TUB OMAHA DAILY HKKr THURSDAY , JULY 27 , 181)3. ) IIIE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Prices Ont to the Quick at Our Great Alteration Salo. SILK WAIST SACRIFICE SALE Alt Silk Milrt WnUtii to He Closed Ont nt ! , Tlmn Unit 1'rlcc llonlory , Itlb- bom , llHiiclUrrclilfN , Underwear t Utihenril of I'rlccs. "During nur alteration sale wo will close out innny desirable floods at prices never before appronelicd in this city , nor any other for Unit mutter. SILK WAISTS SACUlb'ICED. Thurmlny every silk shirt \\alHt will bo on wilu nt less thiincost of inatoriul to iimko. Our 30.00 ones tfo for $2.0"i. Our J7.r > 0 ones go for $ . ' ( .75. Our mOO ones no for $4.50. Our S0.50 ones jro for $ -l.7fi. ' Thabo uronllof tbis season's inako and Bplcndul stylus. Don't pass Ihis oppor tunity. Grand clearing ealc of hosiery and un derwear. At lOc ladles' flno Rauzo vests that wo liavo never ollercd less than Hoe go for lOc. ' At Ho Boy's heavy stockings that wear like iron never offered less yian 35o po for Me. At ; i7ic this is the bargain of bargains of the bcnsnn. Wo pliieo the entire stock rcmnlndlnir.on hand of our opera length llslo thread bluok and colored hosiery that Imvo been soiling for as hlRh as $1.23 think of it , only HTjo Thursday. jVt 07e each a line of ladles' all silk Ycsta.HUoh as have been boiling Tor $1.50 , wo will close at 07c. At 42c ladles' flno muslin drawers , nicely t'-iinmcd , that huvo been belling at 750. At S.'ic ladies' ' ni ht robes , madoof fine muslin with fancy trimmed yokes , a good $ I.'J. " > garment , at 8lo. ! AT 25c , ladies' line white lawn aprons , trimmed with embroidery , have been 33o and 50c. Silk gloves in black , tans , modes , worth up to $1.00 , at .Tic. Choice lots of black , cream , ecru laces in cotton , linen and bilk. Lot J at 10e , reduced from 'toe. Lot 2 at 2'e , reduced from $1.00. 300 dozen ladles' handkerchiefs at 5c , Buch as you ordinarily pay 10o for. . ' 100 dozen handkerchiefs at Do each , such as usually sell for . > c. A choice lot of fans atlite. . This lot Includes fans worth $1.00 Remember Unit these bargains are not of the usual steieotypcd kind that you read about. Wo are giving clobo buyers exceptional values and while wo are altering our atoreyou get goods at about half value. We can't begin to quote the many lots of goods that are going cheap. Boys' clothing , silk dress goods , books , ribbons , wash goods wo are closing out nt prices that will uimr/o you. THE MOUSE DUY GOODS CO. Balloon tonight at Corn-Hand beach. Ames moved to 1017 Farnam. Huydi'ii Bros.1 Friday sale is solely to raise money. SCIENCE OF SPRINKLING. Elpcrtrnco of n Pnrent U'ho Posed ni nn Krport with Ihu Iloir. "Hnvo you ever noticed the keen desire of an otherwise sensible man to pinyvltha garden hose ? " asked a well known Ruuilo- man of a group of friends yesterday. "Well , I guess I have no grunt kick com ing , " he said , "for I am as big n chump ns any ono tIso. Ono evening lust jveek my wlfo told my son to go outnnd sprinkle the lawn. The boy grabbed the hose mid wns doing the Job in good shape. I thought ho was having too much fun and it scorned to bo n most plcaiant job , too , for the evening was very sultry. s "My wife and f lind accepted invitations fe for n party thni evening. I had on my even ing tlrcss suit nnd wns waiting for my better half to inako her appearance. In order to ahow my paternal authority I went out to bos * the Job nnd began to give orders like tliochiof of H volunteer country lire depart ment. In order to moio fully impress my offspring with my superior knowledge. I grabbed hold of the hose and undertook to show Jum how it was done. The young man looked t mo with disgust and took refuge upon the porch. "I opened otho scanco b.v playfully turning the stream on the dog , which was lying in the simile-to keep cool. 1 then began to play water over the Unui in n scientific nmtine'r and soon became so nnsoibcd In the ork that ! did not notice that I was getting water all o\cr mj shoes anil the lower part of my pantaloons. My son said nothing , but he must have kept up a lively thinking. "As the feollmr grow on mo , I became pos sessed \\ilhn desire tocl everything in sight nnd In twisting the hose while walk ing around 1 Vcsencd n coupling over which I was standing and \vas deluged with siir.iv This brought mo back to my senses , arid rculi/ing that I had rendered my dress suit unfit to wear that evening I made mi ex clamation which would not look well in print. My wlfo and a lady friend , who was colng with uscro standing behind inc. having Just emerged from the house. They heard my profanity , nnd my wife , who is u devout church member , said : ' \\liy Jawca , I am astonished nt your using nuch awful language. ' She startled me nnu m my confusion I dropped the con founded hoso. 'J hero was u knU ! In it , and us soon as It struck the ground It bcg.m to twist nnd squirm around like a snalto. The water Hew in nil diicctlous , hut most of it coined to strike mo or the Indies. My son nnd the dog howled their delight In a shrill duct and the nolghbois Joined In the chorus. I wns soaking wut ; i > o was my wife and her friend. Wo llnally made our cseapo into the house , but you ought to huvo seen us. Wo looucd like wo had passed through n flood. "My wlfo wns so mad that she couldn't apeak forsovural minutes and shu only gave mo a contemptuous look , mid with her friend- retired to chnngo their dresses. I went out and kicked the dog. Mv son and I ' held a short , but very satisfactory'interview. " \Vo didn't go to the party. 1 came down town and the clock In the steeple was strik ing Si before I started for home , so vou can guess thoii'st. I managed lo square mysoll with my wlfo b.v getting her u now dress and lolemnly swearing to tnUo her to the World's fnlr. fnlr."When "When the lawn needs sprinkling now my ion does it and 1 gl\o him t5 ! cents for iloini ; the Job. " Dinerriiro of Opinion , Mr. Charles F. IJeindorff , architect of the city hall , is Just at this time using hia utmost endeavors to convince the committee on public piopcrtyand buildings that there it duo him a balnnco of fl,000 on his con. tract. Mr. IJulmloiff , under his contract wns to rcrolvo 5 per cent of the construction price of the building. " Evidently he con sulercd that there wns no limit to the price of coiibtruullon , if A statement ho has pro scntcd to Chairman Jnrobscn Is correct. in speaking of this statement Mr. Jacob sen binilcs audibly and s.i.\s It Is too rkileu lous for scilous consideration. Among tin items uro those of stationery , fuinlturc , gns nnd clcctrlo light futures , telephone wiring vail fixtures , painting walls , elm a tors , coy ering steam pipes , door springs and n num beiof others in the uaiiio lino. The urchl teet wants 6 per cent on the cost of these which amount to bovcrnl thousand dollar : expended , Mr. Jacobsen fails to see when Mr. BoindorlT is entitled to another CPU from the city , mid ho considers that tin f 17,000 the architect has already secured 1 : ample compensation for sei vices rendered It fuiiilshlne plans and specifications , ilo lie o thoroughly convinced of this fact that hi a ) s he will never report favorably upon tin mioi. NprclRl 3 I ) J Knt "f SUM Nnllnnt for Tliiimclnr , HLACK OUOS GUAIN SILKS. Special .1 days pale. 1'rlccs forced below the cost of the raw material. Linings given free with cneh dress. FOIl THURSDAY , FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 5 nieces regatta blaek gros grain silk , cashmere finish , worth 81. 00 per yard ) gees nt 7fio ynid nnd linings free of charge. 10 pieces regatta , black irros-grnin fin ish , worth Sl.'i" ) per yard , goes tit OSe and linings frco of charge. 10 pieces regntta black crros-grnln silk , cashmere finish , worth $1.50 per yard , goes at $1. 13 and linings free of charge * 10 pieces Olvornaud Bros , black crros- graln Bilk , oashmcro finish , worth % 1.7o , goes at $1.2. " ) per yutd and linings frco of charge. fi nieces Glvornaud Bros , black gros- graln silk , cashmere finish , worth $1.85 per yard , goes at $ l.t ; , " ) and linings iroo of charge. 5 pieces Glvornand Bro.'s black gros grain silk , cashmere finish , worth $2.00 per yard , goes at $1.50 ; linings free of charge. C pieces Givornaud Bro.'s black gros grain silk , cashmere finish , worth S2.2.J , goes at $1.75 per yard ; linings free of charge. fi pieces Givornaud Bro.'s black gros grain silk , cashmere finish , worth $ . ' 1.50 per yard , goes at 82.25 ; linings free of charge. Tljls oiler holds good for Thursday , Friday and Saturday : Linings given with every full dress pattern of black gros grain silk. NOTIONS. NOTIONS. Remember wo Imvo the largest stock of notions in the west , and remember , also , that our prices are the lowest. On Ihurtday you can buy 5 packages best pins for Ic. 10 packages best hair pins for Ic. 2 spools machine thread , Ic. 2 spools silk twist (10-yard ( ) , lo. 5 dozen agate buttons ! ! 1 spool good linen thread , lo. 1 package best needles , Ic. 1 ball crochet cotton , lc. , G doyen shoo buttons , Ic. 1 spool best 100 yard silk 2o. 1 Indies' canvas bolt Ic. 1 very good fine comb Ic. Always bear in mind that you can buy more notions at Hayden Bros , for less money than any house in the city. HAYDEN BROS. "Watch for great Friday bale. Balloon tonight at Courtland beach. - o Keep your eyes on LTayden Bros. ' Fri dav tale. Ames moved to 1017 Farnam. Omaha to Mnnawn , round trip 30 cents. Take the bridge line. Telephone C. W. Hull Co. for prices on hard coal. Summer delivery , - P The particulars of liny don Bros. ' Fri day sale will be announced later on. - o Tlmo Wo 1 1 Spent a week's holiday nt Hot Springs , S. D. best reached from Omaha by the Bur lington routes , 10:15 a. m. , Black Hill express. Hound trip tickets at the ono way rate on sale July 15 to August 15. Through sleeping car from Omaha dally. See the city ticket agent at 1324 Far nam fatreet. - A raes moved to 1017 Farnam. A convenient and pleasant place to ob tain luncheon. Baldnll , 1520 Farnum , Look on page 7 and see what a tremendous discount Woodbridgo Broa. are making in pianos and organs. o Hayden Bros. ' necessity is your oppor tunity. Commencing Sunday cvenlncr the latest success in the way of comedj drama will bo presented at the F.irnnm Street thcator. 'Tho Wolves of Now York" is a produc tion that will entertain nil classes of theater gocrn. Thcro arc twenty people in the cast. The scenic effects arc grand and all now. The above production is not n mcto gallery sensation , but is equally good for parquet and cliess circle. The music of the now spectnculnr comic opcr.i , "Africa , " in which Mr. George Thatcher nnd hia operatic extravaganza company will appear at the Doyd for two nights , commencing Tuesday evening , Au gust 1 , is the first effort m the line of comic opera of Mr. U.mdolph Cruger. and the suc cess achieved by the piece in the way of iiusic augurs well for future efforts on the part of this i Ising young composer. Ho has furnished the pleco with any amount of that bright , crisp music that Is always Iboked for In a picbculatlon of this kind , but which U very seldom found in any gre.it quantity. The music of "Africa" is pretty and taking. ( Jrugcr has not aimed too high in his writing. His music has \S'agnerian outbursts of harmonic- sounds ; it is of the simplest nature , that which readily appeals to the car and thus populari/cs itself with the average theater-goer. Ho has given some sweet melody , as is shown by such songs as "Shadows on the W.ill , " "My Lady of Moods , " "Tho 1'rimo Minister" ana others , His onscmblo work is dashing , crisp nnd full of lifo and receives moro generous justice than any other oigaiiiintion in America could give It. The sale of scnts will open Monday evening. Piles of people luvo piles , out JJo Witt's Witch Hazel S.ilvo will euro thoin. W ro Not frniii Omnhn. Hov. John A. Hultmnn , p.istor of the Swedish Mission church , which has been Instrumental in Rending a largo number of missionaries to China , spoke vcfctcrdayafter noon with refcronco to the massacre of Missionaries Wikholui and Johuuten , as follows ; v "Neither of the unfortunate men was ono of these sent from hero , Uoth wore un doubtedly' bout out directly fiom the old country. Some sixty-live hn\o gone from hero mid all are allvo , nnd , so fnr as I know , uro well. Three or four , Including Hov. J. ] ' . Johnson , who puMched in my church a weck ago Sunday , Imvo been obliged to comu hack to this country on account of ill health , hut all thcso will return to their posts iu lha fall. " Piles of people liavo piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. 1'OiMtvd. Marshal Tomnlcton of Council Bluffs noti fied Chief Seavoy yesterday that John IJlng. man , the uotorious constable , was m that city , nnd if ho was wanted the Council Uluffs officers would nrrcbt htm. The police do not want Dlngmnn , but it Is quito likely that his bondsmen may , ni > John has for feited bonds amounting to fbOO. Plies of peapio ntivo pues , out Do Witt's Witch Haa'l S ilvo wlllourj thj n. Unklrj'i I.nit ItumliiK 1'lnrr. The relatives of W. L. Oakloy , the young mnn who was' killed while walking ulons the Union Pacific track near Mlllard , Nob. , have written Coroner Maul statins ; that the remains nrrived in New York City Julviiy and were in good condition. The funeral occurred on the day of the arrival. llmntMl u Coal bliml. Flro destroyed Nat. llrowns's coal shed at Twentieth nnd Uiito streets at 4 o'clock this morning , Lo i , < 00. - ' ? \ ? ' TAPT IMOII c * 11 ? 1\rnvin'c ' COM CASH oALh Extra Special Under Cost Bargains for Thursday Ladles' ' $1,50 Waists GOc , LADIES' $3.00 WAISTS $1.05 I.nilln' ST.rtO Iterulj-.Mnilo SmU nt 92.08 OliniiRcnlilo CrjHtiit llnncnllne SHU * , Worth 81. r , 37 l-3n 1'cr Yard , llcut HnrRittn In 811k of the Senon > Rtips , chcncllo portoircs and all kinds of laec eiirtains uo this THE LAST WEEK Of our pi-cut cash cost sale nt special under cost prices. DON'T PUT OFF Buy now , you have only a fo\v days moro lo take advantage of the greatest sacrillco sale that has over taken place in Omaha. S-l.nO WAISTS TODAY , fiOO. Only 81 of these. They won't last any time. These walbts are made of French lawn and sold nt $1.50 and $1.05 each ; at today's price , f > 0e , you will have to get hero early If you want ono. $ : i.OU WAISTS , $1.05. 18 ladies' fancy waists imulu of French mull , black only. Regular prlco of thcbO waists is SU.OO. Today you can buy them for $1.05. Remember this THE LAST WEEK of our great sale , .and wo are offering extra special induccmcnss to make it the biggest week of the sale. LADIES' $7.C)0 SUITS FOR $2.03. 10 ladles' ready-made suits that have been selling all season at $7.50 go today as our extra special under cost bar gain at $2.08 per suit. Limit 1 suit to a customer. $1.05 WRAPPERS GO AT OSO. .10 ladies' wrappers , regular price $1.05 , today ! )8e. ) Don't forgot curtains and rugs are going at under cost price all this week. SILKS AT aviC. 300 yards of changeable crystal bonga- line silks , a sure $1.25 quality , 1 dress pattern to a customer , today 37ic per yard ; also 10 pieces of natural pongee silk go at 37ic per yard , worth up to 05c.WASH WASH SILKS 58C. 25 pieces of changeable habutai wash hilks worth and sold all over ut87i and $1.00 per yard ; today they go as an extra special under cobt bargain at 5Sc per yard. 25c , 30clOc and 50c white , striped , checked and plaid lawns go at 8ic. Muslins and sheeting at net cost. Linens at not cost. 15c sateens oc. 25c ginghams lOc. 20e novelty wubh goods ( He per yard , or 05c for a full dress pattern. lOc and COc dress goods go at lOc per yard. 75c , 8"c , $1.00 , $1.25 wool dress goods go at 25c. Don't forget to buy your curtains nnd rugs now while we are selling them at under cost prices. N. B. FALCONER. Balloon tonight at Courtland beach. WILL SEEK INJUNCTION. Itual Ilstute Owners I'rnpnio to Content the Gnrlingr C'lintract. Mr. MacDonnld will hardly ho permitted to carry out the terms of his garbage con tract without a lognl struggle. The Heal Estate Owners association has not yet given up the fight nnd will not surrender the in terests of the people to the contractor until tlTo courts have passed upon the validity of the contract and everything connected with it. President Hoggs said yesterday morning : "Until a meeting of the directors of the association is held i do not know what steps wo will take. Our time yesterday wis too limited to prepare the necessary papers for a restraining order , .and the council's speed ia rushing the contract through last night over the mayor's vote has prevented our tiling an application for the order now. However , it is not necessary that wo abandon the interests of the taxpayers , as there uro other menus at our command to prevent the contract being carried ont. Yesterday the committcocons'iHed with two of our best attorneys nnd the conclusion was reached that the best thing to bo done under the circumstances was to permit the council to proceed with its r.iilroading of the contract , nnd ns soon ns il is put in force to have sonic ono violate its provisions and cause his arrest. In that way the matter can bo speedily brought into court and the fact established that the proceedings in awarding the con tract were irregular and that the s.imo ia not just and should bo aorogated. I believe that this is the best way in which to tc.st the validity of the contract , after the talk we hail with the attorneys. The hotel nnd livery men , who are so vitally interested , should como to the front nnd join with us. "I hope the press will continue to stir this thing up until the very bottom of it is reached nnd the people aroused to the enormity of the outrage that lias been perpetrated - potrated upon thorn by forcing this contract through without giving the citizens nil op portunity to discuss its merits nnd look into them. 1 , for one , nin willing to expend the last dollar in the association treasury to de feat this contract , and I bellovo $100,000 should ho spent rather than have the con tract go into force in nil its pornlciousnoss. A conference of the directors of the nssocia- tlon will bo hold just ns soon as practic.ihlo , nnd this matter will bo thoroughly discussed , and 1 bollovo a line of action will ho mnpnod out. ' Wo will not so c.isily submit to such a jiiet'O of outragcousncss being foisted upon us. " Tnl.o ( lucid Cure of the Children. For .summer complaint in children there is nothing HO good iis Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Uiarrhtna Kennedy. Tt cures dysentery , dlarrhwa nnd cholera mfunlum , nnd never fulls when used in tlmo nnd the plain printed directions art ) followed. When reduced u Hh water nndswcotcncd it is plena- nnt to tako. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale uy druggists , I'Ur OUICAtil ) I.N YOUK l > OOKii' : . Vou Cun Do So l > j ruroliaiinK u Copy of Moriin'i lllctloimry of Chicago , This valuable book 1ms received the endorsement of the World's Columbian Exposition. It also contains a handsome map of Chicago and in the only rooog nized and standard Guide to the World1 Fair City. For Halo by George E. Moran publibhor , Buito 213 Herald building Chicago , 111 , , and by all promlncSt news dealers. Price , SOc per copy. In cloth bound copies in gilt , postage paid , $1.00 each. Every portion contemplating a visit to Chicago during the world's fair should avail himself of this oppo- tunity to hccuro n copy. County ICoudK. The county commissioners nvcr that the proposition to pave the county roads with the proceeds of the $150,000 , of ro.id improve ment bond * votcdi lust yonr Is not dcMl ixml that it Is only ( looping. They any that them will be nothing dona thl * year , but that If the money market ipcts In bolter nhnpo thU fall they will pll the bomln during the coinIng - Ing winter nnd nmkri their contracts , so that the work may Ix-gin with the opening of next spring. Don't jYoit Know That to have per perfect health you must have mire blood ami the best way to have pure blood Is to take Hood's Snrsatmrllla , the best blood purifier nnd strength builder. It expels nil thnt taint of scrofula , salt rheum and nil other humors and at the sftino tlmo builds up the. wliolo system nnd gives tu-rvo strength. Hood's Pills nmv bo had by mall forSSc of C. I. Hood & Co. , Uwell. M.iss. Balloon tonight at Courtland beach. * LA 81 ACT. Judgci Attemlml to the Closing lltulnem of tlio Mxy Court Term. Sovcral of the Judges of the district court were on the bench vcstcrdayclontilng up the dockets and getting things In shape for the final adjournment of the May term , nn order for which was entered Inst night. Judge Scott took up nnd disposed of the S. P. Morse fiunllyiilfllcultlcs until the Sep tember torm. Morse furnished his bond , > 00 , by which ho guarantees to keep away from the homo of his wlfo , and also to obey the maudnto of the court , which compels him to keep the peace during the pendency of the divorce proceedings , which have also pone ovor. No order wns made regarding the disposition of the property , that bolng loft to abide the findings of the court or jury at the tlmo of the trial. Upon furnishing the bond Mr. Morse was released from the custody of the s > hcrllT. Denny Haley and Sylvester Harrison , two obstreperous youngsters , were taken before Judge Kevsor and wore ordered sent to the Kearney Industrial school , Both of the lads wore anxious to go , saying thnt thoi would bo hotter off thcro than at their homes. Judge Hopowell came uown from his Te- kntnah homo and spent the day upon the bench hearing the lawyers who wanted to nrguo motions for orders and continuances. Judge Ferguson whiled away the tlmo b.v listening to a couple of the Hurt county lawyers , who had some clients who wore contending for iho possession of a choice trnct of farming land , which both of them claimed. Judge D.ivis still clings to the determin ation to retire from the bench , but has de cided thnt his resignation will not bo handed to the governor for some days yot. When the document goes Into the hands of the ex ecutive , it will bo with the understanding that it must take effect not later than Sep tember 1 , as upon that diito the judge desires - sires to resume the practice of law. While the clerk of the district court can not give anv estimate regarding thcsizo of the docket for the next term of the court , ho is of the opinion that it will bo larger than over before , as a great number of new suits are being commenced. Ho accounts for the bringing of these suits b.v the fact that the litigants nro enabled to got more ipeody notion than heretofore , as a suit brought now can bo reached nt the next term of court , while n fovr years ago the dockets were so far behind that It was usually sev eral years after the bringing of a suit before it could bo reached for trial. We SpciikVlmt \V Kllinv. riom MIC CoiAvllle Cl'fi. ) Humicr. My wife and four children were taken very suddenly with severe cases of cholera mor- bus. I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Diarrhcca Remedy , and ' ' from ono to two doses gavclief in'o och case. I heartily recommend. , t , believing it the best remedy known tor bowel com plaints. 25 and 50 cenit bottles for sale by druggists. Hoyden Bros.1 Friday Bale will surpass all former bargain bales. Ames moved to 1U17 Farnam. Courtliiml Hniu-li Ilrec7c . U. S. Grant post , Grand Army of the He- public , picnics at Courtland today. The patrons of the switchback nnd carousal rarely scorn satisfied with ono ride and usually indulge in several beloro quit ting. ting.Boating Boating par'ics seem to bo the proper caper. They arc fully as enjoyable as the picnic and bathing parties that ara so numerous. The now carriage entrance to the grounds is a big improvement. It does away with the necessity of driving over the dusty road through the sand. It is not likely that the bathing house capacity will bo increased this year as the season is so far advanced. Next year it w ill bo doubled , as it Is now crowded to its ut most nightly. The ten new gasoline lamps that have been ordered placed on Ames nvcnuo , be tween Sixteenth street and the bridge , are a needed improvement which everybody who drives to the beach will appreciate. The two young mou who were arrested near the west end for bathing on Sunday last were allowed to go with simply a repri mand by the judge , as the beach authorities didn't want to prosecute them , this being the first case ot arrest within the beach as sociation's enclosure. There hast been a number of complaints against nude bathing on the north shore of the lake , ouposito the long bridge. The beach authorities now liavo oflleers who p.itrol this section of the lake. Arrests will bo made and every case will bo prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Manager Griffiths and Superintendent Crane are both working hard. There are a thousand and ono things , all of which seem to require Immediate attentionbut every thing is gradually being brought to perfection. Iho roads within the enclosure have been put in good condition , and these gentlemen are do ing all in their power for the convenience and comfort of the bsach patrons. Piles of peopio have piics , but Dowltt's Witch Hazel S.ilvo will euro them. Other I'uoplti'n I'our. Deputy Sheriff Lewis loft last night for Columbus , Plutto county , taking with him ICatio Kcagnn , n young woman who has been at the county hospital for u number of weeks. The woman wns picked up from the street in a demented condition nnd for n tlmo could give no information concerning her resi dence , but later It was learned that her homo was nt Columbus nnd that she had been ut one of the stnto institutions nt Ne braska City , nnd from there hud been bent to Omaha , notwithstanding the fact that she was a charge on Plutto county and that was her home. In addition to being feeble minded the girl is blind and almost helpless. Piles of people } have piles , but Do Witt's Witth Ha/elSalvcwlll euro them. HiillUinK Penult. . The following pciuilts to build were Issued yesterday : It. J. Gentleman , 8224 Hurt , duelling I 8,600 T. ( i. Iiang , 141' ! fcoutli j-'orty-ulKhth , cottaKU 1,000 1'hu minor permits 700 Stnen permits , nBsrcgatlni ? t & , -00 Murrlucii I.lccm.ci. The following marriage licenses were Is- buod yesterday : Name and address. Ago. I John A. .Murphy , Omaha , , , . . 27 | Lillian Painter , Uinuha 2'j i Suimiol ( J. llurnaicl , Onmlm 20 ) lluluu K. Humes , Oiuulm 25 owder The only Pure Creatu of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used iu Millious of Homes 40 Years the Staudard. MOWOTGE Brings comfort and improvement nnd lends to personal enjoyment when rightly usctl. The many , who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more , with less expenditure , by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being , will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles cmbiaccd in the remedy , Svrup of Figs. Its excellence is duo to iis presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste , the rcficsliing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative f cflectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds , headaches Mid fevers niul permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of- the medical profession , bccnuwj it nets on the Kid neys , Liver nnd Bowels without weak ening them nnd it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by nil drug gists in COc and ยง 1 bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , also the mime , Syrup of Figs , and being well informed , you will uot accept any substitute if ollcicd. INFANTA. The latest out. Pretty , styl ish , nobby traveling hat in white and colors. Selling all summer millinery at cost and less. BUSS , 1514 DouglasSt , Mandrake Pills have a value nt a bouse hold remedy far beyond tne power of lan guage to describe. The family can hardly bo true to itself that does not keep them on hand for use in emergen cies. Is the only vogotuolo substitute for that dangerous mineral , MuucuiiY , and while its action as a curative Is fully effunl. it possesses none of the perilous effects. In Constipation , Mandrake acts upon the bow > la without disposing them to subsequent Costivone'iS. No remedy acts so directly on the liver , nothing so speedily cures Sick Headache , Sour Stom- null , and Biliousness as these I'or Siilo l > y all DruzsslsU. 1'ilcoSS cts > . per box ; 3 1)0X03 for C. > ct , ; or sent by nmll. nost- HKO free , on receipt of price. Lr. ) J , II. Bc-hcncK & ton , Philadelphia. IIIDAPO TilGIiriT HINDOO REMEDY mourcr.3 IIIE AIIUMC ItMUI.TH In UU NVVS. Cine , tsurruuK lilneniii , lulling Memory , 1'nrvMK , tilt'cplebin ? ! . \ > cnkieBi > rn. * - ilr. , mid quickly hutburoly rcnoits i.o > t Mtulltr Ik ll.l or yonrikl.ntllr cailicit In veil pocket. 1'rlcr , H.OO u imclcnKo Sl > 'or * . ' > . < > ( > wllli a wrlllcn icuur- kiiU'f lo ruro or money nTurAril. IMm't ! * t liny m. prlnclDU'ci ih vw Ut f i II y uu aril/ kind itf Imitation. In iltt nn hnvlULF IftllAl'o nonu other If lie liui nuf zotlt.ua will 11'inllt l > y mail "pun rrrclpt of price. f'nmpliUt In ntftli n mni- lone fife A < Mrr n 4'rli'ntu ? Ufdlrul Co. , fid rijrinoullil'lurr , Ohlinitn , 111. BOLD by Kulm .V Co. , Cor 151)1 ) and Douglas SIS , and J. A. Fuller fit Co , Cor. 141)1 ) and lcu : _ Sis. , OMAHA. NKH. . by Paul G Schneider. 511 llroadway and 6 I'earl Si , COUNCIL. liLUI-FS. IOWA , and other I.imlini : Drucclsts. A GOOD REMINDER Of Your Present Charms In Years to Come , IS A PHOTOGRAPH MADE BY High Clan fattfry'if , At I'opulur I'rlcoi 3ia-315-3nS.15th Strosi. Omaka , Neb. Tn"l ? MI ? V'Q CillB ' ' Cure cure H catarrh JS1IV tVj 1 O All arm-Bints 60 ce nla HOTELS. The Mercer. Omaha's NewestHot ? ! . Cor , 12th and HowiirJ Street * < 0rooms ; . .Y > per tlity. 40 rooms tiOOper duy. U ) rooms with Liutli ut $1 per ilir. ' Mroomb wUli Imlb ut { I S ) per daft Aluilurn In T ; orj Heaped. ly FiirnUlitiil 'I liruugliout C. S. ERB , Prop. ssmmmmtmmmnmmmmmmmtmi 1 It's fin - GS Of alterations ami impi-ovomiMits la our store toihiy and for a few more days lo conic. The carpenters and a noisy crew they arc began up on the third 11 our one day last week. They took the old floor tip from the rafters where it's laid for so long and pitched it out of CO the building for good and all. l-'or a few days they ran things as they liked up there and when they quit at the end of the week we'd a new floor and a few more comforts to thank them for. Today they're down on second floor with their hammers and picks and saws and nails creating dire confusion wherever they see fit. Stocks are being shifted 'round from place to place parts of the floor are old parts are new and in some places there's no floor at all just beams that's all. 'Midst all this dust and noise we're doing a little car penter work on our own account : "cutting" down the prices on some thin clothes that we "saw" were going flR slowly putting them into the quick-moving- "hammering" them out at prices that it's "plane" to be seen "augur" well for your pocketbook ; at such prices as to "nail" your attention immediately ; cutting the $1.25 alpaca coats to 75c and the $1.75 ones to $1.25 ; cutting drap d 'ete coats and vests the liucsHciiuls that should be $1.50 and $5.00 to $ ! U)0 ) and $3.50 ; hammering - mering down the fine kinds of flannel coats to a dollar ninety apiece your si/e and color among them ; selling s a few odd sixes of line coats and vests of ditt'ercnt sorts at from one to two dollars Jess than we sold the same , . kinds only a Week ago. It's a muss that we ask you to trade in up on the second floor today-but you can save enough in fifteen minutes time to pay you for a day's discomfort and fifteen minutes is not long only a quarter of an hour at most. D They can't last long Dn with us at the price , and this is just the reason we have made- the price n $1.15 for the handsomest and best Moquette Carpets a made- a LARGE RUGS from s remnants of these goods , n in a great variety of sizes , 5 5n with borders , $1 per yard n U made up. It will pay you to'see if D I we have one to fit * voru j S room , ai Carpel Co ! ; a M a D