Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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Eollo Acton Toll that Much of a Second
Short of Onlino'fl ' Mark.
JL' ston' I'nlr I'ull Off Their CUM Uicr In
( lonil Form Fnnhlonabto Oronil of
Uninlm 1'rnpln Wntcli n H | > ' .en-
illil Speed
" " - ' fl VEUYTHINO was
C-i lovely yesterday ,
and the thlnl ilay
of the Breeders
mooting was
marked bv nn at
tendance that was
really magnificent
w h o n compared
with that ot the
, , . - two previous days.
The 'stand * were flllcd with something like
whllo several hundred moro oc-
tl.OOO pcoplo ,
cuplod handiomo turnouts In the quarter
Btrotch , Investing the park with nn aspect
of llfo nnd that was refreshing
Indeed. The weather was as If tnado to
order , with an Italian sky overhead and u
delightful breeze that rendered the situation
pleasant nnd enjoyable to u suporlatlvo do-
prco. Tlicro was n largo numbar ot ladles
present and their Beaming faces and gay
raiment lent an additional charm to the
afternoon's sport. The Seventh Ward Mili
tary band was at Its best , and between
heats kept the air resonant with Its inspir
ing and beautiful strains.
The Judges were : James Culbortson of
Abilene , Knn. ; Colonel L. II. North of Co
flurabus , and W. II. McCord. Timers : Hon.
Brad Slaughter , N. C. Terry nnd D. E
The opening event was the pace for the
tfonls of 185W , half tnilo heats , best three In
live , purse * . ' .00 , with the following starters :
rrumlMllK 1'ncorn.
I'hoonnin , Kr.c. , by Director , Keystone stock
farm , Omalm : ( laskol , b. c. , l > y Aldcnwood , J.
O. Kostcrson , 1'iilrlinry , Nub. ; Consplator , b.
c.i by Alfred , A. .1. HrlKKS , Superior , Nub.
A rather amusing feature of this battle of
the youngsters was that the threocompotitors
belonged to three prominent members of the
association , Uaskcl to President ICestorson ,
Conaolatnr to Secretary Briggs nnd Phounaui
to W. A. I'axton , ] r. On the third trial the
little follows were given the word byStarter
Swigcrt and irot away on n line , with Conso-
later holding the polo , Gaskcl second nnd
Phoennm on the outside. Coiuolntor pulled
nwnv from his comrades In nn encouraging
way on the llrst quarter , nnd Gaskol , making
n bad Jump up , falling to the roar. Just be
fore rounding into the stretch Phocnam
started after Consolntor , and catching him
coming down , passed him handily und
crossed the scratch a winner by three
lengths , Gaskcl managing to boatConso -
later out forplaco. Time : 1:2. : > >
Another flno start marked the second
heat , Phounam piloting to the quarter , where
ho loft his foot , surrendering first position
temporarily to Gaskol. The Keystone
j'ountrstcr quickly recovered his lost ground ,
however , and won again by two or three
lengths. Consolntor acted badly and in con-
Hcqucnco was obliged to rest content in the
lustholo. Time : 1M : ! } .
The third heat was n repetition of the two
Jlrst , only a little moro so , Phoonam , who is
quite n colt nnd no mistake , rum.tng" by n
dozen lengths In the creditable time of 1:21.
Summary :
I'liounam Ill
UftSltel 22-2
( Jimsolator > 333
Time : l:20H. 1:24V4,1:21. :
Hello Actcin' * runt Mile.
Immcdiately.upon the finish of the above
race Gould and Miller's famous nnd beauti
ful 2-year-old , Bella Acton , by Shndc-
Innd Onward , came upon the track
tor her trial with running mate )
to boat the 2-yenr-old record on i
n half-mile track , 3:17 : , Onllnb's record. The
phenomenal little illly was greeted byn Durst
of applnuso as she passed the judges' stand
in warming up , and was sent off under an
other volley of cheers , Hodlight , her running
companion , Jumping away nt a cracking paco.
It was nn elegant trial , thoBollo passing the
stands in the half amidst n storm of cheers
from iho delighted spectators. She reeled
oft the llrst quarter in , the half l:0'JJf : '
nnd the three quarters in l:425f : , where she
perceptibly lot up , and finishing the milo in
the splendid tinm of 2:17 , within threo-
fourths of a second of the best tlmo ovot
inadobvorn hnlf milo track by n 2-year-old ,
This is a remarkable performance ) when it
is taken into consideration that the Hello i *
fresh from the farm , this beiyg her first attempt -
tempt of the season. Then again it is the
best tlmo over made at this season of the
year over n half milo trade by any 2-year
old intl'o world.
Flno Field of Fly.irn.
The second event was n honojcoolor
bolng the:3 : : pace , purse f500 , with the fol
lowing entries :
HnstliiKs Hey , b. h. , by Abe Donning , A. II
Orumor , Hastings ; Smith , b. h , , by I'eorla , J
AV. I'ngc , Iluntrlcoi Ontonlnn , b. b. , by Shade
land Onward , \V. II , llnwimm. Kullurton
lliistlon , It. li. , by Tonn Wllkuti , 11. Chamber
lulu , Kunrnoy ; Cmmm. b. h. , by llulvolr , Froi
A. \ onng , Colorado Hprlngs ; Prlnco T , r. Bb' '
Cllmoiit , A. Thompson , Council Hluira.
The positions were drawn , as follows
Hastings Hey , I ; Cebron , 13 ; Prlnco T , 8
Smith , 4 ; Ontonlan , 5 ; Bastion drawn.
While not rciriarkablo for any extra grea
speed , the llrst heat was very interesting
the phenomenal Ontonlan colng the milo a
'nn easy Jog without a ukip , with Hasting
Boy struggling gamely nt his heels. Th
heat could not bo considered much mor
than n "workout" for the great son ot Shade
land Onward.
The horses went away on the third scorln "
with Hastings Boy showing the way an
Ontonlan lust. The Boy maintained hi
position to the quarter , Prlnco T , who hai
been going strong , maxlng n bad break nn
falling to the tail end. Ontonlan made
little piny on the second quartereasily ovci
took Hastings Uoy and passed him on th
stretch. At the half Ontonian was going a
he pleased , Ctmmllor looking in cool us a
iceberg. Hastings Boy was driven hard b '
Mallory , yet was unable to push Ontoniai
nnd ho llnlshod the Journey ns ho , begun 1
on a beautiful nnd easy gait. Hustliu
en mo in second , two lengths behind tl :
loader , Smith third , Cubron fourth an
Prlnco T'tho tullendor. Time : 3:83J : .
They nro off for the second on equal tern
with the gnllant Ontonian keeping Ju.
enough in front of the bunch to inako h
place safe without question , where 1
remained to the end at the mil
Hustings Boy also kept his posltio
Hcrnnil , also to the wlro , whllo it was a rai
fur third place between Cobron and Prim
T , Smith having fallen back to last plai
by renaon of a Jump up. On rounding In
thp stretch in both the hnlf nnd the mil
Cobron , who was coming strong nnd swil
broke badly , nnd thus rtilnod Ills chanc :
for eeroinl place. Old AdnmTliompson dro1
Prlnco T hum , but the old vet wasn't oqu
to the pace , yet he was awarded third pla
by Cobnin'a being relegated to lost f
running. The finish was full of oxcltcinci
ns the ttve horses were well bunched , but
the position as per the summary , Tim
Oiitnnlan't Ilent unit Itaco.
The third and last bent was another but
Ontonlan runnlmr in exactly the tuann
Hint marked the llrst two beats , Just us ea
us thii itch. At the quarter OnUmUi
Hustings Hey and Coliron were in n IU
with Prince T In n cloud of dust n longer :
or two behind , nnd Dick Tildcn with Smi
Btruggllng gamely for tall-end honors. Di
Hindu a slight roar after the heat , but it w
hardly called for , as Smith mischlovo
nil through the race and itid thu best tli
' was in him , for tlili race , anyway. Coml
down homo Cobron beat out Hastings Ii <
who , having second money cinched , was r
urged. Cehron , however , was placed last I
interforiwe. Tlmo : alH : f. Summary :
Oiuoiitan , , , , . , . . , , , . , 1 1
' ' ' " ' *
Co b r6n. . . . . . , . , VV.V.V.V.V.V..V.V. . M r , . 4 6
J'rlnc T. . , . , . . . . . , , . , . . . . . , " 6 3 i
Bmlth , . . . , . , „ . . . . 8 4
Haitian < lr
Tlmo : 23 : .a:21j4 : , ait : j ; .
Tlmy All Hvat S : 4.
The third event on the regular card u
thn2:24 : trot , purse f500 , with the following
entries :
TIpTylor , bl , h. , by Mlllon. J. W. 1'ano , lloat-
rlcoiTnoOomiuoror , ch. h. , by KotlM. Koy-
stonoMock fnrm , Umtiha ! IliirivnKo Hello , hr.
in. , by Dur.ingo , B. 0. Holland , Sownrd : Lord
CnlTrpy , b. til. , by Chariot OalTrcy , J. H. .Maync ,
( Jouncll IllitIT * : llrocade , ch. Ii. . by Trnmp , E.
IUnll , UNInjrdity , Nob. ; llnrry k , bl. h. , by
Coninl , II. K. McCormac , Fnlrbury.
Swfacrt sent them uway for the Initial
heat ovcnlv. with Brocade , the polo horse ,
leading. Harry 1C wns going swift , however ,
nnd at the quarter wns in the van , with
Urmndo second. The Conqueror , driven by
Chnndlcr. wns given play hero nnd on the
second quarter wns second , and at the five-
ciphths ho took the lead nnd held It homo ,
Hnrry 1C giving him a hot chase down the
stretch , and finishing only u half length
behind Pnxton's biz chestnut , with Oiirnntro
Hello thlnl , Tip Tyler fourth , Lord Caffroy
fifth. Tlmo : 3Sif. : !
William Snyders maro. lied Star , with
running company , wns sent after this boat
to beat 2:30 : , which she ilid In mniniillccnt
style to thn tune of s.ovon seconds and a half ,
She made the first hnlf in 1W : ( She was
driven b.v Maxwell , her former owner , who
sent her to provo to Snyder that he hadn't
tnndo n misrepresentation when ho sold her
to him on the grounds that she coula make
the milo In : ! ) . Mr. Snyder is evidently
satisfied with his purchase. Time : 23 : ! | .
Them wns considerable delay in getting
the horses off for the second heat on account
of Durnngo Hollo's mlsbohnvlor. They
finally got the word , however , The Con
queror assuming the lead nt the eighth ,
Harry 1C second and Tyler third. Thcso po
sitions were maintained to thn quarter.
Into the stretch they were pretty well
bunched. On the third quarter Tildcn suc
ceeded In lifting Tip Tyler into second place ,
nnd from this out ho K.IVQ The Conqueror n
horse race , but % vas not up to the task and
Thu Conqueror came under the wire by a
hnlf length in 2'Jl : f.
The Conqueror took the third boat nnd
race without being pushed at any stage. Tip
Tyler second , Durango Bcllo third and Lord
Cnffroy fourth. Tlmo : 2S4 : f. Summary :
Thu Conqueror
Tip Tylnr 4 3 U
Harry 1C 244
DtiroiiKo Boll 3 3 B
Lord UnfTroy 506
Itrocndo dls
Time : 2:22IS : , 2:21i : ; , 2:24)4. )
Nlckol riiitu'.s Wlttiimt Trouble.
The final event on the afternoon's card
was the 2:50 : trot , purse $500 , with the fol
lowing entries :
Jcnnlo McAshcn , b. m. , b.v Kentucky
Prince , A. P. Fnlk , Essex , la. ; Peter Greg
ory , ch. h. , by Martin McGregor , N. Loach ,
Topoku , Kan. ; Bon Harrison , b. h. , by Coun
selor , O. W. Puftlnbcrger , Blue Springs ,
Nob. ; Nickel Plato , b. g. , by Bay Tom , J. W.
Page , Beatrice ; Oreinn , bl. m. , by Ouda
William Harrison , Panama , Nob.
The horses got away together. McGrcgory
making plav for the bond of the procession ,
which ho reached and hold to the third quar
ter , when Nickel Plato came on with n rush
and ousted him from the position. Orolna also
made a grand llnal ctTort , but breaking n
short distance from home , failed to bent
McGrogory for second place , Ben Harrison
fourth und Jennin McAshen getting the
Hag. McGrcgory , however , was sot back
to fourth place for indulging in her prop -
p r3lty to go at'a mixed gait. Time : 2:32 : % .
William Snyder's maro. Uedstar , then
went to u road wagon to boat 3:30 : , pacing ,
which she fell short of accomplishing by
Just two seconds and throo-quartcrs.
McGregory went to the front in the second
end heat , with Nickel Plato at his heels ,
Orelua und Harrison being far behind. On
the third quarter Nickel displaced Gregory ,
and came on homo nn easy winor , nnd that
too after n break Just before rounding into
thostrctch. Tildon , however , drove superbly ,
and quickly wont to the front again , win
ning by two lengths. Time : 2:30K. :
The third was also taken by Nickel Plato.
Ben Harrison bolted on the first quarter and
ran into the fence , smashing it down and
falling on his side , without injury , however ,
to himself or driver. Time : " :31 : < ! . Sum
mary :
Nickel I'lato Ill
1'otur Gregory 4 2 2
Ore-Inn 243
Hun HarrlMin 3 30ls
Jnnnlu Me Ashen dU
Tlmo : 2:32 : > f , 2:30H : , 2:31 : ? I.
Kniililoimhla Pnoplo I'rcscnt.
Among the distinguished people present
were : Governor Crounso nnd party , who
had scats in the grand stand ; Governor
Boyd nnd party ; Mr. Clinton Briggs and
Miss Stoivnrt , in Mr. Brings' stylish mail
wagon ; Mr. Jaycox and party , consisting of
General Montgomery , James Martin , Mr.
Cheek of the B. & M. and Mr. Jay-
cox's hunting wagon ; Colonel Shnrp and
ladles , Mr. W. A. Page nnd wife , Mr. A. P.
Brink , cashier of the Packer's National ,
South Omaha ; Mr. Will Snpp nnd lady ,
Council Bluffs ; Mr. Tom Hector nnd lady ,
South Omaha ; Mr. Dave E. Howe and wife ;
Miss Fairbrothcr and party , in an English
drag ; W. A. Paxton , Jr. , and Indies ; Hon.
Chris Hartmnn ana family ; Dr. Spraguc
nnd children ; Mr. J. S. Dadismun
and ladles , South Omaha ; Mr. Chat
Hpdick und Miss Grace Himobaugh ,
Lieutenant Quay ana Miss Balcomb , Mr.
Charles Motz and wife , Mr. and Mrs.
Babcock , Mr. Thomas Swobu and boys , Mr ,
W. H. McCora and family , Dr. Somers anc
lady , Drs. Hobort and Wilcox , Misses Van-
court and Hall , General Brooke and party
Mr. Harry McCormick and party , Ilaro
Moorej nnd lady , Mrs. nnd Miss Croighton
Mr. D. W. Haynes , Whitney Allen nnd party
Mr. Iko Coles and laay , Dr. Crummcr uni
party , Mr. Edward Swo'ue , Mr. Mount , Man
nger Burgess and parly , Miss Dickinson
Mr. Dwiglit Swobo , Mr. Dallas Bache , Mr
Herbert Hogers , Miss Emma L. Crandell
Mr. George Spangler ; Messrs , D. J. Collin :
and G , D. Edwards , behind the jiacors ; Mr
d George Metz , Mr. W. N. Bacoek and wife
y Mr. T. Meldrum nnd Miss'Manila Schlomcr
C. C. Georco , Mr. Balduff nnd ladles , Mr
Harry Nott und lady , Mr. P. McGrath , Mr
J. J. Philbin , Colonel Short , Mr. E. E. Hltchle !
Mr. William Snyder , Ira Higby. Mr. Uober
Wells and wlfo , Mr. Adam Morroll am
family , Hon. Brad Slaughter and party
Superintendent Gray of tiio Now York Life
and scores und scores of others.
What Will Hiippcn Today.
Today's card will include the 2:35 : trol
2:50 class for ! ! -yoar-olds , the Nebrask
5 Futurity for n stuitoof gl.SOO m which Ell
id Woodbine , ! ! :2UJf. : as a yearling , will appeal
Isd Two-Strikes , 'Jiliy , will bo another grou
d attraction. There will he other special n
idu tractions , in which the gamcst horses ot th
idr west will bo een , Fioldtnont. Ontonlan , Ho
rte Acton and other stars will bo on the Its
to Another great day's sport Is In prospect.
is Entries for this afternoon , the closln
in day :
'yn 1'lrst raco. 2:50 : trot : .Marguerite , 1'acke
n , Hhudolniid Ulllnn , Nolllo Vurn. Dr. l > , Ann !
t , Only , 1'hyii , Chantwoucl ,
US Hucond ruco , U:30 : trot : Consul Chief , Fat
I n , tinnitus .
10 n SpniKUo , Elastic.
id Third rare , Notirubkn Futurity ' 91 : Ell
Woodbine , Jesslu Hello nnd Amy Fay.
us Clifton.
it First race , sovnn-olghlhs milo : Hob Snthc
IIS land won , St. HubiTt nocond , Monopolist thlr
liu Tlmo ! 1:2UU. :
lo. Bi-cnnd raco. IIvu-olEhtliH inllo : Marblu wo
Fultston tiocnml , Olydii third. Tlmo : 1:05. :
in , Third race , mllu nnd a fuurtli : Liirihoti
CO won , KliiR ( Jrabbvcond , King I.uo third. Tim
CO Fourth ruce , four nnd n half furlongs : Flci
to rctte won , Adatr second , Mnbol Ulunn thlr
Tlmu : uO.
lo , Fifth rucu , throe-fourths milo : Crocus wo
ft.cs Kninorso second , tit. 1'atrlck third , Tim
cs 1:111. :
VO .SixHi rnco , flrn furlongs ; Kkt-dnddlo wo
VOml Murry Duku second , Uproar colt third. Tim
ce 1:02(5. : (
( Hnuootrr.
nt , First race , tlx nnd a hnlf fiirlcncsi I'ua
in luncn (5tn2) ( ) wnn , Dickens (111 ( to ll socon
to bUtor lonu (4 ( lu 1) ) third. Tlrnn : 1:27 : ' ,
: cut.mi raci' . throe-fourth * mllu ; Travera
to 5) ) won , .MUa Niuinlo (0 ( lo 1) ) second , Soi
More(20toll ( third. Tlmo ; l18i. ; !
Fourth rucc , four and n half furlonv
to , lloautlful II IU (6 ( to 6) ) won , Muht of Illurn
mr (7 ( to 1) ) second , Kobln Hood ( B tu 6) thn
isy TlmeljOnu.
in , Fifth race , five-eighth * mlle : Ellit ( G to
no , won , I'unrnnco ifi to 1) ) second , Nettle Mown
lh (5 ( lo2i thlnl. Tlmu : 1:021 : $ ,
lib Sixth ruco , tlvn und a hnlf furlongs :
1'opo (12 ( lo 1) ) wito , Uulph 12 iu 1) ) tiM'oud , Ml
lek Ut-iu3 to Ijthltd. Time : & 7Jt.
Ciruiui Itnpltl * .
mt 2:30 : pace : Vnsssr won , Cupltnnit socon
ng G'liiybournti third , Ilest time ; -:1& ! { .
2:27 : trot : Silver 1'luto mm , Dancourt i
oy , end , Arbutui third. Host tlmo : 2ltU. : )
not 224 ; class papu : Wllkrr woHrOukluudersi
lor end , Irank amllli third. Hunt tlmoli : ; < [
1r. First ruco , Uvo fnrlonns : Lady \lo\e (2tc
won , ManiKi ( 'J to 1) ) second , l'o t .Maid (15 ( tc
r. third , TlniKi 1:04H. :
a Kecond raeo , sU ( urloiiKst Cora Taylor (8 ( I
4 fi ) won , Contribution ( 'JO to 1) fcocond , I.U
McDult (16 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmu ; llii. )
Third metflvn furlonns : LUulp (10 ( tc
won , J.lttlo Fred (8 ( to & ) kecond , 1'ruuifnaih
tul ) third , Ttinev : 1IH ( ; ,
rai Fourth VACC , U ahd thalf furloiiRi ; Jl :
iftto 1 | won , El ltonnS ( toll nf-cond ,
Ahroni(8 ( to ll third. Tlmo ! 1:23 : .
Hfth rnco , MTO nnd n halt furlongs : I'otcn-
l to4 | to li won. lllcmom t to 61 nccond , St.
rntrlck(5 ( to lllhlrd. Tlmol 1OSV.
Sixth , milo nnd n fourth , hnrdloi Itar-
< jnco (15 ( to 1) ) won , Alfoinliu7 to 6) ) second ,
MnrghcNU (5 ( KJ 2) ) third. Tlmo : 2:18 : ? { .
.M nn in on th I'nrk.
Vint race , five nnd nlmlf furlongil Klncs-
ton (7 ( to C ) won , Correction (0 ( to fi > Nocond , Io-
farKllln(0 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmot l)5 : ( ) > i.
Second rncc , llvo furlongs : Hen I < omnna (5 (
lo 1) ) woh , Itnmn (12 ( to 1) ) second , Sotntikot (
toll third. Tlmu : 1:01.
c Third race , milo and n sUtconth : ( lloamlnir
(4 ( to 11 won , Itnctilnnd (0 ( to 0) ) second , Uzzlo (30 (
tot ) third. Time : l:47H. :
Fourlli rnco , flvn furlotiKs : HoitrnlnKO to 1) )
won. Quiver (0 ( to 1) ) second , Midnight (15 ( to 1) )
third. Tlmu : 0'J4' ? .
Fifth race , one inllo : Mndrld (10 ( to 1) ) won ,
Arnh (7tu6) ( ) sorond , Lady I'ulslfcr (3 ( to 1) )
third. Time : IMIMJ.
Sixth raciflvu and n half furlongs : loin (2 (
to li won , Hnront-ss (3 ( to 1) second , Innocent
(0 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : l:00f. :
N.VT1O.NAI , I.CAOtli : tt.VMt : ? .
Inn Have Hnnohod n Tnlnt Where
Johnny Wurd Unu Unit MCui.
Nuw YOHK , Aug. 11. The Now Yorks won
an exciting game irom the" Phillies in the
tenth by batting out three runs. Score :
Now York 3002200O3 3-13
I'lillndolphln. . 0 01040000 O-10
lilts : New Vork , 13 ; Philadelphia. 12.
KarntMl rum ! Nuw Vork , G ; I'hllndolphln , 4.
ICrrors : Nuw York , G ; I'hllndelphlit , & . llat-
turrles : Uorman and Wilson ) Kcofo , nnd
Ulomunts ,
* Can't Ho Olipokpil Now.
BAI.TIMOIIR , Aug. 11 , Boston won in n
gallop. Attendance , 2,100. Score :
HnUlmoro 200103010-7
Hoiton 20040021 2-11
Hits : Iliiltlmore , 12 ; lloslon , 14. Earned
runs : Hnltlmuru , 5 ; Huston , 7. Error * : Boston ,
4. Itatterlea : JlcMuhan und Hoblnsoni Wright
and Uanzel ,
Sninttiiri .Still
WASHINGTON , Aug. 11. Brooklyn won In
the ninth. Score :
Hrooklyn 000030212 H
Washington 0 02104OOO 7
Hits : Hrooklyn , 14 ; WnshliiRlon , 9. Knrnnd
runs : Hrooklyn , 3 ; WnsliliiKton , 5. Errors :
Hrooklyn , 2j WasliliiRton , 7. llatturlcs : II ail-
dock nnd Dallcy ; Eaper nnd Fnrrull.
lluinnierod llnntlncR ,
Ct.nvBtjANn. Aug. 11. Cleveland tried
Hastings , nnd St. Louis bntted out n victory.
Atlcnuanco , 2,000. Score :
Clnvolnnd 200000000 2
bt. Louis 0 10000030 4
Hits : Cleveland , 5 ; St. Louts , 0. Earned
runs : Cleveland , 1 ; St. Louis , 1. Errors :
Cleveland , 3 ; St. Louis , 3. Hatterles : Hast
ings amiUuusoii ; Clnrksonnnd 1'oltz.
.Colonel * lluvo Cllmbod KtitUli. }
PtTTSiiuuo , Aug. 11. Pittsburg had no
trouble in winning. Attendance , 1,750.
Score :
I'lttsburg 01500012 * 9
Louisvliro 100200000-3
Hits : 1'lttsbtirg , 12 ; Louisville , 13. Earned
runs : 1'ittsburg , 4 ; Louisville , 2. Errors :
Pittsburgh ; Lnulsvlllo , G. Hatttirios : Guin-
burt and tjlcnsol ; Klmades and Urlm.
Stiiiullni ; of the Tciiinn.
Work of thn Aquatic Association Kxecutlvo
Committee ItucliiK ICoaulU.
DETIIOIT , Aug. 11. The National Aquatic
association executive committee has reelected -
elected Henry Whiting Garfield , president ;
Commodore Call in of Chicago , vice presi
dent ; Fred U. Fortmoyor , secretary ; H. 1C.
Hitchman of Philadelphia , treasurer.
The weather today was not ns propitious
ss on the two preceding dnys. The day's
rowing occurred in the morning , when the
Minnesota and Areonnut crows settled the
senior championship of the National associa
tion. Minnesota won without difficulty.
Summaries :
Junior singles sculls : First heat , Alfred
ICussvll , Torunlns , won , 1V:10. ! Secon'd heat ,
Charles Dngwoll , Wolverines , Detroit , won ,
13:04 : . Vlnnl heat , naitwoll won , 10:03i. : !
Junior fours : Mlnuusotas , Ht , Paul , won ,
9:30)4. : )
Fouc-oarcd. gig : Dclawaros of Chicago won ,
10:23. :
Junior double sculls : Torontos won , 10:02 : ? ,
Hlnclo canoes : It. G. Mutz , Toronto , won ,
4:1-JM. :
Junior pair-oared .shells : Toroutos won ,
Wheelmen nt Chicago Find Rain Will
Softmi Their Track , Too.
CHICAGO , Aug. 11. The League of Ameri
can Wheelmen race track was badly softened
by the rain last night , and was , therefore , ir
poor condition for today's ' events. Sum
marles :
Mile , novice : I' . VonlJoeckmnnn , Chicago
won , 2:542-5. :
Half mile , handicap : 0. II. Ellltliorno , Chi
Cairo (85 ( yards ) , won , 1:01 : 3-5.
Mill2:30 : classV. : . A. Rhodes , Chlc.-iRO
won , 2:43 : 4-5.
Six miles. 1,130 feet , International chain
plonshlp.Inimeriiiaii : won , 15:50 : 1-5.
llHlf-mllo , opun. llrst heat : /.Immormni
won , 1:24 : 3-5 ; second hunt , W. A. Khodus , ( Jhl
caK' ' > , won , 1:10 : 2-5 ; llnal" heat , /.Iminennai
won , 1 : OB 4-5.
Three milo handicap : A. I ) . Kennedy , Jr.
Chlcngo(245 ( yarils ) , won , 7:08 : 4-6.
One-third mllu , upon : II. U. Tyler won ( Irs
heat , 40 1-5 : U. A. UlthuiiH , Chicago , seconi
linnt , 4U3-5 ; llnal bout , II. U. Tyler uon-l5.
Two mllu , team Invitation : Won by.limner
man und Smith , New York , without riding.
Game Tlil < Afternoon.
The Young Men's Christian Association
nnd Conventions play their fourth game n
the Young Men's Christian Association par :
' this afternoon for thocity championship an
an interesting and oxcltinR struggle is ii :
ovitablo. So fur the Young Men's Christia
Associations have won two games r.nd Mar
sgcr Uormlngham's lads one , and const
fluently the latter will throw a little oxtr
vim into their work this afternoon. Dot
teams hnvo boon playing superb ba
nnd patrons can confidently prepare for
grand exhibition this afternoon. The Youn
Men's Christian Association band will bo o
hand und altogether the afternoon promise
much enjoyable recreation.
The positions are as follows :
Conventions. I'oiltlon. Y. M.O , /
Oolnn Third MuKelvi
Ivunnudy Short Htnno
l.awlor Middle Wllkoi
Urolghton U.itch Ahho
Itohliifion I.oft Tulllul
llimhbnnks , . . .Soconil HIM
llowmun -.First
Davis Klaht Join
Mlllor 1'lich Uonm
Game called at 4 o'clock.
Siriiifflelil'ii | Triumph.
Nob. , Aujr. U. [ Spec !
rd. . Telegram to TUB HER. " ! The Sprlngflo
d.n Daso Ball club returned from Kearney th
n , evening , where they played n series of thn
tu games with the Cotton City team , takit
o : two games of the thrco played. Score , llr
game , Augusts : i /
ud. - . SprliiKllold . 1 / /
Kuarnoy . 0 0 0/1 / 1 0(0 ( ,0 3
in , Second game , August ii : \
BurliiRlIohl . 1 1 13 D 4ll 1 *
Kenrnoy . O 1 0 1 0 3 0 2 0
Third game , August 10 :
Kuurnuy .
4 J1 1000SO
Number of errors by Kearney In tliu sorlc
tt : 13 ; by HurlnRllold , 20. Number of lm o hit
Kuurnny. 27 ; Hprlmcllold , 40. lluttork
(0 ( HtirliiKlluld Hull , ( Jiilst , ConnorH. Dunn ni
no Marian , Kearney lilack , Iluepnur nnd I'lo
\Vni Drifting Match.
ru. NKwi'OHT , U. I. , Aug. 11 , Thu trial ra
between the yachts Pilgrim , Jublloe , Vli
lant und Colonia , to dccido which one i
them is to defend America's cup again
III- Lord Dunruvcn's lleot cutter , Yalkyrl ? , to
place today. It was moro of a drifting mat
than a race , as there was scarcely a broe ! ;
The fog was so dense that nothing detini
l.l . , Is known , though It believed the Vlgilu
passed over the line first. She may r
ec- provn the winner , however , when the tit
ec- allowance is worked out. The course w
thirty-eight miles , There were races I
tween sloops and schooners , also.
Wilt Take u Itccun.
ATLANTA , Aug. 11. The Southern leas
tu decided to close the season August 13. T '
deciding games for the championship of 1 !
Jl ) will bo played before the season of 11
Stercoptleou views toulght at beach
1C 1
Recent EvcnU Ita ] Not Brought the Ira-
Looked For ,
it VI i .
I.nriro Imports ot'Onttl nnd nn Inoronio In
Nntional Itnnlj tjlrontiitlon Tenillng
lo Intplro ( ' l'a < t In
the I'rfsrnt Hltiintlon ,
NEW YottK , Au ? . 11. U , O. Dun & Go's
weekly review of trade says : The long
desired mooting of congress , the president's
message and the arrival of KV-WO)0011 in gold
from Europe , with $10,000,050 moro on the
way , hnvo not brought the Improvement an
ticipated. Yet there is n moro hopeful
spirit , though the nation looks to Washington -
ton with some impalionco where the senate
seems disposed to rival the mills In wording
short timo.
The machinery of cxohnngo has almost
stopped. When $30 per $1,000 Is paid for
Now York exchange nt Chicago nnd $15 to
$25 nt other western cities , settlements between -
tweon the east and west , which ordinarily
amount to $3,200,000,000 in n year , become
extremely dlftlcult. The root of the trouble
is that , according to the reports of July 13
to the comptroller , over $18100,000 of do-
poslts had boon withdrawn lu two months
from a part of the national banks , nnd prob
ably $177,000,000 from all , besides unknown
sums from savings , stnto nnd prlvnto banks ,
und during the month , since July 12 , the
withdrawal and hoarding must hnvo been
relatively oven greater.
In the Great Industrie * .
The arrest of Industry goes so far that a
third of the iron production ceased In the
month of July and the consumption of iron
In manufacture diminished 40 per cent from
May 1 to July 1. Not even this shrinkage
stimulates demand enough to support prices ,
which romnln the lowest on record , nnd
further stoppage in August has reduced the
weekly output below 100,000 tons. Copper
has declined to l ) ? { and lean to ! i > { , with
narrow trade. Shoo shops nro looking in
vain for further orders. At Fnll HIver alone
7,000 spindles stopped on Saturday nnd the
whole number of nctivo spindles In the
southern states is said to bo less than the
number now idle In Iscw England. ICven
raoro than lack of orders , want of confidence
in the integrity of orders troubles the tcxtilo
mills , for cancellations multiply.
If only confidence in the future could bo
restored the monetary troubles might bo
relieved. But at present want of cash , It is
said , accounts for the retarded movement of
wheat from farms to western markets , and
exports hnvo not met expectations of Into so
Hint prices of grain have somewhat declined.
Pork products were sold moro largely for
export this week , but cotton has yielded } ,
sto'cks of SO,000 bales hero nnd 1,883,000 ,
American , abroad being too heavy when
many of the mills nro shopping. Conl is dull
and the output Is much restricted by the
difllculty of getting money for wages , The
movement of anlmald is less ntToctcd , cattle
receipts at Chicago ' Uro fairly maintained
and hog packing has boon nearly as largo as
last year.
Itallrnnfl-Knrnlni : * .
Ilallrond earnings shown decrease of about
8 per cent compared 'wth ' | these of last year ,
but the clearing house returns at ttie prin
cipal cities show a'decrease in settlements
of U5 per cent. Appeals to the treasury for
some relief nro frcnu nt , but its cash bal
ance has been reduced' low that the gold
reserve may have to bo.used in Dart for cur
rent expenses. But $13,000,000 in bank notes
will quickly bo added to the circulation
through use of tnq'b < Jnds purchased from
savings banks , and7&i3,000,000 In gold from
Europe , in splto of Ihtiadvahco in the Bank
of England's rate tq14pcr"cent. ,
Failures for thq week number 394 in the
United States , agaTlist _ , 100 last year , nnd
twenty-flvo'lri-Cnna'an' , against" twenty for
the same week-last-year. The number for
the past week showsi a decrease from the
previous week of forty.- . . ,
Hut Seven United Stntt-B Cltlrg Show an lil-
crnn8D Ovnr J.iiRt Your.
NEW YOHK , Aug. 11. The Bradstreet
weekly clearings tables showing decrease and
increase ns compared with the corresponding
week of 1892 ns'follows :
of Hoarding of tlurrunoy Han Itoitrlctod Trail
nst luir lIveryiThere.
ok NBW YORK , Aug. 11. Uradstroot's rovloi
tch of trade will tomorrow have thl story : The irrational , but wldesprea
no hoarding of has
currency compelled manu
not fncturon iu many instances to do buslnos
mo more nearly than uvoronacash basts , whlc
fas has resulted in a further restriction of trad
bo- throughout the country , This was aocon
pinled by such signs of aggravation as tt
increased diftlculty of disposing of com me
cial paper : a still greater scarcity of cu
uo ronoy at larger centers aud a shutdon
I'ho Imminent among Industrial establishment
803 The grois railroad earnings for Ju
mmount to Ml,000,000 , a decrease of about
percent as compared with July last yea
Although the larger proportion ot ea
iu earlier mouths of tbo ye
makes the seven months of grot * earnings a
per cent larger thnn In the llkn portion of
18U3. This may bo contrasted with a falling
off In thu total value of Imports und exports
during the of nearly 4 per cent ,
explained by the decrease in values of experts -
ports , of which wheat , corn and oats formed
the bulk.
European supplies of wheat have begun to
decrease rapidly , nbout 1,000,000 bushels last
week , nml exports ot domestic wheat con
tinue exceptionally heavy for this period.
5.018,000 bushels for the wook. against 5,022-
000 bushels Inst week , 4.143,000 bushels In
the same week n ynar ago , 5,147.000 bushels
two years ngo and n little loss thnn 2,000,000
bushels for the two weeks In 1830 and
The arrival of $10,000.000 gold from
Luropo , the expected arrival of further
amounts , the Issue of fresh national bank
urculatlon and the bringing forth of
loarded money by the premium for cttr-
ency , have given a slightly bolter tone to
ho ilnancl.ll position nt Now York.
Us l-liin for llrlinvniK the I'rcsrnt Our-
rrncjr .Stringency.
NRW Yonic , Aug. 11. General Tracy , ox-
lecrotary of the navy , in nn interview todny
iald the administration had ample power ta
rollovo the currency famine. It could coin
ho 140,000,000 ounces of silver purchased
under the Sherman act , and turn the profit
of colnngo , or soignorago , which would
amount to $ . .0.000,000 , into the treasury. The
coin thus inndo available could bo deposited
it national depositories , und being there do-
) osltcd would at once enter into the circutn-
.lon of the country.
"Tho present falling off In the rates of the
government , " continued General Tracy , "In-
lltfito that unless thn stop is taken of in-
crcnslng its resources by the profits to bo
lerlved from the colnngo of the bullion now
n the treasury , it will bo under the ncpes-
slty of selling bonds. If It would escape u de
ficiency of nt least $50,000,000 nt the close of
the current liscnl year. "
Wnll Ktrent lor \VVolc. .
NKW YotK , , Aug. 11. Bradstroot's stock
market review tomorrow will say : The lone
of the market has boon strong , almost with
out interruption , uud prices have advanced
in splto of the financial situation und the un
certainty which attends the outcome of leg
islation of the silver question. For this re
sult credit must bo given in the main to the
exaggerated operations of the bear party
during the last two months and to the heavy
absorption of stocks for investment account
which followed the excessive depression In
values. The market was oversold by the
bears , who permitted the investing public to
absorb the lloatlng supply before they real
ized the danger. The present condition ot
the market Is the outcome of this factor.
Apart from this the market has boon nar
rowed professionally in character and very
nervous In tone .
CUiHoil 1U Doors.
BLOOMixnrox , 111. , Aug. 11. The Mans-
Held bank of Mansfield , 111. , closed Its doors
this morning. The president , W. W. Boaty ,
made an assignment of nil his property to A.
J. Sangley , who will close up the business.
The suspension is n severe shock to the com
munity , as thousands of dollars were depos
ited there by merchants of that town und
farmers of ttiat vicinity.
Chlcngo llali'l Closnl.
CHICAOO , Aug. 11. The Chicngo Beach
hotel , of which James II. Wnlkcr , the dry
goods merchnnt who recently failed , was a
prominent stockholder , went into the hands
of a receiver today. The hotel and furnish
ings cost $025,000. The cause of the assign
ment is stated as the inability to sell Its
bonds. The compnny admits nn indebted
ness of $300,000.
Surrendered by His llondnmcn. *
MILWAUKEE , Aug. 11. The bondsmen of
Charles S. Cook , chnrgcd with illegal bank :
Ing , todny surrendered him to the govern
ment and ho will bo tried at Juncau next
mouth. Cook had banKs in Muscontnh , Chicago
cage , Sorento nnd Gillespie , 111. , und in Hurt-
ford and June.iu , Wis.
Lumber OtMilrrrf AMtlRii.
SAN FKANCISCO , Cal. , Aug. 11. Starbord &
Goldslono , extensive lumber dealers , have
assigned for the benefit of their creditors.
Assets , nominally $150,000 : liabilities , $110.-
Wyumlu ; Failure.
NEWCASTLE , W.vo. , Aug. 11. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEH.J The Iceland house
failed to open for business this morning.
No statement wns given.
> "c v York KXCIIHURO OnotaUoin.
NEW YOKK. Aug. 11. [ Special Telegram tc
THE BEE. ] Exchange wns quoted as follow ;
toaay : Chicago , $10 discount ; Boston SI.0 (
@ 1.50 premium.-
riimnrlnl Notes.
WAXAHACIIIE , Tex. , Aug. 11. The Wnxa
hacuio National bank suspended today
Assets , J20ti,000 ; liabilities , 5-30,000.
NEW OKI.CANS , Aug. 11. The Cotton exchange
change has passed u resolution providinf
that all settlements under the rules of tin
exchange shall bo made in certllied checks
DEXVEU , Aug. 11. A receiver has been np
plied for by stockholders of the Denver
Texas & Fort Worth railroad.
1'ut Woods Minim In Front of a Movln (
H. & Jl. Train.
Pat Woods , a B. & M. section hand , wni
seriously injured early last evening by i
freight train. Woods was walking along 01
.ho tracks 'at the Sixth street crossing
flo heard a train coming in on tin
track ho was travcrslm * . Ho stoppoi
n front of an approaching train on anothe
track , not noticing it , The train wns to
close for the trninmen to warn him nnd th
cars struck him. His loft nrm was so until ;
crushed that amputation above the olbov
may bo necessary. His face nnd head wer
badly cut und bruised nnd it is feared tha
lie is internally Injured.
The oftlcers of the railway company bai
him taken to the St. Joseph hospitnl , wher
ho was given surgical attention nnd wa
resting easy at midnight.
Caught n l'ilr of I'lolcpockou.
J. Iloolltian nnd James ICelly weroarreste
by Captain Mostyn yesterday and nr
charged with being suspicious character !
They are u sleek pair and the police sa
they nro pickpockets.
iloollhnn is known to the ofllcers n
the follow who worked the fair her
and In Council Bluffs hist summer nnd is
skillful "biir mit" man or pickpocket. Kail
is the son of Mme. Kelly und has been rut
with Uoollhan. It U thought they
have boon "working" recently. Kelly's
mother came to the station last night with n
pillow and a comfort , cigars nnd n box of
randy to comfort her young hopeful , who is
about IB years of ago. . .u.iA.iifi.v. .
Crnck Shntn of thn Sorjlro 1'npplntrjtt Tnt
Eft * with Cnrblnrn.
Bnu.EVL-r. , Nob. , Aug. 11. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun HKK. ] With fair weather today
the marksmen of the cavalry showed up
pretty well. This is the seoond day of the
fifth annual competition between the cracks
of the Departments of the Platte , California
and the East. On yesterday thu firing wns
nt known distances. UOO , ,100 nnd 000 yards.
This forenoon it wns nt known distances ,
nnd afternoon at skirmishing. The total
score is :
lll ! < TINlUI8llr.ll MA1IKHMRX.
> mv * for the Arm- .
WASHINGTON" , Aug. 11. [ Special Telegram
to THE Br.E. ] 'I'ho following army orders
were issued today : Leave ot absence for
twenty dnys , to take effect upon the conclu
sion of his examination for promotion , Is
granted First Lieutenant James D. Glcnnan ,
usalutnnt surgeon.
First Lieutenant Trcdwell W. Moore ,
Twenty-second infantry , Is , nt his own re
quest , relieved from duty nt the University
of Alabama , Tuscaloosa. to take effect Sep
tember 1. and ho will join his company.
Leave from about August 20 to September
80 is granted Captain Edwin P. Andrews ,
Fifth cavalry.
So much of orders of August n ns directs
Captain Charles L. Hodges , Twenty-fifth
infantry , to attend thu encampment of the
National guard of Montana at the old Fort
12111s reservation from August 'JL to " 3 is
amended so ns to direct him to attend said
encampment from September 7 to 14.
Captain Crosby 1' . Miller , assistant quar
termaster , will proceed from this city to
Fort Ethan Allan , Yt. , Pittsburgh barracks
nnd Mndison barracks , N. Y. , on ofllclnl
business pertaining to the quartermaster's
department , und upon the completion thereof
will return to his station.
JMoutliiRr of Military Stircooim.
CHICAGO , Aug. U. ( Spjcial Telegram to
THR BISK. ] The Association of Military
Surgeons of the United States elected Dr.
Nicholas Senn of Chicaeo president and
Colonel U. E. Grifltn of Lincoln chairman of
the committee on tvays ana means. The
next meeting will bo held nt Washington.
Colnnul Dates' Condition.
WASHINGTONAug. . 11. The condition of
Colonel Oates of Alabama , who was injured
by falling from a cable car , Is tonight slightly
Improved. It is thought , that he will bo
nblo to be noout next Monday.
Balloon tonight , Courtland boach.
JMJlfAOAM/i J'.Ut.Hlll.ll'lla.
Miss May Carver has returned from the
Warren Adams of Oakland , Cal. , is nt the
J. M. Marsh of Wahoo is in the city on
John II. Evans of Hot Springs , S. D. , is In
the city.
J. W. Qtiinn of Fremont is stopping at the
Merchants ,
.1. D. McDonald of Fremont is a guest at
the Murray.
B. B. Baldwin of Elkhorn is in Omaha for
a brief sojourn.
N. W. Uainbolt of Norfolk Is transacting
business in-Onvdba.
.T. Wells and wife of Dorchester nro regis
tered at the Paxton.
After a three weeks visit hero Mr. Udo
Brachvogel will return to Chicago today.
Judge J. . II. Clarkson and wife have re
turned from a visit in Wisconsin and the
World's fair.
Father M. .T. Corbett of this city and
Father John Crowley of Lincoln hnvo re
turned from a visit to St. Louis.
V. Van Bover of Grand Island , C. B.
Sliur of Kearney and J. C. Foruuson of Fre
mont were Omaha visitois yesterday.
U. G. Tyler of Ogalnlla , Kobort A. Travnrs
of Lincoln , George H. Colton of David City
and W. H. Barstow of Crole , nro among the
Nebrasknns who arc taking in the metropo
Tobias Castor arrived In the city yester
day direct from Washington. After par
taking of lunch at the .Merchants ho pro
eec ed to Lincoln , where ho will take a brief
rest on the ax handle.
W. G. Pollack of Now York , the hero ol
the California Junction diamond robbery last
November , Is stopping in Omaha on his re
turn from Colorado , whither ho wont to
identify Mr. McCoy , the nervy thief , who
did the Job.
Mr. VV. N. Huso , editor and proprietor of
the Norfolk Dally News , wns in the city
yesterday. The News has recently moved
Into Its now brick olllco building , which is
conceded to bo the finest newspaper building
in the stnto outside of Omaha.
At the Mercer : George A. IIIU nnd wlfo ,
Grand Inland : Alex Mnlmroso , city : W. S.
Billings. Kansas City ; L. C. Johnson , Salt
Lake : George W. Ixnvloy , F , G. Slmmona ,
Seward , rob. ; K. F. Schneider , city ; W. E.
Alexander and son , Crawford ; Colonel D. S.
Gordon. U. S. A. : S. A. McDonald , Dead-
woo.l.S. D. : H. U. Pottibono , Minneapolis :
M. Doe , Omahaj H. L. I < 'ishor , Chicago ; JI ,
D. lilue , Omaha ; Max Beer , North Platto.
NBW Yoitic , Aug. 11. [ Special Telegram t (
Tim BKE.J Omnlia : Mrs , M. T. Price , M ,
L. Koedor , Mrs. T. W. Stfifling. Plaza ; .1
Freeman , Everett ; W.I I. Itobortson , Murra ;
HIllN. ; B. Falconer , buyer forN. B. Fnl
coner it Co. , Westmlnstor. Lincoln , Nob.
T. S. Allen. Hoffman. Beatrice , Neb , : C
Blakoly , Westminster. W. Block , buyer fo
Woodsach & Block of Grand Island Is at th
Hoffman ,
Oitizem of Alabama Rid the Country of a
Crowd of Holy Terrors.
I'lvo Hundred Armed Mm Visit the llniinl
of thn Outlaw * nml Rxtnriiiinntii
All Tliry Could Find Some
of Their Kxplnltn.
JACKSOS , Ala. , Aug. 11. The counties of
Clark , Cherokee , Wilcox nnd Marcngo nro
greatly excited over the murderous doings
of the notorious McnchamUcs nnd between
400 und fiOO heavily armed mon nro at
Moachiunbid for the uvo\vcd \ purpose of wip
ing out every member of the gnng.
From n resident of Jackson , who is well
acquainted with the operation * of the gnng ,
this story wns had. "Tho Monchntnltcs
number between thirty-live nnd fifty men ,
nnd the point of operation In Moachntnbcl ,
ilx miles from Co.Tuyvlllo and seventeen
miles from Thomiwonvlllo. Flvo years ngo
when the settlement was founded , these
men piled tholr vocation as farmers. The
county Is prohibition , hut one day last year
n sign was displayed in the village that
whisky could bo obtained on certain nights
each week by applying nt 11 certnln store.
Customers were plentiful. When they on-
torcd thostoro tiioy were met by masked
men , who dealt them out whisky in such
quantities ns di'sircd.
This violation of the law led to crimes
being committed , Thu citizens expressed -
pressed themselves freely nnd several were
threatened with death If they took nny
nctlon. Finally John Hiiro had his barn nnd
house burned nnd on going Into the
yard to light the Ihttncs Inwns
shot at. Joseph Anderson wns
another victim. Ho wns shot down whllo
walking through his Held nnd died instantly.
His assassin wns novcr arrested , although
it was well known who committed thu deed.
A Tow months Inter n thrifty old man was
killed whllo nt work In his mill. At this
time the colony wns widening and taking In
moro mon. 'Many Joined the gang through
fonr , to protect themselves. In December
last Ernest McCorquodnlo's death followed.
This assassination occurred on Christmas
night in the presence of the victim's
family , worked up the entire community ,
nnd his nssnssin was finally located. Ho was
a man named Jniueu , the leade > - of the
Moachnmitcs. The posse captured Jnmes
near Coffoyvilla. Ho was shot to death.
About n month ngo a man named Willis
House was shot down while nt work in the
( loin near Coffoyvlllo for nn alleged as
sault on n white woman. Two weeks
later Sam House , n brother of Willis , wns
killed in like manner. Subsequent develop
ments showed there was no attempt to out-
raire the woman , and the nlTnir > vas n rnso
to gut n chimco to dispose of thu House
brothers , who were enemies of the gnng. A
posse has bcon searching for the gang for
two dnys. Tooch Bcdsoe , one of the Meach-
amlto gang , was captured tonight after a
hard chaso. Ha confessed that the gang
committed all the crimes with which they
were charged.
The posse riddled Boclsoo with bullets. . .i-
Kirlc .lames was located an hour later and
shot to death. Other members of the gang
nro located in the swamps nnd the posse
proposes to kill them all by tomorrow night.
One man named Norris , who was taken
today , \vaa in .so pitiable n condition that
the po.-iso turned him over to the sheriff in
stead of shootine him.
Storcoptieon views tonight at beach.
Telephone C. W. Hull Co. for prices
on Imrd ooal. Summer delivery ,
l.OUAl , JtllEl'lTllCS.
Building permits amounting to $22Ti were
issued yesterday by the inspector of build
Ida Wright , a young girl ,
create n disturbance on South Sixteenth
street last night. She was arrested.
One marriage llconao was issued vester-
day. Th applicants were Henry Abels of
Omaha , aged 30 , und Ida Lucht of Millurd ,
aged 'JO. '
Mrs. Olfs , the South Omaha woman
charged with insanity , has been released
from jail by order of the commissioners for
the insane , who will hear her case next
Mrs. J. J. Symonds and Mrs. J. K. Howe ,
who reside ut Fifteenth and Burdctta
streets , stnto that nu disturbance in the na
ture of a wedding charivari took place in
their neighborhood Thursday evening , ns re
ported by thn police.
Yesterday afternoon .Teunlo W. Howard
llled n claim acninst Ackorman Bros , &
Ilelnty.o for 87 ! ) , said to bo duo for rent.
There are also somu minor claims against
Ous Aoucrmaii anil others on ou side mut
ters , .aggregating nbout WOO.
J1/VS. John jr. Cook
"My little 0lrl had sores on her face and
EEootl'a Hiironpnrllln his : hc.ilcd them. I
had a terrllilo Unlri' In niymninnrli. 1 1VA *
frequently seized me. I have been taking
kood's SarcapareBIa
nnd all thU Is chanced. I do not have dyspon-
ln , huartlmrn < > r sick headache. " Mitn. JOHN
II. COOK. Marthmlllo , 111. Hood 'a Curos.
HOOD'O PlLLO euro liver Ills , dick head-
icho , Jaundice , Indigestion.5c. . Try a box.
- -
S Including Such starters as Two Strike , 2:12 : 1-2 ; Ella Wood-
[ 1
line (1) ( ) 2:29 : 1-4 ; Fred K , 2:14 : 1-4 ; Fieldmont timed seperately
S in a race , 2:12 : , and other fast and game race horses.
9i i : Y