MSM H THE OMAHA DAILY DEK : THURSDAY. JULY 27. ,80,1 SPEG1KL NOTICES FOR TIIKflR COLUMNS ill iN'lakrn until p. tn. for Ilin rrpnlnc no < mill 8.3ii ( , m. lor ilia morning mid Sunday OIIR , Ailvortlwrn , t > y rcotirMlmr a mimnoroil enpcx n ii IIAVO itiHrnmmTrnnihlrWM'd lo n nnmboro l Miorlnenmof TIIK llrr. Answer * no nddrrsMvl v 111 t i dollvcrod upon prrsmitallon of Ilio check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Hairs. 1' < na word flrnllnvrtlon , Ion word Ilicro- ftilrr , Nothing tuKcn for loss limn USc. . A WANTED , POSITION IIY YOITNO MAN S3 years of aito ; pxporloneortbookkooporand well advanced In shorthand nnil typewriting Improvement , nnil small rccompotma. A SITUATION WANTED IIY ATTOllNKY AT Anniikll nalary. Recently Admitted. ' > | , " . ' , ' ; ' Mirim. Address M 34 , lloe. MB30 all' "A"WANTED. . POSITION IIY YOUNO LADY AS Arashlor and assistant bookkeeper or ( ronoral oincuwork. Address M 33 , Bee. M' . ! " -7 ! WANTED MALE HELP. Ratos.l' ' < cnwonl first Insertionlea word thoro- tiflcr. Nothing taken for less than 250. " T > YOU WANT A flOOD PAYINO JOB WRITH J Mlio Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , \ \ Is. Wo)7 ( a 3 TT-OENTLEJtnN OF OOOD CHARACTER TO J'ropresont-our business , luBltranco men pro- fi mil ! 417 Boo building. * 'J1JL. ' rM sillilNT'o'si'iLTrilAKINO POWDER. J > Wo pnt our poods In Glass Rolling Pip ? . jt'O.on month and rxponsos , or commission. Cm- rr.iro llaklnK 1'owdur Co.,707 Van Huron street yd- TJ SALARY OR COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO Jjlmndli ! thn I'atnnt Chemical Ink KraHor Pencil. 0 In.-most useful ami novel Invonllon of Ilin n ii. VniFi'S Ink thoroURhly In twonooomls.Snrkn 1 ko ifnKlc. 2(10 ( lo Win per rent profit. Accnts niaklnir jf.o porwi-ok. Wo also want a Koneral iiuont lo tnko rlinrtru of territory and npimlnt mib acents. A rmr > chance to make money. Wrllo for lorinn anil f : hprclmon of ornslnB. Monroe EranlnK Mfp. Co. , X 30 , La Oitisse , WIs. 31B "jir BARBER 'WANTED. SINOLK. SOBER , IN- J'diistilous : steady employment to rlislil mar. , William Sullivan , Alma , Neb. M170 2(1 ( * T > WANTJID.HLACKSMITH ATONCEl STEADY , .1 Jwohor man to work nn per cent or bnv slook. Address box I , Ansolmn , Nell. 4tll'H' 1J : -WANTF.D , MEN TO TRAVEL. * r,0 TOI)0 ( ) J' pur month. Slonn & Wellington. Madison. Uls VANTOnKH J 'cliarffo of shop. Will pay Hillary or Hill out rhrap. A violin or elnrtonft playur profi-rml. Write , and nonil rcferoncun , to F , Alboo , Ni'WcaHtlo , \Vyo. f'-'l ! ' _ WANTED FEMALE HELP. Union. IKc a wonlllrBt limnrllnn.lo a word there- nflrr. Notlilnit talcDii for leai than ' 'Bo. / l-WANTKD. IAIIK3 ) TO WlltTK AT HOMlY V 'Kiielosi ' ! HtainiMsl envbloira. Venia Uincilon , fonth Iloml. Inil. M077 ly'-'i ) ' _ r OIUI , FOll rjKNKIlAMIOUSKWOHK. W. P. V/stoctzcl.iyjlS. 'JOtli , Ixitwecn 1'opplclon nnil Woolworth avo. 80'J r\- i\iir.s OP GOOD AHDUKSSTO INTUODUOK "v/oiirhunlni' muiKinirfrli > iiil8. t7fi.oi ) to stIOD.OO ( alary to right partleaj117 lloo building. MHIIII "f VANTKD , IIY A WHOLESALE HOUSE. A 1 cowl biiBlneHS svonian. Aildress 1 < nt : , nou onieo. MiUa 2U _ r.1-V'ANTKD , , AT 1 152.1 N. 19TH ST.COM PETKNT V ( ilrl for boiiHuwork. 4U3 - ' " 0 LAI1IKS WANTKl ) TO at homo. ! ! ID iHlll.lM ) a weuk. Knoloae Htainp. Mini Klla WorMt , South Iloml , lint. - ai ) FOR RENT HOUSES. Ratos.lOoa linn each Insertion , $1.50 a line per ixmlh. Nothlni ; taken for less than 'J.'o. J I" FOR KKNT. IIOUSES IN"ALL'PARTS OF thu city. The O. F. Davis company , 1003 Farnam. " 11-3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS. VON DORN JJ block , with BteanirufurunceHieinli-edBlUS22il. ; ; 417 \-8-ROOM HOUSK7"MODERN , CONVENIENT - ' for hiiBlnoHS or wholusalu mun. Apply 1112 1-untll lllth Htreet. 412 \-7-ROOM COTTAGE TO RENT , CONVENIENT J 'for U. 1' . railroad men. Inquire 1112 S. lOthst. ' | 'v FOR RENT. NO. 212 N. 17TH , II ROOMS , Jl 'two floors fnrnlnlnil , near inv poslofllco i.llo. See Gi'o. J. Fox , 121S Harney street. M37Q Jy 27 TDEL.1OHTFUL HOME , EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , J 'modern conveniences , barn , beautiful lawn , i.i'lnral shadu trees , $33 per mo. Imjulro 2i)3 ( ( ) ru-reost. 881 * 7TWO EAST FRONT 7-ROOM COTTAGES , - 'nil modern and In excellent repair , half a block from car Him. Will rout lOKOthorto deslrablo tun- in ts very cheap. Fidulily Trust Co. , 17U2 Farnam. MUl'J \-FLATS OF (1 ( ROOMS. KACH IN GOOD RE- , A > alr ; Llnton block. 2d door , it2l.)0 ( ( ) per month Ore frame IIOUHU of S rooms , newly papered. In irood repair , comer of Jackson and 11 th St. , $20.00 pormoutU. John Hamll , tll7 Llnlon block.M233 M233 J ) -FOR IIENT. 7-IU5OM MODERN FLAT , Laniro block , ( Kill S-lWh st. 333 n"FoTt RI-NT FOR" < T JIONTHS OR LONGER nicely loeatiil li-room house , all furnished and In tlrst class condition to small family without olilldron. Rout reasonable and references ro- nrtred. Iniinlro at 023 South 2tth ) streut. M314 T -FOR RENT. 12-ROOM MODERN HOUSlf J ' 1713 Chluauo St , M4 11 20' -VERYDIMIRARLUVRKSHED BRIU1C RESI- .1 'ilonrii with bam , furnished oriinfnrnlshil. mod- oin linprovemonls ( Dmidoo Place ) . Mrs. Kollur , M21 California. M 13 _ * " 5OR HKNT SIX ROOM HOUSE , 3017 CALI- fornla. Cliuap. A. 1' . Tuky. 47720 HOUSE , 1721 DODGE. 'ItKinlru 1318 Farnam. 1 8 MO 1 > FOR UKNT , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE , COR. 30th aud S.ililcT , only i ! ) . collar , clbtern. oily wntnr. IiiQidru 131H Farnam. .union 10R RENT FURNISHED ROOMS .ales , l > ca wonl tlrst Insertion , lea word thuru- ntter. Nothliij ; taken for less than 23u. 1-FURNISHED ROOM WITH ALCOVK FOR 'Runtlumonmodom convoiileiici-s , 320 Nnrth23d. M 731) " * I"- TOliUIET COUPLE , NICKIA' FURNISHED > r oms' ) blocks from court housu. Address. M it1. ' Bet- . f.KI 1' ROOMS. 1017 AND IC'JiravT'r A7' 7 ? 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING J 'for man and wife. Rout laken In board,311) ) N 17th 387 Ti , ! 1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT J-Jliousi'kooptm. ! al ii , rooms for Koullemen , 110 North ISth street. jilill 20 ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED , lilt ! ) SOUTH ' l'lh stii'et. MKill 1 > 1 TWO HUITHS ROOMS ; ALSO TWO FRONT .1 j rooms. 171)7 ) DodgoSt. M313 2H _ TflUKlM WITH ALOOVF $ (1,00 ( MONTH , FRONT J Jl.iom + IO.OO. ClltS 17th. fDl 27' , ' -ti Ki'RNi nii : ) ROOMS FoiuGiiT kio\ihig. \ lS'-iM : | > liul avenuu , 1117 an * uan i siik D RO D ais AND BOAIIIX Rates , li-.o n woitt llrst Insertion , lc.i wof'tlioro- ftor. XnliiiufT latiiui for lusn Uian 2 , * > c. Wonnin'H Christian ashouiatluii , Ills. 17th HI. 430 1'rill , ! DOIN , SOB AND Si 1 N. 1MTH ST. 440 If COOL PARLOR , UATr.S . ' 1 Fiirnam Mtivet. 557 jy 211 * 1 , ' FOR RENT. NKATLY FURNISHED ROOMS J'ullhboard. ' 2HIPC.illfonila blroet.1K2 27' 4A THKsTn'iwR01AHfTEr7N\VAND : 4 ologaiilly furnHiod ntunm for ri'iil by day or \\oi-k al nNiBuunliln rales. 'Emury A Spratt. 1:1118 : lo lll2 ; DoiMflas Kliitit. ' . M4hl A23' , ' COOL SOUTH FHONT CORNER ROOMSi . llrsl class ; minuner ralos. 25BI Harnoy Hlroet. 411(1 ( ai * _ , GOOD TABLE BOARD AT THE WEBSTER , . "ill ) ami MS North JUIIi xtrix't M&05 Al * i.NicilLT imNisjiiTD SOUTHEAST KRONT J room with ah-urn nnd bay window , inoitorn run- v nluuvus , prlrutu family ; lioaul. 1122 South VlHIi , M01 1 27 * i ? " NicriLYl'miNisunn PARISH BED ROOM" , .1 with foldUiglHtli also largo , buuth-frunl room , with board. Houttu newly furnished , modern. 'jVrms reasonable. 20211 Harney St. M3-'ti 30' [ S Rales , IWc a word llrst Insurtlon , lou woixl thuro- fUT Nothing lakeu for ) oi > s than 25c. -Kll RENT , i NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS JtmlUlblu for huu okeoplng , clly wator. xiut , etc. 4 > wivnk Northwest comer 17lh aud Wubbtur HtlTC'lH. O'JO G a FROXT Ktxnta. iooy LF.AVKNWORTII ST. 4in ao FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES Ratus. Iku a wiv\l Ibml lu > crilon , lea wonl Ihcru- tire- Nothing tajir * forai i Uiau 2fta 1" FOR RENT , "STOKK"OS" siall ST. . LANQ K J block , buttablu for meat inurkul , Imrdvraru 315L ilry goods ; more Inunlni UUO S. lath at. _ L "I FOR RENT , THK 1-STORY BRICK BUILDINO -l Dili Farnam t. Thu bulldlnir luiu u llmproof , c .v liienlbaM'mont.coiuplulu btoum lioatlny tlxumis , water on all the lloora , u u , ula Apply al lliu otUoM WTUolUx ; UIO WANTED TO RENT. Raton , 10ca linn mell In < rtlon. * 1 , r,0 .1 lln < i po monlli , Nolhrnc takut for II M I him 2Jc. K WANTED,3 MODERN 7 OHH-IIOOM HOUSES Farnnm or Ilamw-om car line ; Mill pny $ -on.H ( ) n rrnt for both cast or south frmit , Address iM. " ) ( ) . Hoc. MM 1 Al STORAGE. Rites , lOc n line r-.icli Insertion. * 1 " 0 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 'J.'c. MlSTOHAOK IDIl IIOUSKHOM ) OOOD3 ! clean nml cheap rates. 11. Wells , 1111 401 M P-STORAOE.WILLIAM3 ACROS3.1211HARNKY 433 WANTED TO BUY. Rntofl. l < c a word first Innortlon , lea word Ihoro- aflcr. Nothing tnkun for less thim S3o. vr-cAsif Von ransiTUiiEr HOUSEHOLD -I i KOoiH , rto. . or will ni > II for owmjr In our auction Kales. U Wells , 1111 Fannm. 40 > _ , TJVANTKi7 TO iIIY ! FOR CASH 20 TO RO -Liacn-s farm land within 7 miles of P.O. Ail- OrfHs M as lice. 470 2l ) FOR SALE FURNITURE. Union , IDcn llnno.icli Insertion. ( l.ftQa lluunor monlli. Nothing taken for lens than VIJc. O I-FOR SALE , A FIRST-CLASS HALLKT , Davis ft Co. piano , hv parties leaving the city ; nbnrealn. Call at IMKl So. LMtli st. M402 20' FORSAKE HORSES , Rales , IH'on wortltlrHtlnxcrtloiiiloa word thorn- ntlor. Nothing taken for less than 230. _ p-ir r.oo WILL IIUY A GOOD niuvisn J liorso , now phaeton aud harnuus. Must bu sold at onco. Apply 24 17 Ereklno St. MSO'J 27 * _ FOR SALE MIS CELL ANEOUSr" Italos , lilcnllno inch Insertion , $1 , r > 0 a flnopur montll. Nothing taken for luss than 2'ju - ' M70Q AS Q-FOR SALK. ICE IN CAR LOTS. OILT1ERT Ilro . Counotl llltiflH. M101 ! Al Q-r FOR SALE LAUNDRY PLANT C'-i 1'llIOK and bulldlin ; cheap. Eniinlro KI18 Farnain Ht. Q -FOR SALK , A PNEUMATIC COLUMIIIA bicycle ; Kood condition , AddremiH ill , lieu. M510 2B' , QiFOR , SALE CHEAP. NEW COLUMI1IAN III- cyele. Call at 11)21 ) Chlcaeo street , after 7 p. m , CIS 28- Q-WE MUST HAVE MONEY. 1 piano , r.M.OO. 1 uprlsht Chlckorlntr piano , tir.o.on. 1 baby irrand Uhlrkprlnir. $123.00. 1 bran now nprlKht , $1110.00. 1 Wegman piano , boon used a llttlo , $350.00. 1 Klmball ore.-in , r.-.OO. 1 Newman llros. orcan. $30.00. 1 HnrduttQ onrnn , * 2fl.oo. 1 ClilcaeoCottairo organ , $30.00. 1 llrlnsoport organ , $7D.OO. A piano to trade fora peed horse anil phaeton. Woodbrldco Urua. . Hell Dcp't Btoro. fi20 28 MISOELLA " " SALE , "A MAGNIFICENT NEW * UP- rlglit plnno used but two monllm , $17,1.00 dla- connt. Parti- leaving city. Cull at U517 Howard. CI AIRVOYANTS Hates , ll'e a linn each Insertion , Jl.fiO n line | xjr month. Nothing taken for less than ' _ ' . " > c. SMRNANNKVWAIiREN , CLAIRVOYANT , rullablubUHlnuattUiudlnm-Othyearat 111) ) N.lllth 407 MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. Rates , IJtc a word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for loss thin 'J.'o. rp MADAME SMITH. 302 S. 13TII. 2ND FLOOR , -L Room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , strainsulphur- Inn and Bua baths. m 133 2tl * rp MMK.OARSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET.3D -L floor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and su l baths. . M3H3 28' MME. STOWE , MAGNETIC HEALER , 203 srlas block. M127 AO1 T -MME. MACIC OF CHICAGO GIVES BATHS , ma nutlc. inassaKO truatmunt. Ill ) North 13th St. , second floor , room 1. 377 2(1' PERSO 'JAL RatuH.mieawotxl tlrHllnsurtlon. lea woiilthcro- "ter. Nothliij ; taken fur lerts than L'3c. U-WRITE FOR FREE COPY OF OUR J1EAU- tlfiilly Illustrated marriage Journal , llrown Pub. Co. , Tolmlo , O. JISO ! ) n5 TT-WR1TE FOR A FREE COPY OK OUR DKAU- * tlfnlly lllimtniUxl Matrimonial Joiirnal , con taining many photo-ungravlmu of handsome women and callaut men who wish to wud. Urown I'ubllshlnir Co. , Tumplo ; ourt.TuludoO M71 l-SP MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \v LOANS , O. G. WALLACE , 313 BROWN 472 11LK. TV" WANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ' city proiwrty , * 3,000 and upwards. C to ( IX per cunt ; uouuluyu. W. FaniamSmlth&Co , 1320 Farnam 400 \V 1 AND 2 YEAR LOANS ON CITY AND FARM morlffases. Reed&Sulby,311 Board of Trade. 4U7 \V MO > 'EY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES 0. , 1005 Farnam street. 4UO w" -FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS j ; w"W low rates. Alux Moore , 401 Ben bids. 474 W MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATUS ON : Improved and unimproved Omaha real stato.l toDyears Fldu.lty Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam. 402 -.LOANS , J. W. SQUIRE. 218 BEE BLDO. 475 ' ITVNTHON ) Y LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. ' Life , luiids at low rates forcliulco security on Nebraska and Io\Va farms or Omu hu city propurty , 470 W CENTRAL LOAN * TRUST CO. , BEE IILDO. 403 _ Air WANTED. TO BUY 8 PER CENT NOTES SE it cured by mortgaeos Omalia city or Douglas Co. proporty. Heed kSelby , 330 Board of Trade 407 \r-MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY property , C. W.Anderson,4ll HooMlulldlntr. M447 2U \V-RBAL ESTATM LOANS WANTED. I HAVE > three very cholou applications to plnco. Re- Hpoiislhlu slcnor. Amounts. $1,000.00 , il.r.OH.OO mid $ HOI.UI ) > . Sun mu quick. Walter ( > . Clark , 1218 Harnuy struct. M327 2U * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Ratus. IKc a word first Insertion , 1 oa wurdthuro- tiflur. Nothing-taken for less than 23c. V -CALL AT THE OFFICE OF JV 5 OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. \ INCORVORTED. 'IF YOU WANT M'ONEY , You can borrow on HOUSKHOLD FURNITURE AND PLVNOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECRII'TS. MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Wo will lund you any amount from $10.0(1 ( to JI.OOD.OO. ON TIIK DAY YOU ASK FOR IT without publicity or removal of property , You can p.iy Ihu money b.tck tn any amount you wish , and nt any tlmo , and onuh p.iymunt su made will rodnru the cost of the loan. Remcmbor thut .you Uuvo tin ) nsn of both the property and the monuy , and psy for U only as Ion * nsyuukooplu Thoru will lie no expense or chanro kept out of lliu amount wauled , but you Mill receive the full amount of the loan. liufuni borrowlmr alsiwhftre call and see 113 and you will Und it irroatly t yuur aJvanlairii. OM IHA MOllTOAIJK IX5AN CO. , SOU SOUTH ItiTH STRKET , llitit tlooi above the sln ut. - THK OLDEST , LARGEST AND ON'LY INOORPOR- ATKU LOAN COMPANY IN C1MA1I.V. 477 X DO YOU WANT MONF.YI THE FIDELITY IXAN GUARANTEE CO- - ROOM 4 WITIINKLL BLOCK , " " ' . 15TH CORNER HARNKY ST. WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANY SUM \ LAHOK \ OR \ SMALL ' FROM \ TEN \DOLLARS\ \ \ UP , WEMAKBTJJ.tNS ON FURNITURE , HOUSES OARR1AGKS , W MIKHOUSK RKUEIl'TSOR PER SONAL , I'ROPKI.rY OF ANY KIND / WILL /DO / WELL/ / TO / /YOU / / ONUS FIRST/ / FOR / OUIt TERMS WILL MERIT YOUR APPROVAL. You can pay the money back at any tUnoamlJn any amount you wish , aud thus roduci ) tlracoslof carrying the loan In proportion to amount you pay. IF YOU owe a ualiiiii'u on your furiilturu or other personal properly of liny kind wu will pay U oil fur j on ni'.d carry tl as long as you dealru. YOU CAN HAVE YOUR MONK Y IN ONK HOUR FROM THWTIW : YOU MAKK APPLICATION. No publlalty or roniuvnl of proiwrty , uo ihit you Cd Iho iin-1 of iKJth money and ) > ro | > erty. 47U X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SB- curliys Htrlctly uonUduutlaL A. K. Harris , room 1 Contluuntal block 478 BUSINESS OHANQgB. llau > , lOualluo oaoh iniwrilou , $1.50HlUio per month. Nuthlny taken for lebs than 23c. " " " ' \ HHlTATEORTriAD""rFTllST-cLvs5'liiuO i. atorii. " centrally located , good cash bu lnn . Q . " "l"0'110. * fita- MV02 Y-T'OR SAf.K , I > lifj STORK , GO < liT"i.OCA - lion , EPMI buHluubS , gowl tviiboii for nulling. M 2U lJt , MOl'J Al' BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-FOIt HKNT. A SSlALI. MILL. " AD- L dross bo * 33. Lincoln , Not ) , fl'-'l ' -FOll SAM : , SHOP AND IIATIt room , locaiiil In the bnnlnt w pirt of city nnil rxccllcnt biiHiiii'SH. Vor particular * fiiMrr"ii. K : I7 , llo j. ( UU 30 * V TO KXCIIANOE , Irtd AOHK3 t.ANtl FOll JL wotk of Rrocrrli-n or Council muff * oily prop erty. Ail ( Irons Clia < . K. Klnney , Council lllnlTn. M873 27 V WANTED. A PAUTY WITH # S.H)0.0 ( ( ) TO J. $ to Invest In m.innf.ieturlntr ImilncftH. i'OiK-rcrnt uroflt : will lioar Investigation. Ad- . O. box ' . ' 00 Wavcrly , Net ) , M ISO ll Y-KOR SAT.K. LONO MTAllLISHKU PA VINO meat market. EOOI ! location. Ptilemllct chance for sniall capital , K 22 , lloo , Council llliiffn. SAM : , AN KMSVATOII. SITUATKO is ono of tlio Ix-Ht cmltt ermvlnc districts in ulo mate. Address 1' . O. Ilex 85 , nioointlold. Nob. M408 30 _ , WANTED IN GOODLO- JL cation for part rxchanco ( real e lalo ) and cash. Would prefer crocerles eoniblnod with vogelablo nnd moat market , cents' funilshlnir ( roods , Ixiots and shoes or any penoral business. Prlcu must IMS low and terms reasonable. Apply at once lo O. W. Amos , 1017 Famam street , Omaha. 403 Y --GUOCKHY STOUK FOll SAt.K AT A 11AII- - Rain. lU'tttonn for Bulllnif ! Ilnvo otliur uiml- ncm , and can't ntteml to the store. Inqnlroof O. II. Wells , Schnj-lor. Nfcb. C20 ' . ' VA Cf.KAN STOCK OP OENKUAI. MKUCIIAN- J. illMo for Halo in a llrely conntrj' town bctwuon Omaha ami Lincoln. Poslonico In store. Aililross M 33 , Omaha lieu. CIO 1 * FOR EXCHANGE. lutes , 1 Oon line each Insertion , $1.30 a line per mouth. Nothlmr taken for less than li.le. r/ K ! ( ) ACRES FINK L AND IN RE PUBLIC AN JJVallov. to trade for clear 1 ICHIRO and lot In Omaha. Address E. S. Jester , U18 N. 2Uth St , Omaha. 3711-27' V FOll SAI.M Oil EXCIIANOK , A 371127'"l /Jvvorlli $1,10(7.00 ( , for * 7r > IUIO , nnil will takn a coed drlvlnir horoo a pirt payniont. t.'ll.OO or sMUiUWcash , lialancol MH ) iwr month. Fldollty Tnisl company , 17lia Faniam Btn-c-t. Mi'S'ri : ! r/AItOUT $7.1100 WOHTH OF STAPLK HKN- /Joral inorcliamllsrt for ono-thlnl cash or nolca. balance Omaha city property or good farm. J. 11. Haddock , Falrbury.'Ncb. M280 r/ I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA , KANSAS /-'and Dakota. Will soil cheap or oxchauiro for Indsu.horses and cattle. 70Frankfurt. In J. -iSl r/-l HAVE $2,3ID.OO ) EQUITY IN Kill ACRES /J0l ( miles from Omaha ; also 320 acres In Mis * Hourl , all clear. Will sell or uxch.iiuro for Mock general merchandise , boots and shoes , horses or cattle. J , R. , 4001 Loavunworth street Omaha. _ r/-l HAVE CHOICE FARM AND STOCK /Jranchea to cxohanif" for Mdso. or Block ; will rcuard corrcspondeiico conllduntlal , Wrltn baic 70 , Alliance , Nub. 472 27 * 7VA CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. f-lVfi\l \ Like rual estate and money Box2U3 , Frank fort , Bid 481 Z 100 A NKn. LAND TO KXQHANfJK FOR milHo. AddrosM W. N. C. , lock box 40 , Tabor. la. . _ ; _ : iii---0' : : rW1LI. . TRADK UEAL ESTATH FOR LARGE t-lor Hiiuill Block of goocla. AddrcHa M 7 , Hoc. y-$2,0)0 ( ) EQUITY IN K',0 ACR1W IMPROVED ' -'farm tn cvntral Nuhr. . will take Omalia n-al OH- tate or Black of grocurlus. AiUlivHS JI lt ! : lloo. 17H 0' V-WILD LANDS , CLEAR , TO EXCHANGE FOR * JproH-rty | hens. Wrlto full descriptions. 701 South 27th struct. M3D7 A23 * Z GOOD , CLEAR LAND , CLEAR LOTS AND money for stock of peed Roods ot any kind , I will bo at Hotel Barker till Saturday noon. If you want to sell or exchange come and Hoomo. Wesley. M331 28 * fOIfe SjAA-iB Tv * .ATj jiST.T , Rates , 1 Oca Hno each insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23u. 1NVEST YOUR MONEY IN LAND AND GET Irlch. X Wo offer for nntck sale 10 choice llttlo planta tions of tun acres each , at Mlllanl , only $101) ) per acre. Yon can llvo there and work or do busi ness lu Om.iha. Best thin * over offered. Call early If yon wonld Bucuii ) ono of thusu nlwant pieces of land any onu of which will prodncu a living for yourself ami family. Uotfs & Hill , 1408 Farnam sU CU3 Jy 20 JJUY LOTS IN STOEPEL PLACH. Cheapest and host lots In OMAHA. Special prlco and tormsto IIOJIB BUILDERS. Stoepel Place lots will always advance In prlco , for the city must crow westward. Call on or ad dress W. A. Webster. 402 Bee bid * . M577 TOR SALK , A GOOD STOCK AND GRAIN FARM JL of 4'JS acres In Harrison comity , Iowa , on very reasonable turiua. Address L. H. Kaymond , Mag nolia , la. Mdf.1 A3 * CHANCK TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. MAST front lot Lovvo iivuuuu ( Popiihuon park ) , easy access to motor. Owner going IntolJUslness. Will w.'ll very cheap fur cash. Also lot llan.scom Placu. lllB bargain for caali. Address L. P. , P. O. Hot : \M. \ .MM. ) . TJAIM5AIN8 HOUSES. LOTS AND FARSIS. SALK ' -Oortrado. F. K. Darling , llarker blk. IDOAIS 17AUM LANDS , C. F.HARRISONU12 N. Y. LIFE -L MU3 : AID * - INVESTMENT. CHOICE GILT-KDGED PROP- ertyncar Hanseom park. Rental $1.:120 : per annum , can Hull for iHR.fiOO. IIIckH , real nstatu iiKOiicy. . III3 N. Y. Llfu building. B2B III BARGAINS , IN FARMS , HOUSES AND LOTS. J. N. Frenzer , room 0 Frenzer block , opp. P. O. Mlllli A22 A FORCED SALE. 13-ROOM HOUSE WITH ALL the modem Improvements , good lot and barn. Prlcu # : i,7lH ) , SI ,1)00 ) cash , balance on terms to wilt , with low InteruHt. Improvements oust over $1,000. Can rent house for two years at * : ! 5.uo m-r month , fi28 N. 321111. 470 1 VO YOU WANT A HOME ? I CAN OFFER A Jvor.v cosy eight-room house , nil modern con veniences , near Hanacom park , for W.BOO. Hicks , real cstalit agency. 525 31 OEAD THIS , 10-ROOM HOUSE. FINE HATH JVroom , Hi'wpragoiind stool range , lot : illxl 20 to alley. Prlcu $2.5W ) , $1.000 eash. Improvements worth * 3OOO. lnitilru 52rt N. H2nd Bt. 478 170R SALE-NEW 4-ROOM COITAOE. COR- X 30th and Sahlrr , l'JM , i y p.iymonts. In- qiilru 131H Farnam. . GOD 20 17OR SALE. AT A 1JAROAIN 2,581) ACHES NEAR J LcMlgu Pole , Neb. , mostly Hiiioolh'land , good hull , Bplendld Hprlng water , will make excellent oheep ranch ; can buHOld at a very low llguroorwlll ox- chantru for good Income Iwarlng property or good Ioiv farm. IIIeltH Real Estate AfencyMr , N. Y. Life bldg , Omaha , Neb. 023 31 OIXTEEN ACRES GOOD LAND , CLOSE TO CITY. Oood ( ! four-room hoiwo , ntablu for four horwes , emi aero blaokberrlps , Hno running water , olhur Hiuull fruit. Party will consider other real oj ate In tradu nud ' cash , J , A , Loverun , 5IH ( Urown block. 328-2U' ARGAINSnN FARM LANDS. 3'JO ACRES , Greeloy county , $7.r 0 per aero. 480 ACRES , near Scotia , 'Neb. , ifrt.uo jnsr ac-e. 800 ACIIK9 , Orcxtlny county , Neb. , $8.00 | ir acre. ll o ACRES , near Crulehton , Knox county , fd.oo per aero. UIO ACRES , near Lodge- Polo , Neb. , oplondld nprlng water , good HO | | , umooth land , $ (1.00 ( per acto. For terms , pte , , aitdrenit Hicks' Real Estate Agency , 305 N. Y , Llfu Bldg , Omaha , Neb , Si5 ! 31 BURNHAM PLACE IS THK ONLY . - „ „ „ lion that Is sollinif today , The reason IB thai acres are bclnj ; sold as clmap ns lots sur- rouudlm ; . On motor , closu to Hchools. Call and Invostltfatii ; easts yon nothlnir but your limit. J , A. Lovb'run , 60S Brawn block , lUth and UoiiKhiH. ' Mil 27' QPLENDID INVKSTMENT-80 ACRES ON THE outskirts of Omaha , eloso to new city park , splendidly located fqrtmbdlvlslon Into lots ; prlco liiuo per ncru ; can taku $30,00(1 of piiruhasu iirlco In food farm laud orlncomo l ia.rlnir propurty. Ad dress Hicks Real Kstato Afoncy , 303 N , Y. Llfu bulldlnir , Omaha , Nub , f > 25 31 WORLD'S .FAIR HOTELS & ROOMS Rates , lOc a line rach Insertion , $1 JiO a line per month. Nothing taken for less thau 25c , fT ' " in.ilrean llrown , caru of Chiis. H. I'lillur. Chicago , in. " 1 > RIVATB ROOMS-WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS. L Correspondence Hollcltod , Win , A. Armstrong , 2'JI'J Wabiish avenno , Chicago. MltlO 2U * T7.OR WORLD'S FAIR V1SITORS-NICKLY FURL - -L lilshod rooms , slono from , prlvaln residence , two blocks from Midway fair entrance , fiOo and tl.oiioriny ) | ! eachiH'rson. TakoOakwoodscablu to SHIh.SI. fib'"J Drone ! AVti..Chicago. MliOH Al SEOURITIES TOR SALE. Rates. IHo a wonl llrst Insertion , lo u wonl thereafter - after , Inottiluz takpn for luss Ihan 23c. IF YOU HAVE FUNDS FOR INVESTMENTr SEE -L our list ol wuurltlcs. First niorlirau'ii loans oa Omalia properly Iroui * 200 to * 3OM ( ) for salu. A safu and couvunluiit Investment. Call und let lit * bhuw you what wo Jiavn. Fldlllly Triiut Company. 1702 Farnam street. PHR'CENT MORTGAOF.S FOR SAL SKCUIt- ily absolutely bafu. Amos Heal liw.llo airennv HI 17 Furuani , PAWNBROKERS. Rates , Ida a line uuch liinortloii , f l.BO ulluiper inontli , Nothing taken , fur lu s thau 23e. Tr SONNKNBERO. DIAUONI ) BROKKR , J30J u .Doiiflaa al. Loans monuyoiultauionds.watclins , etc. Old tufa aud sllvur buutht. Tul. isia. 485 SECOND-HAND TYP-EWRITERSr Rales , 10 ? a tine each limcrtlun , $1.30 u llnu per month. K-.tlitn ; inkeii for les t than ' 'Se. iJoYLl- . BAB1L DEALERS i'N'i . 'PKWRITKR3' -I'AII maUu bviUYnl. sold , u < vl.jii/uJ , ninl-d. Uia N. Y. Ufo WuS. Ti.-l.55U 431 DRESSMAKING. U tn , ll > o ( lliio > aoli liiwytlnn , ft. AD a line l > r monlli. Nuthlnir taken foi } IJMS than 23c. OKWINfl TIY TItH tliV Y COMPKTKNT ij < | rc smnkrr. Oi > o < l mn i-ncp * . Cull ormMrMl M..H3SS. . lllth street. 40320' 1.\\SHIONAIU.KKOBKSANDPARTVCOSTUMFA J work by day or week. Enquire 17S.M Capital avennii. . fil7 1 * Rales , lOo a line each ( iMrrtion. $1.3(1 ( a line per month. Nothing taken fof Ij'ss Ihati 23c. r OST-BETWKEN COIJUTLAND HEAdl ANT ) JyDo < lie sln < ot , SuhdayrTenlnir , n t > ockotl > ook rciiitalnlmr Homn money , rocolnu , draft and door koyi the Under will b < i snlinbly nrvranlnl by ro- tunilne gaino to M 20 , Heo nice , M487 27 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Ilatos , 1 Oca line each Insertion , $1 , no a Una per month. Nothing taken for lesa than 23o. _ VOUNO LADIES AND CJENTLKMEN CAN SOON Xncqulrua worklne knowledge of shorthand nud tyix'wrltlmr at A.O , Van Sant's school of short- hand. 313 N. Y. Llfu. Typawrllera to renL 4H3 Rales , lOc a line each Insertion. $1.SO a lln per monlli. Nothlmr taken for less thau 23c. W. BAKKR O ORMKRLY WITn JOHN O. Jacobs , deceased , later with M.O. Maul ) , under taker and ombalmcr. 313 S. lUtli Ht. TeL 000. 483 TAKEN UP. Ilatos , lOcn line o.-ich Insertion. $1.50 a line per month , Nothing taken for le s than l ! " > c. , . .niKfl UP , DARK CHESTNUT SORREL HORSE J - Llvury Staulu 17th and St. Mary's avo. r,02-CO * Ralrs , ] 0e a linn naeh Insprllon. $1.00 a line l > or onth , Nothlmr taken for loss than Me. "l NEW It SECOND HAND SCALK3. ALL KINDi _ Addresa Uorden.V. Solluck Co. , L-tkost. , Chlcaeo 4SU MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Rales , lOoa line each Insertion , $1 f 0 a Hue per month. Nothing taken for loss than J3c. ' iCoELr.ENBECK.nANJOISTAND TEACHER. .1810 California struct. U14 THU UKAIA'Y M.YItKKT. INST1JUMENTS placed on record July 20 , 1803 : WAHnAKTY DKKP3. Dora 1'erlr. nnd husband to Peter JncobHon , Iot20and25\60 feet ad- jnlnlng Hurdutto court ) 1,200 JtJ McOalTorly and wlfo to ! S Hughes , lots 10,11 and 12 , block 1H , lots 10 to 24 , block 32 , HOKKS ndd , and e 67 feet of n 32 foot of s ! i lot 1 , block " 1 > \ " 1'rospoot 1'laco 8o80 K K Itnuvii and wife to S II Christie , lots 13 and 14 , block 4 , I'ottcr & O's add to South Omiiha 775 Jnhnl'folfor and wlfo to John nnd Mary I'atist , lots 11 nnd 12 , block 2 , ( o.xcupt n4 ! > foot of said lots ) , and lot 20 , block 4 , lluppos lloimnzn , sulidlv 5.000 C K Perkins to J 11 1'urieo , w U sw H-15-10 1,300 II 1) riHlier to 13 K Wllco.v. lots and w 2'2 feet lot 7 , block D , Sweozy's add 10.000 E K WIlcox nnd wlfo to K O KMior , same 10,000 Herman Thlotku and wlfo to Marie Kroch , lot 18 , block 3 , 1'ottur & C's2nd.idd to South Omnlm l.COO William I'reston and wlfu to Oustuv Will ? , lots 11 and IB , bluck 23 , Wllc- coxa 2nd . . .i 8,300 , .UM 1IKKPS. llallou Itankiniz company to Omaha nnd Lincoln Itcnltv company , lots 7 and ti. block 10 , lots 0 and U , blocli. 14 , lots 17 und 18 , block 1C , Omuba llolxhts f A I ) Green find wife to M T Oroon , lot a , blocks , S K Honors' add Farmers Loan und Trust-'I'ompnny to F O Urablo , Jot 2 , block 4 , Kendall's add Sumo to same , lot 4 , block 4 , same 32 Total amount of tra'tisfcrs J30.721 PATENT BUREAU , SUES & CO. , Solicitors , Bee Building , Omalia , Nob. 4yoara Exanilnurs U. H. Put. OlQco. Advice ( roe No fee until patent is obtained. RR1LWKYT1MEGRRD leaves ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.l Arrives Omaha J Dgpot 10th and Mason Sis. | Omaha 4.20piii Chlcigo : Veatlbulu H.ODiim 11.43am .Chicago Express li.SO ant 12.10am . . . . . . . . .Chicago Exi > r sa 4.23 pin 7.17 pin . .Chicago A low.i Local. , B.ii3 pm 'Loaves I DUIiLlNrtTDNTrXTjrntVljrT. I Arrives Omaha I Dopol llllli and MaHon Sta. I Omaha ioTifinm DJiTvorTBxpress 4.1)0p.n ) lO.lOmn Uoadwut'J Kxpi-ess 1.00pin 4.50DIP. . . . . . . . . DenverKxpross ll.iOmi : 4.30pm Denver Limited 12.03am O.SOpm . .Nebraska Lcal ( ExccptSnn ) . . (1.30pm ( H.lSam . .Lincoln Loial ( Except 81111) ) . . il.33am Leaves I CHICAGO , RTir.tKVCIFIC ; TArrl vus Omaha | Union Depot ljth A Marcy Sts.l Omalia 10.30.iiii | Atlantic Express ti.OOpm 4.01) pm Nebraska SUvte Lmllud a.BOpm 7.10pm Nlk'ht Express T.r . " ) am _ W)0 ) pni | . . . . . . World's Fair LlnilUut 2.00 pin * "FfoirT" ' ' ' ' ' AVcst [ union D'upot'lo'lli' .V : Marcy .Sts.I West O.lOpml Lincoln , Fnlrbiiry Local. . . . 10.23 am U.lnaml Nebraska .Slain Iinlted 2.30pm World's F.ilr Limited 4.41) ) pm L'l.lVIM I K. c. . ST. j. .t cm. i Arrives Omaha I Depot Kith and Mason Sts. I Omaha 0.43am . . . .Kansas-City Day Express. . . . 0.03 pin { 1.4 5pm 1C. C. Night Exn. via U. P.Trana. 11.40 am 0.43 pm .St. Louis Express , 0.40 am "LTi-fvTrH" ! UNION " 1MTGIWO. Omaha I Union Depot llllh .VMurcy Sts.l Omaha "Liuives j" ClHOATJOTiinriCSrrFATJL. I Arrives Omaha I U. P. Dupot and Marcy Sts , | Omaha 3.ilpm : ( | Chicago Express I n.33am 11.30 am I..7..Chicago Exprosa | O.SOpm Loaves I F. . K..VMO. VALLKY A rrlvos Omahal Depot 10th and Webster Sis. I Omah leavoB I CHICAGO A NORTH WESTN. ( Arrives Omahal U. P. rtogot. Kith A Maruy Sts. I Omaha Lcavca I MISSOURI PACIFIC , | Ar Omahal Depot 15th and WubsterSts. | Omaha l.lOpml St. Louis Express ! 5.30am 10.00pm St. Louis Express 4.25pm S.23pml Nebraska Local . . . . . . .I H.fiSam Leaves I C. ST. P. . M.&O. lArrlves Omuhal DeiKjt 15th and Wubster Sts. | Omaha . "OMAHA i ST. IXJULS. | A rrlvos lU.P. .Uopgt. 101 | and " I Omalia l..r. flt. IxulsCannon Tiall. . . ll'J.35pm ASaloon , Ktiftpeir MlMhiK. If tlio rumors about ] town are founded on facts Michael Kllgallpn , proprietor of the Senate saloon on South Fourteenth 51 root , has skipped out , loavjiig n number of cred itors In the lurch. Mot lone a o Kllgallon sold a half Intercut iu. is pJaco to John Hod- mend of North I'lattft-for 1700. Since the sale the former proprietor has been missing. Yesterday his bar fixtures were attached ETy > Wallace & Co.- for a bill amounting to & 20. The missing saloon keeper also owes Pat Ford f2"J5 and A. J. SUnpsou something like f ITS. It U not known whether Kilgallon loft to avoid his creditors or ha gene east to ralso money. His friends claim that ho will return In a few days and pay all hU debts. In the meantime John Redmond is holding the sack and waiting for the return of his * 700. Ilt'iiuvHtlni ; lliu Court HOIK * . Superintendent Hauck is now socurlng bids for the painting aud renovating of the interior of the court houso. The bids for doliii ; the work will be opened at the next meeting of the Board of County Commis sioners , and as soon as the contract Sis awarded the work will begin , In order that it may bo completed during the summer va cation of the dlstrlu t court. For a morning nip a bottle of Cook's Kxtra Dry Imperial Champagne u _ lbu thin ? , It will inaku a winner of you. WESTERN MINES AND FIELDS Ono of the Qroatost Gold Mines in the Oountry Discovered in Idaho. ANOTHER FABULOUS MINE IN CALIFORNIA ScliMiio for Touring Colorado Cnnou I'elro * loiini Xcnr I'lurrr Anothnr Komi to tha Unlf lilts of All-Aroiiml Ncxti of nn Kinrtlre. A clean-up ot about $100 per ton has just been made from nine tons of ere from the Illinois mine , in Ga.nbrinus district , says the Idaho Statesman. This is ono of the mines that was worked in the early history of this place , but abandoned by the company that originally erected the mill to work it. Per nmuy years it laid idle. In fact , it was only relocated n few ago. Throe or four years ago a crushing was made that yielded tX > per ton In free gold. The present owners resumed work on It a short tlmo ago , and have taken out , besides the high-grado ere crushed , sixteen or eighteen tons that will go fJ3 or ? 30"por ton. In resuming work they broke through what was supposed to bo ono of tlio walls , nud ascertained that It Was only a bard streak In the ledgo. They cross-cut and found the vein , to bo front eighty to 100 feet In width of ere that.wlll mill from $10 to $100 pur ton In free gold. Tlio moat precious inotal can bo scon lu all of the rook , and , although developed - veloped to tlio depth of only forty root , they certainly bavo ono of the greatest of the gold minus of the country. The lodge Is tr.tceablo for a long distance. To the depth to which the mino'ls developed there Is enough ere to keep the Ulaino live- stamp mill running for the next two years. Ono or the rini'Ht. The recent gold discovery near Sisson promises to bo ona of the richest struck In northern California and has caused great excitement. . It seems that the discovery was made accidentally about llvo years ago by Harvey Maxwell whllo riding through the hills , Some of the ere was sent to an assiiyor In Portland , after which thu mine lay Idle for ono year. The assayer evidently understood the value of the Ibid , for ho sent a man down to hunt it up. The agent wan unable to discover It and ho then searched for Maxwell , but could got no trace of him. Failing in thcso ef forts , ho informed Dale of what ho was bunting for. Dale kept the matter quiet , but began searching for the lost mino. nnd discovered the luad last winter after considerablu prosiccting | , during vhlch he traced the float for a distance of two miles. This scmmcr a shaft eight foot wtdo was .sunk over the ledge , which Is widening out "gradually , with n pitch of about U03. The ledge is undoubtedly endless nnd the ere very rich , consisting ot sulphurots and free gold. The latest assay gives returns of $ G'JO to the ton. Thcro is a quantity of pro out now , but It has not been worked yet. It Is the Intuntlon of the owners to put'up a mill as soon as possible. Those Interested in the mine are Dale , I * . Kuirnan and Koirnau's two sons , and they do not desire to take any others ! Dale is locating several parties on claims In the vicinity and the extensions. Prospectors are coming in from every direction. Several placer claims which have been mi worked for years nro developing rich. The mines are located on the north side ol Mount Eddy , fifteen miles from Sisson and about two miles from WalOndgo's mill. Kluutrlc Itouts lor Colorado Canon. A party of eastern capitalists , said tcrhavo some connection with the Santa Vo railroad system , is visiting the Grand canon of the Colorado river for tlio purpose of investi gating the feasibility of laying nn electric cablo.r > 00 miles in length along thu river with which to drivn small steamers up through the Black canon and other scenic points , where the cliffs , over a milo in height , overhang the stream. Power is to be generated by water wheels driven by the current of the river itself , or , wherever feasible the water will bo diverted Into crnals cut in solid granite walls and dropped into the river again. A copper wire cable will bo suspended over the center of the river , which is for the most part about iiOO feet in width , and electric power will bo conveyed to small steamers similar to the manner of running electric railways. The idea is that this will become the most popular route for tourist travel , in comparison with which the Yosemite will sink lute insignificance. Another and main feature of the scheme is to convey surplus power down the river , where It will bo "used for pumping the water of thu river to a height of from fifteen to twenty feet upon mesa lands for irriga tion , converting an area larger than Massa chusetts , now a desert , into a garden patch , whoru land is now valueless and whore fruits ripen in April , May ami Juno , com manding the highest market prices. Struck OH in Dakota. It is reported on good authority that oil lias been found in Dakota two milus north of Stanley in Stanley county , in the J fferty gulch. It wns-first discovered on the Hast ings claim while digging n well. Water was found at a aopth of llfty-two foot 'and the water rose to within six feet of the top. I ach bucket of water contained from ono to two inches of oil. Tbo matter was kept quiet for nearly a year , A specimen of the oil was sent to the School of Mines by MrJ Hastings , for analysis. Ho has never informed any ono of the result of tlio analysis , but from what can bo learned , it is petroleum. A number of citizens have formed themselves into two associations for the purpose of thoroughly investigating tlm matter. The lirst asso ciation formed is composed of the following parsons : A. ( Jundcrson , D. S. Hooper of Tularo , G , W. Giddings , L. 10. and Ed Pharos. Another was orgaui/.cd consisting of the following : L. Ii Gaffy , Charles U. Burke , A. Ewart nnd C. C. Ucnnott. Kadi association has Hied on 040 acres , making 1 , ' SO in sill. I'rojccteil llallroail. The latter part of this month there will start/rom Jamestown , N. D. , a government surveying party on a preliminary survey of a railroad route to the Gulf of Mexico , United States .Engineer George Hawkins will liavo charge of the party , which will consist of about llvo persons. Assistant En gineer Samuel Lcluud arrived last week and plnce then has boon making arrangements preparatory to the beginning of the work. Thu route as far as can bo learned at pres ent Is to run directly south from Jamestown , which will bo the northern terminus , through Nebraska. Kansas , etc , down to the southern terminus yet to bo decided upon. llouto tlmt .Nature Unlit. It Is a grand house and to build one like It would cost millions of dollars , if it could bo done at all. And yet the man who lived In it had hardly a dollar to his nsmo. But then ho didn't buy the house , because it was made by nature on the rockv walls fit Sabina canon In Arizona , thousands of years ago , and has been ready for an occupant over since , The man who lives In it Is a prospector known as "Mike. " Tlio other iiamo he had iu not known and besides it duu't matter. Ho says ho was going up the canon one day a year or so ueo when he tlrst saw the place and thought it was a house built by man. When ho saw his mistake ho simply took possession , Mike's house Is truly a mostdccep- tivo pleco of nature's hauuiwork and u very useful ono. It Is on the canon walls , prob ably 100 feet above the bottom , and a ilight of natural stone stops lead up to it. It is hard to convince one's self that it is not the work of man until it is examined closely , when its enormous size alone would make n person know differently. It Is only ono story , but the outbiUo wall Is over 100 feet high. The door , which Is in peed proportion , is over uyonty-llvo feet high , and thu room on the inside teaches up ami ends in a blacic [ | vault that there is no tolling how far away it extends. When Mike wants a lire he just makes it on the floor , and the umoko curls up to the top and dlsupiH3ars somewhere. This somewhat strange , ns no water over comes into the place and the imioko cannot bo scon coming out anywhere. Hut it vor.v likely goes through some fissure into a cave be . yond. But Mike don't care whore it goes. Ho is satislleil with the convenienceand thinks ho in the bust fixed prospector in tlio moun tains , Thu house of rock is most strangely of l&o'pllnn aroliltpoturo and also boars a great rflsemblonro to seine of the cave dwelling * In the Salt rlvur valley. Tlal thlnu Is an Interesting curiosity , and , although H Is Iho house of n prospector now , there U a strong possibility thai It may in the have donn duty a * n homo for tonio members of Iho lost races ot this strange- cotmtrjr. IT. S. ( Irnnt Mino. Colonel Ulehnnl t/oe , an old Nebraska set tler , whocamo to West Point In 1SW4. writes toTitK Ur.K regarding the dlilrtct. In Pcnnlngton county , South Dakota. Tha General U. S. Grant mine , ho says , is becom ing a great gold producer. His situated thrco miles noulhoast of the Kojstono. Its voln Is seven feet vrhlo and Increasing with depth. H Is free milling ere , with plenty of water and timber near for milling and working the oro. The assay from the school of mines at Haplii City is SM.33 lino. The test by pan and mortar Is $100 to the ton from some of the oro. H is a true llsstiro vein , the crop ping and formation looking exactly llko Iho great Ilumcstako , and it is no doubt ono mountt'tn ot free milling oro. I'ortlnnil rntori > rl o. The Portland Oregonlan has Just issued an elegant ! iiamphlet illustrating llrst of all Its new palatial building , just completed a perfect model of architectural beauty , rather itomauesiUo | In Its style , rising nines stories nnd , further soaring skyward wllh a clock- mounted tower , which suits the proportions of the building and adds no llttlo to its graceful loftiness. The whole Is llreproof from towur to basement , aud Is a monument to the sterling worth of the Orogonlan , lor which It was erected. A brief history of this phenomenal journal and n rovluw of the city of Portland , illustrated , complete the contents of tlio little memorial sheet. May the Oregonlan reap continued success such as has crowned Its past. ( 'iml Six Million ) In Wind. The International Cold Wave commission , with n capital of frt.000,000 , has been organ ized by local capitalists and enthusiasts , who oxpc"t to make untold wealth in the next few years. The company has discovered n secret which , applied in the niglit time nnd under fnvorablo conditions , will vitlato and destroy the hot winds which arise in Kan sas , and at Mines nave boon known lo sweep this country , burning and killing Iho grow ing crops. This secret will bo placed on sale and revealed to residents of townships , counties and other political divisions who put up the money. When the wind is blow ing hot and strong from the south , the company will undertake to bring a counter wind from the Ice Holds of the frozen north , .lust what process has been evolved , or to whom tho.marvolons discovery is to bo at tributed , are not matters of ipubllclty , says the Itapld City Journal. Tlio company ad mits that It may take four or llvo days to au- complisn the desired end. Before the In vention is a success the company must got things down to quicker action , for it doesn't take over two days of those particular kind of winds to do up a line Hold of crops. And then the hot winds aon't usually last over three or four days nt the longest before a cool wave comes , regardless of the pcoplo who wish to contract with the gullible pub lic to provide said cold wave , running Hljr. The wonderful richness of the high-Rrado streak along the foot wall in the Pike's Peak is still thu talk of thu camp at Cripple Crook. Colo. A few days agoonoof the lessees panned forty pounds of this ere in two hours and secured a rolort of pure gold -worth $700. The quartz was not pulverized and the tall- ings contained as much gold as was con- tnincd in the rutort , making thu value of the ere about $15 per jxnmd , or $70,000 per ton. In addition to this high-grado streak tturo is two leet of ere in the vein which , with a little assorting , will run from $ SO to $100 per ton. The sumo vein has been opunou up on two other claims Joining the Pike's Peak on thu south , which was leased by the same parties who have the lease on the Pike's Peak , and , no doubt , the men who are work ing on the Grouse , which joins the same claim on the north , will uncover the lead In a few days. So in n Kcmurknhlo ( jimrtz. Jacob Losckamp has called the attention of the Loavonworth , Okanogan county , Times to a piece of quartz that is remark able in nioro ways than ono. It couios from tlio Mothnw mining district , situated about sixty miles from I.eaveuworth , anil assays fOUO ! per ton In free mining goldoftlm purest quality. UIKHI llrst sight oven the experienced eye of an ola-timo prospector would discover nothing in thu rock indica tive of richness , anil float from tlio ledge of this rich discovery has probably boon passed ) vera thousand times , always considered as Darren and worthless. The quartz is snow- white , compact , excessively hard , and often of a flinty n\turc : , but when broken open Is found to contain streaks of gold of fabulous value. 'J bo mine from which it comes is now and comparatively unknown , but is inviting the mention of the mining \yorld whenever ex hibited. Mr. Losokiunp intends to visit the Methow country and make personal exami nations and investigations at the llrst opportunity. There Is Ciihl nt Kiiiruril. The statement in somu of the Denver papers to tlio effect that tlicro wiis no gold at 1'iilford , in Uaglocounty , is stoutly denied by the Signal _ , the local paper. Thu citizens nro very indignant at the Uenver News , aud 100 of them sign the following : Whereas , Tlio Itocky Mountain NOWK , In IH Issuu of July 12 , under the false heading "No ( fold at I'ulfoi'il. " has ilonu our camp Injury tliut CHiinotlio estimated In dollars ami cents , Now wo , ns representative cltl/.ens of the camp of Fill ford , ilunonncu the statnmunt AS utterly false , und If the Ninv.i will send a retireientu- tlvu to the town of I'nlford wo will tnku him teat at least u score of Hold claims wliuro lie can "pan" the gold from the ere with an ordinary gold pun. And he can tnko what samplni ho wnntH and hum ! thorn to any ruputuhlu nuiayor In thu rttulo and have tlioin anuiyod at our ox- punsu : provided thu News will publish the re- bull of ussayij. Cumiuil Goodi Will He lllsli , A. E. Wotmoro , representing a syndicate of California fruit cannurs , was in Helena the other day. lie did not come to take orders for canned goods , but to Jiulgo how much fresh fruit the Montana iimruot would take at low prices tills Honsnn , In explana tion of his trip ho saidThe : Paclflo coaet canneries will be able this year to can very little fruit. Money la so tight that it is im possible foi-ithem to get thu cash to buy tin , sugar and other necessary .supplies and pay thulr labor. They have already contracted for the growers' crops , and these they will have to tako. The poach and other crops will bo largo , and the canners will try to ship all the fresh fruit possible ; what they do not ship will bo drlod , Naturally , Cali fornia fruit will sell at very low prices this year , but canned goods next season will be High. " Tlio DiUiota * . An artesian well Is being sunlc at Hello Foureho. The contractors are to sink 800 feet for the sum of f 1,70U , "Work on thu grain palace at Aberdeen Is being pushed rapidly. The structure prom ises to bo a line ono. Applications for ( space are coming In freoly. Wolves still continue to vex horsemen along the Cheyenne river. They nro becom ing moro fearless and nro working back into the moro thickly settled districts , Tracklaying on the Sioux Tails ft Yankton began at Sioux FalU this week. The crow will lay from ono and a half to two mites a day and will not bo delayed by bridges or grades. Coal similar to the Mnndiu coal , has boon ' unearthed in Hpink county , at a r. foot , Splnk county nun the further honor of containing the lin t natural gus discovered in the state , The llrst shipment of mica from the 1) ) . & M. mine was made the other day , when 2,400 pounds of it were loaded onto the c.ui consigned to Cnlcago parties , About half of it was cut and the remainder rough. Itapid progress is being nmdo In tracklay- Ing on the Spuartlsh extension of thu H , . 'i M , , the Iron now being In p'noo ' In thu big cut beyond the Mark Twain mine , Steel bridges will spun the Klkhorn track at ono point , while at others they will spun the H , & M. , thogrado being such that thu U. & M , at times is over tlio Klkhorn and ufiain uudor noath It. The people in the central portion of the state nro greatly I moron ted at the appear- once of a bug which has begun a war of 01. termination upon potato bugs. A farmer tolls the Parker Now ICra that this uoble little ally of agriculturists when tint seen was slaughtering potato bugs at the rate of ton a minute. H was twice as large us a potato - tate bug , of longer and slighter build , and red wings. This bug would pounce upon a clumsy potato buy , sting it In the ncuk , and produce a corpao ulniost Immediately. Balloon tonight at Courtlaiid bouuh , ON THAT BRIDGE ARBITRARY EquMiwUon of Toll Likely to RcceSvt Ffivoraulo Oonsidorfttion Next Month. RECOURSE OF. COUNCIL BLUFF3 JOBBERS -M r Tnke the O e i tlio lowre Unllrourf UomiiiiKiilonoMi for u ltoduc il IUl Chirr Altlmr U lttrrtv < t In Oiimlin-Mmrt Ituim , * When the qut-stlon of oiiuallf.lng the lirliltro loll between Council lllulTs and Omaha nvoso In the meeting of tranii ) managers In Chicago some days ago the roads In Interest finally agaeed to the ° props * sillon to put both compotitlvu i > olnls on nn equality and an onler to this effect was tssuoo to all tlio roads. Mr. R A. Nash of the Milwaukee , speakIng - Ing as to the action his road would take , said : " \Vo are not interested in the matter wnntover , as wo do not haul anything from Council UlulTs to Nebraska points , our busi ness at Albright being handled by the Union Paclllc. Should the bridge toll bo uquallzoil 1 can see no reason why the Council lUniTs jobbers cannot go to the Iowa K\tlroad : com missioners and ask fora reduction in rates from Chicago to the Missouri river suniclont to absnrn the arbitrary. Say that both Council lUufTs and Omaha take the .samo rnti * Thuro is no irood ground for supposing that Council UlufTs would stand idly bv and see a wall erected around it with the river on ono nldo over which it could not cross , unless an nrblluury of llvo cents Is paid per bun. dred that It may send itv freight Into Nebraska. If the rate Is scvrnty-llvo cents per hundred from Chicago to Council Hluffs and llvo cents n hundred must bo paid to get across the Missouri , making a rate of SO cents to Omaha , plus tlm local to any point in the stato. Iho Council Hluffs Jobber to eiimliro | nmtUMs will simply ask for a rate of 70 cents to the river , which , with than cents brldgo toll , will put him en nn equality with Omaha as to the matter of rates , nnil the same condition of affairs oxlst as here tofore. "Looked at from whatever standpoint. Council JJlufTs has the advantage on the Iowa side , while Omalia Is bettor situated to handle the business on the Nobivska side. This question of arbitrary applies to nil towns on the Mississippi and Missouri rivers situated as Omaha nnd Council lUuffs. At 1-ltst St. Uouls the conditions are the same as at Omaha , although Rust St. Louis Is by no means a competitor of St. Ixiuls. Neither is Council UlufTs a competitor of Omtlm to a very largo extent , but it has rights which must bo maintained , so far as this question of arbitrary is concerned. " At Union Pacific headquarters the general Impression prevailed that the toll would bii CqunlUed August 1 , the date agreed upon by the trafllo officials. Speaking of Mr. Rash's idea that the Council HmfTs jobbers would cull uiion the Iowa railroad commissioners to reduce freights as a set off for thu hridgo arbitrary , Mr. Lane , division freight agent of the , Union Paclllc , said that unless a stronger case could bo made before the commis sioners than now seemed possible , undoubt edly the arbitrary woujd stand , asi reduction in . rates to Council Uluffs meant a reduction to Omaha as well , as both took the sama rate on west bound business. Ho saw no logic in the iKHition assumed by Mr. Nash and was Inclined to tlio belief that the new toll would bo put lu as agreed upon. At Northwestern ho.ulqu.-irlurs It was tin. dcrstood that the now arrangemenias ta brldgo toll would bo put in. although the great proportion of their freight came via Missouri S'alley over their own bridge and therefore was entirely free of the arbitrary as exacted by the Union Pacillo , Sili | > mll < l l'ill : ot Itnln. 'Generous rains yesterday and last night along most of the Nebraska railway lines tilled the hearts of railway men with ro- joicing. The following telegram from Lin coln to General Manage Iloldrogo from Superintendent llicknoll tolls the story of how the ISurllngton was favorud : "Itain yesterday and this morn ing on thu southern division was general and In many places heavy except at Kdgar and on tlm HI no Hill division. On thu wu tern - ern division a heavy rain foil at Hartley and Cambridge. Light rams from McCook to Akron and from Corona to Denver , also over the eastern portion of St. Francis Hue.with the weather still ihrenton- ing rain. On the northern division they had showers In the viiiinity of Lincoln , Crotu , Button and Hastings , being especially heavy n the vicinity of Hastings. Light rains are reported on lines north , west ol Aurora thu weather is still threatening. On the Wyoming * ming division no rain fall cast of Crawford . Clilol Aillinr i\uuicd. : ] | \Vlian General Manager Dickinson hold his last conference with Messrs. Vrornan and Kisslck rogurding the discharged train men on the Catskill branch'of the Union Pacific , ho stated to the represent atives of the grievance committees of tlm Orders of Hallway Conductors and Engineers that ho whould guarantee ] to satisfy Grand Chief P. M. Arthur of the correctness of the position taken by the 'superintendent of the Cntskill division. Messrs. Vromun and K-issiclc , it Li learned , have taken General Managnr Dickinson at hU word and have asked the vcnorablo head of the Order of railway engineers to como to Omaha. Tlio unexpected luaviug of Mr. Dickinson for Chicago may somewhat change matters , although it is stated that thu grand chief is duo in Omaha today , Nlmrt Ituim. ,1. H. Owen , claim agent of the Elk'norn , is In Chicago. A , 13. Hrldgcs , commercial agent of tha Milwaukee at St. Ixuin , is in thu city. K. C. Harris , superintendent of the Hlaclc Hills division of the I lxhorn , in in town. C. S. Goodrich , general freight agent of the Now York & Now England system , was In Omaha yesterday. General Manager Dickinson wont to Chicago cage yesterday to confer upon trafllo matters with several other Hues. l'C. . Mathews , caHhiorof the rturlingtmi , has returned from Nuw York and Old Point Comfort , accompanied by Mrs. Matthews , George lingers , formerly agent of the Great Eastern line nt this point but now of the f. I. & 1. railway , was shaking bauds with old tlmo friends yostorduy , SMOKE NUISANCE. After AiiLthnr .Month tlm Ordlimnno Will Jin Klclilly ICuforord VVItlinlir J'livcir. The ftmoko nulganco ordinance goes Into ofTopt the 17lh day of August. After that data it will bo a mlsdonmnor for the owner or lessee of any building or factory to per mit the omission of deimo .smoke or guncs from any chimney or amnka staoko in tha city. Building Intp-jclor Tilly has sorvcd moro than 200 notices on the owners of build. Ing to comply with the terms of the ordi nance. The same Is being pretty generally done and nut ono person jias been found who has rofuwil to do anything , Many will put in nmoko consumers , while others will resort to tlio usoof anthracite coal. The street railway company Is taking steps to tmt consumers in at the potrur houses and a larxo number of tuo moro pre tentious enterprises are already placing con sumers In the boilers. Colonel Tilly beHovus that thu terms of the ordinance will bo gan- orally complied with nnd that there Is but lltilo disposition to urnde Its provisions , Piles of people huvo 111103 , nut DJ Will's Witch Ilazrl Salvo will euro thorn. K cuji il tlm Tenuity. City tax receipts to the amount of about triri,000 hare been made out by thn city treasurer and are now ready for delivery. The lists of property wore left with the treasurer previous to the llrst day of tha mouth with the request to make out the re ceipts. In this way the 1 per c nt penalty is escaped , Owing to the vast number H wan iumnaslhlu for the clerical force to bav them all In readings * in a vur.v short time. nnd it has requited three weeks to make 0" ' the receipts.