I THK OMATTA DAILY 'AVKHNUSnAY. A TOT 11ST COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Enormous Drop in Pork the Feature on "Ohiingo Yesterday , FIFTY PER CENT OFF AT THE CLOSE Jotm Oudnlijr Carried Down In tltn Crrnh with Other l.r-ndliijf Trailers I'ciiturr * of the \ti\j In tlio Provision I'll. I CniCAOO , J\UR. 1 The scnsrUlonal collapse In wheat prices of Into W.IM eclipsed on tlio Hoard of Trade today by a blgifeTtumblo In provision values , caused by tlio failures of the men who liavo been manipulating the market forsomo months past , forkin which trade for tv/o months past has been so mcnrjro ns to scarcely furnish a point to liatu ? quotations on , broKO Into activity this morn ing. The price of September pork , which ttns nomlally $19.35 nl the close of yesterday , dropped to 810.50 In the course of the first hour's trading. It was known among provision brokers on curb before the market opened that thuro would bo trouble In the pork pit. For sev eral da > s tbo loading operator. In the pork deal has been slow In putting up margins and ns ho was credited with carrying some 60,000 bbls. of that commodity It was bo- tiovcd to bo only a question of tlmo when the irlngcncy would compel him to go. It was at oiico seen tluij. ho had lost control. After half an hour of the session had passed Secretary Stone announced that J. G. Stcever & Co. , E.V , llnlloy ft. Co. and A. G , HolinholK , brokers for Wright , had or dered their trades closed. It then became ( Imply a matter of consldor.Ulon as to what was the price of pork measured by tlio prlco of hogs. The trade appeared to settle down to an opinion that somewhere in thu neighborhood of $11 porbbl. was about what It was worth. Thu amount of business done was limited compared with what inlu'ht have been ex pected from such an enormous drop Invafuc , but the fact scums to have bean that there was very little open interest In the market , ns the trallo had for months warned their customers away from it. When trading commenced the state of uncertainty was such that an offer to buy 23 ) bbla. of Sep tember porlc at $11) ) per bbl. met with no re- ponso from sellers. The bid was imtncdl- ntoly withdrawn , and the llrst transaction was in' ' ( " ( ) bbls. a" . 18.75. The price then dropped alvut 50c per bbl. on each fresh sale down to $10. " " The announcement of the failure of the North American Packing company , a little later , brought the price down to § 10.51) ) It re covered to $11.75 , and then settled down again to $11. Whllo pork was in the throes of dissolution , lard and ribswero in compari son well maintained. September lard opened at ? ' . ) .75 and declined in sympathy with the break in pork to $9.50. This llguro It had recovered slightly , when at2X \ : > the trade was suddenly paralyzed by the an nouncement that all trades with John Cudahy were ordered closed out. John Cudahy. twelve moths ago , was rated as be ing worth from $11,000,000 to $1,000,000 , con sequently the shock was too much for the traders'nerves and the prlco of September lard tumbled from $ ' , ( .00 to $0 in two seconds ends after the announcement , and ribs , which had not been so much mllated , de clined at the same time from $0.07.JJ to $5.On. Hog receipts wcro small , only H-,000 , head havini ; been received , but the market for. them was weak. Tomorrow's receipts wcro estimated at 'JO.OOO head. Such matters , however , did not count for anything in today's trading. Prices stillened a little at the close. September pork loft off at $12 ; September lard nt fO.GO , and September ribs at $0.22 . The wheat market opened with a boom. September wheat found buyers at from G0c to Olc , and , for a time , overfilling looked favorable for a bull session. But the failures which wcro announced from time to time kept knocking the underpinning from the market and linally the failureof John Cudahy and that of Wright & Haughoy completely upset all the-good of earlier bull news and loft the market near the lowest price for the day. The foreign markets were llrmcr at the opening. There wore numerous foreign buy ing orders in the mark at. Today's fail ures demoralized all the regular shipping business and news of such a Kind was dis regarded after the lirst few minutes of the icssion. The local receipts were 80S cars. Minneapolis and Duluth received 185 cars. The export clearances from the four princi pal Atlantic ports and Now Orleans amounted to about 1,000,000 bu. , in wheat and Hour. The price of September at the opening was anywhere from liOf c to Olc. It was down to OSiic live minutes before the close of the market and wound up at OS c , or % c decline since yesterday. Corn and oats were the green spots in an nrid desert. They closed equal or higher than on the day boforn , and there- was an early nctivo tra lo , notwithstanding the de moralization in the neighboring pits. The fulled concerns were short of thcso two arti cles , consequently prices were helped and not weakened on the announcements of the failures. September corn opened strong at from Sib toWc : , sold as lo-vas H7'fe , and recovered to ! lSc , closing at ! ) $ } " bid. The local receipts numbered SOI clirs. September oats sold off early from 23 ? c to E2Jfc ( , but speedily recovered , soiling up to EJSrfittytfo ( ! ! , and closed at sajfe. May closed t 28e. Froights.wcro slow and easy at from IJjfc to 1 if for \vli at and lo for corn to IIufTiilo. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 125 cars ; corn , 2iO cars ; oats , 180 cars ; hogs , EO.XH ( ) head. The leading futures ranged as follows Cash ( juotatloiiN were as FIXXIII Oulut und weak. WIIKAT--NO. ii hprlua , c ! No. 3 gnrlng , Omril ) . 045taiiNo.i : tod. 0 No , i ! , aOlicj No. 3 yellow , closlnn atc OATS No. 8. 224'c. ? ; No. 2 whlto now ) , 25c ; No. a white ( old ) , 'J&iic. HVK No2,43e. llAiu.EV No. a , nominal ; No , 8 , nominal ; No. 4 , f.o. l ) . , 34c. KI.AX SKKI > No , 1 , tl TIHOTIIV $ EKitI'rlmo , ? 3.BOft3.90. VOIIK .Mess , per bbl. , J 11.7fi < ill.eO ! ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , MI.l7iilUil : ( ; ( ; Miort ribs hides , , lloosei , J(1.16aii. ( 10 ; dry baited bliouldurs llxixedi. * 7.75'2a,00j ' ; bhort clear bldos ( boxud ) , IH.37l < iiHf)0. ) WHISKY Dlstlllen , ' llnlshod goods , per gnl , , HUOAILS UnchiiiiKi'd ; cut loaf , OJio ; grnuu- ktcil i.H2 Miindard " " . , | "A , 0.70. The rollinvlim were tlio receipt * und shlp- iiuHiiti for iiidny : On thu t'roduco oxchunso today the butter market wax steady and uuchiiiixcil ; creamery , llili'Jdc ; dairy , lutoiac Ksgs , ijulot and 1111- M.U. . , . . . . | ll l'll . . Now Yurk M'lrkdU. ' Now VoitK , AUK. 1. KIXIIIII HocolpU , 4'J.UUO pksi | uxports,7,000 bills , G8.00U bucks ; iales , 0,1)00 ) pU-gs.i iniirkot dutl.wuak , oirored freely. OOIINMuAr. . Dull. llVE Hull , weak ! western , 643500. llAHLi-.v MAI.T mill , stuiuly , WllCAT Uecelpts , 3'J7,000 ' Lin. ; CMporls. 243 , . )00 bu.i sales -I.IUO.UOO bu. futures , 1CO.OUO } u. Biiot. Uxjt | mitrkut lc .s uctlvo , clohlnt , iteudy ; No , 2 red. In ktore and oluvutor. aUoat , C7ici ! t. u. b. , O uncrndcil red , 6(1 ( 700 ! No. 1 northnrn , lltlWC. Optlnm worn IP I nctlve , un ct- llcd , Itrcsulnr nnd < OSf lower. The opening ( Inn nt iiffil'tr mlvnnco on llrmor rnblei , < inmll ronlrnct dcllvorlet nnd lil bor Chlcnio , but lirnkn IHOIAc on tlio rotxirl of seycrnt lcHKO. rnlllnd ua' c nmt j Nd. 2 red , AliRIIM. C.'AiftGO'iC , ft ! 0Hc ! ( ! Rnntemlinr. C7i ? 0t > wr , clo lnif nt 090) ) October , in > ttl1IV.c , clef Incut 70 ? < c : Deceiiiber , 74mi7Gicrlo > liiK nt76e. , B I.ODO btl. ! oxprirt" , 28,000 bu. ! .inles , 2f)0KK ( ) Oil. ( illttri'1 , 4O.OOO till. pqU Spot s.'ilcs dull , Inwer , Ktonrtys No. 2 , 46Hc In elevntor , 47 > ( c nllo.it. Options were dull rind dcdowh to ' { c up , cli"liiji tendy | August , 46U1147C , clo liif ) nt 4QUc ; Srptembnr , 40'Cit 4GVC. cld liiR at 4C.Hci October , 40 ? > c , clos- uiitiit4i'c. ( OATS lierolnti , 80,000 Int. ! exports , 08 tin. ; snle. . RO.ooo bu. ( uturri , 39,000 bu. inot. ll , nil \t-il lower. , Options , dull , weaker ; 23' ' 830c , fluting nt 20ir" Suntotn- ber. ! ! 0Ha.1 < > c , cliislng nt 2'J'iC ! spot No. 2 wiilto , .ISCj No. S Rlitcnffn.nO'fc ' ; N" . 3 Chlcnitn , n5c { mixed weslurn , 305(374c ! ! white western , 3W. 41 1,40. HAV StPfttly , rjulot. Wooir-Hlt'Jidy but quint' domoitlc fluaca 27 < S3ici ! pulloil , 2G4137C ! Texas , 103.20" . I'novtflioNS-Cnt meats , notnliiiil ; nilddlo1) , nonilniil. l.urd , dotiinrallrcd ; western strain clixed nt S7.30j Hiiles , 7W tierces nl $7.25f6 0.00 , tillonx ) | , mile.i , 1.25O tierces ; .luly closed nt 19.70 } Hoptonibcr , f 'J.'J5. ' 1'ork , iiomftml : no prices itlvnn. HtiTTUii Wnnk ntul dull ; wesloru dairy , 145 ! SllHi" western croaniory , IGftiOO ! wostu'rn fiictciry. 14i tl7C ! Kleins , auc. CiiKKSi ! Klrtner ; moro itctlvo ; part sklins , . finds Knsy Snd quint ; receipt ? , G.OOO pk'KS. ; western fresh , 14 } < < ai6c ! western , per case , I.0 . 'J.7u. , T.u.i.dw Knsler ; clly < J2 fur pks . ) , 3ti4c. i'orroNiitiiUiii-Iulluiil : ) ( unsettled ; crude , 37C13HC ! yellow , 43C bid. l'iTitoiKUJtNeglected : ; 1'eiinsylviinia oil , spot sales , none ; September options , aalcs , , none , & 7c ! lild ; ull'uied ut C > 7ic. ? Mina oil , sales , none ; tolul wales , none , KOSIN Dull Mini weak ; strained common to good , OoeflM 1.00. TDiti'KNTl.Nll-Qulotatid easy , 20'ift27c. ' ltici-l''lrm : ' ; fair deinand ! ilontcsift , fair to oxtru , 2'.ar > H ! Jnpnii , 4H4' c. . MtiLARiUw Now Orleans , open kettle , good to choice , stc'iuiy , dull , 3)7jn ( ) c. huoAit Hiw ; , dull , llriii.botlerdeiiiand ; sales , 11,000 bans Uio ( ir.iuilo , B4 test , lit 21 c ! 1,001) ) bilKS coiitrlfunals , 00 lost , at 3c , aud 2,237 liags molasses sugar , 00 test , at3c ; rollned , dull , steady ; "A , " 4 13'lGitOKc ; mould "A1 rj ? ® 5 0-ltic ; crushed , uJufff ) l-10c ; jiowderud , 57-ir5c ? ; "A , " 5 l-lGft5ie ; cut loaf , ? ® 5il10ci ! granulated , 5 3-lU&5ic ! ; cubes , I'm Inox Dull , steady ; American , $12.70 ® 15.50. Coi'i-nn Stonily ; hike , J0.90. I.IIAD Easy ; domestic. , * 3.30. TIN Quiet ; ! : traltsia.Ho , bid ; plates , steady and quid. Si'iiTiii : : Dull ; domestic , J3.90. Omaha I'roduco Market. lumen Fancy creamery , print , 21c ; fancy creameries , solid packed , lOc : fair to good creameiles , solid packed. IGffJlHc ; choice to fancy country , IDiilGc ; fair to Rood country , Mo ; packing stock , fresh , ll12e. i : < ; os Sales are being made largely nt IIU ® 12c. On orders from the country pota toes are bringing as high as 7075e. MKt.o.NS-lt was only a short tlmo ago that watermelons were so planly and so cheap that commission men wore refusing them on the ground that they could not get freight out of them , Now they are soiling quIcKlyat $25 tier 1OO. Cantaloupes are moro plenty than they were a few days ago. Cantaloupes , per basket , $1.2.r > } M,50. UAiin.vtiH There Is a pretty good demand for cabbage from the i-ounlry and a considerable amount Is being shipped from this point. The local growers are keeping the market well supplied. Choice homo grown unorders from the country , 2c per lb. tii ! , nit v .Stray Hhlpmonts are arriving and the quality of the stock is pronounced good for. this season of the year. Celery , per do . bunches , 35c. O.VION.S Homegrown stock Is plenty , though there are a few shipments being received from points farther south. Arkansas onlon.s , per 18-11) . box , 90c51.00 ; homo grown , per lb. , 2c. TOMATOES The market Is still full of tomatoes and prices are low. Largo receipts are anticipated for the next few days. South ern , per 4-baskct crate , 70cG$1.00 ; per H-bu. box , 50c. HKIIKIES The market wa's very lightly sup- tilled wilh borrlesand prices were llrm. Illack- borrles , which have been coming in for a week past In largo qimntltluH , were scarcer , and about thoonly supply was to bo found In the hands of local growers. The raspberry season a about ovor. There were n few blueberries In the nvirkn , but tiny have been so high at the points where grown that there has not been much inducement toshp | to this market so far this season , lilackborrlos , homo grown por24- ( ] ( . case , J2.75 ; black raspberrlopors , 24-it. | case , S3.5U ; huckleberries , ? 3.50. APPLES Choice rod .stand apples , southern , per M-bu. box. G52 > 75c ; green , fjOSOOc ; grcon cooking apples , per bu. box , 75 ( < i90c. SMALL Knurrs Plums , wild goose , per 24- nt. crate , $2.50 ; Texas pears , per box. $1.50 ; Texas peaches , per -Irbaskot crato. $1.101.15 ; California pears , per box , $2.002.25 ; Cali fornia plums , largo and fancy , $2 ; California peaches , Halo's ea.rly , 11.15 ; early Crawford , * 1.25. Iji'.MONS The- steady warm weather pro duces n very fair demand for-Jomons and nil houses aru doing a good steady business In them. Messlnas , extra fancy , JU.OOftG.50 ; Messlnas , pur boxcholco to fancy , $3.00ic5.r > 0. HANANAS 1'ricos remain about steady. I'or bunch , large , J2.2532.75 ; per bunch , small to medium , $2.Olxa2.1 > { i. Titoi'ioAi , rnuirs. GUANOES While the supply of oranges is not largo there are occasional cars arriving that keep stocks up to thu point required by the demand. Itlvcrsldo Mediterranean sweets , & 3.50@3.75 : hrlghts , i2.75SJ3.00 ; Hlverbldo seedlings , S3.00B3.25. HIIIIM , TAI.I.OW , T.TC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 2io ; No. 2 green hides , 2c ; No. 1 green sailed hides , 3c ; No. 2 green salted hides , 2c ; No. I green salted hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 3c ; No. 2green salted hides , 25 Ibs. In 4O Ills. , 2c : No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. . 5c : No.a veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 ib.s. , 3c ; No. 1 ( fry Illnthldes , Go ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry sailed hides , 5c. 1'art cured hldosic per lb. less than fully cured. SIIKKP I'Ei/rs Orcpti sailed , each ! l5c < Stl.25 ; green Bailed shearlings ( short uoolod early Kklnsi , each IS'iWOo ' ; dry sliearllmts ( short wooli-d early skins ) , No. 1. each 5Ji.lOc ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early aklns ) . No. 2 , each 5i ; ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool potts , per lb. , actual weight , 103 He ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , porlb , , actual weight , 710e ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pulls , per lb. , actual weight , 9S10o ; dry Hint Colorado mur rain wool polls , per 11) . , actual weight , 7Q" dry pieces aud bucks , actual weight , 5 & 7c. TAI.I.OW AM ) CJltiiABls Tallow , No. 1 , 3Jc ! ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; grease , whlto A , 3'/ic ' ; grease , white II , 3c ; grouse , yellow , 23ic ; grease , dark , 2'4c ' ; old butter , 232150 ; mio HWIIX , pi-lino , lGSJ25e ; rouyh tallow , 'iVt St , I.ixlU Altirkdts. ST..oniB. . Aug. l. lfi-ouit Unchanged , WIIBAT Kluctunted ever a wide range , clos ing J < © ? c liolow yesterday ; No. U rod , cash , 54 ! Sic : August , 53fic ; September , 57c ; Octo- bur.00 < ( Dccombor : , ( ID ? > c , COIIN Dull ; No. 2 mixed , cash and August , 30ic ! ; .Seiito.nbbr , UDJaC. OATS Dull , llrm ; No , 2 cash , 20ei August , 22lSc ; Scplomlier , 2lc. ItVK-No. a , 50o ollored ; 4Go bid. IIAIII.KY No ! Ill us doing. HAV Unchanged. I'ltoviBioKR Demoralized ; pork , standard mess , ? 12.5013,00. Lard , nominal ; uiuiuot- ahle , KucuilTS riour , 3,000 sacks ; wheat , 113- 000 hu. ; corn , 00,000 bu.j oats , 20,000 bit. ; rye and barley , none , Hiui'jiENTH I'lour , 7,000 sacks ; wheat , 28- 000 hu , ; com , 70,000 buft oats. 10,000 bu. ; rye nnd barley , none. t .Markots. KANSAS CITV , Aug. 1. - WIIKAT Active. Ic higher , early , doullned on Chicago break and closed with sain lost ; No. iJ hard , 47i 46 4Bc ; No.2rud,4biS50c. ( UOIIN Klrni , lo higher ! No. 2 mixed ( now ) , 28M2Hii ! ( ! No. 2 wlllta , 29a20ic. ! OATS Very llrm ; No. 2 mixed , ( now ) 21 < jl22c ; No. 2 whlrtrdtew ) , nominally 20c. JiXlJ8 Hotter foaling , llrmor ! Htrlotly fresh , candled , 8ttl2 . , 'Hix'EiiTii Wheat , 8400 , bu.j corn , none ; oats , none. Sin ' I'MKNTS Wheat , 3,000 bu , ; corn , 1,000 bu , ; oat * , 14,000 , bu , Liverpool .Murk on. IaVEiti'OOl.Aug , \ViiEAT-Bloady ; holden oll'er moderately ; No. 1 California. 5s Diiiia 5s 10id ? perocnial ; rod western , spring , 5s 8u ® 5s odiNo , 2 rod , wlutcr.&s 8ili &s Ud. Itucolpts of wheat In past thrco days , 383,000 ( Miitula , Including 305,000 Ainerlciiii. COIIN Dull ; mixed wesu-ru , 4s 4 ! < d porcon- tnl , liecrlpis of American corn In the past three ilavs , 45,000 , ci-ntulH. llUKF-IIxti-ii India mess , CSs Od per tlorce. TUHI'KNTI.VE Sl'IUITS--21s per CWt. SlOCK OK llHKADsTUFKS Kloilr , 234,000 backs ; wheat , 3,458,000 contaUt corn , 282,000 centals. _ .S'civ Yorlt Dry U.ioiK .Mxrket. NBW VOIIK , Aug. 1. The itamuml for dry goods was vorv tamu tuday. Lotions are dull for thu jobbing trade , No amount of conces sion * would movn anything In quantities ! Cancellations of orders are moio freiiuont In cottons as well as dros4 goods , silks , etc. The movement U to reduce obligations. At the sunn ! tlmo there U cnntddnruhlu ( mnntlty of muny articlus In pro < * o s of dollvory on ordora for current needs. Tlioru Is uo indication of chungo In the near future , Colleo Mnrkut. NKW VOIIK. Aug. 1 , Outloni opened dull ; D lo 10 points down , closed wouk , 25 ti CO points down ; sales. 20.000 bax . Including ; August , tl&25 ; .September , K15.2OQ15.-15 ; October , 115,30 ! Dacombor. H5.loai6.80 ; Muy. J16.30. liiiot moduli , nominal ) Ko. 7,118 , , tVuol Jllitrltet , * * ROSTON , AUB , 1. Tlitj demand for wool Is tuoUorat . The uillU are luuuiug dowu aud ntr not huylns wool. I'rloM wonV. Territory wools lire selling on n b Mi of 37c to 4Or for liicdluin , 40o to 42o for line rind 35oto37cfor coar < > . Tctai and California wool * are sell ing at around 40C. Clcftii pulled , iiuleti foreign wool * dull. I'nit.ADKt.i'iHA. Aiu. 1. Dull , owing to Idle mnchlncry. 1'rlcos nomliml. Oil Market' . Utr.CiTV. Aug. 1. National Transit ccrllll- ontes nncticil nt f 7'i ! highest , 60) ) lowest , 67 > i ! closed , fiSii ; silos 18,000 bliKs clenr- nnccs , HH4.OObbN. ) ; hlpmonts , 104,097 bbls. ! runs. 113,000 bbls. I'lrnuiunn , Aug. 1 , National Transit cor es opened nt 57 ? : clo ed , 68 ? . . . „ , lowest , & 7 { ; fale , 5,000 bbls. I.o.NPON , Aug. 1. IilN.sEEl ) Ott.8 20s Cd per cwt. cwt.Tuni'KSTiNE SrmtTs 20s Oil per cwt. Cotton MurKft. Nr.w Oiu.TUNii , Aug. 1. Ei y ; good middling , 8'ir > ; middling , 7ii'i low middling , 7-Vc : good ordinary , 7 l-liict net. recohiU , 354 bales ; gross receipts , 895 bales ; sales , 350 bales ; stock , G0.137 balos. Ktitures , steady ; sales , 37,000 bales ; August , 17.32ii7.33 ; Scptomber , * 7.40 < a7.41) ) Uclolior , 7.5oa7.51 : December. J7.70.Tnnunryt7.80) ! ) robruary , i7.04 ; Marcli , ? 9.0'-'fl > 9.03. .Milwiiuhcn .Market. Mti.WAttKisn , Ans l. WliiAT : Lower ; No. 'i sprltm , 57u , t Dll.v Ijowor ) No. 3 , UGJJc. lATS-rWunkcr ( No , 3 white , 30o ; No. 3 , white , V Nonilnnl , KVB-4UC. I'novisio.ss 1'ork , September , 110.25. Plillnilclithl.i ( Iruln Alurket. I'litiiAiiRt.i'iiiA , Ans. 1. WIIBAT Weak ; No. 2 rod , Atlitust , OUX(54c. ( Cons hull and feuttirclcss ; No. 2 int.xcd , AiiKtist , 475S47ic ! ; . OATH- Quiet , lower ; No. "a white , August , Clnclllnltl : Murknts. , Aug. 1. .WIIBAT Weak ; No. 2 red , COIINKlrm ; No. 2 mixed , . DATS-Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 21B22c. ( WHISKY Steady : SI.la. Italtluioru ( .cunt UurUot. H.u/riMom : , Aug. 1.VHKAT Unsottlods No. 2 red , August , GPi'JGnic. ' COIIN' Dull and easy ; August , 44Uc. OATS-Quiet ; No. 2 wiiltowostern , 375c. ! Toledo ( llMlll Market. Tor.i'.iio , Aug. 1. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 cash , 5G ; ( < \ COIIN Dull , steady ; No. 2 cash , 30c. OATS Steady ; cash , 22c. STOCKS AND 1JONOS. Decidedly Improved Feeling , Developed on tlio New York Uxrlmngc. NBW YOUK , Aug. 1. There was n decid edly improved feeling on the Stock exchange and In financial circles generally this morning , owing , chiefly to the unexpectedly heavy cng.iiicmcuts of gold in London and on the continent for .shipment to this side. These , together with the scarcity of stocks for delivery purposes , the low ratesfor money on call and the very heavy exports of grain induced purchases of stocks for both the long find short accounts. Tlio bears found it difllcult to cover and the result was a sharp advance. American Tobacco rose oper'cent , Manhattan , 5 per cent to 109 ; General Klectric , 3 % per cent to 4:1 : % ; Sugar ; 3 } per cent to 03 ; American Cotton Oil , 3 ; ' per cent to 2S % ; Big Four , % per cent to.513 ; Chicago , Burlington it Quiucy , ! ! } pir cent to 74 ; Chicago Gas , 1'tT per cent to 11J ; Lacltawanna , IJf per cent to 1MJ ! ; Delaware & Hudson , 3' per cent to 109 ; Lal < o Shore , 2 } per cent to 110 } ; Lead pre ferred , 3 per cent to ffil ; New Jersey Central , 1 % per cent to 00 , aud Western , 3 % per cent to 75J . During the afternoon the hears raided the market on the Cudahy failure and reports of probable further embarrassment in Chicago tomorrow. The list was severely ham mercd and u decline of 1 to 1 % per cent ensued. There was no excitement , however , and the dealings were on n comparatively small scale. Manhattan fell 3 % per cent , to 105 > ; American Cotton Oil , 3 % per cent , to 5 ; Bur lington & Quincy , 2 ; per cent , to 71 % ; Chicago cage Gas , ! ij | per cent , to 40 ; St. Puul , IJjf per cent , to 00 % ; Hock Island , \ % per cent , to 54.5 ; Lackawanna , 3 } per cent , to 131 ; General Electric. 3 % per cent , to 40J , nnd Western Union , ! 3.f } per cent , to 73J . Specu lation left off steady in tone. NEW YOIIK , Aufe. 1 , The Post savs : Wall street's future more than usually tonight rollects the present possibilities of a radical alteration in conditions. The gold under way to us from London now exceeds 57,000- 000 aud the Bank of England is freely sell ing to importers the American gold coin it took from us last winter. Chicago's banks , following the wise example of New York in stitutions , have combined to forward low- priced grain to England against direct gold importations , precisely ns our bunkers last week started the movement by the forwarding of low-priced stocks. So tangible and certain a measure of relief could hardly fail , in the nature of things , to force u retreat among the speculators for the decline. The heavy premiums ngain exacted today for the loan of stocks rendered such caution necessary. Aside from this the gathering of congress next Monday and the expectance.of a vigor ous message from the president leaves wide speculation as to the change in the panio sentiment. The general sentiment expressed nmong large capitalists is that the lot-King up of money always ends with a stampede. No prudent operator for lower prices will leave his outstanding contracts heavy in the face of such uncertainties , The following are the closing quotations on the leading stocks on the New Yorlc exchange today : AtclilHon iiMl : Nor. I'acillc iirf'd. . now Adams KXPIVSH. . . 1:111 : U. I > . D..VG n Alton.TciTo Haute.'H Northwestern 8HW do preCd 1 in do pri-fd 1U1H American Kxprcua 100 N. V. Central ! I7 Haltlinoro A Ohio , . r > H ! { N. Y.JCN. K 17M Oaiftida I'aelllc (17 ( Ontario * Western. IB Canada Southern. . 110 Oregon Imp K Central 1'aulllc. . , . 17J ( Oreiron Nav 311 Clics. A , Ohio I'.tH O. S. L. JtU. N 7 OWcairo.t Alton. . . I''ll I'ncllleMall II C. II. A , Q 71M I'corla Dou.&K. . . . CM Clilcaifonas 4H ! ( 1'lttHlninr 110 CoiiHollilatedRas. . Pullman 1'alaco. . . 131 c.o. c.&st. I , : W 4 > Reading Cotton Oil I Curt HlVt Uleliinond Ter. . . . . Dcl.AHiuis 107iJ ; ( lo prufil Uel. Luck , . .t Went. 1111)1 ) Klo Gmiiilu Wust _ 1C 1) , All. a. prefd. . . 1H ! do prtifil Ci : Kant Tumi H Uoclt iHland fii ! Erin 10 > J St. Paul do prcfd Fort Wayne 1 iu St. Paul A Omaha. i7 ! ( Irunt Norlh'n pfd , KI'J do profit ll 0. , t K , I , prufd. . . . HU Southern 1'aelilc. . 17 Hocklnir Valley. . . I''W Suirnr liollnvry. . . . II5W Illinois CVntnil 8ll > 4 Ti-iiii , Coal k Iron. . 11 ! St. I'anlAUnlnth. . .Ml iToxas 1'acllle o Kan. liTOXIIH i > fd. BSUjTol. .VO. O. prefd. . ( ill Lake Krlu A West. 13JJ Union 1'acllic 1H } { do prefd U. 3. KXIMVHH 4fi Lakit Hhoru \V. St. I , V 1 > l Tnmt ilo prefd ] , oulHVlllo.tN. A. . Western Union. ' . . . 7JIM Manhattan Con. . . , inn Whcellni..It L. K. . . 11 Memphis .t Clins. . 10 do prefd aM ; | Mlehlirtin Central. 7fi M. .t St , 1 1 MlHBoiiril'acllio. . . 1H ) < I ) . JtK. ( J UJ { Moulin , t Ohio ll)4 ) ( ( Jeneral Klectrlo. . 40M NuHlivlllo Rhall. . . 80 Nallon.il Unwed. . MU National Cordago. 11 Colo. K Jt 1 10 do prefd. . . , . . , , , lift do prefd BB N. J. Central 81IW II. AT. O U Nor. A WCHI. pfd , , ! ! ( ) ! < T. A. A , A N. M. . . . 8 North Amer , Co. . . , 4)t ) T. HI , U A K. C. . . . U Northern I'aclllo. . 7 1do iirof'U. 10 bid , Tlio total Halos of stocks today wcro 285,000 shares , luoludlns ; AlclilM > ii,7K)0 ( ) ; HurlliiKUm , 4,000jClilciitoOas , , U'J.OOO ' ; Dolnwaru , I.nc.k- . .tiiiiiii.itiuiituuw , iiun i.iiKluilil , J.uiiu , i drill- wtMtorn , 4.000 ; Koadlnff , CU.OOO : Itock Uliind , 7,000 ! StI'uul , 48.000 ! Sujfnr. 34.00U ; Western Union , aa.OOO , Hulos silver certlllcates , 10,000 ouiiuus. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kimtou Stock Uuotutlonn. HOSTOX , AIIR. 1. Call loans , 8210 percent ; tlmo loans , a pur cent , I/losing quotations on utockh , bonds and inlnliiK shares ; Alch. , Toil. A S , tISIS \YfHtliiffli. Electrlo 17 American tJItt ) lt . . . OH do profd 3S do prefd , 70 Wls. Central im Ilay State ( Jan I'M AtclilHon JU 3 ( > fc HoMtoa A Albany , . 1UII At ldsoa 4u , . , (17 IloHtoa .VMulnu. . . 1:1:1 : : Now Knuland ( is. . . 10'J do profd ( Jen. Klectrlo da. . . ( IS Chi. llur. ft Q 72 Wls. Central lutu. . 10 Fllchbnrir , , . , Cl ) Allouer Mining Co 60 Hen. Klcctrlc 4'J Atlantic 7 III. Stool CO | Honlon& Mont , . . . 17 . Cvn. Com. . , . Mi IluttoA. IloHton. . . . S N. V. i New Knif. . 18 > 2 Calumet .bllccla. . 210 Old Colony 177H Ceiituniilil . u On-Koii Short Line. 8 Friuikllu . II Hiibber. , . , , 25 Kearniio : . 8:111 Dh'iro , , 1(1 ( Obecolu 'J'J Union ' I'acillc 1B ! ( Ouincy'J'J M'uat Knd 11 Tamarack. . , . . 1'JU Weal End prufd. . . 77 New York Money .Market. NEW YOIIK , Auif. 1. MOSEY ON OAi.i-\Vas culler , ranulni ; from 3 to H per cunt , lust loan at U pur cent , closing oirurcd at G per cent. 1'itiMK MKUCANTH.K I'Ai'tit 8312 percent HTKIU.INU EXCHANGE Wn steadier , with actual builiiCM lu bunkers' bills at t.RO for sixty days-ami $4.SS'i'ft-I.Ba'.i ' for do- timllll. n ( , rs.Wero quiet , with snles - Iloxiis Dull , steady. Btnto bond * dull. , . , _ , The closing qiiotatlpiH on bonds ! 74M H.s , isconp nt * ' St.tAS.K.Ocn.M. . ion II. 8. ! > < ri'g . n- , 'St. I'.inl Consols. . 110 I'aclflctisot Wl , . . lot ! St. V. O.AlMslH. . . ins r.ntllN.111.1 Snipil 48 T.lM. . .Tr. lids. r.n Missouri Os . T.P.ll.O.Tr. Kots. Tonn. new et . , Union 1'nc. l9ts. . . TPIIH. new net SB. . ' Went 8'iore 115 Teim. ; IPW set 3 ? . . ill. ( J. W. IStS 115m Canada Sa. ! Ms. . . . Atcldson4s Cenlrairnc. IRIS. , O. 1I.AS. A.C.S. . . . D. Sell. H , IMA. . . . . O. H. AS. A.EdBs. , un . * K.O.4 . . . . . . . II. AT.O.flS l < > - ' ! do con. Hs. . . . . . . 1(13 ( M. K. A T. O n. ls. ! N. raroilti.t ( Is 1211 M. K. A T. Oen. , 'is. do 4n 110 Mutual Union fin. . P. C. Ilnnvns on N..I. C. Int. Cert. , Tetm. old ( Is 113 N. I'.IC. IldS ? Va. ( is fill N. Pnc. yds 11)0 ) Vn. Kx-Mat. coup. 35 Nf\V. Consols. . . , 130 Va. cons.i ! M ficrlea no N.V. . Deb. BH 1014 U. 84 t asked. Now York Mil ilnir yitolntlon * . Nuw YOIIK , Aus. i- -Tho following arc the mining nuotallons ! Con. CaVTaiid VaT. 8JT Sierra Novniln. . . . 200 Peadwood lee standard 110 Oould.V Ourry. . Ci ! Union Con 2B Hnlu Jt Norcnm. 41 Yellow Jacket. . . . US * HomcM.iko 7'jf , Iron Silver 1(1 ( Mexican jj ( Quicksilver 170 Ontario n ; > 0 do profd 1IVIW Ophlr : KI ulwer 15 I'jynioutli. . . . 20 Sun I'runrUiiii .Mining Quotations. SANl'iiANCisco , AUK , 1. The olllclal closing quotations for mining stocks today wcro us follows : liplcher in Ophlr . 40 HcBt Jt llelcltcr. . in 1'olosl . 35 Olioll.ir Con. c.il. A Va. . ion Sierra Nevada . 25 Crown I'olnt. . . . 25 tlnlon Con . 2fi ( ! onUl A Curry 2. " > Ulal . 10 Hide A Norcross. . . | S Yellow Jacket . 85 Mexican London' * Alonuy .Market. Nnw VOIIK , Aug. 1. Thu Post's London llniinclnl cablegram says : Sovcn liundrtMl and llfty thousand pounds In oaglcn worn told by the Hank of Kiigl.-ind lodny and 190.000 sovereigns eigns wcro taken out for the United States. In addition to tills nearly 200,000 sterling was bouuht In the imisliUi maikct for America. On the other hund , larno amounts of cold are on thu way hero from Australia and elsewhere. Jhu marketcnnMMiuontly rcRiirds the with drawals for America wltn ciiuanlntlty. There was a KPiieral recovery In the Mock market today , led by American railroad shares , which Improved timturlully on the gold exports. The same CIMIMJ depressed console. Silver has risen < o 32 l-10d , and Is linn. Kupco paper Is unchiingcd. riniiiicliil Nuics IvAXRASCtTV , Aug. 1. CIcarillRS , ? 754,103. NnwOm.n.VNS , Aug. 1. Clearings$1,152,470. HAVANA Aug. 1. Sugar , qulotj c.\chaiiKe , quiet. I'Aius , Aug. 1. Three per cent rentes 98t 15c for tlio account. OMAHA , Aug. 1. CloarliiRs , $730,042 ; same day lust week , $727,132. Niw : YOUK. AUK. 1. Clearings , $111,002- 020 ; bithincvs , $4,100,725. HAUTIMOIIU , Aug. 1. Cloarlncs , $2,027,797 ; balances , $314,540. Money , G per cent. . I'lm.Anr.M'iiiA , Ana. 1. Clearings. $11,055. 170 ; balances , $1,010,070. Money , C per cent. MRMPHW , AUK. I. Now York oxchaiiRo unchaiigud ; 41.5i ( premium. CleitrhiKs , $93,1)15. ) LONDON , Am ; . 1. Amount of bullion gone Into the IJank of England on balances today , XI 1,000. CINCINNATI , Aug.1 , Clearings , 11,530,530. Now York exchange1,30cdiscount. Money GS8 iicrceiit. Sr. LOUIS , AIIR , , , ! . Clp.irlnss , $2,559,904 ; balances , $327,707j . Money qiliol , 0(2,8 ( per cent. Kxchun o on New York , J4. discount. HOSTO.V , AUK. .l.-fCloarliigs. $14,807,403 ; bttlancos , . $1,033,797. Munuy 7 3-10if8 ( nor cunt ; uxchuiiKU on' Now York , $1 to $1,25 premium. CIIICAHO , Aui : . . l.-tMonoy , for call and tlmo IOUIIH , 7 per cunt. Now York o.\cli.ingc , $8 discount. Sturllng oxchuiiKC , lower : $4.bU for sl.xty tluys aiid$4.82i ! for demand. Clearings , $13,750,321. UMAII.V 1.1VJ5 HTOCIv JIAKRICT. Cnttlo Triidfl I'lrin irlth Good liiqiilry HOBS Moid Thiilr Own. . ( TUESDAY , Aug. 1. The mouth ol August -opens out with a very fair run of stock of al ( kinds. For the two days this week receipts foot up 5,704 cattle , 5,927 hogs aud 879 sheep , against 3,344 cattle , U,70C hogs and 79.J sheep Monday and Tuesday of last week. Tlio supply of cattle was fully 1,500 , lighter than Monday , but nearly 500 heavier than a week ago. There was little quotable change iu the character of the receipts and the market was very little different from that of Monday. Chicago was reported steady , and with a fair demand from dressed befif houses and some inquiry from speculative shippers desirable beef grades met with a ready sale at fully steady , occasionally strong prices. Good to choice , 1,200 to 1V400- Ib. beeves sold at from M.20 to $4.00 , anil fail- to good l,0r > 0 to 1,200-lb. steers sold all the way from $ a.5 up to $4.y5. Fair to good grass westerns sold at from $ ; ! to & .3.J. On the common and inferior grades the market was uneven but weak. CnUlo hud to bo pretty fat to sell at over fIJ.75 and common grass and short fed stock sold down around $ , ' ) . ! ) and &J.50. It was a dull , featureless market , but the cattle Kept moving , and by Uio close tlio beef cattio had about all been disposed of. The cow market was steady to strong on fair to choice stock , with sales at from $2 up to ? 3. Common and canning grades sold down to SI. The demand , hoivover , was fair , and it did not take the twenty-live loads' ' long to change bunds. Poor to very good calves sold at from ? 1.50 to ? 4.50 , or about steady prices. Fat bulls , oxen and stags sold stronger at from 2.50 to 54 , but tljo common grades , at from $1.25 to ? 2 , wcro barely steady. The feeder trade was rather dull and prices shaded lower on account of the very liberal offerings and the somewhat restricted demand. Common to choice feeders sold at from S2.25 to ? 3 , the bulk of the decent stocic at around ? 2.50 to ? 2.76. Hoprcscutative sulcs : DI1ESSEI ) llllCF. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. IV. 1. . . U20 13 25 12. . .1142 $3 75 ,1150 3 25 23. . .1210 3 85 SB ; ; 1110 0J5 95. . .1311 3 90 19. . . 870 8 30 2O. . .1190 4 00 a. . . 1102 3 40 83. . 4 05 25. . .1153 3 50 15. . .1231 4 20 24. . .1134 3 50 15. . . 1260 4 25 a. . .KH7 3 7C 02. . .1202 4 35 .1310 3 75 18. . .1311 4'40 ,1074 3 75 19. . .12 7 4 50 BlIII'I'lNd AND KXl'OHT. i. ,1140 3 50 1000 4 GO 8'J. ,1148 3 90 10 1413 4 GO 1. ,12bO 4 GO COWS. 2. , 77S 1 00 1. . . . ,1140 2 00 1 . B40 1 00 19. . . . . H42 2 00 0. . 870 1 OO 3. . . . ,1070 2 (10 ( 8. , 840 1 40 1. . . . . CW ) 2 00 7. , 64H 1 45 > ' ' . ,1100 2 1O 7.l' , 890 1 0(1 ( ' 4' . ! , . . 830 a 15 l' . UOO 1. . . . .11UO 2 25 0. , 871 1 1 . . . .nyo 2 25 47. . 972 . .moo 2 35 18 , H97 1 ! Hn ) 1 1270 a 55 23. , 933 1 ys , 47 1035 8 00 2. , 380 1 15 I 5 , . 508 1 35 4. . 870 1 30 , . , 1. . 5HO 1 35 7. . 520 i a. ? , , is , . 474 1 35 , CAI.VKS. 1. , . 190 1 C0 < . 4. . 177 3 50 1. , . 310 2 00 , 10. . 191 4 00 1. , . 300 i ) oh' , 1 l&O 4 00 1. , . 270 SO J 170 4 00 1. , . 120 2 CO'1 ' t 131 4 25 2 270 3 00 . ' 815 4 CO 1 230 & 5Uv t IlUI.I.S. 4 1175 i C3 : ,1030 2 00 1 1220 1 60 ; i : .1770 2 15 1 1100 i G5 _ : .1000 2 50 1 1290 1 00" : .1760 8 00 1 1020 2 001 2 , .1040 2 50 HTAdS. 1..1380 8 00 2. .1040 400 HTOCKKUS AND 1 400 200 03 828 200 7. , . , , , 525 2 20 1 510 2 BO 22 704 225 19 888 200 4 4H2 280 2 905 200 4 U35 230 . . , , , . ( ) 275 1 640 230 13 9'23 280 22 518 230 23 1058 295 12 541 2 30 WCBTKIIN CATTI.K. No. Av , Sh. 1'r , No. Ar. Bh. Pr , WYOMIKO , 40 cnlvca. . 213 (3 00 28 calves.,223 13 00 4 calve . , 232 3 00 7 feeder * 910 2 25 13hoifors. 657 1 40 IB cows. . . 783 2 25 GO COWS. . . , 824 1 15 2 bulls. , .1185 1 40- 18 st'rx tlg273 2 10 70 lccdurtil'J4 ( ) 2 76 75 ffcdors.1114 2 75 12ntr. tlK.H95 1 10 100 cows. , 841 1 25 50 feodorb004 ! 2 40 4G6toera..lllC 3 35 6st'rs tig 810 1 10 Gcowu. . . faOl 1 10 8 bulls..1193 1 40 2 cows. . . , 835 1 15 0 feeders 033 2 30 7 culvcs. . 411 1 50 Scows..1013 240 1 bull.1170 1 00 1 bull..1110 1 25 1 bull. . . .1800 1 60 1 cow. . . . 900 2 25 4cows. . . . 667 39COW8. . . 'JOB 2 30 3 tMttR.1.11.1 200 ristcr-r . .t22.1 300 1 feeder. . f,20 200 8 fecd'rs nafl a l5 ! 1 feeder 7SO 250 a Mrs tlKll40 2 PO inMrstiiMiua 200 B sirs tiii ? 145 210 1 feeder. . 780 2 do Icow. .1010 * 255 3 cows. . .1120 2 05 Icow . .1110 1 oft 1 COW ! I30 2 f.fi 1 cow. . . . 1000 265 43 cows..1089 265 21 steers 1209 315 27 steers. . 1190 325 2 cows. . 1005 300 11 COWS..1100 3 00 Nr.llRASKA , 6 cows. . . . 8U 1 C5 39 feciVrs 072 300 Cl steers , . . 973 ' 2 85 Hoes llocelpts were rather lighter than anticipated. Hut 07 fresh loads wcro re ceived , 4,4W ( head , or moro than 2,51)0 ) head short of lust Tiiesdny's ' supply. The quality of the hogs was hardly ns good ns two or tlirco weeks ngo nnd this facttogether with the better demand for the lighter gmdcs , Is causing a pretty wide spread lu vnltics Win- pared with n month niro. The market was nbout steady , perhaps n. slinde better than Monday , but tlio condition were unchanged nnd the tone to the t ratio wns by no means strong. Fair to prime sorted , light nnd huicherwcight hogs sold ut from $ T up to fj.eo. In order to sell n load of hogs at better than $ . " > it wns noccs- snry In most cnses to throw out from ono to n dozen hogs which hail to soil around M.GT > to $1.8 , * . Heavy nnd mixed packing irradcs sold nt from M.IK ) to $ . " > , packers being Indif ferent buyers and leaving the Held mostly to the fresh meat men and shippers. There was little life to the trade nt nuy ttmo dur ing the dny , but when news- arrived of the crash lu provisions the mnrUot llattcnod o'lt badly nnd nt the close there were fully COO hogs In tlio yards on which buyers refused to make n bid. The popular prlco for fair to live sales No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Ph. 1'r. 1 .280 RO $4 05 03. . . ,240 , 280 $5t)0 ) 30. .104 120 4 75 00. . . ,253 280 5 00 12. .197 4 75 75. . . .217 1GO 5 00 1. .207 40 4 85 02. . . .200 40 6 00 7. .231 4 85 68. . . ,285 120 5 00 10. .299 4 85 G3. . .301 6 00 12. .342 40 4 85 01. . . ,201 , 2U ) 6 00 3. .300 I 85 61. . . ,8211 , 5 00 0. .280 80 4 90 65. . . ,317 , 80 5 00 07. .285 80 4 90 07. . . ,252 , 40 5 00 0. .320 40 4 00 07. . . ,281 , 6 00 81. .228 240 4 90 04. . . ,253 40 5 00 80. .242 bO 4 02' ' ! 50. . . 283 200 5 00 4. . 320 40 4 U2 > ' ( 09. . . ,249 100 5 00 64. .279 320 4 95' 62. . . .291 . 100 5 00 47. .382 1 95 01. . . .205 1GO 5 00 CO. .200 200 05 80. . . .457 5 00 5. .214 S)5 ) 49. . . .353 6 00 05. .240 2oT U5 27. . . .291 40 5 00 71. .211 120 05 69. . . ,299 5 00 01. .258 120 9j 12 .211 120 6 05 G4. .255 120 U5 GO ! ! . .233 240 5 05 70. .208 120 4 05 G4. . . .213 280 6 05 03. .247 120 4 05 82. . . .212 100 5 05 01. .280 10 06 GS. . , .238 200 5 05 GO. .280 05 G8. . . .210 5 05 60. .320 240 05 80. . . .204 40 5 10 C47 .303 320 4 95 G3. . , 229 5 10 G2. 270 6 00 T > 7. . . .221 110 5 10 54. .255 120 5 00 02. . . .254 5 10 G5. .272 80 5 00 55. . , .235 5 12'J ' GO. .247 120 5 00 47. . .225 6 12'i 54. .330 200 5 00 05. . . .213 120 5 12" 57. .291 120 5 00 HO. . .201 5 15 04. .247 200 5 00 08. . .221 40 6 15 C9. .253 120 5 00 83. . .201 80 5 15 78. .251 IfiO 5 00 G7. . 210 40 5 15 CO .292 40 5 00 82. 219 120 5 20 10..240 5 00 72..208 120 6 20 I'KIS AND ROUGH. 1 230 4 00 Simnr Offerings were largely common stock and buyers didn't want them. Good muttons are in active demand and firm , but culls and stocjccrs are not. . called for at all. Fair to good natives , $3.-.r > 6J4.2. > ; fair to good westerns , $3.00@.85 : ! ; common and stock sheep , S1.50@3.00 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb lambs , f3.50i ( . " ) .00. Representative sales. No. Av. 1'r. 100 westerns mixed 105 13 00 290 westerns mixed 100 3 00 I'ocoiptH find DlHpuftlttoii ol * Stock. Official receipts and disposition of stock as shown by tlio books of tlio Union Slock Yards company for tlio twenty-four hours ending at 5 o'clock p. m. August 1 , 18U3 : UECKIl-r.S. & MT.H Cars. Head. Cars. Cart jllcail 4.402 "ill 89 DISPOSITION. CATTLE , iioas. SIHJI' : : . Omaha Packing CeTin 18 Tin ; G. II. Hammond Co. . 3011 I ! Ill 10(1 ( Swift , t Co The Ciulnliy Packing Co. . Chicago P. , t 1' . Co 440 ParkorA , W. Co Cleveland Pncklne Co. . . . U14 Cooy k Co Inlprnutlontil Ib9 A.Hu.'iH , lliO 11. Decker .t DCRCII 21 Vanuatu , t Carey 90 Hammotul & S J. Lolmiuu I1. . ' ! Shippers iimil feeders 570 Luft over 000 Total. , 2.193 4,408 fifi Stock In slglit. Uecelpts of 11 vn stock at the four principal wcbteru markets TuuMhiy , August 31 : Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. South Omaha . 2,051 4,402 G15 Chicago . 6,000 11,000 11,000 Kansas City . 6,300 0,900 400 St. iuuls . 4,000 2,700 5,000 Total . 10,951 25,002 10,916 Chicago Ilvo Stock Market. v CIIICAOO , Aup. 1. [ Special Tolagraiii 1o TUB lUK.l ! The advance yesterday of lic ! peril ) , for beef In the London nmrliot did mil help prices hero , mdthar did thu fact that thu ar rivals for yesterday and today WTO much smaller than UMIU ! . It Is doubtful If anything short of u radical lo'iixutlon of the money market will lielp the situation In cuttle. Al though Mjurcely more thiin 5.00O imad arrived It was with great dllllcully that litivors were found for them. In prices of nutlve.s thuro wus no Important change. Anything that hud nny merit wits finally closed ut nominally steady prices. Texans were slroiiKur , scllbiK about , lOu higher than yeslor- day and from 25c to 35u bl lior than at the lowest tlmo last week , Tradlnt ; In natlvo cattio was urlnclpally ut from * 1.75 to $2,75 for cows and liclfors mid ut from J3.05 to J4.75 for steers. Hales of Ti-xuns were gunurally at from f 1.75 to 13.25. Westerns were nominal at from if 1.50 to 14 , 25 , according ( ocjuallly. Thu lies market was htruntt thin morning when huiliioss opened. Hhlppor.s and packers took hold with a show of Inlurcst that cuirlod Ihu maruot up from DC to lOc. The activity and firmness of the morning did not last , however , lluforo ilO o'clock prices foil back to about .Monday's range , and they closed very weak thuru. I'ouvy und medium welKhls "hlunml more strength than thu lighter wulghls , but all were profoundly wouk at the closo. The receipts were very mmill ( estimated at 10,000 lieadl , but thuro buumud to bo enough fiirt hu dumnml , C'losliiK quota tions wcro from { 5 to)5.40 for heavy mid from J5.26 to t5 85 for light. The break In prices was caused by thu IIOWK from on 'chungo. Tlio fhcup niiirkot was firm by reason of tlio Riuall reculpts , only about G.ooo head arriving. Had thu arrivals reached avtruKo ll 'tirou prices must liuva declined , for Ihu duinand was of shrunken proportions. The demand for shipment Is Incoiislduralilu , only GO hnad of the 14,004 head received yesterday bulng sen tout. Neither Is thuro any Inquiry for fcudors. I'rlcus ranged from 11.76 to * 5 for in ferior lo extra qualities. Halo * of lamb.s worn ut iibniit btuady prlcus , from f3,50 to JQ.75 , KecolpU ! Cutilo. 5,000 , ; calves , l.OOOj hogs , ll.OOO ; HhtHip , G.COO , Tlio Kvunlng Journal ronorts : I'ATTI.H ' Kccell't.s , 6,000 liuud ; Khlninonts , 1,600 bend ; market sfoady. Top prlcus ; Kxtra natives , $ S.OUii&.lot good to cholco. * 4.25 < B4.bO ; Tiuuns , J1.90U2.25 ; cows. * 1,76(2 ( > 3,25. 3,25.Hous Hous Itecolpts , 11,000 head ; shipments , 3,000 bond ; inarkut fj&10o higher ; mixed , I5.00S5.35 ; huavy , 15.4025,60 ; light mixed , C5.60U5.UO. KilKur-KocclptH , 11,000 , head ; shipments , 2,000 head ; markut 5'i l&c lowur ; stackers , $2.00&2.50 ; owes , $4.004i4.25j mixed and wuthurs , * 1.0Utt4.26i westerns , J3,16a3,60 ; lumbs , J3.OOtt5.GO. < ; ity l.lvu Stork . Market. KANSAS CITV , Aug. 1 , PATTI.C Kece.pt 5,300 head ; shipments , 3,80O , head : nuirUot It Our Coldi , Coughi. Bert Thio t , Creep , Infla. nit , WhooplDF Couth , BronchitU nd Atttima. A ctrtaln cart for Coniumptloa'in firit ittfti , andkiuro relief In adT nceatUj t f e t once. You trill ie tht xcellent elfeot after ttkln * the flrtt do . Bold ky dttltr * Terj biil. Laii baulu 40 ciBti aal $1.60- ilondy for be.ot gradosi olhors * low | To.xri * MCOM , J.00ii3.26 TnXM , C ° . " / ' Jl.3M52.35j shipping steers , l4.OOtl.MA : native IMW * . Jl OivU.oTl ? ; bulchnr stiK'k.t 3.3A 04,15 ; stocki'M Mid fcedcr.t , { 2.00 ! .60i bull * II HUM1' ! , M > " " : , , , , lions lloi-elidi , 0,000 , hrndj shipment- * . 400 licnill market opened SfiUV hlRhen closed wllhadvnnce loitilmlk of sales , 6.00jlB.3ii | hpavles.4.20 ; packer , J4.0imr > .30 ; mixed , fWH ) O5.30i lluht , J5.UUtt3.ft ! > : Yorkers , $5.4035.55 ; plus. l4.oK3.Vf)5. ( Siir.r.i'-ltfcelpts , 400 head ; shipments , uonoi market steady ; lam ! ) , _ .i&tta.OO. St. l.mi'u l.ivp Stock Miirkot. PT. I.ot'ts , Aug. 1. CAm.rKccelpts , 4,000 head ; shlpmriits , 900 head ; Rood nntlvo steers , 4.0u'it4.io ; ; fair to | ; oed Ilidlnns , J2.f)0a . 'i.'i. Hoos-Kocolpts , 2,700 hcnd ; Rhlpmenls , 100 liniuii market closed lOc lower than vestcrdny ; llKhtt.'i.4lan.05i ' ) mixed. | 5.20O5.60i heavy , . t5.l > ( W.40. SltKl-.f Hccelpts , 5,000 head : shipments , none ; market slow , unchainced ; natives , $4.50. 1'rnry's rxprditlnn In Troi'blo. fiiii.Aitr.i.i'uu , Aug. 1. A special dispatch dntod St. John , X. 11. . 'states that informa tion has been received from Labrador of serious trouble In Lieutenant 1'oar y's expedition. It is snld It is so great that the trip Is likely to pivivo a lailiiro , Cnrllulo ( loc < to Ur.iy Cables , WASUIXOTOK , Aug. 1. Secretary Carlisle hns been called to Gray Gables to consult with the president about his message. Ho will leave nt4 p , nt. todny. I WAS BIG. I WAS PAT. I FELT MEAN. I TOOK PILI.S. I TOOK ! SAT.T3. " I GOT LEAN. Hnndsomo Women Can Loao Fast. Homely MOM Look Better W Thin. Try Dr. Edison's System. No Band worth Twlco the Nloniy. OHlcoof II. M. llurtoii , Harawnro. U.iry tv tlon. III. . Jan. II. 18.H Dr. Edison Hoar Sir : T iitn well ploaso.l with your treatment of obesity. The band h worth twice the inoiiuy It cmt. for comfort. I h ivo reduced my woltfht tun pounds , 1 woUb 2)3 ) now , ana I dIU wolgh 215 , Viiir ( < truly. 11. M. 11UUTO.V. They Are Doing Mo Good , i Knrlvdlo , Ill./Miiy21. 181 ! . > IjOrlnnACo : Inclose 1 llnil $ ! . . ' > ) for wliioh plain nciiil mu tlio other two bottloi of Dr. Kill ion's Ob3i- lly 1'llls. 1 have U4ud ona lunHliliik hoarj ilotii ; the work. S. SI. U.V1.EV , 1 * . O. llos ! i Talk So Much About Your Pllla. Tcorln , III. , Juno 13. HU. Dcnr Sirs : After ho.irlnn ono of my frl mtJ tuln 13 Bnch about your Olimlty I'lllJ an I tli _ > boa tll lull durlvliik'froiii thorn I t'llnk 1 will try tlrj.n ul/uU' 1'leasobouil mo 3 bottloi C. O. I ) . , anil obllijj , J. Multllis. 40i Terry Struat. Fool Better and Weigh 13 Pounds Loss CJoshon , Inil. . SentIt. . HU. Gontlcmon : Inoloicil I soiul you SI. for whlo'.i you will ptcaio auntl tno three hottlosof Ilia oboiltpllti. . AnitnkliiR tlio .fourth bottle nml foal vary nuia'i butter ntul wcliili 13 poiimij lot ) thin wlma I bu.i.i takliiK thoui. 1 will ooutlnuo your trout un.it- ilus. J. C. Slcilox.v , touth blxtli SU33U An Individual wlmsoholKhtls fi feet 1 Inch BhouMwuUU ] : . ' > pounilB 0 foot 8 Inclias " " H0 ! . " 0 loot 10 Inches " " 17U " Dr. Kdlfon ny : "Itnnybo well to point'out Unit In my uxpurlonco. which Is necessarily very considerable , nmny tronblesoinortklii dtjoasof snoa , cc4zcnia ( , n/one. psorlasli , ntlcarln. etc. , nro print * nrlly c.iuseil by obaslly. nml at tha fat nnil rtJih It iciluccil by thu pills nml Obesity KrultS.Ut nil. cli j notion of tlio banil th.MO nifeuilons h.ivj almost miiKlcally < llsappoireil : " 'I ho Obesity Krnlt tsaltli used In cnnnortlon wltn tlio 1'lllsur llnmls , or both. Ono to.ispooiifnl In a tumbler of water iiKtkoj n delicious soJa. Taxji llk clmtnpalKiio. The buns cost IJ.oO e\o'i fornnyloiuth nn to 31 Inches , linfor ono Inrizor than 31 Incli3i ndJ It ) cents extra for etch udilltlon.il lnci. ? i'rlco of Krult ft'ilt. * I.J. ) 1'lllsll.iO IVr llottlo , ori : llottlej lor JI.Q ) . ont by Mull or Kxpraa Ciitthls ontund keep It. iindbUiU tor our full ( I columuartlclo ) on ebosltir. MENTION ADUUIWS BXAOTLY A.GIVEN 11EI.UW. Loring & Company Zlliunllton I'l. , Dopt. 211 , lloston. Man , ll.'i Stata St. , l > ept 1 , Chicago , HI. . * J W. S.'na Ht. , Oopt Si , New York city. For sale in Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. UKK A THIRF.V TIIK NIOHT > Con- gumption oonios. A ullRlit cold , wHh system In the ous condition cnuscd br iiujiuro blowl. h cnouRh to fMlcn li * upon roil. Tlint in Uio tlmo when neglect Dil dclnrnre full of danger. Consumption Is Lung- Scrofula , You cnn prevent it. and yoi euro it. if you haven t wnlteu too long , . . . . - Dr. Viereo'B Golden Medical Discovery. Thj * Is the molt potent blood-cleanser , strength- restorer , and flesh-builder that's " W luedleal sclonco. Kor every dlfcnsothntlmi I to bo reached through the blood , like Con sumption , for ScrofiiTa u all its forius , U oak Mings , Hronchltls , Asthma , nnd all sov.crLir" _ > - * ' HugeriuK Coughs/it Is the only pimranfcrtj .rouiedy If it doesn't beiioflt or cure , you have your money back. Tlio proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy know that tbclr inodlciuo perfectly ntid permanently cures Catarrh. 1 ' " > * ' , ! .it to you , they make this offer : If they can I euro your Catarrh , no inattor what you * case is , they'll t y you * 500 in cash. York Hospital TREATMENT. For nil Private an Special Disas33 ) , of b > t' MEN AND WO\IE \ ) FtriRturo ami nil othsr troubles troitoJ nt ro.isonnblo charRCs. CONSULTATION KHKli Callouor address addressXPUTNM'1 ' DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEH Opposite Hay don llros. HOTELS. Omaha's NewestHota ! . Cor. 12th and Howard btrcots. 40rooms { i.50 per day. W rooms WOJ per day. MU fooms with liath at 31nor day. ' D oOrooms with bath all. . > D per Jay. .Mudern In livery ltrnieet. | AcM'ly KitrulHlii'il Tlirouclicillt C. S. ERB , Proo. THE OMAHA Li EUROPEAN HOTEL. fiBth Htroet and LoxliiKton Ave. Ill-flit blucltH JVom Arorlcf'M Inlr Jin- ti'iiin'c * . CT/i/ciiy < > . 2fiO roonm Special low raleH. Talio .TacltBon 1'ark eablecarH. It. Slllow.iy of the "Murray , " Mana * ycr , V. K. Alexder , proprietor. EDUCATIONAL. CIIUISTIAN COM.lii ( i : . The lonilluir Hchool In llin wool for yotmj women ; located liiCobmi- bln , Mo. , scat of Ht < iti > iiiilvorHltylnririiiiiilcoiiinio ; dlons hnlldlni'H : heated by hot water HyHlom ; ulcc- trie llKlitH ; llnvHl grounds In tlio Htalo ; lnnii now cliajK-1 Kt-alud with oiioiu chairs. Hvi-ry urtlclo uf ftirnltiirii Incliidhii ; pianos now. Without ilonhl the bi-Ht fiinilHhod BeboolCHI ; climate ex cellent : irradiiallntr oourxou In Lllcrainru , Lantfim- pen , JliiHlo , Kloeiillon and Uclnarli' . Vacuity able , thorough , pnm-ri'Hslvo ; no pupllHtcnnli In IhlH col- li'Ki' . HHtabllslii'il In 1K5II. Over 400 nluiiina ) . NVxk BcHHloii bc'k'liiH Sept. li. Send ror.r.l-iik'i ) | : ) llhiHlrat- cd catalogue to FHANK 1 > . ST. OLAHt , I'I-OB. . Columbia , Ma FEMALE I ' ACADEMV fi Hit Vfar. I'u'pnintort Collrpldlp. Milwlr , All O > U P lOBiio. AdUrcss'li K. IlOhL"vu'p. , A ! M. JncliBonvlllo ; 111. MILITARY i ACADEMY HWKET HI'UIXII1 * . MISSOUltl.-Thn Krnnt Military tichuol of tlio \ Vo8t.VrIto for lllutftrnlml Cutulouu * . HIV YOIIK MII.IT.XKY AUAIU3UY. N Col. C. J. Wright. H. S..A. M.CoriiwiillN. Y , Uuion Stock Yards Company , South © rnaha. ( lostCattlo Ho nndShao ; ) mir'otln tha wnii COMMISSIO 1 tia'J3i. ' * , . , . .w , , , MM , . . y Yfoofl Brotiufs , I.lvn StO3l ( CoiiiniHilon .Mnrch'iati. ' So'lth tmahii Tolcpiiohu 1I3T. ChloijU , JOHN'I ) . DADHMAN , I . , , , . , „ „ „ „ r . . . fMimag WAI.TKU K. W.WI ) , Mnrkot reports by mull und wlro clicorfull furnlblicil upon iipiillciitUin. " THE POT CALLED THE KETTLE BLACK. " , BECAUSE THE HOUSEWIFE DIDN'T USE I HMAHA < J AWNINGS AND TENTS. OmaliaTcnt-Awiiiug Wolf Bros & Co. , COiU'ANT , Mnnnfactnreri of Tend. Slio2 Company. S nlotroom nil Oltlce-1107-llW.llll St - Howard St \Va are tbo oNI.r M tiufi3lurori : of lluoti anJ " Wa'Si * 'nVt , UonUbrSui , a3a to Ml to .n.pcct . our uow motor/ . COAJ ) , COKE. | Oinafta Coal , Coke * UMK CO. , bard and of ooal , U. li.oor. IDiU and Douiflai titruot. DRY GOODS. FUBN1TUBE. Qnialia Upholstering i Betiee & Runyaa CUMl'A.NV. I Uuholiluriid ( iirnltur * . tUUNlTtJUK COMl'ANJf Mlobolu Bl. I HABDWAHB. Rector & Wiliiclmy Lobcck & Linn , COill'A.NV. Dcalori In hnrilniui. nU Corner lOtli nnd Jnckion mcctmnlc * ' tooli. Utruoti. H'JI ' Oouului at root. HATS , ETO. | niONWOHK8. W. A. I , Gibbon & Co Omaba Safe and Iron Wliolosuln WOUK- ) . Iltti. cnp , itrttw noodi , KnfTnultH , jail vroa , uiuton > . I'.lli Iron hiittc r nnil llri a cupel. Uui. AuUrKOD , In anU Jitclicon LUMBER. Jobn A , Wiilicfleld , ImiiorDil.Arvrloan Pore- jAiid ccinuni , Mllwau. kcu conont : und ( juluo/ wliltu lime. LIQUOKS. STOVE Frick & Herbert 1VOHK8. 1 . _ MOTH .rotulri Wliolculo liquor dealer * * ° rnn' 11X11 8t. IUH < lu , PAPEB. I OIX8. Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co. Carrj a full ( took or prlntlnul wrapping nd IltDnaJ and lubrloatlaf Kfltlng pai | r > , tarU puperj , olo. cdli , i PKODUOE COMMISSIOM. Branch & Co. Produce , rrulli of all