12 , , T3TIliMQMATTA : DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGUST 20. ISOttHSIXTEBN PAOKfl PAILY BEE. I'UIIUHIIRI ) r.VKItV MOIINISO. TiUMS : OI1 > ally UPO ( without Sunday ) Ono Y nr. . I H 00 inlly nnd Puiidiiy , Ono Year 10 00 jlx Months B uo liroo Months. . , , . , 2 50 umliiy lice , One Year , 2 00 tattiriinv Her. Onn Year 1 r > 0 Weekly Boo , Ono Yenr 1 00 OI-TIOJW. Omnlm.TIi * ) Hoe Ilulldlng , FnulliOnriha , corner N and 2Ctli Street * . Council ItliirK 12 Ponrl Strom. riilcnBdOlllco. 317Uluimlorof Commerce. New York , Itoonn 13 , 14 and 15 , Tribune Building. Washington , 013 I'mirtonnth Street. COUUKSPOXimNOB. All communications minting to now * nnd ftlllri-lnl mutlnr should bo nddrcsacrt : To the Editor. IIUBINHSS MVTTim All business Inttrrs nml remittances should lo mldroiispd to Tim Heo Publishing Company , Utnnlin. Drafts , checks mid postolllco orders In Im inado payable to tlio order of tlio com- pnny. Parlies leiivltiK Iho city for the Mimnttr can hnvo THE UKK sent to their nddrcss by lonvlnff in eider at Oils oHIoo. Tin ; iiin PUBLISHiNn COMPANY. Tlin lltn In ( ililinico. TIIK DAILY mid HUNIIAY BUB U on sulo In Chlcngo nt tlio following pluccs : Palmer home. Urn lid I'nclflo liolol. Auditorium liolol. Ureul Northern liotol. ( Jon1 hiilol. ] . < 'lind : Imtol. Kilos of Tun HBB run bo "Scon nt tlio No- hrimka building nnd tlio Administration build Ing , Imposition grounds. SWO11N STATKMHNT OK ClUCUhATION. Slain of KohrnHk.1. I County of Dondan. f Oeotwil. T schiicU. Rccretm-yof TIIK BER Pnl > - IIMiIni : company , iloeH Kolomnly swear that the Bctunl circulation of TIIK DAII.V llrK for the week CmlltlR AllRURt HI , IHll.t , WnHllB follOWHI Similar , AiiRimt la , . . Jd.OM Monilav. AtiEiiBt II \ r fJH.7il : riipwlav , Auirnnl in ttil.Tlil tVtilncHilny. Aiieimllll , i , 'jn.THM riinrmlny AIIRIIHI 17 2:1,711 : Friday , Atiirimt 18 1.7011 intiml.ir , August HI 21,7:1. : ) Oroiicinn T/'CHttrif. i > , HWOUN lo before mo anrt HtibscrlbiMl In , < SKA I. viny prvMMici'lblH IDIIi ilny of Aniiml,18i3. 11 , ' N. I1. Km. . Notary 1'nbllc. sVverinjo Circulation lor .Inly , 18011 , 3J'J58 THAT "independent papor" repudiates Hio inovoincnt for a nonpartisan 'judiciary. Tun coinnierciai u onoios take a more hopeful view of the financial situation and arc beginning to ndinit that times are on the inund. Tin : next Htop in the falhvny kaloido- jcopc shoulil ho a dissolution of the injunction - junction and the enforcement of tlio maxitniim freight rate law. RKI KISINTATIVK : FALLOWS of Now York is irolnji to reply to Congressman Bryan's silver olTort on Tuesday noxt. Follows will no doubt toll Bryan what ho ought to have said. TIIK Now York 6'un says that Governor Boles owes his election to republican dissatisfaction with prohibition. The republicans are about to roinovo the cause of dissatisfaction. Tun Nebraska delegation in congress may not bo harmonious on financial issues , but whenever the passage of K Nebraska appropriation is at stake thoj uvill bo found pulling at the same rope. Tun iiooplo of Kansas have revived ar old project to split the state in tw ( parts audjlwvo two states instead of one By continuing the subdividing process Indefinitely Kansas may yet .secure t majority in the United States senato. A OIIRAT many banks may fail and t jrreat many factories may close whih the worthy members of congress are exhausting hausting themselves in an intorminabli debate over the financial problems. Tin crying need of the day is action , no tvords. AN INCREASE in the si/o of tha house committees may not conduce to the ofll ciont dispatch of business , but it will supply a few moro places by which the noakor will bo enabled to satisfy tin demands of the numerous ambitious 'songressmon. A I1ONU swindle hchomo can wlthstam the pressure which urges it on to insol voucy only HO long as the now sucker ; continue to bo caught in numbers corro spending to an increasing goomotrlca ratio. The disastrous end cannot be muny years postponed. "Vfr. AHK told by a local paper that tin agitation for a nonpurtisun judiciary i dying out. It seems to , bo oxortlnj itself quite well considering its dyinj condition. A glorious revival will niiov that the nonpartlsan judiciary has no yet given up the ghost. SPKAKINO of practical Christianity Jho man who would best fcorvo his follo\ man might sot a worthy example b restoring his hoarded funds to gonuni 1 circulation , thus doing something towaiv .relieving . the llnanolal depression whlcl la bearing hard on the mon who have n savings to hoard , but who arodependen upon tholr daily wages for tholrsupporl TiiKKU is a sinister significance in th Btatomont that the disinter which liu overtaken the Northern Paclflo wa mutorlally liastonod by the radical en in rates made by Jim Old's Oren Northern sygtom. The fact that Mr. 1111 Jias already proposed to purchase th Northern Pauillo and consolidate it wit bis own line warrants the suspicion thr the Uhsuults upon the credit and rev < ntion of the Northern Paulflu were nc entirely the result of chance. COMl'CTHNT and unpri-judiced judge Uko Governor l-'urnas give it : tn thol jptniou that the Nebraska oxhlb ! U the World's fair Is acoon Dlhthing the very purpose for which : MH boon made. It is advertising th irjgnilleont agricultural resources c ; ho state and attracting the attention c thousands of well-to-do farmers of th 3U.torn btatesyho are looking to th west for homes either for themselves c their children. It is an exhibit whie convinces oven the most casual vldltc Si lat Nebraska ns a graln-prcduoln and stcck-growing state has r superior and but few equals on tl globo. It also proves conclusive ] to the dairy farmer , the boo keeper an the fruit grower that lie will 11 nd in th fitato every advantage for tlio pursuit < those upeclaltiCB. Thid is the kind of u udvertlbomuut the people of tiostate ) ai paying for uud it Is what they are go tin ? , TIIK issVEs jinx an. The attorneys acting In behalf of the members of the State Hoard of Trans portation have filed tholr answer to the petition of the railways asking for an Injunction of the United States circuit court to prevent those public officials from doing their duties under the provi sions of the maximum freight rate law. In this an&wor the Issues that are at Rtnko are distinotly joined. The various allegations made by the railroad attorneys noys are flatly denied , and Iho court la requested either to innKO them provo tholr pleadings or to dissolve the tem porary injunction. The legal battle before the courts will bo fought by the state along soy-oral lines. The state's attorneys claim that the railroads. nITccted by the bill are purely domestic corporations and that as such tholr rates of charges upon freight transported between points within the state are subject to legisla tive regulation without the interference of federal authorities of any kind. They emphatically assort the power of the legislature to constitutionally enact statutes fixing reasonable niajdmutn rates. Furthermore that house roll 3,1 creates a spccUlf : procedure by which any injustice either to railways or ship pers may ba remedied by appeal either to the State Board of Transportation or to the regularly established. ' Judiciary ol the stato. In view of this provision , all jurisdictions of the federal court to In- ( | uiro into the reasonableness of the statutory maximum rates is denied. But should the federal court persist in assuming jurisdiction , the state's attorneys will bo ready to cham pion the reasonableness of the rates established , not only by questioning the statements of the railways as : to the cost , capitalization , bonded in debtedness and profits of their lines , but also by comparing the rates with those previously in force , and with those ir force in the similarly situated state ol Iowa. They show that * Burlington stock is three-fifths water , ' that dividends have , In reality , boon 20 to 25 per cent , and that the expense account is ox ec'ssivo and unwarrantably largo , while receipts are diminished by persona ! favors and free transportation. The- defense then will rest chioflj on a throe-fold pleading" . First , the stato's attorneys deny jurisdiction of tin federal court. Second , they uphold the constitutionality of the legislativ action. Third , they assort that no property orty is taken without duo process of law because the maximum rates are , in themselves solves , reasonable. With the issues thus joined , and with able lawyers t < defend the validity of the statute , lethe the battle proceed in order that the lav may bo vindicated at the earliest possi bio day. c//xrjT.trQ.i KAST AKD irwsr. The 1893 season of the western Cliau tauqua assemblies has boon closed although the originalChautauqua sossioi at the homo of the movement in Nov York state is but now ending its activi operations for the summer. In this fac alone wo have one mark of the esson tlal differences that distinguish Chau tauqua in the cast from Chautauqua i ) the west. With us the assembly solder fasts longer than two or throbrw'cek' and the limits of time form ono of th most potent obstacles to extended ani thorough work. The necessity of crowd intr everything into a too brigf period c study offers some excuse for a dopartur from the principles upon which tb movement was founded. At the bottom of the Chautauqua or gani/ation lies the idea that regular ani scientific study can bo brought homo t the ambitious student by a course c systematic reading under the diroctio of trained instructors. The outdoo assembly is but a means of supplement ing the pupils' work by a series of lee turos and recitations modeled very muc' upon these which are proscribed for th students in our better colleges and uni versitios. To this idea the original Chat ) tauqua has consistently adhered ; it i practically a summer session of a oollocr < a college which gathers together its fac ulty from among the most available an best fitted members of the educutlona corps of all our loading oducatlonaWnst : tutlons. Its continued , success in attract Ing both students and professors i ample evidence that the program is on of merit and of real eciontific value. Compare with this original Chat tauqua the Chautauqua of the west an wo shall find that the latter not enl started on a piano far below that of it model , but also that it has on the whol failed to make any noticeable progros toward bringing it nearer to the ideal t which it ought to aspiro. Besides th unfortunate time limit which ombai rubsu1 : ! the Chautauqua in the west t which wo have alluded , these Instltt tlons have so slender and precarious connection with the Cliautauqua organ xation that their work scarcely come within the purview of u poison purauln n systematic course of study undt guidance of the reading circle , Th attendants at the assembly then are nc these who could profit by the wor which might bo expected , nnd oven di the real student attend , dliwppolntmoi In the facilities offered would no doul force him to consider his time worse tlm wasted. An examination into tli methods , purposes and programs of son of those institutions will soon show tl : reason for tholr failure as viewed froi an educational standpoint. The great defect in the Chautauqn assembly of the \vo& is that It loses sigl almobt completely of the Chautauqi : idea. ICducutlonal features are over , whore haerlllcod to drawing attraction Wo read in ono report , "This was tl big day of the Chautauqua. It was 01 tiroly In the hands of the Grand Arm of the Republic and was preside over by its comnmndor. * * * brilliant display of fireworks onde the day'd jollification. " Prom a ; other wo learn that "this hi boon Odd Fellows' day at the assomb and consequently was attended by largo number of the order. " And w hear of "Lincoln " " day , "Traveling Mon day , " and various other "days" win the entire exorcises are glvon ever outside organizations. If this is dove oping the Chautuuqua Idea , our oonoo tlon of that idea la greatly In orro Education cannot be popularized In ni such manner. If the promoters of tl woitcrn Chnutauqun want to run n sumner - nor camp mooting , or If they wish to in augurate outings for various classes ol ho community , lot thorn net with thai llstlnct understanding. But If the ; mvo the better education of the poor but worthy student In mind , lot thom abandon thcso spectacular methods nnd emulate , so far as is possible , the work ol ho original Chautauqua. TT/Ml'lS X The promoters of bond sohcmca Indlg' ' nantly deny there is any element ol chance In their business. They Inslsl hat the system of bond payment based on the multiple of throe , nnd those laving no multiple basts , are within' the comprehension of the average man. . Admitting the latter proposition , li confirms the charge that the element ol chance Is a factor in scouring business. I is the possibility of getting ahead o .ho game of securing an early matur- ng bond that constitutes the lottorj enture of bond schemes. What is a lottery ? Webster defines H as "A Bohomo for the distribution o ] > rlzos by lot or chnnco ; especially r ranting schonio in which 0111 or moro tickets bearing partlctilai numbers draw prizes nnd the est of the tickets are Xlanks. ' Jndcr this and like definitions bone iromotors imagine there is a loophoh 'or escape , in that all bonds are to Ix mid ; that there are no blanks , nnd thai all porslstont investors will rccoivo the amount "nominated in the bond. " The courts and writers on criminal juris > rudonco construe lotteries to moat much moro than defined by Wobstor. "To constitute n lottery , " saya Blshoi Statutory Crimes , soc. 955) ) , "thoro ncot JO no blanks , but there must bo sotni property disposed of by lot. " Again it sec. 952 , ho says : "A lottery may bo de Inod to bo any scheme vrhorobv oho , 01 mying money or otjior valuable thlnj -o another , becomes entitled to rocolvi 'rom him such return in value , or noth ng , as some formula of chance mav do tqrmlne. ' ' Precedents established b ; courts are equally clear in defining a .ottorios dovlcos similar to bom schemes. A case reported in 23 N. J. law involves volvos the two points of chance and tin absence of blanks. A piece of proport ; was subdivided nnd. each tot sold'for ai equal sum. The lots wore of unequn value. The scheme was prepared nni exhibited previous to the sale , and thi purchasers paid tholr money not for ai equal undivided share of the land , bu in the hope and expectation of obtainlnj a valuable allotment and thus onrichlni themselves at the expense of the others In deciding the cose Chief Justice Grcoi said : "Tho fact that the scheme con talnod no blanks , but that every adventurer turor was to receive something for hi money only rendered the device mor successful and the results consequently moro injurious withou * . altering its os Bontial character as a lottery. " A cos involving similar points was decided ii 1818 by the supreme court of Pennsylvania vania (4 ( Sorg. & R. 151) ) , Chief Justic Tolghman pronouncing the scheme lottery. a In the early CD's , when latter agents were required by law to pay license of 3100 , a land speculator in Ai toria , Oro. , Bold a number of lots f equal value at an even price per lei But to give eclat to the sale ho offered few extra lots as prizes to purchaser ! When charged with operating a latter without a license his defense was that n there wore no blanks and as every ma received an equivalent for his mono } ho was not liable. Judge Dcady , lat justice of the federal court of Orogoi hold that the device was a lottery. In Bell VB State (5 ( Snood , 507 , 509 Judge Caruthors of Tennessee says : "j lottery is a game of ha'zard , in whicl small sums are ventured for the chanc of obtaining greater. " There is a practical unanimity in al published decisions that who rover"th element of chance becomes a consider ! tion the device is a lottery. Chance i the main feature of bond investmot schemes. State and federal laws prc hibit lotteries. It remains for th proper authorities to enforce the la1 and suppress lotteries , in wlmtove guise they may appear. JNTEKNATIUNAL AltlltI'ltATlOlf. In answer to a question regarding th moral effect of the Boring sea arbitri tion upon the nations , Mr. Phelps , ' on of the American counsel , expressed' th opinion that it would bo good. A Ilk opinion has boon oxprosaod by the poac congress , which adopted rosolutior approving of arbitration for the sotth incut of international controvorslo : The Now York Tribune , in an artlcl on the decision of the Paris coui of arbitration , said : "Tho mort effect of international arbltratlo must not bo overlooked. It Is distinct gain for civilization to hav matters at isaue between grot nations submitted to a court of this hig character. It is an object lesson fc Europe with its circle of military camj and Its impoverished populations stu ; goring under tlmburdons of war taxatln in a time of profound poaco. Englan and the United States can well afford t pay the costs of an arbitration whic oxeris a benotlclal educational effect i promoting the ends of peace and gwi will among nations. If the results < the arbitration are ofjuully satisfactor to England and the United States tli object lessen is the moro valuable for tli humane onda of civilization. The worl now knows that it is practicable for t\v nations to submit tholr claims an grievances to an international court ante to obtain a decision which will bo muti ally satisfactory. It Is a practical lease in the higher arts of civilized progress , This is the spirit in which the latoi and ono of the most important of into national arbitrations is generally r garded. It Is distinctly to the honor of tl United States , among the great natloi of the world , that arbitration for tli settlement of international disputes In bo grown in favor with onlightene governments. For a century th country has boon the ud vocal and exemplar of the principle of ail trillion. The first trial of the luotlu was made In 1791 , to settle a dispute ; to what river was intended under tl name of iho river St , Croix , formli > art of our northoasU p boundary. The iccond appeal to nrUtrnltoi was niado n 1797 nnd was to dotdrmlno the com- lonsntlon duo to JMMsh subjects In onsoquonco of impMiihonts which cor- aim of the United Jjpilos had , In vloln- .ion . of the provisions , of the treaty of > oacoof 1783 , Intorpiis'qdito the collection > f bona fldo dobU ijy. fcHtlsh creditors. ' The most important'numtration under ho treaty of l"83j hKd relation to [ uoatlons of contraonn'u , the rights of neutrals nnd the flnnlityiof the decisions of prize courts. Sf fot'nl ' disputes that voro submitted tq. ' . | arbitration arose indor the treaty of ( Bhont , negotiated In 814 , the most hnpof i'rij of these having reference to dotormlnfng the northern boundary of the United SUilos along the nlddlo of the great lakes and of tholr communications by water , finally sot- , led by treaty in 1812. A very Inipor- ant , arbitration related to a general ottloment of olaltns between the United States and Great Britain and was irovldod for by a convention con cluded botwoou the two governments In 853. The treaty of Washington , con cluded In 1871 , provided for four distinct arbitrations , the largest number ever established under a single convention. Fho first In ardor and Importance was hat at Geneva , which has boon referred iO as "tho noblest spectacle of modern tlmos , in which two great and powerful nations , gaining In wisdom and solf-con- .rol . and losing nothing In patriotism or Bolf-respoct , taught the world that the magnitude of n controversy need not bo a bar to its peaceful solution.t' ' It vas this memorable arbltra- .ion . that settled the Alabama claims. The last of the arbitrations between the Jnlted States and Great Britain before that relating to the Boring sea dispute was held in 1877 and related to compen sation duo to Great Britain for prlvi- egos accorded by the rcaty of Wash ington to the United States in the north- easto'rn fisheries. This country has ar- jltratod differences with Franco , Spain , Mexico , Hayti , Venezuela , Colombia , Paraguay , Chill , Brazil , Peru , Portugal , Denmark , China and the two Sicilios. Altogether the United States iias entered into forty-eight agree' inonts for international arbitra tion , referring to which Prof. .Tohr Bassott Moore of Columbia college , froir whoso published investigations the above facts nro derived , says : "Tin arbitrations of the United States have embraced many typos of international controversy and many highly important questions of law , both public and private. Not infrequently the questions in whoso solution hey have resulted were hotly discussed1' as" just and almosl necessary causes ofwai1 , involving na tional rights and national honor. I the contending parUost ad resorted t ( force they would fmrfttlpa never have realized how casijj , , ' a'nd honorably tholr differences might/ ( have boon ad justed by reasonable methods. If thi ° ' United States and 'dreat Britain , in stead of making tho.itren.ty , of Washing ton. had gone to war'abJut the Alabam : claims , which involVoif , ' the rights am ' honor of both countries , 'and even thi public legislation 4 and Hho conduct o the public authorti'ftljtf.090,91 thom , i is probablo'that-iniiiy patriotic writer ; in both countries wbmd naw'bQienga'ge'i in showing how Impossible it was < submit such .questions to arbitration. The Bontimont in > favor of Internationa arbitration has made marked , growtl in the last half a century , very larcel ; due to the example of the Unite States , and the latest evidence of th value of this method of adjusting con trovorslos between nations is very sur to further strengthen that sentiment Still there are many who will contlnu to believe that there are some causes o international difference which cannot b decisively settled except by resort t forco. Prof. Moore , it may bo remarked appears not to bo one of thoso. THK llUUSINU OF THE POOR. When the census reports that nearl ; five dwellings out of every 100 in th United States are occupied by more tlm ten pors'ons each , while in Chicago th ratio roaches ono out of four , and in Noi York one out of every two , the importance tanco of the problem of housing the pee becomes apparent at a glance. Tb crowding of people into buildings bull for the accommodation of moro than on family is an incident of urban life and i a phenomenon that has noon constant ! ; increasing with the increased density o our population. The topic is ono c great sociological interest and no mor clover handling of it could bo ox pee to , at this time than is found in the recon monograph of Marcus T. Roynplds , wh by his work won the prize offered b the American Economic association las year. The tenement house evil and the extremes tromos to which crowding the poor ma , be carried have been manifested mor sharply in Now York city , and as a cor sequence Air. Reynolds confines hi study chiefly to tho3o phases of th question which have there bcoomo proir Inont , The unsanitary tenement ii alas , too frequently mot at the preson tirao , but existing buildings are .novoi thol OBI a vast improvohaont over wha was formerly the custom , With no build Ing regulations , wlth-'ilo sanitary inspection spoction , the shells ol 'otl ' to bring tin largest financial roknrni-in the tmortofl possible time woro' transformed int brooding places of.jjjlls.'u'aso , .vice an crime , u menace to tlio health and cor tinned welfare of thS'tji | | ro community Efforts to iini > rovc > 4hp ( . .condition int which the poorer worKlng classes hav either fallen or boonj'1f | 'ced , take on , t a rule , various dlffort nk .forms , It wa at one time thouglir'that loglslatio would provo the sh 'ilo t and suvoro ; remedy. This has latuuinod the chat actor of oxproprlaftorf laws by whic plague spots are utl'orly rooted out e laws , compelling the reconstruction o prohibiting the erection of unsunitur structures , of laws establishing baarc of health with plenary powers , of law granting subsidies to owners of modt tenements , qf laws regulating ren While recognizing the elllcuoy of logli lation for certain purposes Mr. Iloynuli refuses to see In it the Halo means of r < forming the dwellings of the poor. On the other hand curtain philai throplc persons have on various occ ; blons themselves attempted the reform .tion of existing bulldinga by buyiu horn In , restoring thom nnd then rent- nff thom to desirable touants. Tliesa efforts hnvo proven aucootstul , but must of necessity bo lltnitod In tholr ccopo. The single tenement oracled on ono olty ot bltls fnlr to remain tlio norm ol the IwolHnga for the poor. It has parsed .hrough . a multiform development , a hat the latest approved plans are sub- act to but few objections. The same is TUO of the model tenement oroctoil as nvostmonts by people Inclined to turn nn honest penny while helping In 1m- > rovlng the condition of their fellow- nan. The spread of the suburban cot tage Is to bo commended , but depends sc nuoh upon the character of the popula tion and the physical geography of the city that It can not bo rolled upon as n ) ornmnoiit remedy. The very poor who iced reformation most can not attain It , finally Mr. Reynolds suggests and flkotchosaplan for what ho terms the warding tonomont. This is simply n model tenement in which the eulinarj lopartment is conducted on a cothinu- ilstlu basis a feature which , it ii .bought , would provo of immense saving to people who buy tholr food and other supplies In minute quantities nnd pay four and five-fold prices for thom. The greatest Improvement in the houses ol the poor must como from the education of both landlords and tenants , and for this the first requisite Is an aroused public interest. TIIK Nebraska Manufacturers ant Consumers nssoclntton will make an exhibit - hibit at the state fair nt Lincolr next month. An opportunity is thus offered forod to all manufacturers to dlsplaj the products of Nebraska mills nt a time when the people of the state will bo able to inspect them. The rail road companies have glvon rates tc exhibitors within the state that will be nn inducement to thom. The managers of the state fair arc in perfect accore with the enterprise. It may therefor * bo safely predicted that for the first tirm in the stato's history our state fail will have as a principal cxhibii sample products of the manufao tories of the stato. It will bo i revelation to many citizens who have never gained a lair idea of the extent o ! the stato's manufactures. The action o the atato association will moot with the endorsement of every manufacturer nne all others who have an Interest in th < development of the stato's resources. THE fact that hundreds of people an halting on the border of the Cherokee Strip , only waiting for the signal whicl will precipitate a mad rush for free lands , is ono of the most significant ob ject lessons in the history of the coun try. It shows' that the desirable landi at the disposal of the government an very nearly exhausted , and that honii seekers who desire to avail thomsolvoi of the homestead laws are moro numer ous than the opportunities for securing good lands. But it must not bo forgotten ton that hundreds of the Chorokci boomers are speculators who simply desire sire to secure lands for the purpose o reselling' them to less fortunate com 1X5 ti tors. SEVERAI. European educational insti Unions , 'particularly the polytoch'ni schools , ; have undertaken to assist thoi students to visit the World's fair at Chi cago. The United States madoiprovisio : for Bonding the cadets at West Point t the great exposition and they are no\ \ beginning their sojourn at the Whiti City. Competent authorities1 say tlm the fair is an indispensable part of a liberal oral education and for the study c special technical pursuits offers unsur passed advantages. The educations ] aspect of the great show must not b neglected in favor of its merely ontot taming features. Uinriirrunteit n'asMn.ton Aeus. No man who has three square meals a da. and a bed with a 'mattress on it at nigb should ilovoto more than two hours out o twenty-four to growling. A Truut Never Jletruyccl. New 1'orfc Tribune. When the republicans nro in power th democratic minority can never bo doponclo upon to Uo the right thing. When the dom our.its nro iu power tlio republican miuorit is tlio hope of the nation. Cunt nc " ' Way. CMcago Inter ijcean. The corn crop and cotton crop are gooc The ctttlo : on a thousand hills are /nt. Th wool crop and the fruit crop never bottor. J is only tiio political crop that is a failun Grin and bear It and uiuko a change whe the time comes. Misery I.ove * Ooinpiny. Cincinnati Commercial. The hard tlmos In England are muo worse than hero. This summer very ffv men of affairs wore able to leave th metropolis for oven a fortnight's vaoatiot while- the politicians have boon compelled t unru their scanty inoad of bubble ropuuuio by constant attendance in Commons clurln the vigorous and bitter homo rule flglii Jxmaon is far from happy Just now , but'i has co-npany in Its mlsory. J'JIL / ' K AND Till * OS. Although MUs Silver has broken wit Clovolnnd she will doubtless remain u slstc to him. Even If the country did not gain all it con tended for before the arbitration cotir there U causa for congratulatlou in tlm inura clausum and contra bouoi mores wor knocked out of the seal ring. If trio unemployed will take themselves t the harvest fields they can wada in work ute to the bridles. The dispatches favor Mgr. Satolll with profusion of titles. Ho Is called "ahloKato , "dolutfftto" and "legato. " The former dealt nation , as applied to the pupal roprusonU tlvo , is wholly wroug. An ublotfatu is bearer of mimugos a messenger. Dologat or legato signify what ho Is an oculusiastl representing the pope and possessing th authority of the holy suo. Having failed to fence in Raring sea , w are ready to admit that the whole buslnoa U a skin gamo. Mrs. Henry G , Newton of Now Hnvon I the ilrst woman In Co'nnuuclout to ruglatu for voting at the coming school election. Th legislature paused a law giving to womc the right of tlio ballot in school election : Airs , Now ton la tuo wife of u lawyer In Not Haven , and IJ norself u prautlulng pbyulciai Captain Jack" Adams , who is indorsed b thu Uapurtuiontot Massachusetts for cou muudur-lnmtilof of tliu ( Jrund Army , vrm : Into the war us a privutu. Ho was1 at tli battle of 1'YodorioUsburg , wa frightful ! wouudcd at tioitysuiirg , was captured t Cold Harbor and sent to Andersonvillo , an was dually oxuhanuud ut Columbia. That collection of antlnuo corkscrews ui earthed In north Nobi-.uiia uud South I ) , kota leave no doubt that u colony o ( Jov. prohibitionists camped iu that section I ) > rehittioriu days. There woru no lings raised to wolcoii Minister Paramount Ulount at Baa Fra uUoo , H UtFT TO t.M , tllifTMo ICxpfosst llhvlntt sent the pope n wpy 61 IhorutHtltMtldnof the United Htntcs 1'reslilont Clovolrtml now tle lrcs to furnish the pontiff n copy of hU ofllolul import n * they wore prupnn.il and puhllnhcd for cam- | ) ( \lgtl uso. Tluw ( loonmciiU , then , nro next to the constitution in Importance , nro thcyj Washington 1'ost ! Wo do not doubt that nw holiness will DO moved by thU thought ful overture to an offer of similar and equal RoneroMty , nnd predict that woshall tliui bo pornilttod lo enjoy the speotnclo of the two Rrentcst rulers of the earth exchanging pledges of cuiinaonoo and affection niul sot- tliiK an pxntnmo of simple htttn.in klndnois which all may follow to their prollt. Cincinnati Commercial : \Vo have llttlo doubt that the pope will treasure the etiblo- Bram ho received from President Cleveland , and that when the valicnn library ruooivos the sleiulor voluino containing Mr. Cleveland - land s public paper * nnd speeches It will ho cnrofully locUrd up In n fireproof -nfo. It U not often that the vnttoan bibliophiles hnTO tin opportunity to secure such mro literary material without prloo. Minneapolis Times ! The United Stntes Is ilolnp what It cnn to brace up the Dope's library. Ho has been presented ntut has vraclotmy accepted n copy of the constitu tion of the United States , nml now PrcM- uont Clovolnnd mnkov him a tender of a book containing his public papers during hi * former term ns president. With thcso two volumes nt hand hU holiness may Rot ft irood deal of valuable information about America. Now York Advertiser : To road of the subltmo spirit of consecration In which urover dedicated hl-nsolf to the Julius of the presidency cannot but strengthen nnd sustain the pontiff ntrild the trials of his daily administration. To revel in iho rnro humor of Mr. Cleveland's Jocular references to the "dead bents and bummers" hi his pension vetoes and to enjoy to tlio full the nobly contemptuous way in which ho refers to tlio nhnshouso the veteran who dared to nid in iho overthrow of the slaveholder's rebellion , must Inevitably become the habit of the iropo when ho seeks relaxation from the carking euros with which ho struggles. Good for Grovurl Tlio pope owes him a benediction I Now Yor * Commercial"Tho pope has something to live for. Felicitated by Mr. Cleveland to the extent of having placed "In his hands n book containing the oftlclnl papers and documents written by mo during " my previous"term of onlce , " the holy father may dare hope ihnt later his soul and all that is within him may bo ctioorea bv the rouulptof abdund volume contnlning'IJrothor Cleveland's momentous utterances during his second term. Thrice happy. Leo ! Ono can imagine the old saint sitting up 'o nights committing to memory Mr. Clove- land's epoch-making deliverances on "Shall the Chorckco Injins bo hanged ? " and "What inherent right have red herring off the Coast of PnssamniiuoUdy ? " An liiuuntlin lluinrprlio. I'htlniMiihla Heer.nl. The train robber has resumed anil will continue business indefinitely , or so long us 100 submissive passengers and a train crow shall continue to hold ui > their hands to three or four masked men and meekly per mit the rufllans to depart after having riflud the pockets of their victims. A few dam aged train robbers' hides might help matters - tors wonderfully , F1.HXII AJMJt/fef. 1'lillndolpliln Tlmos : A late explanation of tlio harlior'fl hahltof IlllliiKhls victim's mouth with lather Is that ho.mt.s to Uo all thu tall > - Ing himself. Boston Herald : llammurod silver promises to bo much In vogue If the hamir.urlng Uuops on for two weeks more. Baltimore Amorlcnn : The most popular htrdof uass.iKu arriving at the port of Now York this month U the goldoaglu. I'hlladelpnla Itorord : "Why do you look so mlii'i-able ' , Mr. Sappy ? " "Oil , MlsiSprlgut , I'vo Just been cut by my liest friend , tlio person I love most In the whole world. " "Wuro you shaving your ulf , Mr. Sappy ? " Boston Transcript : Tlio king of Slam wears n gold hat weighing twenty-seven pounds. Whun his mujeity talks through that hat whatever liu s.iy.s must have weight. Clilc.-iKO iHocord : Husband The Bnt.-UloAt knowledge , ot huiiiau naluro ought lo have prevented you from making sucli'u fool mis- tate us you made last night. Wife What opportunity have I had to study human nature living with jou ? Indianapolis Journal : Hungry HIsRlns These hcie gravel loads Is mighty tough on whoes. Weary Watklns Yes , Hint's so : hut where there U good roads the people bus money , and where people has money they ain't so many uogs. _ Now York Press : Husband I nm going on n yachting erul.se for a few days , but I'm afraid I'll ho sea-lick. Wife Oli , no fear of that , dear ; you should bo something of a sailor. Husband How do you make that out ? Wife I've seen you half beus over many a time. UNUKVT. UNUKVT.Slur. Slur. Qh , llerlngsoit , Our bosoms still With upprohurislvo Thoughts you thrill. With "mother souls. " Anil tender "horrts" The words aio piled On top of words. Oh , must you ho , To spoil Ufa's cup , A Mare Ul..usum Thut won't shut up ? ancvi..tn snont AT TIIK rci.rir. Now York Sun Mrlllynn U ft solf-plorl- llernnd traducer /lo / Is n notorloU > hunt < Ing , onnllng , cllh-tongucd man , with nn I to hint , ' palm Ho tin * IKVOIHO n inibllo txiro , HU iicsurvcs to liu turned nut , nnd knpt out Philadelphia Ucvonl : Wo respectfully recommend , to the Society of Christian Kn ileavor a Sundny corralling of nil the glrU. It would nut luirt thu girls , and It would till the churches" and glvo the pastors such op- iwrtuulty of admonition nnd wholosonu leaching ns they so nrdentlj dcslro. llostou Glebe : A Connecticut pastor , Mho.so ( congregation has paid him so poorly ihat ho declares ho had to pick liucklo- berries to keep tUlvo , Is reported to hnv < shouted last Sutulav from iho pulpit : "I'm starving , nnd my family has nothing lo ont but boriloa ami broad ! IIolp , or I luirUhl" Yet Homo of the deacons Itopt on do/Ing , and Iho only result of the npponl was the calling of a mooting to roprlmn.ul the pastor for tin- truth fulnosi. Chicago Times : A rrxfnyotte , liul. , prCAchor lias stirred up a hornet's licit la his congicg.Ulon. I-.asl Bunilliy ho s.ildi "Hod mndo the earth In six days nnd then ho rested ; then he made man nnd rostoJ tigain ; then ho made woman ; nnd since thai tlmn neither God nnr man has had a rest. " Morons of women loft the church nnd , it li bald , neUuliltsMiptmont Is Imminent. And 'twould servo the Impertinent pastor right , too ; \\onionniYirtliuly iiMuagora of the World's fnlr nml .shouldn't bo so adjudged. Minneapolis Tiibumv Church union U un dergoing a pr.ictloal experiment In Kansas. In Chirk county crops have been a failure , nnd iho people hnvo found It necessary la economize In every way In order to ninka both onils moot. Savon denominations sup ported uhurchos and pistors In Ashlnml , the county sent. They resolved tb combine for tlio reduction of expenses , nnd so they dis missed sootavlivu bias for n time and deohlod upon a union chuich. The most popular pas tor wns selected bv n vote of all the church nminbors of nil denominations nnd Installed , the chief stipulation being Hint ho wns to pass lightly over doctrinal points , Six cler gymen hnvo lost tholr situations , but they itcqulosco in the Hat. knowing that the couv inuulty could not. support thom all. I'Mlatldvlitn Times. A girl bosldo thu wntorMUs , The noonday sun Is warmly beaming ! Her nose and nucl. are turkey rod , Her eye with radiant hopuls gleaming. Him winches Close thu hobbing cork Advanced upon tho.tlny billows ; A jerk , a swish mill lilgli above Hho lands a sucker In the willows. That's INhlni ; . A fair maid trips the tennis court , A diizcn eyes nilmlro'imr golti ) > ; Her bliiuk and yellow hlantr burns A hole right tliroUli the suiisot'ri glowing Hho drives the ball minus tlio not , And Into hearts consumed with wishing She drives u dart fioni Cupid's bow ; She'll land it siiekor , too. Shu's llshlng. That's llshlng. The politician on his rounds Tuukles both nurkliiRiimii and granger ! Ho tries to niaku them Ihlnic tlnit ho Alimecan save the land from danger. I He chucks the baby on the chin , Ho says your wife looks ronlly youthful , t s And , though yon know you're nftr-tlvo , You look Ju U twenty If bo's truthful , That's llsblng. My llttlo wife beside mo stands And steals u illmpled arm around moj A klssjipon my lips that's halt Homo Information to astound mo. Her bonnet Is quite out ot style , Her Hummer wrap quite past thu using ) That lot uly ono so cheap at Brown's la just the uno she would bo choosing. That's llsblng. Bo whether the game ho llnh or men. The halt bo kisses , worms or'bos The place at home , by sunny * . ( * ' Or toimU ground nt. evenings nushos 'TIs the old guiiiu the serpent \ihiyod With Mother Kvo In Eden's bowers , And Adam's sous and daughters all Will love the sport till time's lint hours That's lUlilng. European dit < un ficw Yurh IleialA FOR A MATHOX. Dross of lettuce Rroon silk shot with roil pink nnd brocaded with a small deMgn ol rosen , lace bertha arranged so as to form a Marie Lionlso llchu , collar and bolt of luttuoo green mirolr volvot. I CDL \ \ Lurgost Manut.ictiirori .in 1 ItatnUoM ' olUlothluxlutUo World. T Touching it off That is to say , letting1 it go , and if you had been in our store Saturday you would have thought Uncle Sam had brought back the good old times we read about , Oh , but we did sell lots of suits. We have taken oIT from $2.50 to $7.50 on each suit , making suoh an extra low price that oven if you do not need it now , it will pay you bet ter than savings bank interest to pick out a suit now and put it away till spring , This is not a broken size or broken lot sale , but a nice olean stock of the finest suits ever brought to this western coun try. If you hesitate you are lost for they will bo rapidly taken up. BROWNING , KING & CO. , | S ( yf § COf , IBt'l StS.