Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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to VIPPPP\nu v
Orouu 9 on the Latest phasa of the Max
imum Kate Law.
Itmlly In Krl > ct It Cnnnot lie
nntorr il Until the Qnettlont In-
Tiilveil Are Finally Determined
by the Uourt * .
LINCOLN , Aug. 1. [ Special to TUB Ben. ]
Governor Crounso returned from his Wis
consin trip at noon today and was nt his
desk this uftcrnoon for the first time In ton
flays. As ho had loft the state for the pur
pose of gaining ft brief rcsplta from the ar
duous cores of official duty' ho hud paid but
Ilttlo attention to the details oft ho railroad
question and was therefore not prepared to
express any opinion as to the merits of the
many injunction cases that had boon com
menced during bis absence.
"As I look nt the matter , " remarked the
Rovorn6r to a reporter for TUB BEB this
nftornoon , "tho law goes into effect today.
It docs not require any ofllcial proclamation
from the governor. It Is as much
of n law today as if an es
pecial proclamation was Issued to
nnnounco the fact to the public. Whllo I
Imvo not Informed myself ns yet as to
the merits of the Injunctions brought during
my abicncn from the state , I am tree to express -
press the opinion that thu result will be that
the law , although really in effect , in neces
sarily suspended until the questions involved
Ore finally determined by the courts. If ttio
legislature should pass n law making n radi
cal amendment in the taxation laws it would
bu necessarily suspended If nny Interested
parties should take out an Injunction from n
tiropcr court restraining the State Board of
I&limllgailon , the county commissioners or
other officials vested with the authority to
enforce it * provisions. The maximum rate
law , I take It , would bo similarly affected. "
( ioniilp lit thu fttutn llniinn.
Auditor Moore today filed with the secre
tary of state a now bond with thu names of
G.V. . Holland , J. II. McClay , N. S. Har-
vrood , K. 11. Slzer and Sam McClay ns sure
ties. The auditor's old bond has not been
officially challenged , although it Is signed by
C. W. Mosher and H. S. Outcalt , olficcrs of
the defunct Capital National bank , but Mr.
Moore preferred to give a new bond which
nhould ba nbovo riusplciou. It was approved
by Governor Crounso.
Nathan Fodroy , one of the traveling audi
tors appointed In accordance with the proVisions -
Visions of the new law , which goes into effect
toiiuy , filed tils bond with the secretary of
state this ultenioon. Ho will commence thu
duties of his new position within n few days.
Chief Justice Maxwell visited the state
house this nftornoon In connection with
business brought by the Statu Banking
Nearly all of the state ofilcials have been
served with a hie bundle of injunctions re
straining them from doing anything to make
the new maximum rate law effective.
U. It. Grecr of Kearney was at the state
house this afternoon.
ISelllirerrntii Hound Ovor.
Judge Waters this forenoon entertained
Attorneys McNorny and Altschulor , two
legal lights of linvolock who bocamu In
volved in a tdiflleulty the other day which
ended In a small sized riot , i'ho fracas oc-
currcd In McNorny & Altschulcr's ofllco ,
_ where the latter was endeavoring to settle a
point of law Involving a couple of dollars
with a man named Henry Burcham.
Ikirctmm assorted at the trial this morning
that Altschulor struck him In the face.
After the scrap between the two men -had
continued for some time both made , their
way out of the room , but at the door Mc
Norny appeared and took n hand by woltlng
Burcham a few times from behind. A fourth
party named Fitzgerald then put in an ap
pearance and sided with Burcham. When
( thu cruel war was'over Burohiim swore out
n wnrrnnt against McNorny nnd Altschulor.
Judge Waters hold the two men to the dis
trict court in the sum of $100 each.
ClothliiK HOUBO GloKod.
The Globu clothing house of this city tem
porarily closed Its doors last evening with
thu uiinoiinccmtint that it would bo opened
on Wednesday of this week. It develops ,
however , that the proprietor , M. A. Now-
mark , had given n bill of sale to Michael
Storno & Co. , a wholesale clothing firm of
Rochester , N , V. , for the entire stock , the
consideration being $22Ki0.45. ( Mr. New-
mark has been prominently identified with
business Interests of Lincoln for the past
olght or nine years and has always enjoyed
tlio confidence of his associates. Ho has
carried a stock amounting to probably
' 9,50,000 , but has been compelled to give a bill
of sale for his property on account of over
stock , hard times nnd poor collections. Last
night the firm of. W. M. Stlppnchoi' & Co.
filed suit ngalnst him for M02.U3 for n bill of
goods sold some time since.
Lincoln In llrlor.
Jennie M. Burtls has commenced n suit for
divorce from her husband , John M. lUirtis ,
on the grounds of desertion. They were
married in 1881 nnd John left her six years
tjnoak thieves ontorea tlio residence at
1744 V street some tlmo yesterday and stole
n lady's cold watch , some Jewelry and ? 20 in
cash. Tliu pollcu have been unable to find n
clew to the perpetrators of the robbery.
Mrs , Smltlison ami Mrs. Koscoo , two csU-
nmblo ladles living in this city , wcro fright
fully injured in a runaway lust evening.
Both were thrown from a carriage nnd
dashed against the stone curb with force
sufficient to deprive them of consciousness.
Two physicians have been In attendance
today and it Is hoped that the two ladles
will suffer nothing moro sotlous than tempo
rary disability.
Carl Pllegler , who is accused of a criminal
assault on 10-year-old Joslo Gallagher , will
Imvo his.trial at I ) o'clock tomorrow morning.
Decision KiMiiliirnil III NotrMoxIcn In Which
NrbritHkn I'liopln Are Intrrenti-tl.
HASTINGS , AUK. 1. [ Special Telegram to
Tim HKK. ] A tologrniu was received hero
today stating that the demurrer lllcJ In the
case of Jol'ii 1) . lu'oillo of this city and
others against the United States and others
in the prlvuto land court sitting at Simla
Fa , N. M. , has been overruled. Tills action
of a court vrhlch 1ms never been rovorsud in
nny of its rulings l > y the supnmio court of
the United Status Is regarded as n vlutory
for the plaintiff , especially us the argument
on thu dmnniTur admitted thu fuels ns
clulniod by Kccdlo , and was ou the legal
nspoots. of the case.
In April. IS'-M , John O. Ilenth. or in
Brmnlsh , Juiui Olds , of lioonovlllu , Mo. ,
made application to the emperor of Mexico
for twcnty-llvo Bnuaro Spanish leagues of
land in the southeastern part of New
Mexico , agreeing to found tliercon , within
two .vonrs , a colony of thirty Cathollu
families. This application uftur various
formalities wus grunted by the council of K\ \
Paso and the truut elniimnl duly surroyod.
Heath loft and returned in 18 1 with his
colony , but in the mcuutlmo a revolution
had talten pltico nnd tha emperor had boon
allot. Thu revolutionists threatened Heath's
life , nnd ho was obliged to Hoc with his fol
lowers. This notion of the govorntnont
made the ileea in Tea absolute according to
the claim of the plaintiffs. Heath was the
gramlfather of ICoedlo , who interested himself -
self In thu claim about two years ago and
obtained the power of. attorney from tlio
other heirs. The in question composes
lii.tXX ) ucrcs of the llticst part of Now Mexico ,
thirty miles northwest from El 1'aso and
cmbruci'u several populous cities.
{ rumliirut l''armer Miuuti Illlnielr ,
WEST POINT , Nob. , Aug. 1 , [ Spaclal Ti-lo-
gram to TUB UKK. ] John JanocoU , n promi
nent farmer living eight miles west of West
Point , committed sulcldu by shooting himself
in thu broust on Monday. Ho died the same
night. Hi ) was a prominent member of the
Bohemian Iwlgo , C. S , 1' . S. , under whoso
auspices bo will bo buried.
Wurlt of u allnUtrr Ap | > r clnt il.
SIUNBY , Aug. 1. [ Special to TUB HEK. ]
A Inrgo and enthusiastlo Congregational
mooting was hold Sunday nlcht at Trinity
Lutheran church , to act on the resignation
of tlio raster , Hov. C. Leo Flock , which ho
plncvl In the hnnd < of the eongrcRktion at
ttio completion of his fourth yonr of work.
Unnnlmouily tbo mambernlecldnd not to nc <
ccpt the rotlgnallon , and strong roiolutlon *
were ndoptrxt oniloralnff hla work. Mr. Klcck
Is n public spirited gentleman , and 1ms mani
fested much Interest in publla affair * . ( Hi
congregation believe * ho hns n grout work
vet to perform before louring here. Ho will
doubtless remain nnd continue his wortc.
fr.ninnt Notr * of NOTTI.
FIIEMONT , Aug. 1. ( Spcclnl to TUB BER. ]
A numerously signed petition vrna presented
to Dr. L. J. Abbott to Address the people of
Fremont on the question of finance , which
elicited a favorable response. Ho will speak
At the park on Saturday evening if the
weather is suitable. Ex-Marshal and Gov
ernment Architect Oliver Smith threatens
to reply , which will probably hold the audi
ence Into Sunday hours.
The Enworth Icauuo of the Methodist
Episcopal church hold n very pleasant social
meeting on the church lawn last evening.
'iho little son ofjGoorgo Campbell of the
American express ofllco ignited a parlor
mutch in his residence and ho was severely
burned before the clothing could bo extin
Sheriff Dartok of Kaundors county was in
tlio city today to take back to the scone of
his exploit * the housebreaker , Snm Pearson
who wont through the residence of A. F.
llarklnson Friday night. A suit of clothes
nnd n gold watch taken nt the tlmo were
found on hi * person.
Three members of the now famous class of
the Fremont Turnveroln have returned from
Milwaukee. They bring the trophies won by
the clans In tlio national contest.
I/iran U. Whelply nnd , wife were thrown
from their cart and considerably Injured
while out riding yesterday. Mr. Wholply
was most severely injured and is now using
a crutch.
Tlio points of the pipes of the wells that
supply the city water works are so badly
stopped up that they do not furnish one-
third tl-.o water they did at first and they
nro now bulng overhauled.
Another pang of men have been put on the
ditches and excavations for the sewer pipe
tire being rapidly , pushed.
Jtncnlvor Appointed for Mhubort's llnnk.
LINCOLN , Aug. 1. [ SpecialTelegram to THE
13iB.J : Chief Justine- Maxwell this ovontng
appointed James it. Cain , cashier of the
State bank of Stella , as receiver for the do-
funiit Farmers State bank nt Shubort.
When the bank suspended by reason of the
defalcation of its cashier , the State Banking
board recommended the appointment of
Gcorgo K. Go < xloll , Ho teen chnrgo of the
defunct bank at once , but his appointment
was unsatisfactory to thu creditors nnd
stockholders , and when the tlmo came today
for the appointment of a permanent receiver.
Church Howe nnd Frank Martin appeared
before the court with a petition representing
over U5 per cent of the depositors , asking for
the appointment of Mr. Cain. After bear
ing the arguments on both sides the chief
JUdtlco decided to appoint the Stella cashier.
Olovor I-'ori ; ry llHlnntnil.
LINCOLN , Aug. 1. ( Special Telegram to
Tin ! UKE.V. ] . A. Cassaday was arrested
and placed in the city Jail here this evening
on the charge of forgery. Ho had formerly
boon In the employ of F. A. Mason , n well
known contractor and builder , but had been
discharged. By representing that bo was
still In the employ of Mason ho succeeded In
passing three forged checks on local banks ,
all for small amounts. The forgery was
cleverly executed and ono or two of the
checks had passed the clearing house before
their fraudulent character was dlscovcrou.
Several checks bearing Mason's signature
were found on Cnssaday's person when
searched at the station.
llurlliiRtoii FrotKlitft Wrrckoil.
TKCUMSKU , Aug. 1. ' [ Special Telegram to
Tun BITE. ] A collision occurred in the B. &
M. yards hero this nftornoon. Freight No.
114 , east-bound , ran into freight No. 117 ,
north-bound , with sufllcient force
to wreck both engines nnd derail -
rail three cars , besides damaging a
number of others. No. 117 , under Conductor
Cleveland , was switching and was backing
down the track when she was struck by 114 , .
in charge of Conductor Myers , which was
Just entering the yards.
The crows of both trains Jumped nnd saved
themselves. It took the wrecking train
about four hours to clear the track.
Kiittun' * > w Church.
SUTTOX , Aug. 1. [ Special Telegram to
THE HRK. ] The Methodist Episcopal church
Mid the corner stone of Its now building this
evening. When completed it will bo the
finest church in this part of the state and
moro than twice as largo ns the ono built In
187(1. ( A very largo number witnessed the
ceremonies conducted by Elder Adams of
Hastings. Among ether interesting docu
ments , the box In tlio corner contains copies
of TUB OMAHA BKB , State Journal , Call ,
World-Herald , Omaha Christian Advocate
aud Sutton Advertiser.
DofuuUlni ; Otllclul Hound Ovor.
Bi'.xvnii CITY , Nob. , Aug. L [ Special Tele
gram to THE BED. ] A. J. MoPoak , the defaulting -
faulting ox-county treasurer who was founa
short 510,000 , was today bound over to the
district court. The interest in the case
crowded the court room with citizens from
nil parts of the county. The ex-treasurer's
books , offered in evidence , were shown to
have been changed in many places. The
deputy employed during the McPoak ad
ministration were that tlio changed figures
were in McPcak's handwriting.
JIuil No lonllilunuu In Dunlin.
GIUND ISLAND , Aug. 1. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] U. W. Wells , n stranger , brought a
bunch of bills which were badly burned on
both ends to the Security National bank of
this city yesterday for redemption. Ho
claimed that ho hau It in some clothing
which caught lire , but It Is rumored that the
combination of a lack of confidence in banks ,
the burial of the bills under a haystack and
a bolt of lightning had a good deal to do
with the situation. The paukago was sent
\Yushlngton uncounted.
I'eciillur Dviith ot a Child.
Cmuii IlAi'iDS , Nob. Aug. 1. [ Special to
TUB BEB. ] Leroy Wilson , the 8-year-old son
of John Wilson , a farmer living near hero
met death in n remarkable manner yester
day. While swinging alonu the rope broke
nnd the lx > y fell fnco downward , and on a
stick which penetrated nearly to the heart.
When found n fuw minutes later by his Ilttlo
brother ho was several foot from the blood-
covered stick .and dead , The funeral was
held hero today nnd was largely attended.
in Uoi'd Conilltlon.
MiLronn , Aug. 1 , [ Special to THE BEE. ]
The third triennial election of commissioned
officers of Troop A , Nebraska National
Guards resulted in the unanimous ro-oloc- Culver ; Wolsoy Weg-
ant , Jr. , was chosen first lloutomnt nnd
Will J. Vosburgh third lieutenant. The troop
Is well drilled und under splendid discipline.
A grit I'rlunil ( iltUnii Hurt ,
FniENi ) , Nob. , Aug. 1. [ Special to Tim
HUB. ] William Brouglva farmer living near
Cordova , was badly used up in n runaway
last evening. Both logs were broken , ono
In three places , nnd ho was otherwise badly
bruised. Brough is 03 yours old.
I'referrril Doutli tu 111 lloalth.
CAMI-HKI. ! , , Nob. Aug. 1. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BKH. ] John Bray , an old and
rcspectoa farmer living sove'n miles south
east ot here , committed suiuldu last night by
hanging himself. Ill health Is supposed to
bu the cuuno.
hutall Illitzu ut York.
YoiiK , Aug. L [ Special to TUB Unc. ]
At U o'clock this morning the dwelling house
of Mrs. Emily Brown was completely de
stroyed by tiro. It is supposed to bo thu
work of an incendiary.
Trnlnmeu Kobbeil.
ASHLAND , Nob. , Aug. 1. [ Special to THE
BKE.J Thieves broke into a way cur stand
ing near tlio Ashland depot last night. They
took about 170 worth of clothing belonging to
the trainmen.
Klllutl by u liiillur Kxiilutlnn.
CI.KVKI.ANI > , Aug. L By the explosion of
the boiler of u farm online on the farm of
Louis H. Plenon , near Newark , O. . last
night , John Kittle and James Bowers ,
married , and Frank Bell , Peter Bell and
Nuwmau Sellen wcro killed , Joseph Sohipp ,
James Kittle , Thomas Edmoud * and Luther
Sellou were badly hurt , thu first two , it ii
feared , fatally. The cause of tbo explosion
was low wutor lu tbo bollor.
Their Condition as Presented by the Comp
troller of the Currency.
How th Democratic I.oml ri Will Arrange
the Important Committees of Congress
at the Approaching Somlon Now
Men to thn Front.
518 FouuTRBNTit STHKET , >
The comptroller of the currency today com
pleted a statement of the condition of the
national banks of Iowa on July 13 last , ox-
elusive of these of DCS Molnos. The state
ment Is very encouraging , and shows that
the banks of the Hawkeye state arc In n
good and safe condition. The nvorago ro-
8orvo is 20.03 per cent , which Is nbovo the
average and moro than the law requires.
The total resources are : Loans and dis
counts , $1(3,107,783 ( ; pverdrafts , $349.303 : duo
from reserve agents , $ . ' ! , ' . ! 14,110 ; duo from
other national banks , $03,157 ; due from
state banks , $3G.VS03 ; cheeks and ether cash
items , $340lMi ; ; bills of other national banks ,
$523,02-1 ; fractional currency , $35.421 ; specie ,
2,531,701 , ; legal tender notes , $1,215,283 ;
total resources , $252,019,003. Liabilities ,
capital , $13.015,000 ; surplus , $3,04r.,17l : ; un
divided profits. Jl,204,310 : national bank notes
issued , $3,005,005 ; Individual deposits , $25-
013,307 ; United States deposits , $00,351 ; do-
PositR of United States disbursing officers ,
$11,400 ; duo other national banks , * USO,003 ;
duo state banks , $1,740,000 : rediscounts ,
Iowa Ilnnks Safo.
The largo amount of available cash , the
healthy reserve and the comparatively small
total of rediscounts warrant the officials in
the oflloo of the comptroller of the currency
In saying that depositors may fool perfectly
sccuro with their money In Iowa
national banks. The recapitulation
of the statements of the Dos Molnos
nationals makes n somewhat hotter presenta
tion than that of the banks throughout the
state. The reserve of the Dos Moincs banks
Is 23.85 per cent , wh'lch Is over 2 per cent
above the banks of the stato. The resources
of the Dos Molnos national banks are : Loans
nud discounts , $2,200,003 ; overdrafts$15.8-13 ;
duo from banks and agents , $348,603 ; checks
and cash itoms7,045 , ; bills of other banks ,
$20,725 ; fractional currency , $1,014 ; specie ,
$135,250 ; legal tender , $181,233. Liabilities ,
capital , $700,000 ; surplus , $334,000 ;
prollts undivided , $123,000 ; circulation , $1115-
000 ; Individual deposits , $1,250,017 ; duo
ether banks , $214,001 : duo state banks , $025-
728 ; rediscounts , $91,000 ; bills payable ,
$135,000.Piling ,
Piling of Domncriillo London.
High democratic authority is had for the
positive statement that William L. Wilson
of West Virginia will bo chairman of the
house committee on ways and means , and
that Joseph D. Sayres of Texas will bo
chairman of the committee , on appropria
tions. Mr. Springer will likely go upon the
ways nud moans committee , but Mr. Holmnn
will bo relegated from appropriations and
given the chairmanship of n minor commit
tee. Bourke Cockran of Now York has
asked to bo relieved from the ways and
means and , it Is stated that ho will head the
committee- coinage , weights and meas
ures , as Mr. Bland of Missouri is to bo ro-
tlrcd from that position. This program has
been agreed upon by tno president , Secre
tary Carlisle and Speaker Crisp.
> "o Kxtonslona In 1'ostoflloes.
"You may say that unless congress passes
a postofllco deficiency bill there will bo no
moro postoflices given free delivery or in
creases of clerical hire In Nebraska or Iowa
under a year from this tlmo" was the stato-
mcnt made at the .Postofllco department to
Tim BEE correspondent today. "Wo have
no money for free delivery "extensions or
extra earners orclorks , and it will bo an abso
lute waste of time for the postmasters or
citizens of Nebraska to apply for them.
There will bo a largo dolicicnoy and the
prospects for enlarged appropriations at the
hands of the approaching congress are not
good ; besides the regular noatollico appro
priation bill which will bo passed about
noit spring will not go into . effect till the
1st of July. It looks as though the outlook
for any thing further frqm this department
under the next year was the worst possible. "
Nuws for thu Army.
The following army orders jvoro issued to
day :
Leave of absence for one month to take
effect August 7 , is granted First Lieutenant
Edwin O. Hoot , Nineteenth Infantry.
Captain Morris C. Footo , Ninth infantry ,
is detailed to attend the encampment of the
National Guard of Vermont at Rutlodgo ,
August 15 to 10. Ho will report by letter to
the governor of Vermont for such service ns
may bo required of him during the encamp
Captain David A. Lyle , ordnance depart
ment , will proceed to Sandy Hook proving
grounds on ofllcial business pertaining to
the ordnance department , and upon the
completion of this duty will return to his
proper station.
First Lieutenant Ormond M. Lissak , or
dnance department , 'will ' proceed from
Bonlcla arsenal to Fort Wlnllold Scott , Cal. ,
on ofllcial business pertaining to tlio test of
certain powder for the ordnance depart
ment , and on the completion of this duty
will return to his proper station.
Cits tor's 1'alne Prediction * .
Tobias Castor's grist of now postmasters
for Nebraska , anticipated by a BEE special
last night , was not promulgated today at
the PostolMco department. , The appoint
ments were in the grind , it was stated , but
the names of thesucccsstul democrats would
not bo known nndor a day or two. Ninety-
six postmuste'rs were announced today , but
the only appointments of Interest to THE
BEE readers were those of Miss Leila Uoam
at Seneca , Faulk county. S. D. , vice Fred
Kolnold , resigned , and William Hunt at
Clcaraiont. Sheridan county , Wyo. , vlco U.
Stouo , resigned.
The acting secretary of the Interior today
afllrmcd the commissioners' decision in thu
timber culture contest of Frank Gaus vs
Thomas McKee from Huron , S. D. , dismiss
ing Gaus' contest.
Secretary Morton of the Agricultural de
partment is cxpoctod to roach Washington
In tlio course of a day or two from the west.
Ho was at present in Chicago looking after
the department exhibit when last ho ro-
Chlof Clortt McQualg of the Agricultural
department was at his desk this morning
after an abscnco of some weeks , Ho has
been in Nebraska City visiting friends. Ho
stopped over ut Chicago for n couple of days
to see thu World's fair and was delighted
with the exhibition.
Drs. A. L. Yorum and C. L , Field have
boon appointed members of the pension ox-
nmlnlng board at Chanton , la. ; Drs. W. H.
Tlmrp , Georpo Schott and T. J. Murphy at
Sioux City ; Drs. A. J , Baker. Marshall En-
Hold and G. L. ICnott at Clarinda , la.P. .
P. S. H.
Franco Uunreilua n Point.
PAHIS , Aug. 1. Franco is not having
everything hot- own way in the Slatnoao
Incident. Lord DulTorlii has obtained
/roui the French government assurance
that the question of the Shan states will
bo settled la the manner desired by Eng
land. This moans that they will bo re
stored to Slum , which had no rjght to
cede them. This settlement of the
ditlloulty is the result of n cabinet coun
cil and two interviews which the IlrltUh
ambassador had with Foreign Minister
Dovelle , The embassy is now engaged
in active tologra ] > hlu communication
with the foreign oillco at London , Tlio
negotiations with England will probably
last some time. It remains for the gov
ernment to break the news gently that
Lord DulYorin lias won his point.
Domnuitratlvrt Drunken Imtlani.
WEST Sui'HKiOK , Aug. 1. Advices
from Shell Lake and Spoiner in Wash-
burn county , on the Omahu road , Buy
that some 500 Indians have congre
gated. They have permits to go oil ou
tour and Dick berries , and have taken
advantage of this freedom to engage in
night rovola. Whisky flows
Mnny are nrmod , nndllhroaU upon the
live * of the cottiers Vt\vu boon made by
thorn. . .
.mi i.
inir IIIKK nKIW sv.U'KxitRn ,
AmUtant Secretary o'f'ths ' ' Interior Hey *
nolils Mnko * nlf Kxplnnnttnn.
PiTTsnuno , Aug.1 , Assistant Secre
tary of the Interior , .7tmn M , Reynolds
sent a letter to Jiidgo Single of the
county court on thq , pension question ,
which 1ms just vouched the city. The
letter explains the policy of the admin
istration regarding1 tlio suspension of
pensioners. It says suspension from the
pension rolls Imvo boon , made by vlrtuo
of nn order of the secretary b'usod on the
ruling filed by the writer , which holds
that n limn who is nblo to earn support
by manual labor has no right to n pen
sion under section 2 , of the net of Juno
27 , 1800. This opinion , writes Mr. Rey
nolds , was approved by the secretary of
the interior and nttornoy general , and
ho had never hoard its soundness ques
tioned ,
The order of Commissioner Rautn fix
ing rntos under tlio net ignored the es
sential basis of a pensionable status the
inability to perform manual labor. Fur
ther , the evidence which might have
shown the pensionable disability to have
the result of vicious hnblts was not re
The writer tells how the "erroneous
order" of. Commissioner Raiim came to
bo mndo , in defiance of nn opinion by As
sistant Secretary of the Interior Uussoy.
This order of Commissioner Raum was
approved November 15 , 181)0. ) Its error
was not exposed untll July 7 , 1893 , after
321o02 , claims had been adjudicated In
pursimnco thereof.
"Tho government , " says the latter ,
"In equal justice to these soldiers whoso
claims were not adjudicated July 7,1893 ,
when the department pointed out the
error of the bureau , demands there
should not bo ono instance of a law
for a portion of tbo pensioners , nn-
ether for the remainder whoso claims
are unadjudlcftted ; This administration
would not bo it party to perpetuating it
monstrous wrong to the nation and that
class of the ponsionor.i under the act of
1890 , a number of whoso claims are un-
cxnmined. "
"A board of revision has boon estab
lished In the pension oillco , " continues
the letter , "for the purpose of reviewing
tHe former adjudication under the act of
1890. Tlio members or this board nro
not all democrats. The chief is a re
publican and the medical referee ap
pointed during the administration of
Benjamin Harrison isamombor thereof.
These occur to mo as I write ; how many
others are of tlio same political faith I
do not know , but no honest pensioner
need bo alarmed by their activity , as
they are instructed to carry out the law
as construed by both administrations
and nothing moro.
"Tho present practice relative to sus
pensions is not now , , but strictly in line
with that hitherto prevailing. Suspen
sions are under section 2 of tho-act of
Juno 27 , and a'ro not general
under all pension laws. No ro-oxnmina-
tion has been ordered of tho70,000claims ,
of widows , minors and , , dependent rela
tives pensioned undoc.tho samoact.nor of
the 021,000 , claims llo\vcd under prior
laws for disabilities.'cdntraotcd in the
service , and in tlib lino'of duty , and In
the case of the widows , minors and dependent -
pendent relatives , not such pensioners ,
no re-examination whatever is for a mo
ment contemplated. " * ' * *
'In conclusion I might add that this
administration is liOUlibstilo to the sol
dier who fought for the union. Wo nro
at present engaged in correcting "abuses.
Wo are pledged to muko tlio pension roll
a roll of honor , andwp wil | Continue our
work fearlessly until'tho people who de
manded this reform' shall call a halt. "
halt Lnko Foundry CMosrd and Western
Train Sorvlco Kodnood.
SALT LAKE , Aug. 1. [ Special Selegram to
TUB Bp.u. ] Still fiirthor and moro sweeping
railroad rotredchments were put In force
hero today. The Union Paclflo foundry ,
which has boon in continuous operation in
this city since 1871 , closed its doors , every
man employed being laid off. All iron anil
steel work for the mountain division will
hereafter bo done in Omaha. Next Sunday
the Union Pacific will discontinue passenger
trains No. 7 and 8 west of hero at Ello or be
tween tjiat point and Portland. This cuts
down n mileage oxpcnsoof H ! > 1 miles , and is
the biggest retrenchment made In western
railroad service slncn the commencement of
the present llnancial stringency.
The Saot Lake City Street Hallway com
pany last evening laid on * fifty inon and four
cars.Tho pay roll of the entire Hlo Grande
Western system , inicials included , was cut
today from 10 to 20 per cent and a number of
ofllcors' assistants in this
city were dis
charged. The company today Issued notice
of cancolatlon of Its wogo scale agreement
with the locomotive engineers and llremon.
not strange that some people do
wrong through ignorance , others from
a failure to investigate as to the right or
wrong of a matter. But it is strange ,
that individuals and firms , who are fully
aware of the rights of others , will per
sist in perpetrating frauds upon them.
High-toned , wealthy manufrcturlng
firms will offer and fioll to retail mer
chants , articles which they know to bo
infringements on the rights of proprie
tors , and imitations of well known poods.
Wo want to sound a note of warning to
the retailers to beware of such imita
tions audllmulatlonsof "CAUTKH'S Lrr-
TLK LlYEB PILLS. " When they are of
fered to you , refuse thorn ; you do not
want to do wrong , and you don't want to
lay yourself liable to a lawsuit Bon
Franklin said "Honesty is the best poli
cy" : it is just as true that "Honesty is
tnobost prinoi pie. "
' " 1O
( I ' '
These two words are
known in ovary well
ordered household
throughout the world
us designating the
oldest , purest , Uost nnd
alwaystobodonondod -
upon *
Pimply Girls
Pimply Boys
AndTEvery Person
Afflicted with
Humiliating Humors
Find Instant Relief
And Speedy Cure
By Using
Cuticura Remedies
Bold throimhout the worlJ. rnTTEn Dnno
iNnC > ir.M.Coitr..lostonHoloProp" ] . J-"A1I.
about tbo lllood , Bkln , fckulp and llnlr , " free.
0arFluiplo * , blnrkhrndanlty nkln anil falling
hair prevented nud cured by Cutlcur * Simp.
La Freekla
The 3-Day .
Freckle Cure
Physicians and Chemists
Ladles and Gentlemen : Mmo. M. Yale ,
that most wonderful woman chemist , has
discovered a medicine that will rcmovo
Freckles from any fnco in three days. Hark
yo , doubling Thomases , every bottle is
Runrnntcod nnd money will bo promptly re
funded is cnso of failureIt removes tan
and sunburn in one application. It matters
not If the Freckles .have been from child
hood to old aRO , La Freekla will clear them
in every caso. Price fl.OO. Sent to any
part of the world.
Address all orders to
lloauty and Complexion Specialist ,
Rooms 501-2 Karbaoh Blocic ,
Cor.lStli and Douglas Sts. , Omaha , , Neb.
Ladles llvlup in the city ploaio call at
Temple of Beauty.
\MTAI \ ITV aua VIBCr iaiM . re
VI I ALI I I orod. Nervous t'WlHy
iiiiit.ii i .
- - - - - - - - - | tureti
ctc < turoy cure bj
INDAPO , tlio ( treat Hindoo Ilnnody. 8oM with wrlfc
t-n sunrnntt-e of cure , ftumplo pent Irre. Aildrcnf
Orleiilul Modlral Co. . (8 I'lir salt I' fl-ltM , IIL
T > TTnV3C Catarrh euro cures catarrh
JjllvLMli 1 O All clrusirlsta. 50 cunts
Pants !
Pantaloons !
Trousers !
This includes all cur regular
WjBO $ COO $ C50 $700 $ $7 $ 50
Patterns !
The assortment must be seen to be appreciated
For a Short time only
We will make to your order , our regular
$2200$2500$2700 ,
It will pay you to investigate this sale.
207 S. 15th.
Unsurpassed , eourM ol Vounj Ladioi itomrixhout
it tdy Music , art. Illcra * MOncol thpoMeit.bol InMli.
I lureelo uUonbusino , &c. > AOurL Appointment * modern.
( Location bctillhjr and pleai. Aluilc and Art. Tvacnurt
, ant GaswAicr , le m bent | | * lllujtriitM can"-
. < . T. I'V llon ,
? feS
i8th year Uxns Stpt. I lilt .
, * ,
E r.WA.Wlbcni.M.Prtil.i' ' BorttTJ. frf , , , IUnt . „ „ /
Lcslnirton. Mo. SU dtt- Llnmon , Ma.
partmcnlaof InBlruouoo. 16 'Jidcti military achool In
onicere and leacbora. 'Con *
iskourl lltnllhlul loca- ,
rvftlory ot ausla , Art. | lion , llrasonablo terms. 11 %
JjQytQoatlum. Modern ap > _ . lullraltd cutaloguc ,
J polntmtnu. : ( lb year. Illus-
. . , . . . .
- imud oauiloeuo. 1 1 MA.I. 8 SCI.I.r.lU.
A. A. JOMrfl , Pr ' . ltd noxwa N. , , . ' . .
1,000 for $100
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent sueclalltt In norrous , ohronlo , prlrato. blood , ikln nnd urinary distunes. A regular amt
registered graduat In medicine , ni diplomas and oortlllcatoi will nhoir , Is still trusting with the greatest
success , catarrh. lost manhood , souilnal weaknon. nlxnt loises and nil formi of private dlieasoi. No
mercury used. New treatment for lots of vital power. I'artlet unable to vlilt mo mny bo treated al born *
by oorroipondenoe , Medicine or Instruments sent by mall oroxpron leourolr packed ) no marks to IndU
cato contents or sender. One personal Interview preferred. Coaiultatlon free. Corrospondunce strlollf
private. Book ( Mysteries ot Life ) sent free. OUlcebouri , 9 amto 9 p.m. Sundays , 10 a. in , to 12 a > >
Bsoa ; stamp for circular.
Is There Too Much Silver ?
We have heard that there was an over
production. We know there has been
an over-production of Moquette Carpets ,
so will exchange a few Moquette Carpets
for a little silver. The best moquette
made , in newest designs , at $1.15 a yard.
Made up rugs in large sizes , $1.00 per
yard. We shall not change the price
until every piece is gone and they are
going to. * , '
Small Moquette Rugs at about half
usual price.
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. ,
Douglas , Between 14th and 15th ,