Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Hon. Bennett Goldsmith Succumbs to an
Attack of Oholora Morbus ,
f onnit Oend nn th * Floor of IIll Knom lij
1U1I tlor lld WIM Well Known
Throughout tha
LINCOLN. Aug.Special [ Telegram to
TUB BKB.I Hon. Bennett Goldsmith , mem
ber of the late Icghlaturo from Cuming
county and also mayor of the city of West
Point , was found dead In his room nt the
Lincoln hotel this morning. Mr. Goldsmith
arrived In the city hist evening and regis
tered at the hotel , where ho Is well known.
Ho spent the evening In social conversation
wi h sotno of his numerous friends In this
city and retired to his room nt about mid
night. Ho had apparently been enjoying
good health during the evening , but when
ho united for the key to his room ho re
marked to the night clerk that ho
was not fooling very well. At
r > : 'M thlii morning ho rang fern
n boll boy nnd nskod for some lemons , The
boy promised to bring them ns soon as the
bar was opened. At 0 o'clock the bell boy
carried the lemons to Mr. Goldsmith's room.
'J ho latter then nsknd for Chief Clerk Whit-
more , nnd learning that he w6uld go un duty
nt 7 o'clock requested that ho be sent up to
Ids room 111 soon ns ho arrived , Mr. Gold-
Binlth explained to the boy at the time that
ho was feeling pretty slelt. Mr. Whltmoro
arrived n few minutes after 7 o'clock , and ns
ho wai dotalnod nt the desk n few moments
ho netit up a boll boy to nsk Mr. Goldsmith
If ho desired the services of a physician.
The boy was unnnlo to got any response to
his knock at the door. A second trial was
also a failure , . >
I.jlnir lo d on the Floor ,
Mr. Whltmoro then went to the room him
self nnd looking through tlio transom ho
saw Mr. Goldsmith on the Iloor. The body
was in a sitting jx > sturo on the south side of
thu room , with his back to the radiator.
There were some evidences of n struggle , as
the window curtains were torn from their
fastenings , the chairs in the room were
overturned and there were thrco slight cuts
In the back of the head , where it hud come
suddenly In contact with the ornamental
edges of the radiator. The body was un-
dressed , but the dying man had tried to
reach his clothing , which had been hung up
on n rack nnd were partially dragged to the
In the absence of the coroner , Acting
Coroner Iloaglnml was summoned. The ro-
jnnins were flowed by several physicians ,
and all agreed that death had resulted from
nn attnckuf acute cholera morbus. No In-
quest will DO hold.
Homtott. Ooldsmlth was born In Kompnr ,
Grand Itnoliois , I'oson , Germany , In 1844. Ho
emigrated In this country In 18BO nnd nettlec !
In Iluatiford , H. U. llo afterwards lived In Now
Y'ork city , nml mibseiiuently romuvixl to tro-
inont , Nub. , where ho rosldud llvo years. RIn
1876 tin located nt West Point , where ho opnr-
atod a gi'iiurul store , nnd In which lmslno > ii r10
was untuned until hUdunth. lie ' la
uimnliur of the Htatn legislature last fall , id
\TlilluservliiK Ills term at Lincoln was chosen
mayor of Weil I'olnt. Mr. UoUUmltli was unu
stalwart ruuulJllcnii. llo lins beuu eminently
Biiccpssf ill In business , nnd wis n niun of com-
inuinlliig presence nnd broad views.
Mr. Goldsmith has many warm friends in [
this city , among whom is Mr. Adlcr , a well
known business man of this city. When ho
arrived in Lincoln last evening ho sought
out Mr. Adlcr and passed the entire evening
with him very pleasantly. The two returned
to thu Hotel Lincoln shortly after 11 o'clock
and when Mr. Adlcr loft , Mr. Goldsmith was
apparently ns well as ho had ever been In
Ills llfo.
Mayor Wo'r ' received a telegram this
afternoon from the oilleers of West Point
lodge No. 62 , Independent Order of Odd Fol7
lows , iisking the ledge in this city to take
charge of the .
remains. The deceased was
nlso a member of the Masonic order and the
West Point Masons nsic that their brethren '
in this city assist the Odd Follows in caring
for the remains. ngC.
The committee , consisting .Iiulgo J. C.
Crawford , Fred Sonnonsholn and D. C. Glf-
fort , arrived from West Point this evening.
Uou Alcovich , a brother-in-law of the de
ceased living in San Francisco , but who Jois
visiting nt West Point , nlso accompanied the ;
committee. The remains will bo taken to
West Point in tlio morning , where funeral
services will bo held. The remains will
then be taken to Omaha , where tUoy will be
Interred in the Jewish cemetery.
Will ( ilro thu Dunk H Olmnce.
A meeting of depositors in the suspended
Nebraska Havings bank tonight m the counvn
ell chamber was attended by between llfty
and sixty depositors. It was called to secure
nil expression as to the advisability or ac-
coptlng the proposition of the stockholders
to put up a bond of § 150,000 to take possesstr
sion of the assets , pay 23 per cent of the
liabilities to depositors wit'ain eighteen
inontha and the balance within two years.
Prof. Li. 13. Hicks was chosen to preside
nnd Q. W. Howon , city clerk , was made
eocrotarv. After an animated discussion , ,111
which there was considerable kicking at
the necessity of waiting two years for their
money , the depositors were invited to vote
on the motion to accept the proposition.
There were -13 votes for and 'M against.
President Taylor of the defunct bank stated
that the $160,000 bond had not yet been >
secured , us up to this oven Ing only JJ15.000
lind boon certified thereon and the bond
mustrbo Hied by I ) o'clock tomorrow morning
in the supreme court.
President Taylor , who hold $2,500 stock Infer
the suspended bank , Is down on the bond [ for
' f * 7.r,000 , Mrs. Tinglcy for ? 30,000 and Mr.
* Button for $10,000.
llutlUnr lloiul Arrostod.
Jacob Bond , president of the ( and
bank ; which wont Into the hands of a re
ceiver some weeks ago , was arrested while
in thli city hist night on a warrant sworn
out hy Frank Soverin , one of the depositors
in the broken bank. lie is charged with ,
fraudulently receiving deposits after lie
Jcnow the hank was Insolvent. The complainant
plainant represents all of the Lancaster ,
county depositors , a largo number of whom
live in the suuthui'ii part of the county.
Jioml gave ball for his appearance at the
district court and was released ,
A committee representing the Lancaster
depositors made an examination of the books
on their own account nnd were but llttlo
pleased with thu result of their Investiga
tion * . They found the liabilities of the bank
to be about { 25,000 , while the assets will not
amount to more than one-tenth uf that sum ,
Uho feeling against Uornl is very strong in
this county. Ho has transferred to Uocelvor
Goouell thu title to his real estate holdings
in this county. He Is the owner of one off
the additions to University Place , ono of f the
suburbs of Lincoln , nnd this property 1 has
nlso been transferred to the receiver.
Afr : l < l "I un Outbronk.
Governor Crounso today received the i fell
lowing letter from an evidently excited l ill-
dividual living lu one of the western
counties of the state :
"Governor Crounso DoiirSIr : The people
of this part of the state are greatly alarmed
over rumors of an uprising soon to take
place by the Roman Cat holies In which all
Protestants are to be slain. Many of our
people nro nearly frantic with fear , and 1 are
dolug nil they can to prepare fora defense.
I have no authentic knowledge of anything
of thu kind , but rumor has It that Catholics
ro constantly receiving consignments of
urms nnd ammunition for the purK | > so above
"I am but n hmnblo clthcn of this county.
The only distinction 1 have is in being one
of Mr. Cleveland's '
dcadbcats , and when I
mot your excellency last full I had to extend
the left hand , us also I must write
with it ,
if at nil. IJul several neighbors have urged
mo to write , asking you if you kuow of f any
cause wo may have for such fears and I If in
danger could wo got arms from the to for
defense , and Itso , howf"
Governor Crounso replied that lu his Judg
ment there was no occasion for alarm and
that there would bo no necessity for a t ship-
incut of arms und ammunition to the point
in question. Oulot friendly consideration
for the writer , who is evidently perfectly
eluccro , thu governor declined to give \ hU
name and atldiess.
Lincoln In Ilrlef.
Lydla Stewart , for twenty years tlio pro-
prletoi n qucitlonsble rniort In Lincoln ,
died At an o.irly hour this morning , She
leaves property valued At 130,000 , which will
undoubtedly go to a marrlod daughter In
Omahi The daughter l an adopted child ,
and Is happily marrlod to ft cltbon of the
metropolis. Nothing definite Is known of
the llfo history of LydiA Stewart. Asldo
from the questionable character she nlxvays
bore she ' was recognized as ono of the most
charitable women In the city , and she did
much to relieve the distress of the unfor
Ooulp nt the State llnnt * .
The York Water company filed Its articles
of Incorporation with the secretary of state
today. The capital stock Is ffX,000 and the
ncorporntors are D. K. Sedgwlck , S. H.
Sodgwlok , George S. Post and E. J. Wight-
man.Tho cnsoofLydlaS. Hutlcr against John
Fitzgerald reached the supreme court today
from the t district court of Lancaster county.
South ' Omaha paving , gr.idlne and sewer
bonds to the amount of $1)5,000 ) were regis
torcd with Auditor Moore today.
C. V. 1 MoGrow , receiver of the McCaguo
Savings bank at Omaha , was at the state
house this forenoon.
Judge Lansing ha finally decided the
celebrated Stratton will ease by deciding
that the Instrument was properly uiado aud
Minerva Young applies to the district
court for n divorce from Tier husband on the
grounds of desertion.
John Hemingway has sued the Missouri
Pacific for damages to the amount of00. .
Ho alleges that the company's embankment
across his farm has dammed up the water to
such un extent that the land Is valueless.
llobcrt Carpenter today commenced n suit
for a divorce i from his wlfo on the grounds of
adultery. Ho specifics the dates , names
and place ) i nt which the crimes were com
mlttc and scorns to have a clear case.
Orilor from W.tiililiigtiin to Unmnvo Set
tler * UunliiK Muoh Anxluty.
LYONS , Nob. , An ? . 0. [ Special to Tim
BRE. | Great excitement prevails on tno
Wlnnohago and Omaha reservation ever n
late order from the Interior department.
Agent W. II. Bock has received instructions
to remove all the settlers on the reservation.
There nro about 1,000 leases , representing
2,000 or M.OOO people. The now plan Is to
annul all the former contracts the settlers
math with the Indians nnd release the land
at $2.25 per acre , limiting the number of
acres ! to each settler to 100 acres and requir
ing- | each lessee to give bond for the land
runted. All money must bo imld to tlio agent
instead , of to the Indians , ns heretofore. The
agent , says ho is going according to law and
j3 | InstructlnriS j from Washington.
jt Is claimed that many have settled on
the . reservations contrary to Instructions
from Washington , nnd If they nro ousted It
Is [ I10 more than tlioy could expect. Should
they bo removed at present It will provo n
great blow to hundreds who have gone on
the lands ] with good Intentions , Many have
runted the lands of the Indians for llvo
years and have erected substantial building !
OI the ] land.
j Action Is being taken to servo an injunc
tion on the aeent , staying proceedings until
crops , can bo secured und other arrange
ments made.
Orelcliton unit Vicinity Ylnltod by Re-
rrnnhliiK Shower.
CnitioirroN , Neb , , Aug. 9. [ Special Telegram
gnu . to TIIK BEE. ] This vicinity was vis
ited by a splendid rain yesterday which Insures
sure an nbuudant corn crop in this locality.
Small : grain of all kinds Is harvested and
the yield is wonderful , much better than
was anticipated. Farmers are feeling good
over their summer's work.
GoTiiENiiuuo , Nob. , Aug. 'J , [ Special to
TIIEBKE.J The drouth was broken yester
day afternoon by heavy showers of rain
coming from the southeast aud today the
water Is stand Ing in pools In this vicinity.
'IJJio farmers claim thcro will bo corn and
hay enough raised hero for homo consump
tion.MoCoorc Pto
MoCoorc , Aug. i ) . [ Special Telegram teen
THE BKE.J The entire
. ' southwestern portion
of , Nebraska has been thoroughly soaked by
7 the rains of yesterday and today. Yesterday
. the northern part of the county was visited
with , the heaviest rain for years and today
at G p. m. it commenced to rain again. The
fall being estimated nt two [ inches , the
water rushed down the streets In torrents ,
carrying , dirt and rubbish 'onto the sidewalks.
It , , will Insure a good corn crop in this county ,
thu , . uuinbor of bushels being estimated as
heavy as lust year.
Fremont Naur * Notos.
. FIIEMONT , , Aug. 9. [ Special to Tun Bun. ]
A . dog with symptoms of rabbles was slain
m the ' city yesterday after ho had endan
gered several lives and bitten a few of his
A great deal of complaint has been made
by parties owning property on the Chau-
tauqua grounds on account of the work 1Uof
vandals : in breaking glass and other dese
crations. Authorities have taken it in hand
und threaten prosecution.
Joe Camp has purchased the Hooper Hum
mer and will remove the ofllco to Pilgor and
start a now paper.
Mark ] M. Coad , the noted breeder of Por-
choron horses , will oxhlolt a dozen of them
at the World's exposition. Ho is preparing
to ship in a few days.
Mrs. ; A. M. Edwards of the World's faire
Judges of awards was homo from Chicago ; a
few hours yesterday on business.
The ' business men of the city ns n rule
nro still hopeful for the future and have not
boon seriously affected by the stringency in
money affairs. The "banks have money
enough for all their demands and tlioy look
forward to the moving of the crops for the
usual revival of the fall trado.
The president's message , while It does not
satisfy the sliver men , Is considered a uianlj
expression from his standpoint hero.
TlioyVuru Tlruil ol I.lfo.
HIAWATHA , Kan. , Aug. 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKK.J Martin Jacobs , thereat
son of a prominent farmer , cut his throat
with a razor last night. When his parents
called him for breakfast this morning there
was no response , nnd going to his room they
found him unconscious and in a dying con
dition. Jacobs was working with a thrcsing
machine yesterday and was almost over
come by thb heat , nnd it is supposed that
during the night ho became Uoiniifjod and
dostroycd himself.
J. H. Jackson , day laborer , took n heavy >
dose of laudanum for the express purpose of
killing himself. Jackson's wlfo was I At
church , and when she returned she found
her- husband in nn unconscious condition.
Medical assistance was summoned at oiico
and the doctors uro hopeful oi his recovery ,
but the chances are against him. Ho was
despondent over a financial trouble.
jyruil on thu .11 ol ) .
NEWCASTLE , Neb , , Aug. 9. [ Special to TIIK
BEK.J Lust evening n traveling man , who is
selling n patent soap , struckJXowcastlo and
opened ui | for business. After the performance -
anco ho took the crowd to n saloon. The
rival saloon men organized n mob , armed
them with ancient eggs and attacked him as
ho was entering the hotel. Several of the
eggs had struck him , when ho pulled a i gun
and lirod at the crowd sovnrnl times. No
ono was hit. Ho loft town during the day.
HDIIIII Alurm lit ( iniftnu ,
aiurroN , Nob. , Aug. 9. [ Special to Tun
BKK.J Ono death Sunday , ono Monday , and
two Tuesday from scarlet fever has cau&ed
the pcoplu to take the most extreme meas
ures to atop the awful pluguo ,
Thu village board hat quarantined all
places Infected und ordered all children kept
at homo nnd no puuilo gatherings are to bo
allowed. No now i-ast's are reported this
morning , but the most rigid means will bo
used to stop its spreading.
DAKOTA CITV , Aug. 9. ( Special Tnlcgram
to TUB UKU , ] A warrant for the arrest ; of
M B , Wilbur , ox-county Judge and now
editor of the South Sioux City Argus , was
todav Issued on complaint of Adam Worozoi ,
charging embezzlement of ? lyoO dollars ,
the urocoods of a sale of land belonging ! to
the complainant made by Wilbur us agent in
IblK ) , The sheriff 1s now after Wilbur , who
is a leading domocrutio politician of f the
county and stato.
HuouviTtiil IIUVutcli. .
PI.ATTSMOUTH , Aug. 9. [ Special to TUB
BEIJ. ] Wilder Kolso , manager of the Plaits-
mouth HoraUl , was minus a handsome gold
watch for tuvcral hours last night. The
n&toh was ! el In hi * veil In the ortltorlnl
rooms , nnd ourlng his tomnornry abienca a
bum illppnd In And nipped It. Kolio dlt
eororert bit loss In ft very tow minutes , and
the police word at onca put en the thief's
trail. The man was overhauled In the U. ft
M. yards. Ho dropped the < tolcn tlmo piece
and broke Into the brush nnd escaped.
A Illnlr Man Commit. Snlold. e ui He
_ Conldn't .Mnr.ler Mil Fitmllj7.
Br.Ain , Nob. , Aug. 0. [ Special Telegram
to TUB llRB. J Hans Stango , living near the
collarIng factory , committed suicide this morn
Ing by hanging himself In his barn by A
wins Last night ho had an Idea that his
family , consisting of a wlfo and two chil
drcn , should die , And ho proceeded to shoot
promiscuously. ! The family , however , lied
and found refuge with noighbow. The police
wore after him all night , but did not
find him until this morning , when
ho wa found hanging In a barn. Ho had
Paris green f on his clothes and mouth , which
ho had < probably been eating. Ho had quarreled
relod with his family constantly for years
and was of n dUagreoablo nature. About n
year ago Stango was work Ing on the bridge
und was hurt while going to work by falling ,
oil a hand cur , nnd ho has not worked any
slnco , which was probably the cause of his
action His revolver was found Just outside
of the barn.
Hliould HIITO SURcentnd n Iltmiocty.
PI.ATTSMOUTH , Aug. 9. [ Special Telegram
toTn BUB. ] Public opinion hi Plattsmouth
Is divided as to President Cleveland's mes
SBgO. It Is safe to say , however , that the
general feeling Is that the chief magistrate
should have at least suggested something
which congress could construe ns a remedy
for the ' present panic. The mcssago Is ,
nevertheless , considered n strong document ,
nnd men of both parties generally commend
the president for his fearlessness.
Snwuril County' * lintltuto.
SnwAiiD , Nob. , Aug. 0. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] The Seward county teachers' Insti
tute opened a two weeks session Monday ,
with Prof. Hoonshal of Holton , Kan. ; Prof.
Brainard , principal of the Beatrice schools ,
nnd Prof. Hurkott of the Seward schools , as
Instructors , with County Superintendent
Anderson ns director. There are over 100
teachers In attendance , nnd the institute
promises to bo ono of the best ever hold In
the county.
Mourning at West I'olnt.
WEST POINT , Nob. , Aug. 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnr. BEE.J West Point Is in mourn
ing ever the receipt of Uio news from Lin-
coin of the dentil of ftTSniiott Goldsmith ,
mayor of this city. When ho loft hero
yesterday ho was apparently In the best of
health. Sotno of his rclatiues leave this
afternoon for Lincoln and will bring his re
mains to West Point.
Tiilk County > 'o\v pnicr | Glmnco.
OscEor.A , Aug. 9. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE.J The Polk County Indoueiulcnt
changed hands today , Mr. Cornish , ono of
the editors , going out and L. A. Boltzor
taking his place. Lou Is a thoroughbred
Independent , a rustler , and If anybody can
make a paper of that stripe win la this
county Lou can do it.
Fulluro at Teoilmsoh.
TECUMSEH , Aug. 9. [ Special to THE
BEE.J Sheriff Zutavorn took possession of
the dry goods and hardware stock of Fred
Smith yesterday ana thostoro is now closed.
Hard times , poor collections nnd inability 1.'O 1.o
moot bills caused Mr. Smith's failure. There '
Is $1,500 outstanding against the stock ,
which will probably bo sold at sheriff's sale.
DcxortoU Ills 1'imilly.
TECUMSKII , Aug. 9. [ Special to THE BEE. ]
W. P. Hawkins , a lawyer and insurance
agent of this place , after mortgaging nil his
available property , oven to his household 4.
offsets , skipped the town yesterday , leaving
his wife , throe children and numerous
creditors to mourn his departure.
Fun ol n Clny C'untor Hoy.
CI.AT CisNTEii , Aug. 9. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] John Glnntz , a boy 10 years old I ,
placed a railroad tidacross the B. & M. track
cast of Harvard , Just to see the train stop.
It was discovered by the section hands before
the train arrived. John was yesterday
bound , over to the district court.
DrciwnuilVlnlu llntiiliiRr.
BiUESriuxo3 , Nob. , Aug. 9. [ Special Tele-
uram to Tun BEE. | Phiuoas E. Lambert , n
boy of 13 years , was dron-ned in the Blue
hero today. Ho was swimming with other
lads and ventured out too far. The body
was rei-ovorod by an expert diver in fifteen
fcot of water.
Balloon tonight at the beach.
11KK iriCKIfA 1,1 WOItK.
Wedding at n South Omnhn IMiynlolau and
n Olilcneo Young I.uUy.
CHICAGO , Aug. 9. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ] The mnrriago of Miss Martha i J.
Wnllworlc , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Wallwork , to Dr. Thomas A. Berwick of
South Omaha , was solemnized this evening
at the homo of the bride's parents , 4503 In
diana avonuo. About fifty relatives and in-
timatu friends were present. The ceremony
was performed at 0:30 : o'clock , Itov. B. inyA.
Brown officiating. '
The house yvas prettily decorated with
palms and ( lowers , pink and white , the
colors of the wedding forming the color
scheme. The brldo was attired In whlto
satin , with a bertha of luce and lace trim
mings. It is inude domi-traln , and the
corsage is cut 'round the nock and has long
sleeves. A diamond and pearl pendant , the
gift of the groom , was worn. thoA
cluster of white roses was carried.
The bride was attended by Miss Boverley
asj mulct of honor , who were a whlto
silk eown. Her ornaments were pearls and
she curried a cluster of white carnations.
Miss Juno Wi'son ' was ( lower girl , robed In
white crepe ever pink silk , carrying pink
( lowers. The groom was served by Louis
Monasse , Jr. , as best man.
Immediately after the ceremony the wed
ding supper was served In the dining room
by Hodloy. Dr. and Mrs. Berwick loft this ;
evening for Macltlnnc Island. They will I bo
at homo after September 1 In Omaha.
Storcoptieon views tonight at beach.
Iliintlni ; tlio ( 'iinriul Hey * ,
COUYDON , Ind. , Aug. 'J. Mack Harbaugh
has Instituted ponce warrant proceedings
against the Conrad boys , who slow live of
the mob that attempted to lynch them Just
Saturday night , us they had accused Har-
bautfh of being a member of the mob and
had'threatened his llfo. The marshal of
this place started this morning lo arrest the
Conrads. Ho will deputize men enough to
take thorn. It Is supposed that they are
secreted about their homo , If the marshal
succeeds In capturing them they will likely
bo tauen from him and killed before they
reach hero.
* -
Sunk 111 tlio
PADUCAII , Ky. , Aug. 9. The steamer City
of Shofliold sink last night forty miles i up
the Tennessee river whllo bound down , ut
Highland landing. In five foot of water.
She has a small hole in her bottom and filled
In loss than ten mlnuto3 , The dock cargo is
lumbar and is not damaged. The boat lies
straight and will bo easily raised.
"When pain and anguish wring the brow
A uiluisturingniiKcl thou" Bromo-Soltzor
MuriliToil by n Illchwiiyinnn.
MIDDUESIIOUO , ICy. , Aug. 9. John Honso-
ley of Wllliamsburg was shot dead and robbed
of his watch and money on the Pinovillo
road yesterday. Patrolman Crockett of
Middlusburo captured Walter Kdinondsonon
Sugar crook this morning with the watch.
Thcro U no doubt of his guilt and excite
ment runs high ,
Piles of poopio have piles , out Do Witt's
W\tch \ Hazel Salve will euro them.
Killed by u llollor J.'iplonlon.
MAIMIULL , Tex. , Aug. 0. By the explosion
of the boiler of the Marshall Lumber com
pany's planing mill at U o'clock thli morning
Tommy Hill , aged 13 ; Henry Smalloy , aged
1(1 ( ; Gus Sauuders , n negro , all employes of
the mill , wore Killed und Joe Bright , cngl ]
ncur , uud Joe Wulman , were badly scalded.
Storooptluon viuwd tonight ut bench. I
Mombon of Parliament .Rofuso to Accept
Mr. Balfour'a Amendment.
ItVa * nn nfTort to Hcttrlot the
the Irlili .Mnmbem of , the Itonao or
Commoiu TpJkt oil the
LONDON , Aug. 9. In the House of Com
mons today Mr. William McCartney ( con
servative ) moved the adoption of nn amend
ment to the homo rula bill providing that
the Irish members who shall bo retained In
the Imperial Parliament shall vote on no
bill , motion or nmontmcnt , except motions
that may bo amendatory to the homo rule
bill. This amendment Is the ono that A. , T.
Halfour Intended to Introduce- last Monday
when the homo rula bill came up on the report -
port stage , but which his absence from the
house at the time prevented him from doing.
During the debate on the motion of Joseph -
soph Chamberlain liu denounced the strat
egy of the government , by moans of which n
scheme was Imposed on the House giving
the Irish members who should be retained
the right to vote on all questions. The best
iiiid only nrrangnmnnt wnnlu bo the total ex
clusion of thu Irish members from West
Mr. Henry Labouchoro ( radical ) said that
if the Irish members sat In Westminster for
parliamentary purposes there would bo
two majorities in the house , which would
destroy the foundation of parliamentary gov
ernment. The house had either to accept
full retention , or full exclusion. If the bill
were n complete measure of homo rule , ho
would vote for full exclusion. It was not n
complete measure , and the House must
therefore nwult the end of the probationary
period , when full homo rule would bo Riven
for nettling the ultimata status of the Irish
In the Imperial Parliament.
Mr. I at-ouehoro's
remarks were \greotod
with cheers. The division was then taken
up , mid Air. McCartney's motion was de
feated by a vote of sat to 181.
Now * from Honolulu.
HONOI.UMJ ( via Victoria , H. C. ) , Aug. 1
The executive ami advisory councils have
Introduced an act vesting the crown lands
in the provisional government and providing
for their division and settlement. It will un
doubtedly pass with llttlo or no amendment.
United States Minister Blount , on being
show a dispatch announcing ho would bo
the administration's
candidate for governor
erne : of Georgia , declared that ho know
nothing of the matter. Minister mount
hope to learn by the steamer due on August
S that ; ho has been relieved of his chnrgo
Mntnnfii Will Ilii Kxilml.
" LONDON , Aug. 9. Dispatches from Horlin
say that tho- United States , Great Britain
and Germany have resolved on dccisivo ,
combined action to end the Samoan trouble.
It is said that Mntaafa will bo oxilod.
Mnny 1'coplo W ro Drowned.
VIENNA , Aug. 9. A elqudburst in Gratz ,
capital of Styrln , swelled the mountain
streams to torrents , which swept down the
valleys , doing great damage. A largo nuin-
bor of persons were drowned.
Omaha guards drill atCourtland beach
tonight about 7:45. :
riKUlXI.l 7J.11' 'IT TIIK F.LIlt.
.Mount Vermin Holme Dodlcntod by the
1'oojilo rrnni Jliat Stuto.
CIIICAOO , Aug. 9. The weather continues
bright nnd pleasant. Tpday was an Interest
Ing ono for the World's , fnir. It was Virginia
day and the Virginians dedicated the Mount
Vcrnon house , the Virginia state building.
This is the anniversary Of what is claimed
to bo the mooting ot the tlrst free legislative
body to assemble In America , which took
place some time in the seventeenth century
at Willlamsbtirgh. Senator Daniel delivered
the oration and General Fitz-IIugh Leo was
among those present.
. The Knights of Pythias of Illinois also had
their day at the fair and marched trally in
with plumes and banners under the coin-
rannd of Brigadier J. SJ. Barkloy of Spring.
fieli . Exercises were hold in Festival hall ,
ut which Supreme Chancellor Blackmail
presided. ' , ! Charles A. Barnes of Jackson
ville made the principal address.
The ftshormon also appeared nnd the Chicago
cage Fly Casting club dedicated the Isaac
Walton college , this being the 300th anni
versary of the birth of the father of the
gentle sport.
The national commission adjourned today
without transacting any business.
The bourd. of lady managers will have nn
Interesting session tomorrow , with John
Boyd Thatcher as the central ilguro. They
have repeatedly requested that one of their
number bo appointed on the board of ap
peals , but Mr. Thatcher has persistently re
fused , on the ground that the exhibits of the
Woman's building are not of suftlciont pro
portions to entitle them to n representative.
Mr. Thatcher will address the ladles tomor
row , and the mooted subject will bo dis
cussed at length.
All the races represented nt the park will
participate in a swimming race on Friday
afternoon. The course will bo from the
floating platform at thu south end of the
Wooded island to the stops of the colonnade ,
Machinery hall.
The annual convention of the Edison Illum
inating company is being hold in the Wis
consin building , ns the first electric light
plant was located at Applelon , Wis. Thirty-
seven members are present , renrcsonting
thirty of tlio largest cities of the country ,
savcra ! millions of incandescent lamps and
largo property Interest. John I. Hoggs of
Now Vorlc , la president of the association.
Papers on matters of interest are being
read nnd the members are fully enjoying trio
World's fair.
Some time ago Director General Davis
wrote a letter to Cardinal Hainpolln , secre
tary of the Vatican , requesting him to ex
press to the pope the appreciation felt by
the management of the exposition for the
very oxtnnslvo and Interesting exhibit made
by his Holiness In the monastery of La Klbl-
dad. This exhibit vyas made at the request
of the president of the United States , coin-
municated by Hon. W. F. Foster , then sec i
retary of state. Ono of the chamberlains of
the pope , writing to , n friend in this
city on the subject Buys : "Your let
ter of Juno ! i7 was received and
about the same date n handsome mcssago to
the pope and Cardinal Jlampolln from the
director general. If honoululmvo wow and
heard the evidences satisfaction and
pleasure which the mestmgo of Gcncn.l
Davis culled forth ho would fool amply re
paid for sending It. I hope now that the
State department will st-ml us some uc-
knowlodgmont like that- for by that depart
ment the articles were iisltod , I. o , , the gov
ernment , through Secretary Foster bogged
the loan of them. " t
There will bo an intoamtional regatta on
the lagoons at the falr.Tuosday , August l.r > ,
All the queer craft in the grounds will bo
brought into the lugoons , munned by the
natives of the several 'countries. ' In the
evening they will bo ru'rritshod torches nnd
Japanese , lanterns iuidpio olcctrlasearch-
lights will be placed so us to cover the boats
with their rays and malco- the aceiio us bril
liant us possible.
Balloon tonight at the beach.
of I'nvrrty ,
Superintendent Burr , of the county poor
department , reported that of lute ho has re
ceived u great many applications for relief
from persons who have never before nskod
the county for aid , and who are worthy ,
respectable , and , when work is to bo had ,
hard wifrklng. They are now , nnd many
have been for a long time , unemployed , and
they como to Mr. Burr us a last resort ,
Of nlno applications received yesterday
seven areiof ] the character just describe
The other two have both beuu assisted once
each , before , but in thu case of ono of them ,
a woman , she was ill nnd unublo to work at
that tlmo.
Storoopticou vjowa tonight ut beach.
15 ,
Eye Briglleners and Dollar Savers lor Thursday , Hug ,
II itb a Corn Crop of 50 Millions , is Right up Wild the Procession ,
T Way's Golden Values.
Closing out all our $7.50 , $8.00 ,
$0.00 , $10.00 nnd $13.00ladies' ging
ham suits. Pretty styles , choice on
Thursday for 35.00.
Hnvo you bought your silk waist
yotP Cheese from our $7.60 quality
for $3. 70 each. Not many loft.
Way's ' Parasol Prices.
All three dollar parasols for $1.00
All flvo dollar parasols for $2.00
Child's mull caps slightly soiled 15c
Your boy is a terror on stock-
Buy a few pair of our boys' cast iron
stockings double knee , heel and too ,
worth 35e for 14c.
Ladies' silk vests , good I
value for $1.BO , f
Ladies' | black and colored fabric
gloves , worth up to 75c a pair , for IGc.
Ladies' extra quality ) O K n A
chamois gloves , f O * J tPAIR. .
Nos. 0 and 7 , per yard 4c
Nos 0 and 12 , per yard go
Nos. 10 and 22 , per yard 12c
A PENNY A PENNY for tin top
Our prices on Mason's Fruit
Jars are the lowest.
"Wo nro innrohliiR on In brighter tlmei
Ana Joyful ditrn of POUKI
With Noi > rinkV coition harvest
Nlh on llfly million strong. "
Ilnnd Embroidered
Intlnl Handkerchiefs at
Indies' pretty llguroil nnd whlto
hemstitch nnd embroidered 9c
handkorohlofs . . . .
llandsomo damask and huck
towels , with heavy knotted
fringe nnd drawn work , plain
whlto and fancy border , big
slxo , worth from U-5o to 60o ,
buy Thursday for . . . . EACH
Pretty Summer Frocks
nro made in French ginghams
and nrntty crinkled goods.
Wo are closing our fiOe to 75c
qualities for per yard - -
Marseilles ofTcot full 'sho excel
I lent quality buy ono Thursday
At 62c Each.
Our fans generate a ( jratoful breeze
and wo are selling' Hat nnd folding
fans which were up to 50c each for
The Belt Line.
Ladies' Uoo quality bolts for I5c.
Ladies' 60c quality bolts for 25c.
Ladles' 31.00 quality bolts for 5Oc.
Ladies' $1.25 quality holla for 75c.
All in good shape and now stylos.
DINNER 10.00 Sets - - $6.4' '
SETS. 13.60 Sets- - $10.00
20.00 Sets - $15.00
uror Host named. values )27.60 ) China Sets $16.60
Some very pretty Sattoons at 19c.
Serviceable dark printed Indin
Lawns to close out Thursday for
Small lot of
tVhlto Goods and fancy To closQ
Organdies , in very at
good stylesworth 25c 13c
to 50c. a yard.
Opera lengths Hose , colored and
black , worth7Gc , for 37ic.
Some fancy Lisle Hose , bright col
ors , at about ono third vahio , 22o
a pair.
Elastic ankle , cool aud convenient ,
35c a pair.
Men's $1.25 quality colored outing
shirts , 75c.
Men's $1.75 quality colored outing
shirts , $1.
Men's $2 quality colored outing
shirts , $1.20.
Men's $2.50 quality colored out
ing shirts , $1.50.
PARASOLS Last chance.
$3.00 quality Parasols for $1.00
$5.00 quality Parasols for $2.00
For the economical housewife.
Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons , 85c a sot.
Ely's Patent Mop Stick , lOo. ,
Best Cotton Mop , 13c.
40c , 50c and GOc Baskets for 25o.
4-foot Step Ladder , 48c.
Good big Wash Tub , 48c.
You wouldn't think
would look so pretty when made
up but it does.
with us Thursday and you also will say it pays to trade with
Mail best orders attention. have our THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO ,
16th and Fnrnnin Sts. , Omaha ;
Our new building is promised for
next month , and before moving we shall
close out every remnant and piece that
we do not intend re-ordering.
Ends of Matting.
Ends of Brussels.
Ends of Ingrains.
The prices have been fixed for the
August purchasers benefit. See for
Douglas , Between 14th and 15th ,
( ( JiHKllltuUiili l > 'ru . )
Isuniurpmioil In ilio troatmoot
or nil
Cjiroiilo , Prlvnto nul
Aorvotia Diiuiisos.
VYrlto lu or ooniult uurtuuall/
1'ltKAI'Mli.NT IIV 31A11 *
with Btiiuin tor p r-
ttculuri. nUlcti vrtll Lo .301 In
plain unrel opv. 1' . < _ > . liuxiUl. UUloo , 110 U. Utbi
truiH , Omaha.
Tooth extracted In ninrnlnir ,
KuwoiKittiuHurttul afternoon
bamu day , I'urluut ut tfuur-
: inl 1'lutir ,
J'nxton llloulc.
ii 1'nritniH Stroof.
EUvator ou ItitU Slroet. Toloplione 1039
As you have heretofore dene , for a
We are now making one , with Deep 1'ulnts ,
equal to any in the market ,
FOR 20C.
Sold by all lha Uidlng
Men' Furniihin.
The Monarch is the best warm Vreatlier
Shirt. Solid comfort and complete tatlslac-
tion guaranteed.
, . U. 8. Depository , Omaha , Neb.
CAPITAL , - 8400,000
SURPLUS , - $ U5,000
Officers and Directors Henry W. Yat , preal
clem , U. 0. C'lisliliif , vluu prualuunt , C. H. Maurice ,
W , V. MOI-HO. John H. Collins , J , N. U. 1'dlrlolt
Luwla H. Hood , cashier.
New York Hospital
For nil
Cbroili , town ,
Private and
Special Dlsaam
Ftricturo nnd all ntlisr troubles trotted
at reasnnaUlo churls. CON SUM' ATI ON
FliEIi Uuliouor addroin
Uupoiltul ! lyden Hroi ,
COri < U.iT10N * . TAINS , ICIIKIJ.U.iTJH.11 ,
uuiiTK , OIKMIIA. :
Tim inuut and Hurent riivnlHlro li
HHiOI.IX/T'M Muxtanl I/'avt'it , Invrnitjil tiy
Itluollot und wlupU'il liy llm Hoyul KntlUli Nnvy ,
tliu prlvati ) ami military Knmcli liimnluiH , and UHOU
all ovrr llin world. Thirty y : iM ot Miicojiiii. Kor
Hul" with dniirrUt" , l bu > i > containing tun l < iivi > 4
uauii , B < J tliat thu Inviiiilur'u ulviiuturH in npua
each Uix anil leaf. Muln onlcu , 1' . I'.l/ullul 4 Cu. ,
21 Avvnuu VlctorU , 1'urla , Franco.