* * * , r FHE OMAH ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , AUGUST LOSING IN STRENGTH Recent Developments Not Favorable to the Silver Advocates. INROADS BEING MADE ON THEIR FORCES Ycstirdaj's Dabito in the Honi3 of Rspra- uantatives on the Qaostion. SOME OF THE IDEAS THVT WERE ADVANCED Both Sidjs Have Champions for Thsir Es' pccial Views. . * MR. LIVINGSTON OF GEORGIA SPEAK' Ho Take * it Oloimiy Vlow of tlio Eftec that Would Follow nn Uncuntlltlniml Jlcpcnl of tlio Hlioriunn l.aw Other Stirnkeri. WABIHNQTON , Aug. 19. The session of th house today was not marked by nny nnl mated debate , but It was significant In show lug Inroads made lu the ranks of the fre coinage men. Mr. MoCroury of Kentucky , a member o the , recent monetary conference , and Mt Catchlngs of Mississippi , of the committe on rules , both took the lloor In support of th unconditional repeal of the Sherman pui chasing act. Mr. Livingston of Georgia made ono o his characteristic speeches in support of fre coinage and against unconditional repeal an justified his past populist record as a ' 'calan ity howler" by asserting that every predli tiou of the farmers alliance of three yeai ago had been realized and that the banket and brokers of Wall street were the prlnc pal calamity howlers. Mr. McCroary of Kentucky oponc the silver debate. Speaking of the repeal c the silver purchasing clause , ho declared li would not hold that act as a hostage to fre coinage. Free coinage should stand on II own merits ; the only path which should lea to free coinage of silver was an intornatiom agreement , and the only way to reach thi Agreement was to repeal the purchiisln - * . Mr. Catchlngs followed Mr. McCrcnry an epoko In favor of unconditional repeal. 11 know that his people the people whom I rcprcseuted would credit him with dlshoi csty and cross-purpose , nnU ho know tin would have the same contempt for him tin ho would have for himself , If , lifter invest gallon of the financial ( juestton , ho had nc Iho courage of his convictions. [ Applause I.tvliiK'ton'il i-'lcrjr Speuch. Mr. Livingston of Georgia concurred in tl ( Jentimeut expressed by the gentleman fro Mississippi , that in considering these que tlons representatives should rise ubo- party. On this subject there should bo i republicans , no democrats , no popuhsl There was no reason why men should u rise ubovo partisanship and discuss and at jioso of the pending question as sensible mi and patriotic men. Ho favored bimctullisi nnd the plain question now presented wi between u single gold standard and blnu nllisin. The Chicago platform had dcnounc the Sherman act as n "cowardly uuk shift. " A make-shift for what ? F n single gold standard ? No , a mall shift for the free coinage of silvi The bill for the repeal ot the purchasli clause of the Sherman act did not place t democratic party where the Chicago ph form Is disposed to leave it. Ho denied th the purchasing clause was responsible 1 the present llnanclal and business trouble A few years ago the farmers had come congress asking relief , nnd they had be < greeted ascalamity howlers. " Ho h : then predicted to the present governor Now York that within two years tl "calamity howlers" would como from 11 other quarter. Who was now howling 1 ivhef ! The farmers ? They had ceased bo calamity howlers. They had be squeezed until there was nothing more squeeze from thoui. Howl * front the llnnkera. The howl now came from the banks a the bunkers. It was now proposed placing the United States on a single g ( standard to put this country in the hands a receiver and then turn It over to Englui The business men of England were gottl shaky and they now say the gold craze h taken a deeper hold than they had expccti He made the prediction that If the purchasl clause of the Sherman act was repealed t price of products in this country would not increased , The gentleman from Kentuc ( McCronry ) had suoken in favor of an hit national monetary conference. Why i : have an Interstate monetary conforom "Ho that provldoth not for his own hou hold hath denied his faith nnd worse than un infidel. " Ho would h with delight a proposition tl the governor and the treasu of every stale should bo called together Washington , there to discuss what v good for the United States. Congress v uow endeavoring to hitch the horse at I wrong end of the cart , Mr. Richards of Ohio balioved that Prc Jent Cleveland was right in attributing the purchasing clause ol the Sherman I the present business depression , The house then took a recess untl o'clock , 1C re n 1 11 ? HoMlon. After the recess , to a crowded gallery 1 to a very small attendance on the lloor , J Curtis of Kansas , republican , spoke in s port of the Wilson bill , but in a conservnt manner. Ho did not agree with the sti ment so frequently made that tha act of 1 was passed under u misapprehension or I trick , lie bollnvod thnt every man \ voted for or ngulnst that bill know what was doing , The people would not bo sa fled with free silver nt n ratio of 10 to 1 , with a single gold standard , should not c gress provide for the frea coinage of sllvoi n ratio that would eliminate the ilat doll Ho was In favor of u ratio of 20 to 1 , nmJ would then establish n commission v authority to , change the ratio ut any tlm was found to bo too largo or too small. T let U > o secretary of the treasury bo autl izod to coin the sllyer bullion r in , the treasury. The serious object vrhjch ho had to the pending muas was that It mndo no provision for coinage of this bullion , The members ot house should pass an not that would not stroy industries , but stimulate them ; t would relieve the strain on the banks ; t would cause the farmers and laborer : rojoicu ; that would convince the po < that there wasnq fight between capital labor , but that labor and capital were frle and would always be ; that would convi the people of the cost that the south and west wcro not. pitted against them , but that this was a great country. [ Applause. ] Mr. llrodcrlck ol Knim/u. Mr , lirodorlck , republican , of Kansas spoke In favor of bimetallism and prosperity , which terms ho regarded ns almost synonym ous. Ityas said that the adoption of n double standard by the United States would not ho favored by European countries. Many things had boon done In the United States not entirely in harmony with the v'.ews of the nations of the old world. The great masses of the people had had no voice in the fixing of the financial , policy , and the United States should not bo coerced on this question by any other nation. GOT THK WOKST e > F IT. Cnptnln UTAH * UtveA hit Opinion of the IlprliiB Sen Dlclilon. WASHISOTON , D. C. , Aug. 19. "Wo got the hot end of the stock , " remarked Captlan Robeloy D. Evans , naval secretary of Hit light house board today , concerning the re cent decision of the Bering sea arbitration Captlan Evans spent several years In tlu Artie ocean dodging Icebergs nnd catching poachers nnd Is as familiar with the byway : of that sou as an ordinary husbandman I ; with the paths in his garden. "On every contention , " continued Captiar Evans , "tho United States was beaten with the single exception of the use of lire arms In capturinc seals , and on this poln the regulations prescribed are Impractlcabli of Inforcomont. The sixty mlle 7.0110 llml is entirely valuclss in a practical point o view. The region around the Prlh lei Islands is constantly over hung with o tlens < fog making accuratp observations almos impossible. Wo will bo continually in dis putc as to whether , in case a seizure is mndi for violating the regulations , the distance i sixty , seventy of forty miles from Hi islands. Will need an extensive fore The entire navy of the United States , wit ! the English navy thrown In. could not estat llsh an effective patrol about these Islands Poachers use usually n light draft craft anj can easily slip through Iho iiiarln patrol , attack the seals in the Islands nn In the dense fog escape without detection Even If soon raiding the seal rookorlcs war ships could not pursue them close to th reef-in fostod Islam's ' , as Iho waters are ut surveyed , the current unknown , und th risk , therefore , would be entirely too gren to be taken. The most effective means , pel haps , of protecting the seals , would bo largo land force suftlclontly strong to rcpi nn ordinary attack. "Vlovcd In any light , wo can got llttl comfort out of the decision. The permlsslo to kill seals after the 1st of August amount to nothing , as seals In that season arc 1 what is called a "htugey" condilion , an unfit for commercial use. No ono ever kil them then unless in pure malice. Eve the restrictions , as regards the us of firearms , nro of little valu Vessels clear , say for hunting jiu poses , to tlio north Arctic. lit equipments consists of Implements in wha and seal fishing , including a limited numbi of guns for shooting wild fowl Intheextren north. She is boarded by a man-of-war , doubtful right at best ; firearms nro fount and then comes the contention , whether tt vessel intended to use the arms forcapturir seals orJorJdlllng fowl for foad. Thus v Will bo in hot water nil the time. Olhor Natloim l roe to 1'ouch. "Then again , the decision of the Bering s < commission , affects only American at British vessels , having declared Bering site to no an open sea ; the vessels of all natioi are , of course , entitled to plough its wate and catch fish and seals at will. The Bcrit sea decision cannot , of course , bind the go ornments of Franco , Germany , Japan ar other nations engaged in whale and scalh fisheries. So , that looKing at it from a pra tlcal standpoint , it see us to mo that t ) regulations are impracticable and cannot' ' unforced at a less expense than $1,003 fi every soul .life preserved. " FLANS OF SILVI2II SHNATOKS. How they 1'ronogo to Mnkou Teat of tlu ntrcncth. WASHINGTON , AUK. 19. The Star this eve ing tells how the silver men in the sena will test their strength without bringing ! the question of unconditional repeal. It an interesting story and runs as follows : "The plan which has been devised by t democratic leaders in the senate who are c posed to the unconditional repeal of t Sherman law Is regarded ns or.o of the me Infamous examples of parliamentary tactl which has been exhloitcd in that body , is one thnt will permit the silver men make a test of their strength without t rlsic of a vote on the repeal bill. The pi gram appears to have been very skilful contrived und carried out , up to the presc stage , with great forethought m accuracy. The bill to permit ban ! to issue currency to the full face val of the bonds deposited in the treasury is o which Is favored by the anti-silver men , ui ono which they would hardly expect to ha pressed to the front by the silver advocati Therefore , they saw no objection whatov to the prompt report of the measure fn the committee on finance and no danger its getting In on the calendar In the n state of affairs before the repeal was ported. They are gratified , moreover , the action of the finance committee In porting n bill for the unconditional repeal the Sherman law , with un attachment what appears to bo merely an empty doclai tton In favor of bimetallism. to Iho Hllvor Mm. There appears to be , however , a dee | depth than that to which they have pei tratod. The silver men are said to hay pledge from members of the finance co mltteo that the banking tall first report shall be disposed of before the repeal bill taken up for consideration. This opens t way to the development of u situation i apparent ai Unit glance. In the first plac great deal of time may bo consumed In t discussion of the bank bill , and in thcso ci dltfons the bill Is subject to amendmt Indefinitely , The silver men expect this 1 to bo amended in such ayay as to dcvo it into u broad and general financial measu ' With silver out of the question i amendments likely to bo adopted nro such may either meet with the approval of t anti-silver men or not be violently opK | > : by thomx'If no silver amendment is utlatil to the bill It Is to come out of the senate shape such us to not attract tlio antagonl of the administration forces , und it will apt to pass tie | House , But It is undcrst < to be a part of tile plan of the silver met : have an amendment offered providing for free coinage of silver at u ratio of 20 to 1 for any other silver proposition which n develop the greatest strcutrth in the hoi ' New York lxchiuie ( Juututlom. NEW YOIIK , Aug. 19. [ Special Telegram TUB BBE.I Now York exchange wa quo as follows yesterday. Chicago , | 10 discou Boston , < 1.00 to PJ premium | St. Louis , all count. GERMAN FINANCIERS Reserves That Hare Been Proposal to In crease the Revemn. ALL IS NOT SMOOTH SAILING AS YE1 Dr. Miquil's Plans Will Find Many Sup porters in Roiohslng. TAX AND ADVERTISEMENTS ABANDNNEC That Method of Raising Money Would Hav. . Proved Very Unpopular. TRCU3LE CALLED UP BY THE ARMY BIL ! Muani for Carrying Out It * Provisions Mm bo l'riivlila < l-Thn Brunch With Ilus- Bltx Griming Wlilcr .V rn vMnnuv - urers Notes from Inthcrlnnd. BBKUN , Aug. 10. Count Posadovsky Wes ncr , the successor of Baron von Mnltzahn a secretary of the Imperial treasury , will assume sumo the duties of the ofllco on September 1 On the same day Baron von Maltzahn wll give a farewell banquet to the ofllcialsof Ih treasuries of the government department. With the retirement of Baron von Mali zalin from the head of the treasury it su ) posed to vanish whatever clement of ol struction the policy of Dr. Mtqucl , Prussia minister of finance , could meet in the ofllch circle. It may bo that Baron Maltzihn I obturo , but ho has been a highly honorabl minister. Ho would willingly have place himself en rapport with Dr. Mlquol , but tn latter , having n profoundly dtfUcult task hi fore him In arranging the now taxatio schemes , required another man. The no' ' secretary of the treasury will inaugurate li career by presiding over a scries of confoi oiices to bo held by delegates of the fcdc atod states on the new taxation proposition Acrootl on the I'lan. According to the scmi-ofllcltil press , all tl federal states have now agreed that the ta nn Bourse transactions shall be doubled an a graduated tax bo Imposed on wines and t baccos. The proposal to place a tax on n < vertlsoments , which never met with gener , support , has been entirely withdrawn froi consideration. The government became coi vluced that the placing of a tax on ndve tisements would aduorscly affect the bus ness interests of the country and , const qucntly' it has abandoned this pronosi method of raising money. The Vossisch Xcltung says that the no expenditures Incurred , or to bo inuurrc- - through the adoption of the army bill nece sitates the raising of only 1,000,000 marlcs I now imports , but it is certain that D Miqucl will find a majority in the. Heichsti for whatever measures ho may propose , pn vided tno new taxation be so distributed : to wel li little on the paopio who can lea : bear further burdens. What was expcoti of Dr. Miquel was that ho would effect tl fiscal system of the empire , rather than clover manipulation of tho. , system and , the end of securing further taxation. Opposed by thu Public 1'rusn. Outside of the oftlcial papers , who course may bo depended upon to argue favor of any project the government mi broach , the lintnclal plans decided upon , fur as they have been revealed , excite t keenest hostile criticism. Count Posadovsl Wcsmer's appointment to the imperial st rctaryship of the treasury helps to wid the bcach ; already existing between Uussi caused mainly by the customs tariff w now waged between the two powers. T secretary Is a Pole , and it is supposed th hi sentiments are anti-Hussran. lie Is close relation to the Gorman agrarian c incut , and It is not likely ho will assist anj way to bring about a reversal of t negotiations with Hussla looking to the adi lion of a commercial treaty. The tariff v > remains in statu quo. Concurrent ndviccn from every commerc center show that Russia Is feeling the piii of war severely. Good rye , which costs Icopccks per peed to produce , is selling the same price. The cost of product ! threatens to shortly exceed the marl value. The land owners , who are weigh down with debts incurred through the gri famiuo of lust year , can neither raise furtl loans to pay the installments of their del now duo nor sell their gram ut a price tl will permit them to meet their obligations To Agnlftt DiNtri-MiHl I.mul Owner * . Dr. Wltto , the Russian mlnlsterof flnan has summoned to St. Petersburg the ch provincial treasurers to confer with I directors of thu Imperial Battle of Russia measures to assist the distressed land own and farmers. The conference between the Imperial bi directors and the provincial treasurers v open on Tuesday next. It is reported tl several of the olllcials will take part in t conference , and moan to demand that . Witto's policy bo entirely reversed iiiul tl the tariff war bo stopped at once. It is s , that these ofllcluls bullevo that It will o be possible to relieve the distress by sec lug the reopening of the Gormairmarkets Russian products. The extraordinary tar now Imposed upon Russian grain umou practically to the prohibition of its portatlon. Since the alleged cases of cholera in t city have been traced to u singular sourc the unclcanlincss of Russian Poles people of Berlin have dismissed the mat as no concern of theirs. Each case reported cholera proved to have been duo the person affected having eaten tain meat imported from districts in Russia , which the ccnuluo cnolcra 1ms prevail Russo-Pollsh working people are numer In the eastern nlstricts of Berlin. T ! have exceedingly limited notions in rog to the sanitation , The newspapers w the Germans who come in contact' with tti while working-to watch them rlosely every symptom of illness and''to get from the authorities. Army Muiioc > iynr . The program has been completed' for army munoeuvers ut Me-t . 'A i'c > vjhl\yjjy emperor of the Eighth army corps will _ hold at Troves in September.-Tho co will then advance on Mct& ( iguinsl Fifth army corps. The final encouhtcf < occur at Motz. Emperor \Vllliani \ and m other royal personages will attend muuotiuvers as guests. It Now Look * u Though ( ho rolling 1 ! ' * ( lir Very Uuloily. U PJUIIS , Aug. 10. The many scandals wl a few months ugo agitated the remoi depths of French political lifo and thr oued to dominate the elections uavo defcs their object. The fertility hrid the violence of the recrimination have hulled the public conscience , and tomorrow's piling seems likely to bo the lenst sensational In many years , Not n definite Issue ; is presented to the country. The question bf tlio monarchy Is practically non-cilstlntr , ; Out of thirty- iUo candidates Itv' Paris , only one Is n monarchist , Out at flOS members of the last Chamber , SI" arc'jreturning ; [ to tho'chargo. Of these , 350 nro republicans , 1HT reaction' nlrcs and twonty-Uirco are HotihnglsU , Abouthalftho reaetionalros have rallied tc the republic. Tnu total number of Qandl < dates Is 2OJO. Clomenccau Is the cjilof flguro in the elec tions , owing to the attacks upon him as the paid ngent of England , his connection will Panama hclmr ignored. Ills election , however - over , appears to bo crtaln. The election.1 will almost certainly result In n largo In crease of moderate re publicans , STIUKINOVlfI.Mll MlNUIIS. Troops AMcpil far toJMippirks DlnunlcrH It tlui UlRirl tK Ad'eciail. IxHinos. Aug. 19 , The situation In soutl Wales , owing to the strike , lias not tin proved , Great military and police propara lions have been taken and the seriousness o the situation can bo Judged by the fact tha the coal owners have asked for i,000 ! in fantry and 1,000 cavalry to protect the col llerlea and the working colliers. Over TO Infantry loft Plvnoutj ) m trains for Rhomb valley and 500 will proceed today. The desperate measures which the mci are taking in order to coerce the conl owner were shown yesterday when a body o strikers endeavored to stop work In the col llery , which alone supplies the Pont-y-Prldi gas works In order to pilt the town In dark ness , while today slones wore found on tin railroad line , which evidently had boon plaited there by the strikers. The district has tho-nppcaranco of bclni in a state of slego. Sentinels urn statlonc on the hill tops ami ire nid the colliers i order to announce tho'approach ' of striker to the troops. Poltco are guarding tn collieries , of which lers than twenty out o UOl nro now working. Tno working collioric are ehielly Jn the Ebbvalo district and th strikers announce their intention of marcl Ing there on Monday , innny thousand stron to stop work. The ml'uo owners appear t bo resolute In their refusal to concede the 2 per cent advance. It Is estimated the mei have already lost 30,000 In wages , while tin output of the collieries , which nominally I 23,000,000 tons , has fallen ; to 2,000,000 tons. In the midlands , whcroi nearly 600OC , miners are striking" , -'n1oro lieacefi situation prevails. " \ r ; CiiusliiK ( irciit Inconvenience. LoN'noK , Aug. 10. Tha scarcity of coal causing great inconvenience among the tl platers and Scotch jroni masters. Sever ; meetings have been hold [ both by the inn owners and the men iil tlio last two day but to no palpable purpose. Many inn owners seem willing 'to allow the strikers i resume work at the 9ld , wages without refc once to the miners' domrinds or an increaser or their own proposals ' -for .a decrease i waures. A conference wtjl .be convened : London on1 Tuesday , fdr th6 purpose nf apre inp on terms of n sqtt'lotaent : At the meeting of .thV'delcgates of tl Fifeslilro miners Itfwus. decided that tl masters' offer of J2& per cent advance wages bo do'cUuod and . .that the men lea1 the pits. Tills means ttiat Xt.'OOU Fifos'hl : miners will go out Monday. ' Cli l < Ti In < leriii ny. t lCojj/rfyieI ) ( 1831 liy JdmtQonlnn \ JiennM. ] BEULIN , Aug. It ) . [ New York Herald Cab Special to Tun Buul There Is a sllgl cholera panic hero. The police are carry li on disinfecting measures on a largo seal especially near the Russian frontier. Thi have suspended meetings. Even the Rom : Catholic congress at Wur/burg was steppe At the present limo there is no actual da ger and the authorities arc confident of the ability to localize the disease. Abandoned till Mitnoiivrrg. [ Coryi ) | { / ( ! 1SOJ by Jamy Gordon Itcnnctt. ] BitushELS , Aug. 19. [ New York Hera Cable Special to TUB ' BDJS.The ] milita muneuvres , which was' to have begun i Wednesday next , has been abadloned on ii count of the sanitary conditions. The u thorltics say that the disease ut Antwcr Machlin.and Brusschuet is merely dyscntr but there are suspicious cases in sovei parts ot the country. V.11JIUIW VUAUlCCtlS. Notable OiithorliiRS of Kuulegnmtlcn to A suiuhle In l hlcniu. CHICAGO , Aug. 19. Headquarters we ojjoncd tojay at the Grajid Pacific hotel the committee on organization of the comh Catholic congress of the United State Hon. William J. Omiiiitn , secretary of tl committee , said tonight that the occasi will bring together perhaps the mostnotat gathering of ecclesiastics und laymen ov before seen in America. The delegates the congress , It is believed , will bo 1 twcon 4,000 and 5,000 in numbi They are being appointed the bishops throughout the count in thit proportion of ton delegates at 1 tu tor each diocese and one additional delegu for every fi.OIW of Catholiq population. I sides these , provision is made for liberal n rchcntatlon from the various Catholic c leges nnd seminaries. Lists of the do gates already appointed show Unit many the very foremost men among the ndlicrei of tlio church of America linvo to bo nam to attend. In the week Immediately following t congress the archbishops of the Unit States will hold a ( jenonil meeting here fact of considerable slirallcnnco | in conni tion with the eon re&s. . Among those whoso presence there- remains no doubt the "American pope , " Mfer/Satolll. The presiding oillcor ii > ( .o'bo Cardinal G bons. ArchbUhop Keehan. of Chicago M deliver the address of wufcome. It Is not i likely that Bourke Cockran will bo ana the Jlrsi speakers on ' the opening day of t congress. I The religious services 'at the opening the congress will taicol nloco at the "C Cathedral , " St , Mury'v feburch 911 Wabu avenue , tlio cathedrall proper , 'not bci available , OirJliml lx > guo of Ireland m ho present. U Is set lud.that Mgr. Ga will bo horo.j-om-osonllftqCardinal Vaughi and that Mgr , Nugont oHI lverpool and An bishop Redwood o ( New Zealand will also present. i Besides the Catholic coVgrcss itself , tin will bo in session a ooiiyeduon of the Call He Young Men's socieilta of the Unli States , a convention of the St. Vincent u Paul societies. convention of the Germ Catholic guilds ; the colored Catholic c gross , convention at the Catholic Truth fluty , uivecihiC of Catholic publishers n wlltors , convention of thu Catholic Beno lent Lct-'lon und a rrunion of the alumni the American college of Louvulu. G'ontri'KM' Clo cd. Cinu.uio , Aug. 1U. This was. the clos day of four congresses , The dental u geous awarded the prim medal for the b essay to Guorgo Cpniiiugham pf Cumbrld Kntrland. The pharmaceutists decided to moot n year at Ashevllto , N. C. In the pcacj ) congress Robert Treat Pa ; spoke on "The Cunllict of Labor and C Hal. " In the congress on Africa paper * were n by .General Eaton. cxtcomiuUsioucr of e cation , and Prof'Wood wort b ot MAKING NO NOISE in FrancD Conies Today , After n Very Qiiiot Oanvoss. MAISES A1E NOT DEEPLY INTERESTED * People ( Janorally Foil'Tlieir Institutiona Are p Now Safely Founded , CLEMENCE'U IS BEING HAHD PRESSED Only Ono of the Panama BooJlors Who Will Probably Bu Defeated. HO// / THE VOTING WILL LIKELY RESULT Pnrlalitn 1'olltloliini IIiivo Aircndy Mndo Ui a Schedule on Which tn Orc < " > lzo ( ho Next Clinmhor ot Dcputlos Tliolr Culoulntloni , * ) U liu Jamti QonltnJemiclt.1 PAIUS , Aug. 19. [ New York Herald Cable Special to TiiEBuc.J The general eleetlor takes place tomorrow , Sunday. The Insl Chamber was elected in ISS'.I , in thu midst ol the Boulangcr crisis. The struggle was o llorco one , and in every part of the countrj ublic excitement was at will to heat. M Constnns was nt the head of the govern ment , and the pressure ho brought to boai Don the public was of a kind until thci inkiiown In French iwlitlcs. The resuli fas Boulangism was completely defeated. Today complete calm reigns throughout he length and breadth of France.Vcro 1' ' lot for the many-colored electoral posters hat cover every available inch of wall , m no would know who the men are that an .sking so bo elected on tomorrow as the rep esentativcs of the country. The indiffor mco of the public as to the result Is almos' ' lompleto , except in a few departments. Tin Dupuis ministry , although exercising a : much influence over public opinion as it can has not resorted to the means employed b ; ho Constnns in IbS'J. TliL'y'ro After Clcincncenu. This is the reason why the combine i complete. The ouly point at which th electoral strugeMJjkprosonts at any Interest i 11 the district of tiio Var , where Clcmcnceai is carrying on a desperate and dotormlnei light. Everywhere in the district mooting : nro bcinp held at which all parties are at tucking Clemcneenu with the accusation o lavlngistjjd'hlmself to England. This cam iuign seems to bo succeeding for Clemen ceau's election , which a fortnight ago a ] [ icared to bo certain , is now extreme ) , doubtful. The other persons who wcr compromised in the Panama scandals wll probably bo elected , with the exccptior perhaps , of Floquet. who is strongly autagc ni/.cd In Paris. AVIiut the Ilurynst Will lie. 1 'Ifisjatreaay possible to KIVO n fairly ac curate estimate of the general result of t < morrow's ejections/ ' The conservatives an monarchists will probably lose sixty seat ! The conservative group that has accepted republic as tlio definite form of governmcn for JTrnnce the ' 'conservateurs rallies" a they are culled will gain thirty seats. Th radicals will lose somosoiits and so will som of the opportunists. The French peopl want a conservative republic , because republican form of government now satisflc the nutiro country , except a few of th large cities , which will elect socialist ! Franco would like to see new men in powoi but wants them to bo ns good as good rcpul licansas the men who are now managing tli government. As the form of the govcri ment of the country is not at stake , tlio n as of the people take no interest in the struggli Such Is the provision of the most ominoi French politicians , but when you Src dcalin with so uncertain a political element as pul lie opinion surprises are always possibli For my part I do not believe that wo wi have one tomorrow , JACQUES ST. CKIIE. KxploMnn on it .ilint-of-Mnn. PAKIS , Aug , 10. An explosion occurred o the new ironclad Magenta during a trial < her machinery at Toulon yesterdayEigl stokers wcro seriously injured. o NO II1NTKII ll.lfiOK. f Colil , Wet Spring mill Dry Summer lillk thu Gran * . RAWUNH , Wyo. , Aug. 19. [ SptcialTel gram to THE BISB.J Ono hundred promlnoi stock growers in .this vicinity intcrviewt today generally agree that there will I practically no winter range. Ono promliiei sheep man who went over his winter ratif south of the Union Pacific states that tlici is no winter feed , which ho attributes i the cold , wet spring and hot. dry sumino The spring being su cold grass did not stii early , and when it did it was1 burnt up litho the dry. hot weather. This Includes tl winter sheep range in northern Colonu nnd southern Wyoming , in area u scope ( country " 00 by itoo miles square. lrliio Gout Vein DuLornrril , RAWU.NS , Wyo. , Aug. 19. [ Sp-cial Tel gram to TUB BUE. ] A now coal discovery < a line fourteen foot vein that has just bee. made by Matachl Dillon is creating oxcit ment hero , The vein runs through the ne town of Campbell , recently located by tl Trans-continental Coal & Iron compan three miles west. Tests so far made pr nounce this the best steam coal so far u covered in the state. There is a line ope log for a big lot of litigation as the Dilh syndicate has located on the Campbell tow alto. JC.1.VS.1S MISSUS HEJOWK. t They are IMuiiicd with lltn Terms Ma liy the Siintu 1'e Company. PiTTsnuiio , Kan , , Aug , 19. After a mo < Ing bctwpcn Manager Devlin of the San Fa Coal company ami the miners , held la night , had closed und a nuuiourof contrao hud been signed , the miners Indulged In regular old fashioned celebration , ban played , guos and cannon were ilrod ai everybody , young and old , rejoiced at tl termination of the striko. Colonel Ed Brown of thu Midway Cc company was picsent ut thu meeting Frontcnau last night nnd this morning an a similar proposition to his men , which w accepted. The Spencer Coal company a : Bchwub &Co. will also go to work o > i t same terms. The Missouri Pacific is making contrac with Its men on the came basis. A few the small operators , the Central Coal co pany and the Kansas and Texas compa are the only ones who will not agree to t Santa Fo's terms. They offer 60 cei straight and say they are employing all t men they need , J'llty tVurj Kilitiu , Bisiiux , Aug. 19. The KuUarstuhl c < pit ut Dortmund , in Westphalia , was ted the scene of u terrible mining accident. . explosion of tire dump in the pit killed ill persons and Injured many others , Gri excitement provaila. The details of t * T THJEE BULLETIN. n'Mthtr/nr Onm'm ' and Helnlf ; ll' < irwcr ; Lwal Stmwtrf ; Variable Wtmls. Silver Talk Tlrlnc Quiet Ciinr.iR * In rratu-n Olonod. Annwrr In ( lin I\nllrond4 , 2. Y , .M. O. A. ( ; irtpivons Now. Auntlii Stuuls Oir OuUlnchiilu > 3 llcntli'n Wiinliliifftou l.cttrr. H.iiithcru r.X'lllc-O.iklHiul War. I. I.itVock In thn Soclnl U'nrlil. U'lmt Nccrrt Onler Are Doliic. fi , Snuntlonul Sillcliln lit ItrntlliRii. Union 1'ncillo Vrtnriinft' I'lcnlc. 0. Council HUill'i l.ociil Nr\r < . 7. Doom of tlio Hond Srhdiinii , .AlcdilH for Army .Mnrkumeii. llnipy | In 11 lliinntoil lloimo. H. llopu Urpimcil xtltli ( Hit. H ) . Ono of inclnnil' > llrrnlhlni ; Spotn. Hpltci of u Kurolutloiriry Horo. 11. Wiiinnn nnd Her Wily * . IS. ICilltorlnl nnd Onminoiit. ' * 'A 13. l.cltcr Iroin Mr. Itimnwiitor. ( IrlHWold'n Weekly ( Irlit. 14. Crnnil Army Now * . Ifi. Onmhti'B Tritdo Itrvlnw. Commcrcliil nnd Fhmciclul. I.lvn Stock Murkcls. 10. Wrutcrn Mtucrii OoliiR for ( Sold. l ) ; on tlio 1'lcrs. affair are not yet nt hand. It Is thought ol some , of the injured will die , 10 SVCCKKO HBX.110U tl'll.S'JX. lion , A. It. CuiiimhiH 1'trinilly Announce ! an u Citnilldntu. Dr.s MOIXES , Aug. 19. ( Special Telegram to Tin ; lir.i : . | A local paper in the morning will forinnlly aimounco the candidacy ol Hon. A. B. Cummins for United Stales sena tor , to succeed lion , James F , Wilson. He was recognised last year us the leader of tin liberal clement of the republican party ii this state by being made one of the presi dential olcctors-at-largo on the stale ticket. VnrloiiM County < ; < > iivoiittoiiH DAVES-POUT , la. , Aug. 19. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bnn. ] The Scott county demo crats held their county convention today The following nominations wcro made Representative Charles G. Hipwull , for stut < senator ; William B. Murray and Lorenz ( Uopgo , representatives ; Harvey Jcncs sheriff ; Juergcn B. Frahm , treasurer ; Car L. Suksdorf , superintendent of nublli schools ; Thomas Murray , surveyor ; Thomas J. Ulynnu. supervisor ; James McCortney coroner. Cmnox , la. , Aug. 19.- [ Special Tclegran to Till : BEC. ] The Union county populists hold their county convention at this plaw place today and J. W. Wells was mud ( chairman and D. H. Brown secretary. W II. ltobl > , the leader of the populists of thi' ' section , made u short but fiery speech Resolutions were adopted which declare that the right to issue money belong ! to the people only , demanding the free coinage ago pf silver at the ratio of 1(5 ( to 1 , that ul money should bo legal tender for all dabts the establishment of poslal savings banks jovcrnment ownership of railroad nnd tele jrapli Hues and the adoption ot a unUorti system of text books. The following candi lates were nominated : Representative , R S. Williams ; treasurer , A. J. Llnlnpcr superintendent of schools , Harvey Buter. ) DCS Moi.siia , Aug. 1 < J. [ Special Telegrar to Tun BEIJ.I Polk county democrats in con -vqntion todu"y chose thirty-two dolegutes i the state convention , which meets hbx Wednesuuy. No preferences were oxpressei on the governorship nor sentiment indieatei on current questions. No nominations fo county oftlco.'s were mado. LBSIAUS , la. . Aug. 19. .Special . Tolcgrai to THK BEE. ] The demooratic county coi : vention selected the following delcgatds t attend the state convention today : O. J McDunie , J. P. KiefCor , Mat Agnc s , J. C Cottrell , A. Thoma , W. A. Julian , P. ! Held , James Hughes , Alex Reichmun , sr. , C A. Fox , E. I'iimoy and F. Mcinert. Th delegation Is uuinstructed. BOUNB , la. . Aug. 19.-Special [ Telegram t THE BUR. | The democratic county convei lion was held hero toduy and delegates s < lected to the state and Judicial convention ! The only instructions given were for Hyat for district judge. * I.iirlnini'h 1'Viuml ' * .tu.lvc. Sioux CITY , Ang. 19.- [ Special Tclcgr.ii to TUB BBE.J The friends of ox-Judge A. A Larimer of this city are preparing to preset his ii'ime to Iho democratic state conventiu as a candidate for governor. Thoj say li can got the support of the western part i the stale. IHIWXEI ) * . ! > J-.nl MinlSSll'lr. Sid Accident Attending on li Moving froi Hunk to Itniilc. JEFPEIISOX Ciiv , Mo. , Aug , 19. AtBonnot Mill , on Iho Mississippi river , twelve mill east of this city , Mrs , Foster , her two chi dren and her sister wore drowned at Co'cloc lust night. They were moving from one slil of Uio river to the other , and most ot tli goods having been taken across , the lill family were following in a small skiff. The hud nearly reached laud when Iho boat cai slicd. Those downed are : MKS. I'OS'lTH , 25 years old. MKS. l''OSTiit'.S : ' two ohlldMn , JOHN KO , TICK. 7 years old , nnd n huby girl , IIKr-HI M\KVVoriTEU , 14 yn-ir * old. President Hartman of the Real Estate o change received a telegram yesterday nfte noon stating that the National Congrci of Real Estuto Men , which was tn bo hold i St. Paul on August " 1 , has been postpom for one year , because of dull time. Etgl delegates were to have boon present fro Omaha. IS'iil Dnportuifiii 01 .1 iluhliy. A woman living on Howard street nci Sixteenth complained to the police last nlgl that her husband hud cotno homo early the evening in a drunken condition nnd w ; amusing himself by ubuilng her and her II tie baby. She didn't know Just what si wanted done with him , so no arrest w made , Nklppoil wl .1 t , t > dull. Martin Snydor. a waiter at the City hoti skipped out last night with $9 In ca : belonging to the hotel. Ho had been so out to change some money and the tempt tinn to keep It was so utroug that ho n glocted to come b-ick. The police were notified nnd wcro lookli for the youug man last evening , N i veil i .o Uroiv. LONDON , Aug. 19. The American sh Highlander which passed the Lizard i Thursday signalled "have crow of tl Bowden , " The Bowden was a British BI commanded by Cnptlun Law. She was o of the live vessels that in March last start to race from San Francisco to Queonstovv Four of the contestants arrived safely b the Bowden , on April 27 was totally wropk on One island , ono of the Friendly groups. lu Htutn. DKTIIOIT , Aug. 19. Tlio remains of Cc gressraan Chlpman were taken to'tho cl hall this afternoon and placed in state at t Interioctfon of the corridors on the mi < floor , whore they remained until 10 o'clo tonight. Thousands of people paused by t casket , viewing the remains. * The "No. 9 * Wheeler it Wilson inakci perfect Btitch with all kin Is of thread on clashes of materials. U U al\vuys roa Sold by Quo. W. Lancaster & Co. , M4 10th street.s PLAINLY SET DOWN Facts on Belmlf of tlio State in the Maximum Bate Injunction Suit. ANSWER TO THE BURLINGTON'S ' PLEADING5 fclpccious Grounds on Whiob the Suit Was Brought Moot Counter Claims. SPECIFIC STATEMENTS FLATLY DENIED Assertions of the Plaintiffs Categorically Considered and Carefully Confuted. NEBRASKVS ACTION IS CONSTITUTIONAL " " " * C < mn * l fur tlio Dolrimo Uphold the Work of the I.nRlttntitro nuil Mnlntnln tlio Stuto'd night to Control Iti Crciitiiru'n Conduct. The State Hoard of Transportation filed Us answer In tlio feilcr.il court yesterday nfturnouu In the cases brought by the Clil- eiiijo. Burlington & Qulney Railroad com pany against tlio board to restrain It from carrying out the provisions of the maximum rate law , mid by the same company's stock holders to restrain the ollleers ami dirotors of that company from taking nny stops toward the s > amo end. The answers In the two eases arc in the main Identical , ns the object sought to bo accomplished In caoh i tlio same , the defeat of tho'law on ths ground of unconstltutlonalUy. 'Iho ' answers are long documents , covering thirty-four typewritten pages , besides six pages of exhibits. The defendant member * of the state board admit that they are mem bers of the board us charged , but deny that they have any personal or pecuniary inlorest In the result of the suit. They assert that they are the ofllccrs and agents of the state of Nebraska , which is the real parly In In terest , and that the Milts should hare been brought against the stato. They say thnt the state docs in no way consent to to the bringing of the action , and docs not lit any way submit to the jurisdiction oC the court to determine the mutters in dlfforcnca charged. C'nii lo Sottldl In Ntiitu Court * . It Is sot forth that under the XI amend * 111 cut to the constitution of the United States the courts of the United States nro wholly without Jurisdiction to tv.v , hear and determine the several matters in dlffercnca set fortlv in the bill of complaint , and that under the constitutions of tlio United State * and the state of Nebraska and the laws of the latter state , the complainants have a full and adequate remedy at law for all mat ters alleged and sot forth. It is asserted that the defendant is a domestic corporation of this slate , and became such by reason of its consolU 'datlon with the Durlington & Missouri Ulver Railroad company In 18SO ; and by reason of such cQnsolidntlon it.assumcd > nll the liabilities , duties , responsibilities anil' burdens of the- said , J3. & .M.-Railroad com pany , and freely , voluntarily'and'elf lls own accord submitted Itself to the constitution and laws of the state of Nebraska , acceptIng - ' Ing the privilege- doing business in this state under and subject to those provisions. Ever slnco the 1st day of January , 1880 , It became and now is a body corporate pursu- nnt to and in iiecord.ineo with the laws ot this state , and subject to all limitations an& liabilities Imposed npon domestic corpora tions , and that it is not a corporation organ ized and existing under the laws of the state of Illinois , nor of any other foreign btato , but it over since has been and still is. amenable to the constitution and laws of thu state of Nebraska. ( irowth of thu Uurlliicron System , Then follows the history of the formation of Uio complainant company ; the chartering in 18111 by the stale of Illinois of the Au. rora Brunch Railroad company , which wo * reorganized in 18.VJ under the name of thu Chicago & Aurora Railroad company , and that in 1855 took the name of the Chicago , Burlington & Qutncy Railroad company. It thereafter obtained by purchase , consolida tion or otherwise , the Central Military Tract railroad , the Northern Cross railroad and the Poorla & Oquawka railroad , completing its line from Chicago to Qulney and Burling ton. Then follows the story of the charter ing of thu I } . & M , by the Iowa legislature In 1854 , and the construction of sovonty.flv * miles of road westward from Durlington , the stoppage of work for ilvo years , its re sumption by the complainant , and comple tion at a point duo cast of PlaUsmouth In 1870 , the II. & M. having ever since continued a part of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulney system. Then came the incorporation of the IJ. & M. In Nebraska In 1889 , and the building of the road from PlatUmoulh to a Junction with the Union I'.ii'lflo nt ICeurnoy , There were also incor porated In this state thu Omaha & South western railroad , the Nobrnslca railroad , thu Lincoln & Northwestern r.illro id and the Atuhlson & Nclirasini railroad which had their respective termini InsMo the limits of the state of Nebraska and had been con structed and worn operated within the limits of the state of Nebraska , but that on or before the 1st day of Junmry , 18SO , tha I ) . & M. in Nebraska had bccoino the lossno of these roads and so operated them , and they became n part of the Chicago , Durling ton & Qulney railroad system by virtue of its consolidation with the II. & M , In Ne braska. Hy that consolidation , which took place under the laws of this state , the Chicago cage , liurlington & Qulney bccuraa subject to thu same rostrlotloris and liabilities ns were ami nra Imposed by the laws of the state upon other railroad comimnlos. and becumo possessed of such powers , franchises and Immunities , and liabhi to such especial restrictions und liabilities as the said respective corporation ! were within this state possessed of and sub ject to , under nny laws of tho.stito of Ne braska peculiarly applicable to thorn or either of them at the tlmo of such consoli dation , as is provided by section 114 , chapter xvl , of the laws of Nebraska , ( /luluidd tftuta 1'rotectloii. The defendant company has ever slnco pretended and claimed that It was and is a domestic corporation of tha state of Ne braska , within thu moaning of section 8 of chapter II of the constitution of the state , which provide * that "no railroad corporation organized under the laws of nny other state , or of the United States und doing business In this state , thall be entitled to exercise tha right of eminent domain or have power to acquire right of way or real estate for depot or other uses , until It shall have become a bofty corporate pursuant to and lu accord ance with the laws of the stato. " lately pending In ( he