Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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E lltor
) Mly flco ( without Bumlny ) Ono Your. . t A 00
) ally nnil Siniil.-iy , Ono Your . 10 00
HxMuntin . , . nee
liren Months. . . . . . 3 & < >
undny llco , Onn VCRr . . . . . ! 1 OO
'nturdnv ' llco , Oni ) Year . 1 & 0
Yctkly lice , Uno Vow . . . . . 100
Om.ilin.TIm lire Ililllrilng.
Eoilth Om-ihu. corner N mill 2Glh H troot * .
Council muffs. 12 IMnrl Street ,
Clilciiirn oilleo , 317 Olmnihcr of Oommnrce.
Nnn York , Kooms 13 , 14 nnil 15 , Tribune
Wiuhliixlon , 613 rourtoniith Htrcot.
All communication * relating to nowi nnil
rilltorlnl turslioulil l > a udrtrosion : Totho
All business loiters nnd rotnltlnnens should
IKI Rddrcsiod to'flio lloo Publishing Company ,
( Jmaliu. DruflN , chock * nnil postofllco orders
to tn ) tnndo puy.iblu to Ilia order of llio com-
1'nrtlp * InavlnR tlio city for tlio summer cnn
ImvoTllK IlKKHunt to tliulrnddrrM by leaving
an ardor at this cilllco.
Tin : IIKI : I'Uiit.istiiNo COMPANY.
Tim Urn In Oliluneo.
Tin : IAirv nnd BUNDAY HEB Ii on sale In
Clilcngo nt tlio following places !
1'nlnipr house.
arnnd I'nclflcliotol.
Aiulltnrliiin liotul.
( ircul .Nintlitirnliutcl.
flora hotol.
I/cliitiil liotul ,
Tllos of TUB IlKP. can 1)0 tlio No-
lirnskn buildliiK nnd tlio Administration build
Ing , Kxnoilllon grounds.
Etnto of Ni br iHka I
rounlof Dotik'Hs. f
fi < onso II. TzKolinck , Rccrotarv of TIIK lift : Pub-
llfthlnif CUMIIMIIIV , ( lo < 'B Hoh'iniilv Hwear Hint the
notunl clrcnl itlon of TitR DII.V lit K for the week
u.illntf AiiKiml 111 , 180.1 , was .is follows :
Rumlay , Aiiirust III 2im5 (
Moiulav. Auirimt 11 21.7:11 :
Tticmlav , AtiKHHt in ! ! 1,7411
\\lxlnewUi ) . AllRIIHt 10 21,700
Tliiirml.-iv , AuiriiNt 17 ! M,7J1
Krlil.iv , Aitirimt 1H 2.1,700
SaturdayAuirnst 1U 1 ! 1,78.1
Gt omit 11. TyscnttCK.
' | SWORN lo lioforo inn nnd Hiibscrllx it In
I BFAI. Miiy lu-iNuitutlils llltliilny of Aniriiit. 1H9J.
' Y ' N 1 Fbll.Nol.irj Public.
A virago ( 'lrrul itlon lor July , 18 ! ) : ! , 4,21 > H
ws t > fi'.ui.ii. inr. . \ .
TUB BEG is pleased to nnnouncn that n
pedal newspaper train Ins boon chartered
via the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific railway -
way , to run fiom Omaha to Lincoln daily ,
which will enable Tun Ur.n to servo Its
patrons tluoiiLjhout the South Plattoeountry
with Hit very latest new. At Lincoln close
connections are mndouilh tr.iins south nnd
westbound , which makes it piacticiblo for
THE DUK to co\er a ast tciritory with n
complete newspaper. Heretofore wo have
been compollcd to go to press at a much
earlier hour than is now done under the now
Thosupeiloiitv of TUB DEE'S tclcgtaphio
news is conceded throughout tlio wost. Its
special c.iblo news , unuv.ilnd nress dls
patches and its special telegraphic service
from eury important point have pained for
this paper .in enviable icpuUtion not alone
confined to this state.
With improved facilities for reaching the
people at a seasonable hour by TUB BEB spe
cial newspaper train , there can bo no doubt
that our patrons will continue to show their
appreciation of newspaper enterprise.
WITH Mi ; . Mercer on the committee
on public buildings and grounds Ne
braska ought tp bo nblo to secure a few
favors in the way of improved quarters
for the federal oflloials in this state.
OMAHA city bonds boar-ing 5 per cent
interest are now to bo had at par in
amounts of 3100 and upwards. Such an
opportunity for safe investment of
savings will not bo readily offered
Nor one house committee chairman
ship has boon given to the numerous
members who come from the states west
of the Missouri rivor. Rather shabby
treatment for western dcmociats , wo
should say.
IT WILL bo pretty hard for railways
that have claimed privileges under the
constitution nnd laws of Nebraska to
convince si court that they are not
domestic corporations subject to state
have the public building at Omaha
erected of granite ought to secure more
support from people at this end who are
interested in having the structure a
lubstantial duo.
TUB bill to aid the Midwinter National
exposition at San Francisco wont
through the senate with a rush. Wo
may oxpcnt to have applications for federal -
oral aid from every county fair before
many years elapse.
THK secretary of the school board lias
presented a report showing the amount
of money at tlio disposal of the board.
Strange to say , the enumeration did not
include any of the interest which is paid
on that inonoy by the banks with which
It fa deposited.
IP THE Nebraska railways are BO
anxious to have the question ol |
reasonable rates judicially determined ,
why do they not proceed in accordance
with the maximum freight rate bill
which provides expressly for the trial
of uuoh complaints ?
Tin : western railroads are now climb
ing over ono another in their haste tc
oiler reduced rates to Chicago , Thdj
have finally come to the conclusion tc
make liny while the sun shines , and ovl-
dontly regiet having wasted BO muoli
tlmo in making up their minds.
COMPLICATIONS in the watorworki
company's troubles boom to bo increas
ing Itibteuil of disappearing. Thai
special council committee might bj
adroit interference arrange to Bottle
matters satisfactorily by purchasing the
plant for the city. Everything depends
upon.tho terms with which the intoreatci
parties will bo satisfied.
IT is immaterial whether or not the
State Board of Transportation or thoii
soorotarios declared the ft eight rates it
force lu Nebraska a year or more ago ti
bo reasonable and just. They may havi
erred at that time and the" are amplj
authorized to change their opinions
Whether the rates at present in forci
are now reiuaonablo and just is an en
tlrely diltoicnt question. The legisla
lure bus decided that they uro not.
Tljo hone-it money republicans in congress -
gross propose to do tholr duty to the
country in the present -exigency , but
they II.TVU n just ground of complaint In
the way they have been treated by the
dominant party in the Iwvor brrmoh of
that bxly. The fueling that prevail *
among thorn was plainly expressed by
Representative Doutollo of Malna In u
recent interview. Ho saul the adminis
tration relics on securing from the re
publicans the majority of the votes that
will bo given in the homo In
favor of repeal , and yet they put
through under gag , rule , without
consulting the republicans in the
least , an agreement among themselves
and refused the republicans the privi
lege of offerluir n single amendment.
They might have oven Mliut them mil of
the debate had it boon possible to do so ,
"Tho republican party , " said Mr. Bou-
tollo , "has boon shamefully treated in
the house and some of those gentlemen
feel very sore. The mlsmanagomont of
the situation seems to have boon re-
poatoi ! in the house. But I think that
the republicans are pattiotlc enough to
bury their toolings in this mutter and
vote for repeal , and I expect to BOO
the bill pass the house. "
Representative Grosvonor of Ohio re
ferred to the action of the democrats in
a speech ho made In the house last week ,
lie said that ivhilo admitting that with
out about 100 votes of the republican
party on the floor of the house the ad
ministration will bo driven to the wall
and defeated , "thoy nevertheless assume
that there are but twei parties on this
floor the one , the democratic party , in
favor of free silver , and the ether , the
administration , or , as the frco silver
party terms it , the Wall street party of
the president nnd the administration. "
Continuing , Mr. Grosvouor mvid : "Our
wishes wore not consulted in ordering
this long debate and this complicated
plan of campaign. Wo wore not
permitted to state our wishes as to
the debate or the form of the ques
tion. Wo are not to be allowed to sug
gest even one amendment. The loaders
on this side appealed for oven fifteen
minutes of debate in order that the
country might know our position , but
wo were denied oven so simple a request
as that. " Ho said that the democratic
party modestly suggests that the robiilt
of the proposed legislation is to prove to
the country that the republican party
got the country into nil this trouble ,
"and then they call upon us to help gain
a great victory for them , and when wo
are through with it they will go to
the country and declare that the
democratic party hits rescued the
country from the pernicious legis
lation of the republican party , and while
the process is going on they demand of
us that there shall bo no partisan poli
tics hero. "
The history of congress will bo
searched in vain for a parallel to the
discourtesy and the disregard of the
riurhts of the minority which are in
volved in the actionof the present house
of repi Cbcntativos i oforrod to by the re
publican congressmen from whom wo
quoted , and no fair-minded man will sav
that the republicans in congress are not
fully justified in feeling "indignant at
such unprecedented and unwarranted
treatment. It admits of no ex
planation that can bo satisfactory
to the minds of men who have a jusl
sense of the fair consideration due to
political opponents. But while the re
publicans in congress fool strongly the
disregard of their rights and their rea
sonable requests at the hands of the
dominant party , and while at tlio same
time they realize that after they have
helped the democracy to gain a victory
that party will claim to have rescued
the country from the pernicious legisla
tion of the republican party , they will
not permit those consider ations to deter
them from the performance of what they
regard ns a paramount duty to tiio coun
try , with which nothing partisan in its
nature should bo allowed to interfere.
They Jiave a right to proclaim their in
dignation at the shameful treatment
they have received , but tnoy will show
that they have the patriotism to bury
their feelings when the demand comes
to them to act. Unless the most care
ful estimates fall there will bo 100 of
the 12i ( republican votes in the house
cast in the interest of a sound and
stable currency , and without the assurance -
anco of those votes there would bo nc
hope for the financial policy of the ad
A suaaasnoN TO H.INKRHS.
Cannot the bankers of the country dr
something moro than they have yet
done to help in the restoration of con
fidence ? It is proponed to hold a
convention of business men in Washing
ton , representing the commercial bodies
of the country , for the purpose of in
lluonclng congress to stop the purchase
of silver. It is possible that Riiah a convention -
vontion might do some good. A them
sand representative business men drawn
from all parts .of the country and conv
ing into personal contact with member ;
ofcongrobs could hardly fail , it wpuh
seem , V ) exert a great inlluoneo
That an olTort of this kind on tin
part of those who believe that the u
stoppage of the purchase of silver 1) ;
the government is the fir&t condition ti
a restoration of confidence may lv
necessary appears from the indicatioi
that the bilvor contest in the senate mu ;
bopiolongod indefinitely. Senators express
press the opinion that the extra sossloi .
will run into the regular session , will
the probability of the silver questioi
boinur still unsettled when the date fo )
the beginning of the logulur session 1
reached , The one hope of piovontin )
this , as now appears , is to bring to boa
upon congress , in the strongest wa ;
possible , the force of public opinioi
favorable to the repeal of the silver pur
chasing clause of the Sherman act.
But in the meanwhile iniiy not some
thing uo clone by the great banking interest
torest to in u measure relieve the dis
trust which finds expression in a general
oral contiaetion of credits ? Has thi
interest performed and is it now pot
forming its whole duty in the exigency
An custom contemporary , romarkinj
upon and deprecating the sectional fool
ing that is being engendered by th
financial question , observes that what i
wanted at this time is honesty and con :
non sono the ono demanding that the
intIon stop buying silver bullion nnd the
ether that bankers , business men nnd
every ether class of citizens stop hoarding
money , suppress their inordinate fears ,
nnd rcsumo ordinary business methods.
Even if congress will not do its part the
Kiople must do theirs , nnd the suggos *
-ion of our contemporary is thnttho first
stop tn this direction should bo the call-
.ngof n conference of the leading bankers
of the nation to dovlso ways and means
lor getting rid of the friction between
the \nrions cities and the two sections ,
and between the business people. It
says : "Just now every ono Is demanding
: urroncy. Currency is bought and sold
In the open market at a premium. This
Is abnormal and absurd. The bankers
know hotter than any onoetlso that there
is not currency enough in the civillrcd
world to supply the busslnoss of this
country alone on n purely cash basis. If
credit is to be annihilated , wo shall not
only want frco silver , but will have to
stamp copper cents ns dollars , or keep
nil the presses in the country busy print
ing irredeemable greenbacks. " TJiore
is , of course , no danger that credit will
bo annihilated , but it is very badly shat
tered nnd ought not to bo allowed to got
into n worse condition if there is n
practicable way to prevent it from doing
so. It is for the banking interest of the
country to determine whether there is
such a way , and the sooner it can ad
dress itself to that duty , for wo con
ceive it to bo a duty of the highest and
most urgent character , the bettor.
Never has this interest had a greater
opportunity to do an inestimable borvico
to the country und increase its claim to
public confidence.
The action of the Iowa republican
stnto convention in breaking away from
the prohibition issue upon which the
party lias boon foundering for some
time was not expected to plcaso the
radical prohibitionists who had con
trolled the preceding conventions. Some
few of these will no doubt dnft to the
prohibition party , and if the movement
for what is to bo called a citi/ons tem
perance party matoriali/.os it will
signify nothing moro than a reorgan
isation of the prohibitionist ele
ment. These men who propose
to abandon the republican party
on account of the local option
feature of the platform do not want to
bo left entirely in the cold. ' They had
taken no part in the work of the pro
hibitionist convention which nominated
tlio straight-out prohibition ticket , and
they proposed to bo heard in the guise
of a citi/.mis temperance party. After
they have managed to secure some of
the glory to themselves they will no
doubt consolidate their forces and there
will bo but one prohibition ticket in the
But competent observers insist that
for every prohibitionist who leaves
the republican fold bovoral others
will be brought back from the
democratic ranks. The republicans
who wore alienated by the prohibition
plnnkrt in their party's platforms during ,
the last few years have never ceased to
adhere to the principles for which re
publicanism stands. This was shown by
the results of the last election contest ,
when Iowa chose presidential electors
who cast their votes for Harrison and
Reid. These men cannot fail to use
their inlluenco for the republican state
ticket now that the cause of their dis
satisfaction has boon removed. They
will again vote for the republican nom
inees at the coming election.
The republican candidate for gov
ernor , Mr. Frank D. Jackson , while in
Now York the ether day , gave utterance
to an expression of his confidence in just
this result. "As to the liquor ques
tion , " said he , "I believe that the bon-
siblo platform adopted by the republi
can convention will meet with general
approval and will bring back to the
patty thousands of votes. Prohibition
is an established fact in sixty of the
nlnoty-nino counties. In the others it is
a complete failure. Local option will
gho all sections the right to choose and
enfoico for themselves. " The move
ment for another party in Iowa moans
simply the reorganization of the prohi
bition party.
CUUA"llXa 111K COST.
Massachusetts furnishes a lesson
drawn from costly experience for the
boncfit of western communities ihfcstod
with bogus bonii companies. The people
ple of the Bay stuto poured millions of
dollars into the pockets of psoudo-
bonovolout bankers , who promised to
lead tho"poor and struggling from pov
erty to nljluonoo. What was the result ?
Lot the record speak for itself , in the
following letter to a gentleman in this
city :
ANOK DBl'AHTMKNr , BOSIOV , Aug. 11 , 18'J.i. '
Dear Sir : It is only about llvo yc.irs siniw
the endowment nnd numerical bond oper
ators started their ai'hemca in this section.
Fifty-six of thesocotporatlons organised in
this state under tlio unfoitunato law of 1888 ;
i.'UUc.imo in , froin Now Hampshire , while
Maine , West Virginia , Maryland and othoia
furnished tholr quota. The craze has run iu
c'ouiso ami the whole Utter bus. boon wiped
out.tind as tlio last ilvo have rccently.booniput
into the hands of is a t'oodtlmo
to sit down and review the affair and cipher
o out the not proceeds.
10 Thu Massachusetts corporations were required
n quired by law to make statements to this do-
partmcnt and fiom them and fionuho rocolv-
c. ors1 accounts it appears that they acquired a
mcinbciship of UU 1,000 and collected ever
$ rjf > 00,00i ) , MOID than nine-tenths of these
members received nothing whatever inn
n rotuiu.
r The outside concerns had no stuuJinq
s under our law anil made uo returns huio ,
t' but they u ere of greater numbers and very
ir active , and It is safe to say that the amount
iry of tholr opeiallons much lnr or
11 than that of Uio Massachusetts corpora
tions. Probably the membership of those
and the Massachusetts concerns to
Bother was not less than ' J,000,00t
and their contributions not less than . ' 5- ,
000.1)00. ) Only a small percentage was re
turned In banents , and that mainly to the
oiganlzcis and promoters of the gauios.
The not results then arc the rujn ol
thousands of poor families , a general denier
iilizatiou and distrust of all fraternal aud
mutual benoilciary institutions , the encour
agement of a pernicious gambling spirit , foui
of the promoters serving terms in the pout
tentlary and u score of others fugitives from
This is tbo object lessen bequeathed
to this community lf\.tlicjo swindle * , not
ono of which was a tnqro doluslvo and ells-
honest scheme or of fri l bolter opporltinl
tics for thievery by thUooperators than the
ono presented In jofrr'mqulry , Very truly
yours. 'ilf3' SMITI ! ' Deputy.
The lesson tauRjitr Massachusetts nt
such prodigious cobfi ns well as the
state's manner of * Dealing with the
swlndjors , should btwilr the authorities
of western slates. Vrtimpt and vigorous
measures should bo , thkcn to suppress
bond companies under whatever guise
they operate , not only ns a protection
for the unwary , biitH avert the scandal
that must follow if. those concerns are
permitted to operate unchecked.
TUB pcoplo of Now York City have
become tired of the attitude of the ele
vated railway corporation toward afforel-
ing thorn rapid transit facilities. The
mayor now insists that if private capital
will not build the lines required the
city -will itself undertake the work.
This has boon the real trouble with
most of our cities in connection with the
monopolies of service. They have nctod
on the principle that the public shall
only undertake such public enterprises
ns it cannot got private corpora tlons to
exploit. In European cltlds the opposite
principle is eibservod as to such monopo
listic undertakings the city controls
all public works unless compelled by
circumstance to hand them ever to pri
vate concerns. With time , wo too will
begin to distinguish hotweou enterprises
essentially public and those essentially
private in their nature.
SOMK of Speaker Crisp's committee
selections appear to have been made
with but the slightest regard to the fit
ness of representing constituencies in
terested in the measures which they will
have to pass upon. The ohlof olTonso in
this respect is the committee on Pacific
railroads , whoso chairman hails from
Pennsylvania , while excluding Harris
of Kansas not one member comes from a
state through which the Pacific rail
roads run. In view of the important
legislation concerning the funding of the
Pacific railroad debt to bo taken up by
this congress , this is unfortunate to say
the least.
takes the pains to inform the public
that ho is certain of the passage of the
Wilson bill by the hoiibo on Monday
next and that ho thinks the senate will
in dud season follow the lead of the house.
Saishe : "In carrying fmt the recommen
dation ot the president the republican
side of the house -Msuis active , earnest
and patriotic as is our own. " Republi
cans in general are , acting on this
question according toiwhat they believe
the interests of tile' country demand ;
political spite work , jJias no place in an
emergency such as this.
the legislature comes to revise
the banking laws " n tbTo direction of
more stringent regulation some pro
vision must bo Jmado which will
pi event bai k e fjBders from de
pleting the colTernl of the insti
tution by makinfr 'lnlsecured loans to
themselves. ReccnT"iflovolopments in
many parts of the country have dis
closed altogether' too many-institutions
in which depositors have boon thus
defrauded. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
STATESMAN with a good stock of
oratory 1110 now in dcmajid in the. demo
cratic congress , dcspito the Inxnoss of
industrial undertakings and the strin
gency of the money market. Parties
fulfilling the required conditions may
bcouro information guaianteed to insure
success by applying to William Jen
nings Bryan , ways and means committee
room , Washington , D. C.
Unmlm In tlui I.riul.
Alclihnn ( llnlic.
Railroad moil say that Omaha now has
the bulge on Kansas City as a business
Not ] , noiili | to Kuse.
ir < U)7ltll.tun ) rout.
Having had a little experience in that line ,
the Nebraska democrats will not be at homo
to any fusion piopositions this year.
lllntoiy KrpriitH Itself.
Acm Yt K II mtilcr.
Moro than a generation ago tno demo
cratic paity passed from power , leaving to
tho'country the bloody lejrucj of a ci\il war.
It icturns to power , nnd the Hist crop of Its
statesmanship is business stagnation.
The Kiul of roluli-iil I'o 11 y.
( lltilic-Dcmncrut
Iowa was can led by the democrats for
govoi nor by 0,000 , in 188U and by b.OOO in Ib'Jl ,
but it was cauied bv the republicans by
23,000 for president in IfcOJ. Had candidates
and the prohibition issue defeated the re
publicans \eaisagoand two years ace ,
hut neither diawback i present this year.
The Hawkeye icpublicans tiavo stopped
their fooling with tlio prohibition issue.
They w ill not roll up as big a plurality as
ihov ( lid for president last year , but it un
doubtedly will bo big enough to show that
when the parts' avoids blunders Iowa is still
securely iopublicanv
IDWII II iol ( lii tlui fold ,
M , I'aul I'lanecr-l'ias
Thoio will bo no morodoinociatic victories
in Iowa. Tlio republicans of that state have
at last dissolved the foolish and alli
ance that bound them tot the prohibition
cause and dragged them down to ono
uftor another It has taken a long and pain
ful discipline to inspiio them with this much
wisdom , but the doeil L iionaul last ; und if
it wen ) possible , as H.Ls liot , that any pollti-
uilp.utyln this e'ounUy should aver con.
aider the policy of joining foices with tlio
piohlbillonists , it mighjt Vo pointed to tin )
uxpcilcni'o of lopubhyx ilsm In Iowa as an
awful and sufilolont warding.
rhrve Kullro in' ' Duliiuttg.
JUio Yurl lliune ,
Tlirco ralhoads ha\o'gono Into the hands
of lecehers this yonr.liuvlng aggregate Ha-
billtiesof about iOwMj.OOO , Their stocks
and bonded debts aggregate about WJ.'i.OOO-
000 , but the aggregate blocks and bonds of
all tlio railroads whiiiU defaulted in any one
of the yours 1873-7SMneluslvo , were about
flbO.000,000 In the yoat 1874. The capital
stocks of thn Erie. .llUadlng nnd Northern
Pacltlc aggregate SJlliilW.yi'J , but the stocks
of nil i.iilruads whch"lofnultcit | in 1374
amounted to only $ ltlJUVJ,08J , The bonds of
the three gicat railroads , not Includ
ing car Itiusts or contingent obli
gations , land mortgages and the
like , certainly exceed by about fIG,000,000
the bonds of all tlio companies which defaulted -
faulted in 1874 , that amount being { Jdl/J'JU-
.MJ. Including obligations not properly
known uu lloitlug debts , the throe gicat
companies owed $ Jfe4.iOO,000 ! , or $103,000,000 ,
more than the total bonded debt of all the
railroads which defaulted in 1874. What
tlto Heating debt of the threei great com
panies now Is ttio various icueivors would
like to discover. The aggregate Is variously
stated from $37,000,000 to fc.W.000,000 , which
would make tliu aggregate of stock and In
debtedness of which there was record some
months ugo nt least tM-,000,000 ! for tlio
r three companies. It may bo presumed that
the dlsclosuies made bv receivers and tliu
operations of the last joar will ralsa the
aggregate to about (050,000,000 , which com.
lures with about f-lSU.OlW.OOO for all the rail-
loads that defaulted lu Ib71.
Indianapolis .loumnl ! If Representative
Brynn or ills friends Imagine that the JVinor-
Icnn pcoplo think ho made n great speech on
Uio silver question they are very much mlv
tnlton. The people regard all such speeches
ns verbal rubbish.
St. I/nils Republic : Congress needs ono
moro ofllclal. Thcro should bo u deputy sor-
Rcanl-at-nrnis to keep order among the meta
phors. Mr. llr.van spoke of a mute appeal ,
which was a cry for help beatlns on the
outer walls. Disorderly conduct among the
figures of speech Is an ovll which calls for
regulation In the intciest of universal edu
Now York Sun : Hon. William Jennings
Bryan , the boy orator of the 1'latto , Is a
jewel In the o ir of Nebraska nud an orna
ment of her Fiist eongio.sslonal district. Ho
lus ttui temperament and tlio voice of an
orator , nnd the InursU of silver speech are
bright upon his brows. We congratulate
him upon Ills honor * , and 'tis with no grudg
ing spirit that wo venture to remind him
that the peroration of the largo silver speech
with which ho doljchtcd the house on
Wednesday was of h'isc motal. It glittered
like n pyramid of cartwheels , nud many an
eye In Nomaha ntiu 1'awneo will bo da zlod
by u ; but there is nothing In It but glitter
and lillgmi. The paicock , says the old saw ,
Is ashamed of Us logs. Hoar , If you please ,
this specimen ot Mr. Bryan's sounding brass
und tinkling cjtnb Us :
"Tha eloinoura'io pirty stands today bo-
twccn two conflicting fortes. On thn ono
sldo stand corporate interests of tlio United
States , the moneyed interests , aggregated
wealth nnd capital , Imperious' , airogant ,
compasslonlcss. They me ahlu to subscribe
magnificently to campaign funds. They are
able to crush with their all-pervading in
fluence nil who may oppose ; nnd to these
who fawn and flatter they can bring uaso
and plenty. These demand that tno iloino-
oiatlc party shall become the agent to exe
cute their merciless decrees.
' On the other side stands an unnumbered
throng , these who gave to the democratic
party a nanio , and for whom it has assumed
to speak. Woik-woin and dlls t-bogrlmed
they make their mute appeal , and too often
ihul their cry for help boat in vain against
the outer walls , while others less deserving
gnh ) ready access to legislative halls. This
army , vast and dally vaster , pleads with the
democratic party to bo its champion in this
terrible con Hie t. It cannot press its claims
nmiil sounds of revelry ; It cannot maivh its
phalanxes in grand nirndo. No gaudy ban-
1101 s lloit upon the breeze. Its bittlo Hymn
IR 'Homo. Sweet Homo' ; Its war cry , 'Equality
BorotothoLiw.1 "
Wo hate to call the boy orator of the
1'latto downfiom the silver-lined clouds ,
but wo must do it. The woik-woin ami
( lust-begrimed mo just the poisons whoso
Interests Mr. Bryan is opposing by his
clamor for a cheap dollar. The man who
worltswith his hands has but one thing to
sell the work of his handb Ho is n
creditor for e\ory dayhowoiks. Ho is the
inevitable and chief loser by an infoilor and
domorali/ed currency. The "moncjcu in
terests" enn takccaio of themselves in the
long run : these of them engaged in thn
silver business , for instance. The capitalist
can wait until bettor conditions como ; the
labeling man cannot. What ho loses ho
loses absolutely.
Tlio railroad hands , the small farmers , all
the workingnion of Nobiaska would bo in-
juicd by Mr. Bryan's ; ard the siher
sound of his suntcnccsi111 _ not help them.
1111 : CLKAHIXG A/iira.
Philadelphia Press : The two lessons the
present huid times can leain the worldnir-
man are to appreciate the advantages ho has
over his father in the shorter hours ho haste
to work , the batter pav ho gets and the loss
price ho pa\s for the things ho bujs and the
greater comfott ho derives from these condi
tions , aud if the little pinch that will be felt
in many households loads thn housow ifo to
greater care and economy in the kitchen
the hard times will pi eve a blessing in dis
Butte Miner : Every pleasure resort in
and about Butte Is well attended ; the
people piocecd in their regular order of alter
nating business and pleasure nithout appar
ent knowledge of a national depression ;
they are indulging in as many luxuries as
over ; feeding the elephant nnd throwing
their inonoy acainst the gray-boarded shell
game with proiliga to hand ; buying as good
clothes as over ; getting married with moio
eclat and oiango blossoms than io\al lovers ;
indulging in honeymoons , wodalng tours ,
divorce suits and ether expensive social
"functions , " and rejoicing ever the rapid in
crease in handsome babies , costly robed chil-
on en and thoroughbred youths.
Philadelphia Record : Today , in all proba
bility , the out of town exodus will have
reached its climax. September is fast approaching
preaching , aud the last Saturday and Sun-
clay but ono m August have for been
legaided ns the tojmiost round and summit
of vacation time. The period of recreation
may ho prolonged by reason of au undue per
sistence of ostival heat , yet the last week of
August invariably tuins the tide of travel
homeward from seaside resorts and water
ing places. A fortunate few will linger in
the mountains or by health-giving springs ;
but within a fortnight the workeis will all
be at their posts and the much talked of re
vival of business will tinvo begun in cainest.
A 1'iilso unit I'onlluli Ohnr o.
I'lillailcliililii Lcduer.
The executive committee of the Pan-
American Bimetallic association has issued
from Den\er a call to leprosontatives of the
association in thirty-two states , the eastern
states being omitted , and in "all the eoun-
Uics of South nnd Contial America and Old
Mexico , to meet at St. Louis , on October ! l ,
IS'.M. " The call contains thU remaikablo
dcclaiation : "It is very evident that the
center of the conspiracy in this countiy to
uttcily demolish silver and thrust the
United States upon a single metallic
standard that of gold- for its cunenoy is
In New Yorlc , Boston , Philadolnhia and
Baltimoio. The press of these cities has
become thoioughly bubsonient to the end
of the conspuators , and has so imbued the
minds of the people of the states in which
these cities nia and the surrounding states
that they have all become hostile to the
welfaionnd advancement of the west and
south. Inthoname of honest H.onoy these
states are parties to the spoliation of our
sections und the cities named aio tlio prime
instigators of the crime. "
The attempt to oigunizo a sectional party ,
with a fioe coinage platfoim , in the south
and west , abetted by the foreign nations of
Central and Soutli America and Old Mexico ,
would fail , because it would bo founded on
the false assumption that the east hud in
terests and aims hostile to the west and
south. The destruction of business in those
portions would bo followed by the paralysis
of business of all kinds in the seaboard
cities. This consideration at once repels
the imputation of a "conspiracy" of eastern
newspapers against "the wolfaio and nil
vancomont of the west and south. " Such a
contention could only llnd hospitality In
"ono-ldoad" brains , which find mountains in
mole hills and discover "men us tioes walk-
liifj. "
The east has enormous interest in every
western state , in the great lines of trans-
pollution , In the publlo loins of states , cities
and tow us , in farm mortgages , in the stock
nnd bonds of coriraratlons , in every spccios
ot investment for inonoy. The sections buy
and sell and trade together as freely as the
inhabitants of a town. When the sensitive
nerves of business are rudely touched any-
wlioio in this countiy all the other sections
feel the shock. If the east should foinl "a
conspiracy uirainst the west and bouth it
would simply bo engaged In pulling down
its own house about its ears.
There is , there can be , no such thing ns a
"conspiracy" of the Jouinals of the eastern
cities to Injure any poilioa of our common
country in their presentation of the silver
controversy. It is a question of
monetary science as applied to the
needs of the entire country. It is
absuid to say that the eastern people have
"become hostile to the west and south , " or
that eastern journalism has anywhoie on-
couraped such hostility. It has discussed
the silver question from the standpoint of
patriotism alone , and , whether Its judgment
has been ritht or wrong , Its motive cannot
bo Impeached. There are honest differences
of opinion In ovorv section as to the relation
which silver should hold to our currency. It
is u case ) In which there uiust tie tolerance
and temperate discussion.
It 1 not conceivable Unit many Intelligent
westornois , oven those living in the sllvet
mates , will adopt this call of the Pau-Aniorl-
can Bimetallic association ns the rollcctlon
of their viows. The representatives of tin
association in Mexico and South and Central
America may bo Indifferent to the iuterrup
tlou of good feeling between portions of out
republic , but no patrloilocltlzonof thiscoun
try will allow such asporailons and soutl
incuts to pass unchallenged ,
vKut'Lii An rut Sat.
Pnvrho Cltlfon Train Is the only prlnco of
the blood at present on flxhlblltouivl the fair.
The ' .xellow1' fever which recently raged
In Now York Is rapidly subsiding under the
magics Inlluoneo of Europe's pold euro.
The wlso fisherman who chin ? to his sealskins -
skins pending arbitration Is considerably
richer. Seal skins nave advanced $ . " > eaoh ,
All cln ses and conditions of men nroTur-
nlshod ontorininnumt nt the World's fair.
Lvcn the pugs are treated to a profossl&nal
.lust ns Kansas was growing tlresomo In
the publlo prints , a shower j ( hailstones as
largo us baseballs happened along and re
vived the vaudeville spnlts of constitutional
Congressman Bryan's "muto appeal" boat-
Ini ? "In vain iigalnst the olltor walls , " was
not Intended as n rollectlon on the Salvation
army. Willie's mute did not carry a banner
or boat the drum ,
Western te.ulora of eastern pipers are
liable to ba misled by lurid ho ulllnos , read
ing , "How nod by Cleveland. " Such HUPS re
fer to outdoor Imso ball , not to the Indoor
bawl at the uapltol.
Twenty thousand poets nro expected In
Chicago on Poets' day. This vast aggrega
tion will enable the average mortal to grasp
the magnitude- the gray matter required
to edify magarlno readers.
'I ho saddest spectacle In lena politics Is
the present desolate condition of Mrs , J.
Ellen Fo tor. In former years she was a
calliope under high pressure. A tinhorn
now makes her weary and tionrtsoro.
Thomas A. Edison comes of n Ion ? lived
stock. His father Is still alive nt Port
lluion , Mich. , nt the ago of 1)0. ) His grand
father was lOJioirs old and two or his aunts
lived to bo 03 and 111) ) respectively. Samuel
Edison , the father of the Inventor , looks for
ward to many moro years of activity. Ho Is
very proud of his famous sou , who is known
to the family as "Al. "
Jacob Tonio , the widely known millionaire
banker of Port Deposit , Mil. , celebrated his
8.d ! birthday anniversary a few tlnjs ago.
Mr. Tome Is n native of Hanover , Pa , from
which plaeo ho went to Port Deposit in 18W.
Ono of his latest acts was the establishment
of tlio Jacob Tome insitiito for the education
of poor boys , on which ho has expended
$ r > 0,000. Mr. Tome Is still vigorous nnd
attends to business.
Hon. Frank D Jackson , republican candi
date for governor of Iowa , Is a Now Yorker ,
haUng been born in Wyoming county In
IbVI. His parents moved to Iowa soon after-
waul He was graduated fiom the Iowa
State college nnd was admitted to thobir.
Ho practiced law until about three years
ago , when ho was elected president of the
Koyul Union Mutual Life Insurance com
pany of Ues Molnos. Ho has baen a member
of the state senate and was twice elected
secietary of state.
There will bo a notable gathering nt Lake
Winnopesaukeo , In Now Hampshire , soon.
The Now Hampshiio Veteran Soldiers asso
ciation has invited all the war governois to
attend its annual lounion. Acceptances
have already been loccitcd from Cut tin of
Pennsylvania , Sprague of HI , ode Island ,
Holbiook of Vermont aud Beiry of Now
Hampshire , and the letters have just begun
tocoirioin. It Is hoped that all the living
wargovcinois will bo present and that the
occasion will bcmadoonaof historic interest.
Old Gcnoial Sickles is as warlike as ovor.
Ho opposed all debate on the question of 10-
pealing the Sherman law and proposed that
the house should icmaln in continuous ses
sion until that object was obtained. Ho de
clared his willingness to camp in the capital
and have his meals brought to him. When
this heroic proposition was declined ho
shook the dust of Washington fiom off his
feet and went homo to Now York , whcro ho
will remain until "tho wind-jammers got
through shooting off speeches. " Then ho
w ill return and \ oto.
Congressman Johnson of North Dakota ,
iias the funniest looking whiskers in the
liouso. In the last congress they were loug
and Poffoiesque , but whim ho returned to at
tend Uio extra session they had been
trimmed down to \\oiidiculous little points.
"I trimmed them out , " ho says , in explana
tion , "because I discovered that after milk
ing the cows at homo the odor collected in
them disagreeably. " Johnson is a mighty
agriculturist , and is reported to loam about
on his farm with his trousers suspended by a
single piece of binding twine and with his
tcet baio.
IlllHlllKSR KlHl Of IlUSlllOSfl.
New York P/cis.
At the Chamber of Commerce dinner ,
Novembei 0 , Ib'JJ , Grover Cleveland , in his
usual pondcious way. made a lliug nt our
business inteiests. These picscnt at the
dinner may recall the following admonition
from Mr. Dcpew : "I sympathize somewhat
with Mr. Cleveland In the feeling that ho
lias , that lee much is said about business in-
toicbts threatening this , or business inter
ests promising that ; und yet , ns our
friends have been out of power for thirty
years and have not hud the duty thrust upon
them to deal with business interests , I want
to give them this word of warning , ttiat
business interests have , like the wasp , a
business end , and they had better bo careful
how they fool w ith it. "
August 1'aiilo Mongers.
I'MlaililiiMa Tlma
This August would bo a dry , dull month if
it were not for the calamity howlers. It is
said that everything in nature has its uses ,
Including oven tlio mosquito , whoso use ,
however , has not yet been discovered. The
calamity howler must also have his purpose
in the universe. Poihaps it is to keep pco
plo awake during the summer vacation and
prevent their fulling into too seductive a re
COI.VMIHH , Noli. , An * . 13. ISai. To the
Kdltor ot TUB Hcs ! Will you kindly explain
the dKToronco between the Idea of Senator
PofTor on Issuing WOU.OOO.OOO of "fiat" nnil
the present clreitlatlon of national banks. It
not national bank circulation based on gov-
eminent bonds ; aio not Kovornmont bonds
pronilso to pay I Is there any coin now In
the hand * of the government to p-\y these
bonds ! Was there any inonoy or coin In the
hands of the government to pay the notes
lulled dining the war , commonly enllcd
greenbacks , or wore they n pronilso to pay ,
based on the faith nnd honor of the govern
ment , the pcoplo ot this country. If they
were only promises to pay , with nothing In
sight to pay with , Issued at n tlmo when It
was very uncertain what "tho goxornmont"
meant , how Is It that Senator PofTor's Idea
is so liable to rldloulof I am asking for lu
formation. Yours respectfully , XX.
Am. United States bonds nro promises
to pay , and national bank notes are couau-
iltiently based upon promise's of tlio govern
ment to pav. The government has no money
set nsldo for the payment of bonds , bccnuso
they nro not j ot duo , but It has a fund for
the icdumption of national bank notes.
There Is no difficulty with the circulation of
promises to pay so lone as they are redeemed
in coin of Intrinsic value. During tlio war
nnd untU 1878 , when no notes were ledcomod
In coin by thu government , gi rollback v us
nlso national bank notes , were constantly
w 01 tli less than cold ' 1 ho danger of llntlsm
Is that paper will bo Issued In such uuinli-
ties as to drive out nil our gold , and thus
compel the government to suspend todomp- '
tlon. Wo would then bo placed upon a i
basis ol depreciated p ipor , as wo woio ho- ' .
fore.Vo have seen that the continued purchase - '
chase of silver sent so much gold outof the {
country that the $100,000,000 icsorvo was i
trenched upon. It would evidently take , }
much less than $30DOOtOOv ) > of paper to di Ivo *
gold to n premium again Wo want now to t
keep our gold , not to drive it away. (
Tin : inniuir xnm o/-1 riu.\ < > $ . j
Now York Pros ? ! "Am you going away for i
rest and ch.ingo this suiiiiuoiV" "No. .My wife '
hns gone away for a change , nnd 1 urn ' '
u rest. "
Sittings : "A Moro Accident" l the ttllo of a >
new novel. Well , If It as u IIIPIO iictililunt thu K
public will overlook ll thli tlnu' , but tliu i
author must not repeat thu olTense. j
I'hllndolphla Itroiird : Plenty of sloup li con-
dm'ltn lo beauty. Ktuu u garment looks worn j
\ \ bun It loses Its imp (
Phon Reporter : The Kton jacket Is ono of t,1 ,
thu moHt absurd looking things In thu world ' , .
before a pretty girl puti It on I
„ . . Record : "How docs Dompstur al- I
vvnjs iimtiiiKo to look so cool this awful J
\\eathui ? " "IliMiiuKosout a lima list of the 1
thlnes he'll h.i\o to buy ne\t winter , and U .
ncuily gives him u chill. " i
I'lilladulphla Thnos : "Vacation" otymoloc-
Ically means empty. The \\onl iirohahly
nrlKlnntud on a ninn's Rotting I ) ick lioinn ItioU-
Inu at his pocKetbook and nskln , "What is
there In It,1 ,
Superior Times : Tn front of Mr. Malloy'n 'R !
feed slorostnndsa baby carrhigo which hears
tliK slgii : 'TorSilo-lfa\o Uonn Out of llml-
noss. " That dodge won't \votk , Mulloy. We've
tried It times and had to buy a now j , ' ,
ciirrlugu o\ cry time. Vl
' "
Ijlfo : "Thon you suspi'ct the count had an-
nthur reason for bruuUliiK his ongaguiiiunt
with you. "
"Yes. "
ixti uncle.
Washington News : As u congressman wai
i idlng toward the canltnl in a callucui ) yesluf
day the wind hluw lilsliiil oir , hut a nlinbln-
footed colored citl/en recovered It and ro-
htorud It to the ownet , baying : "lioss , huru'A
yourspeaUing tubo. "
Lailtm' Home Journal.
WoYOrn busy ono iluy In thu kitchen ,
I drop In some cook hook lore ,
And lie porchmt upon the tahlu
Ii 1 "coath-iind-four. "
% Iiiii a - - .
Bill when I had llnlslicd this sontcnco
In a rcclpu 1 luid found , \
"Stit on tliostovo and stir constantly , ' , '
Tno driver looked aiouuil.
And li-nv Ing his play for a Inlnulo ,
Uo vvliNuuied In my oar
"How could any ono 'M' | on thn nlovu"
Andnot'stli constiintly , ' ? ' . ' >
i in : j.'AG'.u'v : .
7ow Matfon tn JVetc Yurie Sun.
Alone by the sounding MM they sat ,
lie In his lluniiclslille ,
Sim In her go n und her jaunty hut ,
rieecy and Unify and white.
"I've piomlsod to mnrry you soon , " she said.
"And I nit-ant I' , so m\ei ftmr ;
But I uiuitul to ithk If you know , " she said ,
"Tliutgonns like this at u denr ?
"I mention this gonn , becnuse , you see ,
ll Ills mu und feels so nice ;
If you're n good iui"-si > r , my dear , niuybo
You'll hit right uwuy on llio prlcu. "
" \\liy. certainly , dearest , " Mo laugblnglj
Mpoko ,
"I'm aw uro that your gowns nro not low ,
And of couiMiRottlni ; married Is novel ajjlie ,
J > ut us say twenty ilollurs or so. "
She mulled. 'Twus u pit } Ing Hinllo she gave.
"It was ninety llvu doiluiH , " iitotli | shu ;
Anil her lovet rosu us n giciit gteun wave
Catiiu in from the bobbing xcu.
"Nlnuty-llvo dollars ! " ho echoed. "Well , well )
1.\cnsu mu a moment , my own ; - -
Some one Is uilllnK mu In the hotel , J
Hut nn Instant I'll louvo you ulono. " T
And ho sped uwny , and his bill ho paid ,
And lioincwaKl his footsteps sot ;
And us for thu ntnuty-llvu dollar maid ,
May bo Hhe's giUIni ; them yet.
Largest M iniifnoturnra an 1 Rotation
ol UlothltM In thu World.
Touching it off
That is to say , letting it go , and if you had
been in our store Saturday you
would hayo thought Unolo Sam
had brought baok the good old
times we read about. Oh , but wo
did sell lots of suits. Wo have
taken off from $2.50 lo $7.50 on
each suit , making such an extra
low price that even if you do not
need it now , it will pay you bet
tor than savings bank interest to
pick out a suit now'and put it
away till spring , This is not a
broken size or broken lot sale , but a nice clean stock
of the finest suits ever brought to this western coun
try. If you hesitate you are lost for they will bo
rapidly taken up.