OMAHA DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , AUGUST 14 , 1893. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. NEBRASKA'S ' LAND OFFICES Under the Now Ruling Some of Tham Have to Bo Abolished. TOBIAS WORKING ON THE PROPOSITION lie It niporloncliifr IHmoultr In Deciding on Which of tlio Ollluct Simula lla ' IVIiod Out riinnnnt Hltu.itlon ( or n Politician. WABIIINOTOV BUHPAU OP Tun Br.n , ) G13 FoUinr.BNTit STUEBT , > WASIHXOTOV , Aug. 13 ) It Is Hkoly thill before thoontlof this week the suspense which the Nebraska land om ens arc enduring will bo broken. Secretary iloko Smith expects during the next live or six days to sign the plan , which , under the law , \vlll abolish n largo number of land ontccs In the varlou ? sUtos anil territories mill attach the headless districts , each as n whole , to adjoining districts. Secretary Bnilth would have passed upon the plan for abolishing the distilcts last week hud not another controversy nroso between politi cians and railroad companies ns to wiping cet lain ofllccsnff the map. When Tobias Cus- torcnmo hero somedajsugo the plan forland ofllco abolition was completed In nearly all the states but Nebraska , and ho was asked to suggest n schedule for the tcduotlon of half of the districts In that stato. Mr. Cas tor was told tint six of the twelve Nebraska land ofllcos would have to go , and ho was given the task of naming the ofllces to be vvlbcd away. Your Undo Tobias was acl- tatud. IIo did not want a Jo/on good fat places tikcn away from the democrats of the state after thci had so long been en joyed by the lopublicans Ho got a map . and labored with the land commissioner and the secretary of the Intotlor and finally per suaded them that only three of the dUtilcts J could bo dispensed with. IIo tben had a big * job oil hand to name the thico dlstilcls to ho abohslidi ] . Ho finally agreed Ncliph should go to tbo O'Neill dlstiict , Bloomlntrton to Alt-Cook , and probably Gland Island to North Plutlo , although I am not Euro of tlio lattor. s Kullromls Tuk _ n linnet. A question of equitable distribution aioso between the rallrouls , cich cominny de manding as many land omccs as v the other It is said that Undo Tobias thought the schedule named would bo a fair deal as be tween the B. & M. and the L"lkhorn and Union Pacific. At any rate it was not many bouis after Mr. Castor's slate of land ofllco distilbutlon was banded in uiuil a demand from some source to huvo a now deal Then there was a racket among tbo South Dako'a democrats as to which distiict they must put t w Ith , and a few dnj s ago the soc- rctaiy got so disgusted with the largo num ber of disputes which nrosa in several states , democrats holding or wanting the ofllees piotcsling against the plan , that bo Bent back to the commissioners olllcu the nnl'.roland ofllco map of the country , and stated that ho wanted the mittor settled mul a last tovUion of the land ofllccs made and sent to him this week so that he could sign It and settle it for all time. The commissioner of the land offlto be lieves that , one-half of the ofllics thiouhout thccountiy should be abolishua. IIo says that since the pio-umption and timber claim laws have been repealed thoto have been few entries made and tlio fees of the land ofllcers are not laigo enough to pay their salaries. Ho adds that congress Is dis inclined to miiko appropriations for land olllco purposes , and tint If tbo number of ofllccs abolished is not'sufllelent to meet the approval of congress that body w ill refuse - fuse to iiiulto nnpioptlatlons to conduct tbo business mul , theiefoie , a single bite of Iho cherry may as well bo mailo llrst ns last. It thus appears that while Mr. Castoi may be Bufllelcntly Inlluential to keep tbo number of distilcts abolished In Nobiaska ilouti to three congicss may como in and complete the work and tedueo the number of olllces romalnlng to six Instead of nine. U oyulillld'a Club. Notwithstanding tbo rebelliousdomocratie clement in the senate and the absence of nny rule by which a vote can bo foicod , Pi cslrtent Cleveland Is confident that bo can and will got a bill into n law unconditionally icpcallng the sil\or puichaso act It can bo stated upon high authoilti thafcjust bofoie leaving Washington for Buzzard's Day the piesident said the lopcal bill would pass the senate : that he had alicady o\eicomo such impossibllltleB , und ho would picvall in this Instance The president has directed that nil appointments bo dofeired and that thine be no tnoro pationago distributed until bo sees who In tlio uemoci.itin tanks of the son- ute stand by him in this gre it struggle It is safe to pi edict that no ImDoiUnt appoint ments for Nebraska will bo made before It is Known how the sllvei vote Is going in con gress. Note * Mrs. Alvia P Clan : , Jr. , has loturned fiom South Dakota , vvheio she has been vislUnpher slslor. Mis Keen nnd Mrs. Hoboit Alton of tnU city who , wilb her son and d uiehtor , me spending the summer In Cliirindn , la , will leave for Iho Wei la's fair about Soplomboi 1 and reluin hero next week. Senalor Potllgiew Is In Now York , He vAtt ptobably go to his homo in Soulh ! > ! kota fora shoit llmu about Iho end of this week. nx-Congiessmnn Jen v Murphy of Davciv poll , la , who has been seriously ill In Wash , inglon for several weeks , Is reported to be living , ills trouble is of the liver , bald to be hob nail liver. Mr. Murphy has been ln < disposed ever Blnco he came hero , almost n j ear ago. VVi'ttern reunions. Nebraska : Increase Noah C. Gwln Oilglnul widows , eta Mnij Cassldny Iowa : Increase George \V. Miller , Sam uel It. Strong , Knos Jennings , Alexander U Pine , Pruned M. Mllllken , Thomas II. H Veirs. ' South Dakota. Reissue Isaac W. San born. Coloiado : Oilgitinl-JullusD. Hill. Montana : Original widows , etc. Luc ; Hi.i ford , Michigan : Original widows , etc. Mlno of Alphous Karl. Wisconsin : Increase George M , Foster Original widows , etc. Delia Connloc. * P. S. 11. HOT TO MO 1C 1C IN HIIOItT , Concrcm lias I.oit No TlmoIn Tnklnc 11 Ihu ll i'r Qiumlon , WASIIINOTOV , A tf. 18 Comfresi has sot tied down lo debate with n dcgfoo of oxpcJI lion almost unknown In its history and wltl an apparent determination to do gomothln that pioinlses well for Iho outcome. Pot innately for the majority In the sonalo th Action of the house on the silver question if llovod them from the necessity of speed nnd perhaps lll-advlind action The dome ciat caucus committee , dunged with th preparation of a plan that should soeuia th pdhorenca of the united majoilty , will thoic fore commence its labors with uioie dollbor Alton than would othcnvUo have bee possible , and U is not oxpcctod now Unit I will pel fee I its work , which involves consul tatlon with ni'iny sunators at inch sfigt much bofoie tlio liouso ban acted. I'rotinbl * 1'rncruiii ol tlio benittf. 'Iheflniuire committee will prob ibly wal upon thn aciloti of the caucui com in It ten an o Iheillvor question Is not llkoiy to tivtitr in u foin-al wa ) In the pioreenllnffs of tl tcmto IhU wcew H In cnlliol.v pci xibloan i"en piobnhto that ijvoehru will bo dull' ricd ujien Ihu subjert. but if so ihov will I I'AieJ upon tnmu inch ic'soli.tion a * that Ii tiod'icrd bv Bonilor 1/idgo. calllm , ' for votu u nu the icpeol of thn fellvur purvlmi cclion of the t > u nnan HCI , aud uol upon bill regularly rci > orted from the finance committee and ready fet Immediate action. Thmo U aAtrongdlsosillon | lnsomofiiarlcrs | to flit In the time during Iho week by the discussion of the Lee-Mantle sonntorl il elec tion case , which is In n privileged posttipn nml can bo called nt any time to the dis placement of other misincs * . The program in the house has been defi nitely fixed by the ndoptlon of the order In troduced Friday by HepresenUtlvo Bland. The tlmo will bo dovntol exclusively lo the consldciatlonof the illver question under the rules of Iho last liouso governing dobato. Will io tip All tlio Time. Notwithstanding the ajiparent lack of In- tcresll n Iho discussion manifested by the membersSiturdty , thonumberof applicants for recognition already on the speaker's list demonstrates that the period allotted to the dclnto , cloven dnjs under the fron- oral rules and thrco days under the flvo-mlnuio tulo.i will bo all occu- cupicd. There are now between ninety and 100 names enrolled by the speaker , the groit majority of whom probably oxpcct lo lalk the full hour allowed by the rule. There aio a number , however , who have stipulated for shorter periods , generally twenty minutes or half an hour. If It appears that the tlmo for dob-vto > vlll bo too short to accommodate nil who wish to sneak , night sessions will bo held lo lengthen the pcilod , but this expedient , It U believed , will not become necessary before next week , with Iho expiration of which the Uobalc will close. von TIII : They Will Prnunbljr Not lie Adopted for Two or Three Week * . WASIIIXOTOV , Aug. ll ! Slnco the house entered upon Iho discussion of Iho silver quesllon Friday , under an order whUh will not exhaust Itself until the cloja of next week , the probability that the organization of the liouso , by the adoption of the lulcs and the appointment of committees , wrlll not bo completed for twoorthroo vveokl , has changed Into almost a cci talnty. As j ot no call for a meeting of tlio committee on rules has been issued , although ono may be to morrow or Tuesday. One of the members of the majority of the committee , when asked about tbo prospecls for action on the rules , said that until tbo present order of the house had cxolrcd there was no need of rules. It was not possible to break In upon the silver debate with ono over the adoption of the rules , oven w ote tbo now code ready to boioported. So , In his opinion , the committee will not bo in a hurry to pronaro Us tepoit. The mem ber f Hither remarked that the probabilities vvoro that the rules of the house In the Fifty- second congress , which bad been teferred to the committee for considciatlon , would not bo malerially changed ; In fact , ho expected but few changes } f any natuto fiom the system under which the last house was diieclcd. Sccietary Cntllsle spent an hour or two with Speaker Crisp in Ills room at the capl- lol last Thuisday , nnd thoypiobably touched upon tbo subject of rules in the comsoof their convetsation. Nothing could bo moro natural than that Mr. Ciisp should solicit an opinion from his predecessor in the speaker's chair , espcciallj from one who won such a high icputatlon as n presiding of- llceras did Mr. Cat lisle in that position , and snv suggestions tliu sccrolary sivv lit lo n.nko would doubtless bo mostcaretully con sidered by the committee. There is but ono rule about which any gen eral intot est attaches the ono governing clos ure. The bcstobtninubloopinton Is that thcro will be no radical change fiom tbo rule In force during the last congress , which gave the house power to end debate , or prevent filibustering upon any proposition , even w hen the mojorltyso desired. IlllTO Ooinu to No Conclusion. " WASHINGTON , Aug. 18 At a late "hour to night Senator White of the "steering com mittee" of tbo democratic caucus was quoicd as s ij ing that the committee bad come to no conclusion respecting a line of policy to bo pursued by the majority of tbo senate. His understanding , however , was that the doMto on the silver question , based on ono of the measures already pending , Mr. Slewai t's free coinage bill or Mr. Lo Igo's icsolution to vote on the repeal of the Slier- man law on tlie'J-'d instwould begin ut once , possibly tomorrow. Senator Hoar expects to address the sen ate In favor of the repeal of the Sherman law Tuesday or Wednesdav. YUlotv I ever In the soulli. WASIIINOTOX , Aug. 18 Surgeon General Wi man of the Mailno hospitil service re ceived no information today from Brunswick , Ga , icgatdmg the yellow fever outbretuc. Dr. Carter , who has been at Pensacola , Flu , will leave thoio lonlght for Brunswick lo diicct the medical campaign. iJofoio leav ing Pensacola Dr. Caller telegraphed to Dr Wyman , conllrminc the verdict of the local medical authorities In the Walto case that the victim did not dlo of jollow fever. As to the Woods case , 1'owever , ho could not cxpiess an opinion. \VIII fvucli Tholr Onn Pnople. WASHINGTON , Aug. 18. By direction of Secretary Smith the government Industrial training school at Santa Fo , N M , will nt once bo changed Into n n en mil training school for the preparalion of Indians to taku thuplaces of while teachers in their own schools. It Is also stated tlmt the civil serv ice lulcs will bu so amended as lo permit the employment as teachers of graduates of this school .vlthout a elvll ssrvlco elimina tion. Kit..Ill Will VlHlt rorrifrni , WASIIISOTON , Aug. 13 Mgr Sutolll will leave lomonovv moinlng for Now York , na companled by his secrelnry , Dr. Papl , ic visit Archbishop Coirigan on limtutlon ol the latter , The length of his Htaj Is uncer tain. Ills said his visit is purely u social ono. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mu \Viil ; ( Ten lloiir/t u Day. WASHINGTON , Aug 18 Orders ha\o been issued for the employes of the ol cngiavlng and ptlnling lo work ten hours n day until further notice. This was mudt nciessaty by the incieascd demand for tin now issue of national bunk notes. lUUKftt.l l.i nrywlirre. WASHINGTON , Aug. 18 Ihnroworo no do volopmenls loduy in the Brecklnrldgo Pollard case , but It was discussed averv where , Mr. Brccklurldgo had no furthei statement lo miiko. im > i'i'n : > in in. : < : .tti. CllUcns of .Mtiuilr.iiiilicut Mitke It itUUj Tor u Croud of Itullliinii. Monil.i : , Ala , Auf [ , 1U. A spec ! it to th ( Heglslcr from Jacksonf Ala. , sajs : Tin trouble In Meachambeat is at an end Tin posse has disbanded nnd quiet reigns su prcmo. Ha be Hurke , Jim Gordan and Macl Burlc , ihren of Iho woist men in the gang and ucknovvledpod leaders , escaped by tak lug jofiige in Salilpas swamp. Kirlt Jame was killed Filday night. He AVOS capturci In his field nnd put hi charge of a guaid c eight men nnd lodged In Jail. A mob of 10 men took him from the guards , tied hi hands behind him , placed him in front of ni oak tree nnd riddled his body tvilh bullets Hg makes the third man killed. A plot to whip to death several loudlm nugroos , who voted for Jones in Iho Jones Kolbgnbcinatoriul contest , was unearthed Clli/eitb of Mcaclmmbeat are panic stricken Manj have sold out and those who could no llud purchaser have ub uidoned their pioj crty and left It U icported that Ne.i Binii , Ui other of Ihn uotoilous Hob Sim : hat. Joined force * vrilh Iho Mcachamboalilc and If this be so , fuithcr bloodbheU will fo ! law. 'Iho pieiC'iit tioublo will cast a bllgh on CoiU'evllluauil will come neardepoiiulul Inp the town. Iliillrotil 1'roprrly Drnlrojed , Hr CiTiiniiNKs. Ont , Aug. 13. Two locc moliVt.K , two engine hontes and coal chute ; pr"i ITIJ of Iho NIapai.1 Ceulial Itillriia cotntuny , burned IhU morclns. Los : 7j,000. BETWEEN YOUNG AND JACKSON Iowa's Gubernatorial Raca Seem ? Now Narrowed to Two Men. SEVERAL OTHERS WHO WILL TRY FOR IT N'o Scirclty of Cnndlilittcii from Whole Number a t'oor Uholcn Could Hardly IIo Millie Prohibition Cnuio buinu Trouble. DBS MOIVKS , Aug. 1.1 [ Telegram to TUB BI.E. ] This city Is already beginning to feel the influence of the political oxcito- mcnt , which will culminate on WoJnesday , with the assembling of the state convention of the republican party. All of the leading candidates for governor hive opened hoad- quarteis and are industriously cultivating the acquaintance of local politicians and nursing their Infant booms Into life. About all the counties ot the state have been hc.ud from on choice of delegates. A largo num ber ot thn county conventions were hold jesterday. The vanguard of ofllce seeKers and some of the delegates ate already hero , and from novvVm the work will bo lively. So far as heard from the candidates for gov ernor are as follows : Ex-Stato Auditor J. A. Lyons of Guthrlo county , ex-Stato Sena tor Lafo Young of Polk county , ox-Secretary of State natik V. Jackson of Polk county , Hon. B. F. Clayton of Waricn county , General F. M. Drake of Appanooso county ; Colonel K. S. Ornisby ot Palo Alto county , and Hon. S. M. Clark of Leo county , in case of emergency , w itil ox-United States Senator Ilurlaii of Henry county In the hick- ground , as a possibility. Veiy few of the delegations ate Instiuctcd except as lor the favorite sons of their counties , but so far as the great bulk of the delegates ate known the sentiment Is about evenly divided be tween Jackson and Young , cither of whom is likely to bo struck by the gubernatorial lightning. Where Tlioy Get Their Stionct" . L ifo Young is about the last to appear In the t ace and his running qualities have boon a suipilso to those In ahead of him. The Polk county convention decided to give both of the lo iding competitors a fair show by dividing Its vote equally between them. Jackson will have strong support from the liver counties , while Young will draw votes fiom the farmers and from those counties Miat desiio no change in the pto- hlbltory law. Diako , it Is said , will have the almost solid vote of the Eighth congressional grossional distiict , with n scattering sup pott from other sections Ljons , who his been actively in the Hold much longer than any other of the contestants , has a well oiganizcd following that will stav by him to the end and this will give him a decUed ad vantage in the final round-up. The heavy vote Youug is cei tain to secuie from the western part of the state will , however , matciially reduce Lyons' strength in the beginning of the struggle. " I' * " ' Otlior I'lncesi The licutcnint governoiship depends upon how the contest for the head of the ticket comes out. The mowed candidates ire : Hon. H. B. Wyman of O'Brien county and Dr. Conawav of Mahaska county , though ono of the candidates for govci nor may como In ahead ot them and capture the pti/e Ex- Senator Milo Smith of Linn county and Hon. D J. Palmer of Washington county aio also favoiably mentioned for second place. There seems to bo no contest for supreme Judge and i.illwny zommissloncr , these posi tions bctnc conceded to the present incum bents , Judge Robinson and Comuiisslonci Luke. , For state supoi Intendent of public instruc tion the candidates mo : ex-Superintendent S. W. Akeis , cx-Supctintondont Henry Sabm , and .1 W. Jarndgin of Powcsheik county ; L T. Weld of Story county , K. C. Banettof Mitchell county and Miss Alice Heild of Jeffeison county. The contest wil probably nariow down between Jainagin and Sabln , with best ihancts in favor of the former. On the United Stairs senatorshl ] some friendly oxptessions luue bcca made in the county con\ention in fa\orof Attor neyGoneral John Y. Stone and Congiess man W. P. Hepburn , while Cengicssmai Gear of Burlington w ill ha\o the support o bts section of the stato. ' Will Il.inillo rrohlMtloii Never in the history of the lopublican party has thcro been so many "uninsti noted delegates" sent up to a stale convention. The policy of "no instiucllons" has been pushed by the "liberal element" in order tnj secure a l.aign representation fiom the so- called" prohibltorv counties , and fiom the returns aheady received it Is almost certain that no i evolution pledging the party to maintain the piesent prohibitory policy will I receive the assent of a majority of the dele gates. The liberals , on the other hand , have i given up the idea of foiclng n light on the line of declaring "prohibition a falluio , " ns was oiiginallv contcmpluled , and will offer no opposition to a plank on the liquor ques tion modeled nftor thoexpression of the late national con volition on the same subject Ibis will absolve the candidates fqr the legislature fiom all party obligations and leave each ono fico to represent Iho Inter ests and voice the wishes of his own im mediate constituents oa this querftlon That such action on the pait of the state conven tion will eftcctuully seal the tale of prohi bition in thin stale , is conceded bv both factions , and Iho prohibitionists are bonding every energy In favor of icaniiming tbo "no bick wind step" deol.uatlon of twoi ears ago. Altogether the outlook \A very favorable for lopublican victory by an ovetvhclmlng majot Ity. Iho indications ute very favor.iblo for the largest slalo convention of Iho lopublican league of clubs In that orgmbatlon'b hls- lory. It will bo held on Tuesday and will servo ns an invigorating tellsh to thn noinl- naUng convention which iulUms it. Tom Diwsonof Council 1 ! I lift's will occup.t the chair in the absence of President lliigbam of Cedar Uaplds. MAKHS DAMASCUS in : LI * IMvvson or Do * Monies IHftcovera it Lour Art iintl VVIil ApplJ It. Di'8 Moisns , All ? 18 | Spccial Telegram toTiir.BiiE J S. H D.iuson of this city has dlscovcied the lost art of making what Is know n as Damascus steel , the method ol producing these blades being known only to the ancient race of the ancient world by the name of Damascus , and which no modem science has bsen able to duplL'ato In piool of his assertion Mr. Daw son Is now making specimens ot his now steel product , nnd has submitted them to the most eminent sclent Istb of Urn wet Id , who have not stinted their declarations of favor and vvonuor. The now steel can bo mtido , Mr DO.WSOII claims , at one-half the cost of the prescut steel pioduuls In addition lo It has these iualiiics | which the best steel now made has not * Tompcis two points higher than ordlnars steel und within two points ol the diamond ; ilconialns no carbon ; ii to. quires no rollimr ; the tli.lehed product ma > bo moulded instead of banimeieel ; its tern peiing possesses Iho qualltj of springiness Theto is no process to mo manufacture ol Mr , Dawson's steel. Ho takes comjnon re lined wrought Iron and fuses Ii In a crucible Ho adds his chemicals , the seciet pf whose c.omliln itlon eonslltutes his discovery. IK [ lours the molten metil into the mould o the swoid blade , knlfo blade or wh never hi may dubiro to produce : it cools ; it is tern pcied us other steel is tempered ; It 1 : polished , and the article 1s tluUlied. Tin iiKHluct is harder than steel is over made it may he bent w Hliont biunklng It. It ha : no catbon In It. and \vlieu tlio chemist iinalV7.ii It It shows nothing In it but wrou'h iron 'Iho manufactuio of the finished stcc ni tides , us tlioj aie now made , takes sumo times a month Mr Dawbon has upplled hi lomblnation of cbeuilc ils to thom.inufactun of hi i u Ho has the luulcst Oron/o eve His method of cojnlilnini to iiroduco Ihu Dauiasuus steel uui ho Egyptian oronro Is hla Secret. He has not pitontcd the Idea and'wlll not , but when 10 snows to tbo world : Tfcv ord blade that bends double , but rprlnffs' to its oriclnnl tralghtncss ; that willcut h'.Uenther pillow or a bar of steel or Iron , ulidwhoso analysts hews nothing but wrought'Iron , though It s four-fifths as hard as n diamond , ho bo- loves that the world , will appreciate the act that ho has discovered1 Damascus stool. KtU M'OUV'S OASIX IIo TelU n Story U Ho DllTfereiit from Hint 01 tlio Police. LcxUN1 , la. . Aug. 13 [ Special to Tnn Brn. ] "Kid" McCov , charged with the Pol lack diamond robbery on n train near Cali fornia Junction last November , whoso arrest was effected nt Oilman. Colo. , a few Uays ago after being traced by detectives over sluco the robbery was perpetrated , was lodged in the county ) all at this place last Friday night by n member of the Plnkerton force , who accompanied him , closely guarded , direct from Leadvlllo to this placo. When seen by n UEB reporter today the "Kid" gave ns hl correct nnmo Frank Shcrcllff , niro S3 j oars , bom in Quebec , Canada , whcro ho was reared nnd educated until 15voars of ape , having received the advantages ofn common school education. IIo was neatly attired and seemed careful of his personal appearance smooth shaved , dark grnv o.v cs , dark hair , medium sire , of wirv build and rather slender ; fairly good looking , but with a determined expression. Ho was not nverso to being inlcrvlewcd All ho asked was n squat o deal and no misrepresentation. * \Vhen asked whore ho had been during the past seven ye irs , slnco leaving Canada , the prisoner declined to answer , for the reason that ho did not want to say anything that might tend to compromise him , but claimed to own an Interest In sorao mines In Colorado which ha Required a year ago list spring , In the vicinity of Gilman and Crlpplo Creek. Ho claims to bo entirely Innocent of the diamond robbery , says ho can prove an altb'i and njicges that his arrest Is uuo to a con spiracy on the part of ipthcr shareholders in the mines lo beat him. out of his Interests therein. "Why father and mother , " said the kid , live nt Plttsbtirg , Pa. , "where father owns a controlling interest in some extensive Iron works. My folks are well fixed and move in good society. I have two sisters nnd three brothers , ull ioungor than myself. I cannot toll you the name of the firm of which my father is n member , because ho might hear of the arrest and I do not want m v folks to feel that I am disgracing them or myself. I shall omplov good counsel to defend mo at the trial and think I will como out ull right. All I ask Is a fair show , " ShcrclilT , as ho calls himself , was arraigned bnforo n Justice of the pcaco for preliminary oxamVflatlon jestorday , appearing in his ovib behalf , and at bis own request was'granted u contin uance of one w cok to probaro an answer to the elm go of robbery. ; Conductor Ashnioio , who had chnrtro of the train when the robbery was committed , was hero yesterday and' identified Shorollft as the robber. Other wltnossev of the lob- bery were hero also , but were not so sure of his Identity. > A stranger from Denver arrived this after noon and employed u local attorney to doicud the "Kid. " H , ' Filtoil In IltHlkicii. " CursTov , Ifi , Aujj lU.jj iSpeclaV T elegrani to Tun BEE. ] Last ) vuiic } Judge Cole of Dos Moincs camoto this ptifco and fllod an at tachment on the stock of Jirugs belonging to James Bagloy'te Co , Cap ! claim was pre ferred by Hulburt , War , Jfc/Colf.a wholesale drug firm pf that city , andnmouiit.ed , to $493. This flrni has-ha1 ; conslderiblo financial trouble of la'to , haying" Mad,1 Its stock at tached at different t-\3J9if \ buj has always managcdt'0'i co'mo' Jut first1"best. Judge Towncr of the1 "district court has appointed Morton Miller receiver , and ho will close out the business. Mr. pagloy has been In busi ness hero for n number of years. The lia bilities are estimated at $3,090 und the as sets fJ.OOO. _ * nn. Liitost from the Cholera 1'atlcnti In Now fork Harbor. NEW YORK , Aug. 13. Health Officer Jen- kins' 0 p. in. cholera bulletin is as follows : Two suspects were Isolated at Hoffman island early thin morning , but owing to the lon h weather In the loner bay , were not re- nun ed to bwlnburno Iilund hospital. If the wind moderates they will bo transferred dm Ins the nlilit. Thuy aru Maria Kcno , aged 4 ye irs , and I'asiiuufa ; do Padre , aged 15 yours , Tlio bacteriological examinations show that Gulcsslpo Adoinl , who vms ron.ovcd yestotduy. Is sintering from cholura , and that rruncUco Uulolo , t'aolno MarlanUmd Qooros have not developed the disease , i jTho ccnyiis it the hospital tonight shows : cholera patlontx , 14 ; putjcnts not having choloia , 3 ; convalescent , 1 ; Mtspoets on HolT- inan Island , 2 ; total , 20. All of the patients are Immuv Ing. Tlio disease la mild In charac ter. Two more nursoj were sent to Hwlnlrarno tsbind today. The htcuinor 1'ulda arrived toany from Gonoa. All were well on board. All of tlio stcuraxo passengers had boon detained five days at that port and tliotr biKKUKO was dln- Infictud before embarkation. The cabin pas- sniiKi rn were examined and provided vvllh pnssimi th , on which WILS written their route of travel for ten days before hailing , In order that detention on the railroads may ho avoided , The vossc'l was disinfected and allowed to urocoed. nftur the customary In spection of tbo fllc'orugu. pabsoncer-i. WII.I.IAM T , JIMU.N.H : , Health Olllcor , Itushlu'H Jnlliutlun. Loxnov , Aug. 13 OfllClal returns show a gre it Increase of cholera In Hussla the last week. The figures given for the different piovinces are as follows : Podollu , 48-1 cases , 173 deaths ; Orel , JJ27 cases , 110 deaths ; Don region , 354 cases , 147 deaths ; Kiev , 200 cdses , 01 deaths ; Grodno , 110 case , ' . ' 7 deaths ; Nizhnoo Novgorod , ii5S cases , 10J deaths ; Kheisou , 50 cases , IB deaths ; Vuroslav , 80 cases. 15 deaths ; Sa- imu.i , ill cases , B deaths ; Vladimir , ! > , ) cases , 5 deaths ; Knian , 30 cases , 1 ! ) deaths ; Mos cow ( not Including Moscow City ) , U7 cases , 0 deaths. In Moscow City there was an average of 30 cases und 15 deaths dully. L'Liguc Motes. ROME , Aug. 13 In Iho twenty-four hours ending ut noon tdduy , flvo new cases of cholciaand two dentnsj'woro tecorded in Naples , according to the oDlciul report. Buni.lx , Aug , lit Strict precautions have been adopted on the cast Prussian frontier lo pi event the importation of cholera. Comin indiT nmt' Aljr& llallliiKton Hootli Upturn to , Aiurrlcu. Nnvv VoiiK.Aug , 1 ! ! , Commander Balling- ton Boolh of tlio Salyajtion army , with Mis. Booth and their two clillilrcn , rotui nod from Kngluml today'on IhoAuiauU. They loft hero July 5 and wept , directly to London , where two big rcToiul'ius woio gotten.up in their honor. "Our tilp to England , " said the commander - mandor today ut the { army's headquarto.-s , ' was pUnutpilly lo tallc over Iho general plans for the memnriaCVulldlng to bu creeled in the memory Of 'iiy | mother. General Bootli promlaoJ that ho would como lo this counlrv iext ) October , When hanrilvcs we shall give htm ft reception greater , probably , than wus over given In" this country to a distinguished man , " Sirlti hiiicn Tlirmten to KtrlUe. ST. JiMBi-ii , Aug. 13. Ttio Ilock Island switchmen held u secret meeting here today lo laUu action against the proposed 10 percent cut In wages. The chairman o ! the giiuvnnco com mil ten tried to sccuic their blgnaturo to an agreement } q stand the cut for ninety days , but Iho men rofusei aim inanvof them tulk strike. KANSAS CltAug. . ID Tlio switchmen ol the Rock Island r vllvvav met In this city and decided not to moct the 15 per cent "reduc tion in Wages , bqinu of them wc-io In favoi of slrikliig if Iho reduction should boinsisici upon by the roud. A dlspit from St. Joseph , Mo , rajs tin switchmen there decided that they wouU not accept the i eduction. PESA'S ' CABINET RESIGNS Argentine Ministers Tafco Umbrage at the Action of th3 President , OVER APPOINTMENT OF AN ARBITRATOR .Man Clinion to Htrnlclitrn Out the 1)1111- cultjin tlio 1'rov lnc of Itiirno * A ) rod UUI Not Suit South Amoil- cau Nc" . I0njt/r/oftf / / l 1S9 ? lm Jtm ( ; s Gordon VAI.I'AUAHO , Chill ( vl i Galvoiton , Tax ) , Aug , lil [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Hoi aid Special to TUB Bun. ] President Saenz Pcna ot Argentina Is again con f ion ted with n cabinet crisis. The Herald's cone- spondcnt In Buenos A > ies telegraphs that the ministers have reslsnod and the prcM- dent is trying to organize a now cabinet. The trouble appeals to have been caused by the appointment of Carlos Tojedor as the Intirventor In the settlement of the troubles In the province of Buenos Ayics. Minister Dolavallo , who organized the last cabinet , asked to bo appointed Intcrvcntor , but the president Insisted upon nam ing Tojedor. This caused the com motion in the cabinet. Dchu.illo persisted in walking against Tojdor and ho now accuses the president of bringing about , the trouble. Dolavallo resigned and the other members of the cabinet went out with him. Qulntana had accepted the portfolio of the the Intel lor und Campos had agreed to become minister of war. Uffoits ale being made to induce them to vvlthuiavv their resignations. Should they tcfuso their places will piobibli bo taken bi'Costa and Lastra. Lagos Garcia will piobibly bo 'appointed minister of the haclendla. The _ president is now confcrilng with Qulntnr'a in regard to the formation of a now cabinet. Kotos of Ihu ItiMollltlon. The government of Argentina has ordeied the prosecution of ox-Minister Juiro/ , who is charged with the omboi/leinont of JMOO- 000. 000.The The governor of Corrlcntos has demanded the withdrawal of the foJeral forces sent to that uiovinco by Urlburti. The Herald correspondent/ San Luis telegraphs that the imprisoned cx-govcrnor and many mombersof the provincial congress have asked their revolutionary j.iilcis to per mit them to receive visitors , but this icqucst has been refused. A dispatch from the Herald's correspond ent In Montevideo sajs the oxgovcinor of Buenos Ayres province , who Hod to that city from La Plata , is receiving a gi cat deal of attention. Ho Intends to publish a pamnhlot Justifying himself. The Uruguayan congress has approved of work done to impiovc the port of the Montevideo. Unpopular Imposts. PANAMA , Colombia ( via Gilveston , Tox. ) , \.ug. 10 [ By Mexican Cable lo tbo New York Herald Special to THE BEE. ] Cus- ems duties have been imposed by the Co lombian government upon foieign tobaccos mportcd to the Isthmus of Panama. The government has also declared the manufac- uro of cigarettes and sale of salt ,0 , tbo , * national monopoUqs. , 'Local Ibcral and independent newspapers , nd La Voso Catolica , the newspaper irgan of the bishop , condemn the decrees , ilerclmuts bollovo thorn to bo indirect v iola- Ions of foreign treaties , which dcclaio 'ttnama ' and Colon to bo frco ports. At the request of the government of Salvador vader , President Barrios has expelled Moran 'ram Guataraola. FIGHTING StKXICAN I'ACTIONS , 'cdoral Troops Sent to the htnto of Coa- linllii to 1'ienurVH Order. GALVESTOX , Aug 13. A special from Eagle Jass to the Galvcston News says : About 200 federal troops were unloaded at Sabinas , state of Coahullu nnd Po.voteson the Mexi can International lallroad. It is ropoited n ramload of civahy will follow , lo bo dis- tnbulcd along the line of loul. Cirdimis' ) arty captured Nava loday and turned out , ho Goluvv oQleiuls and took churgo of. the ofllccs. This places them In possession of most all the towns suriounrtlng Negras. What action the .federal troops will take Is only a surmise. About 200 of Car- dluas1 men uro camped three miles from Pciolcs station , vvhoio the tioops were un loaded this moniing. Col i era Is in command of Cardinas' faction at Poyotcs. It Is not believed the fcdeial troops will bo an tagonized , as both factions declare their loy alty to the federal government. Caidlnas Is candidate for governor ngulnst Golaw , the luesent incumbent , who heretofore prevented - vented meetings in behalf of his opuonent. itAM.Min ISY AN INGIISII ; In n Thlclc Vex thn Forth Hunt Into tli Mloamcr KlrUli.v. LONOON , Aug. 13 The British cruiser Forth rammed the British steamer Kirkuy , Captain Brow n , off Start Point in a fog on Saturday evening. A hid hole was knocked in the Kirkby's port slilo amidships , thiough which the water rushed In Immense volumes The Hies under her boilers were soon extin guished and gomo of 1'cr comnartmcnls tilled with water. . The undamaged compartments kept her iillout The Kit kby was uf tot ward towed to Plymouth by the Forth. The Kit kby. from CoosS. . O. , July 21 , arrived ut Plymouth August 4 and ut the time of the collision wtis proceeding vrit'i part of hoi cargo for Hotter.lam. 'Iho Forth had Just loft Torbay , vvlicio she had been with the Blue maneuvering licet. IloinlmjV Ui'llu'loiiu I'nimtlii. BovniAV , Aug. 18. Tim religious riots which broke out in this city a few ago are extendine. Up to the present tinu moro than fifty persons arolhiownto havi been killed and fully 1,200 have been ar rested Burial pirtles today were accom panled by stiong pickets , In splto.of willed they wcio frequently attacked by rollcioui opponents. Further reinforcements of cavalry and In funtry have arrived from Poona and an bivouacking in the sttects. The queen hai bent a telegram to Lord Harris , governor o Bombay , expressing grief on uscount ot tin riots. The newspapers refer to the trouble ; in mild Innguugn and deplore the fact thai troops were not called out earlier , flreil ut by H Soclalut. PAWS , Aug. 18. M , Lockroy , a forme cabinet minister , was flrod at yesterday b ; u man named Moore , n notorious socialist Lockroy wits ascending a stalrcaso In , house where the electoral committee wa sitting. Moore stopped him und demandci a loan of 10 francs. Lockroy refused to piv him tlio money , whereupon the man fired u his breast with a rovolvcr. I ockioy fainted Hlsbtcast had been sevotoly bruised , bu not pioicoJ by the ball. 'Iho wounded ma was taken to his homo. Moore us ariested Ho had lain In wait for his victim for tw hours. Ix > cbroy had refused to Ulentif , himself with the cabmen's stilUo and Moor shot him in revenge. C < lll lilt ! I III II I'll If. LOMIOV , Aug , 18. A dense lof covoied th nnirllsh channel all Saturday night und ute to noon toJay. Such a phenomenon in th month of Auzusi , Is almost abiiorin il. Tli steamboat Vlllodo Vouvies , pblng butvrcc Dover und Ostond , collldeJ with an ui known ntuatuor on her trip to Dover. TI : unknown v < * J disappeared Immediately from sight a , \ believed to have been badlj dnmagcl - "ho Vlllo do Vouvies left a llfo tmat scar , "rt T for the vessel and pto- cceded on her v "i , o. itis > i\ ! IN luiri r. Ill * Aililr < to r , nlnjntlim of ItivtrUn Brni.ivAtig 1 ! ? Prlfit'o Bismarck rcpclved at Kisslnpen today 000 members of tbo Bavuiiiin Schoolmasters league. Ho mndo a lorn ? speech , In which ho said Unit tlio German school was n specific Instltnlo llko n corps of ofll 'ors , and It Is not to bo oisll } Imitated 'Pho 1'rench school would not bo suitable lo Germany. ' Prance was an uncomfortable neighbor , lluough Iho Intiucnco of her schools which Inculcated Catholicism , vanity an I Ignorance of the geography and history of othcrn itlons Ge-r- main' should profit by the lesson ntiU OPIXJO her former propensity lo special subjects which diverted national thoughts. "Aheady , " ho said , "Iho schools the thankful tusk of sticn thcnlng the pittiotic feeling. Wo are all Germans. Wo have now become n gioit , unified nation.Vo h.uo foundrd Institutions under which wo live and bieilho as a nitlon , enabling us to plav n pait not infeilor to that ot Great Hiltain , Hus la or rranco. The unity of Gernnny Is now so linn that It would be dlnicult to scpaiato us oven If political ornns woio mndoVo shall go logother forever , but wo ought to bo Indulgent to tbo pecullatl- ties of the vauous stales Gcimnn dynasties can contribute essentially to maintain these pccullailttcs. Among them Bavaria has been a powoi fill pillar of the omplio. Whetefor , 1 ask jou Join me in cheers and boohs for Bavaria. " The speech was received with groit en thusiasm. Ptlnco Regent Lulchold ie- sponded , Civil 7ln < ; tltn Aug. 13 Infoimation was ic- celved bore lodny from Wltu to the effect that , owing to the continued hostility of Fuino Oaml , the deposed tullan , a landing party from the Biitlsh waiships rcccntlj attickedand captuicd tbo town and then sot Ilio to it The date of the capita o m not given Lieutenants Fit/mam ice and Gorvais were wounded und ono .mm was killed 'Iho natives lied. _ Aground in lint Uljclo. Livmroot. , Aug. ll ! The tugs sent to the assistance of the British stouner Aulan- goram , Captain Klnloy , fiom No1 folk and Newport News for Glasgow , which is ashoie at Gairoch head in the Clyde , wcio unsuc cessful In shifting the vessel and she will 1)3 compelled to discharge her caigo to got olX. Dlsilstrom ( Moiidliiirst. VIBNVV , Aug. 18 A cloudourst pla\cd havoc in the Upiorics distiict In Hungary to day. Flfti persons and many hold of cattle were diownod , 100 horses rail way and other bridges were domolisho 1 and much of the harvested ciops wcio destiojcd rormmluNtm MlnUtrj. BiiEhos A'i urs , Aug 18 A now ministry has been foi mod as folio us : Quint in i , in- teuor ; Fin ry , tin nice ; Costa , justice ; Cam pos , war ; Virasoio , foreign ulfairs. The new government Is well iccolved. lo llu Uurrlcul. BCIIUN , Aug. 18 Tlio betrothal of Pi Inco John to Piinccss Mai la \Yurtcmbutg was publicly announced today. ii uix > THIS nun . ! . > llovlcw of the Trouble Agltirlnff tlio Heard ol Ij'irty .Miiimcors. CHIOAOO , Aug. 13 The tolesruphic ac counts of tho-'l.ito unploasuutnc&s in the board of ludy manatrers have neccss.uily been of such u fragmentary chaiactor that the public generally Is much bowlldeied us to what it was all about. The domonstia- tions of the difticulty occurred at porplox.- inglv irregular inleivals and with appaicnt irrevel.inco ana wcio given by the papeis In the s line way. In short , continuous hketch of the facts seem necessary , and this has been sccuicd for the press fiom ono of the mcmbeis of the board , w ho , for obyiou ica- BOIIS , piefcis not to bo Known In the matter. Hlitoi.v of tlio 'Iroiiblu. Ill a brief nan alien Iho fuels in the case follow : 'Jhepicsenl tioublo is laigcli a continuation ot tbo Phojbo Cuu/tins ( ] uauel which toolc place shoitlv nftci thofoimation of the boatd. Mis Meiedlth of Indiana was an nclive u ent in the removal of Miss Couzlns-from the seciotaishin of Iho Mis. Ball of Dolawaio was also an cquillj active lighter ot Mbs Cousins When the commitleo of nwaids of the women's bo ird foimcd Mis. Ball was elected Its societai.y. Mrs. Meiedlth was the chahman ol Iho committee which had the duty of selcitmg tbo women jutois. The old antagonism came lo Iho f lontand soon puiduced sli.lined relations between its inumbots Thcse- llvo in number wete Mib. Meiedlth , Mis BlaUo , Aha. Ginty of Wisconsin , Mis btev- cns of New Joisoj and Mis Fosd ck of Ala bama. . Miss Cunningham , a member fiom South Carolina , made In open session a urolest against Iho noniopiesunlalion of the slate on the Junes of awauls , chuglngMis Meio- tilth w lib malice in the mailer. Itie Cou- zlns. fucllon rallied to the aid of Miss Cnn- nlnghum , while the conscrvallvu element ranged llsclf under Mia Moicdith Mis Meiedlth madoa scatliing aiiaigninutit of Ahs Ball , hue stated that Mis Ball had been Inimical to the intciesis of Ihii committee , and openly allied with its enemies The ncivous tension of Iho bo ud was inlctislliod by the general indoi- standlng that Mis Uall would speak in leply.suppoi ling Miss Cunningham's i bilges of malice against Ais ] Meredith Pho up porlunity for ibis speech fiom Mis Ball did not occui. bill It was published In the pi ) > eis Then the light was on indeed. Mis Kail made another speech , oven mote bitter than the published one She disclaimed lesponBi bllity for the letter , and Miss Cunningham spuing up , amid hissosam ! cilesot , ' i-jhamo , " to bay slu hcisolf was Iho pcison who had fuinlslied tjpewillten copies of Mrs , Bill's Intended speech to Iho picas. Mr * , llall'd V'luoroiii I , ui iingo , Mis Bull wound up with an Indictment of Mrs Meredith ns a ciuul , metciloHs , vliullc- tlvu woman , charging Mis. Bunks , the mem ber having clmigo of Iho piess inierests , with complicity. Mis Banks came into the wiangl'i to the ex tent of maklnga statement ol her connection with the affair. The tow went on wllh miubiiled vigor and Iho com- mitlco of nwaids asUlngthat Mis Ball ' 'bo excused from further sen Ico" buught tilings to u climax. This document uu signed by ovety member of ihe committee , excepting .Mis Bill , was llnall > HI copied as constituting a viiliul impeachment ot thai lady , On the following dii > , after what sni ; considered a publio vliidlciitlon , Mrs Moie- dllh withdrew the so culled iiipoit , thus 10 storins Ihings to status quo. Not intltluil : to ( } | iiirti < r . JEITEHSON ClTV , Mo. , Aug. 18 StttlO .Sec rolarj Lesur , In tcply lo u lotlor making hi' quiry as lo the legality of the corpoiatlon ol bond Investment compinles , has wrUleiiii letter severely denouncing such compinles Hosajsthev aio In the nalura of lotteries and aio wholly fraudulent The supreme coutt , he s lys , will bo nuked to declare their clmrteis null and void at the coming term ol court on quo wurrunlo proceedings to hi brought by the atlotnuy general. The pie ceding attouioy gencr-1 ! held that the com panics should bu gi anted charters. Tin piescnt attorney general holds that tliej an of a fraudulent character mid must bo vvipei oul of existence. lloulll Hull. N Y. , Aug. 13. Thotnas Me Cluru Pelers , S T , O , D U , archdeacon o Ihu dlocchoof Now York and lector of tit Michael's chuich at Ninety-ninth tttioel an Amslcidam avenue , died of heart failun IhU monilng at the IIOUIB of Frederlcl Muusur , Jr. ONE MILLION DOLLARS LOST It Goes Up in Smoke During ft Tierce Fir * at Minneapolis. SUPPOSED TO II WE BEEN WILLFULLY SEf rirciiiDii linn IHntciilty In I'mvontlntr rurilior l > iini' Kr St. I'u u I Culloil on for Aid A Sliitmnont of the Mivsr.M-om , An ? . 13. Two nros , prob- abl.v the woik of Iitcomlluloi , destroyed ovorfl,0dv,000 ) woith of property this after noon. The Jims broke out within n short llmo of oacli other. The Ihst llro hi-oko out In a stable In the rear of the Cedar Like Ice company's house , and soon to Clark's box faotoo , and then destroyed the boiler vvoiks of Llntzjs , Council & Co. , In cluding ix $7,000 rlvotlnif michlno , tiioonly one west of Chicago. Lenlnrt's Union Wagon works woio totally consumed , also a quantity of lumber belonging to vailous films. The Cedar Likn Ice company will lose $5lHJ ) ; Cluk's BOK compiny , MO.OdO ; Llnt7cs , Council &Co , SOJ.OOJ ; Union Wagon work4l5,0)J. ) On this there Is n total iu- suranco of about half. Atintliur 1'lro ItriMks Oat. Whtto this flro was at Its height , an alarm was turned m from the lumbar distiict at the other end of the Island. Boom island. ns the place Is called , was a mass of wood and lumber piles belonging to Nelson. Tonny & Co and B u-kiis & Co This was hhulni ? lleicoly , and , fanned by a brisk wind , the ll.uncs-.oou spumed the ma-row Htretch of water and bc an eating their wav among the big sivv mills and lesidcuceu In the viclnitv of the liver b ink. Ono after an other the pi mini ; mills of the Wilcox com- piny , ihol'halterlon mill , the Bickus mill , the Hove mill Smith SiCorrlgan and Nelson , 'Penny \ , Co foil the hi ist of the llro and weioeithei totally destioiedor badlydtau- agon Pho fhincs left a pith of blaokness through Marshall street ana woieipractlcally stopped bv the big biick structuio of the Minneap olis Blowing compiny , although their loss U put at $110 OOJ All along Mai shall sti cat and tin ouih tint cntiio section are small frame houses occupied bv laboring and saw mill hands Thin wi nt HUe tinder when the flames Hist stiueic them , but the tesldents had ample time to move their belongings. In all 112 houses wo c destroyed. Although a general nl inn was tinned In , the entire city depirtmcnt moved Inade quate to the Decision and aid was asked liom St. Paul and that city piomplv ro- smnided and sent over two steameis and a hose cart that did excellent service. The luo on Boom Island was burning llercely at a late hour tonight , anil the only hope seems to IIo in letting it bum Itself outFor For awhile it looked as though thocntho put of northeast Minncipolls would bo do- slioypd , but by the concentration of the do- p u tnirnt the f ui thor progress of tno 11 lines was olu ckod. Ihoie weio noveral accidents caused by spcctatois attempting to run the logs and falling in. Tno bo s were loportod drowned , but the rumor can not be veilllcd. Beitha Sticat , residing on Washington , avenue , between Tenth and Elovcnth. fell out of u third-story window while looking at the lite and was killed. < I. tit Uf tllO I.O HCH. The fallowing is n list of the Josses so far as jan bo ascertained. It is Imposalblo to glvo the detailed insurance tonight : Wll- cox planing mill , ? r > , ( )00 ) ; Fulton &Llbby , vvaiehouso > , IX)0 ) ; Chattortoli mill , 525,000 ; Backus mill , > 7r > ,000 ; Hove mill , $ l.0,000j Smith iViCorrigan mill , ? H,000NclsonTenny ) ; & .Co mill , f 15 OOJ ; 40 000 000 feet of lumber' at * 12 par 1,0 W , # :0,000 ; 10,000,000 lath nt $3 pur 1,000 , JO.OOOcdar ; posts , ote. , JIO.OOO ; MinncapolU Blowing company , $110,000 ; 113 houses at an average of * .r > 00 each , $50,000 ; Nlcollot island fliOj JIU'i.OOO , hi idgcs , $10,000. I'otil , Sl,0.-i7,000. The Noitlioin Pieiflo biidgo and the Ply mouth avenue bridge vvcrolilcevvlso icndered useless by the lire. Snmll Illn/u at Silt LVKPU. . T. , Aug. 13. [ Special Telo- giam to Tut ! BLU. ] Jhis evening about 8 o'clock a tlio occurred in the store of Martin , bchnns , auctioneer , on the ground lloor of 0110 of the largest business blocks The bti eel In front was toiu uj ) aim the side walk blockfd with piles of ptvlng stones. ' 1 h' ' hook and ladder truck was run down the Bldow nllc and the dopirtmcnt came thtoiigh the strcnt and began worl : quickly enough to confine the lire to Dm store. Damage - ago , about V , .r > 00 ; Insuianco , $7,000 , placed w ith the agencies of the Greenwich , I/Midon & L inr istor North German , Northwestern , National , Srindla. and I'hmnix of Brooklyn , ami is n I/out evenly distiibutcd among thusa companies. _ .S'mv Klf lililiillirn 1'lrc. CiMiNNvn , Aug 13 Tno lire has de stroyed the telephone and telegraph ofllcos at Now Itlrhmoml A mess-igo ftoni the vicinity of Now Richmond tecclvod since 1 a m nj3 the Ilio ulll bo conllnod to a1 blngio bloJc an > l the los gioit for that town , but/ will not very largo tlguiea. No loss of life. Viirn VlltlH Dmtroyi cl. ni'i 1'iiiA , Aug 13 The Moadovr Giove carpet iu-n mills on Mill cioak , near Aidmoto , Montgomery county , Ponn. , operated by BullXBro. . , woio totally do- stimcd by tlio last night. Loss , $75.000 ; In sured for f 11,000 in nineteen companies , | | Vit nnl .Met by tlio Iiln-.idor Hull Sti inner V V'oluuilo ICrnptlnn. br JOIISM , N. F , Aug. 1 ! ) The Labrador mallsloamcrr porlshavhigspokenlo Peary's steamer Kalcon In lh lallltUo of norlhoin Labiador August " She ha I boon storm bound two d iy , . Poary h is buon ongngod in visiting the coast suttlcinonis for Iho pre vious two vvooks rndoivoring to got dog * , but had not succeeded and then proposed VHitlm ; the Moravian toUlornenu to the not ih and then going to Disco , as ho was ne.uls ( ortaln to gel dogs thero. Ills plans had been seriously disarranged through the nnoxpeued delay. TlioHtnuinar ropnitsul&on volcanlo orup- lion at Capo Han lion , Labiador , VVodnos- day August'J Flshei men engaged off the cipe heard gicat noises and saw Iho whola cllIT.illio They landed ami found a poitiou of the hill had colhpsedand linmnnsoflumos , Atones and clndois we.ii ! Usulng theiefroiii. The steamer's olllcots rejr | ) liavltii ; H eii the column of Hie man ) miles away. The flumes vveiu Intense and plainly visible at night , nnd , IH Ineio aio no woods , forctt or build ings near by lo cause this , it might bo of A pnrelj volcanlo origin. In the opinion of lh M ) in St. Johns .acquainted wilti the lo- calltj. Iho affair In the result of tlio agita tion of tie | eat th's Intel nul fires , ns Uibrador u not noith of Iho uphoie of volcanlo action. .Miituinnnti of Ooomi nlu nicrf Aaeiut 13. At Uoslon Arilved Bolhnlu , from Liver pool. pool.At At Now York Arrived Rhaetia. from Hamburg ; Puhta , from Genoa ; Auranln , from Liverpool ; Kurnessla , from Glasgow ; L yo- tlati Monarch , fiom Ijondon. At Hamburg Auivud Polynesia , from Ballimoro , At ilavro Ainvcd-yHiifBogno , from Novr Voik , ' At Queonstovvn Airived Indiana , from Philadelphia. Miilllut < Ml Ilemeir III ii Kellflum I'liiLAUeiriiu , Aug. 13.aohol Boylt , aged 24 years , duilng icllgloiu excltoment today uut elf n portion pf her lip unit then j hi oiled It as HII oiTurlng to God. tihu li novr I in tim Phlladulphla hoipltal.