r- FHE OMAHA BUNDAY BEE. K r i K- ESTABLISHED UNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOUNINS , AUGUST G , ISOS-SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS HAYDEN GRAND MID MM H PRIC SA - , ' r ' ' . ' „ f" ? * Your Money ' " will Buy < - ' " * t [ * * > is , , , .v of > * ' , V siCftj' , I > ' ' fit More at Hay den Broe Week than ever Before. Wash Dress Goods. Closing1 the season on aummor dross Roods. Stock Is being reduced rapidly. Our assortment will not bo as good at the end of this week us it will bo Mon day. Wo uro making prices that will close out whole lots In p. hurry ; wo iiro offering better values now than over. \Vo were greatly surprised tit the rush in this department the past woulc ; it albo gave ua pleasure to sco that our cus tomers were well satisfied with tholr purchases. At the prices wo are now matting it will pny you to buy for future wants. .Look over these bargains on sale Monday ; wo will promise you none of these T.icsdny , but if ihoro are nny loft you can huvo thorn ; wo will have thorn Monday morning at 8 and as long ns they last. . Colored tufted lawns at Co a yard. Plain colors ! IG Inch bntisto at5cyard. . White India llnon at 5c a yard. Chcckod nainsook at 5c a yard. 30 Inch wide printed lawn 6c a ynrd. Fine zephyr gingham at 5c a yard. Colonial serge and outing cloth 5c yd. 32 inch wide gloria satin sat in o re duced to lOo a yard. 32 inch canton cloth now 71c. ' Choiceof all our line colored ct ope cloth , printed crepe , etc. , 12jo. Persian printed mulls 12Jc and 15c ytt. Wo have A great many odd plocesodds and ends of pieces which will bo closed out at almost any price in order to clear out stock. All summer goods must go , cost cuts no llguro. You will soon dis cover this fact when you sco our prices. Every one invited to this clearing sale and if you don't buy you will got posted on our prices. Dress Linings. Eight shades of crinoline to select from. Five shades of real hair cloth , including plain bluok and white. Imitation of hair cloth , a now fabric in the market this soiison , made to sell at 25c ; our pi ice now to close , Co yard. Closing out nil our fancy printed per- calino , which was 15c , 20o and 25o , on Monday choice of nil lOc yard. All colors in cambric"and the best quality at that , only ; tjo yard. Fancy wlggln , padding , all colors in Bolisiii , all colors in plain und watered porcallno , 15o and 2oc. Farmer's s tln in black and colors , In fact , you will Una Huydons' lining department fcho largestand host assorted stock in Omaha. White chocked crinoline , Co ynrd. Linen Department. Our stock or linens is too largo. Our eastern buyer has been overstocking us with bargains ho ha * gathered , ntul wo nro letting down the prices in 01 dor to jnovo this stock. On Monday you will find stack after stuck of towels In muin alslo , now build ing , on seven tables , to which wo call your attention. It irf not nocossurv for us to comment on them , they will explain - plain for thomsolvoB. 'L'ho prlco wo ask will bo Ce , 7Jo , lOc , 12Jo , 15o , lOo and 25o ouch. Wo would advise you to buy your table linens now before September 1st , if not.you will puymorouionoyforthosamo Wo are now making prices at which wo could not keep up and continue in busi ness very long. Ilaid times has forced us todo , tills , besides being overstocked. Then look at the napkins wo are offer ing at $1.00 uor dozen. No such napkins in Omaha except nt Haydons' . Wo im- po t them a net control the sale for Omaha , anil jou can't mutch them in nny house in Omtilm , nor can you got as good value if you pay more , Would It not pay you to look up this napkin and compare. Lunch cloths of every slzo and de scription and at prlcos to close. Our prlcos on bed eprnuds nro all right , judging from the quantity wo uro colling , Drug Dept. Royal Root Ueor makes 6 galleons ol the best root boor on earth , 15o a bottle. Those line wines one more week 35c bottle. Fellow's Ilypnphosplmtos , $1.16. 1'lorco's Goldou Medical Discovery , ? 6e. 6e.Piorco'a Fftvorlto Proscription , 75c. lilruoy'i Catarrh Powder , 40c. Poizonl Complexion Powder , 85o box , Prescription at lowest price. * in tlu city. Domestic Bargains. Lowering the prices is bound to re duce stock. That's just what wo are after , and exactly what wo are doing. If you wish to save money look over our stock of muslin and double width shoot ing.Wo Wo are overstocked on double width pillow casing in bleached and half bleached. Can you use them ? Closing out pillow cases , ready-made , at less than cost. Big stock of cotton batts. 0c , lOc , 15c and 20c roll , the cleanest cottou and the bcs * . value wo over had the pleasure of offering. Denims , duckj , ticking , shirting , out ing flannel , skirting , mosquito nots.ctc. . at prices to close. Our stock must bo re duced btill lower , and persons in need of dry goods will find it to their interest to consult Hayden Bros. Great Clearing Sale on Waists and Suits. Ladles' laundered norcalo waists , lat est stvlea in striped or figured , regular price 87c , will go Monday at Sfic. Ladles' percale waists worth 55o to CSc , Monday only 35c. Ladies' percale waists in light and dark colors , regular prlco from 75c to $1 , your choice Monday at only 55c. Ladies' beaded wraps worth from $3 to $5 , will go Monday at only 08e. Ladies' lawn street costumes , stylishly made , regular price S3 50 and 81.00 , Monday at only $1.08. Ladles' woolen blazer and eton suits in blue and tan , regular prlco $5.50 and $0.00 , tike ( vour choice at only $3 75. Infants' cloaks in croarasand tans,95e , $1.25 , Sl.&O , $1.03 , $2.50 , $2.75. $295 , $3.50 , $3.9j , $4.25 , $1.50 , $5.00 up to $8. Blankets & Comforts. Wo Invoice now in a short time and are making some prices to close on blan kets that it would pay you to investi gate , and would say that wo shall oiler on Monday 10 dozen full size sateen cov ered comforts at $1 each. At this price they arc very cheap and lower than wo can replace thorn. Linen and iVIomfe Lap Robes. Our stock of lap robes is going down. Our prices have been going down for some time. Wo call particular attention to throe numbers on sulo Monday at 75c , $1 and $1.50 ouch. Thompson Wild Cherry Phos phate. "The great health jlrlnk. " A 23o bottle tle diluted makes sL-unwrts. Sample served free opposite our drug counter. Jewelry Department. Great reduction sale on watches , clocks , silvorwnro and jewelry. Gents' gold-tilled American watches , $5.75 up. Ladles' gold-filled watches , warranted to wear 20 years , with n line Elgin , Sprlngflold or Walt hum movement , 312.60. Solid gold sot rings , 89c. Solid gold plain band baby rings , 25o. Ladled' best rolled-plate button sets , 25c. 600 silver pin trnys , 15o each. Gents' fine pearl cuff buttons , 35o , worth $1. Gents' best rolled-plate cuff buttons , 100 assorted stvlos , 25o per p.ilr. Solid silver thimbles , 13c. Gents' best rolled-plate link cuff but tons , now designs , 35c. Beautiful pearl and gold lace pins. 4So , worth 81 to $1.50. Rogers' finest make of 12 dwt. knives or fork's , $1.25 per sot Oiiora glasses , 76o per sot Fine nickel alarm clocks , 680. Rheumatic euro rings , n positive euro for rheumatism , 980 , worth $2 , Great reduction on tea sots , butter dishes , napkin rings , soup ladles , pie knives , gravy ladles , berry spoons , cake dishes , eta , etc. Gents' gold-plated watch chains on German silver , 45a Gonti' host rolled-plate watch chains , warranted to wear 5 yearsJP8o up. Watch and clock repairing at reduced prices All goods warranted as represented , CLOTHING Prices don't mean anything unless you see the garments that go with them. We've ordered a big1 line of fall goods ah'dvwe must clean out lots of goods yet to make room for them. ' Every single garment in this department will be sold at a * ? / - pronounced reduction all this week. d v 5 * Boys'-and Men's ; Summer garments , of all kinds slaughtered. V Summer coats and vests and boys' summer suits are of fered at not more than half of their actual value. Depth. No. 50. This is the week that winds up the business. This being pur last chance to clear up stock before invoicing , wo will continue our handkerchief sale one more week , and for the coining week you can buy children's very fancy hemstitched handkerchiefs for 2c * , ladies' very line embroidered handkerchiefs for 4c ; the lincst colored border handkerchiefs for ( ic ; ladies' line linen handkerchiefs , slightly soiled , for lOc ; the finest 6flo handKCTchiof in the city for loc. BELTS ! BELTS ! You can buy any , bolt in the .house on Monday for actual cost prico. Wo have the largest line in the city , and if you want to save money buy on Monday. What Do You Think of This ? Have you over seen tholiko ? Remem ber , 'tis for one clay only. Remember , alee , the quantity is limited. LADIES' ; > " ? PINE , * t FLUTEDV-r- ' - COLLARS AND CUPFS , ( The very latest novelties ) Only 5o par soU The button-holes are worth the prlco wo ask for the sot. We are taking a loss on these goods , but they must RO , Special prices made on stamped linens for Monday. You can buy a pair of fine lace pillow- shams on Monday for 20u. Oh , wo are clearing up in earnest in this department. . Best noodles , lo per package on Mon day. Ladles' ' line silk handkerchiefs , Oo on Monday. Furniture. Special sales scorn to bo the order of the day. Wo are cleaning house , moving every thing in the department , and if you WHU to secure a genuine bargain in fur niture , now Is the timo. "Special Salo" is not in it , with tno reduction wo shall make you on nny article you may want Solid oak 3-piece suit $15 , regular prlco $10.50. Woven wire springs 31,20. This is the best spring on the market , has tightener bolts , and others got $2.25 for the saruo. Any size you wunt Bo sure and bring the right sUo. Anyone buying anything in furniture department Monday will got a beautiful colored picture of the World's Fair , 24x30. Bo sure anjl ask . . .tho clerk who waits on you for your picture. Oak chairs 8oerookor to match $1.35. Bedsteads all sizesand , all styles at bottom prices. M" Special clouting sale on all our pic tures and easels. 4 House Furnishing Goods. Our 13c counter it u big one and it contains liioi'c useful articles than ever before piit on sale at that price. There is not an article on it that sells elsewhere for less than 25c up to 50c and everything goes at liic. ' .1' ' Mason frultJjnrs " Pint jars , 51c per dozen. Quart jarsi 57c par do/en. Half gallon jaf.s , JSc per doicn. Milk crocks , f > per gallon , lee cream freezers $1.30 each. Large si/e wooden tubs , 5ic each. Wooden pails , Sc , each. Folding Ironing lublcs , 95s each. U-foot Imrd'wbod.ntep ladders , 72c each. i > Mrs. Potts and Madam Streeter patent flat irons , ixk.per set. Washboards , 7c. uch. ' ( i packages of tockti for 5c. All si/e lamp cliimneys , DC , Wash bowls und pitchers , 2c ( ) each. ( Copper bottom Wiishbdilers , 50c each. | Copper bottom' teakettles , 25c each , , Clothes baskets , J0c. The best cotton > vcb garden hose , 8c per foot. Tnis ; hose is war- ranted. " j Cups and saucers , lOc per set. There are still a f iw more of tl.osc $5.05 dinner sets left. Get one while they arc on sale. You will never get such u chance again , Great $1,49 Ludlow's make of ladies' fine $4.50 hand turned shoes at Kirkendall , Jones & Co. make of ladies' $4.00 hand turned shoes Jpl i TV a pair > Pillsbury Bros. $4.00 make la dies' fine shoes at apar > The 'manufacturers wanted money , we have the goods and 'it'svyour gain. 800 pairs of ladies' fine $4 hand turned shoes go on sale at $ i.4'9 a pair ; C , D , E and HE widths , "common sense and opera styles. Come early. We put several hundred pairs on one large counter in shoe de partment to give all a chance. This 'is the greatest bargain ever offered in Omaha. $4 hand turned shoes at $1.49 a pair.On On another table $1.75 , $2 and $2.50 oxfords , $1.23 a pair. Also 'ladies' 750 serge house slippers , 450. JVIEN'S and BOYS9. Men's $1.50 B calf low shoes , $ i a pair. Men's $2.50 fine B calf con gress and lace shoes , $1.50. Men's $3.50 hand welt calf lace shoes , $2.40. 100 pairs men's $3.50 vici kid , fine cloth top shoes at $2.35. This is one of the finest dress shoes we have ever sold and a rare bargain. Boys' 750 tennis oxford ties , 480. Boys' $1.75 B calf lace shoes , MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S , Misses' $1.50 dongola tip button shoes , $1.18. Misses' $2 dongola patent tip , spring heel shoes , $1.38. Misses' 900 tennis oxfords , 480 , Child's $1.35 dongola patent tip shoes , $ i. Child's $ i dongola turn , spring heel shoes , 750. Groceries. Great sale on dried fruit. This fruit is all now and all this year's pack. pack.Wo Wo have no old fruit on hand. Evaporated Californja apricots lOc. Evaporated California poaches lOc. Evaporated California grapes 5c. Now Turkish prunes f > c. New Valencia raisins 7c. Now California nectarines 15c. Best Alden evaporated apples 121c. Now California cherries loc. Sun dried apples 5c. Evaporated blackberries 7jc. CANNED GOODS. Grent sale on canned goodd. 2-lb can gooseberries Vie worth 18c. 2-lb can preserved blackberries in pure sugar syrup Tie , worth 25c. j 2-lb can preserved raspberries , sugar syrup , 12Jc worth 35c. 2-lb can preserved strawberries , sugar isyrup , 12ic worth 85e. 2-lb can preserved blueberries 7ic worth ISc. 2-lb can white wax beans 7Jo worth 15c. 2-lb. can sugar corn , 7c , worth 123o. 2-lb. can Lima beans , 74c , worth 12Jc. 2-lb. can string beans , 7ic , worth 12c. 2-lb , can early Juno pees , 74c , worth 17ic. 17ic.All All kinds of California 3-lb. can of plums , 12jc. 3-lb. can California peaches , 15c. 3-lb. can California apricots , 15c. Homo-mado catsups , per bottle , 15c. Silver Hake oat meal , 5c. Corolino Unices , 0c. California breakfast food , 5c. American breakfast cocoa , 3oc. Imported maccaroni , 12Jc. Imported spaghetti , 12jc. Impoatud vermicelli , 12c. All kinds of washing powder , ICc. 20-lb. pall of 311 kinds of jolly 35c ; reg ular prlco , 75c. 3-lb. can of ail kinds California plums , 12jc ; regular price , 25c. Good coffee , 12Jc ; regular price , 25c to 3oc. Good tea , 25c ; regular price , COc to 75o. Good Hour , COc ; regular Dfico , OOcto ? ! . 2-lb. California pouches , 15c ; regular price , 25c to 35c. Columbia river rod salmon , 12Jc ; reg ular price , 25o. Gallon can apples , 25c ; regular price , 35 c. Dried apples , 5c ; regular price , lOc. All kinds of California evaporated fruit IcbS than half price , CRACKERS. Soda crackers , 4c. Ginger snaps , 7jc , Molaescfl calco , 7jc. Oat meal cruckors , 7jc. Milk butter , 7jc. Frosted cream , 71c. Graham crackers , 7jc. Sugar cookies , Vjc. XXX milk crackers , 7jc. Lemon snaps , 7jc. Pork Down. Salt pork lOo per pound , was 15c. Sugar cured No. 1 hams 12e ! , was llio. Picnic hams lOc. Breakfast bacon , 12Jc. Boneless ham , 12ic. Corned beef , Co per pound , and we will oell you a 2- pound can of Rex corned beef for Iflc , never hold loss thun 2. " o. Also pot ted hum , dovilcd hum and ox tongno for 5o per can. Those prices moan business. The goods must go. BUTTER GOES DOWN ALSO. t Country butter , 12Jc , 15o and 17c. Separator creamery , 1'Jc and 22o. Re member wo handle only the very best country und creamery butter. Our cheese department is the leader. Wis- cotiHln full creum , 80 , lOo und 12 } . Brick cheese , lOc , 12io and ICc. Swiss. 12c } , lee and 17c. Young America full cream , 12)c. ) Llmburgor cheese , lOc. Wo have a lot of fancy lemons that will go for I5o per do/on. If you want to save money , tuke advantage of this sale. Marvelous Mid-summer Bargains. Silks nt 1 their value , silks at 4 pries , silks at your own price. It Oons not matter to you what these silks cost us. Its the price you can buy them for , of us. is what concerns you , and in a wav " that will please you , too. Kai Knl "wash silks in 20 different colorings , beautiful changeable effects at 39o a yard. You can't match thuso goods for quality outside- our store for less than 7 < 5o ana you cannot match the exquisite styles anywhere else. These goods are absolutely fast colors and launder beautifully. Why need you go without a service able , handsome silk waist when you can buy the pure natural undyod shantong pongee silk of us for only liOc a yard ? ' Wo i > ell the best black china silk at 45e a yard now that you have over sooa at such an'eminently proper prico. An extra good quality of handeomo black surah 51k will go during this sale at 35c yard. 20'shades of handsome solid color 60o surah silks will bo bold in a hurry at 20a yard. 50 shades of handsome extra fine qual ity solid color china silk at 46c a yard. 25 shades of first class quality orolso silk velvets , worth $1.25 , will go during ibis sale at GUe yard. Now is the tiino to buy your velvets. Don't fall to remember that you can buy ( luring this woolc $1.25 quality black gros grain silk for 7fic , $1.60 grade for USc. $1.75 quality for $1.2o , and no charge for the linings. Wo throw on the counters 50 pieces of this seabon's choicest designs in printed silks , Cheney Bros. , habutais and genu ine Japs , worth $1.00 nor yard ; you can have your choice of any of them for 47o yard. Don't fall to see these goods. 1 Trunks and Valises. / i 100,000 people carry 100,000 valises at the "World's Pair. " If you go , you will needa valise. Wo have the line. Loathar club bug , leather lined , Ofio , worth $1.50. You can save money by taking youe lunch into the fair with you. Hun dreds do so. Wo have the boat luncb box made at 45c. largo size OOo. Carpets. Wo have for this week aomo all wool ingrain carpets for 50o ynrd. The boat goods for the money over shown in this city. Wo will give you an opportunity to buy wntchos , clocks , silverware , gold rings , wateh chains , neck chains , stick pins , eardrops , cult buttons , bracelets , button sots , gold pens , opera glasses , etc. , etc. , at one-half the regular retail prlco. Ladies' gold-llllcd hunting-case. wntchoa'$8.76 up. Rogers' knives or forks $1.25 per sot These goods are warranted 12-dwt. and uro strictly ( list-class. All goods warranted as represented. Watch and clock repairing at roduccd prlcas. ' * Wo are overstocked on linens. We have too many table linens. Wo nro Bell ing Van Dyke Turkey Rod damoHlt at Ifio yard. Wo arc offering all linen bleached damask at 25o yard , this is away bnlow cost , but wo want to reduce , stock and need money. All linen huok towels good fair size , worth lUJo , now 7o each. Wo have too many Turkish towels , look them over , the prices made on them will sell them fast. Turkish bath room rugs only 60o. Closing prices on cotton and linen dinpora Extra heavy Gorman drill toweling n toweling ghown only by HaydonBros. in Omaha , a toweling imported by Hayden - don Uros , and in order to introduce It in this market wo shall offer it at lOoyard just half its value. Ask to Bee it , it's a hummer at lOo and you will like it Wo nro offering our 85.00 white Mar seilles bed spreads at $3.50. Wo are making prices on napkin * that should interest you. Our 1 la a stock must bo reduced. HAVDRT BROTHERS ; 4 *