Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Great Sham Battle Witnessed by Elglitflfln
Thousand People.
( Scenes of tlio Dnr * of the llebclllon Vividly
llecnllod Tlume Who I'nrtlolpntixt
In DIB AffiUr .Notes of
the Dnr.
LINCOLN , Sursmon , Nob. , Aug. 4.
[ Special Telegram to TUB BBK. ] An Immense
menso crowd gathered last evening nt the
speakers' ' stand In the grove and listened to
nn eloquent nnd rousing speech by General
Russell. Ills reminiscences of the rebellion
brought chcor after cheer from the enthused -
thusod audience. Colonel Majors and Gen
eral Dllworth entertained their old com
rades for n few moments by recalling very
interesting sketches of the campaign , and
especially under their commanders , Grant
nnd Sherman , to whom they paid the most
glowing tributes. Their hearty wishes for
the future welfare of the comrades brought
the veteran * to their feet nnd three cheers
wore given for the speakers of the evening.
The oftlunrs of the militia nnd the KIrst
Regiment band inarched to the rcsldcnco of
Commander Adams , nnd , with the ofllcors
drawn up In line at parade rest , the band
rendered nn exquisite serenade , after which
it wna entertained in tiio most hospita
ble milliner by the commander.
At 10:30 : today General Uanback read tele
grams of regret from many who could not be
present. These were followed byaddre scs
from the general.
Comtimmlcr Ailnnn Trained.
Ho particularly Impressed on the audlenco
how much they owed to Commander Adams
tor his sulcndtd management nnd good order
of the reunion. The most hearty applause
was given these closing remarks.
At noon Governor Crounso arrived and was
escorted to camp. As ho was being wel-
oomod nt headquarters battery A gave a
thundering salute of thirteen guns'to the
honored guest. Ho inspected the camp.
The tents in their perfect neatness were
thrown wide open and no flaw could bo dis
covered. Not even a stray paper blown by
the wind was allowed to rest near them.
( ? ucce rul Slmiu llattlo.
At 2:110 : the assembly sounded and the old
veterans , militia and band proceeded to form
In line for the sham battlo. Fully 18,000
people watched the bogus rebel forces take
their stand on the bluffs , build entrench
ments nnd throw out the skirmish line.
Meanwhile , the union forces appeared in the
valley a half-milo away. The opouiug pun
was lircd from the entrenchments. The
union battery immediately stationed
its guns and then commenced a
heavy artillery duel. The advancing
skirmish line of federals soon ran out the
robs' skirmishers and a floreo contest ca
nned , in the midst of which Colonel J. F.
Kendall with his cavalry company rushed
up , driving the skirmishers to the fort. The
charge of the old veterans and Colonel Ken
dall's attempt to flank the Johnnies was the
first time repulsed , but the second attempt
the stars and stripes was planted flrmly on
the fort built by the confederates.
The battle was under the charge of Gcn-
cral J. M. Thayer and General C. J. Dll
worth , so that it could not bo otherwise
than a success. Tlio dress parade by the
national guards at G o'clock was witnessed
by a largo crowd. On the evening train
came Hon. John J. Ingalls. Ho was royally re
ceived by the officers of the cnmp nnd ad
dressed the large crowd awaiting him this
evening at 8 o'clock.
One of the At Inches or llrhnr < lit
tlnn U o * n Knlfo.
SciiUYLiiii , Nob. , Aug. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun HUE. ] Last night while Rich
ards' clrcut was being loaded on the cars an
altercation arose between two of the colored
attaches , which ended in Dick Kuddis being
seriously cut and stabbed In the head , nock
and shoulders by ono of them , known as the
foreman's bouncer , the foreman being a
small man who culls said bouncer to his as
sistance when unable to manage hli men , all
of whom are much afraid of the bouncer.
A warrant was Issued for the arrest of the
.Vfloldorof the knife , but the sheriff was
told ho had left town at once , going east. It
is thought ho was in hiding near at hand.
Ituddis' wounds are severe , out not danger
ous , the worst being a thrust Into the back
of the nock that struck the vertebro.
AVest I'olnt Toraonnln.
WEST POINT , Aug. 4. [ Special to Tins
BKC. ] Mesdames It F. Kloko and Charles
Kosonthnl started for Hot Springs , S. D. ,
Thursday , where they will bo absent about
thrco weeks.
Mrs. Frud Thlotjo is In a critical condi
tion , having sustained serious internal in
juries by falling from an elevation while In
the act of pasting wall paper on the celling.
Superintendent D. C. O'Connor has\ gone
to Blair , where ho is to bo ono of the In-
fltructors at the Washington county insti
tute. After a two weeks session ho goes to
Ktunton where ho will also instruct at the
Andrew Adams eot up n party Wednesday
in honor of his cousins , the Misses .Alexan
der of England. The crowd Me-
Klrrahau's lake , whore they had a genuine
James ICoay , for -somo time employed in
Patterson's tonsorlal shop , loft for \\'eston ,
Saundora couuty , Thursday. His place has
been tilled by John Crawford of Scnbnor.
John Gnlsten was before the Board of In
sanity Friday on complaint of his wife. A
horrlblo state of affairs developed from the
Lou Kennedy , formerly assistant operator
at Atkinson , has boon transferred to the
West Point station. Mr. Kennedy u a
genial young man and will nmko numerous
friends when acquainted with our people.
Wtinur *
WISNEII , Nob. , Aug. 4. [ Special to TUB
BKE. ] Wisnor is making a very encouraging
growth despite the stringent financial con
dition of iho season. Several residences are
la course of erection and n Catholic parson-
ngo will bo commenced at onco. A largo im
plement building is almost ready for occu-
imticy by Frank Hough , the second door of
which will bo flttcd up as an opera house ,
and within a few days John Meier , the
AVisner clothier , will begin the erection of a
brick business building 80x84 feet , which will
bo pushed to the earliest posslulo completion.
The vlllugo and township boards Imvo no-
copted plaui and speclllcations for n haml-
eom'o two-story public building to bo erected
this fall. At a recent citizens' mooting it
was decided to organize a driving park as
sociation and purchase suitable grounds to
bo Improved as a racing and base ballpark
and general pleasure resort. About $1000
worth of stock has already been subscribed
for the proposed scheme ,
Fuiiaral iif Mr . John Ulnrkinn.
LYONS , Nob. , Aug. 4. ( Special to Tan
HKB.J Mrs. John Clarksou.oneof the oldest
settlers of Hurl county , was burlodat _ this
place yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarksou
came hero twenty-eight years ngo , and set
tled near Pocatur. Aflor remaining them
fora few years , they moved to Blackbird ,
vrhoro they lived till her death , which oc
curred lasi Wednesday. The funeral was
held at the Presbyterian church , Uev. Hugh
McNlnch ofltclatiug. The deceased was 78
years old ,
Former Nebraska City M u Killed.
NKUIUSKA CUT , Aug. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB IBK. | A dispatch received
hero today states that Thomas D. I'ollo was
run over by cars at Itock Island , III. , this
morning and instantly klllcul. isr
. Tolle for
merly lived in this city and gained consider
able notoriety here und also la Omaha
through his connection with sensational
papers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Attracting Muuti Atlontlon.
QHJLNU lor.ixn , Aug. 4. [ Special to IB
Bin. ] Quartermaster Harry Harrison id
Chairman Gooree'P , Dean of tlio reunion
coinuilttoo have just returned from a trip
through the western part of the state
and report great Interest manifested In the
coming Uraud Army of the Urpublic event.
Thcro nro moro Inquiries for hondfjimrtors ,
sayi Quartormnitcr Harrison , than At any
provlou * reunion , and there Is also a
greater aoinnnd for booths.
Plnttntnnnth ] ) * miir | Hnlt .
PJ.ATHMOUTII , Aug. 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tnr. DEB.J Two damage gulls were com
menced In district court yesterday against
the city. Prank Carruth and wife of Me-
Cook ore the plaintiff * . They ask for a Judg
ment of tA , UO by rcnton of street grading
which left two tenement houses high above
the street. Three similar actions have been
commenced Against the city during the pres
ent week. The total amount sued for ia
Two Time * Foiled.
PJ.ATTSMOUTH , Aug. 4. [ Special Telegram
toTitcBKE. ] Two thugs sot upon an Iowa
farmer below town yesterday with a view of
holding him up. They knocked thotr victim
down with n club , but found no money on his
person and lied. Ho hod his roll conceMod
In his shoe. The police made a search for
the men , but they escaped detection.
Sued l > y Victim * uf a Wreck.
DAVID CITV , Aug. 4. [ Special to Tun
BKB.J A suit was commenced in the district
court yesterday by J. C. PIke against the
Union Pacific to recover 120.000 damages for
Injuries sustained In n wreck near Pool's sid
ing In Buffalo county on March 21 , 18U2.
Mrs. Pike also sues for $ i,500 for personal
injuries In the same wreck.
Sinnll ltlnr.0 ut i ; liimlni' .
COI.UMIIUS , Aug. 4. [ Special to TUB BRE. ]
The rcsldcnco of H. G. Hurd In the eastern
part or town was nearly destroyed by flro
this morning. The kitchen roof caught lire
from the chlmnoy. What was not destroyed
by Jlro wtis damaged by water. The loss
will bo several hundred dollars.
Injurnil In n Iluiuiwny. , Nob. , AUK. 4. ( Special Tolopram
to TUB Unr.-As ] William StornflofT was re
turning from the fair this ovonlnjrhls team
became frightened at n passing train. The
cnrrlaRo , was upset and his father was badly
cut about the lio.lil.
Electrical storcopticon vlows ut Court-
land beach tonight.
HVSIMXH ixctiEAimtia.
I.o\r Itates Srroll the Travel to Chicago on
All Western Honda.
CHICAGO , Aug. 4. All the western roads
nro enjoying the sensation of witnessing a
substantial increase in the amount of their
passenger trafllc. Every road in the Western
Passenger association is doing moro business
than at any time since the opening of the
fair , and at least two of the roads
which were strenuously opposed to
placing the rates below 80 per cent
of double locals are now denouncing
themselves for not. coming down at mi earlier
iluto. The agents of the various western
Hues are almost unanimous In reporting that
the prospects for u continued increase of
business are most favorable. This showing
Is a decided surprise to some of the lines
which have been croaking about the financial
stringency , which they claimed had Deon
keeping people back from the fair. They are
now carrying moro passengers and making
moro money from their passenger trafllc
than at any tlmo since January 1.
The Union PnciHe , Ulo Grande Western
ami Denver lllo Grande-Colorado Midland
were accorded permission some time slnco
to make second-class rates from Pacific
coast points to meet the reductions made by
the Great Northern and Northern Pacilic.
They nave decided among themselves , however -
over , that such.rates are not called for at
present and will not put them in.
Electrical stereopticon views at Court-
land beach tonight.
Courtlniul llouoh Notes.
The Omana Guards arc talking of giving a
drill at the beach on the 10th lust.
There will bo stereopticon views of princi
pal World's fair buildmes ana city buildings
at the beach this evening.
Last evening Miss Nellie McShano and
Miss Lulu Schonk gave a private dancing
party on the upper lloor of the pavilion. Mrs
John A. Shunk and Mrs. E. C. McShano
chaperoned the young people.
A now contract has been made in regard to
the balloon ; the now ono being with Zolno
and Gould. A now balloon has been son
for ; also in connection with this there wil
bo a parachute jump and trapeze pot form
Manager Griffiths may bo found daily be
tween 11:80 : and 12 o'clock noon in room 30 !
First National bank building by thosi
church societies or charitable organization
who desire dates for picnics at the beach
The entire irate receipts' are given to nl
such applicants.
The cool nights of the past week have hac
a tendency to increase the number of bath
crs at the beach during the afternoon ant
early oveninc hours. The number of picnic
parties which take their lunch in the grove
during the early evening is also Increasing
as the weather becomes more pleasant.
There was no "balloon ascension last oven-
ing. Mr. Gribblo , the owner of the Dalloon ,
made complaint about there being no row
boat sent across the lake after his wife on
Thursday night after the ascension. This
precipitated a small row between Gribblo
and the beach management. Manager
Grifllths promptly annulled the balloon
ascension contract.
Fishing , Courtland beach.
Ilnugecl lor .llurdnr.
TIIBNTON , Mo. , Aug. 4. Joseph A. Howolls
was hanged hero at 10 o'clock today for the'
murder of Mrs. Nettle Hall and four chil
dren near Brookflold , Mo. , January last.
This was tbo llrit hangimr over known in
this county and , of course , the feeling In the
matter was intenao. The crime for which
Howell was executed was ono of the most
atrocious in the annals ot history. In
January , 188'J , about 11:50 : o'clock at
night , the house of Mrs. Hall , near
Drookflold , was discovered to bo on tiro.
Through the burning windows could bo soon
the bodies of Mrs. Hall and ono of her chil
dren lying on a bed , having boon killed , ap
parently with an axo. By tracks in the
snow the murderer was tracked to Brook *
Hold and arrested in" a hotel. The case went
through the courts with ono reversal and
ono bung jury , and a bold effort to alter the
records before the supreme court.
Crowds of people were In tbo city. The
doomed man was cool throughout , and there
wore no sensational incidents nt the eloso.
Sheriff Winters had taken the precaution to
have the Jail Inclosuro patroled by ton mon
with rides and fixed bayonets.
Bathing , Courtland beach.
Movlntf Lower ilrulo
S. D. , Aug. 4. [ Special
Toletrram to TUB BEE. ] It has Jlnally ooon
decided to remove Lower Brulo agency to
the regular reservation got apart for those
Indians. The government 1 * now taking the
preliminary steps toward moving the agonoy.
The now location is on the west sldo of the
Missouri , nearly opposite Crow Crook
agency. Ten new buildings are to bo con
structed at the agonoy as soon as the bids
now bnlng advertised for nro disposed of
and a contract mado. At present Lower
Brulo agency Is located on but a small strip
of ground , which is surrounded on all sides
by laud coded to the government by the
Sioux a few years ago , and It is intended by
the Indian bureau to remove the agonoy tea
a more secluded place as soon as poulblo. At
the time the Sioux ceded the government a
portion of the reservation , land was sot
apart for the Lower Brulo Indians , but until
now no stops have been taken for their re
moval to the land.
Fishing , Courtland boach.
Increased StrmiftMicjr ut luiUtnapolli.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Aug. 4. The in-
croasud stringency in the money market
was illustrated here by public contrac
tors refusing to accept drafts on New-
York banks on account of the banka
charging $10 per $1,000 for exchange.
Tito olty hus no funda for daily oxponsoa
except the 9100,000 advanced by the Now
York Lifo sumo time ago on account of
Stanton & Collln of Now York failing to
take the $000,000 city bond * which they
had bought
Of A. D. MorsVs Shoos for tbo
aturday. PRICE OF ONE. IGtli " 1 nnd CO. Fnrimm ,
ve expect by tneso prices to dispose
of grent lots of shoes Saturday.
turns. wc'.Ii , moJfnr sowed for
l ' " "I eoit us 13.73nnfl MOO unrt
gen | n the gront oltlesfortSOO
and M. \
OUIl SALE 1'IUCE S qf3 / \
A Still Deeper Gul.
Today our prlco on ladles' turn button
hoc * thiUco t/jOc moro tbnn no soil thorn for
will bo II. \Ycwlllsollno Ic > 3 ttmnUdoion
of theie shooi 300 pairs
See this It.00 shoo ; comntxro It ; oznmtno It
closely ; undid ? to yourself , what' * the lisa
when I can buy inch shoe * forll.fio. I nllltiiko
two pairs , for the chance fill hot oomo soon
Ladies' Bluchers
Wo need only to say that.A. IX Morso's prlco
A. I ) . Mono's button nnd
luoo shoos. $1.8O
Saturday's sale prlco .
One Dollar and a Half
IHiy.t a fine tan bluohor oxford [ that cost A. U.
Mono $100 ut the factory.
Wo Imvo made the prlcci and have thoshoos
the people will do tlio rest. Our low prices
mixko shoo trndoqulBt , but nt tbo rnto no are
selling thorn they will only last another wook.
Wo have mar nod all tbo Indies' 87.00 ,
* 3.00 ana JilOO
Hand Stitched. French. Kid Shbon
That's loss than half A. D. Morso's
A. I ) . Morso's shoes hare prorod a drawing
cardtbls week at
SnturdaT wo matte tl/n / , effort ot our HTOS.
The people will flll our store o&rlr Saturday
tnornlnn and stay as laid Saturday night as
they can.
Profit is Unthought Off ,
The leading thing with us Is to out shoes and
that In a Hurry.
Half Price
will do It , Where lines liaro not gone ns good
as others wo have out thorn In two again a
dnublo division as It were
For Instance
Alotof men's flnooMf shoos A , D. Morse's
KlftO congrosi go Iroui this on
At ! ! p J.c3Oa pair.
Men's Jersey Ties
$1 .OO
Cost A. D. Morse & 2\ sold br him at 13. Oar
nrlcu , remember , Istl , Will all go Saturday
of urn noon. A man's flno calf shoo for II Is
cheaper than havluR thotu mended ,
for the
Price off Ont Pair.
The end Is not far off , but as yet there Is no
break in the line at sizes.
The A , D. Morso's Misaos' Spring IIools are
A second cut 'is today glron the Misses'
Heeled Oxfords. From now on they so for
§ Oc
The first cost to A. U. Morse \TKS 11.10. Ho
sold thorn for (1.50. _ _
Ladles' House Slippers and Street Oxfords
Slzos 2.2 , 3,3K and 4 , go at
In a finer line your choice of any slr.o for SI ,
In olthor style Oxford or slipper. Tlioso are
elegant and won't last a day at
The children's bargains are Innumerable ,
the store Is full of thorn for 25o to $1 for the
flno ones tlmt sold for & ahd $2.23.
Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts.
Shoes at i6th entrance , First Floor.
Valuation of Nebraska's ' Property is Con
sidered Eidionlously Low.
How it Is Apportioned Amonc the Several
Counties Lincoln 1'ollce Make if
Startling Discovery of n
Itacy Character.
LINCOLN , Aug. 4. [ Special to THE BBE.J
Chief Clerk Everett Babcock this forenoon
completed the work on the annual state as
sessment roll. The total state levy amounts
to ( J % mills , which upon the assessed valua
tion of all property in the state , $194,733-
124.73 , will raise a revenue of ? l,2Caoy3.50.
The assessed valuation of the state is con
sidered ridiculously low. At the auditor's
ofllco it is estimated that the average
assessment Is about one-tenth of the actual
cash value of the property. Multiplying the
total vnlimtloiutis rofl rued by the assessors
by ton , the total value of all kinds of prop
erty In Nebraska would thus amount to tbo
sum of $ l,047a31, The revenue accru
ing to the state Is atlportionod among the
several counties ns follows , the first column
showing the assessed valuation und the last
the amount each county will bo required to
turn into the state treasury :
County. Valuation. Assessment.
AimiB ! : $ 3li7Hll ( 0:1 : $ l,17i ! ; ! ! 12
Antiiiopc 1,07-1,81)447 11,72424
ll.imier : I4I,041 ( 00MillIll
lllalnu UU7aU5 18 1,37020
lloonu 1,074,010 70 ll.&OH M.I
llox liutto 1,107,041) ) 1 7,01)1 ) ! M
lioyd 231.0H7 00 1,411)07
Drown ( I'4HM ( HI 4U7U'7U '
llull.llo 3,57j-3U 14 25,0'JO 04
Hurt . ' .4 ,11:17 : 01) ) 1II.H54 H7
llutlur. 2,018,73:1 : 00 17,04500
CASH 4H10R60 O'J 1'H.HUl ) : l'J
Cottar 1"JIO27 ! , 20 11,711414
CliUHu 1117,427 00 C.RU4 0 ! )
Cherry 1:1SOUSO : ( JO H.141 74
Clioyumio 1,010,817 1)3 ) 10,007 ni )
Clay HIOl,08U : BO 24,24f > 8'j
CoUiix 1,812,782 O.t 12,08'J 41) )
Cllmllltf 2,207,4US H4 ID,153 1)1 )
Cimtor 2,47:1,672 : 47 10.07H 211
UuUotit 1,544.11100 11,107'-4
Uuwcrt 1,031,813 OU 11 BOO K2
IMWHOll 1,051,13J 40 12,1182 35
D.niul 1,042,514 74 0,885 M
Dlxon 1,017,11220 11,11781
DodffO : i,218,042 40 22,020 HJ
Uouclas 25.42J.CU.I 04 ID'J.OTf. 42
Dlllldy OK4.H45 24 4,104 72
I'JUmuru 2,1)02,372 ) 10 20 , : ! 1(1 ( 1)3 )
Franklin 1.1K1.441 70 7.074 73
Frontier 1.401,080 00 H.700 SI
Fill-nun 3,7:10,101173 : 11,72073
Utigo 0,0.10,872 HO 97,740 10
Harllttld 243,1)0000 1,824 U5
Gosuor. . H72.B05 00 5,844 00
Urilllt. . . , 207,742 04 1 402 2U
UruHluy l,0llll'J : : 1)0 ) 0,07.1 02
Hall a , 187,428 42 22,400 110
Hamilton 1,012,711) ) 30 13.028 11
Harlui 1H41,430 82 O.O51 7(1 (
Ilayuu , 802,4110 00 5,282 511
Hitchcock 1,104.50221 0,7(1544 (
Holt , 3,143,671)110 18,80151
JlooklT. , , . , , , 107,50(1 ( 01 072 4H
Howanl. . , 1.4H2.101 70 10,004 15
Jultiimon U.753,470 04 18.D85 1)2 )
JollllBUll 2.004,745 00 14,105 OH
Kiurnuy l,4HlOH : ( ) 04 10,387 HH
Kollli 1,1111,375 6ll 0,85010
Ktiyal'ahu 671,00,100 3,50100
Klmtull. . . . . . 7:10,06423 : 4.001)13 )
Xnux 1,084,707 20 10,1110 21
Lnncnutur 10,821,711 01 07,035 03
Unculu 2,720HU1 20 17,724 ( U
Lot-Ill ) 3. < M,20H 00 2.124 10
Ixjiin 101,11000 1,1010.1
llatllnoii 2,300,277 HO 10,521 01
Mcl'lirraon 140.0IX ! 00 880 113
llorrlck. , 1 , H85,6IS : : fj 1S.430 (10
NnilCU , 1.4M0.425 01) 0,081 20
NenialKi , 2,021,01)2 ) 27 18.02U 21
NuckolU , 2,085,057 1)0 ) 18,405 HO
Otoo C.084.847 70 K0.5OO 13
1'awiwo 2.045,122 22 15.588 87
1'urklUH. . . 1,148.020 00 7,0.1537
1'holim. . . . . . . . . , , , , , 1.322,80.107 0,250(12 (
IMl-l-uo 1,002,038 DO 10.01H 30
I'lHttu . , . . . , . 2M.iO15 HO 17,731 14
I'Olk. . . . . . . . 1,431,07360 10,04350
} U1 Willow. , . , . , . , . 1,330,183011 8,07871)
Hlchiinluon , . , . 3,207,838 30 22,85.1 85
Kuck , , 552,451 flll 3,327 80
Hallnu 5,7X0,213 27 20,053 31
Surpy 2,3UiH47 : 44 10,640 03
.S.uimlnrii. ' 3,467,844 04 24 201 00
Scott's muff 533,41300 3,74402
Suwnnl. 8,177.00(100 ( 22,245 30
Hlierldau 1,310,043 10 7,017 80
Sherman. . . . ; 1,038,013 43 7 130 32
.Sioux . . . 572,32303 3,60180
SUlltOII , . . . , 1,3&7,52I ) 01 8,0113 00
Tlutyur , , . , 2,650,005 71 15,070 8.1
ThomUH , , . 131,731 82 830 83
Tlmi-nUm 651.OHO 20 3,444 30
Valley. . , 1,638,300 40 0 OIK ) 01
WHBhlnv ton 2.668,205 SH 10,028 00
Wuiliu 1,874,11000 13,181 07
Wi-lmler 1,838,848 , 75 12,871 D7
Whuulur , 344,04000 2.11003
York 2,031,201 80 18,070 51
Totals $104,733,124 73 $1,203,01)3 ) CO
Abstract of th Asteuiuaut.
Nebraska's wealth as returned by the sev
eral hundred assessors'Us'divided as follows :
Kind. ' " Nitmbur. , Value. Av.
Horses of all , " '
074,230 8 B',455,44T.OO 9 12.04
Cuttlo of nil ages 1 ,447,604 0,057.335.00 4.18
MuloaanU nsnc '
ofannt < B . 45,530 068,275.00 14.40
Sheep of nil area 160,347 1B8.B42.00 .81
. . lS83,80fl ! 1,707,183.00 1.33
Steam onelnos.
Including ball-
era 1.820W 102,015.00 103.02
Plro anil burglar
proof safes. . . . 4,520 02,011.00 13.84
Billiard , plifeon-
hole , ba at llo
nnil otlior slm-
tlar tables 1,217 23,177.00 10.01
Carriages & wag
ons 102,977 1,237,387.00 0.41
Watches and
clocks 82,100 100,101.00 2.31
tingmachines. . 72,880 272,911.00 3.75
Pianofortes 7,850 230,318.00 80.45
Melodeons and
orgaim 25,670 310,205.00 8.38
FrnuchlBPH 22,118.00
Anmiltlea and
Koyalties 80.00
Patent rights 1,130.00
Steam boata,8all-
1 n if vusscls ,
wharf boatn ,
wutcrcraft ; 4,123.00
Merchandise on <
hunil ' 5,320,001.00
Material nnd
nrtlclcs 235,451.00
tools. Imple
ments and ma
chinery ( other
than boilers
and engines ) 208.308.00
tools , Impli'-
nifntn and 111:1- :
cliluery 1,320,032.00 ,
Gold and Hllrer
Plato and
plated ware.- 21.721.00 . . . . . .
Diamonds and
Jewelry. . . 10,308.00
Moneya of bank ,
banker.brokor ,
or stock Jobber 1,237,100.00
Credits of banTs.
banker , broker ,
or stock Jobber 422,388.00
Moneys ether
than of bank ,
banker.brokor ,
or mock Jobber 074,848.00
Cnidlta ether
man of bank ,
banker , broker
or stock Jobber 770,070.00 „ . . ' . .
BondH , Blocks ,
and HUiUi.coun-
ty , clty.vlllaife ,
or school dis
trict warranty
nnd municipal *
securities o f
'any kind what
ever. . . . " 148.005.00
Sharon of capital
Block of com-
panltm nnd aa-
Boclallcma not
Incorporated by
tlio lawn ofthla
Htato , oxci-pt >
shares of Htock
of national
banks 210,301.00 „ . . . ,
Property as - -
pawnbroker .iJ I 1,077.00 . . . , , ,
Property of .j , .
companies and 7
corporations , sit
othur than 1'J'i' '
projHJ.-ty liero- . . { -r
iimftar ennm- ,
niM ' . . . * ' 3,716,700,05
llrldiro propelty M ; ' dUl,300.00
1'roiMsrty of B.I- r.en
looimund cut- 4ii
liw IIOUHCS ? i1 100,213.00 ,
llcii furnltnro
and property . , . , „ . , 1,745,411.00
InveHlmentH In
rt'al I'Htatu and Ull
Ini provomenta rl Oil
themon , , , , , . .Jj , b 800,743.00
Ainonnt of rail 1KX )
road , Hloyphiff
uud dining car I/l I
proiK-rty .A/128,008,822.03
Amount of tclo-
Krapli proiH'rly , . , u 102,051.10
other prop
erty required
( o bollBtod. , . , , . . .rrr-1,000,780.00
UKAL isrAti.
Number of acres
and value of
Imprv'd lands. 16,280,859 00,200,514.00 3.04
and vuluo of '
uulnniproruU .
landu 13,011,457 27,051.020.00 2.07
Number and
value of Im-
praretl vllta o
or city loth. . . . 170.425 30,888,037.00 176.08
Number und
yaluu of un
improved vll-
JUKU or city
low. . . . . . . . . . . . 835,701 0,833,807.00 24.8
Total valuuof all propurt/ . , . . , . lD4,733l124.7 ;
Will PIht the Injunction * .
The members of tbo State Hoard of Trans
portatlon have determined to make a vigor
ous light against the efforts of the sorera
railroad companies doing- business in No
braska to permanently restrain the board
from enforcing the provisions of the nevr
maximum rate law , and to this end Attor-
Tin Morse Dry Goods Co. j-Mdersof Dry Goods , Carpels , Cloaks , SuitsShoes , MotionsEtc , I
Lovely maidens and
charming matrons
can capture a
$1,95 $
On Saturday.
Only one to each
We are closing out
some nice , traveling
dusters , in alpacca ,
gloria and silk.
'I1 '
The New York girls arc cute and pert ;
The Bostoncsc are witty ,
Chicago dears are apt to flirt ,
Yet , they're considered pretty.
But choose your girl , for looks or wit ,
By-river , sea or lake ,
We shout , Hurrah ! for Omaha ,
Whose girls just "take the cake. " " *
noy General Hastings , Assistant Attorney
General Summers and Secretary Dllworth
are busily engaged in preparing an answer
to the petition' ' filed in Judge Dundy's court.
The board has also passed the following resolution
elution :
Resolved. That Attorney General Hastings
Is hereby dlroctpd to take such stops and to do
and perform all things necessary to make a
vigorous , emphatic and successful dofonso'to
tlio action against the board and the Individ
ual members thereof now pending lu the
United Btixtos circuit court , und ho U hereby
empowered and authorised to tbat end to
outer tlio appearance of the board and each of
the Individual members thereof.
In the Dunking Department.
Chief Justice Maxwell today issued an
order directing Receiver Thomas of the
American Savings bank of Omaha to pro
ceed , without unnecessary delay , to convert
the goods , chattels , rights , credits , property
and effects of the bank Into money and to
wind up the affairs of the bank. The re
ceiver has filed a bond for 1200,000.
The chief Justice also filed an order direct
ing Receiver E. H. Marshall to wind up the
affairs of the State bank of Franklin. Mr.
Marshall's bond for $50,000 has boon ap
proved by the clerk of tbo supreme court.
Another order was filed by the chief
Justice requiring all creditors of the Ne
braska Savings bank of Lincoln to appear on
August 10 and show cause why the proposi
tion of the stockholders to glvo a bond for
$150,000 to pay off all claims of the bank
within two years should not bo accepted. If
the proposition is accepted the stockholders
agree to pay all claims In full , together with.
Interest at the rate of S per cent per annum ,
35 per coat of the claims to be paid within
eighteen months from August 1 , 1803 , and
the remaining 75 per cent within two years
from August 1 , 18'J3. '
tiosslp ut tlio State IIouso.
The first report from Traveling Auditor
Fodroa reached the auditor's ofllco this
morning. It was from Doono county and
was entirely favorable. The ono notable-
feature Was the statement that the banks of
Boone county not only refuse to glvo bonds
for the security of county funds deposited
with them , but decline to pay interest for
the use of the same.
Superintendent Armstrong of the Beatrice
Institute for the Feeble Minded was at the
state house this forenoon.
Governor Crounse today Issued notarial
commissions to John Mills , Geneva ; Byron
F. Young of Hebron , Charles M. Murdock of
Wymoro , George S. Cushmun of Ilowells ,
John K. Gil moro of Hay Springs.
The members of the State Board of Trans
portation were this morning served with
copies of the Injunction restraining thorn
from compelling the Itock Island railroad
from enforcing iho rates fixed by the maxi
mum , rate law which did not eo into effect on
August 1.
Superintendent Goudy has returned from
Loup City , wbero ho attended the Loup
county teachers' Institute ! .
The Doard of Purchase and Supplies hold
a brief session this morning , aualted a few
vouchers and passed it resolution to tlio
effect that hereafter requests from the sev
eral state institutions for permission to pur
chase supplies bo forwarded on the 1st and
15th of each month.
Will Kaston of Omaha , deputy collector of
internal revenue , was at the state huusu this
JIttilo n Startling find.
The police raided a suspected block ut the
corner of Twenty-first nnd O.streots last
night uud made ono or two startling discov
eries that will , in time , doubtless furnish the
material for ono or moro racy divorce casos.
They found in Qno room a inun and a woman ,
both well Known and highly connected in the
city , The gentleman's wife happened , however -
over , to bo visiting for the summer in the
east and the lady's husband was also out of
the city , The man in the case at first blus
tered and threatened and attempted to pull
a gun , but he finally wilted and
begKOd for the secrecy of the police.
After some little negotiation ho
paid a regular fine for himself and his female
companion , and both were allowed to depart.
The woman who managed the house was
arrested , together with two young women.
Thny gave their names at the police station
as Mn. S. D. Kempton , Stella Vernon and
Jonulo Booth. The latter girl is already
known to the police , but Miss Vernon , ns iho
calls herself , Is a stranger , bhe Is both
handsome and elegantly dressed , and was
greatly embarrassed at the police court this
afternoon when called for trial. Ex-Attorney
General l eoso has been retained to defend
the trio and the cu o was continued until
next Monday afternoon.
Crazed bjr the Accident.
William Hall , the motorman who ran over
and killed little Freddlo Harper m this city
last evening , has gone insane over the sac
accid eni. All lait night ho was so vloleu
that it required several men to prevent him
from doing himself bodily Injury. Thin
morning he quieted down , but his friends
state that ho has bccomo mentally unbal
anced. No blame is attached to him by the
parents or friends of the little boy who mot
death under nls cor.
The child died last night from the effects
of his injuries. Ho was a handsome little
follow nnd THIS a general favorite in the
neighborhood. His parents are visiting the
family of Mrs. Harper's brother , P. M. Collard -
lard , and have but few acquaintances in the
city. Mrs. Harper is the mother of another
child but a few days old and was conflnod to
her room when the nccidont occurred.
! ho saw it from the window and her ngonlz-
ng shriek was the first intimation that her
msband had of the fact that the cblld had
icon run down and killed.
Selected a Now Chancellor.
Dr. Isaao Crook , LL.D. and D.D. , late of
.ho . University of the Haclflc , has been so-
"octed as the successor of Her. C. F.
Drelghton , chancellor of the Wosloyau
Vlothodist university near this city. The
selection of Dr. Crook was something of a
suiurisoco many people , ns it had boon pen-
orally understood that the trustees would
select Dr. A. J. Talbot of Now Albany , Ind.
A committed of the trustees appointed for
.ho purpose had recommended Dr. Talbot ,
> ut when tbo whole board mot last ovcnlng
.ho . committee's choice was disregarded and
Jr. Crook elected. Three ballots were taken ,
; ho unsuccessful candidates bolng Dr. C. L.
Lasby , pastor of St. Paul's Methodist Epis
copal church of this city , and Dr. Hanchor
of Hot Springs , S. D. Dr. Crook is well
< nown In university circles on the Pacific
slope and comes to the Waslovan university
with the prostlgo acquired lu ton years of
earnest , faithful work.
Sued for False Arreit
J. H. Luke has commenced a suit In dis
trict court in which ho asks for 95,000 dam-
agot from C.V. . Axtoll , whom ho accuses of
making a falsa arrest. III.s petition recites
that last February ho was arrested on a
warrant sworn out by Axtoll In the county
court on the charge of misappropriating a
sum of money , amounting to about $100. He
was placed behind a grated door In the
county jail for trronty-four hours and then
released without further prosecution. Ho
now claims that his arrest resulted In about
$5,000 worth of Inlury to his reputation nnd
peace of mind , lie claims that ho had bor
rowed $100 from a brother of the defendant ,
and that because ho was unable to moot the
note when it became duo Axtoll had him ar
rested merely to frighten him Into a speedy
Lincoln In Ilrlef.
The Colored Republican club has elected
Minor Woods president , Benjamin Lowij
vlco president , Willis Mosby secretary.
Burglars attempted to outer the residence
of Jj. ( .i. Daldwln at the corner of Thirteenth
and G streets 12:30 : o'clock this morning ,
They were frightened away by Mrs , Bald
The local B. & M. ofllcials hara as yet re
ceived no notlcQ.tlmt any of the employes in
this city ara to be discharged ,
Another suit has boon commenced against
M. A. Newmark , until recently proprietor of
the ( Jlobo Clothing house in this uliy , The
suit is brought by March Bros. , I'iorco ft Co.
of Boston and the amount involved Is $ 'J03.71 ,
An extremely racy broach of promise suit
was tiled In district court today , the plaintiff
being Sarah Gcrbar and the defendant John
H. Martin , u well known traveling man.
The plaintiff alleges seduction nnd producna
tbo depositions of Qoorgo and Olllo Brown
of Hastings , belli of whom swear to having
witnessed the details of the affair.
Electrical storooptloon views at Court-
land beach tonight.
During K cui of Cunvlotc.
JKFKEIHON Crrr , Mo. , Aug. 4. Four con
victs confined In iho penitentiary hospital
regained their liberties this morning and are
still at largo. The prisoners tootc with thorn
a stretcher used for transporting the sick ,
and converting this Into a ladder , mounted
the wall , They lowered themselves to the
ground by means of u ropa tied to the rail
ing around ono of the guard houses. This
was u most nervy und daring ploc'o of busi
ness , as the guard was at the tlmO in the
little room eating his lunch , and which fact
accounts for their not bolng seen.
lloliuutlBU UypiimiU.
The division of the Tel Jed Hokol ( Omaha
Bohemian gymnasts ) to take part in the con
ion at the World's fair irrounds August 11
consists of the following turners
Itudolph Havolka , Jacob Moruveo. Josopt
Cboala , Joseph Novak , F. U. Fiala. Frank
Fiala , with Anton ICiuont as one of the
judges from Nebraska.
Look pretty in a
You can buy one on
Saturday for
$7.50 $
Buy on BOYS'
for WASH
Made of English
Galatea cloth were
and $2.75
Saturday Surprises !
35c quality foi8 1.3c.
3 for 25c.
. ' Ladles' all silk vrsts , regular J1.50 gar-
MEN'S NEEDS. inputs , fur
Were $15.0O.
Saturday Slashers.
Men'sIL50 quality Online shirts SI.2O
Mon'sf2ualliy ] outliiR shirts SI.SO
SeeOur5cIOc&l5c , Man's $1.25 J1.75 quality Muck sntioun shirts TOILET SOAPS.
Mon's looks , nnffs and four-in-hand
Bargain Tables. , , . OcakasOakloy's Diamond 25O
iiockwour0o 7oc and $1.00 qualltlos for Ocolobratod
Cocos for 250
49o buys hnndsome chocolate pots. A , 1) . 350 Itcakcsuuro Glycerine 25o
coITcoa , tens , bowls , tea , , , Dollar laundered shirts
pott sugars oroams 72o Ooakos Wllllunispnro Onstllo . ,
&o. , &c. . worth up to (1.50 each. 81 Toqtiallty laundered .
shlrUSI.OO 0 bottles llluo Seal Vusolluo
Tin top Jollies a penny cacti ! ! ! 23O
Outlnc shirts , cufTs nnd collurs.lauiulorod
11.25 quality for 75o
Men's Joan drawers , olnatlo unities 35O
Mail Orders Have Prompt Attention.
ISn 7
Black and colors ,
On BtiturJay for
37c a .
16th and Farnam Sfs. ,
Worth much more.
Mandrnko Pills Imvo n vnluo as n house
hold remedy fnr beyond tno power of lan-
gun ro to describe. The family can
hardly bo true to itself that does not
hoop thorn on hand for use in omorg-on-
a the only vogotaolo substitute for that
iangorous mineral , MiucUHY : , and
vhilo its action ns a curative is fully
equal , it possesses none of the perilous
In Constipation , Mnndrnlco acts upon
ho bowels without disposing1 tlio in to
ubsoquont Costlvoncss.
No remedy acts so directly on the
Ivor , nothing so speedily euros Sick
loadocho , Sour Stom-
aoh , and Biliousness as
, hose
Kor Saloby nil Drusciilits. I'rlco 2.1 ct . per
> ox ; n boxes fur Ki els. ; or sent by mull , iiost-
igo free , on receipt of nrlcc. Ur. J. II.
Bohonok li Son , I'lilludollihlu.
is the right lime
for cvcrylxxly to
A temperance drink.
A homc-niadc drink.
A health-giving drink.
A thirst-quenching drink.
A drink that is popular everywhere.
Delicious , Sparkling1 , Effervescent.
A 3J cent package mtkei 5 gillon of thl
delicious beverage. JJon't be deceived If * deattr ,
for the sake oflarger profit , tell * you tome other
kind It "just Kood * ll false. No Imitation
U ai fioocl a the gcnulnt
Dislodge Bile ,
Stir up the Liver ,
Cure Sick-Headache ,
Female Ailments ,
Remove Disease and
i Promote Good Health , '
; Oorered with a Taitelcu & Solatia Costing.
Famous the world over.
i Ask for Ilcccliam'i and take no other * .
Of all druKcUtJ. Price ZT. cent * a box
NdW YotU Depol , 16 ? Canal St.
is only with the elgnaturo :
JuatuH vou Llnblgin 1)1 no
iuk iiuroaa the label , thus ; "
It is almoat unneccBsary to add thai
this rofora to the worlk-Unown
Extract of BiefB
For delicious , rofroahlnc Uoof Toa.
For improved and ooouomlo coulcory ,