THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : SUNDAY , AUGUST G , 1S93-SIXTEEN VAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR THESE COLUMNS ADVERTI3RMENTS la SO p , m. for the nvrnlnir Knd untilSi30 p.m. for the morning and Sunday trillions , , , Advertiser * ) , by requestlnc nnmbprrd check , win have their answers addressed ( o ft numbered letter In cariiol Tim RK ! , Answers so nddrcsied will bo delivered upon presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Rates 1 Men word first Insertion , lea word there- utter. Nothing taken for less than 'J.'ic. WANTED , POSITION WITH SOMF. CARpenter - A ponter or conlracter to llnlsh learning carpenter trade. Havnhvl im yearn oxperlnncc. For fur ther particulars address Chas. Tliaycr , Seward , Neb. M831 7 * WANTED-MALE HELP. Kales IKo a wonl nrst Insertion , 1e a wonl there after. Nothing taken fur less than 'J.'c. jT JK OTlS M A N O F OOOD CHARACTER TO lirpprosentourbuslness.lnsuiancomen preferred ; 417 Bee building. 5H4 TV-SALARY OR COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO I'handlo thn Patent Chemical Ink Eraser Pencil. Tim most useful nnd novel Invention of thn nee. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds. Works I ko mnglc. aootoiiiMi pe.-cent protlt. Agents making tftdper week. Wi > also want n general agent to vnkf charge of terrllnry mid appoint sub agents , Arnroehancfl to make money. Wr to for terms mid a specimen of erasing. Monroe Erasing Mfg. ' Co. , X 30 , La Crosse , WIs. " * ' - TO .SELL BAKING POWDER. B-SALESMEN goods In Glass Roll ng IMim. fffin.Oll montli nnd I'XpoiiM'H , or commission. Chicago cage Baking Powder Co. , 707 Vim Buren street. Chi cago. M Po3-A 7 * - LAST WE HAVE IT. ACTIVE , AOENTS everywhere In take onlcrs for Shopp H World B fair Ph'olngr.ipficd. A iiingtilflruiit collection of ropvrlBhtnl photographs of buildings. Scenes , ox- IdbftH r.l the World's Columbian exposition. Splen didly described. by the oftlclnl man- jicemcnt. One oblong volume. Retail. $3.2S. Hooks on cnilll. Freight paid. AgenlH In Ibo field tire clenrlng from $7.00 to * 15.00 dally. Drop everything else nnd banilln thin book. You will make money fast. Finely Illustrated circulars and tritnftfuw. Outfit and 00 photographs only $1.110. AOilresn Globe lllble Publishing Co. , 358 Dearborn Mroct. Chicago , 111. , or 723 Chestnut street , Phila delphia. Pa. M5440' T > -AOENTS WANTED. TO SELL THI ! BEST I'lnoney-iiiaklng machlm ; on the market. The automatic cigar seller , n -cent slot ni.'ichliie , can IHMIHII ! In restaurants or Huloniis. A good chaneo for n'llnblo hustlers. Territorial rights Hold only 'to reliable men. The machine can bu seen In up- Million at 107 S. 17lh St. , after 0 p.m. Hnon & I.ocsor , solo agts. for the west. Mi85 U * -WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN TO Hell n slumlanl line of soaps on commission to the grocery tradn In Omaha and vicinity. Address , ntntlng experience , etc. , to R. W. Bell M'f'gOo. , lliifTnlo , N. Y. M783 0 -WANTED , SMART MAN. MUST COME WELL recommended , with $200.00 or Ad dress N 10 , Boo. M832M1' -IF vOU WANT A OOOD PAYING JOB WRITE thu HuwkB Nurwury Co. , Milwaukee , Wlsv TJ-WANTED , A BOY TO CARRY A HORSE JJroutoon The Evening Beu. Cull at circulation flept. 3:30 : p. in. M811 -WANTED , PAINTER TO RENT A HOUSE and do work for thu rent. N. W. Cor. 27th nnd Dccatur. M813 -RELIABLE MEN WANTED TO DISTRIBUTE clrenlarH for large advertisers. Cash paid. Atl- flrehs with stamp Advertising Bureau , 08 Broad way , Now York City , -WORLD'S FAIR CRAZE - SALESMEN wanted to hamlln the fastest selling novelty of the nineteenth century. Scli'iitlflo , curious , won derful , entertaining , Only Instrument Hindu for viewing bulldlngB , Matunry nnd distant scenery during travel on land or water. Avenge sales In Chicago , 3,000 dally. Send for sample , two slzos , J5 ! nnd 60 cents. Circulars free. Columbia Obser vation Glass Co. , 88 Washington street , Chicago. M834 0 WANTnn.TRAVELINO SALESMAN COVER- J'lng Nebraska or adjoining states to handle a profitable nldu llnu ; no samples. Address Box 023 , Columbus , O. 825 0' -WANTED. SALESMEN AND CANVASSERS , either experienced Insurance , building nnd loan , fann Implements , organs , sewing machines or nursery salesmen preferred. A hustlercun average f 500.110 per month. Write fully , definitely , age , experience , references , territory wanted , or call on niipcrintendcnt of agencies , COOK Western Union bliiif , Chicago. 821 0 * -WANTED , GENERAL AOENTS SELLING new articles to dealers. Exclusive territory ; no competition ; no capital required ; 200 to 3110 per cent prolit. Samples and circulars free. Send 4eentB postage. Columbia Chemical Co. , 3117 Scdgwlck ut. , Chicago , 111. ' 1J-WANTEU. SOME RELIABLE MKNTO SELL JJHicklo grinders to farmers ; must hux'u onw money and horseand buggy. Call ut ( hand Central hotel Monday forenoon. C. II. Taylor. 805 0 * WANTED , RELIABLE MAN FOR PERMAnent - nont position. Address In own handwriting , en- closlng'stamp and references , A. T. Morris , N " 2 , cnre this uoi > cr , 8120 * -WANTED , TRAVELING SALESMAN. NEW ripcclaltlcs. Can maku $50.00 per wcc.ic , Na tional Merchandise Specially Co.243 Wabash avenue , Chicago. 8U 0 P-GENERAL OR LOCAL AOENTS , LADIES OR -IJgents. $75.00 a week. Exclusive territory. The Ilnpld Dish Washer. Washes all thu illshes for n family In about one minute. Washes , rinses und dries them without welting the hands. You push thn button , tliu machine does thu rest. Bright , polished dishes and cheerful wives. No scalded lingers , no Boiled bunds or clothing. No broken dishes , no IHUHH. Cheap , durable , warranted. Cir culars free. W , P. Harrison & Co. , Clerk No. 13 , Columbus , O , 845 0 * -WANTED-GENERAL AOENTS SELLING nuw articles to dealers. Exclusive territory ; no competition ; no capital required : 200 to 300 per cent prolit. Samples and circulars freo. Send 4 cunts pustnge. Columbia Chemical Co. , 307 Stxlgwlck street , Chicago , III. -WANTED. . A FIRST CLASS BOOKKEEPER J > ln whulcHaln IIOIIHU. Good position to right man. Address N 2il , Bee. 87H II * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. Ilntcs.lKc a wonl first Insertion , lea word thcro- nfter. Nothing taken for less than 25c , our IniHlneHs among frli-mls. * 7fi.tll ) to $100.00 nalary to right parties ; 417 llee bullUhi ? . C84 VANTEnm' A SMALL FAMILY A YOUNG girl to woik for her board while attendtni ; itcliool. Address , N 1C lleo. 778 [ ) -WANTED , AN'INTELLIOENT LADY WHO is ambitious and wllllni ; to make money. Address M 17 , llee. M7U2 7 * _ c ! -GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK ; SMALL family. 2170 Emmet , 71)80' ) C-LADY AGENTSCLEAR MORE MONEY SELL- Imr our Hygela corsets than at anything else. YOT free sample outllt address Western Corset Co , , Ht. LonlH. Mu. WANTED , LADIES AND GENTLEMEN , WE 111 pay $5.00 to KHU.OO per week to do strictly home work for IIH j no canvuHHlng nnd prompt pay ment. G. F. Emmons .t Co. , Rutturyniunm and Water StH. , Boston , Muss. M835 10 * fi ANY LADY WHO DESIRES TO MAKE $20.00 V-/pcr week quietly at her own hoinii addiess , with stamped envelope , Miss Myra A. Gordon , Jollut , 111 , This iHubona tide otter und If you can only spnni two hours pur day it will pay you to In- Testlirale , 828 0 * -WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE' work , Mrs. G , W. Loomls , 1011 Smith 30th ave nue. M856 1'OR RENT HOUSES. Kates , 10u a linn each Insertion , $1.50 u llnu pel moulli. Nothing taken for less than 25c. iV-Foii itiiNT , "HOUSES IN ALL PARTS 01 J-'lhoclty , ThoO. F. Duvls company , 1605 Far cam. 587 D-3AND t-KOOM APARTMENTS , VON DOR > block , with stuum ; references reiiulrudt Hit B 'J2d. 588 D-FOR IIENT. 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT iJiugii block , (100 S. 13th st. 335 D-FOR RUNT FOR 0 MONTHS OR LONOEI nleoly locntrd tl-niom house , ull furnished uni In first class condition lo small fumlly wllhou chllitrrn. Rent rvnsonnlilo und references ru quired. liuinlro at 525 South 20lh street. MUM -FOR RENT. 12-ROOM MODKRN IIOUHV : 1713 Chicago SI. M852 12 * -FOR RENT. 10-room house , ull modem 1m provomunts , 838 south llllli street , Iniiilni251 Chicago. D-FOR , RENTNINIMWXJM HOUSE , AL ! modern conveniences : barn ; elegant lawn One shade. No. 'Jill S. Ul stave. M , J , Keimuii 607-HN. Y.LIfu Building. M HOii D , -fl.ROOM COTU'AOE , MODERN. CHOK'K. I ! 'Stanford ' circle. 0. E. Klgmttur , 204 Beu bldg. 7.VJ D - RENT. 0-ROOM HOUSE. (134 ( S. 17T1 Bt. , between Juckson und Luuvcnworth. . 758 0 D-8-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN , NEAR HUH ] iifss , rvnt moileraU * . Apply 204 lieu building. 753 -FOR RENT. FLAT , 7-ROOM , CORNE1 wllh range. 701 8. 10th street. Charles V lluller , No. Oil Puxton block. JI770 8 -2012 CAPITOL" V'ENUE , SEVEN ROOMi Imiulra 2518 Capitol uvemie. 773 7 * D-FOR RENT , 10-HOOM IIOUSE.ALLMODER Iniprovfineutu , Water paid. Best location 1 town. Only 7 minutes wulk frum iKiulorllce. 211 Chicago Hlrvt't. Percy II. Foul , 430 Beu building. 782 0 D-FOR RENT. NICK FIVE-ROOM COTTAUI $12.00. Iimulru room 310 , New York 1.11 building. M7U3 D-A VERY DESIRABLE DETACHED TE rooniol modern huusu , large lawnno batiemen 3621 California. M787 10 * D TOR RENT , TWO 7-ROOM HOUSES' T Omuha Vluw. only tO.lH ) jx-r montli. 717 N.I Ufu. 707 D 1-FOH RENT. ELEGANT 8 AND 10 ROO ; Ulck ' Real Estate A cucy , tb5-U. ) FOR RENT HOUSES. TV-MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSB , S2io CASS ' 'street. First-class n-nalr. Finn neighborhood. Apply to E. A Northup , Tnx Depl. B. AM.Ry. Tv 'OlT'lUINTlltOOM IIOU9K FURNISHED. ' 'for the niixt two or llireo months cheap. Half block from car lino. Call 2428 Bristol St. 8310 DFbR RENT-FINK 8-ROOM 1IOUSK , 5812 flewanl. south front , bay window , nlco lawn , city water , coal bins and cloeet. $18.00 per month. M8337 * - RENT , 10-ROOM HOUSE ON PARK D-FOR nil modern conveniences : heated with furnnco , bath room , etc. Enquire F. P. Kirk- ciulall ot , Jones A Co. 820 0 * D-11-nOOM MODERN HOUSE WITII1N6MIN- tiles walk of P. O. Inquire 1010 Dodge.M807 M807 13 -FOR RENT , FURNISHED HOUSE FOR A few months nt reasonable rent ; references exchanged - changed , Address N 27 Bee. 804 0 * D-FOR KENT , AUGUST IS. MODERN COT- tnge ; 0 rooms nnd bath. I3U31 California st. M858 0 * FOK RENT FURNISHED ROOMsT Rntes.lWo nwonl first Insertion , lea word there after. Nothing taken for less than UOc. E TO QUIET COUPLE , NICELY FtlUNISIIED or unfurnished rooms with board 3 blocUB from court house , Aildix'ss , It 32. Bee. Did 10 * - WITH ALCOVF. FOR -Ijgenllemen.modern conveniences , 320 North 23d. M 730 _ -FURNISHED ROOMS. 1U17 AND 1C23 CAPItol - E tel nvcnuo. MU73 A7 > _ 17-HOOM9 NICELY FURNISHED. OHO SOUTH Vj 17th street. _ M400 10 * , FURNISHED ROOM WITH ALCOVE. SOUTH front ; also small rooms , with or without board. Mrs. Knight , No. 2310 Douglas street. C43 _ 1 ? FUIINISIIEU ROOMS FOR ONE TO FOUR A'ladlcs 01 * gentlemen ; private famllyi modern lieu i > , between cublu and motor lines. 8012 North llllli St. M722 0 * _ E PARLOR AND BED ROOM , STEAM HEAT , gasand bath. Cheap rent. 70'J S. lUtli , 'M Hour. . M702 8' _ _ I7-FINE FURNISHED ROOMS. 2005 I1URT ST. Ill 700 3 * -TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LADIES OR gentlemen for light housekeeping , if desired. 1823 Capitol nvu. M800C * EFURNISHED FRONT PARLOR AND BED- room. Hunt $ lo.oon month. Nlcu shady n. o. corner 2uth and Hainlllon. 830 0 * 17-FORRENT , VERY DESIRABLE FRONT OR IJsliln renniN , single or cnstilto. In corner Hat ; everything modern. Ulil South Kith St. MHOS 7. -DESIRABLE SOUTH ROOM , MODERN CON- venlciicua HUD Dodgu struct , M800 12 -NICELY FURNISEI ) ROOMS , SINGLE OR eiiBiilte. Call or address 8' > il S. 10th. M853 7 * -FOR RKNT-NKATLY FURNISHED ROOM , with board , ' 'U1U California St. m8-17-li ! * -NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT , with or without board , lu prlviitu family. 2017 Chicago street. m818-12 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Katun. 1 KG a word first Insertion , ! c n word there after. Nothing taken for lean than l5c. ! VYOONo'mrR 'sTlbVlE'WDKirOARE'oP -L Woman's Christian association , 111 S. 17th st. BUS _ 1- THE DOLAN , 209 AND 211 N. 18TH ST. J : 503 _ T7 THE STATE EUROPEAN HOTEL NEW AND J. elegantly furnished rooms for rent by day or week at reasonable rates. Emery .V Spratt , 1308 to 1312 Douglas street. MI81 A23 * _ I ? NiCELY FURNISHED SOUTHEAST FRONT JL room with alcove and bay window , modern con veniences , private family ; board. 022 South 28th street. _ bill 0' 17 ROOMS AND BOARD ! 2225 DODGE STREET. JL1 700 U Fm ROOM ! AND BOARD FOR TWO GENTLE- inen. 708 North lllth street. M850 8 WANTED-BOABDEB3. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a Hue per month. Nothing taken for less than 2ac. V.JfurnlHhed rooms , with modern conveniences , overlooking Hanscom park , for runt , on reabona- blu terms. 1421 Park uve. 8020 * -2 FRONT ROOMS , 1C09 LEAVENWORTH Btreot. M870 11 FOK RENT STOKES AND OFFCES. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1. ! > 0 a Him per iionth. Nothing taken for less than 2AC. r-FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY I3KICK BUILDING -MHO Farnam st. The building has a llrcproof ce- icnt basement , complete steam heating fixtures , tvater on all the llooi-B , gas , etc. Apply at the ollico -f The llee. 1)10 DESK ROOM FOR RENT ON GROUND FLOOR -Ion Ifith St. , between Farnam and Douglas , cheap. Apply at 215.S. 15th Bt. 8111 AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOe a line each Insertion , $1 r > 0 a line per nonth. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. 7 WANTED , GENERAL AGENT TO APPOINT i'local subscription book ngcnts. On salary and expenses or as side line , F. It. Cheney & Co. , 00 Fifth Av. , Chicago. 820 0 J WANTED ; AGENTS , FOR SALE OF THE ncwly-lBHiied art publication entitled "Art and landlcraft In the Woman'H Hnlldlnir of the World's Columbian Exposition , " edited by Mrs. Maud HOWII Elliott , an J published by Gonull & . Co. , Parla nnd New York. S''O pages , largo octavo. Illus trated by 2fi ( ) exquisite engravings. Amongst the contributors are the DnehesH of Veragna , Countess of Abenleen and MrB. 1'otter Palmer. I'rlco In liaper $1.2/i / , In cloth Gi oiler design richly gilt and > rnamented * 2.BO. morocco $5.00. Apply to Rand , McNally } i Co. , 108 Adams Htrect , Chicago. 8CO 0 T AOENTS WANTED ; OUTFIT FREE ; FROM J $ ( ) ( ) $100.00 weekly regularly earned by out salesmen. P.O. Box mi , Now York. M875 7 WANTED TO RENT. Rates. VAa a wonl first Insertion , lea word theru- after. Nothln ? taken for less than 25o. K-THREE ROOMS WITH liOAHD FOR SIX. AddrusH Ilrown , care of Chas. H , Fuller , Chicago cage , III. M7137 * 8TOUAOE. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line pel month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. M-STORAGE FOR "HOUSEHOLD GOODSI clean and cheap rates. H. Wells , 1111 Farnam > UO M -STORAGEWILLIAMS4CROSS,1214HARNE'V , 007 WANTED TO BUY. Rates , Ufa a won ! first Insertion , leu word there after. Nothing taken for loss than 25c. XT WANTED , Tcf PURCHASE A GOODTtETAll 1' bushleSH ; any line , Part trade. Ames Reu Eslutu Agency , 1017 Farnum street. 035 0 * XT-CASH PAID FOR GOLD AND SILVER 0.1 Jucobson i. Klselo , room 11,1510 Donglus st. M720 A31 W"-CA81I FOR FURNITURE. HOUSEHOL1 li goods , I'to , , or will sell for ownur In our uuctloi sales. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam , OU8 J WANTED , HOUSE $1,200.00 ; ALSO HOM1 about $3.000.00 : miist bo bargains. E , C. ( Jarvli i Co. , 208 Sheely block. M83U 7 N WANTED , TO BUY SECOND HAND OAR land or other good range. Must bo In llrst clus condition , Aililrcss with prlco und diwrlpllo : N 1 , Beu office. M823 0 XT-WANTED , 40 OR 80 ACRES 4 TO 0 MILE 1' from city ; mimt bu cheap. If yon have clt property or luiiilH or merchamllso lo oiler cheui list with E. F , Rtngur , 1S1U Farnam , M880 12 > FOR SALE FURNITURE. Rules , l ! u nwonl first Insertion , lea word tuuro after , Notldng taken for.leus than Je. 0-FOR SALE , ELEGANT ANTIQUE OA : folding btxl but llttlo used. Cheap for casl First hunsu north of Dudgu on 31st avenue ) . M880 8 * FOR BALE HORSES , WAGONS , Rates. Ik'n a wonl tlrst Insertion , lea wort thun utter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. 1IIORSE FOR SALE-GOOD ROADSTEI worth $125 ; will uxcliamtu for snrruy or l seated phaeton. Suu htm at Brown's barn , opposll Y. M. C. A , park , M746 U * p-FOR SALE CHEAP , A NICE PONY CAR' L Inquire al 1014 filming street , MH81 P-FOR SALE , CHEAP. SECONDHAND PHAI J. ton und hui ness. Inquire ut West's stuble'J71 Leavonworth st , M87U B FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , Idea llnu each Insertion , $1.50 u line pi month , Nothing taken for less than 25o Q -$75.00 WILL BUY A NEW COLUMBIA ! safety bicycle , lll''l Chicago street. 851 0 * Q-FOR SALE , A REGULATION SIZE BRUN wick & Bulku billiard tublu , ruck.cueu and bull Everything In first-class shape. Address N 2 Ucu. ' M480 , MISCELLANEOUS. Rates. I We a wonl tlrsl Insertionle a word ihcr after. Nothing tukun for less than 'J5c , P"A PRIVATE PLAOEt'OR LADIES DURIN -ivcuntlncmcnt with guod uitdlcal uttendanc Box 478 , p. o. , Omuha. 837 G -"ETRUSCAN ART" STUDIO. LESSO > given. UrUtr * lukcu. JJr . K. J , Curlu , 20 : CUlcugo St. iutUU-12- MIBOELLANEOUS. Cotilmu/-/L JJ MARRIAOE PAPKR CONTAINING 500 AH- JLvvortlsementd of marriageable people nnd their photos , youn/r. / old , rlchjioor , from all sections , free. Gunnels Monthly. Toledo. O. _ CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , lOcn line each Insertion , fl.fiO n line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25o. . WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , 0 reliable business medium ; 6th year nt HON. 10th. SD9 _ _ MA33AQE. BATHS. ETC. " " - Rates , l ! < o n wonl nrst Insertion , lo nvord thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 28o. _ -MADAME SMITH , 602 S. 1STII , 2NDFIXXIl , J- Room 3. Massage , vapor , nlcohol , slentn.snlphur- Ino nnd sea baths. m871 la * _ fP-MME. CARSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET , 3D 1 floor , room 7 , massage , nlcohol , sulphur nnd sol baths. _ M804 11' p-MME. STOWE , MAGNETIC HEALF.R , 205 1 Douglas block. M1B7 A0 _ PERSONAL Ralesl ! < ea wonl first Insertion , lea word thoro- tier. Nothing taken for less than 25e. -SANTAO. FOR MEN ONLY. ORRATEST RE- storernnd developer known. Strengthens , In- vlgorntes. Prlco $2.00. GuamiiU-ed. Send stamp for confidential circular. Dr. H , T. Miller , 21 Qulncy St. , Chicago. U-MRS.L. W. PATTON , PRIVATE BOARDING house , 1UO 44lh streetChicago , 111. Correspond ence solicited for World's fair accommodations , -TONTE.TONTETIIE LADIES FKIEND WILL positive enlarge the bust G luchei or money re funded , Guaranteed. Not n painful Instrument but n pleasant , efficient , external application , Price $2.00. Send stamp for confidential circular. Mrs. Dr. H. T. Miller , tl Qulncy St. , Chicago. U-ATTENTION. LADIES ! "EMMA" BUST DE- veloper will enlarge your bust 0 Inches. Guar anteed. Sealed Instructions 'Je. or 'J l-pagc Illus trated catalogue Uc , by mall. Emma Toilet Bazar , Boston , Mass. -MARRY. IF YOU WANT A HUSBAND OR wlfo , rich or poor , send lOc for matrimonial taper. Sent senleil in plain wrnppor. Mr. und 'rs. Drake , Central Bank Building , Chicago. 827 0 FT-A NEW SONO.-PAT-A-CAKE , " COMPANION U to "Pcok-a-Boo , " at A. Hospo's , Omaha , Nub. M074 8 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Rates , llc ) n line each Insertion , $1.00 a line per nonth. Nothing taken for lesa than 25c. \\T LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED > > elty property , $3.000 und upwards , 0 to ( IX per icntino delays. W.Farnam Smith li Co,1320 Farnum 001 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. V The O. F. Davis Co. , 1003 Farnam street. 003 , \r-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON I' Improved and unimproved Omaha real ustate.l o 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. 005 \\r-ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. Life , lends at low rates for choice si-curlty on Nebraska and Iowa fnrms or Omuha city property. 007 W-CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST co. , BEE BLDG. ' 111)8 ) VT-FARM MORTGAGES. C. F. HARRISON , 1)12 N. Y. Life. 780 82- l\r $7,000 TO LOAN ON FIRST CLASS CITY ' property , llrst mortgage. Inrpilro Nutherlon 'fall , N. E. cor. Dili and Jackson Hts. 817 7 W-$500.00 TO $1.000.00 TO LOAN 1 TO 5 years on improved Omaha real estate or farm andb. E. C. Garvln i Co. , 208 Sheely block.M810 M810 \XT MONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES. ' Apply lo W. B , Melklc , First National Bk bldg. M850 W -MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , 401 : 11LD G. M 82U \\r-FOR SALE , GILT EDGED MORTGAGED ' securities , bearing li , 7 and H per cent Interest licks Real Estate Agency , ! ! 0o N. Y. Life build ing. 884-0 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , lOea line each lnscrtlorf $ line per iionth. Nothing taken for ! < > HH than 25c. V WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- Aciirlty ; strictly confidential. A. li. Harris , room 1 Continental block 478 X-MONEY TO LOAN- We will lend you any sum which you wish , jmall or large , at the lowest possible rates. In the inlckest possible time and for any length of time 10 suit you. You can pay it back In Biich install- ineiitH as you wish , when you wish , and only ; > ay for It an Ions us you keep It. You can borrow HOUSEHOLD FUHNITUHE AND PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , . WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 SOUTH 1UTII STREET , first door above the street , THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 010 X DO YOU WANT MONKY ? Wo will loan you ANY SUM yon wish on your : FUIlNITUItE. PIANOS. HOUSES. WAGONS , : CAKIIIAGES , WARE1IOUSK HECEIPTS , etc. : We give prompt attention lo all applications , : and will carry your loan us lone an you wish. : You can rcnluco thu cost of carrying your loan : by a payment at any time. Theru is no pub- : llclty or removal of property. : FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , : Koom 4 , Wlthnell bloclc. : M744 Cor. 16th nnd Uurney St. : BUSINESS CHANCES. Kates , lOe.i lliiottuch Insertion$1.00allno per month. Nothing taken for less than J5c. Y FOIl IlKNT , A SMALL WATER MILL. AD- ilrcfis box CS , Lincoln , Neb. Ol'J Y POR SALE OH TRADE , FIRST-CLASS DRUG more , centrally located , irood cash business. C. W. I. . V. O. Ilex 018. Ml02 ! Y LOCATION WANTED BY PHYSICIAN OF eight years experience ; would buy small drug slock. Address N 18. Bee. M814 0' Y-FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE , DIG BARGAIN for cash ; food paying business. Address N 20 , lice. 71)0 ) 10 Y FOR SALE , A WELL ESTAHLISHED DAK- cry : peed location ; bread traclo about 'J.KIO loaveu per week ; good liome trade of cakes , pies and lunches ; part cash , bulunco on time. A. II. , lice , Council Bluffs. JI810 7 Y-FOUSALEON EASY .TKUMS , FURNISHED hotel , known as the "IHirllnnion House , " sit uated near the 1) ) . & M. R. R. depot In thu city of Aurora , Neb. Call on or address R , W. O.-ayblll , Roul Kstatu Agent , Aurora , Neb. MHU'J 1'J' Y RETAIL CLOTHING BUSINESS WANTED In a k'ood town of 3,000 population or over ; will pay spot cash and ask no iiuuutlouu ; price must bo low. Address N 23 , Bee office. 818 10 Y-AN OFFICE ASSISTANT , GENTLEMAN OR lady , who can loan employer $900.00 cash for one year ; will bo secured and receive a ( rood sal aried position together xvlth good future prospects. N -JH , Bee. HUO U Y-FOR SALE , A LIGHT MANUFACTURING business about $ Sooo.oO havlmr u line ol over tlfly customers In thu city ; will take half real estate , farm preferred , Address N i0 ! , IloiiOllico , 800 l ) Y TO BUY , SELL OR EXCHANGE , BUSINESS chunccH , reul estutu or lands. Apply to West ern Business Agency , 31U N. Y , L , bldg. M801 S3 Y DENTAL PRACTICE IN CITY OF ' 'OO.OOC doliiB $ l)0.)0 ( ) to $1.200,0(1 cash biiHlncHH pei month : four clmlrs ; slekneHH cause of selling ; n splendid opportunity for Ibu right party , Westen Business agency , 310 New York Llfo building. 8110 0 V FOR EXCHANGE , CLEAN STOCK SHOES I$3,000 reul ustato und money. O. Snydur Neola , la , MHH'J 12 * FOR EXCHANGE. Rates , IDon line euch Insertion , $1.50 a line pui month. Nothlni ; taken for less than 'J5c. ' / I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA , KANSAS A/iiiid Dakota. Will sell cheap or cxchuinru foi indso.hurHC8 and cuttle. 70 , Krunkfort.Ind U13 Z-CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. W1LI take rual estate , money. Ilex 'JU3 , Fi-ankfort Inil . 013 T/-ABOUT $7.000 WORTH OF STAPLE GEN /Jcrul merchuiidlse for onu-thtnl cush or Heonrin noti'h. b.iluncu Omaha city property or BOIH ! furm J , II. Hadilock , Fidrbnry , Nub. M2r > 0 V-WILL TRADE REAL KSTATE FOR LARGI /JOT small stocW uf foods. Address M 7 , Be < > . M3U7 y-WILD LANDS , CLEAR , TO EXCHANGE FOI * Jpro | > erty burn. Wrlto full descriptions. 7(1 ( South 27th street. M507 A25' y TO SWAP , QUARTER SECTION NEIIRASKV AJland for stock murehandlsu. Address P. O. bo : No , U23 , David City , Neb. M07U U * ' / A MODEHN 10 ROOM HOUSE , 2 LOTS Ol /-/cur ut Krudu , good rcsldencu iiortlon of the clly For Hnuiller liouso or vacant Inside lota address ft 10 Bff. 707-8. y-HAVE 100 ACRES OF IMPROVED EASTER ! /JNubraHka land not mortfuirul thut I wish I trade for miTchandlsu. Gco. L. Oumpbitll , Cole riilee , Neb M700 10 y-iH.'OO STOCK FINE JEWELRY TO EX /Jchaniro for chuir land. No wildcat Irudei wuntttl. AddressN ' . ' 1 Beu. MKOO-ll' 'TVOi KXCHANUE , 320 AURKS WKsTKRI /JKuiisas lund for clear liouso and lot In irooi nulKhUorliood. Add. N HI , lU-ti offlcu. .Mhl7 ( U y-TO TRADE ; CLEAR LOTS'AND bOMKUASI "fur a fOttaKu anrl lot ; north or northwest part u city. N L'S , Bee ofncw. M804 M y-WILL EXCHANGE CLEAR WESTER ] /Jlandu for c-ilt-ttdKcU lirst inoruravu on city proi | e.ty. No doubtful paper constacicd. U28 N - \ York Lllu bide , U844 b > FOB SALREAL ESTATE. Rules , lOcn line v3tH\ Insertion , $1.50 n line per month , Notldnr tilkqu for less than 2 ! > o. TTOn. " SALE. ATiS ; ilAHOAIN' , KLEOANT JL1 double residence with handsome grounds on one of the finest rc.WflrMico slreets In'thls city : will make two beautlfui'lionics. Can take fowl fann ns part payment. v No. 3'Jlo Poppletohntcnuo , elctrant frfttno house , Boulh front , nice lawn , brick cellars under entire house , stationary inirble wasbstand , fnrnaco , etc. A beautiful hoinvu Price , $7,200.00. $2,200.00 cash , . , . No. 3210 PoppletSanvcmie , clcirant frame cot- taue , nlno rooms , Btiitth front , splendid brick cel- lurs , llrst class plnmulinr , furnace , etc. , lot AOxlH ( ) , ovcrylhliiir In complete shape , a perfect homo. Price , $7,000.00. OriW $2fiOO.OO easli. A CHANCE TO'SKCUJIB A NICE COTTAOK homo. Two cott.iRth and lots near 30th and Pa cific , south front HfniUMulIu nelehborhood , llnest location In city. IP sold together only $3,000 each. ELEGANT GROVE , 7 ACUK9 , OPPOSITE nuscr'A hotel and Sohutzcn park In West Omaha especially suitable for Bummer eardcn purposes. * , , FOR MALE-NEAR HANSCOM PAIUf.ELEGANT tpu-room house , liandBomo ruceptlon hall , spa cious parlor , library , dlnlmt room , smoking room , largo btxl rooms , etc. , luindsonio oak llnlsh , hard wooil floors , electric light , gas , furnace , splendid bnth room , stone walks , etc. , must be sold at once. Call for price and tnnus. SAFE AND PROFITABLE INVESTMENT Ten hcreo with small eo Unite , Just west of city ; will make a beautl fnl homo and n splendid plaeo for frnlt ami vcRetabki gardening ; n big bargain. Call for price. Hicks Real Estate Agency , 300 N. Y. Llfobldff. 8831) ) O YOU WANT An absolutely safe Investment ) Wo can offer Two Beautiful Ten Acre Tracts , with splendid shade trees , etc. Just went uf the city and near the New Elmwood Park , , ONLY $360 PER ACRE. The Improving of Khnwood Park will Increase the value.of surrounding property just as Hunneom Park has made the adjoining property the llnest residence portion of Omaha , Call tomorrow and let us show you these two ten acre tracts. Bank certificates or pass books taken , lllclt'a Real Kn- tate Agency , 303 N. Y. Life Bldg. 883-U _ " ' nUY LOTS IN STOEPEL PLACE. Chcniwst and Iwst lots In OMAHA. Special prlcn and terms lo HOME BUILDERS. Slocpel Place lots wlllstlwnys advance lu price , for the elty must grow westward. Call on or address - dress W. A. Webster , 402 Bee bldg. 014 _ CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. EAST front lot I/owe avenue ( Poppleton park ) , easv access to motor. Owner going Into business. Will sell very cheap for cash. Also lot Hanscom Placu. Big bargain for cash. Address L. F. , P. O. Box 380. 010 _ _ _ _ T > AROAINS-HOUSE9. LOTS AND FARMS , SALE JJor trade. F. K. Darling , Barker blk. 1UOA13 SPLENDID INVESTMENT-40 ACRES ON THE outskirts of Omaha , close to new elty park , splendidly located for subdivision Into lots : prlcu $000 per acre ; can take $15.000 of purchase prlco In good furm land or Income bearing property. Ad- press Hicks Real Estate Agency , 305 N. Y. Life , building , Omaha , Neb. 705 U _ IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAFE AND profitable Investment We can give you one. For Instance , u good farm of 100 acres 10 miles from Omaha. What can you nnd better ? Or , If you want a homo on e.-iHy payments and cheap , we have several. Omaha Heal Estate and Trust company , room 4 , Boo bnlUllnu' . MU71 EAUTIFUL HOMES. CALL AT THE OFFICE of the Hicks' real estate nirency and Bee those handsome houses they are ofTerlm ? for Hale near HaiiBcom park. Elegant elclil , nine and ten-room bonnes at prices away down below actual com. Hicks' Real Estiitu Agency , 303 New York Llfo building. 71)5-0 ) ARM LANDS , C. F.HARRISON , 012 N. Y. LIFE. M345 AID * AROAINS , IN FARMS , HOUSES AND LOTS. J. N. Frenzer , room 5 Frenzer block , opp. P. O. t > . M430 A22 _ _ UST BE SOLDj. BiROOM HOUSE ON PAVED street ; umall cmli payment. Address N 2. Bee , . . . . i M725 0 SPLENDID DAHO AIN. WE CAN OFFER THE elegant double 'residence Now. 1128 and 1130 South 31st HtrcM , with lamu barn , spacious grounds , trees , etc. Will rent for $1.320 per an num , Listed for fiulck sale at $13,500. Hicks' Real Rstutu Agency. 705 (1 REAT SACRIFICE. INSIDE PROPERTY. House and lot offered for sale at half Its value , by J. M Clarke In J. J. Brown's block. M780 7 ARGAINS IN VAUM LANDS. 320 ACRES , Greeliy county. $7.50 per acre. 480 ACRES , near'sooVla , Neb. . $8.00 per acre. 801) ) ACRES , Greeley county. Neb. , $8.00 ] r ne.-c. 100 ACRES , near Ci-elghton , Knox county , $0.00 per acre. ' > ( MO ACRES , near Lodge Pole , Neb. , splendid spring water , good soil , smooth land , $0.50 per acre. / . For terms , etc. . address Hicks' Real Estate Agency. ; | Q3 N. Y , LlfeiBldp. , Omaha , Neb. 705 (1 "VTOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 'A DESIRABLE J-'iiome or choice lot In Hillside : No. 1 ami Park place nt bankrupt prices , cither for cash or on time. Willis Yates , agent , 028 N. 32nd Bt. 802 WE HAVE LISTED FOR QUICK SALE 2,680 ' acres of BOCK ! land situated on the line between Nebraska and Colorado nnd near Lodge Pole Sta tion , on the U. P. R'y. consisting of sections 10 ! , 27,33 , east H 20 , and lotH 1 and ' _ > , und south Hot south U of 21 , ull In township 12 , range 48 west. In Lo an county , Colo. , and lots 1,2 , 3 and 4. In section 21 , township 11 ! , range 47 west. In Cliey- ennu county , Neb. First class neil , mostly smooth land , with large spring of water : will make Urst class sheep ranch , or can bo divided Into small farm * . Can be sold ut a very low figure or will ex change for Income bearing property or good Iowa furm. Address Hick's Reul EHUUC Agency , 305 N. Y. Life , Omahn , Neb. . 705 II I70R SALE : TWO NEW COTTAGES AT S. W L corner of aflth and California streets. All mod ern conveniences. Inspection uollclted. Call on or address H. T. Clarke , 250'J ' Cuss street , or lilt ) Board of Trade , Omaha. 'Phono Itltt. 82211 T > ARGAINS IN HOUSES AND VACANT LOTS -LJoii easy payments. E. C , Garvpi Jt Co. , Sheely block. 838 U FOR SALE , HARD TIME PKICE , $10,000 , JM room tenement IIOIIBO , 0 room cottage In rear , lot 00x140 ft. , east front on North 17th Ht. , $2,000 cash. Easy terms. HUH one tirst mortgage of $4,000. U per cent. Lone time. Part trade. Ad dress P.O. box 714 , city. 8300 /"i HEAT SNAP. BEST LOT IN BOYD'S ADDITION , vJcornor , south uiul east front , only $500.00. See Spencer , Karbach block. M803 7 FOR SALE-FINE LARGE RF.SIDENCE WITH ample grounds , which I can oiler at a very low liguru. It will pay you to investigate. D. V. Sholoa. M857 8 * FOR SALE , 20 COTTAGES , $3fiO.OO TO $2.000.00. on monthly payments. E. F. Ringer , 1510 Furnum. . MH871U * EAST OMAHA LOT SALE-I HAD A VERY satisfactory Halo of East Oinuliu lots last week. I would like more people lo Invcstlgato this lot Halo. Am BellliK. lots at great bargains and mak ing very reasonable terms. Virginia Snouffer 1600 Dodge Btreet , 873-0 * ( & 10-I AM SELLING LOTS FOR $10 EACH , < JP lying between Omaha and new Fort Omahn , Thcso lots will get In somebody's way very soon , Omaha la on thu boom again. No mortgngo on thin property ; $10 Is full payment for u lot , remember , Enclose postagn for plat and full Information , Charles P , Benjamin , solo agent , 100U Dodge street. 872 0- LOST. Rates. lOc n line each Insertion , $1.00 a line per month. Nothlnif taken for less than 2Sc. \ A LADY'S BLACK VELVET satchel , with silver trimmings and chain , bo. tween Iliinsvoni Park und Norlh Omaha. Leave ui lieu ollico. 820 U STRAYED OR STOLEN , AUGUST 3 , PROA ! premises , 3811 Seward street , light-bay gelding weight 1150 pounds , short black manu and tal 1 while hind feet , shod ull around. Howard for ro. turn or Information leading to recovery. Tele , phone 1015. 843 0 WORLD'S FAIR HOTELS & ROOMS Rates , Iflc a HnnVearh Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. irOlVRENT WpSrilVS PAIR VISITORS-NICE J ly furnished roolne ; prlvato family ; iinlut loua' lion ; near steam aliU > ablu cars. Ruasunublo rates. Rofereneo ritiulrodtliFirst Hat. 383U Elmwood Place , Chicago. ij 731 7 * RS. L. W. PATTON , PRIVATE BOARDINf hoimo , 100 4 Ith street , Chicago , 111 , Correspond cnco solicited for W/IVjd'B fair accommodations. SECURITIES FOR SALE. Ratus , IKo a wonl.lltKt Insertion , lo a won ! there after , Nomine taken for less thun 25c. " pncESTMOH'liaAOES FOR lly absolutely safu ' .Aincs Ruul Kstatu aueney 1017 Farnam. 'f ' _ M532 HIGH GRADE < ( HAnA CITY MORTGAGES netting jmrchi ; > wtM good rutu of interest , mini of from $100.01) utvfor ulo by Olobo Loan , V Trim Co. , luth and Dodi > u , < Oinuhu. PurtlculurH on up plication. M704 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Rales , lOc a line each Insertion , 1 1./50 / i > llnu IH : month , Nothlni , ' taken for less thun 25c , VOUNG LADU ANlfK N T K MEN CA isOo nciinlre a working knowlcdtr of shorthaml an tyiHiwrillng at A. C. Vun Sant'u wheel of short hand , 6I N. Y , Llfu. TypuwrlU-ra to runt. OIU PNPERTAKERB AND E MB A LMEKl Rates , Klo a llnu each Insertion , tl.60 u llnu JM month , Nothing tukun for less than 25c. \VIIAKEFovMERLYWITII JOHNf > JacubH , dccuuDiKt , later with M , O. Muni ) , mulct taker ulid embulmer , 310 S. tilth ut. Tel. U1H1. [ 017 m _ _ JAW.\B : > QKfciK8 Rates , Idcu llnu uuoh Inwrtl J.i. * I.5J a llnu pi month. Nothing takvn for loss than 25u. JSONNKNBERO.- DIAMOND BROKER 130 iDauiclas Bt. Loans money on dlamundu , watcliet etc , Old gold and silver bought. Tel. 1508. U1U PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO.Solicitor ) . Bee Building , Omaha , Neb. 4yoars Examiners IJ. U. Put. Offloe. Advlcofroo No fee until patent is obtained. CITkr OFFICIAL NOTICES. -Notice of the bitting ut tlio City Council us it Hoard of Equalization. To the owners of the lots ; parts of lots and real estate abutting on or adjacent to thu strcots. alleys or avenues herein named or situated In who'o or In part within any of the districts heroin specified : You and each of you nro hereby notified that the city council of the city of Omaha will alt AS u Hoard of Equalization , ut t'nmmltteo Kooin A , In the eltv hull , Omaha , Nebraska , on Friday , the llth day ot August , lVji : , from U o'clock a. in. to 5 o'clock I ) , in. , for the purpose of considering and cqtiallzlnir the pro posed levy of special tuxes and assessments as hewn by "I'rjposod Plans ot Assessment" now on tlio In the ollico of said city clerk , and correcting nnv errors therein , and of hourlnK all complulnts tbat the owners of property so to bo assessed and taxoo may make ; said special tuxes und 'issosamoiits proposed to bo lavlod boliiR necessary to oovcr thu eostof the several improvements duly authorized to bo made and now completed , as follows : To cover tlio cost of opening 20th avenno from Half Howard street to I'arniun street , amounting to the sum of $ NKX ( ) , which said sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council to assess on the real estate on both aides of 2th ! ) uvonuofrom DoUgo street to 10u Crelchton avenue , us follows : From DoJRo street to nonplus street 8 .50 per foot 1278 00 From Douglas street to Kuriiam street 1.00 " W2 00 From Farnnm 8t to Hulf Howard st 4.50 XEU GO From Halt Howard st to Juoksonst 2.UH " 2U01 75 From Jaukson st to Leuv- onworth st 1.70 2019 CO From Leavonworth st to Mason Bt t20 1331117 From Muson bt to Paolllo st ,00 118800 From Pacific fit to t'opplo- ton uvo CO " 72 4 ? From 1'opploton ave to Wool worth avoi 50 " 05000 From Woolworth uvo to Illolcoryst 30 " 3SO 00 From M line lllclcory tit to Shirley st 23 308 DO From N line Shirley st to EdCrolghtonuvo 20 " 28000 tHf)00 ) ( K ) And In addition to the above , them Hliull ho assessed on the Bohool lots front n-1 on 2'Jth ' aveiiuo In lilook 10 , Mei/'ornilck's addition , the sum of $ . /JI.OO , holtiK the same as thut assessed on thu properly opposite. Ttio whole to bo assessed on the real estate us specified , uccordlnir to the usual scalliiK back process In aopth from the aveiinu IIH fol lows : In MeCornilcU's iiddltlon : On west to the west line of the addition : on tlio cast , to 'illth Etreet. In Hanscom Purk 150 feet ; und tuo bulunce to depth of one lot , To cover the cost of opening 27th avenue from lluriiotto street to I/uU'y'a nub , uinonnt- Inif to tlio Hum of ifllll.dO , which sum It IH pro posej by a ropott duly adopted by the city council , to ussosj UK follows : On lot 14 JIM 00 On the balance of 27th iivnnuofrom Iluncroft Btreot to Yutevstraat , f'll.UU , iitf slll per foot , pro rutu IIH per foot frontutfu In depth to center - tor of blouk on west sldo nnd depth of ono lot on oust sklo , according to the usual soiillnn baoK jirocesa. To uov r the cost of wldenliiR 17tli street from On ate liar street to Vlnton streeturnount- , | iiK to the sum of fVMt.OJ. which sum it Is pro posed by u rupert duly adopted by the city council to uhsosson the rnal uslalo on uucli side of I7th street from Vlnlon slicut to Ous- tellur street ueconllnc to feet frontazo , pro rata as per the usual soallni baolc process In depth to thu center of the block or the Urn I ulloy ; ralo per foot fci75m. To cover thu cost of pavlnir nnd curbing Davenport street In street linprovuiiient dls- trlot No. 442. umountlni : to thu sum of ( -O.' : ) whloli sum It Is proposed by a report ( Inly adopted by thu olty counoll to usa.-as na fol lows : 1'rlvuto roadway on lot for which luld. . ,128 1 ! Tliii balance , flWJ.74 , tc ho assumed on the roul eiituto on both uldui of Davenport Htreet from 3'Jth ' utroet to wc t llnu of 40h | street. 01 north , pro ruto us pur foot frontage uccnrdlnv to thn usual scaling ; buck process In depth fron street as per the district createdj r.ito per fool U1U77. To cover tlio cost of pavlnu and curbing Ma son atroot from 2Jth Btreot toiuth uvuniiolu Htreut Improvementdlitrlet No. 4'll , iiinount- lii ) ; to the sum of JIHIO..V. , which mini It Is pro- poaed by u report duly adopted by the city council to a i tj on the roul ontalu on I oil sides of MIISOII struct from 2'Jlh street to ' "Jtl uvonno , pro rutu us per foot fionta e , HIU ! uc eorilliiK to the uuilal scullnK back proccbs In depth from < tract us per district croatcil : rate par foot timil. To cover the rest of pnvlny anil curblnz Lu- throp street front Hhernian uvennu to Ihtl etrfct. In street linproveinont district No. 4 7 amounting to the sum of fl'iliTa. which iun It In proposed by u report duly udoptcd by the city council to assets on the rent nutate on both sides of Luthrop street from t-herman nvunuo to 1Mb strciit pro r < itu us nor fee frontavo on struct , unduccordlnz to the lima sculini ; buek process In depth from street us per dlKlrlot created. Uato per foot , (4 WW. To cover the cost of puvlni : und ourblnz MUS-JII struct from 'Jllh street t 3Ut struct , lu Hieot iinprovtincnt district No. 4X ! , muount- Inu in the sum of tf.OOUO , which suu it U p u posed by a report duly uJopttia by the city council , to ussuss us follows ) The con of yrl O.JY OFFICIAL NOTICES. _ G'mitfminl , vain appronchc , nmotintlnit to II.VSD , to bo as- o 9cd to the tirouorty for which laid ! and the Milnnee. ll, , to bo as cs < ed proralann ho nvil ottatoon each sldo of Mn on street rotn IlDth street to .list Mret-1 in pt-r foot rontnite , accorJIns ; to the ii unl senllni onok procvts In depth from street as per district croutod. Unto per font \3 ? > ( J. To cover the cost of pavliiR ntul curblnc rard si rent from 12th street to llth street. In > trent Improvement dhlrlct No , 4J\ amount * nu to the sum of tT.14S. "I , which sum It Is pro- prosed lir a report duly sdonted bv the elljr council , to asos < i on thn rnil utato on both shins of 1-urd slroot from 12th street to 14th strnolpro rativ as per foot frmiliiKo nlid ac cord In it to the usual scaling back process In luuth from street to the first , alleys the front- nun ot t.lth street on the Ronth stiln of Izaril itrect shall bo si'toi od to tbo railway com- niiy ooeupylni : . the sumo anothorroal cstato. , Ute per foot ( J.24V ) . To cover thu cost of pavinn anil cttrbltiR Bhorman uvonuofrom Grand KVOIIIIO to Fort street. In street Improvement dlttrlet. No. 440. nmotintlnt ; to thnsuin of I2OII.U : ! , which sum tU proposed by a report duly ndopti-d by the olty council to usauss on Iho lO'U estuto on both sides of Sliormun avenue from Crand nvonuo to 1-ort street pro riita as per fool 'rontuito ' , according to the usiisl scallni ; buck iroccss In depth from the street us per dis trict ero.ilod. Uato per foot M.845.T. To cover the eostof paving and curbing .toth street from Karnam street to north line of ; ) aronport street , In sttcet linprovcinent dis trict No , 411 , ntiionntlnif In thnsuin of < HOiS,40 which sum It Is proposed by a report duly idoptud by the oily council to imsoss ns fol- oni : The cost ot private roadways , ainonnt- nx to SI.VU7. to bo assessoil to the lots for which laid : anil thu balance , f II , 1(0.17 ( , to boas- i089ul ( on Iho roalcstuteubuttliiR or adjaecnt .o Haul strobt pro ruta as per foot frontage , iccordlng to illstatico between curbs nnd the isiinlscalluKt'ack process to dupth otillslrlut iscrcntod und on north slilo ot Dnvcnport ilrcot , iH ; foot from street. Itnto per foot , To co vor tlio cost ot pavlnc and curbing fllh itreot from Puelflo street to the 1st nlloy north nst root I mprovement district No. 470 , amount- liiKtothosum of 1 1 , 780.o8. which sum Itlspro- prosod by u report duly adopted by the ally council to assess on the rani ostatoon both sides of lilh street from Paolfl-i street ns far north as the pavement. Is laid , proratuas per font frontage , and the usual scalliri back pro cess lu dnptll from street as the district created , llato per foot. Mftia , 1 o oovcr tlin cost of paving nnil curblni ; 21st street from Wlrt street to Spencer street In street Improvement district No. 477 , nmount.- iiK to the sum of { IS7II.41 , wh.ehsum It Is pro- posoil by n report duly adopted by the city council to lusesi on the real estate on o ion sldoof2lst street from Wirt street to Spencer stteet , pro riitu as per foot frontage und the usual scallne back process In depth from street nu per district created ; ruto per foot Sl. i 3. To cover the cost of pavintr 20th street from Uard street to l.ako street In paving district No. 280 , amounting to the sum ot ( ; tSs.S.OI. ! which snm It IH proposed bv u report duly adopted by the city council to assess as fof- ows : Private roadway bo assessed to lot 1. blooi < I'.in't. From ly.ard street to Nicholas street KMO.GO. atN.470Vpnr ! foot. From Nlcholns street to Lul osticct$30o .r > 0 , W.OOI.4 per foot. To bo assessed on the real citato on each stem of .Mth street from Ir.iird to I.uko str > : ot. pro ratit as per frontage und thu width of puvoment between curbs , nncjnllne to the usual scaling back process In depth from street as per district created. To cover the cost of pavlnz thn alley In block J.V < , city. In street Improvement district No. 4(11 ( , amounting to the sum of fi.Viil.20. which sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council to > ises < on the real cstato on suld block 2. > S , ns per foot frontuuo on alloy und nccordlng to the usual scaling back pro cess to depth of district us crouted ; ruto per foot $2. < ; 474. Tocovorthocostof paving the alloy In block 18 , city. In street Improvement district No. 440 , nmountlng to the sum of fKWI.CT. which sum It Is proposed by a report duly ndoutcd by the city council to assess on the real ostatoon bothsldeaof siihl alloy , pro ruta us per foot frontline und according to tbo usual scull 117 back process In depth us jor district croutod ; rate per foot $2.3"ii ; Tocovorthocostotpavlngtho alloy In block D , Hanscom 1'lnce , In street Improvement dis trict No. 4 < . > , uniountlnz to the sum of il.Kl 42. which sum It Is proposed by u report duly mloptod by the city council , to assess on the roul estate In said block 3 pro ratu us per the frontagoon the alley , nccorJIng to the usual scaling b-ick process In depth us per district crouted. Hate per foot , } li. ! > 87. To cover the cost of ropavlng 17th street from I'urnam streot. to llnrnoy street. In street linproveinont district No , 474 , amounting to the sum ot I.'I. ! . ' 1.M. which bum It IH proposed by u report duly unopted by the city council to assess on the real estate on each side of 17th slroot from Furuam to llnrnoy street pro ratu as per foot frontage , und the usual scaling back process In depth to center of block from etroct. Halo oer fool , ll.8ii ; : , To cover the eostof ropavlng St. Mary's nvo- nuc from 2iith street to 27th street. In street Improvement district No. J.VJ. amounting to the sum of J4.7I2.2 ; * , which sum It Is proposed by n report duly adopted by the city council. to assess on the real estute on both sides of St. Mary's uvonno from -'ith street to 27th street pro rata for foot frontage according to the usual scaling buclt process In depth from street us per district crouted. Provided , that the north GO fcut of lots 35 and 'M Ulurks addi tion , shall not bo assessed , Uato per foot , tj.VKI" . To cover the half cost of grading Arbor street from 10th street to 13th stroct , ninount- Ing to the sum of M12.00. which sum It Is pro posed by u rupert duly adopted by the city council to assess on the real estate on both sides of Arbor street from 10th to Kith utroet , pro ruta us per foot frontage , according to the usual scaling back process In depth from street , on north side to center of block ; on south rldu lit ! feet : rutn per foot W.2M04. To cover the eostof grading 24th street from Holt Hallway to 1'orl street , In yrudlngills trlct No. 41. umounllng to thu sum of $1,10ISO , which Etiin It Is proposed by u report duly udorited by tbo city council , to us'sess on the real eituto on both sides of "Hh strett from Holt Hallwur to Fort street pro ratu as per foot frontage , accord ng to the usual boullng back process In depth from street as per dis trict created. Uato per foot , W.20.TJ5. To cover the cost of grading tno nlloy In Dlocu f , West Knd addition. In grading district No. Nl. amounting to the sum of J22il.4 < ) . which sum It Is proposed by u report duly adopted by the olty council , to assess pro rutu on thu real estate on ouch side of the ulloy aforesaid as per foot fronluge , und according to the usuul soallng buck process In depth from alloy as per district created , Kato per foot W.2Si07. : To cover the cost of grading William street from llth street to right-of-way , In grading district No. 7- , amount tin to the sum of Wl. ! ! ' . ) which Hum It Is proposed by u report duly udoptcd uy the city council , to assess pro riti : on tbo roul estate on both sjilos of Wllllum street from fith street to railway right-of-way according to foot frontuuo ami the usuul scaling back process In depth from street us pur district created. Hutu pur foot. C0.3S22. To cover the cost of grading M.trthu strnot from 20th street to 2llh street In irrudlngillH- trlct No. 74. umountliig to Iho sum of J7S.M. : which sum It. Is piouoscd by u report duly adopted by the city council to assess pro ruta on tbo ruul estate on each sldo of IMnrlhu street from 201 h to 21 1 h it reel accord Ing to the foot frontage nnd the usual scnllng baoli pro cess In depth from street as per district crea ted : ratu pur foolfl.lOOiS , To coviir the cost of grading , ' Military nvo- nuo from Hamilton street to ( irant street In grading district No. 58. umountliig to thu sum of ( KH.4I. which sum It la proposed by a re port duly ndopuvl by tlio olty council to us hers tin the real cstuto on uacn sldnof Military uvonuofrom Hamilton street to ( Jrunt street , pro ratu us pur foot frontage and according to thu usuul scaling buok process In depth from street as pur district created ; rutepurfoot 80.77811. To cover the cost of grading Maple street from Mlsl alreot to 34th avenue , and 'fJd street nnd Kid street from Muplo street to Corby street. In unidinx district No.7r > . amounting to the sum of 1 1211.57 , which sum It U proposed bv a report duly uiloptud by thu elty commit to iissuss on both sides of the streets -ibovo mimed , pro rata us pur fcot. f rontuito and ac cording to tbo usual scaling b.iuk process In depth from Miiplu street us purdlslrlctcriiut- ed , and In depth fromtfM uiid.'dd HI routs the distance of throe lots ; ruto pur foot Jl 0121. To cover the eostof grading 31th street from doUgostrcel to Davenport street In vradlng district No. 7 < > , union tiling to thu sum of 107,43. which sum It is proposed by urupoitduly adopted by the city council lo HSSCKI on I ho real eslutu on eacji side of 31th struct from Doclgo Mrcet to Diivonpurl street , pro ruta IM per foot frontuso anil nccordln * to the usual bulling buck process In dupth us pur district crouton ; rule per foot ta2.Kl.VJH. To cover Ihii cent of grudlng Jaukson street fromlUith to37ih street In grudlng district No. M.umouiitliiK to tliii sum of att. 15 , which sum H Is proposed by u report duly adopted by the city councl1. to iisscss on the real ustatn on both nliles of Jackson struct from 3iith street to 37th street pro rata us per foot fiontuiiu nnd the usiiul scaling b ok process In nuplh from struct us pur district croutcd. Unto per To cover the rest of t'rudlns ? Decatur street from -4th struet lo 2Uth street , In grading dis trict No , H' . ' , iiinotintlng to the sum of < l , , ' H.r > . 'i. which sum It Is proposed by u report duly by the olty council , to nsvnts on the raul estate on both sides of Deoutur strc-ut from 24th street to 211th Btreot pro ruta a per foot frontugo. according to the usual scaling back process In dupth from st ruul us pur dis trict clouted. Huto pur foot (0.42702. To rover thu cost of uradlnf the alloy In block W. city , amounting to the mini of IbUM ) , which sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council to assess on the reul ustalo adjoining suld alley pro rutu an per foot frontage , according In tuo usual soal- Ingbuck process In depth from ulU-y one lot. Unto per foot rUl.vil. To cover Iho cost of grading Vlnton stroct from 24th street to wuH line of ulloy In block 31. Wtlcos'n 2nd addition , In vr.idlng dlbtrlcl No. < n < amounting to the sum of 11,3'S.UI , wlucl sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted by tin-city council to ttssum on the real estate on bothsldns of Vlnton street from 24th street lo went line of ulluy In blook \Vllcox's2ud ud- OITY OFFICIAL NOTIOB8. illllon , pro rata us per foot fronlngonnd no- I'ordlng to thn usual nr llni buck procrM In depth from street ns per dlMrietcroaled. lMa ! per foot ftumn TocoTcrtho eostof constructing n sewer In J , " or district Nix isi , amounting to the turn ol lliA9.Ul , which sum It Is proponed by a report ciuly adopted by the elty council , to nsso on the rosl ustnte fronting on si\ld sewer pro ri\tr > as pnr foot frontaco according to the tisiiM scjillng buck process In depth as per u-er dlt- trlct. created. I'rovhluo , that corner lots hav ing sewer vmutructciil on both frontages ilmll bo nsse-Sbd for the Ion , or f ronta < o only. H ite per foot IW7S. ; To cover the cost of constructing n sewer In sewer district No. ISI , amounting to the sum of : ; , which tutn It U proposed by a report duly adopted by the olty council to nssoisou the real ostatn f routing on said suwor pror.itn a < per fool frontutro. and according to the usual sealing back process In depth ns per dis trict , created. 1'rovldod , that corner lots hav ing n son or on both fron I ages shall bonsscsscil for the longer frontage only , Huto pnr foot W.7UWI. To cover tlio cost of donning vaults nnd ra- moving nleht-soll by l.aznrus .V Son. contrac tor ! . It Is proposed by n report ilulv adopted by thitt'ity council , to assets on the property on which said work was ilono , tliosamoliKVing been ordered bv thu board of health and np- > rovcd by tbo city council : U > t3 , hloclCLM. city . . . . Mfl 00 I oil , block KM , olty . . . . 7 SO I.ol fi. blook 15J , city . 4 AO . i\eovorlhn-ostof ( luylne brick sidewalk * iy I. I ) . ViitiUourt .V Co. , contractor9nmount- , * "f inspootlon.lotln sum ot wh ch niuounl It Is proposed bf a re port duly adopted by the olty council to ns- season the real estate adjoining the You are further notified thntsnld 'Proposed. 1 luii of Assessment" are now snbjocttotho Inspection and examination of nny of the owniirsot sild lots , parts of lots or pieces of rohl estate , op the Inspection or examination of nny other person Interested In said pro posed nsscBsmcnts , nt the office of said cltv clork. nnd that by a report of u commlttuu ot said council duly adopted. It Is proposed that unless fur good and sulllclcnt causa It may bo otherwise ordered nnd determined , that the eostof said Improvements respectively ho as sessed on the several lots , pnrtsot lots and pieces of roul ustuto us shown by said pro posed ulans of assessment. i on , and each of von , nro hereby notified to appear before said lloaril ot Equalization nt the tlmo and pluoo nbovu specified , to nmktj nny complaint , statement , or nbjuotton you dcslro concerning any ot said proposed lerlei and assessments of sncclal taxes. JOHN OHOVES , City Clork. Omahn , Nob. , 3rd , IBiVt. a3d7t Niitlco to Creditor * . Stnto of Nebraska , Countr of Douqlns , us : In the county court of snld county. In the matter of the atslKiiment of Hhoads & Solvers , Insolvents. The creditors uf Khoails it Solvers nnd all other persons Intornslod In said muttur nro hereby notified thut the 4th dny of September. IMA bus been llxod upon by the court as the tlmo within which nil claims , objections , de fenses , sctoffs ami countor-clulmsshnll bo fllocl In snld mutter nml that , unions so Died on or before suld dny. they will bu fotuvor barred from consinoratlon In thu settlement of vilil estate or participation tunny dividends which may bo ( lectured therein. And It. IH ordered thutthls notice bo published In the Omaha Kvenliu HUQ three consecutive times com mencing A OKnstT. 16X1 Dutod July 23 , ISO , J ' W FLI PR n4d3t County Judiro. ' Dissolution Notice. It Is mutually ncrceil ; by nnd between the parties whosu nninus uro hereunto subscribed , that the partnership heretofore existing be tween them unilur thu name and style of M. Medulre & Co. , under written articles of co- patlnurMhlp , Is this day dissolved with thu un derstanding and an ak'reement thut the busi ness is to be curried on In the Maine numu und style and ut the same place by M. McOulro nlone , who succeeds to the business and all of Its assets , nnd who agrees to pav ull of Its out standing liuhllllles. Dated nt Omuhu , Nob. , this Oth dny of Au gust , 1803. . M.McGuiuu. W. H. HI.AIK. JtKI.Hl IOUN. The archdiocese of Baltimore has hail but nlno Komnn Catholic archbishops , und three of them were converts from the Protestant Episcopal church. Tlio people called the "Mennonltes" are building u college in .Newton , Kan. , to cost $75,000. They are a careful and thrifty people ple , and will incur no debt. When they run short of money they stop work until raoro la raised. Cardinal Gibbons will celebrate his silver jubilee on Sunday. October 14. It Is expected tlmt most of the dignitaries of tlio church lu the United States will participate in the celebration , It Is stated that .100 persons have been converted und ten Baptist churches and eight Sunday schools established , through the agency of the mission car presented by John D. Rockefeller to the American Baptist Publication society. The unusual spectacle of throe congrega- . . tlons of different creeds holding scr'iccs In one edlllcn was presented In Ixmg Island City last Sunday , when the parishioners of St. Mary's Human Catholic church nnd the congregations of the Baptist nnd Second Methodist churches of that town nil wor shiped in the East Avenue Baptist church. Tito Presbyterian church has u very im portant mission in Bangkok , Slam , which the French nro about to beleaguer. There are two stations In Bangkok with property valued at about Wfl 000. There nro twenty „ missionaries In the city connected with the board , of whom twelve are women , and three inoro are just leaving this country. Tlio llfst mission in Bangkok wis : established In 1810. The most active member of the Beccher family now living Is Hov , Thomas 1C Bocchcr , pastor of the Park church in Elmlra. lie is u tall , broud-shouldorod mau , Oil years old , with a plentiful brown heard , now tinged with white , nnd is fond of bil liards , howling and tricycling. Ho has been settled over the Eltnlra church slnco 1854 , and has inadu it a power lu the com munity. President Cleveland's brother , pastor of the Presbyterian church of Clmumont , Jef ferson county , N. Y. , preached In I in Halo Sunday. Ho does not resemble President drover Cluveluml , Ho is of much lighter build and almost spare , In figure. An easy , cheery expression nnd light voice further udil to the dissimilarity , which Is continued by a short grayish hoard and thin iIurK hair , with a forelock thut might ho nmdo Nnpo < Iconic if desired. The minister Is 4 or 5 years older thun the president , The bishop of Now Jersey hns forbidden the women of ills church choirs to woitr vest ments. The vestments nro worn by several women choirs In Now York city , notably St. Bartholomew' ! ) and St. Gi'orgo's , Tlio lorn ; black cassocks and white cot torn are rather impressive , while the wearing of the llttlo call la , of course , lu iiccordancq wltli the ancient tradition that women must not ap pear with uncovered heads in the churches. The nirlctly correct covering , however , Is the band about the forehead , to which Is fug- tene'd n long bluck veil to bo thrown buoic over the head. The Baptist Young People's Union of America , which hud Its third national meet ing nt Indianapolis recently , rojKjrts U50.UOO members. The growth of thu union has miulu it necessary to Increase the oxccutlvo committee from seven to nine members , and the committee has appointed sub-committoes to represent each of tlio divisions , During ; thu past atx years six now state unions and one provincial union have been formed. City unions are also being orguiiizod , There uro now some UOO nssoclatlonal and three city unions , with thirty state and provincial unions. A founding fund of fTiO.UOU Is to bo raised , Of this amount | llti4U ! 1ms been raised , Although Hov. Sum \V. Small hr.s largely discontinued Ills evangelical work , being regularly employed on thu editorial staff or the Atlanta Constitution , hn occusloully goes forth lo do buttle , with the evil one. The conflict Is now raglug in Texas , where Mr. Smull U directing ft four weeks campaign and the duvil U said to be In n very tlgli corner and thinking of crossing over lut Mexico.