Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    fUTATTA TUII.V UKR. - AI'm'RT 9 IftfM
Uollvorrd by carrier to ivny part of the city.
. I Hulnn.M Ofllco . Ni > . 43
N | , 23
.HI.V/JO.V. ;
N , Y. J'iumhlngCo.
Uoston Store sain Sntunlay nnd Mondayl
MHtoiibtrser is the Imttur , fiU-J Hroadwny.
Tlio Mayne itcal KstatoOo ,021 Ilroadway.
A South Mnln street saloon was broken
InYii liv thiuvcs Monday night nnd Iwttlo of
\viilsk.v lias stolen ,
The tiorirnlt of Miss Pearl Utterlnclc of
this city ndorns the last Issue of the Salva
tion Army War Cry.
rrnilorlck Ford of Pottftw.itt.imio county
nndAimlo Parker of Council ninffs worn
tnarrii'd by .lustlco Fox yealei-day.
Tlieliltlnson of Jnincs Ilnnsen , who lives
nt lliocorrirrof Avenue (1 and Fourteenth
Btrect , 1 lalil up with a broken arm , the re
sult of a fall ,
Flora ami Hollln Juilsnn , children of Mr.
nnd Mrs. U P. .Tudson. will entertain a party
of their young friends this afternoon in Fair-
mount park.
Uegiilar mci'ting of MIzpMt temple , No. Ji
Wednesday , August l ! , at 3UO : p. m. All
momber.i Urgently fi'nucstcd to attend. Hy
onlQi-otAL 13. O. Lily Abdlll , .M. Of H.
nnd 0.
The ropuhllran county convention will bo
hold this afternoon at So'clock at the county
court Delegates will bo chosen to
the state i-onveiitton , which Is to be held in
Dos Moltics August Id.
Harry Harden , who tried to steal a caddy
t tobacco from Oromnvcg t Schonntgen last
Saturday , was tried before Juiticn Vion
yesstcrday. found guilty and sentenced to Day
a line of S''O or Ho twenty days in the
county Jnll , <
The Ladies' Aid society of St. John's Kng-
lUh Luthnr.m churcli will have Us annual
mooting Thursday afternoon at tlio resilience
of MM. Lutira H. Hnyiler , 'J17 South Sovi.'iith
strcut , ut which time thcro will bo an olcc-
'tlon of onicets.
A number of people living on Vine stront
nml Washington avenue were troubled Mon-
dny night by tramps whom they tbouirht
were trying to force their wr.y Into their
houses whether or no. At tlio residence of
,1. M. Scanlau ono of thoin trlod to gain ad
mittance. hut a laiyo and thoroughly compe
tent bulldog discouraged him.
Fred Mlttnachl's residence over his saloon
near the corner of Uro.idway and Uryant
street was entered by thlovei yesterday
afternoon. They got in through th front
door , wbuji opens into a public hall , and as
the family nil happened to bo away they had
thlngn to themselves. A ladys' gold watch ,
two gold necklaces and a line ring sot with
three diamonds wcro stolen. There is no
The quo warranto caso. In which the
motor company Is defendant , was on trial
again in the superior court. A great deal of
the evidence was in documentary form.
George V. Wright , the secretary of the com
pany , was the only witness , and ho
occupied the stind the greater part of
the day , during whlch time ho fur
m nished .an . interesting exhibition of
what a well cultivated forgettcry can do.
Ho was questioned nbout a number nf things
in connection with the transfer of the motor
company's property from the Iowa to the
Nebraska corporation , but wherever thcro
was any point of especial- Interest ho bad
entirely forgotten the circumstances. When
the day was over It was decided to resume
the trial tomorrow.
loidnri. :
The genuine L.onsdalo muslin from 9
to 12 today atle a yard. No imita
tion , hut the genuine goods with the
green ticket. 1TOSTON STOHK , -
Council Bluffs , fa.
The Northwestern Masonic Aid a soci-
atlon furnishes insurance , pure and
simple , at actual cost. Non-Masons ad
mitted. A few agents wanted at once
for Council BlulTs and towns near. Call
between 1 and . ' ! p. m. at G21 Broadway. ,
Lost Two souvenir spoons , ono
marked Council BlulTs , other Aurora ,
between Hart's jewelry store and Du
quette's. Howard if loft at Bee olllco.
Mmmuu Kiillniy. ;
TraiiiH leave Broadway at 0 and 11 a.
tn. and at.1 o'clock p. in. , and every
thirty minutes thereafter until 12:30 : at
night. Last train leaves Manawa for
Council Bluffs at lltofi p. m.
J' I'.l It.HSK.Il'llS.
Dr. P. W. Houghtoa loft for Chicago ycs-
tonlay. >
Hcv. 13. .1. nabcoc-lc. wife ami child left
yesterday fora Cliimuo visit.
Thomas Motualf , jr. , bus returned from a
visit of several wcolts hi Ohio.
Ilnlpli Miller left yesterday for a visit of
two weeks with his brother Charles in Cbl-
l .7. Wallace will leave soon for DPS '
Molnes to talco a position in one of the bunks
of Unit city. .
Misi .losio Ilsirean departed last tilKht for
Chlcnproand Mihrankeu to visit relatives
nnd friends.
J. A. Sanderson of the ICvansvlllo Courier
Is In the city , tbo cgost of tbo family ofV. .
O. Morris on Canning streot. W.cs
Mrs. II. M. Don a hey and dau < ; htorsMlsscs
Henrluttii and Ilolen , have ROHO to Colorado
for a month's vlsit with relatives. .
Miss Winiilo Crofts of Dcatrlco , Nob. , was
In tbo city yeslorday on her way to Chicago ,
where she will visit the World's fair.
Dr. .Tamos MoNaiishton has returned to
the Bluffs from Mayvlllo , N. U. , where ho
bus bud ohnr o of the State Normal school
for several yours p.iat. Ho will remain hero
Mrs , T itirn Klrby leaves this mornlnR for
an extended visit to Chicago. She ROCS by
the wuy of I'lnttsinouth. and will bo Joined
thoru by Mrs. Judpu Chapman , wtio will ac
company her on her trip.
Mrs. Lawrcin'o Hoist and Miss Klttio Me-
Ken/In loft yostoitliiy for St. Paul and Mln-
neaiiolU , whcro they will sjioml several days
la attendanro upon the i-oavontion of the
railway mail service , of which Mr. Hoist Is
k ineir.bor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. II. Evans , Mrs. nnd Mrs.
Mrs. W. L > . Hill-din
und Mr. and Mrs. Under
wood , who have been taking nn overland
trip to Spirit Uiko , .iro expected homo this
week. Tliey nro now in Nebraska enjoying
& hunting trip.
Juntos Cotter of hose house No. 1 left last
Dvonluij for Chicago. After spending a few
days there ho will go to 1-ucan , Canada- , his
old homo , which ho has not seen for seven
vuiirs. His sister. Miss Mzzlo Cotter , who
has been vluitlng friends in this city and In
IJinersou , Nob. , for seine weeks , uccompames
her brother on thu trip.
13. M. Hunker loft last evening for Ver
mont , where ho will represent the l.enmrs
National Hullilini , ' unU Loan association anil :
the Western Investment company , also ) of
Lemurs , as eastern manager. Ho Is tlilnk-
Ing'of locating ; in Vermont perinnucntlyrbut
will not move his family thcro until ho has
looked over the ground thoroughly ,
From thin day anil ( Into no bills will bo
recognized by mo oxivpt thouo eon-
tractoil by inyboK. And as my wife has '
loft hoiiio in my ab once and taken u (
Bovviiiti inauhino and ortran without my
knowledge , 1 object to tlio Bale of samo.
J. G.
There IB nothing in this country like
the fruit kojit in Whuolor , Horold &
CO'B cold Btorago. No niattor what the
weather id it reaches the customer in
iiorfeut condition. Another car load of
loniona wiis put in Saturday.
Cook yet meals this summer on a gca
range At cost at < ho Gas commny. |
Groonshields , Nicholson & Co. , real
cstatoanil rcntalB.UOOHruadway. Tol.lDl.
Smoke T. 1) . King & Co'a Purtugua.
Uuuiestio soup ib the bust ,
Unpleasant Predicament in Which Jnmos
Qhielda Finds Himself.
Ho 1'rnlltril hy thn C'rcdtilltjr nl 111 * Fellow
Jinn and TliU fiilllng nt I.nU lUi
ItrouRlit Him ijimntltlri
of Uriel.
Jnmei .Shields , uhoso friends know and
love him by the endearing term of "Sll'por.y | '
Jim"Is occupying .1 cold cell in the county
jail , nnd there ho Is likely to remain until
the aforusnlil friutuU rustle up n bond of flUO
for him to Jump and leave his bondsman In
the lurch , He was run-tied several days
ntro on the chfirgo of belug
a vagrant under tbo sUto law ,
and In his possession found a
complete shell Kami ? outfit. Slippery Jim
had a bad rcpui.itlo.1 In the city with every
oilo that Icnuw him , with the exception of
the gambling and cock-fighting clement ,
with whom he wa quite the proper thing ,
AVhPii hocnino before Justice Vlon his claim
that ho had been angngod In the mcrcnntllu
business Kith a gentleman who followed Sells
Jims , cirrus around over the country did
not t > o down with the court. When the
hearing was nvor Justice Vicu de
creed that Shields must put up a
bond of 100 for hit good behavior for one
j ear from date , or In di-fnult of the bond
must go to the county Jail for the same
length of time. Tlie defendant's bosom
friends immediately wont out on a hunt fora
bondsman , comiti ? b.iel ; during the afternoon
with the rcipicst that the bond bo reduced
to fcV : ) . The Justice hold to his lirst order ,
IIOH ever , sajlng that Shields would jump
the bond as soon as ho got out of jail any
way , mid the county might as well have $1UO
as half that amount.
A ( ; ui.vr : MUiti'iusr : .
IH'iiMlion lirut * .
ICnornuHn ItliiuUnt Snlc
Another lucky purchase. Spot cash
buys again. Today , Wednesday , August
1 ! . the great day. Wo surprise our cus
tomers by placing on sale this morning
2.000 pairs of bed blankets. Wo bought
thorn cheap , for spot cash , direct from
the millH , and wo propose to give our
customers the huiiullt of this great pur
chase , the greatest blanket sale over
known in the whole west. You can't
iitTorrt to mi s it. If you haven't got the
money it will pay you to borrow from
your friends. Fine California blankets
at half price.
ft solid cnso.4 of 10-4 white and gray
bed blankets with nice bright border * ,
winter price $1.50 , today our price 75c
100 pairs 10-4 white bud blankets , a
nice quality , beautiful borders , good
value at $2.66 , today our price only $110
250 pairs 11-4 largest size -whito bed
blankets , a beautiful blanket , bright ,
neat borders and worth in any hoifto in
America $11.50. Our price today $1.08 .
500 pairs of ll-i whito'wool ' bed blun-
ket * at > W.S ! ) and * 3.3S Pair , worth $5.00
and * < i.OO.
f)0 pairs of California strictly alK wool
blankets , in 11-4 gruvs nnd white , at
1.98 pair , worth Si.50 ( to $7.00.
The very finest 11-4 California white
blankets at $1.87 , $5.08 and S7.S ! ) pair ,
worth in cold weather * 7.00 , $8.50 and
To make this sale still more interest
ing wo will offer , for three hours this
Wednesday morning , 9 to 12 a. m. , 75
pieces Lonsdalo muslin , oc yaru , 10
yards to each customer.
Carbon Coal Co. , wholesale and rotai
coal. Removed from 10 Pearl to 34 Pearl
street , Grand Hotel building.
Curriiico Iirlvi'H Are to llo Mnendmnlzuil
r.lllli tlin AVoit Iliiaiii.
Park Commissioner L. A. Casper is busy
Just at present superintending n lot of Im
provements that are being made in the west
basin of Fniruiount park. That part of the
valley situated just south of the lake , has
boon uneven nml ragged , the only redeeming
feature being the beautiful sod that covered
the ground everywhere. A ( ill ranging from
six inches to four feet Is being made in this
valley , and the rough ground will ) isO
smoothed up and rendered much more
comely. The sod Is to bo preserved , how-
ovor. It is to bo scalped off and when the
lining Is done the sod will bo put back 10hi
When the filling has boon completed it is
the intcntlon'of the commissioners to isc
adannzo the carriage drives in this portion
of the park. The bills
rising on all sides
cause the roads to wash badly after every
hard storm , and the macadamizing is to bo
done as much to save the road us to make It
better for driving purposes. About 2,800
feet of road will bo thus improved.
For some time past It has been talked that
an entrance to the park was needed from the
west. At present the only entrances are
those from Madison strt'ut and from the
south. It is urged that the park would
become even more popular titan it now is as
a breathing place if the city were given
some more convenient way of getting }
in. The commissioners are llguring
on a plan for putting in a road
from the west , and It it is successful the
change will in all probability be 1 made before
the opening of the ) next Kosslo . The plan is
to start the road from near the head of
Fifth avenue , running In a circuitous way
past thu property of General G. II. Dodge ,
on Third street , and llnally entering the
park on the western most Hugo.
The < irumi Hiitul ,
Council Bluffs. The most elegant in
Iowa. Dining room on seventh floor. >
Hate , $3.00 and $5.00 a day. E. F. Clark ,
Ask your grocer for Domestic soap.
Iirmiiuriithi CIIIU'IIKCK.
The democrats of the
city will hold cau
cuses tomorrow evening In all of the pre
cincts of the city for the
purpose of selectIng -
Ing tickets to bo voted on at the
primaries Saturday evening. Tlicro has
been some dissatisfaction among the
faithful at almost ovary election , by reason
of the action of certain parties In gutting
together , making out a schedule of dele
gates , and then railroading their ticket
through the primaries. Thrco tickets will
bo solcctod tomorrow ovcnlnp , composed illof
candidate's who receive the three higlieu
votes. The list that receives the most votes
.Saturday evening will go to ttic county con
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Music Co ,
, Stop , , at , . the , Ogdcn . , , Council Blulls , 110
lebt 42.00 hout'o in Iowa.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap
The following marriage licenses wcro
issued yesterday :
Vnmoimd Adilrosa. Aso ,
I KrinturlcU I'ord , I'ottawiittnnilo county. . . 66
1 Aimlu I'lirlcLT , Council Illulfs -15
i ICuml Jt'iit-ori , Council Ittulfs , . 1M
1 Mary Jciut'ii , Council Ululfi > . . . . ii ! !
Williamson & Co. , 10U Main street ,
largest and best bioyolo stock in city ,
The host building sand in the market
by carload. Address N. Sohur34 Bald ,
win Block , Council Bluffs. In.
r i KumnuiiMttoii liny ,
J'ho coliruJ people ot the cit. ' made a day
of it yesterday. 'Ihcirplcniu in Fairmount
park was f&Irly well patronized , ttud the
roast ore , nmt pig nnd ro.nt mutton which
were Jorved up on tables prt > ad uniler the
trooi vanished ilho * now In sprint : tlmo , only
morn so. The speaking was lUtcned to by a
Inrt-o numbpr of white people < is well nt
these for whom the celebration was es
pecially designed.
iii'.LD iji * Till' : woiisuit'i'iiits.
Drunken Jinn nlth 1'lttnl A ruill < i
frMjor .Mrrllinr nl l rv. .Mr. . .iitniiV Ilinnp.
Prayer meeting at the residence of Ilov.
Mr. Anton , corner of Avenue A and Twelfth
sttcot was Interrupted last nlzht by the
entrance of a man who was considerably
under the Influence of Ilipior.
Ho pulled n gun from tils pocket , nnd
filmed It In a promiscuous way at the
audlcnce.tctllnf ; them ho wanted their inotjcy.
Charles Ooft Jumped up and seized the
gun which went off , the ball striking GolT
near the groin. Goff were a truss , which
received the bullet and was smashed to
pieces. The truss was the only thing saved
his life.
No effort was marto to cnpturos the follow ,
who escaped through the door. A descrip
tion was furnlsliad the pohco , twho have
failed to get any trace of him. Ho Is sail to
have Just been released from the Omaha
IIOSTON .vroitt : .
ItllllFs III ,
Having just received over twenty
cn-es of blankets , shinpcd to us by the
manufacturers u month ahead of time.
wo have decided to have n great sacri-
licc pale for the next four days , August
: . ' . 'i , 4 and 5. A golden opportunity like
tills nnly happens in u lifetime.
Below we quote you a few of the pro-
vailing1 prices during the four days
sale. See show window ? .
10--I white and gray blankets , during1
four-day . ale , 07e. }
10- 1 extra heavy gray and brown
blankets. ! )0c ) a pair.
10-1 extra weight white blankets , OOc a
10-1 beautiful heavy weight blankets
in browns , grays and tans , SI. 23 during
the 4-day sale.
11-1 very heavy weight gray , SI. 40
durintr sale.
12-4 gray , extra nine and weight , 31.90.
11-4 very heavy gray , $2.2" ) .
J I1 1 heavy white blankets at $2.00 a
pair only during sale , well worth $11.00.
10-1 rod all wool blankets , 2.50 a pair.
10-4 all wool gray , this is a beautiful
blanket for the money , only $11.00 per
pail * , worth $4.50. s
11-4 white blankets , extra weight and
quality. $11.75 , worth $5.00.
11-1 extra weight white blankets 84.50 ,
a regular SU.OO blanket.
11-4 very heavy all wool , a $7.50
blanket , during sale $5.2" ) .
The above is a chance to buy blankets
seldom to bo had bO early in the season ;
every housekeeper ought to avail thorn
s-elves of this grand opportunity. Only
to bo found at the
during the great fuur-day sale.
Council BlulTfl , la.
Tin ) Omnlm Murderer Kinds Urfill , ' " in tlio
rottuwitlt iinlo County .lull.
A quiet but distinguished procession
womlcd its way across the Union Pacilic
bridge from Omaha at a late hour Monday
night. The principal personages were Bar
ney McUynn and \\illlatns , the two murder-
ers who have recently become famous. It
was McGynn who it was feared would
bo lynched in Omaha Monday night ,
but the Omaha authorities , by a
clover ruse got him out. l-luiiing the crowd ,
and brought him to this sidu of tjio river ,
depositing him finally with his companion in
the ' Pottawiittaiuio county jail. A strong
cll'ort was made to keep the fact of Mis
being hero secret and last evening when
Sheriff Ilazcn was asked about it ho at first
denied thai bo was in his custody. Finally ,
however , ho admitted that both men were
hero and will probably bo kept hero until
the excitement In Omaha is over.
A Si'iisul lojml Sale.
The Bjston Store lias made arrange
ments today for another characteristic
sale that will attract a great deal of at'j
toiitlon for its novelty if there wore no
more substantial attractions. They have
arranged a hot weather blanket sale.
There will bo blankets , and blankets ,
and blankets of all shades , styles and
qualities. There will be ten cases of
blankets displayed on the sidewalk in
front of the store. The four largo show
windows will bo filled with woven
fleeces , and there will be an avalanche
of blankets in the front end of the store.
Twenty eases of blankets designed especially -
cially for ladies , and gents' wrappers
will be one side feature. The prices
that will prevail will make those
blankets a bettor investment than a Hav
ings hank or a government bond.
The bale will bo a novel one , and will
attract a great multitude today. It is
said that prices will bo so low that a
"sensation will bo created.
On photogrraphs for the first week in
August only , at Jolgorhuis , 1117 Broad
.VIII HumiUii Awhile.
H. A. Itoff , the freight agent of the : k
IslanuSvhoso resignation was chronicled in
ycsterdivy's Bun , returned -yesterday from :
Chicago , where ho went to have a confer
ence with the railway ofllclals. In rn
measure lie succeeded In setting what bo
wanted , which was time In which to
make a thorough investigation of tbo
affairs In bis dllice before judgment
was passed upon him , Yesterday a telegram
was received by tbo oflleial who is making '
tbtj investigation at thu freight depot in
structing him to proceed with his checking
up of the books , but to postpone transferring
the books into the hands of Mr. Uenton , the
new manager , until the actual state of
affairs could bo learned. Mr. lioiT is much
encouraged by the now turn affairs have
taken , and is certain of his llnal vindication.
Domestic soap is the ocst.
lt.ULllU.ll > ItKTHKSVIiaKST.
lilciiK' ) & Alton Mukin u Slaali All Aloui ;
th 11 l.lnu.
I3I.OOMINOTON , 111. . Au r. 1. The now
pjlicv of retrenchment on tlio Chicago
& Alton , which was inaugurated yesterday
day by the abolition of the olllces of as-
blatant superintendent and division
superin'.ondonts , is assuming wide pro
portions. It is announced that the train
dispatching of the entire system will \w \
concentrated at Uloomliigton , and that
the dispatchingoniccsut Uoodhouso , III. ,
and Slater , Mo. , will bo abandoned. En
gines have been pulled oil at Jollot and :
Springlloid , and one crew at Alton and :
the way freight crows were ordered to
do yard work. Bosrinning today all de
partments of the liloomington shops will
be put upon an eight-hour schedule. rnA
large number of the men in the bhops
huvo been laid otT indefinitely.
11 on : ind Cotton Mlllt 1/Muno Down.
BAY CITY , Mich. , Aug I. The Indus
trial Iron works of this city , ono of the (
largest nlunts in the country , have
doted. The company , It is said , cannot
realize on good securities. Several hun
dred workmen are thrown out of em
ployment. inho
R. I , Aug. 1. The
Aurora Cotton mills clot-od last night ,
throwing < K)0 ) people out of employment.
The length of closing is indefinite. ho
inangcniont of the company gives as i a
reason the continued stringency in the
money market and their inclination to
pile un manufactured products until
they Know what will bo done to
the tariff on muslin and other nroducU.
Mayor Bcrals and ltf''Irori Hand Froduco
Anotller. Veto ,
Artlon nn llin Vliilnpi'gneitlon City Klcc- CoWRlll In .VlUmoil nn An Utunt
Police .Incite Jlntkn Is Ornntoit
I.CAVO of Aluciicc.
Another of Mayor Bonds' famous yoto
messages : received attention nt the hands of
the city council last evening. Contrary to
usual custom , this veto was sustained , al
though ( a great effort was made to defeat its
purpose. The veto was as follows :
Till CITV or OMAHA Gentlemen : 1 re
turn herewith , without mv approval ,
resolution No. M of July 20 , authorizing the
comptroller ; to Include In tbo next appropria
tion ordinance an Item for W0,000 In favor of
John R Coots on account of construction of
the city hall.
sof have vetoed this resolution for the rea
son that I do not bclltn'e , in view of all the
circumstances , that the payment of $ . ' 0,000
would leave enough of a margin In the ac
count between Contractor Coots and the
city.Already , tha city has been miulo a
party in a suit brought against Mr. Coots for
suit has been dismissed , but 1 have been no-
titled that Certain mechanics employed by a
sub-contractor arc about to make the cttv n
party to another suit , and more cases of this
Itliul nro likely to develop before the matter
Is llnally cleared up.
In intuition to this , the work of Mr. Coots
in the construction of the city hall has not
i'ct been finally accepted , and there nro
many glaring defects In the construction of
the building which are unquestionably
chargeable to the contractor , anil a great
many more about which tbero is a question
as to whether they are properly chargeable
to the contractor or to the architect.
Hegardlng the defects for which the con
tractor is undoubtedly responsible , I will
say that there is something decidedly rotten
somewhere when , In a building cos tint ; a
round half million ofulollars , the wind whis
tles [ throuch tbo cracks around the windows
in nearly ; every room on the upper lloors. This
was the case to such an extent during many
days lust winter that it was impossible , with
full steam pressure , to raise the temperature
of these rooms above ilfty-threo iiegrccs ,
making seine of the rooms uninhabitable
even when overcoats were worn. This state
of affairs existed in tlio oftlces of the city
engineer , attorney , mayor , Hoard of Fire
ai t Police and Hoard of Health.
In the summer tlmo the monotony Is varied
uv mill pouring into the rooms around , over
and through the closed windows , soaking
the carpets and drenching the palatial
Kotcbam furniture.
Tlio Mooring over almost tbo entire build
ing is not of good quality. That on the fifth
iloor is sappy and of the poorest grade. In
many of tho-rooms the lloor is "springy , "
caused by thostripsdn which it Is laid being
too far apart and by tbo flooring being laid
so as to match between the strips instead of
over them. *
Tbero are many doors in the building tbo
panels of wlnrh are cracked and split , and
In some of this olHces tbo wood work is
warped and cricked , , particularly in tbo
mayor's olllcc.
It is freely charged by experts that the
I ako Superior stndslono used in the con
struction of tno buililmg is of No. " quality
instead of No. 1 , as-called for by tbo con
There arc many other defects" to which I
might call your attention , but I think 1 have
presented ) cnougn to sustain my position that
a substantial balance should bo held back
until all these matters are cleared up anc
the building Hnally/.accopted. Hespcctfully
submitted , 'Get.P. ' BEMIS , Mayor.
Air. $ tf > l Wit * Surprised.
Mr. Steel said ho was somewhat surprised
nt the statements. AIIo said that the com
mittee on public propcrty and buildings hat
devoted a day to inspecting tbo building anc
had called upon tlio mayor , but his honor hni
failed at that time to point out any defects.
Mr. Prince said a special committee hat
heretofore Investigated the alleged defect :
and the committee bad found them im
Mr. Munro thought the mayor should bo
sustained and a competent , committee o
practical builders appointed to examiue the
Mr. Wheeler thought a suftlciont ainounl
would bo retained in
case this estimate was
allowed. Mr. Edwards , who hau voted to
sustain the mayor , changed bis voto.
Tlio veto was sustained by a vote of 8 to 7
Jacob II. Hauck's cluiin for personal in
Juries sustained was referred to the city at
Mayor Bemls named as appraisers for tin
southeast park George J. Paul , T. U. Brunei
and John F1. Flack.
The following contracts wcro approved
J. B. Huso , sewer , gas and water conncc
tlons on North Nineteenth street ; Ilugl
Murphy , rcpavhiR Fifteenth street from i
Howard to Jackson.
Police Judge Bcrka was given a leave of
absence for twenty-two days.
The petition of property owners for an
electric light at Twenty-sixth street and
Capitol avenue was granted.
The Sun Vapor Light company asked for
data as to gasoline lamps that were found
not to furnish the standard sixtccn-cumllo
power lights nnd not burning during Juno ,
deductions for the same having been made
by the committee on gas nnd electric lights.
Referred to the committee.
Mr. Kpecht introduced a resolution to the
effect that in accordance with recommenda
tions of tbo Hoard of Public Works all bids
upon asphalt bo rejected , and the board di [ |
rected to readvertlso.
Mr. Edwards and Mr. Munro inquired as
to the status of the caso. The l\ttorurped : J
that if possible the bids should bo accepted
and the paving permitted to proceed. In case
tbo people wcro determined to have asphalt
and wcro willing to pay $ -1 per yard for Itit
that was their lookout.
City Engineer Uosowator explained the
proceedings. Ho was not prepared to give a
legal opinion as to whether tbo bids should
bo rejected or accepted. Many questions
could uo raised that might Invalidate the
collections of special taxes , tn case tlio bids
were accepted , after the lapse ot , so long a
time since they were received. 'J y re&olu-
tlon 'vua adopted.
A resolution adopted requustinf : the
city engineer to report at tbo next meeting
tbo result of bis examination of the Six
teenth street viaduct and that the other
engineers bo requested to do tbo same.
An item of Sl.OJO In favor of Architect
nelndorff was oiik-rtid placed in tbo ro
priation ordlnanco-to bo deducted from ll o
Lalanco claimed lry"'tho architect.
. Mr ,
Jacobscn IiitroduceilMbo resolution.
Mr. Munro oiforcjl resolution empower
ing City Klcctrlcijin CowgllMo employ an
assistant for thirty days at a salary of lot
to cxecol $05 , to enable the electrician to
make tests of tho1nrc lights. Mr. Munro
urged Hi ) adoption. Ho said the electrician
could not attend to his ofllco duties and lo -
vote his tlmo at nights to testing the ts .
Ho believed tbo question us to whether belle
lights furnished are , equal to tbucandlo
power required should bo settled.
MrVheolcr attack'dd the electrician and
said bo knew nothing of electricity. Ho
wanted to employ ini 'rttpurt and Bald ho be
lieved ono could bo secured from tbo state
Mr. Els.isscr favcuxni ibo resolution. Ho
consldepd Mr. Cow..fiU | uorfoctly competent
and ho believed tlic'lests mailo are accurate ,
Mr. Jiicobscn thought tbo electrician
should be treated fairly , and If ho requires
assistance the council should provide him
thu same.
Witutoil a "I'mfctmir of TekU. "
Mr. Ed wards rchasbcd the story of experts
lie hud mot at Lincoln. The experts ho
are connected with the State ity
in-offered their services and volunteered to
bring with them their photometer and make
the tests of uro lights. Ho insisted on hav
ing "a professor of seine kind" to make tbo
tests , nnd did not propose to expend 115 for
oilier than an experienced man.
Mr. Steel wanted -an expert , no mutter
what it costs. Ho reiterated the story of
professors and experts that a photometric
test cannot bo made on thu street.
Mr. Melvcnrio pronounced tbo photometer
a failure. Ho said iho only fair test Is by a
measurement of the voltage ,
Mr. Munro said Omaha was very fortunate
in having an entlro city council that was
electricians and hcrfurno is extending by
pasun thereof , llo wgcA that those who
Consider thiS elcotrlclnn Incompetent take
tens to impeach him and employ exprrts to
nvcstlcnto the electrician and not ttio cleo-
rlc light * .
Mr. Prince said that the lights furnished
are plvlng as good satisfaction as when first
nit In.
Mr. Elsnsscr said tbo case Is parallel with
hat of the gas company and when Us
'irhts ' were found ihort In c.imllo power the
bills were cut down. The lest mmlo by
\ photometer , and the fact that the lights
vcro short In candle power was fully demon-
trateil to the council ,
Mr. limner made a speech. Ho urcrd the
adoiitlon of Iho resolution.
The resolution did not pass. The vote
stood : Ayes. Hack , Ilruncr , Kls.iRSor.Jaeob-
* en. McAndrews , MuiiTxa. Saunders ; ndy %
dwards , Mcl-onrie , ParVr , Prince , Spooht ,
Stool , Thomas , Wheeler , Uechel.
. A resolution bj Wheeler was adopted or-
luring that tha Howell judgment against
.ho citv of $ SGi' anil Interest , now owned by
j. t * . Cbaffce , bo Incorporated In tbo appro-
irlalloii ordinance. Mr. Elsasser nnd Mr.
Munrti opposed the resolution on the ground
.bat tbo amount should bo assessed against
the property abutting on the street , nnd
tot paid by the entire city.
ltr orU' on CntitrncM Allowed.
The Darbcr Asphalt Paving company was
allowed the lf > percent reserve on contracts
upon which Urn gimranteesof flvo years have
expired. The guarantees expired In 1MM.
IS'.H ' and ls'.h ' ! . The total amount was
f SJSiv'.OI. ! ' The company was also per
itted to withdr.-uv the 15 per cent reserve
on contracts upon which tbo live year guar-
intco has not expired when they have
pltieed bonds of the city in the hatuls of the
TVn award of appraisers m.ido In 1SS9 , for
the extending of Twenty-sixth street from
thu south line of Hickory street to tlu * . north
line of tax lot n . ' . '
, sec. 'S-lfi m , was taken from
tbo tnblo and approved. '
Two reports from the commlttoo on public
property and buildings wcro received upon
tbo request of the Central Labor union for
the use of the large mom on the llftti lloor
uf thu city bail. Mr. Jacobson and Mr.
Steel slimed tbo majority report recommend
ing that the union bu granted the use of the
room on Tuesday evenings for eleven
months , providing that the occupancy of the
same does not interfere with Miss Clary ,
who has been granted the use of the room
for tlio School of Music for tbo
remainder of each week for the
same period. Mr. Wheeler submitted a
minority report. Ho did not favor per
mitting any organization or sncloty occupy
ing any room In the hall. After consider
able discussion the majority report was
adopted , Miss Clary was nn attentive
listener to the proceedings.
The vote taken one week ago on the adop
tion of a resolution setting nsido W,00 ( ) for
the use of the street commissioner was con
sidered. Upon the strength of the state
ment that tbcro Is already $1-1,000 In that
fund tbo resolution was tabled.
The committee on sewers submitted Its re
port on tbo now plumbing ordinance , recom
mending its passage. Tlio report , was sent
back to the committee with instructions to
strike out tbo provision for an assistant
plumbing Inspector.
UlHpoiitlon of Orillimnci't.
Ordinances were Introduced as follows :
Opening boulevard from Ames avenue north
ward 100 feet wide and providing for the ap
pointment of appraisers ; declaring necessity
of grading Douglan street from Forty-second
to Forty-fourth street ; opening alley through
block 21 , in Kbuntzout Ruths' addition ; open
ing alley between Tenth and Eleventh and
from Dorcas tollrstallcynortb thereof ichang-
Ing grade of Cameron strcut from Twenty-
fourth street west to Florence avenue : open
ing Lake street from Thirtieth to Military
Thofollowing ordinances were passed :
Ordering the American Water Works com
pany to take up and relocate water
hydrants ; ordering the issue of SICO-
000 of each sewer and paving.bonils , to bear
Ji per cent interest ; ordering paving
Half Howard , from Twnnt.v-slxth to
Twenty-eighth street with asphalt ;
paving Jackson , from Fifteenth to
Sixteenth street , with Colorado sand
stone ; paving Twenty-first , from Hurt
to Jzard street , with Colorado sand
stone ; paving Cuming , from Twenty-
fifth avenue to Thirtieth .street , with Colorado
rado isandstone ; paving Nineteenth , from
Farnam to Douglas street , with asphalt ; re
pairing Sixteenth , from Howard to Farnam ,
with asphalt ; paving Half Howard , from
Twenty-fifth avenue to Twenty-sixth street ,
with vitrified brick ; repairing Cumlng , from
Thirtieth to Thirty-second street , with as
phalt ; creating sewer district 1'JO ; paving
Dodpe. from Twenty-sixth street to Twenty-
seventh avenue , with asphalt.
DoinoHtlo DlKcnrrry of Crunk Holder Other
CoHKl ) ) In the .Mugln City.
Frank Holder , a colored man who is em
ployed as fireman at Swift's , asked the as
sistance of Captain Austin Monday night to
ascertain the facts in regard to .Holder's sus !
picions as to his wife's virtue.
Tlio pair started out early in tbo evening
and by i ) o'clock had located Mrs. Holder Sn
tbo company of a man named L. Wordlow.
Tbo couple were having a regular picnic in a
well known resort whore beer is served at
tbo touch of the button and where tbo hours
may bo whllcd away in it\uy \ dissipation
without Intcrforenco from any ono. This
wiis enough for Holder , ho said , and ho went
away feelmp angry at both his wife and
Wordlow. Ho promised the captain that ho
would how up at tbo police station at ! )
o'clock this morning and file a complaint of
adultery against his wife and her companion ,
but he failed to appear and now the captain i1'
is wrathy and may cause some arrests on
his own account.
Holder is a hard working fellow ai.d has
had considerable trouble over his wifo.
Holder Mas a step daughter also who has
kept htm busy chasing admirers from the
household in largo n umbers.
ArrmtM .Miidn In July.
Although only 155 names are recorded on
the police court docket for tbo month of li
a great many more persons than that ra
kept at the station over night. Sinca the :
influx of tourists from Colorado an order has >
bei'ii in force not to book men who nre
simply given shelter for the night ami break
fast in tbo morning. This would swell the
number to ' . ' 00 at least.
The causes for tbo different arrests were
as follows : Prostitution , ! ; disturbing thu
peacu. 20 ; drunkenness , 10 ; drunk and dis
orderly , 5 ; vagrancy , iH ; assault and bat
tery , ! { ; exposing person , 2 ; resisting an oftl-
cer , 4 ; potty larceny. 8 ; obtaining money
under fiilso pretenses , i ; suspicious charac
ters , 15 ; violating city ordinance , 2j house
breaking 1 ; adultery , 1 ; incorriglbiiity , G ;
nl Iho Itur.itr
The barbers of South Omaha have put
forth another effort to organize a union
among their workmen , A meeting was held !
in 1'ivonku's ball last night with a fair attendance -
tendance , A number of thu members of the
cigar makers union were present to assist if
possible In the organization.
The following is iho temporary organiza
tion : .1. L. Garrison , president , ; G , J. J'eU ,
vice president ; U. W. Davis , secretary.
The following committee waa appointed on
organization : Harry Uatnblo , J , II , Hang-
burn and James Kofcra.
Another meeting will bo held on the even
ing of August 7.
As soon as iho union is thoroughly organ
ized an effort will bo mad' . ' to close all tbo
shops on Sunday.
Another Siimll
The Magic City Iron Works building was
burglarized again Monday night. Tula tlmo
the thief only got two revolvers ,
This U ujiout a bulf dozen times thin con
cern hns been touched within the lust two
months. It scums .strunire that the thieves
never laico only a few articles at a time.
.Muglo CM ) ' < io < * li.
J , S. Knox is back from a trip east.
A. U. liuchunun has returned from Chicago
cage ,
Kd Taylor of Ashton is visiting A , C.
D , CrMuy andwifo _ _ ore home from a trip
\ \ . R N. Houser , treasurerof Otoocouuty ,
is In the city.
Miss FunnioVhltloy Is visiting friends in
\Vi'eping Water.
f ! rut tot tins gone to Chicago to visit
the fair for a week ,
Dropped Tlireo hlorln.
One of the elevator ropes m Swift's pack *
Ing house broke .vo4lctil.iv , Icttmi ; thn
drop a illstan o of three Morlrs fortun.itoly
there was no onu imdernc.ilh It. The clo-
vntor WASloniled with atwut SAXtpoutuls of
meat at the time of the accident.
A Vulimlilorltclp. .
Detroit tVco I'ressi The girl's heart
had been rudely handled by u young man
whoso promises to Vay were known
among men to bo of no moro value than
his promises to love were known among
women , and she went to nn Attorney to
see nbout suing him for broach of prom-
"So , " said the kindly old gentleman ,
"you want to auo Jack for breach of
promise' ; " '
"Vcs , sir , I do , and I mean to1 , she as
sorted with angry emphasis.
"What tire the flgunv , ? "
"Twenty-live thousand dollars. "
The eld man's eyebrows How up with
Twenty-live thousand dollars ! " ho dear young lady ,
there isn't a jury in thl * vomit rv that
wouldn't laugh right out In the bw at
the very idea of one of .lack's proniiso *
being worth a thousandth part of it
You'd bettor bring in your broken hear.
and sue him for nsuault and battery ot
cruelty to animals or somothing'likr
hat. "
' O
1lirip Iluiulrcil Mini Thrown Out.
Cl.KVP.r.AND , Aug. 1. The Cleveland
Hoi line ' "i" ' "Ly closed Us plate , wire
and steel works , throwing MO u.on out
of employment.
\Vo wcro tbo first ninnufncturrna on this
Contlnont. Our Idlest , linprornaicnt surpasses
nnytliluj * over befom pnxiiiceil. l. ' > o. , "fie. , ! i5o.
licrtln. lloBurotolmvo SliAiSUllx'ti. Ask
for them spread on cotton cloth.
I'rovcntloa la bolter tlmn euro , by burning
these candles bad smclln iu bai'oim'nlf' , closets ,
&o. nro destroyed , nnd tbtiacinitnslonsdUo.ises
are kept nwny ; also useful for expelllni ; tnos-
Irrltati'ii ; Insects. rrlco.iJSo , each.
Tpnrlf 7 slck-rooras , apii'tmctits , etc. , so
which In bunihiR , disinfect anil prodiico , a
frnEr-incorcfreslilncnn I InvlKoratlns. 2jo.pcr
bos of 12. Solo Manufacturers ,
j2A.imnr M JOHNSON ,
riiu'inici-ii : t Icul t . , . - . . . - . .
Chemists. flNEW v-.D.f .
The Original ami iieiniine
Imimrti the most UrJlcloue Uito and rest
TI.EMAN nlM d.
ranto 111" brother FISH ,
Way , lest. HUT & COM )
that their R. IUCO Is
lilxhly esteemed ID
opinion , the moat VVKI.SII-
on the inoit nbole- PAKKIHTM ,
BODIO oauco tint In
mado. "
Beware of Imitations ;
BOG that you get Lea & Pen-ins' '
S y/J& *
c atcfcy ? * * * *
BlirnnturoonoTcry Imltioof Orluinn' & Ocnulne.
Max. Meyer & Bro Co-
Teeth I'xtractfil In mornln ? ,
Hainu day , 1'urfuol lit t'cuir-
niitcud.nrBBIftiilP1 /
Ul.n n.UJllO
. , . ]
ttril I'lonr ,
1'itxtitii lllua'.c ,
Hilli timl lfttriniin Sf rpot.
Kluvaturou lUtli Struct. TcU'ltliono HW'i
la the only
Women Excluded.
18 yrarn nxpnrlunce ,
Clrculnm free.
llth nnd Farnnm Sti. ,
OUAUA , Nirn.
To UVI1 < ; iiiitr Rtiirt.
HI.AIII , Xi-b. , July 21,1803.-lllds will l > o rn- !
rrlved ut HID olfluo of tlm i'lly dork until
AiiKiist. ) , 1UU3 , at 7 o'clock p. in , , of Hiild day ,
to liore two six-Inch welb nnd furnish two MX-
fooK'ook itralnnr-polnts sultilblo to III. plpo | )
for thn city of lll.ilr , Nub , Dupth or wells from
100 feet to 10,1 fuel ; sumo to bo completed IIIy >
AiiKllit 15 ! , 1B9H ,
Plans nnd hpoclflciitlnns on din lit. tbn olllco
of K. J. Ji'nrr , water unniinlssloiiur , Jllulr , Nub. :
Klxhls roaurvuil to rojcrt any itnd all lilds.
K. II , ( UUIUC'AN ,
Jy31MIStA4 City Ulork of Ulnlr , Nfb ,
Clmc A llainliilliliJA"Att < ) r"oyK'llt"llw |
blllls U DallluTIUgO neo in tlio Ktiilo n d
( 'Din H. Koiiins 2UG-7-B-U , - irt
ulouk , Council llliiirs , In ,
GBitlOftlG , HERtfOUS
\Vo euro Catarrh , All Dlsovioi of tlio
N ciso , Throat , Oho it , Stomnoti , Bownl
nml Llvor. KhcumiitUm , DyRjiojiKla.
lilood. SUlu nml Cltli9) * JJUnmoi ,
FomnloVoiiluo 4O > i , L.iNt Mmihooil
CUK.KD , nn I nil i'oriiiH of
HVnKOCKt.B AND VAUICOCI3I.K iicrinaiiMitly
and Hiu-eoHsrnlly enrol. JtottiuU now anil iiiiMlllnir.
I ItKVruKNT ' MY .M.Vll , n uprrlii'ty.
IM'r.K.g , VISTULA , riSSt'UK , iH > r.n.innntlv ouro.l.
wllhoiil thitiiKuor knUi > , Hk-aluiM oro.umtlo.
All in.'ilaillot of a iirlvalu or ili'Hu.ito n.ittiro , ot
ntthor Hex , positively cunxl
Call on or .iitilroMs. wUli sl.inuv for Clrcul.'ira ,
KIVO Hook , H ! lpo mill Syininoiii ' " '
Dr. Scarles & Seiries , "fl.
InclinrKoof tboSlstors of Moroy.
Tills renowned Institution Is sltimtod on thn
bleb bluffs back ot nml ovorlooklin ; tbooltyof
C'nnnull llliiirs , Tlio spacious pronmln , Ita
blKb location nnd splundlil vlow , make It n
most pleasing rutront for tlio allllctod. A staff
of omliu-nt physicians itnil a largo corpu of ex-
pcrloncod i.ursos inlnlslur to the comforts of
tlio p.UIonts. Special oaro slvon to lady pa-
For iMrtlcnlars unply to
Frank Street Council Bluffs
- - - , Iowa ,
, oj v in * * 'if NOT mi" .
1 Do you wear them ? When next In need try a palrtj
od f
$4.00 , $2.50
§ 3.50 , $2.00
$2.50 52.00 OR LADIES
$2.25 $1.75
$2.00 FOR DOY3
If you want afine DRESS SHOE , made In the latest
styles , don't pay $6 to $8 , try my $3 , $3.50 , $4.00 or
$5 Shoe. They ffi equal to custom made and look and
ivcar as well. If you wish io cconomlzo In your footwear ,
do so by purchasing W , L , Douglas Shoes , Name and
price stamped en the bottom , look for It when you buy.
W. L. DOUGLAS , llrocklun , SlaiB. Sold by
IjrmUNownmn ; Elms. Svonson ; S
W. Bowman & Co. ; C. J. Carlson ; 1 > \ S.
Crossoy , So. Omaha.
Special ! JVfolices.
A HSTHACTS and IO.-IIIH. Rir.u mill ully iiropurlr
Auoiizlu HIM I Hold. 1'iiwy ,1 Thoiuin ; , Commit
(1AH11AOK ( rctnovoil , ccssp.iolH , vaults , clilmnny *
JcKMiiuil. K < 1 llurku , at Taylor's crocury , Ol'J
TjUHJIT FAKMS-Wo liavc HOIIIO linn bi'.irlnir friill
1 ( nrniH for ale ; alsououil Iowa Mrnm ; iiuliolco
.Mo-ac'i-o farm , jtij : pur uuru. Jolumtoii & Van
1'OH SALi : at n Inrralu It tiilicn at oncn , lll.'S feet
Ity'HI fi'ct on I'.irk avenue , or will H ll In
Hinalli'i-IWIVI-IH If ili.-Hlroil. K. H. Shu.ifu , ItroaJ-
wuy nnd Main Btrec't.
O ! aiidliloltorv POHIH for nalo iln-ai | on ( lalla-
: ur'H tarni. Atlilroatt Mrn. Oall.U'liur ,
la.AN *
AN Ot'l'OIlTIIN'ITY for H liouin. Wo h\'u : { Llkoil
Hcvi-ral ilt > Hlriblu : huiistH ami lotH iinilur foro-
I'luHiirt ! of iiiurtiaii ) thit ; wit will uloij out at cast
nil monthly | uymumn or furu.iili , l.iy .V lloij , , ) J
1'earl St.
DHVOOODSaiiilulothlni ; . An Oiiurtiiulty | | for a
irnoilHtouk at low 1'iiiit. Adi-J-H Diy .t lion ,
Cuiinell lllutrH. la.
. OU SAF.K OH TllADiNi'W : hlirli Ursula ' 'M bl-
evclo at irruat liartraln , or will -irado for hurdu.
HH II'H , llc-o iilllw.
OIfy roulo for unlit ; l > Ht In town ) p-iyH $ tfiO
monthly. .Splrjiilld onpnrliinUy. Thu Miiyuu
Keal Kiilitu : Ou. , U-'l llroulwiy. ; :
1OK KXOIIANOIJ-If you liiivniilinrHii .
1 or a tiNini , you fan inaUt * a food trailtt for it
rnrmit lot Ix'lwivn iiiiHloilR'ii anil now lirMiO.
( Jri'unHhlcldH , Nlulioluun X Co. , liilil Jlro ulway.
IiOH SAIjK Nk-n 5-roo.n ootliik'o MudlHOii
hlri'ft. Ui-efimhli.-lilH , NluhulHon k Co , , ilUJ
I/OH HAI.K10 In ' 'O neivH. II inlluH from elly : '
I ch'il | ) . ( jiTUiiHhlulilH , NU.'huliil : , V Co. , UOO
llroadwiiy ,
A lIJtlOIIT boy wnutH a rlmnoi' Io do clionti : for
J\Mn boiinl IhlH wlnior , fiirm llfu | iitifurn l. AU-
drchH I. Ml , Hue olllco.
1 > OSITIOJJ an housekeeper wnnliil by lady wltli
I child il yi-ara old ; rfti'ii'iifc uxchMiiu'cxl. Ad-
Uruuu ! ' Ill , lieu olllco.
/ ilKI , winilcd ut lr. .IcITrlrh , Champ ri'Hldimcc ]
VJriotchur uvuniiu ; uu wuHhlneoi' Irunlnir ; irouj
All UmlHdt Dyeing
nnd U'omnu donn in
the liUliuit btylo ot
iho art. Kit lu.l anj
fctiilnud fabrics umdi
to loot : us KOtU its
nt-w , WorK promiitly
done unJ ilullvuroil
In all | ) iirt o ( Ilia
country , bjii.l fo
price tut
n r _ . " . . . . . ' Proprlotar.
* 7 - "
u i. .7'V jj iM i * ' M n ' ' * * .J i * 5 i * *
wu ( irn Donot ,
fe- SiS = S5fJ S * Tolop 2
Wo have 3 high-grndo gents' pneumatics , 2 ladles' pneumatics , high grade ,
i hoys'and 1 girl's wheel in stock , all 18)11 ) whcolu , of latest design and strictly
high grade. If wo can got the cash coil of these wo will lot them go. Thusa
include throe of the host Kncwn wheels in the world and , not a m ir or * scratch on
them. Wo are agents for Victors , Now M UU , ICing Klipporrf and Wavorlys , Our
reason for doming un at the mlddloof the bioyclo season is Augiut 1st wo will
have arrive 5 carloude of stoves 1 Ueckwlth'a Hound Oaks , Hoard Hadiant
Homes , 1 car Stewart's nnd 1 car wrought ranges. To make room wo must clear
our stock of all bulky gooJs. This is no advertising fake , but we moan exactly
what wo Say , VVo also have ono line Refrigerator loft that-wlll go at cost. Thlu
will clean out our bulky smuoimblo goods. Don't wait till these nre gene and then
regret that you missed the chance of a Ilfotlmu. Our friends know wo are doing M
four-story business in a two-story building , und are ohort room.
COLE & COLE , 41 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la.