Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1893, Page 15, Image 15

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Jobbers Patiently Waiting for tlio Olouda to
Roll By ,
MirdmnU HUH Itcduclni ; Tholr Stocks
Splendid Crop Outlook l.rtnds Jinny to
Antlclpitn nn Actlvn Il
I.ato In the I'll 11.
In ( i general way the Jobbing trade of
Omnliii Is feeling the effects of the provnll-
stringency In the money tnnrkot , but in n
loss dcgroo than that or many ether cities.
The fact Is frenornlly rccognUcd bore that
there Is no real cause for the talk of hard
times In Nebraska nsldo from that produced
by Ihu roluctnnco of the banks to extend
credits to business bouses. Tbo splendid
crops of tlio past nnd thu equally .splendid
outlook for tlio coming crop ought to tnaku
business good and would , without doubt , In
ordinary times. However , tbo cutting down
of loans by the banks has made It very dim-
cult for linns nro compelled to borrow
money to do business nnd Ims compelled them
to reduce their operations within the bounds
of thoirown capital. Mora than that the
uncertainty ns to when the money m.irhut
will return to Its iiiortnnl condition is preventing -
venting business houses from anticlp-uliig
the future and making plans for the exten
sion of business opcr.itions later In the
The volume of business Is accordingly re
duced nnd trade gcticuillv hampered , to
xonio extent , because of the Inability of
business houses to obtain tholr usual accom
modations at thu binkit nnd not bcc.iusu of
nnv lack of material prospctity In the state.
Although there Is every evidence of gen- piospeiity In the state it Is impossible
to rudlico tbu credit of business houses
without i educing to some oxtoiit'Uio volume )
of business , Asa business man lomarkod ,
"Wo nro accustomed to depend upon
thu bulks for help , but all of
n sudden wo nro thrown entirely upon our
own resources nnd a bank nt the present
tlmo la of no 111010 use to a business
than .1 saw mill. " In suite of nil drawbacks ,
Lwu\cr , the Jobbing trudu of Omtih.x con
tinues fair for the season of the yi'.ir.
Tlio jobbers nto pursuing the same con
servative polluy already noted and the retailers
tailors are follow Ing tholr example. Stocks
luo being reduced and thu purchtisn of now
goods limited to present necessities. Hvery
ono appears to bo waiting for thu clouds ot
dlstt list , that have darkened the
hori7on of the country , to toll by befoio tit-
tempting to push business or branch out lu
nuy now lines
Tin ) llrurory Trade.
The wholesale grocery business is , without
doubt , in a more satisfactory condition than
nuy ether line of the jobbing business It
m.iy bo bocaiiso ttio grocers c.utya liugor
line of necessities tb.ui other jobbers. At
Ihu sninu tinui the rot.iil trade is not buying
with their usual freedom , others being hold
b tek as long .is possible. The retail gtocers
aio .1 little timid .ind are waiting to see the
corn in the before they put in very heavy
stocks of goods
Collodions have been hotter than it was
anticipated they would bou month ngo. The
money stringency has been html on the
country ineichants ns there is not much
ch.uico for them to gut assistance , and they
nio compelled to fall hick entirely upon the
jobber * They are , liowover , learning to
luly to n Broiler extent upon themselves ,
and it is predicted Py the jobbers that the
gtocors of. the state will need less assist
ance in the iiituto than they have hud in thu
Most everything in the grocery line is low
nnd thu tendency of the market is rather
downward. It is picdicted thnt diicd fruits
will bo oxtiomely low. Canned goods nro
nut likely to go as low as they would other
wise on account of the number of cannuiics ut o idle from the Jack of ready money
to carry on their operations.
'Ihu IJry ( ioiuli Trade
Is quiet , for no other apparent reason than
that jobbers and retailers alike are content
to wait futuiu events. As a jobberroniniIced :
"U'o tuo sitting on a log sunning our
selves and awaiting developments. " Thu
lopicsent.Uivu of an eastern house who was
in tlio city the other day said that them
were very few buyers in Now York nnd that
these who did put in nn appearance were
then ) moiu to cancel old orders than to
pKieo now ones.
The mills in the e ist tire being closed down
lapldlv ai.d studies teducc-d to nn extent that
must cause un nctivo maikot when trade
dues tovivo Now Voile ill y goods men nro
predicting lint thoio vvill bu no improve
ment until after the assoinhlini' of congiess
in special session.
Tim IIiiriHv.iri ! 'I mile
In hardware local jobbers aio reporting a
vci'i fair tun of orders ST far ns the number
IsconcoinoJ. but the total volume is below
the nvurago for the month of Julj Country
muixhnnts are not bti } inir a dollar's worth of
goods that they do not lequiru at tliopicscnt
tlmo. Tlio country appears to bo hesitating ,
and oven the piospoi't of good crops is little
inducement , to antn-ipato the inunedi.ito
vmts of trade. Collections mo fair for thu
Huisim of the year , but tbny uru never ex
pected to bu very active this month
\ few changes there at o on the mar
ket have a downwind tendency. The dlfll-
cully of borrowing money leads manufac-
t tire is to foreo sales in older to realize on
their goods ,
In other lines of the Jobbing trade , 'as
boots nnd shoes , huts and caps , etc , tliero is
little changn to note , the condition of thu
ti ulu nun.lining about thu samu duthig the
past two weeks or more ,
Tim Hank I'ltmrllicn ,
The cloailtiRs of the national hanks of
Oiiuha for tlio past week tooled up ths
sa no tot it as the corroainmllng * ookof last
you- This would seem to Indicate that there
bis not boon sued docteaso in
the volume of business or if there has boon
! u onu line U has IIBOII m.ulo up by some
other The loc il eloirings for the month of
July will show some decrease , but nothing ns
compirod with the decrease suffoiod by
many other cities
AS uus : hiis IT.
Tliluk * llntlom HUM llenii 'lunched ( land
I hut IV ill Kmnlt.
Mr.V. . H Uobo-non , Omaha manager of
K O Dun & Co's muroan tlio agency , in his
weekly trade talk aiiis-
"Tho financial woild is pleased Indeed to
rotil in the newspapers the state
ment uf the comptroller of thu currency
which shows that In all this linancial
Bliiugunuy but HCi national hanks have been
obliged to suspend , Of this number only
thlitv-tlvi ) havu actually gone into the bands
of revolvers ; thu others have oithur resumed
or 1m vu a fair piospeel of reopening by Sep
tember 1 , TIM widespread ulfecl of thn
tnenotjry dilllcultles is shown in the fact banks have failed lu twoiitv-ono states
nnd turrltoties. There is encouragement
iu the interest shown by the. government in
thl * particular ease , for unfortunate ns the
fact may ho , it Is to the government that all
o\es now tuin for relief. It remains to bo
win ! what can ho effected for the better
ment of thu situation by congress.
Personally , 1 think congress vvill do
nothing hi tlmo to got credit
for the country's iccovory. When
( jongross lOnvtmcs nnd begins to outline a
policy pcoplo will , perhaps , come to the con
clusion that thu conditions are not so bad
after all , and the millions now in hiding will
begin to como out nnd seek tliolr legltlmuto
pluco lu thu circulation of the country , As
soon as contidunco is rostotcd business will
bo lusumod , and It congress Hutu wisely ut
thu outset congress will aid iu the rcstoi.t-
lion of linancial order , U othorw iso , it will
come of llboU.
"Tlio rains of this wuelc have lifted the
farmers out of the slough of desimnd nnd
trade will Imtuodlatoly foul the good o fleets
uf copious rains. The rainfall covered al
most the cnllro stuto and is timely.
Is'tmraska is all right , anyhow ,
but our peoulo are ngrlulluriits ,
nnd wlion drouth stares them
iu the ftico thuy quit bujlug oud go to
grumbling. Ttio importance or rains iu 10a
\ / ton is therufoioplain to everybody.
N "A local retail dealer who conducts oua of
the tioaviiit clothing houses iu the west
bu * written his eastern manager that trade
In Onmhn this fall will bo fully in good It
tiot better tbau in Ib'Jl , uud ho Is preparing
tfl push Ills business with more than
"Hut the traveling men nro
sick. Scores of thorn are laying off anil
tratlo Is nil but dead. Outsldo the grocery
find hardware lines tn Omaha there i , par-
haps , not ono wholosilo houstv In the city
which docs not shown falling off in trade for
July as compared with ono ycir nffo. But it
must ho rcniptnborod July , 18W , was a ban
ner month to Omaha The wook's trade Is
nlso off .is compared with last week. In re
tail circles business Is tjulot and nn nlmos' .
universal cry goes up over poor collection * .
"It Is generally conceded that the imt
vvf > ok was the worst of the present period
and a Rood many conservative business men
think : the txittom has boon touched , and \TO
may look for improvement from this time
fln "To give the nonmercantllo reader
nn Idea of the extent to which
banks carry customers lot it bo stated that
ono of the oldest business men of Omaha ,
who has been actively promoting enter
prises of one rlmrautcr and another for
noarlv thirty years In the city , claims to
have paid $30OuO in Interest to ono
of our banks during his business
oarpo.1. Ho says ho has tmscd J,700,000
through the bank In the time named. A few
heavy borrowers llko this , If they manage to
hold up tholr heads nealnst adversity , make
banking fairly protltnblo in good times and
help to wlpo out dotlults on bad loans
"Tho effect of this unexpected and unusual
stringency upon binklng business will
piob.ibly bo good in some particulars. Hero
after , enterprising houses with limited capItal -
Ital will hovery loth to place themselves
selves absolutely "in" the hands of their
b inkers , and bankers on the other hand , will
not bo \\illing to extend largo lines of
credit. Hoth banker nnd borrower will keep
closer to shoro. "
Hn * Avnrngcd 1'nlrly Well A.
I.oiTnrTotulanoy in Soinn I.lnos.
A fair amount of business has been trans
acted during the week in the produce dis
trict , although there has been rush.
The fruit house * ropoi t a fair demand , botlt
from the country nnd locally. The fruit
m n do not have so very much to sell nt this
tlmo , the tr.ido being routined ton few lines.
California fruits , especially poaches , nro
plenty , and there is iulto | n trade In apples.
Oranges nro still selling to some extent ,
though the season is pretty well over. The
height or thu blackberry saason appears to
have been reached nnd dealers look for
light receipts from now on the Inl.inco of
the season. Prices on most kinds of fruit
show vot'i little chtiugo sinao the close of a
week ago.
The past week has witnessed more
changes iu the line of country produce than
in fruits The genet al tendency of the mar
ket has been lower.
The butter market broke and Is now very
dull owing to thu domorallration of thu mar
ket in the cast , Thu situation iscry b id in
Now Yoik according to all accounts The
Uutope.iu demand which they depended
upon lo keep up their mat kot has fallen otTer
or ceased almost ontbcly. The largo houses
that had money are loaded up full of butter
for which theiu is little demand and houses
without the ready money cannot borrow on
account of the money stringency and are
hence unahlo to take any part In the market
kot These houses In Now Yoik that have
been taking the surplus butter In the west ,
w ire not merely that Iho mtirirot is lower
and demobilized , but ndviso a cessation of
shipments on the ground that there is no
money to handle the butter. Such being the
situ uion in thu east the maikot here could
not very well keep up ami pi Ices on packing
stock havu declined 2 or U cents during the
vv oi'lt.
The egg market is also very weak
and prices ate lower than n week
ago with a less confident feeling.
Iho iccelpts hive been qutto largo
and some dealers claim there is n ten
dency tovvanl the accumulation of stocks.
The market on poultry has also experi
enced some change. Choice old hens have
not been very plenty and the market on such
has remained about steady. The receipts of
spring chickens have been very largo and
tbo market is deeidcdly lower. The market
broke carlyln the week , but in spite of that
fact the chickens lojpt coming and prices
went still lowor.
I'rmtnce 1'olntorn.
Advices from southern Illinois , from where
car lots of grapus are usually shipped to this
mm kot , commencing quite early iu the sea
son , Indicate that the crop has been very
largely i educed by the rot. They do not ex
pect to bo nblo to ship over a car lot per day
to nil markets this season.
William Innis of Uljsses , Neb , is growing
120 acres of cucumbers and 100 acres of
potatoes for D M. Ferry & Co. , tlio Detroit
seedsmen. He lias put in nn irrigating nin-
ehino which pumps water out of the Blue
liver Into ditches which carry it over the
Holds vvhoro it Isteiiuircd by the growing
crops An Omaha commission man who was
out there the other day reports his crops
looking llnely. The grow ing of seeds is each
jour becoming n moro important industry
and the success of this venture may induce
other Nebraska fanners to give it n ttial
Quite u good many seeds have been grow n
for eastetn seed houses in past jo.frs in the
vicinity of Watoiloo ami the efforts in that
direction have usually been attended with
success. According to the last census thoio
ate in Nebraska eighteen seed farms with a
total actuago of Ki,8TU. The lands , buildings ,
implements , etc. , arc valued nt $ ' .K)7,7-1 ) ( ! .
An Iowa lady has gone extensively into
the onion-raising business nnd is asking for
bids on her crop One local commission
house offered to handle the crop on commis
sion , hut the Jady replied ; "I do not care to
sell my onions on commission , us I have
plenty to occupy my mind this fall. "
The linancial sttlngoncy has proved most
dlsaslious to the fruit canncrs of California ,
sajs the Sin Francisco Uxaininnr , and as n
result , fruit growers and thousands of poor
people who earn needud wages in tlio can
neries uvcry i car will suffer. The trouble
all arises because the baulcsvvill uot loan the
canners money to carry on tholr business as
they have in former years. No canning com
pany has tbu capital that would bo neces
sary for them to buy all the fruit they want ,
hho tholr labor nnd pay other expenses for cash is required , and then wait for
iccoipts from thu sales of their products.
The cost of running n largo can
nery is about $10,000 a day. The
practice of canners has been to bor-
low from banks on warehouse receipts as
fast as tholr pioduct was packed nnd to dis
count their drafts secured by bills or lading
Though San IVancisco banks havn moru
money in ttio vaults than over before thuy
have refused with ono or two exceptions to
acvonuiiodiiti ) canners this year. Loading
fruit c.innois anticipate aim-go rlso in pticos
of canned goods a llttlu later , became the
California supply will bo less than half ns
gieat as usu il , Yet , now , fiuit Is totting be-
causa thu canneis can't bundle it.
Fiuit nuctlon companies appear to bo very
popular iu all the sin rounding < itles , but the
eriuo has not as yet struck Omaha ,
The question was recently brought un
among a patty of Omaha commission men ns
to whether or not thoio is any distinction
butween huckleberries and blueberries , a
fruit that is now coming to market in liberal
quantities both from Arkansas nnd Wiscon
sin , Some buhl that it was all the s.imo
kind of fruit , hut known under different
names in different localities. A letter hits
Jim como to hand fiom Mr. Patch of 1'atcli
iV Uoberts of Boston , in which huckleberries
are described us a small and black berry full
of seeds whllo thu blueberry is larger und
has few seeds , Mr. Hnizard of Omaha who
is considered good authority on .fruit , and
a good many other things , says that they are
all huckloburrli * but that the blue hucklo-
berrlos nio called blueberries , Ho also
says that the blue huckleberries aru uot as
soodv ns the black and that the bunt como
from along the Uuluih roau iu Minnesota.
Mr. Webster iu his unabridged dictionary
remarks that the huckleboiry , also
called w hortluberry , is un odlblo black or
dark blue fruit of several speciesshrubs
nearly rotated to the blueberries and for-
merely confused with them. Mr , Webster
and Mr. Patch apparently differ from Mr.
Hazzurd but Omaha commission men vvill
back Mr , Hazzard's opinion against all
Many of the foreign governments pas *
stringent regulation * to protect tbo product *
of tholr aoll und prevent deterioration in the
quality and consequent loss of reputation In
the mnrkou of the * w/\ * > 1,1 . The Ureou , vmr _
eminent regulates the shipment of currants ,
the datu of August 2S being Jlxeu again this
your vrhou nrst shipments can bo made.
This action Is takoa to prevent uiutuo haste
in the | irop.iration of the crop uud subso-
queut unfavorable result * when submitted
to consumer * .
Liquidation In Wheat Yesterday Was Oon-
tinund on a Heavy Soalo ,
As the Decline Went nn Margin * llornme
KxhnnsleilnnilMnnr Trnil < m Worn
Clo e < l on that Account
StocKn anil Ilnmli.
OniCAOo. July 23. The liquidation In wheat ,
which has boon no much of n feature during
the lust few days was continued this morning
and prices today attain bout nil records for
cheapness , September sold olT at ono tltnn
2Vi * from the close last night , nud December
2hc lower ,
Uvorytiodysrdinort toha\o wheat for sile.
As the decline wont nn innrglns became ox-
Imitated i and many trades wurn closed on that
account. Oasli sold as low as CBi < c : September -
bor I : , GO'f , and December 07 ic. Near the close ,
however , shorts begin to cover freely and
largo 1 export purchases were reported which
cnusod a rally of 1'ic. AH tiio low conditions
outsUlo the monetary matters worn favorable ,
with big exports for the week , 4,305,000 Int. ,
and big export purchases hero and at Now
Homo of the trusts' securities on the Now
York oxclmiiRd started panicky and that KIWU
the wheat market Its direction lit the opening.
The start In tlio pit was \s lid. A few purclms-
Ine order * wore billed at Hie start nt M'nC for
Suptambur In ono part of the nit while. In tm-
otlicr Kronp of ti iders It was boliiK wildly
olTorod down MC , nt a time from C3c to Gl"c
before hiivlnit hocnino at alt general. The
tiiico ilroppiMl l" < c In a few seconds , with but
llttln fuss in excitementattnndlng the collapse
In prices.
Holders had evidently mndo up their minds
logntout of tholr long lines nf wfinit and cnn-
Hciiunntly prounrfd for the sacrifice. Tlioro
was some buying on the llrst decline , which
caused n ro.icllon to GU'sc , but fiesh selling
orders caiiRlit at such a chance and the prlco
nirilticntdnnn lofnro ovury fresh otter to
Hell. Not until thn price was gro > olln around
GOliC nnd oxen 00 ; < c for a fraction of a second
was any permanent recovery possible.
September reacted nnd closed at GlVJc ;
December started at 70VJC , dropped to GT
nnd closed firm nt GOc At the bottom of the
duy's range there was no trading In.Inly , but
It was nominally 4c discount at DbViC. It
closed nt & 7' c. The Imovnncy toward the
end W.H duo to an netlvo export demand , both
hero and at Now Ynrk. At the latter city 48
himtlo it's were worked and hero ! 2ttf > , OflO bu.
of No. 'J spring were ensured for direct
shipment to Mvcrpool. Tim hlsh prlco of
Now York exclmnzo provcnted further en-
K moments hero. Of the local receipts of 140
cars. 87 woio now wheat.
Kxpnrt clear inces from both cnists for the
wi'oU woio t,3 ( > 1,00bti ( comiured with5,077-
000 bu. the week bufoio. Minneapolis and
Dulutli tocolpts amounted to 171 earn , com
puted with iJQ ! the coricspondlng wcokof
last year.
'I he corn market was remarkably firm , con
sidering the weakness in wheat. At the close
today there Is ac decllno. Ilitslmns was
moderately nctivo and thoru was a peed In-
miliy for export , bolh here and ut Now York.
IiOCil receipts were 417 curs. September
slatted at 'M\c , dropped to 37.c unit reacted
U > iia c , at which It closed.
Trading In oats was IlKlit and scattorud. The
market fell elf slightly In sympathy with mm coin and the rather heavy receipts
also K-ivo the market some weakness. It
tinned up nsnln ton aril the close nnd ended at
the top price of the day. bliorts worn buying
rather freely early. Poplumber opened at
'JJ'id sold down toH c nnd up nKiln tn'JS'iC.
JI.iV opnnod at iS c , sold up to 'M\v and down
to 3He , cloblng at 2HBc bid. Local receipts ,
20r ) cars.
The provision market ropoitod yesterday's
performance. Thucllnu hold September lard
at f9.70 and picUors sold somn ribs. Itlbs were
vvunk and closed ( ic. lower. Hog receipts
wore lljjht , numbering 8,000 , , but the imirlcut
wns limited oisy.
Kstlmated receipts for Monday : Corn 510
cars ; o its 204 < irs ; boss 20,000 head.
The lending futures ranged as follows :
ArtlcleH Open Hlk'h. Low ClOHO.
now r : ° H 57K
fl-'Jfa IM niw
.I7M iiUH nctt
37K : is
24 21
18 Cr 18 70 18 ir ; 70
1 J 45 10 CU IB 25 60
I ) 70 I ) T2 < 4 II 70
8 55 8 OU 8 50 CO
7 4T -I.1) 7 11) )
C ish quotations were as follows :
rixiuu Nominally lowor.
Win-AT No. 2 spring , 07'4c ; No. 3 spring ,
03c ; No 2 led , 57'ic.
foiiN No. 2 , UO'je.
OATS-NO. 2,23'c ; No. 2whlto , 2GHc ; No.
3 whlto , no sales
Kvi. No 2,40 < 47c.
ll vni.r.Y No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , no sales ; No.
4 , Kubru iry , 35c.
I'l.AX Hi EINO 1,11.10.
TlMonivSKKK Prime , ? S BOTJ'l 00.
I'oilK Muss , per hbl. , S18 70 18.72'i ' ; lard ,
pur 100 Ibs , * 9.15-2/J.17' , ; short ribs sldus
( loose ) , 17 12'iT 7.32'/j ; dry sailed hbouldors
Iboxi d ) , f7.75 < i48.00 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
* 8.37'8.50
WIIISKV Dlstlllors1 llnlshod poods , pqr Kul ,
tiiidAlH IlnchanRed ; cut loaf , G'c ; Kranu-
atuil , 0 82 ; stamlaid "A , " 5.70 ,
Thu following were the tucolpts and hlp-
munlsfor today ;
On the Produce oxchan u today thu bultur
arket was stonily and unchnnKod ; cruuinury ,
Mi'JUc ; dairy , 1018c. I''fui , llrmor at 1.1
Omnhu I'roiluoe Murker.
llUTTBii Fancy cruamury , print. 21c ; fancy
croamorlO ! ! , nollil packed , l9c ; fair to K < > od
crciiinurlos , > olld iiicked , KWHric ; cboli.o to
fancy country , lOitlOc ; fall to oed country ,
14c ; p.ickluk .stock , frush , llitl'Jc.
KIIIH sales ntu bulng niadu lar/uly nt 10i
® Uc.
1'OTVroiw On orders from the country -pota
toes mo brlnsliiK as hlili as 751.Klo. ( )
MKI.ONM H w.iHonly n slioit tlmo IIKO that
watermelons were so plenty and so cliu.ip lluit
commUsloii men wuro refusing Ilium on thu
ground that they could not gut finlu-bl out of
them. Now thuy are Helllnu quickly at $25
pur 100. Uanialoupos niu moru plumy than
limy wuro a f w days IIKO. Uunlaloupu , nor 00a,2r. ) .
Ai'i'i.KM Choice red stand apples , houlhorn ,
| ) or 'j-bu. bov , ( > 570c ; Kruon , oiyu.uOc ; gruun
cooUIng applea , per bu , bor , 75Ji90c. (
HUAI \ > I'llUlTrt I'liims , wild ROOSO , per 24-
ijt. ciato , JJ.60 ; Texas punrs , per box , fl.50 ;
'loxas puachus , pur 1-b.iskut crate , Jl.10iil.lD ;
Cullfornla pears , per box , $2.00 225 ; Cali
fornia plums , lurKO and fancy , $2 ; California
poaches , Halo's curly , 11.15 ; early Urawfoid ,
1.2Viil.40 ,
CVIIIIMU. There Is a pretty KOOI ) doin ind for
rom the Country ami u considerable
amount is buhiK shlpimd from this point. Thu
local Kronont nro kouplng the muikut wull
Mlppliud. ( Jbolco Homo grown on orders from
the country. 2c uur II ) .
Un.niv stray hlpmonts aru arriving and
tbo Quality of tuo stock Is pronounced good
foi this Neuson of the year. Celery , per do/ .
bunches , 35c ,
OMONS Homo grown stocU Is plenty , though
theru are u fuw blpmenta boliiK received from
points farllior south. Arkansas onions , pur
48-lb. box , OOcffif l.OO ; homo grown , pur Ib , 2o.
ToUATDBrt Tlio niiirkut Is mill full of
tonmtouH und prlcos are low. o receipts
aru anticipated for the uuxt few days , Kouib-
urn , uor4-bu kut crate. 75c1.0U : nor H-bu.
IlKiintut-Tho nmrkot was very llthtly sup-
iilled wth | berries and prices wurullrin. llluck-
borrlos , which havu been couiliiK In for n neuk
pnst In luruu quantities , woru scarcer , and
about thu only bupply was toibo found In the
Intuits of local gronruru. Thu rnspuorry stmson
H uboutovor. Thuru wuro a few blueberries
lit thu market , but they havu w > high ut
tbo points whuru t-rown thut there has not
biion much Inducement toihlp to this mnrkut
ho far this season , lllackborrlcs , homo grown ,
pur24-iit. cane , * 2.75 ; black raspberries , per
24jt. . cu ! > o , (3.50 ; huckloborrlos , * J.5U.
OIUNIIES Wllllo thu supply nf orangus U
not largo thoru are ocoaslonul earn arriving
thai keep stocks up u > the point re.iulrod by
thu demand. A ( rush car of Mudlturranuan
sweets has Just been received ami tlio stock U
unusually good for this season of the yenr.
Itivursldo Mediterranean snoots , J3 &O&3.70 ;
brlRhts , * J.7& 300 ; Hlvcr ldu buodlhik's
J 00463.25.
I.KUO.HS The steady warm weather pro
duces a v ory fair demand for lemons and all
bouses are doing a good stuady huilneas Iu
tliem. Messlnas , uxtra fancy , ib oOi G.OO ;
Moss I lias , pur box , cholcu to fancy. 15 OOf5 & ( > .
1UNAN1H 1'rlcus roniAln about stundy. 1'er
bunch , largo , * J.25it2.7i ; per huticli , binall to
medium , * IOUi&2.20.
HIDES No. 1 greun hldos , 3c ; No. 2 green
hides , 3c : No. 1 grcon snltod hides , 3Sc ; Nn. Q
flroonsKltod hldos. 2' At ) No I Rroon knltod
Fildci , 26ll .to4Oibs. , 3lpj No.Rrcon galtcd
hldoi , 23 Ibs. to 40 IN * , _ Vl No. 1 vnal cilf ,
H Ibs. to 16 Ibs . Oct No.2 vonl rnlf. 8 Ibs. to in
Ibs , 4cs No. 1 dry fllnthtrlfs. 7p ; No. a dry Hint
nidus. Oc ; No. 1 dry -nilltod hldos , 6c. 1'art
cured hldos 'ic par Ib. less than fully cured.
HIIKKP rRi.Ts UrconTHtpil , each a.ViWt.'JS ;
green allo < l .shenrllnit short woolod early
skins ) , nncb 10 < i2I > c : dry sho&rlliiits ( short
woolcd early skins ) . No. 1 , each f aioc ; dry
shearlings ( short woolnrt onrly nklnsi. No. 2.
each Oc ; dry Hint , Kansas nud Nohrnskn
butcher wool pnlts , per III. , actual weight , 10 $
lie ; dry Hint Kansas hnd Nuhrnska Murriiln
woolpplts , per Ib. . ftctml wolnht , 7aiOci dry
Hint Colorado butchi't wool pulls , per lh. ,
actual weight , OI&lOc : . dry Hint Colorado Mur
rain wool polls , per Ik , actual weight , 7O9c :
dry pieces and bucks , autual weight , 5it7c.
TAI.I.OW AMI ) UnA8H--a'allow , No. 1 , 4 > f < &
4 jeV tnllow , No. 2. 3'ttMd ; crease , wlilto"A ,
4Ml5c ; Rronso , whlto II , 4cj grouse , yellow ,
3Ko ; grease , dark. .V ; old butter'Iii'JHc ;
beeswax , prime , lG323c ; rough tallow , 2W
HOSTS Cur lots weighed nnd dollvnrod In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , llfi.UO'rMB.OOi
dry country , blenched , per ton , $10.001813 00 ;
dry country , dntnu nnd tuunty , JH 00310.00.
New V'ork .Mnrkrti ,
Now MOIIK , .July 29 riotrn llecolpls ,
10.000 pkgs. : exports , 200 bids , fioo sacks !
sites , 2l > 00 pkgs. Market very dull
nnd nnmln il on the lower wheat mar
kets ; rlntor whoit , low grades. Jl.OSfi
4.2'i : winter whont , fair to fancy , 245
W3.45 ; winter wheat , utitents , $3.403)100 ) ;
Mlnnusota , $ J 4MJ3 00 ; i Minnesota
straights. $3.304.00 ; Minnesota patents ,
$4 OOP4.45.
roitN MKAt. Quiet , steady ; yellow western ,
J2H ( > iJ2.70.
Kvi : Dull , woikl western , 54Gf > c.
IluiM.rMAl.T-Quiet , stuadyj western , C5JJ
90c.WIIKAT KecolpN , 102,000 1m. : exports , BCi-
000 hit. ; sales , l.OMO.OOO bn. futures , 200.000
bu. 11 ot. bpot innrUet we.iU ; moderately
active , lai2c lower ; No 'J red , In store und
ulavntnr , OayftHGc ; nlloit , 07i iii07'4o ; f. o. b. }
OlJi0'Jc ; ungraded red , US'So'lo ' ; No. 1 hard ,
70 > ic ; No. 1 northern , C7c , No. 1 ! northern ,
G5 , e ; No. 3 Milwaukee , lH > 4c. Options woru
active , excited , hoiw und l titJ c lower ,
with the cloin unselllcd ; No 2 ted , August ,
05Ji07Sc , closing at (55'iC ( ! September ,
OU 7-l(5rs70He ( ( , chHbiKiitOH'ie ; October , 715S
IWtC , closing nt 71'ie ; December , 7&151 ' 77iic ,
closing at 70 < > ic.
UoilN Keculpts , 01,000 hu. ; exports , 15,000
Ini. ; sales , 105,000 nil. futures , no spot. Spots
dull and steady ; No. 2 , I7c In elevator , 47'
@ 48calluit. Options uurudult at ' ( c decllnu
on September , closlnx ste ulyj Auguit. 470 !
Soplombor , 4b'iiMBc , closing at 4bSc ; Octo
ber , closing ut47c.
( A1S Hocolpts , 150.000 bu. ! exports. 80,000
bu. ; sales. 45,000 bit. futures , 3O.OOO hu. snot.
bimtH , dull , Ulster. Options , dull , wuakurJuly ;
closing nt 3G4c ! ; Aiuust. , )0ic ) } , closing at
30'5c : ticptutnbor. 30.W30'fc , closing nt StHJe !
spot No. li white , 3Hc ; No. 1 ! Chicago , 37ltC !
No. 3 , 3Gc ; No. 3 white , 37e : mixed wtsturn
" 3VS3Bej whllu weslurn. 3844.ic. !
HAV Steady , fair Inuulryj sblpplng , $7.00 ®
llors rinn hut dull ; state , common to
Choice , 10 < 5J22c ; I'nctllc coast , 10321c.
I'uovisiONS Uut mu its , quiet hut steady :
pickled hboitlUurs , * 7 ; hams , fll.uO ® ! ' . ! 50.
Middles , eiLty but dull ; Hhort clear , J7.75.
I.ard , dull , noiiiliinl ; western steiuu closed at
< J'J.7 ( ) ; sales , none ; option sales , ninie ; July
closed alSU 05 noiulmil ; 4upteinbor cloied nt
$91)0. ) I'oik , steady but iiulet ; new mess ,
JlH.OO ® 18.75.
IliiTTUt btoudyfairdumandi western dairy ,
15lSc ; wuslurn croainury , lOS20c ; western
factory 15fiil7Kc : KlKlus.'JOc.
CIIKKSI : rinn , rulr duniund ; skints , 1V - . - .
KIKIS steady ; rocolnts , 4,000 plcgs , : wtst-
nrn fresh , 14 ® 15'ic ; western , per case , $1.50 ®
TAi.iflW Steady , quiet ( city J2 per
l/'OTTONSPBi ) OnKasy , ijulot ; crude , 35JJ
37c ; yellow , 42c.
I'KTiioi.nivt stonily iliulot ; crude In bills ,
\\a4liliigtiiii , S4,85crnrfoln ; bulk. JJ.MXa'J 05.
KOSI.N Hasy. dull ; strained common to
good. U5cffi l.OJV ; .
TIIHPKMIM : Dull , o-ifcy at'JGia27c.
KICK I'.ilrly acllvu , llrili ; domestic , fair to
extra , 2 * tt5Hc : Japan , 4'Ja'il4'u.
Mor.AHSK New Orluiiif. , open kuttlu , steady
oiiiiAii Kaw , quiet , firm ; fair refilling , _ , . .
centrifugals , OGtest.S ci lellned dull , stuady ;
oil "A4 13-lGQ6'je ; mould "A/TiSfflS 0-lGc :
standard "A , " 4 S-tOiiS c ; confectioners
"A , " 5 l-lliHi5Kc : , qut loif. 5 ? tj5 ; 3-l ( > c :
crusbod , b'.fBiS 1-lCic ; po\dered ) , 57-lGa5 , o ;
granulated , 0 3-lGOViC ! cubes , 07-lG'Q '
I'm IiuMi Sloady , quiet ; Amurlcan , J12.75 ©
10 00.
Coi'l-Kii Quiet ; $10. <
1,1AI > htoudy ; domestic. 83.30.
TIN Steady ; htr.ilul8.90 bid , J19 asked ;
plates stonily , qtilol.
sioady ; dqmustlc. $3.90.
, hit. ,
ST. Houis , July 20. i'Lotlii Entirely nomi
nal ; now extra fancy , $27&2.80j ether
grades unchanged.
WHEAT simply demoralized , closing l c
below veslorday ; No , 2 red , cash , 04Hc ;
July , 05c ; Augusr , 05i c ; September , 08'aC.
COIIN In the H , ime condition as wheat , but
rallied , closing with a loss of c ; No. a mlxud ,
cash , 34c ; July , 34 } c ; August , 34 ; c ; bon-
tonibur , 35\c.
OATS I'lrin ; No. 2 , cash and July , 27c ; Au
gust , 22Hffi223c ; September , 22'ic.
HvK htionit ; No 2 , 49c.
HAUI.KV No trade.
HlUN f.owor ; OGc on east track.
TI.AX Pi1 1D Lower ; $1.0 _ > .
HAY Unchanged.
llurri.ii hieady , unchanged ; separator
creimoiy , 19'S20c. ; chcico dairy , 17@lc.
os If nchaiiged at'Jc.
1'uovisioss Very dull , lower : pork , * 10 87 Yt
ftlC.OO ; lard. * 8 87V.U9.00 ; dry suit moats ,
loosu shoulders , * 0.73 ; longs and ribs , $7.37 * , , ;
shorts , $7.87Vt ; boxed , lOc higher ; bacon ,
packed shoulders , $8.25 ; longs and ribs ,
9.mj9,25 ; shorts , J9.37hams ! ; , utt-
chiinged ; sugar cured , J13 OiXj 14 00.
KKTIITS I'lour , 3,000 sacltt. ; wheat , 97-
000 bu. ; coin , 79,000 bu. ; oats , 22,000 bu.
SlilI'MKvrs I'Jour , 5,000 wicks ; wheat , 13-
000 bu. ; corn , 47,000 bu. ; oats , 8,000 bu.
Kiinstih City Murkota.
KVSSAS CITY , July 29. WHEAT Domoral-
l/ud ; V 5ilc lower ; No. 2 hard , 48 < a48Vtc ; No.
2 rod. 49'iZOOc.
Con.N Ic lower and rather slow ; No. 2
mixed , 28h29c ; Xo. 2 whlto. 29 > , @ 10c.
O < TS I'lrin , No. 2 "ilxod. 21c ; No. 2 whlto ,
new , 2t.c.
l'i.\x bf MI Nominally 97c.
HAY Very weak ; timothy , $0.0038.00 ;
pralrlu , * l.8r ) .
HUTTKII Scarce , firm ; creamery , 1020c ;
dairy. 13U617C.
KddS lluttur fueling ; strictly fresh cuudlod ,
KhCLitT.s Wheat , 1,100 bit. ; corn nnd oats
Wheat , 12,200 hu.j corn , 7,100
bu ; oats , 2,200 bu.
Now York llrjr ( leeds .Hurhet ,
NKVV VonK.July 29. In the dry goods trade
thu xhiitllng down of many inlllx , which begins
today to coiitlnuo through the coming month
til least , causes more Inquiry for goods Now
that tbo production will bo adjusted to con
sumption theiu Is reviving contldencu as
agalnsl any demor.ill/atlon of the market ,
Buyers uru 1 Ikoly therefore toopurato wben-
OM.'I and to whiituvur extent circumstances
may Instlfy them. CoiisorvatlHiu will not bo
ab indoiied. Drown cottons nro very hlow , but
the tliiost bleached goods continue well sold
up. Colored fabrics will bo most nlTectod by
the shutdown
l.lvitrpool MnrUvti.
Livrnpooi * July 20.VIIBAT Dull ,
holders offer freely , No 1 California ,
5s lOVidttris per cental ; rod winter , f > s 8to. ! < i >
Os 9' > d. Receipts of wheat for past thriiu
days , 290,300 cuntals , Includlni , ' 174,000 Amur-
lean ,
COHN Quiet and easier ; mixed western ,
4s 3d per cental
IJAIIII t'liineverfteru , , ! 7n put cwt.
Cut KSK American line-it , white , 40s fid pur
cwt. r
NEW Ottl.EVNH , Jiin29 , Futures , baiely
Htuudy ; sales , 9,000 bales , Incluillng August at
* 7.4i(67.50 ; Huplumbrl" 7.00 < it7.08j Novum-
bales ; uxporU to tlif/.cuntluuut , 70 balus ;
oiilos , 1,400 bales.
fiii Market ,
MILWAUKEE July 29 , WIIKAT Weak ; No U
spring , & 8c. Kt
COIIN Lower ; No. Sj' JJc. i
OAW l.owur ; No. 2 vffilio , 3lc ; No. 3 , whlto
30c.ft 32c. _ ,
l'ltoirtloNH I/owcr iiiivrk , 418,90.
JliirliBl ,
I'liii.uiKi.i'iui , July * * , Wit KAT Weak ; un-
seliled ; No. 2 red , July and Augusi.i4' ( , ( t > 4i.
COIIN WunU , Ion ur | No. U mixed , July and
August , 4C < a40Mc.
OATS Cash , steady ; futures , wuuKor ; No.
whltu , July , 39 < a39He.
Ctnciuniu .tlurket * .
CtNriNNATr , July 29 WHEAT Hoavjri No. a
red , offered at 53cj bid , 62c.
COIIN Dull ; No. 2 mixed. 40c.
OATS Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 23c.
WlllSkY-Steudy , * 1.12.
llnltlmoro ( iruni Vlarkul.
JtAi.TlMOitK , July 29. Wiiuvr Weak ; No. 2
red , pol and July , Ot' 'c ,
COIIN Kasler : nilvod. upotand July , 45 c.
OATS Kiisy ; No , 2 whlui wuttorn , 3 7 he.
Toloilo < ir in .Market ,
TOI.KPO , July 29. WIIKAT Hloadlor ; No. 3
Club , 55ci August , 5&Uc.
COIIN lull ) ; No. 2 cash , 41c.
OATS-btcauy ; cuahaml mixed , 27c.
( ! onv0 .Market.
Ntw YOHK , July 29. Outlons opened dull ,
unchanged to 0 poluU doitn , closed steady ,
uncliaimtd to 15 points up ; kalus , 10,000 bagx ,
iichnllnii ! Ansmt , M'i oiPopti > mbor , $ IT. * . % ;
Docpiiibor , IIS 2.V21&.30 ; Suet lllo , dull , nomi
nal ; No. 7,110.75.
Opening of ltn lnr n In s'penrltli > Detrl-
opoil L'nniilftfrnhln Wrakuens.
Nr.w YoitK , July 2 ! ) . At the opening of bus- !
nos at the Stock exchange today the nmrkot
was wonk nnd lower. Honors ! KU > ctrlc and
Chicago ( las were the apodal fe.ituros ; the
formeroponed nt 30 , decline of O'J per cent
as compared with 1'rldiy's closing llguros.
The hroik was due to fercod ales , and at
Iho decline there was some Rood buy
ing 1t 1 nnd the stock rallied quickly to 3D , receded
to 3Gli and closed at 38 , Chicago ( las was
hammcrod down 7 points to 40 , recovered to
43V , receded to 41S and closed at 4US. There
was < > mo dispute nlxnit the opening prlco , the
Htock having Mold simultaneously at 44 and
41. Humors of a bond Issue to par for con
struction and that the company would piss Its
dividend n rnunt for thobruifc. The general
market displayed weakness , the boars having
niiiila most of the facl that Iho savings b inks
would tnKu iul > milage of the tlmo clause.
Thoconsorvatlvo element of the street on
thu ono lianil commended thn action of the
presidents. The decline outsldo ot Chlcnitn
( lasai-d Oeneral Electric ranged from 1 to 4ij
porcont. Tlio greatest lossus were In Dola-
wnro& Hudson , lict.awanmi , lakn Shore and
I.oiils\Hie A. Nashville. Thti lower prlcos at
tracted purchiisurs and a recovery of from 't to
1 percent followed. The trading In odd lots
was again on a heavy si-ale Quito n fen I urn
nt I lie market Is the bank statement , which
proved unfavorable , us uxpocted , nnd the
tuarkut cased of again. Among tbu special
ties rullman broUo to per cent to 140 and rnl-
llud to 142 ; ruinsvlllu& Torru ll.uilo dropped
H per cent to H2 and Susqiiehiiiin i Ac Western
preferred , now , 7 per cent to 38. At the cloio
speculation wns ( Inner In tone. Tlio totit
sales wen ) 101,000sh iros.
Thu following aru thu closing quotations on
th leading stocks on tbu Now Yurk block ex-
chnngu today ;
Atddson . Nor. P.Klile prld ,
Ad UUN Kxpri'Hs H 1' DA.O
Alton.TerrulIiuto. NortliVM'Hlern. .
ilo profit . . . 140 do pref il . . . 1.10
Atnerlv in KxprcHS 1(10 ( N. Y Ointnl . . . 1MIUJ
lliltlmoniAOIdo , rn N. YANK . . . 17M
C in id i I'.ielllc Out irlo AWotUern. 111
On iron lmi | . . . . H
Centril P.ieltlc .V OreitonNiv . . . no
dies A Ohio O S r , .V U N. . . ID
riile.uri ) A Alton. I'.H'llie M.lll
C. II. A Q . 71 Peorla Dee ft n .
ridcniro On . Ml )
CoiiHoltil iledH is . 112 1'iilbii in 1'ilace , T I.I
r. c c A t TJ 27 Rc.iilliu , ' „ 11 !
roiton on rcrt. . Richmond Tor . ,
Del. A Hudson. . . liiil ilo prcfil I'-'l
Del Link A Went ) llloii ( unlit vYeit , in
1) All U.prnfil. do pref d !
Din AC. F. Co HiKk Isl mil . . .
KiHt Teiui . . . . .St Paul .
IMe . . v SJ * On prufil
do prefd JO' * SI Puil .t Oni tin
Foil W.ivne 110 do prefd 100
Ore it Nortli'ii pfil. 102 Southern IMi'llle ISli
f. A V. 1 prof il no Sntfir lli'llneij lift
Hocktnir Valley . IIP * Ti nn f'onl , v Iron 11
Illinois IVntMl. . . US Texml'.u-ltlc 11IK
St. I'liilAUiilntli J7 Tel AO C pi-efd 70
Kan ATivciH nf il tlnlini I'ulllu 17
I. ikn llrln A.Vtmt U S KxpresM 4fi
do pref d r \V St I. .V 1 *
Likt ) Shorn ilo pref ll .
Lead Trust Wi Us K iriro Kxi |
I.oidsillleANiHh. Western Union
r.oulHIlli ) A. N. A. . Win i llnir A I. K
M.lnh ill iu ( "cm do ptvfil . .
Memphis .V rh is. . M .V St I , . 1) .VK ( !
MlHHonrlPaclnc . . 1HII Oeneril Klectrlr
Mobile. A Olilo . . II N illon ll Lliineeil
NiHhvIlle rtiitt . HO Coli ) F A I . . in
N itlon il ronliKu. 111 tin prefd . . . Hfi
do pn'f d . * II ) H A T C . HfiH
N J C.ntril 8H T A A A N M .
Nor He Wi St. pfil . -'II T St L A K C .
North Amer. Co . . do prof d JO
Nortliini Pielllc
The total s lies of stocks worn 104,000 slmrc ,
including : Atchlson. 5,1)00 ) : HurlliiKlon ,
10.000 ! Chicago Gas , 33.000 ; Distilling , JUOO ;
Krle , 4 000 ; ( lenoral Klectrlc. 11,000 ; Lake
Shore. 3,000 ; Loulsxllln A. Nash\llle , 4,000 ;
New Kneland , 5,000 ; Itoek Maud , 5,000 ; St.
Paul , 10,000 ; bugur , 10,000 ; Western Union ,
> Vw York Mutiny .Market.
Nominally 4 pei cunt.
1'iiiMB Mt m * vvrn.fc I' uini-8J412 per cent.
STMIUMI \MiK-Irregular with actual
business In bunUur's bills at * 1.801 4 8J for
sixty days and JI.H1IM 81 fordiiniand
bit.vni C'niTtucATErt Neglected , closing at
GOVKRSMKNT HoNDsj Steady. State bonds ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
. S 4Hrej ; SI.L.V.S F Oeti St. . 100
IT , S 4Htoii | ) St. Paid Consols ll.-i
U. S IMnreirt . . . St. 1 > . C.AI' l lH . .
IMclllcbHOt 'U3. . . T P L U.Tr RctH. 110
Missouri ( is. . . . T P. 11 ( ! Tr Hcts.
Tonn new Mtt ( in . Union IBIH. . lof
Tonn. now net . " 8. . Went SMoin
IVnn new wt .la . R. G. W. Ists . . . . 1ST
Tin id i So 'Jits. . . AtrldHOii Irt
Ontril I'M. iHtH. . 11)1) ) ) do'J sCliHS A. .
I ) All. O IHIH . . . . Ill O.H AS A 5n . . fl ! )
D A It. O 1 . . . " O H. A H A'd 5 10J
Krle 1MB I > 1) ) "ill AT C. OH 101) )
HI 1C. A T. ( Jen. HH. 7.1V do con ( > H 101
M.K AT. Oral Is. .IPi N C-iroltn i HH. . . . 121
Mutn il Union lit ) . ( ) * > I do IH 111
N..I.C Int Cert. . C. UroxMis . . . . 115
N Pac.lHls Tenn old OH IK )
N 1'ae. liilH 101 Va HH
N. W. COUHOlH l.IJ Va K\-Mat coup
N W. Deb T.H . . . Jl ) _ ' Va pnnsl'lHerIeH ( M
S I iLI ! M.Gen tin. 71. . ' * U } ' .Is 8.-
llostoii Stock ( Jiiotntloiifi.
HOSTOX , July U9. C'all loins , 8310 per cent ;
time linns , 0 per cent and commission. Ulos-
Ing quotations on Mocks , bonds and mining
shaius :
Atih .Top AS P. l.l'f ' West Knil pref d
American Sutrar. . . < > , ' WeHtlnu-b Kleulile 17
do prefd . . . . 70n do pref d .17
IlivsnteUis n Win ( Vntril Com , .17"Hi
Hell Teleplioni ) . l-n Ill'l
Ikmton A Alb mj . nn l.7V
IliiHlim A Malnu. . 1 ID N < nKn l mil ( In . 101
ilu pinfil . . . . lUli ( il'II llll'Ctlll ! . " ) H . II'S '
Chi lliir , A < J 71H WiH ClMltl ll IHtH. . Ifi
Fllchhnrj ; 71 ! Allouez Mlnlnif Co 40
( ion I'.li ctrlu , ts All uitlc
Ill Steel. . . . so JIoHton A .Mont 17'
iX Cen Com n HllttltA IIOHtOII . r ,
N Y. A New Kiiff . IH Calinni't A Heel i. . 150 !
OMColouv 171 reiitennlal
Oreson Short Line H rrinklln
ItitblM-r . . .10 Kt'llHiKe
Sin IJIiieo II ) ' 20
Union Pacltlc Qulncv . . . . . . II.1
Went Knci Tain inek. nr ,
NKW York Mlnlmr Ouiitnlliiim.
; iK > v YOIIK , July 29.-Tho followlns ? are the
mining quotation :
Con rnl , . 113 Slerri No vail I II )
Ii iduuod . 11)0 ) ml . . . . . . Ill )
Oonlil ACuiry . ,10 Con . . ill
II ilo A Nim roHH. II ) Yellow Ja , hi t .15
Honii'Ht ikn . . . . USTHi Imn Sll III
Mnxli in . ' ! " > Quick bllvir . UfiO
Onlirlo . 700 ilo i.ief'd. . . , l.'UO
( > ! > ! . Ir . nt ) JO
Pljiiioiltl . 10 !
St. I.DIIH Mining OIKItutIDIK.
ST Lotus , July 20. Tin ) mining rtoek in ir
kut WIIH excessively dull , no lncUs In duiiiaml
American Nutllo could ba\u been bought a
! )5u and Mild nt 30c.
Ad HUH. . * .4' ) 15 fj , , 5
Ui-udtuM l.lKi
bill I uskid.
Mnuiichil .VntiiH
Nnw Oitt.KANS , July 29. Clearings , $891,504
I'Aius Julv 2'J. ' Thruo
, per cunl runlus 85
15c for ( hu iiccotinf ,
KANHAsl'lTrMliily 29. Clearings , $757,150
total for Ihu wuul.4,75H,507.
HAMIMOIIK. July -UloarhiBS , $2,079,209
baiancus , } 2J2Olf. Money , C pur cent.
I.OMIO.V , July 2'J. Amount of bullion with
drawn from the Hank of Kngluml on balanci
today i58,000 ,
Mp.Mi'iitrt , July 20 , Now Voile ovclmngi
selling at II.Wi premium. C'luarlngs , ibO,4b8
N'h\v YOIIK , July 29. rieailnn's , { 91.G51.437
balances , iM,7HA,71u. For thu wee It : ( /'ieir
lux' * , 54J,5H97H ; balances , tJ7i57)70. : ( )
rilll.AliKI I-IIIA , July 29. Uluirln s , tll,23G ,
211 ; b ilances. tl.syl.HUU. .Monoy. Gjier cent
Pol the weuk. Clearing , * i'Jl ' Jillia > ; tj.U
uncos , * H,3H2,427.
C'IMII.NNATI , July 29. ClourllU'S , $1,135.150 !
for the xumU. JUOJ3 , 00 ; for IbOJ , tll.UIO.OOU. .
Munuy. t.ftH pur cent. KichanKoniiNuw York
* 1.0Oto2 ( HI discount.
NMV YOIIK , July 29. ihjiorlal. Tulr cram t
TiiKHKK 1 Kxcliiinito HUH iiuolud as folluw. .
today : i'lilcnxo , 17 dlwounl ; llouon , 40c
dUciniiit to J3c jiruiiiliini ; ht. l.otiU , tt.t.OdU-
cuunl ,
HUSTON , July 2U. ( Jtimrliu * , 113001,062 ;
bulunciw , tl , 109,064. Moiiny 7 3-10ifiH pur
cent ; iixclmiiKe on New York , 40c dKcoont
to 3Jc premium I'or thti week :
179,41)4,520 ; biliincos , * S , 7.13 , 441) .
HT I.OUIS. July 2H l'lo.irln f , i2.l 9,20l ,
this wuulc , * 15,701,4ii : , last yiiar , $21,37Hb77 ;
liikt wnuk , } 1H,374,7J7 ; liilancus today , (312-
HOJthU ; wunk. I1.500.49J ; laU yuar , 43.0.1.V
21.2 ; last week , fl.rtJS.BJO. ilonuy ijulut , d'ttH
jiurcunt. KxcbiuiKo on .Nuw York , tl.OO dU-
A i.ivi : . 3iAiiiiT9.
Week Uluirn with l.lfiit Iteinlpla , I.owrr
lrlcu and > Vuuk ruellue.
HATUIIIMY , July 29 ,
Hocolpt.s for the week , rotnparod with lait ,
hhow u moderate ducrea o as to cut tlo unil
hhuop , with aullihl Increase In thu supply ot
hogs , Compared with the corresponding wuuk
last year thoru has bion a decreuiu all around
Thu figured are n follows ;
Cattle. Ilou-j. Hbeop.
HoculptH this wt'Pk . . . B.408 27.4U5 1.&I4
Itt'COlpU laHt wci'k 10,110 2J.791 2B7
baine wuulc last year. 9,04U 34l > Ori 3,137
Tliocnttlii inarkut IbU wock has boon very
umiVDii and , considering the snmllnusi of thu
nuppllus. ducldudly unsatUfactory , K > un ri
diculously Hulil rcculutj for tbU suason of thu
juar failed to mlumlatu tradu to uny great iu'
tunt. The gpuculutivu ulvuieul wan aliuo > t
rntlrt'ly Inckltif , whllo the disposition ( \iunn
thn drcticd Ix-cf mnn w to con H no tholr pur-
clmos to their actual nocosillln * ,
Tlio week opriied out with a VITJT moan mar-
Vet Mondar , hut with hardly < < mmirlt ralllo
after thnt to Veop ono homo runnlnc under
ordinary clrriimst inces. tlioro was a eradnnl
IninrouMncnt. and \tj \ Irlday prlcoj for bolh
Ix'i-f st crs nnd bntchors' stock had recovered
10ctn20c of the decllno , but today them wns
another slumii ami the close of thu week finds
prlcos lltlln if any bettor than the close ot the
week n ravlous.
Although the fre < h rocolpts. uliout 2,301
bond , were only fntr , they were the hoavlrst of
the weok. Of the 1OI ( cars ed 14 ,
or nearly 300 bond , v orn Katms City Toxnns ,
blllnU direct to Cudahy. OITerJiiKs , how-
o\or , wort ) almost entirely natives ,
nmoni ; thorn MIIIIO very cholco bettvos.
The tiuukia opom-il out very nuarly steady on
the bust tlpo cattle , onino 1.3H7 and 1 , 17111) .
{ 4. Humid * 4.80 , There wns
no nntsldodonuiml worth montlonlng anil thn
Innulry ( nun local homes wns do-
cldedly IndltTorcnt on account of thu nmulo
olTurlngs nnd the unfavornhln tonit to
eastern nih Ices. I'rlces ruled ummmly lowjr ,
opinions vary lint from fie. to20o. DiMilurs were
cenerallr looking for llboral supplies and a
lower iniirkel In Chlcnjto Monday , and were
gunorally ilNposed to Hull here nt a sacrlllco
rather than takn the risk of havlntf thalr
CBlllo shlppud to bo In Chlc.iKO Monday.
Tlio result was a general "cutting looso" and
by nixm the supply was very ci'iiorally out of
llrslhiinds. I'tilrtii very good 1.200 to 1,3011-
11) . beov os sold all thn nuy from 13 00 to * 1.30 ,
with fair to good 1,050 to 1,15(1-11) ( . steers nl
from Sfl.70 lo } 4 , and fair to poor izrassj and
half fat stock nt titim f3 &U down to 1 1.
1 bore was a sharp luhiuicoin cow valiins
1'rldiy , and with limited .supplies nnd n very
filrdoniind that ndxanco was well sustiilnud
todav , ( iood fat cows sold at (2 75 , with ihln
westerns as low us il ( Jnhes wont at fiotn
* ) to * 4.&l ) . or about steady prices. Thoru
was no pirtlciilar change In rough stock. A
big bunch of stiiRs bnniulit * 3 40 , or about as
much us thuy would luuo brought liny tlmo
Thu feeder t ratio has been good all weok.
1'rlcus ruled stronger todav and fair to good
stock Is In ncthoileinaml at pih us30c toQOc
bettut Ihan tun dnjs ago. Uepiesontntlvo
sales ;
No , Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
" " H.U ) $ .1 00 18 . . 1058 $3 80
2" 1500 3 00 17H . .1051 ! l 85
1 910 3 25 37 . . .115. ! : i 85
1 . . . JOO 3 21 70 . . . 1077 : i 83
22 . . 912 3 25 45 . . . .12JO ! 1 90
8 . . . 9J7 3 25 41 . . . 11JI1 3 95
22 . . . 10U5 3 30 31 . . . .1301 4 00
'J5 890 3 35 5O. . . . .1092 1 00
1 . . . 770 3 DO 21 . . . 100H 4 00
22 1112 il 50 20 . . 1225 I 10
l.OcfTxllSJ 3 50 40. . . .1172 4 10
00 . . . .1278 80. . . .1305 4 20
l > 7 . . . .12J2 3 05 15 . . . 12W ( 4 25
2J 103 ! ) 3 70 57 . . .1280 4 30
21 . 10SO 3 75 39 . . 1387 4 GO
60ef tt.1041 3 80
Smi'I'tNO AM ) EXl'OltT.
19 1471 4 80
1 . . .10JO 1 25 10 , .1007 2 25
4. . . . 952 1 50 1 .1180 2 40
1 . . 1UII ) 1 1)0 1 .10SO 2 10
3 . . 820 1 ( ) > 8 92(5 ( 2 75
. . .1O,1I ) 1 75 8. 1250 2 75
. . . 719 2 20 1. .1170 2 75
. . .1050
0 GG1 1 35 3 . . . 937 2 75
0 . . . . 201 3 00 3 . . 2S7 4 00
4 110 320 1. . . . 130 4 00
23 . 1321 3 40
9 . 440 2 00 2J . 800 3 00
14 . . . btIS 245 2 . . .1015 3 IK )
1 . . . 1020 200 38 . . . 820 305
07 . . . . 8J9 200 13 . . . . 97. ) 305
J . 1080 200 47 . . .1078 320
M iniksK V OATri.i : .
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
5cnwsTx.778 $1 00 20cofcs , Tx.OOH ifl 00
C7u > ws.T71H 1 ( .O 2COWS , I'v H10 170
4rotts , Tx'JUfl 170 24 feeding .081 201) )
lions Tim oxtiuinu weakness In the Inn ;
nniruut can only bu attributed totbocon-
tlnuud slilnKuncy In the money murUut.
U iiler otdlnnry clrcutnsfinces the present
in idortito supplies would .Instiio stoaily
pi Ices or an adv.inco. but a Unlit
money niirket prtnents packers from
I ildiiK advantage of tlio bin ni'inrlii there Is In
hoes at presniit price's. Mo-it of thorn s ly thuru
Is loss money In piovislons , hut they prufer
to do thulr business "on thu bo ml , " as II ru-
oulii's less m.UKlu and thu jnollti are about ns
Tills ban been \\i-nk of continuous di cllnu.
Yiilues have dropped i.0c slncu Monibiy and
thu inarlvut closus very u nil ; at thu ducllnu
Thoru N no notice illc ch in o In thu situ it Ion ,
nnd , iisldu from thu condition of mono > in it-
tors , uvury thins would sooin to ba f ivoi.ihlu to
hlslim prlciiN. The I'rlco Current says : "Phoro
h is bi'on ijiilto a reduction In the m
ot bojis tlio past wnuk , I'lckliik' lulurus
Initlcatu a total of lOO.OOU , coinp-ired
with 240,000 Ihu prci.t'dlim' weeK , and
170,000 for coiu'spondlMK tlmo last vcar ,
Prom Minch 1 thu total Is 1,080,000 , against
0,085,000 a venr : ito | Dccrcasu for thu wouK ,
10,000 , .mil for thu season , 1,000,000. continued
inued with hist year. " Huculpts today full
moru than 1,000 short of lust Saturday's
run , but the sui.tlmunt was uxiiumuly
bearish nndnullurs h id to submit asKiacufully
as they could to a timber lediictlon In pilccs
of .V to inc. A modciatu shipping and
flush meat dein ind kept ll ht and butcher
nulKht IKMS ut a KOOI ! pruiiiluin ovui
huavles , and xood to cholcu lo ids
Kunuraliy with fiom onu to hilt a
do/en loujh 01 heavy ho s tlnouii out sold at
from f ) to ? , " ) 10 with pilmu ll > 5-Ih. sorts up to
(5.20 llca\j nnd mixed packers sold mostly
al J4 9" ) and i5 , with roii-'li nnd tliiowouts
from that down to $400 Tiadu was In thu
dull and diaKXi'in oribii thioiulioul , Imt. thu
close found ihn pins fairly well cluuied , nl-
tlmuuli Ihu fcollnx was uxtiiiinolv wuaK. The
bulk of the sales weto atl,9' ) and $5 , us
a alnslifO lofO.K ) 1'ilday audio 00 to fi 55 onu
wuuk iiuo toil ly. HupiusuntiillM ) stilus.
No. Av. .Sh I'r. No Av. Hh. I'r
20 310 240 J4 50 57 2o'J 110 f.r. 00
11 310 80 4 75 47 311 HO 0 00
11J 2.8 ( 80 4 75 1.4. 219 hi ) 0 00
J 270 4 HO 7i ! 19,1 ICO 0 00
1 207 4 80 49 220 40 0 00
00 294 240 4 80 .28J 40 0 00
8 240 BO 4 85 ( ill 240 280 0 OO
25 282 80 1 85 Ii5 2'JO 0 OO
10 3,11 4 85 74 220 230 0 00
( .2 201 2 0 4 ' ) ( ) 59 278 0 00
52 35r > 40 4 02' ! 52 341 120 0 OO
00 209 240 4 95 01 2')0 ) 40 0 00
5-i 312 120 95 20H 100 0 00
50 220 100 05 hi ! 209 120 0 00
01 .21.3 40 4 90 00 320 80 0 OO
03. 220 HO 95 I > 1. 211 80 0 05
( > H. .210 170 01 70 200 0 00
01. 301 40 90 245 5 OO
01 207 120 90 0) ) , 250 0 00
70 .2.17 HO 0 00 1.0 218 HO 0 11) )
4'J 21)1 40 0 00 74 227 40 5 K )
1,1 301 80 0 ( )0 77 .214 200 0 10
10 311 0 00 77 214 4O 0 10
OS 219 40 0 1)0 ) 70 20 ! ) 40 5 10
OH 251 11.0 n oo 01 210 80 0 10
57 , 277 80 0 00 71 180 81) 0 10
31 100 0 20
Mil IT Two doubles of common" " xhcop wen
rucuhul. lluyeis wtinlud K'ood mutUins and
> > uro ready to pay steady prices , but Iliori
wis no duiimnd for Infui lor Mil If and NtocUurs
Today' * quotations worn an follows1'ulr li
KOI d natives , * J 25i4.20 ; fnlr to ooil wost-
i rns , i.tOih(3H5 ; ( ominon and hlocU Mmup ,
il,00ft. ) 00 ; good lo cholco 40 to 100-llj lambs ,
iJ.OOi&OOO. KupiusuntathUHalus :
No Av. I'r.
100 wustiiin mlxud 100 $ J 00
Iliunipt * mill UUponUlDii of Stock.
Olllchil rt'ciilnts nnd disposition of stork ns
shown by thu hooksof thu Union blimlc
company for Iho twenty-four IIOUM undlng ut
5 o'clock p. m. July 2'J. 1H9) ) ;
c v n 11. IIOIUKS.V Ml
( JiiH i He id CirH He 1.1 . C.ns lie id CirH I
loo'j.llio a.ll.M too
Disi-osiriof ,
Stuck In
Hocolpts of II ni stuck ut thu four principal
WLsturn mat Uois Saturday , July 29 :
Cut lie. Hogs hlnep.
South Omaha . 2,100 2,1.21 IHO
Chicago . 1.000 8,500 40U
Kansas Oily . 3,800 3.JOO
bt. l.oula 000 1.00
Total 7,490 15,021 000
KniMii. ( Ity itoik Market.
IVANS ts OITV. July 29. UATTI. ! . Receipts
3 , HUD head : slilpiiiuntH , 1,700 head ; nurkut
stroll,1 to lOc higher ; Tuxas stters ,
3.10 ; Tox.iiiCou * . ila'.ft2 15 ; hhlpplng 8ttorn ,
I4.OOUO.20 ; imtho cows , i ) Un.3.OO ; bulchurs' '
stock , M ( JOJM 10 ; NtockiTM and feulcrs , tJ.10
< it3 00 , bulls and mixed , il GOQ2.70.
lions -Kicolptf , 3,251) head , slilpmonts ,
2,450 head ; market weak to lOc lowur : bulkof
slle-t , il.7f.US 'JUj lights , * 5.1Ki5.5& ( ; Yorkura ,
J5 4M45 5& ; pigs. iS OOJifi.M ,
hiihU' Uiicelpu , 400 held ; shipments ,
100 hrud ; market strong ; risprcsunlatlvu
sales ,
ht. J.ouU Live htmU viarkul.
bT. I.ouis , July 29 , tUTTIE Hecolutu , 600 )
lieud , BlilpmunlH , l.HOO head ; muikut un
changed from yesterday. )0Ki
IIuusUecelits | , 000 bead ; slilnmciits , 000
cl ! mirknl nmk on hunrr , stonrtv on llsht
deM top ptlco , W.30 ; hulk of sifes-J5 OiKJ
A 4(1. (
.HitKKp llocnlpts , 200 hPixd ! shlpinonts , 300
head ; market llrm , uuclianijcd.
Uullooii a nud 8 o'clock today.
The llrnwur rntinil Out tlint thn Vermont
Kurinor Ihidonitmiil Huinnn > Ti t rr.
"Itonco cost mo just * 1IHW , bc.sldos
the prleo of throe bntlos of ohninpnKiio ,
to lonrn that u Vonuont fnrinur wiw
stuavtor than I was. " said the oltl follow
with tv wall-foil air to the New York
The speaker had bean u brewer In
his early days , but ho hud rotit-od alter
ho bad put by tx eon-idoi'ablo a inn , iiiul
at tbo ajjo of 72 ho wa-4 still enjoying
"Quo season , " ho continued , "hop *
were scarce , and all thu brewers were
keeping a sharp lookout for any nwu1
ones wlileh were jiut on the market.
Our agonta In Boston tolographud to mu
that a niiui down in Vernitmt had 100
bales of just thu kind that I wanted , and
1 started Immediately to buy them.
"Now , if I do say it myself , I do not
take a back seat from any one w him it
comes to judging the quullty of hop ? .
Well , I arrived at thci place whuru the
owner of those hops lived and inspouted
what he had for sale. They were the
best hops that I had MJOII that season.
The prloe bo asked for them , IK ) cents n
pound , was reasonable for bops of that
quality ; In fact , it was a little less than
the market price. Not to let the old
follow see that t was too anxious to got
them , I began to try to boat him down u
little on the pi'ieo.
"Tlio thought struck me thut perhaps
I might beat him down moru if I could
induce him to go to toxv u and get him u
little "mellow" over a bottle of chnm-
pagne. The town was not far away and
1 suggested that ho go. biuk : with me , as
my time was limited , and If wo struck n
bargain on the way t would pay him tlio
cash for the hops before leaving him.
"Ho consented , nml to town wo wont.
Wo stopped at the hotel , loidorodit
bottle of champagne und some
good cigars. We drank tlio wine
and smoked thu cigars. I kept
bis glass full and lie did nut seem nt all
bashlul about taking all that 1 gave to
him. lie began to warm up uud I
thought 1 was going to ha\o the prlco of
three or four eases of wine at least , 1
Miggoited that he ought to let mo have
those hops for about 55 cents u pound. I
decline lie raised the prlco instead of
lowering it and said ho thought they
wcto worth ( H o.onts.
"I laughed , but. it was no go , and ho
insisted on lil cents as the price.
"I oidered another bottle of wine.
Again he drank all I gave to him and I
poured nearly all of it in his glusa.
When this bottle was finished the prlco
of hops had gone up to 02 cenUs a pound. .
Things were gutting intotostlng. The I
vvitio had Hushed thu face of the old follow -
low , but he would not comedown a quar
ter of a cent.
"In desperation I tried another bottle
of wino and more cigars. Tlio sparkling
lluid went down bis throat like water
down a rat hole , lie became more ami
moro talkative , and 1 gained courage
ouuo more.
" ' \Voll'I said , 'we'd bolter close the
bargain on your llrst offer of (10 ( cents. "
" 'Well , I think thorn hops aru worth
'bout (15 ( cents , ' lie replied.
"I argued and thieatoned not to take
them at all , but it was no use. lie was
sharp enough to detect tlio fuel that I
wanted these hops and wanted them
badly. lie would not budge : i bit and I
had to pay ( ij cents for them. That ad
ditional , "i cents a pound made a dilTer-
oneo of $10 on every bale and S > 1,000 on
the 100 bales , besides my wino and ciga'r
bill of nearly WO. "
Balloon nt.'i nnd 8. CourUand 13each.
Am lent l.lshtiilni ; .
The Etruscans of old bolioveil in Uiroe
kinds of Utflit-ni'iK ono inuapablo of
doitio ; any injury , sinotliof iiuro mis
chievous in its ohuraotor and oonso-
quontly only to bo issued with tlio eon-
hunt of a quoruiii of twelve fjoda , and a
thinl , carrying mischief in its train ami
for which a royular dourco was tuciuirod
from tlio highest divinities in the
can -jkios. Ciiiiously ciHiu li ,
bcientists , follow lnjy the load tukon by
Ai < i < ro , have nKo ileurood that tlio varieties -
riotios of liulitiiinij aio tliruu fold. ' 1'ho
lli > t unniprohumlH that in wliioli tlio ills-
( Imi'ttu npjiours lilco a like a lonj ; liuniii-
OIH line , bent into mitflutt ami /i/.i ; rt
and varyiiiif in uoinploxion from whlto
to blue , ptii-plo or reil. This Ifiml IH
knoun as forked li htnin , because It
Honiotimos divides into two or inoro
brani'lios Ijofoio reuuhin the oarlh.
Tliu seuond dilfors from the Ili'dt in the
rangu of stirfaco over wliioh tlio flash is
dillUBed. J'Yoni this clruiimHtnnuu the
lUbi'hurgo is ( lusi natcd nhoot li litninK.
Tlio third class ilillofs no widuly from
the moro 01 ( Unary manifestations that
many motoopolofjtsts have doniuil tliolr
ri-jht to ho treuttid as lo itlmatu lijjht-
nitis. ! Tlioy noitliur assuniu thu form
of lon < , r lines on tlio ono hand nor shoots
of llaino on thoothur , but oxhihit thiiiii-
belves aa hallb or globular lumps of lire.
Balloon ! l and 8 o'clock t day ,
'IriiHlM unit 'I rust.
A now list of protuctod trusts in pub-
llHlied conlaitilm , ' l.VJ by actual count ,
and yet the luathur trust , or'uiii/.iil [ on
the Ibt of May , with 91-0OU'OOIcapl- ' ) )
tiil--4 < ! 0OU.OUO ( ) iojresentliif , ' jirojioi-ty
and jjood will and ? ( W,01)0,00 ) ( ) waturis
not inulndod. No doubt , homo othurs
have eseapud thu of the ooiupllcf.
Ono of the most utTuctlvu is the castor
oil tniht , with a ivipltal of W.OUU.IJIM . ) ,
uovuriiij ; hovon mills , worth about $70-
000 , which eaiirtui a very olleutivo movement -
mont from the pocluits of uonstimorH ,
The avoruKO ] ) rlio ] > ald for castor bonus
is $ lr)0 purbiiHliul ; a himhul ylulduabout
Hlxteon pounds of oil ; prlco , l.'i coiit.s per
pound ; and the lofuso , itnisd as a fortil-
i/or , pays the of urtitfhlti } , ' and
liiuiilliii , The protuutlon trivoii castor
oil is 11)1 ) pur liont. or , to bo oxaeUIHDJ. ? ?
on 4100 wet 111. For liubim and hujfify
axles , with ovury cont'M worth of oil ,
thuro in nearly " contH1 vvortli of turill
adminlHtored. "Throw physlu to tlio
do ri , " Lut UH tiilto for a tililo the
motto of our cwln ; "In G ) d Wo Trust. "
' 1111' IIKAI.I Y VlAltlCKT.
INnritlIJli.NT.S : iilucod on iccord July 'JO ,
11 r Thomas and wlfu to
ItucKur , vv'Jof Iot2hocli2l | Dioxui's
uiibillv } 1,000
J M httiiinuni and wife , to O J I'luU-
urd , loin 15 ti ) 49 , block 9 ; lolH 1 to
2. , 24 to 21) ) . 28 to 37 ; u ' , ' , of lot 38 ,
block. 12. Went I , iwn . . . t.,000
I'rnnk und Kathuiliiu Mioull to J W
Johiialoii , lei 55 , K i.spur'.i add. . , 000
\\ulnut Hill havings unit IntfHtiuunt
ciiiiipiiny to N K llolliiiun , lota IU
and 17 , block U , Walnut Hill . 2,500
C I' HurrlHim In H I duler , lot ID ,
block H'2. Amblorl'laco . . . . 2,600
O A Adam * and husband to i ; K
WuMtoii , w , o ( u GOfuut of lot 28.
Millard A , U's add 2,000
Homy fuss A wlfu to It ( ) 1'oiloy , Jot
11 , block 14 , Kount/u I'liiLU . . . . . 1
I. O I'erloy toAtiuu I/\' , .inio , . . , 1
M A tollurinun ICnuntzo
u' ' , w22unduK -J7-15.1J 0,000
J M ChilstwiiMiin and wlfii IIIH.IIIHI 1
.Mcl'.iuue huvliiK * . bunk toll 1' l.lndliw
undlv ii , lu(8 ( , block 7 , Uauc iVnol-
dun'n add , .
( iuorgu liordon und wlfu to M U Kylur ,
nl , lolW , KlUabuth 1'laco
Total amount of tniusfors ,
Balloon ut.'i und 8 , Courtlund Deuoh.