Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Local niastratlon of the Mountain thai
Brought Forth a Mouse.
All of I ho Mngiili Proton * to Have lleen
I'rolouiiilly.Siirprlied nt the l.ut it I.eeul
Turn ol AITitlri Oplnloni of
Ulllclnli lUll Note ) .
After weeks of unremitting labor on the
part of. freight agents ana their assistants
In checking rates to conform with the
maximum rate law which was to have taken
effect August 1 , their labors have gene for
To the majority of thorn the action of
Chancellor Woolworth In asking an Injunc
tion restraining representatives of certain
roaili from putting In force the maximum
rate law was a complete surprise.
"I liavo never worked so hard as In the
last two weeks , " said 10. H. Wood , assistant
general freight agent of the Union
1'aclllc , "checking up the rates In order
that wo might have our tariffs practically
complete when tlio law took oltcct. The ac
tion of the court was telegraphed mo while
cnrotito homo , meeting me at some station
along the roiul. I had 'fired' ' llgurc.1 Into the
boys for their now tarlil sheets and had In
my grip the remaining figures for the last
tariff which wo would have Issued today.
And so the mountain labored and brought
forth a mouse.
"Instructions have been ftiuod to all
agents that the former order withdrawing
nil the old tariffs has been canceled anil
that the old rates will remain in force
pending the sett lenient of the turn affairs
have taken In the courts. "
Mr. George Crosby , general freight agent
of the Burlington , sang sweet and low ,
"Homo Again from a Foreign Shore. " when
the representative of TUB Ben called at his
ofllco In liurllngton headquarters.
"Our labor hasn't amounted to very much , "
said the shrewd manipulator of rates for the
Ilurlington , uln view of the action of the
stockholders. Wo have notified our agents
that the old rates are restored and wo will
continue to do business under them until the
courts decide the constitutionality of tlio
maximum rate law. "
, . There was an elongated smllo upon Gen
eral Manager lloldretro's face when the re
porter asked If ho know of tiny more Injunc
tions to follow those already prayed for and
"Heally I can't " ho "
say , replied , "although
ns everybody seems to bo in an enjoining
humor Omaha ought to take a hand and un
join something. "
"Theiulheru Is no relief from the Lincoln
differential ! " asked the newspaper man.
"Not under existing circumstances.
Omaha Is all right. She is on an equality
with Lincoln , and her trade would seem to
indicate that she Is big enough to take care of
herself with even a dilturcntlal against
her. "
Vongcnnco of the People.
"Will not the action of the railroads
call down a greater vengeance from the people
ple than If the rate law had been tried on its
merits and then declared unconstitutional ? "
"I think , " replied the general manager in
a relloctlvo mood , "that the people will
loam to treat railroads inoro lilto private
business enterprises than m.tho manner
heretofore , They have ntrhts as well as the
public. Whhe the action of the stockholders
was n surprise It shows how closely the
moneyed men of the corporations have fol
lowed the law. Ilcyond this there is little to
say. The courts will have to pass upon the
legality of the measure. It is beyond my province -
" inco to say what their Until findings will bo. "
Ono thing Is certain , however. Somebody
has broken faith , for It was the agreement
of the presidents that the law should go into
effect and ; iftcr n full and fair trial , then If.
the law was as vicious as represented the
roads could conscientiously swear to the decrease -
crease In earnings and ask for relief.
Several days airo , it was intimated that
Hon. J. M. Woolworth had gone to Boston at
the instance of President Perkins to consult
with the stockholders with a view to bring
ing such action as was commenced Saturday
in Judge Uundy's court , notwithstanding
vhat President Perkins had obligated him
self to put the law In Torco on the Burling
ton system , .ludgo Woolworth on the other
hand states that ho went to Boston on a
wire from several of the stockholders.
The presence of President Marvin Hughltt
of tlio Northwestern system at Klkhorn
headquarters this morning , together with
E. W. Winter , general manager of the
Chicago , Kt. Paul , Minneapolis & Omahii ,
and other ofllcinls , following closely
upon tlio restraining order of Saturday , may
mean much or little. Thcso officials , with
General Hawley , the attorney of the Elkhorn -
horn , were closeted with General Manager
Hurt all the morning , but the subject under
discussion could not bo learned.
Ono thing is known , however. The Elkhorn -
horn desired to put the law in force to sen
Just where it stood. Now , the whole thing
will have to bo churned over again , with
possibly stillmoro dlro results , as ono official
put It.
"Wo have given notlco"said Assistant Gen
eral Freight Agent Merchant , "to all agents
to restore the tarill on Iny , merchandise
nnd livestocks , withdrawing a few that have
been n dead letter for several years on ac
count of supplements issued to them. "
I.lnkn mid 1'liiH *
Mr. Frank Stewart , superintendent of the
dining car bcrvico on the Hock Island , was in
the city yesterday.
J. L. 1)0 Bevolso , who has boon running
the DCS Molncs oftlco for the past week in
the absence of the regular agent at that
place , spent Sunday with his family hero.
Hobort Baxter , general superintendent of
the Pacific division of the Union Pacific west
of Huntington , with headquarters at Port
land , passed through Omalni yesterday , on-
route homo from the World's fair.
A jtnttlo for lUiioi !
B what Hood's Sarsap.irilla vigorously
lights , and It Is always victorous m o.xpell
Ing nil the foul taints and giving the vital
fluid tlio quality and quantity nf perfect
health. It cures scrofula , Bait rheum , bolls
and all other troubles caused by Impure
Hood's Pills euro nil liver ills. 2oc. Sent
by mall on receipt of price by C. 1. Hood si
Co. , apothecaries , Lowell , Muss ,
Fireworks tonight , Courtland beach.
rrlnit ! Hun n I'liin.
Councilman Sol Prince has a schema to
effect a cleaning up of the city that ho hopes
will bo adopted and thinks it will provo a
luccoss. Ilia ideas us expressed is for the
mayor 01150 every three mouths or oftener to
Issue a proclamation calling uuon tha oc
cupants of all promises in the city on a cer
tain day to thoroughly clean up and place
their wasta and garbage in the alleys or
gutters of tho-streets to bo gathered up by
men and teams employed by the city on that
day for that purpose.
Mr. Prince belloves a frequent cleaning up
of the city in that manner would bo a good
tiling. Ho says that It would bo surprising
nt the largo amount of accumulation that
would bo piled up , and would result lu catch
ing everything.
riui Oiirtul Alter TrVool < i ,
Cue , Ircdell Co. , N. C. Ono of rav ens-
tomcm had been troubled with flux for two
weeks when I porsuaduu him to try Cham
berlain's collc.cholorn and diarrhoea remedy ,
Jio says that live doses of it cured him. 1.
NY. linger.
Itullrouil C.KII.
Deputy Clerk Albyn Frank of the United
States circuit court was busy yesterday mornIng -
Ing making out additional copies of tno ro-
itruluing order Issued Saturday evening by
Judge Dundy in brought by the stock
holders of the various railroads against thulr
ofllcials and the members of the State Board
of Transportation to keep them from attempt
ing to put in effect or cnfoivo the provisions
pf the maximum rate bill ,
The u-arslml left for Lincoln yesterday with
copies to servo upon the state oftlcluU and
Uio secretaries of the board of trunsporia-
Cook's Kxtra Dry beats 'cm all.
Cook's Imperial lias a perfect boquot.
Cook's C'huiupagno U trictly pure.
run HIIOR uusti CO.NTINUI-.S.
A. I ) . Mornfl'n Shorn nt One-Unit TriceCon-
llnni < < to Ornw Orrnt rrntriU
Flno shoes nt i price iimkes a wiving
worth looking nftor. All A. D. Morse's
shoes wcro marked In plain figures , so
you cnn sec for yourself wluit you save
In buying n pair nt the present prices.
There nro f > 2 pairs misses' dnrk tnn
button spring heels that were $3.00 , gent
4IJ pairs of child's ' 8 } to 11 dnrk tnn but
ton go nt $ l.f)0 , former nrico $ l"f ! > .
28 pairs of dnrk tan button , sizes 0 to
8 , nt $1.00 n pair.
Misses' nnti children's oxfords. All A.
D. Morse's misses' $ l.f > 0 nnd $1.75 ox
fords go nt OOc n pair ; sizes 11 to 2 ; 97
pairs in this lot.
All A. D. Morse's children's 8to } 11
oxford tics Unit wore $1.3.1 nnd 51.50 are
now marked 7iic ; lO.'l pairs in this lot.
There are loft 07 pairs of children's
odds and ends of oxfords ; go in one bas
ket at OOc a pair.
Morse's fine So.OO turns nnd welts In
all styles nro now $2.50 nnd $ : i.OO.
All Morse's $8.00 nnd 80.00 Imported
shoos go nt $1.00 a pair.
There nro now in stock 183 pairs of
$3.00 button marked $1.00 n pair.
All Morse's $3.00 calf oxfords nro $1.00
n pair.
All his $3.00 calf congress nnd lace are
$1.50 a pair.
All $ -1.00 calf congress nnd lace are
And so on through this Immense stock
of flue shoes. Everything goes , nothing
reserved , nnd everything is marked in
the same proportion as prices quoted
Special half price shoo sale ,
10th and Farmun streets.
Fireworks tonight , Courtlnnd beach.
Telephone C. W. Hull Co. for prices
on hard coal. Summer delivery ,
A couvcniont-and pleasant place to ob
tain luncheon. Btildulf , 1520 Farnum.
Omaha to Mauawa , round trip 30
cents. Take the bridge line.
Coinml Hlnnnr * Hcnrltijr ClmrRoi Acrnlnjt n
Coiiitulilo Krmik .Simmon KcfllRin.
At the meeting of the Board of County
Commissioners ycstorday forenoon , the princi
pal business on hand was the hearing of the
charges against Constaolo Alan Dailoy , who
Is accused of being 5 non resident of the
West Omaha precinct , where ho was elected ,
nnd willful maladministration In otllco.
Three witnesses wcro examined at the
morning session , the effort of the prosecu
tion , which was conducted by Assistant
County Attorney Troup , being diivctod to
an attempt to provo non residence in the
In the afternoon , County Clerk ISackett
was called , nnd reail from the record to
show that D.iiloy was appointed constable
for Union precinct in Jniui.iry , IS'JJ ' , 'nnd
served until the election last November ,
when Frank Knight was elected but failed
to qualify. Dailoy did not lllo any subse
quent or additional bond.
Assistant County Attorney Day was called
and a wrangle ensued over the admission of
evidence to the affect that the defendant
now has two charges of embezzlement pend
ing against him in the criminal courts.
The evidence was ruled out , as no convic
tion had yet occurred on cither rhargn , nnd
Justice of the Peace Edgcrton was called to
tlio stand. Ho did not think D.iilcy was n
resident of West Omaha precinct , or had
been since election. Before election Dailoy
told witness that If ha could get the iiomlua-
tioi 1 1 West Omaha ho would run nnd tnko
his o mnccs. Ho was there election day ,
nnd witness had seen him in the
precinct but once sinco. Ho never
know of his having lived in the precinct ,
although well acquainted with nearly nil the
residents there. Ho could not say where
the defendant had boon sleeping for the past
two weeks , but know that ho formerly lived
on Sixteenth street , in Omaha.
On cross-examination ho said ho was as
positive as a man could bo that Dailoy was
not a resident of the precinct and would
swear positively that Daily had not had n
residence there for the last year and a half.
The state rested , and the defense moved
to dismiss , but the board advised that side
to put in its ovidcnco if it had any.
Constable Dailey was called , and swore that
his residence was West Omaha precinct and
that ho had lived there for nearly four years.
Ho had voted there for that time and had
not voted anywhere else.
He testified on cross-examination that ho
was n single man and occasionally slept down
town , bolng in Omaha quite a little , .and
lodged on Charles street , where ho had a
room. Ho resided with different people in
different places. Ho admitted that hq was
n resident of West Omnlia when ho applied
for appointment as constable in Union pre
cinct and was appointed. Ho declined to
sny where ho had lived for tlio last month
When required to answer , ho said ho had
lived in West Omaha a part of the time , nnd
a part of it ho hadn't. When required testate
state when and where ho had slaved in West
Omaha in that time , ho figured it out that
he stayed ono night at Shannon's and ono
night at Tlotz park , nnd that was all the
time ho had stayed there in tha last month.
Frank Shannon , justice of the peace for
the West Omaha procinot , has disentangled
himself from his difficulties as far ns ho
could by handing in Ills resignation , which
was accepted by the Board of Commissioners
tills morning "
Edward H , Wllhelm of Valley , who Is con
fined in the Lincoln Insamo asylum , write1.
to the county commissioners tnat ho docs
not like the way ho Is treated , and wants to
bo removed , but ns Edward's ' wheel is ob
viously In active operation nt the sumo old
stand , his application was * laid over.
Thu National Bank of Commerce has filed
a bond of S'jr > 0,030 for the sato keeping of the
moneys of Douglas county , which bond was
referred to tlio finance committee of tha
county board this morning. J. N. Cornish ,
L. B. Willl ims , ( luorfio 13. Barker , Joseph
Barkor.J. II. Kv.ins , W. S. Kcctor.A T. Hec
tor and Leo W. Sprathon appear as sureties.
The Douglas County Agricultural society
is asking the county for $ ; t,000 or f 1,000 to
help out the coming fair , and the finance
committee has the matter under considera
tion ,
Ycstorday morning the Board of County
Commissioners instructed the county iittor
noy to cnrrv to the supreme court thocasoof
Joseph II. Taylor vs. Douglas county for damage
ago done to his property on Wust Lea ven wortl
street by grading work , In which the plain
tiff received n verdict of f 100 lu the dlstric
Mr. Thompson saw the defendant oroum1
the hotel In Benson "pretty steady" for two
or three weeks lust fall , but hadn't scon hiu :
there very much sincotlmt time.
The case was nrgurd and submitted ,
Van Camp wanted it referred tc > the ju
diciary committee , but the three republican
members were ready to pass on It then and
The clerk called the roll and Llvcsoy , Ston-
barf ; and Williams voted guilty , and Van
Camp not guilty on the first specification
nnd tlio prosecution dismissed the secon
The ofllcor was thereupon declared guilty.
The defense gnvo notice of an appeal.
A number of bills wcro allowed , and a
small amount of routine business transacted
followed by un early adjournment. Dailey
bondsmen surrendered him on the case pond
ing In the district court , and ho was taker
In charpo by Sheriff liciincit Just ns ho wu
leaving the room where he had parted com
pany with his oflico.
. .
- + -
it nt > .
Kotfeet of five Una or las muter tliti hci\i \ , fifty
teiiti ; tacit mMHJomil line Un < ut ,
I'rniiflbco , Onl , I'mii'ml from tlio resldPiu-o
of liU falhiT-ln-lAw. Mr. M. Morris , 'J10 Nortli
TReuty-tlilrd street , \Vednufcdiiy \ morning ,
August 8 , m 0 o'clock. Krlcndt Invlluil.
L.AKEON llarla Carolina InunliorK , aged 10
month , IB diiys , liui/iviut ( FaiiKlilur of Mr.
mid ' Sirs. Nils I. arson , July ai , 1B93. nt 'J
o'clock a. in. KuiuTiU Tuescluy uflurnoon ,
Anguht 1 , at - o'clock , from family resi
dence , 1313 North Nineteenth slreiU. luter-
nient nt Fote.ttuwn. Friends luvUid. |
aoob L , Gooa Moeta His Fate Boncath Lo-
comotivu Wheels ,
truck by the Hnclnc Tcnm Cnrrlcd n
Illrtck from the Hccno of the Fn-
tiillty Storleivot Kyowlt-
Jacob L. Qoos , n driver In the
mploy of Christopher Sharnwobor , was run
ver and almost Instantly killed by the cars
at the B. ft M. crossing on South Seven-
.oenth street at 7:50 : o'clock last evening.
The deceased was returning from his dally
, vork In his wagon and was attempting to
ross the track when killed.
According to Ernest Ktirnatz , who resides
it 1211 South Seventeenth strcot , In the 1m-
nedlnto vicinity whcru the accident oc-
urred , the unfortunate man never noticed
.ho . approach of B. & M. frdlght train 82 ,
rawn by engine 417 , with P. C. Hawkins
us engineer.
Karnatz claims that It was purely an accl-
lent as the train was going nt the usual rate
f speed within the city limits nnd that'
oos when noarmg the crossing on the do-
line put the stake brake on tlio wagon ns
hard ns possible.
The horses attached to Goos' wngon were
already on the crossing when the cowcatcher
f the engine struck the front end of the
wagon , throwing the doomed driver about
en feet In the air. Ho landed
the track where the ponderous
whcolsof _ the engine crushed the life out of
im. Ono of the horses was thrown along
side the track , while n portion of tlio wagon
and the other horse wcro carried to the Six
teenth street vinductnbou t one block distant ,
before the train was finally brought to n
stop. The eyewitness aforesaid said ho
ran to the sitot where the body was thrown.
After gasping n few times Gees expired.
nrntzy then notified the police by tele-
hone from the I'nxton & Vlorling Iron
Another person claiming to have been an
eyewitness | ls n young man named Eugene
Hichter. residing at 813 Leavcnworth street.
IIo stated that the flagman at the crossing
was not nt his post , having pone home for
supper. He related substantially the sauiu
story as the first witness.
Still a'thlrd man , who claims to have seen
the accident from a motor train on the Six
teenth street viaduct nnd who claims to
have notified the authorities first , is Jerry
Murphy , a block watchman. He says ho
heard the engine whistle several times nnd ,
looking in the dircctiou of the crossing , saw
the accident.
According to keys found in the dead man's
pockets lie belonged to Lodge No. 4 , Knights
of Pythias.
Ho was about 33 years of ago nnd unmar
ried. The victim had no relatives in this
country. Ills employer describes him as a
sober and industrious man who had worked
for him about two years.
Piles of people have piles , out Do Witt's
WllchJIuzcl Salve will euro them.
Fireworks tonight , Courtland beach ,
Clav M. Greene and J. Cheovor Goodwin's
now spectacular comic opera , "Africa , " in
which Mr. George Thatcherlind his operatic
extravaganza company are appearing , comes
to ] Boyd's theater tills evening for an en
gagement of two nights.
"Africa" was written expressly for this
organization , the peculiar talents of. some of
the principals being considered in the crea
tion of the characters in the piece. The
reputation of the librettists is too well es
tablished to leave any doubt as to the in
terest , originality and lucidity of the story ,
which is said to give any number of oppor
tunities to those having in charge the em
bellishment of the main theuio. ' 'Africa" is
unusually rich from a scenic point of view ,
all the settings from the six scenes being
from the brush of ono of America's foremost
artists in this line Mr. John A. Thompson
of the Hollis Street theater , Boston while
the costumes , of which there nro over 300 ,
nre strictly in Keeping with the spectacular
nature of the production as n whole. Add
to this any amount of bright , catchy music
and n piosenting company the like of which
lias never before boon seen In a presentation
of this kind , and you have an entertainment
that is certain to find favor with tlio masses.
The company that is appearing in the cast
of "Africa" numbers
over seventy people ,
including the heretofore unheard-of number
of twenty-six principals , most of whom are
established favorites in this city. This
feature alone moans an enormous outlay on
the part of the promoters of the enterprise ,
Messrs. Thatcher , Ulch and Harris , but
believing that the public would appreciate
their efforts to give them something now
nnd meritorious in every respect they did
not , hesitate to incur the expense of carrying
so protentions un organization. Seats are
now on sale.
Ari ) Vuu Iiuurod ?
If not , now is tlio time to provide yourself
and lamily with a bottle of Chamberlain's
colic , cholera nnd dlarrhma remedy as an in-
surnneo against any serious results from an
attack of bowel complaint during the sum
mer months. It is almost certain to bo
needed and should bo procured at once. Is'o
other remedy can take its place or do its
work. ' . ' 5 and DO-ccnt bottles for sale by
druggists ,
Minor I'olluo Matters.
Dan Holden was robbed of f30 at the Trav
elers homo Sunday night.
Chief Seavey came in from Camp Comfort
yesterday morning and spent the greater
part of the day in his ofllco.
Joe Waxonburg , a peddler , paid M.50 into
the city treasury yesterday morning for ob
structing ttie streets with his banana
A fenmlo with blondlnod hair and ebony
features , who answers to the name of Mabol
Nash , was fined t and costs for being an
inmate of a house of prostitution.
George Channel ! appeared In court to an
swer fur breaking in a door at his inother-in-
Inw's house and trying to gain possession of
his child , His case was marked down for
Flux Cured In Tiru DuyH.
MAIIEXOO , Alison Co , , N. C. Wo used
Chamberlain's colic , cholera nnd diarrhuxi
remedy in two cases of flux and find It
speedy in effecting a cure. Both cases were
entirely well after taking the first dose.
Wall & Spcneor.
Warrant for Young DonorUon.
Lou 13 Garner , the South Sixteenth strcot
photographer , whoso properly was destroyed
by Frank Donockon Salurday , was In court
yesterday morning nnd gave It out cold that
ho was after the young man ,
Doneeken destroyed a ptiotograph of Hattie -
tie Aldrich which was ou exhibition. War
rants nro out for young Donockcn's arrest
and ho will bo prosecuted for disturbing the
peace , for petit larceny and for malicious de
struction of property.
Piles of people have piles , out DoWItt's
witchlmzol salve will cure thorn.
Cnnl n om N. II. ruleonor.
On figuring tip our stock wo find tlmt
wo have still 52.riO , 010 wortlt of goods on
our counters und shelve * . This is en
tirely too much for the season and these
tiruos. Wo must rcduco our stock nt
least $50,000. In order to do this wo
I will continue to Boll everything at cost
t or ( under during Aupust , commencing
The extra specials for today will bo :
Our entire stock of importer's printed
dimities ( that sold in the season at 33c go
today at 15c.
3,000 , yards of wash dross goods , not a
yard worth less than 15c and from that
up to 2oc , all go todayntoc per yard.
2Jo and 30c ginghams go at Gc per
35c and -I0c sateens go at li > o per yard.
30o and -10c dross goods at lOc per yard.
$1.75 white wnists go at 81.00. .
81.2o waists go at COc.
Wo are too busy to enumerate the many
under cost bargains for today , but
every department will have its share.
August prices will bo lower than Huly.
Firoworksrtonlght , Courtland bench.
Great I'rnllcloiicy n * n I'roTessnr nT Unlit-
toroit TliniiKht.
Colonel Tilly Is at present engaeod In the
enjoyable pastitno of a mad race with the
colony of river front squatters. Just at this
time the colonel Is several lengths In the
load , but the homo stretch Is not yet en
tered , However , the ocolonel is the prime
favorite In the bookings nnd ho-will prob
ably distance the festive squatters , who are
Those squatters who have entered Into an
agreement with the city to remove their
present habitations and level their shanties
to the ground are those with whom
the colonel Is contesting. These
particular squatters nro not at nil choice
about tlio location to which they remove and
are willing to set down their huts at almost
any convenient place where thuro is suf
ficient unoccupied territory. It causes them
but little worriment whether a pleco of
ground they covet is private property or a
portion of a public thorough faro. They huvo
never yet contracted th'o habit of paying
rent , and show no desire to cultivate the
acquaintance of tlio rental agent. About all
they seem to care to accomplish is to capture
from the city the $ ' , ' 0 or $23 that is to ha paid
them when they remove. They have no idea
of ceasing to be squatters.
Colonel Tilly has made a study of squatter
character and it is said that he can tell by
the twinkle of a squatter's eye just what Is
passing through his mind. The other day
the colonel espied one of the colony and , like
Frank Hansom with the buffalo , ho looked
him in the oyo. Immediately the colonel
know that the squatter had evil intentions
toward the community. Ho read in that
cj'c that the squatter was preparing to pull
up stakes down on the river front and the
first piece of unoccupied territory ho came
to would drop his shanty there and remain
until again compelled to niovoon. Colonel
Tilly thought to himself : "Here I am the
inspector of buildlttgfi of this metropolis of
tha commonwealth of Nebraska. My duty is
to the taxpayers. I'll just drop suddenly
like onto that squatter and frustrate his ill-
laid plans. " The colonel did so , and ho
directed Uncle Jerry Snowdon , one of his inspectors
specters , to pay n visit to Shantytown nnd
watch the movements of that squatter with
tlio give away eye. Uncle Jerry did so , nnd
lie found that Colonel Tilly is a mind reader
from away back. The squatter had his
miserable excuse for a house on skids and
was iu the act of seeking a now loc.ition.
Ho could not tell where ho was going , ns ho
did not know. Ho proposed to bo ono less of
the colony , and by a change of location
hoped to secure the $2,5 the city had voted
him to remove. Uncle Jerry informed him
that a permit to move a building was neces
sary and that Colonel Tilly issued them at
so much per is.sue.
The bewildered and half angry squatter ,
accompanied by his interesting family and
all their friends , p.ud a visit to the city hall
and dropped in on Clerk Carter in the build
ing inspector's olllce. Mr. Carter is always
interesting , and for an hour previous to
Colonel Tilly's arrival ho entertained his
visitors with the story of his visit to Windsor
ser castle in years gene by when ho bore ono
of the proudest titles in all Europe.
When Colonel Tilly arrived ho managed
by a liberal application of bad English ,
Sioux nnd the mother tongue to convoy to
the squatter the information that the afore
said squatter should remain in his present
location until ho displayed n lease of n picco
of private ground and that this thing of people
ple blocking the public highways by taking
up their residences there must cease. The
snuattor submitted and is still ono of tlio in
teresting river front colony.
Colonel Tilly is causing a strict watch to
bo kept on the squatters nnd they will noj
bo permitted to settle wherever they desire.
It Cured Ills U'lln mill Children. , Ifobortson Co. , N. C. Wo
gave a bottle of Chamberlain's colic , cholera
and lilarrhoja remedy to n gentleman whoso
wife was bad off with bowel complaint nnd
It cured Her. His children were also taken
with bowel complaint and it cured them. It
is certainly a good preparation. Alderman &
Country Opcrntor * liudcirso thn Aiitl-lCnin.
oy Action nf Onnilia Division ,
Sunday the ox-operators of Omaha
division No. 2 , Order of Hallway Tolo-
graphors.held a mooting at Knights of Labor
hall , Mr. Hosa of Papllllon presiding over
the mooting. The object of the mooting wns
to give the country operators a chance to
hear and bo heard upon the action of the
division in preferring charges against Grand
Chief Itamsoy , which has been the talk in
telegraph circles for n week.
The charges censuring Kamsoy wcro road
and the action of Secretary Gilliland upheld
in withholding the books nnd papers from
the grand secretary pending an investiga
tion , After discussing the situation in nil
its phases it was the sense of the meeting
that it adjourn until next Sunday , when a
Jotter from D , II , Gearheart , assistant grand
chief chairman of the executive committee ,
is anticipated bearing on the matter.
Secretary Gillilaml , in order to sot nil
doubts nt rest as to his position , offered a
resolution that the mass mooting of tolcg-
raphcrs conlinuo their adherence to the
Order of Hallway Telegraphers the fight
bolng made on Kamsoy not to bo construed
to nnvo any bearing on the order whlcn ho
considered bettor than any now orpanization
that could bo formed. The motion was
adopted and the mooting adlourncd.
Piles of people have pues , but Dowitt's
Witch Hazel Halve will cure them.
Ni > Work un .Saturday ,
An order has been issued by the Union Pa-
clfle limiting the working time for shopmen
lo forty hours n week.
Under this rule no work will bo done on
Saturday at the shops.
The order goes into effect next Saturday ,
and will continue during the dull season.
The only Pure Crcaui of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum ,
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , OI1A.NCK.
Tha Orent Drrii < lood Snle Continued
TITO .More llnyn.
Not for a long time have wo started a
sale that seemed to
so nearly please our
customers as our great dross poods out
price sale within tno past few days. Wo
liavo disposed of vast quantities * nnd to
keep up tlio excitement wo put in a few
more special bargains that go in this
two days' sale at ono-fourth real cost.
At lOo.
Wool chevrons , English cashmeres ,
ah wool mill's ' veiling , worth up toloo a
yard , all go in ono lot nt lOo.
At IPc.
All wool suitings , Jamestown serges ,
fanoy plaids , black and whlto stripes
nnd plaids ; these goods nro worth up to
03c , now 18e.
At 2TC. )
Changeable scrgcsbcngnllno , all wool
cashmeres and many other styles will be
placed on ono counter at " , " > c.
10-inch extra quality of black mohair ,
worth Gr > c. goes for JlUc.
18-inch black mohair , worth 85c , goes
for -lOe.
10-Inch all wool novelty blacks , worth
81.2"i. ! goes for GUo.ITAYDEN
Raising money sale
Uy lowering prices.
Fireworks tonight , Courtland bench.
Hero' * Your \Vorld'n 1'alr Opportunity.
Rates cut in two !
On and nftor Tuesday August 1 , the
Burlington Route will soil round trip
tickets to Chicago , with a return limit
of thirty days , at $147u. ;
One-way tickets on sale at $7.f > 0.
Tickets sold at rates indicated above
are free from restrictions of nny kind
and entitle holders to the fullest enjoyment -
joyment of the Burlington's superior
Three vostlbuled and gas-lighted
trains dally.
See the city ticket agent at 1024 Far-
nam street and arrange to make thut
long planned trip to Chicago.
Fireworks tonight , Courtlnnd beach.
To llnilHton , Tux. , mill Itoturti.
Monday , August 7 , will nrnku low rate
excursion to Houston , Tex. , and return.
Address R. C. Patterson , 4Uo Hamgo
building , Omaha , Neb.
Brings comfort and improvement and
( ends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many , who live bet
ter than others and enjoy-life more , with
less expenditure , by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the ncctis of physical being , will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy , Svrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in tlio form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste , the refreshing and truly
beneficial proportions of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system ,
dispelling colds , headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has pivcn satisfaction to millions nnd
met with the approval of the medical
* profession , because it acts on the Kid
neys , Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it u perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in OOc and $1 bottles , but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only , whose name is printed on every
package , also the name , Syrup of Figs ,
and being well informed , you will not
accept any substitute if oflercd.
HKSri.TH In 111) HAYS. Cult's i ,
Nervous lilsc'tm's , I'liUInc Jlcmorj , ,
I'aresla. hit tMilefrsusMi , WcAkMfgfitH , * .L- *
tte. , ana riuieUly tint eurcl > re tuics l.o.t \ Utility
llilnrjoiini. . I.anllr caiiled In vest pocket. 1'ilc
H.OOu piu'knt'iHl < fur # ti.Ill ( III , u urlllrn ami
I" rwri * or inoni'y n > fuMtiil ! * Don't l > 't nn > ul
lirncltiltiil ilinirrlKt f 'll iou any hlmlvf itnttulton llt >
elrt cm Imvln l.NDAl' none ( illitr. IF IK * hag mil
fet It. wlUfiiiillt liy mull | iuii receipt f pil
[ 'nliiphlct In ttmliMi ilitrlouu fite. AiMit'gs Orluii
i , Ill-Ill Co. , Ml 1'ljnioulll 1'liiov , OliUiiaa , 111 ,
SOLD by Kiilin fe Co. , Cor. isth and Douglas St : . ,
anil I. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. 141)1 ) and Di : ' „
Sis. , OMAHA , NKU ; by J'aul G. Schneider , 511
Hroadway anil fi 1'earl St , COUNCIL DLU1'F&
IOWA , and other I.oo
With Nerve Ho ma. new voL-otublo discovery
of marvelous power , positive euro for all
nerve troiioinsi , such us norvoiis prostration ,
slooplcisncs ! , , cluMiomlcmoy , pnlnsln Inuilciuil
slilu , stole liouducliu. dyfcpupbln , lena of nppo-
tlto , etc. Wonderful nuivu tonic , muliou rlc-n ,
pnro uiooil , tones unilru KyMom. ta \ box ,
eiioii h for two wi-olis. At driixRlhti , or by
iniiil , Norvollnan Co. , linlliilo. N , V ,
High Clnis Photography ,
At Popular I'rlcoH.
iiiurm. : : : . s , i5t
QiuaUa , Noli.
WEBER Music Hall , Chicago. All
Lranclitsof IVftl * n < J Initrumntil Music , Driuutic Art , Cltcu *
lu > n , Dtlwrt * Normali ! > | fortwttn. Ttrim inwlmt * , l' U
< i lu begin * * t Hb , b b J I * ! Culfsu , J.J , lUmujvi , Un tctot *
HWKKT M'HIMiH , Mismil'ltl Iho great illUrr
bcUoul o ( a. Ub.1. Writ , ( or JtliuUiUJ C
As usual wo devote a portion of midsummer lo a fcnst of seasonable luxuries.
Tls shirts this lime an apparel you appreciate wlion the mercury plays havoo
with the thermometer. You want a shirt for comfort need ono for * style you'll '
nnd both In the stock wo prepare I for you. Wo have secured an entire balance
of a reputable snlrt manufacturer at a paltry rate. Armed cap-a-plo with tha
choicest of vho scasonwo proceed to share prollts with the public us usual Asldo
rrom a , fat slice of
an unfortunate manufacturer , you may doponil 11(1011 ( Rotttnp r
nrst class article. Not oven a Kood second In sltfht. . Although wo are prepared fern
n lull ycolt s rush , yet wo would consider It wisdom on your part to call cnrlv nnd
do Justice to your curiosity. Shirt
department ground floor iu the rear.
Thrco mighty vnlucs--05c , 7flc and 80c IB the
lowest price you over could expect to got 'em
at. Several dozen of different patterns to
choose from. A prettier or more comfortabltf
shirt for every day use cannot bo obtained for
double the money.
Buys a dollar and a dollar and a quarter
black sateen shirt. Dependable black that'll
fight lye In the washing * All sizes you re
Not ono worth loss than ono and a quarter
and cheap nt that. Splendid litters ar.d help
to dress you faultlessly. Collars and culls
starched and the bosoms light and comfortable ,
Come early , as we expect a rush on thcso.
Not according to quality but to quantity , are
thcso sterling' values divided. There your own
judgment amounts to much , French madras ,
imported Scotch and Irish cheviots , whipcords ,
silk striped linens , etc. , from the materials
these beauties are made of. You'll find nothing
finer anywhere at any price.
We Shall Entertain You .Royally tills Entire Week ,
Unsurpassed eourso ol * . Youni ? I.tdict Hoi
tf-TWfjj/lOne ol Uic oldest.boil MIL
- study Music , art. Jltcra- In
j turi'.ctocuilon.bue in ess , Ac. RlVrffi&l } " J&j' ! "ourl Amromtmcntimodcrn
k ° cullou tiiullto and picas- I WTAv6P BTSKR ntuslc.ndArl T.-acmn
Ous.uatcr.stcambcdL i mSlwfftfilr-siIC'Jh Sptilaiiiiu liiu.irou-J com
' IJvBWi JSUJCTiWPiujue H , , r t.v
j-Sth > car opcn 5cpt. ' ll _ _ . 'J * . ' l'r"l'lenlt
Rv.\VA.WibonA ( M.Preit. ii ro
LOInillun , Ma
partmcnisof Intiruction. I8J O II-M tnihury * cliool In
o nicer 8 iLDil teachers. Con *
faenaiory of music. Art
Gymnasium. Modern op-
pcjiDimenia. I'Stbjcar Illua-
fated A. A. cuttilncua .ioSiB. rv vt.
1316 Doug-las Street , Omaha , Neb.
. Hook ( Mjctorlei of o ) uuiit tree. OlUca iTuuri , 0 a.m. to b p.m. Huudiy . ' lljii. in , to U
iid ; stamp ( or circular.
at 50c on the $1.00
Greatest Bargains ever offered
Write for Special Bargain List No. IO , just , out , wilh ( Inscription
nnd prices that nro Below Alnnpfncturer's Costs. ilOO Hicyi-lt'S at n Iromondoui ,
nacriiico to clear up the season's business. Now is the time to liny and s.avo
moiioy. NGURASKA CYCLU CO. , Lincoln , Neb.
Undo > r ( lit * lltirht ( jimllty uf Ilaunm Tobacco ( lint ciui ! > ( > bought. K'jtiul In r\ir > iriprrt In the
. &IiiuuruciruiUu-if. IU K/CUMlJItCViKXlLU''lUAltifACTOKV. / ' fc - LvulO
OALl < AT 417 HIM : IltJlLDING 1'OH I'ltOOl' .
U. S , Depository , Ornnhu , Nob.
CAPITAL , C400.000
SUIVPLUS , 805,000
Ofllrers and Dlrcotnrs-IIcnrv W. Yntc . profit
rtcnt. It C. CilulilDL' , vln iircHlilimt , U. S. Mnurlcu ,
W. V. Morbv. Juliu S. Collins , J. N. U. 1'alriu *
H b. lluud , cualilur.
'OOiiirrli Ouro nirt- catarrh
U tlio only
Women ExcladeJ !
IB jTiiri ozpcrleuce ,
( 'lrcunrn ) free.
Hthncd 1'arnara KU. ,
Oiuiu , NEB.
( OunHilltallun I'lde. )
li HrnurpnuoJ In Ibu treatmoat
of ull
Chronic , Privatt anl
iVnrv'iiiii DUnmo.
. WriUitu nr c'jniuH ueriunkllr
Aildroi tfltli ilnmii ( or p r.
llculuri nbltli win La ont U
plain cnrolope , I'.O , Uoz ) l , tjffljo , 111 d. 141 t >
ilrcol , Omula.
Tcclh ostrap'.irj Inmornlnr ,
New onus Insni triil (
u.iino day. I'urfeol flt m ri
llrtl 1'Jitor.
1'it.rtuii Itlitolc
Illlli nnti I'nrtittiit
Klcvatoruu Ifitlj ( Jlrcwl , TiU'pliony : 1035