THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; tFRIDAY , AUGUST 25 , 1893. SPECIAL NOTICES. ( . FOR THESE COLUMNS ADVERTISF.MBNT9 llno ! : p. m. for tlm rvrnlnr nn lUntil : op. m. for tlm momlnff nnd Sunday 4 editions , Adrcrllsors , by requesting n numbered check , rnn hnvo their nnswrrn addmwil lo n numbered letter In cam of TilKBxr , Answers no addressed v111 beitcllvrrrd upon presentation of Ilio check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Ralp * me n wonl first Insertion. lo n word llipre- nflor. Nothlnif taken for less than g.'ie. " LIFE Tol. Blip , furnish business incii Menocnphprs. 2111317 - WANTKU 1IY LADY STENOO- A-POSITION typewriter : references fnrnlsnnd. Address Q 10. Bee. M301 ' " ' ' -WANTED. SEWING RYTHE DAYBY COM IX tent dressmaker. OooJ referunoo Blvi-ii. AddrcnH O 40 , Deo. M305 2 WANTED MALE HELP. Rnlpfi 1Uo n wonl first Insertion , lo n wonl thorc- if UT. Nothing tnkcn for lens limn 25c. T } 8AtAUY OH COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO jilinndlolho Patent Ink Erasnr 1'cncll. Tlm most useful nnd novel Invention of thdniro. Ernwn Inh thoroughly In two Booonds. Works llkn mnrlc. iMMI to COO po/crnt profit. ARcntH making SMI per wrok. Wo also \vniil a roneral intent lo Inkrchanrii of territory and appoint snb mrontn. A rare chnnco lo niako monov , Wrllo for terms nnd a Rpeclmon of orasin : ? . Monroe Erasing Mfff. Co. , X 30,1.1 CroHSO. Wis. 6H5 n-IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAYING JOH WRITE J > tliu HawkH Nureory Co. , Milwaukee , Win. M805 S3 * TJ-DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A FIRST CLASS J/H.ili'Binnn with a clianco of bccnmlnir a collec tor Mid work for the Slnirr > r Mfir. Co. If HO apply nl Stnei'r omco 1MB Douitlas. 1U1 8UI T > -SOL1CITORS WANTI'.I ) , SOUCITOH TEAMS J'/nrnlHhi-d / ! extra tmv to parlies with rl American WrlnecrCo. , 1001) Howard at. - . A THOKOUOH IlOOKKEr.l'KH. B-WANTED. lo rlslit party. Muni coino well rccoiniuciiilctl. Address O 11 , Deo. MI03 15 ! 1 > MANAGER , INDUSTRIOUS. CAPABLE Jiyounisinan toiuanacn ofllca for reliable pom- panyj Hood Halary and Intcresl In business. Mnsl furnlnh references nud Invest $500.00. Room fill ] Block Exch. hid ! ; . , Chicago , 111. Ml''il 27 * - . HAKF.R TO HUN 1'ATENT B-WANTED. : Blcadv Job ; $0.00 a week. William Ilutclitim , Talinauc , Neb. Mi''S ! . ' WANTED FEMALE HELP. . a wonl nint Insertion , le n word there- fitter. Nothing taken for less than 2Se. - . . WEEK , LADIES WUITINO ATIIOME. . stamp. Flora C. IverH , Box 24 , De Mollies. la. 10021' ri-WANTED. GIRL , OKNKnAL HOUSEWORK , V Rinall family. 1112 South Tenth Ht. 313 -WANTED , A NURSE GIRLTO TAKF rlmrirn of a child L year old. Mrs. WoolRon JI212 Popplcton avenue. M372 " ' > - A OOOD COOK AND LAUNDRESS WANTED C Mrs. E. McCoruitck , ' 'OS S. 33d SU MM3 S t " -WANTED-A OOOD GIRL FOlT GENEUAT , hoiiBowork. Mrs. Wooluon , 3212 Poppleton in. . . M371 1S ! OJ WANTKD , A OOOD COOK. 5415 S. KOTI Btrci-U Mini 17 ! * tOR RENT HOUSES. Rates , lOenllnopach limertlnu. $ a line per month. Nolhliu ; taken for less than -Me. TV-FORRENTHOUSES IN""ALII PARTS OF J-Mhuclty. ThoO. F. Davis company , 1503 Fnr- li.ini OS7 -3 AND I-ROOM APARTMENTS , VON DORN block , with Btcatn ; reference ! * required ; KID B 22d 088 i-f - B-FOll 1IKNT. 7-U005I MODKIIN FLAT , Lanc block , GOO S. I'.ith Ht. 333 B FOR UKNT , 10-room house , all modern Im prorcmenta , BUS Bonlh lUlh Htrcet. Inquire -.Til J1I1GI1 nUOOM COTTAOK , MODERN. CHOICE. IN J-'Stanford Circle. C. K. Elvutttur. 'Ml lleo bids. _ 7S-J 1) -8-HOOM IIOUSK , MODKUN , NSAU 1HJSI , rent moderate. Apply 'J01 lieu bulletin ; ' , . RENT. NICE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE . . liftinlro room 310 , New York Life Iniliains. M71M TTk-FOIt RENT. 7-ltOOM HOUSE , LARG1 J barn.clly water , balh nnd clmem ; rcnsonabl to rlirhl parly. Call at U. F. Klu.isser , N. E. corne Ijtli and Fnnmm. _ upa -DKTATCHKD , MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE no bnFiumcnt : 2'i'Jl California. Informatloi call ! lt 1S13 ! FSrnani. - M30II 2(1' ( BKOR RENT. FLAT. ROOM , CORNER with ramrii , 701 S. lOlh street. Charles , W llallcr , No. 811 Paxton block. IbO all * HS FOR RENT , ROOMS , $10.00 ; 3 ROOMS , aH 01) ) . ui South 17t1i Hlruot. M350 27 TJ \ 10 ROOMsloDERM , CHOICE LOCATION , J- -oWf L. S. feklnner , : il < > N. Y. Life. 31)0 ) D -II AND K-HOOM HOUSES , CENTRAL LOCA- tlon. ; J.I' . ll.irlon , 2U1U Capitol avenue. M100 30- T\-FORRENT.TWOTHREE-ROOM COTTAGES. A-'Apuly Owen McCalli-oy , 111 South Kith st. .118 20 * P-FOR RENT-DETACH r.D EIGHT ROOM modem house ; nice lawn , peed barn. 21111 I'lereii Ht. 410-30 D-d-ROOM CGTTAOH. ALSO 4. OR n UMFUR- nlHlird rtxuiiH , n 11 modern. \-iutlfnl l lawn and ehade , NrE. cor. 2.'d and Miami fitreetH.Ill -FOR HKNTT lilX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , S ,1210 C.ihH M. , tliHlc-l.iNs repair , Ilnn neighbor- id. Apply to E. A. Northup.lax dept. B. A. SI. Ry. 401) ) 27 * > DFOR RENT , K-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN coiiVPiilniiFPH , No.l.'it ) I l-'Mi'uaui Htn-el , ij-23 per mo. I'uttui'JIi GeorB-o Co. , 1U01 Farnam st. .113 30 D-d.ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 42D AND NIcholaH. T-rpoin modern house , .aatli and DavcniHUt. Imiulruat 421)NlcIiOlas. . M428 27' 1)11. ) VANCAMP'.S 10-ROOM BRICK RESI- ileiu-o.Nos. 1113 and 01'iN. ' 'Ola street. Newly p.llx-riKl and p.llnteil. MICO 30 * FOR REST FURNISHED . nnl flrsi Inserllon , lea woiil Ihoro- ifliT. Nothing Mkun for II-HS I h.inJ , ' > < : . Tj-FURNisnin IOOM ; WITH A LCOVB FOR ivieiitleniL-iiuioucni conveniences , y-ji ) North 'J.liL _ M730 -FURNISHED ROO > t WITH ALCOVE. SOUTH front ; nlso small rooms , \\lth nr without bo. nil. MIM. Knlithl. No. 2.1111 DoniilaH Htivi't. _ Bin 17-FiNE FURNISHED ROO.M.S. uooj HURT ST. . | 7- NICELY FUUNISlir.U ROOMS TO RENT , 1iwtili or without tio.u-d. Call at 2107 _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ 07 12 _ 1 E-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE- meii only. O'-.T Soul h'illli streot. Ml 10 F > I'AlOUTa ALL MOD- L < M .Mil 31 ROOMS FOR RENT. 10 1 ! ) PARK 2ijj ; 20 EK inolilh , lull F.inrim Ht. MIOl''il * Eoil RENTEtejANTLY : FURNISHED tdeniu IIC-UIH ! ruoms. Una S , 13th St. : IUO-'JH " NIOBLVFtlRNISHED SOUTHEAST ROOMS modern convenluncoH. private family ; gentle men piiiferrod , OH North 21sl St , 31l'-2S' : ROOMS FOR RENT Modern conveiih-nceH , 8'-0 8. luth. 3811 27 * E FRONT su ITE ALSO si DiTitboM .2017 HA u m-y st. M 41)3-37 * < _ If PARLOR AND BKDIIOOM , ALSO. OTHEI 'looms cheap ; steam and gan , 7011 Snntl lOlh , MI0027 * E' - ONE OR TWO Ft ) RNISHEn ROOMS OR H AL1 of ootl.ii.-u. twnbloi-ks from HlghBchool. Refer Miei-H. 2lh Nurlh V4lh ! Blroi't. M40-J 27 NICELY FURNISHED SU1T OF ROOMS ( txvo and three ) , 110 S. 11 th uiruet. M420 20' _ _ -l-'URNISIIED ROOMS , GAS. BTHAM HE A' uid b.ilh. tiiintluini-n preferred. 2D.I Su. .Ml ! tivet. | M12227 * FURNTSHEP ROOMS AND BOARD lltlcs. I4o a wonl first insertion , lo it worJthero ktler. Nothing fiV.uit for lets th m'Ju , 1/-YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME UNDER CARE a Woman'hClivlHtl.intii-boi-I.ilIuii,111 H. 17th HU 6K1 DOLAN.SOD-AND 211 H , 1ST1I ST.M3 M3 FURNIhllKD OR UNl'IIU tboai-d. * rio ( Kimizi'r , HUB 854U .ittfcct. J1SU5 'M * ' > STCELY FURNISlIrD : ItllOMS AND BOAR ] ' at llw Webster , 31U aisd 31B N , lutti M. 170814 * 1A-NICELY FURNISHED SOUTHEAS. ' F11O1 ? 1 room With nlcovn and bay \\lndow. lucxleni ron : renlencCB , prltate family ) bOitrd. tli'.1 South V1U Itiwt. F-FRONT ROOMS WITH HOARD , ALSO PA I lor , at 403 N. IBIImtifot. Ml''Oaj * P-NBATLY FHRNisiUJD ROOMS , WIT J- board and nil moduru convoutuuci-m food li eallty ) ti-nno rvaHouablu , 07u Harney Htreet. M430 W JTOR RENT UNFURNISH'P ROOM Ilatri. IWou-.vord rtrt Insertion , IcaworUthcn Mjer. Nollilnif taV.enor lean than ' 'So. rj-J 1 bOUTII yHOJJT IIOOMS COi N.iaTHST 1 * 11UU-S1G * FOR RENT UNFPRNISH'D ROOMS VonHnuat , _ J -FOUR "MODKRN ROOMS , FIRST FLOOR , vJ npAr park , very dt lrable , 1309 S. ilDth o -FOR RENT , SPLENDID DENTAL OFF1CB AI | n B-room flat nt 201 N 10th M. 20'J S3 * FOK RENT STOBES AND OFFIC S. Rales , lOc n line pach Insertion. S1..10 a Hno per month. Nothtnir taken for less than 25c. ' " " " -FOln'ST. OFFICE SPACE ON Lnoorat 171)2 Faniam stn-ot. MD2S f -FOR RENT. TIIBlsTOUV IIRICK BUILDING -1111(1 ( Kaniaiii Ht. The tmlldlnit liana llrcproot co- neut bam-iiK-nt.connileUi ntium heattnir fixtures , vater on ull the floors , E.IS , utc. Apply nt the omco ot The Bee. ! )10 ) _ -FOR RENT. COMPLETELY FURNISHED I restiiiranl , or chop houxo. dolnu flrsl clans bust- IH-HS In onuof the IH.-BI locations In the city. In- qnlro UOit So. 13th St. , up Blairs. 3liO-28 _ I Or'FICES CHEApflviTHSELL IlLOCK.'TnTlt J and Harney . M.tllS 111 * AOENTS WANTED. Rates , 1 Oca llnurach niHortlou , * 1.50 n line per nionlh. Nothtne taken for less than 2iic. -WANTED. GOOD CANVASSERS TO IN- trodnco and sell onr pnroaltimlnluincookhiff nlenslln to lirlvatn families. Wo will Rend can vasslmr book$1.00. and ami > les totho amount of f 1.00. nnd upwards. Tlieso will bo ertt C. O. D.wllh permission to Inspect and return upon coiiBleneo paylnKoxpn ss charges. Illinois Pure Alumltilnm Co. , Lcmunt 111. M124 27 WANTED TO RENT. Rates , IKea wonl first Insertion. Ion word there after Nothing taken for less than .Tic. K-SMAT.L FURNISHED COTTAGE OR FUR- nlshiHl rooms for housekeeping ; centrally lo- caled. Address O 22 , Bee. M374 25' STORAGE. Rates , le ( a HUP each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month , Nothing taken for loss than 23c. TVT-ST0RAOE poll HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; 111 clean and cheap rates. R. Wells , 1111 Farnim. f)0 ! WANTED TO BUY. Rates. IMc a wonl llrst Insertion , lea word thoro- nflcr. Notldn ? taken for less than -Su , \ rcAsVi * AID ' FOR "GOLD" AND SILVER ! Jacobson St Elselc , room 11,1510 Douglas st. M720 A31 N.-WANTEDTO I1UY-ROOMCOTTAOK ( ) WITH convenience , north Oumlnu. cast 2 lib , woulh Locust. H. E. Cole Co. , MeCasnu bide. 411) ) 20 FOR SALE FURNITURE. Rates , IKe a wonl llrstlnsortlon , lea word thero- aftor. Nothing taken for less than 23c. RENT OR SALE. BEST MAKE UP- rlBhtidnno. Innnlro room 30d , First National bank building. < J23 0-FOR SALE , ACORN HEATING STOVE. Western Diamond cook stove. , and oak dlnliiq- rom sot : almost now , Inqulrj at 100 Stanford Circle , 14th aud Vlutou Hts. M302 FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONSETC Rates , IHc a wonl llrst Inseitlon , Icawofl there lifter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. p-FOR SALE CHEAP. A NICE PONY CART. -L Inquire at 101-1 Cinnlni ? sli-eot. MUSI P-1ST CLASS BOARDING , V LIVEUY.WINDSOU Htables , 1411 ! DaveniHirt ; Htor.'iyo for cnrrlapes. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates. IWe a word llrttt Insertion , lea word there after. Nothing taken for less than 23c. -FORI SALE.'A iiEoiiLATiN SIZE BRUNSwick - wick & ll.ilke bllll.inl-t.ible , rackcues and balls. Everything In Ural-class bliapo. Address N 24 , Bee. M48U. /"l-FOR SALE. GOOD MILCH COW , CHEAP. Wluqulro 3021 DodRO t 33S 24' Q FOR SALE , 15-BALL TOOL TABLE.1024 N. 30th Blrcet. M421 3l CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per mouth. Nothing taken for less than 23e. -MKS. ] N"ANNTE V. WARREN"CLAIIIVOYANT , S- , business medium ; 5th year at lit ) N. Kith. .VJU 3-SPIRIT PHOTOGRAPHS. 2 WEEKS , BY A. ll.irlon. III' ! N , 10th Nt. 10 to 4. 309 23 * MASSAGiS. BATHS. ETC. RriloH , lOoa line each Insertion , $1,30 a line per lontli. Notliln ? taken for less than 'Jue. p MADAMKSMlTir , " OoTsTlFTIirijNirFLOOlC L Room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , atcnm.snlphur- no and sou baths. ui'JUi ) iti ! * ri MME.CARSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET.3D lloor , room 7 , luunbat'u , alcoho .sulphur and so.i balbs. M248 15- ! T-MME. STOWE , MAGNETIC HEALER 205 Douglas block M405 30- PERSONAL. Rates , lOc a line c.ich Insertion , $1.50 .1 line per month. Nothing taken for less than 'J. > c. U-MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTRIC-THER- mal baths , scalp and hair treatment , inaiilcnra indchlropodlst.Mi-s.l'oal llU. S. 15th\Vlthnell blk 1IJ4 _ _ T-FRED , BACK AGAIN SATURDAY. WILL I have paper for you. Dick. M427 23 * MONEY TO LOAN BEAIi ESTATE. RnteH , lOc a line nach Insertion , $ l.r > 0 a line per iionlh. NuthliiK taken for less than 'J.jc. \\r-LOANSON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ' city properly , * .1.000 and upwards , 5 to OX per cent ; no delay u. W.Farnam Smith & Co,13L'O Farnam liOl W -MONK I' ' 1-0 LOAN AT LOWEST RAT1JS. The O. F. Davis Co. . 1003 street. UOJ W-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES ON Improved and unimproved OnialitiealcHUtal : : o S jears. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170-J Farnain. 1103 \\r-ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO..lift N , Y. i' Llfu , lends ut low raltm for choice beenrlty on Nebraska uud Iowa farms or Omab.i city property , 1307 ir-CENTRAL LOAN i TRUST CO. . HEB BLDG. > 1108 \V-f.-)00.00 ! TO 91.COU.OO TO LOAN 1 TO 5 > i jeius on Improved etnaha Teal uatnto or farm lands. E. U. Uarvln & Co , , 'JOS Shuely block.MS40 MS40 W --MONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES. Apply to W. B. Mclklo , Flrat National Bk bldff. [ T MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , 401 BEE > BLD'G. M H23 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS , Rales , Irto it line caeh hiKertlon , $1.50 a line per month. Notliliiv taken for less than 'J5o , V-WILL LOAN MONEY oVANY JVcufUy ; Htriclly contldentluL A. 31 Harris , room 1 Conllnenliil block 478 X-MONEY TO LOAN- Wo will lend yon any mnn which you wish , Hmnll or law , at llm lowest possible nilus , In thu qnlckuHt iKJshlljii ) tlmo and Tor any length of tlmo to unit yon. Yon can ji.iy It buck In Httoli tnstall- luentb lib yon \vlnli , when yon wish , nnd only pay for It as lonir a yon keep It. Yon can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND 1'IANOS , HORSES , WAGe > NS AND CARKIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MKRCI1AND13H OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without publlctlv or removal of property , OMAHA MORTGAGE LeAN eO. , 31)11 ) SOUTH 10T1I STREET. . Ural lloor above thn Htruut , THE-OLDEii'r , LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN UOMl'ANY IN OMAHA. 010 V-DO YOU WANT MONEYJ Wo will loan yon ANYSUM yon wish on your FURNITURE , l'IANeS , HOUSES. WAGONS , I CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RWIEH'TS , otu , : Woetvoprumpt attenlluu lo all implications , : nnd will carry your loan IIH long us you wish. : You can rvdncu ihu runt of carrying your loan ' . liy u payment til any Hint ! . Thu re la no pub- : llclly or removal of propurly. I FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . I Room 4. Wltlinell block , : M711 Cor. ISthandllarney St. : BUSINESS CHANGES. Rates , lOcn llnuwich Jnuortloul.vja Una per month. Nothing t'lkrn for lens than - ' . ' . V RESPONSIBLE BUYER WANTED FOR A 1 coed dairy with an cHiabllfthed trade for l > 0 K 70irulloiiHof ttillkdally. AU.tiiwa : oil.Boe. - CLASS DRUG STORE. BIG 1IARGAU Y-FIRST : teed p.iyln.-builnuaa. Addrci-i N'JO Hue 070 24 V-1IEST PAYING MEAT MARKET IN NO 1 Omaha for salt ) or rent. Call ut ' 'SO : ! lllondo at. M3U7 S''J * -ANY ONE HAVING A STOCK OF GENERAI 1 miTuhandlBo from * l.OOU tofU.OOU. who wlbliei to realUu from It at unco , can find a purchaser b- addruMlngO31Iloa 844 _ V-UBST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER aN NEIIRAS A ku for b.ilo at u bargalu , Weuturu IhiHlnesi Acvncy , alt ! N. Y , L bldr. -J1US10 Y-Foir SALir OR ltKJT-THB ) STOKLTINf Hotul lu I'ruHiK'r. Co. , Nob. Apply lo J C. Kay , HanltiifB , Neb , 4lflHUH V-WANTED . , Ut-rtraud , Kcl > . 414 BUSINESS CHANCES. ( 'mil ( nurd V-FO.a SALE OR TRADE. FlRST-Cf.ASl DRUO Rtorr. pontrallr localoJ. roaJ cash business. O. w. i. . p. o not MH Mgua _ V-TO BUY , SELL OR F.XCHANGE , HUStNES1 ! A cliknees , ronl eslalii or lands Applr o We t- cm Ilu-dness Airency. 310 N. Y. L. bliip. MS01 35 SOLICITED FROM parties wnnllnu to chaneo their Imslnehs or wll outonHhort nollco. All tellers conndctitlnl. Ad dress box BJOiSl.l'atiliNob. 173- ' . ' \ _ Y TOR SALE OR REST , SMALL STEAM laundry plant. Call or address MH ) 9. Btreot. Miaa ' . ' 8' fOR EXCHANGE. Rates , lOoa linn each Insertion , $ l.f 0 a line per month. Notldim taken for less than 'J3C. _ I/ 1 OWjnob FAItMi N NE fill ASKA. KANSAS SJnnd D.ikota. Will soil cheap or oxchanirn for mdso.hontcs and cattle , Add.box70 , Frankfort.Ind. V-CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSB. WILL ftnko rcat eslato , money. Itox'JUS , Frimkfort Ind. y-\71LD LANDS , CLEAR , TO EXCHANGE FOR "property licro. Wrlto full dc crl | > llons. 701 South U7th street. MBU7 A25 * y-I.COD.OO OR $1,000.00 DRUG AND SUNDRY /'Hlock and ( Ixlnn-n for sale , or would trndo for clear land In Merrlck , Nance , Hnmlllon or Polk counties. Address , Lock llox 4U3 , Central City , Neb. . 1)3-31 ) * 7-FINB DRIVING HORSE AND BUGGY FOR vacant lot. Dr , Brownrlgc , illU N. Y. Life. 410 30 V-WUAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE IN THE "way of peed Oninlin property for l.VKU or Br > ii ) ) nci-n tract of ( food land In eastern Colorado on thn linn between Colorndo nnd Hobr.iskaj peed Roll , will crow splendid , potatoes , corn , VCRO- tables , etc. , or will makn an excellent catllo or Hlieep ranch. It yon wish lo maku A deal of this kind call and Ben ns. Hicks Real estatn atreney , 303 N. Y. Llfo bldtf. M 131 SB ! FOR SALE REAL EBTATJ5. Rates , lee a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing lakcn for lens than luo ! BUY YOURSELF A HOME. IT IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT YOU CAN HAVE. LOOK OVER THE Fe > LLOWlNO LIST OF HANDSOME PLACES WE CAN OFFER FOR SALE AT LOW FIGURES NEAR HANSCOM PARK. ELEGANT BRICK AND FRAME COTTAGE. No. 3013 p.iclflc Htrcet. eight rooms , antique oak llnlah , all modern coiivenlouceB. MODERN BUILT FRAME HOUSE , No. 3017 Paclllo street , ten . -ooum , elegantly flnlBlipd In oak , with handsoinu Btalnvay and hcrecni IIOIIHO has parlor , m-eptlon room , library , dining ruom , largo kitchen , live bed rooms , bath room , pantryclosets , etc. HANDSOME BRICK AND FRAME COTTAGE , No. 301 ! ) I'aclllu Blreot , new and modern built , ele gant hard wood llulBli , blnlseyu maple , quarter- Hawed oak , ele. , all modern convpiilencps. ELEGANT COTTAGE. No. 3111 Paclllo street , elk-lit rooms , modern built , all conveniences. MODERN BUILT NINE-ROOM HOUSE. No. 1102 S. 31st Htroot , corner 31st and Pacific , elegantly ilnlnhed throughout , colonial ulvle , whiteand cold Interior , porcelain balh tub , Blatu sink , furnace , Borvants' Plosot. laundry , elc. ELEGANT CORNER HOUSE. No. 1103 S. 31st Btreot , ton rooms , elegant reception hall , Bpaclons parlor , library , dining room , Binoklug room , largo heil rooms , etc. . handsome oak llnlsh , electric light , gas , fimiaeo , largo balh room , 'hot uud cold \\.Her , Htoixt walks , etc. NEW ELEVEN-ROOM HOUSE , No. 1100 S. 3lBt Btrect , ( ilogautly tlntshed throughout , all modern conveniences. MODERN IIUILT FRAME HOUSE. No. 3208 I'oppleton avcnno , eight rooms , furnace , bath , giH , ele. HANDSOME EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , No. 3210 Popplelon avenue , new and modern built , with fnniace , balh. gas , cliv water , Bewerage , etc. NINE-ROOM COTTAGE , No. 321(1 ( Popplelon avenue ; will make a cozy home ; has furnace , bath , gas , sewerage , etc. ; uouth fiont ; lot 00x100 CELEOANT DOUBLE HOUSE , NOS. 1128 nnd 130 South Hist Btreot , nlnu rooms each , with argitb.irn , spacious grounds ; 73x130 foci ; east rout : houses huro all modern conveniences ; will cut for if 1.320.00 per year. HANDSOME BRICK BLOCK , 2 houses , corner 2d and 1'opplelon avc ; Bonlh and eaat front ; only me block north of Hanscom park. Call and let us quote you prices on the above. Hicks Real Eslalu Agency , Room 303 N. Y. Llfu Building. M432 23 FARM LANDS , C. F.HARRISON,012 N. Y. LIFE. M208 Sllp UY LOTS IN B STOEPEL PLACE. Cheapest and best lots In OMAHA. Special price and terms to HOME BUILDERS. Stoepcl Placn lots will always advance lu prlo % for the city must srowwoHtward. Call on or ad dress W. A. Webster , 40J Dee bids. 014 ? ARM MORTGAGES. 0 , F. HARRISON. trlB IN. Y. Llfo : ' 78U S2 . GREAT BARGAIN-fl LOTS , ONLY 0 BLOCKS fiom lltth Hlruet viaduct. If sold at once only $100.1)1) ) to $350.00 each. R. N. Wlthncll. Wlthncll.M310 M310 20 BARGAINS-HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS. SALE or tr.ido. F. K. Darling , Barker blk. M331 \VHY NOT INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN A ii nice home ? 1 am olTorlnif a peed U-room house and half aero lot for half thuir value. TlilH la a snap. John W. Robbing , owner , 240 Bco Hide. S21 SALE FOR Good farms that rent for $2.00 per aero cash for laud In cultivation. Prlco $20,00 per acre. Also , Farms that rent for share of crop. Price $8.00 to $10.00 per acre. Also , Good unimproved land at $5.00 to $12.00 per acre. Terms 1-0 cash , balance fn annual payments. 7 JUT cent Interest. Llbc.-al commission given agents. ' " ' No. 319 1-2 South 10th Direct , Omaha' , Neb ! .107-831 pORNER LOT , PL UNVIEW ADD. , CHEAP. VjHoimunnd lot , Plalnvlew add. Sale or trade. Address 310 U. II. B. , Sioux City , In. M3I14 'JO' 13 OWNuy FORECLOSURE. AND OFFER ono ofthe brut properties on Lowu avemicnil In ch-jrant shape. 147 feet front , with everything complete ( ihohouso nnd barn alonu costing $10- 1)00.00) ) ) , at a price low enough to Justify apurchaso bolely as au Investment. It Is the best pioperty In Omaha for the monev. Look U over Inside and out. Inspect ft closely. It will bo sold at a great nacrlHeu. ThlH Is nn oppor tunity of your life to maonu of ( hn most beautiful residences lu Omaha for leas than 00 per cent of Us actual cost. Call and wo will show you this property with pleasure. OLOBE LOAN A ' 1 RUST CO. . 10th and Dodge streets. M101 SAFE AND PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. $00 per .tcro. The best farm In Douglas county. This land will sell for $100 an aero In less than 3 years. Cash Income $500 a year from refit , Omaha Real Kutnto & Trust Co. , Bee Bldg , 413 nARGAINo IN ACRE PROPERTY FIVE- J 'iicru tract , close to city , a llrst class Invest ment , only * ' . ' .ioo.oo. ; TEN ACRES with cottage , Just outside city limits , bur bargain. * : | ,70I,00. ( TWENTY ACRES , close to now Elniwond park nnd Bi'll Llnti railway In West Omnha. Will plat Into too beautiful lots ; ono of tlm tlm-st pieces of Iicri ) property around Omalm ; 33I ) . | | | ) nor aen- . SPLENDID INVESTMENT 10 ACRES ON THE outskirts of Omaha , close to nuw city p.'lrk , Hphinilldly located for subdivision Into lots ; price 4-1500(1 ( per aero ; can take parl of inn-chase price In ( illy property. Hh-ks' Real Estate Asrenpv. H1I5 N. Y. Llfu building , Oniahn , Neb. , M132 ys BIG BARGAINS IN COTTAGES HEAR HANS- com park. Two collages and lots ne.irTlilrtlelli aventiuand Pacific : splendid neighborhood , flu- pant location. If Hold together only * : illiO.OO ( cacli. Hlckb real estate agency , 300 N. Y. Llfo bldg. SECUniTIES POR , SALE. Rates , lOo n line nach Insertion , 91.BO a line per month. Nolhlng taken for less than 23c. i 8 PER CENT MORTGAGES FOR SALE , SECURIty - Ity absolutely safo. Amos Real Esutu azunay 1017 rarnnm. M03'J HIGH GRADE OMAHA CITY MORTGAGES , nulling piirclinsorti good rate of Interest , sums of from $100 00 IIP. for sale by Globa Loan & Trust Co. , 1 nth and Dodge , Omaha. Particular on ap plication. M7li ri'O SMALL OR LARGE INVESTORS. SOME A very choice securities are offered ntan attractIve - Ivo discount. Bonds , warrants , mortjrnges , eta , absolutely gilt edged. Iniinlru of John Dale , com mercial broker , 2OI ) N , Y , Llfo. H53 8'J1 Raica , lOcallnonach Insertion , # 1.50 alluopor month , Nothing taken for loss than 23c , f > OYLE3TllAilll. 1113 NEW YORK LIFE HLJG , I curry the largimt line of typo wrltOM In thu went , all makes , 23 to 75 per cent Hjvud on all leading machines , Tel. 55H. fc , SCALES. Rates , lOc a Him each Insertion , $1.30 a Hue uci month. Nothing taken for less than 230 , AJEW A.SECOND HAND SCALE ? . ALL klNDA V * Addn-uh Harden & SelleckCo. , Laku Ht. , Chleato U2U .LOST. Rates , lOca line each lnnortlou.Sl.50 a lluoper month. Nothing taken for luss than 'JOe. LOST A'i ' cmcLAST NIGHT ON HAST 811)1 of tent , a black rubber caira. Itoturu to Gray'i Pliuto Uallury and got rownrd , 417-21 * MTJSIO , ART AND Ilalca , lOoa line each Insertion , (1.50 a Hnopei month. Nothing taken fur Icsa than 25o. GF.HELLKNUEOK.liANJOlSTANDTKAOH'l-rit IBIU L'.lUfulllUbU-toU -JH 8HORTHANDAND TpTPE WRITING. R.-\tP ( , lOc nltnooaoh Insertion , $1. 50 a Una P3 month. Nothing UIKPB for UAa than aSa. _ VOUNO LABIBS AND OKiltLKMEN CAN SOON acquire a working knowlixlgo of Ahorthand nnd typowrllliDT at A. O. Van 8vi\t'n ; school of short hand , 013 N. Y. Llfo. Tniovffltoni W rent. U10 fplIKllEST PLACF. TO Lf.AnN SHORTHAND Jnnd tyrmwrltlnR li At tlnv(7mahn Commercial college , Write Rohrbouuh'ltroB. for catalogue , Oinalin.Mcb. I 393 S'J3 _ UNDERTAKERS ANp EMBALMEltS Rates , lOoallnnrachlnsritlon , Sl.fiO a line per month. Nothing taken fo Jfps than 25o. GWrilAKirR"FbRM"ERtY ( > VITif .Jacobs , dcco.iHixl , Inter with M. O. Maul ) , nndor- taker and embalnior. 310 S. iOlh Bk Tol. GUI ) . i 017 _ _ PAWNBKOKKR3. Rates , lOo a line each Innertlnn , $ l.nOn line per month. Nothing taken for less than 20c. Donelns nt. Loann money on dlnmondA , watches , etc. Old gold and silver bought. Tel. 100S. 010 Tin : MA.itiur. INSTRUMENTS placoa on record August 24 1803 : WAlttlANTY DF.K113. II V Gaily and wife to M K llranil- hoofcr , lot 0 , block 3 , In subdlv of hlock 30. AlhrlRht.'M Cholcu . I 700 M K Itrnndhoefuranil wife to A 1'Uon- nott , same . . . 700 G B Thompson ami wlfo to J \VelU , n ! { . lot 10. Cortliuidt. 1'laco . 10.000 Darhara ( Jophmskt to Valentin S7ofzcok , o r > 4 feet , lol 1 , block G , Wllcox litadd . 650 1J W Mnllottn to llnrvey Jones , lot 14 , blork 1H , Omaha Vlow . , . 1,000 O K Harrison Ui K < > I.uwls. lot 13 , Cherry Unrilun , and lot 3 , block 42 , Ambler 1'laco . . . 1 700 Thomas nnd V IloriulnRlintn lo Mor- rolln Nlscon , lot H , block a , William Hagedorn'smld . 1 yurr CLAIM UERUS. Lynian Hlchardson anil wlfo to L 9 iloed , lot 4 , block 340 , Omaha . _ 6 Total anionntof transfers . $ 14,710 RHlLWHYTiMBGKRD Leaves ICH1CAOO. IHWLINOTON i Q. Arrives Omnha \ Depot. lOlli and M.ison Sis. Omaha 4.20 nin Clilo.iKli Vestibule R.nnam Il.i5am : ClilcaRh Kxpresa U.f > ( > am Chicago Kxpress -l.'Jfi pin 7.17 lim D.D5 pin MnHonSta.lCTXrrlves' Dupot 10th niul MnHonSta. | Omaha From West West n.Ol ) am , .Texan Kxpit-ss llO.r.Opm D.lOam Nebraska State Lmlted : i.r > ipin ) .World'B Fair LlmltiMl I 4.lOnin D.4Ii am I..Kansas City Day Express. . . . C.I > 5 pm 1O.10 pm 1C. C. NlBhtKxp. via U. 1' . Trans. r..4lam ) 10.15 pin I . . .St. Louis Kxpreaa C.4Uam Onialm lUnlon Dupot 10th AMarcy 3ta. | Omaha Li-axoai CHICAGO. MIL. & > ST. 1AUL. I Arrives Omaha | U. 1' . Dppot and'Marcy ' Sta. | Omnlia " " 0.3i am ANNOUNUKMEXTb. Press Elilrldgo , the "commnntlcr-ln-chlof of the array of fun , " with Ilcovcs it Palmer's Cosmopolitan company , comes from an old theatrical family , liia mother bclnB' "Aunt" Loulso Eldrklgo , a charming aud widely popular woman , who lias done more for char ity's salto than any ether woman In the pro fession. Associated with Mr. Eldrlflgo m this company are Hoticlero , the marvelous equilibrist mid finished fantaisist , the abso- lutu master of his art ; Mildred , a mind reader ot extraordinary ability ; Prof , Abt , who will bring the World's fair to your doers , illustrating with dissolving views the greatest treasures of that wonderful exhibi tion' , including nil the buildings , the Ferris wheel , and International attractions of the Midway plalsanco ; also reproducing in per fect manner choicest gems from the gallery of art ; Mary Stuart , queen of comedy , sing ing the latest nndicatchiest songs in both English and French ; the brothers La Hose , "the nonpareils of unique gymnastic per formers" and originators of the seemlng'im- possiblllty , the passing somersault ; Druin- mend nmlStnhloy , Murphy nnd Mack , nnd other well known nrtlsts complete the com pany. They will appear at the Fnrnnni Street theater for ono week , commencing with matinee next Sunday. Managers C. B , Jefferson , Klaw nnd Erlangor , in offering their production of that foremost melodrama , "Tho Soudan , " to thn American theater-going public the present season , dostro to far surpass in gorgeousness and the arrangement of detail , , any similar production over given In this country. How \voll they have succeeded In this con scientious undortiking. may bo partially judged from a clipping from the Boston Herald , which roads : > 'To properly stage 'Tho Soudan" requires-Ino handling of moro scenery than is prcsenlcfl in any ether ono theatrical organIzatlonjtUi America , and to say that this vast ainoMnt was well handled last ovuulng Is-anylng a good deal , yet aucli was the caso. Enthusiasm ran high during the fourth act. Durlnc'this act the great Trafalgar square scftijo ; occurs , when 800 persons gather to witntw the return of the army. " Tno first presentation of "Tho Soudan" in Omaha will bo given this even ing at Bo.yd's theater. " 'Two ' additional per formance * will bo glvenjjTomorrow , Ooorgo Francis Trutu\ the great npostlo and medium of paychuf'dcicnco , will lecture at Boyd'a theater onfnext Monday evening on a variety of topics , J'/Hls / principal sub jects will most likely erabraco tha causes of the present financial laituntUui , the World's fair and politics. Mr. > Tram also announces his Intention of forming" excursion of 5WXJ of Omalm's school cttjldren to the Worjd'a fair , and claims ho hits a snhemo whereby the city of Omaha and the railroads will be induced to defray expenses. This will be Mr. Train's first appearance in Omahu since his start around the world three years ago , and his lecture will embrace a brief descrip tion of that remarkable foat. Couiirit Mertlnci In 1'rofiiilon. The city council will meet this evening in special session. The principal business tc coma before the session will bo the ordinance authorizing the city treasurer to Invest $25,000 of the amount in the linking fund Ir bonds of the city. While this proceeding U not technically regular , the majority of tin councilmen bcllovo that the circumstance ! will warrant stretching a polqt or two ii order that the public work may proceed The bonds that will bo acquired in this manner will bo iciror boudi , and with 25 , < 000 at hand the main sewer contract can b < curried to completion. GRIST OF WESTERN NEWS A Fourtoen-Inob Goal Vein Discovered in the Vicinity of Rawlins. DISCOVERY OF THE LOST CABIN MINE Ilorder Jnnlco Kcc ontrlcltlci Cotorndo Sheepmen at War Again font ol Mlnlnjr nt Ollpln Doings lleronnil There. Some ImniOnso coal deposits nra reported to liaro boon found very rocoutly by Malachl Dillon , agent of a Hawllns syndicate. Tlio find was majo about tun days nro , nnd slneo thnttlmo the parties lutorcstcd lu the syndloato have boon engaged In preparing their papers proparntory to flllng. All the prolhulunry nri-angomonts have now been completed , the land has boon tiled on , nnd there no lougor exists any necessity for secrecy. The niost Important of thcso veins opened by Mr. Dillon is ] u t throe miles west of town nnd one mlle nouth of Clicrohco Springs. Ho sunk n shaft on the htllsldo north at the Union 1'aclllo track , nnd at a depth of about four feet ran ncioss the llrst indications. Atnacpthof twelve feet ho cncouiiter.odtlha coal vein , nnd It is au im mense one a solid bed of coal for fourteen feet between sandstone wall roclts. Mr. Dillon only opened this shaft sufllclontly to learn to a certainty that ho had tlio right vein and tlien another shaft was opened oh' the satno vein on the south side of the track-and about n ( luarter of ti mile from'tho place where the vein was llrst discovered. Hero the coal was encountered about sljt foot below the surface , of excel lent quality , arid fourteen solid foot of It. The vein dips from , whcro it was flrat un covered , about sixty or seventy-live yards from the track on the north sulo , passes down under the track and rises about llftoon or twenty-foot nbovo the tracks on the south side. Hero is where the main opening will bo made and It is admirably situated for loading out onto cars. The coal In the vein is very hard. The outcropping , exposed to the elements for centuries , she ws.uti very hard In largo lumps , and docs not crumble into uust. From this hardness of the surface coal it can be readily imagined that the coal llfty or 100 feet from the surface Is of excellent quality. It is a brilliant black in color nnd Mr. Dillon considers It even superior to the coal taken from the old Dillon mine , and that is con sidered by many far superior in qiiality to any coal mined in Wyoming , both for domes tic consumption and as a steam coal. It is the intention of the Dillon company to at once put a force of men to work nnd get everything in readiness for extensive operations In the early spring , or uossibly this fall. No coal will bo mined this winter , the company considering the output from the old Dillon mine sulllcicnt for the homo trade. , Io t Cabin l > lncovrroit Again. A prospector by the name of J. C. Carter , a native of Montana , told a very straight story purporting to show- that during his wanderings in the Big Horn mountains ho had accidentally discovered the long lost cabin , about which so many conflicting stories have boon told. Ho brought with him a few fragments of cement rock , which ho claimed to have taken from the tunnels in the vicinity of the cabin. The prospector's story was listened to with open oars , nnd , as is characteristic of western enterprise , a fund of fclOO was at once subscribed by the business men of ( Jas per , and a party of six organized to proceed at once to the coveted spot. The party was supplied with a complete camping outllt , stored away In a largo wagon. The stories concerning the lost cabin are numerous , and as commonplace as ghost stories , but according to that told by Carter there appears something in It. His story coincides very closely with the report made by two miners at Fort'Fotterman in the CO's. As the tale goes , - sometime time before the civil war a party of prospectors struck the Bl ? Horn region , ais- covered gold , built a cabin , and began active mining operations by tunnelling. They had proceeded undisturbed for some time and hud obtained considerable gold in nuggets , which they stored in baking piwdcr cans , when they were surprised one day by a party of Indians , ana all but two of the miners , who had secreted ihomsulvos in the cabin , were massacred. Those two , feeling that the Indian hostilities wcro too hot for them , deserted the camp and proceeded to Fort Fotterman , where they exhibited their gold and told their stories. They departed for the east and bavo never been heard from since. According to Carter his party had started out from Montana , visited many mining camps , and in pushing on dually reached the 13ig Horn mountains , where the subject of the L < ot Cabin mine came up. Ono of the party , who had visited that section before , said ho believed that if they reached a cer tain camping spot ho could figure out the location of the lost mine. Though nearly famished and thuir horses in poor condition , they pushed on another day , The mine wac not located that day , the 5th of August. With the exception of two men. Carter and his partner , the party gave up hope and suggested that they return. The next mornlnp , Sunday , the party sep arated. Carter and ono ether man only con tinuing the search for the lost mino. After a few hours' travel C.irtor claims that In pushing through the thicket ho came upon some logs about two feet above the ground. They wcro rotted , hut still showed evidence of being used in the construction of a cabin. The building had been put up without the aid of ax or hummer , as the trunks , branches roots and all had been laid together. The door was constructed , not in the end or. side of the cabin , but in ono corner , by merely not bringing the side and end of the cabin together. There were no windows , and thereof roof , which had been formed of twigs and branches , had decayed and fallen in. The whole structure was completely covered by young trees , nnd it was by the merest acci dent that the men cumo upon It. Having satisfied themselves that they had found the cabin , they proceeded to look for the gnld. Isothfng can express tlioir delight when , not map'y ieut from the cabin , they found ttio tunnels , partly caved in and cov ered with n heavy growth of brush , They collected a nmnll quantity of the rock and proceeded without'dolay to Casper. On reaching town they wore in bad condi tion hungry horses and men , and without money. . The rock was pounded in a mortar by Mr. Lilly , and three colors of gold were found suflicient to arouse the curiosity of enterprising townsmen , and houcu the organi&itlpnl of the party. A report from the expedition is expected in about ten days. Simple * of llnrcler Jnttloe. It U said that "nothing Is more uncertain than the decision of a petit jury , " but the acts of the frontier courts will , many of them , beat a petit jury. In a recent case of highway robbery In South Dakota the money was identified by the victim and the prisoners duly bound over , when the attor neys for the defense , seeing no chances for foes , moved that the mnnoy bo returned to ttio parties from whom it was taken by the olltcors , nui ) the justice granting the u.otion , it was transferred to the prisoners , thence to tlioir flttoruoys , while the rightful owner of the money looked on In open-mouthed astonishment. In tliQ aouiu court a juror was called out of the box In u cattle case and-placod upon the stand as a witness , then ordered to again takp his pJuco as a juror. The same court grunted an aggrieved sheep shearer a me chanic's Hun on a Hock of sheep. lu another "court" the Justice bound over two moil on a charge of grand larceny , and after ho had adjourned court they went to him with the plua that hU decision would send them to the penitentiary , and that if hi would recouveuo court and change his deci sion they would make it an object. He com piled with their request , hut the ' 'object" never appeared to his view. Thcso uro a few of the many incident ! of the kind in frontier courts. A. Ilertral at Ureouwood. A now discovery of a well defined ledge ol iron pyritio ore was recently made in the vicinity of the old Greenwood roll ! on Boi Elder creek in a gangue of talk slate , nlmllai to that now being mined and milled at the Koystouo property. In the now discovery however.tbo alato I * of a much liner texture velvety to the touch and perfectly free grit. The voln Is reported to bo fifty foot wldo. Present workings consist of au open cut , tunnel nnd a drift ncroM * the votn , Oood prosptxsts arc obtained by pan nnd mortar tests , by which but ft small t > or cent of the value N received. Thh dlscovory again Illustrates how the old camps built up in early days were prospected. At ono tlmo 3reonwooif , or T nflln as it was known , .wasted of qulto a largo population. Ono of the finest and largem stamp mills In the country was erected on n urospoct holt1 , which , after the mill was Inoporation.provcd to contain nothing of value. Some $1)00,000 ) was expended on the property before it vras llscovorod to bo n f raud of tup first water. The mill , which was perfect In every respect , containing 'J30 stamps , burned down over a year ago. The Investment proved n total loss to thaorlolnal owners. A roll a bio and competent minor went out yesterday to ox- itnlno and report on the now discovery. If it prove * to be its good ns the samples brought in , capital will at once , take hold of \nd develop it. and Inllm may once tnoro become a flourishing camp. Mort ) Trouble nlth Mlicotimnit. It Is reported that war has" broken out bo- twccn the cattlemen and shoepmoni on the MPS.I , north of Pnraeh'uto , nfid that three cattlemen are killed and thq sheepmen nro | ) cnncd tip In a canon nnd fighting stub- bornly. The trouble arises over the attempt of the cattlemen to drive the sheepmen out of thu country. Mr. Blllotor , a well known sheepman , nr- rlvoei from 1'ar.tchuto and roKirtcd | that a l > arty of about thirty nrmod and masked men appeared on the Mesa and the sheep men put a rope around one mnti's neck nnd drove the bnlanco of the herders nnd sheep- men out nnd warned them not to drlvo the sheep back into the country under penalty of death. Later a formidable band of sheep men started to drive the sheep back again. The fight Is supposed to bo the result. A number of cattlemen came Into Dobijuo for arms and ammunition nnd reported the light. Particulars nro meager , n's the scone of the fight Is remoto. n'rt Stump Mills. The total , number of stamps nt work In Gllpin county equals 470 , and the number not nt work 1ST , making a general total of ! > 57. The stamps nnd the mill sites , all the buildings , steam power , copper ta'blcs , etc. , are estimated to cost $1,000 per stamp. The cost to keep thcso drills lip in good order nnd to topair all portions as they \voar out Is ยง 10 per stamp per year. This Is a liberal csti- mnto. Here is $050,000 in stamp mill machinery which keeps the Gllpin gold uanip at work , lias done it nnd can do It independent of all smelting works or any oihor system for treating the ores. The county lias some sil ver mines , produces some llttlo cupper , but when the smelting charges get too high , as they sometimes do , all the ores can go to the stamps , the minors can throw thu sliver nnd copper away and still llvo , as they are doing now. There are 470 stamps now at work , nnd from 400 to 50J mon at work under ground , on day and night shifts. These 500 men support a population of 4,000 , and they take out the gold that docs it. The wages of 500 men at $ . ! > 0 per day equals $ liOO ! , and some who work under lease and contract make more. There is no outsldo money to speak of that goes Into the camp , except a llttlo now and then from some small sale of property. Once a mine Is started up it must pay Its way or quit , and very few of them quit.Thoro There are 1,000 mines and locations , hold under patents , as good as those now at work. The owners as a rule prefer to lease rather than sell , but they will do cither or both. A system of tramways have been built that roaches a largo number of the mines and will bo extended and made to reach the ether mines as fast as needed. A Now llrood of Miecp. Robert Jones of Fort Steele , says the Uawllns Republican , Is enthusiastic over anew now broad of sheep which ho and Richard Savage intend to Introduce line this country. The sheep are known as the Oxford Down breed , ana Messrs Jones and Savage ex pect shortly to make a trip to Canada for the purpose of purchasing .a car load , or about 150 head of thoroughbred bucks. Tlieso sheep are- , very largo , matured wetncrs , oft-times tipping the beam at 00 pounds equal almost to three common-west ern wothors. They are also very heavy shearers , and It is believed Ahat with proper care and feed their clip in this country will run us high ns eighteen pounds. Aside from this they are very prolific brooders , it being no uncommon thing for a own to produce three and four lambs in ono season. While the wool is rather long and coarse it Is claimed that the outer ends mat together so that it keeps out the snow and enables the sheep to endure bitter cold winter weather. A Fljh Kxporlmi nt. Throe years ago a farmer named Xicncrt , living near Tyndall , stocked his artesian lalto with Gorman carp , since which time the fish have thrived and multiplied at a rapid rate. Some days ago the farmer noticed that the fish were dying off , and a day or two afterward the number w.ts so great that ho was obliged to throw them away by the wagon load. In about two days 8,1X30 pounds of dead tr.irp wcro removed and hauled away. At that time the remaining Ml ; seemed hotter , nnd though inactive and refusing to cat it is thought that not many moro will die. It is bellovod that thenumber of fish was lou great for the body of water and tlui * . the hot weather and ov.ipoiutlon caused the water in the lake to become im pure , thu'i resulting in the death of the tlsh. Tliu .I.iy Jllrtl Croup. The Jay Bird mine , located on the south ern slope of Broeco hill , in thn Leadylllo dis trict. U again the object of attnntlon. The groiipu covers about thirty acres of patented ground and belongs to Dr. J. , f. Crook. A careful examination of ttio property , says the , indicates that 1' , isonu of thu best looking gold prospects In the camp. This section of IJrceeo hill Is urac- tlcally barren of silver , but In iiuny places veins of low gradu gold ore : ire found in au immense porphyry dyke , that has cut its way up through tno dilTurcnt formations. The Anttoch is located on this dyke and treats by the milling process thousands ef tons yearly , the average value being $5 per ton. The Jav Bird , In Its older workings , shows ere of like value. The mine , however , lucks milling facilities , Some months ago anew now tunnel was started "Straight Into the hill. It is now lu about 1OU ! foot and u voln of mineral has been met with. Should this respond favorably to tests under way Dr. Crook will work the mine with n largo force of men. Tliu A fine , clear flow has boon struck In the artesian well at Northvillo , S. I ) . , at o depth of 050 foot. The pressure is strong anu a portion of the water will bo utilized in rumiiiig a Homing mill boon to bo erected. The ownors.of the J , H. mine nrq said to havu cleaned up ITS ounces and ten penny. weights of gold after a nine days run inudo a short tlmo ago. They are now handling ere from a shaft which they have sunk to a depth of 100 feet. A movement is being urged to Indure the ranchmen and stockmen of western South Dakota to apply concerted action toward securing thorough Irrigation. It has been suggested that u meeting for .this purpose be called for October , Notwithstanding the Hnrnoy Peak Tin company's shut down tilings begin to look brighter for Hill City every day. That place now has two producing gold mlnos which pay n haudsoino pro lit to their owners , thu ,1 , H. and Summit mines. Congressman Plcklor of Hnuth Dakota has called upon Secretary of the Interior Smith tc urgu the erection of Indian schools ut Haplil City and Chamborlaln , Thu sites of these schools have been selected and $ i"UUJ lias boon appropriated ; all that is necessary h the direction of the secratary of the Inturloi to proceed. J , P. Walters of Lead had a rather ro mnntlo experience while In Hot Spring ! recently. In Hot Springs ho mot and became came acquainted with u man who proved tc bp a brother who had boon lost to his family for thirty years. The brother had hoot living In different parts of the Black Hill : since the early part of 1H77. Ho loft homi whou very young and took to frontier life , A force of men are to be put at tvurk on thi old MoMackln mine at Dead wood with a vlov to purchasing it If the result * of their dovel opmeiit work are satisfactory. This mine years ago , when Black Hills mica was outbi boom , was considered otio of the most valu able properties In this country. At tlm tlmo no less than 40.UCO pounds of mica wer taken out of It and marketed. Slnco thos days the main body of mica has been cov orcd up with a mats of rock. To uncovo this ) edge and ascertain jowethluy of Us ex tent and quality Is the purpose of the pro * pccttvo purchasers. An Important Incident In connection with the drilling of the Bullock well at Hello Foureho Is the cutting , nt 280 foot , of a two- foot voln of apparently excellent'bituminous coal. This discovery has attracted the at tention of capitalists , and arrangement * are now under way for a orlo * of diamond-drill Inve.stlgatlons In order to fully determine the extent and nu.illty of the donoMl , and If the result Is satisfactory , coal mining will soon room up nt that point ns an important In dustry. The company developing the Union HU mines near Ripld City struck n vein of high grade oro. From parlies who have lately yUllod the mine It U learned that the ere found In the tunnel U whatU termed a * Kidney noy oro. Samples of ere taken out are filled with coarse nuggets or llnkei of goM. The union Hill mines are in ere tint prospects well from the surface , nnd the company own * Ing the Dropertlo * Is thoroughly developing them before going to the trouhlo or expense of erecting works to treat the ores. Color.ido. There nro now 1,175 mon employed In Crlp- plo Crook mines. A number of good strikes are reported In the Onhlr district. Near Ou ray the 0 us ton mine is working 100 men. The ere runs well In cooper. Ore running thirteen ounces gold Is re ported from the Good Luck , Sllvorton dis trict. The Aspen district gives employment to soino400 minors , mostly engaged In develop ment work. Of ( T 7 stamps In Gllpin county. 470 are now working full force ; between 400 and 50J miners nro at work , _ The Somlnols , on the western slope of Yankee Hill , has been sold to the owner of the llossip lode for $5,000. The Llttlo Chief , at Lcndvlllo , has opened , omnloylng twenty men. Sixty tons n day will bo sent to the Grant smelter on con tract. Some ova running twenty-two outicos gold and llfty-two silver Is being taken out of the Belle of the , at the 'head of the Klo Grande. The Nevada mUio has a forco"of thirty men nnd Is taking out four cars of ere per week , worth about $ , " > ,000 after all expenses are paid. A recently exposed-vein in the Orphan Bo\r \ has boon sampled and the assay shows U.400 ounces of silver , llvo ounces of gold nnd a percentage of lean. The mine ownoil In Arlronn by Hall and Sullivan Is known as the Mammoth. The shipping ere runs from $200 to * 'J,000 per ton In gold and costs only $115 to roduco. It , G. Anderson has sued W. [ I. Yankee , C. M. Clinton and B. C. Wright of Denver for a ono-olghth interest in n Mexico silver mine , valued at $350,000 , and $50,000 dam ages. Anderson sold the property to the present owners , the defendants , and the ono-olghth Interest was to bo rotransforrod to him. Burro parties to the Cave of the Clouds , Windy Point nnd Lookout mountain nro nu merous. The view from the latter point litho the grandest over soon In the locky mountains. Below you lies G Ian wood Springs ; to the right , for twenty miles , you can follow the valley of the Grand rlvor.and away olt to the west beautiful Mount Soprls towers nbovo everything. The Cave of the Clouds is the largest and most interesting cavern in the state. Its walls and ceilings uro studded with hundreds of odd-shaped stalactites. Washington. A Thornton man estimates his barley yield at ninety bushels an ncro. The thistle is encroaching rapidly from year to year on Puvallup hopyards. Fruit growers aud hop growers associa tions are being organized all over the st te. The Clnn towed a raft of 800,000 logs from the Humptulips river to the Hoquiam last week. They hnvo a dark cell in the county jail at Walla Walla which they call "tho hole , " whore they confine prisoners who will network work on the roads. Spokane now claims n population of 30,481. The claim is based on itU07 : names In the city directory , which is multiplied by two nnd three-quarters to get the population , C. B. Ho and party are about to start'for ' the Colvlllo reservation for the purpose of beginning work on the state wngon road , which is to conuoct Slovens county with the soa. The road will begin at Marcus , on the Columbia river.andrun westward a distance of'J70 miles to Whatcom. There is n strong probability of n great famine in wheat s.iuks in Washington , owing to the nonarrlval of the shin Harlan front Calcutta with 0,000,000 sacks aboard. The Harlan is llfty days overdue now. There are 1'J50,009 , sacks in \VallaWalla pom- tonliary , but DIM commissioners are pro hibited selling except for cash. Tlio Oregon Improvement company is sink , ing a now slope at the Frankline mlnu on the McICny vein , near the No. li : mine of the Black Diamond company , for the purpose of getting bettor air and ventilation , and at the same time working back to the existing workings from the old .slopu. It Is expected that It will take nearly two years to connect ttie new with the old slope. A Kalispoll Indian called "Ualn-in-tho- Face-Tomcat" arrived at Spokane seeking a squaw who eloped with a Spokane Indian iininvd "Whltn Blanket. " Ho found her in the suburbs of thu city and shot and scalped "nor. ' 'White Blanket" and others cornered him , cut off hia ears , then built a lire in the contur of the car track and throw him on It bound. The police ) arrived too late to siiYo ' 'Tomcat" or catch the murderers. "Whlto Blanket".took to the woods , Oregon. When the close season for game expired Geary Cozad wounded a deer near his farm in Dear valley , and then throw away hi.i weapons and took after It afoot. lit ) caught the animal as it was crossing Hoar creek , nnd helei Its HOMO beneath the raging flood until it was dead. Llttlo AmySlelkol of Lost Illver valley mot a cougar the other day lust after turn ing her father's horse into the p.isturo. Shu was not too frightened to run , nnd alioutlng for her dog she set oil' on a run and reached the house safely , the an'mnl ' following. The farmers are nut hunting for it , James Miller of Willowa Bridge was carrying n scythn on horseback. The pony became frightmicd and started to run Mil. lur nliitinplod to throw the scythe to the ground , but the end of the snath caught In the bridle rain , jut-king the blade under tha pony with such force as to completely sever one of his hind lugs nt the pautorn Joint. Miller immediately procured a gun and ended the pony's suffering with a bullet , J , L. Cooper brought Into Klamath last week n hum'h of rye containing ! ! ! ( ) stalks , with well-filled heads seven Indies long ; another - ether bunch of rye contained ti ! ) ( ) stalks with line largo heads , from two grains of seed ; n bunch of extra , line white club wheat con- tnlning ninety-live stalks , grown from ono kernel of seed , together with a bunch of wheat having seventy-six stalks with heads 4yt Inches long. Knch of these bunches Had grown from ono kernel of gran ( , Mrs. 1C. M. Denno.y of Ashland has re ceived by mall n living rose tree from the Garden of Gothsumuni ) . It was sent by Mr. T. .1. Alloy of the Jewish Hollof Mission ut Jerusalem , In appreciation of her untiring work for the relief fund , The plant wa packed In a condensed milk can , the package weighing less than a half-pound , which Is the weight limit of the International post. The bravo llttlu traveler Is growing boantl- fully In Its now homo , and boasts of lavlnK | accomplished thu longest voyage over made by a Hvlns rose , fully 11,000 miles , and al most to the diametrically opposite point ol the globe. Thuir Alunlorou * Ainuiomunt. MONNBIT , Mo. , Aug. 21. Last night foul young men , J. 1C. Tracoy , braketnnn , Harry HefTerncn and Hey Blanks , sons of 'Frisco onidneors , and Jim Cnllalmn , after filling up on whisky , started out to run the town. They tm&ulted several persons on tha street , among thorn J , A , Cooper , switch * man , whoso skull was fractured , fatally. City Marshal Hondrlx and his assistant suc ceeded In easily arresting all except Tracoy , who rcilited ar.d started to run , when Hendrlx shot him throe times , thi first ball entering his bark lust below the right ahoul. der nnd lodged In his lungs. The other two halls entered hU lug * . The wound in the b&ck is fatal , . lliilldlnc 1'ariiilti. Building permits to the Amount of. | o30 were Issued yesterday by the inspector ei building * ,