Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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Ttllrcrcd by carrier to nny part of the city ]
H. W. TII/TON - Manager
OITlco . No. 43
Night Keillor . No 23
N. Y Plumbing Co.E3
Boston Stern bankrupt sale.
The Mayno Heal Kstato Co. , 021 Broadway
Doug Burns wni given flvo days In Jail yes
terday for threatening to carve his wlfo.
Thomas King was given ten days on the
itroots In police court yesterday morning for
Mr , and Mrs. A. B. Enderton entertained
the .Junior league of the Trinity Methodist
church nt their home on Thlr.l street last
Thursday evening.
Ntch Grenlanh of this citv and Kllzaboth
Mnnlon of Omaha wcro united In marriage
Thursday night nt the residence of Justice
John Fox , who ofllciatcd.
Hozular meeting of Etchotah council No.
B , Daughters of Poenhontas , this evening at
Iho eighth rim at their tcopco , corner of
Broadway and Mnln street.
The divorce case of W. II. Garmong
against II. May Garmong , Cora Haborer
ngainst F. L. Haboror nmt Laura Kcssler
against Samuel Krsslor were on trial In the
district court yesterday and all were taken
under advisement.
It was stated yesterday morning by mistake -
take that W. A. McMillan had bacn awarded
thocmtodyof hlschlld by the decision of the
i-ouit In the case In which his wlfo.l Mrs. K
A. McMlllMi was ulng for a dlvorco. By
the terms of the agreement Mrs. McMillan
gets the child.
A horse belonging to Dr. Macrno ran away
yostordny afternoon. It collided with a
farmer's bupgy on Sixth street , opposite the
postofllce , and.broke the buggy badly. 'Iho
doctor's bungy linally landed bottom sldo up
at the northwest corner of Bayliss park , and.
It , too , was almost ruined.
T. .T. Evans scoured n temporary injunc
tion from .ludgo Macy yostnrdav , restraining
County Treasurer W. B. Heed from levying
on his property in satisfaction ot taxes for
public improvements on agricultural lands
within the city llmlts.and also on town lot *
located In the northwestern part of the
William Backus , n spcdy-looklng hull-
vldual , mistook the Young Men's Christian
association rooms for the interior of a Pullman -
man sleeping ear yesterday afternoon and
proceeded to take n snooze. Ho was inter-
luptcd lu the midst of thooperatioti , and the
bonk at police headquarters is now graced3
uith his name , with the charge of vagrancy
wtlttCM opposite It.
In the district court yesterday afternoon
the arguments of the attorneys In the
Dflbcoclt dlvorco case 'vero made on the
question of allowing Mrs. Babcock
temporary alimony during , the trial of
the caso. The defendant claimed that
Ms wife had property in her
own right and presmited numerous
nflldavlts for the purpose of showing that by
her own admissions Mrs. Babcock had marc
rlod htm simply for the purpose of getting
possession of a pant of his property. At the
noncluslon of the arguments Judge Macy
illowcd Mrs. Babcock temporary alimony In
Iho sum of ? 12T > , together with S75 to defray
Iho expense of brineing her witnesses to the
lty anil 1100 attorney fees.
O. A. It. CnmrmloK , Attention.
.The twenty-seventh annual encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Republic
takes place at Indianapolis September
D. There promises to bo at this encamp
ment this year the greatest assembly of
comrades this country has over scon.
On tbo return trip u stop will be iiuido
at the World's fair , whom a special pro
gram has been arranged for the vet-
imms of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic. Kates will bo low. Wo urge you
to attend. Wo have secured free space
In chair cars and low rates over the Chicago
cage , Rock Island & Pacific railroad ; a
solid train through to Indianapolis with
out change. Hand in your names and
accommodations wanted for yourself and
friends , to the undersigned committee
of Abe Lincoln post , Grand Army
of the Republic or at th6 Chicago , Rock
Island .t I3neille oilice on Pearl street.
Train will leave Sunday , September 3 ,
At 3:30 : p. m.
Prof. Chatolain will begin on Monday ,
Bopt. 4 , his clashes in French in this
city by giving a free class at the V. M
C. A. rooms nt 10 a. m. and 4 p. in. , on
Monday , Sept. 4. Everybody welcome.
isiui mils Muciu r.ooii.
Business men need their money in
those times. If yon have bills against
people not living in Iowa employed by
any railway , express , telegraph or tele
phone company entering Iowa , write to
the Nassau Investment Co. , Council
BlulTs. Collections guaranteed.
I'KHSOA'.tl , r.l
John M. Lane left for Milwaukee last
Mrs. U. O. Wells nnd son nro homo from n
Visit to Crcston.
Mrs. D.V. . Keller ls homo from a visitIn
Chicago nnd Indiana.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tomploton returned
from Chicago yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles T. Officer started
last evening for a visit to the World's fair.
Miss Knlo ninxilm loft last evening for
Chicago , where she will rcsumo her position
in the city schools ,
Andrew Knstncr , Adolph Knstner , P. r.
Mnolirldo , J. J. Hughes J , Danlgor and A.
Scott leave today for a visit to Chicago ,
Mr. andiMrs. Will Huntlngton , who have
boon visiting relatives hero for a week past ,
loft yesterday for their homo In Now Vork
City. ' fea
J. M. Flaglor returned yesterday from a
visit to the vvYirld's fair. Ho loft his wife
and son In Michigan , where they will attend
the marriage of his sister next week. ida
W. C. Kuellno and wlfo are homo from a
trip to Chicago. They brought homo with
them their son Philip , who WHS seriously
hurt a couple of weeks ago in Paris , 111. .
"Doc" Wright of the Ogden house , who
has been dangerously 111 with typhoid pneu
monia for several days past , is out of danger
nml his physician now has hopes of his re
covery , _
Entire to Timelier * .
School will open Monday , September
4 , nnd In order to make life in the school
room as bearable as po&slblo teachers
imould provide themselves with good ' ,
comfortable shoes , and of coin-so the
cheaper you can buy them the bettor.
Thomas H. Hughes of 910 South Main
street is closing out his entire line of
ladies' ' shoes at a sacrifice. The line
comprises everything in the way of a
( Irst-clabS ladles' shoe , and when you de
duct -0 to SO per cent from his regular
prices ( according to style ) you got a shoo
lor a very small price.
Fruit lands and farms. Grecnshiolds. |
Nicholson & Co. , COO Broadway. Tol. 151
Wanted , 50 gentlemen and as many
ladles to prepare for touchers , book
keepers , bankers , managers , stenog
raphers , typewriters , etc. There are
always good places for those who nrn
well qualified to till thorn. Kail term of
the Western Iowa college begins Sep ,
tember 4 , Tuition only $1.00 per week. '
W. S , Paulbon , Council BlulTa , lu.
The following marrlngu licenses wcro Is-
§ ued by the county clerk yesterday j
Numou'lid Aildroas. Ago.
I Fred Knu9 | , 1'nttuwnttunilo county . 31
1 Margarotha Kilmers , I'ottmvuUitnilu Co. . 37
Stop at the Ogden , Council BlulU , 1 10
Ictt (2.00 houto in Iowa.
Domestic soup lit the beat.
Unoipeoted Inoidont nt the Tunoral of
Little Vera Withrow ,
In Attempting to Arrrit Wllllitm Cnrnnlmn ,
n Old OITeiuler , n Driver of Una
of the CurrliiRcn , II * U
A vnrtntlnn from the program of the
funeral of llttlo Vcra Wlthrow was the
c.iuao of an almost unlimited amount of criti
cism yesterday afternoon , and , if the state
ments of Mr. Withrow , nn Omalm livery-
mnn , are to ho liellevo'd , the police Imvo yet
to hear the closing chapter of the nffulr.
\Vllllam Curnahnn , n hack driver , was ar
rested by Onicor G. I * Martin several
months ago nnd on trial was convicted ot
drunkenness. As ho was leaving the
x-ourt room ho called out to Oulcor
Martin , Informing him that ho would
cot oven with him. Justice Vlon , who was
holding court that morning , thereupon called
him back and sentenced him to thirty days
on thu chain gang. Caruahan piled the nick
and shovel for a few days nnd then skipped
to Omaha , where ho has been over smco.
' 1 ho police hnvo been patiently waiting for
his return , but , never hud a chance to lot
thulr optics fall on him until yesterday
Annulled.tlio Officer.
Ciirnnhan was sent liv Mr. Wlthrow to
this sldo of the river ta drive a hack contain
ing six of the mourners to Falrvlcw como-
tery. The police got wind of the fact that
ho was here , but decided not to tuko him
In custody until ho was on his return
from the cemetery. Tnoy lay in wait
for him atthocornarof Bryant street and
Washington avcr.uo , nnd as ho passed Ofllcor
Murphy ran out and ordered him to stop.
Ho evidently surmised what was wanted ,
but instead of stopping whipped up his
horses. Murphy Jumped on the back end of
thu hack nnd llimlly climbed up onto the
top. In the meantime the vehicle had gouo
several blocks. When Carnahan saw that
Murphy was intending to get him ho reached
around and dealt nliii u torrlllc blow on the
head with the butt ot his whip , dazing the
ofllccr nnd almost knocking him senseless.
Carnahnn then Jumped from the hack and
ok to his heels
The horses wcro ilery animals , and It was
only Murphy's presence of mind In climbing
forward to the sent nnd seizing the reins , in
- spite of hln half d\zod ( \ condition , that pre
vented the people wno were riding In the
.hack from being seriously , if not fatally ,
CariiMhui Arrested.
Officer Cousins was Informed of what had
happened , and. getting in a.bugay , gave
clmso to Carnahan , overhauling him finally
in the suullowcrs near the corner of Seven
teenth street and Sixth nvouuo. Ho was
charged with assaulting an onicer , nnd will
bo tried on the charge as soon as ho has
completed his sentence on the chain gang
for Ills old offenso.
Mr. Wlthrow. the owner of the hack , was
Indignant at the action of the oftleor in
climbing over hij hack , scratching up the
varnish that had been put on but n day or
two before. The fact that the hack was
being used at a funeral aggravated the
Injury , and what made it still
worse from Mr. Withrow's stand
point vas the fact that ho Is n
relative of the parties who were riding in
the vehicle at the tiuio of the occurrence.
Ho says ho ineaus to find out before he is
through with it whether any onicer has a
right to try to arrest his driver while
oniclatlng at a funeral , and , besides putting
the mourners in a very embarrassing situa
tion , dolnjr actual damage to his property.
Ho threatens to have Murphy arrested.
Murphy's injury is a very painful ono , but is
not thought to bo serious.
Great llnrcnlm .Satiirdiiy.
100 dozen Rent's silk end suspenders
Saturday at half price , 2oc pair. Gouts ,
don't pass them by.
75 dozen gent's silk nnd satin teck
neckties at half price , 25c euch.
Gent's $1.00 negligee shirts , 39c.
Saturday , again , wo will sell gent's f
French percale negligee shirts , pearl
button , yoke back , regular $1.00 quality ,
at 3c ! ) each.
1,000 yards of apron check ginghams
worth 7c , tomorrow 4jc a yard.
You save money by trading with us.
100 dozen inisbcs" and children's fast
black ribbed hose , tomorrow at loss than
half price , 7c a pair.
LJIg dress goods sale.
Tomorrow wo otter some great bar
gains in line wool dress goods. Dou't
buy until you sue our line , we guarantee
to save you money.
Open Saturday evening until 10.
Cinders for Sale 200 loads nice , clean
cinders for walks and drive ways. Apply
to E. U. Burke , Taylors's grocery
Ask your grocer for Domestic soap.
Attorney lluldano Coiiiun lo tlio I'ront with
u ( onerous lSr < iuc t for 1'ciei.
A. W. Askwith commenced a suit In the
district court yesterday which reminds n
good many people who Imvo reason for being
acquainted with ouo Charles Haldane , who
formerly practiced law hero , that there Is
still such a man In existence. Daniel Dull Is
the defendant , in the suit , and Askwith , who
claims to hold an assignment of claims from
Haldane , wants iv judgment for 10,000 at
torney foes. Dull , it will be remembered ,
was interested In the case of Dlnckman
against Wright , which was tried at the last
tonn of the district court In this city. In
this suit Mr , Haldnno was quite n prominent
f on turn by reason of his sharp and stirowd
In his petition Askwith alleges that be
tween September , 1802 , and May , 18Ua , Uul.
ilnno acted as attorney for Dull , and In that
tlmo Dull managed to run up a bill of $3,015
for legal information pmvhubod at Haldano's
emporium. Ho also alleges that Dull and
Haldano entered Into an agreement by which :
the former was to pay thu latter < 50 a week
for the period of ono year , in return for tbo
assignment of sotno property in litigation In
Now York City , and as Dull failed to pay
him his weekly stipend during the year , ho
wants $2,000 on that deal. Five hundred
and titty dollars Is all ho admits having re
ceived from Dull , nnd so his entire hill runs
up to 10,005.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap Boap
The Twin City Dye works since Its establishment
tablishment hero four years ago has
built up a trade by Its superior dyeing
nnd cleaning which has intulo it neces
sary to largely increase its facilities.
Mr. Schoodbiick , tlio proprietor , Intends [
to have the now building and machinery
ready ( or fall work. In the meantime
everything IB done in the usual Ih'bt-
olass stylo. Omaha , 1621 Farnam street > ;
Council LHulTB , corner Avenue A and
120th street.
Coal cheap for cash.
Carbon Coal Co , ,
34 Pearl street , Grand hotel bldg.
"Wllliaiiibon & Co. , IOU Main street ,
largest and best bicyolo stock in city.
Cook your inoals ' this summer ° a gas
range , At o.os't ut the Gas company.
Domestic soup ia the best
lleuvlly Fined ,
Judge MuGco rendered his decision yesterday -
day morning In the case of Charles Ware-
ham , whoso trial on the charge of making a
beastly exhibition of himself has been on for
Boveral days past. It was a decision which
would seem to bo an eye-opener to this class
of offenders. There were three charges tof
the same kind , and a flue of $100 was levied
, lu eacU cue , the hoavlott fl-.o that could bo
Imposed for nn offense of the kind. The
cost In the three case * will run up to nearly
another $100 , nnd In default of the
1400 , which Wareham would have lo
raise to pay his fine , ho will have to
remain In the county Jail for about four
months. Ho was Identified as the guilty
party beyond the shadow of a doubt and
during the trial other evidence was Intro
duced which showed him to bo n bnito of
oven n worse character than was at first
.M'COHMICK Wll.l , CO Alt-
MK Mnmirncturlne Ilntcriirlno tn Ho IDenied
In Council IIInlFi.
A deal was consummated yesterday by
which Council BlulTs will secure ono of the
largest enterprises that has over set foot
within Its borders , For months negotiations
have been pending looking toward the con
solidation of the four warehouses of the Me-
Cormlck Manufacturing company of Chicago
nnd the removal of the entire concern thus
formed to this city. The warehouses nro
now located at Dos Molncs , Lincoln , Omaha
and Kansas City. The McCormlek people ,
through their representatives in this city ,
hnvo been casting about for a location for
the mammoth building which will bo erected.
The property they llnnlly chose Is located
near the corner of Tenth nvcnuo on South
Main street. A largo portion of It belonged
to the Palmer cstatn. and the tltlo was far
from clear. The perfecting of the tltlo was
n matter that took weeks to accomplish , and
that Is the reason the fact of the re
moval has not been allowed to bo an
nounced to the public through the pa
pers. U has been several weens since
it was practically decldedithat Council Bluffs
should bo the future distributing point for
this mammoth concern , but the company
was not willing that the announcement
should bo made until the tltlo to the prop
erty should be cleared up and the deeds
placed on record , when there would bo nn.
dancer of a backset. Yesterday all the pro-
limlharlcs were completed , the deeds were
placed on record and the removal Is now an
established fact.
The plans for tho'buildlng have already
been drawn und the -work of erection will
probably bo commenced within the next
three weeks. By the terms of the coutraut
the buildings now on the 'site are to bo re
moved wltnin ten days. The building to no
erected will bo 8UxMO ! feet In slzo nnd live
stories high , the lot being 100x270 feet.
Shipping facilities will bo afforded by the
Union 1'aclHc , Northwestern. Uock Island.
Kansas City , Milwaukee and Burlington
roads , all of which hnvo tracks in
direct communication with the site.
A twenty-foot platform will extend along
the east sldo of the building throughout
Its entire length. It will bo by all odds the
largest jobbing establishment In the city ,
and Its capacity of WH ) carloads of intplo-
mcnts will make it a suitable headquarters
for what is probably the largest institution
of the kind in the west , if not In the whole
country. The people of Council BlulTs are to
bo congratulated on the success df the nego
tiations which will glvo the city an enter
prise of such magnitude , for it is another
recognition of the unsurpassed shipping fa
cilities of which Council Blulfs can boast.
Motion to ( lroc iry.nen.
The brand of corn known as "D. W.
Archer's World' * Fair Brand Sugar Corn ,
Council BlulTs , la. , " is not packed at
Council BlulTs and Council BlulTs Cun-
ninij Co. has no interest whatever in &aid
Buy ono of those wonderful oil heaters
of Cole & Cole , 41 Main street. They
will heat the largest room in cold
weather ; cost , Ic an hour ; fully guar
anteed. Just the thing for early fall
and spring use.
Evans' shoo store open every evening
after Sept. 1st.
George S. Davis , proscription druggist.
Smoke T. D. King & Co's Partagas.
fflSHS FOlt 1'UE AltHX.
In the Ilosulnr Sorvlce ns Ait-
notinc'cU Yuateriljy.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The following army orders
wore issued today :
The general court martial appointed to
meet , at West Point July 17 , from this office ,
is dissolved , and another to meet at West
Point at 11 o'clock Tuesday , September 5 , for
the trial of such prisoners as may bo brought
before It. Detail for the court : Firs } Lieu
tenant John P , Wisser , First artillery ; First
Lieutenant Daniel H. Boughtou , Third cav
alry ; First Lieutenant Edwin B. Babbitt ,
ordnance department ; First Lieutenant
John C. W. Brooks. Fourth artillery ; First
Lieutenant Samuel D. Freeman , Tenth
cavalry ; First Lieutenant George II.
Cameron , Fourth cavalry ; First
Lieutenant Cornelius Dow Wlli'ox ,
Second artillery ; First LieutenantWillard
A. Ilolbrook , Seventh cavalry ; First Lieu
tenant William S. Uiddlo , jr. , Fourteenth
infantry ; First Lieutenant Harry Free-
land , Third infantry ; First Lieutenant Cecil
Stewart , Fourth cavalry ; First Lieutenant
Peter E. Traub , First cavalry ; Second
Lieutenant Charles S. Bromwell , corps ot
engineers ; First Lieutenant Mason M. Pat
rick , corps of engineers , judge advocate.
Second Lieutenant Edward Taylor ,
Twelfth infantry , is transferred from com
pany G to company B of that regiment at
Fort Sully. S. D.
First Lieutenant Stephen L. Slocum ,
Eighth cavalry , will bo at once relieved
from recruiting duty at Jefferson Barracks ,
Mo. , by the superintendent of the recruiting
service , and will report in person without
delay to his regimental commander.
The following transfers In the Eleventh
Infantry are ordered : ' First Lieutenant
Kichnrd M. Blutchford from company F to
company B ; First Lieutenant Xebulon B.
Vaneo from company D to company F.
Leave for four months , to take effect
October 1 , is irrantcd Kalph W. Hoyt ,
Eleventh Infantry.
Special order August 1 directing Captain
Charles L. Hodges , Twenty-fifth infantry ,
to attend the encampment of the National
Guard of Montana , Is revoked.
Second Lieutenant Charles P. Huss ,
Eleventh Infantry will bo relieved from re
cruiting duty at David's Island , New Vork
harbor , by the superintendent of the re
cruiting sorvlco October 1 , nnd will then
proceed to join his regiment.
First Lieutenant Hobert C. Van Vliot ,
Tenth infantry , will report In person to the
superintendent of the recruiting service ,
Now York October 1 , for assignment
to duty at David's island.
Leave for fifteen days from September 1 ,
is granted Second Lieutenant Stephen II.
Elliott. Fifth.cavalry.
Leave for ono mouth and fifteen days to
take effect September 5,1s granted First
Lieutenant William P. Durnll , Fifth
The leave granted First Lieutenant David
C. .Shanks , adjutant , Eighteenth infantry , U
extended ono month.1
The following1 transfers In the Tenth in
fantry are made : Second Lieutenant Matt
It Peterson from company C to company I ;
Second Lieutenant Darglus Scttlo from
company 1 to company C. Lieutenant Settle
will Join his propcrcompany.
HI 11,1 , TllK llUnll KKKI'ti VI' ,
Tltouinnda Mukluir Tliulr Wny Toward the
L'liuroUvu Strip.
CAUIWEU , , Kan. , Sept. 1 , The Choiokco
boomers continue to urrivo in this city In
great numbers. They nro coming In every
conceivable way , snnio on foot , some In
buggies , others on horseback , but the ma
jority In thepnurlo schooner and Ma the
railways. Every incoming train en thu
Uock Island brings lu scores who deem this
city the best natural gateway to the now
lands. It is believed 15,000 people will inuko
the run from hero on the opening day. '
Companies E and F of the Seventh cav
alry. United States army , arrived m town
this morning from Fort Hlloy and are sta
tioned on the line near the government booth
on lllutT creek. Two inoro companies are ex
pected tomorrow. There are four printing
outfits stored huro ready to ship to Pond
Creek nt > soon as the iirst train learos after
the opening ,
GuTiiitiG , Old. , Sept. 1. A brief dispatch
was recolvodjfrom ingalls , Old. , this evenIng i-
Ing , statiug that u force of deputy United
States marshals had n batllo today with the
remnants of the Starr nnd D.Uton gangs of
desperadoes which recently joined Into ono
force. In the battle Deputy Marshal Lafo
Stmdloy nnd two others wcro mortally ,
wounded. Seven of the desperadoes
were wounacd , four of them fatally. Tiio
details of the battle are uot jflvou ,
r D'P ' A T T
GKfcAl . :
> ' I
C.'I - T faf 9
* * *
Thirty-ninc Thousand Dollar Bankrupt Stock of W. D. Richardson & Co. , Rockford , III , , bought by the
This stock was bought by us at a m re fraction of co-.t and will be SOLD AT A MERE SONG along with our immense
stock. This announcement should crowd our store from end to end for the next thirty days.
All our COATS nod CAIJES at ex
actly half prico.
15 ! pairs Lace Curtains sold for 32.00 ,
during sale for $1.10 per pair.
110 pairs Lnco Curtains sold for $3.00 ,
during sale for $1.70 a pair.
15 pairs Nowmllla Lace Curtains sold
for $3.50 nnd $4.00 , during sale at $2.19
a pair.
All odds and ends tn our Curtain
stock at less than half price.
16 pairs Turcoman Portloros , real
chenille border , sold for $3.7o , to go nt
$1.89 a pair during sale. .
10 pairs Chenille Portieres , dado top
and bottom , heavy Meaco fringe , sold
for $ o.7o , to go during sale utS4.50a
10 pairn Chenille Portloros , figured all
over , fringed top arid bottom , also ono
s-ide , sold for $12 , fop $7.50 a p\ir : during
this silo.
\Vo have about 100 pairs Corsets In
odd sizes that sold from $1.00 up to 82.25 ,
to go during sale at 68c n pair. If you
can find your siz'o hero is a bargain.
See our 2oo and oOc counters of Muslin
Underwear , some cholco garments can
bo picked from them.
Our lOc Silkolono to bo sold during
st\lo at 7o ayard.
All Wall PapoAvlU bo sold during
this sa'.o at exacUyhalf prico.
We will hang paper for lOc a roll dur
ing this salo.
Will Try to Prove that His Wife Oommittdd
Neighbors of tl Alleged Iowa Wife fllur-
tlorer Kluliiln the 'Mniliicr < > f the
Accused nttho Scene ol
the Crime.
AYOCA , la. , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. ] It Is now quite apparent that the
defense in the Mawhor case is to bo nmdo
along the theory that the death of wife No.
5 was the result of suicide. Every effort is
bolng nmdo by the attorneys for the defense
to form a case along this line , and every
scrap of testimony that in any way tends to
strengthen the theory Is called In and care
fully made tlio most of. In the hearing to
day this plan was inado very apparent , great
stress bolng laid on the testimony of wit
nesses to the effect that on the second hear
ing before tlio coroner of Fremont county
Mawhor had clalmo' ' his wife haO told
woman acquaintances of her intention to
kill herself , saying that twice she had tried
it and her courage had fulled when she had
put the cilp to her lips.
Evidence was admitted to the ofToct that
onoof Mawhor's hired men had complained
that ho could not stay on the place because
of the wifo's animosity she having boon In
censed at him because ho refused to accede
to her advances , The court refused to allow
the state to go into any inquiry concerning
the aeath of wives Xos. 3 and 4.
Kvidonco or tlio Day.
The testimony taken In the forenoon was
Unit of a man named Smith , who worked for
Mawhor. Ho testified that Mawhor hud
told him that another hired man
named Smith had been forced to
quit his omplov because Mrs. Mawhor
had used him dcspitof ally , nnd had assigned
as a reason for her conduct toward him that
she sought his company as a bedfellow. Two
other witnesses testified that Mawhor told
thorn the Bamo story. It was also brought
out that at the November meeting of the
coroner's Jury Mawhor asked leave to testify
that on the night of Mrs , Mawhor's death ,
when lie wont after a light ho found on the
table In the kitchen n cup he had not noticed
there boforo. Mawhor also said to the
coroner at that time"\liat \ his wife had told a
Mrs. Edgorton and another woman of her
intention to kill herself , but tint on the two
occasions she had 'undertaken ' the act her
courage tind fallea her at the last moment.
Minor testimonygoing to show that Maw
her and his wife lived together happily ,
without . ' that ho
quarrollnjf.'and was pre
paring to leave tho'fnrm ' and go to Kansas
Oity to reside , wus introduced. The coroner
testified to having inndo un examination of
the body of the deceased woman , nnd not
ilmling any cuts , brulsus or any other causes
from which tetanus .might have uovulopcd ,
thus destroying thu theory of the defense to
the effect that deatv ( was caused by lockjaw.
Prof. Dnv.H * Aimlyiln.
Prof , Davis of Sofftrro , N. M. , president of
the Now Mexico Cwqgo of Mines , testified
that ho had rccoivou-a box from the coroner
of Fremont county rautaimng the stomach
and part of the heart , Junes and brain of thu
deceased. Ho made chumical tests of the
same and found ,623 grain of strych-
nluo In Its bnslu state , which would
make l.'J grains of commercial
strychnine. At the close of the
testimony thn crystals produced from the
organs on chemical test were placed
on glass slides and compared and
tested with known strychnine nnd found
beyond question to bo strychnine.
The use of .01 of a grain wil
cuuso convulsions in thirty mlnutesanc
death in an hour and a half , The professor
also tested u small quantity of crystalswhich
iwero extremely bitter , conclusively stiowlnt
the presence of strychnine In the organs o :
the deceased. Prof. Davis destroyed the
organs after tbo experiment , which cuusec
the defendant to object to his testimony
because of no notice bolng given to
the adverse party of the examination
by which method another cheinlit could take
part In the Investigation and because of a
rule that the \mrly who destroy * ovldtuco
Now is the time to clean house ; you
can save money by doing It new.
18 pieces double fold Cashmeres ,
Chocked Saltings and Changeable
Diagonals , worth from 12Jc to 20o a
yard , for this sale at lOJo n yard.
50 pieces of Scotch Cheviots in plaids ,
strlpos and mixtures , well worth 50c a
yard , during sale , 25o n yard.
20 pieces all wool Dodford Cords , sold
for 75c a yard , nt 23c a yard.
50 pieces all wool Henriettas , Mtv to-
lasso Cords and fancy weaves , worth
from GOo to $1.25 n yard , to go at 39c a
15 pieces of an odd lot of heavy cloik- :
iugs and suitings that sold for $1.2-5 to
$1.76 a yayd , during this sulo at GOu a
Our $1.00 line of Ottomans , Poolins ,
Eplnglinos ; a good assortment of colors ,
nil at 59c n nrtl.
Wo have about 25 of our flno dress
patterns loft to bo sold at just orio-hult
the regular prico.
Our entire stock o ( Figured China
Silks that sold for18c , 59c and
G5c a yn'-d , during this sale at 2tc ) n
All our Dlacic Silks , including Surahs ,
Chinas and the famous Natchang dross
silks at cost prico. Every picco at the
top mark.
cannot bo allowed to testify concerning it.
The defendants' objections were overruled.
Exhibited the Poison.
Strychnine from the body of the deceased
was placed on glass slides and watch elass
and shown to the jury bv means of a micro
scope. Mrs. Iloon testified to being at the
Mawhor homestead twenty minutes after
the death of the deceased and helped to dress
the body for burial. She said Mawhor ex
hibited no emotion till the burial , when
ho wept some. She said that Aiawhor en mo
in when the body was being laid out and
said : ' 'I can as well do that , " nnd sat
down , pulled off his boots and jumped on tbo
bed and lifted the body off. She considered
such conduct exceedingly impudent. She
lad called on Mrs. Mawhoroncoaml thought
ho lived happily with her husband nnd had
10 causa for complaint.
S. R. Smith worked for Mawhor till noon
f the day of the deceased's death. Ho
ived at homo and saw nothing of Mawhor's
Ifo. He said that on Thursday preceding
ho death of Mrs. Mawhor , Mawhor aslted ,
vithout any conversation leading to such a
remark : "Whero Is the coroner of this
Tlio witness did not know and told Maw-
lorso. This was Thursday. The death oc
curred the following Tuesday.
Anniml Stnte Flilr.
DBS MOINCS , Sept. 1. ( Special Telegram
.0 THE Bite. ] The fortieth annual Iowa
Into fair opened today. The attendance
vas small and the day was devoted chiefly to
it-ranging exhibits and otherwise getting
things in readiness for the larger crowds of
text week. The entries in horses , cattle
and hogs are the largest in the history of
rho association. In other lines , except in
farm implements , the displays are unusu
ally largo. On account of the Chicago fair
outsidu Implement manufacturers have ro-
'used to make exhibits , and the Iowa munu-
'acturers of such implements have the field
to themselves and will try to Inaugurate a
novemout to have Io ra goods preferred In
owi to outside goods.
Safe In Muxlco.
Sioux CITY , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram to
I'licBuB. ] James Dougherty , receiver of
, hn Union Trust company , has received a
letter from E M. Donaldson , late manager
of the company nnd now wanted for forgery.
Donaldson skipped a short time ago and
writes from the City of Mexico. He says lie
lias a contract to manage a big coffee plan
tation In southern Mexico at $20,000 , a year ,
ind i * coming north to arrange his affairs
before going to take charge of the planta
tion. Ho will bo arrested as teen as ho in
found in this country.
Dnlocntes tc tlio Ulllzoax fcoiiventlon.
CeiiAit IlAi'ins , In. , Supt 1. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] A meeting was held at
the city hall this evening to select delegates
to the citizens convention to bo held at Dos
Molaes next wecit , These in attendance became -
came engaged in a wordy wrangle M to
whether it was a prohibition or republican
gathering , and finally wound up by naming
n committee of three to select tlio delegates ,
This committee 1s made up of prohibition
Failure at Kimkulc.
KEOKUK , Sept. 1. Carter & Moody , whole
sale butters , made an assignment tonight
with liabilities at $80,030 , and assets somewhat -
what larger.
VOIU ( illVO llOlldi.
Henry Voss , the architect , appeared In
pollco court yesterday and gave bonds
signed by himself in the amount of flOO , on
the charge of assault preferred against
him by S. Chigiusky , who lives at 410 South
Tenth street.
Special Notices.
FOK SALE Good IIOIISQ of no veil rooms , loraioci
lit 1707 Ninth Avu. , on uiuall monthly paymuutH ,
A , J ,
\\rANTiU-Oood : girl for fftmernl houauwork.
'T Jlra. Ur , Jufferla , I'lclclicr turraco ,
ADSTllACTB uuel luauu. Farm aim clly fi
boutflu and uold. 1'uutsy & Thuniua ,
GAUUAGU romovtxl , cebupuols. vauUn , olit miay i
cluaiiuU. KU llurku , ut Taylor's crosury , Oij
IJroaUway ,
DO YOU know that D.iy & . Huai Imvo bema
eliolcu iMrw'aluit la fruit anil Kirtleu luiU nuar
Ilila city )
Iy you want a tfood uimu of mules , 7 old
KL'iillo and yooU driven ) , Hddruuu A , lluo olllco.
IOWA PAHMS-VOO-acru farm In HunlliitowiiHlilp
Iwltli bearluir orcliaul of tl acres. $40 ixr ucro ;
8VO well luipruvtxl , .IU ; 'JlUnear Vorkalilrc , HU ;
HO. 1'JU ami luu-ucro Urm * at from 0 to t JO
Jouuiiou & Vim i'atteu.
fie Lawns and Ohallios Ic a yard.
15c Chtlllun cloths 60 a yard.
12Jc Corded Dross Ginghams 6c a
loc Fancy Pros1) ) Glnjiliains 7c n yard.
K'ie TalTota Cords and Mulls Ol yard.
Choice of our entire Calico stock ,
grays , blues , blacks and fancies , during
sale at 5c a yard.
All remnants of wash cooda nt ex
actly half prico.
Ladies' Silk Vests , regular 7oo grade ,
during sale at 48a
7c ladles'and children's vests , 3o each.
] 2Jo ladles' Ribbed Vests , So each.
UJc , 33c and 85o Swiss Ribbed Vests ,
17c each , or. three for 60c.
All our 3'Jc,45o aud fil ) Llslo Vcstsfiu
ono lot , during sulo ut U5c eachor three
for 81.00. '
33c gents' Underwear for lOc.
61'c gents' Bnlbriggan Underwear , 33c.
05c jionts'-Blue Mixed Underwear , 33c. '
17c ladies' Fust Black IToso 12Jc n
iJoo Regular Made Hose , 17c ; three
pairs for 50c.
3u'c and 39c Fine Imported IIoso 27c a
a pair.
1c ! ) children's Ribbed IIoso , tans and
reds , for 12jc.
12ic children's Heavy Ribbed Hose
blades ) at Oca pair.
lo dozen ladies' Llslo Thread Iloao ,
black , boots and tttninloBS oporn tops ,
good vnluo nt 680 , to no dining mvla ui
30o u pair.
15o Mixed Sooltp , GOc n box ot hall
lUJo Heavy -Kockford Socka , three foi
Ooofxnd 7Co Shirts , excellent styles , 60a
$1.23 nnd 31.60 Silk Striped Shirts , 87o
50c nnd 730 Neckwear In Gents' Tooks ,
Four-ln-IIunds and Pulls , 83o , three for
I'ic ' four-ply Linen Collars , choice of
stock lOc each.
All Muslins , Cambrics and Shootings
during this s.ilo ut ncttml cost.
Potter's best Oil Cloth 121 c n ynrd.
lOo chocked Toweling Olc n yard.
89(5 nnd 42c Unbleached Dnnmsk
lablo Linen nt 3c ! ! a ynrd.
COo and / > 8o Unblonohod Table Linou
'at ' 30c uynrd.
GScnndOTc Bleached Linen Dimuisli
nt 47c.
75c and 83c Bleached Linou Dnmask : il
$ , $1.EO 72-inch fine Damnsli
nt 87c.
Durinjr tins ealo wo will ortor our en
tire stock of Linen Sots nnd Napkins ,
including fringed , hemstitched imJ
pliiin. ut actual cost.
Clbfeiiing . , . , Dresses * . ,
> < * > itUf
Sba\vls. Clirtains ,
' -tt - ifKjf < * " - '
Blankets , ' Rugs.
, -
p 'v
Fin's. ' Feathers ,
' f
Good "Work
PromptrA.titen.tion ; *
" * l" * * " - * * *
S. A. CO. ,
1OO Main St. and First Ave. ,
Are Soiling Men's
$6TanSI $ 8slPicMdIlly and Bluchers style at .
$4 and $4,60 Sboss , Piccadilly anil Blucher style at S2 50
All $3.60 , $3.00 and $2.76 shoes , at Q9 flfl
ll&ii UU
Sole Agents for the celebrated Huntington , Arkan as ,
jm rirrnn o\/AfDp \ / | } [
For further particulars and prices call at office , 34 Pearl
street , Grand Hotel Building.
The Mercer.
Omaha's New33tHot > ! .
Cor. 12th and Hoivjrd dtrooti
iOrooum t"150 par day.
40 rooms | J 00 pur day.
W roomi with liat li ut t ) nor dar.
WJrooms with \iuCb ut
Modern In Krery IC > | iut.
MowI'liriiUlied ) Thruiu'liout
C.8. ERB , Prop.
H , N. Muln St. , Counull niufla.
lOfllco 107-TKMil'IIONKS-Reildenca 3
ecleral courU. Kooinu 20(5-7-a-8 .
block , Oouucll UluHi , lu.