Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1893, Image 1

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Senator Wolcott Oombati the Contentions of
the Anti-Silvor Torcos.
Dcmocr.illo Momlicni Twitted on Tliolr
GutiVBMlnii frJin IlltnotaltUm to a
Ilollcf in n Slnzto Htnnilnril Pro-
ifccilltics of the IIoiiAO.
WAHHINOTOS , Aug. ill. Tbo speech of Mr.
Wolcntt ngalnst the bill to repeal the pur
chasing clause of the Shnrman not was de
livered In the senate today In the presence
of almost nil the senate nnd n laigo lobby.
The telling parts of It , and those that Inter
ested his hearers , were some humorous nnd
sarcastic touches In which ho depleted the
conversion of democratic statesmen fiom
tholr belief In silver nnd tholr devotion to
bimetallisms the gold monometallism be
lief of the president.
The next speech was on the opposite sldo
of the question nnd was by Mr. Caffcry , the
successor of Mr. Gibson of Louisiana. This
was his first appearance In the senate ns a
spocchmakcr , but the speech was remark-
nblo ns a pronounced declaration in favor of
-unconditional repeal of the Sherman law , nl-
thouirh lie admitted the position taken by
him might not meet the of his
stnto and might put ti bar to his further po
litical career.
Mr. Coekrcll introduced a concurrent icso-
luilon directing the secretary of the treas
ury ( under section 2.V. ) , Revised Statutes ) ,
to Issue certificates , not to exceed 'JO per
cent of the amount of gold coin and bullion
in the treasury , and to use nnd spend the
same in payment of Intciest on the public
debt or anything else it was needed for. Ilo
said tbo passage of this icsolution would
allow the issue of fiom S. > ,00,000 ( ) to $ .13.000-
000 In gold cortlllcnles Laid on Iho table
Mr. Vooibees moved that the senate pio-
eced to the consideration of the house bill to
repeal the Sherman law.
Woloott Taken the Floor.
The motion was agreed to The bill was
taken up nnd Mr Wolcott uddiessed the
senate In opposition to it After constder-
nblu persiflage , in which he twitted
the scnatois on a change of views on the sil-
vcr question to suit the Ideas of the admin-
istr.ulon , ho declared hat Mr Hill's spojch
tnlsht have been as well mndcugainst silver ,
as ho know that fieo coinage svas Impossi
ble by separate act under this ad-
ralnlslinllon. Ho quoted a foiiner utterance
of Mr. Vooihces to show thu Inconsistency of
, th it senator on the silver question. Ilo de
clined that Voorhoes and bhcinmn weio for
the flist time in accord , that would
bo in fact the chairman of the finance com
mittee instead of Vooihees All the senators
knew Mr Cleveland would veto an Inde
pendent silver coin igo measure. Ho hinted
that If this bill passed the fieo silver men
might vote against protection in any fotm
It seemed unnccount iblo that in a panic the
banks sliould object lo an mcicaso
of Iho volume of money. Their plan
SSMS , after to ask und probably cot
nn issue of $100.000,000 in gold bonds. Tlio
speaker then proceeded to controvert the
uiguniuiit that thcio had been an over
production of silver In Iho vvoilil nt big
profits. Ilo showedin Iho case of Leadvillc ,
that $101,500,000 in silver hud heon pioducoJ
nt n cost of $121,500,000 , the loss being
changed to only a fair profit by the value of
other products If only llio silver Mates i
sv 010 concerned thov sv ould acquiesce with
out piotest , bu' . it vvas a national question ,
affecting all parts of tno country.
Cuirury'H 1'irit Klloit.
The floor svas next t ikon by Mr. Cnffcry.
His maiden speech in the scnato was in
favor of the unconditional lupeal of the pur
chasing clause of the Shot man act. He
warned the senator from Colorado ( Mr.
Wolcott ) if ho expcclod to smile away Iho
soi lous money tioublos of the country as
Corvanles had laughed avvay chivalry and
romance from Spain , lie was doomed to sig
nal falluio. Ho was proud of the position of
his native state on the monev question blic
hud alsvass been sound , nnd if his feeble ef
fort svolild avail she alsvass svould bo Sorely
templed , she refused in 1871) ) lo icpiullalu the
principal of her bonded debt. Nosv thu so-
ducllvo offer vvas made to debase the na
tional currency , but her senatois , true to
their convictions nnd the traditions of their
state , had put aside the Inslduous pioposi-
tlon , It might be his fate to feel thu turn
" poniry weight of the forces of Inllillon. .It
! > might bu thnt thu star of his life , just aris
ing abase thu hoii/on , might bo i elapsed
into darkness by icason of his vote , but
como what might , he should stand fast to
the deep conviction thut-ho should bo 10-
crrunt lo his duty should ho add one nang to
povci ty , sliould ho glvo the people a cut-
rcnov that icfusci to requite its to waul
At iho close of Mr. Cattery's remarks Mr.
Cullom gave notice- that ho svould addioss
the sonata nn the icpcal bill next Monday.
A motion having been made by Mr Poffcr
to take up iho resolution heretofore offered
by him as to national bulks refusing lo pay
depositors' checks In currency. Mr. Voor-
hccs said If senators svero not prepared to
go on ssith Iho discussion tie had no objec
tion to other minor mat tots being taken up ,
providing the repeal hill w.u not replaced
Ho gave notice , however , that If ho found at
nny time th it discussion on the repeal hill
wis exhausted no should ask for a voto.
Would Ilo Cilnil to Aid Voorhevi.
Mr. Cullom said ho should bo glad to aid
the senator from Indians In securing a vote
nt any time , whether ho hud made a speech
on the bill or not.
Mr , Vooihees said ho was nwnio it svas
Iho Intention of sonuiois to indulge inn
good deal moro dohato. He trusted thcio
would bu n liberal allowance for full debate ,
for full Intelllgonl discussion , und said that
after It was manifest tlio discussion svas ex-
haunted nnd that it svas only kept up In
order lo consume time , he would insist on a
vote at every tlmo. There svould bo no In
terference with men who wanted to dis
cuss the bill , but thoio would bu with the
purpose of sonnlots lo delay action
After n colloquy , from which ll appeared
that If Mr. Potter's motion vvas ugreud to
It would displace the repeal bill , the foim of
the motion svns changed so the lepeal bill
sliould bo Informally laid uslda und iho icso-
lutlon ns to national hanks taken up. The
motion was ngieod to , and then the motion
lioiutoforo made by Mr. Vonrhees that the
' resolution bo i of circa to tlio commltteo on
finance was cairlod yeas , H5 , najs , Ul as
follows : Yeas Aldrluh , Allison , Black
burn , Caffory , Cimden , Ciiroy , Cullom ,
Plxon , Faulkner , frse , Galllngcr , Gibson ,
Goidon , Gorman , Gray , Halo , Haw ley , Hlg-
gins , Lodga. McMillan , MoPhorson , Mitchell
of Oiegon , Mitchell of Wisconsin , Palmer ,
J'asco , Power , Pioctor , Hansom , Sherman ,
Squire , Stockbrldgo , Vllns. Voorheos , Wash-
bum and White of l/niIMana U5 Najs
Allen , Bate , Call , Coeltroll , Coke , Huns-
lirough , Irby , Jones of Nusadn , Kyle , Lind
ens' , M.andorson , Palter , PoiUlns , Peitigrow ,
Hhnup , Stow nit , Teller , Vuiiio , Vest , Walt-
hall und White of California 'Jl.
Thu lesolutions on the death of Repre
sentative Mutchler of Pennsylvania vvuro
Jald before the senate and lesolutions ox-
pu-sslvoof the soi row of Urn senate were
ngrced lo , and us a furthet evidence- respect -
spect to his memory , the senate iidjouincd.
Bllvvr .Men Steal n Mnrch on 'Ihclr
Oiinnciit | | < t'onnldl-rlnir thu Hlllcn.
WASIIISOTON , Aug. ! H The tllvor men
toln a march on their opponents In the | |
today and , under the leadeishlp of Mr.
and Mr Kilgorc , gained u slctoiy
ts l.ii'h nkos It iuipossiblo for the gold men
. .
to Impede the consideration of bimetallic
or other financial legislation th it may bu re
potted b , > the committed on coinage , svcif hu
nnd measures Or the committco on banking
and currency during the coming session. The
tlmo honored custom In iho house has boon'
to make the reports ot the committco on
appropriation * nnd wujs nnd means
privileged matters and when the nosv
rules svoro being considered to lay Air.
Springer , chairman of the committee on
banking and currency , suddenly sprung nn
amendment , extending the same favoritism
lo the committee on banking nnd currency ,
Mr. ICIlgoro followed with nn amendment
nlso , including the committco on coinage ,
nnd , although these amendments wcro
sharply opposed , the last vvas adopted by a
vote of 13.1 seas to 03 nays , and the original ,
ns amended , adopted by a vote of nearly two
to ono Not until It was all over did the
house generally rcnllro the Immense victory
gained by the bimet.Ullsts. Und or this rule ,
the commltteo on colnago can report a silver
bill at any tlmo nnd force its consideration
by th" house and the committee on binking
nnd currency will have the same right.
Tnkm Atrny 1'nrt of It * Powors.
Incidentally , nlso , the house , by the
adoption of ttioso amendments , has broken
away from the leadeishlp of the committee
on rules , presided over by Speaker Crisp ,
and has declared it will no longer bo In the
power of that committco to determine if
free coinage bills shall bo accorded recog
nition. Tim roll call of the house
today shows that many members who voted
for the Wilson bill supported these amend
ments , thus justifying their declarations
that they favor the piinclplcs of bimetal
lism , but voted for Immediate repeal of the
purchasing net as n means of lestorlng con
fidence. Among those who thus voted vvas
Mr. Springer , the originator of the move
ment today carried out by the house giving
the right of way to silver legislation.
When the house mat this morning It re
sumed consideration of the rules nnd Mr.
Pieldcr's nmundmcut to increase the mem
bership of the commltteo on i dies vvas re
Mr. Hooker's amendment to Increase the
incinbctship was nlso lost.
On motion of Mr. Kilgoro nn amendment
vvas adopted giving the committco on ways
nnd means jurisdiction overall inetsures to
raise levenuc.
Mr Hooker moved to strike fiom the mles
the section which lofcrs all opposed notion
touching the order of business to the com
mittee on rules Tins , ho said , would take st aiding committees of the
hoaso all uuthotity and vest nil In ono coin-
inilico of live It simply meant togisoto
live members all the povveis of the house.
If It was adopted iho title of the committee
on rules should be changed to the "steering
committee. "
Mr Catchlngs denied that much of iho
declaration , thut under the pioposed rule ,
the committee on i tiles could contiol the
other committees. The motion vvas lost by a
vote of " 3 to Or.
Mr. Stockdalo offered nn amendment , re
quiring the conimllloo on rules to report a
proposition icfcried lo it upon tncrequcst ot
ono llfth of the mcmbots piuscnt and voting.
Mr. Sprlngcr'H Aiuomlmrtit.
Mr. Spiingor now offered an amendment ,
riving thu committee on banking and cur
rency the light lo icport ut nns time on
inattcts iclatlng to baukinir nndcurionuy.
Ho said the committee on accounts , which
had in charge mcielv tliu accounts of inom-
beisandof house emploscs , had a light to
report at any time Uho same ptlvili > ire
should not bo denied the committee svliHi
had ch.ugc of the accounts of thogovutn-
Mr. Kilgoro made n motion to Include the
committco on coinageweights and no isutcs.
Agreed : Yeas , 13) ) ; najs , 03 i'hen the vote
occunodoii Mr. Springer's amendment and
it was adopted by a vote of 10J to 53
Mr Hoolicr moved to sttiko fiom the pie
posed i tiles thu clause which permits the
spcaKcr to decide a dilatory motion. He
was unwilling to vest the speaker wlthaiii
such power and he vvus unwilling to em-
barrass him bv giving him any such povvet.
He did not wish to nut the present speaker ,
in thesamoembariussingpostllon that had
been occupied bv thu distinguished speaker
of the Fiftj-lhst congiess This rule , ho
contended , Imposed upon the speaker a duty
which ho should huso never put on him.
Mr. Outhvvnite of the committco on rules
suggested the amendment went fui thcr than
his lemntlcs vyould lead the house to beliosc
It svould strike out tbo clause which pro
vided that it should ill was s bo in order to
'call ' up for consideration u icpoit from the
committee- rules.
Mr. Hooker then modified his amendment
so us to mnko It icfer moiolv to light of the
speaker lo decide srtmt are dllatoiy motions.
( Jrltlolieil the Kami Itulc8
Mr. DoArmond criticised the rules of the
rifty-flist congtess. but especially criticised
the decision of Speaker Reed bofoio any
i ules had boon ndoplcd. 'llio then speaker
had counted In quotums in tolal disiogaid of
llio general pimciples of pullimcntuii law.
A reference made by him to the decision
of the supreme com t biought Mr. Uce.l lo
his feet , who nigued that couit had sus
tained his actions , und he said the time
would como when even the gentleman from
Missouri wuuld understand what that de
cision was
Mr Aldctson spoke In opposition to the
giantlngof the ipoaker too great pouei
and sent to the cleik's desk and hud read
certain oxtiacts fiom Hie iccoid of the
Flfty-llist congtess. But ttio verv fhsl oc"
Iracl mot with Mr Reed's disapproval It
svas un excelpt to the affect thai Mr Outh-
svatlo 1'ad objected to having been counted
by Speaker Reed when ho had not been
present. Mr. Reed said the o\truet was not
correct. The gentleman fiom Ohio ( Oulh-
walto ) svould bear him out in sajingitvvns
admitted thcio had been an cirorand the
oiror had been corrected. The other ex
it acts svoie then lead , nil criticising
Speaker Reed's ruling in the matter of the
countincr of u quorum.
Mr. Reed said the icmarks of llio gentle
man from West Vlicinla sscio only an echo
of the chorus of the Plftj-flist congu'ss , but
he svas glad to see those icports weic dying
and not increasing. Mho gentleman fiom
West Vliglnla had two jejisugo uplifted
his solco in denunciation of the ITfij-llist
congioss. After Iheso tsso the gentle-
mm , by un cnoimous mental effort and by
iho aid of stenogruphois und tipowntcis ,
hud evolved the i urn irkablo liter iry collja
tion which tlio house had Just listened to.
Ilo congratulated West Vliglnla on having
two such statesmen , one ( Mr. Wilson ) to
load thu house nnd llio oilier lo hi ing in iho
rear. [ Daughter ]
Uuiiniiiilml the I'roxloui Oiioatlon.
Then Mr. Ouihvvalto demanded the pie-
vlous question , although Mr. Hooker ap
pealed for some tlmo to debate thn pending
quosllon. But Mr Outhssulto would not
.vlold. which drew out from Mr. Hooker the )
lomark : "That is just what I expected ,
thut you will close debate , nnd thai is just
what may bo oxpectcd all the time from the
commltteo on rulos. "
Mr. HOOKOI'S amendment vvas then to-
Mr. Boatnur offered un amendment , which
practically puts It In the possorof any mem-
bur who is in charge of any proposition on
the floor , lo pioposo cloture tins time ho
thinks adsisable , This amendment ssttsdo-
b icd pro and con , the consensus of opinion
being ngalnst its adoption. The speeches
vroro brief , not taking more than five min
utes each Mr , Wilson of Virginia In thico
minutes making iho sttongest remaiks
against the proposition. It vvas not , ho
maintained , Hint llio majoilty should bo pro
tected ; the protection should be given to the
mlnoilty. The democratic.Idea alwujs had
been that thn fewer lasvs made iho better It
would bo for the country. A wUo man hud
ouco said the best laws which hud been
made-woro the laws to repeal previous en
actments [ Applause. ]
Mr. Boutner tild It wan the majority and
not iho mlnoilty that asked forpiotcetlon ,
The mlnoilty , should not bo permitted to
filibuster any measuto lo death.
The previous question w.u oiderod on the
, amendment and pending fui ther action the
house adjouinod.
KEUII OulU on ( Jrcsluiiii.
WASHINGTON , Aug 31 Patrick Ugun , ox
minister to Chill caliud ut thn
, State depart-
incut todn ) to piy his respects to Scc.totari
( lie-slum Mi Iv-an told a reporter ho was
anxious to visit Loudon nnd Dublin to lofuu
reto his friends the calumnies heaped on llilii
during hi * official career at Santiago.
4 ?
Oongrcs3men of that Faith Affect to Despise
Nchraikn Member * Allege that They Did
Nut Ilpfino to Accept tlio Yellow Coin
llcc.uiin They Arc I'rrjudlctxl
thnt Mctul.
WASIIINUTON , Aug . : iu )
There was n rumor around the capital
today that the baker's dozen of populist con
gressmen , believing that they should glso
osidcncaof their faith in silver and hutted
of gold , had refused to receive gold coin In
payment of their salaries. This was payday
In Washington for all who drosv salaries
from Uncle Sam , nnd gold coin svas paid to
all classes. Inquiry failed to disclose any
concerted action or understanding among
the populist congressmen as t& receiving
gold coin , but it svas found that
a number of them had actually re
fused to iceelvo the yellow coin from
the pacing clerks of the tsvo houses of con-
gicss. Representatives McICoIghiu and
Ketn ot Nebraska stated that it was true
that they had refused to receive gold uotn in
liquidation of their salaries , whicli amount
to little over M1G a month , but both denied
that they had icfuscd tjold because they ssere
picjudlccd against that class of money.
They said they did not svant It because It
is ns bulky. Mr MoIColghun accepted a
check against the govcinment and Mi. Hem
simply deposited his coin with thoseigonnt-
nt-utms of the house It is very liKcly ihat
the populists attempted to net In concert
nnd show their haired for gold , but Inter
thev concluded to put another light upon
their action.
hi tor Son itnra to Organize.
An effort sv 111 bo made by the uxlicmo sil
ver sen itois to secuio an organlwtiou of
thcli forces sv 1th a view to lalking Iho 10- bill to death and preventing n final
vote. If they fail In this they will puae-
tically give up their light. Thev acknowl
edge lhat they nre In the minority ness in
Iho senate by a margin of eight or ten , nnd
that their number Is constantly decreasing
by the prosel.\ ling influences of the admlnis-
tiatlon and the piessuio from the country.
If they could all get together and icsolvo lo
stand linn and do all that lies in their power
to defeat u vote , they might win , but with
out that oiganUntlon defeat is certain , and
within the next thiee or four weeks
It is hardly likely that nn oiganization c in
bo effected , us nearly every ono of the demor
cratle senrtors havoglvcn notice to Senators
Teller , btewart , Jones of Nevadn , and Du-
bols that they will do nothing in the line of
filibustering , that they will only talk and
vote and will do nothing to delay final ac
tion. The outlook of the free coin igc light
Is discouraging for its friends The popu
lists , feeling thai the of the present
silver law will augment their tnnks , aroio-
ported to bo anxious for a final vote ngalnst
the bill Tliov believe that repeal will bo
the caiiso of many republicans and democrats
leaving their pirties und joining the populist
Important Cha KUS In the Itules.
By the adoption of a single provision in
the nosv mles for llio government of iho
house , that body today killed allolToits
vsInch may bo made to pass the anil-option
and compound lard bills In this congress ,
under iho rule , tlio speaker must lofer to
the committco on svaya and means nil mcas-
lues which , on the face , provide for the rais
ing of the revenue The wajs and means
committco is opposed to both of llieso incns-
utes und would not ioport them , whllo the
committee on agiiculturo , which has hereto-
fore had juiisdietion over them , h is
been for llioso bills. The rules also make it
impossible for the speaker to entertain a
motion to chaneo the reference of n bill to
an ) other committee than the ono given
juiisdietion by tlio rules The scheme was
cngineeiod by "Buck" Kilgoie of 'lexns , and
its success is of great Interest to the funnels
csuoclall } .
Uo Icrn
The following pensions grantoJ are ro-
poi ted :
Nebraska Original Anton Rehiir , Carlo.
Hall county Incicase John \V. OttVnvne ,
\ \ ajiiecoimtyVilllum I' . Gilbert , Broken
Bow , Custcr counti.
Iowa : Oiiguuil Stowait U. Tansey ,
Muscatlno , Muscalino tounty. Incioaso
George W. Bitiegiir , Monte uma , Powcshiek
L0imt\ ; William Co\vson , Allot ton , Was ue
counly Kelssuo Richard Han is ,
Linn counlv Original widows , etc Minors
ofGcoigeV Allen , Lenox , T&vlor county ;
Sally A. Tolletl , Wututloo , Black Hawk
county ,
Postmasters appointed today : Nebraska
rilloy. Gage county , C ! C. Pernod , MCO L.
B Cinlield. icmoved
South Uakot.i Gary , Deuel county , J. H
rongor , vice H S l aklns , resigned.
Wvomlng 'i lo Siding. Albany counts' , H.
Wooilvvnrd \ , vice H B Nelll , resigned.
Idaho L ivn , Illnghnm county , Maggie
McQualdo , vice Mis 1 Johnson , resigned.
Hon. Putiiek Kgan has had several Intcr-
vio\vs with Seciotary Gieslmm at the State
dcpirtment during the pist week. Ho is
closing up the nffaiis of the United States
legation at b intlago , so fir nu his aduilnls-
tuition is concerned , nnd expects to leave
for his homo nt Lincoln in u few il.'ijs.
Senator Allen laid before the senate today
n lesolutlon mloptod bs clti7Piis of Omaha in
mass meeting in fasor of the establishing of 1i
postal Busings banks for the deposits of the
pcoplo , and requesting tlio Nobriska delega
tion in coinrress tosnppoit such a measure
Counti Clerk Patterson of Plouo , S. D ,
was In the cltv today , but left this nfternoo-i
for Indianapolis , \\neie ho will attend the
Grand Army of the Republic encamp
incut , then go to the Woild's
fair nnd return to his homo n
fortnight hence Mr. Patterson is largcl.v
engaged In sheep raising In South D.ikotn.
and says that under the present condition of
ulTalis and the tariff law which will bo en
acted by this admlnhtiatlnn , thciowill bo
more monos in slock laislng In the silver
states than in am other Industiy. Ho B.OB
South Dakota has suiTeicd vciy little fro-n
the piescnt llnnncinl stilngoncy ; that there
has o boon very few bank fulluics , nnd that
the ciops which me being nmikoted nro put
ting nflalis into a normal condition
Mr. and Mis K J. SUttory loft iestoidny
on n trip to Indiunnpolls , Chicago and No-
braska. They will bo gone about a month
Pcmn b. HEATH.
WASHINGTON , Aug ! il There Is cvei } In
dication that n deficit in the tioasuiv of
f.VI.OOO.O'X . ) will exist Juno f , Ib'JI , unless
mcasuies ate takrn toascitlt. A number
ot oftlclal propositions for the puipose of
building up the treasury cash mo under dis
cussion. The one that seems to meet the
most fnsor Is to hnso p.ssed bs'congtvss a
joint resolution pci mUtliif the soctotaiy of
the lieasuo 10 antlcipato the colnngo ifo ouitccs of silver nowin the
treasury and to Issue silver notes iigali st
thoscignoiage. Is said , would ini-
medlitelj place e ) , OOO.UOO to .no ciedlt iif
the treasury 'I his inoposltioii , however ,
llko all other financial propositions ana
schemes , 1ms opposition , mid It Id not ptob-
able this or nuy other scheme srlll bo sub
mitted to congress by Kecietai'i Carlisle
until the sllvei question U nettled
Mr. Illuiiil T.illn. ,
f '
WASHINGTON' , Ang ! lt Mr. ilitu.d } a'll to
day : "Wo shall nt some time m ( ho future
present a bill for the free coin D/8 / of ( { liver ,
but It will not bo until tho/bxcltement now
prevallluir has subsided ' 1 he pcoplo uro in
such a frame of mind that nothing can bo
done uovv , llanUs , ineicautilo iubtltutlous
and the metropolitan press have frightened
representatives ao it IA ItniiMslbto now to
make any rcasoiiablo lc lsl\ll6"uT When this
has passed wo ah ill glvo tlKunTanothcr whirl
at silver , but J < ft t novr vro'ebdll bo quiet.
Thocominl'leohgs not had ) n , uicctlng and
none has been cahcd , "
Commlstlancr Lorlircn Mnkiis n Now Unto
UK to Sci | ion lon from tlio itolls ,
WAHHINOTOV , Aitgr81. . Commissioner
Loch re n of the pension bureau has Issued nn
order modifying- the 'practice of the ofllco.
'I ho most important change la thnt wnlch
directs that hnroafter there will bo no sus
pensions except m caasa where the record
shown on its fnco the soldier was not entitled
to any pension wliato\-or. It Is thought ,
hovs os or. tlio number svho will como under
this I class w 111 bo very small.
In sneaking of this jjew onlor today the
commissioner said tliat.tho change had been
made nt the request ot the secretary , who
questioned the fairness of the old paetlce of
the biuoau , which suspended pensioners
during Investigation , A larger number of
pensioners were found liable to suspension
under the old practice than had boon antici
pated , nnd cases svero found svhora persons
hnso been suspended vyhoso disabilities have
Increased slnco the data df being pensioned
nnd who are now entitled to remain on the
rolls. In ovary Ingtarca as soon as thcso
cases vrcro called to the attention of the
bureau the correction was made , but it was
feared the suspension might work hardship
by preventing the payment of pensions to
those who at present are legally entitled to
the simo , though they were not at the tluio
the pension vvus granted.
UKnri ; xnr. ji
I'liiu to rut Sioux Cltj'i KiiiUvtiJ-a on Tholr
IVpt Oncu More.
Ciiirtno , Aug , 81. [ Spcclnl Telegram to
TIIB BKE ] For several dajs there has been
in : piogicss ut the Gi-'snd Paclllc hotel a
meeting : of a comniU'eo of the creditors of
the Union Ldan uJ Trust company of Sioux
Ults' i . Tnc fnuflro of the trust company ,
with liabilities of fO.OOO.OOO , caused the in-
dnstilnl collapse of many enterprises of that
city and especially of n number of projected
lallvvay enterprises whoso securities it held
as collateral. Chief among thcso was the
? : ) ,000,000inlhvay bridge over the Missouil
river. Thecredliois of thbcompiny appre
ciate the fact that , their only hope of
securing their interest Is in the
accomplishment of the enteipriso , on which
eonsldetnblo money has already been ex
pended The committee appointed consists
of Mr. SilverJiorn of Warsaw , J , C Combs of
Boston. General Hughes of Missouri and
Judge Wilmot of Chicago. J
These concluded their preliminary work
today and will endeavor to carry out a gen
eral plan of relief. Mr. Silvel thorn this
evening said that , in n general nay , the plan
suggested by the creditors mooting , at which
this commltteo was appointed , contcmnlatcd
a icorgnnizatlon of tho' loan nnd trust
companv , und for r this purpose n
number of gentlemen loprcsenting n
syndicate of latlioads would guarantee
to underwilte 50 per cent of the present col
lateral , now held by the. asshrneo of the
trust company , to the amount of $1,500,000.
providing that Sioux City would guarantee
the pav incut of the f 100,1100 subscription to
tno Wisconsin , Sioux City & Chicigo rail- , and to provide for a general plan of 10-
organizatloa nnd resumption of the woik on
company , fpr which tb.s corhmltteo was up-
_ y t
J.1II > UttTA2 Ul Lii DEC
Much Jloriuim Olmr'Jtji'jonorrv , < ( l
to lluvo Ksrlie.ttoil to tliu Torritno.
SAI.TLSM : , U. T. , Aug. 31. [ Special Tolo-
giam to Tins BEE. ) Tlio supreme court of
the tertitory handed dossil a decision this
morning In the famous Monnon escheat
cases These cases effect tithing yards
and ofHee valued at $100,000 , the
chutch farm liontalning 1,100 acres
valued at $150,000 , , famous Gardo house
or Amelia palace , valued at about $75,000 ,
coal lands valued at ? oO,000 and histoiian's
ofllce , valued nt ? .iO,000
The decisions were handed down by Justice
tico Smith , Cleveland's only appointee on
the bench , and concurred in l > i Justices Bar-
tics nnd Mlnoi , Chief Justice Seano having
been tbo trial judeo. Gnrdo house ,
chuich farm and coil , lands me dc-
cl.utd forfeited on the grounds that they
were ncquiicd after the passage of the net
of con cress of 18W , no
chuich should acquire propeity valued nt
more than $50.000 and tub statute of limita
tions was declined inapplicable in the case
of lllhingyaids and olilcos and historian's
ofllco However , it was held that the prop
city was acquired before the pas
sage of the act * und cannot be
escheated thereunder on account of in o vis
ions therein and existing vestcl rights on
real property should not bo impaired
tlicicby. The decisions suit neither side
and both have given notice of appeal to the
supiemo court of the United Stutes in the
various cases.
Kiboitisn run cuxni.ior ,
Aldlno Ilotnl CcrtllliutcH of Xo Value
tlio SS < ) rl < r fair Cltj.
CIIICSQO , Aug. 111. [ Spocfal Telegram to
TiiBBrn. ] The l.ucst Woild's fair hole
complaint inado Is against the Lamphcro
hotel. Sixty-sixth street and Oglesby
nsenuo , svlilch failed some tima ago
as the Aldlno hotel Plot. Itobcit F ,
Smith of the State Agilcultural am
Mechnnlcil college of Texas recounts his experience
perienco at the erstwhile Aldlno hotel ns
follows : "Two weeks ago I roplstoiod as a
guest at the hotel When I was ready to
leave I asked for my bill , which , as first
nmdo out , was fll. I uskcd for the r > l
per cent reduction I ' was entitled teen
on my certificate und contiao
with Lamphcio after the Aldtnu lionsi
failed and Lamphcio , cutno , in vvhilol wa
talking to the clciK nid ) suid if I hucl wished
to take advantage of thg ccrtillcato offer I
shouli. nivo stitod the f.j t on my atiivul.
Yes , ' I rejoined , 'so that the price of inj
room might have been , daubjud , '
"To be1 o.ict I B.I vi l 2. cunts by not using
mv cerllllcMto at all. 'TpKbose holding cor
tiflcntos I would say , burn your cortlllcates
and .sou will save moncy.V
JHIUirAKlt lid TUB
lloily of u NuUruiKi jtMlulHtcr Kicnvcred
Noitf Y.ii&jyii | ; ,
YANKTON , S. D , , Aug. 31. [ Special Telegram -
gram toluu BIB , ] Thqfxidj of Hev C II
Stiop , nn Episcopalian .aisslonary stationed
ut Santee Agency , Neb.was , found In the
Missouri liver ftfto'iw miles east of this
chi last evening. Hov Mr. Stroii wandered
uwuyfiomlho Hope bcliool ut Spilnglietd ,
thirty miles west , durjiur the night of Au
gust 21 ssiiilo in n lit o ( delirium icsulting
fiom tjphoid fever.
Imp irt nit Ktcnt at Viinktoii.
YANUTOV , S D. Aug. 31 , [ Special Tele-
giam to TUB HFB. ] Tliu corner stone of the
Waid Hull of Science will be 1 lU on Septem
ber 0. Wind hull in Iho gift of Dr J , N
Peal sons of Chicago , to Vault ton college.
SS'orld's l''rfU' Collar .
CIIIOAQO , Aug. 31. Mrs. Lo isj of Kansas ,
Gcncial Weaver , VicterDoLujho nud othars
cntcitalucd the labor conjicss today ssith
Discussion of "Pro2t Sharlnif" occupied
Iho social congress. 'iDe ptlnclpal speaker
was K , O. Nelson of St , Louis.
The single tax congress appolnled the
following an members at large of the
national committee onpropaganda * : Thomas
L Johnson of OhioThomas ( i. Shoannun ISJ
Nosv York. U Post of Novr York and J ,
Shriver of NBSV York.
Wreck of the Chicago Limited Express on
the Boston & Albany Road ,
Whll flunnliiR nt n High Ilnte of Speed
tlio Train mill Throucli the Struc
ture to the Stronm llulovr
The Demi.
, Mass. , Aug. 81. The Chicago
limited express train from Boston broke
through n frail Iron bridge on the Boston &
Albany road ono nnd n half miles cast of
Chester about 12:80 : today , nnd four Wagner
cars wore crushed , killing at least fourteen
persons , fatally Injuring several others' ,
svhllo nt least n score are badly hurt. The
bridge was being strengthened nnd the
svorkmcn were nt dlnt.or when the crash
cnmo. The locomotive passed over the
bridge , but svas smashed , the water , tank
being throw n n long distance. The buffet ,
two sleepers and dining car wcro smashed to
kindling wood when they struck the stream ,
twenty feet below , but two day coaches and
a smoker in the roar did not lease the track.
Fourteen bodies had boon taken out nt 0
o'clock. It Is believed there are tvvomoro
bodies in the ruins.
l.lst of the Iloiul.
J. K. DKWITT , Portland , Me. , president of
thu Union Mutual Life Insurance company.
T. ICKUA' of Huston.
MlfeS bUSincUL'TINO , Iloston.
MHS. 0.11.1SIIAM , Philadelphia.
MISs EMMA nni.nim'of Columbus , O.
MHS. J. H. WINU1IELL of Onoldu.
II. O. IVES of Ohlcngo
I'KANK faLHianWICIC.of Palmar.
TEKS , Sprlngflcla
J. II. MUUUAY , brakomau -Qrcenbu
N. Y. ' -
I'OLE of Hartford , Conn.
U. O. HITCHCOOIC of Hollows Falls , Vt.
l.Ut of tlio VSouiuleil.
Mns. lies * . Dit LKVS EI.I.IN PHATT , Norwien ,
Conn. , cuts and sprains.
Ho n BUT CUCKSOK , Boston , Wagner porter ,
badly scalded.
MuniiAY GIIAVES , Boston , fracture of right
thigh and nrm.
KTIIKI/CAIISOV , Dalton , bruised.
Louis BuciiAV v , Boston , bruised.
Hose STEIMIAMSpi ingilold , finctured ribs
MAIIV SAUIB of Springfield , an Italian ,
JOHN Pi.ATTBof Rlverton , N. J. , bruised.
Mns JOHN PIATTE of Rlverton , bruised.
Mns Du. ALICE LITTCL , Biookljn , scalp
LEACH of Rainfall , fractuted thigh.
Mils. JAMBS T. EMIIUUQE , Boston , broken
hip , fractuiod shouWor.
Mna. W. E. WiiiTXnr , Cleveland , badly
bruised and scalp -wound.
bruised ,
SuMNiiR CUMMIXOS , Worcester , biulsecl
nnd sprained knee.
Mils' . SUMNEII CUMMINOS of Worcester , com
pound fractuio of the leg and bruised.
WcLLSLEi PoitTEii , buffet porter , fractured
AitTiiun WILLIAMS , Lennox , bad scalp
FHANK LAND , Chicago , bruised in chest
and back.
WIMIIHOP WADE of Boston , fr.actuio of
left thigh.
Mns HFLEN RICE of Pittsfleld , face cut.
WALTEII HAWKINS of Plttsfield , face cut.
LLVS is MITCHELL of Albany , badly bi uisec !
and fiaclured libs.
WILLIAM Honros of Albany , engineer ,
badly bruised , left hip btokcn nndlnteinul
M. J. WALIMIEN JoiiNbON of Boston , bud
scalp wound.
JOHN UMBIISOV , brakeman , of Boston , left
ejo badly bruised.
E. B. ADAMS of Holjoke , head bruised.
Mns AviniY of Holioko. hip Injured.
Tno train was seven minutes late and the
road hands say it was going fifty miles nn
hour. When it struck the first of the two
spans across the river the engine seemed lo
leap across the bridge as the tiusscs fell.
'f hero aio only n few houses in
Iho vicinity , und a man driving
by gave the alarm in th < > village and soon a
largo crowd gathered.
UnnorvcMl ! } the Spectacle
Tin shouts nnd shrieks of the victims rung
out und the pcoplo were unncived. The
heroes of the hour wcro Dr. George Wood of
Colllnsvlllo , who wont to the train to moot
his wife , and the colored porters and winters
in the dining car , who , although bruised am
cut und covered with blood , did good
'llio villagers recoveiod from iho shock am
were soon haul ut woik ,
The hospital was under the trees in an nd
Joiningoichaid , sshoio scores sseio taken
The wounded wcio soon on the road to
houses , and all that remained on the apple
btrossn giounds svoru fourteen bodies cov
ered with red blankets from an adjoining
btuble The dead were hoiribly mutilated
heads ciushcd In , limbs torn and often onlj
iccogiilrablo fiom the clothing.
Mrs. John Howaid of Boston , whoso stag
name Is Hattlo Bluncliurd , ssas ono of th
llvo Based in the sleeper iioxt in fiont of til a
dining car , which vsus the svorst tvrecUol
She wus traveling from Albany , ssbci
Iho John L Sullivan company hit
appeared the night before. She saj
she felt the car going down nnc
i cached for her hat In the fiont seat In ni
instant she was down bi a beat
uciuss her waist A ch indollir had crashc
dossn over her She extilc.itcd hersel
and turned to Mr ; . Isliam , vvli
was crilni ? for help Her bead ss'ii
wedged under a cai seat arm. Whe
she saw It ssas impossible tooxliicnto th
woman , the poor victim squeezed her hand
vslth n "God bless you , goodbj " Sli
pulled a car so it off a man and then stnrtc
out. She stumbled over the LOOK , plnno
down near the kitchen , and , mounting the
lulnsof the next cur , wus taken out safely
Story of mi K Illor.
E. H , Tulbot of Now Yoi k , for flso i ears
editor of the Iron Age , was in u day coich
HIb clo'ibcs srero torn and ho was badly
bruised , but did splendid ssork in t.ihlug out
the dead und Injured. Ho thinks thu rail
road ls ut fault for tuunlng BO heavy Uuins
twenty miles an hour overu bridge under
going roualrs. "People are aroused to
do their best on such occasions , "
ho said , "nnd I never euw nobler deeds. I
took out a little girl whoso legs were bruised
nail toru , but ino never uttered a cry. 'Go
back nftor mamma,1 vms \ $ ho ftld. The
woman who screamed mtJ V Vns wringing
ijor hands nnd moaning boo. * the railroad
woSldnorer pay fora sonH * sacquo she
Cnllio of the AcrUiciit.
The bridg * . looks nk thoutth It had been
ithrown from Its abutment rather than
thrown clown. It Ins fallen to the right of
the trade , nnd the nglno nUo lies to
the right. Thcso fact ? Suggest the theory
that the blow of the engine as It struck the
bridge from the curvei sent It bounding
from Its foundations to tlio riser. 'Lho rail
way oHlclals say they found no mnrits on the
bridge such as svould bo undo by a derailed
train. They lm\o no theories to offer to
account for the dlsastbr , but promise a complete -
ploto Ins estimation.
MB.II.TII ot" uni VMtrii.ixns.
Dr. Itrjnnt Milken n Stittoinrnt tlutt Should
Set lit KnU All Uuiitorft.
NEW YOUK , Aug. 31. Dr. Brynnt , in con
versation this afternoon with regard to the
health of President Cleveland , ald : " 1
never saw the president in IxHter hcnlth
than nt present. "
AVhen naked how Mrs Cleveland was , the
doctor smilingly remarked"You nro on
tender grounds now. She Is In very good
health. "
The president nnd Airs. Cleveland , ac
companied hy Secretary ofVnr Lunont
nnd Dr. Brvnnt. nnd their child , Huth. with
her nurse nnd Mis. Clovol.ind's maid , left
Jersey City this evening In a private car
of the Pennsylvania load , The party came
nshoro on the steam launch of Mr. Bono-
l let's Onelda at 8 o'clock and landed north
of DCS Dresses street , whore a carriage
awaited them They were driven to the
Dos Brasses street ferry mid crossed to
Jersey City , wlieio Colonel Limont nnd Dr
Bryant mot. them. About 0 o'clock the
paitv got nbouid tlio ti.iln. Ptcsldcut
Cleveland looked well. Mis. Cleveland rode
In n dark , navy bluodioss j\nd jacket , with a
dark straw sailor hat tiluimcd with blue.
Dr. AIlllor'K Iiirornmtlini.
Dr. Oeorgo L Miller last cv omng received
n telegram from parties closely related to
the Cleveland family stating that the presi
dent's ' health Is good , notwithstanding the
various reports to the contrary. Dr. Miller
believes that there Is no ground for the
alarming stoilcs that have been wired con
cerning the president's condition.
rott jui > .110x1:1 :
I'ate of a Yomijr Aiiinrioin U'lillo Ilnhlut
SluintliiRT In Sootlrtiiil.
GLASGOW , Aug. ; H. Tlio bsdy of a young
man named Hambrough was found on the
Ardlmnont estate , near Lochfync , in the
county of Argyle , on the 10th inst. llam-
brough was an American and was the son. It
is repotted , of tit cry i lull resident of the
United States. Ho had been rabbit shooting
and it was generally supposed ho had acci
dentally shot hlir self. Detectives \\oro put
on the case , however , and they now duel ire
Hambrough was murdeicd by a nun named
Monson , n tenant on the Ardlamont estate ,
whoio Hambrough tnulo his ncqu lint inco
Edvvaid Scott , n biilor on Hanibrough's '
yacht , has disappcaicd. and is believed to bonn
nn accomplice ! ! ! the crlmo. The detectives
so-y they have discovered tint Ilainbrontfli
had insured his life for $50OJ3 and had as
signed the policy to Monson with
the hope of obtaining the Insurance money
that the muider vvas committed by Monson ,
with the aid of Scott.
Monson was brought before the
sheriff this moiniiiff for examin
ation nnd was remanded , Monson Is
"S vearcpUtlnmljFer.v well connected. Mon
son had rented the Ardluiiiont estate , " In-
foil * ng the owner that if the place suited
him ho would putch.iso it. Hambrough
joined him n few weeks npo nnd it is undet-
stood ho and Muiidon were to puichaso the
plate jointly.
QUlllTJ.l M'KllltKI ) .
lion. M. V. ( iiiniion ittul Vimslury JohiiNoi
Mill i It'll nt ItouU Ihliiuil.
ROCK ISHMI , 111 , Aug ! ) ! . - [ Speical Tele
gram to Tun Dm : . ] Hon. M. V. G union of
Omaha peipotr.ttcd a genuine nutpiiso on
his old friends In this community toil.ij ,
complimenting them by coming heio on one
of the happiest missions of his life. Mr.
Gannon arrived from the west this moining
and at the Hoc It Island house met Miss Mary
Johnson , formoily of Omaha , who came In
fiom her homo at Cable , and at i ) o'clock the
twain wore driven to St Joseph's chinch ,
wlieio Itov. rather M.icUIn tolobi.ited
nuptail mass in thoh lionoi. It was a quiet ,
but no Jess h ippi ntTalr and was
witnessed only by one or two i > ersonal
fi lends nnd at the conclusion of the cere
mony the happy couple wcio driven back to
the hotel , wlieio they received m tnj calls
from wnrm friends in this city and Diven
port aming the day. Mr Gannon formeili
icsided nt this place. Ills hrldo uiH lie. no
stranger to her new homo , she having 101 a
number of joil's been n teacher In the pub
lie bdiools of the Nebraska metropolis. Mr
and Mis. Gannon leuvo for the WoiId's fair
in the moinlng , after visiting which thoj
will piocctd to tlicir homo at Omaha. *
j.Mi'uitr.nto\ Jfiiii
Cullfcirnln DnihTH SS'III Knler u
rrolmt Aiiiltif > t It.
Nisv : Yonic , Aug 31 The wholesale and
retnll dealuis in Smvinn figs have sent a
petition to Washington protesting
ihocoininnnlcailon of United States
Id nest. The denleis say It is nbsiiid to pie
tiiblt the importation of figs fiom Smyiiia ,
because it is a fact there uiolutgo consign !
inunts on the way whicii have been con
tracted for Those shipments tntvo been
made pi lor to the chol'Tii sc.uc. It svasHiid
In the Aleiciintllo excban u toilav thai it
sliong piotesi had been sent fiom Call
fornia to the Tic'usmy department ugulnst
the Imputation of all kinils of dticd fruits
TholareeSan Francisco dealeis h ivo , it is
Bald , signed the piotest. uiul copies will bu
sent into tlio fruit-gross linr sections of lliu
countiy so us to maku It n laiuu docuinunl.
1 h 1'lrn Km or ' .
MlLVNAt'KFB , Ang Ul A portion of the
largo block ovvnul by LIndlos Bros , on Heed
sticct , was deslio cd by fliu The stocks of
the Milwaukee Storage and Transput tatlon
conipms , the MiCounick IIui\ester torn-
pinj. Guedcr t i'auscho and W. H Starlc-
vseather A , Co . doaleis In tin anil nietalK ,
svoro destioscd ' 1 he loss is $100OJO.
KuiiiiiaTON , III , Aug ill KIiu ihis inorn-
Ingdustiojcd C M spring's ' liveis Htaulc ,
the Cummeiclnl hotel , Kroes'
implement house nnd C I ) Nlcm in's house
\\itntheircontonts The bodj of Daniel
Butler , n fisherman of Bath , 111 , svan laken
from thu ssieckuga of the bumc-d buildings
Two other men nre rcpoited missing Tliu
fire Is thouirht to bo the ssoik of tin inicn-
dlary The cntliu loss Is estimated ut 10-
000 , wlU' paitiul insurance
I'llKixl llli ; .Mirt'i'Ur <
NESV YOIIK , Aug. Ul , Hotly Green Is said
to have become today u creditor of ox-Judgo
Henry Tilion , nu heir of A T btuivait , In a
sum exceeding * 1,000,000. , Mr Tilton , today
placed a mortgage for f 1,250.000on the budd
ing ot the corner of Broadway nnd Chambers
sticet , Including hl Interest in the lease of
No ill Chambers street , In favoi of iho ' 1 Itlo
Cuaiiinty und Trust company Hetl.s
Oil ecu is the client for whom the Title Gnat-
antj and Trust < 0.11,1,110' , nc'.ud In llio
New York Kstliunuu ( jnolHtlon *
Nusv YOIIK , Aug. 81. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] Exchange W K quoted us fol
lows today : Chlcugo , f > 0o discount to par ;
Boston , 17c premium pur $1OOU ; bt.
Half Was Not Told in thu Dispatches Con
cerning Rnmlny's ' Storm.
I'lTo Hundred t'ooplo Arc Now Thought to
llnvo I.oot Thvlr I.t\o4 in the Torrlbl *
Tompott W hlvli hwrpt Ui >
from the ( lulf.
AVOUSTA , Ga. , Aug. 31. A special from
Beaufort , Kla. , tajj , : Over 300 dead bodloi
base boon found on Islands around Beaufort
nnd Poi t Royal Over f'J.OOO.OOO of property
has boon wrecked. Both nro the direct ro-
suit of the storm , which swept along the
Atlantic coast Sunday , l.vcry ono of the
fifteen or moro Islands lying around Port
Kojnl nnd Beaufort nro in mourning. On
oveiy doorknob there Is ciopo nnd on every
hillsUlo there mo fresh graves. The
beaches , the undorgrosvth , the trees , Iho
nuuhcs and the Inluts are rovisallng dead
bodies every time an Investigation Is mado.
Of the many disasters that have visited
this section none has been half so horrible.
Those at all posted about the country nnd
the pcoplo of the storm-visited sections have
predicted the dimlh loll will run as high ts
\Vhore Death Itriipil lilt ( Ironical lliirrmt
As the wntcis go down and people move
deeper into the woods the gh.istly toinnins
nro uncos erod. H is around Beaufort nnd
Port Rojal the death list is laigcst ,
but in other towns many lives were
lost. Aiound the tsvo towns there Is a com
plete ohaln of islands mid it was o\or this /
that Iho angel of dealh hovered for hour * f
Sunday night.
'i iiutiiiiv : in
llrliitcd Jtpportft fiom the Storm Stropl
Dmtrlcti ol tlio South ,
COIUMIIIA , S. C , Aug 31. Accounts con
tinue to como in of geneial havoc by Sun-
daj'sstorm. Mr. R Robinson of Koirison's
establishment gises the following stoiy of j * . !
the effects of the stoim In the low country. f I
Ho had just airis'ed fiom Watorboro and * *
stated that from Bishop's place on the
Kdsto river lo Jaeksonboro tsvo negroes
flo ited the whole distance on thu top of their
shanties , atul icpotted that all the negroes '
on the place in thu low lands had been \ "
drowned , In nil nbout 100 men. women nnd |
children. 'Ihoy iclatod a leriiblooxoricnca ]
and furllicimoiu slata nil of Iho dwellings -
ings are deslroyod and llio place in abject
At Watciloo , Mr Robinson said , many of
thu houses had been wastiod from their
foundations out Into the slieels , and nil of
thu lieu fields ovcillovved. Tliu steamboat
Pilot Boy , familiar to overi southoin soul
on llio Island toute between Chat lesion and
Savannah , has been slianded and Injured.
The pilot licet ot the huiboris vvieekod or
stianded. 'll.o phosphate svorks , which are
located on the hanks of the neighboring
river , aio in little belter plight than those
on Charleston ncclc
Port Ro\al \ , lying on u tongue of land fur
ther down the lioiufoit river , must have
been even moro exposed to tbo fury of the /
tempest. The place is practically Iniulns.
L'hegreat loss of life vvInch icsultcd from / i } I
thu storm on overs * shore of the Islands is / P/l
greatest bete Thirty odd negroes were _ ' / \
found dead on thu beach and the number f 1
svas expected lo bo largely inciousod soar * , f |
Crops were injured toirlbly. Fifty per
cent loss would ptob.ably not bo lee largo an
estimate gentlemen fiom the city
who were In Poit Royal or Beaufort during
the stoim luluuicd to Charleston yesterday
on the lltsi trai'i over the Charleston &
Savannah i.iilioul. Uhci repoit that the
loss of life and the destruction of property
al those places and iho neighboring sea
islands have been fo irful. The dealh roll
has nlieady icachcd ihirty odd person * ,
among whom wiis numbered Dr. Ellis , the
newly appointed qunianlinc officer of the
Paris island , svheie the United States dry
docks mo building , was swept clean. A
fatality has puisucd ho govetnmcnt Ini-
Ik'.aufoit , the picttiest 'sland ' tosvn In the
irolinas , Is teinbly damaged , uotsvith-
slanding the fact that it stands six miles
up thu river
The missing ship Rcmlnolc , about srhlch BO
much anxiety" was felt , caino In yesterday
with scaicoly n BCintuh on her and all her
isseiitfois well
Inquiry at-the Clsdo line ofllccs elicited
little information icgnrding thcolhcr missing
vessel , lliu Yemassc , further ihan the bare
statement thai she loft her dock In New
YorkSatuiduy She is now over foity-clght
bouts overdue The otllcois do not think
the delay necessailly alarming. Even if the
vessel missed the brunt of the storm , she
must have had bid weather enough to
thiosv her behind lime.
SVrni kii u .SlroiTi Onnit.
SAVANNAH , Ga , Aug 31. Reports of the
disastrous wotk of the storm are still com
ing. Thn cntite co tsl is stiewn with wreck *
ago dubiis , and vessels nio high nnd dry In
exposed harbois The bark Clara 1C. Mo-
Gills ray from Bull River. S C , loaded with
phosphate , toiu fiom her moorings and
dashed upon the shore The inlets mo filled
vslth small craft Dr. William Duncan und
C. M. Cunningham have been hoard from
nnd were not lost.
Urgent AM" | ' U for Aid ,
ArnusTA , Aug -Receiver Avorlll of th *
Poit Uoial & Augusta road , wires
the Chionlclo tonight the loss of
life on Son Islands far oxccols any
thing yet repotted , unit will not fall short
ofdOO. Gi eat destitution exists among tiio
7XX ( ) lomaiflng Inhabitants and urgent ap
peal Is made for aid In the sluipo of pro
Dlminlriiiiii rioiiiU In t'lilim ,
SAN'iwo , Aug ill Ropui ts from
Poking slitio that ills istiotii Hoods ocean cd
in north China Many people aio homeless.
The cliy of Poking is under walcr in BOIIIO
pUf es ton feet dcri > Part of the city wall
fell , crushing a number of houses nnd killing
Mil vn menu of ( liitan hlniiinura , Ancuoi 31.
At Biemen AuisedLrihn , fj-om Nevr
At Boston An is -Colorado , from Lon
At J/milon The Dominion line steamer
Satnln , liom Montical , which ssns pravl-
oilbly lepoitcd tlisablod , | mssed llrowhcad In
tuw of llio Allan line Monllvian thli
moi nlng ,
AtLondon.Sighted -Hillannic , fromNovr
Yoi ic ; Ottoman , limn Boston
At Southampton -Arrived Puoist Bis
marck , fiom Now Yoik
At Now Ymk Ariived Cinllm , from
I.lsi'ipool ' ; Alter , fiom Bremen ; Dladom ,
fiom Rotterdam
SritiNGriiii : > , ill , Aug 31. ( Jovernor Alt-
geld today uppuinted an deli gales to the
Pan-Amcrlcnn Medical congress , whiuu srlll
muet Soptembei f > to y at Washington , Dr.
Otho H Will , Pcorla. Dr. I ) . R UIOITD ,
Chicago , Dr. Abin rex Itooi.ey , Oulnoy ;
lr ) A. O Uair , Caillnvlile ; Dr. John II
Hamilton , Chlcugo
C'lilnunicn to | lv Arrttlutl.
Los Asui'.i.fcH , Aug. Ul.-UudurtliO decliloc
ot Juilgo Itosb jc tcnUy wananti for the
arrest of ilx ' Cliliiamon tndcr the registra
tion clause 'of iho Oary HCI iroro lnuoct
today. 'Iho Ku ; nuns u socl.alion lm de
termined lo nircut u\Kr ) Chinamen 1 *