THE OMAHA DAILY AUGUST 22 , THE DAILY BEE. K. HOSHWATnil , IMIfor r.vr.iiv MOIININU. rruMs or H Pully lleo .wllhoutPumlnyl . One War. . t > fl 00 Dally nun Hmitlny , Ono Year . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 HlxMmitlK . 501) Thrro Months . 2 CO Hunelay lire. OnnVoiir . . . 2 00 Baturiiiiy lleo. Oim Year. . . . . . , 1 60 Weekly lloo. One Ycitr . . . . . 100 OITICIW. Ornnlin.Tlionco llnlldltic. HotitliUmnlin.rnrniir N find 2Gth Streets. Coniu'll Bluffs , 12 I'r.irl Strnot. ( 'lilcuirnUineo , 317 Chamber of Oomworeo. New York , llooms 13 , 14 and ID , Tribune TiiilldliiL- . Washington , filS Fourtcontli Street. COUUKSrONDENCK. , All communication * mliitlnx to news und editorial mailer ulioulrt bo ndilrossua : To tlio Tdltor. 1IUSINESS LKTTEK3. All ImslnrM lotlors ami remittances should I o nddres. ed toTlio Itoo Publishing Company , Omnlm. Drafts , check * nnd poslollleo orders to ! undo p.iynblu to the order of tlio com- jmn/ . Parties leaving the city for tlio mimmor can liav ivii Hr.r. MMit to their address bj leaving nn oi'lcrnt IhPi olllro. THE W.K PUIILISHINO COMPANY. Thti Itrn 111 tilitencn. THK DAII.V nnd SUNDAY HKK la on sale In ChlcnRo nt tlio following place * : I'ultiicrlionse. Grand Pacific liolol. Auditorium hotel. f/ronl Northern liolcl. Oorc hotel. Inland Imtul. Files of TUB HER can bo noon nt the Ne braska ImildlnR nml tlio Administration build Ing , Exposition grounds. SWOIIN STATKMKXT OK CIRCULATION. Stair of KobraHka. I County of Doticlan. ( Ororuo It. Tr-fdmctt , upcrelary of THE J\r.r. \ Pnb- HMilnc coini-Miiy. ilocs Holoninlynwr.irtli.ll tlm ncliinlclrculnllcmof TUB DAILY IIKK for the week ending Antrim U > , I8U3 , was an follows ) Sunday , Annum III. . . . 2fl.0lfi ! Monday < August II . Ufl.Tni TuoRiliiv. Alicimt l . . . . 23,7411 \TpdiiPMlay. AliKimt III . . . . . . . . . . - S,70 ( ! TliiirwlJiy , Aliens ! 17. , . 2t,74l : Friday , Aucnsl IH . Wt.TOO finturdajr , Auiriisl 1 ! ) . . . 24,73.1 Oroiuin II. TzHciinCK , i SWOHN to before 1110 nnd mibscrlbnl In 1 PEAt. Miiy jinBL'iicullil ; I'.ltliila.vof Aiipimt , 1H9. ! . , ' X. P. F .ll. . Notary I'libllc. Arernicn Cirriilntldii lor .lul.v , 1803 , U4in8 ! fill : I1K1. > 1 > Sl'JWl.lI. X1C.1IX. THE Uisr. Is pleased to announce that a ° newspaper train has boon chartered via tlio Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific rail way , to run from Omaha to Lincoln dally , which will enable Tim HUB to servo its patrons throughout the South Platte country with Hie very lutcit nruM. At Lincoln close cotuicctious nrc made with tr.ilns south and westbound , \\hlch makes It practicable for Tun HUE to cover a vast territory with a complete newspaper. Heretofore wo have been compelled to go to press at u much earlier hour than is now done under the now arrangement. Tlio superiority of Tnn linn's telegraphic news is'eonrcdcd throughout the west. Its special cable tiows , utinvalod Dross dis patches and its special tologrnphio service from ovcry ini [ ortant point Imvo pained for this paper an en viable reputation not alone confined to this state. With Improved facilities for reaching the people nt a seasonable hour by TUB BEE spe cial newspaper train , there cau bo no doubt that our patrons will continue to show their appreciation of newspaper enterprise. IIOLMANiSM is to bo turned down In the Fifty-third congress. EvURVMiccossivo election in Franco Booms to give evidence or n prcator sta bility of republican government in J3uropo. TIIK Sunday park concerts go far toward innlcingr life In a city bearable to tlio workingnmn and his family during the hauled summer season. THE European war speck has novr shifted to a position bouvoon Italy and Trance. The rapidity and case with which it changes its location cannot fall to bo nil mi red. IP THICUK uro any local celebrities who nro aspiring to btill greater fame they should hasten to Imvo themselves en rolled as vice presidents of the forth coming frco silver coinage jubiloo. So BKYAN of Nebraska retains the place on the ways and means committee which fell to him as spoils for support ing Springer for speaker , while Springer himself is relotratoil to the rear. Verily , politics bringoth strnngo reverses. THKKK wore only li.OliO candidates for places in tlio French Chamber of Dep uties at the election yesterday. But that is not uolrcumstanco to the number of men who aspire to become candidates for the local olllcos that are to bo filled tills full. No ONI : o.xpccts the corporation inter ests of Nebraska to render tlio nonpartisan - „ partisan judiciary movement any very material assistance. The corporations are intoiiboly partisan , no matter whether they happen to favor republi canism or democracy. THK Washington Post says that Sena tor Allen is "likoly to make a stir" be fore the Bis years of his service are Biidcfl. Senator Allen has just "stirred" from Nebraska to Washington and U likely to "stir" back and forth several times before his six years oxplro. IT MUSTttliord these of our morclmnta vho nro trailing with China a consider- iblo measure of relief to have oflloinl aottuo that no rotaliatlon will bo prac ticed because of the Geary law. China , It must bo admitted , is displaying a for. bearunco Unit was scarcely to have boon expected , _ SKNATOU INQAM.S is now mak ing tht rounds of the Grand Army encamp tnonts milking speeches In which ho roundly excoriates the veterans foi Hiolr uosortion of the republican party And it Is to bo noticed that tha veteran lubmits very tamely to the scolding process. They fool in the mood for a little vorbul chuatisomont and the Kan- iaa brand seems uono too strong foi thorn. IT IS now stated , upon Hooky mountaii authority , that Franco la seriously con tomplnting the purchase of Amorloa'i entire stock of silver bullion. In tin ebsonco of better Information the now tuny bo looked upon as a very gauz ; attempt to boar the silver market. Btill if Franco wants to exchange gold barer ( or a love tons of silver bullion she cai Dnd a ready bargainer In Undo Bain. KO .vficws.siri * FO/ { It Is announced from Washington that the sensation of the irook will bo the assertion by Senator VoOrhoos that under present conditions free coinage - ago of silver at. nn enhanced ratio , bay 20 to 1 , N a practical Impossibility and that this statement will be backed up by n letter from Secretary Carlisle showing how great a loss would bo sustained by the government should it attempt to re- Cjin the outstanding silver dollars. It Is further said that Senator Voorhcos intends to explain Ills changed nt- tltudo upon the sliver qurstlon by this argument and in order that' the shock may not fall too suddenly upon the country the letter from Secre tary Carlisle has already been made pub lic. Why It should bo necessary for the government , to attempt to rocoln the outstanding silver at all is In no way in dicated by the secretary. Senator Voor- lioos may endeavor to toll us in his forthcoming speech , but the effort ap pears to bo qulto gratuitous. , * \ > r the facts concerning the number of coined silver dollars nnd the probable loss attendant upon rccoinago , wo may accept Secretary Carlisle's figures with out question. There arc -lin.M-J.-luO coined silver dollars , and some $77,000- , 000 In subsidiary silver in which the mint ratio of 1(5 ( to ! or loss has boon employed. If the ratio should bo changed to 20 to 1 and tliis money called in for reissue nt the now ratio , the estimated cost of rccolnugo , including the addi tional bullion , the loss by abrasion , the cost of coinage , the copper for alloy , and the expenses of transportation amounts to $112,8GOi21. : From these figures wo are loft to Infer that the pro posed change of ratio would involve the government in debt to over one hundred millions of dollars. Lot us examine this question with more caro. Why should the govern ment attempt to rccoin the existing Block of silver money ? It will no doubt bo replied that no one would accept a 00-cont dollar when a dollar of 100 cents is to bo obtained , and that , the light weight dollars will all accumulate in accordance with Grcsham's law in the treasury in payment of customs dues. But this is a misapprehension arising i-oin an imperfect conception of what ji-esham's law really is. The fact that where two kinds of money are in circu- ation side by side the inferior will always drive out tlio superior was rec ognized by economists long buforo it was formulated into a so-called law by Sir Thomas Grosham. While the principle nt its foundation is not to bo denied it mist nevertheless bo accepted only with distinct - limitations. An overvalued money will not drive out an undervalued money .so long as its quantity is abso lutely limited. The only reuben why our prcbont silver dollar has not dis placed the use of gold is that it is issued in limited quantities by tlio government and by the government ulono. Now lot us suppose that frco coinage of silver at an enhanced ratio , say 20 to 1. wore inaugurated. What would become of the outstanding silver coins ? They would still bo legal tender , receivable for all debts , public and private. No ono could obtain a 112 grain silver dollar except in ox- clmngo for a dollar's worth of commodi ties. No ono could take bullion to the mint and bccuro for it 412 grain silver dollars. The only silver dollar coined there would be a 404 grain dollar and the exchange value of the old dollar and the now dollar would bo precisely alike. In other words so long as the number of 112 grain dollars remains fixed at 419- , 000,000 they cannot drive out of circula tion a single dollar , gold , silver or paper. An overvalued money can dis place an undervalued money only when the quantity is increasing. If any dis placing would result at all it would re sult from the increase of the num ber of now 404 grain dollars and it would bo the gold which would con- Untie to bo displaced until twenty ounces of silver became equal in value to ono ounce of gold. If silver bullion did not rise in price to correspond with the price of gold at 20 to 1 , all our gold would bo driven out of circulation , while the existing stock of 412 grain dollars would pass current as boforo. It is evident then that there is abso lutely no nocossitj whatever for rocoin- ing our outstanding silver , even though froj coinage should bo adopted at a ratio of 20 to 1. To estimate the loss which would accrue from rocoinugo is a beautiful mathematical calculation , but its pertinency to the question at i sue in congress is as remote .as the price of wheat in London. WHAT LUSS UP OHKDIT MKAKS. In his annual report for 18)2 ! ) the comp troller of the currency showed that over i)0 ) per cent of the bublno.s.s transactions of the country wore done by means of credit. IIo said : "When the public loses confidence , and credit is impaired and refused , over 90 per cent of all busi ness transactions are directly ulToctod. It is easy to realize how impossible it is for the remaining 10 per cent of money to carry on the business of the coiyitry without monetary stringency nnd finan cial distress. The refusal to extend or continue credit , the demand for payment In money , loaves the actual money or currency of the country , bo It $21 per capita or $ f > 0 per capita , utterly - torly powerless to supply business needs , " In the sumo report it is shown that in 1692 the fifty-seven clearing hoiiBo associations in tlio United States transacted u business aggregating SOI- , 017,8il.0li7 : ) , and of that great volume ol business only 8 per cent was done with nctual currency or money , A good explanation of what is meant by the credit system and it may bo re marked that few -oplo i understand It is given by Prof. Laughlln of the University of Chicago in u recent letter to the secretary of agriculture. IIo ob served that the amount of actual money , metallic or paper , is very small at all tlmoa compared with the country's commodities moditios which are being exchanged , If all goods were to bo al the Bamo moment otlored for money , the money would not bo enough to gc around. In a sale of goods , a computiv tlon in terms of money may bo made and a check or draft drawn for thai amount. Through the agency of banks these drafts are exchanged against each other , rendering the nctual transfer of money unnecessary , and enabling jjoods to Iw moved rapidly nnd economically. The grain , the provisions , the manufac tured goods of the country are thus de pendent on the banking system for their exchange , and this service Is of really greater importance to trade than the more quantity of metallic monoy. More over , these services are so constantly and easily done day by day that the public Is often unaware how intimately the bank ing system Is interwoven with the inter ests of trade and commerce. Only in such a time as the present , when the paralysis of crodlt prevents the banks from serving the public as usual , Is our dependence upon a good banking system clearly perceived. The most important constituent In our system of exchange Is , therefore , the $2,500,000,000 of credit deposits in our banks which arise from the check and deposit function. This Is what enables the more than $00,000,000- , 000 of goods to bo exchanged , and shows clearly that wo are not dependent for n medium of exchange merely on the quan tity of gold and silver on hand. A contraction of but 21 per cent in credits is equivalent in' ' the olTcct on exchanges of wip ing out the entire currccy sup ply of the country , and there can bo no doubt that such a contraction has taken place within the last six months. When to this is added the largo withdrawal of money from the banks which has not boon returned , estimated to amount to between SloO.OOO.OOO nnd $200,000,000 , nobody can have any difficulty in under * standing why there is depression. It may bo pertinently observed , also , that people who ask thai the supply of cur rency bo made sulllclont to do the busi ness of the country on a cash basis evi dently do not know what , that would require - quire , or understand what would bo the consequence of attempting to lloat such a mass of monoy. SO.Ufi IMI'IHJVKMtiXT. In recent issues TIIK BEE has taken advantage of every inJication of .bettor trade conditions upon which to base the assumption that business throughout the Htato shows a decided improvement. Such a conclusion predicated upon false promises would avail nothing. It is , however , gratifying to be able to note unquestionable evidences of returning confidence among the jobbers of Omaha and the merchants of leading country towns , whoso books are over a true barometer of trade. That bed-rock has boon touched is the consensus of opinion among the bankers and merchants of this city , who may bo said to have about concluded to resume business on a largo scale without waiting for action at Washington. This of course would bo dillicult to do if the conditions of sixty days ago had not undergone some change. It is the natu ral sequence of a better fooling now prevalent. The crop outlook in this state is having a potential influence upon trade. Our business jnen hnv always felt the good olTocts of a prospective heavy corn crop. This year is no excep tion to the rule. The general distrust of eastern bank ers and jobburs has developed an entirely - tiroly now feature in the trudo of this state. The eastern men are not in posi tion to readily perceive the improved conditions in this territory , and have not relaxed their stringent rules and restricted credits. The result is that the western jobbers are stopping in and boiling goods where heretofore the down-easjt jobber maintained a firm foot ing. If the jobbers of the west bee fit to follow up this now advantage they uroioortain to profit by it immeasurably in the long run. It serves to exemplify the fact that as time goes on the dis tributing centers of the west are becom ing more and more independent of those of tlio oast. THK Biu buliovos that business will continue to improve in Nobrabka. ' IIOUSK CU3IMIITRK O The announcement of chairmen of the committees of the house of representa tives verifies , as to the more important committees , what had been foreshadowed by the best informed Washington corre spondents. Wilson of West Virginia suc ceeds Springer of Illionis us the chair man of the ways and .means committee , tno latter being placed at the houd o : the eommltteoon banking and curroiicy. Thus the Illinois statesmen is distinctly dihc-oditcd ; by the administration in connection with the work of tarlll reform , for it must bo understood that in this matter Speaker Crisp is carrying out the arrangement \rith the president under which ho was onablot to bccura re-election without opposition in his own party. Unless ho had ugroot thus to bo a party to tlio discrediting ol Springer ho undoubtedly would huvo had Wilson as a competitor for the spcukorship , and bucked by the influence once of the administration the Wos' Virginian would at least have been i very formidable rival. The significance of the change to the country is in the promise it Implies that there will nebo bo any such radical changes in the tarilT as might have been expected hat Springer remained at the head of the ways and moans committee. Wilson is a tarlll reformer , but without the strong leaning toward free trade of his pi-pdeccssor , and consequently ho is more in accord with the president whom it is now clearly understood dooi not approve the dcctriiio of the nationa platform regarding protection. The country can now fool assured that whatever over tarilT revision Is accomplished will bo very largely directed by the admin istration , and there is reason to expect , also , that it will not bo long delayed. The turning down of Springer will not be pleasing to a considerable number of dem ocrats , who bcllovo ho hud ufuir claim tc bo continued us the leader of the party In the house , and they will hardly be placated by his appointment to the chairmanship of the banking and cur rency committee , although it is an important ono. The treatment of Springer is an illustration ol the ingratitude of politics. Few moi on the democratic side did moro faithful service in the lust presidential cam paign. Suyors of Texas is chairman of tlu appropriations committee , succeeding Ilolman of Indiana , who is relocated U the comparatively obacuro position o hnlrmnn > f the "commlttco on Indian nffnlrs. Wlthoutf'Vfnowlng ' much of the qunUficnUons of tljoTexan for the very mportant duties /revolving upon the lend of the apprjjjtijlutlons committee , 10 regret will bauoxprosscd that the cheese-paring ImTin'na politician has at ast boon dlscrodJtxjjT by his party , and vlll probably ncvcj ; again by known n any position ot pront , rosponsl- illlty. He has bonra conspicuous fall- ire as chair man ojf-jtho appropriations committee nnd tbor country may feel confident Hint his isuccensor cannot do verse , whllo it is' reasonably to bo ox- icctetl thnt ho will ( lo bolter. Mr. Bland , the foremost champion ot roe silver in the house , remains nt the icad of the committee on coinage , velghts and measures , but this is not to KS regarded as necessarily a concession to the silver clement , since It is under stood the Missouri statesman will lot have n majority of the coin- nittoo with him so far as his silver views nro concerned. More over , if the silver purchasing clause of the Sherman act Is repealed Mr. Bland's committee will not bo par- .icularly burdened with business. With , hat consummation attained there will M llltlo moro heard of silver in the present congress. A number of other changes are made in the chairmanship ) , perhaps the most important after these mentioned ooing that of pensions , of which Moses of joorgia is chairman. Doubtless Secre tary Hoko Smith will bo nble to got all the aid he may ask from the house com mittee on pensions In his work of purg ing the pension rolls. It is perhaps quite unnecessary to say that the south receives most liberal treatment in the distribution of the committee chairman ships , and it will certainly not bo the fault of Speaker Crisp If that section docs not dominate the legislation of the present congress. No MAN with a heart capable of being touched by the privations of his fellowmen men can fail to have his sympathies moved by the appeal of the great army of unemployed for something to do that will give them bread. Understanding tl'csulToring of these people , who are willing to labor , but can got nothing to do , and of those dependent upon them , it is not dillicult to pardon them for intem perate utterances. Hungry mon , who cannot appease the hunger of helpless wives and children , cannot bo expected to always speak w\tli , deliberate judg ment and measure their words with the care of mon wlio have nothing to worry or exasperate thorn. They are not to Iw judged too h'arshly ' , but rather with every nllowanue ( for the inlluenco upon their minds of their unfortunate condition. It is a Very different matter , however , with the political demagogues such as J. B. W ayjsr and the other signers of the appeal to the farmers of the west who taketad , vantage of the misfortune of the Unemployed to in- fiarao their passions * and to incite thorn against other classes' pf the community. The so-called apprial sent out by Weaver jand his 'as ocfatos has more of the characteristics x of a i com munist manifesto than" . , of an appeal for the relief of , the unfortunate , and it is to be feared that it will fall far short of accomplishing what might bo done by a request for relief made in sober , earnest nnd judicious language , instead of In terms calculated , if not intended , to engender and intensify class hostility. At a time when it is most necessary tha * . the passions bo kept in check and calm reason bo allowed to rule the people who could subscribe to the "aupeal" of Weaver and his colleagues are not friends of the public peace or the gen eral welfare. Tnu action of the labor organizations in St. Louis in urging the great qrmy of unemployed workingmen in the country to move on Washington in order to im press congress with the urgent necessity for relief is extremely ill advised. The presence of 76.000 unemployed mon at Washington would simply embarrass the local authorities without moving con gress. It is a mistake to assume that congress or the administration is in- dillerent to the demands of the unem ployed. Idle men can only secure em ployment through the regular channels of industry and congress can only legis late to remove obstacles that obstruct the return of prosperity. That is pre cisely the work congress has been re quested to perform. Tills delegates and speakers to the Now York fanners alliance and people's party state convention cull upon thu farmers of the west to send food of all kinds to allay the hunger of the starv ing unemployed in Now York City. If the condition of tlio western farmer is so black as it has boon constantly painted by the populist calamity how lers , how can ho , we ask , share what ho has not with others who are said to bo equally poverty stricken ? All this goes to prove that tjm calamity howlor.s themselves do not Ijujjovo the terrible ' stories of pauperized' farmers which they Imvo boon s rtadiiig | with such assiduous labor. "n THK difficulty whleu'the ' United States experiences in recruiting the small standing army wH a'h it maintains is fast being overcome now that hard times have forced s Jnany mon from employment. But the man who onlista because ho is con'ipu.llcd to do HO 01 btiirvo cannot bo ox ieutod , to make the most olllcioiitsoldioiviuWith the return of prosperity wo mugt toot bo surpisud to find a considerable iauroaso in the mini her of deserters unt . ' .Mio unwilling reemit emit has once more disappeared from tin sorvico. Now THAT the silver question has been taken up for discussion by tht house without passing through the com in It tee stage , the committee on coinage weights and measures becomes an insig niflcuut congressional adjunct. Thu may account for McKelghun keeping hit place on the coinage committee. 11'1 ' THU nonpartisun schema of logis lution on the silver question works sue cosbfully congress might dcvoto tin regular HOBS ion to a little nonpartlsni legislation on the tarilT question. A joint resolution pledging the inuinto nnnco of the present tariff law with Its cciproclty annex , adopted by the rotes f all parties nnd signed by the prcsl- cut , would have n remarkably stlmulnt- ng offuct upon all brnnc'ies < f liuli stry. THK Now York Jlcmld Is now issued rein its new building , which Is no doubt ho finest structure devoted exclusively o the production of n newspaper that exists nnywliuro in the world. It Is loodlcss to add that , the J/miM'.i now acilitlos will bo utilized to improve the ligh standard of journalism which it ms always maintained. Tun HUE is ono of the few nows'pa | > ors which gives ts readers the benefit of the JfcroWs msurpasscd cable news sorvico. Ancient I'rojudico Cropping Out. The tlomocr.itlo prejudice against the us- loiml brinks dittos bnck to tlio time when , liO3o institutions served n good purpose In behalf of the union cnuso. ' A Ornnnlne K ll. Stop croaking. H doesn't pay ; It Is nil oss ami no nrollt to nil , nml whounvor the croaker slmll cease to ply his vocation money vlll bo plenty nnd business prosperous. Stop croaklnc. A \tnj- with Tradltlorn. -/xptltoHlle Courier Journal. If the senate wishes to preserve Its pre cious "traditions , " to which it seems moro lovotoil than to the interests of the country , t sliould avoid trying the } > ; Uici > cu of the icoplo too far Just nt this timo. Krn nt Honae. iVcio York . -Jdrcrldicr. There is comfort in the conviction thnt the iiaducss of the people Is passing away. The calm Judgment anil steadfast patriotism of .ho . people must sooner or later nssert ItsolT. The GiUOOX ; of peoulo In the United Slates ire not "mostly fools , " ami wo have f jith to Killovo that the beginning of a now and bettor era is nt hand. Speed tlio dayl Coining llnlr. Kew l'i > . k bun. The Hon. William Alfred PoITor , the Esau- chimioO glory ot Topeka , hopped up in the senate yesterday with n bill for aluminium nonoy. Why aluminium } Why not hair ? tlnlr seems to bo the great populist com- nodlty. PoITor should coin his vest-shading loriru Into drachmas. Wo beseech him to rive another shalio to his mighty thiuk- tliunk. .Niiturn'g ( lolilon Dupoxitnrlcs. SI. J' < n < l l'tniiccr-1'rcxs. The grain Holds of northwest ar < S vast > anks of doXslt | , iu whoso stacks ot golden jrnln are stored o moro potential cash ready o bo poured into nil the channels of clrculn- , ion than oven the immense sums that have jcen withdrawn to bo secreted in private loards. All that ts needed is a few mil- ions of cash or of credit substitutes for cash to set the cold en tldo in motion. Troulilo In tlm Cani . J'liHailc\i \ > htn InyuIro ; What docs this news from Washington portend ? Achilles Cockran sulking in his tent ; democratic leaders at war ; threats of ) olttlcal assassination ; charges of the basest Toaohery against those who have fed heart- ly at Cleveland's olllclal table ; frantic up- ) oals to republicans to save the nation what meau thcso ? It means that the people made u mistake last fall when they placed the democratic party In power. Aud it fur ther means that they have found it out. 1UKHI1 * ' I.UtVKt. Kail * ? * C < l\i \ Journal. The speech of Sir. Ingalls before the Grand Army encampment at liutchinson recalls the days when the ox-senator was tin active [ lolitlcian nnd n leader of public sentiment in lis state. It had much or the old time ring , ind appealed to the sentiments and patriot ism oC his hearers with much of the old time movintr power. Whenever Mr. Ingnlls talks straight republicanism of the stalwart typo ho is listened to with absorbing in terest and enthusiasm. It is when ho at tempts to soften his language In dofcrcnco to what ho considers changing conditions of sentiment that he disappoints others and. weakens himself. JO H A JtKl'UJILWslXS. Now York Commercial : Iowa may bo trusted to go right this fall. The 20,000 re publican majority on the national ticket last year indicates the will to do away with a democratic governor as soon us possible. Boles naturally declines to bo the sheep led to the slaughter. Now York Sun : The making of a liquor plunk which will soothe the moral Urys without ruffling the Wets In the rlvor towns was the chiot perplexity of the lown repub licans this year. They are weary of being sacrificed to prohibition. Tlio candidate for ' governor I > ; not' likely to set Sugar creek atlro. Chicago Herald : The Iowa republican platform Is for the most part nn arraign ment of the American peoplo. It presents a long and harrowing catalogue of woes and calamities nnd attributes thorn nil to the election of u democratic president nnd con gress last fall. But since the people did the electing they are necessarily the pro ducers of all the woes and calamities. Chicago Inter Ocean : The Iowa republi can convention adopted a strong platform on national issues , and met the most trouble some local Jssuo by declaring that prohibi tion is no test of republicanism. This is n clear statement of a self-ovldciu truth , and ns there was full nnd free discussion of the temperance resolution , the Inference is that there will bo no division on this subject. Philadelphia Press : No sucn intelligent nnd well directed effort has been seen in this country to enforce prohibition as has been witnessed in Iowa. The legislature aided by passing the most stringent and inquisi torial laws. For live years the governors , legislatures and a majority of the county onlclals were in sympathy with the law , and public opinion gave Its sanction to their energetic efforts. Hut it was all In vain and today free rum prevails In Iowa. Now York Tirana : The action of the ro- publlcin convention In Iowa makes It prnb- aulo that the decisive Issue In the state cam paign will bo the repeal of the prohibitory law. The fuel that by a close vote in thu convention the republicans have taken sub stantially the same ground that has boon occupied by the democrats for years will not take the question out of politics , for very many of thu republicans are still prohibition ists who in a state election will put that issue above all others. A party cannot change its ground so suddenly on a question that appeals Htrnngly to sentiment and hope to carry its following bodily over to the n op position , Springfield ( Mass. ) Republican : This desire - sire of tlio republicans to relegate to the graveyard of wornout issues the prohibition question is not reciprocated by the lown democrats , who have nun two state elec tions under thu leadorshlpof Governor Holes because of 'their opposition to the prohib itory law , Tlio statute Is evidently doomed , whichever party may win this fall , but dis cussion of the question must porforcu enter prominently Into thu campaign , nnd from it the democrats are the moro llltely to profit , inasmuch ns their present position U not Inconsistent - consistent with their past , while the repub licans have withdrawn from tholr old stand under stress of continued defeat. Philadelphia Record : In their efforts to carry a Jug of whisky on ono ahouluor and a bucket of cold wutor on the other tlm re publicans of Iowa will bo apt to spill thu contents of both , The temporary chairman of the state convention was .larvls Uarlan , secretary of the interior In Lincoln's admin istration , who is best rumemhurud by the fact that ho removed Walt Whitman from a clerksnlp because of the Immorality of the poet's verses. In his speech Mr. Harlan gave thu keynote to the purpoia of the con vention by declaring that "Prohibition is not ono of the principles of the republican party. " The platform , which repeats this repudiation of prohibition , endeavors to Btraddlo the question by promising thnt the legislature shall maintain "tha present liquor law in these portions of thu state whcro It is now , or can bo made cnlcicnt , nnd giving the localities such methods of controlling and regulating thu liquor traftlo as will best burvo the causa of tomperanoo and morality. " This moaus that the re publicans of Iowa nro In favor of free whisky in certain suctions of thu state , and of water In curtain other sections of thu stato. XKIlitASK.l J.\J > XKIlHAfiK.lX.t. Many /armors living along the Ncraixlm bottom hare suffered much loss by the TO- cent overflow. Hic.vellng Is becoming popular In Nebraska , Nearly nil tlio fairs In the state nro offering purses for cycling events. The market price of corn has boon 2A cents In McUook up to last week , when the price slumped away to IS wills a busliol. Doslilor , Xhayor county , Is to have .1 news imncr , the material of the Carleton Koporlcr having boon removed to that place. Out of thirty-seven populists that recently gathered together InSnltnn county thirty-six of them wanted a nomination for oflico. Mr. Hnbcock of Uollmny will RO b'cforo the people's party convention nml nsk for the nomination ns register of deeds of I-aucaster county. Thu editor of the Nebraska City Press U nuthorlty for tlio statement that "tho average - ago Nebraska girl still clings to the electric band" for garters. I&lllor Heal of the Independent organ nt Hroken How was horsewhipped In ear nest last week by a lady who took excep tions to the colonel's broo7y western w.iy of referring to her domestic and other relations with mankind. Mrs. L. P. Dillon of Crcto made complaint against her neighbor , I ) . 15. Uurket , for keep ing a howling dog , to her discomfort nnd nnnoynnco. Tlio police judga Imposed upon defendant n ilno of $1 and costs , nnd the case will bo appealed. Only four of the daughters of D. H. Frost of Orawtord nro attending the toauhors' in stitute. The rest nro attending to homo duties. Mr. R is to bo congratulated on his success In supplying the schools of Antelope county with teachers. The independents of lied Willow county will bo the llrst this year to shy tholr caster In the political arena. At thocountv contra ! committees meeting held In Indlauola It was decided to hold tholr county convention In Indlnnoln Saturday , September' ; . IT. A. Connor , cashier of the Crcto National bank , whllo umpiring n ganio of base ball be tween the Young Men's Christian Associa tion team and a picked nlno the other even ing was struck in the faro by n very hot foul , and his nose was badly crushed. Friday last T. 1L Miller , an ox-mayor of Crete , was charged before Police Judge Schilling with assault. The dcfonso setup was "temporary Insanity. " Alter the testi mony of n largo array of witnesses and med ical exports had been given IMr. Miller was discharged. Jolinson county's superintendent of schools , Mr. J. L. McHrlon , has boon cloctod by the board of trustees of the Nebraska Wesleyan university to the iwsltlon of dean of Orleans seminary , which institution is supplemental to the Wcslcynn and is located at Orleans , Uarlan county. "The farmers of Nebraska nave no good grounds for complaints on prices obtained , for the products of thu farm durlnc the past year , " says the Fairbury ICnterpriso. "Hay nlouo sold on the streets of Fairburv last Saturday for fully one half , if not moro , of what the land would soil for. " At a mooting of tlio county supervisors of Dixon county the petition nsking for an elec tion to move thu county sent was again brought forward. After duly considering the petition for an election and the remon strance wescntod by Ponca the board de cided that no election would bo called. Uarlan county's prohibition convention placed the following county ticket in the iicld : For clerk , vacant ; for treasurer , Stephen Morgan ; for sheriff , G. M. Howloy ; for superintendent , Mrs. P. H.J.Adams ; for judge , Hcv. J. W. Edwards ; for surveyor , vacant , and for coroner , Dr. H. S. Zumro. A spectator de-scribes an enthusiastic and withal pathetic old soldiers reunion ho wit nessed in Hastings otho other day. There were only ten old vets in the reunion , but they mndo up in vehement remarks not com plimentary to the present administration what they lacked in numbers. Kvury man was doubtless in the neighborhood of or over COoars of ago , and the loss of their pen sions nt this time of unusual depression and lack of confidence was a crushing blow to these who came to the front in the hour of the country's peril and think they are now properly entitled to the nation's gratitude. I'ISOPLMAND The pressure Is casing up in all directions , except in congress. Attorney General Olnoy might attack gen eral distrust and immortalize himself. The oxpuyratcd edition of the Cairo dance scorns to strike Chicago cult in the right spot , and the country Is reasonably safo. Thomas Settle of North Carolina Is the youngest member of the present houso. Ho settled in North Carolina ( Ilockinglmm county ) March 10 , 1805. Fusion In Kansas is In a state of hopeless confusion. Jerry Simpson of Medicine Lodge refuses to coalesce with what ho dubs "plo-bclhcd hypocrites. " Governor Flower of Now York Is gravi tating with Cleveland into the rcpuolicau camu. Ho says to his parly , Ulj0t the tariff nlono. " Flower is a statesman. Also a daisy. Governor Wnito missed the opportunity of n lifetime. If ho had been In Chicago during the Indian torture dance ho could have waded in blood to the bridle without striking a blow. Miss Mnlxsl Uosant , sister of Walter Husant , Is paid to bo ono of the most en thusiastic lady 'cyclists in England Shu mounts her iron steed and thinks nothlug of a "spin" of thirty miles at a timo. Mr. George W. Childs of the Philadelphia Ledger has bought a plot In Greenwood cemctory for the burial ol the Into Richard A. Proctor , \\hoao bodyj now Hea in an un- mnrkod grave , And tlio oroollon ot n ntiltnhla monument to perpetuate the memory of tlio astronomer. A score of anxious renders nro- assured thnt the prediction of n cyclone during harvest lime Is nn Invention of the cnomy. Mary Ixa o and John J. Ingnlls will not come together lu Joint dobnto In Nebraska , Domxni K D. Allen , of the Old South o. V _ i cloty In Boston , has been In continuous busl- f ness In that city for sixty years , anil Is be lieved to bo the oldest dry goods merchant nt the Hub. Ho ts still vigorous and active , 1 nltliough much beyond SO years ot ngo. I Henry Vlllard of the Northern Vaclflo has ' trono abroad. Mr , Vlllnrd struggled so hard 4i to accumulate a few millions that his physl- * cnl health is not as robust ns his pile. Ha was unequal to the task of climbing tlm Manitoba Hill and retired in favor of re ceivers. Just how many Northern Pacific _ stockholders bid him a cordial ndlou will l T never bo known. Congressman Wilson of West Virginia , who tried to beat 1)111 ) Springer for the ways nnd moans chairmanship was n college presi dent before ho entered congress. IIo Is a popular man among his colleagues and no ono questions his ability , though ho bus not had the experience which Mr. Springer has enjoyed. Mr. Wilson Is about fto yenra ) old nnd Is said to have grown very gray within the last year. A gonoratlon ago n wealthy St. Loutsnn founded a fund to help Immigrants. The de sign of the founder worked well for a time , and thousands of now settlers wore mater ially helped by the generosity of Hryn Mul- Iniinhy. Hut times hnvo changed. A late report of the trustees of the fund shows that It required 8-lSl i In expenses to dlsburso JCC > 5 In charity. Tlio trustees evidently bo- llovo that charity should begin at homo. ri.i.i.s.i.VT/tn.s. Philadelphia Loilcor : Wild 11 off Is a Cheyenne chief without a trlbo. The Uhey- cnnos never sausagu a chief biifore. ' * Washington Star : You cannot toll anything * - by size or nppoarnnem. A violoncello won't : move as many neighbors ns iv plain puny IKUllo. Iiidlnaiinlls Journal : Little Hantus Daddy , who was dls yer .Indus ? , Uncln Mo o IIoMU. do first Christian da madoauy ; money out oh It. Harper's Itazar : "What a superb fi\cnl"Knld one Huston girl to another s thny stood before - fore a marlilo head of .Minerva. "Ves , " s.ild the uthgr. "What a nose for spect'iclosl" Troy Press : It Is the Inside way lo the wuy- sldu Inn which makes thu Inn ] > opulur among outsiders. Boston Courier : When a man cots Into a peck of trouble ho Is quite content to hide his light under a bushel. Philadelphia LodKor : The hello of the Dahomey village hud Ueoigu Kruncls Tinln for a partner In leading the grand maiiMi of an International bill on thu Midway plulsancu WednuMltiy nl 'it. ' Her costume wasscaiely ( > iual | lo u regulation bathing suit , but hli was on Train. Chlcapo Inter Oconn : "That was an awful -f accident onion tlm Inko last night. " "What caused It ? " 4 "Ono ot the young ladles asked Jaggs If ho ' was fond of thuntui , nnd thoy'vu not boon ti ablu to icstoru him to consciousness since. " Life's Calendar- Long I know an artist who painted a runaway linrsu. It was so natural that , thu boliulclers jumped out of thu Downing IIiimnht My frlundMcGlliipainted a portrait ot : i lady that wns so natural thut -r c ho had to biio her for his bill. 4 1- IIAIU ) I.UCK. H'ri ? i (113(1111 ( ( Snr. ( A man went out tn llsh ono dav ! Jr" ' llullslu'd with mlKlit nnd main , And unipty handed wont his uay , Which 111 led hilioai twlth uuln. "How now ? How nntlm good wlfo said , "Where are my llsh to fry ? " Her husband simply tiling Ids huad And Mild , "No llsh have I. "I lingered till thu sun went down And It was time to sup , And uru I got again to town , They shut thu 111:11 : kotun. " I'JtUItJ.KMS. ' 'n Itazar. I'd like to khow a lot of things I'll never understand : No cyclopedia can explain ; a hundred I have scanned. I euro not non- for problems that have vb'xud thu world for uyu ; All mlnu In tlielr ussuntial points are purely of today. Now first of all I'd like lo know why ftannul trousered monDe Do wear tlium at the ankles turned , nor turn them don n nxalnV Are tlioy too Ions in wear , pDrchnnco , the way that they \\eie made ? Or Is It that thu wearers feel thut thuy may hnvo to wade ? And why Is It that lovely maids , who never hiieur at all , Whun they do happun to attend a tourney or a bull. Affect lorgnettes , duspltu the fact tholr eye are Miperliao , And , looking through thom , sootn transformed to snobs of ancient line ? Again , I'd know why In July , and all through August too. VOUIIK mini and maidens can do thliiKu that no ono eUu limy do. Why Is It that they are engaged from July until fall. Vet In the winter seem to know each other not at all ? Anil why do folks In search of rest go from a restful homo. And Ilku a hiind ot gypsies round about the country roam ? I want to know tliaso things BO much thai If you'll lull mo I'll lluwuid you when wo meet with my most fascinating smile. " & CO. Lurirost Manufacturers ml H-Hillon ol Ulolutux lu thu World World't -'t 'tV , Touching it off That is to say , lotting1 it go , and if you had been in our store Saturday you would have thought Unolo Sam had brought back the good old times wo read about. Oh , but wo did soil lots of suits. Wo have taken off from $2.50 to $7.50 on each suit , making suoh an extra low'prioe that even if you do not need it now , it will pay you bet ter than savings bank interest to pick out a suit now and put it away till spring , This is not a broken size or broken lot sale , but a nice clean stock of the finest suits over brought to this western coun try. If you hesitate you are lost for they will bo rapidly taken up. BROWNING , KING & CO. , JS < 15ft dUl DO&gla * StS ,