TTTROMAITA DAILY HER : SUN DAY-'AUGUST 20 , 18M-SIXTEKN PAGES : BLANKETS $2,00 , ' ' BLANKETS $3,00. . .All our $3 nntl $4.60 whlto FALCONER'S FALCONER'S All our $5nm1 JO while V . nnd Rfiiy $2FALCONER'S nnd cut to crny blnnkots § 3.3 $2 All at 5c Per Yard. POQT All at lOc Per Yard. $3 2Oc ! French Mulls , X > * X AW jr A. Imported Sateens , value 3Oc 18c India Challies , - li- Imported Batiste , value 40c IBc Sateens [ Gilbert's ] Gilbert's Satines , value 23c 2Oc Ginghams , Sea Island Percales' value ISc < U 2Oc Oriental Crepes , Cable Cords , value 20c 2Oc Novelty Suitings All Fall Styles , ALL ATe ALL AT lOc MONDAY.SALE. U Per Yard Per Yard o MONDAY. . MONDAY. ANNOUNCEMENT. OUR GREAT Cost Cash Sale has been a phenomenal success , increasing our sales over the corresponding1 months of last year fully 33 1-3 per cent , proving that even in ' 'panicky" times people have money for genuine bargains. For two weeks longer'we ' propose to keep up this remarkable showing. To do this we will make still further inroads on our profits. THIS WEEK we will sell all our $5 and $6 chenille portieres at $3 I N per pair. These actually cost us from $3.75 to $4.50 per pair. Note the sacrifice. OUR ENTIRE STOCK of ladies' ready o made suits , $6.50 , comprising $12 ETON SUITS , $20 CAPE 2 SUITS , $20 HELLYET SUITS , $18 BOLERO SUITS , all m go Without reserve at $6.50 per suit. A wonderful offer , prob & ably the greatest ever made. 100 LADIES' SILK WAISTS , the very newest fashion , sold in the season at $6 , $7 and $8 , this week sacrificed to $2.87. How can you resist these facts ? WE WILL ALSO take 100 ladies' new fall jackets , bought to sell at $7.50 $8 , $10 and $12 , and H sell them all at one price this week , $3 each. We guarantee the fit and style of every garment ' to be absolutely correct. 1,000 YARDS of black and colored silk velvets , the celebrated "Star" make , 'o - m sells all over this country at $1.25 , sacrificed to 6gc. Our 24-inch iron frame grenadine , sacrificed from $2 down to 79C. OUR48-INCH swivel grenadines down from $6 to $2. A LARGE and varied assortment of silks , positively worth up to $ i.75peryard , now 500. BLACK SILK warp henrietta , $2 quality cut to $ i. 19. Nosacrifice will be too great for us to make o u in order to keep tip this wonderful selling gait , 3,000 YARDS choice ! wash goods , including sateens and ginghams worth up to 250 per yard , all go at sc per yard this week. $1.50 BLACK ENGLISH whip cords go this week at $ r. BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! All CO * " 3 O .2 C o C * > > 0 our $5 and $6 WHITE AND GRAY blankets cut to $3. All our $3 and $4.56 white and gray blankets cut to $2. Was there ever such a sacrifice ! Ladies' - , „ n o i- \f \ 25C37 / c ancl 5OS UNDER VESTS cut to 12 0. Some of these are Fall weights' On every side the most pronounced bargains stare you in the face. These bar .5 * * > gains should interest our of town friends particularly , as it affords them an opportunity to come into the city , make a ten dollar purchase and more than save their car fare. Mail orders are carefully attended to. REMEMBEE , , EVERYTHING GOES AT COST OB UNDER. YOU CANNOT MISS A BARGAIN. iTlliSTffl'S PATHETIC END' Financial Embarrassment Causes a Nebraska Pioneer to Commit Suicide. SENSATIONAL AFFAIR AT HASTINGS fcocal Manager of tlio Western Union Tuts llullot ThrouBli 1IU llniln Ono of the City's Popular HASTINGS , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Ur.B.J K.irly this morning it was reported that Frederick C. Mastin , man- nger ot tlio local ofiico of the Western Union , was missing. At 11 o'clock word T > was brought to the city that Mastin had committed suicide nnd that his body had boon found in Ulttonhousu's grove , nortli- WHSI of the city. The report was verilled liy some of the searching party. About 4 o'clock yustordav Division Suporin- UMidenl Horton of the Western Union'called lit the local oflleo and asked for Mnstln. Ho wished to examine the company's books and to "check up" the olllco. Mastin slgnillod his willingness and directed * his ohi f to the proper boolts nnd papers. In about ten minutes Mastin loft the ofliee. About half past 7 Mr. Horton became sur prised at Mastin's absence and sent n mes- ni'iigor to the lattor's residence to see if ho was thero. Ho was not and an hour later Mrs. Mnstln became much alarmed nnd went to the olllcu to see If any trace had boon dis covered of her At U o'clock Horton ton left word that ho wanted to see Mastin if ho was found. I'riipiiroil for tliu llml. At half past'fi ' ho cashed a $23 chock in a local drug storti , saying that , ho wanted to my for some insurance and soud money to his wife. This chock signed lll'G. . Mastin , uiirr. " was refused payment at the bank this morning. luiny this morning 6no' of Mrs. Maslln's friends took her a rather bulky envelope from the postolllco , which on opening was found to contain about $ r > in bills. Tliun it Unshod across her mind thai her husband was dond and the shock was so great that she fainted. Frluuds organised a so.irchlng iiarty at once. In Uittuuhouso'a grove the body was discovered , At7iO : ! Mnstln was stilt going north on an nnfreciuontod An hour later ho called at the house of Conductor Hclhnap of the llnrlinglon and s.iid Home men hud under taken to hold him up and he got the worst of it. His faeo was blood- streamed from a wound on the face. He asked fora revolver to protect hiinsoif white going down for the police. It was fur nished him nnd'Maslhi went toward the south. This was ttin last seen of him alive. ICfiillt of the lniilut. At a o'clock the inquest was hold. Mas- tin's pocketbook was opened nnd in it written on u scrap of p.ipor was found u note to his wife , which probably was the ono the unfortunate man wrote after Horton cumo in und started to oxamlno the books. It spoke very tenderly of the relations which had existed between them und expressed wjrot at the parting. HU debts , Mastin said , for her not to attempt to pay as his property wus nil mortgaged , HU plans had all failed and the abrupt pat-tint ; could not bu helped , A couple of life insurance receipts were also en closed , along with a number of notes nnd checks. Some of these were assigned to his wife , and ono note of fWO , by his brolhcr-ln- law , to his wife's oiothur. The verdict was , "suicide by shooting. " As to Mastln's standing with the com pany , nothing can bo learned. Mr. Horton went to Omaha this morning before tlio discovery of the body and the local em ployes know nothing of the affair. It is customary to remit to Omaha monthly , but the oflleo him not been chocked up for over u year. If Mastin has boon somewhat bohliul lie had many friends who would have been glad to have bulpod him out. \Vu Very 1'opulnr , Mat tin had lived in till * county for twenty vcars or more. Ho was elected recorder of leeds in 1S83 , but owing to a defect in the aw could not servo. Ho was again elected ; n 1885 and served very acceptably for four years. In 1890 , while census enumerator , ho was mysteriously injured while crawling bo- twccuitho cars of a freight trainand now it is thought that ho intended sulcido then. Mas- tin's life was insured as follows : Now York Life , § 1 ,000 ; Mutual of Now York , $1,000 ; Modern Woodmen , $11,000 ; Ancient Order of United Workmen , $2,000. Cattle ThlavoH on Trial. QEIIIXO , Nob. , Aug. 19. [ Special to THE Buu.J Charles Brown and Henry Matthews were arrested this week and had their pre liminary hearing today , the charge against them being the stealing of cattle. A war rant has also boon issueil for Ed David. For months the cattlemen , ranging north of the river in Scott's Bluff and Sioux counties , have boon losing choice bunches of steers in Just about carload lots , among the victims being the heavy owners , Nichols Bros , , Wallace Merchant , W. H. Walker , Charles Hraska nnd others. A still hunt has been going on , which has spotted the parties now under arrest , who made tholr headquarters in the extensive sandhills south of Alliance , in northern Cheyenne county. Cattle can bo run into thcso hills and driven for hundreds of mile * without being scon , by keeping to the valleys between the hills. This is the same section of country which became celebrated during the famous Kingen affair of several years ago , and wliilo tho'prosent depredation ? are not of the same character , the results are much more bur densome to the owners , who are simply pri vate ranchmen , instead of , as in the former case , big cattle companies. The presumption is that the stolen stock is driven into thcso hills and in an indirect way to Alliance or some other station of the B. & M. , and sold to butchers or shipped to Omaha. ScliuylerHllvur OUcimlon. ScniiYU'.ji , Nob. , Aug. IS ) . [ Special to Tun HUE. ] The questions for discussion by the members of the Bimetallic league last night wore "What Were the Causes of the Present - ont Financial Depression ? " and "W-lmt fleno- llts Would Result from the Free nnd Unlim ited Coinage of Silver1' ! The former quouion was opened by Ilonry Boltou , wtio gave as reasons the financial crisis in the Argentine Uopublio a short time slncu , the cmoarrassmuut a short time later of Bariug lira * . , but ns the prime reason , the great differences between tlio balances of trade at ends of lineal years ending Juno 1 , 18U-J , and Juno 1 , IblK ) . The second qucstlfm was led by D. N. Mc- Conl , who showed himself n thorough cham pion of free and unlimited coinage of silver , principally because it would increase per capita circulation , which would result in the enlivenmenlof all branches of trades and manufactures. The principal rosponuouM were J , A. Grlmlsou and C. F. Brown , Drutli of.Mri. Jlxrli Moellor. Oni ) , Nob. , Aug. 1'J. [ Special to TUB Bun. ] Maria H. Mooller , wife of Charles W. Post , died at tholr residence west of Ord Thursday afternoon. She was taken with la grippe during the epidemic about two years ago und never recovered from it , ' She was married eleven years and leaves three children. She was ono of Valley county's oldest settlers , coming hero from Schlcswlg , Denmark , with her parents twenty-one years ago , when but 12 years of ago. County Touchers. Old ) , Nob. , Aug. ID. [ Special to TUB BEE. ) The Valley county teachers' institute closed hero Friday , The attendance has been good and the examinations show a creditable stauuing on the part of the scholars. During the continuance of the in stitute Prof. J. F. Beattio of Cotnor univer sity and Hov. George A. Kay , president of the Scotia Normal , delivered lectures to whicn the publio was invited and which wore highly appreciated. In the lueret | of ItitllroniU. NOIITII PI.ATTK , Aug. 10. [ Special to THE BKB. ] Two excellent addresses were made before the teachers Institute ) n session hero yesterday afternoon nnd oveninc by Mrs. U. M. Woodward of Sownrd , Ttio audiences were largo. Mrs. Woodward remains to nd- drc * * the railway mcu of tuUdlvUiouSabbath light at the Methodist Episcopal church. Elcr wide acquaintance with railroad men and well known sympathy for them and ap preciation of the service they render guar- inteo a largo audloucc. dinning 11 Defaulter. O'NEILL , Aug. 19. [ Special Telegram toTitn BEE. ] Further inquiries were reenlvod to day by the sheriff concerning the defaulting ex-treasurer , Scott. The telegrams are from Santa Fo , N. M. , and ono received to day is of such character as to leave no doubt that Scott is in Mexico. The county board this morning made general offer of a reward of $3,000 for the apprehension and delivery of Scott to au ofllcer of this stata. Scott is described as of medium height , heavy weight , bald , game foot and cock oyo. The board passed resolutions declaring its inten tion to bring suit and attach iho property of bondsmen , and all persons who are supposed to have borrowed money of Scott. Ills Drafts Nut Honored. HENDEIISOK , Neb. , Aug. 19. [ Sncclal to THE BIJE. ] Some days ago George E. Evans , representing himself to bo from Illinois , aud desirous of purchasing a farm fn this vicin ity , called at the Bank of Henderson and drew a sight draft on. the Hamiltoa County bank of Aurora for $ UUOO. The local bank accepted it for collateral and gave Evans a receipt for the samo. With this receipt ho succeeded in working hotel people , saloons , etc. Since leaving hero ho has repeatedly drawn on the Bank of Henderson , the latest being n WJX ( ( ) draft , through a Linwood bank. Thu public need hardly bo advised that his drafts and checks will never bo paid. HotUiMl the Hliortiieo. ' SIDNBT , Aug. 19. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; BEE. ] The shortage reported in thu accounts ot Mark M. Noeves , late receiver of the United States land ofllco hero , proved to bo only $9.25 , and was settled in fall by Mr. Nooves today. That there was any In tention on the part of Neovos to defraud tlio government was at no time credited by his numerous friuuds. Preston Urlfllth , his successor , has arrived and assumed charge of the oftlce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nflru lo * i'lmtultlcu Kohliml. CUKTK , Aug. 19. [ Special to TUB BKE. ] The safe of the postofllco at Pleasant Hill , this county , was robbed at , an early hour this morning. The thieves blow the safe open with powder. About $25 of govern ment funds aud $100 of Dougo & Brunk , druggists , weru secured by tliu thieves. Died ul llur Injurlea. AUCAWA , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to THE BUB. ] Mrs. J. S. Hockorsmlth died this afternoon from tlio effects of an accident. About ten days ago , wliilo lighting a iiro , she was severely burned. She was formerly Miss Jouny Gorhaiu of Pleasant Valley , this county. I.'ito Crop * liunolltml. MADHID , Nob. , Aug. 19. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BEE. ] A copious rainfall throughout Perkins county .this afternoon. I-ito crops will bo greatly boneiited , and there will bo a largo increase in thaacreago of fall grain sown over last year , Deutli of u lliiatlui ; * Vatoran. lUsmns , Aug. 19. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEB.J W. H. Hammond , an old soldier , aged SU years , died hero today , having been overcome by thu heat Thursday. Where Chicago I.oit Alouoy. CIIKUUO , Aug. 19. Superintendent John McCarthy of the Chicago street department on entering iuto onico about four mouths ago was mot witli numerous complaints of the steals nmdo during the administration of Mayor Washburn. McCarthy today sub mitted to Commissioner of Publlo Works Jones his tlnal report on streets on which contractors failed to comply with the speci fications , thereby not only leaving their oftleo in bad condition but cheating the city on bills for material which was never used , The grand total amount of mouoy which it Is estimated this poor workmanship and lack of material lias cost the city U figured to bo Tlio Bickotts , 4 and 8 , Courtlnnd beach , UNION PACIFIC VETERANS Members of the Pioneer Association of the Company Picnic. FREMONT FLOODED BY THE FAVORITES Ono of tlio Largest Kxcuralons In tlio His tory ol the Organization How the Occasion Wan Enjoyed by the Crowd. , Auc. 19. [ Special to THE BEB. ] Ono of the best arranged and most orderly , as well as ono of the largest excursions that over "took In" the city of Fremont , arrived at 10:30 : this morning from Omaha , over the Overland , with drums boating and colors Hying. The Union Pacific Plonoor associa tion members with their wives and families , occupying ten cars and numbering about 800 souls , headed by the magnificent Seventh Ward Military baud , were guests that any city might have been proud to honor. And right royal' and hearty was tholr wolcomo. The association is com posed exclusively of men who have scon not loss than ten years continuous service in the employ of tlio Union Pacitlo road , and is oOlcorcd as follows : President , J. A. Lallio ; vice president , J. Van Douson ; gocrstary , H. Axford ; treasurer , John Uico. It numbers not only some of the oldest but some of tlio brainiest men of Omaha or of the state , among the latter of which John M. Thurston is a conspicuous example , al though his duties were such that be could not bo present today. But thu oldest veterans were well represented. Charlie Fisher , who has boon with the company for twenty-four years continuously and who is ono of the oldest of the Omaha firemen , TTUS present ns hu always is. Then there was A , Gibson , foreman of the blacksmlthing department ; A , M. Collott , master carpenter ; A. R. Too/er , veteran leader of tlio band , who brought the lirst band to the state ; John M. Ktco , foreman in the car shops ; A. Mc- Caullff , foreman of the car shops und many others , The band was led by Prof. F. M. Stein- hausor aud Is pronounced ono of the finest in thu atato. , , , At thOjTark. At the nark J , V. N./BIIos , president of tiio city council , introduced City Attorney Dolezol , who , in a fuw pertinent remarks , welcomed to the city the city's thrice honored guests. President J. A. Lllliu responded in a happy vein which captured tlio crowd. Ho said thu kind and touching sentiments of welcome were appreciated most heartily. A lookilla the faces of those people was n bettor .answer than ho could give. Tliulr happy countenances were ovi- dnnco that they fully appreciated the eloquent words of wouiomo in bo half of the beautiful city of Fromofat ; Ho said that > the prophecy ho made a year nfrouc concerning Fre mont had boon fulfilled : Ho cited these facts as evidences qfmtbo city's improve ment the government building in process of erection , pubilo works Including sewerage under full headway and' labor generally em ployed and happy , and all prosperous uud contented. Ho then produced the golden key pre sented to him last year by Mayor Fried , which ha said represented the generous hearts of the people of Fromont. The ad dress abounded in happy hits and salient points that were greatly appreciated , AimuemuiiU of the Day , A magnificent platform had been erected for dancing und ttio new band stand was profusely decorated , aud although the rains of the morning had thoroughly wet the ground , the aun put it lu excellent shape for pleasure by noon. An excellent program of Kamos and rpccs had boon prepared and that with the dancing furnished uuiusomeuts for all. The musical program was extremely interesting. Thurntou ( Joe * lu Wellington. LINCOLN , Aug. ! ! > . [ Sooclal to the TUB BEE. ] S. Edwin Thorctou of the Alliance Independent In this city has boon notified of his appointment as Representative Kern's private secretary. Leuvenmark dives today atCourtland , .1:30 : and 7-15. : At . ' 1:30 : ho { fives his lirst and only fancy and trick swimming1. SOME ARE DISSATISFIED. Street Car Appraisement ns Considered bjr a Oouncllinnnla Committee. Some of the owners of property on South Sixtccnth'stroot express dissatisfaction over the rejection of the report of the award of damages by the appraisers for thr > opening and extending of Sixteenth street from Vin- ton to the city limits. The appraisers' report wa submitted to the council and referred to the committee on streets , alloys and boulevards. Tuesday evening the committee made its report with the recommendation that the award of the appraisers bo rejected and that a now board bo named. Tlio report was made by Mr. Howcll and signed by tlio other members. No reason was given in tlio report of the committee as to why the appraisers' report should bo rejected and no questions were asked by the couiicilmon who voted to ap prove of the rceommedation of the commit tee. tee.This This caused rumors to bo circulated that the report was rejected because the apprais ers had not awarded damages in a sufllcieiit amount to the Omaha Street Knit way com pany. The appraisers wore T. B. McCulloch , James Stockualo and John F. Flack. They allowed to the street railway company damatrcs to the amount of $2,500 for a strip of land liOxOOO foot that was to bo appropri ated. The lot adjoining on the south has a strip appropriated UUx'JjO feet , and the dam ages awarded amounted to only $ .100. Tlio appraisers contend that the street railway company was not tint'tho best of it by several per cent and refused to increase the award. They also claim that all of the properly owners were satisfied with the awards mado. Chairman Howcll and Mr , Els.assor of the committee on street * , alloys and boulevards , that made tlio adverse report , were asked as to the cause of the rejection of the ap praisers' report. Both replied that the award as made to the street railway com pany wan entirely too low and unjust. It was for that reason the gentlemen said that they recommended the rejection of the re port. They say that the company should re ceive for the property appropriated an equitable nnd just sum and that aovoral of tlio property owners down there had stated that the award to the company was entirely too low. KILLED BY A SHOOK. Sud Cnie of n Hick Child Who Win Frleht- tiiiBd at n Critical Tluio , Building Inspector Tilly was called to Thirty-fourth and Jones streets yesterday morning to make an ofllclal inspection of a dwelling in a state of almost total collapse. The occuuant of the house is Mrs , Gcorgo McDonald and she relates a very sad story , Friday of last week a neighboring lady was nursing a sick 11 ttio child of Mrs. McDonald , when suddenly , and almost without warning , the floor gave away and went down a dis tance of ono foot. The shock caused to the occupants of the house was very severe nnd in n few hours afterwards the child died. In addition to'tho ' floor giving away the parti tion running through the house bulged and is ready to collapse at any moiccnt. The chimney also sagged and is In a dangerous condition. Colonel Tilly found that the con dition of the house renders it uninhabitable nnd its occupancy dangerous. He will put tlio agent on the carpet and cause an 1m- mod lute repair of the house to bo made or else it will como down under official super vision. Mrs. McDonald has resided in the house for a number of months und she has paid a monthly rental of $4. This rent mouoy she says has always promptly boon paid and no trouble on thu score has been caused. However , when the lust rent day rolled around , owing to the illness und death of the baby , she was unable to moot the obliga tion and asked for a fuw days time. Too agent wan arbitrary and demanded the pay ment of the rent or an immediate-vacation of the premises. Ho departed and u few hours later the lady was served with a notice of n suit of ejectment. She visited the agent aud remonstrated with him and promised within u certain time to pay the iniouut. The agent was determined aud ro- 'usod to accede to her i-cquest. This action of the agent falls rather hard on the lady , who says she has a garden on the promises that she can illy afford to lose. Colonel Tilly will ascertain from the iiront why ho is leasing for occupancy an un- nhabitablo dwelling , nnd why ho Is so arbi trary in forcing the collection of rent for such a place. WINDY WAVELETS. What Wild Waves WhUpcr nt Courtlaml Iloacli. Managar Grifllths claims the privilege of wearing the first light-weight overcoat at , lie beach ; any ono appearing dressed in such a garment , before ho docs , will bo promptly arrested. Among the export lajly swimmers at Courtlaud beach are : Miss Helen Hoagland ind her guest from Chicago , Miss Louise Hobble ; the Misses Polack , Miss Holland , Miss Shimi , Mrs. Van Gilder. Tallyho parties have boon quite frequent during the week. As the season advances the afternoon jatlicrs become greater In number. Over 1,000 persons enjoyed the bathing ; > rivilcgos during the week , 250 of this num ber dipping on Friday. Courtlaml beach patrons have boon well [ irovided with entertainments the pastwooic. Tlio exhibitions of .Joseph Lou von mark a * < Courtlaud beach have boon greatly appre ciated each evening. Ho draws big crowds und his high dive is a rumarkahlo feat. The Blckctts , William and Minnie , in their trapeze performance each afternoon and evening , have received deserved np- plauso. Jessie /Colno has announced her intention to drop Into the lake this afternoon by way of breaking the monotony , provided the weather clerk will permit of a southerly breeze , which she relies upon to curry her ever the lako. The number of small picnic parties in the grove last week was by far the largest of any week yet. This afternoon Louvonmnrjc will drop a slono from the tower into the lake below and when ho makes his high dive will try to bring up the stone ; it is a diftlcult feat , which Louvenmark docs not guarantco to accomplish ; it may require him to romaiu under water for some time. Ho gives an ex hibition of fancy and trick swimming also this afternoon , Thu attendance last week , Including the rainy weather , equaled the preceding weok. VSKUl'lMXKIt IIKHHKHS , Now York Jnnlnh I/ilinrnra Hold n Vnry 1'uucvablo MrotliiK. NBW YOUK , Aug. 1U. Tlio meeting and parade of unemployed Hebrews passed off as an ordinary event would. There was no trouble of any kind aud the speakers' refer ences wore far from dealing In inflammatory remarks. There were in the neighborhood of 5,000 participants. The objective point was Union square whore the meeting was held. held.Tho The precautionary measures of the police , which wore on an unusual scale , were ren dered wholly unnecessary by the peacefulness - ness of the gathering. Miss Euiinu Uolduian , without hat or bonnet , < IltUd among the crowd on thu plat * form. Prior to being admitted there she had to promise the police to contain hurself and maka nouo of her usual harangues , Joseph Barindes spoke In Gorman and English. Ho counseled his hoarora to mod eration and told them that they were at lib erty to agitate the state of attaint as they stood , tending toward a settlement of their grievances , but the agitation muit bo of a so-called jaw-abiding character. The other speakers spoke in the same strain. Kcsolutions were adopted calling upon the state authorities to abandon the convict labor system uud glvotho work to the un employed , There was but ono arrest made , and that was a istui wbo , after the meeting was over , refused to move on when ordered by the police. ThoBlckottH , 4 und 8 , Courtlund beach. LANSING MAKING A RECORD Another Interesting Decision of the Lancas ter Oonnty Judgo. ESTATE OF JAMES LEDWITH INVOLVED YdmlnlHtrator oftlin Property Instructed to Comply wltli the rrovUlon of the Will Mast ICcCum ! Monuy ( Irlght 1'ros- Iiecm of the State Fair. , Aug. 10. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] Fudge Lansing is rapidly making a record for himself in the way of settling up dls- > uted estates. His recent decision In the settlement of the Eider Miller estate by vhlch the cider's adopted daughter waa nwaided $70,000 attracted considerable at- eution at tlio time. The judge today handed down another decision which will add to his already largo nccumulition of laurels. Tlio case In hand is known as the Ledwlth vill case , nnd it has already obtained con- sidurabln celebrity in local legal circles , It originated in the attempt of Mrs. James Ledwlth to secure the removal of John Lud- vlth as administrator of her lute husband's estate. She accused him of trying to rob icr and her chihl run by neglecting to account 'or funds belonging to tlio estate coming nto his hands. She also claimed that ho icglectod to pay her the flOO per month nl- owed her by her hito husband's will for the naintcimtico of herself and children , and that ho tried to prejudice the children against hor. In handing down his opinion of the case , Judge Lansing decides that the widow is entitled to the undisputed possession of the homo in which she lives ; that the executor must pay her ? 100 per month for the imiln- tenunco of her children for the forty months \ \ hlch have elapsed slncu her husband dlod ; that she is also to receive MO per month for the same period. She is also awarded $ .SO for the payment of uxpunscs incurred In scndjng the children away from school and ? l.r > 0 for attorney's ' fees. The monthly pay ments are to bo continued until further orders. The judge decided not to remove thn executor , but requires him to refund to the estate soyoral amounts which hu U known to have appropriated to his own use , Htulu I'.ilr MuiiUKiir * In Hemlon. The Iwird of managers of the State Fair association has bocn in session in Lincoln since last evening aud has completed all necessary arr.ingoments for the most suc cessful exposition in thu history of the asso ciation. The NoDraska Manufacturers and Consumers association will occupy a laivo portion of tlio main building with an exhibit of Nuhraxka madu goods and the feature will bo something entirely irow nt the fair. Secretary Furnas is feeling particularly good ever thu fact that ho has secured for the fair an exhibit of live stock from the World's fair grounds that has never boon equaled In ttio history of tlio west. By an especial arrangement with the World's fair director ho has secured permission to re move from the live stock exhibit there for one week many of the herds of line cattlo. Ho lias ncuuretl nlno of thu finest herd of cattl'3 in the country , ilvu of which are from Canada. They will leave Chicago on Mon day , September 11 , reaching Lincoln by special train on the next day. Fifteen counties have already entered for the county collective exhibits and tlio dis play In this line promises to bo greater than over before. Lincoln In llrlct. The funeral of Saniuol Shears , late propri etor of thu Hotel Lincoln , will take place from Holy Trinity church tomorrow after noon. Tlio intuiment Mill bo in Wyuku cemetery near ihli city. U. T. Mastin , city ticket agent for the Union Pacillc. received a telogium this fore noon saying that his brother , Fred Mnstln , had been mysteriously missing for three days. Two hours 1 ntcrlio received uuothur dispatch announcing tlio dUcovory of his brother's dead body , tdr. Mastin loft for Hastings ou the uoou trulu.