotwDull , iinclmriKtfl.
Will AT No 2 spilns. 04'C ! No. 3 spring ,
f. o b , G.c ( , No 2 11 d , r , IViftG | i'.c.
COHN-NO 2 , 373ic ; No. J yolloyv , closing at
O\TS-No 2 , 2 ) = , c ; No 2 while , f. o b , 27' { @
C7i'ci No 3 yvhlti- . o. b , 2Ga20Jc
lt r No. 2 , 4Ic.
It VIII.BY No. 2 , nomlnil ; No 3 , f. o. b , 38 ®
Oc : No I , no K ilos
TlMOTIIVhl'PD I'llini13 10B3 1G
VOIIK Moss , per bbl , $1G 40S15.4G ; lard ,
per 100 Ibs , $807l(2.8 ( 12'J ' ; bhoit libs hides
( loose ) , f'J 12'if9 ' l"i % ; dry salted shoulders
( lioxpdl. $7.2GU7.GO ; slioit cle trsides ibo\cdl ,
0'2G037i , .
WHISKY Distillers' Hnlshcd goods , per gal ,
huiiAiis Unch ingcd ; cut loif.CUc ; griinu-
latul , GG7c ; stand ird "A , " GIC.
Iho following y\oio tlio lecelpts and ship ,
i for today :
On tlio I'rodnco inch IIIRO todny tlio butter
nrirl.ia yviis < ] iilct ! i roiiincrv , J2'J5i : ; dairy
loai3c. ! KKKs. linn ; ficsh. lie.
> un York .yiiu Itom.
Nny VOIIK , Sopt. r > I'IOUH liecplnts , 87-
OdOiikKs ; uxports. n'J.dOO blila ; sales , 10,000
pks ; iniirkcl inilet. but linn , y\lth Iho rlso In
yUitul , y\lntc'i hunt , Ion Kiailcs , $ J4r > ; fair
to riilli-y , fj IMW-Ki , yyliitin tMtcnts , J3 4 ( ) ®
< 00 : Mlnni'sotii alum. $ J..r 0 ® i OU ; Mlnnii-olii.
Btiiil lits , IM U0ii4 UOi.Mlniic'hOlii iiatunt ! , , } 3 'JO
( 4 ' 10.
COIIN MIAISlcirty : ; ytdlow yvostoin , $2.CO ®
270. yvosti'iii. 1 00 70.
lUF-Dull ; nislvni , G2dS3c * .
lUlir i.v.M\f.T Dull ; \tustoin , OnftSOi- .
WiitAr ItKOlplh , ! I4H QUO lui j i < XiortH. | 107.-
OUO Im ; Miles , 1,31)0,000 ) 1m. flituiot , 1 0000
litl spot. Spot nurkut III in , floiltiK Mo lily ;
NoUiiMl. In sloroand eloxntor , 7Hiifi7ii' ( ( ) ; 70ifc ; t. o. I ) . 70M ; No ! l u-il , l,7c'i nn-
iri.liliil ml , iWiObi.iNo. ; . i ! noilhiMii. 70'4i- ;
No .IhiiiliiK , U&i' . Options aetlyo ami hlghm ,
cliislne lit nn ailyitiuo ; No. i ! ri-d , " -t'litoinhor
liUf,70i < c , closlni ; lit 70'c ; Octolii-r , 70s,7f ;
1'fi- ' -lni'at7Uic ;
tlosliiR lit 7 ( > 1c.
< ( ( UN- ltd nipts 180,000 lu. ) ; reports , 9.000
till. , sales , 175.000 Im. futtiios , H'l 1)0(1 ) ( Im. spot
riiiotsstouly with fnlr " trading . : No 'J , 4r4c In
cliiyiitor. - -
O\Th Uiculplh. iHl,400 ! Im. ; exports , 1,700
. ; sail's , aoo.iiiM im. f litmus , JJi.oio im ,
cholco " % , 7&J70c. VV ! ' ! S'I'1''I ' I"K. 7037Go ; good to
lloi-s-QuIi-tihtato , common to choice , 2HJ
tt'22o ; 1'nilllc , 21i/Jtt22c.
HlPts-giili-t ; wut snltpil Now OiIminbMi-
lected , 4Gdt.CO Ibs , IQGc ; TI-MIS Mill clod 503
C01bs.,4iG ( < - ! Ituoiios Ayres dry , 24 Ibs , lie !
Texas dry. 21 < f4'27 HIM , 8 8'c ,
Wool/ Mu.idyj donu-stlo llecco , 20tt'28o ;
ritov'ihiONB-Ciu nit'niH hi jtood demand ;
plcUlt-d bullies , IIJI HVP : lilcKledhhoiiluiiiH ,
GLici pleUh-d hams. lOQiltlic. 1. ird , llrrn ;
\\i-Hteiii Mtoiim closed at f8 GO , bitlus , GOO
tlercoh at8.4Git8 ( DO bid ; option snltih , nonii :
cloMiil hopti-mbei , J8 GO nomlmil ; O.'Kibur.
t8 GO bid. 1'oik , thin ; nuw muss , flUOIKijl ? 00.
llui-ii'ii-hiioii.'ur , Hi'hturn daliy. l&yG)10u ) ;
yi-Moin ijrpiiiiiury , 174i'2Gc ; yyi-kiorn factory.
' ' '
iJii * h'u-rirm' , Iwr't Hklins , 2aGije ,
1 ( Klh 1 Irm ; utato Hint IVimsyhimlu , 1G ! { ®
IBc ; uodliun fresh , l ( > W10ie.
TAl.imhtuady ; city ( J2 per pkg.l , 4tict
country , 4 iil4\c ( ,
Coi-uishi.Ki ) oiirirm ; julloyy , 30338e
I'urnoi.i UM-.Murli'i aethu , Hdongi-r , I'onn-
jh.inla oil , spot sah-s. , nonoj Octoliei , 11,000
burnds , cloHO uicttuijc ; Lima oil , hiilui. , nonu ;
tolaUali-h , 11,000 hhls
HosiN riinij Htiiilni'd common to Kood ,
Tuni-'i.NTiNt-SlroiiBin smnll btocKs ; closed
80e.HICK Actho.i si mutter ; domuhtlc , fair to
extra , 21ittD'io ; Jup.iii , 4'i(5i41c ( ,
Moi.Ai-M -ejiilci ; No Urluaus , open kuttlu ,
good lo choicetUKiiSUc. .
bliiiAH liiiw , Ilini ! fair ritllnlng , 3c ; centrl-
fiiL-alfc , OC it-ii. 31e ; baleu , 200(1 ( toiib miiKco-
vado , 80 text. Jo , and 17,000 IIIIKH Iliihania
tx'hhlp , 84 test , at Site : rollnod , Him ; No. 7 , 4
ll-Ws4Ve ! ,
tons ut to 10.
t , Hum MIII km.
NEyyOiii.EAN8.Popt G-htuiiilvsKood mlil-
Jllntr. 7'c ; iitldiillnir. 7 IMiiei lo inldillliie ,
7 G-lCc ; Kcod iirdlnary , 7c : nut n-culpts.
2,000 lialoH ; gross rcculptb , 2,100 halt bi sains.
1,950 bales. I'lltiiri' ! , . bitul > ; hiilus , 3G.JOO
Hj boptuinliur , * 7.i'15i7..0i ( ( . October , t7.b8Gi
Ii7.70 ; Noytonbur , 17.7007.80 ; lK > ci > iiibur.7.7
Ii7.00 ; I'ubruary , * a.l2U8.13 ; March , a,10
Ninv York Dry ( inoiU .yiurlu-t.
Keyv VOIIK. Sopt. 6 , 'llto rucuirunco of a
lolldity IniM Inloriuiod with the conrau of luul-
luba In dry i oed bomowhiit. Mall ordur ,1rs ,
lowuyer , coutmuu to arrlvo vrltb. IK
niiinliort Cotton cooiU of tlio more ytiplo
klndinrnlioldlntf Ihrli own. ptrtlritlnrlv tlm
lilffiirlicd K'ttxN Iliiilne-i * In print cloth * Is
Moiulllr Improvlnir Drosti goods rnlu quiet
'bulMendy ' , yyith slsnsof Improychicnt
dii UNO nr.Tinit.
Sltimlloit In Din ill > Miiy ii DocldPd dn-
prmpiin-nt All Around.
Mnniqcr lluhoiof tlio clcirlng home sild
that II seemed IIKp old times In the bnnJUiiit
business yostirdiy. The nholo forcero
U-ptasbmy ns beiiyc-M nil day In handling
money niicf certllle-d chr-cl.s nnd yvhen lliuy
for Ihn day footed up the oiinst nmonnt of
8014 , 108.02. 1 Ills H nil lii"teinnof J111.134.31
in or ihosiimo d iyof the prey loin wreak.
I'lii-clcnrliiKsof ycstcrclij comprlso thosn of
Mend iy , but nt thuio wits h irdli any biinlno-s
donoon I , iliirdav , yvhlch U now consldurcd
nsa leeiil liolhHv hy nil the lundliu limlness
houses thoiiiiioitnl of coin cii'dlii'd to day
iH'foro yesterd iy U nomlnil Thi-si' llmircs
nroa tnicM-ilti-rfon of the reuniting of Iho
former uroiporout condition ot Hnnnclal
Iliislticss ini'ii , commls'lun men , ipcculatori
nnd iilmo-il c-y cry ho ly noted a chanpo for the
better In commciclal iinitti'H , and tlmy are
put tint- fin th th'lr host uiroits to stlmiilit
triilo. ' 1 Im month of Spptntnber tilds ftlr li
bo the red letter period In lln inclal nnd com-
moiclnl elides for 1803 All the warki'H
yvoro stronger jiMtordny than for the pist
huxernl yyteUii There y\as a llrmor dtMiiand ,
yUth fltroiiRiKhano-s in itiotatlons | , and spue-
ulatois txpiosscd tiirprNo at the actly Uy of
ptnlucO and prey Islons
Thuio yyimiin uvci-llont ho market nt bouth
Omiilin and the leeelpti , nuiiihuiliiK 0.500
head , yicru ijuicKly sold at ( irleus rnn lin ; fiom
10 to 10 cents hlKhur than on Haturday or
Jlonday. The prices of hluep aio Increaslne
and the cattlu maikut yyas linn at quoted
, HiillliiL'i'r , V To , who handle the
Chicago grain and pi odnce ittntiitloiis | In thU
city , ruporl a Ihely trade In options nt hlghor
pi Ices Wheat adyancud lo and closed
stronir at the adyancu. beptomhcr corn art-
yanced 3 c and yuis In actho ih'-
maud , yrhllo Uctohor options oilMinccil
moro than Ic. Oats foi futnro dullvoiy
advanced a point on a nlroiiu ; m irkot. I'ork
opened nt J1G.3G , sold to $15.75 , and closed it
$15,50 I.urd aihanced 5c to 7c , yvhllo
i Ihs sold 13u stronger than on thu opuu-
It nonld si'Pin fiom piosent Indlc itlnns that
this Is lo bo u llyely yvcek for business all alonK
the line.
St. l.onlH MiirKrts.
ST. Louis , Pout 5. riouit UnchanKCil.
\\iii AT Dropped oir e i-ai ly , but soon ro-
ucti'd and Ihon adyanci'd , ( loslnu ; ' ( Ciilioyu
Sttiudi } ! cash , OO c ; fejptembur , GOiJc ;
Uotobei , 02iji : Decemlui , GO-.c. '
Cons. btiou , but yuiy t imu ; closed * 'c
aboyo Situidayj cash , .I.V ; si-plumber , 3l e ;
IK-ecmbet , 34' , ! Miiy. 37VrM7\e.
Oils Dull , but ibout sieady ; cash , 23c ;
September , 23iBe ; May , 28'fc.
KM.-Dull ; loc bid
ItiUN Ijtiyyui , 'Ut02c ( ( u ist track
II yv Dull aud onlv top grades yvintcd ;
timothy , $ JOOIU2GO : pi iltlo , JO 00&7.GO.
I.i yo-Nomln il at f.l 50
llui irit-bteadyi ctu imery , 2124c ; dairy ,
17jC22e- .
iu : < ls I'll m at 13c
1'novismsrt I'll in and hlghpr ; now pork ,
jobbing , ? 102ifim ( > GO ; lard , tt.l\llt. \
Kbcuiriv-l luui , li.OOOi-icks : yy heat , 191,000
bit , corn , 141 000 bu , oils , 73,000 bu.
Sllll-MLNTS rioili , 12,000 saoUs ; yvhent , 8-
000 bu. ; coin , 48,000 bu : oats , 8,000 bu
I..Mil-pool .Mill kctn.
Livriipoor. , Sept GiiKyT firms de
mand inodurtto ; holilois ollur moileiiitoly ;
No 1 ( Jullfornl i , Gs 8d'3i5s Od pur cutiMl ; No
2icd 4'jdUGs ( Gl ( percental. lle-
eulpts for p ist thiei- ijs , 317,000 CJiit ils , In
cluding 1211,1)00 ) ,
Cons rinu ; deni.ind fall , mixed yypstcrn ,
4s 'id per cental Itxci-lpts. for the pistthieo
day * \vcro GG.UOO ceiilals
I'oiiK I'rlme mess , 8Gs nurcyvj.
H yc'ON and blunt clou GG Ib.i , Gls
per c\\t.
I/yitn 1'ilmo west PI n,4 Is Od.
' 1UUI-1.M1M. 21s lid pcrcyvt.
K iiism City yiiiuts. .
'ic liUliei ; No. 2 haul , SlOGUjc , No 2 ic-d ,
COIIN 1'lrin and ! { c hlghor ; No. 2 mixed ,
30ii' , No 2 yyhltu. UUUC.
UAH-blou ; No 2 mixed , 20S22c ; No. 2
white 200270.
II \ \ -Sic illy and unchiiiKcd I'hm ; ctoamery , 18a22c ; dairy ,
17 ilOc.
Los Ijlght demand , steady ; lie. , " 54 000 bu.
t , 38,000 bu
Oil .Markets.
On , CITV , Sept. G - National transit cer
tificates opened at 00' ; highest , 01 , lowest ,
C0' < ; clcscd , OO'i ; htles , 10,000 bbls. ; cluar-
iinces , 10 000 bids ; shipments , OH. 020 bbls.
1'iTTSiiuiui , feupt. G National transit
coi tlllcates opened it Goj ; closed , COJ , ; lilnh-
est , ( > ( ) ; ; lo\yest , C038.
LONDON , fcupt. 0 , UAI.CUTTA LINSEEB Spot ,
4 1 & 7 iid. _
I otlm ) AliirUut.
Npyv VOIIK , Sept. G Options opc-nod stoady.
uni lianBc'd to 5 points advance htli-s 20500
b i s , IncliKllnK. beptoinber , 11545 81505 ;
October , JIG CO : NoxombcM , $15 GOdl1) OU ; lj- )
riMiibor , * 1G 4ktlG ( 40 ; lanuiiy , * 15 15 1540 ;
1'obruary , * 15 2OH115 30 ; , 15 15itl5 20 ;
April , $14 OOtolG 05 : M. iy , 14.00t6L5 OJ. Spot
Hlo , steady ut $10 02Kz.
. . Q. \yiiB\t Unsettled ; No.
g , Glc ; December , O'j'aC.
C'DUNJ-Stuadj ; No 3 , .I7l.jc
O\rs-Aeilvu ! No Uyyhllu , 27c.
HAHU.YG2c. .
uK iac. f
I'IIOVIMONS Lower. I'oric , ? 14 80.
I'lill ido pill i l.riln yiiirlcnt ,
rnu.uii i I-IIIA , Si-pt S Win AT rirm ; No.
2 nd. heptumboi. d7'ftS07'tc
ron.s Quiet ; No. 2 ml\ed , Peptumber , 40
® 4d'4c
OATS Putuiesyvhollj nominal ; No 2 yyhlto ,
Suptembci , Jil'ilSS'ie.
ciiuiiiiuiti" .
CINCINNATIbept G Wnuyr btiong , higher !
No. 2 icd G8c
COIINI'lnn , source , No 2 mixed , 42'ic. '
OyrH I'usle-r ; No 2ml\cd,2Uc.
Wnidh.'V Steady ; tl 12
Toll ( III ( illtlll yllllknt.
TOM no , bept , G Wliuyi llluher , steady ;
No. 2 , cash , lUk'
C'OIIN Dull ; hie idy ; No. 2 , eash,414c.
( ) Ai Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 2l > icj No. 2
yTliltc29c. .
ipulU yVlKMt yiiirkrt ,
, bept G rntuics * actl\o ,
htuady , N'pu-mhiii , G71Bu : Dcci-mhi-i , ( jJ'uc ;
tiaeU , No. 1 luail , ( J.l'-c ; No 1 not Iliiiin ,
00/c ! ! No 2 noithem Ga c. Jte-eulpts , J7G
cms ,
It ililnioin < , rulu Uir. : < ut.
HAI/IIMIMU , , Sept. G. U'liuyt btrong ; Octo
ber , b8 ' 41 *
COIIN Dull , llrnmr ; Oi-tobor , KJifc asUod ,
OATS I'lluiur , No 2 uhlio HCSIOIII , J4c.
Ni yy YOIIK , ? opt G. YUIhlo gialu : Whoit ,
Gi,882.000 ( liu ; limn , 0,517,000 bu , oats
3,0.1 ) ,000 , bu. ; rye , 310,000 bu ; bailuy , 3G1.-
000 bu ,
\X .mi yiui Kt't.
HOSTOS , bept. G Tbo ih-maml for yvool Is
steady , iiimu 1 tigo and hiu ill lots uro moylng.
1'rlceM remain the samu
Sr < ) ( K-5 AND IID.NDS.
Grintlni ; duilldfiii o In JMiinpy AlntturH
ItrliiKX * ipiuiiliiilnii und lll.hur 1'rlioM ,
Minv YOHK , bopt D The specul ition on
the Stock exchange today yyas chaiactcr-
izcd by a buoyancy , upon \\liich occasional
small boar raids and
loali/atlons by 100111
tradurs hadnomoiu than u Hooting offuet.
At the opening trading , dealings yyoio
slightly foyoilsh and pi Ices irregular ,
but n strong buying movement yvab
quickly developed und under Its in-
lluemo a higher tango of values yvas
steadily established Thoupyyanl tendency
of tlio inarkut yyas stimulated in some of the
specialties , notabl } Sugar , by fayorablo
ueyys , il holmr announced only in thu day
that ttio uxouutiyo coininittuo of that liust
had re'coiiunc-ndud tlio declaration of dhl-
dunds of a pc-r _ cent in tlio common and ! I4
pereur.lln the juofuired I uad yyas also
stiongon u-portua fayor.iblo conttacts made :
by tlio company , but the chief lactor today ,
as on Satuiday , yyas the ineioasiug conll-
dcneo in the Btability ot tlio morn-tun situa
Money on cill yvas easy and time loins
could tto negotiated upon fay Diablo terms
dold yvas lotuinlng from nbtoad and cur-
lenoy fiom the intfiior. All ilia conditions
yyoro fayorablo to a bull movement , and , as
If to help their ohl-timo cnumius , thu bears
ran to coy or , buumiii ) . ' to fuel that the pies-
cut as not a llmo to uoi-au ht short of u
long line and oven of a-yoiy short llnu uf
stocks. Tncroforo , yyhat yyitH the heavy
buying for the long account , the by no
means Insignlftvant purchases to cover short
contiactb and bouio faitl > latgoordors fiom
ubioad , pilcos JumiH.'d up by longer steps i
than usual ,
Tlio indiiBtilals loJ In thu dealings and of
thebo Sugar yvas the most actly e. The block :
yvas yyoak in the early trading , but on the
diy idem ! nous robu rapidly lo a point tipper
cunt ulxnu the loyycst tlgurc-s. Ohioago Gas
caino nuxt In point of activity , but nude
wider ilucluaiioui. After ua early declluu
of I'4 percent. It yynsfii'f percent , rcn (
1W percent rtnd rccovciing 1 % per cunt , nnd
closing nt a net inln for the day ol 'J\ per
cent st * Paul ndvanccd 2 per
cent , General nice-trie wn the
ttondlcat of the Industrials In the
motnlng dopreiMon. closlnir at n gain of 4f $
per cent cotupircd yyith Siturdny. Wostcrn
Union yyas very strongly hclit throughout
the entire day and Its upuant com HO yyns
helped to some extent by bujlng orders froin
Ixjtuloii Its loyyest llettrcs yvcro made nt
the opening and Its highest shortly nfter 1 !
o'clock yyhen , it shoyyed a rise of n pur cent.
Prom this point it yycnt off I1 * per cent , 10-
foveiliu fractionally nnd making n gain of
1 * percent on the day Chlctgo. Hur-
lington k fjuiney sold ut ) 4'4 per
cent from the opening , reacting "f per
cent. Santa Fe , nt the highest point of
the day , sho\yud nn adyanro of 2' per cent
on S tturday's closing , but closed 1jfii loyycr.
Whisky niAdo n gifn of IJ.c on the day ,
yyhlch Is only > < per cent beioyy its highest
ptlco todny. Koading roseUf per cent ,
closing at a ic.ictlon of 1 percent ; Great
Northern preferred shoyy s an ndvanco of 0
P"r cent on the day , tClcdo Gas preferred ,
I , Dolayyaro t Unison , fijf ; Alnnlialtnn
Consolidated. ! ) ' < : Missouri IMcllle , ! ) ; Colorado
rado Fuel , 4Sf ; I'ullnnti , fi ; Neyv Yotk , Chicago
cage , ta St. ixjuls second preferred , ' 2 , and
the list geiicrally from $4 $ to Jf per cent
The Posts.tjs. Hotuinliig conlldetico yyas
certainly cxpiessed again In today's stock
market. The yyholo inarkut yyas strong , only
a foyv stocks yielding , oycii ut the opening ,
nnd this notwithstanding thu fact that Lon
don orders yycio n ttlllo sloyv In shoyylng
themselves. Most of the professional oper-
atots looked for u doyytnynrd reaction this
morning , und not unreasonably , for Suur-
day's mirnnuo yyent at n sturtllngly rajiKl
ptco Dm there yyas no prcssutoof sclllne
ordcts In the maiUct and there yyuio slgnsln
many ( juartcts of an uneasy shoit Inteiest.
both of yy hleh factors yyeio cffcctudtly used
by the. manipulators of the ilsc.
The follonlng aiu the closing quota lions of
the leading stocks on tlio Neyy Yotk ex
change today :
AUhlHoti. . ai * ISOtlnel .1 * , 0
AiliniH 'Jxpriss 1 I" Nor 1'ielllu lirofd ' !
Alton TernII into 20 tl. 1' . U i ( iulf
1 do prefd 1 III Northyycsli-rn. II 11
Amurlcin KYJII-USH 101 do prt-f d 1.11
IliUlnioio.VOhlo . 71) ) Ni-v York Co. mini.
C inndi 1'acllle . . 7rii , N. YANK . .
Cinid i Southern. . 47U Out irlo A Western
Centt il Paellle . Orocon Imp in
CluH , Vhlo 17l * On con N i\ , 41
Chlciiro .V Alton. . . l.tli O S L A. U. N. 111
C II , VQ HUH I'lcllleMall It
Clile iiro Oni 'iVorli ' , I' - .v n
COHHulltlt ( I HlHlMiit , " .
C C ( ' .A. st I , . . . I'nllin in I'aliee 101
Col Co il A Iron ,
Cotton Oil Cert. . . Ulc-hmoiid Ter. .
De l AIIudHoii . , 117 do PK f d . . I ?
Ic-l r.-ick AWi'Hl 1 IS IllloOi mdo Went
I ) .V U G prof d . . .11 tdo prefd 4(5 (
lln .V C Fdra Co . 21VS HocklHliml . IIMtf
KiBtTcim ( I'uil ! ! < ;
Ei lo . . " ' do prof d. . . 11 "
ilo pri'fil .Hi Si 1' ml A Om ih i. .in
fort Wayiiu. . . 141 do do ptd . Ill I
Ore-it Noith n pfd Hjiithc'rn P.iclllc
Chi AKiHt III ptd SiiKit Ilcllnerx
Hoeklnir Villi-y . 20 Ti nn Co il A Iron
IlllnolH Cinlril . . U4 . 'It < m I'acllie
it Paul .V Dulntli. 24 | Tel AO Con ltd
Kfin .t Tex pi of d Union I'.iclllc . . .
L iko llrlc A yVcBt. U. 8 llxpixsH . .
do piefd dS
I. iko Shore . . . . 120 do profd . . ,
1.0 1(1 TlllHt t' ' Wc'lls F u xo Kiii
I.onlH A. N lull r,7' ' < yVosttrn Union . . <
LoulH A N A WlioLllnirAL , K . if
Mini ) ill in Ton . do prcfil .
Memphis AC . . in M. ASt I.
MU-liliMii ( "e'lili ll . no I ) A K O . .
Missouri I'lcitlu . . lllectrlc .
Mobile-A Ohio . . . It Nallun il I.tiiHeed.
N ish ACIutl II. C K A I . . . .
Nation il Ootil w do mufd
do pie-fil II A T C
N. J CVnli il T. A A. AN M. . .
Norfolk V yv p ( d T bt I. AK. C. . . .
North Amoil n Co. tdo prufd. . . .
bid LiHkid
Tlm total s lies of stocks tndiy were 320,100
slums , Ineliidliig : AtchUon , 17,700 ; biitfai ,
31.0,10 , llurlln.'ton. 1H.10O ; Cblcago ( j is. Jl.-
000lilHUj. ; . 12 1)00 ) ; Cieneial iii-ctiIc : , 25 000 ;
l.oulsxillu A. Nislullle. 8JOO : .MlbMiuil I'n-
cille , 9,300 ; Noxx York A. Ni-yy Km ; ! ind , 4,700 ;
Ki-ndliu , 11,000' St. Paul , 27,200 , Mlxoi Cor-
tlllc ites , 21.000 ; Western Union , 20,700.
f\rw YurK yi < iui-j \l irlcist.
Nnyv Ynnu , feept. G MOM.Y ON CALL
Kisy at uai'i poi cent ; 1 ist loan , 2 pot cunt ,
clostil offcted it 2 per cent.
1'itiMK MeitCANTii.R I'AI-I
it H3 > 12por cent.
bilitt.iMl Kxi HANfli : fatroiu. with actual
business In b inKeiV bills nt $4 80l,80i , for
slxly-dav bills and 84.82' ' , 4.8) fet dom ind
Cominoicial blll , $4.81:145j/4.U2 ; poste-d tateb ,
$4 82'5J4 } 87.
MI.VFU CniTiricyacs 73c.
QOVKU.NME.NT ItONDS btrong and higher ,
btatu bonds , nothing dolnir.
The closing ciuotntlons on bonds :
U S 4s rev N. yv. Deb .is 1110
U S la coup St L A.I M don Os 7.1
U b 4l4Hto , ; . . . . 118 'bt ' LAS I'.Gun M 100
1'icltlullBor'll'i . 10. ' 'St ' Piul Consols , 1'JO
Louis 111 Hinpd IB. ill ) St P. C A P. littK , lll'l
MISHOllllllH . . . . 11" T. P Ij G Tr Hpts , . , , <
1Tt mi ni u bet ( Is. im T P U O.Tr UctH
Tonu nen Met r > u. . Union Pic lHtn . 10J
Tenn iuHLt .IB. . y\'cst Slioro 17
Cm idn So 'JilH . . . D AH G W. 1MB. ( ill
ContrilPac.lbts. . . AlClllKOII 70
1) All n. Ists. . . . 112 ilo''Jj clisa A. . . . I IK
1) .VH H 4s . . . . 70 G II AS A OB. . . . 115
IMu2dH 7(1 ( do 2d Os 100
M K AT Gen lis. II AT O OH no
M K AT Oen fis N. Cuolln I ( iH . . . 112
Miitnil Union Us. . 1110 do Is . . . . . . . . . UJ
N. J C Int Cert. . 10.-W I Ton n olil Us lid
N Pic IstH . . . . lor.K jVi Os 00
N P ic 2(1 H . . ' ) ( ) Vi IIx-.M it coiui. .13
N yConsols . . . Va Con 2il Hi ri ( s 00
bid. tasked.
llontoii Stock CJaotutions.
ItOSTOV , fe ( Jt K. V ill lo IIH , 7 ® ' ) | ) T COIlt ,
tlmo Ii ) ins. 7ul'l pur cunt. I'iixliu | iiit itluu i
on blocl.s , bonds an I mining fab uos :
Atcii r AS r . .
Aimri { in Snu ir . dopiofoirel
do i > i if.iio.l . 1)0 ) WlhcoiiHluCfiitr il ,
AlOlllHOIl 2lH
lloston AAllnny . . do IB .
IIOHlon A.XI Unu . . . 1 17 Niv r.iiirlanil ( is . KH'i
dopiofuired . . . 1 is ( ! < ni ril IIliLlrleOs (10 (
O II A Q SO V.'IscoiiHliiOnt 1 Is ( IH
' " 70 Alloni z .Mlntim-ro.
in ninal Kluctrlo 174 tAllintlc
Miixlcin Ctnti ll. . . tl lloiloii A .Mont . . .
N Y &X K . . . , 21 lluttu A Iloston .
Old Colonj . . . 17.1 Cilunii t A Htcla . ,
On-iron bhoi t Lino. lll'l ( Vnt > mil il
UnlibL r 10 tKrinklln
Sill UliKU Ill Ki' irH-ujo
Union icltlc . . . 21 OHVLO ! I
Wi t Knd 1 1 1Quhir\
ilu pre-funud HI T tin track
no il tbld.
Sin rriinclhco Mlnini ; OndtiitloiiH.
SAN I'liANCihco , bent. G Tlioolllcl il closing
( liiotatlons foi mining Moel.s yveio as follows :
Alii IS II ll ( ! 3 'OrClOS8 III !
II. Iclii i . . . .11 .Mi'xk' in Ill )
Hi HI . ' . llclclur n.r Op'lll. hi )
HoilloCon . , uo 'otosl CI
. . . is , . II )
Cluill u 2 > Sierra Nuy.itl.t . fill
Con C'll , VVt 1.10 ITnlon Con
Cioun Point . Vullovy Juckut. . . . to
OouKI & Cuiry. .
Vm\ Voile Mliiliic ouiitiilloin.
Voiih , Supt. 6. The following are the
CVmTT'al , CV.T 115 Slerr l Ni 40
doiiltl anil Oiuiy St mil u-d . . . . 11(1
II llU.V NlllClOBIi , Union Con . . . .10
HoiiRHtiku . B7D Vc-llou J u.kut. , ill
Muxlcau . in Iron Mhu 10
Onluiu . dill ) QnlcU hlHi i . . . ] . ' . ( )
Oplili . ilo prufil . , , IflDO
VI ) tnunth . 10 Ilului.i 1(1 (
On tlio I.ond HI .Market.
Np.yy YOIIK , Pept. G. The 1'ost'H London
special hitys : Americans clo-ii il hesitating ,
afturailsu. The Dntoh andUuimum boii bt
ul thu bottom pilcu. Hunuvyud Dutch biiylm ;
IH now lupoitod bupply of stocls Is nxpuctuiT
foi llio mldmontli SdHlcniont. The Htatomwit
In the riiiauclal Nuyvs lo the ulleel that ( Jlynil's
buiiUould adxanco JLG.1,000,000 to thu Indian
goyuinmunl Is absolutuly bisulohs. Kupeu
pipui y\as but lor , Neuly i ( > ( > GUO In i-'ild
came In today and i'48,000 In United btalus
coin yvunt oul ,
rjiiitnuiiii > ot > - < .
ICANsys CITY , faopt. G.-ltank clearings ; ,
HAVANA , Sept G. Exchange , oulot ; biigar ,
( ] Ulut , unciiaiuud ,
Nh\y YOIIU , bupt. G. CloarliUs , JG5,411Ob'2 ;
balance-s , 11,04(1,310 ,
' I'Aitis , S-upt G. Three per cent rentes , OOf
4'2ttc for tbu account.
lUl.TIMOlll' . bupt. -Clonrli KS , J1.780.1C4 ;
b us , (270,020 , Money , U pur cum.
IMiyiiA , bttpt. G , The btuU cleainnces today
yvuio 'J 4Ju8.GOj , laal Tu.'bd iy , * 01d12J4.2G ,
I'liir.yuKi.i'iiiA , bupt.uiu uliu-s. $11,017-
OSOj UiUiiicui , U.327,800. Money , ( i pBr cunt.
CINCINNATI * , bupt. G Money , 038 pur cout ,
Nuxy i ork uxehange , pir. OIuailn , J2-
111 | JijO
llo-.iN ( , . upt.G.-ClearlngH , J11.302.1G1 , bal-
ineeh , (1,1G1,113 , , on Now Voik , lOc
MUMI-IIIH , Sopt. G. Nuw York uxchango sell-
lnnin tl.fiti piumluni , Cluurlnga , leiG,207 ' ;
baluncui , , $1G)0'2 , (
Nhy > Oni.jANft , bupt. G.-Clearlngs , J1.10G-
200 Nuoik exclmiib'o , cominoiclal , * 2.GO
hr J.OIIH , Supt.UlvurltUH , i',747,004 ;
buliuu'i's.fiHH.GtJrt Monny fjuiut tit 7 t pur
ft lit , i\chiuu'uoii : .Now Voik , noiiuotatlon ,
OIHCJI.O , ( 'Uiit , G-Ulc-ailiiK. , ? 17,148.UOO ,
.Nuw i orlv oxc'Iian.'O sullliiK atpn. Suulliirf
uxehanwu iiilut | ut * 4Hl < iii4.tiO. .iloncy bteaUy
at 7 pur cunt.
I.O.MIUN. Sent. -Amount of bullion pone
IW.J110 ! "i"'f ! ' of l' l il mi bulanco toda >
IDO.UOu , ( Kihl to HID amount ofi'4aoOO wus
ultliilratvii from the bunk today forbhlpiiicnt
to thu Unltoil btatus.
.rNhWiV"iIKV.bc"t > ' -If'litclnJ Tuloeraiu to
run HKKKxchaii.u ] ! Misquoted us MS
today ; Uhlcauo , GJc ducouut , bid uuil par ;
Itoslon , pnr to 1'hllnilolptiln , '
pircent ; if ) . ) < enl
Itrcclptv fHlrljr ) Cnttlo Prices Steady
IIOKf still Illclirr.
_ J TtlSDAT , Sot. | fi.
The receipts ofyc ttlo Ay ore titfaln heavy
mul the pre.itcr pirt consisted of yvrstcrn
nnd southern Rrns i's , Dry lot cattle ) yycto
scnreo , only n feyv U'mds of itccrs on snlo ntul
prices on ilcsirabl jfock yyoro Ilrm. A lar o
unit of the yyustortl cMttlu consisted of cows
ami fccilcta , bill oMinir to n lack of corn-fed
st'ifT iulto | n fou'ducstcrn steers sold to
killers , 101110 peed Idn ho gtasscrs soiling nt
from f.t 00 to $ .1 LVi
There yyero plenty of coyys nnd heifers of-
forcd nnd jt ) Ices yy cro hirely steady on best
nnd yye-\k to loyycr on common olTcrliiKs.
Tlic ttado In stock cattle yvas inoduratclv
nctlvo nnd micci ns tulo uiichutigcd Tlio
supply of llpht stuff Is cxcccsslyo. hoyyoyer ,
nnd the tn ulot ; on that class Is vcr.s drag'
glng nt loyv pi Ices ItoprcsontatU o sales ;
Hill ISLl ) IlKI-f.
Vo. Av. l'i. Xo. Ay. 1'r.
1 . .1000 3 1G 4 . .1112 $3 25
3 . .1100 3 1 ( . 24 . .10)0 ) 3 G"i
f > . . .10)2 ) 3 1G 27 . . . UOS 300
1 . . . .1110 3 1G 21 . . .M10J 4 2G
coyy s.
1 . 7RO * . . . .1280 1 00
1 .lltiG 1 2G 13 H07 1 00
1 U.IO 1 2& IB . . . . 70J 1 00
2G urn 1 35 17 . . . B'H 2 00
G . 012 1 40 5 . . . . 704 2 00
17 . HU7 1 40 5n . . 1)GO ) 2 I'O
0 . O'l 1 GO It . . . 7 ( > 2 2 00
2 UOG 1 GO 1 . 800 a oo
1 .itmo 1 GO 17 . . . . OH5 2 00
1 uuo 1 GO 22 . . . 850 2 00
4 . 07G 1 GO 2,7 . . . . B73 2 OG
. HSO 1 GO 10 . . . . 0i7 ( 2 05
. uoo 1 ( > G 13 004 2 05
. 010 1 70 1 . 1140 2 05
. 075 1 75 23 . . 81.0 . 2 10
1 . 700 1 75 8 . . . . 000 2 10
4 . 705 1 7G IH. . . . . 078 2 15
30 G85 1 HO 1 . . OJO 2 25
24U . 7U3 1 HO 1 . . . . 070 2 25
U . H21 1 HG 4 . . . . 01G 2 25
1 .1000 1 85 4. . . . .1207 2 30
0 . 803 1 H& 20. . . . . 710 2 30
7 . 0&4 1 Hi
. 421 1 CO 20. . 433 2 1C
G. . . 2G2 2 00 1. , 230 3 00
. 300 2 00 U. 111) ) 3 GO
12. ; . 223 2 GO 1 . 120 U GO
3b . 2uO 2 GO 2. , 130 4 2G
1 . 100 3 00
3 .1153 1 20 1 . , . . .1320 75
1 .14 JO 1 23 1 . , . 1300 70
1 .1100 1 23 1 , . . .1050 7G
1. . 040 1 50 1. . . .1.140 70
1 . OJO 1 dO 1. . , . . 080 80
1 . .1420 1 05 1. . . . . 1200 00
1. llbO 1 75
. 010 1 75 2 . . 089 1 00
. GOO 2 1G
G , 498 1 40 833 2 02
1 G70 2 00 4 8H2 2 05
11H G01 2 1G 34 1070 2 ( .5 .
H fi.H , 2 1G 25H 070 a 70
8 822 2 3G H U80 a 75
15 713 2 , ( G 37 1100 2 7G
20 700 2 40 40 042 2 HO
25 2 40 Gb 1081 2 00
3 84b 2 40 13 ,1044 , 3 01)
( )8 2 45 1120 3 00
10 040 , 8 ,1HB , 3 00
17 8.H 2 4h 10 111.1 3 ( jO
UoO 2 GO ! 20 .1070 .1 01
2 GO 10 .1012 3 05
G 1,28 2 Gl ) 24 .1112 3 15
1 H50 2 5(1 118 .1200 3 25
1G U.IO 2 55
No Ax Pr . No Ay. I'r.
1 feeder. 1100 $2 ( > ( ) 2 feodts.1050 $2 ( > 0
17 steers 1 112 3 10 J Jj
Ib sti tU.lOJj 1 7.1
28stieis 1040 B'25 llOstoers 12G4 300
1 bull. 1 170 , t 29 ( 7 b ills 1305 1 ( > 0
28stiers 1140 3 23 lll.'J ' 255
40 co\ys..1093 2 GO 13G sleets 1218 3 05
12 bulls..1420 1 ( jO
lOcoxxs. 04G 2 It ) 10-leers 1134 320
IGoinxs . 100 ( > 30 125 foi'dis.U)8b ) 275
bOcoxvs. 807 315 2 feodrs.1080 225
30 steers 1103 8iOO .17 cows. . 018 2 CO
1G fcedis.1100 a GO 26 sts , tlir102 2 2G
27 cone , . 022 2-10 25 feenrs.1074 2 70
3 stcLK.1320 3'40 100 cows JS50 270
20 COttt , .110J 2 00 83feidis. U28 2 GO
8feedis.llJG 285 24coxxs. 884 105
20 cows. . 8U7 200'J74cii a . 92J 225
21 fecdls.1084 2 70 , 100 stceis.1277 825
7'Jbteerd.llGJ 275 77 sloerb.1187 275
22 cows. . 004 210 lufcedrs. 880 200
05 fuedrs.1045 200 40 feujts , 1014 2'JO
08 feedrs.1118 2 90
53 coxxs . 879 1 90 8 coyys..1113 2 00
10J feedrs. 018 2 30
M llltASKA.
9Gfcedtsll81 2 O'i 98 coyys . 944 205
18 coyxi , . . 872 2 15
Hoas Hogs sold readily nt prices 10s to
15c higher than ycstutday , xyith the receipts
only lair for Tucsaay. Light and medium
giadcs sold to Ihc best ady.mtago at t.r 41 to
so do and he ivy pickers at$5U1 ! to * > 15
Closing sales on packets xxeto lo\yor than
the opening , the maikul closing yycak.
Prices D nd langed fiom $5 , ! 2J to $ ,105 ,
the bulk selling at J5 40 to S3 45 , against
S.r ) JO to ? 5 IlTi iCbtciJaj and $5 10 to ? 5 2(1 ( on
1 ist Tuesday. Keprcbentatiyo sales :
No. Ay. bh l'i. No Av. bh. 1'r.
0 . 434 $5 30 01 301 80 Ji 121 }
G 240 40 G 30 G ( . 27J 120 G 42' ,
3H .208 G 32'J ' 01 300 210 "
2 . 200 G . ) G 138 277 280 G 42' ,
Od . . . 272 280 G 35 (18 ( .210 120 5 12i ,
4. . .JOO G .15 Gl 31J 120 5 4'2'
b , . 241 G .15 00 244 40 G 45
G3. . . 209 80 G . )5 ) 77 . 207 1'20 'G 10
10 . 247 80 5 31 72 223 200 G 40
8 . . 3J1 5 3.1 09 . 250 120 G 45
a 317 G 35 G4 202 G 40
GO. . .281 100 G 35 1)1 .2)8 100 G 15
Gl . . . 250 120 G J5 GO . .270 120 G 40
or. . . 282 .100 G 35 09 .255 80 G 40
< .o. . . 211 100 G 35 ( > 1. 200 100 G 40
72. 242 100 5 35 Gl. , .281 320 G 15
ciO. . . .247 100 5 35 04 202 100 5 45
21 . 344 10 B 35 GG 284 200 5 15
18 . 221 120 G .11 4G 2H7 80 G 4G
0.1 . 2U8 2faO G 3,1 07 257 320 G 4G
27 . 220 280 G 3G 07. .240 100 G 15
1)8. . 312 120 G JO 72. 210 280 G 40
GO . . .112 240 G 35 GO. .202 40 G 10
l > 5 , 100 G 37'i ' GO , 2')0 ) 10 G 45
( 4 . . .270 120 0 371J 72. , 271 100 G 40
00. . .247 80 G 374 GO. 280 10O G 40
7 , , .J12 0 40 07 . .201 100 G 40
3 .4ii : G 10 Gl 37O 200 G 40
G7. , 80 G 10 00 , . 258 80 5 45
08. . . .253 80 G 40 I > 1 , .250 80 G 45
00. , . .2.11 40 0 40 08 , 270 200 0 45
70. , . .272 240 G 40 77. , . 208 80 5 45
00 , . .20J 120 G 40 G7 , 317 HO 0 50
47 . .100 G 40 70 .217 100 G GO
G7 . .337 G 40 8G .208 240 5 50
Gl . .102 HO 0 10 7 .211 G 50
b'J . 20(1 ( 40 G 40 7 222 G GO
GO . 320 120 G 40 18 24 ! ! G GO
GG . .208 80 0 40 90 202 120 G GO
08 , " 42 200 G 40 G.1 200 200 5 GO
07G . 310 120 G 40 00 200 120 G 50
G 210 G 40 71 . 222 80 5 GO
01 . 252 100 G 40 fab , 250 40 5 GO
Ii2 280 120 G 10 74 , . 251 100 5 GO
08.,317 40 0 40 1 > 8 220 320 G GO
( > L > 288 320 0 40 74 . 102 400 0 & 5
51.UG , 200 G 40 73 , 212 40 G 55
UG . ' 283 & 71 220 80 5 G71i
4G . 200 3'20 HI ; .208 28O 6 07"
( > r > . ,201 80 fA40 71 21G 100 G 00
I ) 8 320 V20 GG , 200 100 G 00
70 , 300 100 G4' ' HO ,205 G OO
GO .321 40 09 . .208 100 0 00
no sheep receiyed.
Them is u boUuvi.sUnnand for mutton sheep
ut picsuntand prices on imch art ) higher
than last \yoek , | it nil markets. Quota-
tons ; Fair gooii natycs , * , ! OO H75 ; fair
to good yynstorntf2 ( 00@2ft ) ; common and
stock sheep , $1 K i 75 ; KOCH ! to c-noico 40 to
100-lb. lambs.eJOOtt'l ' & 0.
ItnriilptH llliil'DUpiMltHMl ot Stuck.
onii-lal reruIplAan'd ' disposition of block ns
shown by the blAIXs of the Union Stock
Yuulu i-ompinyi'fAr the twenty-four
ending alGoVlouk p. m. , buplumLei G , 1802 :
mat eii-iK
CATTI k llofin. ' Hill tl1. IIIHIHIH , V MIH
Hi art C.irH Ik. 1(1
KHIUHH City I.lvo Mode Alurkot.
KANSAH my. feupt. G OATTIB Ht-oetpts ,
8'JLHl liuudi thlpiaenth. 3.8UU head ; bust
cattlu yveio stt'.idy ; utherb blow und lonuri
Tuxiibiind bliliiplni : btuum , 41.0Uii4.05i Tuxab
andnitlyii eoy\a. tl.Goaa 00 ; butuhor vlocU ,
IJ OlKiM O' > | ktookurh and fuulur * , tl.ooaa.GO ,
Ilixis Kcuulplv , 0/20U head ; bhlliinuntx.
lUOhiaU ; tuurkut opened lUS'2Uc higher uud
closed MJlGc lowers lO1f > 0"ii 1ir-ftvlt > ,
pncknrt nnd mixed. IG obdO 86 ; llKht , York-
era nnd pla , tG 4&SG H5.
SIIKEI'lli' ( > 'lpt < i , UOO lienilt shipment" , none )
market itcndy ; nmttom , J4 GO ; lambs , f3 10.
Chlrni-o ll\c K.ork .1
Cmctno. Popt. 6.-Ppvlnl ( ( Tolegratn toTltr.
IlfF 1-Thoro ytere yi-ry few rlponatlx prattle
hero today nnd although only a limited num
ber was \Tnnlod dm market yviu sliouir Other
brunches of the mnt kct also shoxxcd llrimii-ss ,
for xvhlch Condition tbo fact of the light to-
ce-lpls nnd not imy urgency In the ilem mil xvas
to Im Ulxon the credit. The unsatisfactory
stntoof thu fotolgn nmrkct sc'rynl to curtail
the export demand nnd thorn yory raiely Is
any cons dernhlo Inquiry on Tuesday for
shipment to Now York , lloxyuvc'r , buji-rs
yxcre found for the loss than ,1,000 bund
on snht and Iho prospects for the remainder of
tlm xvooU are rather encouraging to seller * , i-s-
pec-I illy ns concerns the better gradi-s 'I hero
yynsniiili * yesiurday nt to 40 , hut thatlslGo
per lee Ihs al oyu any other s lie mndo yxllhln
llio lust ten days , and Is not n fair criterion
Common tocliulco stuors sold principally at
from M 25 to $4,70 and fiom M.25 tot 175
yxeiotliu prevailing prle-es for coyys , hclfuis
Und bulls. Tbo greater part of Iho supply
camofrom the ranges and sold at pi Ices below
} ; i 50 ,
The rr-eclpis of hogs ( ostlmitcd nt 10.000
headi xxe-ro some 10 000 head Irss than nrrly cd
ycsteidiy , and only n ft-yv carloads yyi-ro li-ft
oyor fioiii that day ; but , nonx Ithstniulltig thu
iK'cre-nsoil supply , buyers dl 1 not \\ant luus at
any advance. They xxero xUUIng to pay from
j to f > GO for common lo choice henvy-
yxelKlitH nnd fiom ! 0.10 ( o $005 for light
gradm , mid the mm Ke-t xxas fairly stoudy on n
basis of these ijitot iilons. Id lit hoxs yxoto
scarce1 and the hulit of the ollerlngs In that
class sold it nboiil J3 75 The receipts slncu
bitnidii } hayu been 0,000 head less than for
the Kiimu tlmo last yxe-uk. Tlm nmrkut
closed dull and yyoikur for common BOOI !
liuavy hogs. The Improycment notiil on
jesti'ulnj's mailvut continued today. Asconi-
piled xxlth the recent enormous receipts the
numbersi onYiud > cstuidiy and today tooM-d
small. 'Iho total (01 thu txvo days Is about
22,700 head , or 8,000 less th in fet thu conu-
Mioiullng nxo days of last xxcok.
Ljllieioyyasngood demand for good sheep and
th it gtndo sold stiong , t'oomtiitl did not m-
celyo moro attention tliaii bcfoto , nor did It
se-ll ai-y bettui. thuiiingu of yiiluos for poor
to cliolcusheup xxas fiom tl to S.I 70 Limbs
an'aln sold stiong and higher. Thenyvas a
saluof extra nt $525 , from yxldc'i ' llmiio the
sites ran doxyii to fiom J2.75 to U tor light ,
thin stiitr.
Hecelpts : Cattle , -1,500 bold : cnlyos , 800
held ; boas , 19,000 head ; shoc-p 10,000 head.
1 liu Iy enliii : Journal ropoi u :
UATTi.E-He'ci-lpts , 0,000 head ; slrlpinonts ,
2,000 lii-nil ; marUot steady. No top ni.llyos
IH-IO ; good st curs , S4.HO.rt5 00. medium , ? 4 1016
1.75 ; common , I. ) OOB4 DO. Toxnns , S2.40JJ
r.OO ; yxc-sloins. } 3 00 3 70 ; butchers' block ,
good di mand , steady.
( ) ( lte-culpts , 10,000 head ! shipments ,
b.OOO lii-iid ; acthe , steady ; mixed and pickt
> 'rs. * o.205J5 40 ; pilimheayy mid butchurs ,
biihi r Kccolpt'i , ll.oot'l iiiad ; shipments ,
2100 ho ul ; m uUel sluule stiongoi ; mithus.
? 2.75ffi4.25 ; yxc-sturiis , $2 JOftJ 30 ; lambs , * 2.50
< cC5 30.
St. l.oulg l.Uu , ( irk
Si. Louis , Sept. G ( . 'ATTt.n-Uecolpts , 0,000
he-nil ; slilpnien s , 4,570 : market quiet , f ilrto
uood iiatlxo steers , JJOOj 4.GO ; fall to good
Texas sloois J2 OOT6.1.20 ; coxxs , Jl 90ii2 50.
llOds Ue-Lulpts , J.GOOhuad : slilpmunls,2,000
he id : maiUi-t strong ; lights , to lo ) < S.5 40 ; paek-
blim.i'-ltccoluts , 2,400 head ; shlpinc'iitR , 400
head ; nmrkot tit met but nol quotably
> i w Yolk Llvu Moi-k yiurkat.
Npyy YOUK , PepU G. lit KVFS Heeelpts ,
078 huad ; inarKit dull , no trading , bblp-
inentH today , GOO he-ox us
bin 11- AND LAMII Itccelnts , 8.719 heads
m iiUet fhm ; sheep J2.7Gi4 00 ; lambJ.1 37'J '
( L'l ) 20 ; dresse-il muttons , dull at 7S8o ( ; dressed
limbs steady at 8S9c.
Ilods-Kecclptb , 3,500 head ; maiket nrm
Sim k In sitjlit.
Hecelpts of llxo stock at the four prlnclpil
yxcbtuin iiinikctbTuesd iy , boptembei 0 :
Citlle. llojs bheep.
South Otniha J.HIO 0,242 . .
Chic igo 5,000 19,000 11,000
1C ills is City 8.100 9,200 900
bt. Louis 0,900 3,500 2,100
Total 21,040 37.942 14,300
NEBRASKA CiiOP BULLETIN.'it ' I'riiHts of the 1'iiHt AVoolc Dill No
Iiiiuio ( to Corn
The ciop bulletin pioparcd by Obserycr
Hunt 01 the Nebtaska yyeather scryiccfor
the yyeek ending September 4 is ns folloyys :
The yvcok has bceu cool and dry , and yvliilo
corn as a rule continues to do yycll and is bo-
giunintr to ilpon , lains yyould bo of great
benollt to it. Light frosts yycio quito gen
eral in the northern pottion of the state dur
ing the list tyyo nights of August , but did
no injuiy. Hoports aic again unfaxoniblo
lelatiyc to the potato crop. Ribtures arc bo-
ginnint ; to suffer for i lin. The yyeathor nas
been evccllent for hay harvesting , and that
crop is bei e sivcd in good condition Pall
ploxxinsand yyhcat ceding Is ptogtosslng ,
though in some counties the soil is gc-ttmg
too di v to ployv. Winter yvheat is coming up
nicely in Adams county.
SoutliPimt Section.
Butler County Gtound getting too dry for
fall plowing ; coin ilpculng sloxyli ; pistuios
need lain. *
Fillmore County Corn and ineadoxys
gtcatly iinptoved.
OtooCounlj HnyingalmosMlnishcd ; mil
let good , coin tipcning.
Payyueo County A light frost on the Hist
of August ; no damage Piaino hay crop
nearly seemed , ind a light ciop. Too diy
for fall plov. ing
Polk County \Voathcrcontinues drycorn ;
yyill maku about half a eiop ; pislutcs dncd
up ; yvhuat see-ding yyell untiei xxay
Uleh.kCdsoii County Less yyheit being
soxxn tlian last year ; coin ciop yvill bo im
mense. ; potatoes in southeast section Miy
Sev/aid County AVhcnt is being soyyn
gcneially , coin maturing , much being cut
up Cass County Coin maturing rapidly ; pas
tutcs fairly good ; yyild baj ncaily all cut
and seemed in good condition ; light tiost on
loxy lands on the 211th , but no dainago.
fago ! County Coin ripening Movxly ; cool
nights retard tapul matutity. Much yy he-it
being sown ; some early soyvn up nicely.
Lancaster County Corn is doing yyell ; no
rain needed. Ployylng In progtess Glaus
aud D istuies in line condition.
Johnson Countj i' all ployying progressing
rapidly. Coin yyill not bo u very heavi yield.
Potatoes a poor ciop
Niirtlioant .Section.
Ginning County Corn ripening sloyvly.
Ploxy IngVoIng on rapidly.
Dakota County Haying being done In
good shapo. Much ploxx ing being dono.
Uodgo County Coin IB oxtm uood yvith a
xery few oxceptions. Potatoes very scarce.
Sugar beets piomtho a good crop
\VasliingtonCounti Corn yvill bo good ,
but less than an nvoiago ctop.
Wa.yno County The yycok has boon favor
able for hu.y ing and matuiing coin.
Furnas County Some complaint of drouth
nnd coin not tilling yyell , but general outlook
is very line , line yyoathorfor fall plowing ,
ami much yyhuat bo ing soyvn ,
Harlan County Coin in some sections
suffeiingfor lain.
Keainoi County Potatoes are treed qual
ity , but small and a light crop ; corn in dally
lessoning in percentage of a fall CIOP.
Phelps County Coin yvill not make oyer
half a ciop ; potatoes yyill bo scaico.
Uc-il Willoxv County Getting too dry for
coin to do its best.
Webster County PloyvlngprogicssIiibM cry
sloyylv ; com drying up ,
Uuutrul Soctlon.
Buff.ilo Counti Corn has been Injured
during the past yvook by hotdry yylnds.
D.uvson County Dry and hot ; corn burn
ing bad ; yvill not make a half crop.
Mcriiclr. County Weather uoolor ; very
dry ; light frost reported Wednesday night.
iMirllnvcHt hittioii.
Cherry County Late planted corn needs
moro rain. ,
Scotts Uluff County Threshing well un
der yvay ; yield small.
Thomas County Weather very cool ; a
Wo yvoro tlio first manufacturers on this
Continent. Our latest Improyuiacnl surpasses
any I hlrur cyor bcf ere produced. 15o , U5u , S5o ,
per tin. IlatmrotohayoHKAIIUllK'ti. Ask
lor them Bfircad. on cotton cloth.
I'reventlon Is hotter tlian euro , by Imrnlnir
thcso candles bad smells In basimnntR , < tlosct > ,
&o. uro destroy ed.
are kept ayvuy : also useful for oxpulllnff inns ,
imltos and Irritating Insects. I'rlcu , S3o. cacU.
To rurlfy sick-rooms , uparttnc-uU , tto. , use
which In burning , disinfect and produce n
f rnuraaco rcf reshlnc an I In vlKorathjs. WGo. per
box of 12. Bole Manufacturers ,
H23A.ntJiry on oroinsrsoiw ,
Vbaniiuieutlcal I N p-ui vnoir
leht front reported Inyye-st part of county ,
njurliig only gardens and vlnrs
DriHllb Iliiiimcn hiTlltiiuli ,
Smi viFin.n , 111. , Sept. fi - Pho i rep bullo-
Insivs1 The temperature the plst yyeok
rns slightly boloxv normal In some por-
ions there yy ere lljhl | frosts. The nights
vero generally clear , intensify Init the long
'ontlmiod ' drouth 'I hot o Is llttlo ( liango In
ho condition of ciops Most torn is be.youd
) onollt by rain ; some farmers have begun
Hitting. Tlio damage from dtoutli
s general , aril tbo tnjur.y fiom
rr.isiiioppcrs Is tnoro suilous riircshlng is
ibout ( onipletcd rtio .y icld of oats Is about
hilly bushels Pall ployyln ; ; Is greatly ro-
arded bv dry yy cither , and yvhat has been
lonocinnotbo properly ptoparod for plani
ng until after a good rain Thi'pastuios
aio almost completely ill led up nnd feed ing
stock is becoming inoto goner il Stock
ynter is still x'ury se-.ueo The iroi of
clever seed yvill bo light. The ylold of
KJtatocs is small 'llio harycsllng of broom
orn contlnuts Tlicro is no Improvement
n the condition of fttiit , gti-pes buiuc thu
nest nbundant Oirdonsn" ver.y pool.
I'liorink for limn Oinpi
DCS Moisrs , Sept S 'Iho ciop bulletin
ay.s ; The past yycok has bc.c'U oxcp-jstycly
eel nnd diy , the tetnpernuro dec-lining to
rest thrco mornings , lesultiiig In flight
lamago to ciops In loyv plaics. Tlio nycrigo
icllclcncy yyas six degte'cs , the da.ys yycio
brlahland the nights cool Tlio drouth yyas
especially soycio on pastures. noicssHiitlnj ;
feeding slock . / the ilali y dlstilcts. J'lio
gtound Is gcncrailj too diy for pjoyy Ing and
soc-dlng Fall yyhoat anil r.yoylll . bo mu-
, ctLilly lessened 'llio splendid coin ciop Is
coming on in line slmpo and neat Ing sv oty
"roin ftost. At least * . ' . * ! pci cent Is iunv piac-
.le-ally safe and outtlnir Is in pioctess The
nillc of the croxlll | > bo in.itiii-cd by the I.'itli
mil straggling Holds by the "Oth , under nor-
nal conditions.
A movement ngalnsl the employment of
lilncso la bore is lias been at.utcU bi the un
employed yyhlto laluruts in the Situ .loaqL'ln
y alloy , C.illfoinla
IN man PLACES ! it H
not stnuifjo tlml some poopla do
yvronfj through ifjnornnoo , othurs from
„ v failure to invosiifitto ns to tlio Hunt or
yy roil'of } , n mutt or. Hut it is straiifjo ,
thtt : individuals and firms , who uro fully
„ of the rights of others , yvill persist -
sist 5 in porpotrjitllip fiauds upon liioin
IIijh-toncd ( , wealthy initnufruturln
linns yvill olTor mid hell to rot.iil inor-
clinnts , urtiulos yvhioh thov Icnoyy to bo
inftin omonts on the rights of- proprie
tors , and imitations of yyoll Uiiovvn ( roods.
\Vo yvunt to sound : i nolo of xvtirinnjr to
the lotttilors to bovy.tro of suclt linitn-
lions ntid slnmlixtlonsof''CAKruit's Lir-
TLKLiviit PILLS. " When they : tro of
fered to you , refuse thorn ; you do not
want to do yvrotifj. and you don't yvunt to
lay yourself liable to n luuouit. lion
Fr.iiiklin said "llonosty is the boat poli
cy" : it Is just as true tlml "Honesty Is
thobest principle. "
Here's the Idea
Of the Non-pull-out Bow
The great yyatch siyer. Saves the yyalch
from thieycs and falls cannot be pulled oil
the case costs nothing extra.
The bow has n groove
on each end. A collar
runs down Inside the
pendant ( sterr ) end
fits into the grooves ,
firmly locking the
bow to the pendant ,
so that It cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
\ \ " * / *
Can only be had yyith cases
stamped yy ith this trade mark.
Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases" are
noyv fitted yxith this great boxv ( ring ) . They
look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost
only about half as much , and arc guiranteecl
for twenty years. Sold only through yvatcb
dealers Remember the name
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
Do you wear them ? When next In need try a pair.
1 Best In the world. '
. § 3.00
, $2.50
If you want afino DRESS SHOE , made In Iho blest
styles , don't ' pay $0 lo $8 , try my $3 , $3.50 , $4,00 or
$5 Shoe , They fit equal to custom m.ido and look ? fld
wear as well , I f you wish to economize In your footwear ,
do so by purchasing W , L. Douglas Shoes , Name and
pries stamped en the bottom , look for It when you buy.
AV. L. JJOUGI.A8 , Urocldm , Bf ari. SoM by
Iin { itz Noyvman ; Hlius Svonsin ; S
\V. Uoyvtnun &Co. ; C. J. Curlson ; P. S.
Crossoy , So' Oinnhtu
- 1
ItCumCoidi Cumhi > lhto\l Croup , Infta-
enta , Whooping Couch Btonehitli nd Aithma ,
A certain euro for CoiuumptUn In firit Uffi ,
and A cure rellrf In aiitntr J stiff > Uic at once.
You will ( thsexc-lUr * effect nfter Uklnr lha
frit dose Eo'lfcyd M tvrrjwhtte. Large
The IBGst.
Ol ? T13I3TII
Tietli exlnctcKl In inomliir.
New oiKHiiiHertiHl itlunmoii
b line (1 o I'urfuot lit t'u ir-
. .
. 'lr < / /f/0 ( r.
J > n.v ( ii llluu'e ,
lOtli mid /"iirrilim Sfroo ( .
iio > utorou lOtli fettoi t TctiidioiiolOU
In tlio only
Women Excluded.
18 ycura oxperlonct
Circuit ! I-H froo.
1 4th nnd rnrntitn bin
Most approMil mil tliorouirh curriculum \Vrlta
to Oik J. K StiMMiilS.Oiniilii
Complete anil alilo fionltv. yVrllo to JOHN W.
Tlint tlilH collcso rinks flrst In NohraskiT
Tliit yomu 1 nll 's ind ircntlomon em study
anj *
Thtt mimic ait mil uliortlnml nro t utiflil by
the bent t ilent ot Oiinli l ?
Tint tlm noun il comuu lu most pr ictlc ll anil
That thn Hluili'iitH Kct the beat couiinol and
hltrhoHt cullim ; ;
TU it the oxpumos are loyycr tlmn In froo-tul-
That Iho f ill term \ \ 111 open September 19 ?
ft Hit i/ffir. ruptin rCollc inle MuI * Arttmirtei ,
Utafor Wcllcaly , Hinltli , Vnwunr heiulfnrlilUBtrntcil Pata >
lot AddresaJ'-r IlUI.LMtU. A U JuLknunvlllo , 111.
H l in'HIMIIMIS MlhMlt'lll. TliairrmtMIIIUrj
School ut tho\\t t yyrltu for Illuntrnlul OLAO ( ] < U .
col. 0. J. WrUht. H. H. A. M. Corn wall. N. Y.
Union StoBk Yai'ds Company ,
Sou tli OrnaTiai
Heat Cnttlo Ilo nnd ? heap marxotln thi irtil.
COM H I S 3 1 ] t HP J 3 Z S.
_ _ ,
Wood Brothers ,
I.lvo Stock Oo ninls'iloa Uarahunti.
Go itboinaba I'elup KIIIJ lisr. CUtal
JOHN i ) DAin ni AX , i , , _ , ,
WAi.ruu i : . yvool ) , rUanaz8rr
Mirkot reports by m ill nnd wlro cheerful
urnlbhoJ upon application.
< J
llemis Omaha Hag Omaha Tent-Awning
Importer ! nnd mnnufno
lururi ut Hour lacki , 1IOIISK COVCHS.
111 ! lurnam l-lrout.
Morse-Coe Shoj Company.
Biloiroom and Omco-lDT-IIJJ 1111 Iloarnrl St
Wo are tbo QM.r Jlnniif > : turun of llooU and
Ebooiln theitntsof Sobrilki
A k-enorAl Inrltittlun U o te ided to all to Inepoot
our new fuctur/ .
KirKendall , Jones & Ainer , Hand-Sewed
COM CAN V Wuolei l
mfr , anenti lluHon Hlioicro hooti , ihooi
IlubberSlioa Oo. 1IJ-- anil rulilier Koid , 1301
IIU < llWIInrnuj Utroet UIU llarnur titreit
M. E. Smith & Co. KilpatricIi-KochDry
( iOJIJb U )
Drr Koodi , nolloni fur- Notloni , neuti' furnlih
ultbloK voodi , corner Inj tdoJi , cor lltli aud
Illli audllow llaruttf Street *
Omaha Upholstering Betiee & Hunyan
Uuboliteied lurullur * : COMI-ANV
IllU-IIUI Mcbulae til-
WUolenU oal/ ,