181)3 ) , IAMBWT , IN Till ! SOUTHWEST ArSiontv to tlm P/tfntirf / and B < iok lo PcnkT SCENES SKETCHED ON Tilt WING t'liarnctcrlillus ol City mill Conntrj-ln n Htornivon 1'lkn' * Peak The On * Inferl. ot'ltj' ot Onmlia A Tribute to Ilio l nr ami tlie Fnlr hei , OMAHA , Au . fl ! . ( Correspondence of Tnc J KB. ] On bidding nillou to Arl/omv 1 crossed tlio Colorado river on the briilf , ' " ot tlio ti0'hern 1'iiclllc llatlmiy comi'iin.v'i cntcrtiitr ' of tlio town of CiilTfurn..1 directly xvcst In a northwesterly of my journey ln > * In a U- . . . , utterly devoid of vegetation as . . " " described In . . * > of country heretofore ) prcct. letters. At Cubazoii , n small town along the way , the general nppcaraui-e of the country br-gnn to change , the atmosphere gr.i'lually licctimu more h.ilmy , nnd from tliero onward p.isluro Holds clad In velvety green , exten sive farms , yielding nbun-lnnt cropsj immcr- DUB orchards , whore apples , peaches , pears , lips , orangcslcinons , , olives and many other kinds of fruit were ripening In the Blowing Eimshlno ; Immense gardens , where vegeta bles In great variety wore grown , and coun try residences , surrounded by .spaclousyards , nicely ornamented , all followed each other in rapid succession , In many parts of southern California much depends upon irrigation , nnd all water avail able for that purpose is carefully utilized. Where the supply Is limited great pains nro tak.en to prevent Its being wasted. With this end In view. It Is sometimes conducted long distances in cemented ditches ntui wooden flumes. Many portions of the country , still iionprodiictlvo desert land , are being re claimed , nnd the work of such reclamation will , no doubt , ho continued wherever and to the lull extent water can bo obtained therefor. The Sinit Invest Coimt. I spent eight or ten days at Ixis Angeles. It stands upon somewhat Irregular and hilly ( round. Excellent transportation facilities , nn elaborate system of electric street rail way , well equipped with all the usual Im provements and apuliances of a modern mu nicipality , and blessed with a delightful cli mate , it gives strong evidence of being a i-vowini * . prosperous city. Some of Its pub lic buildings are magnificent edifices. This Is particularly true of its county court house nnd city hall. It has many excellent busi ness blocks. Its churches and school houses nve commodious , ornately furnished struc tures. As a rule , its residences nro sur rounded with beautiful grass plots decorated with vines , shrubs , trees , tropical and souii- trnplcal plants. - Within a radius of a few miles of I os Angeles are several other ; cities and towns of more or less note. Among them may bo named the Itcd Lands , San llermulino , Kiv- crside , 1'asaciena , Orange. Florence , San Pedro , Santa Anna and Santa Monica , all attractive , hustling places. Some of them nro Inland towns ( liul some seaside resorts. All are more or lobs frequented hy health Beckers , pleasure seekers , tourists and trav elers. While at I-os Angeles I visited Avalon - lon , a beautiful little village snugly nestled ulong a miniature bay indenting the coast of Catalina Island , which rises above thobosoin nf the ocean at a distance of bomo twenty- live miles from San Pedro , a coast town on j the main land. The trip to and from the Island was made upon the steamer Honnosa , u graceful and popular palace of the sea. At a point about midway between the Island nnd San I'edro an Immense whale was Been disparting himself aaiong thn waves nnd spurting streams of water high up In the air. I also visited San Dingo , situated I upon the coast something over 10 ! ! miles south of Loa Angeles. It has declined considerably In population since the tremendous boom which it had llvo or six years ago. At the present time its in habitants will number , perhaps , a little less than 20,000. Whllo there I went to see the celebrated Coronado hotel , at tlio Corouado Beach. It is some five or six miles distant from San Dlago. In rcachinir it ono travels I n part of the way by rail and a part by water. It is a mammoth frame structure , llvo stories high , painted white , with red roof marked by numerous windows , and said to be the largest seaside resort in the world It covers several acres of ground , nmltnis.s i utod In a lawn and park combined , embrac ing twenty acres of ground. It contains 750 rooms , has n capacity for accommodating ever l.fiOO guests. Is illuminated by ti.bUO elec 1 tric lights , hus(5,000 ) ( square feet of veranda mid cost more than $1,000,000. Standing thirty-livo feet above the water's lovnl , and within a stone's throw of the ocean , persons upon its western verandas , with faces toward thu setting sun , may gaze in delight over the vast expanse of the deep bine sea whoso v spray capped billows , majestically rolling shoreward , nro tireless in sounding forth "Its sublime declarations of Independence. " * Ail Aposlroplio to the Climate. 'While southern California has many treed things In abundance , she has nothinc more plentiful than her delightful climate. To use a slang phrase , she might well afford "to travel i/n her climate. " IIB pleasantness "no alteration knows. " "Without variable ness or shadow of turning , it is the sumo yesterday , today and forever. " Its influ ence is noticeable everywhere , and in every thing of which our senses take cognizance. It Is seen in the pure azure of the cloudless sky , In thcdnzzllng spl'-ndor ot t > > o noonday Mill , in the sllvciy sheen nf the queenly moon nnd In the glowing sparkle of twin hling siars. It Is felt in the breeze ilia- plays in the vidlo.v , in the wind that ripples the plains , and In the gale that sweeps o'oi the hills. It is heard in the rustle of thu trees , in the gladdening song of the birds and In the noise of the waves of the sea. It flavors thu delk-ato grape , It colors the mellow peach , and sweetens the julco of thu pear. It also confers many .blessings un man himself. It gives strength to his body , firm ness to his step and vik'or to all his physical movements. It puts brightness in his uyo , a Kinllcvon his facu and a rose on his chcolc. It puts inuslu in his volco , good cheer in hU words , hope in his soul , buoyancy In his Hplrit and Joy in his heart. It gives length of days to his life , perseverance to his efforts Siml success to his undertakings. It frees him from sickness , crowns him witli the priceless jewel of perfect health.more valuo- blo tiy far than all other earthly possessions rombitu'd , nnd enables him the more easily -'accomplibh that whercuuto ho was bent. " lliHumviiril lliiiiiiil. Quitting Ixis Angeles and vicinity , I started homo , traveling In a northeasterly direction through a t-oiibideraluu portion of California to Hal-stow , thence In an easterly direction , crossing thu Colorado river and entering Arizona at thu Needles , thcncu in the mime direction through thu northern half of Arizona nnd n portion of tlio northern half of New Mexico to Albuquerque , thence : in a northeasterly and further on in an easterly dlrvcllou over the line of the Santa Ko railroad through northeastern Now Mexli-o , southeastern Colorado , southern and eastern Kansas to ICans.iH City , Mo. ' , ami theiico by way of the Missouri I'aelliu to Omaha. Many of those portion ; of ttiu Btutc-s ami territories just named which IUI thus traversed am arid wastes where tail little can bo grown without irrl- ( ration. The uno principal exception to this statement is a Hcotion of northeastern Arizona , embracing many tiuudrotl thousand acres , There immense quantities of pine Umber large enough ser > manufacture into merchuntnblu lumber may bu found , and ht-ru also nativu grabses may bo been growing in such liixtirmncu as to afford ford nn excellent Held for i-atilu raising , lu covering the distance between my blurting point and homo I observed , of course , many changes of natural scenery and the many modes lu which civilization , marching west- , want , la Becking a development of thu coun try. These things , however. I shall not pause to describe On reaching Ui Junta , Colo. , 1 ran directly westward in that mate us far as Colorado Springs , passing through Ttooky Ford. IJoono , Uaxter , I'ueblo , Huttea and oilier places. Colorado Springs is DUO pf the most charming cities 1 saw during my flbscnro , Whllo there I | > nlt ( ft vlst to Mnnltou , < n > l Colorado City , two Komllko mountain hninlcu , situated near hy. I also did cAmldcrrihla In roaming valleys , rllmhluir hills and ncallnc motintnlni , In order to ohtitln pllmpto of the rich nat ural si-cnntv nhounillng throughout the coun try ndjacent thereto. A Sturm on the Pcnk. A * i.iM-timn walk up Pike's Peak was not entirely without incident. The whole < lls- tanco of nine iiiilo * from start to finish was covered In five hoiin and fifteen minutes. When within two miles of the npcx I was cnqflil in n storm. U Drought mo to a stand still. The element * rnRQil furiously z-bout mo. No one was with mo. No human habi tation wns visible , INO human volco could bo hoard. No workmanship of the human hnnd could bo seen except the railroad track where I stood. 1 wns In lonely Isolation. I stood In .sombre , dismal solitude , , nn awe struck spectator of n somewhat novel scene. I gazed Into dense , heavy clouds , on looking cither upward or downward. I saw the lightning Hash nbovo me. and also Hume below me. The thunder fiercely roared nbovo myhcnd and solemnly moaned beneath my feet. Heaven and earth seemed blended together , and both wnro rocked in violent commotion. The storm over. I pur sued my journey to the summit , where I arrived at 4tfO o'clock in the afternoon. lJiui'7 the ensuii * ? night 1 slept there nil alonoiua gloomy "BICUO . structure , and next . t | morning from that lofty eminence I wit- urillt i"w5 , IU'IO.IMVJ v iita , vii.k , . lofty mountains anil tumbling catnrao. * , promiscuously mingled together in sublime confusion , present a scene of majestic grandeur. While standing at the base of Seven Falls at noon that day In fair weather I thcrosaw the babbling brooklet of clenr. sparkling water , In making Its last wild leap , plunge into a largo pocket or bowl In the side of a solid rock. From there , I saw It rise again In mist , and spreading like a lovely fountain sending forth Jots of silvery spray , It fell in hugo drops and broken streams to the stony basin below , like n tumultuous shower of glittering diamonds. It may bo that those aqueous jewels , so to speak , at the hour I saw them In ceaseless flow , were rendered the more surpassingly beautiful and the moro Intensely brilliant by reason of the circumstance that they were then dropping through the gleaming rays of a golden sunshine. A i'pw C'onirir' | nin. In concluding these letters wherein I have described In u general way a fo\v of the things of which 1 took note In portions of six states nnd four territories , I think It proper to say that Nebraska , when considered as a whole , will compare favorably with any of such slates and territories , and is decidedly In advance of most of them. Omaha , taken all In all , surpasses the several cities which I visited except in ono respect alone. The exception refers to her want of a union rail way depot commensurate with her Impor- taiico.Mid her needs. In this particular she Is cast entirely In the shade by every city I saw which can boast half her size. A \Voril for tlin Omnlri llcncli anil Uur. During my travels I came into frequent contact with members of the legal fraternity in nearly every state and territory where my journeytigs ! carried inc. By the phrase "legal fraternity" I mean those * who wear the ermine as well as regular practitioners. I conversed with them in their ofllces. and on numerous occasions xvitncsscd thu former holding aloft the scales of Justice with steady hand , and hoard the latter lu their efforts before ) jndRcs and juries. From the imnrp.ssions thus made > : pen me , lam firmly of the opinion that for urbanity of bearing in the court room , grace of literary accomplish ment , range ot ccneral information , , learning in I ho law , skill in the trial of cases , forcefulness - fulness in argument , feryoraml effectiveness In forensic oratory , sobriety of habit , faith fulness to clients , established reputation Tor sterling Integrity , elevated character and tenulno sturdy ability , the Omaha bench and bar stands fully abreast of any other bench and bar in the country. Uoiiien Nnt Vorgotton. It may bo thought strange by some that in my ontlro series of letters , of which this is the fourteenth and last , I have civcn com paratively little space to the fair BOX. Of this fact it Is , perhaps , a , sufficient explana tion to jay , it has long been a rule with me t.o avoid treating of any subject touching which I felt myself grossly unable to do , at least , some sort of Justice. With a view to showing , however , they have by no means escaped my notice , but on the other hand have commanded a largo share of my atten tion , a stnclo statement alano is necessary. It affords mo pleasure , therefore , to say they have occupied much of my thought , and everywhere I have been I have uniformly observed that the mothers , wives , daugh ters , sisters and sweethearts whom I suv : were as winsome In manners , nnd as much Klven to useful lives and noble deeds as those in Nebraska , and that the southern beauty , like the Omaha belle , nt all places , at all times and under all circumstances gracefully stands forth the charm of earth and thu ad miration of heaven. J. T. M. Fireworks tonight , Conrtland beach. ST.trJS JI.IXK TAX. She Calmly Throws Awny the Ailvlco of Her Society FrlnnilH. WASHINGTON. Sept. ! . The society writer of the Washington Post gives some interesting gossip of Vice Presi dent Stevenson's family , in the coin-so of which it says : "Mrs. Adlai Steven son realizes now far bettor than on first coming to Washington the difference between giving and receiving advice. It was not long after the -Ith of March that her education in this respect began , her sorrows and vexation of spirit being in duo proportions. Old friends called on her by the score , anil advice on any and every topic under the sun fairly rained on her advice of such coiillicting nature that to have at tempted to put oven the smallest portion tion of it into practical execution would have resulted in startling Washington. "Finally , it seemed to the oppressed vice president's wife as though the climax had been reached , when a care fully prepared list was presented to her of social undesirables , whom she was on no account to know and whose calls were to remain unrecognized by so much as the return of a card. After a sensible review of thu situation tills list was-con signed to tlio waste basket and the ad vice relegated to oblivion , and Mrs. .Stevenson quietly announced thut she thought the most effectual plan of un tying social knots and smoothing over rough places was that adopted by her predecessors by personal experience. < JUTI.A. 'H. Ilnld on thti Jail t rinovlllv , Ky. , lint the H.i mil the rrUonrra. LOU1SVIM.K , Sept. 4. A mob ol de termined men , evidently a part of the Martin gang of outlaws , made a raid on the Pinovillo jail last night and tried to rcbouu the two Martins , arrested for at tempting to nssafbimito the passengers on a train nt the Mti'dlcsboruugh rail road , The jail olllciali- hud got wind of thu move and had bocretcd the prisoners in the mountains. When the mob ar rived they overpowered Jailer Call and then searched the jail. Not finding the men , they went away without attempt ing any violence. It is feared there will yet bo trotibK , and as soon as possible the } > risuiors will bo taken to a more civilized community to be kept until they can be tried. I'llltUrKOIl lllTOIIH'K II DKNvr.it , Sept , -I. 'Iho Kooky Moun tain News publishes a letter from Mr. T , M. Pattersc n , its editor and part owner , dated Washington , in which ho reviews the political situation nnd late developments tt ) the national capital , concluding with the declaration that thu cause of silver and the hopes of the industrial classes' tor relief JUriiu the present oppressive condition rests with the peoples party , und announces his nlk-gianco houceforth to that political organization. Fireworks tonight , Courtlund beach. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Week Opens with Heavy Receipts of Onttlo and Very Few llogs. PRICES ON CATTLE LOWER ALL AROUND from 10 to 1ft Cent * Slump-llpgt Orailci lu 1-oinnnil nt tlio Drop HORS Firm mid lllchrr No sheep Itccclvcil. MONDAY , Sept. 4. Tlio receipt's of cattle wcroB.aj'J , hogs 2 , ! > 2l and sheep none , against Ut7 : cattle , 0,005 , hogs and 1,3'J5 , sheep for Monday of last week.- The number of beef steers received was not very largo considering tlio heavy run , but , consisted largely of grassors. only n few corned cattle hero. Conditions hero and at other markets were ngainst sellers , owing tcHI liberal receipts , and while tlio best native grades sold fairly well the general marltct ruled weak nnd lOc to IGc lower. Good 1'JOO tcft lCOO-lb. beeves sold from f-t.-lO to ? 4,70 , fair to good 1,000 tol,200-lb steers ot $3.00 to fl , and Itiforior grades from $3.50 down. RunffQ cattle for killers sold n round $2 to $ 'l.r. > , " * "k trading1 slow RDd n good many un sold nt the close. 'The ' receipts of cows nrta mixed stork wore qulto largo , nnd were mndo up largely of crassers ; as In the steer trade. Owing to the liberal otleriiitrs prices WPJ-O pciiprully JOe to Ific lower , with cxU-cmo stilesof ooAiaiihciivy and thin stock oven much lower. Handy fat cows and heifers sold fairly active , whllo tlio general market was very dragging and dull. Odds and cnds-of all Itlnds were very slow sellers at lOc to 15u decline and a good many carried over. There was no special change In the mar ket on good heavy feeders and u fair amount of trading was done. Underweight stuff was offered In ubumlanco and was hard to move nt prices lOc to Ific lower than last weak. The inquiry for good feeders cither mitivo or western continues fair , whllo anything lack ing weight or quality is in poor demand : DRKSaUI ) IIKKV. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr 4 810 MOO 1 1130 14 4 D 2 10DO 860 24 . . . .11HO 4 4B 24 100K 3 GO 44 117G 440 110. . . .1118 ,305 28 1585 470 cows. G. . . . .1000 2 00 " ' ' . 0-10 2 00 10" . . . 728 2 10 2. . . . . HOO 2 10 4. . . . . 745 2 20 37. . . . . 042 2 25 27. . . . O'JO 2 50 30. . . . . HBO 2 CO 15. . . . . O.r)4 2 75 10. , . . . . 050 2 75 ' " 1030 2 85 . 013 2 00 1 G40 1 G5 CALVES. 44 207 2 75 I1UI.I.S. 1 . . . .1440 1 65 , BTOCKEIIS AND PEKDEKS. 11 COB 1 75 40.n . . . . . 847 2 GO 14 737 2 15 n ' . . . . 835 2 70 25 004 2 20 17' . . . . 008 2 70 10 I. . . 045 2 SU 11. . . . .1120 2 75 17 001 2 30 8. . . . .1200 3 05 31 027 2 50 31. . . . . 087 ! ) 05 1 800 2 GO 17. . . . .1001 8 05 CATTLE. No. A v. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 21 cows. . 001 $2 05 1 cow. . . 050 $2 10 8 cows. . 0102 1O 2 cows. . 1100 2 10 1H f'drs..H)70 ) 3 10 8ststlr.ll70 ( 2 00 ' ' ' 2bt'r.s..l25t ) 50 60 .st'rs''lOTO 2 00 2 bulls. 1335 50 DOe'lvs. . a)0 : ) 2 40 1 bias..1240 50 HO f'drs. . 055 2 35 lbult..l&30 2 50 30 st'rs.,1307 3 50 NKIIIIASKA. 48 st'rs..l040 2 75 Icow. . . 980 50 14sts.tlg.1188 2 10 43 f'drs. . 1035 85 WYOMING. C0f'clr . .1030 205 47u'lvs. . 197 300 - cows. .1000 1 G5 0 fili-a. . 770 260 110st&hfsl293 3 75 22 cows. . 710 105 lOyrlnss 550 230 ' 1 fecdor 'GOO 150 2 bulls. . 990 160 1 bull. . .1140 1 50 1 bull. . .1170 ' 1 50 1 bull. , .1000 150 20cows. . 720 1,75 Icow.880 175 1 COW. . .1000 1 strtlsl220 200 IStr , tlgll40 200 23 feeilrsl029 2 GO bOUTH DAKOTA. 20 focdrslOSO 3 00 COLORADO CATTLE.- 185 sts. . . . 1004 245 42 steers. 117G 265 60COW3. . 900 200 14-sts..l073 : 240 OIlWiON. 41 focrtrs.1057 2 70 59 fccdrsllDO 2 85 03 focdrs.1104 3 10 " NBVAIU. ' 47Kl > ylifsl097 275 2 spy Iifsll40 225 Hens The week opens with only moder ate receipts of hefts and ns compared with last Monday were less by about : ! , ( X)0 ) head. Eastern markets tended lower with liberal supplies , but us both tlio local and shipping doiiiand was good hero prices were fully sus tained and ruled firm at Saturday's high point with the ( cncrul market aveniBinp up a few cents hiphor than Saturday. The inarhot ruled somewhat uneven , however , nnd while some trades on desirable grades were a trillo hotter other sales of inferior IOKS were hardly as good. Sales were l. rircly at S."i.0 ! ! to f" > . ! i.i , against $3.25 to irt.'M Saturday and f5 on last Mon day. Extreme , sales were at ? . * i.l.i to $ ! i.fiO , against $5.15 to ? .VI5 Saturday. ' Ucprcsenta- tlve sales : No. Av. SIl. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 8. , .2CiO (5 15 71 : . . .324 mo jr. ao BO. , . .310 120 6 15 08. . .221 1-20 5 30 4. . . .277 6 15 G3. . .240 160 5 30 3. , . .3'10 6 20 00. . .227 80 6 30 3. , . .240 5-20 ca. . .105 60 5 30 60. , . .274 40 5 20 60. . .301 -10 5 30 11. , . .303 6 25 78 . .231 200 5 35 6. , .306 5 2i 75. , .203 280 6 30 7. . .228 6 25 70. . , .2311 BO 5 30 60. . .281 400 5 25 68. . .255 120 5 30 22. . .270 40 5 25 00. . , .104 200 5 30 04. . .285 280 6 27 A < 80. . , .107 -110 5 30 02. . 237 100 5 30 66. . . .248 100 5 35 60. . .328 80 5 30 74. . , .230 ICO 6 35 10. . .300 40 5 30 70. . . ,202 40 6 35 71. ' ° 72 200 530 03. . . .258 5 35 70. .1201 240 5 30 02..27O 120 5 35 47. . .300 80 5 30 73. . , .2117 40 5 35 50. . .269 200 5 30 OO..219 100 f > 40 43. . .283 80 5 30 72. , . .22 : * 5 40 40. . .251 120 5 30 70..244 40 6 40 61. . .280 120 5 30 03..207 BO 5 45 00 . 188 120 5 5U Sheep There were no sheep received. The demand for either mutton or block sheep continues limited and prices roniinn un changed. Fair to good natives , ? 'J.'J' > @ 'i-j.'i ; fair lo good wcslcrns , $ * .00@i.OO : ; common and stock shcop , ? l.rU.ii"i ) ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb lambs , Si.OOYrgJ.'i. Ilvrrlptit anil l > l | ltu > M ot Stuck , Ofllclal receipts ami disposition of stock as shown hy tlio hooks uf tliu Union .Stock Yards company for thu forty-eight hours oiulliij,1 at 6 ti'cluck p , m. , Hi'plember 4 , IH'JU ; IIECKII'TH. l.lvr Hroi'k .Murkftn. CIIICACO , Popt. 4 , [ Special Toli-Kl-am toTlIK Ilii.lAlilo : : friini fhulcu nallvu MleeiH. ut which them wuru not many and ( or wlik'h fully sli-iKiy prliDHVITO olitaliu-d , tlio cattlti inaiketIIK dull and lower , 'f'lierem an ovursfiipply cif rominim to fairKoods , and luilil- ITR could not net l'i ' t wi.-1-k'i. prlerM for Midi. Ituyortf were wllllni ; to lull ; tiutdmix * * on a Imsltiot lee lo lOc elf and tlmro l > > \clu-iu Ilin iliiy'stludliiK was dour. Tlii'rn wi-it > ulimit to.ootl native cattlu ami ' 12,1100 nim-'eis. Thu former Mild principally at < t l.UUto < 'J.tii fiircuwu and at 13.00 to f4.i > 0 fur Mei-r > . with (1 lo iS.-'S thu oxtru-ni- riuiKtqilotiitluiiK , Weui'nis were blow at ( l.&o 10 ti.W. with fJ U ) la.41) ) I lie oulfldn prli'i > . yale.iot Tuxans wuru luroly a I * 1,00 to * 2.70 , Tim ri-.i-1-lptK , though about tlio luriickt for any diy thin yeur were K-bn irmn for the ( * orro pondln ilivy lust yc r , to tlin pxtctit of 2.000 heml. The fiojt market , opened wiMondy , some RnfrMiton partltig , < tloi their stoou at fieto ltc ) off , whllo In other Instances strong prices wcro renlltcd. Iatcr lif the morning there was a decided firmness In nil division.1 nf the yards nml tlin close wns hlhur | limn tit any time * al < irtlny. Tim ( tain In stronRtli was attributed to tlio facl that the receipts Ml tnnmMhtiiR Hko 2,000 licnd short of the- first estimates , tlio totals only reaching SO.'iW ) , ' ' Toward Iliocloso pnmo hoavywi'lRlits wrjftj Ratable lit 15.55 to ? 5.GO nnd choice aesortPil , jluht easily romiiiandrd JO to J0.05. Tlio luilklot the 2tiO to 3M-lb. IIORS chanced hands lUJiotler Ihiin Jf'D nnd thti irrvnllliiK pHrjovVor' llRlitwelnhts wore.J5.75 to fG.OO. Very frjw poor IIOKS weto uirori-il , tlio Ki-cati'i-partof tlfit t-Upply consMIiiB of Well failed lions wcltllnKi | > ver22r > Ihi , Tlioro was a intiuli ijealor tone to the sheep market. Poor nim > mmiimm unities did not soil perceptibly jlmliter tlian before , lint for good to cliolcjiimlltli's ( , whuthcr natlviior ' raiiRe , liuyern wrre-not , uvui-ao lo pnyliiK a sinall mlvimcti oiiitba closlii ) * prices of last week. The linproviimcnl lit the lamt ) market was still iiioi-o marked , the iivcrniru of prices being 25e pur 10(1 ( IIis. better than at thu lowest time last week. Quotations for sheep ranted from 11 to $3.70 and for lambs front S2.7u to JO , Kecelpta : Cut lie , 22,000 liend ; calves , 1,000 , bond ; hojrs , aG.noUheml ; slpp , 13,000 licad. Thu Kvenlnp .iuurnal reports : OATTM : Ueculpts , 22,000 head } shipments , 10,000 head ; market steady , lowers prlmo to extra steera , t4.9U& > . ! 2ii ; goixl , Jl.50i44.80 ; coinnion , J2.b5a3. 5 ; To\nn < i , $2.UOi : < .Q& . ' Hoofi Receipts , 38,000 head1 shipments. C,000 head ; market steady ! good ml.xod and packer * , $5.20415.40 ; liuaxy nnd butchers * welKlilHi$6.00ao.7U ; prlmollKht.t. . . . „ SIIKKIHeceTpt" , 12,001) ) lieadl shipments , 2,500 head ; market , higher ; nullvcs $1.75 ® 3.2& ! westerns , 82.26 ( 2.761 Iambs , > 2.00ia.5.1f ) . On the l.iMliliiu Mitrhol. LONDON , Hupf. 4. f.atef.1 estimates confirm the report that 0.500,000 iiiartors | will fin Iho utmost whcnt production of the United King dom. New KtiKlNIi wlieat futchus moru than old : hotli are In thu llnest condition. XJ < i foreign market recovered sllchtly slnco "lYuuncsflny on the oxpsct'ijloi ! nf.t'm ' " " " ' ' ' " * feat uJ tl.ti n'TiVr7,5V. ! iii'coiiKrcss would D3 followed liy tightness In holding tliu American crops of lbU3. The expectation , tlio Kxpre.'s thinks , In rather short-.slKhled. Tlio artli-lo conlhuies : "Coniparlsons of Krnlii prices on Krlday. tlio first day of the cureat year , wltli Ihusu nf 1B91 and 1BU2 bhows a ik-cllnu In last year of Gs In California and GK In rod wlntur , und n decline In ihu last two years of 17s In ( 'allfurniaii nud 10s In red winter , " Knnsas City I.'vu Stuclc ? Iarl < nt. KANSAS CITY , Supt. 4. OATTM : Receipts , 7BOO head ! shlpinunts , 3.HOO head ! best unlives hloaily ; others loner ! Texan steers , J2.00ffl3.15i Tuxiiscows. S1.76JW.25 ; shlpplni ; Hteers , $4,00114.05 ! native cows , fl.OOIca.05 : Imtchur block , $2.504.00 ; slockers and feedurs , { 2,15ii)3.50i ) bulU una mixed , $1,00 ® 2.75. 2.75.HOUH HOUH Ilocolpts , 2,000 head ! shipments , 1,800 head ; market bluntly to 5c lower : hulk , $5.05(35.50 ( ! heavies , $5.05Q5.25 : mixed , J5.106.50 ! llj-hts , $5.40 ,5.00 ! packurs , * 5.10 ( J5.50. SllCEt' Kecolpts , 1,400 head ; shipments , 500 head ; marketsteady to .strong ; muttons , $1.50 ; lambs , J3.10. KUIIKIIS City KANSAS CITY , Sept. 4. WIIDAT Active , lie lower ; No. 2 liard. Me ; No. 2 red , 5Ilc. CoitN Wunk , 'ic lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2D330c ; No. 2 wlilto , 20ifit3lc. ) OATS Slow ; No. 2 mixed , 2l22c ; No. 2 white , 275t28c. Uvt : Scarce : No. 2 nominally , 47c. DllDTTUii Firm ; creamery , A8Q21C ; dairy , 1618c. KtiosVeal < ; lie. HECUll'TS-Wheitt , 22.000 bu. Sill I > MI.NTS-Wheat , 20,000 uu. St. l.ouls J.lvi ) Stock Murkor. ST. Kouis , Pot. ] 4. OATTM : Uecolpts , 5,200 head ; hliltiieiils | ) not , reported. The supply was nearly all Tcxans , which ranged f'J.5046 3.25 for steers and $ l.iOStl2.-5 ( for cows. Nn- tlvo steers would liring f3.00a4GO for fair to choice. HWHS Kccolptt , 1,100 head ; shipments , not reported ; market steady ; light , $5.4005.75 ; packing , S5.OOii5.HO'heavy ; , ifG.OO5.40. SJiiKEi * Kecelpw. 300 head ; &hlpiiieiits not reuorled ; miiruct ijteacly and unchanged. S.ui I'miic KII plInuiK UnotiitloiK. SAN KHANCISCO , , Seiit.-l. Thoolllcl.ilcloslni ; for mlniiig tocks were as follows : Alta U ) Hale & XurcroHH. . lll > Ilulcliur SS Mexican IH ) Ik'Hl A , Ilelchcr lid Oplilr. .S5 lloilloCon ' id Potoal lid Itulwer. IB Savut'i ! 41) Cliollar -30 . SlmT.t Kuvada 03 Con. Cal. & . Va ' ! : ) . Union Con : * * > Crown I'olnl . ' 'i3 ! fellow Jacket Ui > Guulil & Curry " -Ui ) Kiiropa'i * .licet Su ur Orop. Sept. . 4-T-Tho Agricultural Ra- tlonulo In Its review of the sugar beet crop of Knropo estimates .the ilelloluncy In Kranco , itulKliim and thu Netherlands .as 50,000 , ton , of raw sufaiund the 'Kurputs In Oermuny , Austro-lluiiKary inul Itussla as 000,000 tons. Cdttoii .u.u lor. NEW OKLIANS , Bopt. 4. Futures , steady ; sales , 24,000 bales ; Haptonibcr , 87.50 hid ; October , * 7.50S7.GO ; November , $7.707.71 ; Deceinbor , $7. 0 ; 'January , 7.'JGa8.00 ! ! Feb ruary , $ B.03a8.15. riilliidelplilu ( jriilu .Uarltot. l'iiir.AiKt.riiiA , Sept , 4. WIIIJAT Dull and prices wholly nomlniil. CoitN Steady ; futures neglected. OATS Steady ; No. 2 wlilto , 30ic. ! Liverpool .MurlciHs. lavr.nrooi , , Sept. 4. WIIBAT Steady ; du- creahi ! . In demand : holders oiler moderately. COUN Steady : demand moderate. Kltli luttor 3lurkot EI.OI.V. Sept.4. llUTTint Active at 18a ; 720 Ibs. bold at 25c. I'limncliil NutfA. KANSAS Crrv , Sept. 4. CloarltiRs , $1,202- 140. I'nti.ADEM'nrA , Sept. 4. Clearings , $15,514- * 403 ; haliinces , ilG'J7,20'J. I'Al.Tllloni : , Sept. 4. CloarliiKs , f 1,747,444 ; hnlniiucs , S130.B17. Atonoy , G per cent. NEW Om.KANS , Sept. 4. ClearliiKS. $404- 250. Now York commercial , J2.60 per $1.000 premium. LONDON. Sept. 4. Amount of bullion pone Into thu Ituuk of Ei ' land today on balance , i-lB7,800. Fireworks tonight , Courtlnnd beach. r MIS. b Mr. Claveliintl'it AilmlnUtrnllon li Fuvar ol UK Knpoul. WASHINGTON , Sept. 4. The state ment printed to the olTcct that President Cleveland attended at the Treasury de partment a conference to consider the question of the repeal of the 10 pot- cant tax on state banks is incorrect. Such a conference , however , wan hold and was participated in by Secretary Carlisle , Speaker Crisp , Representative Do Witt Wttrnor of Now York , Hall of Missouri , and Oakoa of Alabama. It was ono of a Bci-ics of such conferences which has had this subject under consideration for HOIIIO timo. Mr. Cleveland is represented as favoring the proposition to repeal the bank law if a measure can bo framed which will otl'sot the dillloulties In the way of a roliabill- tation of Htato bank currency. The plan suggested is to repeal the tax on Htuto banks and provide for them uniform cur rency printed and issued by the general government based on the classes of safe and accaptnblo bond nnd KouurlticH nropoi'lv guaranteed by Htato or innnlei- ' " " imlfilos' , Ono of tlio qhjeclions to the revival of state banks hw : bpon the opposition of national bank * . -A canvass is being made of nuthnmb banks to learn how they look upon 'tho1 proposition and find how many of tlronT > 'oiildmirrcmlor their national charters for state charters. It is said to lionet carreut , an reported , that the admiii'ritrntion intends to olfer a measure shaped on the foregoing Hues as a oompromlHfi in the senate in the be lief that it will 'win over to the euuso of tlio Sherman IaVv , 'repeal certain south ern democrats.of f"eo | silver jiotions who huvo always Ifaei * bitterly opposed to the national ba lf.fiystom. The purpose of thp gonlomuu y-ho are canvassing the situation BO fur-as concerns the repeal of the tax on state bunks is said to Do to push it forward as an independent propo sition in the hnnse , not the senate , One of tlio men prevent at Saturday's conference tald it was \n \ prevent involv ing thly proposition with the repeal of the bhermun law that-Mr.Cleveland did not incorporate tiomo observations ahaut it in his message. Htminxir Alv.i Killl Hll lnf , NK1V YOHK , Sept.I. . The Atlas line steamer Alvo , which mailed from tills port for Connivon , Huytl , August 10 , is Htill on Iho missing list. Thu Athos of the sumo line , which sailed for Uonaivcu J August , wns I'xpectrd to bring nowg of the ororduo Alvo. The Atlios nri'lvoii yestordnvt hut the olllcors honrd nothing of the Alvo. Ono ot the olllcors said ho received n letter from ono of the olllcors of the Alvenn , which sailed from this point two days nflor tbo Alvo. The AN vorui hnd cncountor.cd n hurricane , which compelled her to lay to for three hottrs. _ WEltt ; XUr ItX.tUUKItATKIh Latest News from Smilli Cnmltim ( 'niillriim tlio Slnrlpfi ol tile IHvutiT. CIIAKMCSTON , S. C. , Sopt. 4 , The News nnd Courier 1ms mndo n careful investigation into the condition of affairs along the const of South Cnrolliuv und finds Hint its reports huvo not boon ex aggerated. ThU loss of llfo will aggre gate 800 in Uotutfort county. LJotwccn Charleston and Siivaniuih the storm swept uwny most of the homos us well us the growing crops , nnd loft the people in n destitute state. The loss of life nnd property wns found to bo greatest in St. Helen , Ladles , Wussn , Coosnw , Paris , Dawfuskio nnd Duthiui islands , Those islands , together witli tho.l'ort Royal island , huvo a population of nbout 15,000 , most of whom are negroes. The esti mates at this time us to Iho loss of life is incomplete. Other islands nro yet to bo hoard from nnd it Is likely tlio list will bo greatly swelled. Reports show that there is dire distress tunonc the colored people. Their homes have been washed away and thoii' crops destroyed ; there is no work for them to do , nnd they are suffering - ing for food. Ex-Congressman Elliott says : "Stnrvntton. is sure uhd immi nent. " Relief committees have been or ganized , composed of colored and white men , and nn address is being prepared calling on the American people for help. The shipping Buffered severely , nine- tenths of the vessels in ports Port Royal nnd Itaaufort being wrecked. The phos phate industry is temporarily"lartilyi'.od. . lXa.tl.LSItt.I.V J.V I'OLITICS. Ho Wants the Itepuhllcnn Noiiiln.ilIon for Oovprnor ot KitiisHs. Tot'EKA , Kan. , Sopt.I. . Ex-Sjnator Instills has ro-oiitercd politics and has done so in a most "nggrcsHivo manner. His program , also , < s laid down on most aggressive linos. Ho will appear before the republican state convention n year hence as a candidate for governor nnd at tlio close of his term , should ho be elected , ho will bo a candidate for Mr. Potter's seat in the somite. When the republicans were defeated in IS',10 ' nnd when Iho pomilists elected Mr. Potter to succeed MV. Ingalls in the senate the latter stated be would be a candidate for no political honor until his old boat in the senate should become vacant. Since tlieif he has become determined to run for governor , as-a stepping stone to his old senatorial position. Those facts are admitted by Ingiills' closest friends and have some confirmation in Mr. Ingalls' recent speeches before Grand Ai-jny of the Republic encampments and county conventions. AID i-'oic .s GlinrrhM ! Til < o 'lip ttoll < > rllnn nml 1'orm Itelli-f Associations to Ili'lu the : Needy. CHAIU.KSTON , S. C. , Sept. ! . Reports from the storm-swept district incrcaho in horror. Fully 1,000 lives were lost. In nearly all of the churches of Charles ton collections were taken up yesterday for tlio sulTorers by the .storm , and. a large sum was reali/ed. The pastors of the colored churches have called a special mooting to raise a fund and an organization was olTectcd for .systematic work looking toward securing material aid for those who lost tlioir property by the tornado. The railroads and express companies are doing heroic and noble work. All of thorn huvo offered to trans port supplies free of charge and today tlio vans of the express companies were employed in collecting the donations of clothing and bedding for the destitute. Fireworks tonight , Courtlnnd beach. Froncli Domiinds on Slum. BANGKOK , Sept. 4. The new condi tions presented by France to the Siamese government have been made public. The most important article is the twelfth , which is so drawn as to evade the most favored nation clause contained in Siam's treaties with other countries. At the last conference between M. le- villeis and the Siamese ministers tlio French representatives , failing in their efforts for immediate acceptance of the terms offered , gave the Hiameso three months time in which to consider them. The advices from Cnantabon , Siam , tay the inhabitants of that town are bitterly complaining about the conduct of the French troops quartered there toward the women of the place. World's .Smiclll.v School Workers. ST. L.OUIS , Sopt. 4. The HCCOIIU World's Sunday School convention opened yesterday in Music liall with delegates from England , Scotland , Ire land , Germany , Asia , Africa , Now South Wales , India and other countries pres ent. The hall was crowded. The meet ing was opened by lion. F. F. Holce.v of Rochester , England , president of the first World's convention , who introduced Dr. Phillips of India , the lirst Sunday school missionary sent to the heathen lands by the World's association. The session closed with an oll'erlng to defray the expenses of another missionary in the Hold. ig Merchant My 'crloii ly OUtippoaw. TlOAXOKH , 111. , Sept. 4. R. E. Peter son , the largest merchant in the town , lias been gfiio three weeks and his whereabouts are unknown. Attach ment proceedings to the amount of * 10- 000 have been commenced against his safe and contents , and from present in dications it appears his indebtedness will reach 420,000. This is mostly due relatives and friends. This indebted ness is not regarded as a Kiilllcient rea son for his disappearance as ho would have received financial aid. - OrUeml to ( ili.mi. WASHINGTON , Sept. 4. Orders were sent by mail from the Navy department yesterday ( 'w the iJiJ'iLiMim , 9' ' "nofliiy sea liuot , On iie 5"uiit of ili un certainty of American intorectn in China ' because 'of the Osary law the gnnh.mt Petrel will bo sent to China without delay. She will will from Ouimlaskn in about two weeks , and will bo joined by the gnnbjat Concord in Chinese waters early in October. IJI > porU' < l of Ktmilmn Moulin. PillLADKU'lliA , Sept. 4. The Read ing road gave notice that an arrange ment has been mndo with Ui'oxol&Cj. and Hrown & ( ' , ) , to imrchaso the Read ing T'H ' of 1H1K ! from the holders at par on their maturity , Oct'ibw 1 , and to extend them aw gold bonds for forty years at 5 per cent interest , ulsa payable in gold and free of all taxc'i. The holders of o . Vt'or't llarviot Kuunii in ilrll iln. ' LONDON , Bent 4. Tlio gathering of the Harvest in Great Hrltain Is practi cally over. With scarcely un exception , thoYoaults are dnecribud as the wo rat known , being oven below the bad. esti mates made of them.o Illtr Crop ol ( Joru In Kiuuuf. Toi'KKA , Sept. 4. The reportcoming to the agricultural department for tabu lation for the monthly cnip bulletin , to ho issued in a few days , show that the "Cleanliness is next to Godliness. " We use only SANTA CLAUS SOAP , And White Wings of Purity Spread their radiance nrouud us , IS THE. BEST FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD USE. ALLGRQGEKS KEEP IT , BY OMAHA r BAGS & TWINE3 I TENTS , ETC. Bcmis Omaha Bag Oitfaba Tent -Awning COMPANY" . COMPANY * . Iraportor.i und nianufno * Hirers of Hour > ncks , HOI13I' COVI5I19. burlni9 , twine. ' . Mroou BOOTS ANB SHOES. Horse-Cos Shos Company. Salesroom nn.l 0.11c3-llr-ini. ) III ! llov.-irl St Wn nra the ovi.v M.nmif.fHiirori of Hoots ant Ebouiln the stile of S'a'j.ui'c ' i. A ncncr.il l.ivlullun Ijuxto.tJU to all lo Impact our now factory. liirKendall , Jones & Amcr , Hand-Sewed COMPANY * . YVholcialo nifra. , njonta Uosto.i SUOK CO. . boon , shoos Itubber MIOJ Co. 110.- nnd ruM > 3r iooiK lotM- 1104-1108 llnrniy f-troct. 1310 Harrier S.re l DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Co. Kilpatricli-KocliDry ( IO )1 > S CO. Dry cooils , notions , fur- Notions , Kunti1 furnish * nMilnff KoniK corner t yourta , c jr. lltU naJ Hill iiuil lloasnl Mi. llnriioy FURNITURE. OmaliaUpholstering Beica & Runyan ( .OMI'AXV. Upliolitcred luroltnro. FUU.V1TUUE COMPANY HUIIU4 Nloholai t. WholeiKlo only. mm IStliStraet total yield of corn this year- will oxccctl 200,000,000 Inisliels , tlio lar-ost ( yield in this state oxcont in 1S ! 0 , when UT-I.OOOjv 000 bushels wore harvested. It is esti mated that this year's crop will not the farmers of the state $00,000,000 Many Olllccrs Il iiiUsi > ( l from th Colonililnu Army for TriM c > n to the Covi-rniiifnt. { Copurtatttcil 1SI ! l j Jitinc * ( Juitlnn'cniiclt.l PANAMA , Colombia ( via Onlvcston , Tox. ) , Sopt. 4. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to Tun Unc. ] The Panama garrison received u small reinforcement of troops from the interior yesterday. Gen eral Santo Domingo Villa , who was lately rclmprisoned , was released Saturday night. Governor Arango has appointed Thomas Hen-era secretary of state. A further reduction has been made in the local staff of tlio Panama Canal company. The Herald's ' correspondent in Ibaquo sends word that Senors Celvcdo , Verj-ara , Urite and Aporito have been banished to the Island of San Andre , whllo General Santo Sacosta , JJr. Hobtos and Dr. Delatorrc have boon liberated under bonds. General Saavodr.i , with seven colonels , four majors , thrco calitalns and a do eii oni- cers of the lower degree , have boon stricken from the army roll on account of actual com plicity In , or suspected sympathy with , the Uarramitiilla plott.- Thollerald's correspondent in Uogota re ports that General Saute Finlo luib been sentenced to imprisonment. -May Iln n Cliisli nf A mix. VAWAKAISO , Chill ( via Galveston , Tex. ) , Sept. 4. The Herald's correspondent in Montevideo telegraphs that Uruguayan troops now line the frontier , and should the IJrazlllans again pass beyond neutral ground a fight will certainly result. The Uru guayan government has received news from Hlo do Janeiro , however , that Brazil promises to act promptly in taking stops to anest and punUh those of her citizens who recently killed certain Uruguayans. An Immense crowd of students surrounU6d the Brazilian consulate hero last night and threatened to tear it down. The police , who were guardIng - Ing U In fear of some such demonstration , charired the crowd , but the resistance offered was so stubborn that they hud to use their swords and wounded many rlotors before - forejulot was restored. nvi : riiiisiiiu ! IN TUB FLAJIKS. Dlsustroim Tlru In London Workmen < liini | > unit Are Cruiliml to Di-iiili. LONDON Sept , 4. A house on the l lmlon road took ilro this morninK , The bluzlni , ' stairways prevented persons worltlifg In the huildlnjj from escaping. Some Jumped from the upper windows and were crushed on the pavements. Others foil back into the flames and firemen rescued others. Five are known to have perlbhcd. Cliliic o Suck uiithulln .MI Ii > n. SiiA.snim , .Sept. 4. The French Catholic mission at Licluicn hiss been sacked hy a mob , The priests escaped. Pllo of people Invo pile ? , mm Dowitt'a WltcliHazel Salvo will euro them. Fireworks tonlfrlil , Coiirtliind boach. Nmv Vurk Day ill lint rulr , CIIIOACO , Sopt. 4. Tlio weather Is bright and beautiful , Lnrce crowds bcean tjathor- fng early at the World's fair. Farmers In Increasing numbers nro making their ap pearance on the grounds. Tlilh Is Now York day and thousands of sons of thu Emplro state honored thu occa sion h.v their presence , The great and boautifid liulltlinK were lavishly dccoratod ullh plants and llowurs , The exercises were hold at the building. 'J'hcro were IKI- dresBt's by lion. Uliauncy M. Depew , Di rector General Davis and others. There will bo a erand dlbplny of fireworks tonight. The famous horses of the emperor of Ger many and the czar of Hussl.i will bo paraded In tlio llvo stock arena today. WIriol Drink Cook's Kxtra Dry Cfiam. \Vlno 1 Pure Juice nuturnlly fermenled , Wine ! Of forty years record , Try it. Tii 11 MiuikurM. The tallest smokestack in the United States , and , perhaps , in the world , de signed Holcly for the jiurnoDO of provid ing a draught for boiloi-H , is at Fall Hi vor , Muss. It meets the i cquiremunts of the entire steam plant of tiie four new HARDWARE. Rector & Willicliny I.olKk ) & Linn , COMPANY * . . ' .ila all liir.lwar Corner Mill nnil Jnckson mc-rlunlcv tnoli. 14 ' 4 luiiulii .Stroat. HATS , ETC. I IHOIf WORKS. W. A , L , Gibbon & Co Om ilia Safe and Iron Whole nlo WOHICJ. Hat * . cni4. | mrriTr Ruodi , ' nfO'.vnuUs , Jnll wood , itlnvcM , laltloni. lilli Iron shiitli > r aiil flra OK. and llnrnuy streets. i c.i-f . , liu AluUoou , lUii I niul JncK on Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co. Cnrry 11 full Ktoc'x of jirlnthul wrnpiiliu nn 1 llo.lnoJ and lubrlcatluj wrlttn , ; pi | > ani , curj pajicrs , Clc. oils , nxlu Kreaao , otc. SOUTH Union Stosi Yards South Ornahai Uf it Caltlo Ho anil jlujj m.irijt 1 1 th wei * . Wood BroliUH , Llvo Stok CoiumUilon " o-ith Om Ua Toluplianj Ilif. Cliloitl JOHN D. DAOKMAN , I WAl.TKIl 13.VX ) . ) . Mnrkpt reports liy mall and wlro clicorfnl uralshed upon appfluatlun. A Jeweler writes : " 'iVhcn the(17 ( jewel Dttcbcr 11 a in p d e n watches ) arc sod ! they give universal satisfac tion. You never hear 17 NP'Wcn ° ' ' nSa''i eccpt in RUBY JEWELED If ) vo"i of Praisc for i\5. \ ADJUSTED &Hy Ihclr performance. " It WATCHES ,3r//js fi pleasure to make , VE VfZr-y' sell or wear such SS = 25r : watches. If ynurilPiilcr rtncs lint krep r.iir wutclics.innll us yiiiir mlilri'BS nml wi > will semi ynu Ilio niiinn ( if a dealer win ) iluea. THU DuiiUKuVxTCU VOUKS , Citutuu , U. mills of the Fall Hivor Iron company. Some idea of its six.o can bo had Irom the flowing figures , fiirnislied by the c n- .ractor : Fnimthe top of the granite foundation to the cap is ) , " > ( ) feet ; the diameter at the bate is 110 feet , at the top 21 ft-ot ; the flue is II feet through- Jilt , and the entire structure rests on a olid granite foundation C'i by . ' 10 li ( 'ect deep. In its construction there were used 1,700,000 bricks , 2,000 , Ions of stone , tOUO ! barrels of nun-tar , l)0u ( ) loads ' of sand , 1,000 barrels of Portland cement and tlio estimated cost is $10,000. Piles of people have pnos , 0145. DaVltt' Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. Sliolt mill Sivl t. Texas Sittings : A grass widow is no ) infrequent ly ono whoso children have a | ) oor sort of fodder. This is the season of the year In which you can gut what , you do not want real cheap. Tlio man with a strong mind who it asked to mind the baby generally doesn't mind it. 1 Monty of sleep is conducive to beauty , Even a garment looks worn when il loses its nap. When a young man asks a young lady for bar hand in nine cases out of ten uha will refer him to pa\v. The man who wuntH to got , ahead ol time when going for the train should usa the spur of the moment. Tlio reason tlio small boy does riot wear a bathing costume is because noth ing in good enough for him. Mr. .McGlyii'i in reported as declaring that "JIoll Is a state. " If so llorr Most is JUKI the man to carry it. They are getting to bo such temperance anco cranks In Kansas that they will not permit thu elements to l/i-ew a storm , A imin'ti niriuth is niuilo to talk and "cat , yet ho often hurts himself dread fully by talking and kills himself outing ing- J'atcnt medicines are advertised an being worth their weight in gold and the druggist takes good care to muko you pay that much for thorn , I'llosof pee i mi havu pnus , out Dawltt's Witch Hazel Kalvo will euro llio-n. Aimllicr ClKilurik'iuu In licrlln , DliltMN , Sept.1. . A fresh case of cholera has been found , in the Moublt hospital , the patient bolrW a boy who IB supposed to Imvo caught the dbuuso from tlio river Sprco , All bnrgpu puss- ing up and down the river will heiiuo- forth bu fumigated. Tlio b\K \ salaries at Iho Curncglo works Imvo been reduced nearly one-third and llicro has tiecn u cut all along Iho lino. The man who lias been living up lo $0,000 u year will Hud it hard lo gut along on W,000 , but > TO do not hear of uny strike among tliosu whoso salurlca huvo b in ruduceu.