. i- TT 10 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY ; AUGUST 20 , 18 3-STXTREiV TAGES. A DAY AT EPPISC FOREST Ancient Eoyal Hunting Grounds Now a Breathing Spot for the People. EAST ENDERS AND 1HEIR ENJOYMENTS Vnrinim I'ornn ot Ainnnrment In IVhlcli the Working 1'cOpln of London Indulge Complex , lrrrprr lblo niul Vint Crowd * . 1Sf.1.\ ) \ - LONDOV , Aug. 5. [ Special to TUB BIB. : ] My llrst visit to ICpping Forest , probably the greatest holiday resort in the world , was uiado in n costormongor's cart in which I hMd proprietary Interest. I had been for .toma weeks plying the subtle arts of the coUcr with mv good coster friends , Slumpsy Jem and his wife Becky , nnd , I nm proud to iay , with excellent financial success. Wo had fought our w.iy from coster poverty and ignominy to poster afllucnco and aristocracy by a commercially wise ; distribution of vege tables , llsh , llesh and fowl , and were now In a way to enjoy the fruits of sobriety , dill- BOIICO nnd thrift In n well-earned day of recreation and rest , without the grim out look beyond of remorse trampling with Its Rtucly strides on the heels of lll-consulerod | oy. Nothing could have been complotcr or aioro tidy than our preparations for the pleasant event , at our habitation In Bell Lane. Jem washed , oiled nnd polished our : art , rubbjd the rusty coronets of oursocond- hatul harness nnd groomed our spirited don key , ' 'Bolivar , " until , as Jem justly re marked , " 'T'll make their hoyes ncho to hobsorvo this ore turnout , bli mo , so it will. A bloomtn1 wlcouut couldn't match this go , no feurl" Becky had her hands and heart full m arranging her own "got up , " whoso observable component parts comprised high heeled phpcs , n second-hand velvet gown which originally never graced less than the form of a countess or a singer in "tho 'alls , " and u massud forest of huge , waving ostrich plumes above her richly oiled and clouted hangs of side and front hair ; while my own Immediate assignment of duty was to Hit the bainpors against that delicious hunger which comes to ail city folk from a day of pleasure in the woods und Holds. I had what Join called "a blootnln1 cnrty blanchy , " and I used it. Two of our largest coster baskets were our hampers. In these I hud stowed n meal which Becky insisted \vas "lit for her majesty , Queen Victorloy , ut llnscott. " There were juicy slices of cold roust bcof and a joint of mutton 1 had found ut a snug public house in the Strand ; quarts of shrimps us sweet nnd pink as anew now baby's finger-tips ; dozens of sand- " wlchcs hiding lovely slicesof tongue ; tender inliclu'rcl I had myself grilled to a crisp us brown as u frost-touched maple loaf ; Roque fort cheese "wi'ch , " us Jem truly said , "made Cheddar turn preen with envy ; " shallows of Ken tish strawberries each as largo as a wal nut and sweet ns nectar , real powdered augur , a pot of clotted cream as yellow as gold nnd three beautiful tin spoons and saucers for their service. There wcro other toothsome tidbits which would have done Vlonor to the real quality ; along with cold tea by the jug full , 'mid a feW dark looking' chunky bottles of ale , a triouto to Jem'S' affection for Becky and a cunning provision for himself ; for on tills point he had approached preached mo with conildcuco , genuine feel ing and \vlso insight into the social require ments of a London Kust End coster girl. "W'ni's tho.uso , " ho said , with almost a tlngo of bitterness in his sturdy plea , "w'at's the use n loavin' out the wet ? A real Lon don lady's no more good at u lioutin' , 'thout wottln' 'er up a bit , than a cow 'thout run- nin" water. W'y 'n' all them yore rich , dry wattles 'd crackle Becky's constitushun in- himllcrs uforo 'thout o' . tur night u sup wet. At 'Ampstoad er liopping , give a ooinun wut she's used tor. nn' plenty liof it , 'n' no lour , she'll make folks 'urppy w'ero she bides 1" ' Jem was u sight in his now "clobber- " gleaming rows of buttons nnd stunning "kingsman. " . ] SccIcy was no less a sight in her grand gown nnd. feathers. Bolivar was oven u moro Interesting sight in his sleek coat and wonderful decoration , a portion of which comprised feathers waving from his trembling ears' , a set of false whiskers de pending from his shaggy chin , with bright ribbons crossed und recrossed about his iiiin- blelt'L's ; uml Sprat , a tiny coster lad with out recorded ancestry , who often accom panied us on our daily hawking adventures and slept in our cart , ut uixhi , who was tills day to bo our "coachy und vnlly" combined , olud In Join's ovory-duy jacltot , waistcoat and "kingsinan , " was u sight of atomlike habilitated matter ono seldom in u whole lifetime beholds. , 'l Chncrml liy tinHubble. . Indeed , wo'wero 'altogether such a sight that ; a8vvo sullied .forth , the denizens of Bell La'no , Shored Itch , wcro so pleased with ourmmoarAiit'Oundso enthusiastic ever cur various gracious returns of their hearty encomiums , wnicn included occasional show- on. of hnlf-pi'iinlea among the Bell Lunu rag- unmfilu youths , that this admiration for our H Irlt in so gaily upholding thu gallantry of the thoiolighfaro was at length expressed in enthusiastic cheers. Those eiiL'ouruKod Sprat to lurrup Uolivur far beyond his wont ur dcHLTtH. The ilonkoy thereupon took most df his whiskers and all of his bit lirmly between his tcoih , Then , lifter lifting Kprat out ol his temporary box with his nimlilo hoots , ho straightway brokn into u liuruo L'unlor , never chocking his furious p.ico until he run head-foremost into the old ritoko-Nuwington church wall. After alight- lug hi'ro o-er each other's heads , wo took time to roiibiiuru Bolivar of the peaceful nature of our expedition , read our ambitious coachman a highly splcud coster warning , made some slight necessary repairs , gathered together our distributed hampers and thoii contents , and then procc-oded with grealoi calmness and circumspection , but none the less merrily , on our pleasant holiday way , As wo jojfgeo ulong at an easy null In the flno May morning ihcro was much Interest. ing to sou and know t hi ough the medium ol my coster fi'londs' ' sources of information , AS hilo they quaintly told me of this and that , to them , fnmili.ar object along or uoon tht highway , I g.i > o them , .in return , a bit of tht Fun-st history , Soiho of these things my rcudurs may euro to know us well us Jem and Uvrky and Kprat , Ii : ancient times it was known as Walthuin Fuic.it , and in these days comprised CO.lXX nt'ieii. It was exclusively used as the royal hunting ground , \\lth most cruel forreitor. in churgoho usually bottled the cases o poachuiHith thi'lr ( tarts , scarcely troub ling thu hard justices in 12yro , who , uutl 107U , held thi'ir justli'u scut lure in tin 1'oicst ovin-y three youia. In inter , thongl utill olden limes , the annual Kpplng hum was ono of the most famous slug hunts o England. Kvcn today this ancient ciuttou is still observed by unloosing every Kastci Monday a fat , bcrlbboncd slug , , whlcr ambles amiably about the forest , followct by hundreds of London quasi huntsmen , i lot of happy , friendly curs and , perhaps lO.OCO Kast I'.ncl ragamulllns who ( all eve each other merrily nnd imully in the Bcnuni su-uiu'jlo thiough the shadowy fores ( . hides. Henry HI , was the first sovereign to givi i t bo mayor unil cit irons of I < oudun thu privl If KO of sporting in the royal forest , and ihu it gradually glow Into a vast common , liu thcioworo no legally dinned rit-hta. U 1BT1 suburban encroachments und enclosure' hud cMondcd so rupluly that less than -jUO UCITH of ICpplng I-Vrost remained. A groa popular agitation against , its ulminmlon ( ol lowed. This resulted in the corporation o I.undon , under authority of uu lift of purlin incut , and ut'au cxponao to the present thn of about jtTSO.ttiO , by puichasoof luauoria rights and other procedures , locovorliij several thousand acres which hail been on "I'orvvur I'ron t" ilio I'cojile. " Tno entire urea , amounting to about 0,00 acre * , which stretches away to the nortl : east of I-omldu on the western border c } C * cx , from Wuu tead to thu town of KI ping , a distance of about twelve miles , was publicly declared "forever frco to the people" by tlto queen , who appeared at the Forest in person , bofom n concourse of fully 2.000,000 Londoners , on May 0 , 1SS3. Slnco that tlmo portions of the tract have been measurably boautlllod nnd Improved ; but the chief glory of Kpping Forest Is In its actual prltnov.il character. Scarcely nu acre of its surface hns cvor been touched by spade or plow. Old Uomnn camps are within it shaded by the selfsame trees which clustered about them nearly2,000 years ago ; and the turf upon the earthwork where Bo- adlcca , queen of the Icon ! , was defeated by Suetonius , with 81,000 British slain , since It received thnt mighty fcnst of blood , save for the prodding of antiquarians , lias never been disturbed. At Chlngford , on the western slope of the Forest , wo guvo Bolivar us famous stabling as could bo found ; loft Sprat to bring on the hampers at a seasonable hour to the woods between Queen Kligiboth's lodge and Con- naught lake and set out for genuine roster's enjoyment of tno Forest. Back towards London for several miles wo had only seen patches of woods and coppices to our right. Hero nt Chingford the real forest begins. Jem and Becky , already within its accus tomed spell , pressed forward to its heights with increasing speed , outstretched hands and radiant faces ; and ns 1 saw them far In advance , I could not but think ot the old prints of Pilgrim when his burden fell. VVo were at once In the thickest of it , not of the forest , but of the mighty throng. Avenues upon avenues of Kust Kndcrs stretched In every direction. It was now after noon , the Saturday half holiday , a Joy ous , glorious day withal , and It seemed that from all ways loading from London and near outlying towns great tides of humanity came sweeping on , each ono creator than the ono before it , nnd all ilnully merging at the edge of the woods and over the open spaces in seething musses of motion or color. It was like the action of Incoming sea tides "rcuklng upon a shallow , shingly beach , o ono can understand the complexity , the .Toprcssiblllty , the vastncss of n London ollduy crowd until the greater portiou of , heso 100,000 or 150,000 souls can bo seen hero it u glance moving upon and almost storm- ng the ancient Epplng Forest en masse. Far jack as the cyo can roach hundreds upon lundrcds of outlandish Essox shandrydans , s many traps nnd gigs , Whitcchapcl omnl- iiisses , millers' and butchers' carts' , brow- rs" vans and costers carts , are moving .oward . you , around 'and between which countless thousands of folk afoot , concenter- ng from highways , from lanes und from ootpaths across the Holds , are massed in icemlngly inextricable confusion. For an nstant there U something like terror in uch a scene. I cannot toll why , but in it ind through it , I again saw what I looked upon , all but thirty yours ago , when Sher man's cruel edict emptied Atlanta of all its icoplc , and loft their homes In llames. But these were faces sot and whlto ; thcso , jright and rubicund and bro.ul with end- ess smiles. And in this respect your Lon don "outer" differs from all other folk on earth. No matter whether ho bo great or iiuinblo , tno moment his face is turned to ward the llelds or the sea ho is a bundle of luivering sympathies , responsive in kind to every form of mirth , to the most vagnrous Incident or accident of situation or condi tion and gives back n hundred fold every kindly look that nature can bestow. Ho maybe bo rough nnd uncouth in what ho says and docs , but ho has loft all care behind , and makes in every moment of his holiday hours , oven in untoward exigency and , defeat , a ilaco for unctious mirth and hearty choor. Aimificmcuts.of . the MUHSCS. What are the amusements of this vast army of men and women nnd lads nnd las sies { Chielly in wallowing , and I use the expression literally , in the sun and shade of Epping Forest. Thousands upon thousands huvo brought their hampers or baskets as wo- have done. Then , in great splutches of color , theygroup and heap themselves in wriggling bunches of enjoyment over Held , upon brae , incool recess , in shady avenue , upon grassy mcudowin deep wood glade , and actually wallow in the ancient forest turf [ iml soil. They wander and stroll and leap alld race , and shout and sing and dance , and turn bund-springs and somersaults , and cavort and pirouette and act like half mud- folk , just as they do at Ilampstead Heath , wliilp the bands roar and the crowds halloa , ' ; in"d'rjiouatcd poUcojahd 'Forest yerdorers look on with benign smiles at' the un restrained und unrestrainablo enjoyment. Turn wnero you may , from Chinsford six miles north to Epping , or from Beak Hill three miles cast to Loughton , the same wild scones of physical and mental abandon and elation are repeated. Ton thousand children are chasing butterflies like exultant naturalists. Moro than 10,000 lads i.ro swinging from hawthorn limbs , shouting Irom the clumped tdps of pollard oaks , or routing the birds from loftiest hornbeam branches ; while the surface of every lake und pond is shut from sight by thousands moro wading among lilies and reeds , or float ing In boats upon their surface. In great open spaces every manner of game and diversion known to English Holds , or streets , or holiday resorts , is proceeding in a perfect bedlam of roaring from the toutors and .managers of a vast collection of A'anity Fairs. You will see skittles , foot ball , cricket , wrestling und putting the stone. Ever glorious Punch and Judy uro omnipres ent and screamingly witty and hilarious. Donkeys by tlio thousands and screws by the hundreds are hero for uproarious ridlnir und racing. The threo-card monte game is every where. Kuock-'em-downs by the hundreds , with their crashing nnd bawling and shouts of defeat und victory , are all the way from Waustoad to Epping. American shootintc saloons are quito as frequent und well pat ronized. The artiiiclal pigeon whirls and flics from scores of booths nnd the detona tions of the shooting nro incessant. There are moro than a thousand of ray old Gypsy friends , In all manner of picturesque uppurcl , their "dukko'ring" the plying among good natured 'Arrys and 'Arriots. Mingled with all this und thcso uro the shouts und cries of every manner of fukir from every laud be neath the sun ; the bray Ings of hundreds of open air speakers , who , as at Hyde park , in veigh aruinst the very liberty that gives them opportunity for denunciation ; and , louder and moro discordant than nil else , the wuillngs und exhortations of the Salvation ists ; the barbaric clamor of their tam bourines , ilfes und drums , a persistent re minder of pence pulling and repentance. It is saying little for Jem and Becky and myself to assert that wo participated fully In the exhilarating diversions of Epping Forest ? ' 1 lion , the envied of many eyes , wo partook of our glorious repast beneath the very shade of Queen ElUabcth's hunting ledge , a quaint , old und lofty niilf-tlmborod structure , which 1ms boon beautifully re stored , where faithful Sprat landed our hampers victoriously after many u bravely resisted solgo ; and then , the envied of thousands still , as the sole occupants of a Wliltcchapol 'bus ' , wo were driven In noble style about the Forest , away to Epping , once famous for its sausage , pork anil chueso ; to Monk's Wood and tlio grout pollard oaks ; to the old British camp at Ambrosbury Banks ; to Hawk Wood Hill and its famous obelisk ; and to High Beach , nearly SOU feet above uoadon , where almost the entire fringe of Epping Forest with its wondrous historic Interest lies clear autl fair bolo'iV. Jllotorln Memories , The old-world vnlloy of the river Lea , sccno of Walton's earliest angling days au < J of the incidents Of the "Angler. " is beneath you to the west. Miles to the north and bouth are Its snug villages , Its ivied churches its half-hid stately hulls , Just hero bcsldi you is Beech Hill House , whcro Tennyson wrotu the "Talking Oak" and "Locksley Hull. " Far to the west are the uplands ol tlio Cambridgeshire hills. Between a slum hrous valley with an ideal English land scape. In Us center stands ancient Walt ham Abbey , mournful and pathetic remlndoi of a departed day und time , of Hoi-old am his laviahecl treasures , und of his march U Hustings to meat llcrcu William of Nor mainly. Nearer still lies Copped Hall where in thu curly- reign of Edward VI Princess Mary was hola prisoner , and n Fulr Mead House beyond the gentle poui Clare was brought a mental wreck. Buck at Chlngfon ) , as thu sun was setttnf behind the ilumpsload hills , all ( he convorg Jug ways to London seemed dense with i routed army in Us flight. Bolivar was in ; patient to overtake the disappearing- Kight merrily wo hud coma to T'pplng , bu merrier utiU'w'o returned to gvlmy London racing und singing in humble coster fashioii all the lee short way , \ Vhonwe rattled iuti welcoming Bell Lane , und Bolivar came to i sudden 'jolt before our own habitation , Jen unu mysolf. l.n jilcusautu-'onver'se , w'ero uloni upon the "box. " ' Sprat uiw Bucky were i confused heap of ovorjjrouh at tire , aoiloi velvet und straggling coster feathers in th bottom of the cart. But when wo pullci Bucky out and stood her upon her ample log the doorway all the pleasure of th day scorned to steal softly again into her sunny coster nature , nnd ns n reward for our gallant outing ways she clapped us both ) Jem and I , soundly on our backs with her broad , honest hands nnd softly murmured : "Gor bit me , lads , HI never 'ad sech a en- joy'blo ' sech n hinformln' 'n1 enjoy'blo tlmo nover. Gor bll mo , of Hi did. " EDOAH L. WAKRMAN. T1IK WJ1A1CKK SK.T. limar. Slui'd been a hello all winter Ion ? the queen , In fnct , of all , . . She'd been to nil the coaching meets ! had diincod nt every hull. No function of society had this fair maiden missed , Her ii.inio was certain to bo found on every social list. When summer came she went away to got a neuiled rnst , And to the hills she hlod herself , because they plimsccl IIIT bust. And this Is how nho took her ease , this lovely And tlTls'ls ' how she "rested" In that little mountain dull : She walked each day a dozen mlles 'twlxt breakfast tlmo nnd 1 ; Shu bowled live games of lonplnsoro the lunch- hour was begun ; Shu played llvo nuts of tennis , and she took a hornubnck rldu , And then a row upon the lake this worn-out maiden tried , She dressed for dinner after 0 , and when the inonl was o'er . . . She promenaded up and down the hotel cor- Untll at U the orchestra began Its evening And then she danced the hours through with any ono who'd ask , She danced tlio waltz with nilly Jones ; she danced the York with mo ; Shu tripped the polka with a boy whoso ago was ten nnd tlirou ; And whun thu men were all worn out and ready for ruposo , ThU lovuly hello was Just as fresh as any bud ding rose. And as I watched thU maiden when the day at last was done , I deemed her the most wonderful of wonders 'nuath the sun. Her kind of "rest" would take a man the strongest man I know And but u single week of It would surely lay him low. Ami so I ask this question , which this maid brought to my mind , As I silt rapt In wonderment at her ami all her kind : iVhy Is It that these girls can do the things that make men wreck * , And yet bo called by all mankind at largo "Tho Weaker Soxrt xuis jtuxs AXO antui. A little 5-year-old boy who had been taught by his mother to place an occasional penny in the missionary barrel with the in tention of passing it in to the Sunday school superintendent on a specific day had ninny small deposits and was ready for the event ful date. It is customary on such occasions for the ittlo ones to have a verso to repeat as they > ass In the little barrel which is to nld In educating the heathen. The mother of the 'Ittlo boy had taught him to repeat the bible rorso , "Tho Lord loveth the cheerful giver. " The little follow had mastered it and was ready for the occasion. An older brother , somewhat of a wag , managed to convince the "Ittlo follow that the verso ho had learned , vas too common and that all tbo other chil dren'would have that verso , so ho had better earn another ono. The little fellow dropped the first verso and took up with the substi tute proposed by his wicked brother , and when ho approached the superintendent of the Sunday school , with his little barrel of pennies , ho accompanied the gift by the fol lowing verso : "A fool and his money are soon parted. " Imagine the face of the su- uorintondentl The little boy thought ho had performed his duty. "You must not bo discouraged , Clarence , " said the good pastor , patting the boy on tno head. "You have had your salary cut down , it Is true , but you have tot lost your job. Bo thankful for that. Times will bo better seine day , and you will not have to work so- hara for so little pay. " ' 8 ' "I know it. " said the bravo boy , his 'fnco lighting up with the radiance ot , nopoiund courage , "and I'm ' not kicking. I can buy a good bisicklo now for $401" "HI , Mr. Sanpy , " whispered Maude's little brother. "Didn't I hear you ask my sister for a lock of her hair ? " "Yes , Georgio ; but she wouldn't give it to mo. " "Well , say , Mr. Sappy , if you'll give mo a dime I'll toll you where she buys it , and you can get all you want. " Mother Mabel , stop pounding your little brother ! What uo you mean ? Mabel Well , I told him we'd better play wo was only engaged , but ho wanted to play we was murriou. * Mamma : If you eat any moro of that pud ding Tommy , you'll see the bogio-niun to night. Tommy ( after a moment's thought ) : Well , give me some moro. I might as well settle my mind about the truth of the story once for all. * Geography Teacher Tommy , how is the earth divlacd ? Totninj Er , not at all ; cauio everybody most wants it all. Teacher Ho walked with a lumbering gait. What does that moan ? Bright iio.v That means ho walked as if ho was carrying a plank. JCUUV.tTlUXAL. The fourth annual catalogue of the High land Park Normal college of Des Molnes , la. , is out. It contains u history of the institu tion , the course of studlos'nnd other neces sary information. _ The fall term ooglns August 2'J. Miss Mary Pulling took the first honors in mental and moral-science , English and French , at the recent graduation exercises of the University of London. On this occasion eighty women took the Bachelor of Arts de gree in a class of 2-JOgraduates of both soxos. The trustees of the Ohio Wesleyan univer sity huvo strengthened its teaching force by the addition of two thoroughly equipped young men to the faculty. Prof. W , G , Hor- moll , who has taken his graduate work ut Ifai vard university , has been elected to the chair of physics , and Hov. H. T. Stevenson , A. M. , B. D. , Ph. D. , who has taken his ad vanced work at the Ohio Wesleyan univer sity , at lloston university , and in Europehas been elected to the chair of history. Miss M. Carey Thomas was only 27 years old when she accepted the responsible post of dean of Bryn Mawr college several years ago , In appearance she is a striking locking woman of only medium height , however who parts her reddish-brown hair over a full , whlto forehead and whoso largo , fair' face possesses that imperative charm , a cordial and ready smile. She greatly affects English mannerisms of speech , dross and carriage. Persons who .havo scon both women almost invariably comment upon tlio striking resemblance between the douu and the. English actress , Mrs. Kondal. The number of unemployed graduates of Gorman universities has become so great thnt some of the most eminent professors in Gurmuny , including Profs , von Gnoist , von Esmuruh , Klam-Hoth und Osthoff , have felt compelled to come to tholr rescue. These professors huvo prepared a circular which is to bu addressed to Germans in all parts'of the world , asking the recipients to reply whether there are possibilities ot employ ment hi their particular dwelling places tor educated German teachers , physicians , druggists , lawyers , ministers und engineers , The prolessors hope in time to form n sort of central employment burcuu , so that graduates may start to seek tholr fortunes In foreign lands with some hopes of success. They expect at the same time to relieve the overstocked intellectual market at homo. Perhaps no American university has made such progress in late years na the University of Pennsylvania. The report of the provost of that institution for the years 1WO , Ib''l ' and IblfJ , which has just appeared In a pamphlet of 150 pages , contains some tlguros which will bo of great interest to upholders of the higher education. The growth from 1,571) ) students and 180 instructors in 18UO to ' . ' ,055 students and 255 instructors at present , is but the surface indication of u remarkable uqyclopment. In the past three years ten ot the university's twenty-live buildings have been erected , among them the laboratory of hygiene , the Wistar institute of anatomy , the dog hospital , the engineering buildmga and thu marina biological laboratory. Six uew departments liavo also been added to the university lu that timw. Tributes of a Nation's Love to Ono Who Was a rrufIndoorl ! lUt FRENCH RELICS OF 'J3ENERAL LAFAYETTE A Collection of 3Ibnj ntos' of HUtorlo Worth and I'ntrl8u8 < Asuoolntion- StrlUliiR Features at tlie rronoli Kxhlblt ftUlA Fulr. CniGAoo , Aug. 17. ( Correspondence of Trtu BUB. ] The French Government , building nt the Columbian exposition Is lo cated north of the other foreign buildings nnd cast of the Art palace and facing the Inko slioro. It is n very h\iulsomo : cdlilco of the style of the French ronaiasnnco and con sists of two pavilions connected by.n semi circular colonnade , thus forming n hnlf open court , shaded by trees and decorated by shrubs , Within the court hoar the center of the colonnade and surrounded by .beautiful bronze statuary , n fountain sends up Its cool ing spray , which falls back , into the largo marble basin. The statuary was' brought from Franco. Benches nro placed near the fountain and throughout the shady rot rcat which makes an invitltn ; resting place for mnny n weary visitor. The north pavilion contains u room which is called "Do La Fayotto. " In this room Is n collection of rare historical mementos which must awnkon in the breast of every patriotic American who hns the opportunity of looking upon thorn feelings of profound gratitude and love toward the French people ple , who have so carefully preserved these precious relics , mutely recalling the hitter strupglo made by'tho colonies and of the un selfish interest uiauifcstod in that perilous undertaking by their noble countryman , General Do Lafayette , who , leaving honors awaiting him in his own 'country and bid ding , perhaps , a last farewell to his beloved young wife and to. the luxuries' incident to his high situation , purchased a vessel which ho fltlcd out at his own expense , ana sailing across the seas Joined , hls fortune with the uncertain ones of these bravo men who , _ fighting .for freedom with all odds "against them , saw .failure as probable as success. To congress , ho offered hls'sorvices as a Volunteer without pay. National Tributes. But before ho reached the ago of 21 years his dauntless courage hntl won for him the commission of major general , and the esteem In which ho was held by congress is attested by the gift of n fuc-sirolle engraving of the Declaration of Independence , which was offered to him by a resolution , of congress , May , 1834. The valuable document hangs on the wall to the loft qf the entrance door of the Lafayette pavilion , which Is a 'beauti ful room paneled in whlto nnd gold and hu'Jg with a number of haudsomo specimens of French tapestry , the center of the lloor belnir adorned by n largo pquara of Gobelin tapestry of Louis the XVI. style , on which nro the French coat of af m and the French Hag. In the center df'thH elegant rum is a glass case containing -'UiufAiillccnt golden urn , which looks toibo.'somB four foot high , and was presented to IjOrfnyptto by the people ple of Franco. Bcsida tf stand two other urns of crystal , t'oltens T > f esteem from American admirers. 3Kt'th'o ' base of the urn rests a handsome sward With damaskeened stool blade , "presented ta General Lafay ette by Colonel AloxnntionMurinbehalf of the Ninth regiment , . # A.Y. . S. artillery , September 10 , 1834. as a token of the nsteom in which ho was held , both' for his private worth and for his" distinguished services during the war or ndopondenco. " Near this testimonial nro seweraLothors a pistol given to.-hJrrj , by--GfcfterM Washington , and , til a decoration. 9 ; tUu Order , . of/Cim.innatU3 | , worn by Washington nnd solemnly given $ o La fay otto. The' ' decoration consists of a blue ribbon to'whioh is attached a small golden medal. : The , 'ribbon shows slight signs of having been worn , and when ono gazes upon it and realizes that it once decor ated the fearless breast of our own beloved Washington , and by his own hand was pre sented to his comrade and .1(0voted ( friend , the noble Frenchman , how one's heart swells out with love toward his representa tives today , who come from his native coun try , bringing with them these precious links of the golden chain of friendship , that to break which would bo treason to the mem ory of Washington and Lafayette. Hero also is a gold ring , the set of which contains some of the hair of George and Martha Washington , and a gold snuff box given to Lafayette by the town of Now York ; also the gold fringed epaulettes worn by Lafay ette. ' In the northeast corner of the room is Lafayette's old arm chair of mahogany wood , upholstoredfin green leather. Close by Its side a small ono , also of mahogany wood , with an embroidered cushion , the work of Martha Washington's hands. Across the room is a little secretary of wood. It is quite worn and was a very plain article of furniture oven in its < palmy days , when it was the secretary of General Lafayette. On either side of this is placed small uphol stered chairs , evidently belonging to the same sot as the ono with the embroidered cushion. Historic Sconoi. On the adjoining wall hangs a remarkably line plcco'of tapestry , executed in memory of the scenes of the siege and surrender of Yorktown , October 10 , 1781 , when the French and American armies wore drawn up in twc lines , between which marched the sur rendered troops of General Cornwallis. An oil painting near by repre sents the reunion of the French and American generals after the memorable capitulation of Yorktown , Numerous engravings also adorn the wall representing different scones which occurred during the war of independence , anu among them u beautiful oil painting , a picture of the coast of Franco nnd the ' 'Port of Pass- ago" from which Lafayette made his ilrst departure for America , April ' 0 , 1777. Be tween the secretary und the arm chair Is a long , low case , which contains other inomon- tos , among which is a gold modal struck at the mint of Paris and of which the stamp is still preserved , relative to the French col onies In America. Another medal , made in honor of General Washington , is tjulto n largo ono , consisting of an outer rim of ebony and an Inner ring of gold , framing the head of Washington , Hern may be soon a wooden box , which appears qulto now and ordinary. But it is nolthei-liaviiK ) bQennnado from the elmwood tree , whoso.lyafy boughs throw an inviting shudo ever tlojli'eads ( pf William Pcnn and the Indian's' , , when ho made the famous treaty ; \vhlrflj tliu Indians pledged thomsolvrs to "Live W Wvo with William Penn and his chlldren'ris'long ' us the sun and the moon shall shlno.iJjiTliu Ponu trco was blown down in a stomjjn 1310. Above a marble buHJbfj'Lafayette , placed upon a handsome blade qu'biuot Inlaid with gold , hangs n small pldtujru of the tomb of Washington , and cont'lliis il sprig of oyprcss plucked from his grave at'Mount Yeruon. A i'ropheoy , Side by side nro two 'autograph letters written to Lafayotto-6uu of them by John Quincy Adams , written. ' from the Depart ment of State and dat4c Patober 10 , Ib34 , This latter accompanied * Uio fac-'sirnilo on. graving of the Declaralioh of Independence which congress eaUsod"tb"bo sent to Lafay ette , and in it occurs tills'Striking ' sentence , referring to'tnu decMuratlon : "This is a proclamation of principles destined to change the face of the world , and as wo humbly trust ameliorate the condition and exalt the human Hpoclcs. " The writer of those words could hardly havci anticipated the grand results which wcro destined to follow so rapidly his prophetic hope , and which h.iVo Indeed ameliorated the condi tion of the human bolnga who have sought und found freedom upon the soil of the United States , which has extended from the thirteen original htUa colonies until its ithorcs are washed holli by the waters of the Atlantic and tlio Pacific , Nor could his imagination imvu pictured to him thai sixty-nino years from the date of his letter it would bo framed nnd hung upon the walla of the greatest exposition the world probably ever saw , The other autograph letter U from Thomas Jefferson , whoan in Hplrcd pen wrote the Declaration of Indo jrondence. It was written from the hoinool ' jolYorson , Montlcello , Va. , and is a persona Better which begin * ouiowhat in thU fash Ion : "I know that no other title than thatof American U a necessary passport to your at tention. " It Introduces an American pen Un man , Mr. Laurence , to the notlco of Uifny- otto , and states that ho ii "woll quallllrd to put you in possession" of our political situa tion , a.iylngnlso : "Our political winters nro boisterous , but summers calm. " When In the years of 1831-25. General Lafayette visited the United States ns our "Nation's guest , " his progress through the then twonty-llvo states was n continual ovation , all the Inhabitants Yifling with oaoh other to do homugo to the hero , and mnny wcro the tokens of esteem showered ujron him , some of which I have already men tioned. In March , 1825 , a silver Iwx con taining the map of South Carolina was pre sented to him by Ktchnrd Manning , governor of South Carolina. Four Indian chiefs pre sented him with tholr portraits in black pro- Dies , nnd John Quincy Adams gave him line old portrait painted of the former in 1820 , as did also Thomas Jefferson , These two line portraits uro hung on the we t wall of the room nnu between them is ono of Baron Do Vlomesnll , Hold marshal In the army sent by Frnnco to the relief of the Americans. Above them is n splendid nnd very valuable pleco of tapestry of the style of Louis XIV. , commemorative of French historical scones of IOCS. About the handsome room arc distributed several line busts of Lafayette and ono of Washington by David Angers and ono of Bon Franklin by Houdon , besides a line portrait trait of Lafnyotto by Amy Schoffer. When Lqfnyotto returned to Franco after his visit to the United States in 1835 .ho voyaged hotnowurd in n ship furnished by the United States government and named the "Brandywino" In honor of the llrst bat tle in which ho unsheathed his sword In behalf - half of American independence. tlllmpgoti of Pnrift. To visit the south pavilion of the French building is llko passing from dreams of long ago into the realities of A. D. 1803. But without at least a passing view of ono of the principal exhibits I would scaroolydcom this article complete. Here nro placed on view the sewerage systems of Paris , plans of hospitals , schools and prisons , and other exhibits of interest , prominent among which is a com pie to exposition of the police svstcm of Frnnco and Paris uml the scientific methods employed In Identifying criminals. A largo case contains photogruuhs Illustrat ing "Iconography of the features from the point of view of the descriptive slgnalmont of the spoken photograph" the peculiarities which marlc the shape of the hair ( on the forehead ) , the shape of the beard , of the chiu , oftho eyelids , oars , nose or mouth. Largo engravings Illustrate the methods of measurements employed In measuring the heads , hands , limbs and feet of criminals , which is the "spoken portrait" referred to above. Hero also are shown tlio benches on which a criminal nuist sit to obtain the height of the trunk and the pivoted stool used in the peculiar system of photography. Upon the stool is aontcd the wax llguro of n criminal , the lingers of whoso right hand nro partially missing. So wonderfully lifelike is the llguro that visitors start to speak to it before they take in the situation ; an ad justable camera is arranged on poles about seven feet above the prostrate body of a wax cadaver , that lying on the ground appears so natural ( not the usual waxoy effect ) that ono shrinics back in instinctive horror , for it looks like a veritable "dead man , " the dust of the roadside settled upon his clothes and a week's stubby growth of beard upon his upturned face. The very ilies ( having en tered at the open door ) nro buzzing around the prostrate form , making the spectacle more sickening. Are they , too , fooled with the belief that this is a "dead man ? " The camera arrayed above him is one which can bo so adjusted that a picture of the ground and the surrounding objects mnv bo photo graphed without a change of position. The whole growsomo picture recalls to one's mind the ghastly tales of Edgar Allen Pee and the morgues of Paris. . GIIACE UINES. I'UKl'ir TALES , Two clergymen were riding on the ele vated the other day , says the Now lork Sun. Said ono of them : "What is the fun niest experience you over had in church ? " "Well " answered the other twinkle , , a com ing into his eye , "if you mean with queer people , I think H was during the vacation I havo'just-finished , This year I spent my holidays In u quaint little town up north. I prea hed for them ono Sunday. "Tho town is full of queer characters. Among others hcro was uu old man. 'Uncle Lemmio. " When he was a young fellow ho had been disappointed in love , and from that time ho has been sour. You should have seen him. His cars stuck out like these of Mother Ilubbard's dog. Well down on them ho wore a disreputable silk hat. His chin rested on the two prominent points of his collar , and in ills hand ho always carried a great , thick , green cotton umbrellatied with u rusty shoestring. 'Undo Lcminio's particular thorn m the flesh was a grass widow , aggressive from her head to her foot. Her nose stuck straight out threateningly , her hair bristled up from her forehead , she walked like a steam en gine , and when she walked every loop of her bonnet ribbon shook. The very sight of her to Uncle Loinmlo wns'liito the waving of a red flag to a bull. It happened that they went 10 the same churchbut the ushers knew the situation well enough to have n goodly proportion of the sanctuary between them. "Unfortunately the Sunday' I preached there was a now usher. The opening serv ices were well under way. Uncle Lcmmlo was there in a pow by himself. Ho was loaning on the umbrella and was looking at mo with complacence. 1 was just about to announce my text , when down the nislo came the now usher , and in his wake the grass widow , to Uncle Lemmle's pow , Undo Leramlo gave onojook us the figure rustled into the pew , gathered up his um brella , his hut , and his prayer book , and cleared the back of the pow in front of him with the agility of a boy. . I never had such diniculty in announcing a text , for when Undo Lemmio landed In the front pow my words rung out across the church ; 1 'There hath no evil befallen you but such as Is common to man , but God will with the temptation also make a , way of oscapo.1 " A clergyman who was settled some years ago in a southern town was in great favor with the colored brethren and was fre quently called upon to "sit in council" with the members of ono of their churches in a neighboring town. Among thcso members was one old darky with grizzled hair , who had in a high degree the gift for "response ? " so much cultivated by the people of his color. Ho-was always ready with "Amen ! " and moro than ready with "Glory 1" but his particular fondness was for the fervent ejaculation : "io ) Lord gib us moro faith ! " On ono occasion , when the clergyman in question had been called upon to discourse to this congrega tion , ho illustrated hi.s "practical talk" with the story of an occurrence which ho had himself witnessed not long before. As ho finished it he said earnestly : "Now , mv brethren , you would hardly DO- Hove , would sfzv , that any man could have- witnessed such . . sccno ns that , almost at iour very doors { " As ho paused there came a tremendous groan from the old darkey , and with great fervor ho ejaculated ; "Do Lord gib us more faith I" # A peppery parson down east , who was dis turbed by his choir during prayer tlmo , got oven wlllr" thorn when ho gave out thn closing hymn by adding ; "I hope the entire congregation will join in singing thU grand old hymn , nnd I know the choir will , for I heard thorn humming It during the prayer. " "Wo have many demands upon us ; I fear wo cannot hclpyou , "said the secretary of the missionary society to an evangelist who ap plied for aid , "What , " continued ho , " 1 the eauso of your jxjvorty and Indlgonco ? " "Preaching , " answered ttio evangelist , sadly ; "preaching without notes. " READY MADE MUSTARD PLASTERS Wowero the flrst manufacturers on this Continent. Our latest Improvement eurpssses any thing over before produced. ISO. , JSo. , SSo. purlin. UosnrotoliavoHliAllUUX'H , Aak for them spread on cotton cloth. SEABURY'S SULPHUR CANDLES ; IA > U uiw ubattwjcut U-UIA mvtav"j Hj * - ' " ' " - ' * * * * "I * i are kept away : also uioful for expelling mo qultoa and Irritating Insects. Trice , I9o. each. Topurifysick-roonm , apartments , eta. , use HYDROHAPHTHDL PASTILLES , which In burning , disinfect ana produce a fracranco re/reslilni an-I invigorating. BCo. par box ot 12. Solo Manufacturers , W23 nrritY as VburiuacontlcalI AMU31SMRNT9. IM BIRTH OF FREEDOM ! Told In n superb series of living Illustrations. Ii a part of the programme thla year of the WHICH WILL EXHIBIT AT OMAHA ON Wednesday , August 23. They uii I to. In nn ensemble of overwhelming tfrnmlour , CIRCUS , MENAGERIE , MUSEUM , HIPPODROME , GRAND HORSE FAIR. THE WILD WARRIOR CO SSACKS o ( htcCZAR , WASHINGTON CROWING * DEI.AVARE. DEC. 25 < And the most Magnificent Kntortnlnmont or all tlmo , the SCENES AND HATTLKS Off 1776-The AMERICAN REVOLUTION All Klvoa bonaath the vast water-proof pavilion of America's Oldest , Largest , Best and Loading Exhibition. Capital Invested , S3OOOOOO. Sixty cars for transportation ; 400 horses ; UorcU of oloplmnts mid camels ; 200 wild bo.vits In tin Mcungorlo mid noury 1,000 MEN , WOMEN AND CHILDREN Lirsost nninbor und best of performer * ever soon In the Olrous , Including the World- Ifninoiw SEVEN OKUOME ItltOS. All-Earth's Clmmplon Aorolmts. TUB WIIjI ) WA.KIUOH OOSriAOiCS OK LMIH CZAIt M < m daring , roolttuas , skillful roiiRli riders and llclitors iimonir rnon. Scon for the first tlmo In America. SIXTY-FIVE TRAINED WILD 1IEAST3 Nothing like them ever soon boforo. They innko , all provlons oxhlbitlons of tralnnd nnlmala nppervr to bo the veriest child's play , JN THE IIU'l'OtmOMK many Innovations. Uncos soon for the Ilr.st tlmo , and nil thtf standard contests of apcod. A lilting cap to this shonf of supor-oxuollenep. cnrnorod from nil tlio most fruitful Holds of the universe , is well culled the I'hUl'LK'd 1'ATUIOTIU 1'hEAbUUK and VA8T1ME , SCENES AND BATTLES OF ' 76-THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION , Requiring Acres of Accoutrements of' of the Shtv f'liul Hovoro'i Hldo : the Surrenderor Oornwiiliis ; the ToarliiB iowi ) > of tlioStiiuioof GeorRo thi III , ; Wiibhlnptoira InuuKunitlon nnd others of tlia izrontoToiits in the callant struggle of our valorous forefathers for the prlcoloui boon of the liberty that is ours to enjoy. Whose Child Should Not Learn This Glorious' Lesson. So Delightfully Toldf NO a > ANG R to Spootutoror 1'orformor. The Buttles urn lllooillcas. the L'uwdor Mnoko- css. llattlo olToets. booming of uaunon. etc. . produced by Improved Sulontlllo Apparatus. THE GRAND AND GOftOiOUS DRESS PARftOE OP THE MIGHTY SHOWS Takca place at 10 a. in. dally ? unfold Inn tol'ubllu View , free ns air to everybody , all the dazzling , sensational , unique , pluturcsntiu and sumptuous processional resources of the Monster Exposition. ADMISSION , - - SO GEUXLTS. Children , Under Nine Years , 25 Cents. CJionji Jtouii < l-'l.'rl [ > Ji'.xoiirH/ojiH on n 11 Jtnll\\-nyn , Moo Incn1 Ag-oritH for Two Exhloltlons Dally. Doors anon nt 1 nnd 7 V. M. I'orformniiocs be ln one liour la or. For the accommodation of tlio public , who deslro to avoid the crowds on the ground , reserved seat ticket can bo secured nt Snow. Lund & Co.'s drug store , 1'ith and I'nrnntn HI roots , ut the regular price on the dny of exhibition only , admission tickets ut the usual slight advance. AUGUST 21st TO 27th INCLUSIVE. Omaha Shooting Park * . ( RUSER'S PARK. ) SIX DAYS' SHOOTING. NEW PROGRAMME EVERY DAY , ALL RIFLEMEN INVITED TO COMPETE. SUNDAY , AUGUST 20tU Meeting of committees at hondn.unrters. Pabst Ilulldlng , 12IG Fnrnarn.street. Iludgcs will bo delivered to the several committees nt from 10 to 12 a. in , MONDAY , AUGUST 21st Itocoptlonof Khnrpshootors. TUESDAY. AUGUST 22mt Meeting of sharpshooters/U headquarters 0:30 : a. m , sharp. Procession to Wobstorstreet depot. On nrrlv.il at ilio park ; "Presentation of tin league banner , " Commencement of the Hliootlns at , - p. in , ; cessation of shooting at 0:39 : p. m Omaha Lo&n and Trust Co SAVINGS BANK. SIXTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. Capita ! $100,000 ; Liability of Stockholders , $200,933 Jntorost uitd on SIX MUNTIH ; 4 " PPMT O3r O3T 5PPR OC.1N I MONTHS' Oorrmoitsaot Uopouu 4 par otnl liitoruit i KBM BM on UiuikaOv'ouiiti COMMtlUrAinf THE MERCANTILE CIGAR , BETTER THAN EVERl ilude ot tli lluiut fluidity of Hiivaun Tobuor.u Unit enn lie bought. Equal In every rpupect to tbn DrDOWNS 314 South 16th Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent specialist In nervous , ohronlo , private , blood , skin and urinary dls as s. A retular * u4 registered iraduaie lutuedlclue. as diploma * and certtricates will show , la sllll traallog wltu thairoatojl Buoceaa , catarrh , lost manhood , nemlnsl weahno u. ul lu losses and all forms of private dtsoanes. Mo mercury used. New treatment iorlo > ot vital power. Partlu unabluto vUttniomay b roatodal boini by correspondence. Wfidtclncs or lustruinoutB sent ty mull or oxprens cur ly packoJ ; no uiarkit to In- dlcato contnntv or HHiider Ono personal Inlcrrlew prerurrod. Connututlou ttoo-f Corru uondenM strictly prli-ato Uoo ( Myatortea of Uf ) * ul fr * . 00lo boun , . u.K > 9 V. to. tiuudagrs , IU * . la. M tiui. bo ad btauip for circular.