It E UNDAY HI. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , AUGUST 20 , 1893H51XTEEN 1'AGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. MONO ATTRAGTIOI Read the List of Prizes. Merchandise Almost Given Away. Our Stock Must Be Reduced. ' 100 of ladles' night gowns , nicely trimmed in embroidery , regu lar 98c quality , on Monduy 50t each , only 2 to one customer. Boys' outing flannel shirts , nicely made , regular 50c quality , on sale Monday , 15c each. 100 do/en gents'fancy bordered handkerchiefs , worth 25c , on sale Monday , ! ) c each. 1 case of ladies' plain and fancy colored hose , elegant quality , worth SOcpcr pair , on sale Monday at lac. 1 lot of boys' shirt waists , all sizes and fast colors , worth 50c each , re duced to lc. ! ) 100 do/.en of gents' fancy colored negligee shirts , worth 50c , reduced to 23c. . 1 lot of ladies' aprons , lace trimmed , only ISc each , worth 25c. Gents' Hritish 1-2 hose , regular made , only 12 l-2c , worth 25c. 1 lot of gents * suspenders , worth 25c , on sale Monday at 15c. Gents' 50c neckwear reduced to 25c. Closing out all our navy blue umbrellas at less than cost. Wash Dress Goods. , 80 Inch double fold part wool suiting , Just the thing for early fall wear or children's school dresses ; will stand hard wear and washing : worth 35o , now on Bale at lOc yard. Handsome line of 32 inch wide dark eatino , cut down on Monday to lOcyard. They will go lively at lOc yard. Beautiful now serges in black ground , printed in high colois , patterns copied from India siltt , 32 idch wide , on sale now at 15c yard. 2,000 remnants of wash goods on ealo Monday. Look them over and got first pick. Remnants of dark ginghams , at 6c a yard ; less than half their value ; dark prints at oc a yard. 80 inch medium mid dark percales ; the 15c grade ; now selling at lOca yard. Wool Dress Goods. Special Sale Monday. 48-inch all wool imported French hop- Backing , worth $2.25 , on sale f * $1.50. 51-Inch nil wool heavy Gorman serge , toft finish , goes onsulo Monday for $1.15. 64-inch nil woul Scotch ollccts , worth 81.85 , Monday only 8oc. 42-inch all wool check suiting , worth (1.25 , in light shades only , Monduy only OOc. 411-inch all wool cashmeres , worth 05c , Monday only 45e. (12-inch ( English cravonotte cloth , worth $2.25 , special for Monday $1.50. Wo are ni'iking big cuts in our black dicss goods department. Great bargains on our 18c , 25c and 45o counters. Great Clearing Sale. Cloak Department. Ladies' silk waists , in different colors , plain , striped or figured , regular prices 83.05 and S-4.25. will bo closed out Mon day at only $2.25. LaUics' jackets In blaak , blue , tan and gray , worth $3.75 , will go Monday at $1.03. Ladies' jersey street jackets , in black , roKular price from $2.50 to $10 , will go Monday at one-half prico. Ladies' house jorsovs in black , blue , brown and , wine , worth from $1.50 to $2 , take your choice nt only 76c. Great cuts on ladles' capes and woolen anils. Ladles' house wrappers In calico and percale , 75c , 81 , $1.2o , $1.37 , $1.50 , $1.05 , 61.87. 61.87.Ladles' Ladles' laundered rcrcalo waists regular price 87c , will go at only 85c. Great bargains on all ladies' percale waists. Ladies' lawn and percale street costumes tumos , worth $2.50 , S3.50 and $1 , take your choice Monday at only $1,08. Blankets and Comforts. COO moio pair addon to our largo stock this week , aud oh , what pretty blankets. What beautiful borders , are.tho re marks heard expressed every day. Wo carry the largest stock of blank ets in the west , in fact , there are vor.\ few stores In this country that have any thing like the assortment wo carry , unc our prices are the lowest or jnonoj chco ; fully refunded , Did you see the white blankets wo are selling nt 5Uo a pair ? All wool red blankets at $1.75 n pair. Gray blankets ut 50o , 75c , $1 , $1.60 12.35 , * 2.b5. $3.88 , S3.05 , 84.05 , $6. up to the finest California blankets.Vo cm lull you In blankets Largo comlorts at 75c each , v Sathio covered comforts at $1 that are cheap at 82. $6.76 and $0.60 down comforts reduced to $4.75 each , See our comforts at 61.75 , $2 , $2.60 and $2.75 each. Linen Sale. Linen sale next week. Stock is-going down but must go still lower. Wo are making the lowest prices on damask that were over mudo in this city's his tory. oOc damask going at 25c. 75o damask at 8c ! ) yard. SI. 00 damask at SGc yard. 11.60 damask at 93c yard , and wo have t to show you just as advertised. Our German g all linen napkins at 1.00 dozen , can not bo had in this city at no ju-ico. 'Wo control the sale for Oninha and are the only firm that hnn- ilo them , The J all llnon dinner napkin , full ) leached at $1.00 dozen is another big largain and can not bo duplicated in Omaha for $1.00 a dozen. Then look over our line napkins at $3.00 , $3.50 , $4.00 and $5.00 dozen. Wo will save you money on linens during this sale. Best barmuns in towels , at fie , 7c , lOc , 12Jc , 15o , 19c and 25c and plenty of thorn. Dept No. 50. ° Wo are still offering big bargains in this department. On Monday morning you will find four big bargain tables in our notion department. The tlrst will contain Ribbons , laces , combs , brushes , bibs , collars and cults , purses , dolls , mirrors and dozens of other articles worth from 15e to 25c. You can take your choice for 7jc. Remember , your choice only 7c. Next will bo an elegant line of bolts , brubhes , veilings , silk handkerchiefs , linen handkerchiefs , Windsor ties ( all silk ) , fancy tinted and stamped goods , silk thready and numerous other goods. They all go at the ono price , only GO each. Don't forgot , only Oc. Next comes our 12c table , ana on this table you will find the finest array of bargains over ollorod In the city , Slllc olnstic , silk hose supporters , pocuolbooks , ties , stamped linens , bolts , bushels , etc. , etc. , all at ono-tliird their regular price , only 12c. Next comes the best bargains of all the star table , and you can buy more and bolter goods at this tab'o for loss mono than nj ; any other plaeo in the oitv. See what you can buy for 2.'lo : Pine cambric pillow ahams , stnmpod , hand bags , lace pillow shams , line laun dry bags , novollioj in neckwear , tray cloths , dollies , fringes , brushes , mir rors , etc. , cto. Remember , only 23c. And tocip it all wo will give a Domes- tin fashion review with every purchase on any tablo. Chenille Covers. New stock , nowfall styles , latest de signs , first house in Oinnlia to show tlio now fall colorings and now patterns. 4-1 fringed covers , i)5e. ) 0-4 fringed covers , t)5o ) , $1.60 , S1.7G rind $1.03 each. 8-1 fringed covers , $3.03 each. 10-4 fringed covers , $5.00 each , 0-1 tinsel , raw silk covers , only 60o each. Domestic Dept. Canton flannel , Gcynrn. White Shaker llannol , 5o yard. Striped alili ting , 60 yard. ' Best 12-inch bleached pillow casing , lOoynrd. KM unbleached sheeting. 15c. Wamsutta and Pride of the West mus lins , lOo yard. Wo oiler about ton of the best lending bleached muslins tit 8Jc , 12 yards for $1 Double width canvas shirting , bcauti ful styles , lOo yard. English llannelcUes , lOo yard. 2,0u0ro'ls dean cotton balls on Mon uny at 5o roll. Kincbt cotton baits in this city at lOc 15o and 20c roll. FURNITURE. A General Reduction in Baby Carriages. This Carriage None better , and well worth the regular price of'lO.OO. ' v This is only ope of the thous and bargains in Jur Furniture De partment. This Splendid Strong and Well ' " "ImlBlO'DKl ! And First Class Finish , REGULAR PRICE U ° ° BAIL ORDERS FILLED. * It is a pleasure to know tint people appreciate the cfTorts.of a"roHablo house to bring the best the market affords Into the roach of all , especially so when money is not so plentiful as heretofore" . The result of this olTort is , that wo have failed to notice any unpleasant dulnoss in our tr.ido. Wo have sold furniture and shall continue to sell it , and wo know people will buy so long as they need anything and our nrices are the lowest. . * iloro are a few samples : Solid oak bed room suit , 3 pieces , full size bed , 20x24 bavol plate mirror , $15 , well worth 822.00. Solid oak suit , 3 pieces , full size bed , 18x10 bavol plato mirror , $20.00 , well worth $27.50. Throe ploco suit , full sized bed , 20x21 mirror , 811.60 , regular prieo $18.00. These are not cheap goods Do not bo doc-olvod : others will nsk you $10.03 more for the same goods ; they nil have them. There are no bettor suits made for the price. " - , Best woven wlto spring , any size , remember any size you want , 81.20. You can't touch the same spring under $1.75 and $2.01) ) . Six foot extension tables $3.50. $1.25 , $4.8) , worth $2.00 apinco more. Wo carry a complete line of first class furnIture and can save you money on anything you may want. Remember on mattresses and pillows and feathers wo are lower than anyone , and the quality is the best. , ' # TRUNKS AND VALISES , The visitors to the World's P.xlr at Chicago are becoming more numerous ev ery day. This proves that the coming months will bo the mpst popujur , Wo are well provided with everything necessary while traveling. t The telescope bag is becoming very popular and wo are BolhngUiio best made at a very low figure. - * < Before you buy a trunk , bag or strap give us a call. Why not sfrvg a little ? Drug Dept. Indian Sagwn , 76c. Scott's Emulsion , 75o. Palno's Celery Compound , 7fic. Dr. Mllo's Nervine , 75c. Jamaica ginger , largo , 40c. Garflold Tea , 20c. Gray's Vegetable Ton , largo , 40c. Kennedy's Medical Discovery , $1,15. Castoria , 2oo. Alcohol , 40c pint. Day Hum , 40o pint. Presorlntlons accurately prepared at very reabonablo prices. Dress Linings. Best grade of cambric , 3c. } 25c printed porodlno ? , to close , now 71o yard. ' j All colors In pocjallno , l5o and 25o. Six colors In cduollne. lOo yard , Hair cloth , canvas , duck , padding , wiggin , wadding , etc. , ut Iluydena' pop ular prices. Broom Sale. . 13 room a sold for lOo worth 25o. Drooms sold for ICa worth 85c. Brooms sold for IVIc worth 40o. brooms sold for 2oc worth 60o. It will pay you to take advantage of this great broom sale. HAYDEN BROS , Closing out over 1,200-pairs of line Shoes. Now Is the time to r. . „ , . , . - < * * - SiSfii ) buy -fgood- shoes . - " ' cheap.-"Don't buy until you have s = cn them. Read DUr Prices Ladies' fine $4.50 hand- turned shoes at $1.49 a pair. Every lady in Omaha should secure a pair of these fine shoes at $1.49. We have them in C , D , E and EE , com mon sense and opera styles. Ladies' fine $2 white can vas oxfords , L98c pair. Ladies' fine $2 and $2.50 ox ford ties , $ i a pair. Ladies' 750 serge house slippers , 450 , Misses' fine $1.50 patent tip school shoes , $1.18. Children's fine $1.35 patent tip school shoes , gi. MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES CHEAP. Men's fine $1.50 low shoes , $ i a pair , Men's fine $2.50 congress and lace shoes , $1,50. Men's fine $3.50 hand-welt calf shoes , $2.40 , grand clearing out begins Monday in the Clothing De partment. The fall stock is be ginning to arrive , and we need every inch of room. Besides , \ we will carry over no goods. All our medium and light weight suits will go for what we can get , Men's genuine all wool suits ( not cotton , but genuine wool ) can be had for $4.50. Odd pants and odd lots of boys' suits are in this great sale at less than cost of manu - facture. Most of the lots of men's suits are broken in sizes , jut there are enough lots to enable us to fit any man out of some of these ends of one of the cheapest stocks in the entire west. / Sale begins Monday and continues all week. Mail orders filled , Take elevator to second 1 floor. Meat is Away Down. Read These Prices , 2-pound can Rex corned beef for 15c ; regular price , 25o , Potted ham and doy- ilod ham , 60 per can ; uovor sold leas than lOc. Hologna , fie. Plcnlo hnins , lOo. California turns , lie. Extra No. 1 sugar cured hams , 12io. Extra line plate corned beef , 60 per pound , Come to Hoydens' for good butter all the titno. Country butter , 15c and 17o ; creamery , lOc , 22c. Wo are always the loaders in ehopso , Wisconsin full cream , 80 and IOQ ; oiietorn pure cream cheobo , 12io , 14o and lOc ; Swiss , l3Ju ! , 14o and IGc ; brick , ] 2Jc , 14o and lOc. Whou you need some very nlco. fUb call and BOO us. Crockery AMD Glassware. Our big purclmso of four oar loads from a factory which was compelled to shut down enables us to give prices never heard of in this corporation. Monday wo add a , number oflirticlca not placed on sale boforo. These prices hold good while the articles last , but they won't last long. Cups mm saucers Ic oncli. Plates Iccach. Wine Clashes 2c each. Sugar bowl * ! ! o each. Largo out glass tollot bottles , 7c each. Cliiiiu motto cups and baueors , 80 per pair. Complete lamps , ! lc each. Lam ] ) ehinmeyH , lo each. Austrian china cream mugs , lOc each. Wash bowls. 20c each. Pitohors , 2.c ! each. Milk crooks , fie per gallon. Potato dishes , 7e each. Spoon holders , 'lo each. Decorated eupa and saucers , 7c per pair.Nut Nut trays , Oc each. Viibcs , Tie cauh. Syrup jugs , ( ie each. Gorman print cup , baucor and plate , lie for the thrco pieces. Canton plates , 7c each. Piojclo stands , lOc each. This is not ono thousand part of whaO > there is in this lot of goods , and all at corresponding prices. " MASON FRUIT JARS. 1 pint jrus , 4oo per do'/ . 1 quart jarf , OOc per do/ . j2 quart.iu-s ] , G3c per do/- * Just received , aTtillliiic of wliito French china , for 'decorating pur poses. Get one of those fine decorated dinner sets , 1OO pieces $5.1)5. ) $5 lamp with line bisque shade. $1.'J5. Groceries. Great sale on dried fruit. This fruit is all now and all this year's puck.Wo Wo have no old fruit on hand. Evaporated California apricots lOc. Evaporated California poaches JOc. Evaporated California grapes 5c. Now Turkish prunqs fie. New Valencia raisins 7Jc. Now California nectarines 15c. Best Alden evaporated apples 12jc. Now California phot ries 15c. Sun dried apples 5e. Evaporated blackberries Cc. CANNED GOODS. Great sale on canned good * ) . 2-lb can gooseberries 7jo worth 18a 2-lb can preserved blackberries in pura sugar syrup 7c , worth 2oe. 2-lb can preserved raspberries , sugar syrup , 12jo worth Hie. 2-lb can ntcsorvcd strawberries , sugar syrup , 12Jo worth Ma. 2-lh can preserved blueberries 71o worth I8e. 2-lb can white wax beans 7jo worth 15c2lb. 2-lb. can Bugar corn , 7jo , worth 32c. } S-lb. can Lima beans , 7j < i , worth 12JO. 2-lb. can string beans , 7Jc , worth 12jo. 2-lb , can early Juno peas , 7Jc , wortlx 17jc. 17jc.All All kinds of California 3-fb. can of plums , 12 j a 1Mb. can California poaches , 15c. 3-lb. can California apricots , 15c. MISGKLLANEOUS. Ilomo-mado catsups , per bottle , 15c. Silver lltiko oat meal , Tic. Cerolino Unices , ( He. California breakfast food , 5o. American breakfast cocoa , i5c. ! Imported maraironl , 12jc. Imported spaghetti , 12jc , Impoatcd vermicelli , 125o. All kinds of washing powder , ICc. 20-lb. pail of all kinds of jolly 85c ; reg ular price , 7o. / . il-lb. can of all kinds California plums , 12j'i ; regular price , 25o. Good coiloo , 12jc ; regular price , 25o to 85c. Good tea , 25c ; regular price , OOo to 76c. 76c.Good Good flour , 60c ; regular nHco , OOotoSl. 2-lb , California peaches , 15c ; regular price , 25cj to ! 55o. Fine blood red Columbia river salmon. lOc. lOc.Gallon Gallon can apples , 25cj regular price , 35o. 35o.Dried Dried apples , fie ; regular price , lOc. All kinds of California evaporated fruit loss than half price , CRACKERS. Soda crackers , 4o. Ginger tmups , 7ic. MohibEcs enKo , Tic. Oat meal crackers , 7jo. * Milk butler , 73c. , # FrpaVjd cream , 7jc. Graham crackers , 7JQ. Sugar cookies , Vie , XXX milk crackers , 1\o. \ Lemon snaps , 7jc , HAYDRN