THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY AUGUST 20 , 189S-SIXTEEN PAGES. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIIni.uiT ? . Ol-TICE : NO. 12 vr.\\U , STREET t'clhcrcd bj carrier to any pixtt of the city. 11. W. TII.TON M J "nilnr's Office . No. 4S rrt ri ' TEM.l' -j Nfilt | ] rdtr ; | . No. 23 N. Y. I'lumbing ' Co. Dos ton Store , dry good ! ) . Turnishcd room to rent , 710 First Avo. Th. Mayno Heal Estate Co , C21 Broadway n. U Shugart loft last evening for Chicago. ' H. A. Swlgort nnd John Grotror have gene to Chicago. The Misses Kthyl nnil Kdyth Thoiiim are visiting friends in Indianoln. The Broadway Methodist Sunday school had a picnic at Fnlrniount park yostcrJay. Wanted , a good girl for general houso- ivork. Mrs. P. M. 1'ryor , : l Uncoln avcnno. Miss Nellie Xui-muelilcn is axc > ; tpd homo todtiy after n visit of a month with friends In Chicago. Mary K. Street has commenced action to nhlct her tillo to two lots In Jackson's addi tion , which the i-lty claims to own. Mrs. .1. H. HovnoWs nnd two children , who have been visiting her sister , Mrs. R S. Thomas , on South Highth street , loft Thurs day night for their homo In Gcnesco , 111. The Council Bluffs Whist club is making arrangements for leasing the league club rooms diirlnir the coming full nnd winter , to bo used ns a place for playing their favorlto pimo. Tabor college has just received notice that thu l.tto Mrs. Julia E. Dickinson of Hoehes- tor , N. Y. , bequeathed It $10,000. The be quest was made sovrrat years ago , and her recent death made the fact known. Regular mooting of Etchotah council No. B , Degree of I'ocuhontas , this evening at the eighth run at their tepee , corner Broadway nnd Main streets. Every member is re quested to bo present , ns Important business will ho brought before the council. Fidelity council No. 150 , Royal Arcanum , will move its headquarters from the Shugurt-Hcno block to the Brown building , on Pearl street. The third Iloor of the lat ter building has been entirely remodeled and nitiUo into one of the finest aud most conven ient society halls In the city. Cordelia Harris , wife of H. C. Harris , brings suit in the district court fora dlvorco. They were married in this city March 0 , Ib'.K ) , and lived together for three years. She claims ho abused her sh.tmefully , committed adultery with other women , and Jlnally de serted her last spring. She wants tempo rary alimony of $ ' , ' 00 , in addition to the de cree of divorce. The populists of Pottawattamlo county will hold their convention in the superior court room , county court house , commencing nt H o'clock this morning. J. W. Kdgcrton of Omaha will speak at the afternoon ses sion , to bo held ut ii o'clock , on the silver question. Everybody who is interested In this question is invited to bo present. George P. Johnson , a traveling man , rep resenting a safe" establishment , has been stopping at the Hevcro house for several weeks past. A few days ago ho passed a check on the proprietor of the hotel in pay ment of his board bill , receiving S 4 change back. Shortly after ho tried to get a check for $100 cashed , but the proprietor did not have the money. Johnson then left the place and now the check for which he re ceived the cash is returned to the hotel man with "No account" written across its faeo in red ink. Johnson bus disappeared from the face of the e.irth. Ferris Ogden commenced a suit in the district court yesterday to collect ? 2.1bT from C. B. Wnltc , Thomas Ofllccr , John P. Weaver , George F. Wright and J. H. Uecd. who wcro formerly his partners in the Ogden Iron works. Ho sold out his in terest in the iron works at the tune of its consolidation with the Spr.iguo Manufac turing company , under whoso name it is now operated , but thcro is a difference of opinion between the plaintiff and the de fendants as to the amount ho was to receive by the terms of thnir agreement as payment for his stock. Ho accordingly brings suit to recover the nmoi.nt which he claims ho waste to receive. _ li 1'All.Uili.ll'ItX. K. E. Wiatt , citv circulator of THE Bnc. and Hurvo.v Ouron left yesterday for a visit to the World's fair. Coal cheap for cash. Carbon Coal Co. , 34 Pearl street , Grand hotel bldg. Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. Homo /rnumr'n l.uclc. David I. Morse commenced a suit in the district court yesterday against J. C. Cole to collect damages on account of nn unlucky horse trade which bo made with the defend ant last May. The liorso ho received fron Cole was represented , ho claims , to be free from all imperfections , but it teem thai Cole hud guild in his heart at the time ho was working up the trado. Shorth ' after the trade was consummated Mors'i discovered that the animal was nllllcteti with glanders , and not only did ho go U work and die , but before doing KO pro Edited sorerul other horses belonging t ( Morse with specimens of glanders bacteria from which they raised a largo crop. Tlioj also died. Morse w.ints a judgment for SIM against J. C. Cole , claiming that is tin amount of the loss which ho has suffered 01 kccouut of the unluclty trado. Had Illllg Mil do. Good. Business men need their money ii thcHO timuH. If you have bills nonius people not living jn iwu , employed b ; uny railway , express , lok'trrnph or tolo jiluuio company entering Iowa , write t llio Nassau Invcbtinont Co. , Couuoi BlulTs. Collections guaranteed. GrconshtoUlt ) , Nicholson < te Co. , rcn UHtutouiid rentals , COO Broad way. Tol.151 for Ihn Kiiriimpmcnt. J , B , Atkins returned yesterday from th meeting of the board of control ot the Gran Armv of the Republic , Iowa division , wlilc has been in session at DCS Monies for sever : days past. The national encampment I to be held next month at Indiana ] oils and the old soldiers are vet much interested in the urr.ingcmcnts thu &ro now being mudo for it , Iowa will go ) pod shape , as she always does. The lou Btato band , ol DCS Molm > s , which is no delighting au llenco.3 at the Iowa buildln At the World's fair , will accompany the lov , delegation , and this will bo food , ncv to the veterans. Corn stalks wl bo curried by every old soldli In the line , as n reminder of the fact th : Iowa is the greatest corn growing state union. The bailgn of thu Iowa delegatii will be an ear of corn , with kernels of go and husks of wlilto metal , undvl pennants of bronze. Tlioy will soil for each , and will doubtless bo bought by eve : Iowa soldier to bo Kept as a souvenir of tl occasion' _ fnolleu lo riuiiiu lii-ll- ( , in time , coiuiiionoiii Mondn AIIJJ. 7 , Trains for Miumwii leave ut tl following hours : Morning traiiin loai Broadway ut 10 u. m. Evening trains I , - , it , 4 and 5 and ovury 30 ininut thereafter until 12 p. in. Domes tie MHII > Is the ucst. Tlio following inarriago licenses have be Issued by Comity Clerk Campbell ; Xame and Address. A ) j Wllllnm Itued , llnrrUon county. , . 1 Kllso Murlo Johnson , llurrli > ' ; ii county , . . , I Aaron lj. Orublo , 1'otluwuttumlo county , , ( L'lurUsu it. JUIICH , I'otuuattamlo county , Tliuuw TMII | L'lly Dye. Work * . Although engaged in oreotuignm building , gutting ne\v machinery , cti customers will lind no delay in gettii their work promptly done and In tl most aatlbifiietory manner , All kinds dyeing und ulounlng. Oinulm ollice ifi Furnam street. OiHcu and worka 20 and Avenue A , Council HlulTti , on elt trio motor lino. G4 A. Sohoedsack Domestic soap ia the SEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Litigation Started Involving tbu Titla to Much Valuable Property , MRS. CATHERINE HERBERTS FORTUNE After Srpnrutlnn of Many Yenrs from Her Itunlmiid , she entries I'orwnril nut ! Chiliim a Sluiro of It An Interfiling Cnie. A tult was commenced In the district court yesterday In which the ownership of about ? , ' 0XM ( ) worth of property is Involved , ntid the circumstances which cave rise to the litigation present a peed ninny facts of interest , ( jcorgo Herbert , a resident of Montana , is the plalntitT , and some trouble between himself and wife , who died In 1835 , is at the bottom of the present difllculty. Airs. Catherine Herbert lived in Council Blurts for a great many years and was proprietress of the St. Louis hotel , located at the corner of Main street and Ninth avenue. She made considerable money out of her hotel business nnd Invested it as fast as she made it in city property , which steadily rose in value. In 1885 she died and the property nil went to her children , She had not lived with her husband for moro than twenty years before her death , and many of her most intimalo friends did not oven know that she had such a commodity In her possession. After her death the children disposed of almost all of the property to John Limit , who In turn dis posed of a part of it to his wlfo and the rest to other parties. It was supposed that she was divorced from her , and right hero is otio of the peculiarities of the caso. I'cciillltr I'oiiturea uf tile Cusn. Early In the 80's she filed a petition In the district court asking for n divorce. It ran along for about n year , and finally the court record has an account of Its dismissal. There is nothing further on the records m the mat ter until in M'ircli , 188-1 , when suddenly Micro Is the record uf adccieo of divorce In tliocaso of Catherine Herbert against George Herbert , which had been dismissed more than a year boforo. The decree Is written on nbout a quarter of n page , which had ap parently been loft between two other de crees , and the difference in handwriting and the color of the Ink botwcun it and the two on either side of it seem to throw some doubt uuon its genuineness. Herbert is now making an effort to recover his dower Interest of one-third of the prop erty , and iilcd several petitions in court in which ho makes S. J. Lindt , J. W. Squire , Henry CotTCen , Clay & Forrest , Slack 1'eter- son and Johannclto and John Under defend ants. Ho claims that ho was never served with any notice of the pendency of the divorce suit , that there was never any petition iiled , and that the decree of the court , upon which the defendants base their claim to the property , was void , the court not having any jurisdiction in the matter until the suit had been properly instituted. Cliilm of the Children. The children who deeded the property to Lindt also claim that tlioy were induced in one way or another to part with their inter est in their mother's property for a price far below its actual value. Their portion , how ever , is gene beyond recall , for they deeded it away of their own accord. The property involved in the suits is scat tered about in all parts of the city and some of it has become qulto valuable during the years that have intervened since it went into the hands of its present owners. I ) I'D II li KIM. HIS JUSTUKSSy Charles Jonra , it Saloon Kcopcr , Charged with the .Murder ol Itellu MoUlllnn. Bella McMillan , who commonly goes bj the name of Hello Cross , was shot at 1 o'clock this morning in the Phoenix saloon , 803 South Main street , Council Bluffs. She has been one of the Inmates of "Tho Ark" on Pierce street for the past six months , itid for several years has been the mistress of Charles Jones , proprietor of thoPhounix. The woman and Jones wcro alone in the saloon after midnight. Suadenly there was a yell from Jones and the boys in the online house next door heard pounding on the door' ' On going down Jones told them the woman had shot herself. She was found lying in side the salooa dead with a bullet hole in tha right braast. It was supposed at lirst to be u case of suicide , but several suspicious cir cumstances led the police to make an in vestigation , which resulted in the arrest ol Jones on the charge of murder , A postmortem , held this morning , showei that the bullet had passed through tin heart in a downward direction , lodging ncui the surface Just below the loft should o blado. Medical authorities claim tin woman would not naturally have hold tin gun in a position it must have been hold ii order for the bullet to talto that course. Powder marks on the woman's right hnm led to the belief that Jones held the revolve and that she tried to seize it just as tie flrei at her. When the firemen arrived at the scene Just after the shooting , Jones had the re volvcr in his possession and had taken i npart. Ho explained it by saying that he was afraid Hello would shoot him aftci shooting herself , and took it to pieces si that she might not kill him. rui.i. TO TIII ; nomts. ItOKtnn fitnro Itecutvea the lllsgest Cor Bicnment ot Dry Condi * llvor Semi In C'ounell IIIullM. "What do you think of this for n shlj mentof dry goodb ? " was the question thn greeted the i urs of a UIE : man as h y . pasbud the front doors of the 13osto store Friday afternoon. Musn Fothoringhnin and Whitolaw , the jirlotors of the store , were both hard ji word Buporintoiidiiitf the oponln tf ) dry goods boxes that were piled u in Hiieh profusion us hardly to Icnv walking room anywburo in front of th establishment. Early in the niornln tlioy received a consignment of tlirc car loads of dry goods and notions tlu were just imnmused from W. 1) . Ilicl urtlbon & Co. of Uoekford , 111. , and froi 8 o'clock in the morning until 10 i every olork thuf. could I spared from waiting on the cu toinors inside was hard at work Iran furring the contents of the hex < to the interior. It was the largest lot ( dry goods ever brought to Counu HluITt , at ono time , and represented cash valiio of 5-1111,000 , , It includes , ovot conceivable kind of dry goods that U ladies of Council HI nil's can want , ai will catibo a bcnsation when it is la open to the innpootion and the pocko hooks of the public. Messrs. Fothcvin bam , \Vhitehiw & Co. are making a rangomonts for a grand spednl sale cot monulng next Saturday , and this Hi stock will ho oITorod at that time , i tlul mean tinio speolnl bargains a offered in all M departments. MW Henry I bun Tuk s llu Own Life While I * ano from itlfriiiit. L. L. Saar , who lives on a farm In K uf 10 Crook townnhip , about sixteen miles cast Council Illuffs hud the second 21 , trugo < 21C : within a month occur at his place Ttiursd C- night. About u month ago a young Germ who worked for him borrowed u shotgun a blew the top of bin head off. Thursday nln Henry Ibuu , another of his farm hands , ag 2.1 years , committed suicide by hangliiR him- fclf. Ho had been working for Snar only nbout three months , and but llttlo is known of his Antecedents. For some days he hnd boon III with malarial fever , nnd it is bo- Moved that this trouble had the effect , as it some times docs , of undermining his reason. Ho slept with n small boy who worked on the farm. Early In the evening ho ot up and went down stairs to the corn crlb\vioro , ) ho prepared the rope In ono conior of the crib. Ho then returned to bed , but during the night ho went down again nnd finished the Job by putting his neck within the noose and throwing himself down from a crovlco In the side of the crib. Ho was found by Mr. Sanr early yesterday morning. His neck was not broken by the fall , and ho had strangled to death. His body was quito cold whoa it was cut down. The coroner was notified , but decided that an inquest was not necessary. The remains wore brought to Charles Lunklo.v's undertaking rooms. They will bo burled from there to morrow at the expense of the county , the dead man not having any relatives , so far ns known , in this vicinity. Stop nt the Ogdcn , Council Blutls , to lcs > t 8(2.00 ( hotifao in Iowa. Cook your meals this summer on n gas range. At cost at tbo Gas company. Smoke T. D. King & Go's Partagas. Mile. The entire Louis' millinery stock has been purchased by Mrs. J. D. Sloven- son , and will bo placed on snlo Saturday , August 1 ! ) , find continue for ten tlnys. Tbo trimmed huts will bo assorted hi thrco lots , its follows : Lot 1 Their regular price , $2.00 to $3.00 , go at 7fic. Lot 2 Regular priced $3.00 to $4.50 mts , go at $1.25. Lot 3 All fine $3.00 and ever hats , at $2.00. Untrlmmcd bats , 25e to 50c. The entire stock will bo closed out as fast as possible , and to secure the great bargains , come early. Mus. .T. D. STKVENSON , 740 Broadway. Don't ' fail to hear the Imperial Quintet nt the Presbyterian church Monday evening. The Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor of the First Presbyterian church will give a social Monday even ing In the parlors of the church. There will po a fine program rendered. Ad mission , 25 cents. Mrs. Wadsworth , a populrr singer of our eity , will take part in the program Monday night at the Presbyterian church. All will be glad to again hear Mrs. Dr. Simons , who will sing Monday night at the Presbyterian church. Williamson & Co. , 100 Main street , largest and best bicycle stock in city. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap PENSION FIGHT PENDING. Will lie Mndo on the CoimntmlonBr'H Right ti > Drop I'uiiHIonorg from thn Halls. WASHINGTON , Aug. 19. A dozen or moro partisans on either side of the senate chamber are preparing lor a rod hot scrimmage at an oarlv day ever the pension question. The fight will bo pre cipitated upon Senator Gallinger's reso lution inquiring of tbo commissioner of ' pensions w'hether bo has conformed to the law in dropping a largo number of pensioners from the rolls without a hearing. There are a great many men in the senate , possibly two-thirds of that body , who believe that there is no War rant in law or practice which will jus tify the commissioner of pensions or tlio secretary of the interior in dropping pensioners from the roll upon suspicion that the soldiers are not entitled to the pensions they were receiving. Tlio extraordinary number of pen sioners who have been dropped from the rolls recently has attracted the atten tion of friends of pensioners in congress , and it is expected that tbo question will come before the house as soon as that body disposes of the hilvor problem. There will be some very sharp partisan utterances when the question comes un der debate. It is said that an effort will bo made to adopt a joint resolution providing that the pensioners shall not be dropped from the rolls until it has been proved that they are unlawfully drawing pensions , and that they cannot jo taken from the rolls pending an In vestigation into the merits of theii cases. Senator Palmer , as chairman of the committee on pensions , is bearing the jrunt of tbo complaints of pen sionori who have been suspended. They arc sending to him to have their cases cov creel by spccjal acts of congress. IIo hai already received bevoral hundred sucl applications. IF CARTER H , WER3 PRESIDENT , Iln\vCliIcngi > ' 8 Mayor Would "lleiitoro Con lldeiiro In Thirty luyn or Less. " CHICAGO , Aug. 19. "If I were presi ilont I should restore conildenco in thirt ; days or less"said Carter II. Harrison mayor of Chicago , when asked to ox [ iro'.ss an opinion on the present llnancia depression. "ilow would you do it ? " "I would put the 143,000,000 of silvo dollars now lying usoles in tbo troasur ; vaults in circulation. What is tin trouble now ? Scarcity of currency , am yet the government kcops on issultii treasury notes that can bo locked up ii faufoty deposit vaults by timid people I would not issue single notes , hut would pay all national debts in silve nnd in that way bring the stringency t a sudden termination. Do you knov that ut this moment there is $50,000,00 , in gold and bank notes deposited in th hiifoty deposit vaults of Chicago ? Tak that money out and put it in circulatioi and in a week the stringency would b gene , 'Silver ' cannot bo hoarded ; it is to bulky. Gold and notes can , and i $143,000,000 were turned into the mar kcts money would soon bo plentiful Tlioy talk of silver being an imdcairnbl money , yet who will refuse to take silvo dollars ? Lot the national govornmen pay all its debts in the hilvor now store away. A man who received 'cotn-wbeo would not put thorn in the vaults , no would ho lug thorn around on his pot son. Ho would pay his debts and ban1 tbo rest. The banker , having currency would accommodate his customers , an then the wheels of commerce would revolve volvo again. " 'Moachnm Gnntr In Mlisunlppl. Ala. , Aug. 10. Th II vo remaining mo inborn of the Meat ham gang of outlaws , who were BUI rounded by the shot-ill's posse in swiunp near Jackson , eluded the pos < and crossed the line into Misslssipp They will bo lynched If they attempt 1 return. Slnco the Cliuk comity war hi gun fully twenty members' of tho'guri have been killed , The spies woro'tit to trees and shot thin week. Tlio fl\ \ outlaws are Bubo Burke , Mack Burk Bill Burke , Jasper Burke und Ji Jordan. Will 1'iiy It * llobt lu Ooul , PlilLADRM'HIA , AUf. 10. The IlCU ing Railroad company bus urruiiL'td imy Us debt of J889.000 to the Xi mil Vulloy roud by transferring coal if th vuluo. AN EQUlLflE INVESTMENT ThoOouncil BlufFs'Bond ' Oo.'s Spirited Ro- joindoi to Criticism. COMPARISONS TIAJ ? WILL INTEREST ALL N | i- Illllloiii of Dnllnrs Olvon for Nothing tea a Tow KIM torn I.I to Comp inlrs. Prom the earliest dawn' of civilization until this present year of enlightenment every now thine has had to run the gaunt let , surrounded by multitudes that envy or self-interest has turned into pitiless enemies. In the beginning of the orn of provident In dividuality , life insurance had to withstand tltotlrelcss and vindictive assaults of en emies from nil sides. Churches thundered ctathamics ngulnst It , , uul cursed the sav ings it provided for widows and orphans ns "blood money , " nnd people who accepted its bcnclits did so with the loss of caste nnd popular respect. Hut life insurance be came mi established fact nnd princi- Die. Improvements followed , cheapening the cost of Us bcticilts , in the shape of mutual and assessment companies nnd the same old line of enemies were nr rayed npinst them , led this time by the Ufa companies themselves , who had scarcely emerged from their own travails. Mutual and assessment companies in turn became moro liberal In character , tind the earlier companies Joined in the hue and cry nealnst them. And thus It has been down to the establishment of toutlno bond companies , and the whole crowd of prior organizations , founded upon exactly the same principles , that had como up to their present state through the sorest tribulations , joined In the crusaUo against them , and at the pres ent time wo are treated to misrepresentation In the newspapers , and attacks from every source whore an enemy can find cnlodgmcnt. The stupendous rapidity with which the principle sprung Into popular favor , the fact that it gave the same bcnclits at n cost that was ridiculously disproportionate to the sums exacted by tUo old-lino system , forced all those organizations through the necessity of self-proscrvation , to assume an aggressive front. They reasoned that if these new systems wcro permitted to stand the day of doom had como for their oxvn high-priced protection. This is the true solution of the present intensely bitter persecution. It is not in the interest of the dear people whom they are trying to protect , but wholly in the interest of the dear com panies and systems , which they are trying to save. Take the following statistics from the insurance year book , giving for a period of twenty-six years the average cost of carryIng - Ing $1,000 life insurance per year : Equtublu I.lfo $41.00 Now York Life 42.00 Mutual hire 73.00 Nortnwohiern I.lfo 30 IIO Sluto Mutual 00.00 liorkshlru , 4'J.OO The cost to the companies for maturing this by the payment of all death losses and indemnities , ranges from $3 to SSO per * 1,000 ; the expenses , the payment of all salaries and operating cosls , average from $7 to $ M , leaving an unaccounted-for balance of moro than io per $1,000 per year , which has been unnecessarily exacted from the policy holder. Now take right in this connection some moro intorestins statistical facts from the same unquestioned authority , the year book , which is the sworn statements of the companies to the auditors of states : All the companies doing , business in New York , Pennsylvania and Massachusetts , wrote from 1800 to 18'lt ) ' 6iWymr policies , which were received by 'the insured and paid on. Of that amount there was lapsed and every dollar paid forfeited to the companies the enormous sum of 2,1)10,743 , ) policies. These forfeitures poured into the coffers of these companies in tl.eso three states the stupendous sum _ of two biltiun , nine huiiilntl mul ( itjMecii tnillioii , fifty-three tioiiMiiiJ , Jlvc hiiHilrctl aiul Jt'ti/-ieveti ( < ljl- /fira moro than the cotiyiltte oo t of the rebellion , more than the nutiunnl rtlcbt Jnvt ever been. In addition to tjiis incomprehensible sum thcro was forfeiteU of the same -policies by sur render and acceptance of partially paid up insurance nearly 2,000,000,000 moro. or in actual llgurcslT81,043,348. And this only in thrco states of the union. Is it any won der that these companies are fighting a sys tem that threatens to become so popular ? Is it any wonder they can pay f50,000 a year salaries to 2,500 men and then pension them when they are out of oftlco at 15,000 a year for life ? Is it any vender they wrecked the Iron Hall and scores of other kindred organ izations , and are trying to wreck other sys tems that would have paid every obligation of the companies in the three states named at less than 500 per cent of the cost ? The lapses are chief sources of profit in all these companies. The figures given above show that 43.85 per cent of all these policies lapsed. The statistical history of later years show that no ono half of the policies taken out are carried to maturity , and it is with knowledge of these facts that bond company steps in and by using the law af averages finds that It can guarantee pay ment of ? 1,000 at a total outlay to holder of less than $ iOO. And this is oven less than what the old line companies promise to do. From 1SST to 18'Jl the Now York life paid S10 , 40,000of claims that had paid into it but $0,4127,502. giving the policy holders S3 for every $ naid. In the Fidelity of Phila delphia , from 1879 to IS'JI , its claimants were given $12 for every $1 they paid to the company. The Mutual Ilcscrvo of Now York , for ton years the amount given was $14 to $1. In individ ual cases this runs up from 800 to 500 per cent. This Is not an earned profit in anv sense , but it is the result of the application of n given principle. For example , you pay Siforafiro insurance policy of $1,000 , on your goods ; they burn , and you receive $1,000 for the f'J paid. Your payment did not earn that for you but it secured it to you by the operation of the law of averages , as individually applied through the principle of co-operation. The Equitable Investment company ol Council lilufTs has been singled out as the especial mark of wrath. It Is founded upon precisely the same principle ns all insurance companies nnd all co-operatives organizations , only it does not promise to do as much lot its members as the old line companies , tlu difference being that it accomplishes wluil it piomlscs at about COO per cent less cost It has no f50.000 salaries to pay and pension ! nebody , It is the. application ot the OIK underlying principle ot co-oporatlon. It Ii idiotic dnvcl or strict persecution to lull mate thnt it is in anyway a lottery. It onlj seeks for fair and Impartial investigation knowing that that cai. only result in un qualified approval both of the company niu the plan upou which it is operated , Punnritl "fu'ii Juwu I'loiipt'r. CIIESTON , la , , AugnJ8. [ Special Telegran to TUB HEB.J Captain H. M. Way , whodiei last Tuesday at ICnhias City , was buriei hero today. The -fflntral took place fron the Daptlst church anil was attended by i very largo crowd , ' ; Mr. Way wiis un eli soldier , having scrvpifiin company A , Forty second Kcgimont Illinois Infantry , Ho wi ; iilto assistant quaEtiicgmster of the Depart ment of TonncsseoLrJue cumo to Afton , la , in 18(11) ( ) and ongagMjn | the hardware busi ness , and in 187U lie 'removed to this place Ho was always vffr.y prominent in publl nffalrs.was the third mliyorbfCreston nnd hi administration ut the'limowheii Crestouva only a village , ! noLliUving over 200 inhabl tunts , was very aucci-bBiul and did mucl toward making tho'VUco. Ho was a moir bcr ot the Grand Army of the Kopubhc. u the volunteerfiro lUiuarmont and a tnumbe of the Masonic ortl f , The latter order ha charge of his funeral. The societies c whicn ho was a member attended th funeral In a body In uniform. Captain Wa leaves a wife and an unmarried daughter. Work ol I own CCIIAK HAI-IDS , In. , Aug. 18. [ Spoci ! Telegram to TUB DEE. ] AB Charles Hullc and Joseph Vavrln wcro going along a loncl road south of town about 10 o'clock Ins night two masked men spmng into the run and drawing their revolvers conunundc them to hold up thtnr hands. They wet bound to trees und their pockutti rifled. Tl highwaymen then went to the homo i young Vnvrin un-l breaking in the door too possession of thu house. Mr * . Vuvrin an daughter screamed und the men. oviUem : becoming frightened , decamped withoi searching the house. There la no clow. m Fimntl Murdered. PLAISVIBW , Mlun. , Aug. 18. N , C. Udc of Sparta , Vy'is. , was found half a mlle fro Klgln this morning , having been mnrdcicd during the night. His head was mutilated In a horrible manner. The crlnio In charged to a number of tinmp * who hnd been holding high carnival near the place of the murder yesterday evening. oir.vjjtv I'.iiiprror Willlnm' * nnil tli Crnr'i Tnvorlte Ilnmrn nn Ktlntiltlnii nt thn I'nlr. Cmc\oo , Aug. Is. Ono of the principal attractions at the World's fair next week will bo the parade of the favorite horses of Emperor William of Germany nnd those of the czar of ( timsia. Each day thcso burses will bo led through the principal streets of tbo White City by liveried grooms. { Numerous complaints have been made to the World's fair officials on account of the brutality displayed at the suudancc hold by the Quncltahl Indians last night , n ronort of which was contained in this morning's 'dis patches. Inspitoof the protests , the per formance will bo repeated on the lagoon between Machinery hall and Agricultural building next Thursday evening. The orchestra ot 114 players , which wcro sent notice last Saturday to quit playing to morrow , have sent a protest to Director General Davis , saying they have been engaged for the entire period of tbo exposition ; that they intend to pre sent themselves every morning for duty and expect their pay Just the same. Colonel Davis sent the protest to the council nf ad ministration and that body probably will refer It to the directory. It was the direc tory Which ordered the discharge of the musicians. The musicians have engaged nn attorney. There was rare sport on the lagoon this afternoon. Swimming matches between natives of the many villages winding un with au interKatlonal swim was the program. Turns. Dahomc.vnns , Samoans and North Americans took part , The Dahomoyans proved themselves by far the best water does. A man named Santon Coyohl , the Dahomoynn contestant , won the race. The prize was a double gold eagle , which the owner of Santon appropriated. The D.t- homoyans are slaves in their native country. The good people In general are scandalized today that a prize fight actually took pheo last night in the World's fair grounds. The managers of the grounds ot course know nothing about It. The light took place In the stock pavilion. The principals wcro Patsy McDonald , an Irishman , and , lee Young , an Englishman. A lot of soldiers on duty on the grounds and a number of sports worn thcro. Eleven hot rounds were fought. McDonald was knocked out and the other fellow badly punished. vXB3H'Loncn nut.n .I/KETIAWS. Now York's Itllu Thmmimls l-lnton to ricry Oritor . NEW YOIIK , Aug. IS. Since 10 o'clock tills morning thcro has been a continuous meet ing of unemployed workingmen at Golden Rule hall on llivlngton street. This after noon the meeting was addressed by Emma Goldsmith , the wife of Bergman , the man who tried to kill Henry C. Frick ot Pitts- Diirg. Her speech was of a highly inflamma tory character. Shu told the men if they wanted broad to go and got It , meaning they should loot bakeries , or whatever they wanted to .oot. A committee was appointed to arrange for a parade of workingmen throughout the work quarters of the city. Another com mittee was appointed to procure bread for the idle men. One of the principal speakers nt this meeting was nn anarchist named Blnnck , who was rabid In his utterances , and inspired bis hearers to a remarkable state of excitement. Meetings wore hold in two halls , ono on Allen street and the Golden Rule hall , this evening. The hungry men kept three tenders in Golden Kulo hall busy , and the bartenders In the other hall had all they could do. Emma Goldsmith distributed poaches to the men In Golden Rule hall. One wild lookIng - Ing mini spoke in part as follows at the Allen street hall : "Homombor Chicago , where they hanged men. Why ? Because they were hungry. Yesterday the dirty police arrested men. Why ? Because they were hungry. Be calm. If you attempt to got what you want the police will como and turn the hose on you. " A shudder went through the hall. . The bartenders meanwhile raked In the nickels. "Do not fly the next time , " said an excited Pole. "When the police como resist with all your might. " Tlicro was no trouble during the afternoon , and none is expected. The unemployed Hebrews will hold meetings tomorrow. AJIW I'OltK I'OL'ULIiiTS. flioy Moot at Sylv.iu lieach nnd Will Nunilirito ii Tlckot. SYLVAN BEACH , N. Y. , Aug. 18. The an nual convention of the people's patty of the state of New York assembled in a small teuton the grounls of the State farmets encampment this afternoon und prepared to place a ticket in the field for the November election and to prepare a platform. General James. B. Weaver and Mrs. Mary A. Ijt'aso were present. Senators Peffer and Stewart , who hnd promised to comn , sent dispatches from Washington stating that a crisis was imminent there and they could not desert their post of duty. Fanner I. E. Dean of Honcoyo F.ills , N. Y. , called the convention to order. Up man aged the farmers encampment , which ho explains as being called for the purpose of harmonising the grangers , Patrons of Hus bandry , farmers legions , farmers alliance , free silver men , industrial alliances and other organizations of the different states , so they would work together for any meas ure of relief upon which they acme. After the call was read committees were appointed on credentials and platform and resolutions and permanent organization. The convention adjourned after the session lasting fifteen minutes. EX-bKH-lZOn IXISALLH Hl'K.tKS. IIo Addresses the Aminiiililod Veterans at tliu liiliinnn O , A. It. IClK-mnpiiicnt. HtiTCiiiSbON , Kan. , Aug. 18. Ex-Senator Ingalls , after a long retirement from the political pl'itform , made his reappearance today at the stuto encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. A crowd of fully 15,000 people - assembled to hoar hs ! speech. It was believed lie would not treat of politics , but hu did so in his old characteristic style , He criticised thu action of tbo administration in dropping pensioners arbitrarily from the rolls pendlnii the examination of their claims , und said it was not to bo wondered at that the confed erate democracy manifested hatred toward Ihomen vtho had driven them and thoii causa to defeat. They were not to blame , The censure falls on the men who voted hisl fall for these men against whom they shot it 1801. 1801.At this point in his speech ono voterar uroso and said ho had assisted the confeder ates into power und "with the help of Got would never do BO again. " A number o others arose In their audlenco and asked the < ho counted "among the redeemed. " ( old < i iloro. NEW YOIIK , AUK. 18. The clearing hotisi committee Issued 500.0JO addltiomtl certili catcs todtiy , Tlio Fncrst Bismarck arrived last nigh with JEfeby.lMT iu gold. Tlio steamer Campasnla stills from Mvar pool tomorrow with 8'Ja,000 , in gold and tin El Do with $300,000. Chairman Magoun of tlio Santa Fo rail way board announces nn extension on guar antv fund notes to November ; the amount ii . A Hurried Hero. Texas Sittings : "Jones is a very brav man , " remarked ono traveling man to at : oilier. "Ho dlstltgulsliea himself In th war.11 "Yes , I know of only ono thing that tie i afraid to do. " "What is that ? " "King his own doorbell nt 8 o'clock in th morning. " "You are mistaken. I've known him to d It frequently when his wife was at I-on Branch. " _ Wultu W ill on the Wndlni ; , Ciut'TAt'p.iu , N , Y. , Autr. 18. Today wr Grange day and the crowd was Inrpc. Goi ernor Waltn of Colorado wan the chi ( speaker. Ho addressed himself on tlio bllvi qupatlon , closing thus ; L\Ve of the went do not intent ! to wade i THEIR AIM To Furnish Scienl'fb Treatment to All at Low Tecs i i Keeping with These Hard Times. Contliumtliin of I'nMtUn nnd Convlmilnt : TcMliiiinijr from the Itmt 1'pnplo { 'roving llnyoiicl gnoitltm th Superiority of the Method * ol the Coprlniul .Mrdicttl lint- ) tutr. lr . CnpclHiul nnil Slirpnrd did not < 1ovU tlu-lr KjMrm or pniftlrluit inrdlrlnn nit n incim'-niFil < liiK eclienic , hut ulth tlm pur- ' p > ! ot eiiiililini ; per oii f ftiinill numit * to olitnln thn Hiiinutrviit mi-tit Unit rlcli pruplc ( myliu-i MIIIIH of money lor. 'Ilii'Mt pliy l. ( Inn * K.NOU thnt they run euro dMi'iiMf * tlnit Rtrlkn at nlnr-lcntli * of our people , ntiilthu ] knowthnt by iidvrrtUliii ; tliU lurt uhd treutmi ; imtlentH on u uriind si-nlii they run ull'otd to clmrcoa low lee tocovorcoit of fterxleeqiiml medicines. In tlie tntril tltuea siicliu fencotiiniPiidH Itnnll toeierymie need- IIIR medleul treatmentmill whan thunhlllty oft lie plijMeluii * In vouched fur every week byrltlr.onri of high Hliimlltiiltil illillupciicli- iihln veruclty , lindeth-e otlicrtnlioittd know wlnit rim ho < lonn ( or them , It uouldneoin tlutt the mint or iromm : uhuxeck-t medleul attention IA wiiMlnr ; 11 mo and money In not Kolni ; to llts. ropnlanil nnd hep.ird. Titii.\T.Mi.vr nv .MAIL I'rompt Cure ofCutarrh of the Illmldor by I lilt Copeliu.d liow-l'co Sj Klein. Mr. William McDoimUl of Ulierokce. la. , ro- ecmt.y niulor thouitruut the Couoluml Moil leal Instlintu for u prostration nnd ( lunf-'orims ca- lurrh ot the bladder , descrlbcslhe prompt nnd very gratlfylnR tesulls of lili treatment by correspotidonco In the following letter , under datonf August 2' "I'ui'kiiKO of iiicdtc'no with li-ltor of ndvloo and In.UriU'tlotis eatnu tn burnt ml rliMit. I a < n Inclined to think Ilils lust lot will uu till theme mo nclnos 1 shull require , us I am pract cully well already. UK will doiiny pond vou might , " publish my ease In the pipers. My"enro Ii H eertiln v neon a moitruumrk.ib'ooiic. In ml- dltion to the extreme physical sulVorhii : inci dent to n ehronlo CiiUurlKil liitliiinmalloii of iliu hhidJui. the dUunsu had debilitated my RVstoiii ami worn mo mil. It h id broupht mete to H. ( Imiiiorons stuto of imrvuim unit physical oxluiustlnn. 1 Imd rulloii , when I liouan trout- menl with vou , from Mi to 120 pouiuls Hut yimr excellent system ot tro.itment Imss.ivod mo. 1 ho piim. the aching sou-nos , " , tliu wast- liiK uwiiy of llesh and slriMutb.erevory qulc ly ended anil my recovery 1ms been pro gressive mid steady from thucominuni'umunt. 1 urn now tust regaining tiny : \\eUht und condition. " IN Till : IJAKI.Y DA VS. rnrnior * Who Itevonm Chronic Invalids trom too .Much r.-vpo-mro. Lewis Itfo. the bl < stock iniin of P.ilmvrn , Town , known nnd esteemed in the best so lal. political and business circles ot Warren n ml 1'olk counties , dunn ? the uns-t thtity-soten year" , has lutnly liuen taking a coursu of tri-titincut at the Cupuluiid Institute for : ni old catarrlml trouble compile itoil Ith i lieu- mutism , tpo iklni : of the splendid reMl.Uot ttiolr tieiitiiiont. Mr. Io s iys : "Vcs , I have lcon prontly pleased wllli my treatment. Tin : chlnrrlinl trouble und rlu'ii- inntlsin for winch they brouhl mo such 10- liof In so very snort u time , und utsm-h til III incest cost , had beep slowly uiulormlnltiK my bvsteni since w.iy hack In the ear v days , liofo'ro the farmers Imd the con vcnluneo of stock curs unit railroads. "Tim ill ease first took hold of im > In the form of u h nl cold , fiom pvpoMiroln driving stock Ions d stain us 10 murkut. For vuars U was only uusul c'litiiirh. a iierimmcnt olos us of tlio nostril" , w th the consequent illseiim- fort of habitimllv Ijioathlm ; thionxh the mouth and thu tin-sumo and nnomlnahlo habit of Incessant Iriwlfini , ' . stralnln ; nnil spitting to clear the throat of buck-irlup. > > S nasal matter. These uojutnuhitlons of m it- ter In the - ut so had I would sometimes bo almost strangled. Ntitur illy , some of llio mutter would bo unconsciously swallowed. \7lth tliu result of wo lUonliu th j slom.-ieli. Ono thine thnt bothered mo a 1:0111 was thn rlnu-ms : In thu curs. It rosu'torl llnallv In cnturrhul iloiifness. 1 could nut hour. I spells of dl//.lne-s , uspaclully on stooii'n/.thiit ' would sicken nnil almost bllml me. "So that , with the rlieuinntlc p.iln and stlir- ncsi of the joints and mus'los added to thu loss of slienu'tli by imll.'ogUon and Impovui- Ishmentof the blood through the conoral 01- uo'fionins , I was rather In u Ind way wlion I bevun troitlnu' with thoCopelan 1 phf ° - slcl me. but they > ; avu mo just the tic-itinunil needed the best treatment I Imd evsr had. und in fact the only treatment . went rliht to the sent of the disc iso. "It didn't luUo them long to show tholrconi- ploto muslory ever my whole trouble. They lire very ) ! . ' , very painstaking ami very able and very thoiouKh. It's a reul pleusuro to reeoii.inciul such men to otliurs. " L'nta ihn ulall otralilcillsmtn treat''l al fo-o anil U'ltformri'.i nedicl'ic * fret. I'.itlutli it i ilMaiice fie'ciifuU-i Irca'.tl bj milt. Sntlfor symptom M-ink. Tlio Knoxiledcr ol Tliu I'notViMn Conlln- ml Source ot Apprnhrnituu anil .Shrtilu\rail V Her Life. The publlo frcquotilly. with ROOI ! roiMtin. n k wlir.liatHints who lime boon oinuil liv 1'rs. ' ( Vmohind ami Shepuril nro willing to'imiKn sfitoiiunts for iiubilcatlon. It l i-ottuln that thu moit of thorn ihrlnk from publicity. Their initl\e can L > o expliilnolln the ono won ) , "symMlhj | " sympithy for Hum1 who nro Blek and for liitwohonrosllll urrnrm . No one rehitn loftc4 of iidvenliiro UKO llio licrooi thmn ohus , und mi i < nu talk for thu sick HKo Ihosrt tvho h.ivo sulTetoil. Tliustito menli ! Unit Imvn lioen puhll hod In those col- MIUIIS nave boon mnilo by tieoplo In all walks of life , lluiliu-ss mop , profaoloimi men , mechanics clo , . have i-ontrlbtitod tholr evl tluiu'p. 1'ow t thorn liu\o liui < n accus tomed In mnU'tiiit slntomonts or wnHntr for the publlo pri ' , hut thu > have t lUnl nl out that with which llicy wcro familiar. They have remind u slmplu nnd Mrr.l hlfor- \MirilKiory.niul thus they have often boon olocpiiMit. Thu nbovo Itloas were sugunsloil hv u reply slvcn to the writer , by Mrs. W. J. Tr'cU ' , in answpr toikiiiii'stloii n'tturtlltitf her roHlor.illon toho.ilth. Mrs. Trluk lives xvltli her Initliiind nnd fumlly nt S72I lliimlllou si reel. Her husbiinil has been for a long tlmo un emtiloyo of the I'ost'il t'ublo Company. Mrs. 1'ilrk Is u mint estlmnhlo ami cultureil lady und hur words will bo taken us absoltlta truth bv all who Vnow hor. yho s > yfi- . W. ,1. THICK. 2T2I IIAMII.1OV ST. "My o.\cedent progress und recovery from u serious lima tllsunso under the earn of Dr. shopinl Is worthy the ut tent Ion ot I ho public. If Ihoieby Hullerers may Hnd help ns 1 li'ivo diini' , 1 hud Kood reiixons Tor fear'na eonsumpt.on . all my life nnil mini loeently I lii\o : been constantly In diond o ( llila dlHoaso Kor n ooil iiiiinv years I felt that my 'hroul nnd lunu * no.ik und lulling mul t wasnl. wavs tilclniold. . My throiilui > soru , uid uchln : uml thu tiouhlu slon , yent , douii ta mv lun s. 1'itlns urn ) soioness thiou h tlu chest MiMultly Invreusoilllh u p t nfill. I'ol * low-soinilhiivouili. Alone w Hi tliesosvmp- toms mv nppetlte failed uml I hoeumoeil < nndory thin In fact 1 WHC rapidly dovolop- Ineiili the symptoms nf tnhorvuliir dlsoiso. : My breatn was short mid my heurl beat , wild ly upon u little overturn. To sum It , nil up. tnero was very llttii'islriMieth or luipo left when Dr. llL pllrd lii''iui my c.iso. Hut Ills pa- tlenl. ciiroful iieutment has built mo up In strength nml llesh nut I l am heuviornml stronger than I Imvo been lor your < My ho-illh Is MihnniillnUy lesloroil n result us tinlooKed for iis It Is welcome. "The superior testimony oMViod by Urs. Copeland nnd Hhepnrd und the uood Hi nuliiii ; In the ( .ominuti ly ol those who SIINU testimo ny Indneed mo to imply to them for treat ment. My experience convinces niu that tlio tro-ilmenl of these plivsieluns is lust whut It Is elulmed to bo iuperlor to nil others and litivmi m.ulo the mostsalisfuetoiy iinuress uml liiipi-ovoment 1 feel poi-feetly wllllns to speak pnbiluly In f.ivor of Ihoin und their tro.'itment , " A c.\in nt ( M ii. D. MHIKSQ : , The follnwliii pcrsonnl Inilnrsoinont from IT. I ) . Nenly , inummur fnrNohrusKu fnrtho ICciull- ulilo liifo Assur.inee Society of Ni w Vnrk.wltli nlllcus In I'l IK HKK hnllilliig. Is respuctfully submlltod. Mr. Noely'.s proiiilneneu un 1 hlh ; cliaraeter us u business mini uml ell l/un civo his statements .t reliability beyond niiestlon : OMAHA. AUK. 10. IMfi To thu I'ubllu : My pei'sun.'il knowledge of Dr. t' . t * . Shepiird. resi dent phyalulnn of thu Oiipelund Medleul Insti tute , envoi A a period uf m-iiiv yeiirs. l r.hcp ( - iird Is nn uxporloiicud uml accomplished phy sician and Hiirguon. UN HIIOL-U H 1ms been notalily gient In n larjo mid reiponslhle llehl of pruelfeo. 1 heartily commend him uml hl.i wurlc to thu full eonlldcneo of tint pu He. Ii , I ) . NEKt.V. DRS. COPEUND & SI1EPARD , KOOMS 311 AND 111 ! NKW VOU 1C MfJ 11UIUINO. OMAHA. NUlt. Every Gurablu Disuusu Treated. OflkolIuiirs-'J to 11 n. m.:2 : to'i p. in. : 7 to3 D. m. Suiuluy IU n. in. to I' ' in. This is equal to Pennsylvania for furnaces nnd largo Superior for jrrale and kitchen use. Superior to Rock Swings or any other coal. Lighter than PuniiHylvanlu coal. Therefore moro bulk nnd heat for less money. It affords a solution of the cheap fuel question. Get further particulars and samples from H. A. COX & CO. , Sales Agent. blood. Wo bellovo in the priceless principles on which tlio constitution was buildod , but I say to you , let this depres sion go on ; let it continue ; this uttitudo of striking the west by the east be cause you have the putvrr. and lot any can didate of your old parties go before the people - plo In 1MM on u platform of protection when the west has no protection and ho will lint gut a vote of the Ohio or south of the I'otonme. " AuwMtixu in > nu-i > ini.i'.UH. llurdilil | > n of 'Ilio l.iie.impiid Alone the llorder or thn .strip , AitKANSAsCiTV , Kan. . Aug. 18. Thcro is much distress among the homo-soukers camped along the borders of thu Strip. Many of them arrived last spring , and each month since then has socn their llttlo store of funds or other valuables slowly dwlu dling , until they uro now iilmobt destitute , and have been forced to sell their tuck to obtain provisions. The failure of the First National bank also swoptaw.iy the reservu of u lurgo number. Work lias been scarce and thu lack of Mirtlrictit food and the chnngo of water and climate has caused much sickness. Deaths among children have been numerous. Tlio only hope of this , destitute class Is that the .Strip will bo opened soon and before a grout throng can g.uhor to make the for ctuinm , lii'Tiutin , Okl. , Aug. IS Special Agent I'oo left this mornlmr to locate the registering booths along vho line ol the Cherokee strip , ilo was ordered to have tbo work completed by next Tuesday , ns the proclamation will bo issued the day following. Itrcnnl of tlio DliliK-tlvod. Chief Hnzo's report of the detective force for the llrst half of the mouth blmws that forty-six arrests \vere imulo during that time by himself and men , iClovon nf these woru discharged in police court mill thirty- live were convicted , seven of thorn being bound over to appear bcforo the district court. Stolen property to the amount of $1,018.15 , was also recovered during that time. The arrests by the diflercnt detective * were us follows ; Chief llazu , U ; iluzo and Hudson , S ; HUM ) , Hayes and HnJbon , 1 ; J. M. Vaughn , 2 ; Sav- agoniul Dempsey , fi ; M. F. Dompsey. B ; J. H. Savage ( sick most of the time ) , 1 ; Bloum and Baldwin , II ; Hudson and Hayes , 8 ; Hud son , 1 ; Hayes , 1 , ' Hpmit thu Huy I'luhln . BUZZAHD'U BAV , Aus , 18. The cloudy woutber did not prevent the president and Special N COUNCIL BLUFF3 ! A1ISTHACTS an j F.inu uml city iiraiwrty lioiifht and BoW. 1'uHuy i Tho.uus , Couiioll lIlllrtH GAK1IAOK removed , i3HHpiiolH , v , lulls , ohl iinoyi clu.moil. Kd Ilnrltu , .u Taylor'H ifrouary , Oil Hi uml way. T l'\\HMS Wo liavo HOIIIO line bo.irlu. fruit 1. f.UMIH fllTH Ito ; alUO KUUll lUW.l f.ll-IIIHJ HCllOlOj ' . ' 10-aei-o I.UMI i.iu - , . - , iiiiiuiu. Juiiumcm i Vim fatten. 1O VOU know D.iy k HCHH hnvo uoum I 'i-liolco lui-t-.ihiH lii fruit ami tr inlun laml nuar tliiH eily'l It1 jiiu want n tfooil HP.III of miilt'M , 7 nraold. k'l-ntlo uml Kood ilrlveiu , iiildreHH A , lieu olllcu , l/OIl ixoilAKUi-luoil : ( oimn buifi-y for KooU J hii-uml-liJiitl organ , lloiinciUH , Hi ) HUituinuu 1'OK SALK-Tliorestiim-aiit nnil boarillnir lioimo eoiner Willow uieiino uml Main Hlieet ; forty ho.iipei-H , Jui'B.iloutu | jniahi. Call on Win. Lur- Ben , v Co. , ilTSI'eaiJ htieet. O a AO'KKS , U6 niuTiTrronriKiHtonicu ; ull In fruit" ( will ho bold Inho1oorlii iiul.ila liarKiiln , or will li-ado for KUUII c-lly | i01iei-y. | | ( iiceiiBhleldM , Nh'liolBon 4. Co. , HUD Iliuiiuwny , opixjHlIu poht- ollice. J/OK SAT.K I1.1 ucies iidjolnlni ; city llniltHi nil In fnilti * , lfll.ti un ac-ro. UrcuiiHlilulilH , Nlcholbo i & .Co. , lieu lliujdway. Ifi ACHKS. ' H mlleb from jiostolllcui nlcu fruit or LMiilen laml ; ir > IHII > an Mere. ( Jlix-llbhlulclH. h'ichol.Huu & . Co. , liOU llro.uUvay. I'riipnioilH lor llnllilinu. Ho'iled pro | ) ( > 5iln will ho rocoivotl by the uuuret-iry of thn noird of oilueullon ur.tll 4 ii'ulouk p. m , .Monday , t-opt. 4th , 18VJ , for thiioonstriifthm of a two-story 8-ioom brlolc seliool Liiillillnion the Hickory school situ In ueeordniicii with iiliuib nnd spuelllo itlnn * on llio In tlm oflleo of .lohn l/utemur , uruhltuot , llurker block , city. Hi-piir.Uo bids will ho lecelved for carj'eutor work Inuludln nil work unilor onriiutitur apiiulllU'itlomii uiid for luiison worl. luvludlue oxearullit'T , ooncietin.1 and eut ttono work. Kivch hid mint b ui'c-oiii | ) iilu l ny ixvertl- lludeheek for Ihreu per cent of the amount niiiuud In thu bid. The bo.uij . resuryoi thu rl.'ht to reject uny or all bids. lly ordurof the board of oluoatlon. J. M. Ull LAIi. nlTdlOt Boetotury Dr. Uryant from taking their fishing trip. _ - They were out until nearly sunset. Mrs. fr Cleveland drove to the village this after- / noon. Itoston CourUir : Kara spin on the roud th * pioper thlutf , of cour.u , U u. "tou" \