f ( I Till ? OMAHA DAILY HKEI TIIUltSDAY , JULY 27 , 1803. COMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Board of Trade Priors UmloiminnUtl ly the Clock Mnrkot. WHEAT AT THE OPENING WAS LOWER After rrfqnent Fliiatuittlnnl Hint Orcnl Killed DirctifedlrVvik nil tint Clodlnit A\lthln H rrxotinn f tti * l.ime t CntCAno , July 20 It wn the tock market lodiiy that undenntiicd HoRnl of Trvlo prices ItuslncKi wa somewhat c.int In all the pits. Wheat closed about \c lower , corn ! { c , oiti Nc and short rib * iiml slJes nc lower 1'ork It nominally 75c oIT and lard 12Ho. Wheat at the opetiliu wis from ! { c to Me lower , then ndvancod 4c , but again liciintno weak andc.isoil oIT from ' o to ' > r , becamn ttrong and advanced from So to 'if. , ruled decidedly weak ami closing wat easy at from He to Uc from the lowest llguro of the day The market showed sonm r.illj Ing tendency on the assuring nowsfrom Milwaukee' , I < oitls- vlllo and Indlanapolln , hut Urn reports from Wall street rather inoro thin nullified the encouragement There wis also a suxoio decllna In local securities hero. There was Homo c.iih business trinsicted for export reported at from 250,000 to 400,000 bu , ulnco the close of 'Clnngoyiwteiday . . . . In corn , aside from thn ( Imiiirlal situation , the tains reported lliioiili ) Nubrasku , Kansis , Iowa , MIsMiuil , Illinois and Indiana , with coider winther and piospects of mete rain , vfns tlin factor In causing a dcclliip. 'J he mar ket om'tied with a loss of from ijo to ! iC and utti'i selling otT a fraction inon1 , rallied Scbut ngaln ruled i'ii y , selling oil ' 4 < ii"c , and at the close was 'ifWc from the bottom The de mand \vus prlncltially from poits and a good many lines have been covered. Oits was unsettled ! September closed at Rbout the Inside , with a not IO-.H of 3 c , wblle July di'i'llncd ' < < ' fiom the oiicnlng and closed with a loss of IIG. July was very freely of- There were a fcvv tridcs In pork nnd a break of $1 a barrel In the pi Ice. Ar. eaily mlo was at $20 75. September pork wdvinced to ? 20 05 nml then went hick to $20 70 1'iom this the tecond duip was to $19 ' )5 ) , with mote than 10.000 bbls traded. In other products there Was a decline with little fe.itnro. Estimated recelntu for tomoriowmmt ; , I 145 cars ; corn , 330 cars ; oats , 170 cars ; hess , 25,000 head IVelghls wore slow and easy , with \cry little call for wheat room at IV : for wheat and 1'gC foi corn at lluir.ilo Tliu leading futures ranged as follows ! Aitloli'S Close -No 2. ' 20o ! No. 3 white , f o 1) ) , 31S ® B'J'.c. ' No 3 white , f . 1) ) , i3'3Jl'/C. ! ' ' Ur No 2. 41)U ) 50c. ItAlti KV No. 2 , nominal ; No 3 , no sales ; No , f o 1) ) , 33aa.c. ( ( I'uxbuiii No 1.J1.10. TivoriiY Si itii-1'rlnio , $4 OOJJ4 10. roiiK-Moss , nor 1)1)1. ) . SlOOOSlOOai' ; lard , pur 100 Ills , $173lJ.72"j ( ) ' short ribs Miles ( lonsn ) , * 7 H2 > iQH ! 024 ; Ory salted shoulilors ( hoxcill , $7 75 < at ) 00 ; short clear sltlcs ( boxed ) , l8ri2aHti2' ' , . WiiiSkV Distillers' llnlshod goods , per gal , f 1 1 * M > hwiAiw Unclmnnod ; cut Imf , CJJcs granulated - latod , 0.8'J ; standard "A , " 0 70 Thu following were the receipts und ship ments for tod.iy : On thn Produce cvoh inijo tod.iy tlio Vmtter nmrlttsih ! Ih fair ili'iiuind ; cri'innuiy , 10 ® 20c ; dairy. IfjQdHc. Kggs , weak ; btilctly frchli , lac. _ "Jfoiv York .Miirlintl. NKW YOIIK , July 20. rr.ouit Ifi'oelpin. 43- 000 pltKs ; o\ports 1,000 hhls , 11,000 sueUs ; nil's , 1U.OOO pkgs. ; niarlcot weak ; five ollur- Inirs C'OHN MKAI < Dull , sto idy. Hvi : Dull , weal. ; wosli-in , G4QSOU. , . MAI.T Quint , steady. WIII.AT Uecellits , 4 1 000 htl ; oxnorts , 830.- 000 hii , ; snles , 0,000 liu futures , HH.UOO bu.pot , Ppot nmrliOtiiilit | ) , ensltr ; rloslii ) ; Mtundy : N'o 2 roij , In store and In elevator , 70'Sc ' : allo.it , 71J4cf. ; . o h,71ii7J'c ' ; No. 3 ioil07c ' ; un- eradod red , (17W.7JC ( ; No. 1 noilhern. 71c ; No. 1 linril , 7 I'll1 ' ; No 2 noitheiii , 70c ; No 2 - vntiki'e , ( lOc. Options opened weak und do- cllnedlio on easier ciibh-s , foiulBn solllnir and unsettled Wall strtet ; r.illled 'tyc ' with the west , foil ll'/ii ; on a decre.isu of the Koi-Ules , larin receipts and o isli-r cables , clos- IIIK weak lit ' 4S < ; under \estenlu > 's tr.idlng falily iictho ; August , 7H'71Vc , closing .it VO'.c ; fceptemhoi , 72'B73 ! 7-10c , Uoslni : at 73c ; Octoher , 7.r > itt707-lCc , closing ut 7o\c ; December. 70'HO ' 3-lGr , closing ut 7U'Bc Coil.V Receipts , 05,000 ; u\poils , u4,000 : miles , 830,1100 Int. futures 'J'Jl.OOO hii spot. BpolH ouster , fairly aellvo. "losing llrm ; No.'J 47'47aiC { In ehmitor , 481i4U14c .tlio it ; un graded mKcil , 47 < tf4H'- . Options dull , weak nnd IJo loworns following wlioat and the west : AiiKU''t,47\ia48'c , closlnuat 47\c ; boptem- ber closed u.t 47 ic. OATS Ki-celptsX4,000 bu ; p\ports , 30 bu. : files , U&O.OOO bu. futuii's , I'Jl.UOO hu , hnot. bpot ) . falily actlxr , scaici" : options diill , ( inslor ; AiiKU-it , : il(2)31'ic ( ) , rlosliiK at 31t- : bcptembor , SOUOSO'.c ' , closing at 30' ' < c ; No. 'J white , 2Hc ; No. 2 C'hlc.lBO , ! lH'.IUc ' ; No 3 , Chlcauo , 37ci No. 3 white , 3Gl'it37c ( ; ml\ed \tustuin , 371iQ3lJi ! ; while wenteru , 30 ( < i44l1c. HAY ralr , ilomand steady. .HlDtH Dull , \\fiiK t , lJVlM5"NS ! ' ( ' , ( L'u.li ' "oats.iiuliit ; plrkled hams. 11'iUlU'ic ; mlddh'H , dtilJi-niisy. I.ard , ouh t ! lowir ; wostnrn steam Hold at f'l.OO ; sales " ' 6 , ! ' . ! , ; ' ' ' , ! " | " " ! " ' . ' ' " ) " : ' | - | > ' " ' 'i ' Bt $0 UO imktd ; eeptomhor closed at-SlO.US. 1'ork , less nrtho , htoady. Ilin-iKit Moderuto iluinann : , easy ; western dairy , IMSffMBc ; webtern crenmeij , 17&JOicj t'llii-si.-I'ulr : , acthn. KddS-yulet , Hteadv ; receipts , 8.-000 pkKS. ; Tfi'Klurn fri'sli , 14'iiitl5Jc. ! I'At.iow Dull ; city tta per pkt , ) , B'.a O 3-10c ConoNSKPii On , Dull ; yellow , 43c. I'Kiitoi.PUM Ntigli'i'tuil ; I'l'iinsyhaiila oil , pot miles , none , 67'n ' : bid. olfi-red at 57JiC. I , liniiill ) , siiU' , lionii ; total Hales , noiio. KosiN-Dull , hteady ; ati.ilned common to Eood , 11.00 < I.OO. Tuiti'rNriM-Oulet : , ntcady ; 27Ui327iic. KICK I Inn. fair ili'in mil. Mii.Ashi:4 ) : Now Orleans , open Uoltlo , good to choice , dull , Hte.tdy BlWAll Uaw , lower , Hriu at the close ; f.ilr rollnliiK , 3'/r ; contrlfiiKals , 00 test , 3 c ; sales , 8HO hluls. Musco\udOHtiU lest , 5j < o , and UO.OOO liikKscuntrlfuKulH , UO tout , at J"4'c. Itollnid , dull , lower ; olt A. 4 IS-HiftO'ic. mould A. OS dtft U'lOc ; utandard A , tj U-IuatiSo ; confec- tlonorH A , 4 10-10iffin > ( i ! ; c'lt loaf. fi ? ii 6 1310c ; crushed , & ! , & 13-lCc ; cubes , 0 7-10 PHI Inos-Dull , steady ; Ainoilcun , $12.70 ® Coi-j'Kii Slpndy : InUe , 110.20. IKAIi-btuiuy ! ; domestic , SJ.-45. TiN > -Ulosod tit in ; htrults , (1U.B5 bill ; (10 askfd ; pliilea , iiilut | , hteiidy. tii-tlTi.H-Qulet ; domestic , (3.00. KiiniiUK Cltr Murkeli. KANSAS OITV. , July 20-WiiKAT-Aealn lower , Jidllc uniU'r ycsteiduy ; No , 2iea&i ! J t > 2ltc , COIIN ) { o lower ; No. 2 jnliod , 81'ic ; No. 2 Wldtu , 3J' ' , a3c. OAW-blow. uncliiiiiEed : No , 2 mixed , now , 20c ; Nn. 2 uliltx , 24c. KVK Wniik , 4ic ( for No 2. Ki.AXbKKli Nominal , 07c. UAI l.o vr ; timothy , la.KaiO.OO. IluiTKit rirm ; creamery , loa'JOcj dairy , . 14Q.17C. KuouVenk. . Oc. Iti.ciniTd-Wlit'ut , 22,000 bu.i corn , 7,000 bu. MlU'liENTS-Wlieat , 14,000 bu. ; corn. 8,000 bu. MHiirhrstcr raiiuuervlul Invle r. MAhCHLBiBit , July 20 , TlioQunnllan , In Its commorctitl iirllclo , snjs : IluslnesH Iseiy moderate , 1'rlces uro inoktly kteady , A crliiUM drop has occuried in tlieoiimarifriitey of exchange ) on Chlua anil Jupiin and tins ills- cciiriiKi'n morclinntu , u majority of nhomuiu mnklni ; no nttumpt to triuisnct buvlnetc. I'urc-lmseri of fclltt-r In London for China are dUulucliiK MuncheiitvrKooO aoiiiowliat. bomu mlos of 10 ri-od MilrtliiK * tor beptcmbtr , October and lutur delherlr * Imro boon exe cuted. JiiconetH uro dull after tlio largo ali thut were mndo recently. Colored woolen vdicua nro dull. They are nutTorlni ; from the ttintrictcd duuauil ( roui bouth America. Tbvr * l .n rr ln.iilt | fin f'w ' , liliiiti of IICHITT gr.nM " ( IlPHMfn IIMil 1li Uirentcnr.il nml ttlkt IK niHiiiiititixloty nm. nit iimmif utur ; nn ti < ! * | ilmiiM should pnl.M'-tc.il ultlku nrriir | ilinlli wtUlon Vnrnn opi-nMl Mrndy. The FiixirnoM to toll Hint n , wenkoncd tlio mnrkct. Onuliit rrnilur * * tnrk t. rt The tnnrkct li woukor on bullor , pnoklnn twk inpfPlnlly. Tlin rrirclpt nro llKlit for tlin ciisiii , and tlio only cftttic for llie conker foi'lltii ; U the iinfatornlilo condition of ca tirn timrkoK. A New Votk hou u wires i\ lin-al home , buy liutt > r luwrr or lint nt nil. All tlip On : aim Milpnlnir IIOUMM tiid slmllir dlspilelifi 1 nnpy crenmery , iirint. 21c : fnncy croiiincrlc , Koll < l incked , lOi1 , fair to Kooilcrt-niiHTles. solid iiirkcd , If ai8c , choice to fancy countty , l&ttlCf1 , fnlr to treed coun try , l&f tmcklnnitiKk , ftcili , 13 13'Sr > . l.i.ns 'llioro aio u coed many eicKs coinlnc to innrkvt , IMII there riro so nt my of them pnur flint the numb' r of utilctl ) fresh cKRUnota Inrgnnionp inlKhlthlnk ilom the number nf CSM.S repoittd In. Iho mnrki-t Is slow , and theio Is n nc.ik fcrllnif al the prlrei iiiotcd | ( ii-ncral niHiket , llQIl'iO. I.tvii I'ou.riiv-'lhe trcelpts of prlns chicken : continue lar e and thu murkel U a llttlo Mow at the quotations given below. Old foul : ire not , i > plenty und choice hens sell quite well. HlrulKlil coops of looitem nro \ ery Undesirable : md tlio dresiors nre about the iml > tiiivori , nnd they want them nt \ery low price. prlnF chickens , per II > . , 10ill2c ; best , liens , per lb. , 7i(571ir' ! mixed coops , per U > , bt'i old roosterH , per HiIfiiSo ; turkcjt , per It ) , Be : ducks , per Hi. , 7ianc. 1'or ATOM -There nro no potntoei belnR ' pcd In , ns the local CIOWJIH nre silpplylnx thtMk'iminil. Thuy soil direct to the grocers and commission men nro not bundling nuny potatoes tliioil ntock on or din ft from the country , 708hOc. . 'IiiM reiji The market h still largely sup piled with tomatoes .ind iTlou. nru low nxjelpts ur antlclpntcd for tlia next few iliiN s boiithern , per 4-biukot crate , tl\ \ per M bu box , 76c. 1'AiuiAiin Homo grown cnlib.iKf l \ery plenty and the lociilKrowersuto sitpplylUK the ilom mil fully. Cholco home grow n ctbh IKO on ordeiK from the country , 2c pnr Hi "Cull KV-btrny Klilpments uro iirrttlnx and the yiliillty of the Htock 14 pioiiounce < l KOOI ! for this silicon of the year. Celery , pur do/ , bunches , 3V. grown slock Is plenty though there aio a few shipments being teceivcd fiom points farther south , Arkansas onions , per 4H-II ) box , UOcttJl.OO ; homo grown , per lb , ' . - choice nnd attrartlxo npph s such as would boconsldorod tloslrablo foi stand purposus are a llttlo scirco , There are , how ever , plenty of apples , such as they ai _ e , They ari > qulto a gonil tinny C itlfornla apples among thu Hirelings and sumo southern und no end of home grown green tipples. Choice red Mum ! apple * , southern , poi ' -bu , box , GOft ll'niitii s Thrro was a falling off In the rc- ci'lpts of hi ickborrlos , which woio not so plunty as they him ) been duilng-tho past fou dai * . All other kinds of berries aio scarce on this market. Ill-u-khorrli s , homo grown , per J4-it | I'ase , fu'70 ; blin'k r.ispherrles , per 24-tl | case , 3.20 ; hiiekiuboirlcs , $3,00. bMAM , riitjiTs The miuket Is well supplied with morythlng In the way of small fruits that Is lu season. Prrsli ram of California frultsnie coiislnntly arising andthoioUa go id supply of Texan and other southern fruits Tim llrst Ci.iwford peaches put In an appearance on the market yesterday. Plums , wild goose , per 24-it. | crate , (2.00 ; California pouches , $1.10 ; California po irs. per box , 8J 20 ; TUMIS pcais , per box. Jl 50 ; Tn\iis poaches , 4-lmsket cr.ito , ? 1.10@1.10 ; Cullfornhi tigs , per 20-lb case , $2. Muo.ss The m-irkot has been almost biro of watermelons for a few days. As a rosiilt the market hat. ad\anced mid prices are much higher than they were a week ago. bomo fancy largo ( iunrchi watermelons sold ou the local nmiUet quickly at 2ric. Cantaloupes are becoming a llttlo tnoio iih'iity. Watermelons , poi cr.ito of 1 doz. , $ .1 ; loo-o , PIT 100 , $ JO ; cantaloupes , per basket , (1.00&1.-5. mum. OHANOKS The supply of oranges on the market Is not laige , hut siifllclent to meet the demand * of the trnile. KlMTsldo Mrdller- ranean HWeolo , $1 501J3 70 ; hilghts , $ J.702i 300 , Khersldo seedlings , * I OOBU.25. Iji MONS The steuly warm we.itlier pro duces 11 \ ory fair ilom ind for lemons and all houses are doing a good steady business In them Messlnas , extra fancy , JO OOSb 50 ; Messlnns , per box , choice to fancy. K OOicO 00. IlANANAb Prices inn iln about stotdy Per hunch , largo , JJ 'J0 { 2 70 ; per bunch , sin ill to medium , $2 OOSJ 25. H1UI S , TAM.OW , r.TO. Hitirs No. 1 RICOH hides , 3r ; No 2 green hides , 2r ; No 1 green .sailed hides , 3'c ' ; No 2 green silted hides , 2'c : No I green Halted hides , 20 Ibs to 0 Ihs , 3'iNo. ; . 2green s illed hides , 20 Ihs to 40 Ibs , U > ie ; No. 1oal calf. Bibs to lOlhs , Oc ; No. 2 vealralf , H Ibs. to 15 Ibs ,4c ; No. 1 thy Hint hides , 7c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , Oc ; No. 1 diy salted hides Oc. 1'uit cured hides 'ic per lb. less th in fully cured. blin.l1 PEI.IS Green s ilted , each 85c''W1.25 ; grcin salted shoaillng * ( Hhoit woolod early skins ) , each 10ffl20c ; dry shearlings ( short wookd curly skins ) . No. 1 , each OQlOc : dry she'trllngs ( short wooled daily nklns ) , No. 2 , each Oc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nobriska butcher wool pelts , per lb , artual weight , lOii lie ; diy Hint Kansis.tnd Nebi iska Miinaln wool pelts , per It ) , actual weight , 7@10c ; dry Hint Coloiado butcher wool polls , per lb , actual weight , O'islOc ' ; dry Hint Colorado .Mur- inln wool pelts , rnr lb , actual weight , 7@9c ; dry pieces and bucks , iictu il weight , Om7c. TAI.I.OW AM ) GliEABi : Tallow , No. 1 , 4fI ! ( } 4 > { c : tallow , No 2. 3344c ; grease , white A , 4'jBOc ; giease , whlto II , 4c ; grease , yellow , 3'jc ' ; giediic , daik , 3c ; old butter , 22 > 4c ; bpusn.iv , pi hue , Ilii20c ; rough tallow , 2J4 ® Jc. Jc.HONI Cur lots weighed and delivered In Chicago : Diy buir.ilo , per ton , JIGOOaiB.OO ; dry country , bleai'hed , per ton , $10 00 13 00 ; dry countiy , daini ) and meaty , 18 003.10.00. St. I.ouls Mnrlci-tx. ST. Louis , July 20li'i.ouu Hasior and un changed W\K\T-Quiet , continuation of yostord.ij's feeling , losing 5Bc ; No 2 led , cash , O'J'-c ' ; July , 00' < c ; August , tit ) V ; Soptombei , 02'Bc. I'oiiNIlh beailsh ciop leports and flntn- elal news lost Sc : No. 2 mixed , cash , 3l > 'tc ' ; July J0\c ; August , .IGJfc ; boptombei , JG'-c. ' OAISVouk , lower ami dull : No 2cash,27c ; July , 20'i- : August , 2J , c.Suptonibor ; , 2Jc. KYI. bi-aice ; 4Uc hhl for No 2. IIIIAN Pnchanged at 07 , east track. TI.AX Steady at lOc. TIMOTHY I'nchiingeil , llAI'lrni , iincluuiL'i.il . - ; dairy , 13J17c. ! I'.FAll-Dllll.lttJ.'JO. SlTMI n blow ut$3.80. COIIN .MKAir-btu.idy at (1.00. \VllIskY-I 12. PROVISIONS-I.owor , dull and we tk. Pork , current make , * 10 60 ; lard , ( 'J.12' ' , < $ 'J.10 : dry tall moats , loose shoulders , $7 1'J'i ' ; longs and ribs , $8 12' , ; shoits , tB 00 ; boxed , lOc moio ; bacon , jiacked shoulders , * 8 40 ; longs and ribs , f')70 ) ; shorts , J10.20 ; hams , sugai curtd , $13007614.00. HhUhllTb-riour , 2,000 s icks ; wheat , 8 J 000 bu. ; coin , 05,000 bu. ; oats , 11,000 bu. ; rye , 1,000 bu. . . blili'Mi-M'S Hour , 0,000 sacks ; wheat , 16- 000 bu ; corn , 10,000 bu ; oats , 10,000 bu. Cotton .Hiirkut. Nnv OniRA > 9 , July 2G. Qulot and steady ; good middling , b'Be ' ; middling , 73 > c ; not re ceipts. 1,018 halts ; gross recoliHs , 1,710 bales ; lixuorU coistwlsi1,412 bales ; saluu , 700 bulLM ; slock , 08H7b bales. I'litUKM steady ; sales , 25,000 bales ; July , J7.40 asked ; August , it7.SOi67 40 ; September , & 7.00ft7.01 ; October , ? 7 OOJ67..0 ; November , * 7 GU4i,7.70 ; December , t7.7'J ( < V7.HO : January , * 7 04dc7.'Jii ; Tubruary , IHOJ.4JB.01 ; March , JH.OKiiBOJ. bi Lotus , July 20. StPiidy ; middling , 7 < o ; sales , lbUO bales ; receipts , 100 bales ; ship ments , BOO bales ; stock , 30,100 bales. Oil MurkitK. on , CITY , July 2G.-N-ittoml Transit emtillcatoH opened at OH , highest , OtT ; lowest , OH ; rliHod , OU ; sales , 0,000 hhl ; cleanilicex , 32J.OOO bills ; HhlpmcnlH , 104.0JI buls. ; runs Ub.710 bills. I'lirniiUHil , July 2(1 ( Natlon.il _ Transit cortlllcutcs opened at Oej ; closnd. filli ; - pst , OH ; lowest , 07 ( , sah-i , fi.OUO bbls. lAlMION , July 20 , UAIC'llnA JlNHI FD-SpOt , 41 Gd ; spot , July and August shlpmeiitti , 4s 3d per quartet. AMWIIII- , July 20. Phiitoi.BUM 12f paid Neir York Dry UoniU Alnrkot. New YOIIK. July 20. Thu dry goods market tends towaidHliigiiatlun for this week at least. Puichtisis became smaller If possible lu ac cordance with necesslly. lluyuis am probably not looking with nny piutlcular otpectatlon for lonir prliou. lint the HnuncUI Nltuitloti causes pOhti > oiioiiiiiit. ( It U doubtful If there will bu much change for the better until con- less meets nud ilUrlnsoi what U to bo done lu the way of Ilnaiicl it lo .Murkoti. UVEiti-ooi , July 'J6. WiiKAT-null. holden olTurtrrulj i No 1 CullforiilH , ' 6s luidQGa per contal ; rod wi'storn kprlu. , &t JiuU& lud , ' L'OIIN Qtiltt , oublcr ; lulled ucvlorii. 4i 3 id porci'iitiil. HAUIN I.OIIK and short clear , 65 Ibs. 61s pur cwt , j IOIIK clear , 40 Ibs , b'2 * od. 1'rlnio wohturn , 4ti Oil. 'U.M-i.Nt hi-iitifH 'JU3d per cwt. SllUvilllkuo Miirkrt. MtlATAtiKir , July 'JO. WIIUAT Eaty ; Sop- tciuhor , O3'c : No 'J . | irlHK , tiH c. t'oiiN btuady ; No. 3 , 3B c. UATU Quk t ; No. ! whlto , S3c ; No. 8 , 80 1IAIII.KV 65c. I'HOMHo.sd Loner ; pork , U9.2B. Cliioiiinntl 3lHrk t . Ol > ClN.NAll , July 20 , WIIKAT I.oworj No. 3 red , 08c , COIIN Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , -tic. OATH bti'tuly ; No. 2 mixed ( new ) , 29c. \\lllkKY-gulet ; (1.12. Unlit a J Yo'iK. July 2G. Coffee oulloni opened weak , July uuchtnged. other montlii 10 to 30 points dowu ; closed llriu att point * up to & ic.'nli ' lown. , 200 July , flTOtl77tl ? optiiulif > r , MVlMl i otiitc. , il' ' ' 16 in ; Janil.trv , fUi II. Spot Itlo , "l' rioinliiKl ; Mo T , { 1076 , l * \Vlir < t .Mt.SNKpot.t luly 20. MarKet iinca jrPMl Hht-at oiy HncolptA. llHi'df * . I'lmo May , 74"lCi July. f.SVj AiUiHt , o'JC ! Soptoiulior , f 0C ! Oooonibor , 0" .C Un truck ! No. 1 hard , O2'i ' , Nn. 1 northoru , OJ'ici ' No. 3 uorlliurn , llnltlmnrn Ornin Mitrkct. n\i.TiMniiR , July 2(5 ( WHEAT Stcidjrj No , 2 red , ipot ind July , fiSi' . UOIIN Buy ! mixed , spot and. Julv'i 40 > fc. OATH -atciidj ; No 'J whlto we torni 37 jc. Tcilrdi tlrnln Murkel. Tot.r.tio , July \VitK\T-Actho , lower ; Civsh 04f. . Coiiv Dull , steady ; S"o 2 cash , 42c. OATS-yulot : cash , 30'4c. ' STUCK ! ) ANII IIONDS. Mont Krontful tny In Wnll Street for n I.OIIK Time. Nrw YotiK , July 20. This has liocn the molt in out fill nnd exciting dny for n long tlmo In Wall street nnd In ( In uiclil circles generally. Liquidations I wore on : i inoro oxtonitvo scilo th.ui nl any previous tljuo since the present downward niovcinenlsot In , anil the result Is a decline of simply ai ' lllna proportions. The Intelligence ! Hint the Krlo roul li'itl been pliiccd In the hands of a receiver , although by no moans unovpocti'd , was a shock to tin in- clcrs and st.irtod an Indiscriminate soiling imm > tm > tit through the list , Urdrts were rocched from various quarters tit Ri-ll nnd nnny hroUers who could not reich their I'ustomeis In tlmo thriMT tholr storks oxerboard rather tlmn tiKe liliv further ch'iticesutidi'r the circumstances. Tlio great break In prices , liowoxitr , oocurted uftur tlio aiiiiouncoinont Until. I. Nicholas A. L'o , hid f.illtd was Hindu at thu Stork uvi-hanno. This brought thocrltlral situation of alTalrs right homo til the biokcisnnd It was not IdiU liuforo tlm markul drifted Into u panicky condition. TliooxcltiMiii-iit was not ns great as lu either the ' 1884 or 1873 panics , but the shrink-ago lu % nluosnns voiy tapld and sales h nl to bo mailo I at piactloally any prices th it h.ippcnod to ho bill. The failure of Nicholas & Co , fol lowed j un by tlio smpsiulon of Jolm II. Dor- man , VCo , showed plainly that the 1 > inkers weru culling lu loins , and this knowledge liiado thostreot noi uins. The rate for moni > y jumped up rapidly and fitted at 'JO per cent per annum. The silos fs for f the day Touched the largo totil of 404,081 shares. Dhldi'lid pivlng stocks and lionds and 1 the nondlvlduml piyers sulTerod alike , nnd the depression ic.iched an ai-uto stage. Thu exceptional bin ik In IvansUllo&Toiro Ilniitn from 1-7 to 70 was duo to the ( net that H I. Nlohol'is was a director of the company und had borrowed considerable amounts of money upon stock Oilier hie declines were Mmhittui , 12 , p.or cent to 10(1 ( , Delanaro & Hudson , ll' ( per cent to 102' . ( : Oiegon Na\lgitlon , 11 per rent to 44 : h'lkc. Shore , H'j ' pjr cent to 107 ; LucUa- vr.inna , H per cent to ; ! 3 ; Nickel I'lute llrst pio- ferrcd , 8 jiei cent to 40 ; Ooner.il Klectrlc , 7l. pel rout to 40'j ! Ji'luoy Contial , 0 per cent to b4 ; I'ullm.in , UJ4. per cent to 140' { ; Woslern Union , 7' > put cent to G7'e ! Wheeling ft Like Krh ) preferred , 7 per cent to 31 ; Lo id pro- fened , ti per cent to 48 ; Consollditod Q is , 0 poi cent to 110 ; Amoilcan Cotton UII pre ferred , 0 percent to DO ; Northwestern , OS per cent to 84' . ; bilgir , 5 pel cent to 67 ; pro- fairi.il , 6H percent to ( < ti'i ' , and Missouri I'u- clflr , 434 per cent to 10'i. Although ( luiil iiu'itatlonssbowed a recovery of 'i ' to i ! percent from tfiu lowest the nmrkot ( eftoir weik and the fooling In slock circles was unsettled. The following are the closing quotations on the leading stocks on the Now York Stock e\- changi ) ted i > . ankul. The total sales of stock today were 464,000 shares , including : Atchlson , 1O.300 ; Hui ling- ton , 10,000 ; Chlrafo (5as. 48.300 ; Lai Uawanna , U1.700 ; Distilling , 7,300 ; l-le ; , 12.000 ; UoiuT.il nioctrlc , 21,000 ; I/iko Shore , ll.OJO ; Ioulh\illo N.islnllle. 13'JOO ; Man- hatlan , 20,000 ; Missouri I'acttlc , 14,700 ; New York Central , 7,700 ; Now Kngland , 10,000 ; Northern I'.idflu pa-ferrcd , 8,000 ; Northwest- urn , 14.700 ; Headlim' , 7,800 ; Kork I-l.ind , 700 : bt , I'.iul , 42.000 : r-URwr. 20,000 ; Wcstoiu Union , 10,400 ; h lies ccrtlllc.ites , 30,000 ounces _ _ _ _ _ _ _ York Money Market , NKW YOIIB , July 2(5. ( MONKV ON UAI.I. Was stilngent , ranging from 6 per cent per unniim to 3 1-10 per cent per diem. 1'lllMK MlllfJAN rn.R I'Al'i H 812 per cent. Srcm.tNti KXCIIANOK We iki-r. with ncttml business In bankeis bills at * 4.81'/ii4.8H , for bixty days and J4 B3htt4.8l.i for demand. bli.vi.it C'l linriCAihs Quiet , with h.iles at 70'n ' < - , closing 70'clld ) , 71c asked. UOVEIINMI-NT IIONDS Wunk. blato bonds , dull. dull.Thu Thu closing quotations on bonds ; bid llnaton Mnclt ( Juointlnin. HOSTOX , July 28. Call loans. 7(39 ( per rent : tlmn loans , Gb per rent. CloBlng ii on Mi.oks , bonilH and mining bliares : Atth. , Top Ab. F. . lJi ! ! ( WlH CVntial Uoui. . it Amuk'.ui hiis.ir . . 08 Attlilbon 'Jds 2H ill ) in of d 00 AtthlHon 1 . . . . on II ihtato O.IH / G New Kin'l mil OH. 101's ' Hell Toloplinno . 100 Gon. Klictilo fin liO IloHtim A All ) my L llifi twin Cuniral IHIH HO IloHlon AMalno. . . UiO Alloiii-r. .Mllilnir Co 40 ilo prufd . . , , I'JO Allantlii 7'4 rid , Ilur. AQ . . . ll'.IJfJIoslon A Munt . . . 111 7.1 IlilttoA llOHlon. . , . Con Kketrlo 4-JW Cilmnet A IIicl.i . 200" 1111 Bliol 6(1 ( Ccnliimlal a Mov Ci n Com . . . n Franklin n'i ' N Y. A Now Knj. . I'.iJi Hi ir IKU Ki ( Mil Colony . 17fi OHiioli ! _ > Oii'irim slioitLlno 7 Qnlnuv . . 81 Rnbbor . , J4 Tamnack. . . lly Union 1'tu.ltlc . . . l.'iK AlinlHlDii I.uul Co. 'J _ > WIHI Kiul inof d . . 7fiH b m 1)K t'o Land Co 10 \Vi Hllnih Klcetrlc 18 WPBt End L md Co UH do prof il , . . . bid Nu v YorU Mlntni ; Ouotntlons. Nr.w VOIIK , July 'JO-Tho following nro the Nt. l.ouit JMtiimi ; IjuoiatloiK. fir. Lotus , July 'JO. Mining vtocks lifolcss and uiichunged. * Granlto.l ta * OJt Mil. t Uttktxl. XVero Sold. NKW YOIIK , July 'Jfi. The London cpuclul cublu dlipatch to tlio Ktoiilug 1'ost say Hi ; There hat boon otiljrfoiN ) Kinnll fullllp so ' r today on the st ) < < 'trhnnifo v/'ird is1 e'er- ct nl in lending lonotiil iwrrowtHs Xhtw Rt contlmntloiu undof 4 percent , Cliord was.fi fnuoiK-y la rcciMtf OiUly , uul nftorwiruj Oil'i \ i rruiliod by American 1" ' ° ? | t U ° J ; pad oil lb TO will bo an asjoMmVil of * ' ngalnst thogooil Kflo bond * to fund the lloat- Ing debt nnd that rio Intcreston tbn icrond inortgagn will possibly bo reduced to 5 tier rent llnr gold wru In good demand today with no "hatign In price , Hupoo piper was down to 58H bllvir hai rlson to 32 vl and U wiintpil for the contlnont , India nml I'liliin. Tim India council nllottrd no drnflt to lenders tod-iy. This Is unprecedented American railroad wcitrltlof wore proucil for s'Uo on the mr ot after tlio olllclnl clo n of Ilio Stock oxchitiKo , mid tliero w.n n further and cent-nil fnlllmrioir from closlns prices , tlio ducllno r.inirlnit from ' 4 to 2'5 per cent , 1 Innnclnl Njto . 1Csts CITY , July 26. Clearings , $803,551. . NEW YORK , July 25. dealings , 132,035,073 ; balances , $3,035,703 PAWS , July 26 Three par cent rentes 97f 07'5c for the account. IHt.TlMOiiE , July 2i5 Olearlna' , 12,187,520 ; balances , $314,893 Money , C per cent- Plllt.UrMMliJuly 2G. Clonrlngs , $9G50- 892 ; b iHncos , 11,447,744 , Money , G per cent. NEW OIU.KANS , July 'JO. Clearing ! , $071,230. New York exchange , commercial , par ; batik $1,00 premium , CINCINNATI , tJuly 26. Money GU7 percent Now " York orcli itiso. $1.0oal.OO UUoount Clc""gs , $1.000,050 llp.ui.i.v , July 28. The statement of the Imperial Hank ofnormany shows an Increase In specie ot 8,220,000 m irks. . br. IoUK July 20 Clearings , $2,804.005 ; balances , $ J47,8J7 Money quiet at G8 per cent ; exchange on New York , * 1 , discount. IIOSTO-J , July 20. Clearings. J14.310,403 ; balances , $1,770,448 Money 7 3-1OUS per cent ; exchange on Now York , 353100 dis count. CiiiCAdO , July 2G.-Cletrlngs , $11,903,740. New York o\chungo $ J discount , btiiirllng fxcliango dull , weak ; actu > l $4,8234.84. .Money In actU o dom ind , 7 par cent. Niw : YoitK. July 20. Ibpeclal Telegram to Tun HBK.I Kxclmtnro was quoted as follows today ; Chicago , f3 discount ; Huston , 35c to 40c ulscount ; bt Louis J3 discount. OMAHA MVIS MOCK. MAUICKT. Uittlo Trade Uiil , t Hog * Ilroak Ilaillr. l.onllH.rmly 3ft cants. Wl-DNESbAY , July 20. Kccolptsof cattle and sheep contlnua light , but plenty of hujs are coming. So far this week , compared with last , there h-is boon a decrease of nearly 2,000 c ittlo and 200 sheep , while hog supplies iia\o shown an Increase of about 0,700 bead. H irdly enough c-Utlo wora received to furnish a fair test ot the state of the maiket. Only fifty-two fros'i cars were reported In and of this number eight were Te\as c ittlo bought at Kansas City by Cuilaby and billed direct to the local house. The major portion of tlm of ferings worn westerns and tlio greater part of those were feeders , so th it the supply of beef cattle was M > ry light. Indllleront advices ftom eastern markets kept Bblopers out and the di'inatid from the dressed beef men was not tit nil uigent. Trade was rather quiet and the market quotably s-toady. A bunch of v ory good 1,209-lb. beeves brought $4.30 and com- moiilsh toory fair grass and half-fat c ittlo weighing from 953 to 1,119 IDS. sold at from * 3.25 to J3.70. Very good 1,300-lb. westerns brought J3 30. It was a dull , featureless mar ket throughout , but u\ cry thing changed hands In good season. Cows and mixed stock Bold very unevenly and unsatisfactorily. The western c.ittlo fur nish mom desirable material for butchers and canniTs thin the nutUo cows , and the latter aio being neglected and discriminated against. Poor to choice'cows and heifers sold at from 11.10 toJ70 , with the hulk of the fair to gnod stock at Jl.bO to 51.90 Common lo choice veal c.ilvi s sold at from $1 to J4.00 , or about steady prices. Poortovory good bulls. o\.m and sta sch ingcd hinds at trum $1.00 to $3 80 , or as , low as they have \tian \ tills year. Stockers and feeders were In very fair de mand at prices a bhado higher all around , lloth legul.ir dealers and country buyeis wanted supplies and trade was brisk with the feelliit ; Him. Hood tocholce fcodeib aio quota- bio ut J2.70jt3.20 ; fair to good at $ J 30iSJ.75 , and common stuit .it f J U02.00. Uopreicn- tatl\o bales : DKESSFD IlFEr. No. Av. Pr. I No. Av. Pr. 1 740 S'J'JO 41 1119 3 00 1 . . . 000 275 41 lll'J , 300 1 770 3 00 11 1105 8 70 10 1102 320 1 1440 400 9 1018 325. 70 1200 430 15 053 3 30 , COWS. 4 730 1 10 12 937 1 70 4 780 1 20 20 797 1 70 2 1000 125 1 . . . .10JO 175 4 842 140 1 8JO 175 1 900 1 00 23 880 1 80 11 . . . .820 100 3 10UO 180 1 . . . .1200 1 00 11 80J 1 90 b 808 11)0 1 1020 200 1 1120 100 1 1070 225 4 945 1 GO 1 9uO 200 HEIFKIIS. 1 410 1 10 3 810 2 GO 3 440 1 70 0 910 275 1 . . . UOO 2 25 CALVES. 2 205 100 4 225 400 1 350 225 1 . . . 130 400 1 200 250 3 100 420 2 'JO 300 2 ILO 400 1 201) 320 1 , 200 400 1 170 370 1 20O 400 BULLS. 1 1030 1 GO 1 901) ) 200 M. . . 1300 1 80 OXEN. 1 1205 105 2 1750 170 1 1710 125 2 . . . .1780 285 8TOCKU13 AND FCM1EI13. 27 787 180 1 . . . 020 200 1 7JO 2 00 9 . . . . 703 2 00 1 1080 215 2 000 250 G . . . . 422225 29 7 ! > 4 250 1 480 2 25 1 . . . . 940 2 GO 8 . . . 418 2 20 2 1010 2 bO 2. . . . 540 235 2J . . . . 797 275 1 . . . . 480 235 .9 . . . .1002 270 . 28 810 260 20 831 295 WtVTKHN CAT1I.E. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. > COLORADO. 1G f'd'rs. 103Q $2 00 203 f'd'rs . 988 $3 10 20 f'd'rs. . 830 2 85 4 f'd'rs. , 072 3 00 3 f'd'rs. . 809 3 00 4 fd'rs. 977 3 00 1 steer..1140 240 1 stoor.,1080 300 1 steer..1200 3 00 2 st.igs .1310 1 70 Sbtlgs.,1053 170 1 COW..980 185 4 COWS. . 885 1 85 \VYOMINO. 12 calves 210 200 22 cows 977 215 1 COW 830 100 4 cows 1037 205 3 cows 880 1 00 1 steor'.ll)90 ) 2 10 14 cows 1002 205 40 fd'is .1108 270 b st'l * . 12JG 210 20 stools 1198 330 SOUTH DAKOTA. 15 st'r787 1 80 * tailings. lions The market has boon going up like a ioelnt foi four days and It ramo down Ilku a stick today Prices ruled from lOc to lOc loner onily ou llgnt weights to20c and 30c hnvoi lit on packoix and hmiNlos Hocolpts , about 8,000 head , woie fully 3,000 heavier than a week ago , and Including stall ) hogs there were over 10,000 on h ilo. This fact , to gether with the bearish ropoi U from Chicago nnd tITo rather limited shipping demand , guvo MiUorh decidedly the worst of the situation , Uood to choice light and butcher weight hogs for shipping and fresh meat account sold eai ly at from } 0,40 to 10 50 , with prime sorted light weights up to { O.GO , Local packers hav - Ing voiy llttlo opposition tilled their niduiri mostly at JO.'JO ami fO 30. Chicago packer * found the hogs cheap enough to buy over 1,000 of thorn and they could have taken 2,000 more without inconveniencing local nickers , as the clo e was decidedly weak with fully 2,000 In tlm pens unsold , ori which bids worolaigoly Si.If ) and (0,20 Tboiangoof prices was the widest In months , but thu bulk of the mixed hogs sold as they did a week ago today at iO.25 und $0.30. Un Tuesday the big bulk of thu trading w as at $0.00 and tO.GO. Kopresoii tatlve sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No , Av. Sh. I'r. 1. . . 370 $480 72 . . .249 IbO $0 30 0 , , .300 80 4 80 O.I . 301 0 30 1 210 40 4 00 00 314 40 0 30 10 337 120 5 10 48 . 308 0 30 13. . .334 80 & 10 09 .290 ItiO 0 30 27 .It.iH 200 0 10 GO , 291 40 0 30 2 .370 6 10 03 ,205 11.0 0 .10 47 200 160 5 1& 67 273 IbO 0 80 48 . . 200 40 0 19 52 . 3.4U 0 M 1)9. 229 120 0 20 70. .238 HO 0 30 07. ,200 210 0'JO 44 . .394 121) 030 05 . 284 i4O ! 0 20 110..280 80 0 30 01 . . .2JO 20O 0 20 bO 20J. 80 & 30 60 . 230 40 0 2O C8 271 80 6 30 77 220 10O 0 20 08 277 240 0 30 01 , .2bO 120 0 2J'/i 00 .320 120 030 07. 21/J 1GO 0 22U CO 201 120 0 30 04 . .284 24O 0 20 G 2J1 40 0 30 G4 257 11)0 025 00 ,241 120 0 SO 01 299 80 625 GG .215 1GO 030 OG .303 2OO 0 20 00 272 40 0 30 CO 208 100 0 2& 72. 242 20O 0 SO CO. . .237 40 020 GO . .217 HO 030 08. , . 237 1GO 020 71 271 12(1 ( 030 LO 208 1GO 0 25 118 . 294 80 0 30 LO ,241 IbO 025 08 .202 200 030 04 . 301 120 0 20 22 294 0 30 00 . .291 IbO 0 20 78 2Jb 200 0 37U CO . 307 1GO 0 2& G3 203 80 0 40 00 2GO 41) 020 G4 . .2JO 240 040 70 . . 243 200 0 20 i ) , 1UJ 0 40 40 . .203 280 0 20 74. .2J2 280 0 40 24 , ,820 0 25 00 . 239 li.0 6 40 l.d ,204 160 0 20 b'J. 213 30O 0 40 02 . .284 80 0 25 04 2JO 80 0 40 01 . . 272 1'JO 020 Ii3 . . 'JC3 bO 040 l > 4 . 204 S'JO 0 20 79 220 301) 0 tl ) OG..23J 40 020 09. . . 203 40 040 05 . .OS 200 020 73 , , . 237 200 040 LB , , . 21/2 240 5 25 10 2J8 0 40 04 . . .2fS 40 0 20 G2 . 239 120 0 41) 15O.'i 4O 0 20 Gl , 220 1UO 0 40 01. 3.8 020 71. . 228 80 045 61..2U9 40 0 20 tO.'J31 120 ( j 45 11.1 40 d 25 230 200 no 2M7 120 B 25 M 27J 40 n 45 S3 209 200 6 25 G4 29B 100 B 43 245 240 6 23 07 358 40 A 45 ,805 B7 2J8 1(10 & 43 2 70 HO 6 45 0 SfoJ ; 6 25 Rfl 22,1 120 ft 15 69 .287 120 r > V.5 74 251 B 43 6' ' 237 820 5 23 72 222 120 B47'i 51 . 289 HO 0 2.1 82 210 4)0 & 47'4 29 .218 12O 5 25 fi < v. 09 210 320 8 23 35 ? 74 VOO 200 6 21 Ofl 10.1 80 5 00 OH .280 240 6 25 80 184 240 6 60 04 276 80 0 25 7 J . 217 230 6 60 18 . 351 5 25 38 .200 6 60 04 2GS 200 G 23 68 .201 160 5 50 09 .301 20O 5 25 08 .247 5 50 02 . . ' . ' 09 120 0 25 GO 22 1 100 6 60 .IS . . .TJ7 120 G 25 Of .210 240 6 50 60 . .270 210 G 25 07 .197 280 6 60 70 254 100 S > 25 67 . .217 80 0 60 53 .303 80 G 25 BO . .243 6 60 05 . .316. 240 6 25 65 , , .2H 40 6 60 76 .213 100 6 25 76 . .212 100 5 00 69 . . .237 40 6 25 GO .210 80 5 00 40. 2,15 80 6 25 64 .199 6 GO 03 273 120 6 21 78 . 105 80 8 60 GO 270 80 G 25 03 , . .204 BO 6 GO 69 ,2 < I5 40 625 61. . .209 120 0 65 74 , .223 120 6 25 80 100 240 6 60 GO . .249 120 625 77 . .200 1'JO 0 GO G . 330 0 35 73. , .200 240 0 GO G4 . . .30G 0 30 AotOHTEO 48 179 6 60 SHEEP None fresh were received. The sit uation Is practically unchanged. Hood mut tons are In active dem mil nl llrm prices but common and stock sheet ) nro not wanted by any one. Quotations arc as follows ; Talr to good natives , $3.25 < a4.21 ; fulr to good westerns - orns , $2 00&4 00' , common to stock sheep , $2.00 1 00 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , $4.00 ttO 00. Itocnpts nnd DUpimltlun of Stock. Ofllclnl receipts and disposition of ttock as shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 o'clock jf. in. July 20,1893 : IlKCI II'IS Mllbl.l' Cars. Head Cirs Illeail Cira 1'27 8,091 " 51201 DISPOSITION . IIU\l.ItS. CATTI.F Iltins gill I I" . Omilia I'.iokhnr Co 3 2,881 The I ) II 11 mimowt Co . 7(1 Sttlfl .VCo 242 Tlio Cuil iliv I'.icklnirCo. . 20lJ Chic mo I1. .VI' . Co Rlnulili MM Klioo llros SITU Aturlo-American I1. Co. . . . 1 I'.ukur A. W. Co Tabor A. A 28H It Ilccker A Ueetn . . . . . 21U 1' . U Aimonr vans nit A. Carey 01 Wilson II iniinonii , VS Shippers anil feeders . . . . IS ! ! li'jfto\er 201) ) BOO Total. 1.100 0.8 U WKSTKKN 1AUKIXC ) IXTKIIUSTS. Fulling Otr In MiirkUlni ; Mill a Feature Showing for the \Vvplc. OIVCISNATI , July 20 [ Hpocl.il Telegram to Tin : HKK. ] Tomorrow's Price Current will say : There has boon ijultu a reduction In tlio marketing ot hogs the past wool. . Packing re turns Indlcatu iOO.OOO , against 240,000 tlio preceding week and 170.000 lastyenr , making n total of 4,080.000 slnco March 1 , against 6,085,000 last jear. Prominent places com- paio us follows : cults IbU I. mi2. riilcigo 1.821)000 ) Kaimis City. . . ( , ' .11,000 Onnli i 1117 IKK ) hi LoillH . . . 1 SI IIKK ) Clnclnnitl . . . . Hit 0(10 ( bull in ipolls 211,1100 Mllu uiki.13 1711,0110 ( Yd ir U iplils. i.nooo M Jowph ll'i ! 1)00 ) Nebras-k i City 70 000 MouxClly. . . . lliMWO Chicago I l\o Stock Market. CHICAGO , July 20 [ Special Telegrim to Tnh Hun ] The cnttlu market \va > lu much thosnmo slripoas on the piecedliig diys , of the week. There was an absence of activity usually ch uactorl/liiK the tr.ido and there was continued weakness In all hranchci of the market. Cattle thut were KOOI ! onotiKh to nttinct thu attention of exporters did not sell nny chcnpei , but for butcliers and canncrs stock and dieted hoof sorts the a\ era o of prices was from Oc to lOc lower thin yesterday anil tiado slow. The unsatlsfactoiy state of trade must be ut- tributed to the bnd condition of the money markot. Thete were receipts of about 1G.OOO bend. It Is estimated that 0,000 wore from Texas. N.itl\es sold prlnclp illy at f4 05 , or ut from J3 40 to J4.40 for steers nnd at from $100 to $200forcoHs. Hubblsh wnsotrered ns Ion as from $1 to $1.20 and extra steers were quoted at from $0 to $525. Salts of To\ans vroto on a basis ot from $1.25 to $3 jO for Inferior to choice grass cnttlo , though few of the Hirelings woio KOOI ! enough to bilnc moio thin $3. Western rangers weio quoted at from $1.00 to $3 75 A carload of extra 1,035-lb. hteors brought * 5 80. The IIOB market was amu pilso to everybody concerned. Therueie inoro IIOKS thin had been looked for anil thuio was uncNpccted and un iCLOiintabio weakness In prices. The Urst sales of the morning were at a reduction In he ivy Krndes at from 5c to lOc and a couple of hours later buyers did not want that class at fiom 15c to 20c oir fiom Tuesday's in Ices. LlKhtwolKhU , held upmuch better. They uoio nbout steady ut the opening and at no tlmo hold more than 5u lowei than yesterday. Tor the laltci the demand was active , while no body seemed to u.int the he.u y K'ades. ' The downturn In prices was a result of the p m- Icky feeling In financial elides and the fact th it the anIv ils woto larger than expected. At the close of business to,85 n is louaidod us the top of the market for lightweights , anil to 20 bought the best light sol ts. Tlio sheep trade was dull , with prices weak nnd iiiununly lower. Within the last three days about 30,00Jhead hiuo arrived , and that number has nxLOeded the demand by consid erable. The most deslrnblo of oIlerlngH word not wanted at Tuesday's prices , und foi poor to fair grades bids were fiom lOc to lOc lower. 1'rom J4.20 to * 4 00 bought good to choice qualities and poor to fair lots yreio ireely olTeied at from 11.00 to $100. There were mute of the 1 itter than could bu sold at those pilcen , and enough stuck was left over to jiiiUu It le.ibonably LCI tain that the remalndci of this wpok will see no ImpioNu- inont In prices. There was uUo n weaker market for lambs. They weieiiuoteil at from fr. ) to $5.50. bales principally nt from $4 50 to { 5 50. Receipts : Cattle , 10,000 head ; calves , 1,000 head ; hogs , 24,000 head ; sheep , 11,000 head. The Kvenlng Jouinal lepoits ; CArri.u Kecolptf , 10,000 he id ; shipments , G,000 head ; imtlket Me idy ; ton prlci s , M.HO & 0.30 ; good to choice bteers , il 20'(44.00 ' ; medium , $3.7020l.OJ ; common , i3.OOiC4.00 ; TIXUIIS , fl.UOUJ.40 ; westuins , 42.75 < 4.10 ; cows , * 1 OOC42.UO. lions Kecelpts , 24,000 hoid ; shipments , 0,000 head ; market opened OJflOc loner ou heavy , tilled l&'it Oc loner and closed 20c louor ; light , lO&lOc lowei ; mixed md pickets , iO.OOttO.70 ; prime he ivy and butchei : , ' weights , < f5,75j(585 ; llt'lits , mUeil , SO.'JOit COO ; bin ted light , * 0.10B0.20. hiiKU'-UeLulpts , 12,000 head ; shipments , 2,100 head ; muiket dull , loner ; hinckeis , tl.20ti2.70 ; owesi3 30154.30 ; o toms.4.2jif , 4bO ; lambs , $3 0044.00. Ni'W Vork f.lvo Htnok Market. Nf.w YOIIK , July 20 HI.EVIS Hecolpts , 2.280 head ; active , steady ; poorest to host na- the btocru , l30Jf > OJ ; TCMIIIS , JJ.OOtt3.85 ; diessed beef , llrm , fi.OCKTlB.oo. bhlpmeiilu today , 0,1 lOijuartor * of boot. Receipts of c.tl\is , 8,008 ; slow , stouily ; veuls , * 0.00ii5.7& ; buttermilk calvit lootf.4.2B. MiKhl1 AMI I/AWH ItccelplH , 0,012 head ; falily active ; choice limbs HUoujjor ; sneup , $2Ob 4 00 , Inintis , tl 00&4 1)7' , ; dressed mut tons , Mo.uly , J7 00 'j.uu , dioasul lambs , llrm , Wuu4i 11.00. lloUK-lticolpts , 508 hoid ; stiontior ut 10,75. St , I.OIIIK I , itu ftim k BT. Louis , Jul > 20. Omr.i : Kucolpts , 3,700 ; hhlpinenis , D.UuU ; inniket > > leidy : on good htocK ; full to good mi the. stieis , { 3 00i 4.5o , fair to good TeAiu steels , (2,30 3,45 ; Llllvuu ktroiigcr , llodii-Kocelpts , 3,200 ; hh lumen Us , 800inur- ! ket lOiJ16c lu\ur ; cholto biilcb.Ui. ' , jftiOO , 42 u.l'2'i ; mixed , $4.00U1.80 ; light , i5 boSb.lo. hliLl I'-Itecelpts , 1,700 ; shipments , 1,000 ; nmiUet blow ; muttons , S-4 , JO , Ualloon tonight ut Courtlantl bcaoh. Vrulta of 11 KuK . Two fellow i were working a slick scheme on t'ullclei * homo wives yesterday \\hich netted thum many dollars of clear piolit. As near us can bo learned thcso two follows found a Wilson Joad of rotten pears nud pium back of u commission nouso Uhoy hired a team and loading up the docayodifiult .suited webt ou Fainum sticet. Wliuu ihoy rcachoj the resiileuto portion of tlio .efty they began calling ut liouxun saying that the head of thu house had ordered one or tuo lioxei. of tlio fruit , laying that it uould bo paid for ut tlio house as liu wait stiort of chaiigo , Tl o fellous would charu ( fl.M ) per box for tlio jiuarn , aud in the most lust mces tbo > iu - tooJeU lu Uiupoiliif of thoiii Thuy orkid Tttfiitl-liflli , Twuuti-sixtU und T uiti- suvunlh stieels in tliU manner , and hint nearly disused of tlieii load before tlio fraud vvusd bcoveivil nnd the police nolllllcd. OllleersTLIO ifnt out tiftcr the men , b t tlioybud diHapptured. A liulf do/on coin- plaints ttoio mudo ut tlio btutlou last Uulloon tonlfht ut Coui'Uuud bcuub. How about Mrs. Columbus ? Now Christopher \\ent on discoveries bent , AnJ captured more honors thart-cver were meant Tor mortal to wear. But Mrs. Columbus , 1 think yes , I know It , Is pining for notice from iliymstcr or no ti Let her have her share. While Christopher studied n dliiRy oKl chart , She doubtless did washing a heroine's part , And dreamed of the " Fair. ' Willie Christopher's life was so brightened by hope Her task would have lightened If Santa Claus Soap I lad only been there. She might have had time to bo famous herself , Santa If she'd but had aid from this jolly old elf. Yes Santa Claus Soap , the good housekeepers say Claus Is the choicest of soaps manufactured t vday , Soap. flMAHA u HARDWARE. Hector & Willielmy Lobeck & Linn , COill'ANY. Dcalari In hardware ) tnl Corner 10th and Jackiou mi'ohnnlci' tnoli inrcclt. Kill I'ouulii 8tront. HATS , IRON WORKS. W. A. I , Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Inn \ \ holenalo WOKKS Hnti cups mruw cooijs , fcafii , > aults , jullrao Kluotm , mlllen * l.tli Iron slititturi anil Hie n uud UariiuMrvuti cipci. ( ! u Anilrcon , Id anil Jackion LUMBER. John A. Wakcficld , lmpoit"itAi'vrlo ii Port lard cement , Mllwau * kea coini nt and Qiilncr irhlto lime LiaUORS. STOVE REPAIRS Frick & Herbert Uraalu blovc TllLll ( X HLlULll , WOHKS ! MUI . „ , , . . . . nnil water alt lohmontl Wholesale liquor ilcalori ror nnr Kind ur no , a m ala" " " " - - " " . . 1001- ! 8t PAPER. I OILS. Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co. Currr a full Mick of prlntlnxl " - . anil Kednoi ) unit lubrlcatlni rlttni ; papers , c ir.l paper' , otc. elli , rule ur aie. ate PRODUCE COMMISSION , Bianch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co. Produce , frulti of all Uutter. ctieeia , ( ngt , poultrf and uutno kludi , oysters. 31 ! S. Uth dlriot pHYsisiMsjiiiaeEflLs ! Consultation Free. For the Solontlfio Trontmont and Soun'i , Spcody nnd Permanent Cure of a\t \ c'assos. ' forms , phases and degrees of and OlSEftSES Wo euro Catarrh , AllDlsoasos of tlis Nebo , Throat , Clio it , Stoiuuoli. dowolt ami Iiivor. Blood. Skiu nud 'Cid-is/ Olson to i , Female WcalciiDHsos , Lout Manhood CURED. 'PILKS ' , FISTULA , P1S UIIK , pur ii.incutlv CUM I , Ithout tlio ! ! ) of knlf \ UK iliiio 01 c uislli1 All in il iilltH of .1 prU.ito or dullc it n itur i , if tllliir sex , posltlM-lycuioil C.ill on or ml Irunillli Hti'iin , for Oliuulirt 1-11.9 1uolc ! Dr. Whether quaffed from a vessel of tin , glass or gold ; There's nothingfao 4. good for the young = = - or the old as _ lRoot Beer A delicious , licalth- giving , thirst-satis fying beverage , A temperance drink for temperance people. A ajc , pacl s makes 5 galloni. Sold and Enjoyed Everywhere , i | Dislodge BHo , iiStir up the Liver , Sick-Hcadacho iiOuro , i Female Ailments , | Remove Disease aud i | Promote Good Health , ' Cowed with a Tasteless & Soluble Coating. ' ' pumous tlie world over. I ! Ai.lt ( or Hcccliam'i jiul lJt.e n ) Pl1 | " . . | 0fII dru5B. . li. I'ncc 2S crma box ft C Yon : The Best Time Keeper ; Out of 2,3-14 that p.isscil inspection end \\crc ii ; tcrvice on the L. S. & M.S. R.'y , 1,1.97 \ > c i e Uutber RUDY JEWELED llampdcn Hatches , the " ADJUSTED highest or uny one of WATCHES the dozen other makes being 474. Would you like to know which wntcb li mot u ed mi AinerlCM' * llreftteat Itallroad ! If to , wrll forclrculiir"A UiieitlonofHeciiudl."Tii UUVUXU WATllX VTunitS , C CtOUy. mi fork Hospital TREATMENT. For all Cliroib , NJHJIJ , Privata anj Special Dlsmjij , of bot'i MEN AND WS\ Krictnro nnd nil othr troubles tro itel at roiBonalilo chnrgi-s. UONbULl'ATIOM KKitCalionor : : on mm mm DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMAHA , NEB < 3pposltoll tydon llros. OR. U tlio only SPECIALIST | WUO TBKiTU ALL PRIVATE DISEASES umlDEDIUTIESot ' MEN ONLY. Women Cxcl-'ded. 18 jenrm uxjiarlonce , Ulrculum free. 14th and 1'arnam bt , OUAIIA , NKB. SO UrrU QM Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornahai llrttCattlu liu unit liaap marmot It til COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers. Uvo fitock OoininKfloa Meroliinti. 'lolt'iiUouu 1151. Ciio ! ( JOHN I ) DADHMAN , I , . . WAJiTKK K. \yiKllM } oj/orr Market ruports by mall and wlru vhourfulli Iurnlihcd upon uppllcntlou , k MtMfiH