Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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01 I'lCE : NO. 12
Dullvcrtd by carrier to any pirt of the city.
II. W. TI I/TON - Manager.
Tt < t i.-t'iiiivru j lluslnps * Onicc No 41
TKI'KlnoNI-S1 Night Kdltor No. 2.1
> u.\uit Mi\11uy.
N Y I'himbing Co.
Boston Store , dry goods
'J he Mnvno Heal UstatoCo .021 Broadway.
J W White took out a permit jcsterday
to rrcc-t a { 300 house at 1414 South Highlit
Harry M Drexel of St Joseph , Mo , nged
W , and Kaimy Harvey of AMarjs\lllo , Mo. ,
aged 22 , took out a llcennu to wed icsterday
They wcro married bj Justice lleld
It lbie | > orteil thnt an Omaha wheelman ,
while on his way homo about inldnlgntti
night or two ago , was held up when near the
c-ast end of thu motor btidgo According to
the story which Is told , ho saw a plank
vv Inch had been placed across the reid for
the purpose of tripping his wheel , and man-
nged , by executing a quick tuin , to slip
mount ! It. Just as he dm no tinee mon ap
peared at the sldo of the road r.tut with
pistols aimed at htm ordered htm to stop
Ho vvas going too fast to obey the command ,
and did not feel like slowing UP so that ho
escaped with alt his wealth on him
Oscar Hull , who was Implicated In a larg
sl/ed row at the homo of a man whom ho
thought had allennted his wife's affections ,
vvas given a trliil ooforo Justice Vlon yester
day on the charge of entering a dwelling
with Intent to commit a public offenses Ho
succeeded In showing that the offense with
which he vvas charged wns the same ono for
which helms been serving thirty-live da.vs
in the county Jail , and he was accordingly
discharged. There was still another case
against him in Justice Pox's court , where he
was charged vrlth riot , but all the other par-
tics to the ilot had been discharged for lack
of ev idem o. The court held that ono man
lotlld nol have a riot all by himself and dis
charged Hull , who went homo full of an
Intention never to meddle with his wife's
affairs uiMiti.
.Notlro to ( Iriirnryinrn.
The hi and of corn known as "I ) . W.
Archer's World's Fair Brand Sugar Corn ,
Council BluHs , la. , " is not packed at
Council BltilTs and Council illulTs Can
ning C'o. has no interest whatever itibitld
Owing to tlio present financial crisis
and the genet al reduction of prices in
inuatH , the Hotel Inmau , which is a first
class $ " .00 a day hoti e , has i educed iU
rates to 91.00 a day. Day board $ -1.00 n
week. First class meals , 2)c.
The best building sand in the markel
by carload. Address N. Schmi , 34 Bald
win 131ock , Council Bluffs , la.
J'/i/fSOA.II' ,
E H. Hawoith is in Chicatro
Mrs. J. T Titld is homo from Hot Springs ,
Gconro W Hewitt and vvifo are homo fion
a visit to Chicago
Dr V W Hough ton and son rctuincd jes
tciday from a visit to Chicago.
Mrs Lawrence Hoist and sister , KItlli
MeKenzio , aio visitors at the Woild's fair.
J. P. Wilcox will leave today for St Louis
whcie he will attend a convention of llorlsta
n F. Test has returned from the sllvo
convention and the convention of editors ii
> lrs H McKon/ie and daughter Fannli
left last night for Chicago , accompanied b
William McKenzie.
Misses Mlllo Pace and Bessie Huntlngton
who have been visiting friends in Omaha fo
several tlujs , returned homo last evening.
F.V Hough left last evening for a tw
weeks visit to his old homo hi Canada II
will stop on the way to take in the World'
T. C. Dawson went to Sioux City vestot
day to secure the appointment of a receive
for the First Ute State bank in Monon
county , news of whoso failure was receive
hero yesterday.
Dr. H IJ. Weaver of Philadelphia Is th
guest of his cousin , J. P. Weaver of thl
city. He Is piofensor of demonstrative anal
omy and lecturer on sureical unatomi i
Hahneinan college , Philadelphia.
Notlio to I'lunlo 1'artlnn.
Cliange in time , commencing Monday
4ug. 7. Trains for Manawa leave at th
following hours : Morning trains loav
Broadway at 10 a. m. Evening tiains t
1 , 2 , It , I and 5 and every HO minute
thereafter until 12 p. m.
ITardintin & LCWH , two well know
young men , have pin chased the Moth
lestnuiant on Pearl stieot. They vvi
make it .IIDIO popular and attractiv
than over. Special tables iCbOived fc
ladiob and families.
Domestic botip outlasts cheap soap
Hindi nl ,1. O. UIMI- .
A tolcRiam was received .vcsterday inon
Ing at the VOUIIR Men's Clulstian associ ;
tion headquarters announcing the death of
U Koso at DCS Moines , some time dm Ing tl
morning. Mr Koso was gencial seciotary (
the association Iu this cltj' until hist sprln
when the condition of his health iciuk'K
his wllfiduiwal fiom the work absolute
ncccssaij' . 'llio dread disease , consuniptio
Imd fastened tiiHin him , and when ho d
parted his fi lends could not but feel that
was the las.1 time his eves would over loc
upon them again , Ills wife accompanli
him to DCS Motnes and made a heroic stiu
plo to save his life , but wit
out avail , Ho kept sinking co
stantly lower and lower , and when his deal
vvas announced il vvas no giealsupriso. Tl
funoial will taKe plaeo tomorrow aftornoc
at 4 o'dock and thn ronmlns uill bo intern
In DCS Moluos The miiny friends of the d
ceased will extend their heartfelt ivmpatt
to Mrs Koso In her boreavomenl. The met
bors of tlio local association soul a line llor
offcilng to Dos Moincs lasl evening.
llllll lllllH JllltllO ( lOOll.
Business men need tholr money
thcbo times. If you have hills again
people not living in Iowa employed 1
any lalhviiy , oxjiress , telegraph or tel
phone fompanv entering low a , vvrito
the Natisau Investment Co , , Count
Ii lulls. Collections guaranteed.
Smoke T. D. King & Co'b Partagas.
Able your giocer for domestic hoap.
Sllireil hy Itiirel ir .
Burglars tiled to enter the house of Jo
Bono on Fiank sttoot a nlghl or t\ \
ago. They were heard tinkering nrou
the back door , and the hired u
called ono of the boi.s to rout them T
boy called to tils btothcr and the lati
passed the iilatm down the line , but none
the people seemed anxious to go out I
a haml-to-hiuul lonllict with the maiaudu
Thcj finallj loft wlthotil gutting in.
Gtoonshlelds , Nioholbon & Co. , re
cBtatoiind i entals.tjOO Uroadway ,
Williamson & Co. , 10(1 ( Main btre (
largest and beht blojclo block in city.
Stop at the Ogdcn , Council Blufla , t
tefat $2.00 hotiFo in Iowa.
full from u Motor.
A 4-j ear-old boy named Hull , who lh
with his paietits at the corner of Pout
nvenuo and Tenth street , was amiiblng hi
eolf tiy jumping on and oft a Main sin
motor jouterdav afternoon \\henliomiul
mlsctio and fell upon bis head , Ho v\
picked up senseless and carried home , a
U Is feaicd that ho Is very badly hurt.
Cook your meals this summer on a ( .
range. At oobt at the Gas company.
Now is the time to enjoy the buthi
at Manhattan beach.
is the best.
Membora of the Fire Dupartmont Kept Bnsj
with Early Morning Blazes.
Thry Tina In llnitte from a Hunting Ilitlhl-
Inc All Tlirir Ktluctn Oritriiyeil Mr * .
Jcinle Oiikloj AUi > buituliu n
box ore I.IIM.
A dwelling house located nt 707 Cook
avcnuo nnd owned by II. J. Adams was
burned iustordav morning at S'lO o'clock.
The lliu < ! Is lliought to have origlnutcd ffoin
n lamp explosion , us the tenants uoro accus *
totncil tolua\o a l.uni | burning nil night. It
ot a good hoadnny in uer > short time , nnd
C. H. Prlcohooccuptcd tliu hotisc , nnd his
family li.ul some trouble in Dotting out
\\ltti their ll\os , nnd had to bo con
tented to lcv\o nil their property In thn
Humes The llru ilo | > .irtment did not nirlvo
until nulto a while after the fin ) started ,
from thu fuct the man \\lio pave the
alarm ran past l\\a alatin boxes and llnallv
turned in the alarm near the Methodist
church , fully a inilo from the lire. The house
and all its contents wore tot illy tlcstroicd
Mr. Adams hiid $1,500 insurance on the
house and estimates the lois nt about f-00
moru than that. Mr. Pi leu's Instiintico on
the furiiittuo amounts tu $ i > 00hich , it Is
thought ill cover the loss
Sunday morning nt U.40 o'clock the fire
department x\as called out to extinguish a
blaze at the icsldoncoof Mrs Jcsslo Oakley ,
coinurof Twenty-llftli sttecl nnd Avcnuo 0.
An olToit was nmdo to c.ill up ttui flrojtien bv
moans of the telephone , but Lcntral seemed
to bo taking a imp and the 0110 giving the
alarm finally hid to run to ths eneino house
on lower Hi old waj. Mis Oikluy had Sl.'JUO
instilnnco on the furnltuio and $1,00) on her
\rardiobe , and thcso amounts , it Is said , are
ampl.v siirilcient to cover all loss by Hie
Thcro as J1.700 insurance on the buildltn : ,
uhich is the property of J. L > . 13ess ot
It Aenln Tarl.lcs the T-C < nt I'nrc ( jiio-
tloii Other Ilitilnrsn.
The ! 1 cent fare question was the most ! m-
pottant thine that came uoforo the cltj
council at its regular meeting last evening ,
Mayor Lawrence and Aldermen Gclso , H.ith
away , Jennings , Keller , Nicholson , Smith
and White were present , and the intercsl
the public felt In the outcome of the untl
motor agitation of the last fou months v\a :
attested by a generous iittcudanco of spec
Chairman Smith of the Judiciary commit
tee gave the ball a start by reading his re
port on the ordinance proposed l > i Aldermnr
\Vhito several w ceks ngo. prov iding for i
! ! -ocnt faro on time part ot the Omaha A
Council IHufTs Bridge company's line wlthii
the city limits on Uroadway and Avenue A
"Theio has been no complaint or potitioi
from the cltl/uns. " s lid he , "nsking fnr .
reduction of the faro on the motoi
lino. A 5-ccnt fare , with first-class serv
ice and Ihst-class roul eiiuipmonts \
low enough. What the citizens want is . :
ft cent faio to Omaha. Your committee
believes tint it is nn Injustice to tin
cltucns in other pai Is of thu city to llx otu
r.ito forIJtoidvv.ij and Avenue A and nn
other rate for other streets It is natuta
that a vvoiklng man. in choosing a lot for hi :
little home , should chose ono on n stree
vvhero motor faio is cheaper , nnd this ordl
nn'ico will therefore disci imintto it
fnvor of piopertv owners on certiti
streets and against propel ty ownei :
on all otheis Your committoi
therefore recommends that the 3 cent fnr
bo laid on the table. " This report was slgnci
only by 1'otcr Smltn , chtuunan.
' That must bo a minority report , then,1
said the major.
"It's a report , all the same , " said Smith
The other members w ill probably make nn
other report , but I don't know how man ,
signatures it will have. " The report vva
Majority Krport.
Alderman Jennings then read the majorit ,
report for himself and Alderman Golso , let
ommcnding the passage of thu tioublesom
ordinance. The passage of nnothcr. a su |
pli-mental ordinance , was lecotnmonded , rcgt
latinp the faro on all ottior portions of thread
road besides those comprehended in the 01
dinanco under consideration. The icport als
lecoinmcuded that an ordinance bo passe
requiting the motor company to furnis
without additional chaigo , transfer check
good on all connecting lines for thirty mil
utes from tinio of issue. This report vvti
adopted , but Smith voted no.
The council then proceeded to vote on th
3 cent faio ordinance. After it had bee
put on the second luadim : under a suspci
Hiou of niles Smith tried to amend it so as t
take in the wliolo motor line. Hut Smitl
for the time being , w as a green peisimmo
to the other councilmen , and if ho had o :
fercd a icsolutlon declining that it was
waiin ovonlng bis lolloagucs would hav
hut i led their coats and vests on and vote
it down unanimously. His nmeiulinci
didn't o\en eel a second.
Thooidmanco went through In spite (
Smith's "No , " which was vociferated i >
ovety turn In the house with the regularit
of a tup-hammor.
TVS o ordinances wore then brought up on
bodviiiBthe suifgcsUions made in Jenning
report. 'Ihollist ono ptoUded for a Ilcti
fr ro on all the streets in the city , cxceptii :
tlioao named in the ordinance ju :
passed , and for a line of $11
for any corporation or individual vvl
should clnrgo or receive more than tht
amount , 'llio second ptovidcd for the i
suance of transfers over all portions of tl
motor line , good at connecting points f <
thirty minutes fiom the time of issttam
without extra charge , and fixing a $100 tit
for violations Hoth thcso ordinances wci
ns far as the .second reading , whore tin
stopped. Smith and the other mombeis >
the council changed sides of the fcm
adroitly , Smith wanting the ordlnanci
hustled through and all the rest being
fuvor of a postponement.
A petition was picscnted from the res
1 dents of West Hroidway asking for the a
polntmcntof a police-man to loik after th
portion of the city \\llliam Vandenbui
\\asieeomnieiided , mid the majoivvasa
II thori/ed to make the appointment Tl
III above mentioned petition was signed 1
eight cltlfcns , each of whom agreed to p ,
$ J per month toward the olllcoi's t.ilaiy.
_ VViint Another Fiiuiiiiin ,
1 'Iho resldc'iits of the saino portion of ill
citj put In a potitlou An anothui fireman
No 2 engine house 'Iho matter vvasroforn
to the Iheiomnutteo ,
A communication vvas picsontod from H.
Haninnton , milking a claim of $ ir ,000 fin
the city in lompcns itioii for damages si ;
tallied by his vxlfo In bur recent nc <
item al the corner of Broadway ai
Klllott stieet Ho stated the ci
vvas responsible for the occurrcn
thiongb Its liogleot In allowing
deffctlvo bildgo to remain at that | ilu ;
Fifteen thous ind dollnis , ho said , vvas a bo
vvhal ho thought ho ouirht to have , bccau
ho had been compelled to do without t
services of his vvllonml had been put to
Kroat deal of expense , to provide u substitu
Mrs Harrlntjton also picsented a claim I
fca.OOO damages.
Ululrmun Jennings of the commltteo
vvhleli vvas loforred the matter of dispoal
of old city records , lepoitod that the i ox
nad been found In a veri bad shnpe , but
ull cases vvheru possible , they had be
properly tiled and indexed , so Unit thu cl
nilghl use them in thu future whenov
needed. ' 1 ho committee also recommend
that stops bo taken to require all cltj o
cials to soil and tile all pitpeis in order
preserve them for future reference , , .
Tlio Judieiiri committee icpoi ted advorsi
to John \V 1'aul's petition for reduction
Marshal John h Templotoii vvas giv
fourteen davs off to visit the liicineu's to
nament at Milxvaukoe.
The petition of Deere , \Volls & Co askl
for a ropavlng of Main street In from
their vvaichouse , vvas tiled.
liflitdiul fur VirclnU.
K U. Thomas , a 11 re in ( in for Iho Union 1
ciflo road , who lived on Txventj-llrt stn
between Fifth and Sixth avenues , bat 1
homo nud UU vvifo U louiuvvhut anxk
about him Ho bid her uoodby lait Sittir-
day night , placed $10 In her hand topethcr
with a paper alvltig her possciilon of all the
fttinlture , and told her ho wa golag to Vir
ginia to live with his mother. Ho
left the house Immediately , taking
with him all his personal effects , together
with about 11.81)0 ) which ho had laid up from
successive pay dajs , Mrs. Thomas sajs ho
has been wanting to got uway from homo for
omo time , over slnco the death of his llttlo
boy , and things there Is another woman In
the case , with whom ho lias fallen In love.
She Inclines to the belief that the tory
about his going to Virginia Is nothing but a
storv concocted for the purpose of conceal
ing his Intentions from her.
Tlirco Morten Stolen ,
M 13 Weathcrbce , who keeps a livery
stable on Uroadway near the corner of
Seventh stieot , lost a teim of horses and a
wine colored top buggy Sunday afternoon.
A man about 25 j ears of age , dressed in a
gtay suit of clothes , called at his place
and hired a rig , at ho said , to go out to
the School for the Ooaf , expecting
to take a gltl who vvas working there out
riding. A ilg was given him and ho went
avvuy. Dining the evening , ns ho failed to
show up , Wcatberbeo telephoned out to the
school and learned that no rig uf thn kind
which ho described had been there Ho re
ported the case to Sheriff Hacn , who
has offered a reward of § J5 for
the return of the rig or the capture
turo of the thief. Ono of the missing hotses
w as a bij , w Ith a birb w ire scar across the
breast The other is a bay mixed w 1th roan ,
with white face and four white feet. The
driver bad a ficsh scar on the right side of
his face No clew tc the outfit has so far
been sceuicd.
Paul Bouquet , whoso stable Is across the
street from the Weatherbeo's , lost a riding
hoi so about the same time A .voung man
called , giving his name as James Hllcrs , and
asKcd for a hot so to go to the farm of
William Orr , cast of the city. Ho promised
to have the animal back b > sunset , but evi
dently the sun has not set wltn Mr.
Up'ers so far , for ho is still a thing
of the future , so far as Bouquet is
concerned. The color of the horse Is a faded
black , weighing about i&O pounds , blind in
loft oio , shod with rubber pads on front
feet Tlio thief Is 23 years of ago. ilvo feet
seven Inches in height , wears a llirht mus
tache , talks broken German and Is of intelli
gent appearance Ho were light tiousors ,
dark coat and vest and snulT-coloicd slouch
hat witli holes uunched In rim.
Ladies' World's fair sooiablo at Ma
sonic temple , Tuesday evening , August
8. A novel entertainment by tlio lidi-
son phonograph , given by Rov. Mrs. W.
C. Luviuk. Dancing after the enter
tainment. Admission 25o.
Itnliliutl VVIillu lit Church.
Thloves got In their work at Ciesccnt Sun
day forenoon while the families of Messrs
Detrow , Buoben Dunkle and William Curric
were nt church. Dotiow's door was bioken
in and two sots of silver spoons vveie stolen
At Cuilie's house the visitors cut open r
window and ran off with a small amount ol
money and some jew elry. Dunkle's houst
was not locked up nnd the thieves had ful
sway during their stay. Two men whc
are supposed to litno done the Jol
were seen wending their way along tin
Northwestern lies between Crescent am
Loveland Sundry evening , and the polici
have been put upon their ti111. The Far
mers 1'iotectivo association , which was
originalh organized for the purpose of run
ningdown horse thieves , but which is nol
above tackling sneak thieves when occasioi
offers , Ins gone on the roul and is making :
thorough search of that part of the country
Domestic so.ip is the best.
Ojlun Spiders.
Ceylon is the homo of the largest spe
cies of spider that has jot been made tin
subject of entomological investigation
This web-spinning monster lives in the
most mountainous districts of that rugged
god island , and places his trap not t
gossamer snuro of airy lightness , but t
huge not of yellow bilk from five to tei
feet in diameter across the chasms am
fissures in the rocks. The supportitif
guys of this gigantic net , which in al
cases is almost stiong enough for a hum
mock , are from five to twenty foot ii
length ( as conditions and ciicumbtance ;
may require ) , made of u beries of t\visto (
webs , the whole being of the diamotoi
of a lead pencil. Ab might bo imagined
this gigantic biiken ti up is not pot fo
mosquitoes , lliea und pestifetous gnats
but for birds , gaudy moths and olegantl ;
painted buttcillies , some of the lutte
having a spread of wing equal to that o
a robin or a blue jay. Some c\tia fin
skeletons of small birds , li/urd = , snakes
etc. , have been found in these vvebc
with every vestige of llesh picked fror
thorn. The owner and maker of thes
queer silk traps is a spider with a boil ,
averaging 4j inches in width and
inches in length , and with legs 0 to 1
inches ftom body to terminal claw.
I'ntittn History.
It has been proved beyond a doubt thn
at tlio time of the discovery of Ameiic
the cultivation of tlio potato vvas pitu
ticed , with every apncurunco of anciot :
usage , in the temperate regions o\toiu
ing from Chile to New Grenada , at nit :
tutles varying with the latitude. Th
name of the aiscovcior of the potato ]
unknown , hut Uu Catidollo sums up th
history of its discovery as follows : "Th
nosato is wild in Chile in ufoim whic
is still seen in our cultivated plants ; :
j is doubtful whether its natural horn
> extends to Porn and New Grenada ; il
cultivation vvas dillubed befoiotho di
covery of America and was introduce
5 in the latter half of the sixteont
r contury. into that part of the Unite
States now known as Virginia and Nort
Carolina , and the potato was importc
into Ktnopo between 1580 and IfiS" ) , fin
by the Spaniard * ) and afterward by tli
English at the time of Kulolgh'u ' voyage
to Virginia. '
HOTBIO I.acil Storms ami Itilui are 1'ron
l 'il Nf 11 IMS Ull Today.
WASHINGTON , Aug 7 Forecasts for Tue
day : Tor Nebraska and Iowa Clout
weather ; winds shifting to southerly ; favo
able for severe local storms , with light loc
rainb Tuesday af let noon
For the Dakotas Westeily winds ai
decided fall in temperature , occasional lig
l.ocnl Krconl *
Ol'KIOI ! OP Till ! WlUTIIEK BuiltUU , OMAI1
Aug 7. Omaha rccoid of temperature ai
lainfall compaied with corresponding day i
past four j oars : *
1803 1802 IflOl 1HQ
Maximum temperature 04 o 0.1O < )4O ) u ]
Minimum temperature UHO 700 733 ( , t
AMsriitiu tuiupuiiituie H1O 82 = 84 = HI
Precipitation . . . .0 U , U .1
Statement showing the condition of tot
poraturo and ptcclplt Ulon at Omaha for tl
da.v and since Match 1 , lbU3 ;
Normal temiieriiture _ , . , 7
Kxress for the iluv
Dollclcncy bliico M itch 1 231
Noriiml proi'lpltutlon 11 In
Dullelcncy foi thn day . . , ,11 In
llclicfiney blncu March 1 2 02 In
ItaporU Irum Olhur I'olllU lit 8 p , in.
u"T" luilluilcB trac
OiOliUL K. HUM. Local Forvcuttt Onlcla
Mayor Walker Submltg Ka Interesting Moa-
eago to thojQitj Council.
Kxprrt Accountant * Alqkn n Itrporl Noth
ing tint OiMi < ! ( , nt tlio Stock
YiirdiriiuRlit , | u the Act
( iniKlp lii | ( general.
Major Walker , at the regular council
meeting last night , S3nt in another commun
ication , giving the city dads some ejc-
openers on certain matters. All the mem
bers were present at the meeting of the city
solons last evening.
On motion of Mr Schultz , the chairman of
the flnanco committee vvas Instructed to
purchase a letter press for the use of city
oHIclals ,
Mr Bulla , ns chairman of the commltteo ,
asked further time to report on the Jettor
spur track and also on the damages asked
by Plvonlta. Granted.
The Union Stock Yards company gave no
tice to the council that it would suspend
further payment of the stock Inspector
This position Is held by Moso Howard , who
has received * f > 0 from the jam company and
& > 0 a month from the city Ho is appointed
by the maior.
J. M Tobias , street commissioner , made a
report covering the work ho has done during
the last three months. A great deal of good
work In his line has been accomplished dur
ing that period. Tor men and teams during
May , MIU85 was expended ; In Juno the
amount was MM ) M and in July it w as f-145 10
The total expense for three months vvas
Mayor Walker h&ndcd in the following
communication , which was read , accepted
andrefeiicd to the ilnanco committee on
motion of Mr. Wood :
MHJorVull < pr' Mrmuico.
COUNCIL : Gentlemen Your atteiulon is
most icapcctfully invited to the considera
tion of the following subjects that have been
suggested to mo by an investigation of the
facts , records and conditions suiiounding
and confronting the major and council since
inj last communication to jour bodj' . You
nicatlawaie that a public olllcl il Is at all
times in duty bound to meet conditions and
questions not only arUIng each daj , but'to
also solve if possibledinicultproblems which
are the outgiowth of erroneous Judgment or
mismanagement of those who have been his
ptcdccoMsor In ofllce I am nvvare that all
men oirand I do not believe that the average
p.iblic Is an exception to this rule
In an earnest endeavor to become ac
quainted with the ptesent status of city
alTaus I have from time to time during the
brief period which I have had the honor of
being the executive head of the cltj1 govern
ment investigated our condition vvltha\lew
to giving to the taxpijers and residents of
ourclt.v the best government on the most
economical b isls.
"Some two veais ago , or during 1801 , the
city entered Into a contract with the Cali
fornia 1'etioleum and Asphalt compiny for
the paving of'I wenty-fourth stieot fiom Ate
to Q with Sti.idaui.iut asphalt Prior to the
execution of th it coatiact bonds had been
issued to cover the cost of such pavement
and had been placed on the market and sold
by the majoi and council of that The
proceeds fiom the stlo of sain bonds were
deposited in the citj ticasury. After the
exeeution of tin1 contiact the Califotnia Pe
troleum and Asphalt conumny pioceeded to
lay a pavement on Twenty-fourth street
Before the pavement vvas completed the
company was 01 dered to cease work by the
city engineer , acting under the direction of
the major and council of 1801. The pre
sumable ground for the stopping of such
wor * was the exceedinglj cold weather , dur
ing which it vvas believed that asphaltum
pavement could not bo successfully
laid. On the following spring under the
heat of the sun the pavement which had
been laid became soft and gummy ; it was
denounced as worthless Public demanded
that said company be not permitted to fur
ther pi oceed with the work. The majoi
and council of lbl)2. ) In obedience to such
public sentiment or their own opinions , in-
sttucted the chief of police to stop the said
companj- from any further work on the
street. The pavement company then ap
plied to the United States courts for an in
junction icstraluing the major and council
and citj ofllcials fiom interfering with the
compiny in doing work on said strecet. j\
icstraining older was granted by Judge
Dundy and served upon the citj' olllcials
The California compiny then brought suil
against the city for some 55,000 , allegint
bicach of contract on the part of the city
This suit was pending in court until the fal
of IbW , vvhon the major and citj
council of tnat jcar , unucr the ad
vice of the citv attornoj- and Messrs
Cow in .t Mcllugh , settled the lltlga
tion. The season had so lar advanced thane
no paving vvas done during IbiU except semi
repahing ; the icsult Is that the street I :
not } ut finished.
' 1 have thus rehearsed the hlstorj" of tin
case that jou might better understand tin
pai titular point to which I now desiio ti
call jour attention The bonds which lu <
been sold were drawing interest at 7 pe
cent and the proceeds of such sale wcr
Ijing idle in the treasury not drawing on
cent of interest. No assessment for th
cost of pavim : Twenty-fourth street hai
v or been made against the abutting pro )
oitj , houco the citv was not deriving an ;
interest and thoioforo had no money exccp
the piincipil to meet the interest pajabl
on the bonds. The city treasurer , in orde
to pay the obligations of tlio city as th
s imo fell duo , was obliged to diaw on th
piincipal ; therefore , the fund which th
law prcBciibed should be sot aside for th
payment of the bonds and intciest , inasmuc
as the assessment against the propcity ha
not been made , is today inadequate to mco
the bond obligation. There is now a dclltl
of some S-'J-70 Had assessments bee
made as they should the inteicst on sue
assessments would have paid the interest o
the bonds.
"Your honorable body Is now called upon t
moot this condition and preserve the cltj' '
credit. I am aware that the condition is th
outgiowth of , 1 mlghtsay , almost oxtiaordl
nary circumstances resulting from the il
advised action of the council of Ib'JI I tiellov
that the city's interest would have been prc
tcctcd and the present condition avoided i
the agents of that company , some of whoi
ueio citUensof our city , had not , in the
eager desire to have the pavement con
pletod in IS'Jl ' , that.tho _ compiny might gc
all the inoiioy , urgtid upon the major an
council the sale of < till the bonds before tli
money was needed This , how over , bavin
been done , the assessment should have her
made that the interest on the taxes mlgt
be used to piy the interest on the bom
which hud been pi.mod oil the market.
"I bollevo thai ilhls question should 1
placed in charge of the committee of linanci
Unit they may sol\ < > , the question and pi
vldo a way for llio replenishment of tli
"Some time during lasl year Iho city on
plojed J. J. Points , MI export accountant , I
check the books of the city and count
treasurer and ascertain the condition of ti
citj funds Within f-lio east few days I bin
for the Hi st time had the Pleasure of re ulii
Mi. Points' rcpoct 1 did not before kno
of Its existence. In looking over this al )
report 1 dlncovor some im | > ortant8Uggestiui
made by him whichshould receive the atte
lion of the counciL ; , According to his lignn
one of our ox-city treasurers has a sma
balance still due the city In his hands. Th
balance has no doubt been held throut
error , bul llioro Is now no leasonvvhy
should nol bo paid over to the city Ho al :
louche * upon the ainounl of fe
held by the city treasurer f
the collection of delinquent laxc
This is a question of consldt
able importance and merits consideration i
thu council I do not bullove that the prc
cut city treasurer or any of bin predecc&so
have intentionally taken foes to which tin
ate not entltlod. Neither do 1 know wlioth
they have or not , because from the nature
the duties of my oftlco I have neither tl
time nor Inclination to FO over the tru.i
urur's books invuclf. However , this is i
important point In the expert's report ai
should bo considered by .vour body. If fe
have been taken by the treasurer to will
ho U not entitled , I am Ihmly of the opini
that they have bocn withhold under u m
tonsil uotiou of the Uw. Liu t , however tl
may bo , If Iho fact is thai the lieanurer h
withheld a larger amount as fees than hols
entitled to , Iho matter should bo straight
ened out and the oxctsi , If any , placed to
the crfJlt of the city. Most rciiicclfully
submitted. O B WUKEH , Mnjor "
Oniecr Larson was grantoU ilvo A&\ leave
of absence , commencing August 0 , nnd Of-
fleer Mottensun three da.vt , beginning
August 13
The ( ( malm ft. North Platte Uillroad com
pany asked the cotiiioll to cant ol taxes as-
sensed by bolh Ihe cily and slntii board. Kc-
fcncd to the committee on tlnanco.
Inspector Hovratd rot > ortcd thai during
July ho had condemned cloven lumpv Jims
'Iho monthly batch of bills endorsed by
tlio Ilnanco commltteo were ordered pilil
Cash Uros ptoionled a bill for J200 for
work of clearing off Knllruad avenue The
council directed llio city enirliiror to havn
this Job done some tltno ago , but Iho work
vvtiftdelaicd on accounl of Iho IJ street via
duct washout The bill vvas alloxvod and or
dered paid.
CSoorgo P.uks &CO prcionted their final
estlmalQ for the xvork of repairing the O
stieot viaduct. The amount was K W & and
It vvas allow ed.
J. W Sipo prcscntod a bill for a dead envv
which h < i will , perhaps , never hear from
again II was to the clTcct that some dogs
hid bitten hli cow so bad thai ho hid to
kill her.
Chief of Pollen Ucekeli presented a bill
for fJ 60 for taking pi Isonors to the county
Hills fiom the eountj for boarding and
lodging pilsoncis were rcid as follows
January , February , March , April , May and
June , f-JOU.
An ordinance vvas pissed ordering the sale
of bonds In the sum of $ lt > ,000 for mailing
Hoard ol ( Munition.
As it had been announced that the repot t
of Ha * , ties Uros , expert accountauls , would
bo made to the Hoard of IMucation last
night the nicotine In the High school build
ing was wall attended.
In the room were noticed * KA Johnson ,
Do\o Anderson , Trunk J. Poisons , John
Condon , Volonol 13 P. Savage , C. M. Hunt ,
John C Carroll , O. H. Morey , and seveial
members of the oounell dropped In after
their meeting adjourned.
Mr Ha > ncs read the report , which he said
vvas onlj a piehmlnary ono. Ho ropaitcd
Ihat In compiling his work ho had come In
contact with bid bookkeeping , poor llgures
and ciaslngs In places In places neither
ordcis , stubs or cash books explained ills-
buiscmcnts pilor to IblK ) . Slnco then Iheio
had been some careless bookkeeping on the
part of the secrotailes , andaltogetheril was
a case of uironeons entiles and omissions
In all of Iho figures of Thomas lloctor. Iho
present city treasurer , ho only found
a disci cpancy of lii cents Ik-
said il would bo Impossible to give a do-
lulled accounl of the disbursements together
with tlio items fnjin the secretary's books ,
and furthcrmoic thai the books would not
hold good in an > court , as they are so Incom
plete. The expel t wound up b.v 'vlng the
iiid some advice In bookkeeping.
The principal disciepiney was during Iho
period that bwift was secictnry pro teni , in
1MKJ This discrepancy vvas about ? 15,000.
The orders w ere found , but Iho stubs are
not in existence. The discicpancies on both
sides amount to about $17,000 Since Ib'.lO the
treasurers books weio correct to a few
cents "Tho whole thing in n nutshell , "
slid Mi Haj nes af tot the meeting , "was a
case of Ignorant , shiftless bookkeeping , but
that no crooked woik was unrarthed. "
'Iho repoit of tbo export was not as complete
pleto as sonic of the members deslied , and
upon motion of Mr. Jones , the report vvas re-
fcried to the cotninlllee on Ilnanco and the
boaid's. attorney.
The follow ing bills w ere allowed :
Drovers Journal $ 10 50
.1. H WalKlns 10 IE
.1. M. Tohhis U 1C
T. Hllitcher 30 01
Smth Omaha Music company 1501
J. S ' tliht 7 Vf ;
N.i : Carter 2 H
'I lin Hrlghnm Printing compiny 1 71
/ T. Hcdios ; lOOt
I T. 1'iitnsworth 38 4f :
Janitors' salaili-s 13001.
becrutary's salary 85 0 (
A. A. Monroe 133 3. !
W. Ij Ilajnet , , expert accountant. . . . 8 O'/3t
.1. r. Hint , plumbing 0 3C
Esgers & HocK , estimate on 1'lrst
ward school building 2,000 0 (
Tagger * > V lloclt , brick 'ii 9'
A.U. Haymer , vxlmlon screen M
IS II Sherwood , painter 1 5 !
11. A. rorsythe , estimate on repairs
at 1'ourth ward schoolihouso 10001
President Cheek intioduccd n resolutioi
to Iho effect Ihat In tlu > future all glad
uates from the South Omaha High schoo
vvo'jld be compelled to take a course at tin
State Normil school or have a jeai's expcii
enco in teaching kofuio being Riven a placi
here as teacher. This was done in oulei ti
keep up the standaid of tcachois.
Nothing Itut < ath ( iocs.
Cask was the cry al the slock jards cs
terday morning. Woid vvas received from Chicago
cage thai New York exchange drafts xvouh
nol buy stock and thai shippcis had simpl ;
bildownand wcic doing nothing. Thoraarkc
opened 15 cents lower than Monday am
dropped another quarter bv noon on hogs
Cattle were also about 15 cents off.
Nothing but cash goes nowadajs Nov
Voik and Chicago exchange have been it
fused here and if a man wants to buy h
must simpli pioducc the "long green" A
a icsull Ihu expiess comp lines have bee :
doing a laud olllce business for Iho last te ;
dajs in transporting money from the east.
When a fi eight bill was presented to on
of the packets heic a check was tendered i
p-iyment. "Thai's no good to mo , " said th
collector. "I have been given stticl order
lo accept nothing bul cash " The colleeto
was then escorted over to a bank and paid i
silver and half dollars , the cnth
amount weighing 1,100 pounds
CuiiL'ht In the Act.
13d Bryant , vvas caught in the aotof cu' '
ting the guy ropes of the Salvation Arm
tent Sunday night and locked up. There w.i
strong evidence against him vestoidu ;
and ho vvas lined $ jr > anil costs The lelloi
lias no money and will have lo work out hi
line on thu streets.
Mimlu City ( muni ) ) .
Boin , to Mr. and Mrs Paul McCauley ,
boy.Miss "
Miss Maud Thomas Is visiting "friends i
Council Uluffs.
The infant child of Seigeanl Carper c
Fort Ctook died jcsterd-iy.
\VlUi im Orecr of Thursto i , Nob. , Is In Hi
city looking for a bunch of feeders.
Mrs , M. Shepherd of S\incuse , Neb. ,
visiting her mother , Mm bam Gosnoy
Pal IJutler placed a tatr on a branu no'
son at his icslduncc > cstoiday molding.
Mr A. H Hohinko , foreman at Cudah.v' ;
is visiting friends In Chicago and taking i
the fair.
r , U Gosnoy , discount teller for the Slot
Yards National bank , is spending a poitlc
of his vacation in Blair.
G \V. Shei xvood received a telegram la
evening announcing that tils mother , wl
lives In Harlan , la , , vvas bing at the point
death ,
George Hunter , a bookkeeper for the > an
master of the stock .vauls compiny , spci
Sunday at the homo of his patents in Noi
ton , la
Hrtico McCulloch , editor of the Dil
Stockman , spent Sunday with ft lends
Waterloo Ho was accompanied by h
family ,
Amata , the Q-months old daughter of M
and Mis. Mlko Ueamer , died Montl.iv at
will bo bulled this afternoon , Inleunu
al I-auiel Hill cumuteo ,
Mrs J Mclchcrof Atlantic , la , Is vUllii
her son , C , A. Metcher , the druggist , j
the same household visiting also are Mi
Predlca Goekun and Dennis Montague
I Columbus , SVis , and Miss Katlo Gookun
i Marnoy , la
1 Mrs , Horn and Mrs IvIcCunu gave anal
ing to their neighborhood woes in the poll
iourt yesterday morning. Uoth women we
glvun a loprlmiind for their conduct and d
charged. Mrs Horn has a very unrti
daughlcrf who seems to ho thu cause f
much complaint An effort will Do made
have the child placed in a home In Coum
Fhoworks , balloon , storoojiticon view
Courtland beach this overling.
A ( iliruntio frog.
The lahyrinthodon , a lingo cieatu
rosombllnf , ' a toad or a frog , and whii
lived in the earlier periods of o
planet's history , has recently be
found in u surprising state of proserv
tion In the marl beds of Iuo/olv\ei' '
Hungary. All species of this gigunt
frop nro now extinct , nnd nro known to
the imturnllritt ) onlj through the Itivostl-
utloiis of the geologists , who huvo
often found parts or entlto fossils of the
monitor In strain , of thu trlu * ile portUin
of the moso7olo period. This pprclmcn
mit-at thfd In the Uuiifrnrlftn nitirl hod
Is entire with the oxcoptlon of the loft
forearm and the loxvor jixvv. The s-kull
ino uros l'hteon ( , Inches between the
cyo sockets , nnd woluhs oxcluslvo of the j
tnlsslnir under javv'U2 pounds Thobono *
vvlik-li hnvo boon dlfcovorod nto \ \ ( Into
( nnd there Is ftlill hopes of fitulln the
missing parts ) , with the ndliorliiK
matrix , vvolifh 1,800 pounds , uliuot < t a
Fireworks , hnlloon , aturuopticon vlovvs.
Courthind hoauh this ovcnlti" ; .
Ten Acres of shnltitrod Homm nud Thflr
The old farnii'r and hU sonlnlaUhad
ontoied a long glass strtiottiro contain
ing cotintHiss tiny green lettuce plants
growing in the ground , says the Chau-
"what a monstrous lot of plants !
Shouldn't think you could s-oll 'em all. "
"Oh , there are only 1,000 do/on in this
houso. The no\t house carried 2,000
tlo/en last winter. " '
"I should think It would take a nmu
all day to vv.Uer 'em. "
"It would if ho u ed a watering ; ot.
T once used a hose , hut that took too
much time , HO I rigged a pipa on thereof
roof under the glass. Stand hack in the
doorway and take out your watch vvhllo
I lot on the hhower. "
An Instant later a line mist scorned to
1111 the entire place , anil then it was
"Why , It wasn't a minute.1 ,
"No , I usually give thorn about forty
seconds. You see every single plant
has been given a gentle sprinkle of
water by only a turn of the hand. I cal
culate that saves at least 20 cents a day
in labor.1
"How do you keep the weeds down ? "
"Well , In the llrst place , t don't have
mnnv. I UMJ fertili/ors largely , and If
weeds do appear , I have a llttlo wheel
vvcoder that a hey pushes along between
the rows of plants. The lettuce .soon
covers the giountl and chokes olT the
weeds. "
runner Allen walked along tlio nar
row paths between the beds , lost in won
der and admliatiiin. Every tiny leaf
spatkled with dewy drops of water and
blood up fiesh , gteen and vigorous after
the artiticial slumer. Was not this
.whole business of raibing crops under
glass a key to much of the peculiar po
sition of farming interests ? Hot o were
crops raised iu tin artiticial climate.
Under glass there is absolute control of
heat and lain , and these things are the
essentials of plant llfo. Would the use
of glass sptotid. would it bo possible to
raise other crops than ( lowers nnd let
tuce in this way.J Did such farming pav ?
To all of which the son replied in thib
vvibo :
"Yes. It pays mo because I am a nmn-
ufaetuior of food. I run my llttlo ten-
act o farm precisely as a factory is run.
I ttbo , as j ou s.eo , labor saving devices ; I
produce gieat quantities of a very su
perior article , and consequently I get
fair and steady prices. My lettuce goes
oil by i ail as far as Now York , and some
of it oven to Albany and Hartford and
Now Haven and other places this bide
of Now York. I make money by reduc
ing the cost of manufactmc and by the
use of labor saving appliances of every
kind. I never nlant seed by hand. It is
all done with pi unto in. 1 never touch a
weed out of doors or inside with the
hands. I do not even dig my potatoes by
hand. As for this glass bubiness , it is
growing tremendously all the time.
Some of these millionaires who aio ex
perimenting with glass in u largo way
are showing ns food manufacturorb that
almost any gaideii crop can bo raised
under glass. "
Fireworks , balloon , storcopticon views.
Courtland beach thib evening.
A Collection.
Miss Passi When I was quite a cnild
mamma inauguiated Iho idea of having mj
picture taken cverjjear , and I have kept it
up over since. Miss Bright Ob , myt wha
n big roomful of pictuies jou must have.
My doctor Mi ) 3 It ncta ponlly on the Momnrh ,
liver nnd Kldnpxfi nnrt Ii n pleiunnt laiaihe 'llili
drink la made from Kerbs uud la prejiarcil for lue
u _ easily ai ti a It h r
dll apncknuc. If you
cannot BI tit semi journiMrus * forafrro ampc. )
I.UIIU'H I'ninllr lleillrliu * movm tinhoHrls
cnph Am. In unl r In IIP lu uihv thills not p" iry ,
" ' ' ' " '
AiiitrH" * '
IIF.4I'ITH In HO IIAVn. Ciiir u. . , .
S ru < UUmioi , lulllnt ; Mfinorj , \
I arcrlv , hlrfitle rn t. ! * . XVinknev < tii
Hi uiul rpnrkly hut kunly luttiim l.uit Vliullty Ii
llilorjouiiK f dully riirllil In vest ppcktt I lie ,
tl tlOu | mckao | Hixfur * . ' . OOullh o urllli 11 uuur
fend i tn run , nr niiiiti f r In * ( * . il. In n I It t any ni
| > rtiicli > U < l ilmiTi'tH i > ll jou any kiiiilvf imtttttlun Ii
ililiu , ImvliiK IMIAI'H MDIIU ullnr. If im Inn no
yet It wonlUftniltt by mull upon ruilpt of prlct
rrintlititln rttitt n uni'loiK , fuo AidliL H Itrltutii
Midlrui < u. , r.o rirnioiiiii riuri , iiii < iiici > , in ,
301.D liy Kuhn & Co , Cor 151)1 ) and Douil.-i ; , Si.
nnd I A I ulkr ( t Co , Cor Mill nnd D . . , '
! > ls OMAHA , NI I ) . liyl'aul G Schneider 57
Itionlwa ) ami fi Tcatl St COl'NCIL HLU1 Pfa
IOWA anil other I.oidinc
KM id this from Jnri'd ImipHon , l.iiwninco.O
"I iim'JH , Biilfuruil fnrjyuri from resnlih i
youthful itrrort , I nsna llxo to * 1:3 .Nerv
llunns iin'l am coiiipliitel/curnd .My IICTM
nru now btron. % IIIKI I do not HiHTur any nun
( nun bliiopiussnoss ; my hUai In bright , iipin
tltu food ; giilneil Tilhs" ft box , xnoiuli f <
two vxuuus All ( Iruw' 'latu , or by mull , Ner\ \
llcun C'o , Hiilialo , N. V ,
CuresThatAre Cures
Mr. l.nnn Uiiyil. Son of KtshrrllT llojil ,
lo illlr to the rrrtimniMil rTooIn ( t
IrrMiuont Ilitil > rnrljTnn ttnriRI > .
t con lloyil , son of llio Into ex-Sheriff J. P.
lliiyd , riMldlnx lit iJuJ I'nrk attintto. win form-
t'rly * victim of the drendud ilHumo. ciitarrh ,
nnd title r nuiTorliif your * tolli of lilt irent
innnl mid roouvor/i
"Snmo JTQIIM niro I cnnl ractod i Blight cold.
At llm It illil not ciuiso mo niiioli nnnoynnccv
but us It conllnuoil toRruw ixomo mil < in > oloii
numonornllv , I dooniod It ndvlsible to cou-
Hiilt physloliuiH
"My nnso wns MWIIVH stopped up first on nno
Mdo nuil tlion tlio olhor : I wm tornuintcd by
dull , ho ivy hoidiirhus unit n cotistunt drop-
IHtiK from thohirk ot the hand Into tliu throat
causliii ; motohiuM ! ntid stilt Ineoss ititlr.
" 1 could not sloop nt iil ht , It lining linKnil- |
bloforinoto not n perfect nights' rust ; mum
rlilntt In thu mornliu I would bo na tlroil us
vi hun I went to hod Thlt was my condition
vvhi'ii \ culloil upon Dr Shupirl , Hu oxiitii-
Incil my cue an t 1 ImmudlixUily plnced niy-
clf umlnr lilso in > . and I nin Imnpy now tliit
I did so for 1 lm\o rucolvudatv Kraut uouutlt
liunorv wixy.
"My Inipnixomutit tins tniulo such nchixiiRu
In mo Unit I wish to roruinniwid Urn ropultind
nnd Miaimrd to the public. Tlntlr truultnunt
In my ciiso was thorough nnd skillful nnd ro-
llovud moot nil my distressing condition. "
Mr. 7tn/i | ! MHW frtitfdl uinl Hi" < il > i" ttattmmt
( tlirn iieirlu lit1 > nensiri/ii mill lid idle hit been
jicjmiit'tif. JJifi/id mis r'fcilc.til / ircrJc < > t < iu
tn ent'U'nthl itill'iit' , J-ll I'.trk < u > rmill
tilt tcniMln / inline uhen il'mt' ' * arc at tntetmlau
avuh n rt'il prliilnf illil nt ( ID /eiri / lnrr nxl
the ctue i > f Mr. fluittudlii imii'/in unofuf Hit per
manent unit tnmvl tecuic * cffectnl tiy DmLOJ -
lumliiml i/icjiini. /
CVifit i A a id ( t ! ! Ktirnblc tllfatcs treated at low
anil unl/oiHir iti iieilidiiMrce. . KUIenlJiit a
tlMance ie mfMj trcaltt bj mill. Senlfor
e\lini \ > t < > mt > luilc.
mnu > tNa. OMAHA. NRII
Every Curable Disease Treated *
Onico Hours-U to tl n. m.2 ; to'i p in. : 7to3u.
in. bumluy 10 n. in. to U tn
> oooooof
In all your outings
to the World's Fair
Seaside Mountains
everywhere , take
( Tantelens ) Pills
with you.
Illness frequently results
from changes ot food , water ,
climate , habits , etc. , and the
rcpicdy is llcccham's Pills.
A. Full SI5T
Tc > ( th pxtncto < l In monilntr ,
K < u onuHliiHi rtoil if turnout !
H nun it i > . 1'crfucl llliru ir-
: inl I'loac.
J'nxtiiii Itlualc ,
lltlh mill y-/ir/liirii Sfroof.
Uluvatoi on 10th Strei t Teli > | > Iioiiu 1H3 (
11 , N. Main St. . Council Rluffa.
Olllco 1117 TKMM'IlOM.s-Uostdenco ai :
AIlSTllAOTS , iml loins K.irin mil i lly properly
Ixnicht ami bold 1'imey .V 'ilium in , Oounull
iriMiHi il , r SHp.KilH . uinltR
denied K < 1 llurlto , .it Tiiluru tfrocury , SO
FUUIT KAUMS-VVo h ivn HOIIIU line bi irlnif fruit
firniH for Mile alHOk-ooil Iu\\ i f irniH , uUiolui )
Jlo-aeio firm , * [ ii put acru. Juliimlon , V Vint
N Ol'lMimjNU'Y torn ho nts. VVu h no lakt-ii"
HJV ( ril iK'nlr il l * > IKIUH * H anil lots mnljr foro-
cluHiiroof inert iifiith it wu will clotiii tmtatcuil
on Mioiillilj iiaiini mil ur ful citli Uiy X Jlusi. JJ
1'c irl bt
DRY ROODS anil rlothhnr An opportunity for
( foodHtoolt it low lonU A < lr4i Diy.Cr
Council lllntrH 11
OIIj rmito for Kilo , hi it In town , piy *
nionthlx bph mild oiioitnnlly | | Tliu Muynu
Ilcal K t Ho Co , UJl llio idu ly
. ' ( : - jouh ivunliorHiianil Imsiry ,
or ii li'iin , vou cm in ilcn i K'm ' I iriiln for .t
VIK lilt lot hi Hu en IiuiKillUu anil niivx lirlil.-u.
dicciiHlildilH NicliolHon.VCo llllll Ilroaihxay
, ' SAI.i : NUi ! R-iooiii oott IKII lurir M ullnon
Html drcciiulili MH Nlcholuon A. Co , DUJ
llioulv\n > .
I.'Oll SALi : 10 to ' 'II IIUIH t inllim fr < iiir lty , "
1 i-hi ii | Ctri ( .iiHlilolilu , NluholHon .V ( Jo , UUl )
Ilio.ulu ly
l nxantH a i h men to do i liorc.i for
AllKKilIT thin vx Inti r , fill in llfo pnsfinvd Ail-
tin BH I. II , JliiiollKii
1 > osniON IIH IIUIIHI liu'jii r vx intiil hi luilv wltli
child I Ji'irtt ulil , iiliicncui oxch IIIVIH ! Acl-
ilrcHU F II Itcuollko
filKTi WANJ'1'II-Kor irintril lioimoworlt Mrs.
Ml > M 1'ijor 111 Lincoln nut
I/AJIM for nil III IK MM nuir Council JlliiltH )
VM II Iniiirovi'l 1 irh'ohuiiHu , him , etc ( " "
Unuon.CriHci nt la
HO ACIIKS for Hiln mar Council lilnflH , hoimu.
'Jh.irn Irnltuor all klnilu onlj M5 00 an aero It
tlkinatoncu On rnnlili Idtt Nlcholnon .V Co . ( JUl )
llniKlua )
I/OH 8AI < K OnljlOII now 'M foot iiXMilnir'
1 MIBH ItaKbilalu inllllncry 111 I't.irl Btru t
A 1 2-TORS-a-DaV Machine ota 10-TonsaDay l > rlc .
. - - -
10 H if. i uno u uuy
our Warranty Goes ivilh Each Machine.
The Soutliw Ick llullnif Press Is , as lmrt > o , ( ull clrclu inuUiluu.
It ha > > Iho l.irMft ii id diciilngof |
any ( uiilnnoini llallnij ,
Doiihln Mroko 1'iciS 111
tlio World.
ro Hales tlKht ; draft ll lit.
Mi Cupaclty ; Construction ; Durability alt the UEST.
ur Now is the tltno to buy a hay prosa. It will pay you to BOO our machines before
en fore vou buy.