r FHE OMAHA DA ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871 OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 1 , 1803. * SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. HAS A VERY METALLIC RING Bilvor Advocates Are Gathering at Chicago In Lirgo Numbers. PREPARING FOR TODAY'S ' CONVENTION li I'lMinril Upnn tlio Money Power Active HiMtllltlcnMltnt Once IIpRln i'ulltlcnl I.lnp * to Ho r.llnilimtoil DUtliiCuUhml Agitator * . CitiCAtio , July nt. There will bo a declara tion o ( wnr tomorrow. The fee to bo out lawed will bo the "money power , " and this gcncrall/xition Is to Include the capitalist * or Kurope as well as the money barons of Wull street. In the present depreciation of silver the delegates who will In n.Ulniml convention assemble tomorrow only see a consplricy on the part of the gold lenders of London nnd Germany , aided nnd abetted by the lessor capitalists , their vass ils on Wall street , to rnako gold the only recognized International coin metal of the world and subjugate the United States to the llnanclal control of the country from whom she wrested her polit ical liberty yeais ago Ore it Britain. The scenes following the Imposition of the tax. on tea , so hotly contested and Indig nantly denounced by the colonial fathers of 1770 , would have been n lltting parallel to that furnished In the hotel lobbies today The laws of supply nnd demand and the re sults of o\cr-pioductlon found no place In arguments , for every suggestion of this kind was repulsed by a stirtllng array of statis tics nnd ( Inures tending to show th.it the closing of the mints of India , tlio death blow of free coinage In Europe , and the demand for thu repeal of the Shorin m bill vvuio but parts of a grc.lt conspiracy against silver Those who have expected the convention to 1 * . assemble1 ! at 10 tomorrow would go to pieces on the shoals of putisanshlp have underestimated the drup reelings that actu ate most of tlio delegates who ate to dlscu s thu llii.UK.iul issuu lu this assembly. United on Onu Program. Populist , greonnackcr and the fieo silver man seem to bo united on one program th.it is , the rope.il of the Shoiman puiehaslnt : nut must bo resisted to the last , unless there bo coupled with It nn act for the fioo coin age of silver or for a gioator volume of cur- renci. In tills prfigiam are found united the icpubllcan congressman , B.irtlno of i\o- \ndn , the domofi.itlo siher dollar congicss- man , Winner of Ohio ; the populist , IColb of Alabama , ai.d .ill their icspcctlvo followers and their 1111110 Is legion. .rtggicsslvc committees aio to Vie appointed to c.ury the light to Washington and slate committees will bo named to work up public sentiment in the vorl- ous states Thou a campaign commit tee Is to bo namo'ilid mis com mittee Is likely to bo entrusted with what Is rcillj tlio mou impnitant work of the fteo silverbiig.ide. Tlio work will bo seciot , nnd it is expected it will labor to enlist tlio assist mro of the unemployed ovcr > whoio. Tliu piosolytlngof the loadcis of labor or ganizations is to follow next , and the silver men expect thu same law makcis who passed tlie alien labor laws and the Chinese exclu sion bill to hearken to the voice of labor and Increase the volume of the circulating medium Over 1,000 delegates will assemble for deliberation - liberation toinoiiow and the diy following. The hcadqu irlors of tliodologatcsh ivobocn onciied tit tlio Ore it Nortliorn , Pilmur and Grand Pacific , and they are rapidly filling up. i Colorado's big delegation arrived at the Palmer today , and u goodly number from Iowa , Nevada , Montnn i , Alati.ima , IndUn.i and Idutio are at thu Great Northein. rroinlii'Mit I't-uplo lii the City. Some of the most prominent men now in the city aio ox-Senator Thomas Patterson , General Wai nor , Senator Lee Mintol of Mom in i , San ilor Gcoigo J-i Shipman. Congicssman Willis Sweet of Idaho , Senator Uilliam M Stewart of Nevada , Congtossniin .Marlon Cannon of Califouila , Senator Pied T Dubois of Idiho , Congiessman VV W. Bow ors. Colonel P .1 Him mm , vv'nrien Kens , A T Goodwin and Soil Gaston of Al.ilumn , Hoi man Tnubonoek of Illinois chtirinin of the people's pittv national executive com mlttoo ; ( JcbigoF. Wnshbuin , Congressman Battino ol Nevada , Governor Toolo of Alon tana and ex Cioveinor Uoult of Colorado lion. A .1 Wainer ill call the convention to onlcr.mil Mn\or lluitisoii of Chicago wil deliver an addicss of welcome It is ex pected that L'nltou Stales Suialor John M Kcagaii of Toxiis will be perm incut cb.ilr- inun ot thu convention. si.i.i.cri.i ) 1'iiiuii Allen \V. 'lliiirnmii Will 1'rcBliln Oior tlio I.lll > uriill'iiiH ' of the slUiiltcH. Cnicuio , .luly ill , The chiiiimanship of the silver convention was settled last night by the selection of a dark hoi so who has not liguied to any extent In the preliminary fotec.ist nnd dis cussions about the hotel cotildois iostordnv , in tlio poison of Allen W. Thurmtin of Ohio , BOH of ox Senator Allen ( ! Thuiman. Kuily iuthodav Gencial V.'aincr sent out a pri vate cull to thu leaders of thu vailous state ; . to meet with him in confeienco at the Palmer house It was S o'clock when the meeting opened in ox- Sentilor Tom P.UIOI sou's looms and It was 1 o'clock befoio It aiijomned Among those pi escnt wet Senator Stuwail , Sen ator Hunry M Teller , PX ScnalorN P. Hill of Coloinuo , a W Wilder of Denver ; ox- Goveinur Uoutt of Coloiado ; A 12. Thur man , Colonel Dean of Now York ; ox-bcn.itor Hegi'.iu of Texas ; GovciuorValto , Clialr- inun Kolli , ttie Alabama poimlists , Congi ess- man Ii.it tine of Jsouidu and Cougios tnan Swift of Idaho. Guncial Warner presided and nn informal oxpu'sslon of opinion followed along tlio line that Kiigland , snuggling for the monetary Bupioniui-v of tlio vvoild. had over since tlio Napoleonic war , pressi-d .the gold st unlaid upon the nations of thu earth until thu con- llict had iwirowod down to the United States , mill now Its demands had to bo checked or absolute slavery to HnglUh In- llucnco must piovall , The conference de cided that no In'ei fercncu must ho pet milted in the convention by men not In harmony with fioo coinage at thu standard of 1 to ill , and that this end ink-lit bo noeoiupllsliod it was decided to biiupoit a poimanent chair man , and the unanimous choice fell upon Mr , Thurnnn. who was designated ns "sound to the coie. " As ft further precaution , the ronforenco selected a committee on crodontlals composed - posed of men from the vailous stales who are f.imiliir vvllh thu silver element , and no ono will bugivoii a seat as.i delegate who is chat * lungodb.v ihls commlttoe , The following is the commlltoo as suggested. Nevada , Thomas V.ronn , C. J , Hutchluson ; Guoigla , Homy Jones : Ohio , 13. 1) Stark ; Alabama. Senator IColb ; Washington , Patrick Clark ; Texas , Gassctt ; Tennessee , J. H , McDowell ; Virginia. J. L. Johnson ; Califoinia , D , M. Hums ; low a , Wasoon ; Kansas , A. O. Shinn j Idaho , G. I ) Ilriauj Utah , O C , Goodwin ; New York , J. P Doon ; Montana , Gcorgo Toolu ; Arizona , A Buck ; North Carolina , J , U. Btantnn , Illinois , Homy Alton and Hubb.ud ; Massachusetts , Geotgu Washburn , Missouri , L M , Kiiuiboyj Maryland , U. C. SniTet. Worrf out I ortj Hour * \Vuok. . NBWAIIK , July ai. The propilistors of the Arlington Sand Paper company have an- uounccd that until further notice * the mills will w oik but foity hour * a week , Thu Arllut'lou Ce'lulold and Collouito company will hu closed on Tuosdajs , Thuisdajs and Satuidajb , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' * \lld lloroo. " WASHINGTON , July ill. Acting Mint Tl toctor pii'Moiu'hanrtcrlresas"wlld hun-sv" thaproH.iiltlono-'AUoiutfy | General J ugloy > of Colorado to establish a state bullion de pository and Issue certificates against silver bullion deposited therein , Thu schema is not In violation of the United States stat utes , it Is s ild , but is regarded at the treas ury as a temporary makeshift and Impracti cable. CIIICAdO riNA.NUtAI. ATTAINS. Unvo Kcnrhcd Unit 1'olnt When Now York llnnkn Mint lip Ignori'il. CHICAGO , July .11. [ Special Telegram to Tun HER. ] Financial nffalrs seem to have reached the point w hero Chicago is obliged to pretty nearly cut loose from Now York. Fortcndajs Now York exchange has been practically unsalable here. It has been simply impossible to pot any currency from Now York banks , although local banks had It on deposit there to their credit. New- York exchange was vcsterday nomlr.all" quoted at $ T on the tl.COO discount , although under normal conditions It could not fall be low TO rents discount , which Is the shipping rate. This iimisu-il situation in New York ev- chaiiRo has led to a now departure in local banking. Chicago is to import gold direct from I-omlon. Two banks yesterday com pleted arrangements for shipments of Amer ican eagles from London and at least $7" > 0- , 0X ( ) will start from there tomoirow , The First National b ink ordered from its Lon don correspondent STiOO.OOO nnd the Hank of NovaScotii ordered fiV,000. ) 'ibis will bo biought straight through Now Yoik to Chicago. It seems piobiblo that Chicago will now play an important pirt in the gold imports that are expected to bo made. The for warding of produce nnd grain has been seriously hampetcd by the inability of snippets to dispose of their Now York ox- chunL'o. If the Chicago banns now buy the drafts oil foiolgn purchases of grain nnd ship the gold directly to this cltv the dllll- euUv on that score will bo avoided. "No dealing house ccrtlllcntcs have yet boon issued in Chicago , " said Lyman J. Gage jcstcrday. ' 'Tho authority gianted the ox commissioner of the doming house to issue such certificates has not yet been taken advantage of. No ono has jot ap plied to the committee for any certificates , and 1 doubt it nnj are Issued hero. " Will nriuiiut > oticu Irani Depntltnri * PALI , KIVKH , July Ul. This morning the savings MnVs of this city took advantage of their by-laws to ptovent any further with drawals or deposits , and depositors will not bo allowed to withdraw larger sums , except after having given thiity or sixty dijs notice. BINOIUMTOV , July . ' 11 Dingharnton's sav ings b.tnks have decided to demand sixty dnjs notice of withdrawal of funds by de- posltois. Nuvv Ilxvnv. July ill The savings binks of this city have decided to require from three to four months' notice fiom depositnis wishing to withdraw. Theio is considera ble excitement among smiill depositors , but tlio binks nro geneially consldeied strong. PitovIIIU.NOC , Julj iil Tlio.MeiehantsSi.Br ings b ink called for ninety dajs notice on withdrawal of donoslts to I tv AUHNV , N. ! i , Julv 111. The tiustecs of the Albnny Savings binlc toj.iy adopted a lesolutlon to pay dupositois the amount duo them on demand without notice , as tlio Uank feels nblo to meet any run that cm bo m ido until the present pmlo is over. The ttus- tees of neaily all the other sivinps binks in the city met today , and the sentiment expressed - pressed was in favor of cnloicing Iho sixty dijs notion fiom the depositois. The only binks which todiy icquhcd such notice vvcio the Albiuy City Sivmgs institution , the Homo S iv ings b ink and thu National Sav Ings bank. I , st on W'liLMit. Ciuotno , July 31. Asniosult of the big diop in the price of wheat on the Board of Trade today the firm of Lyon & Hubert notified its customers to protect themselves. The Him is understood to have been carry ing 800,000 bushels of wheat , on which there was .1 loss of some $70,000 , but was short about 000,000 bushels of coin , on winch thoio was a piolH of fJO.OOO , leivlng a not loss of ffiO.OOO The ( Inn juomlses to pij in full as soon as it call icilizo on collaterals The senior member oC the grm , J. 15 Ljon , Is ono of the oldest and best known members ot the Uoud of Tiado and at one time made u gie.it stii by running a coiner in wheat. Valrl ) Muiil In l.uiiilmi. LONDON- , July 31 Stocks opened faiilv steady , owing to the practical settlement of tlio Siimcso question , but business was very light American i.iilw.iv securities wore we ik and irregular and Aigentines wcio flat. The outgo of gold loAiiiiMlii is causing a steadnso in the i Uu of discount in the open mat hot , though tlio IJink of l uglind is In a position to stand the oxpoi t of 1.000,000 without laising the olllcial i.ito The open into todaj/ts UfjfJ ' „ against t ! Satuiday. Thu maiKot dosed ne ir the bottom. iielit llioiiHiiiiit II mils Mir. 1:11 : , N. II , July : il The big Ainoskcag mills weio closed today. This is the first suspension of thcso factories for many v ears Eight thousand operatives nro idle The lofforson mills stilled up again this motning , Huts giving employment to 1,000 hands who had boon idle for two w celts All the remaining AmoskonR mills are cer tain to lesuino August 1W , if not bofoie , It will boon thu basis , It is said , of a t eduction of wages. AVaiU 'lliiilr VViigni. DuiUTH , Minn. , July ill A liot is now in piogtcss at the mining town of VIrginli , on the Mosiba range , nnd four rlnglcndcis are in jail. The trouble is believed to have been caused by delay in payment of wages at the Franklin mine , the pioptrly of Corrlgan , Ives & Co of Cleveland. Hardly an.v of the mines have boeji able to pay oxcopl In tickets At the time ot Iho llro men had lo bo provided for bj the city ot Oultith who had thieo mouths pay duo them Details are nic.iger laiL-tcmt tlio ? s * cfisurj Cr.iuu HU-IDS , la , Julv ill A. Dajjlols & Co , private bankois at Marlon , have made an assignment to C H. Kurt A Thopropcity Is valued at . ' 00,000 Tlio c iuso was a lack of immcdi no cash. It is believed all will bo paid in full and the bink will bo open in n fciw-dajs. No stalement of nsaots and 1m- blllliett. No I'urtlii'r rronlihi ivinroil. ; | ( SHiUNOi'iri.i ) , Mo , July yi The Sptlng- field Savings b ink failed this moining The deposits wroIOOOJO.ind Iho capital ' > ,000 , U will pay in full The other banks aio not affected and no futther trouble Is expected , Sttinl ) Drain on Di'p-xlU. Ayu.tM > , WIs , July 81 The Fiisl Na- tlonal bank failed this morning owlru lo a steady drawing on deposits The rosoun-c-s Julj Ifi wuro J.ft'il ' & ' .i Kims are in pi ogress ut other banks lu World1 * I'.ur lluu I'.iU. Ciucvuo , July ! H riiipiu.ui llros , pro prietors mill iminngcis of two Wet Id's fair hotels , have confessed Judgment for JJVOO. Thu assets are estlm Uod at fiXW.OOO and thu liabilities ul Say the .siispiinnioii l Itunporarj. POIITI.AMI , Ore. , July 31. The First National built of ttast Poi tland has fulled , The officers say the siism nslou is temporary , Tlio losourres July 1weio fJ j.lXW , and In Iho lluniU iil a Uerdutr. AKIION , O. , July 111. W , A. Ljnchhas been appointed rccclvpr of the Pittsuuig , AUrou it Western railroad , The road bus u capital stock of UW.OX ) . Hit * Ltiri : * * A et , PEMU KTOV , Oro. , July Ul. The Pendloton Sav ings bank has tmiiporarlly suspondud , Assets , fJiO.OOO ; liabilities , f 13J.003. Still hnltirlnt ; Jruiii a Klin NE\VAIIK , Julv 31. The lun on the Howard institullou w hldi was beguu ou Saturday was continued today. TOBE CASTOR'S ' PREDICTIONS Ho Declares that Nebraska Democrats Are to Have Satisfaction. SEVERAL APPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE SOON I'lfty rourth-CInnj Itopulillcnn 1'o tinmtors lo llo lloiiiDtcd Mlthtn the Not 1'orty eight lloum Othort .Muy Servo Their I'ttll Tcrais , WASHINGTONBOIIEAO or TUB 3CB.1 Dia FouiiTrnNTii STIIKET : , , S WASIIISCITOX , July ot. I "Tobias Castor , Lincoln , Neb. " Thcso were the words inscribed in a plain hand upon the register of the Cook ran hotel , which announced the arrival this morning of the dcmociatlo national commltlcomau for Nebraska. When THE Bin : eoricspondont callcdlipon Mr. Castor this evening ho was Boated at a table going through an enormous ' 'pile of lottcts from Nebraska democrats who want ofllco. "Yes , I confess , " slid Mr Cistor , in reply to a question , "that I e uno hero to look after some appointments. And I may add that I am disappointed not to find Secrolary Mor ton hero. As I passed through Chicago I leatncd that Mr , Morton wis upon a west ern trip , but thit he was expected to arilvo there on that day and proceed hero at once. llo will undoubtedly bo hero by the middle of this week. " "Dojou know of any appointments that will bo made soon foj- Nebraska ! " "Weil " replied Mr. Castor , "i spent lod.iy nt the Postofllca department and jou may say to THE Due leaders that there will bo fifty less republican postm.istots of the fourth class in Nebraska within tliu next forty-eight hours than there nto now , that is , there vv 111 bo that number of democrats appointed to take the places of ns many lopubUcans. 1 do not want to mention names You may say also that n postmaster for Omaha vv ill not likely bo named befoio the middle of next winter. Postmister Clnikson will not have served four joars till about Junuaiy. " No C'lmnccB In the I.nrco Oltlet. "By tint do you mom to siy thoio will bo no removals of postinistois at the largerof- flcod in Isobiaskn till they have served four 'That is my understanding , " was the prompt and positive leply. "How about tjjo United States district at- toiiioishlpi" "I do not expect that place to bo filled by a democrat till about January. " "And the colluctorship of customs at Omaha ? " "Well , " sild Mr. Castor , "theio may bo n charge before long 1 am not certain about that place. It is my impression that n now collector of customs vv ill bo named for Omaha befoie many uajs " "And the land ofllccrsi" "Tho lopublicans who were appointed to the now ofllces those created by tlio Heed conpess will , it is understood , remain till their four jeais are out. 1 o\poct changes to bo made in the old ofllces of Alliance , McCook , Lincoln and North Platte for in- st.uice , soon. 1 am going lo the Interior dep.iitment tomoiruw to look ever the papois on Illo ami make sotno recommenda tions The sccretaty of 'ho Interior is out of the city nnd I do not know when ho will act upon the locommendatlons , but I shall submit mine this week and I hope for and ax. pool early action "No , I do not care to mention the names I ; \vlll iccommend for any ofllces. It is against my policy. The ( list appointments which will bo made for Nebraska will bo about twenty-five fourth class postmasters toinoriow and ubout the same number on Wednesday. " Morton Will Appro\e. Mr. Castor will rcmiin in Washington about a week. Ho is at the suno hotel which Scctotarv Morton makes histfhomo and , of couisc , whatever ho may do in the way of lecommendatlons for places will meet the nppiov.il of the secrol.iry of agricultuio. THE BI.R coriospoiulcnt could not induce Mr. Castor > incnlion the na'ncs of the prospective appointees , but it is safe to wager joiir last dollar tint ho will recommend James MeSh uio for the Omaha collcclorship and then lo double the wager that McShano will get the place. The ap pointment is likely to be made within a short time , just as soon as President Cleveland - land can take up the case When Secretary Hoko Smith returns to the eitv he will take up the land ofticcs nt the four cities named In Nobiaska and act upon them It seems to bo settled that the district attoinoi ship will remain open till near the end of Hie jenr Mr Cuslor has recently lotuined from a piolorgod trip through Montana and other states and is looking us hearty us ho did when ho was last in Washington in April. KckclH on tlio .Situation. When Comntiollcr of Currency Eckels ted lyatithoiized the Fitst National biuk of Kondullv Illo , Ind. , which closed on Juno 23 last , to open for business again , hoobseivcd : "One by ono the n itlonal bulks which ha vo closed dm ing the piescnt stress are opening , and 1 maRc the prediction that nine out of every ten of them will opun for busi ness again , In some cities all of the binks which failed to meet the demands of deposi tois will reopen. The failure of n bank dur ing times like these is no indication of dis honest } and noes not necessarily mean bad b inking methods "Some of Ihose which have failed wore the most successful binks in their respective communities. The worst of the tininolal distress Is over and soon binks will begin to lend money If I had n largo deposit In n national bink In which I had had confidence when money w as plentiful and I had no other leiison forimtitm than the general failuios of banks , I wouldn't vvllhdiaw my deposit. I would stand by the bank. The bankers aio making memoranda of th ir p.uiu'kj de positor * , and i fancy they mil rcmetnbor in the futuie Ihoso who mistrusted them dur ing those limes. " VVeatcrn Postnmsters Appointed. ' Posltnaslcis were appointed today as follows lows- Iowa Akron , Plymouth county , B. F. Wlutcisioon , vlco A. W. Pai sons , re signed ; Cihunui , O'lirien county , L ) B Har rington , vlco U C. Fields , removed ; Imo- gone , Fremont county , J. C. Ilairlgun , vice John nnetmiu , losigncdj Norwalk , Warren county , I. A. Lleiio , vice Uauiel Stoltz , re moved Soulh Dakota Uikton , Brooking county , - H A Brown , vice H. Muiphy , losignud ; Naples , Clark Coff Baumbach , vlco C. A , Baumbach , resigned , VViivtorn 1'oiiilons. The following pensions granted are reported ported- Nebraska- Original widows , etc. Mary Nelson , mother. Iowa : Original Peter S Sodon. lie- novval and inei case William Wltird. In- creasu Now 1011 Oiuon , Keuben F. Cocklin. Kclssuo James Armsiiong Original wid ows , etc. Kmily J , Hallecic. Soulh Dakota : Konoval ) ami increase JohnS Oieen Original widows , etc. Min ors of Charles it , Ulngmun , Bljcelluaoou . All of the cabinet ofUcors except Secretary Carlisle nro out of Washington now , and Ihoso absent are expected to lemaln away till about tlio close of the vvoelc , All politi cal and lniK | > rtant onlclal business ubout the dcp.u latent Is about nt a standstill This Is the first opportunity affoidcd thu cabinet of- llccis to gut a lililu resi. A. M Kodgcraof Mllbuin , la. , C. O Nutt ing of Iowa City und 11 C ! Decker of Divcii- poi t uru ut the St. .lames 'I he acting secrotat } of Iho interior today overruled Iho motion for review of the com missioners' decision In the homestead case o ( William II. Labco against James lioid from Itapld Pity , S 0 , and the entry of BOM ! s-nnds canceled. Ho dismissed the mo'.lou fo.- ret lew of the decision in the case of Lij-cila Scmple agnlnst Andrew U. Boyd from Rapid City nud the decision stands against Bod. The secretary has denied the motion for review in the desert land case of Charles ti. Iloso against C. G , Lnngsdorff from Salt Lake City. Commissioner Lochren appointed the fol low Ing medical pension oximlners today for McGtcgor , la ! Drs H. J Scroinor , J. II. Thornton and M U. Brown. P. S H. ClIINKSK IM Ml ( IK ANTS. Sacrctiry CnrlUln looi Not T.llcc the I.tx MctluxlR iil CiMliinu onirlutx. WASIIISOTOV , July St. Secretary Carlisle has taken a hand in the Cblncsa situation nt Now York , which bus boon the occasion of so much friction recently botwoan treasury agents and Collector Hcndrlcks. Several letters have passed on the subject and Sec retary Carlisle brings the milter to n close in n letter to Collector Hnndricks , in which he says : The department cmnot concur In your vlow that ttioiln iilthorlzud practice , discontinued by Itiordor or the 13th Instant , or nulhcutl- c-atliig the slcnituro3of tlm Uhlnuso consul nt Now York by the dKti.iiuro and soul of the collector Should ho rosilincd. Hvl- donco Is before the department In ono rn o VNhe-re n Ulilnese person ronorteil hlniaolf to bo n inoinbor of n linn of Chinese morcliitnts In Now York und wns so cortlflud by the ChliuMo consul nt Now York , which cortlllcnto was duly nuthcntluntod by thu soil of thu cns- toin , house nnd the signature of ono of your duputtes , vvlion , In point of fact , the Chinese person who piosontod hlinv.lf ut the custom house wns nnothor nnd entirely illfTorent pur- son trom thn ono nnmod In tlio certificate. This mun applied for admission nt ono or thu f rout lor custom houses upon the certificate mentioned , which , accordInK to your theory , would bo conclusive ovlclc-ncci of his ilalit to enter , Inasmuch ns the photograph wns that of tlio person who iireMintod liluisolf , ami It wns nut that or thu person named in the certlllc ito , who una n roiil person- njro , formerly residing In Now Yoik nnd vhoassMH In Ulilna. Tint iminv cuncs of this kind have occurred , Is beyond question nnd the dopirtment sues no good reason far Iho contlnu inco of a practlco by your ofllco VThlch In instineos lllco lint inontluiiud only serves as an nld to these oiiKnKi'd In v lolitlug tholiu Ills n certain f ict th it many niin- arc-dsor Ohlnuso Inborors Imvo como Into the country within the pist July under dUgulso of merchants , students , nctoisorothor iie-rsous of the uvonipt class , uldcd In miht cusoi by customs olllcors whom cro oltbcr corrupt or liidlHoront to their duty in Ihu promises U IH my duly , ns It Is my purnoso. to employ all the moans under my control to mifnrcu the law In peed faith , nnd to tint end 1 sh ill expect the cordial co-operation of alt oIllceiM of thu cus- tom - SILVJ3H For thn .Month of July 1 ho } Only Amounted to aUS 1,1)00 Oiinnon. WAIHIVOTOX , July 81. For the first time since the pass igo of the Shcrm in silver law the treasury this month failed to buy the full quota -1,500OOJ ounces of silver. The total pinchaso for the month was 25hlUOO ! ounces , leivlng n shortage of 2,110000 ounces. The amount nuichased today was 210,000 ounces at the counter llguro of f0 703 per ounce. The two populist incmbeis of ongress from Colorado , Messrs Pence nnd Jell , wore at the treasury today and had au iterviow with Sccrotuiy Carlisle and Act- ng Mint Dhector Proslon. They vvcto in Ir. Pieston's room at the time ho rejected 11 the offeis and made the counter offer of 70J per ounce. Both of them wcro much oncerned about what they claimed was nil IToi t of the department to depress the price f silver in the markets of the world. The men Indicated a purpose to precipitate a sil- or discussion on the first working day of ho extra session of cnngiess by a rcsgju.tioji f inquiry as to whether or not the secretary f tlio tio.isurr has nut exceeded his utithor- ly iuiefusliig to purchase 4,500.000ounces of liver in July , as piofided by the Sherman aw. Washington No to * . VASHIN-OTON , July 31. The issue of stand ard silver dollars fiom the mints nnd treas ury ofllco duting the week ended July 29 vas $ -1 U,3j'J ( ; for the corresponding period of ast veir , ? 410OlV ) The shipment of fi.ic- ional silver coin from the 1st to JOth inst. amounted lo ? 7irl'3 The First Nation tl bank of Kondillvillo , mi , which suspended pi\mcnt June "J , has icon permitted to icopcn its doots for busi ness. The total number of fourth class post masters appointed today was ll'J , of which brty-four vv cro to fill vacancies caused bv resignations and dc Uhs. An eider was Issued at the Navy dopirt- ment today directing Commander H 10. Impcy to pioceed to Iho Asialic station to cominind the Momcy , icliovlng Commander Jarber Commander Barber is onlciod lomo and authorl/.od to del.ii ono j ear his trip.Tho The censorship of telegrams sent from 3ra/ll to the United Stales his been re moved. Information to this cnect has been ocelvcd at the State dopirtment from Min ster Conger , who is at Potiopolis , the ! port of Ilio Gi.indo It is understood that the censorship did not apply to messages in cipher sent by foreign representallves to their homo governments , but only copy mes sages of a private character. Tlio president today appointed Chalk's B. Motion of Maine fourth auditor of the ttc.is- ury , vlco John 1C. Lynch of Mississippi , 10- Bigned. AnxloiiN Whisky Dmtlrr * . WASHINGTON- , July ! H. The visit to 'Unsh- .nglon of Tlioinns S. Shliloy of Louisv Illo on jchalf of tlio wcistoin banks who are oarry- , ng loans upon whisky in bond was not suc cessful. Mr. Shirley is a lawvur , nnd ho ropiesents in this matter binks in Louis ville , Cincinnati , Cb.io.igo and Plttsbutg. Ho came to supplement the efforts of the com mittee of distllleis who pleided with Secro- iaiy Carlisle for an extension of ban Is for 'a short period , but failed to convico the se-cio- tary tliat ho could grant tholtlequest Mr. Shirley has gone lo Now Yotk to try to raise the aiuouni of money noccsairy to lollovo the dUtlllcis and the banks The whisky upon which lax will bo duo in a few davs is that which wont Into ooml In Ib'tO , and a largo sum of money will bo necessary lo re- Iiovo U , 3iin > . Rin\.ini \ > * Luriitinn. National Coinmlnslonun Accept llorni Ono of the Colunihlnn ilml on , CHICAGO , July III. [ Special Telegram to THE Bri : ] Among tlio Judges confirmed by the national commission today was Mrs. A. M. idwards of Fioinont , Neb , in ngilcul- ' turo. > _ Conerr iniiii Hull "icriomly Hurt. DBS MOINES , July Ul. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bnr. ] Congrjusman Hull of this city mot with an accident this morning that will likcl ) lay him up for several weeks and pte- vcnt Ills attundance on Uio special ses sion of congioss. He was driving from Crocker station , ubout nlno miles north of the city , to tils farm near b.\ \ , when the horses became filyhloned , tuinod sharply , uiiset tlio buggy and threw Mr Hull out ou his head und shouljlcTs , breaking the collarbone bono and inflicting other painful but not seiious injuries. SJniiton'H I'lr t riilluro. STANTON , July 81 [ Spoclal to THE BEE ] The general meu-handiso store of Kocmtnlch Bros was closed this morning on nllach- ments for debts they wcro unnblo to moot , owing to the close money market' Some of the creditors aio Kllpatiick-ICbch Dry Goods Co. , Mover At Hoapkl , 1'aiton < S Gnllnglior , Uiimoio itUuhl and others It is impossible jot to learn the extent of liabilities or the assets This is the first f.tiluio lu Staulon since the hard time * begun. o Ilryitn nt Do * Moiiiec. DBS MOIN-ES , Julyai. [ SpecialTelegram to TUB BKE. ] Congressman W. J , Bran of Nebraska stopped off between trains hero this evening and iJdressed a mooting of Iho Central Bimetallic ! league In favor of free silver. After the meeting a delegation of sovur.il bundled pci-boiu started foi the Chicago convention. ARE OPPOSED TO CRESPO Enemies of the General Dec1 nro His Elec tion as Proridout Illogal. PROGRESS OF SEVERAL REVOLUTIONS HovolU In Arccntlni Directed Acnlntt thr Clovornoni of V.uhiui Stole * nnd Xot la Oppixltton to tlio rodornl Authorlt } . [ Copurtititel IRlJliv Jama ( rni\ltii\ PAN-AM v , Colombia ( via Oalvostou , Tex ) , July 31 [ Uy Mexicin Cable to the New- York Herald Special to Tun I3ir. : ] Advices received bv mall from Venezuela Include the report that fresh trouble his iniscn In Los Andes. Partisins of Arantos nnd Bautlsto nro stirring up the people and arousing dls- content. They havu issued a manifesto from Valor.i which repudiates General Crespo's election ns president und dciiounees the so-called "centraltstle constitution" adopted by the constituent assemby , which is alleged to have been undo up of Crespo's creatmcs. The manifesto urges the opposition to unite , take up arms and proclaim their sup port of the old Falcon constitution , which guarantees the rights of states. Minister of War Guorra has ordered General Ferna- doz's division to miroh from Maraealbo to suppress the conspirators. General Aranu , leader of attempted up- ilstng | in Cojcdcs , has been cnptmed and Is now In prison in Valencia. aI FobrcsCordoio , the new provision il picsi- dent of the stito of Falcon , Is causing seri ous tioublo in Miracilbo. As soon as he had been inaugurated ho tut ncd out all the Crespista ofilcoholders in tlio state und Illicit all places w ith Ouzm inicistis or former fol lowers of Andticzi and Urdineti. Protests lili have boon mido b the gov eminent of the state of Bollvir against the landing in Vene zuela of vagabonds trom the Itritlsli colonies nies ; whose passage has been paid in order to gat i id of them. 1'roRrrsn ill Arcrntlim's Itcrolutlon. ViirAHAi-0 , Chill ( via Galvcston. TON- . ) , July 31 [ By Mexicin Cable to t'io New York Ileiald Speciil to TIIE Wfc ] News received from Argentina tonight shows that the revolution of clvlco nacioimles and radi cals has extended to all puts of the piovlnccs of Buenos Ajics nnd SantiFo. It is expected tint n state of siege will bo dcclaiod in the city of Buenos Ajres and mai ti.il liw inaj bo declared in all parts of the provinces where the icvolutionlsts have made demonstrations The senate has been called to meet and consider the situa tion. Accurate news is dilllcult to obtain , telegraph lines having been cut in many places r.'id railroads having been toin up to pi event the nun intf of state tioops I have learned on good authonty that the revolt is not directed against the fcdeial government. This confit ins the statement I cabled the Ileiaid last night The upilsing Js asamst the state govcimnonls of Buenos Ayies , S.inla Fo and Sin Luis and was caused by the dissatisf letiou atoused by financial nnd other politics of the goveinois of those provinces. Thofntiio situation in Argentina is gloomy , howsvor , und a finan cial piuic is expected. Tlio steamer Ilolliswood has i cached Val- paiaiso. Ilei main and im zeii masts wen est during a storm SVN JUAN iiBl.Si.it , Nicaragua ( via Galvcs ton , TON ) , July 31 [ Bv Mexican Cable to the New York Herald Special lo'iin : Ucn ] News Ins been received that a tieityof icace h is been signed by representatives of the Gi.in.ida povetnmcnt and the Leon rove lutionists. 'Ibis was in accordance with the pioposal made by the piovisional president , /Civnla The terms of the treaty have not been teamed , but it is known that hostilities lave ceased Tuouni.i : M r oviu vir. : Inh ililtiintx of l ( > inil < i > lc IJiinnsy ( ) \cr the Action ol Ilin rri'iuh Adinlr.ilp. , Julj ! )1 ) ThoPanscoiiespoiulctit of n news agency s.ijs tliat it has been learned fiom good nuthoilty that Fiance demands as security Irom Siam that the terms of the ultimatum will bo cirned out the temporary custody of Channbon , a town near the Gulf of Slim , also that Siam shall establish no military stations in cer tain named polls near the fiontior of Cam bodia within a certain distance of the Me kong liver. A dispatch from Bangkok , dated Monday at 7 p in , sijs ; "Tho uneiMnoss among tlio people heio far from lessening , is inciois Ing. Seven of the Fionch gtmboits have ar rived at Ivoh si Clung , miking thlitcen now there. Negotlitions are still troin'on , but the ptogiess is not reported. The inten tions of the Fiunch aio awaited with fear and appiehension Heir Admhal Humann , commanding the Ftonrli sijiiulion , has Issued a second blockade notice to take effect three days from H.itmday Ho will order the British war ships Pallas and Swift , nowIjiiiff otf Bangkok , to go outside the blockade limits. M 1'avlo , the Fiunch minister lesldent , his gone to Silgon and Hear Admhal Hiimunn Is under dnect 01 dcrs fiom Paris Unless the Fiencli gov ernment Intel poses qiildclv nn attack on Bangkok scorns cert iln 'Iho tiading .com munity is sm prised that Humann is stll allowed A ftco hand " The Standaid today received the follow ing dispitch fiom its Paris coriespomlcnt "Owing to tlio icprcsontatlon undo to M Dovcllo the foioign minister , by I ou Duffel In , the Biitibh amliissudor loV Fiance theouostion of the neutral /ono botucen tlio French possessions In Iho Siami'bu peninsula nnd Hiltiah Burmah and Iho Shai slalcs has boon settled satisfuuioiily ] has boon agreed tint thoFrenoh blockaUoo tlio .Siiinesc coast shall bo'Vaiscd immo diatulv. " No confirmation of the foicgolng has boon received up to a late hour tonight , WH.I' NUT in : i'U.sibini > . I'roli.iblo IIIIIK ( | | ol ih Homo of Commun Jtuw ( ilutlstunB' AcUlco. LONDOV , Juli 31 In the House of Com mons tonight Wharton , conservative , n question about last Thuisdaj's row , re plying to which Gladstonu said it would doubtless bo for genetal convenience and interest of good order If nnairangcmontcould bu ariivod nt by means of which suppoiters of the government and opposition might sit on oppositcs sides of thu ho jso. Hunter , liberal , askud If Iho assiults com milled Thursday evening wcro to bo allowoJ to pass vv ithout punishment being inflicted upon Iho offenders , also what action would bo taken if ho moved for a committee to in vestigate , Gl idstono said ho would answer tomorrow. Mr Fisher , consei vativo , who started the flst fight , nioso and expressed deep icgrct for the part he took in Iho alfray Ho IhouMit Ix > tMU had Intended to assault him or Carson I.oa'nn emphatically denied any Intention to ass lult an > ono and deeply regretted beliii , ' concerned in the alTalr. Gl ulsiono said Ijnil tlio cxnlanatlons wore satUfactor.v.yund ho hoped that ttu matter \\ouM bo ullouc'd 10 drop. Balfour and McC'nrlby also oxprcssod latUfuiiiuu , but McCailhy pioiostca against V.V > trn rreicht j * ' ntlon to DUriiM the Omnhi-CotiltUt HIiilN Itntri. July ill [ Spool il Tcltvnm to | A moctinRof the Western Ft eight nssochtlon Ins been cille I bv Chairman Midgley to consider a proposition on the part of the Ibck Islind to mike the same rates from Oiiiiln to points in Iowa on all clatfios and commo lltles as are now csiib- Hshed fiom Council Bluffs to points In Iowa. The Kock Island claims th it there are eighteen ngrlciiltur.ll Implement firms on the tracks of the nssoclitol roids nt Council Bluffs , most of whom hid boon Induced to locate there on the assurinco that no unjust discrimination would bo pricticod agiiust them lu the dislilbution of their special commodities. For je.irs thov hid been placed on n putty with Omihi hi the tint- tor of rates on thelt shipments to the tcirl- tori west of the Missouri river. This had not been accomplished by reducing the ntos from Council Binds to the Omaha bisls , but was offcctod bi advancing the Oinahi ntcs to an c < iulty with those from Council Blurts. If Council Bluffs was to be maliit lined on an equality with Omaha in the matter of ship ments to Nchiask.i and west , then Omaha should bo given cqinl treitmunt with Coun- Btufls In tlio case of shipments to points In Iowa. The inr-otlng will bo held In the Uookery August 3. jiu n i\ii \ i.v it ir. CIroat Crowd * Kxpci-tetl nt the World's Pair on Anoint l.'t , Cmcnno , July 31. The weather is line and cool , nnd there is n largo attondinco at the World's fair lodny , A larjio delegation ot mechanical engineers visited the grounds and wore shown the wonders of ougiiiceilng skill In the Whlto City August 13 will be Boho nlnii day. Lirgo ntimbcisof that mllonalily are expected from Out ah.i and other cities Thoio vv hi bo n big p ir.ido and an oiation by Lieuten ant Govei nor lou.is of Wisconsin When the mittor of co.illiniing judges of awiud enmo up to lay befoio the uiUonil ommisslon Mr. Button of 1C ins is toiko-c- option to the list pioposod for the depirt- lent of line aits. All the men mentioned vcie fiom Now Yotk but SN ! Ho wanted o know why New York got such u l.ngo oprcwenl.itlon. Iio had been told the Hot mil be ° n selected by a man sent from New Yoik who had no connection w ith either Uio ationil commission or the depiituu'nt of iwards His icmirks icstiltod inn lively \tangle. After tbo hubbub hail lastml ncirlhilf an hour it was developed that ho mines had already been conlluncd in ov icullvo session rominissioner nibocck of Iowa offered a resolution toqucsting thelocil delc atc-sof he e\position to iciUico the price of admis- ilon to the fair on Sundajslo J5 ! cents and , ho ptico for children to 15 cents The iresont solution , ho said , was oflcied in view of the fact tint the attendaiic-o on 5undajs at the tegular pi ice was so sinilt. L'ho lesoltitiou was lost. lesolution was oftetcd that when a bo taken the close of ' recess at today's ses sion , it be until 12 o'clock Wednesliv , that the members might attend the silver con- IOKS The resolulion was amended b > sinking out the vvouis , "to intend the silver convention , " nnd adopted. The p lid aUoiuiaiico nt the World's fair for the Hi st three- months numbers 7,000OOJ- icrsons The opening of the WoiId's lair ScoHish assembly today was Inauguiatcd Dy a ginat ) aradc of all the societies in the city , local mil visiting. After the procession ; ho Hi hl mdcis went to the South Side base bill park , where a program of athletic spoils wascairicd out The genetal session ol the eiiirinoors' con- toss was belt ! in tlio Art institute this moin- ng About 100 int-mbcis of the ijiofcssion weio piuscnt. Charles C. Bonnci , pn-sident of the Woild's congie-ss , niiidu tlio opening nidi ess Aftoi addtcsscs of welcome and icsponsc-s , tlicgencial sussion then dissolved and the vaiious divisions into which tliu cougiess is divided pioc-c-o'icd toorgani/o in llio dilfoicut hills assigned to thorn ns fol lows Civil niginccning , mechanical cngi ncerinir , mining eiisineciing , ciigitiooiins education and inniine. metallurgical engi- iieeiing and n ival cngineeiing All tlio divisions u LI a well attended and at no time did the discussion clrig. Among the piomlncnt siu-akeis who will bo present during Ihu week ,110 II M Hunt , uiclntect of the Admiinstialion building at Jackson puk , Koboit Mitchell of London , and lop- U'sentalivc-s fiom all the gtcat Unglish and Get nun non works Qi < iiit 31 ij.imiu.\i n , v 1111:1:11. II. W. U liltnor South Imkulii Mnrrli-il to Ills lirco < l VVIIo. YANKTON- . D , Julv ill [ Spcciil Tele gram to TUB BIH 1-H W. White , the we'll known inventor of this city , was m uried six iears ago to Mis G Wheeler. A f lei- ay ear of inanicd lifo JJts While wont east , and shoitly thotciftor Mr , Whtto Bceurcd a divoico from her. In Mav last White wont to the Woild's fall-with an individual ex hibit consisting of an invention of his oun , and thl-i exhibit atlini-tod wide attention ii the Liboial Aits building In Juno Mr White was lalteii vcti 111 , and his divoiccd wife wont from her homo in Ohio to Chicago and nutscd her fotmcr hush ind back to hcmlth They boc.uno IOVPIS agiin , and Iwo weeks ago weio in unod the second lime Thov illo now at home in Vankton. Shu is \ \ hlto's fouilliifo and his boon throe times a bride. White is pist \ousof ago and ills wife his seen sixtj-llvo wliitois. Dr. I'll u HUMS' l.lliuiiilltj , , S IX , July ! -Hpcelat [ Telegram gram to TiiEiUn- . ] The rontiact for the constnction } of Sclonco hall , which Or Pearsons the Chicago philanthropist , is to cic-ct at Yiinkton c-oll'j o , WH iiw.udud ted d i.v lo G Jlurjl. vv ho gives a bond to com- plolo his conti u-l by ,1 mtiary This will bo the most complete cducationil building in South UiKota ujf JA vis.in i u r unitn.\ . Nun Ihi-or ) Itn aiilln ( ; the StHrtlnt ; ol the Cold MnriKii I'll" lit ChliMfj Ciiicvcio , July ! J1In connection with the grand jury Investigation into the cold sloriR < holocaust , a local paper pi hits n sensatioua sloiy lo tlm Hltc-ct that the flic whic-h rosulled so disastiously lo human life , was of incendiary origin Ihuiuicmllvo boinga desiio lo cover up wholesale tliofi of goo Is sioicd in the warehouse - house 'J'ho story L'oes that for Unco vveoku previous to the tire Iho big sioichouHO was looted ni ht after nijht by a ring , compose. . ! of c.cilain crook.i on the outside and certain parties ou the inside On onu occasion , it is said , a watering call was loaded with the bolllea of wine and cat led away. iiitco County Allulrn , BuATitic-K , July -Special ( to I'm BISE 1 County vvuirants which have been prop erly registered are worth In cash ninetj-IUo lo ninety-seven cents on Ihu dollar lliokcru are attempting to buy them for less but there U no ncccssllj of nccoplin ; a lower figure The Dealt Ice Canning facton will com * meiicouctivoopoi ilious thii woc-k , The Gage Countv Picssassoclalbn ncom- lilnallcin of newsptpois outside of Beatrice , In engaged In u laudiblo effort to keep the countij people inforined ns lo the character and Illness forofllcoof the different candi dates this full In publishing portraits and short sketches The country papers of this counlry are at picscut loading the city papois in the matter of c-ulciprlse. 'ihu Investigation Into the cau o of dcith of If 'my S. l.lmoro of ICaiu is City , oidou-d by his son , Cm I Klmoro of this city , is being watched uilh | 'ieaVInterest oy many pie iilo who know the uucuanoa whtu ho ; iieru. TRAMPS ENJOYING A FEAST Denver Unnblo to Make a Distinction In Distributing Food. WILL CLOSE THE CAMP THURSDAY TroTr'stoni ! llunt < Iroiti All I'nrU < iC tin \Vo t Vlooklits ; t > Culoriulo'i Uiiplliit to Uhtiiln I'rof Alu ilvnnil I July ni. [ Spoolil Tclo.r\m to Tin : Butt ] In some respects this has been one of the liveliest days that Danvor has ox- poiloncod , as u poittoii of the poodle have been constantly on the move since early iiioinlng Those who were the most active weietho stranded comers and peers who ( vent down with the fall of silver and the tramps who h ivo g ithorcd to part ike of the fteofood which Is served at iIvor { Front P it k. Ilirly this morning now faces bog.in to appear at the ofllcc of the executive depart ments , ami before nightfill moro than 550 new men had registered and hid bscn assigned to tents and Ksto I fur mo ils U is estimated tint one-half thu mimbor came fiom the mountains and that the bilaucu ih If toil in fiom the east , north and south Soon alter the serving of breikfast Mijor Van Horn visited the "White Cltj , " ami congrcgilinif Iho men about him , in a shoit speech informed thorn tint employment could bofuinlshod for fifty in cutting woods , clearing the ulloi s and i ctuov lug do id tree * In the suburb m portions of the oily. "Par son" Uzzell , who has boon o loof the stions pi ops of the fiea hasher , I1' ' iced himself at the head of 800 who started up town. Not AnxloiM to V\url < . The line marched lu soli 1 pli il.iux until it reached the business portion , when it broke i.inks , most of tliu members seeking saloons and drv goods boxes on the sh idy side of thci ttioct , so tliat vvlien the 'iiuson" loiehcd the cit > hall whcio the nsMignmeuts were to be given out , the vail int nimj had dwindled iiwai until thc'io only rein line I fifteen indi viduals who wcro willing to e.un their dally bioad by the sweat of the blow , though when the dinner hour nitlvcu the entlto command was cm h ind to piitiUu of the 10- ficshmeiils served at tlm camp Tlio abindonmont of this icsoit , which his now become .1 favorite pi ice for bums and hoboes , is u foicgono conclusion , and when tlio sun loichcs its inoildi in on Thuis- diy It will lie no mote 1 hat the ofllcois of the Colorado Stale guilds , who aio on duty , , o not take kindly lo the i lea of giving tin rho vv oik of pi ij ing soldiers nnd guirdlng ho life and limb of the throng who slumber v ill ) in the tents , is undo appal on t b.the . tatemimt of Adjutant T.iiblioy , who in an nterviow tills morning said "Tlieio is no luestion that thu existence of th it c imp i . ' .i.iets hoboes and olhcis of Iho h id element , jut having once established thu camp and , he ncwsapois ) having given vvidespicail no- .uiiutv to it , it scorns n pity that it should bo suddenly cutoff now that It is leallyor- s'iunml and after inviting into this city probably V2,000 or ! l,00d men , who will Ord themselves lluusdiiy niglit without food nut disippohued it is a grave iiuustlou , \ hetlier or > : ot the sudaun cessation of that , .uui ) is not golntf to precipitate the vciy evils they have boon stiujgii"jr ! to avoid. Not I'uiinlltuil lo .Meet. Tlio miss meeting which was callou for the piupose of piolcsling agiinst shutllng dow n on the fmnishlng of food nnd lodging did not matcrmll/o. though two or tluuo tunes dining Iho day thu men m ulo an attempt to gathoi for tliat ptu posu but each time lliej woiuscalteiud ami iliivcn to lliolr tents or oil the grounds at the point of the L > i\uiet The mijor iccoived a commiinirntion from the goveinor wilh leference to the demand of the Union Pacific lailroid ofllcials for Ihc jiiotcellon of its jiroporty. The governor s.iid tint tlio pieseiation of the peace lu Uonvcr belonged pumarilv to the city itlthoiilius , and concluded ns follows "Awaiu that at this p utlcular time there la some clangor of public violence 1 havu oidcicd lite illy nimoij lo be g.uiisoncd and thu n itlonal gunuls ol thecltj lo bu m leiillncss lo oboniii call of the govomor , which will bo pioiuplly issued whenever Iho power of the clti anil connl lo malnt.iln order is exhausted ami proves insuflloicnt " hi icplj the mayoi said that if lie did not believe that the police woio Ihoronghly uio- piled lo afToid ihu i.ulw.o com.ianj thu protection it was legally entitled to , ho would unhesitatingly onfoico section 7 , ai title III , of thu cli.utcr This section of the now chailcr leads as follows : Al.tj C'all on the Vltlronn. "Section 1 The 111.1501 is hereby cm- pow otod lo call upon every nmlo Inhibltaiit of tlio ( il\ , ever tlio ago of IS ye us , lo nld In cnfoicing the laws and oidin inces , alorusaid m provcntintf and oxlinguis-hlne flics nud in preset vini' the pence and safety of thu dlv. Any male inhabitant of thu city over the agu ol 18 .ve.us , who shall bo called upon bv the in i.v or for any of the said put poses , and who sh ill icfuso or willfully neglect to obey such call or order shall , upon conviction tbuicof , bu lined not less th in ? - ! " > or mum than 4-.VX ) " In vlinv of Uio bicakini ; up of the camp and the possibility of tioublo Chief Hopkins of tlio city doteotlvo foico this moining issiicd tliu following uolli'o lo the maislutls of incoiporatod towns and the const Uiles of IncorpoiaU'd towns \\iUiln u radius of twoutj miles of this city. ' You aio invited to moot at mj ofllco , city hall , Wednesday , August M , Li' ' . ) ! , nt J p m tu foim u Huhuihin foiro for tno lepiessionnf ciinie dibordorand lawlussueis , lonlii In the detection of ctiminilH and In become aciiuinludvilli | each other. Yo-i , nil and etch onu , are expose 1 to danger with thu Interests 5011 are < lioscn to gu ltd fiom the army ol li.imps making their way to IJjnver tluouh ; ihu snbui b in towns " rrnpiruil lor nn r.miir iMiry , To bo propaied for an omcrgi'ncy , nt roll call tonight the chief of police insti uctod all of Iho members of the d.ifurcc , < to leportut the iltj hail oicli uM'iiing until fiiilliur notice ) and to icmiiln theio during thu nigh ; . 'Ihu members of the night , foiI'D will also remain theio during thu daj , flfli colH hav- inu bocn provided ful iheiraccoimnodalion. All of tlio Uoloiado gu uds of thu Fust log'- ' mem who aio not on duty hiivo jjecu ordered to the armory and insti uclod to bo toady to lull in at thu ilisl tap of the ( hum , The wet k of shipping mun out was con tinued today and the exodus wtj much ' gieater than uui ing nuy piovions day since the establishment of thu woik , 100 f/olng uvu. thu Builiiiutcin and forty over the Hock Island , all bound to Onuiha Tonight .MO weio sent to Kansas City over thoSuila Fo. Piomolcra and managuisof thoiellef camp cillc-d on Siipt'iiiileiident lJouc-1 and nslied him to lake u car load over Uio Union Paclllu , but ho absolutely jefusod , hajlng that lie would not transport a lot of paupeis and dump tliom upon cities that were outuldo of thct Bltto Ho maiutalnntthat such a cotiroo was an Iniiistlco lo the nelxhbuiing states and thai it was In dlicct violation of the United Stales emlgialion laws Ho said , however , that if the men had money to pay regular rale's the > would Do c.uilcd to any point on ithu line ihnt they desired to ronch , liut under no other clrcumslaiitO ! ) would ono of thorn bo cuitled n mile IHitlh lloll. Cine uio , July -Charles C. Colllni , n old-tune vv extern newspaper man and former editor nnd proprietor of the Sioux City Times , died this morning. Ho tiad been In Chicago ubout two ueelts. NKVV HuciiELi.i ! , N Y. , July iil.John StophciiHon , the well known car Uulldor , died IhU 11101 Hint' , iigud til.