Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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Something Abont the Busy Olty Where the
Old Veterans Are Encamped ,
No Crj nf Hnnl TlrnfH Ilnnnl Tlicro How
the Dlit niul VonnR'nliltcr * iintl .Sight-
deem ArtSlnUInc Patlior
Time Hustle.
Surnniou , Xcb. , Aug. 1. [ Special to Tnn
BKK. ] Superior Is a lively nnd bustling llltlo
city" under any and all circumstances , but is
outdoing herself Just now on the occasion of
the Interstate reunion of the Grand Army of
the Hojubllo and National guard of this
tate nnd Kansas ,
This reunion seems to bo not alone ono of
battlo-scaircd veterans of the war nnd their
equally nmbltlous and patriotic successors ,
thostnto mllltla , but n grand family gather
ing of thu sturdy yeomanry of the whole
surrounding country ns well. Thts is proba
bly no of the nnd stock-
raising sections of the state , and the town
of Superior certainly has a splendid future
before It. It is sunorbly located
In the luxuriant valley of the , with Its broad streets
systematically laid out , its substan
tial and modern business structures , its
handsome and cozy residences , nourishing
industrial enterprises , immonsu cattle in
terests nnd limitless agricultural resources ,
nnd Its establishment nt this happy Junc
tion souio sixteen i ears ago shown that Its
founders were not Insensible to its manifold
advantages. It Is a marvelous fact that
vrhllo the pioneers w ho selected the slto'for
this flourishing llttlo city chosa It solely on
account of what they bcltovi'd to bolts
promising ngrlcultural facilities , It ' has
proved nn r < | ually lilting homo for the manu
facturer and stock dealer. View It cither
from n utilitarian or agricultural standpoint
Superior is an ideal western towu.
MirroiindliiK * of tlin City.
To the west and south of it Hews the beau
tiful Hopiibllcan , lit subject for painter or
poet ; hero are measureless pasture lantis
nnd Holds of corn nnd wheat and oats that
resemble worlds within themselves A nat
ural gateway hot ween two great stitos , It
also lies in the very center of the most
% fecund portion of the land ; surrounding in
nil directions are rich loams for the farmer
nnd line clay for the potter or the brick-
maker , boundless meadows and attractive
lawns ; picturesque valleys , rolling prairies ;
grasses for stock , plenty of water ivnd
mattes of timber forshado ; deep blue skies
for the scientist and yellowing grain for the
tellers ; none can viovv all these rich and fer
tile Holds without becoming enraptured.
I > lko nil embryotlc western towns , Superior
has had to struggle , but the past Is now
looked upon as a tl lumph and the present a
continued olToit for greater success , ana
there can bo but one fututo ttio town Is
bound to lake rank with the best In the
The broad plateau of the growing town
makes It a line rallioad center and no less
than seven illtlerent lines moot bore , Just op
posite the encampment , within the of
n couple of bundled yards Most of the
tratllc from north to south passes thtough
Superior , which is the great central market
for the itch Hepuhllcan valley. The Kansas
line Is just ono mlle southand Jowell county ,
justovor the bouhilaiy , has for Ilvo ioars , so
statistics show , stood llrst of all counties in
the state in corn , cattle and hogs But the
citizens of this line region vv ill not rest con
tent with their gialn and their stock , but
nro paying much attention to the develop
ment of minufacturlng Industries , and can
already inaUo a most ctedltablo showing ,
with the Superior teller mills , as good as
there is in tlio state , and pressed brlclc fac
tory , owned and oneratcd by the Gutherles ;
a largo now s aion factory , under the supei-
intondency of C. Coehrnn , ono of the Kings-
ford's oldest men ; two liouiishmg brick
yards , nnd ono of the laigcst creameries and
cold storage establishments In Nebraska.
iliivd T Unknown.
There Is no lamentation over hard times
horo. C. 13. Adams , cashier of the First
National bank , told mo this morning that
times had never seemed bettor or moro prosperous -
porous hero ; thcro was plenty of money and
collections tlnougli the b inks have been
easier than at any time within a period of
half a ( loc.ulo. Ho also said that the town
makes : i loni.ukalile showing both in trade
nnd pioduutiou During the past jear thoio
has been an increase In the value icceivod
and shipped , in capital invested in manufac
tures , in the value of manufactured
products , and In the number of workmen
engaged In the various Industries Ho also
thinks that from the incomparable location
of Superior , Its natural advantages of agri
culture , stock ana trade , its network of
railroads , reaching out Into the state in
every direction , and the enterprising cliar-
nctor of Its business men , have gioatly
expanded the territory controlled by
the business of the town , until
Superior will In time bo represented
in trade all over the state In all this A J.
Brlggs. piosident of the Bank of Superior ,
concurred Of course both gentlemen are
very enthusiastic , but not inclined to bo ex
aggerative. Mr Brlggs , in addition to his
b.ank IntcioRls , Is n well known stockman
nnd is particularly proud of his horses , Ho is
the sociotary of the State Urocders associa
tionwhoso annual mooting opens up at the
driving park in Oninlm next week , and is an
enterprising and thorough going business
man In every essential detail
Just west of the big camp is the famous
lanch of ox-Speaker of the House Kiofer ,
which stiotchus uvvayup tlu Hujmblican
valley to the extent of 0,000 acres a mag-
iilllcont ranch , tenanted nl present by l.ftOO
head of steels. On this side Is thu HI Cap-
Han , n 0,000 act o ranch owned by tlio Su
perior Cattle company , now fattening oino
11,000 head for the fa 11 market ; thaSchmclhng
lirothers ai o also big cattle dealers and L
N. Beal ow ns an extensive ranch just east of
the town , A. C. McCoiklo is another largo
stock dcaltfr , with not only big Interests
-lioio. hut albo In Colorado and Wioming.
The \Venlen Biothers , the Haiinasnnd sev
eral othois ai o also deep in the cattle trade.
Outside of Omaha , iSupuiior is the biggest
cattle imu'Kot lu Nobiaska.
Cii in p Lincoln 1 1 ii ni.
Colonel Adams , commander of Camp Lin-
coin , was qulto right. ' Ho said that the
crowd wculd bo heio In eirncst today
While all the military expected have not .vet
tin Ivnd , the people of the surrounding
country seem to have about nil
tinsvvered to roll rail und
the attendance aggregates way up
into the thousands , and still they como , Up
to noon alt but a fuw of the UK ) tents vvoio
occupied and pinny additional ones nut up ,
indlvlduul parties in many Instances bring
ing nnd pitching their own , nnd from the
sunrHo to the sunset gun the en nip has pio-
bonted the nppcatancoof some fair.
Adjutant General Uago iu lived nt noon ,
He wns mut tit the depot bysevoral hundred
of the Grand Ai my bovs and with martial
muslo escorted to the grounds , whcro
ho was welcomed with a salutu of
thirteen guns and , other soldierly
honors. 'Iho general would not oven
wait to regale himself with refreshments ,
hut llko nn old soldier pitched right In , and
vvlthin an hour had his snug quarters
vroetod immediately iu front of the quarter
master's pavilion.
Church Hovvo and Governor Crounso also
arrived nnd vvorp royally received , and Gen
eral Thuior will be In on the moinlng train ,
Ailtlroites During ; the DHJ- ,
This afternoon Colonel Thomas Schulor of
Whlto Hock delivered nu addiuss of vvol
como , thu stand being surrounded by possi
bly 8,000 old veterans , military men , -women
mid children. The colonel was eloquent to u
iloffroe , , especially BO when address-
In ? his old comrades of 'tli-'tio. ' Pol-
lowing the colonel Prof. Andrews ,
the governor's private secretary and n man
with countless friends in this vicinity , deliv
ered & sounding addreis , ns did ulso Colonel
O. H. Coulter , editor of the Western Veteran |
of Kansas City. There w ere numerous short
addre se by old soldiers , songs and music
nnd regular love font , in which thousands
took part.
Thii evening a big camp fire Is being hold ,
presided over by that general and master
wrlt General flanbaok , who knows Just
vrhat to do and what to ay to reach
tut old oldiexv. Ue Xiilly appie-
clntcs that these yearly g.athcrln
nro for the purpose of renewing old
friendships , of talking over the fnmous old
times in the blvouae. lie long nntl arduous
tramps by night nnd by day , nnd recounting
the thrilling experiences In skirmish nnd
battle. There wns much snld nnd done Isst
night In merriment , butn coed deal of voho-
mcnco nnd earnestness was manifest when
the discussion of Hoko Smith nnd his on
slaught on the pensioners of the war wns
taken up.
In Knrnoit on llohe Smltli.
H was a good thing for Hoko that ho wns
neither within car nor gunshot. There Isnn
intense feeling nmong the old veterans , lut
them bo republicans , democrats or populists ,
and It Is < iulto probable that the Orand
Army of the Republic will jet make itself
loudIV felt mid hoard on this subject.
U was not until mldnUht that the campfire -
fire nnbcrs wciodesortodoach veteran scorn
ing loth to part from his iwnradc oven for
the short Interval that Intervenes bofoio
the dawning of the tomorrow. I3ut dually
the sound of the speaker's voice" died away
nil laughter and mirth censed nnd only the
footfall of the guard us ho paced his lonely
beat disturbed the deep houts of thu morn-
I.P Under thn Tents.
Tim encampment presents nn exhilarating
nppeiranco this morning. Indeed , nnd old
vets , militiamen ana cvdots are in high
feather. All morning conveyances of every
Imiglnablo description have been converg
ing hure , nnd to put the crowd at 5,000
would bo a moderate ostlimtto. 1'vcry tent
is occupied und many people have camped In
the open air. All of tbo Incoming trains
too have brought tholr freight igo of
illustrious persons. Among the ai rivals
Mere Hon. Church Hovvo , Hon. W. U
Andrews , Colonel Thomas Shulcr , senior
vice comtnauilcr ; Colonel 1'ond , Junior vlco
commaiidor\Japtain ; Ljon , Mlth coinp.iny
II of the Second regiment , ami scoics niul
scores of others. The balloon ascension of
Prof. Stickler List ovpning was an unleitain-
incut much enjoyed Uy the bit ? crowd.
'lliuiowas lots of sport at the encampment
last night , tlio olil soldiers endeavoring to
nealn mo over the atnrliis ; days that trlod
men's souls They gathered about the
blazing cimpllro , nna with song and story
consumed much of the evening. Thcto was
plenty of muslo and nolso , but no speech-
inaktiig , unless the anecdotes and rocountals
of General Hnnback ciin bo itj led spueohes.
He was Incessantly the center of an Inter
ested and hilarious crowd , and as a story
teller carries ult the laurels of the camp. Ho
Is ono of the old M > ts' favorites.
.Iii t Had Thuir Own XVny.
The big crowd today was bent upon hnvlng
a hurnih time for all it was wet tli , mid the
camp was the scone of joyous turmoil nil
day. The solillois drilled and marched and
paradeel : laughed , chatted and Joked ; the
country laei and tils best girl giggled and
shrieked as they dashed 'tound and 'round
on the mcriy-go round's wooden cquinos ; the
llfo and drum corps Jilted the air with mar
tial strains , the band blew its brains out
and Young America made a Fourth of July
out of aflaiis geneially. The cynics may
growl , as they always hnvo , nbout the sense
less chat actor of Young Amoiic.x's explosive
method of celebration , and the utilitarian
philosopher may argue , us ho always has ,
that it is a shocking waste of powder to no
puiposo , that it muulnrs all thought , un
strings the nones , and should bo prohibited
by force , but Young America will
swim along for all time in the same
old channel mapped out for him
100 j ears or moio ago by the great and the
good John Adams , the man who did moro to
sccuio the passage of the tleol iration that
Thomas Jefferson frameil any other
member of the continental congress. And
O\CT It all lloatcd the old Hag In the soft
summer winds In fact thoio weio Hags
oVei yvvhcie , on the tents , the fence po-tts ,
booth tops and oven in the blouch hats of
the Giand Army men , and the button boles
in the lanuls of their faded blue blouses
The sight was an enlivening one , as well as
pathetic. But this Is notltut' for moralizing ;
instead lot the band play on ; let the urchins
shoot and yelp ; lot lovers lido toy hordes ;
let the drummer beat his arum and the lifer
blow his fife , and let all of us look upon and
honor forovoimoio the Hag of Washington ,
of Adams and JcfTcison , of Lincoln , I ogau.
Thomas and Grant , and a million and
ono hoioes and patiiots. sainted 1 *
and unsaiutod , with ovcry show of
loialty ami pride , with proud and
joyful heaits ; for the bravest , the best and
noblest man on oaith is howhosivedit
from the dust and dlsginco the blue-coated
soldier. These bo his days , so lot us all join
in lojoiclng unalloyed with him , ' as a token
of our appicciatlon of what ho did for tbo
ling wo love so dearly.
How the \Vook Will Knd.
Tomorrow" will bo given over entirely to
the Woman's Keliof corps , the women of
the Grand Army of the Hopublic and the
Duiglitcis of the veterans. There will bo
snecvhos , balutos and a campllro In the
owning , the whole to bo presided over bj
Misi M Hunter of Limp City , department
picsldont , while addresses will bo made by
Nora Nice of Hod Cloud , Miss Minnie Bov les
of Uod Oloud , Misi Alahaffy of Kdgar , Miss
Maithn Boyles of Hcd Cloud , Mis Nellie
JJeovcr , Mrs Head and Mi s MahalTy.
Thuisilay General A. G. Weissait , national
comnmndur of the Giand Armj' of the Ko-
public , of Mllwaulceo ; Hon. N. P. Hepburn
of Iowa , ox-Governor Thajer. Govornoi
Crounso and Tom Majors will shoot off the
cnatoricil ilrowoiks , after which a sham
battle between the Nebraslci and Kansas
Rational Guards will taico place ; supple
mental to which will bo the daily arttlloiy
and Infantry dillls , target practice , parades
and cumpliie.
Friday Hon. John J Ingalls , the silver-
tongued Kansas orator will address the en
campment , as will also Generals G. II. Has
tings and II. C. Kussollof this stato. Captain
A H. Shieklo and others. Succeeding these
addiesses will bo the big sham battle of the
week , uniler the military supurintcndoiicy of
General Dilworth. A forticss is to bo I
thrown up on the broad knoll Just noitli of
the Inoad plateau on whk'h these buttles
aie fought , and which , as a preliminary
apoti/er U to uu bombirded In tins aitilloi } ,
then assaulted by cavalry and infantiy. The
piuodiill will also 1)0 ) hold on this day as
well as the combined parade of veterans ,
militiamen and. "squluel hunters" from
Camp Lincoln to the city and return. In
tho'uvonhij } there will ho it balloon ascension
and parauhnto jump , and the hla/ing , spaiIc
ing , lollidcing campliio at night.
Siturday , the last day , will witness but
the or.o demonstration that of breaking
"Africa" was "explored" by a largnnunibor
of delighted people lit IJojtt'a now theater
last evening.
This latest oporatles extravaganza , with
George Thatcher and a galaxy of clover
comcellans in the cast , was evidently eon-
all noted to keep nn audience In good hunioi
H constitutes n festival of laughter. Thoii )
mo so\ oral "iMtchv airs" In the opura , nnd
plenty of excellent bingurs In the company
that it last evening to nn Omahi
audience for tholirat time.
DID musical honoia of the evening were
divided nmong H.J. Jose , li. W. Frillinan.
Miss Helen B ron , Miss uraco Hamilton and
Uaymoli Mooio. .Mr" Jose , the heavy wolght
tenor , is alvvnvsafuvorlto in Omaha While
"After the Hall" is a melody that has been
worn almost tincadbaro by the whittling
public , Mr. Jose recolvod an ovation when he
s tug it last ovoning. Kaymon Mooio was in
his usual good form unit still lotnlns his
copi right as "tho ladies favoiito" Tlio
Misses Diion , as the twin Men 111 slstorn ,
vv ere In thn bloom of popular favor.
Oporgo Thatcher maintained his usual
standaldof excellence in comedy. John A ,
Coli'iimu ' , "tho man with thi ] marvelous
leg * , " was the iclgning favutlta ot thu
evening , while Otis Ilarlan , in his lolllcklng
way , caused the audieucii to go Into spasms
of laughter. Mr , Hiulan , hovvevtn , somewhat -
what overdid his part In soveial places , Ttio
companyas a whole , Is n good one , even to
thu chorus , Thu scenic effects m iko n scries
of aulsilo stage plctuics , both pretty nnd
pleasing , The acrobulu features of the
Jlrit scene In the second not , by Messrs.
Daldvvln , Daly , Ilecley , Hlanoy and Hlckoy ,
received the enthusiastic and dcsoivod ap
proval of the nudlenro "Africa" has made
a decided hit in Omaha , and as a f un pro-
elueor Is destined to bo crovvnod with popu-
larity by the American thcatcr-gotog public ,
Hior llobbril.
The store at the corner of Seventh and
Leavenworth itroota wai robbed of Its day's
receipts about 10 o'clock last night by two
joungmon. Ono vroiit Into the place and
engaged the proprietor In conversation ,
vrhllo the other "tapped the till. " The rob !
bery was soon discovered and officers put to
work on tbo catu. The amount U > luu will
not exceed tit ) .
of Nevada and Congressman W. J. Brian of
l'o\Tilrrlj- .
In response to general dcmaiids , Hon. T.
V. 1'owdcrly of the Knlghta of Libor ad
dressed the convention brlclly. ns follows :
"Twonty-flvo thousand If nights of Mbor , "
.ild ho , "stand tod.iy on the verge of ruin
on our western streets' Ten thotmnd nro
already Idle , and 00,000 hnvo advised mo to
coma hero and s.\y \ that the west Is In danger
from those who would dcmonotlro sliver and
drho it from the country. Did no Knight of
Libor tell mo to como hero , this would bo
my place. [ Appliuso. ] IJolmr an Ameri
can , I hollovo wo are capiblo of nnmglng
our own affairs. [ Applause ] Honoiins :
the fUg and the Institutions of our country ,
1 holl'ivo wo should bo able to manage our
country , free from any dlcntlon bojond the
water. When wo stand hero listening to the
volco from Washington , commandlnir us to
listen only to those advocating the gold
standard , wo are listening to the voice that
comes from across the sea f Applause 1
' Governor Walte has been criticised be
cause ho refcricd to the old country. Ho
was right. ( Apphiuso 1 It Is time wo
should shako off the shackles of these who
would fasten them on our limbs from across
the water. Hut lot us , In our deliberations ,
bo calm , cool and dellboiatu ; for If thoio
over was a time In the history of Amcilc.i
when cool , calm deliberation was necessary ,
that hour is at hand. [ Ctlcs of "ihat Is
right. " ]
"I do not bellovo In siylng that the Jews
nro the only ones who are to blaino. Wo
he ir too much of that. Why , I know Chris- '
Hans who know how to rake In usury In
such u way as to plvo points to Judas Illin-
elf. [ Gioat Inughtcr and nppLiuso 1
"At Omaha a convention was hold that do-
clarcd for the free and unlimited colnago of
silver. Ihavonskcd how the Knights of
Labor stand on that question. Lot mo say
they stand a unit on It not In the west , not
In the north , the south , or In the east alone ,
but wherever they , tire , the Knights of
Labor , if they ate true to their obligations ,
and they all are , stand lor the free and un
limited colnago of silver on a ratio of 1
toll ) . " [ Tromcndous applause nnd cheers ] .
lKU.itlu Donnelly.
Hon. Ignatius Donnelly was called for and
snouo for ever half an hour. Ho denounced
the act of 1ST. ) as a crime and the parmanont
depreciation of stiver as the result of a great
conspiracy among the capitalists of Europe
and their tools and fellow capitalists of
America. Ho then asked for all who bo-
lloved that John Sherman had done moro
good than harm to hold up their hands. Not
a hand \ > cnt up. Ho then asked for all who
believed that Sherman had done moro harm
than pestilence and war to hold up their
hands. Nearly every hand in the house
wont up. and the spanker announced the
vote as 310 to 0 , this being the exact number
of delegates reported by the eicdential com
mittee , and It bioiulit forth loud applause.
The convention now took a recess until
8:30o : m.
At tlioNlKllt Scxslon.
Central Music hall was crowded to the
doors tonight by people assembled to listen
to speeches by Senator Stewart of Nevada
and Congressman Brian of Nebraska
Senator Stewart spolte llrst. Ho referred
to the closing of the mines in India to silver
comago by the British government , pointing
out that the action of the English people
was almost simultaneous with that of Presi
dent Clevelaud in calling the extra session
of congress The senator lid that it looked
veiy much as it it weio a preconcei ted ar
rangement of both goveiuments to demono-
ti/o silver.
Congiessman Bryan gpoko Tor fully two
houis His arguments were to the effect
tint the picscnt llnancitl ciisis was not
caused by the silver legislation now on the
statute books.
The committee on resolutions of the silver
convention mot at the 1'almcr house tonight
anil chose ox-Senator Ke-jran of Texas as
chairman , and Hobcrt SclUllmg of Wiscon
sin secretary. A subcommittee , consisting
of Son.itor Hcgan , Congressman Brian of
Nebiaska , Thomas M. Patterson of Colorado
rado , ox Congressman Bartino of Nevada ,
Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota , Gooigo
Washburnoof Massachusetts , and Mr. Man-
nine of Alabama was selected to draft the
losolutions and report to the committee at 1) )
o'clock totnouovF morning.
Output of thi ) Mints for July.
WASHINGTON , Auif. 1. The coinugo ex
ecuted at ttio United States mints during
July was \cry light , being only
pieces of the value of $ . ! ' . ) 1,900 , as follows :
Gold , 5-i,550 pieces , value , * .UO,000 ; silver ,
lUJ.OOO pieces , value , ? 3,1,000 ; and minor coin ,
1.178,000 pieces , value $ .i3,000
The coinage for August piomisos to bo
he ivler , the mints at New Orleans and San
Francisco having orders to resume coinage
on a larger scale than during July.
loin Kdlann'it Jtmiiiin for Sluittlni ; Down.
OUANOK , N. J.Aug 1. The shut-down at
the Edison Phonograph works is only partial.
The total number discharged was 240 Mr.
Edison today issued the following statement :
The Now Jersey Phonograph woiks have
been shut down liuciiuso we h.m > mmily com
pleted all the ordurs on linnil , nnd the propttu
tor thereof SL-elng that the country had re-
Mlu > cl Jtsulf Into a national lunatic asylum ,
decided ton alt until the wave subsided somo-
4 | , Applied liir u JCocolvor.
Citiovoo , Aug. 1. On application of the
eomp my today a receiver was appointed for
the Xemme-Diorkcs Fuinitino company ,
reckoned among the most extensive in Us
line in the west. The company's ' assets nro
* WOOU ) ; liabilities , § 120,000. Iho falluro is
attributed , to the suspension of n bank at
Kankakco , where the company tins Its fac-
Itni olinill | < ° limiicliU Alii.
Ci nvuiAMi , Aug. 1. M J. Liwronco has
loturneil fiom Now York , where ho says ho
obtained tlnancial backing and the permis
sion of the comptiollorbf the treasury , so that
he can stiu t the People's National bank of
Denver in operation at any time.
. I'nsliuil liy Kiinturn < 'rrclltorn.
DESVKU , Aug. 1. The Don\orSalo Deposit
nnd Trust company assigned this morning.
Assets , $100,000 ; liabilities , $100,000. East-
01 n creditors caused the assignment by push
ing the concoin.
Nnur \ < > r ) < bxiiliaiiKO Uuntatlnn * .
Nr.vv YOIIK , Aug. 1 , [ Special Telegram
to Tim Bui ] Exchange was quoted as fol
lows today : Chicago , 10 cents discount ;
Boston , ? ! to $1 25 premium ; St. Louis , ft
Itooiirnr turn I'urknr.
PiiiiAii'ii'inv , Aug. 1. A receiver hns
been appointed for the Philadelphia Pncklug
and Provision company. No statement has
been Issued , but the failure is a largo one.
Duoliloil to lti > itilrn | Niitlro.
Aug. 1. The ofllcors and
dhectorsof all the savings b inks of the city
hav o decided to roqulro of depositors notlco
before the withdrawal of funds , ]
I'.itlixt to Ojioit Us lcmr. .
WHATCOW , Wash. , Aug. 1. The Belling-
1mm Bay National bank did not open its
doors this motnlng. Assets , firO.OJJ ; lia
bilities $100,000 ,
ICxurmt l.lnldlitloa ,
O. , Auj. 1 The Wyaudoto
County bank has suspended. Assets , $100 ,
000 ; liabilities , * 75000.
rrliuio Hunk
ASTOHIA , Oro. , Aug. 1 , The private bank1
of I. W. Caao has closed Its doors.
Oulut niul firmer In Lniulon ,
LONUON , AUft 1 , Stocks were .very quiet.
American lallways weio tinner.
lloiueliulil Ittnk Koliliml.
Mr. Hitos of Twenty-ninth and N streets ,
South Omaha , was robbed of f.SOO Monday
afternoon. ' Ho had drawn the money out of
the bank iccontly , belloxlag It safer in his
hands. '
Ho kept the coin in a sowing machine
drawer and some ono located it. The family
were absent from the room for u short time
anil on their return the robbery was dlscov-
urrd. He ha requested the aid of the
Otnaba and South Omaha ] x > llcu In assisting
him to recover his hard earned money.
Moro tii > o < l Jtucuvurtfil.
The police , otter rocovoritijf $700 worth of
Talior J r ou'i bolts of cloth , recovered i
nbout * 9IO moro of the stolen Roods A half
bushel of empty poqkatbookt were found
nnd n dozen or moro -tttero Uaknn to tlio pollco
ntntlon The dotwUvcs who Imvo boon
working on the c.aso bcllovo this pl.aca hns
been used ns a sort tsf n fence for stolen
property A great imnny of the nrtlelrs
which vv pro rccovcr6a nro alleged to hnvo
been taken by shoullfjers.
VAiutinn ir TOO t'Air.
lloxr Two Knnmis' ' Scotinilrcln AVero le-
u-icd lit lllnok Crime.
KANSAS Citr , Aug. 1. The Times' ' special
from NVIchltn , Knr ! , inys : Ono of the black
est crimes In Kama's wns unonrthed hero
Inst night nnd the nrrcst of the criminals
Mnrch 10 Inst the vaults of the register of
deeds of Hnrvoy county vvoro broken Into
and the entire records of title to property of
the county but tied.
Though special dotoctlvrs Invo been work
ing on the case overslnconothing developed ,
nnd it WHS recently ilycn over to the chlof
of pollco of Wichita , Last night Oeorjro H.
Shliloy of this city nnd O. Wnsh Holers of
Newton wore nrrcstcd on ovldonco stiniclent
to convict thorn , it is assorted. It is chvlmcd
that thcso men hnd not only planned tl.o
nrson , but p.ata n mnn fTjOO. The motive for
the crime ) of vvhlrli they nro nccuscd Is stild
to bo this : They hnd n mortgage on the only
sot of abstract books In Hnrvoy county.
Soon nftor the burning of the records they
foreclosed tlio mortgage nnd took the books.
The citizens of voy were wila with ot-
cltomont fern whllois the rcccids were not
there to show w ho owned either propoity
or mot tpnges , nnd everv man or woninn vv ho
vv nu ted to convoy n piece of property wns
compelled to pay $10 for every tmnsfcrto
Shirley nnd IJogors As there nrooft times
twenty transfers In ono contract , the cost
would soinottmes reich ns much ns $ 00.
This oxtiaordiniiry extortion mused so much
contempt that the ofllccra of the county nnd
county commissioners offeree ! a bonus for the
books of Shitloy niul Hogois. The latter
finally offered the books for $20,000 , which
the commissioners were bn thoovoof no-
ccptlng , vvhontho nrrcsts occurred.
The fpnliiifj hero ngilnsttno men is In
tense mid the men w 111 bo closely guarded
to nvort the vengeance of the people of
flnrvcy county.
Arri'Htnil for Asuniilt.
Charles Oldenburs was arrested last even
ing on thu charge of nss.ault with intent to
commit great bodily injury. The comu'.aln-
ing witness Is Nols P. Mattson , who says the
prisoner hit him with a club or
some blunt instrument , lie has n badly
cut and bruised head. OldenbutR Is a
bartender at the Grand Central hotel and
says Im was walking out on South
Thirteenth street Mondiy night and when
ho was passing under tlio Union I'aclHo v la-
duct ho was assaulted by Unco men , ono of
whom hit him with a bliicksnako whip Ho
says that ho wrenched the whip fiom his as
sailant and used it with so much vigor that
the compiling witness had his bond cut open ]
Ho put all his ass nl ints to Illcht and they
sought revenge in having him nrie'stcd.
Oldenburg says that ho thought the men
were robbers and when they ass lulled him
ho defended himself the best ho could. This
part of Thirteenth Is a very good place for
"holdups" and people dread to piss uueler
thcro nt a late hour. Oldenburg's friends
furnished bonds for his appear.ance as soon
as ho was arrested.
Go oil I'ollcn Uccnril.
Last night the police station looked llko
an army bai racks The men who have been
on duty In the day time during the last
month were assigned to night be its and
the night men given day shifts During tlio
past month the pollrd foico In general haa
made a splendid loeord. The night detail
has been especially fortunate in catching
criminals. They arrested tlu eo troublesome
ti am robbers , nine men for muideious as
sault , four for cilmlnul assault , thico
murelpiors and U gieat many thieves
The detective force has been unus
ually vigilant and Captains Mostju , Cor-
maclc , beigeants Ormsbv , Snoop , Whaleii
and Sigw at t liavogjvffi Chief Se > avoy able
assistance The uist month has , been u
"red letter" period Ifa police circles ,
AVaiit lu Ho Prop.
Johanna Fitzgerald has flleda petition ask
ing for absolute divorce from Hobort Fitz
gerald , te whom shp was married. March 31 ,
1830 , and also aslcs for the custody of their
Ilvo small bovs , whoso ages range from 2 to
lljears. Johanna sots forth in her petition
that Kobort is a hahitunl drunknid and docs
not provide tor his little brood.
Warmer , I < 'olloweil by lltlit Hiilm InVlmt
lra ki Miv } Ilxpi'd Toilnj.
WASHINGTON' , Aug.l. Forecast for Wednes
day : For Nebraska and Iowa Warmer ;
southerly winds ; light rains Wednesday
For the Dakotas Waimcr ; southerly
winds ; generally hot ind dry , except light
rains in eastern portions.
Local Kticoril.
Aug. 1. Omaha record of temperature nnd
tainfall coin ] ) nod with corresponding day of
past four years ;
1893 1892. 1891 1800.
Maximum temperature ) . 81 = 83 = > 803 04 = >
Minimum temperature 51O r > tO ) 04 = OGO
AvoniKO tumpurntura 71 = 723 72 = 803
Precipitation 01) .00 .47 .02
Statement showing the condition of tem
perature and precipitation at Omaha for the
day and since Match 1 , IS'JJ ' :
Normal tompoialuro 75 =
Deficiency for thn ilav 4 =
Deficiency since March 1 2383
Normal pruiMultiitlon 11 Inch
Dollcloneiy for tlio d iy 11 Inch
Dollcloncy sluco March 1 l.'JO Inch
Iteports from Oilier Points at K p. in.
: 3
Omaha 7(1 ( RJ iir
Norlli I'latte. I1H 74 Clomly.
Valentino 71 KJ Cloudy.
71 SO Cloudy.
OhlclBO 7J 71 Clnir.
St Louts HI ) HI ClonUy.
St Paul J < l ) HI Cii ! ir.
Divnnport - 7H HH 1'ait cloudy
KaimiHCHi , 74 HI ) I'arl cloudy.
D.'IHIT 70 till U iln
Silt r.ikuClly. . . . HI hit 01) ) Clear
HiptitClty li 78 01) I'nrt cloudy.
Helen l OJ 114 01) ) I'lunilj
JIlHm.irck HI 1)J ) .Oil I'.irl cloudy.
Bl. Vlneunt 71) ) H. 01) Cloir.
CllllJCImU 1)0 ) 70 1H Clc ir.
MlliHdly It- III ( ) ( ) Cli ir
Ualvcutun . It.tii HH .01) ) 1'ai I cloudy.
"T" liullcntcH trii'ii , " "
UFUHCK K HitTJlx > cnl Forecast Otllclal ,
A N irr < > ' ) i : cjiio | ,
, , The tall , a p oil , itUd-looking man nto a
bountiful dinner nt 'tlio ' restaurant , and
then with a cheek , billing for 75 oonts
inudo his way to tjijo eaahlor'a doslc , nays
IIaror'ri | ( Drutvur. p ° buiifjcd down a
battered nilvor dollar , und looked sudilur
tliuti over. i
The ciishior jilckcd up the dollar nnd
examined it suspiciously. It had u deap
dent on onu side , urjiF looked ns tlioiitfli
it had boon plu o'il" At that moment
the customer sjioko ; , , "It is very painful (
for mo to nurt vvilli that dollar. It
Bavod my life ( jneej hovvcvor , and must
do so Urnln ( , , At thu blego of VlckHbnr
Il I carried it In my Veit pookut , and the
dent Iv you BOO the rii' ' writs made by a Imllut ,
vvhioh othorvvlbo would liuvo killeei mo.
I : luivo kojt it sinuo us a memorial , and
it wollnlgh bionks my heart to Jot it go ;
but ! must I have nothing olho. "
The cashier was plainly interested.
"In what jear win the slogo of Vicka
burg ? " lie asked.
"Sixty-throe , " bald the sail man ,
"And this dollar , " rot ai ned the
ior , "ia dated 1877 , and in counterfoil. (
The man looked annoyed. "Ol
course it is , " ho replied. "How could
have un 1877 dollar in ' 03 if it wasn't
And thu cashier was BO duinfonndci :
that ho passed out a quarter in change , (
und allowed the man to oscapo. '
The latest boy preacher , l'Jearold Ivoy
Gregory i , cornea appropriately from Karly
county , Goorgia.
Jho Dofbits Her Competitors in tlio Regatta
of the Royal Southampton Olub.
ViitUvrln ll qimllllpil mill thn llrltnunln
lloitcft on Tlnin AltinTHiinn lloston
Cllnclirs llnr Holt ) on 1'lrst I'lnco
( Itlicr Siortlna |
Lovnov , Aug. 1. The regatta of the IZojnl
Southampton Yacht club was held today.
I'ho course was fifty miles. There was a
Ight westerly wind. The Britannia , the
vlnncr of j esterdny's race , and the Vulkj rlo ,
the ohallcnger of the America's cup. did not
tall in today's raco. Iho contestants
vero the American Nnvalioc , A.
Clarko's Satinlta , P. Donald
son's Cnlluna and Mr. J , Jameson's
A'cinn. IhoNavahoo was the llrst to cross
the line , followed by the Satinlta , Colluna
and Ucrni In the onlcr named. The race
was close nnd exciting tluoughout. ' The
avahoo won , Satinlta second. The others
tid not ilnlsh , V
Tlio race for the Queen's rup was also
silled , The Valkyrlo 0.11110 In llrst , the Brit
annia second , Meteor third. The Valkyrlo
was disqualified for not following the course
ind { ! the cup went to the Meteor on time
allowance ,
lMUft urilIiM.i J
Tumi with I'mnltlc 1'nar * .
ST. Louis. Aug. 1. The visitors knocked
the hall nil over the gto'und In thu Hist game
nun Iho Hrovvns assisted PUtsburg by nu-
uiurpus glailng errors. The second game
wns a pltchoi's battle in which Killcn hail
much the bottei support. Attendance. 4,805 ,
Scoio :
St. Louis looiooooo-a
I'lttsbnrg -25
lilts : St. Louis , B : I'lttshurg , 19. Errors :
St. I.ouK 7 ; I'lttshurg , 1. l'miocl : inns : St.
Imils , 1 ; I'lttsbunt , 10. Ilitlerln-c I'oars ,
llannon nnd Vallf Oolcloiigh , ICIllon , Slen/ul
nnd biiKdcn.
Second gnmo :
St. Louts 000000001 1
rHtsbun ' , . . . 10 0-0
Hits : bt. l.imls , 8 : rittsburg , 11 named
runs ; bt. Louis , 1 ; I'lttsbui , ? , 1. Krrors : at.
Louis. 3. llatterlos : lluvvluy und ( Juiibou ;
Killcn and bugelen.
dun thu rlillllri u Iti.ost.
BOSTOV , Aug 1 Jack Stlvetts played
hoise" with the Phillies today , their only
run being a puio gift. Attendance , l,7ui > .
llostein . . . 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0
I'hll lelolplda. . 1
lilts : Huston , 10 ; Vhll utolphtn , 1. Hirncel
rims : llosion , 1. Kiroin : lloston , J : t'hlln-
eli > lphlaU. Hitteries , btlvetts und llunnutt ;
\Voihlngund do- , ! , .
Won l > v the tntln'd.
BAI.TIMOUI : , Aug 1 Biltimoie's inllold
won the gnmo from Washington. Attend
ance a.O'fi Scoio :
llaltlmoro 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 - Q
vY'iiHlilnglon . 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 O O 2
Hits : Hiiltiiiiore.O ; Washington , 8. Krrors :
Iliiltlinore , 1 ; \ \ nsliliu'tori , . ) Cirneil runs :
lliltlnion\4 ; WnsliliiKtnn , 1. lluieiluMu : -
Mithon and Robinson ; btocKdale and 1'iuroll.
Aliiultul Mr. I.ntutt.
NEW YOIIK , Aug. 1 The New Ybiks do-
fcatoel the Brookljns by heavy batting.
Score :
Now York 200000000-8
lliooUii . . ' 3
Hits : Nenv York , 11 ; Hrooklyn , 7. Karnnd
runs : Nuvv Yorlf , t > ; Hronklyn , J rrrors : Now
YurU , 2 ; Itiooliljn , 1. Itjltcrius : Kusle.uml
Jlilllgan , Iovuttand Daley
Spirit Slip Itlfk Asiiln.
Ciuovoo , Aug. l. Cleveland again out
played the Colts at all points and won as
they pleased. Attendance 1,100. Score :
Chicago 001020000 3
Cluvalund 202102200-0
Hits : Chicago , 0 ; Glen eland , G. 1/arncel
runs : Chicago , 1 ; Clorutund , 4. Krrors :
Chicago. 2 ; Cleveland. 4. llattoilcs : McQlll
undbchrlvor ; Young and O'Connor.
Stumlliit : of th luitnm.
VV. L 1 > C \V. L. I'.C
noston . . fi5 27 Ii7 1 New York. . . , )8 U 17 n
Philadelphia I'l U 01 I St LoulH 17 1 1 III I
Clnvulamt.11 tl ns 1 lliltlmoru .H ! " > US
1'lllsburjr. . . . 47 14 as n .11 l" U I
Brooklyn . . . II ) ' ) r.l I WlHlllllU'tOll .11 111 HS
Cliiclnnill . 3M12 17.S Louisville . . ' 3 15 J37
liih 'I ( null Oi ! : ! iiinnsliipi. |
papets just to hand contain the
icsults of the competitions for the tennis
championships which were ended at Wim
bledon , near London , a couple of weeks ago
Dr. J. Pitn won the singles , and ho and F. O.
Stoker the doubles thus giving both the
prices to Ireland.
Pun has boon qulto In the front
rank for several jears and but for
an injury to his linger would have
won the singles championship in IS'Jl.
Hophivsas pretty a gaino as Hrncst Hen-
shaw did oven in his palmiest dais , and his ,
too , Is of a moro modem and improved tjpe.
All over England ho Is the most pojmlar
tournament plai cr of the dny. his easy sti Io
nnd unaffected ways winning him the esteem
of spectators , and his gentlemanly demeanor
and sportsmanlike generosity placing him
always on good terms with other playois.
As showing how the Irishmen have como
to the front of transatlantic tennis , It may
bo mentioned that in the final of the all-
comeis competition at Wimbledon , Mr. Pirn.
whoso club is the I/nnsdown of Dublin , mot
H. S Maliony of Trinity college , Dublin , and
that this was tlio fourth time these fwn had
mot this season. Maliony is quitn ono of the
ioung and coining plajeia , though ho Is now
very near the top Ho has never yet
beaten Pun , though ho has como exceeding
near It moio than onco. 1'hclr piincipal
matches this season hnvo ended as follows ,
each time Pirn's score loading llrst : At
Manchester , 46 , U H , 7-5 , 0-3at ; Ilkioy , ! 1-0 ,
0-2 , 0 It , 8 0 ; at Queen's club. London , 1) ) 7 , 1-0 ,
8 0 , 0-8. ( ! fl ; at Wimbledon , In the champion
ships. (1-7 ( , 0 ! 1 , 0 0
Wilfrid Baddoloy , last year's champion ,
'tnadu Homo stand against Pitn at the outsat ,
but at thn end of the light went all to pieces ,
Pirn winning ! i 0 , 0-1. ( ! .t , II S3 Since ho won
the premier honors last July Baddeluy has
perceptibly fallen off nnd was not at all ex-
pooled to retain the title. Ho and his twin
brother have failed to logain the doubles
championship , though at thU theirs Is still
one oftho nicest combinations of the day
The ladles singles was won by Miss Dod ,
who defeated Mrs. Hillyard , the challenger
Kiitriu * lor thu I rlunil Kurm ,
Piitusi ) , Neb. , Aug. 1. ( Special to TUB
BKK. ] The following ai o the entiles made
up to data in the races begiuuiug at this
place tomorrow :
Two-yonr-old clasx ; Ijyndon , jr. , 0 W. Mor-
cui.Htuukliam ; Tullnloiy , K HlKs , Alonandrla ;
Tlddlyulnlt * . J. N. 1) An Me , Kiuiu ; flh idlnml
Mack , W. I ) . Kolianaii , Mncoln ; Amy 1'iiy , II ,
Harrison , I'anamii. /
Tliioo-iulmito classIlirkoy , J. W Smith ,
OicDola ; Uhiintwood , JV , Gary Aurora ; H un
1'orlor. A M. llix , Hu tln ( ! < , C or , O W.
c.'oelmtll , Lincoln : Uluy .Moody , 11 U. Owen ,
Huhboll ; Alinont.Monron , U , H urcen.Cionova ;
June WIlUuH , U , II , Munford , I'luoinun ; L/'artur
II , A. D , Ujrdnor , Alum.
Three-year-old clnssj D.arUoy , J , W , bniltb ,
O ccola ; Doctor 1' , I. I ) . Minos. HiisiliiKs :
Kicor , 0 , W. Uorkroll , Unc-olni Nolllu Mld-
nliilit , I ) . O. Mlnklur , lloatrlcr.
Thruo-yuar-old pacliu ; Hiiadlliflit , HUln-
hroiil. llros , llollovlllu , Kun.i Ono Kyrd Klluy ,
O. KliiKiT , Lincoln ; Harry Hollon. TJiniuax
lluuhu , Osccola ; Itiino M , .M. A M.istln llasi-
InRsi Action , O. I ) . OniiKnn , Koarimy ; hu
Joseili | , Joe ( Jllmorc , 1'rlund , Had I ) , ihum.u
NcwiKin , Lincoln.
2:27 : troltlny class : Dandy , I * . Hutchlnsoii ,
Mnryxvlllo , Kan : Chnrluy llurch , J. W AIU-
man , Lincoln ; Logan 11 , J. W. Jiinnlu , Lincoln ,
2:45 : trotting clnss ; Jlotjnon Ohlof. 1'rnnk
Dolluru , OscuoU : ( . 'Icimiilu O , W A. Wubhor ,
Jniubrld u ; Ham 1'ortur , A. M. Kox , Hasting * ,
Kupurlnti > ndiinl , W. U. llolrinan , Lincoln ; La
Cratliudu , I' . Hull ir , Lincoln ; Billy I' . Anm *
1'lorcu , llullovlllti , Kun , ; MUK' ' * ' , A I ) , Uurdnur ,
Alrnu ; Orenla , H. Harrison , I'atmum.
'J:30 : pacing class : Flora O. W. II Ptafn- H
hnxk , llalluvlllu , Kan , ; Dirk , U D. Oonry.
JIcCooh l.lltlo Login J. I' . Ohapinuii , Aurora ;
irayJuck , Thomas Nooniui , Lincoln , In ar-
noy Ulrl , tl. K. DuiiKan , Kt-iirnoy ; Mctilntlu
1' , Itobar , Llucoln. K
8Unlord' * nluliltt to llu Soli ) ,
SiN Kiu.NcibCO , Aug. 1 , It has boon do- P.
cldoa by the umuagor * of the Leland Stau-
fonl cMato to dlsroio of over 1,000 blooded
liorscs from his ranches and soil off his
famous stallions nnd high blooded nmrcs.
Kmiiltfi nt Sumo HnrnrM Hitoi > .
ICvoxvit.u : , In , Aug. 1. This wns the
opening tiny of the August meeting. The
attendance was small hut the track wns
good , Results :
2.29 trot : Dtimh won , I'llftrhn second , Miss
Mi'I.niio tlilrd , 11-sttlmo : ' .IrJ.l'i.
Ynei-vpiir-old trot ! , l y Kyei Son won. ' ' . V.
\ \ hllo sctfonel , Harlos \Vlieolur third. Time :
2.36H , .
Two-jcnr-nld pnoos IlnliyMlkcs \ won ,
lli'iilali ocnml , Idolot third. Host time ! 2:31. :
lourlliiK trot ! Atnlln won , Medium si'conel , II. llitdd.ranlcd nnd Mrrlo MdUtnnccel.
rimo2lH ! ( .
Stt ' teem. Mich. , Aug. 1. Summaries of
toelny's races :
2:22 : trotting class
" * ii im-ii ( uurirr wuiitriMui
sin-mid , I'ovorlt third. Host ttnui ; StlOU.
' '
--4 : class , trott Ing : Nuttlne Kins won , K
T II second , T i minis third 11. st tlmu :
: m.
Ui35 class niiclns : X.oioph Hums won , Doctor
iMvooml , Vussur third . itcsttlmut.SlJ :
" " - " . " .
: ' "
J:4nclai9-V.-yenr-old - - - -
- tnittlnir. Mnlody von ,
v.'Vi ' 1 > < ul < s spcond , I-ady I'ottor third. Time :
" "
"lifFFUO , N. Y. ( Aug. 1. This was the
opening day of the grand circuit meeting.
Summary :
2:25 : class trotting , pnrso Jrt.OOOi llolltm
VTDII , Kutlivl.arl second , l.or.a J , third. Host
time : 2lo : > S.
U'lOclnso , pacing , purse J1.500 : Hubert J
won , Vltutlo second , Alliorl U third. Tlino :
ii35 ! class. 2 joar-olds , purse $2,000 : Di
rector s 1'louoi won. Chili li ing second , Queen
Allah ihlid. Itcst time : 2:23- : ,
und /.Im llolli WiMl < onril.
DHTIIOIT , Aug. 1. X.lmmertnan and Sanger
mot for the lltst In a mlle open nt the cycling
i.acos this afternoon. 'Iho result was a
gieat disappointment. Tyler won , hut the
llmo was slow 2:40 : that It was declined no
In tlio other races vv hero both moil were
entered either one or the other did not start.
The half-niilo handicap was won by XI m-
merman In 1 :0-i. : Thu two-mile international
was won by Satigor In 5:1U : ! J ! i. The thrco-
mlle lap race was won by X.immorman In
- .
HlUrr City Tomorrow.
Stt.v cu Cmla. . , Aug. 1. [ Special to TUB
Bm : ] On Thuisilay the August mooting of
the Silver City Di h Ing Park association vv ill
open. About IM horses nro now nt tlio traclr ,
nearly all entered In-tho races A very flnu
progiam has boon in ranged for a ten itavs
bcssion. The track is a splendid half milts ,
and the gland stand , stables and other build
ings aio now , so thciu will bo the best of ac
1,1 Illannlin VVIm Kltn Iltinilrcil ,
GosiiKV , Ind. , AU ir. 1. A hammer-and-
tongs mill was fought lioio in the opeia
house this evening by La Blanche , "tho
Marino , " of Califoinla , and Dwicr , the
chamnion middleweight of Michigan , for n
puiso of STM ) In the eighth lotiml Hi
jilanchu laid Dw.v or out unconscious vv Hh a
right-haiidor on the jaw.
1'liilnliuil thn Sri onil itonml. *
Cuirvoo , Aug. 1. The second round ten
nis singles was llnisliod today. S. 1.Chnso
defeated G. P. Hoiiiclc : Prcd > ilovoy de
feated H B. Whitman ; Tailor dofoateel
KnickerbockerStcCormick ; and Wrenn weio
tied ( daiKncss stopping * ho plii ) ; Mieis
elefeated Ilobard ; 1'ago defeated Ncoloi ;
Noel defeated Scudder.
SI. Jolni's Olinrrh Knturliilnnipiit.
A -very onjoi.ablo etiurch entcitaliimont
was given by the ladicb of St John's Hpis-
copal church last evening at Idluvvood hall ,
Twenty-fourth and Giant sti eels. The hall
was crowded with an appieentivo audience
The following interesting was
icndcred by the ioung people of tlio church :
luot-l'lcncl'olka , . j { i
oys Choi us Polly Wolly DooJIu. l lght b > ys
Hccit itlon bhoit.ind bneot
. Murg.iret Ualiivvolt
( Kinllv r.vanu
Trlo-Threo l.lltlo C its i IV irl IJIIuy
I Mnrg.iiet Oilelwnll
Hoys Chorus ITplileu.
Hecltatlon llrhu Ko-,0. MNs Tiunlici th
lloyn Chorus Mecisch nun 1'lpo Klghtbojs
hole The Owl and thu I'nssy < 'it.
. . . .MKs Nelilu Con-y
Itcclt.itlon An Aw fill Story. . .Juniile Hobi'ils
( Jlrls Uhorus Chliieso Song . r.lglitplrls
Hoys Chorus Johnny bchrokei . . .I.Uhlhois
Ice cio un ana icfrcshmiMiK wuro served at
thu conclusion of the piogiam.
"Kun 111" oil Sunpli 1 in ,
Charles Kubat , Cniules Clark and John
Ho.vnolds wore acting huspiciousli around
Sixth ami Pieico stieets l.iht night An
ofllcer sent them to J ill for safe keeping.
Kubat was chaigcd with calling concealed
weapons , as ho had n laigu nickle plated
gun in his pockot. a
J. C Swart ? is hooked for Chieigo
State Senator Painter of Colorado is in the
city. y
E \V. Mosherof Yoik is icgistcred at the
Pax ton
Senator Mandorson went east jestoiday
Mr. and Mis. Irving Baxter have returned
from Clear L ike
W. B Dilo of Columbus was an Omihi
visitor vcstcrday Williams , the Giand Island edi
tor , is at tlv < i Pax ton.
J A. Costello of Grand Isl ind , sheriff of
Hall county , is in the city.
Miss Julia HoffniOi or leaves for the east lo
today on an extended A lait.
Uov. Paul Matthews and Miss Matthews ,
his sister , have left for the oist ,
Mis Charles LIlairls and childien have
gone to Sioux City on a visit to friends
John A Tisdalo and S W. Hcoles of Salt
L ike City are stopping at the Millnrd
J W Holmes , the Baud of Hoilth's inspector
specter of milk , is in Lincoln on business
Oliver W. Mink of Jtoston , comptioiler of
the Union Pacllic , is a guust at tlio Mill ud
Mr. nnd Mrs .Unison Higloy loft .vestoiday
for Salt Lake nnel Provo City foi a visit of
two w oeks.
Milton Ooollttto of Atkinson , ono of the )
mombeid of thu demoeiatiu state cenlr-i !
coninittoo , is at the 1'axtun
W. O. McLean of the city omrlnonring etc-
pirtmrnt has icc'ovi'rnd from his slight illness -
ness nnel Is at his desk again
Mrs. S Atnstom , son Herbert ami niiiso
vvpnlfor niiiunth'h snjouin to ColfiixSprings ,
la Fiom there then will go to Chicago
Judge Ivos has loturnc-el from his Wiscon
sin outing of bttvoial weeks Tno Judge
tolls some very intoicatiiu storiej of his
successful angling for the Jinny tiibo.
Judgei Church of Noith Platte and Ad
jutant General Evans weie in Omaha jus
toiduy , loivlng this forenoon for Supu.ior.
_ Mr. and Mi.s Hauls have given up their
house in Omuha and will ahoitly movu to
Beatrice vvliero Mr. Harris H Interested In
several elevators
Hov. J , O. Tnto of Hasting * , who was
nominated last fall for lleiutenunt govi'inor ,
but was obliged to decline bocauno his clti-
/onship was not complete , is at tlio Mlllaiel
Organbor August Boerman of tlio
Labor union vvitljeave for Ht Paul , Minn ,
next Sntmdny to attend the .louinoyine-n
Tailors national convention , which c-onvonou
at that place next Monday
Frank Hnuns , a roproKonlatlvo of one of
the largest inanufacturlntr concerns in
Prague , Bohemia , wns in the city iostprdnj
Ho loft list night for Grand Island to-view
the machinery used la the Oxnaid sugar
factory at placo.
Kx-Governor James 12 Bo.vd and family
loturned vestoielay from n two months
sojourn In Chicago Thn governor and Mrs Wi
Hoyd leave today via the Klkhorn load fern
two weeks tour of the Blark Hills All
points of interest will bo visited by thorn
Messrs K f. Wiloy , U B Hall , George
It. I'almur nnd O. M Cole , nhotogmphfr ,
left for Sheridan , \V.vo , vstcrday , whuro
thov will bo joined by JJ Gillette , rivll en- -
glnecr Tliov will spend three WCOKS ox-
plorlng tlin Big Horn ( main , to ascertain tlio
in Igablo character of the land , otei.
At the Mori-er G N. Whit" , J. W. Par-
nlshlta , Chinigo ; H P. Johnson , Davouport ;
C. Kaston , .Newark. N. J j C. C. Coo , Chicago
cage ; Lioutcnant H B Buck , U , S A. , bait
Lake- City ; A. Koch , Citj , J. G P. Hlldo-
brand anil .son , Lincoln , G , Yangcr , City ;
A. Bullock and son , Noifolk ; M. Dee.
AIoxMalmoroso , City , J. H Nash , Central
Clt > , Mrs K O Fiii-uor , San Fiunelico ; L.
. Caiimamo. St. Louis ; T. L. Mauulu , City ;
Frank Hhodts , Kmnas City ,
They Must Keep Their Ortttlo Oil the Rosor-
vfttlon In the Fnturo
Stork Will Ho Tnrnoil Iliick nnd Tro pn -
or Will III' ArrontMl llitrnileil to
Knrouriign tlin IiKllnnn In Itnls-
Ing Tliclr < ) ii Hi-riK
ClIAMIIRIILAlX , S. I > , Aug. 1. [ Spoi'lftl to
Tun BKK.J Tlio authorities nt Hosebml
agency . . liavo scut n dotnll of Indian pollco
lo the not them border of the reservation to
patrol ' the country nlonp Whlto liver anil
urovent ) cattle belonging to white stookmoii
strnjtng to the Indian lands. The police ,
who nro mounted , will c.aiofully watch the
outho Imnler , keeping n constant lookout
niul turning back any c-nttlo that may nt-
tempt to get across the river to the reserva
tion Hcrotoforo It has born the practice of
some of the stockmen to glvo pot lions of
their hculs Into the charge of Indians to bo
heulcd on the Indian Ivuds , but thogovnin-
incut has lecontlv determined to put n stop
to this praotleo. Accordingly nil cnttla
found on the reservation and which belong
tobo the stockmen having ranges along tlm
border , will bo either confiscated ordrlvc'ii
toU" the 1101 th sldo of the , oil the
This ] determination on the put of thn
government will testilt disastrously to the
schemes of some of the cattlemen During
former v cars some of these mon have given
largo herds of their rattle into the charge of
Indians , who would held them on the reser
vation , Riving It out that the cattle belonged
to them The govoinment is doing every
thing possible to rncoutago the Indians In
fin mlng nnd stockralslng , and the agency
authorities mo nuthorlml to buy from the
Indians all surplus cattle , pailng the \oiv
highest price for thorn. Tims an Inuiaii who
has been given chaigo of a largo herd of
cattlu belonging to some ot the stookmcn
near the icst-rvatlon would bo enabled to
turn in laigo numbers of cattle nt ficiiuont
intervals Upon leeching piy for them the
Indian would at once tut n the proceeds of
the silo over to the white stockman to whom
the c'.iltlo
really belonged , uitalnlng n cer
tain per cent as p.ii incut jtor his own trouble
In cat < Ing for the cattlu up to the time of
selling them to the govcinmcnt
Indian 1 Agent Bioxvn , who has Just retired
from the management of Pine Itldgo agency ,
deserves the ciodlt for uneaitlilng this
sluuuil scheme , and It was owing to his
elToits that the practice has now been
stopped Bi his ordcis all the cattle which
woio In chaigo of Indians on the Pine lildgo
icsurvatioii , but which belonged to white
stockmen , have- dining the ptst , fovv months ,
been diiven oil the Ind ! in lands This nut-
m.bir ally aroused the onmiti of tlio cattlemen ,
but they must make the uoit of It. Hereafter -
after the langos on the reset vntions will bo
kept ] se > lely lei tlio herding of cattle belong
lufi to the Ind ! ins.
I'lilliMl to I'rotiTt thn I'lunt
Ucinvvoui ) , Aug. 1 [ Special Telegram to
Tim Bit : ] The Golden I to until Mining
comp my has lost its ehloiinntlon nlaiit hcio
in a novel way. \ \ hen the plant was elected
Ilvo i ears ago the slto was puichasod fiom
the Duadvvood Heduction company , subject
to two claims upon it , hold by J , H. Damon , u
contractor , one for $ .H8 and the other for
$ , i7S The lier.s weio subsequently put in
judgment and the piopoi ti sold on execu
tion , the owncia having ujoar In which to
Iy .in ov 01 light oftho attorney for the
mining comp my thu.vcu wns allowed to ex-
puo without redumption and the title of the
piopeity eh ingi-d hands In the meantime
Dimon had tiansfcued his judgments to
Swift Bras of Wilmington , who now own
the plant The woilcs aie v iiuod at iltiO.OOJ
and aio the largest of their kind in the
vvotld. The stock of the comp my has de
clined f 101.11 $110 to0 ! ! cents a share S itnuol
W Allciton , the Chicigo tnilliunaiio , is
l.uguli intuicsted in thu comp my.
.Morn SIlMT TlirDllilf.
A pooplo's paity meeting will bo hold at
Knights of Labor hall no\t S ituiday even
ing , at w him some of the delegates eniouto
homo fiom the American Bimulallic Luaguo
congiess at Chicago will speak.
The subject will bo the fieo coinage of
10 Hardy has taken out a permit to erect
$1,000 dwelling at 5Jia Noith Twenty-
llfth avenue
Ten lion molders fiom the Union Paclllo
.shops weio laid off for an Indelinito poiloJ
last night.
'Jheio will ho a regular meeting of the
Vetorin Fit emeu's nssooiition of Omahi
this ovenin ? at 8 o'clock.
G W. Shopaid and Will ! un Gi lines were
aiicsted last evening ns witnesses to the
shooting of Alficd Patterson by Kou Gold
smith on July 1 ! ! They will appoir in behalf -
half of the stato.
Henry Scales , W. A. I3di'nburg and Bill
Irving were an osted last night as aeun-
souus to the wholesale lobDuiy oJ the Six
teenth stieet tailor shon the other night
The ontho amount of stolen pronot ty bus
been recovered anil the police captain's ofllco
looks like a tailor shop in full blast. Chief
Detective lliuo biought in a whole wagon
id of the stulT yottcrday afi.ei noun
Torfourtcr-iyenrs I Iiavo milfdrcd with Klit-
neiy troubles j my l > ack so 1 uno that sometlraos
I Could Clot Ralso fflysolf
up out of my chair , nor lurn nyai-lf In bed. I
mill 1 not slceji. and mif fcr < d rnnt disirnt
v\lth my food. I have talson lour bottles of
'ssi ; > Cures
o I fiel llki * n novr person ,
nnd my ttrrlblo autlcrliiBS havo.-ill KUIIO. Mfo
Is comfort compared to the injury It iwod tJ
be. " JIns Tiii'iiKBA IlAitTfiov , Allilon , 1'n.
Hood"n Plll3 ' "f Comtlpatlon by nutor-
tusiho perls taltlc action of thu alimentary canal.
A.VI ) [ AUG 1-2
* X -
: NKSUAY \ V-T X "
lllggest Show ot thu Yuar ,
Nuvr Hpootucular Coiiile ) Opura.
7O-Pooploln the Company-7O
So t on null ) Moinluy , July 31.
1'ricos ; 25c , Mo , V5o und it W ,
The grout roinody draua ,
Mnt'iu-u ' taJny ; any xitt In the tioun M