Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Tipped Over Yeslordfty on Tree
Keallzing Sales.
Increased ItncrlpM of Corn ixpectnd : from
Till * Slate Immediately 1'lcnty of
Old Corn In Stork in tlio Viflu *
tty of Omnhn.
CHICAGO , Aug. 22. The wheat market
just tipped over today. There were free
realizing sales on weak cables , stoppage ot
shipments , Increased contract stocks and an
overbought condition of local trade. Corn
weakened on hi ? receipts , rains over the
west and In sympathy with wheat. .
The provision Irado was very slow , with
only fie range In prices. Wheat lost Jfc ,
corn tfe and oats > < fo of their yesterday's
closing values , Provisions closed ft shade
lower , except nork , which U nominally a
trlllo higher.
Wheat at the opening was > c lower thn
yesterday's close , ruled weak and with only
slight fluctuations ; nrlccs declined from % c
to Jfo , then held steady and the closing was
easy , from } { c to ; Yo from the bottom.
There ivas a good deal of wheat for sale ,
but there was a meager demand , Stocks In
Now York were higher , and the business
situation seemed to bo brightening , but thru
did not prevent weakness. Good exports
from the seaboard helped the market some
later In the day , but the general tone was
In corn some change was going on , selling
September and buying May , largely for New
York account. The moderate receipts esti
mated for tomorrow helped to sustain the
market at the decline , but it was prevented
from reacting to any extent by the very eti-
couraalng outlook for the crop in Iowa as
published In the weekly report from that
state. Some receivers reported the outlook
for increased receipts from Nebraska for
some time to come , claiming there was
plenty of old corn there and that the. crop
promised well and was already practically
The absence of orders was the most notable -
blo point in oats. Prices Kept within a ifc
range. The stagnation In the provision trade
was aualn in evidence today. There was a
little business In ribs at the opening and
then trading died out entirely.
Kstlmatcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
IK ) cars ; corn , UOO cars ; oats , S35 cars ; hogs ,
eu.OOO head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows :
FMMIK Dull , steady.
WiiCAT-iNo. 2 spring , 61 He : No. 3 spring ,
f o. b,5.r 5t.ric : No. 2 red , OUSc.
COUN No.2,38Uc. No.Syellowclosing , 39 < fc
OATS Nd. 2. 23 ic ; No. a white , f.o. b.,27Wa
28c : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 2G ? tt27c.
ItVE No. 2. 40c.
IlAiti.EV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 8 , no sales ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 35c.
I''IAX SEKD No. 1 , (1 ,
TIMOTHY HKUI > 1'rlino , $3.30 3.35.
1'oiiK Moss' , per bbl. , $12.7513.00 ; lard ,
per 100' Ibs. , J8.25K8.i.r ( : ) ; short ribs sides
( loose ) , J8.07i4l8.12J } ! : dry salted shoulders ,
( boxed ) . $7.20@7.&U ; short clear sides ( bo.\od ) ,
WHISKY Distiller ! , ' finished goods , per gal. ,
KIKIAIIS Unchanged ; cut loaf , GJfc ; granu-
Inted , C.r)7 ; hlandard "A , " & .70.
The following were tlio receipts and ship
ments for today :
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was ( julet ; creamery , 1724c : dairy ,
lG@21c. i > Eggs , steady ; strictly fresh , 13Jc. }
New York MurUots ,
NKW YOUK , Aug. 22. Fiotm Ilocolpts
OGtOOnkgs.exports ( : , 12,000bids , 79,000&acUs ;
sales , ( i.dliO pkgi. ; market dull , easy.
CORN MIAL : steady , falrdemaimj bales , COO
KYK Dull , nominal ; western , 545it)5c.
HAIIIXY MAI.T Dull ; western , GDc.
WIIIIAT Itecelpls , ( JC.G.OUO bu. : exports , 255-
000 bu , ; sales , 1,710,000 bu. of futures , 72,000
bu , spot. Spots , dull , He lower , steady ;
No. 2 red , ashore and allont , fi8@08 > Vc ; afloat ,
r,8 ? ; < ! ? . < 8Ur ; f. o. b. . UBJKtnuye ; ungraded red ,
C5itli'Jc ( ; No. 1 northern , UO'Jc. Uptions were
moderately active and ! i2ii' lower ; No. 2red ,
August , 08a ! ; Huiteinber | , UUinSG'JJi , closing
OOJic ; October , 7172c ! , closing 72 c ; lo- )
coninor , 70Vi7Gi ! ! , closing 70'fc.
nu. WIIIIL * i < u. WIKICUS were moderately ac-
llvu and ? B < u.Jie lower : i-eptember , 4GJitt4tiiic ,
closing at 4G ci Uctolier , 47 ! 4H7 > lc , closing
nl'ITUc ; Dt'cember , 47c.
OATS Hecelpts , 1DO.OOO bu. ; exports , GOC
lilt , ; bales , 140,000 bu. futures , 01,000 bu ,
spot. Spnts , dull , lower. Options , dull ,
( aider ; September , 30"ia30iJe ( , closing at
ao ? < : ; October , 304"o. closing at 30V : No
vumbur , : ilfjc ; spot No. 2 white , 3CJ35 ( Jci
No. 2 UhldtKo , ! ! ( No. 3 , iU(4tiUlie ) ! :
liilxcd western , 3033'Ji : ; white western , SifjQ
HAY Steady , quiet.
HOPS Dull , sternly.
II HIM Nominal.
\Viioi < Dull , Irri'Kular.
I'novisioNS Cut meats , qulot , stciidy
Luril , oiihler , iiilit | ! ; wuMurn steam cloaud a
IU biili'H ' . ' 60 UurueH '
| , at t'J ; options sale *
liiinu ; Heptember , KU.O& ; ( Jctobur , H,4G ; 1'ork
qulut , bti'iuly.
HUTTKII < jtitot , IrroKular ; wnsti < rucreamery
17i0c ! western factory , l-m < 217c ! Klglns
U&i * .
UiiBisse Quiet , firm.
Kims Lower , huavy receipts , quiet : re
culplH , 0,000 plis , : wcsdun fretih , ItttlD o
sci'onilH per cnsn , j'-VJMCll.'au.
'J'At.MlW Mom aullvu , llrm.
CorniNSm-.n ( ) ii < Dull , steady ; crude. 355
BOut yellow , tS43u.
HlUK 1'lrni ileiiuind ,
MOI.AHSKS I'lrm ilemand.
rKTUOi.KtiM-Ni'uli'ctrd : Pennsylvania ol
spot hiili-s mmej r < ui > toiiihur option sulea nom
tj'J'ii' ' hill ; Mum oil , bales nunu ; total sale :
unm > .
ItOSIS Dull , I'lisy ,
Tuiii'BNTiNK More active , llrai : sales. bC
bblH. at acwwaiii1.
btiOAit Hu\v , llrm ,
I'm Imix Dull , steady ; American , t2.75 <
t.'oi'i'EB Stonily ; hike , (8.60.
LtiAD-Qulut ; domt'i.tlc , S3.37 ! { ,
TIN Firm ; Straits , * la,70 blu ; plates , dul
it Nominal ,
Nt , l.uuU
BT. I.OUIH , Aug. 22 , t'.ouu Weak ; n
{ uolably elmnged.
WIIUAT Dull , cloning } iS'eoir ; No. 2 re
cakli and August , C > 8c ; boptumber , 6'Ji )
title ; October , G'Jc ) ; Din-ember , G8 > ie.
COUN Closed JiutKc elf ; No. 2 mixed , cat
anil Anniihl , aic ; Suptembur , 34liiQi34 'tCi D
crinber , : Uc. ?
OATS Higher on demand ; No. 2 , cash ai
AugUbt , Utilic ; Heptember , 24Uc ; October , 24
I'uovisiONs Weaker ; pork , uow , currei
make. fia.Gmj ; lard.
Itucicii'Tti-l'lcnir , 3,000 sacks ; wheat , 0 !
DOO bui corn , 170,000 bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu ,
Hnirui.STS : I'Munr. 8,000 tacks ; wheat , 1'
000 bu , | corn , BO.OOO bu. ; outs. U.OOO bu.
Kan ii > city Alurkot * .
tower ; No. 2 hard , ( JOdii&lc ; No. 2 red ,
t.'oiiN lebs llrm ; No. 2 , mixed and white ,
OATS I'lrinj No. 2 mixed , SKQ.23C1 No.
whlto.JSitUlic. .
HUTTKH-rKi'eulpts light ; llrm ; creamery ,
B'Jle ; dairy. l&itlHf.
cllvi. . llrm ; IK&lllic.
S Whunt. 14.000 bu.
- ID.UH ) bu.
Cuttiiii Sturkut.
NEW Oiti.JUNS. Aug. 22. Steady ; good ml
dllng , 7Ue : middling , 7ic ! ; low mlddlli
GCI uood ordluury , U Ci-lCo ; uut and
colpt.t , 4B3 hi\le | export ! comtnli * , 860
< nloi , fif.O bnlM : MocW , 47,040 .
KulUrcMtnlOM , 8S.OOO l ) lCd | AURllM. .fi.3
hid ; P6plcmbpf.tO.S3 bid : October , fi,0njl .0l !
November , 7.0ltt7.02l llocombcr. { 7.093 7.10s
January , | 7 24U7.26 ! Vobruary , t7.3'J'j7.B4 |
March , 7,40tt7
_ : _
Omnliti I'rixlncn Murknt.
tltlTTUfi-rnncy oroMuerlos , olid packed ,
10c ; fair to good creameries , lollilwicked ,
ICUlBcicholcn to fanry country , 14ai6ci fMr
to Kooil country , t2&13cj pucklnR tock ,
rf'ivp. 1'oui.TUY The recc-ltits of ehlckeni
have been pretty largo thw week , In fact ,
larger than the demand. As a coiisciiioiico |
the market li weak and holders , would bo glad
to clean tit ) nt 930ic. ! Thu top on old liens Is
about 7itcs old roosters , 4tt iCj ducks. 78c.
Kotis The receipts are rather Hunt with
llio market steady , the bulk nolng at He.
OAMEWhllo the wertber Is too warm to
timko the handling of game an entirely safe
business , them are soinu birds arriving ! mill
iard duck * . 13.60 ! bltio tvliiRvd teal , 11.70 ;
green winced teal , 11.00 ; plover , GOa75c.
HONKY New honey has put In an appear
ance on thn market , but the demand Is light :
choice now whlto clover , lG17c ,
I'lCUONS The demand Is not quite so active
as It was ; live pigeons at (1.50.
ONIONS Homo crown stock Is plenty at H5c
per Ib. on orders from the country.
TOMATOK8 Homo grown stock , per basket ,
POTATOES The supply Is very light and tlio
market linn. On orders from the country
they are worth at least 70c.
UAIUIAUI : Tlio business In shipping cabbage
to the country appears to bo about over.
Occasional orders are recblved and llllod at
CK'I.EIIV Stray shipments are arriving and
thuiiuitllty of the stock Is pronounced' good
for thlM season of the year. Ceh'ry , pur doi.
bunches. 35c.
OiiAi'KS So far this season there have not
been very many grapes In from California ;
California , per case , 1 1.25@1.60.
CAi.tKoilNiA I'liiilTS Late Crawford poaches ,
per box , tl ! llartlott pears , per oox , $2 ;
plums , nor box , tl.20l,60 ; nectarines , pur
bov , Ifi.GO.
MKI.ONS fJood watermelons are selling at
816 per 100 ; small or Inferior , M0.0012.00 :
Jem cantaloupes , baskets , $1 ; crates J1.25 ®
Arpr.Ks No apples to amount to anything
are bolnc shipped In , and tlio supply of liomo
grown stock Is moderate. Cliofco Duchess ,
per bbl. , (3.60 ; common varieties , suitable
to ship on orders , 32.75Q3.00.
TltOl'lCAfj ritUITS.
BANANAS I'rlres remain about steady , per
bunch , lar e. S2.25JJ2.50 ; per bunch , small to
medium , Jl.705i2.00.
IJK.MONS The steady warm weather pro
duces n very fair demand for lemons and alt
houses are doing , a Rood steady business In
them. Mcsslnas. extra , fancy , ftl.OOaG.60 ;
McsKlmis , per box , choice to fancy , S5.OOft5.GO.
OIIANOKN There tire only a few oranges ar
riving. Ill verslde Mediterranean sweets , 83.75.
Hums No. 1 green hides , 2Wo ; No. 2 croon
hides , 2c ; No. 1 creen salted hides , 2Mc ; No. 2
green salted hides , 2c : No. I green salted
hides , 25 His. to 40ilbs. , 2-Uc ; No. 2 green salted
hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 2c ; No. 1 veal calf.
8 Ibs. tb 15 Ibs. , 5c ; No. 2 veal ralf. 8 His. to.15
Ibs. , 3c ; No. 1 dry ntnthlilos , Gc ; No. 2 dry Mint
hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Oc. I'art
cured hides ' /c. pur II ) . less than fully cured.
SIIEKP I'KI.TS tirecn salted , each UOcKf 1.26 ;
green salted shoarllncs ( short woolod early
skins ) , each 10U20c ; dry shcarllncs ( short
woolcd early skins ) . No. 1 , each oalOc : dry
shearlings ( short wooled early sklnsl. No. 2 ,
each 6c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
butcher wool pulls , per Ib. , actual weight , Ida
lie ; dry Mint Kansas and Nebraska murrain
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 710c ; dry
Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per Ib. ,
actual welchl , OQllOe : dry Hint Colorado mur
rain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 79c ;
drv pieces and bucks , actual welcht , 5te7c.
TAt.t.ow AND OHKASE Tallow , No. 1 , 4c ;
tallow , No. 2 , 8',4c ! crease , white A ,
3',4o ; crease , white H , 3c ; grease , yellow ,
2 c ; grease , dark , 2c ! ; old butter , 2.ffi214c . ;
eqe swax , prime , 16&25c ; rough tallow , y
< 33c.
.S'ow York Dry ( ionds Market.
New VOIIK , Aue. 22. Whllo the feeling In
the dry goods market Is better than a week
ace and business a little larger , the demand Is
still very moderate , unsteady and uncertain ,
Brown cottons have a relatively fair request
In onn to three case lots and there Is
export movement In the heaviest
grades. The market Is steady In tone without
the eagerness to buy or pressure to sell. Tlio
clothing woolen trade Is Hat , but leading
buyers have placed the necessary orders for
spring goods. _ _ _ _ _ _
Oil Miirkuts.
OIL CITY , I'a. , Aug. 22. National transit cer
tificates opened atCOJi ; highest. G0 ; lowest ,
60'a ! closed , 698i sales 5,000"bbls ; clearances ,
70.000 nlils ; shipments , 134,013 bbls ; runs ,
90.015 bills.
riTTSiumo , I'a. , Aug. 22. National transit
certificates opened utGl ? ; closed. 69Bi high
est , 01J : lowest , 697 : sales , 10,000 bbls.
41s 9d uor quarter.
LINSEED On , 21s UJd percwt.
S I'll ! ITS TUIll'KNTlNK 20.S lO'/Jd pcrCWt.
Liverpool Mat-lion.
LivEiti'ooi. , Aug. 22. WHEAT Easy , de
mand poor ; holders offer freely ; red western ,
spring , 5s 7dQi5s ( 8d per cental.
COUN Easy , demand poor ; mixed western ,
4sid percental ,
HACON 54s per cwt. for long clear middles
above 45 Ibs.
L'oU'eu Murknt.
New VonK , Aug. 22. Options openon flrni
and unchanged to 15 points down , and closed
dull and unchanged to 5 points up ; sales ,
5,000 bags , Including : September and October ,
810.00 ; March , S14.GO. Spot lllo , dull ; No. 7 ,
810.70. _ _ _ _
1'lillinlulpliln Oruln Market.
PimAmi.nuA : , Aug. 22. WH BAT Firm ; No.
2 red , Aucust , /G5Jte. .
Cons Declined ; No. 2 mixed , August , 4GJi
OATS Strains , advanced ; No. 2 white ,
August , 35&3Gc.
Cincinnati Marluits.
CINCINNATI , Aug. 22. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2
red. GOc.
CoilN Slow , easy : No. 2 mixed , 41c.
OATS Easy ; No , 2 mixed , 27c.
WHISKY Quiet ; 81.12.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS * . AUK. 22. Kut tires very dull ;
cash market brisk ; receipts , 102 cars ; Sep
tember , 50c ; December , 03 > gc. On truck ,
No. hard , 58c : No. 1 northern , GGc ; No. 2 ,
northern , 6-lc. _
Kaltlnuiro ( .ruin Market.
HAI.TIMOUK , Aug. 22. WHEAT Dull and
lower ; August , GO ? ( BOOc.
COUN Weak ; AuguM , 4G-10)4'c. )
OATS Quiet ; No. 2 white western , 34c.
Less Activity Cliuraotorl7.oil Healing ! in
Securities Vcntcrilny than UHIIII ! .
NEW YOHK , Aug. 22. There was less ac
tivity In the stock market yesterday than
usual and the Ituctuations were confined
within narrower limits. As a rule prices
were higher In early trading , owing to fur
thur arrivals of gold and the receipt ofVash'
Ington nil vices favoring the repeal of tin
Sherman law , The rise was equal to fron
X to l < Jf per cent , the latter lu Chicago Gas i
which sold at 53. The offerings were llgh
on tnu way up , hut the rise was taken advau
tago of by the buyers of yesterday and Sat ir
urday to realize prollts. During the after
noon the professionals , who worked on th
bear side , put out fresh lines of shorts , and i
decline of of % to ! i per cent ensued. Genera
Electric fell oil a per cent to HSj ; Burllngtoi
2 % per cent , to 75 > f ; Chicago Gas tyf pc ;
cent , to WlJij Distillers. per cent , to 21
Manhattan ' - per cent , to llOJtf , und Wester
Union J per cent to 7ti .
There was little lu the way of news t
affect the market and excited only a langul
Interest among operators. Most of th
traders have apparently reached tlm coi
elusion that only smull turns can bo luadi
11 , pending positives developments on the sllvc
question , nud they are accordingly junipin
In and out us they see opportunities of mat
lug prollts , Among the specialties the fo
lowing changes occurred in the last n
lOt per ted sales : An advance of IU per cent I
'd. Saratoga , 4) < | tier cent in Jersey Central , ii1
iifi per cent in United States Kuhber and 21
per cunt lu Lead preferred , and a decline i
sh 15 % in Louisville , St. Louis & Texas. Tl
le lust named sold at4 percent. The gcncr ;
lend murkul closed about steady In tone.
nd The I'ost says ; To those who are curioi
Ic.nt to discover the cause of the great falling c
in western railway earnings , the returns i
the present crop movement will bo enllgh
enlng. The farmer's stock in city storai
warehouses has thus far met the coutl
uously heavy export demand. Hut it
noticeable the shipments from the farms
,2o the great interior receiving points hat
meantime fallen to a small fraction of the
average. At i > oliits , such us Toledo at
91 Dululh , which thus far in the season ha' '
been the chief source of New York's suppl
the stock on hand shows rauld shrlnkag !
18 Chicago received by the granger roads la
barely one-sixth the quantity of who
it took in the same week of Ib'Jl. , und thout
this dccrcusu is largely duo to the city's d
tcrmlned hoarding of its own existing whe ;
stock , the effect on railroad tratUo is 1101
Id- the less serious.
MB , Much of the recently exported cold h
ro- tloubtlcs * guue wust to supply the nee
The total sales of stocks today were 152,300
sharesIncluding : Atchlson , 3,100 ; llurltngton ,
7,200 ; Chicago Oas , 14,600 ; Distilling , 17-
600 : General Electric , 0,400 ; Northwestern ,
0,500 ; Northern 1'aclllc , 3,600 ; Kock Island ,
O.GDO ; St. Paul , 18,800 ; Sugar , 10,500 ; Western
Union , 10,200.
Nuw York .Honey Mnrkot.
Nnw Yonic , Aug. 22. MONEY ON CAM/
Firmer ill 3H percent ; lust loan at 4 per cent ;
closing olTorcd at 4 per cent.
I'lllMcMmtCANTil.K I'Al' 812 per cent.
STKIIMNU EXCIIANOE Weak , with actual
business In bankers' bills at $4.8204.83
for sixty-day bills and J4.8744.88 for
demand ; commercial bills , 5-4.BOUrii4.80 ! ' , .
Su.vr.u ( JniiTiFiCATKS Were bid up to 7Cc
without a sale.
GovKitNMi'.NT HONDS liower. State bonds
The closing quotations on bonds.
Fliiiiiiclal Nutus.
New OIILDANS , Aug. 22. Clearings , $1,003-
HAVANA , Aug. 22. Exchange quiet. Sugai
MKUPIIIS. Aug. 22. Clearings , 103,911 ; bal
ances , $18,432.
NKW VOHK , Aug. 22. Clearings , $09,938,038 !
balances , (4,401,030.
1'Aitia , Aug. 22. Three per cent routes , 001
2'2iic for the account.
OMAHA , Aug. 22. Clearings , $177,008 ; same
day last week , $551,382.
IlAI/riMOUK , Aug. 22. CloarltiBS , (1,222,020
balances , $ 'J9GGU3. Money , G per cent.
I'llII.AIiKI.MIIA. Aug. 22. Clearings , $8,203 ,
572 ; balances , $1,148,893. Money , G percent.
LONDON. Aug. 22. Amount of bullion goiu
Into the Hank of England on balance today
ST. IXHJIB , Aug. 22.-ClearIngs , $2G44,743
balances , SS307.172. Money quiet. G8 pe
cent. Exchange on Nuw York , $2.50 discount
CIIIRAUO , Aug. 22. Clearings , $9,981,770
0 Now York exchange , $5 discount , titurllni
0n exchange llnner at $4.81(24.80. ( Money stead' '
at7 percent ,
, 1IOSTON , Aug. 22. Clearings , $10,174,770
t balances , $1,387.031. Money , H per cent
ti Exchange on New York , $1,25 to $1.51
premium per $1,000.
a Very Itcspectiiblo Ituii of Iloth Hogs nil
il Cuttle.
in TUESDAY , Aue. 22.
inr There was a very respectable run of bet
Ii hogs and cattle hero today , something ov *
Iin 200 cars in all. Receipts for the two daj
foot up a,41U cattle , U.704 hogs and 2,11
id to sheep , as against aW5 cattle , 5,21 ! ) hogs an
10 1,145 sheep Monday and Tuesday of lai
10n week.
Receipts of cattle were somewhat large
cr than a week ago today , and the proportion !
Is natives and westerns was pretty neail
ko "half and half , " with the general quality i
o- the offerings urotty much as it has boon fi
oin a week past , Whllo the local coi
tlngcnt monopolized the mirket ai
the general tone to the trade wai decided
he weak , the inquiry for and competition c
heal good , ripe , thick fat native beeves wi
active enough to hold prices up to Monday ,
us figures. As the supply was ample ai
off dressed beef inens' needs not at all urgen
of the under grades were in indifferent reque '
itgo and hard to more at prices 5o to lOc low ,
go than Monday. Good to choice 1,200 to l.ltr
laIs Ib. beeves changed hands at from $3.00
Is , whllo fair to good steers -ivcraglt
to from 1,000 to 1,150 Ibs. sold largely at fro
vo UiO to 3.90. Inferior half fa it oil and u
sir dcrwelght stuff sold all the wuy from ? 3. ,
nd down. Good to cholco western rangers seat
ve at from S3 to 1.05 , with Tuxans anil tailliu
iy , nt from to 2.oa. The fecllnc Wi
. ' . weak throughout , but while the mark
ISt lacked vigor ana the movement was rath .
sat sluggish the close found the pens pretty wi
gh cleared.
luat The supply of cows was rather liberal ai
at this , with the largo supply of common we ;
me erns , made a dull , weak : market. Ordmit ,
butchers' cows solil fully a dune lower tin
las Monday at around f 1,75 and 2.25 with i
ids xtremo raugo of from (1 to (3. Calves we :
about steady nnd the market for rough stock
generally n shadiililwcr.
In stackers aiuWMdcrs trading was rather
quiet but prices wcro not quotably changed.
Offerings were gctxirallv common and very
largely odds and ends $2.20 to fc.7" ! buying
the bulk. Good il iholco feeders nro nuota-
bio at from 3.70to fi , fair to good at from
J2.AO to $2.70 , flmWMnmon stud at from $3 to
2.50. UeprescntaUvo sales :
No. Ar. I'ke No. Av. Pr.
2. . .1120 12 75 . 10 1000 tn 76
t. . . 700 8 00- 7 1033 3 80
84. . .1030 n 10 42 1230 3 85
2. . . 090 a en > 43 llfiO 0 00
22. . . 010 3 30 „ 87 1290 3 00
23. . . 774 B 35 l6 1100 3 00
IS. . .1130 n no'- 1 llf > 0 4 15
20. . .1040 5 ' " 20 1105 4 15
40. .10.11 21..1177 4 15
10 1150 D G5 DB 1333 4 85
1. . . . 700 1 00COWS. 2 , . . . . . OGO 1 00
3. . . . 070 00 13 , . . . . 016 1 OO
4. . . . R25 00 12 , . . . . 713 1 00
2. . . 705 00 24. . . . . 840 2 00
2. . . . ' 875 00 10 , , . . . . 030 2 00
1. . . .1020 00 10. . . . . . 850 2 00
4. . . . 837 as 5 , , . . . . 770 . 2 00
1. . . .1020 1 25 a . . . . OSO 2 00
I. . . 000 1 25 2 , . . . . 776 2 05
' ' ' .1010 1 25 10. , . . . . 747 2 1)5 )
I ? . . . . 794 1 35 21. , . . 010 2 15
2. . . . BOO 1 60 23. . . . . ona 2 25
5. . G72 1 60 12. . . . . 070 2 25
4.a. . .1005 1 65 27. 021 225
a. . 015 1 00 10. , . . . .1020 2 25
2 , .1015 i no 0. . . . . . 888 2 30
2 1110 i no 7. . . . . 802 2 35
090 1 75 7. . . . . 835 2 35
. 000 1 75 8. . . . . 843 2 35
1210 1 75 6. 050 2 40
837 1 85 20. . . . . .1000 2 60
0 778 1 00 2 , . . . .1170 2 76
1IB1FF.II ! ) .
1 510 1 25 8 013 1 85
1 480 1 40 16 004 2 25
8 537 ' 1 65 6 500 2 25
1 470 1 85
' ' 190 2 75 12 2GO B 75
17' . 855 3 05
2. . .1305 i no i 1180 1 70
1. . .1020 1 70
3. . 883 n 20 C. . . . 788 (2 30
880 1 60 2. . . . 800 2 35
it OGO 2 00 4. . . . . 820 2 35
: : 050 2 00 1. . . . . 790 2 50
8. . 773 2 00 G. . . . 838 2 60
8. . G13 2 00 14. . . . . 024 2 50
0. . 4GU 2 10 ! ) . . . . . 781 2 60
6. . 612 2 10 10. . . . . 777 2 50
3. . 770 2 10 2. . . . . 405 2 60
0. . 5aO 2 15 1. . . . . 780 2 50
0. . 544 2 15 18. . . . . 838 2 70
20. , 701 2 20 21. . . . . 029 2 76
1. . 070 2 25 1. . . . . 480 2 76
0. , OGO 2 25 1. . . . 1010 2 BO
715 2 25
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1 COW. . . . 020 $1 75 5 cows. . . . 1015 $2 00
6stuers. , 1120 2 70 4 steers. . , ,1270 3 00
27 cows. . . 1037 2 30
22 steers. .1221 3 i0 ! 140 calves. . . 237 800
24 steers. .1220 2 00 2 cows 920 2 00
51 steers. . 1288 3 05 1 stag 1480 1 70
'Jcow.s. . . . . 020 2 00 4 cows. . . , 1010 2 00
29COWS. . . . . 003 2 GO 80 steers. . 1200 3 20
41 cows. . , , . 055 2 15 G4 heifers. ,1037 , 2 70
34 steers. . .1230 3 25 4 cows. . . , 082 1 75
1 cow. . . . . 840 1 76 G cows. . . . 1011 2 60
2 cows. . . . 000 2 GO 1 cow . 710 2 15
33 cows. . . . .1010 2 60 13cows. . . 014 2 15
1 cow. . . . . . 500 1 60 9 steers. . 1218 3 00
Scows. . , . . 783 2 15 23 steers. . ,1115 , 3 ! > 0
3 steers. . . .1287 2 90 16 heifers. ,1038 , 3 OO
1 steer. . . , .1050 3 20 23 steers. . ,1115 3 20
337 steers. . 800 ' ? SO
Icow . 1250 1,75 Scows. . . P10 220
1 cows. . . .1080 J140 ! IGcows. . . . 990 250
Iloas The market toduy was a very sat
isfactory otio. Although receipts were
rather liberal , neatly twice lust Tuesday's
run , there was a very active and very gen
eral demand and prices averaged pretty
closn to lOc bctpr ( than Monday for all
grades. Shippers Vxvero particularly active
buyers and took' over 3,500hogs , or nearly
half the supply. Packers were not at all
backward and the. fresh meat.demand was
considerably better' than usual. Light and
mixed hogs stil | command a good
premium over hpavy grades , and fail-
to good light. . ' and medium weight
stuff sold todfav at from ? 5.10 to
$5.30 , with prime , sojtsjit ? 5.W. Most of the
higher priced hqjjs. had a few rough nnd
heavy hogs thrown out. Hoiyvy ana mixed
packers sold at $4.95 to $5.05 , very largely ,
with choice stuff up to $5.20 and rough and
mixed stuff do'\vn around $4.65vand $4.tM ) . It
was a go6d , strong ; active , healthy inarkoc
from the start and the close was at the high
point of the day. Trading was lartrely at
from $5 to S5.20 as against $4.90 to $5 Monday
and $4.90 to $5.05 on last Tuesday. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Av Sli. Pr.G5 No. Av. Sh. I'r.
5. . . . 230 - G5 52 , .350 BO $5 05
4. . . .197 80 4 70 58 , .238 1GO 5 O
0 . . 203 - 4 75 GG , . .227 280 6 07it
1..3GO 4 75 G5 , . .223 120 6 07 li
18. .312 280 4 75 71..270 120 6 10
6. .132 4 75 87..210 200 5 10
12. .375 120 4 80 69..245 280 5 10
4. . .307 4 85 03..228 210 5 10
4. . ,275 4 85 03..254 2UO 6 10
10. . .194 120 4 00 54. . . 270 40 5 10
10.G. . . . .261 4 00 G7..275 80 5 10
G..303 40 4 00 73..252 40 G 10
13..243 80 4 JO G3..25H 200 G 10
45..300 120 4 00 02..272 40 6 10
f)0..297 80 4 90 08..250 1GO 5 10
CO..280 200 4 95 67..207 200 6 10
03..287 280 4 U5 GO..347 5 10
.59..307 200 4 95 60.200 100 5 10
12 . . .203 40 4 05 40..214 80 5 10
08..280 000 4 95 03..240 40 5 10
01..301 320 4 95 72..243 100 5 10
65..272 200 4 05 64..209 40 6 10
62..302 200 4 OD 09..240 280 G 10
00..200 120 6 00 08..249 200 5 10
07. . 209 100 6 00 73..230 200 G 10
47..834 100 5 00 42..208 80 5 10
71..248 80 5 00 09. . . .200 80 5 12Ji
08..240 1GO 5 00 08..234 80 5 12'/
00..271 240 5 00 01..251 120 G 15
02..283 280 5 00 70..244 100 G 1G
GO. .244 80 5 00 134 245 320 5 15
49. .281 240 5 00 GO. . . 207 120 6 15
05. .205 80 5 00 64..224 240 B 15
' '
G..23G 6 00 00..223 200 5 15
65..308 80 6 00 01..217 100 G 15
78..204 120 G 00 10..270 5 15
G9..2G9 280 G OU 70..234 200 5 15
59. . . .202 80 G 00 01.214 120 5 15
118..277 320 6 00 70..230 100 5 15
21..271 80 G 00 84..227 240 G 15
05. , .294 G 00 04..202 G 15
57. , .204 120 5 00 72..230 240 5 20
05..285 280 6 00 03 .277 120 6 20
47..204 200 5 00 80..208 100 5 20
69. .284 40 5 00 03..207 240 G 20
54..284 40 500 03.245 G 20
48..340 40 5 00 83..258 40 6 20
08..290 200 5 00 73.249 280 5 20
71..242 3GO 5 00 87.217 1GO 6 20
04. . . . 297 100 G 00 07.,242 280 5 20
50. . .312 40 G OU GO , , . .231 40 G 20
07. . .250 40 5 00 68. . .230 100 G 20
01. . ,288 320 5 00 74. , . .218 100 6 20
09. , . .255 240 5 05 30..281 80 6 20
70. , , .200 200 5 05 07.,207 1GO 6 20
G2..237 240 G 05. 13..248 5 20
62..300 260 G 05 80..197 320 6 20
61..307 120 G 05 70. . . .227 240 5 25
04. . . .300 120 6 06 80. . . .181 80 6 25
05. . . .335 SGO 5 05 75. . , .210 80 6 25
70. , . .240 320 5 05 07" 200 120 G 25
77. . . .243 320 G 05 63. . .227 100 6 26
72..247 ICO G 05 72. . .213 320 G 25
GO..270 6 00 40. . .100 80 G 25
GO.232 G 05 GO. , .205 40 5 25
67. . . 833 6 05 73. . .210 80 6 25
70. . . 242 84..204 40 5 30
ill 12. . . 250 60. . . . 207 5 30
69. . . ,2GG , 73.100 40 G 30
64..192 p'rlf )
h SHEEP No frcs'h'sheop ' were received and all
cr thut were left ypkturday went on through In
fa Chicago. The trud/t Is demoralized. Korgood
tut muttons mill'lumbs the demand Immly
03 meliorate , while tliljro In absolutely no cull for
id common and st6ikfbheuti. : Quotation ! , : Kali r
to good natIvi < 3.fj3.00Q,3.75j , fulr to good
at . . & and Muck
westerns , (2.00tl3.4& ( ; common
sheep , J1.B0512.7. . i-iio'l to cholco 4U to 100-11) ,
or lumbs , "
of Itoceipts iiiiiljbl | M > ltloii of Stuck.
ly Oftlclal rocolpWaitd disposition of stock as
lyof shown by thu hooks of thu Uniahit Union .Stock
Yards ciiiiipiiny , for the twenty-four hour :
or ending at 6 o'clock n , m. August-2 , 1893 ;
n- { " "UVuil'TH.
nid null Biic KIIEEl * . mmsK.s A. m. !
iy Cam. i uail Cars. Head , Cam. Illuiul C.iru. Heail
it ,
ell Chicago l.lvu block .Miirket.
CiiiCAiio , Aug. 22. IHpeclal Toli'Kr tl
nd Tut : llBB. ] There WUK a slow iimrkut today fo
st- all griuk'sof cut tin , That condition lu nut u
stry all unutiial on Tuusduyn und thcroforu hu
coiisuU occasion utiuublnesii
to any union
an holders. Only about G00 huud of ul
an diu > crlption urrlvvd , but hud thuru boon l.UUi
ro or 'J.OUO head leks U U doubtful that uny vu
tancotuptitnt values would have followed , oo
Tenk wn-jthodciiiiind. Monilav' * prJcc * were
tt talnod nnd that Is all. Native slilnpltiR
steers were salable at from * 2.00 to
to 15.20 for very common Rrassors to
extra stall-fed. 801110 frtncv cattle
irottRhtn little more , 5.afi. U In more than
Ivo wrokg since as Idgh n price wni renrlied ,
but tlin cattle were superior to niiyllilng
SOHII In the yards recently. 1'rlcoi
wlow J4.CO Ixiiulit moil of the stuff.
\\estorn raliRo cattle were In Imht siipuly mid
were linn , nnd that , was the slluntloii fn tlio
Texas division , The former solil nrlncliially
at from $2.60 to $3,00 and from fi to 12.00
bought most of tlio Toxans. The calf market
was llrm for fat light and medium weights , but
wfis dull and weak for coarse heavy.
'Iho early hot ? market was favorable to
sellers , lioliiR active In the IturlltiRtmi nnd
Nnrtlnvt'sturit divisions and a trlllo lilRhor In
llio Hock Island , lleforo 0 o'clock , however.
thiTo wns weakness nnd IIUIK before the close
prices had oast-ilolT fully 10o as compared with
Hie opening rates. The weaker turn wns at
tributed to tlm fnct that Squires wns In
the market. There was BCiitU'ilm : sales of
leavyhocsnt from 1 5.6ft to M.OB , niul fnticy
llclitof the "singe" sort were quoted anmntl
F5.00. Krotn } 5.16 ! tofr.,40 boil slit most of tlio
heavy , ami from $5.05 to JB.HB took the bulk.
of llKlit mixed lots , If running Inrm < ly to Unlit.
I.lRht wolphts sold largely at from $ t > .G5 to
fo. 70nnl ( choice mcdlutn weights found buyurs
around 15.00. The close was dull and very
Little or no change wns noted In the sheep
market. At a recent blK decline prices had a
f.ilrly steady look and w < m > quoted at from
* 1 to J3.7fi for interior to choice qualities. There
Wns not much trading at butter tliunf 11.50. lu-
deptl , the -cuter part was done nt
prices rnnglng downward from J3.20 ,
as western slioup cumprlmtd the
Urgcr pnrt of the supply. The
lamb market made a slight gain In HtrcnRth
and was quoted at from 12.00 to $5. Thu qunl-
Ity must bo superior to attract a buyer ivt hot
ter limn J4.75. Knlr to peed grades were to bo
hail at from3.0 to $4.25.
Kecolpts : Uattle. 7GUO heads calves , 1,000
head ; liogs , 10.000 hcnd ; shenii , 10,000 , bend.
The I'.vemiiK.IiHiriml icports :
OATTI.I : HocolptH. 0,600 heaili shlpmenl.s ,
2,500 head i market stonily ! top steers , $5.0016
6.30 1 peed to choice , $ f.704.85 : medium ,
J4.0t4.2G ; others , J3.50U3.70i westerns ,
J2.76tt3.COj Texans , $2loa2.85.
Hooa-Hecolpts. 15,000 head ! shipments.
5,000 head ! market 510c lower ; niuph
tmckers , J4.00J14.30 ! prime mixed and pack
ing , S5.005,35 | heavy. S5.40 5.0D ! light ,
S'lUKi'-KccoIpts ' , 10,000 head ! shipments.
2,000 la-ail ; murkut steady ; natives , $3.509) )
4.00 ; Texans , J2.16J33.26 ! westerns , $2G54J
3.25 [ Iambs , $2.50(33.40. (
Kniisin City Llvo Stiiolt Markot.
KANSAS OITV , Aug. 22.-OATTM-Uecclnts.
7.000 head : shlpinentH , 4,000 hendj mnrkot
slow nml lower ; Textis and .shipping steers ,
J2.00J10.1G ; Te.\ns nnd native cows. $1.16 ®
2.05 ; butcher stock , ! 3.004.15 ; btockcrs nud
feeilors , * 1,753.60.
Ilous KccoltiU , 8,000 head ; shipments.
GOO hendj mnrketononeil 510c hlglmr ! olosed
lower ; bulk , $4.00J5.40 : heavies , packers and
> l'lSud. ' * 4.705.00 ; lishUs , Vorkurs and pigs ,
? 5.30JitG.OO.
SIIKUIItocolpts , 1,000 head ! shlnments ,
100 ; market slow nnd weak ; Te.xans ,
JJ.'JO ; wosturns. $3.30 ; lambs , $3,50(34.00. (
St. I.oulH l.ivo Stuck Mitrknt.
ST. Louis , Aug. 22. OATTI.C Ilecolpts. 0,200
head : shipments , 000 head ; mnrkot. active ,
steady ; fair to goort native steers , $3.70a4.GO ;
fair to good Texan steers , $2.30S3.10.
lions Hecelpts , 2.7OO hoiiilj Hhlpmunts , 000
head ; market opened lOc higher , closed
lower ; light , $5.5025.00 ; mixed , $4.905.GO ;
heavy , $4,70@5.35.
SiiuuiKecelpts , 2,600 head ; slilpinonts ,
none ! mnrkot strong on good , dull on medium
and common.
Stock In bight.
Receipts of live slock at the four principal
western markets Tuesday , August 22 :
Cattle. . Hogs. Shcop.
South Omaha . 2,040 8,050 . . . . .
Chicago . 0,500 15,000 10,000
Kaiihiis City . 7,000 8,000 1,000
St. Louis . 0,200 2,700 2,000
Total . 21,740 33,750 13,000
It Is Sometimes Cnrrloil ut Itlillciilous anil
Annoying Lengths ,
Within the present \ycck in this city ,
says the Boston Advertiser1 , occurred an
incident that is typical of the extreme
to which professional etiquette may ho
carried. A patient lay ill of a raging
over , whoso progress , apparently , hud
been prevented or mitigated by the
remedies prescribed by the doctor in
charge of ho case.
The do tor was not entirely satis
factory tot ho patient and was even dis
tasteful o the latter , but had boon
called in because ho happened to bo near
at bund. The sick man protested
strongly against the continuance of the
seemingly useless treatment und insisted
that the family physician should bo
called. In a spirit of courtesy the at
tending physician was told of the facts
and of tlio wish of the patient. The
family doctor was summoned and was
met by tlio attending physician.
The two doctors had a private consul
tation and as a result the attending phy
sician announced that ho would 'remain
in charge , " despite the objections of the
patient and family despite tlio knowl
edge that his every visit so irritated and
exasperated the patient us to increase
ho fovcr of tlio helpless but thoroughly
ml ignunt victim.
The family then made an almost pite
ous appeal to the family physician to
'isit tlio patient , whoso condition was
such as to occasion great alarm nnd the
nest depressing fears , but the reply was
nado that no reputable physician in
Massachusetts would so imperil his
'landing under the rules which govern
hysicians as to attend a patient so long
as the ' 'attending physician" refused his
_ _
Balloon tonight at Courtland beach.
Springer's ITHofulnunii Kmlml.
CHICAOO , Aug. 22. A special from
Washington says : The lllinoisuns lioro
say that Springer's deposition from the
\vaysatul means chairmanship istisor-
iousinultcf for him , and may end his pub
lic life. It will naturally lessen his in-
iluonco at homo. More than this , Probi-
ilcnt Cleveland's resentment against
Springer is shown in the patronage. So
fin * Springer has got nothing from the
administration , while other democratic
members from tlio state have received
dozens of appointments. Then this Hop
ping on tno silver question has not
strengthened him with his constituents.
Uaiinillan Cithlnot Chuiics. |
MONTKHAL , Aug. 22. There are pres
ent serious dissensions in the Canadian
cabinet which may shortly loud to a
breaking of that body. Mackenzie
Bowel , acting premier , is to bo retired.
Ills place is to bo illled by Dr. Montague ,
but ho may bo given the lieutenant gov
ernorship now vacant. Other changes
in the cabinet are on tlio tapis , but noth
ing dollnito will bo done until the arrival
next week of Sir John Thompson , pre
mier , and Sir Charles Tuppor.
FurmorH in I'rlnmlly lltvulry.
MOUNT GHKTNA , Pa. , AUK. 22. The
llrat convention of the Ntitional Farmers
alllunco opened here yesterday. Elevet
statoH are represented , The compotitivc
prizes offered for exhibits have Htinni
Itttecl much rivalry , and ontrica have
been initilo by fifty organizations in th (
southern , western anil iniddlo states.
Ocilim Iliiulc MuiiiiKur Short.
OCJDKN , U. T. , Aug. 22. Yesterday i
warrant was issued for Alfred U. NoUon
fonnorly Hueretin-y and immagor of tin
Option Uuilding and Savings nsaociatlwi
of tills city , for ombczy.loment. Tin
Bhoi-tiitjo ii about $13,000.
Nolbon and family luft for parts un
known youtorday morning early.
Dalloou tonlglit at Courtland beauli.
Diuil ul Vflloiv I'miir.
WlWiniaTOKj N. C. , Aii ( , ' 22 , Tin
Norwegian bark Jlobten , Captain Girth
mark , arrived at quarantine Sundu ;
from Cionfutjos. Twenty of the orov
died of yellow fever in the hospita
there previous to August 2. When foui
dayu out the BCIIOIH ! mate died of yollov
fever. No bickness IH now on board.
Chulurit lu lluiiKUry.
* LONDON , Aug. 22. Tlio Dully New
sent a mcdicul commissioner to Hungur ;
to invebtlguto the cholera. Ho icpoit
tlmt lun short valley ol llio llliu-k Tholes
205 persona were seized , of whom ninety
have died since the UHli. At the town
of Dolntyn , whore there Is one doctor
for 1f > 00 persons , slxtooti were soti'.cd on
the luth nnd all died.
Iillotio Gntnlilmg for MliiUe * UlC KnongU to
stnrt H ltink. :
Tossing up n silver coin for Ritch a sum
ns $1,000 lu cold cash is gambling ut n
much more rapid pace than Is soon in
Milwaukee oftcnor than ouoo or twice n ,
year nt least , yet that Is what two well
known nud reputable citizens did In the
local olllco of the Northwestern railroad ,
on Wisconsin street , Wednesday after
noon , says the Milwaukee Sentinel. '
The gentlemen mot in Mr. Forgupon's '
ofllr.o and the customary "Hipping" ox-
orclso was gotio through. Ocorllugs won
ami quit , and Klpp averred that Goer-
lings wasn't ' union of a sport. In the
end , it Is reported , ho made his remarks ,
general and declared that thoru was not
a man In the party who Imd the nerve to
wager $1.000.
Mr. Georllugs Is believed to have
taken the remark as a direct implication
upon hfs Dotting blood , so ho picked up
the gauntlet. A playing card was pro
duced and laid on the floor. Whoever
came the closest to that card with his
coin was to receive a check for $1,000
from the other. Whllo the SOOO clerks
nud the rest of the spectators gazed in
amazement , Mr. Klpp tossed up his del
lar. It rolled away from the card about
n foot.
Mr. Cicorlings1 dollnr dropped ( lat on
the card. A chock on the Merchants
Exchange bank for $1,000 , was Immedi
ately drawn up by Mr. Klpp. "I'll go you
again , " fcaid the gentleman.
"Not now , " \\as \ the rejoinder. "I
know a good thing when I've got it. " And
ho tucked the check away in his port-
monnaio as ho strolled away.
Louvcnnmrk dives tonight , Courtlaiid.
Not Used to llrlni ; Held.
Washington Star : It was a very old and
weary animal that the countryman drove up
to the curb.
"Say , ml3terl"shoutodasmnllboy. "Want
mo ter hold yer horse ? "
"Hold mv homo ? " repeated the stranger
In a confused sort ot way.
"That's what 1 said. "
After a critical glance the answer came :
"No , I pucss not. I don't think he's coin'
to fall down yit. "
Fiiliil 1'iinlo In H Ulmruli.
CLASKSVILT..K . , Tenn. , Aug. 22. Mis-
coicvous boys got under tlio church at
New Providence and battered the lloor
with heavy timbers. The congregation ,
thinking the house was falling , became
panic-stricken and in the rush one man
was killed. Jennie G rover was probably
fatally injured. Mrs. Cook's legs were
broken und many others were badly
Clilriig" Mon \Viiut Hrcatt.
CHICAOO , Aug. 22 , About fifty men
in n body marched tlio downtown streets
last night calling "Wo want bread. "
After inarching n few squares they
hoisted at the bond of the procession a
placard bearing the same words. The
men halted in front of the city hall , and
in a few minutes the crowd melted away
without further incident.
Tnllcr AHSiiultcil mill Kolihoil.
CHICAGO , Aug. 22. R. II. Stovoll ,
teller of the Second National bank nt
Jackson , Tenn. , was assaulted and robbed
on the streets this morning. Ho re
ceived a blow on the head which may
prove fatal.
Steel Work * tu Shut Down.
PiTTSitUKO , Aug. 22. The Edgar
Thompson Stool works of the Carnegie
Stool company at Braddock will bo shut
down on account of lack of orders.
About 2,000 men will bo thrown out of
- -
Volunteer on the Itockfi.
NEW BEDFORD. Mass , Aug. 22. The
famous steel schooner yacht Volunteer
is on the rocks at the entrance to
Iladloy's ' harbor , Naushon. The seas
arc making .1 coinploto broach over her.
A tug has gone to her assistance.
M.niiKsltonmioii Strllco.
NKW Yoiuc.Aur. 22. 'Longshoremen ,
to the number of 1,001) ) , on the Mallory ,
WardClydo line , struck yesterday
against a reduction of 25 per cent in
wages. _
Submitted Witlimir Argument.
A youm ? lawyer tallied four hours to an
Indiana jury who felt like lynoliins him.
Ills opponent , a griizlcd old professional ,
arose , looked sweetly at the Judge and said :
Wo wnro the first manufacturers on this
Contlncut. Our latest Improvement surpasses
anything ever before produced. ir)0.,25o.,35o.
purlin. UoKitro to have SKAIJUllV'S. Asfc
for them spread on cotton ulotli.
Prevention Is belter than euro , by Imrnlne
these candles had Bmclls In bnfiuments , closets ,
&o. are destroyed , nud thus contagious diseases
uro kept away : also useful for oxpcllltii ; mos-
qultos and Irritating Insects. I'rluo , ! i5u. cactt.
To purify sick-rooms , apartments , etc. , use
which In hurnhiK , disinfect and proiluco a
f raBrnnco refreshing an.l Invigorating. l5o. ! per
bos of 12. Sole Manufacturers ,
VJuirinacoulical 1 NEW VDRIC .
ClieiuUts.NEW (
"Your honor , t will fallow the cxsniplo of
my yctiug friend , who has just flnUlied , nnd
submit the onto without argument. " The a
hnsatdown and the illeuco nai ! nrgo and
A Fellow recline.
Judge : Todil I vra * down on Iho bcAch
the other day behind n big rock with
prolty clrl. I vras just about to put my
arniH nround her nnd kiss her when , by
Jove , old man 1 suddenly three o.h girls
walked right In on us.
Dodd Too bad 1 What did lhedj , any
thing t
Todd ( cyraplaccmtl.vV-O. yes : th y vr.iltcd.
A Critlu it , liuu.l.
Washington Star : "Do you c * t Uilt
poetry ! " asked the editor indlgnat.tly.
"Yes , lr , " replied the loug-haUod man-
confidently , "I do. "
"Why , It Isn't oven mechanically correct.
Your foot are all wrong. "
'Kxctiso mo , sir , but I am no
phenomenon. I don't ' \vrtto pootvy with ray
feet. "
A Olitlnutlon.
Hrooklyn Life : Vhltor Is your father
out ?
IJohby Yes.
Visitor Where has ho genet
Hobby Ho hasn't guuo nowhere. He's In
the smoking room playing poker.
Visitor 1 thought you snUl ho wasn't at
Hobby I said ho was out.
Station Acrnt livid Up.
DKCATUII , Intl. , Aug. 22. Late last
night Station Agoiil Mosor of the Chicago
cage & Krlo of this plnco was knookod
down ami bound hand mid fool . .by two
fobbors , wlio wont through the olllco ,
getting 81120 of the company's inonoy.
It Cures Coldi , Coughs. Bore Throit , Croup , Influ
enza , Whooping Cough , Bronchltii nndAithmt.
A certain cure for Contumptlon In first stages ,
and a snro rellrf In adwnced tats. Use st once.
You will sec the excellent clfect after taklns ; tht
Crat doio. Sold bv dealers everywhere. Larco
" ' '
As n moillcnl comfort nnit stlraulnnt. Tlio
.MiHllcnl 1'rufcssloll rucoumiomla lilglilr the use
In nil cases of weakness nml digest Ivo disorder
Try n cup when oxlinustoj and sea how re
freshing It Is.
The Original and uenuine
Imparts the most
ras. tc hl brother
May , 18GL
that their BIUCO la
blKbly esteemed In
Inilln , and Is la my
opinion , tlio most
palatable , oa well
na tlie iiinnt whole ,
some uuco that U
jnatle. "
E goflmitatigD ;
eee that you got Lea & Perrins'
Blimaturo on every hott'oof Orlfitia' Ji Oennlnix
Uiiion Stock Yards Compaay ,
South Ornaha.
HeitCnttla Uo nnd SliLMj market In thj
Y/ood / Brothsrs.
Mve Stook CoinrnUsloa Maroliuatt
? o-itliOu ba Tolop'.iono 115 ; , CUIojjl
JOHN I ) . DAOHMAN , ( . . - . ,
WAl.TKIl K. WOOD , f * ' "
Market reports by mull and wlro cheerful
urnlbliod upon uiipllcatlon.
Hector & Wllliclmy Lobeclt & Line ,
Detlori In liitrdnara aul
Corner I'llli unj Jnckion uir < b nlci' tooll.
blroeln , M'JIDouyUi Btrtet.