Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1893, Page 16, Image 16

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Opening Day of the Bute Brooders' Races
at the Fair Ground * Tuesday ,
Uoulp with the Ilnmenten Tit-Tallin ot
the Ulnmnnil Shooting n l I'lulilnn
Question * Anftwereit and the Uiunl
OrUt of Iocnl Sport.
NotiTit I'IATTB , Aug. 2. To the Sporting
Editor of TUB BKB :
ScornlnR all treacherous feud find deadly
Rtrlfo , . , , ,
The eiurk ntllotto or the murderous knlfp ,
Hotistml a ncloncn sprung from , manly pri'l'Si
MnUt-d with true counio , and to health allltu-
A tiohlo pastliim , void of nil iinttonco
The line old HiiKllsh "ft of self dofenso.
As you have well said , the public nro get
ting sick and completely surfeited with the
vagaries of the theatrical f 10,000-purso , pugll-
UU and their managers. Jack McAullito ,
although a reckless devil-may-care chap , Is
thoroughly honest , When asked why ho
would not tackle a certain pugilist ho frankly
dolarcd that he did not llko his looks , and
that ho wai a bioger rann at the wolchtthan
ho was , and declined to risk hl& champion
ship by contending with him. Jack was not
at all backward in expressing his opinion of
} "Jamos Jay. " Dick. Tom and Harry.or Jack ,
Jem , " BUI and Charho were good enough
names for the old-timers. How would it look
In print Charles W. Mitchell and Jimmy
Corbottt or Daniel P. Crcodon and Sandy
Oroggalns. A sporting writer , In giving a
ketch of a wealthy horao-racing , foxhunting
ing squire , who inherited an estate of UO.OOO
acres , said ho was always called Jack. John ,
Thomas or James , ho said , suggested prigs ,
but Jack , Tom end Jem were generally bluff ,
hearty , Jolly good fellows 1 "Champion
James Jay Coroott" Is enough to
make a horse laugh. Tom Ilyor
vrni never called Thomas P. Hyer.
1 It might bo urged that the reason the Jacks
arb giving way to the John A , B , Cs is be
cause the latter are mostly second crop Irish
men , who wore born hero , and our repub
lican institutions only call our presidents
and statesmen and other truly great men
Jim , Jack and Tom. For Instance , the news
papers call the emperor of Germany "Kaisor
Bill. " President Buchanan was called
"Dismal Jimmy. " But our virtuous model
of propriety and economy must bo styled
Champion "James Jny C. " Even poor old ,
played out , fat Jack Sullivan was disgusted
wilh the treatment his quandom antagonist
and enemy. Charllo Mitchell , was getting ,
and manfully took him by the hand. Sully
expressed his disgutt with the attempts of
his enemies to prevent him from landing be
cause ho was alleged to bo an alien and a
convictl" Thrnats were made to the New
York hotel landlord that if Mitchell was not
ejected the house would be blown up with
dynamite 1 And James Jay and his manager
Insisted on a deposit of $10,000 , according to
Sullivan , to gain time and boom his show ,
noverdrcaming that theirs would bo promptly
covered. Should Corbott and Mitchell meet ,
which suems doubtful , that stale , trashy
play about Ctiarles Twitcholl will not bo
tolerated in a "penny gaff. " When Mitchell
was asked why ho did not retaliate by going
on the stage and introduce the upstart
James Jay , Charllo replied ho preferred to
Bottle their dlllereneeB In u manly way in
the ring.
When Edward Smith , alias "Denver Ed , "
alias Pittsburg Ted , alias Brumugem Ned ,
alias Smithersalias tlthe plucky American ( ? )
middleweight , " overthrew the herculean and
invincible Goddard , ho hud Ju3t as much right
to claim the championship of the world as
James Jav. and was just as "much justilicd in
booming his show and hoisting his cold wave
theatrical contract Hag by assorting that ho
vras not lighting beaten inen , etc. James Jay
aidTho nigger wants uono of my game. "
Beer-guzzling Neddy said ho had none the
worstof It with Black Peter. James Jay said
his reason for taking Mitchell instead of
lighting out his four hours' draw with Peter
was be'causo Mitchell was an undefeated
man and champion of England ( In a horn ) .
Smith , on the other hand , said ho fought
Mitchell forty rounds to a draw in 187U , end
Charley was "bloody glad to have it end that
way 1" T. K. C.
Young Corbott did not pan out the world
beater ho was heralded to bo by old Corbott ,
the champion. Ho was game as a pebble ,
however , and it required all the tactics of
the Smith code of ilsticufTs to finally encom
pass his downfall. Paddy is certainly an
apt pupil of his brother , Denver Ed , and tie
fnught the champion's protego exactly on
the lines followed by his big brother in his
mauling , clinching and wrestling match with
the burly Barrier champion. For ouo I was
pleased to hoar of his victory , as iniwh as I
deprecate his mode of lighting. It put still
another kluk in the champion's claim to
If Young Corbett foil so far short ot Jay
' and isn't it
Jay's predictions hopes , why
plausible that the champion himself will
fail to come up to thu notch ho has specified
for himself. He hasn't whipped Charlie
Mitchell yet , only with his mouth , and is no
nearer a victory over the Midnight Mars
than ho was t'ireo ' years ago. There baa
been so many surprises In the game during
tiio'past year that it is hardly reasonable to
look for many more , still my fondest hope la
that there yet remains a supreme one , say
Bomowhero along about the middle of next
December. This hope , however , must not
bo accepted as a token that I believe the big
mill will take place then , for I do not. As
the matter stands now Corbott swears b.y
Coney Island , while Mitchell is irretrievably
bound to Uoby ,
Jim Hall will return to this country in
September , and as a precursor has scut
over a challenge to Deb Fltzsimmons. He
ays hu will fight him under the same condl
tlons that governed tholr light In Now
Orleans last March , but If Boh iloosn't want
any more of that ho can stipulate just ox
ectly ho does want. Hall , though
docs not offer to wager anything on tlu
ido a WO.OOO or $ T > 0 , < XX ) purse will probablj
bo satisfactory to him.
It soouu that tl.o prize lighter does not In
tend to tumble till some ono pushes u govern
went building over on him , Hall and Fit-/
Immons can never hope to command mucl
of a purse against each other In this country
again. They were both under trraro sus
plclon before they mot In the Crescent Clty'i
arena five months ago , and are deep in tin
shade .vet. Lots and lots of people will swcai
that that swinging outcurva which Fit
swung round and got in over Jem's guard litho
the fatal fourth round wasn't ' on the level
And while there Is no lack of ground for sus
plclon , for ono I believe tiie Jluht wu
straight. Why Hall should doubt Bob'i
wanting any moro of the conditions that gov
urned tills event , in the fuco of thu results
Bounds oxCL'odingly ludicrous. The spccklo <
kangaroo should grow fat on just sucii snap ;
as Jhat ono apparently was , and , mark in ;
words , ho and Jem will commence dlckorln ]
Immediately for another moating us soon a
Iho latter comes back over the drink.
This Is the way in which Jay Jay gets it ii
the nock from Kutrene Field of the Chlcagi
Itcconl : "Mr. Corbett belongs to a llmltot
a fortunately limited class of people win
ro too moan to get drunk. This , however
U not the limit to hU meanness ; olsowlso hi
U an low and as brutal as the verles
thumper that loafs about the street , corner ,
nd the dramshops. His Instincts are just
is brutal , and hU practices uro oven mor <
t despicable , for it Is'not with liquor In hi
veins , but with , cold blood , that ho goes hi
Infamous way. There Is nothing in this mai
to admire. Ills career from the first hu
i been vicious. Hii presents no aspect that !
not to bo despised , unit moro odious than ul
, hi * Other vjulous aspects is that mean , low
cowardly hypocrisy of his unuor which ho I
continually socking to hide hU moral rotten
'ness. "
Following U the last proclamation lisuei
by the fellow on the other side ;
niliiiniiTNJuly20. TothoKdltoroftboLon
dun Spurting Lite. Sir ; At last 1 foul iiultncoiu
fortaulu , havliiK boforu uio articles for nr
' match with Corbott , to uluch I gladly utllx m
Thear * the Unit articles 1 huv
seen hlnco my return to EriRlund and I Imvo
lent no tltnoln nlKtilnetlioin. 1 think tha oftYr
of thu Oolumhlnn club , vl ! M5.00O. n fair ono.
Till * , with Iho T20.OOO potted illO.OWl u nldc. )
will lie a nice siini for Iho winner ( 13,000) ) .
Anyonu who hm a hot on TIIOCMI rest nsMtrcil
of having nftooil trier , and without Kolna BO
fur M to tip myself ns I hi winner 1 Kuarnnlro
Corbott will know tlmt ho has boon to n thzlit
liofora hli nuniuor KOCS up. The iirtlclcs
ulRnril InnwcnclOM ) toyou tn forward on to
I'rcftldent O'.Malloy of the Columbian eluli ,
and hope I have lirnwl tlm lait of t.Nirbott's
one Kin and adtitrtlNltiR xuhctnw until mich
time an Dm nuoitlon of supremacy between u *
Is dollnltoly Kt'ttlcd. I'HAUI.F. * MlTCitr.i.i.
Look out for a uartl from Corbott now.
Tomorrow nlifht Champion George DIxon
and Eddie Picrco will outer into their little
fistic argument before the Coney Island
club , and the prospects nro good for a
rattling fight. An has always been the
case , though , In Iho little Hallgonlnn's
affairs , the man that Iho wlso ones had
selected to clip his wings , In the last days of
tils training , meets with some sort of a back
set anil Plcrco Is no exception to the rule.
For the past several days ho has been com
plaining of blistered feat and has not been
able to Indulge In his quantum of daily
exercise. Olhenviso ho IB perfect as a rose ,
rcstlvo as a war-horso and confident that ho
will amply entertain the spectators and Mr.
Dixon ns well , The probabilities are that
Eddlo will not have time to think of his
feverish "pedal extremities tomorrow night ,
and if ho has complaints to make of any
porMohof his anatomy they will moro than
likely bo confined to his Jaw and neck.
There are those , however , and a good many
of them , who actually expect to see the llttlo
Gowntius lad returned a victor.
On the night of the 14th big Dan Crecdon ,
the Adelaide representative , and the monk-
llko Alex Groggaius will collide within
ItobyX'roofless panthqnarjm , and if any ono
thinks ( hero won't bo a light they don't
Know the men. that's all. There will bo no
Buffalo' Costcllo pedestrian match about this
go , as Crcedon is of a different breed of
pues. Ho is u typical Australian , and fights
from the sound of the gt > ng until the roferco
calls "out" for ono or the other contestant.
That Grcggams can fight , too. when ho has
to. is a well known fact , and if ho gets the
kibosh put on hlhi It will only bo after a bitter -
tor and gamoy-strugglo.
Prof , Mlko Donovan bai the sporting
editor's acknowledgements fora copy of his
recent work , "Tho Science of Boxing , " a
handsomely bound volume of seventy-eight
pages. To say that It thoroughly covers the
grounds embodied in the title is but mild
praise , as it Is undoubtedly the best work
of the kind extant. Tno line steel plates of
men In action , showing nil the maneuvers ,
the blows , guards , ducks and feints of the
game are admirably gotten up , while the
descriptions of the same are terse , lutelll-
Kcntand to the point In every instance.
Nothinc known to the science has been
omitted and it is a volume that must take
high rank in the world's athletic literature.
As to the author himself , ho is too well
known , both as an old-time cxK > ncnt of the
ring and a gentleman , for extended mention
rronpeots Good for the Finest Trottmc
hosBlon Kvor Held In the West.
What will in all probability provo the
greatest race moot over held in Nebraska , if
not in the west , will bo that of the Nebraska
State Association of Trotting and Pacing
Horse Breeders at the fair grounds , com
mencing Tuesday next , the 8th , and con
tinuing through thollth.
Nearly 300 horses have boon named to
start for the money , and as all the events
are purse races , a vast amount of exciting
sport can confidently bo expected. There
will not bo a dull moment in the four days
card , and every heat will bo a horse race.
President Kcstersou and Secretary Briggs
report everything in most promising shape
and are predicting the best and largest
meeting over given under the auspices of
this association. Thoro' will bo reduced
rates on all the railroads , and every ono
within a day's travel who loves a good ,
honest race should not fall to improve
this splendid opportunity. The K'innoy
Brothers , who have charge of the driving
park , have put in many extra good licks
during the past three weeks and now have
the grounds in perfect order. The famous
half mile track looks like a newly swept
ilonr , and by proper manipulation has been
made even faster than ever before. The
track , naturally , is ono of the best half miles
in the world ; the consistency of the soil Is
just right for high speed and with no draw
back In the way of bad weather some of the
beat races over witnessed in this vicinity
are certain to como oft .
Nebraska breeders and trotting horse men
are in high feather just now ever recent
showings of Nebraska bred horses. The
state is right In the van , and a rich harvest
is in prospect for the nervy and Intelligent
breeders who have nursed and fostered the
industry hero. They are justifiably proud
of their work and will strive might and
main to add new luster to the state's fame
in this line , and to reap now laurels for
themselves in the great meeting which
opens Tuesday next.
"As the meeting will bo of immense benefit
to the city of Omaha it is to bo hoped her
citizens , principally her business men and
stock raisers , will leave no stone unturned
to further the interests of the association
and to hiako this the most successful and at-
tractlvo'ineoting tl.o state has over known.
Of these who have made two payments
there are IT In the foals of 18'J'J trotting , 15 in
the 3:00 : pace. 13 In the 2:2'J : trot ; 18' in the
3:00 : trotiil ; ! In in the foals of 18U2 , .trotting :
12'iu the pixce , 15 in the'Ji-IO trot4 in the
foals of Ib9d , pacing ; 9 in the 2:23 : class , 8 In
the 2:24 : trot , 10 In the 2:50 : trot , 'J in the 3W : )
class and 10 in the 2:35 : class , making a
grand total of 173 horses who will try for
the money.
There will bo four races each day , Tues
day. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday , and
in the Futurity of 1SUI Ella Woodllne , with
a yearling record of 2:29) : ) , and other good
ones will bo leen ,
lu the 3:00 : pace Doctor Mack , Newsboy
and S K , all of whom have made records
below 220 ; slnco the entries closed for this
meeting in this class , make an attrac
tion In themselves worth miles of travel to
For the 2:29 : class , trotting , thirteen
horses have made second payment , am :
among them is the great Gonzales Mc
Gregor , ono of the phenomcnals of the ago.
In thu yearling pace there will bo thrco
youucHtors who can show a ! ! : ! H ) gait , one
there will bo a big surprlso In this event for
all horsemen.
Ontoninn , the klng f the turf today , with
his recently acquired 209J ; mark , will star
in the 2:22 puce- and many distingulahei
horsemen will be here from Chicago , Mimto
upolis , St. Paul and other western cities to
BOO Shadoland Onward's greatest colt It
competition with the host of all the western
Besides these rare attractions the Con
queror , with a record of 2:17 : , will start litho
the 2:24 : class , and great things are expectei
of him. He Is the -fastest 3voar > old of the
year , and horsemen all ever the country are
hooping their eye on him ,
Was there ever a move brilliant galaxy o
fiyors booked for a mooting in this neck o
woods , or was there' ever a meeting tha
promised such a series of rare races I There
cnn bo but ouo an v/er , and that in the nega
Among the famous rolnsmon who will bo
hero are Ed Pylc , Dick Tilden , Chandler
Munson , Falloy , Atkinson , Tullard , Leach
Ware and scores of others , all with a goot
string in hand.
There nro a largo number of horses , in fac
the majority of the on trios , already quartered
tored at the park , and everything is in line
shape for Starter Swlgort's command to
'go. "
Ju all fairness to the state's good name
some big crowds should be soon hero nox
Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday
when thu banner race meeting of Nobraski
will bo on ,
No Clnvli fur tiio IlitllcoiiUn.
NEW YOIIK , Auguit 5. Adherents of tha
saMe little phenomenon , George lJUen , are
not so sure now that ho will dofcat Eddiu
Plurca at the Couoy Island Athletic club to
morrow night as they were a fortnight ago
This is duu to tie | fact that a number o
Piorco's friends have sent out during thu
pu t tlireu days bundles of the "long green'
to place ou th.0 Nonpareil man at the rate
that have been ruling. It is almost impos
sioletopet oililsoffj to fl against Pieico
dosuitu Dixon's magnificent record ,
In a confidential letter from Pierce'
training quartern to ' 'Boston Tim" Sullivan
Captain Jack Whlto , Pivrco'a uiuuugcr
vroto ns follows : ' 'This Is thu softest snap
over ran up against. Pierce will dofcat
) lxon Just assure as I will go to heaven ,
Jon't worry about bluffs the other Bide
makes about a cake walk nnd the llko , Sul-
Ivan's friends talked that way when ho was
matched with Corbett. Jack Dempsoy'i
rieml Jollied in tha same way whan ho
tacked up against Bob Fltzstmmon * . Take
my word for it , this Is ns big , a. 'cinch' for-
ur llttlo boy as Iho other two wcro for Cor-
> < jtt and Fltzilmmons. The coon has gene
> ack , while our lad has kept on Improving1
11 the time. "
Meanwhile both lads are still "sawing
vood" and not saying a word. Plerco has
vorkcd faithfully for the event of his Ufa at
ho club house , In company with Danny Me-
Brldo , who Is to moot Tim Murphy in the
irclimlnary bout of the night , DIxon , while
cnfldcnt of victory. Is taking no chances ,
i ml Is still working in a way that would do-
ght the heart of the most exacting task-
nn.itcr. Tim Murphy accompanies him In- *
us walks , boxes with him and joins him In
its work cencrnlly. The boys have been
mining at "Brooklyn Jimmy" Carroll's road
lonso and had the ocnellt of his advice and
Dili ; Diiy lllruclicr.Volju. .
Brooklyn and Philadelphia equally divided
luht giunca last w.cuk.
King BIH'Hoovcr was not. idle -long. Ho
kipped from Birmingham to A'turUsta.-
Senator Esper Is a pitcher who "helps' win
Is own games. Ho tins " a butting average of
123 , -A ' ' . " ' " . . " '
Joe Mulvoy has jumped the Senatorial
races and says ho will ploy no inbro this
'ear. '
Stein , Omaha's erstwhile twlrler , hohLtho
Cow Yorks down to two 'hits 'on Monday
John Burdock wants to try his hand at um
piring in the league and has put hi his uppli-
atlon. , 'V " * < '
Larry Twltehcll Is credited with throwing
base ball 135 yards , 2 foot and'2 inches at
Jack McGlono , Ornaha's last year's third
msoman , has opened'up1a''drinking trough
at Brooklyn.
"Tacky" Schmidt , released by Now York
nd Troy during the same week , has bobbed
up again at Mobile. ' 4 '
Llttlo Brcltrnstein. has taken Uo rank of
ho leading pitcher of the league. Stein has
dropped away to eighth.
Billy Earlo has sued the Birmingham club
or J182 back salary , but U looks as if Billy
vould nave to hypnotlze'the ' entlro city bo-
ere ho ots his duckats. ' *
The fourth game between the Y. M. C. A's
ind the North Enders will bo played at
3portsmnns park next Saturday afternoon ,
t will decide the city championship.
Disintegrator Mullane , ttis'dld' Cincinnati
ncubus , is faring worse than ever with the
Baltlmores. When ho pitches ho either
gets fined $15 or $20 or loses the gamo. Good.
Dan Uichardson has been indefinitely sus-
> ended without pay by the Brooklyn club ,
le is charged with filling up with Cincin-
latl firewater while the Brooklyns were
Tim Murnano : "Billy Sunday , , the
) reacher , was looked upon as n quitter
Then ho played ball , and perhaps that's
ho reason ho is now roasting the profes
sion. "
The Bostons are fourth in batting and
; lxth in fielding , and they load because they
mow when , where and how to sacrifice. No
club has team work down to such a nicety
is the Bean Eaters.
At Savannah an enterprising fellow built
n stand high enough to permit his friends to
see over the base oall fence. The manage
ment raised the fence and the enterprising
fellow raised his stand. Both fence and
itand has since been crowing toward
leaven , and at last accounts the stand was
Ilfty foot high or they grow pretty big liars
in Georgia. Ken Mulford.
A pipe story comes from Louisville that
Bill Barnio has started south with S10,000 in
"reaay cash" to buy up good talent. The
wire docs not say whether he is carrying it
in a trunk or traveling with a valise and
body guard. Another sin of omission has
been made , for the gentle reaucr is not in
formed whether Bill's ' $10,000 is in gold , sil
ver or small bills. Perhaps the periods In
that ? 10,000 were switched in transmission
and the sum is $100.00. If Willie .Bill is
really going around with $10,000 spot cash in
his clothes , there will be news of n kidnap
ing soon and the blue-eyed boy will bo lucky
if ho is not fed to the alligators. A man is
taking desperate chances lu going south now
with us much us $10,000.
WhUiierliif8 of the Wheel.
Ilol for the international races at Chicago
this week.
The Omaha Wheel club pedaled their way
out to Waterloo. Neb. , last Sunday , and
spent the day quite enjo.vably.
Welch A ICingsley of the Tourist Wheel
men and W.V. . Connoran of the same club
have returned from several weeks visit into
the countryside , where they have been gain
ing avordupols and sunbnrn.
The "road hog" made it interesting for the
wheelmen that pedaled their way up to the
Valley lust Sunday , some of the porkers evi
dently allowing themselves to believe that
they owned the entire state of Iowa.
The Nebraska division of the League of
American Wheelmen spurts to the front this
past week with thirty-seven now applica
tions for membership. The total numbor.of
league members in the state is now 291.
Iowa division on our right has 503 members ,
Kansas has 315 , Colorado 810.
After the tire Is punctured ,
After the wind's nil gone ,
After you're In tlio'country ,
Ton or twelve mllus from homo
Then It's you'll fuel discouraged ,
All by yourself , alone-
After tno tire In punctured ,
And the air pump in at home ,
-The Wheel.
Tune : "After the Ball is Over. " Boys ,
have any of you ever foil this way ?
Lon Llvesey and Russell Condon of the
Omaha Wheel club finished their double"
century to Sioux City , lii.nnd return in ex
cellent shape Sunday afternoon. They
started from Omaha at 7.:30 : Saturday even
ing , had two hours sleep and returned ever
the same route they started , tholr avorugo
on the road being fifteen miles anhour. . At
Missouri Valley , la , , they stopped off for
dinner and related some of then- experiences
while en route.
Major ICnox-Holmes , the patriarch of lat
ter day cycling is dead. Nearly "every cyclist
who has over read the cycling journals and
any of the English sporting- papers has
heard of Major Knox > Holmes'a man who ,
although uvor 80 years old , was nn enthusi
astic cyclist , nnd a great tourist ; a man who
could reel'oll llfty miles on the country road
at a pace that would "baita" many a man ot
one-fourth his ago.Tho major was always
an attendant at the English , races in com
pany with his granddaughter : was a'mom-
her of the London Cycling clubs , and was
nicknamed the "Grand Old Man of Cycling. "
Ho died quietly at his noatitiful residence in
Southwest London , aged B5. . Ho first com
menced to ride in his 00th yc'nr.
The St. Louts Refrigerator arid Wooden
Gutter company has succeeded in building a
bicycle , complete , of the lightest metal
known , aluminum. The frame is cast in ono
piece aud bored similar to the barrels of a *
shot gun. The front forks , head tube and
fork crown are also cast In one piece. The
wheel for road use will weigh cloven to
twelve pounds , for racing about nine to ton
pounds. The wheel will bo put ou the mar
ket at $125. No nickeling will bo used ex
cept on the cranks , crank hanger and
sprocket , the frame complete being finished
in the natural color of the metal , which is a
bright silvery sheen. Scientific tests demonstrate - ;
strato that aluminum is three times lighter
than steel , throe and one-half times stronger
and will not rust , corrode or tarnish. Why
shouldn't this bo the bicycle of next season }
Captain Potter has issued his run cards
for August , the card shows a list of some of
the prettiest runs out of Omaha. The Tour
ists and their cycling friends will do wnll to
attend some of thorn , Hero is the list ;
Sunday August U , Herman , seventy miles ,
start 0 o'clock ; Wednesday evening August
9 , Fairmont park..twelve miles , 7:30 : ; Sun
day August 13 , Silver City , forty-five miles ,
start 7 a. m. ; Wednesday evening August 10-
East Omaha , start 7Hp. : ! ) m , ; Sunday Aug
ust 20 , club picnic , given by the entertain
ment committee ; Wednesday August 23 ,
South Omaha , ten miles. 7:30 p. in. ; Sunday
August 27 , Plattsmouth , 7 a. m. , forty-four
miles ; Wednesday evening August 80 , Flor
ence lake , 7:30 : p. m. All runs start from
the club housu on California street ,
The usual number of Tourists turned out
last Sunday for the joint run with the Gany-
medo Wheel club of Council Biutfs. The
start was made early so that the clubmen
could culoy the coolest part of the day.
Twouty-slx whoulinua made the round trip ,
A Cash Sale
Lasting 10
Commencing Monday , August 7 , all our
$ COO $ [ J50 $ ] 00 $750
, U , U , I ? I
These goods are remnants which we are bound to sell before the arrival of Fall Stock.
In Order'la Keep Our Tailors Busy
; , i ' ( During August ) 0 f % fAll \ I
All our $22 ° ° , $25 ° ° , $27 ° ° , $28 ° ° Suitings at * II
.It will pay you to investigate this offer ,
Trimmings , fit and workmanship guaranteed.
. , . . The assortment is large and tempting.
First comers will obtain choicest patterns
Fall Styles Ready
August 15th.
and nil adorned pleased with the run. The
trip homo was made by easy stages , allowing
the boys to "go awlnimiu' " and loll under
the shady boupha of the treus that fringe
the highway. These attended the run were
Messrs. O'Keefo , Belt , Williamson , Colgan ,
Watt , Bono. Drew , Blxby , Carrothors , Du-
quccto and llloh of the Ganymodcs , Potter ,
Sancha , Hynes. Barnum , Grifllth , Ueichcn-
bcrg , Hifjuins , Church , , Gideon , Coates ,
Strather , 'Walker , Vales , Connoran and
Smith of the Tourists.1' ) Another small party
of the Tourists spent the da $ at Fremont.
The Tourist Wheelmen- will bo the guests
of the Herman Wheel club today.
Among tho. Omaha wheelmen who will
take part in the great race' meeting at Qhi-
cage this week arc 11. E. Thomas , M. O.
Daxnn , Jack Kastman , A. J. Root , Harvey
Morse , John Gideon , B. J. Scannoll , John
Gallagher , A. S. Walcottf 3 $ . A. Chapman ,
John M. Conradt.W. J. Morris , John Blakes-
leo , G. P. Waldron , Phil Von Windheim , E.
H. Smith , F. H. Suipkin , Fred Kern , Ed
Lytlo , H. 1C Smith , George Sancha , John
Hines , Max Roicheuborir , Low Uachenborg ,
Louib Flischor , Henry Froderickson , W. F.
Nigly. George Seipert and party from Lin
coln , L. T. Bradstono from Superior. W. S.
Dun and party from Hastings , C. B. Nicode-
mus , Harry Dunning and party Irom Fre
mont will ulso go over tomorrow.
Dr. W. II. Hichardson , a prominent medic ,
declares in a recent article for the Asclo-
piad : "Cycling is indeed of great use to
women. It secures a quick and sure cultiva
tion of the senses , it develops a good and
healthy respiration , it causes the lungs to
inhalo'puro air , quickens the circulation and
brings to the mind a free and wholesome
change of scene , which Is a tonic of tonics
to the depression incident to sedentary
monotony. " The physician thinks , however ,
that the la ly cyclist , unless she is extraor
dinarily strong aud healthy , should never
ride moro than twenty-live or thirty miles
per diem , always in the morning and evening -
ing and never during the hot hours of the
day. Ho prescribes a good shower or sponge
bath of topuJ water immediately after a long
ride , followed by a rest of an hour or so. .
The present "hard times" has Drought the
" " with his ' - off
gay and festive "road hog" hisgit
do yearth" expression out in great numbers
of lato. A cyclist spinning along the coun
try roads frequently meets them now-a-
aays , young and old , oftentimes in the shape
of a patriarch who owns his township , moro
often embodied in the form of some young
"hired man" with his "girl" ( probably a
dairy maid from the neighboring milk fac
tory ) and who doesn't own the clothes he
does his "courtin * in , " very seldom , some
"city chap'1 taking a drive into the country
at W per drive , all of whom imagine they
own.tho country roads that stretch away
from cast to west and north to south , and
that the poor cyclist who takes up about
one-twentieth part as much room as the
gentleman with the porcine proclivities , has
no place upon the road , whatever. There
are many samples of tiio "road hog"
to whom the great American tramp would
lift his battered tile and with a most gracious
sentiment tender him the emblem of "un-
uttorablo-and stupendous gall , " Such people
either do not have the faculty of thinking or
else do not cat o to trouble their mind to remember -
member that itonly requires a moment's
time and' a foot or so of spa'io to allow a
cyclist to pass them on the ronu , They also
forgot , or else da > not know , that they are
breaking the lawtbjr not allowing ono vehicle
to puss another om the public hjghway , the
same being punlsu'ablu by a line of not less
than & for each dffenso. The courts all over
this benighted country have declared time
and again that the bicycle is a vehicle and
'should bo accorded .all the privileges given
vehicles. It is a poor excuse of a wheelman
who will not dismount when approaching a
team on the hlghTOy and hu finds that his ,
wheel is frlRhtcniiiK the team into tits. In
many cases it is tiio drivers own fault that
his team is frightened. Wheelmen Imvo no
use for "road hog * , " and "road hogs" have
no use for wheelmen , and as oftentimes Imp-
pens there is a cdUUlon , Some of those ' 'em
perors of the rojuil ) ought to be made an ox-
amploof as a wanning to the rest of their Ilk.
Gout 11 > . with the ilorioinon.
The State breeders' four days' races begin
at the driving'park Tuesday.
The converted Newsboy won his race Jn
straight hcuts at I-oulslaiia , JulySOlaiL ! : 3U ,
8:20 : , Bi3. ; ! They don't go so fast in Missouri -
souri as they did at Sioux Falls.
B. A. Doyarman , proprietor of the Idle
Wild stock farm , O'Neill , Nob. , hai recently
purchased Drentwood SW83S , son of Nutwood ,
dam the daiu of Five Points , aao : , by Strath-
more ,
Messrs. James J , Donahue aod A. M. Gal
lagher may bo seen most any evening on the
South Omaha speed track working a good-
looking pair of promising fillies , Black
Jacket , white sleeves and old gold cap are
the colors of the Donahue stuulo.
Do not overlook the Nebraska aud Towa
circuit. The Nebraska , Iowa and South Da
kota circuit this season was the most bril
liant affair of the kind thus far this year ,
and there is no reason why the circuit known
as the Nebraska and Iowa fair circuit should
not be Ural-class in uvcry particular ,
Ontouiau'a uillo in 309tf ; at Sioux Fulls
was a most peculiarly rated ono. The flrst
quarter was paced in lit seconds , the second
quarter in li'JJ , the third in 32 , and the
fourth In SO . Ho was driven a 2:10 : gait
one-fourth of the mile , a 2:03 : gait a fourth , a
2:10 : gait a fourth , and a 2:03 gait a fourth.
These who will have their horses in form
to start on the campaign by the latter part
of Aucust should post themselves thorouchly
concerning the southern Nebraska circuit ,
which begins August 22 at Superior and con
tinues until September 29 at Hebron. F. II.
Uriggs of Geneva will give all information
desired concerning this circuit ,
St. Joseph , Mo. , has blossomed forth into
a great racing point. They believe in the
power of the dollar and hang up some very
liandsomo purses , indeed , St. Joseph proper
is ono of the wealthiest cities in the union
and some of the very best and most exten
sive business men in the city are ofllcers of
this association , hence the campaigner can
depend with certainty upon receiving every
dollar of money that the association adver
tises to give to horsemen , Western lie-
Charles F , 2:20X : , by Seth P , died at
Knoxville , la. , July 25 , of rupture of in
testines. Charles F , 2:20J : , was bred by
Kcsterson it Tollcth of Fairbury , Neb , , was
foaled in 18S9 and later became the property
of Mr.Tolloth. As a yearling ho started three
times , appearing llrst at Abilene , Kan. ,
Octolx r 28 , his only competitor being Kansas
Russell , by Allio Hussoll. Charles F won
the first and second heats in 2r : 4J < , 2:55 : % ,
the third heat going to Kansas Kussell in
3:03. : Two days later , over the same track ,
ho startoJ atrainst the watch aud took a
record of 3:52 : | < f , and on November 1 , over
the Biuno course , ho took a time rec
ord of 2OJwhich : ) was , wo behove , the
fastest in Ho for a yearling that year , except
ing Freedom's 2:2'J : % over the Napa , Cal. ,
track , October 11. Ho started n few
times in his 2-ycar-olu form and won his race
at Hastings and Beatrice. As a 3-year-old
ho started fifteen times and took a record of
20. : ! ! The flrst time he appeared in his -1-year-
old form was at Omaha , in Juno of the
present year , and ho reeled
off his race in hollow style and trotted the
half mile circle in 3:20J : . Ho was a large ,
growthy , good looking horse and would have
taken a record of 2:15 : or better this season ,
tnoro is no doubt , had all things gone well
with him.
ShiiutjnR mid Fulling.
Hopqrts from all parts of the state indicate
that tlip present season's crop of quail will
bo a large one.
The Columbus Gun club will hold its an
nual trap shooting tournament August 10 and
10. Moro extended notice next Sunday.
An uncommon crop ot submarine moss and
othoraquotlc vegetation has about spoiled
all sport with line and rod in this vicinity.
W. S. Dlmmlck will pilot a select party on
a plover shoot on the Wlnnobago reservation
this week. By the way , Mr. Dinimick made
the banner bag of ducks this spring , 220 In a
slngladays' shooting.
Stockton Hoth and Con Young put In a day
above Blair ono day last week with the up
land plover. They found the birds fairly
plentiful and ) n the course of the afternoon
bagged forty-throe.
Shooting frogs at Cutoff and neighboring
lakes is a new pastime for the sportsmen.
The Jumpers are exceedingly largo and
plentiful this summer and a twenty-two
i-lllo is the moat killing bait ,
Drs , Wi J. Galbraith aud F. N , Connor of
this city , and Drs. Soinin of Chicago and
Hood of Mansllold , O. , loaro for the moun
tainous fastnesses of Colorado next week for
a month's sojourn with the grizzlies , oik and
The appended synopsis of the game and
fish law of Nebraska is in answer to numer
ous inquiries from different suctions of the
state , Buffaloes , elk , mountain sheep , doer
and antelope , October 1 to January 1 ; grouse ,
September I to January 1 ; quails and tur
keys , October 1 to January 1. Transporta
tion of game prohibited at all times of the
year. Mink and muskrats , February 15 to
April 10 , iDucks and gceso and all wild fowl
may be shot at any time with a shoulder
gun. Hounding of door prohibited in Burt ,
Douglas , Washington , Harpy , Cass , Saun-
Uors and Dodge counties , Fish can bo taken
with line and hook only. Fish planted by the
Fish commission or private persons protected
at all times. Taking lish by any other means
than with hook and line prohibited ,
Question * mict Anmren ,
Itusiivii.MC Nob. , Aug. 4. To the Bnortlng
Editor otTuK HKK : To bottle a hut will you
kindly say In your BunUuy'u edition whoUiur
Andruw Uarnuxlo , tliu I'HtMjuru iimmifiu- !
turur , 1 u duinocrut or w irepubllcimV J. II.
Lung , M. 1) ,
Ans. Republican ,
MJNDKN , Neb. , AUK. 4. To the Sporting Edi
tor of TUB HUE : Will you pleuso Inform mo
through your sporting columns tomorrow
Whether a man when hu ha * hU third utrllcu
mliscd U ontltlod to moro than ono huso or
not , If there are none other * running at the
time ? U. O. Drown ,
Ans. To as many ua ho can get
Wiuieit , Null. , AUK. 4 , 'fa tno Sporting
Editor of Tun HEB : will you please tate In
your next HunUay'a HKK wliuro you muasuro
from In throwing the hummer'J , W , B.
Ans. If the head trike llr t the muaiurc-
314 South 15th Street , Omaha , Neb.
u nppclallst In nervous , chronic , prlvnlu. blooil , flkln anil urlnarv illBu.iBcs A rcciil-ir nn <
Omaha Loan and Trust Co
Capita ! $100,000 ; liability of Stockholdsrs. S20D.9DB
mont shall bo from the nearest break of the
ground made by it. If the handle strikes
first , ono length of the handle Khali bo al
lowed from the mark made by the head of
the hammer , and the measurement shall bo
from this point. The measurement shall be
to the line half way between thu thrower's
MAI.VEII.V , In. . , Auir. 3. To Iho Sporting
KUllorof THE HBE : Will you pleabo toll us
thrniiKh ymir valuable Sunday paper Iho fol
lowing : Tim host llvd-mllo bluyulo record ?
Tliu best llve-inllii running Imrto record ? U.K.
Ans , (1) ( ) . W. W. Wlndlo , Jlt-ll. (2) ( ) .
There Is no tlvo-milo running horse record.
Ten Broeck's four miles in 7ir : > 9 is the
record for that distance. The ten-mile recoru
is 20:18.
OMAHA , A.UZ. 4. To the Sporting Editor of
THE HIK : : 1'lnasu atato' In tiumlay inornliiK'H
llKii what becariiu of the Ntakos In thu llncimii
nnd Kuyeri Unlit ? Also glvn ilale of the death
of "Koddy the lilacksmlth ? " U. I. . Worth.
Ans. (1) ( ) They were returned by the stake
holder. (2) ( William Varloy died May 10 ,
1870 , Now York ,
LINCOLN , Neb , , Aug. 3. To Iho Snorting Ed
itor of TllK HKE ; In a foot race , U a man bets
on hlniholf , duon that dlsiiuallfy him as an am-
atuur ? Wliiitlsu professional foot racer , what
constitutes I Novcr-Mlhs-bun-
one , luuanV - - -
Ans. (1) ( ) If a man bets on himself ho
ceases to bo an nnuiteur. (2) ( ) A professional
is ono who runs for money or gate receipts , or
engages in a race with n professional ,
KVIIACUBC , Neb , , AUK. 2 , To the pportlnK
Editor of Tin : HEK : If you have any way of
UhCorlalnlnK , please decide a lint and stiito
what Maud H cost Mr. Homier , and ivhon did ho
buy hur nnd of whom ? I'leuso give accurate
answer unit oblige u couptuof readers. Hyra ,
Ails. Forty thousand dollars , Mr. Ban
ner purchased Maud S of William H , Van-
derbllt In 1845 ,
| ' * AIHUONT , Nob. , Auz.4. . To Iho Sporting
Editor of Tim llliisi 1'leuho answer In bun-
cJay'H llKistliu bit half mile over run n the
Btato and the Iior.e's nainu. 1' . W. 4 > rum-
Ans. No record.
WAI.I.ACK , Nob. . AUK. 4. To the fiportiiiK
Editor of'I UK lint : : 1'lmii.o lye In bumlay's
HUB your mutliotl of loaclliiK with iillro uoiv-
clcr nay "E. 0. " for both K ) and li ! Banco ,
What do you consider Out proper charts for
Bimbo and imnllur KIIIIIU birds/ Which , In your
valuable opinion , is tliu liust brand of powder ?
The Wallace ( inn club InvlU's you tii como out
liny time aftt-r Auxuil 31. Do not coniu before
that llulu , aH I'lilckuns uio worth f.'j per huud
out hero until September 1 , W , U O.
Ans. K. U. for geese and ducks , lOguago :
4 drams , 1 oz. and > of shot ; chicken and
quail and small game , lijf dram * , Shultz , 12
bore , 3 drams. American Wood , from 3 Urs.
to Vf/i for 10 gauge , and 2Jf drs. to 11 drs , for
1'Js. S. S. about the same. The WaUrodc I
consider the very bust nitro powder in the
market for any and all purposes.
AI.VO , Nob. , Au 0. To the Sporting Editor
of TUB HEK ; i'k-asu bUtu through Huniluy
' uporflog column whether or not you
A visit to thlu .spot , which is now 4
national cemetery , Is oxtrotnorly inter
ostlng. Here Bcvontoon yearn ago Gen
anil Castor and llvo comp.inlos of th <
Seventh United Slates cnvalrynumbor
Ing1 ever 200 olllcora nnd men , were cut
to pieces by the Sioux Indiana and
allied tribes under Slltltif , ' Hull. Tha
battlefield , the valley of the Llttlo Big
Horn , located BOIIIO forty odd mlloa
south of Ouster , Mont , , n Htitlon on tha
Northern Puelllo railroad , can bo easily
reached by 8tugo , If you will wrlto
Charles S. Fee , Si. Paul , Minn. , inclos
ing 4 cents In postage , ho will send you
a handsonioly llluHtnUod 100 jingo book ,
free of charge , In which you will find a
graphic account of tiio uad catastrophe
which overtook the brave Cantor and his
followorH In Iho valley of the Liltlo
Horn In Juno , ' 7i. (
The Mercer.
Omaha's NcwestHotel.
Cor , 13th and HowarJ Streets.
40 rooms * -.V ) par day ,
40rooms $ .100 per day ,
iMrooma with bath at 13 par day. '
liOrooiiiH with bath at (1.5 } porUa.l
IMuilurn In Kvvry Itnpcct.
JSinvly I'lirnUhoil Throughout
C.S. ERB , Prop.
know of u imin by the name of 1'nddy 8hti * .
boxing liibtructor , Wichita , Kan. Johu Doll.
Ans. I do not.
Washington NUWH ) Walt Whitman's houin
kuepur hub tued the estate of the lute uout for
5ooo. It U suppomd that the latu poet u * 4
to road bU vunv * to her , t/